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The Economic And Social Development Plan
According to FAO Corporate (no date), since the First National Economic and Social Development
Plan began in 1961, emphasis has been on economic development. Natural resources and human
capital expanded the production base, employment opportunities and national income. These
guidelines were appropriate for and consistent with the country 's situation in the early period of
national development because of abundant natural resources and an excess labour supply, especially
in the agricultural sector. Thailand 's production and exports, therefore, were attributed largely to
these comparative advantages. Some problems are due to planning focusing on income generation,
regardless of the cost to natural resources, the environment and society. Human resources were seen
as production inputs serving the labour market; less attention was given to human potential,
intellectual capability and local ways of life. Emphasis was on foreign technology transfer, rather
than research and development (R&D) to upgrade existing wisdom (ibid).
To generate national development guideline ideas and recommendations for the Eighth Plan, an
unusual planning opportunity was organised in 1998, a think tank seminar, "Generating ideas for the
Eighth Plan" at Marukhataiyawan Palace in Petchaburi. It joined academics, philosophers, mass
media and NGOs who reflected on Thailand 's future: envisioning a self–sufficient, free, just,
merciful, compassionate society respecting human rights; in which people are
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Strategies in Planning
Sharyn A. Quelitano
Topic: Strategies in Planning
I. Introduction: Strategic planning is an organization 's process of defining its strategy, or direction,
and making decisions on allocating its resources to pursue this strategy. In order to determine the
direction of the organization, it is necessary to understand its current position and the possible
avenues through which it can pursue a particular course of action. Generally, strategic planning
deals with at least one of three key questions: "What do we do?", "For whom do we do it?", "How
do we excel?" In many organizations, this is viewed as a process for determining where an
organization is going over the next year or–more typically–3 to 5 years (long term), ... Show more
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The goal of strategic planning mechanisms like formal planning is to increase specificity in business
operation, especially when long–term and high–stake activities are involved.
One of the core goals when drafting a strategic plan is to develop it in a way that is easily
translatable into action plans. Most strategic plans address high level initiatives and over–arching
goals, but don 't get articulated (translated) into day–to–day projects and tasks that will be required
to achieve the plan. Terminology or word choice, as well as the level a plan is written, are both
examples of easy ways to fail at translating your strategic plan in a way that makes sense and is
executable to others. Often, plans are filled with conceptual terms which don 't tie into day–to–day
realities for the staff expected to carry out the plan.
The following terms have been used in strategic planning: desired end states, plans, policies, goals,
objectives, strategies, tactics and actions. Definitions vary, overlap and fail to achieve clarity. The
most common of these concepts are specific, time bound statements of intended future results and
general and continuing statements of intended future results, which most models refer to as either
goals or objectives (sometimes interchangeably). One approach recommends having short–term
goals, medium–term goals, and long–term goals. In this model, one can expect to attain short–term
goals fairly easily: they stand just slightly above one 's reach.
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The Australian Government’s Implementation of the Economic...
Inflation can be described as the sustained increase in the general level of prices over a given period
of time, usually one year. Inflation can have negative effects on many of the key economic outcomes
such as economic growth, exports, international competitiveness and income inequality. Inflation is
measured in Australia by the Consumer Price Index (CPI); the CPI outlines the movement in the
prices of a basket of goods and services that are weighted according to their importance for the
average Australian household. The annual rate of inflation is measured by the percentage change in
the CPI over a period of a year, highlighted in Figure 3.1 .
Recent Trends in Inflation
Australia's most significant macroeconomic achievement of ... Show more content on ...
Economic Justification of the Economic Stimulus Plan with regards to Inflation
In order to reduce inflation the Australian government has traditionally implemented both
contractionary fiscal and monetary policy. This would involve an increase in taxation or reduced
government expenditure as well as increases in the official cash rate which would lead to a rise in
interest rates in the economy to contain aggregate demand.
However, during a period of global recession the Government's implementation of expansionary
fiscal and monetary policy saw taxation revenue fall and government spending increase, sending the
budget into deficit by –$32.9 billion in 2008–09 . The 2009–2010 Budget continued expansionary
policy to support economic growth and slow the rise in unemployment. The falling inflation rate of
1.5% in 2008–09 , meant it no longer played dominant role in policy making decisions. The tradeoff
between inflation and unemployment can be observed in Figure 3.5 .
Figure 3.5 illustrates the short run tradeoff between inflation and unemployment observed by New
Zealand economist A. W. Phillips in Britain in the 1950s. A government attempting to decrease
unemployment to a level below 4%, by an increase in government spending may tradeoff more
inflation from 2% to 5% for less unemployment from 4% to 3%. Conversely, a government could
cut government spending to tradeoff less inflation from 5%
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Navajo Nation's General Transportation Plan
An Evaluation of the Navajo Nation's General Transportation Plan
"If everything in life is very simple and predictable, then we do not need any planning," (Kim).
However, this is not the case today because most developing cities and communities need planning
in order to guide their goals and visions for future land–use. A document called a general plan (also
known as a comprehensive plan), helps guide developing cities and communities with a detailed
framework for its land–use. The Navajo Nation, one of the largest Indian reservations in the United
States, is an example of a community that utilizes a general plan. In December 2009, the Navajo
Nation submitted the Navajo Nation Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) to the Transportation
Planning ... Show more content on ...
NTS operates on seven fixed routes connecting small urban areas and also connects with other
transit systems like Greyhound Busline. The use of NTS has increased from 66,000 to 80,000 riders
over a two–year period (LRTP II–F2). Due to poor road conditions the safety for NTS has become
an issue. The general plans provided background information on the Navajo Nation Indian
Reservation Road (IRR) system and this helps to understand how the nation's road network operates.
Since the nation overlaps different boundaries the IRR system administers the various highway
programs, these include tribal, state, county, Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), and other agency roads.
Almost half of the nation's highways are BIA roads and majority is unpaved. The interesting part of
this section is how these roads are different agency roads but the nation manages to overlook all
these roads through the IRR system.
In conclusion, the transportation system on the Navajo Nation needs vast improvements to benefit
its people. For a general plan, the transportation plan is one of the most important elements for cities
and communities. When planning, it is very important to learn and know the area, city or
community. A city or community will be forever changing and developing. For this reason, a city or
community will need a plan to develop, maintain, and improve its use of
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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Planning Process
Planning in layman terms is the process of thinking about and organizing the activities or steps
required to achieve the desired results. Planning has a specific process and is necessary for fields
like business and management. Planning is preparing of sequence of action steps to achieve a pre–
set goal, therefore planning is an important task in project management.
Planning is basic management function which involves preparation of more than one detailed plans
to achieve maximum balance of needs and demands with the available resources. The planning
process ascertains the goals and objectives to be achieved, conceptualise strategies to achieve those
goals and objectives, arranges the means required to put the plan in work and implement, directs ...
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Demand of products
2. Tangible and intangible premises: Tangible premises are quantitative in nature and can be
measured and intangible premises are qualitative in nature and cannot be measured. For example,
population growth, industry demand and the investment made in the company are all tangible
premises. Political and sociological factors, business and economic conditions, and behaviour of the
owners of the organization are all intangible premises.
3. Controllable and non–controllable premises: Some planning premises are controllable and some
are non–controllable. Controllable factors are those that does not disrupt the well–laid out
calculations of the organization and they can be contained with ease. For example, advertising
policy, executive management, labour force skill and availability of resources. Uncontrollable
factors are those which force the management to revise the plans at intervals in accordance with the
current scenario. For example, man–made and natural calamities, government policies and economic
1.1.5 Business
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Neighborhood Case Study
Is a PNA Whittier's Next Step in Neighborhood Advocacy and Planning?
In 2012, the Whittier Alliance released a strategic plan for the next five years that pinpointed critical
steps towards increasing commercial activity and housing investments, raising environmental
standards, and improving the Alliance's organizational structure. Could the adoption of a Private
Neighborhood Association (PNA), as presented by the Mercatus Policy Series , support these steps?
In my opinion, a full PNA will not move the Alliance forward. However, the Whittier Alliance could
benefit and advance these goals if they adopted certain principles introduced by PNAs, specifically:
growing community participation, empowering local knowledge in the Whittier neighborhood, and
working to devolve some planning authority from the city and regional governments into the
neighborhood's hands.
Increasing Community Participation
Getting people interested and invested in urban and community planning decisions often presents a
challenge. Too often, communities across the country are reacting passively to planning changes
instead of taking the initiative in proposing or influencing plans at the start. ... Show more content
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While one might argue that, in the PNA model, a community of renters mobilized to share their
preferences and vote with their feet might easily leave the neighborhood if decisions favorable to
businesses and property owners and contrary to their interests prevail, this breezy conclusion rests
on the shaky assumption that there exist alternative, no–less–affordable neighborhoods nearby.
Finding a way to increase Whittier residents' stake in planning decisions along with balancing the
powers of businesses, property owners, and renters is the direction in which the Alliance must
proceed, and it is clear that adopting a PNA will diverge from this good
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Desert Channels: Central Tablelands (NSW)
A. Regional NRM Plan evaluation
– South East CMA (NSW)
– Central Tablelands (NSW)
– Desert Channels (QLD)
– Reef catchments (QLD)
1. Description of region, natural resources, trends, and future vision
– The South East CMA plan concisely and effectively describes the region encompassing its
cultural, social, environmental and economic aspects and trends. It also includes details on its key
natural resources and a list of key objective outcomes for the future of the targeted region.
– The Central Tablelands plan provides a detailed description of the region and its natural resources,
however, lacks cultural insight. Goals for the future were effectively and holistically portrayed in
table and text form; however, regional trends were not ... Show more content on ...
– The Reef catchments plan effectively and concisely outline the development process including the
history of regional planning.
5. The plan is organized and the logic of the plan is clear
– The South East CMA plan is structurally effective. Glossary containing heading and subheadings
is easy to follow, glossary is included and the executive summary is short but concise.
– The Central Tablelands catchment action plan is well organised with easy to follow structure and a
detailed executive summary, however, the table of content font is small and difficult to follow and
there is no glossary.
– The Desert Channel plan is poorly structured. The table of content is complex and confusing, there
is no executive summary, the overall layout is satisfactory but still difficult to follow due to the table
of content and there is no glossary.
– The Reef catchments plan overall follows a logical sequence in its structure and glossary is
provided at the end and a regional summary at the beginning, however, the table of content layout is
a bit confusing to
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Code Of Ethics
Any time of planning is a process outlining the objectives for future direction. At times this may also
include determining course and implementation on how to achieve the targets. This is city planning
in a nut shell. The purpose of city planning is listed in its code of ethics. Planners have the
responsibility "to serve the public interest with compassion for the welfare of all people (APA,
2005)." Because it is a planner's job to plan for the public, this in turn will have a direct effect on a
Planners strive for social justice by working to develop accessible opportunities for all. Planners
take on many roles. "Planners take on the role of educator, researcher, technician, legal consultant,
public information officer, mediator, ... Show more content on ...
She believes it's best to dabble in all types of planning. It provides for a seasoned career path and
will be mutually beneficial because all planning disciplines interact together. Moving along with
time, she also insists that professionals stay current on their statistical skills. It is important to
understand a large scale analysis of communities. This would include learning programs such as
GIS, Microsoft Excel and Access. There are a range of skillsets needed to function in a planning
environment. But one of the main things I've learned is that ultimately a planner much educate.
When it's time to sit at the table to sort out all the disagreements, tensions, and clashes, it is the
planners' job to persuade why a consensus would be the best way to go. With that said, planners
should inform all parties of the benefits and negative effects of a proposal to justify an ethical stance
on a position. Since it is a planner's job to plan for the community, it is essential to write plans for
guidance and ensure implementation for a positive outcome in greater good. The direct effect on a
population makes planning necessary. Those who fail to plan, plan to
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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Strategy As A Deliberate,...
Strategy as a deliberate, rational and sequential planning process
Strategy refers to a course of action that is adopted by an organisation in order to achieve its set
goals and objectives. According to Mintzberg and Water (1985) strategy can either be deliberate or
emergent depending on whether the course of action taken by the organisation is articulated and
communicated to the whole organisation or whether the course of action was not explicitly intended.
Mintzberg categorizes Strategy as a deliberate, rational and sequential planning process if the course
of action is well thought prior to implementation, articulated, communicated to members of the
organisation, and a clear plan of action is established. However, it is worth ... Show more content on ...
In essence, nearly all organisations have established goals and objectives. Such objectives are
futuristic and often ambiguous. However, with deliberate strategies allows an organisation to make
very clear and articulate plans on how to attain these objectives. Essentially, such an action ensures
that a clear path on which the organisation is to travel towards achieving the goals and objectives is
demarcated. For any business or organisation, clarity in regards to the course of action is vital. For
instance, clarity of the course of action to be taken by an organisation helps strategic level managers
to steer the whole organisation with ease. For instance, a human resource manager would easily rally
the whole workforce towards a the organisation's objectives better if there is a clearly established
framework indicating exactly what is expected of the employees compared to if there does not exist
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Obama's Economic Plan
Barack Obama has a plan; a big economic plan to fire up business and create jobs. He will, of
course, unveil his brainchild after returning from Martha's Vineyard for a much–needed vacation
from campaigning. He thinks that lolling with his liberal high rollers ($50,000 per week rent) and
breathing some Atlantic saltwater air should completely clear any proven methods for job creation
that might enter his mind. The country has lived with this President's incompetence and anti–growth
policies for nearly three years and knows his economic plan is a one–trick pony that grows more
tiresome by the day. He trots out his little red pony almost daily in a comical effort to convince
people he has a clue as to what he's talking about. His ... Show more content on ...
When Obama speaks people also listen; except the stock market drops like a rock at the sound of his
foolishness. If the American people could convince him to stay on Martha's Vineyard, do nothing,
and cease giving speeches, hundreds of comedians would be out of work, but the country could
recover from its freefall and survive until the 2012 election. Unfortunately, a hurricane drove him
back into the spotlight; and worse, back into his economy destroying programs. Killing jobs by
taxing and regulating businesses and financial institutions, then ranting about the rich, is
inconsistent with reason, logic and common sense. Then again, if one's primary goal is to bring
down our form of government by using a Cloward and Piven strategy of collapsing the system, it
would make sense. It would also explain his promise to "fundamentally transform America." To be
successful in this plot, he must first destroy the American economy. An economy with over 14
million unemployed, tens of millions more underemployed and 46 million on food stamps (up by a
third in two years) with millions more on public assistance, proves that he is well on his way.
Incredibly, for the first time in American history an administration touts increasing the roles for food
stamps and unemployment benefits as a way of stimulating the economy. Republicans have a budget
and jobs plan sitting on Harry Reid's desk, while a trade agreement that Obama blames Congress for
not passing lies untouched on the
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Project Report On Business Planning
4.1 MEANING [43]
In simple words, business plan is a written statement of what an entrepreneur proposes to take up. It
is a kind of guide frost or course of action what the entrepreneur hopes to achieve in his business
and how is he going to achieve it. In other words, business plan serves like a kind of big road map to
reach the destination determined by the entrepreneur. Webster New 20th Century Dictionary defines
a project as a scheme, design, a proposal of something intended or devised. Let some important
definitions of business plan be presented.
Mar J. Dollinger has defined the business plan as "the formal written expression of the
entrepreneurial vision, describing the strategy and operations of the proposed venture." According to
Jack M. Kaplan, "The term business plan means the development of a written document that spells
out like a roadmap where you are, where you want to be, and how you want to get there." Thus, a
business plan or project report can best be defined as a well evolved course of action devised to
achieve the specified objective, i.e. setting up a small business enterprise within a specified period
of time. So to say, business plan is initially an operating document.
The business plan is termed by different names by its different intended interest audience. For
example, when presented to a bank, it may be called 'loan proposal.' a venture capital group might
call it the 'venture plan' or 'investment
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Variable Pay
The main two reasons for the companies to implement variable pay plan are: motivating employees
and reducing cost. In this paper we try to point out the challenges the organizations might face when
they apply variable pay system by reviewing related literature. We find that it is difficult for the
company to have a reliable measure for the variable pay system. In addition, the focus of the
variable pay plan should be on motivating employees or cutting cost and how to strike a balance
between these two is also an essential issue. Finally we conclude that we always have to assess the
circumstances of the organization before applying the plan.
Variable Pay Plan 3
Variable Pay Plan: One Way to Motivate Employees and Cut Cost. ... Show more content on ...
Besides, Jessica and Kathy (2004) also stated that 63% of those companies which have variable
compensation plan believe that the benefits of the plan outweigh the costs. What is more, 57% of
those companies had unexpected favorable results such as increased productivity.
Challenges of using variable pay However, it is not easy for an organization to apply a variable pay
program. Like John& Traci (2004) stated in their article that if the companies do not manage
variable pay plan effectively, the outcome could be less than stellar. There are several concerns for
the organization to think about. Thomas (2003) suggested that first concern is about the performance
measures. It is difficult
Variable Pay Plan 6 for many jobs to measure performance in an objective and reliable manner.
Second issue is the general rejection to variable plans because of having previous bad experiences.
This is also mentioned by Paul (2007) that variable pay received bad reputation because of many
companies ' bad experiences when they failed to have supporting information or they had other
organizational problems which need to be emphasized. The third issue is that the employees may
feel the performance measures are not in control or their suggestions are not taken by the
organization. The last one concern is that employees will fix on earning their variable pay and they
will not make changes or take actions that are not related to the goals of
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Planning : Strategic Planning Process
Strategic Planning Process
No two people go through life the same exact ways. Some choose to live moment to moment while
others feel the need to have a grander plan for their future. People develop plans for different
scenarios in their life to include what college they will attend, what profession they want to enter,
the type of wedding and even, when they want to get married. Individuals who live by a plan can
often be heard referencing their Plan B or five–to–ten year plan. Just as individuals like to plan,
businesses also want a blueprint for their short– and long–term growth. Planning enables
organizational leaders and managers to play a significant role in creating progressive objectives that
enrich company productivity and ... Show more content on ...
The first step in the basic planning process is setting objectives. Objectives should be both short–
term and long–term performance targets. Short–term objectives define how to improve operations in
current period while long–term goals force an organization to think through how actions in place
will affect the company in the future (Gamble & Thompson, 2011). Goals must be specific,
observable, measurable and achievable (Plunkett, Allen & Attner, 2013). Goals drive what resources
and money are needed to meet the objectives. Once goals are set, managers must turn to any barriers
in achieving the objectives.
The next step in planning is analyzing and evaluating the environments. Analyzing and evaluating
the environments is when managers reflect on internal and external setting as well as current
organizational status (Plunkett, Allen & Attner, 2013). When analyzing the internal environment,
managers review current policies, resources employees, money and material to determine any
barriers to achieving company goals (Plunkett, Allen & Attner, 2013). When reviewing external
environment, leaders consider strengths and weaknesses of partners, advancing technology and
global markets (Plunkett, Allen & Attner, 2013). Many managers turn to Strength, Weaknesses,
Opportunities and Threat (SWOT) analysis to complete their internal and external assessments
(Gamble & Thompson, 2011). SWOT analysis can be done by all levels of management. Once
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Essay On Gary Johnson's Economic Plan
Gary Johnson's Economic Plan Gary Johnson believes the legalization of marijuana, spending more
on education, and cutting back on taxes is a main priority for our economy. The legalization of
marijuana will cause a shortage of people with a criminal record, less side– effects, and better health
benefits. Marijuana is believed by Gary Johnson to be one of least of our government's concerns.
Gary says that our states are seeing a reduction in drug wars and that there is less harm and criminal
activities happening, because so. 10% in sales surtax would be made for every twenty three dollars
per pound being sold in federal tax. Legalizing marijuana will drop the risks of producing marijuana
illegally, causing an increase in entrepreneurs into the market which makes prices go down and
supply going up. Gary Johnson would also like to eliminate national sales tax. If this was to be
enacted then it would cause a threat in states and local governments in keeping their tax bases in
check and stable. Which means this would cause our taxes to plummet causing our government ...
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He may have a point to some and good reasoning to a lot of our economic problems, but he does not
fit the right profile for this country nor for this economy. Some reasonable things that may help our
economy grow stronger and be more stable are his plans on legalizing marijuana and cut back on
taxes. The legalization of weed can prevent criminal activities and help benefit your health. The
lowering of taxation can help not giving out money you've worked for on people who hasn't worked
a day in their life and is getting help from the government. Some see the reasoning behind that,
because some people do need just a little push to get back out there, but some people are wasting it
on useless things and blowing our money away on non productive things. The government is just
throwing our hard works pay down the drain to people they think are worth
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Case Study Of Ericsson
Executive summary
Ericsson is faced with a plethora of problems which are causing the destabilization of the company
and resulting in irked employees and poor turn–around and delivery, which is causing it to lose its
customers in the Asian and Pakistani region. Mainly, the most obvious of these problems are: Lack
of human resources, gradually decreasing pay–scale and job uncertainty.
Our conclusion, that Ericsson will continue to lose customers and continue to suffer with poor
services delivered and employee turn–around is followed by apt recommendations which Ericsson
should take up as soon as possible. All this data up for analysis and recommendations have been
collected, analysed and designed with first hand support from Ericsson's own employees ... Show
more content on ...
And which department is facing more problems?
What is the reason behind the less payout of company due to the Ericsson's new cost–cutting policy?
What is the reason for your lack of resources? Do the employees can plan to stay or leave
This study has been conducted by this group as part of the final assignment, in order to better
analyse and present the problems being faced by corporate sector companies and hindrances being
faced by them in their smooth running. In–depth analysis presented in this report has been acquired
first hand from an employee of the company under question, Ericsson, as per the requirement.
For those who are unfamiliar with Ericsson. They are a global leader in delivering ICT solutions. In
fact, 40% of the world's mobile traffic is carried over Ericsson networks. Ericsson has customers in
over 180 countries and comprehensive industry solutions ranging from Cloud services and Mobile
Broadband to Network Design and Optimization.
However, nowadays Ericsson is faced with a plethora of internal and external problems, hindering
its growth and limiting its market footprint and this is what this report aims to
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A Brief Note On Co Ordinated Review : Shaping Land Use For...
Specific Issues: Co–ordinated Review: Shaping Land Use in the Greater Golden Horseshoe
Workshop in OPPI 2016 Conference
The Golden Horseshoe Area is identified through the literature in this part because of its special
economic status in the province. The province of Ontario initiated a coordinated review of the
provincial four plans in 2015. Members of the public, stakeholders, municipalities and organizations
provided feedback on how the plans are preforming and how they may be improved (MMAH.,
2016a). To support the co–ordinated review, Ontario appointed a panel, chaired by David Crombie,
to develop recommendations on how to amend and improve the plans. The Panel has completed its
work and submitted the report Planning for Health, Prosperity and Growth in the Greater Golden
Horseshoe: 2015 – 2041 (MMAH., 2015). One year later, the updated 2016 Proposed Greenbelt
Plan was issued on May 2016, and asked for public consultation again until end of Oct 2016.
I have attended the workshop of discussing the reviewing process of the Plan and thus have a
reflection on this topic. I will go through the review process of the coordinated land use planning in
Greenbelt Plan and take City of Hamilton as a case study.
History of the Greenbelt Plan
Greenbelt Plan is one of the key plans and plays a very important role in agricultural land
preservation, water resources protection and natural heritages. The draft Plan was released in 2004
and required comments from public and
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God Gives Us His Economic Plan
God gives us His economic plan in Genesis. He is clear on His rules and His intent from the
beginning of His word. God created the earth in an orderly fashion with a purpose, and He created
man in His image for a purpose. God commanded man to tend His creation. The Cultural Mandate
tells us God's intent for man is to have dominion over all of the earth, be fruitful and multiply,
Genesis 1:26–28 (NIV). Work was also a part of God's plan for man. Before sin entered the world,
man worked, but work was more pleasurable and less painful before sin. After the "fall," man's work
became hard. There may not be a choice about the work an individual must do, but there is a choice
about the way an individual does the work (Lundin, Christensen, & Christensen, 2000, p. 37). Based
on God's plan, an individual's employment can provide for his family, bless others, increase wealth,
and contribute to society and the economic system. Production resources of the earth Even though
man failed God through sin, God did not fail man. He allows man to use the land and the resources
of the land to produce wealth. According to Leviticus 25:23 (NIV), the land belongs to the Lord.
Men are tenants and caretakers of His land. Psalms 24:1 (NIV) states that the earth and everything in
the earth belongs to the Lord, both nonliving and living. Man is accountable to God for the use of
His land and resources. God wants men to be good stewards of His creation. God expects man to use
the land and the resources
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Bp : The Spill Of The Gulf Of Mexico
On April 20, 2010, an explosion occurred aboard BP contracted Transocean Ltd Deepwater Horizon
oil rig stationed in the Gulf of Mexico. Eleven workers were killed instantly. Unfortunately, the BP
management did not wake up that morning (or countless mornings before) expecting the event to
occur for it took them almost 4 months to clean up the spill. The first month was spent forecasting
the rate of the spill and having President Barack Obama tour the site. Only on May 26, 2010 did BP
initiate the first form of clean up procedure known as "top kill". Needless to say, this attempt failed.
Thus, well over into the second month after the incident, oil remained leaking and BP had not yet
figured out how to contain it. Finally on July 10, 2010 BP removed a timeworn containment cap
from the well to install a new one. At last, on July 15, the oil stopped flowing freely. Noting that it
took BP over 4 months to replace a timeworn containment cap just to stop oil from contaminating
the Gulf of Mexico, it is readily questioned why such a well–established mega giant never
considered the chance of having a blast at an operating site. On the bright side, due to this incident
and similar others, numerous organizations have been formulating and establishing emergency or
disaster plans and policies to respond to a variety of disaster scenarios. Thus, suggesting that
contingency planning is imperative for an organization in the long run in order to avoid massive
instant loss since there
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Assignment : Formulation Of Business Plan Essay
Name of the student: MANIKA GUPTA
Enrollment No. : 04615903915
Course: MBA (III)
Batch: 2015–2017
Shift: Ist
Section: A
Subject: Entrepreneurship &Small Business Development
Subject code: MS– 207
Subject Teacher's name: Prof. P.N. Kathuria RESEARCH ASSIGNMENT
Subject: Entrepreneurship &Small Business Development Subject Code: MS 207
Semester: MBA III Batch: 2015 – 2017 Instructor: Prof. P.N. Kathuria
QUESTION: Discuss the nature of Information required at different stages in formulation of a
business plan/project report. Critically highlight the common errors noticed in project formulation
and ways to avoid them. You are starting a small manufacturing unit; give an outline of your
business plan.
A. Information required at different stages in formulation of a business plan:
1. General Information:
Bio–data of Promoter
Name and address of entrepreneur; the qualifications,
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Pros And Cons Of Canada's Economic Action Plan
The Trials and Tribulation of Canada's Economic Action Plan
Beginning in 2007 and reaching critical mass in 2008, repercussions of economic downturn were
being felt by nations across the globe. In North America, the collapse of the United States housing
and mortgage market along with the wreckless actions of financial institutions and Wall Street can
be identified as some of the main triggers in the downturn. Other nations were feeling declines as
well, and the eventual decline in some European Union countries further contributed to this
worldwide situation. This economic downward spiral quickly made its way into Canada, and was a
huge issue of concern during the 2008 federal election. Out of this federal election walked a
minority elected ... Show more content on ...
Along with these specific relief zones, the government also worked to ensure that citizens received
appropriate tax breaks and were given the incentive to engage in future skill development to help for
tomorrow. Initiatives ensured things like Employment Insurance (EI) resources were increased and
strengthened in order to further help those that had lost jobs in the downturn and were unsuccessful
trying to re–enter the workforce. Grants and scholarships were also increased; especially in the trade
fields were demand for skilled workers and apprentices was substantial. When the Action Plan was
initially conceived and approved in the Canadian budget, it was a program intended to bet
temporary. The initiatives that came out of it that were related to the stimulus of the construction
sector and infrastructure development were initially to be over in two years before a deadline of the
end of March, 2011 (Public Works and Government Services Canada, 2011). However some of the
programs developed were not going to be able to meet this deadline due to delays, and the federal
government sanctioned an extension of the deadline to October of
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The Museum Of London : An Era Of Fast Paced Social...
In an era of fast–paced social transformations, museums as social institutions are faced with more
challenges than ever before. New cultural policy, economic pattern shift, technological innovation
and other factors are all putting the pressure on. Management therefore becomes extremely vital to
museums as to all industries, and at the core of it lies the issue of forward planning. Forward
planning, of which Stuart Davies has made a definition (1996,7), is a process that can guide
museums through the difficult times, producing better services and greater efficiency. As the product
of this process, a forward plan then should be able to help museums in sticking to their set goals,
monitoring the fulfillment of schedule and continuing with strategic thinking. However, having a
written document does not necessarily guarantee museums a secure future. Though there are no
rules that must be complied with in the composition, there are indeed standards relating to the nature
of museum management involved and in need of appropriate address.
This report takes the example of the Museum of London, examining its 2013–2018 forward plan
from both strengths and drawbacks with reference to specific statements. Hopefully, some useful
suggestions could be offered through the analysis to guide the museum in updating their plan for the
two years ahead and achieving expected outcomes by the end.
Museum Background
The Museum of London, as its name indicates, is a comprehensive city
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Atlantis Global Corporation Case Study
To: John Dawson and Board of Directors
From: Alayah Williams, Shawn Williams, and Cross–Cultural Team
Subject: Results of Change Management Process
"Implementation of the strategic human capital plan is a key step in an agency's progress to build a
highly effective, performance–based organization by recruiting, acquiring, motivating, and
rewarding a high–performing, top quality workforce. The plan becomes the roadmap for continuous
improvement and the framework for transforming the culture and operations of the agency."
( 2005). Atlantis Global Corporation has fallen upon some serious problems that has
caused failure to meet its financial obligations and profits to lag. One of the first problems causing
AGC's ... Show more content on ...
Finally, diversity and multiculturalism was a major issue that plagued AGC. Project management
and sensitivity training should have included all expatriates, employees, and cross–cultural teams to
strengthen the interpersonal skills needed to be successful. These problems were diagnosed by
means of employee surveys, interviews, and focus groups. In conclusion, the root causes of these
problems were lack of training, poor leadership styles and pool human capital management.
If AGC is going to survive, it's culture needs an overall improvement to increase its performance,
provide a strategic competitive advantage, and encompass unified beliefs and values to be upheld
throughout the company. By ensuring HR is taking the cognitive approach to openly discuss various
cultures and gain knowledge and feedback in a safe and structured setting, AGC will better
determine who is a better fit as an expatriate for the company. "The cognitive approach also focuses
on assessing an individual's knowledge of the cultural backgrounds of the participants in efforts to
build a strong understanding into the cultures of others." (Sabotoka, 2017). Pre–departure training
allows the employee and family members to enter the assignment already equipped with realistic
expectations; a basic
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The Importance Of Being A Manager During Times Of Success...
The following Case Analysis details the many aspects of being a manager during times of success
and struggle. Ron Bent, a plant manager at Engstrom Auto Mirror plant in Indiana, implements a
bonus incentive plan in order to raise morale and productivity in his company. The following
analysis will demonstrate how at its inception, the plan is successful in its goals, but eventually
starts to decline when a downturn hit the industry. In this paper, several recommendations will be
made on whether or not the Scanlon plan should be abandoned, and strategies Ron Bent can take to
increase performance at the Engstrom Auto Mirror Plant.
Analysis: The Scanlon plan was introduced in the 1930's by Joseph Scanlon, an accountant and
member of the Steelworkers union (2). The Scanlon plan that Engstrom used focused on cost saving
and higher production, which would then increase labor savings. Adapting the plan is a long process,
and Bent made sure 75% of employees were on board. Engstroms version encouraged suggestions at
all levels, and encouraged input to help productivity. The plan focused on transparency of financial
and business data to all ranks of the organization (2). With transparency, allowing suggestions, and
an encouragement of new ideas, Bent believed that the plan would provide a source of intrinsic
motivation to employees of Engstrom. As stated earlier, Bent ensured that at least 75% of his
workforce agreed to the plan. By doing so, he was examining the
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The Tax Plan For Economic Growth
Another part of the Trump tax plan that is beneficial to economic growth is the elimination of the
estate tax, better known as the death tax. The estate tax, in a nutshell, is a tax on your right to
transfer property after death. According to the IRS "It consists of an accounting of everything you
own or have certain interests in at the date of death (Refer to Form 706 (PDF)). The fair market
value of these items is used, not necessarily what you paid for them or what their values were when
you acquired them. The total of all of these items is your "Gross Estate." The includible property
may consist of cash and securities, real estate, insurance, trusts, annuities, business interests and
other assets.
Once you have accounted for the Gross ... Show more content on ...
Deemed Repatriation is one example of a negative in the Trump tax plan. Trump's tax plan puts
forth an one time 10% tax on the overseas earnings of a U.S. based company, which is known as
Deemed Repatriation. The result of this Deemed Repatriation is the transfer of about $250 billion
from overseas benefit to the U.S. treasury. Another downfall of Donald Trump's tax plan is the end
of deferral. Due to the fact that the U.S. taxes income earned both within our borders and overseas,
to compensate, a system of "deferral" was put into place, so that the second bit of taxation is not
owed unless a company decides to bring the money back into America. The business interest cap is
yet another downfall of the Trump tax program. Often, businesses go to lending markets with the
intent to raise capital as well as finance new investment. When the businesses do this, they must
obviously pay an interest to their lenders. The Donald Trump plan caps the business interest
deduction after a phase–in; what would be an ordinary and necessary business expense, that also
helps to leverage new investment that might not otherwise happen, Trump puts a stop to.
You may think that the Deemed Repatriation may be going toward Trump's proposed healthcare
reform, but you can tell that his plan is inherently flawed when you look to what else Trump swears
to achieve. Things like his plan to deport all illegal Mexican immigrants are
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Economic Recovery Plan Essay
Owning a home: the dream that every man dreams. The American dream is both a privilege and a
burden. Typically, realizing a dream that you have had since maturity is pleasurable, however, for
many Americans, the possibility of owning their own home is a temptation that burns too bright to
I live in Williamson County, in Tennessee, which, at one point, was ranked in the top ten wealthiest
counties in the entire United States. The fact is this: if you live in Williamson County, you most
likely have some money. I have seen firsthand how people are tricked into "Keeping up with the
Jones'", and it is causing America as a whole to suffer financially. I think we can all agree that the
majority of our current economic problems ... Show more content on ...
f. the excess monies from the withholding penalty may not be used for anything purpose other than
purchasing a home of renting an apartment/home. The excess withholding money expires and is
returned to the federal government to be used expressly for social security, the day after the
probationary time period ends.
g. repeat offenders, or offenders who make a significant housing decision without consulting their
probationary officer, during the probationary period will be imprisoned for 15 years.
h. Once the full or settled amount has been paid, the offending financial institution will pay 1% of
the full loan amount to the federal government to offset the costs of the bankruptcy, as well as any
taxes that were not paid by the offender while in the program.
i. Federal and state income taxes that are in excess of the typical withholding percentage from the
paycheck can be waived during the specified period by the probationary officer.
This may seem like a harsh penalty, however, let me explain the ethics behind my idea. I believe that
there are consequences for bad actions. I believe that if you get greedy and purchase a home that
you cannot afford then you deserve to be punished. However, it is very sad for me to see families
suffer because their mother or father is imprisoned after poor financial decisions. This law would
ensure that the offender
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Why You Need Workforce Planning
Workforce, November 2002, pp. 46–50 Why You Need Workforce Planning
Workforce planning lets HR manage talent shortages and surpluses. By understanding business
cycles and tending to "talent pipelines" and current talent inventories, HR can act, instead of just
By John Sullivan Workforce planning is one of the most important issues that human resources
professionals are talking about today. Still, many have not gone beyond the talking stage. The task
of actually implementing workforce planning is daunting because it is so difficult to define. The
following suggestions are designed to demystify what workforce planning is and to discuss the
reasons why every HR department should implement such an effort. Being prepared is ... Show
more content on ...
To further aggravate the problem, many HR departments have no formal strategy of any kind. When
you stop HR people in the same department and independently ask them to name their department's
strategy, more often than not you get a blank look. Rather than seeing the big picture, HR
departments tend to develop programs only when a "crisis" occurs. It is infrequent that you find a
systematic strategy, a forecast, and a plan to integrate HR. HR has two distinct reasons for planning
ahead. The first reason is to lessen the impact of the boom–and–bust cycle on the management and
operation of the HR department itself. The second––and perhaps more important––reason for
planning ahead is that HR manages the talent pipeline for the organization. It's crucial to maintain
both that pipeline and the talent "inventory" at the right levels. Unfortunately, HR is notorious for
first "over hiring" and then not having the capacity to reduce the workforce to necessary levels
without inflicting major damage on employee morale. | Unfortunately, HR is notorious for first
"over hiring" and then not having the capacity to reduce the workforce to necessary levels without
inflicting major damage on employee morale. In contrast, during the boom phases, HR processes,
which were designed for the average load, can't handle the overload requirements of high–volume
hiring and retention issues. Fortunately, there is
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Economic Development Of Indonesi A Long Term Plan
Economic development in Indonesia began in early 1970. Indonesia had a low income per capita
compared with other developing countries such as India, Bangladesh or Nigeria. As one of the
poorest country in the world, Indonesia faced many challenges to cater its inhabitants, for example
more than half of the population was living in absolute poverty. This condition made Indonesia had
a low life expectancy because lack of health infrastructure such as hospital and medical workers.
Some regions faced a disease outbreak that caused by poor sanitation accompany by poor nutrient.
In education, many adult people did not join in a basic education level, such as primary and
secondary school. It made the illiteracy rate higher among workforce age. ... Show more content on ...
The budged allocation had a negative influence for other government projects such as road and
irrigation ,which is supporting infrastructure(R R Piggott et al. 1993). Moreover, reducing
dependency in rice import, government main strategy is to exploitation natural resource that could
generate other economic benefit such as employment.
Primary sectors were the main driver for Indonesian economies in the first term development. The
primary sectors such as minerals, agricultural products, fishery products and forestry resources
contribute almost 60 % from the total Indonesian GDP. Industrialisation process in that era had a
small contribution not only in the second stage process, such as swan wood into furniture, but also
in the first stage, such as timber into swans. The industries contribute only less than 5 % from total
GDP. In addition, more than 90 % of export value came from the primary sector and the primary
sectors were also provided more than 75 % employment (Calkins et al. 1994). This data could draw
the importance of the natural resource in Indonesia for the economic development. This condition
gave significant impact on the environment.
Massive Investment in agriculture and the introducing new farming technique could increase the
prosperity. The farmers were encouraged to adopt the modern farming technique using better
varieties and fertilizer along with a huge subsidize. Java Island with high
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Planning Consultants Of Somersworth, New Hampshire
According to the planning consultants of Somersworth, New Hampshire (2010) a new Master Plan
has been revised for a vision into 2020 due to significant investment in both the private and public
sector. Somersworth is currently undergoing significant change since 2000 and these modifications
to the city allow for several social and economic opportunities in the area. Development and
redevelopment that has occurred since 2000 has been the relocation of both City Hall and the Police
Department, the renovation of an old mill building into residential units and small business offices,
an expansion of retail development and medical offices, constructing a connector road from High
Street to Route 108, establishing business parks, developing a golf course and a recreational facility,
upgrading the wastewater treatment facilities, and lastly, dedicating land acquisition to conservation
purposes (Master Plan Update, 2010).
The basis of this paper is to layout improvements that can be made to the Master Plan of
Somersworth, as well as provide improvements for the community. One of the most prominent
assets to the Master Plan was appointing a committee for the 2020 Vision in hopes to create a
positive future. Some of the goals the committee is striving to accomplish are as follows: an ability
to take a strategic goal and turn it into a practical plan, an incorporation of a revitalization plan, an
evaluation of new ways for economic growth, enabling a conservation plan for a sustainable
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The European Economic Recovery Plan
EU as a whole experienced significant economic slowdown in 2008, as reported by the EU
commission . In response to this in 2008, the European Economic Recovery Plan (EERP) was
launched. The plan aimed to increase demand by bolstering purchasing power, revive the labor
markets, and raise confidence in the financial system. Since the EU is only a common currency
union and not fiscal union, it limited the ability of EU leaders and institutions to respond. In result,
the crisis escalated and in 2009 the European debt crises hit the EU. During this period, some EU
members were unable to pay their government debt or to bail out their indebted banks on their own
and called to EU financial entities for help. In 2010 leading European countries created various
entities such as the European Stability Mechanism (ESM) to deal with the crisis, while the Central
European bank (ECB) helped by providing cheap loans and reduced interest rates in order to sustain
the money flow between European banks. As a result, European banks became owners of substantial
portion of sovereign debt. Due to these stabilizing measures Ireland and Portugal were able to
complete their bailout plans in 2014, Cyprus is expected to complete its bailout in 2016, while Spain
never received bailout assistance and is slowly recovering. Greece experienced the most dramatic
crisis in 2015, since the state was on the verge of financial default. Greece refused to accept the
repayment conditions offered by the ECB, and
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Economic Impact Of The Clean Power Plan
This paper explores the economic impact the Clean Power Plan, as proposed by President Obama,
would have on the coal industry and on society as a whole. The plan, also known as the CPP, has a
goal of reducing carbon dioxide emissions by the year 2030. Many proponents of the coal industry
claim that the CPP would harm the United States economy with little positive impact on the
environment. The White House, other government agencies, scholarly organizations, and
organizations regarding the protection of human health and the environment dispute these claims,
stating that the CPP would actually lead to a net increase in employment, increased air quality, and
an overall healthier society, all while promoting the renewable energy sector. After analyzing the
data from both sides, it was determined in this paper that the overall benefits of the Clean Power
Plan outweigh the costs, therefore the plan should go forward as planned.
On August 3, 2015, President Obama announced new carbon pollution standards for power plants
under the Clean Power Plan (CPP).[1] The purpose of the plan was to decrease carbon dioxide
(CO2) emissions to promote better air quality. This plan will impact not only coal fired power plants
and the coal industry, but also individuals who live around them and the greater populous. This
paper seeks to answer if such a plan should go forward and the impacts of such a plan on the parties
listed above. To answer this question, this paper will look
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Economic Plan
University College Dublin
National University Of Ireland, Dublin
Management Accounting
NUID: BSc 14B Finance
Lecturer: Jane Cao
Name: Pham Thi Thanh Dung
Student Number: 10286411
Date of submission: Nov 28, 2011
I declare that all materials include in this essay/report/project/dissertation is the end result of my
own work and that due acknowledgement have been given in the bibliography and references to
ALL sources be they printed, electronic or personal.
Confirmation Certificate Congratulations!
You have successfully completed the Library Plagiarism Quiz.
Student Name: .....................................
Student Number: .................................
Date: ... Show more content on ...
At the heart of this flexibility is the fact that ABC systems focus on accumulating costs via several
key activities. By focusing on specific activities, ABC systems provide Jason cost allocation
information–especially when costs are caused by non–volume–based cost drivers.
How ABC system will remedy any problems with the current costing system? The ABC system can
improve product cost. III– Calculation: a) Rate of each activity:
Product design = = $50/design hour
Unique parts = = $80/unique part
Inspection = = $6.25/inspection
Setup = = $31.25/setup
Labor–related OH = = 80% of direct labor cost
Depreciation of plant and equipment = = 80/machine hours Cost allocation: (Monitor) Product
design = 47 × $50 = $2,350 Unique parts = 17 × $80 = $1,360 Inspection = 225 × $6.25 = $1,406.25
Setup = 1 × $31.25 = $31.25 Machine hour = 112 × $80 = $8,960 Labor–related OH cost = 80% ×
25 × 900 = $18,000 Total OH cost = $2,350 + $1,360 + $1,406.25 + $31.25 + $8,960 + $18,000 =
OH cost/unit = = $35.675
Direct material 250
Direct labor 25 | Total unit cost $310.675 Analyzer Product design = 110 × $50 =
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The Apec Economic Blueprint : The Asean Economic Plan Essay
AEC 2015 – The ASEAN Economic Blueprint Develops
The 1967 five founding nations of ASEAN (The Association of Southeast Asian Nations) now
number ten nations who are: Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines,
Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. The ASEAN today, collectively is a market of some 600 million
people. The GDP today is over US$1.8 trillion. This trade bloc is located between India and China
making it the third Asian market in terms of it emergence as a trading bloc.
""The deadline set for 31 December 2015 for the "full" integration of the member states into the
ASEAN Economic Community seems to have been more a symbolic onset of formal obligations in
a long process where various policy and industry commitments have been made. The ASEAN
Economic Community 2015 Blueprint was worked on from 2008 until 2015. It described four large
ASEAN goals. Those goals were (1) Single Market and Production Base, (2) Competitive Economic
Region (3) Equitable Economic Development and (4) Integration Into the Global Economy.
(AECat–a–glance–2016_web_version2.pdf )
Of the four identified commitments perhaps the most significant in terms of its effects on the
business community is "Single Market and Production Base."
Many attempts describe what is meant by the phrase "Single Market and Production Base." This
paper agrees a single production base and market allows businesses to tap into products and services
complementary in the region. The need is to
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Economic Situation And Plans For Future Economic Growth
Current economic situation and plans for future economic growth (Tleu)
High level of oil–dependency Azerbaijan is an oil–rich country whose gross national income per
capita has increased approximately ten times since 2001. Economic growth has been driven by the
exploration and development of oil and gas reserves, high levels of public expenditure, and state
reforms to support a market–based economy. Despite significant growth, the economy of Azerbaijan
remains largely dependent on the extraction and production of oil, which amounted to about 40% of
GDP, 95% of national exports and 64 % of total fiscal revenues in 2013–2014.
The Azerbaijan's economy is currently facing challenging pressures related to the decline in the oil
prices ... Show more content on ...
The increasing share of the oil sector lasted until 2010 when the oil boom ended. Up to 2009, the
country had been infected by oil euphoria, and within 5 years the non–oil share in total GDP
decreased from 70% to 45%.
Oil contributions to the State Budget are illustrated in the pie–charts below:
The share of non–oil revenues in the State Budget are given in the graph as well:
The graph shows that the share of the State Budget's income as a share of GDP around 34.20%, in
comparison with other countries' practices, this percentage is appropriate. But taking into
consideration the income from oil revenues, the reality of the budget does not seem so positive.
Non–oil public revenues are predicted to be around only 10.66% of GDP.
Economy diversification and development of non–oil industries are crucial
In light of decreasing oil revenues, Azerbaijan's economy strongly feels a need for diversification to
prevent possible future economic default, since the era of high oil prices has passed. This economic
diversification could be achieved as the following conditions apply: · Decreasing of infrastructure
costs in order to save financial resources to invest in non–oil related industries; · Review and
develop a new oil revenue management strategy; · Boosting of liberalization of the Azerbaijani
economy and development of competition in all sectors. Currently the government's direct and
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Pursuing Government Contracts
Acquisition planning and documentation is an important factor for any vendor wanting to do
business with the government. The acquisition plan will ensure acquisition objectives to include
technical, business, management and other important factors that will control the acquisition, which
are addressed and consistent with applicable U.S Statutes while ensuring the best interest of the
government is secure.
In order to be considered for a government contract the acquisition and planning strategy should
pinpoint the strategy the vendor intends to use, all while gaining a sense of what will need to be
done in order to accomplish the agency needs. The plan must address all the technical, business,
management, and other important matters that the ... Show more content on ...
Smith, Inc. (KSI) a small floor refinishing business that provides a specialty coating product for
ceramic tile and marble floors. KSI is a Jacksonville based flooring contractor that has chosen
residential new homes as their niche. Water Tubes will be able to handle any service request for
specialty flooring needs or custom specialty coating product for ceramic tile and marble floors. By
concentrating on a specific segment of the market, KSI will be able to rapidly gain market share,
demonstrating proficiency and professionalism in serving both commercial and government spaces.
In order to secure a government contract KSI will begin with a market research to find out if the U.S
Navy is procuring these types of professional services. There are a vast amount sources that will
provide needed data for prospective federal contractors. By using sites such The Federal
Procurement Data Center (FPDC), Federal Acquisition Jump Station and FedBizzOpps (FBO). KSI
will have a better under of the Navy's needs with the use of the services these sites provide. The U.S.
Navy would be able to use KSI's services both on land and sea since the decks of the ships will also
need to be
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Pros And Cons Of Baby Boomers
The group of people who are referred to as the baby boomers, are people who were born in the
recent years following World War II. This boom in the population took place form 1946 until 1964
when the birth rate finally tapered off. By 1964 there were 76.4 million "baby boomers" in the
United States which made up almost forty percent of the nation population at the time (Baby
Boomers). Baby Boomers make up about 30 percent of the workforce today. Due to the proximity of
their ages this means they will all be retiring around the same time. This causes a major issue for
organizations: how will they transfer the knowledge base and skill set of their retiring employees,
the Baby Boomers, without the loss of production and efficiency? This question needs to be
answered and for these organizations, this means coming up with a plan in order to transfer the ...
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This type of one on one training would be the best way to minimize loss of production and to
maintain efficiency. Due to the one on one nature of the mentor solution, the new employees would
be able to get a full picture of the position through their opportunity to ask important clarifying
questions. In this way, the mentor program is individualized to the employee. They are able to learn
the job at their own pace, and manner. However, the biggest con to this plan is the cost. This plans
makes the organization increase their number of employees therefore they would be losing money
through payroll. Another downside is the time consuming nature of this solution. Due to the
individualization of the plan it takes a lot of time, which costs the company money. This plan would
take months to execute effectively, and because the new employees would be learning on the job,
there would also be a risk of error in their daily
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If I was in the role of a senior adviser to the President of the United States will view strategy and
grand strategy with such skillful management and wise intelligence of state affairs. Strategy may be
defined as an overall plan that is crafted with a series of actions and support in order to increase
favorable possibilities of victory, or winning favorable goals to their interests and purpose (Heuser,
2010). Strategy may include the uses of the country's instruments of power, usually military forces.
However, statecrafts have to keep in mind that the conflicting side may have the common interest
and a common strategy. Strategy itself is not only a concept, but "an inherent element of statecraft at
all times" (Heuser, 2010). As for grand strategy, according to Bands, is defined as the theory "that
binds a country's highest interests to its daily interactions with the world" (Bands, 2012). In order
for a grand strategy to be successful, strategists should understand what the country's interests are,
what potential threats are preventing the country to accomplish those interests, and what resources
does the country have in order to stop the threat and successfully reach those interests. Which brings
in what instruments of power the country might use to reach ... Show more content on ...
To produce a good strategy, the strategist should not depend so much on the first strategy, rather, the
strategists must be ready to change strategy when encountering with the enemy. The reason why is
that every situation could change immediately, and depending on its outcome there may be a
possibility that something happened that could "not have been expected earlier" (Heuser,
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A Green Economic Plan For The Environment Essay
With the deterioration of numerous environments around the globe, and the increased phenomena of
anthropogenic climate change, it is evident that changes must take course and the protection of the
environment become a crucial aspect embedded in social, political, and economic change. With this
understanding, many nations across the globe have adopted a green economic plan that aims to
reduce the impact upon the natural environment, whilst also ensuring economic benefit; however,
establishing a strong green economic plan that targets the reduction of impact upon the environment
can be a financially difficult process, particularly for nations that do not possess the adequate
funding. Considering this, many nations in this position partner up with other nations so that the
necessary funding can be fulfilled. Guyana is a sovereign state situated in South America that is
known to have exceptionally high rates of deforestation for the past several years. Considering this,
Norway has taken on the initiative to provide monetary incentives that will fuel Guyana 's green
economy on the basis that deforestation rates are reduced. Exploring the GRIF project will provide a
unique outlook on specifically how economic investments can promote a green economy, and,
subsequently, propose a model that presents a scenario in which the reduction of the global impact
upon the natural environment can be achieved.
The Guyana REDD+ Investment Fund
Various initiatives, such as Reducing Emissions
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Economic Growth From The Plan
economic growth from the plan," he said, "it still wouldn't be able to claw back the revenue losses."
(LA Times). In addition to these steps, Trump proposes to eliminate carried interest breaks.
Currently private equity investors and hedge funds pay a tax rate of 23.8%. Under Trump's proposal
their earnings would be classed as ordinary income and be taxed at 25%, however under the current
taxation system they pay 39.6%, so although as a corporate entity the earnings under capital gains
tax would go from 23.8% to 25%, under his model as ordinary income those people who manage the
hedge fund or equity investment company would see a drop in personal tax of 14.6%. When asked
what loopholes he intended to close, he became vague, some ... Show more content on ...
The top 1 percent of all taxpayers would see a 21.6 percent increase in after–tax income."
Table 4. Distributional Analysis for Donald Trump 's Tax Reform Plan
Effect of Tax Reform on After–Tax Income Compared to Current Law
All Returns by Decile Static Distributional Analysis Dynamic Distributional Analysis
0% to 10% 1.4% 10.7%
10% to 20% 0.6% 10.6%
20% to 30% 1.2% 11.5%
30% to 40% 3.0% 14.3%
40% to 50% 5.3% 17.7%
50% to 60% 7.2% 19.5%
60% to 70% 8.0% 19.7%
70% to 80% 8.3% 19.4%
80% to 90% 8.9% 19.5%
90% to 100% 14.6% 22.6%
99% to 100% 21.6% 27.0%
TOTAL FOR ALL 10.2% 20.0%
Source: Tax Foundation Taxes and Growth Model, Sept. 2015.
Donald Trump's tax plan would enact a number of tax reforms that would both lower marginal tax
rates on workers and significantly reduce the cost of capital. These changes in the incentives to work
and invest would greatly increase the U.S. economy's size in the long run, leading to higher incomes
for taxpayers at all income levels. The plan would also be a large tax cut, which would increase the
federal government's deficit by over $10 trillion, both on a static and dynamic basis. Finally, it is
worth noting that the Taxes and Growth Model does not take into account the fiscal or economic
effects of interest on debt. It also does not require budgets to balance over the long term. It also does
not account for
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Poland 's Economic Reform Plan Of 1989
The year of 1989 is generally regarded as a watershed moment in the history of Eastern Europe–the
one which effectively ended the dominance of Communist politics in the region formerly known as
the Soviet Bloc. Comprised of Poland, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania, and East
Germany, this region was politically and economically depended on the Soviet Union that largely
dictated the official ideological orientation of the Soviet Bloc nations. In 1989, the region's
dependence on the Soviet Union effectively came to an end along with the communist hegemony in
Eastern Europe. At the same time, Eastern Europeans finally discovered the opportunity to make a
transition from centralized socialism to democratic and decentralized form of market economy that
was largely modeled on the Western democracies. The following chapter examines the extent to
which Western theoretical and institutional trends influenced Poland's economic reform plan of
1989. At the same time, it seeks to account for Poland's own local tradition of neoliberal thought. In
so doing, it aims to dispel the oversimplified interpretation of the transnational exchange between
Polish and American economists according to which the former had to learn from scratch while the
former assumed the role of educators. As various commentators have observed, the Eastern
European transition to market economy took Western neoliberalism as its principal ideological
model. It is no secret, for instance, that Jeffrey
... Get more on ...

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The Economic And Social Development Plan

  • 1. The Economic And Social Development Plan According to FAO Corporate (no date), since the First National Economic and Social Development Plan began in 1961, emphasis has been on economic development. Natural resources and human capital expanded the production base, employment opportunities and national income. These guidelines were appropriate for and consistent with the country 's situation in the early period of national development because of abundant natural resources and an excess labour supply, especially in the agricultural sector. Thailand 's production and exports, therefore, were attributed largely to these comparative advantages. Some problems are due to planning focusing on income generation, regardless of the cost to natural resources, the environment and society. Human resources were seen as production inputs serving the labour market; less attention was given to human potential, intellectual capability and local ways of life. Emphasis was on foreign technology transfer, rather than research and development (R&D) to upgrade existing wisdom (ibid). To generate national development guideline ideas and recommendations for the Eighth Plan, an unusual planning opportunity was organised in 1998, a think tank seminar, "Generating ideas for the Eighth Plan" at Marukhataiyawan Palace in Petchaburi. It joined academics, philosophers, mass media and NGOs who reflected on Thailand 's future: envisioning a self–sufficient, free, just, merciful, compassionate society respecting human rights; in which people are ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Strategies in Planning Sharyn A. Quelitano BSIE III–2 Topic: Strategies in Planning I. Introduction: Strategic planning is an organization 's process of defining its strategy, or direction, and making decisions on allocating its resources to pursue this strategy. In order to determine the direction of the organization, it is necessary to understand its current position and the possible avenues through which it can pursue a particular course of action. Generally, strategic planning deals with at least one of three key questions: "What do we do?", "For whom do we do it?", "How do we excel?" In many organizations, this is viewed as a process for determining where an organization is going over the next year or–more typically–3 to 5 years (long term), ... Show more content on ... The goal of strategic planning mechanisms like formal planning is to increase specificity in business operation, especially when long–term and high–stake activities are involved. One of the core goals when drafting a strategic plan is to develop it in a way that is easily translatable into action plans. Most strategic plans address high level initiatives and over–arching goals, but don 't get articulated (translated) into day–to–day projects and tasks that will be required to achieve the plan. Terminology or word choice, as well as the level a plan is written, are both examples of easy ways to fail at translating your strategic plan in a way that makes sense and is executable to others. Often, plans are filled with conceptual terms which don 't tie into day–to–day realities for the staff expected to carry out the plan. The following terms have been used in strategic planning: desired end states, plans, policies, goals, objectives, strategies, tactics and actions. Definitions vary, overlap and fail to achieve clarity. The most common of these concepts are specific, time bound statements of intended future results and general and continuing statements of intended future results, which most models refer to as either goals or objectives (sometimes interchangeably). One approach recommends having short–term goals, medium–term goals, and long–term goals. In this model, one can expect to attain short–term goals fairly easily: they stand just slightly above one 's reach. ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. The Australian Government’s Implementation of the Economic... Inflation can be described as the sustained increase in the general level of prices over a given period of time, usually one year. Inflation can have negative effects on many of the key economic outcomes such as economic growth, exports, international competitiveness and income inequality. Inflation is measured in Australia by the Consumer Price Index (CPI); the CPI outlines the movement in the prices of a basket of goods and services that are weighted according to their importance for the average Australian household. The annual rate of inflation is measured by the percentage change in the CPI over a period of a year, highlighted in Figure 3.1 . Recent Trends in Inflation Australia's most significant macroeconomic achievement of ... Show more content on ... Economic Justification of the Economic Stimulus Plan with regards to Inflation In order to reduce inflation the Australian government has traditionally implemented both contractionary fiscal and monetary policy. This would involve an increase in taxation or reduced government expenditure as well as increases in the official cash rate which would lead to a rise in interest rates in the economy to contain aggregate demand. However, during a period of global recession the Government's implementation of expansionary fiscal and monetary policy saw taxation revenue fall and government spending increase, sending the budget into deficit by –$32.9 billion in 2008–09 . The 2009–2010 Budget continued expansionary policy to support economic growth and slow the rise in unemployment. The falling inflation rate of 1.5% in 2008–09 , meant it no longer played dominant role in policy making decisions. The tradeoff between inflation and unemployment can be observed in Figure 3.5 . Figure 3.5 illustrates the short run tradeoff between inflation and unemployment observed by New Zealand economist A. W. Phillips in Britain in the 1950s. A government attempting to decrease unemployment to a level below 4%, by an increase in government spending may tradeoff more inflation from 2% to 5% for less unemployment from 4% to 3%. Conversely, a government could cut government spending to tradeoff less inflation from 5% ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Navajo Nation's General Transportation Plan An Evaluation of the Navajo Nation's General Transportation Plan "If everything in life is very simple and predictable, then we do not need any planning," (Kim). However, this is not the case today because most developing cities and communities need planning in order to guide their goals and visions for future land–use. A document called a general plan (also known as a comprehensive plan), helps guide developing cities and communities with a detailed framework for its land–use. The Navajo Nation, one of the largest Indian reservations in the United States, is an example of a community that utilizes a general plan. In December 2009, the Navajo Nation submitted the Navajo Nation Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) to the Transportation Planning ... Show more content on ... NTS operates on seven fixed routes connecting small urban areas and also connects with other transit systems like Greyhound Busline. The use of NTS has increased from 66,000 to 80,000 riders over a two–year period (LRTP II–F2). Due to poor road conditions the safety for NTS has become an issue. The general plans provided background information on the Navajo Nation Indian Reservation Road (IRR) system and this helps to understand how the nation's road network operates. Since the nation overlaps different boundaries the IRR system administers the various highway programs, these include tribal, state, county, Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), and other agency roads. Almost half of the nation's highways are BIA roads and majority is unpaved. The interesting part of this section is how these roads are different agency roads but the nation manages to overlook all these roads through the IRR system. In conclusion, the transportation system on the Navajo Nation needs vast improvements to benefit its people. For a general plan, the transportation plan is one of the most important elements for cities and communities. When planning, it is very important to learn and know the area, city or community. A city or community will be forever changing and developing. For this reason, a city or community will need a plan to develop, maintain, and improve its use of ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Planning Process Planning in layman terms is the process of thinking about and organizing the activities or steps required to achieve the desired results. Planning has a specific process and is necessary for fields like business and management. Planning is preparing of sequence of action steps to achieve a pre– set goal, therefore planning is an important task in project management. Planning is basic management function which involves preparation of more than one detailed plans to achieve maximum balance of needs and demands with the available resources. The planning process ascertains the goals and objectives to be achieved, conceptualise strategies to achieve those goals and objectives, arranges the means required to put the plan in work and implement, directs ... Show more content on ... Demand of products 2. Tangible and intangible premises: Tangible premises are quantitative in nature and can be measured and intangible premises are qualitative in nature and cannot be measured. For example, population growth, industry demand and the investment made in the company are all tangible premises. Political and sociological factors, business and economic conditions, and behaviour of the owners of the organization are all intangible premises. 3. Controllable and non–controllable premises: Some planning premises are controllable and some are non–controllable. Controllable factors are those that does not disrupt the well–laid out calculations of the organization and they can be contained with ease. For example, advertising policy, executive management, labour force skill and availability of resources. Uncontrollable factors are those which force the management to revise the plans at intervals in accordance with the current scenario. For example, man–made and natural calamities, government policies and economic conditions. 1.1.5 Business ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Neighborhood Case Study Is a PNA Whittier's Next Step in Neighborhood Advocacy and Planning? In 2012, the Whittier Alliance released a strategic plan for the next five years that pinpointed critical steps towards increasing commercial activity and housing investments, raising environmental standards, and improving the Alliance's organizational structure. Could the adoption of a Private Neighborhood Association (PNA), as presented by the Mercatus Policy Series , support these steps? In my opinion, a full PNA will not move the Alliance forward. However, the Whittier Alliance could benefit and advance these goals if they adopted certain principles introduced by PNAs, specifically: growing community participation, empowering local knowledge in the Whittier neighborhood, and working to devolve some planning authority from the city and regional governments into the neighborhood's hands. Increasing Community Participation Getting people interested and invested in urban and community planning decisions often presents a challenge. Too often, communities across the country are reacting passively to planning changes instead of taking the initiative in proposing or influencing plans at the start. ... Show more content on ... While one might argue that, in the PNA model, a community of renters mobilized to share their preferences and vote with their feet might easily leave the neighborhood if decisions favorable to businesses and property owners and contrary to their interests prevail, this breezy conclusion rests on the shaky assumption that there exist alternative, no–less–affordable neighborhoods nearby. Finding a way to increase Whittier residents' stake in planning decisions along with balancing the powers of businesses, property owners, and renters is the direction in which the Alliance must proceed, and it is clear that adopting a PNA will diverge from this good ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Desert Channels: Central Tablelands (NSW) A. Regional NRM Plan evaluation – South East CMA (NSW) – Central Tablelands (NSW) – Desert Channels (QLD) – Reef catchments (QLD) 1. Description of region, natural resources, trends, and future vision – The South East CMA plan concisely and effectively describes the region encompassing its cultural, social, environmental and economic aspects and trends. It also includes details on its key natural resources and a list of key objective outcomes for the future of the targeted region. – The Central Tablelands plan provides a detailed description of the region and its natural resources, however, lacks cultural insight. Goals for the future were effectively and holistically portrayed in table and text form; however, regional trends were not ... Show more content on ... – The Reef catchments plan effectively and concisely outline the development process including the history of regional planning. 5. The plan is organized and the logic of the plan is clear – The South East CMA plan is structurally effective. Glossary containing heading and subheadings is easy to follow, glossary is included and the executive summary is short but concise. – The Central Tablelands catchment action plan is well organised with easy to follow structure and a detailed executive summary, however, the table of content font is small and difficult to follow and there is no glossary. – The Desert Channel plan is poorly structured. The table of content is complex and confusing, there is no executive summary, the overall layout is satisfactory but still difficult to follow due to the table of content and there is no glossary. – The Reef catchments plan overall follows a logical sequence in its structure and glossary is provided at the end and a regional summary at the beginning, however, the table of content layout is a bit confusing to ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Code Of Ethics Any time of planning is a process outlining the objectives for future direction. At times this may also include determining course and implementation on how to achieve the targets. This is city planning in a nut shell. The purpose of city planning is listed in its code of ethics. Planners have the responsibility "to serve the public interest with compassion for the welfare of all people (APA, 2005)." Because it is a planner's job to plan for the public, this in turn will have a direct effect on a population. Planners strive for social justice by working to develop accessible opportunities for all. Planners take on many roles. "Planners take on the role of educator, researcher, technician, legal consultant, public information officer, mediator, ... Show more content on ... She believes it's best to dabble in all types of planning. It provides for a seasoned career path and will be mutually beneficial because all planning disciplines interact together. Moving along with time, she also insists that professionals stay current on their statistical skills. It is important to understand a large scale analysis of communities. This would include learning programs such as GIS, Microsoft Excel and Access. There are a range of skillsets needed to function in a planning environment. But one of the main things I've learned is that ultimately a planner much educate. When it's time to sit at the table to sort out all the disagreements, tensions, and clashes, it is the planners' job to persuade why a consensus would be the best way to go. With that said, planners should inform all parties of the benefits and negative effects of a proposal to justify an ethical stance on a position. Since it is a planner's job to plan for the community, it is essential to write plans for guidance and ensure implementation for a positive outcome in greater good. The direct effect on a population makes planning necessary. Those who fail to plan, plan to ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Strategy As A Deliberate,... Strategy as a deliberate, rational and sequential planning process Introduction Strategy refers to a course of action that is adopted by an organisation in order to achieve its set goals and objectives. According to Mintzberg and Water (1985) strategy can either be deliberate or emergent depending on whether the course of action taken by the organisation is articulated and communicated to the whole organisation or whether the course of action was not explicitly intended. Mintzberg categorizes Strategy as a deliberate, rational and sequential planning process if the course of action is well thought prior to implementation, articulated, communicated to members of the organisation, and a clear plan of action is established. However, it is worth ... Show more content on ... In essence, nearly all organisations have established goals and objectives. Such objectives are futuristic and often ambiguous. However, with deliberate strategies allows an organisation to make very clear and articulate plans on how to attain these objectives. Essentially, such an action ensures that a clear path on which the organisation is to travel towards achieving the goals and objectives is demarcated. For any business or organisation, clarity in regards to the course of action is vital. For instance, clarity of the course of action to be taken by an organisation helps strategic level managers to steer the whole organisation with ease. For instance, a human resource manager would easily rally the whole workforce towards a the organisation's objectives better if there is a clearly established framework indicating exactly what is expected of the employees compared to if there does not exist clear ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Obama's Economic Plan Barack Obama has a plan; a big economic plan to fire up business and create jobs. He will, of course, unveil his brainchild after returning from Martha's Vineyard for a much–needed vacation from campaigning. He thinks that lolling with his liberal high rollers ($50,000 per week rent) and breathing some Atlantic saltwater air should completely clear any proven methods for job creation that might enter his mind. The country has lived with this President's incompetence and anti–growth policies for nearly three years and knows his economic plan is a one–trick pony that grows more tiresome by the day. He trots out his little red pony almost daily in a comical effort to convince people he has a clue as to what he's talking about. His ... Show more content on ... When Obama speaks people also listen; except the stock market drops like a rock at the sound of his foolishness. If the American people could convince him to stay on Martha's Vineyard, do nothing, and cease giving speeches, hundreds of comedians would be out of work, but the country could recover from its freefall and survive until the 2012 election. Unfortunately, a hurricane drove him back into the spotlight; and worse, back into his economy destroying programs. Killing jobs by taxing and regulating businesses and financial institutions, then ranting about the rich, is inconsistent with reason, logic and common sense. Then again, if one's primary goal is to bring down our form of government by using a Cloward and Piven strategy of collapsing the system, it would make sense. It would also explain his promise to "fundamentally transform America." To be successful in this plot, he must first destroy the American economy. An economy with over 14 million unemployed, tens of millions more underemployed and 46 million on food stamps (up by a third in two years) with millions more on public assistance, proves that he is well on his way. Incredibly, for the first time in American history an administration touts increasing the roles for food stamps and unemployment benefits as a way of stimulating the economy. Republicans have a budget and jobs plan sitting on Harry Reid's desk, while a trade agreement that Obama blames Congress for not passing lies untouched on the ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Project Report On Business Planning CHAPTER 4 PROJECT REPORT ON BUSINESS PLANNING[43] 4.1 MEANING [43] In simple words, business plan is a written statement of what an entrepreneur proposes to take up. It is a kind of guide frost or course of action what the entrepreneur hopes to achieve in his business and how is he going to achieve it. In other words, business plan serves like a kind of big road map to reach the destination determined by the entrepreneur. Webster New 20th Century Dictionary defines a project as a scheme, design, a proposal of something intended or devised. Let some important definitions of business plan be presented. Mar J. Dollinger has defined the business plan as "the formal written expression of the entrepreneurial vision, describing the strategy and operations of the proposed venture." According to Jack M. Kaplan, "The term business plan means the development of a written document that spells out like a roadmap where you are, where you want to be, and how you want to get there." Thus, a business plan or project report can best be defined as a well evolved course of action devised to achieve the specified objective, i.e. setting up a small business enterprise within a specified period of time. So to say, business plan is initially an operating document. The business plan is termed by different names by its different intended interest audience. For example, when presented to a bank, it may be called 'loan proposal.' a venture capital group might call it the 'venture plan' or 'investment ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Variable Pay Abstract The main two reasons for the companies to implement variable pay plan are: motivating employees and reducing cost. In this paper we try to point out the challenges the organizations might face when they apply variable pay system by reviewing related literature. We find that it is difficult for the company to have a reliable measure for the variable pay system. In addition, the focus of the variable pay plan should be on motivating employees or cutting cost and how to strike a balance between these two is also an essential issue. Finally we conclude that we always have to assess the circumstances of the organization before applying the plan. Variable Pay Plan 3 Variable Pay Plan: One Way to Motivate Employees and Cut Cost. ... Show more content on ... Besides, Jessica and Kathy (2004) also stated that 63% of those companies which have variable compensation plan believe that the benefits of the plan outweigh the costs. What is more, 57% of those companies had unexpected favorable results such as increased productivity. Challenges of using variable pay However, it is not easy for an organization to apply a variable pay program. Like John& Traci (2004) stated in their article that if the companies do not manage variable pay plan effectively, the outcome could be less than stellar. There are several concerns for the organization to think about. Thomas (2003) suggested that first concern is about the performance measures. It is difficult Variable Pay Plan 6 for many jobs to measure performance in an objective and reliable manner. Second issue is the general rejection to variable plans because of having previous bad experiences. This is also mentioned by Paul (2007) that variable pay received bad reputation because of many companies ' bad experiences when they failed to have supporting information or they had other organizational problems which need to be emphasized. The third issue is that the employees may feel the performance measures are not in control or their suggestions are not taken by the organization. The last one concern is that employees will fix on earning their variable pay and they will not make changes or take actions that are not related to the goals of ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Planning : Strategic Planning Process Strategic Planning Process No two people go through life the same exact ways. Some choose to live moment to moment while others feel the need to have a grander plan for their future. People develop plans for different scenarios in their life to include what college they will attend, what profession they want to enter, the type of wedding and even, when they want to get married. Individuals who live by a plan can often be heard referencing their Plan B or five–to–ten year plan. Just as individuals like to plan, businesses also want a blueprint for their short– and long–term growth. Planning enables organizational leaders and managers to play a significant role in creating progressive objectives that enrich company productivity and ... Show more content on ... The first step in the basic planning process is setting objectives. Objectives should be both short– term and long–term performance targets. Short–term objectives define how to improve operations in current period while long–term goals force an organization to think through how actions in place will affect the company in the future (Gamble & Thompson, 2011). Goals must be specific, observable, measurable and achievable (Plunkett, Allen & Attner, 2013). Goals drive what resources and money are needed to meet the objectives. Once goals are set, managers must turn to any barriers in achieving the objectives. The next step in planning is analyzing and evaluating the environments. Analyzing and evaluating the environments is when managers reflect on internal and external setting as well as current organizational status (Plunkett, Allen & Attner, 2013). When analyzing the internal environment, managers review current policies, resources employees, money and material to determine any barriers to achieving company goals (Plunkett, Allen & Attner, 2013). When reviewing external environment, leaders consider strengths and weaknesses of partners, advancing technology and global markets (Plunkett, Allen & Attner, 2013). Many managers turn to Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threat (SWOT) analysis to complete their internal and external assessments (Gamble & Thompson, 2011). SWOT analysis can be done by all levels of management. Once SWOT is ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Essay On Gary Johnson's Economic Plan Gary Johnson's Economic Plan Gary Johnson believes the legalization of marijuana, spending more on education, and cutting back on taxes is a main priority for our economy. The legalization of marijuana will cause a shortage of people with a criminal record, less side– effects, and better health benefits. Marijuana is believed by Gary Johnson to be one of least of our government's concerns. Gary says that our states are seeing a reduction in drug wars and that there is less harm and criminal activities happening, because so. 10% in sales surtax would be made for every twenty three dollars per pound being sold in federal tax. Legalizing marijuana will drop the risks of producing marijuana illegally, causing an increase in entrepreneurs into the market which makes prices go down and supply going up. Gary Johnson would also like to eliminate national sales tax. If this was to be enacted then it would cause a threat in states and local governments in keeping their tax bases in check and stable. Which means this would cause our taxes to plummet causing our government ... Show more content on ... He may have a point to some and good reasoning to a lot of our economic problems, but he does not fit the right profile for this country nor for this economy. Some reasonable things that may help our economy grow stronger and be more stable are his plans on legalizing marijuana and cut back on taxes. The legalization of weed can prevent criminal activities and help benefit your health. The lowering of taxation can help not giving out money you've worked for on people who hasn't worked a day in their life and is getting help from the government. Some see the reasoning behind that, because some people do need just a little push to get back out there, but some people are wasting it on useless things and blowing our money away on non productive things. The government is just throwing our hard works pay down the drain to people they think are worth ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Case Study Of Ericsson Executive summary Ericsson is faced with a plethora of problems which are causing the destabilization of the company and resulting in irked employees and poor turn–around and delivery, which is causing it to lose its customers in the Asian and Pakistani region. Mainly, the most obvious of these problems are: Lack of human resources, gradually decreasing pay–scale and job uncertainty. Our conclusion, that Ericsson will continue to lose customers and continue to suffer with poor services delivered and employee turn–around is followed by apt recommendations which Ericsson should take up as soon as possible. All this data up for analysis and recommendations have been collected, analysed and designed with first hand support from Ericsson's own employees ... Show more content on ... And which department is facing more problems? What is the reason behind the less payout of company due to the Ericsson's new cost–cutting policy? What is the reason for your lack of resources? Do the employees can plan to stay or leave accordingly? Background This study has been conducted by this group as part of the final assignment, in order to better analyse and present the problems being faced by corporate sector companies and hindrances being faced by them in their smooth running. In–depth analysis presented in this report has been acquired first hand from an employee of the company under question, Ericsson, as per the requirement. For those who are unfamiliar with Ericsson. They are a global leader in delivering ICT solutions. In fact, 40% of the world's mobile traffic is carried over Ericsson networks. Ericsson has customers in over 180 countries and comprehensive industry solutions ranging from Cloud services and Mobile Broadband to Network Design and Optimization. However, nowadays Ericsson is faced with a plethora of internal and external problems, hindering its growth and limiting its market footprint and this is what this report aims to ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. A Brief Note On Co Ordinated Review : Shaping Land Use For... Background Specific Issues: Co–ordinated Review: Shaping Land Use in the Greater Golden Horseshoe Workshop in OPPI 2016 Conference The Golden Horseshoe Area is identified through the literature in this part because of its special economic status in the province. The province of Ontario initiated a coordinated review of the provincial four plans in 2015. Members of the public, stakeholders, municipalities and organizations provided feedback on how the plans are preforming and how they may be improved (MMAH., 2016a). To support the co–ordinated review, Ontario appointed a panel, chaired by David Crombie, to develop recommendations on how to amend and improve the plans. The Panel has completed its work and submitted the report Planning for Health, Prosperity and Growth in the Greater Golden Horseshoe: 2015 – 2041 (MMAH., 2015). One year later, the updated 2016 Proposed Greenbelt Plan was issued on May 2016, and asked for public consultation again until end of Oct 2016. I have attended the workshop of discussing the reviewing process of the Plan and thus have a reflection on this topic. I will go through the review process of the coordinated land use planning in Greenbelt Plan and take City of Hamilton as a case study. History of the Greenbelt Plan Greenbelt Plan is one of the key plans and plays a very important role in agricultural land preservation, water resources protection and natural heritages. The draft Plan was released in 2004 and required comments from public and ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. God Gives Us His Economic Plan God gives us His economic plan in Genesis. He is clear on His rules and His intent from the beginning of His word. God created the earth in an orderly fashion with a purpose, and He created man in His image for a purpose. God commanded man to tend His creation. The Cultural Mandate tells us God's intent for man is to have dominion over all of the earth, be fruitful and multiply, Genesis 1:26–28 (NIV). Work was also a part of God's plan for man. Before sin entered the world, man worked, but work was more pleasurable and less painful before sin. After the "fall," man's work became hard. There may not be a choice about the work an individual must do, but there is a choice about the way an individual does the work (Lundin, Christensen, & Christensen, 2000, p. 37). Based on God's plan, an individual's employment can provide for his family, bless others, increase wealth, and contribute to society and the economic system. Production resources of the earth Even though man failed God through sin, God did not fail man. He allows man to use the land and the resources of the land to produce wealth. According to Leviticus 25:23 (NIV), the land belongs to the Lord. Men are tenants and caretakers of His land. Psalms 24:1 (NIV) states that the earth and everything in the earth belongs to the Lord, both nonliving and living. Man is accountable to God for the use of His land and resources. God wants men to be good stewards of His creation. God expects man to use the land and the resources ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Bp : The Spill Of The Gulf Of Mexico On April 20, 2010, an explosion occurred aboard BP contracted Transocean Ltd Deepwater Horizon oil rig stationed in the Gulf of Mexico. Eleven workers were killed instantly. Unfortunately, the BP management did not wake up that morning (or countless mornings before) expecting the event to occur for it took them almost 4 months to clean up the spill. The first month was spent forecasting the rate of the spill and having President Barack Obama tour the site. Only on May 26, 2010 did BP initiate the first form of clean up procedure known as "top kill". Needless to say, this attempt failed. Thus, well over into the second month after the incident, oil remained leaking and BP had not yet figured out how to contain it. Finally on July 10, 2010 BP removed a timeworn containment cap from the well to install a new one. At last, on July 15, the oil stopped flowing freely. Noting that it took BP over 4 months to replace a timeworn containment cap just to stop oil from contaminating the Gulf of Mexico, it is readily questioned why such a well–established mega giant never considered the chance of having a blast at an operating site. On the bright side, due to this incident and similar others, numerous organizations have been formulating and establishing emergency or disaster plans and policies to respond to a variety of disaster scenarios. Thus, suggesting that contingency planning is imperative for an organization in the long run in order to avoid massive instant loss since there ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Assignment : Formulation Of Business Plan Essay INTERNAL RESEARCH ASSIGNMENT Name of the student: MANIKA GUPTA Enrollment No. : 04615903915 Course: MBA (III) Batch: 2015–2017 Shift: Ist Section: A Subject: Entrepreneurship &Small Business Development Subject code: MS– 207 Topic of assignment: FORMULATION OF BUSINESS PLAN Subject Teacher's name: Prof. P.N. Kathuria RESEARCH ASSIGNMENT Subject: Entrepreneurship &Small Business Development Subject Code: MS 207 Semester: MBA III Batch: 2015 – 2017 Instructor: Prof. P.N. Kathuria QUESTION: Discuss the nature of Information required at different stages in formulation of a business plan/project report. Critically highlight the common errors noticed in project formulation and ways to avoid them. You are starting a small manufacturing unit; give an outline of your business plan. SOLUTION: A. Information required at different stages in formulation of a business plan: 1. General Information:
  • 74. Bio–data of Promoter Name and address of entrepreneur; the qualifications, ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. Pros And Cons Of Canada's Economic Action Plan The Trials and Tribulation of Canada's Economic Action Plan Beginning in 2007 and reaching critical mass in 2008, repercussions of economic downturn were being felt by nations across the globe. In North America, the collapse of the United States housing and mortgage market along with the wreckless actions of financial institutions and Wall Street can be identified as some of the main triggers in the downturn. Other nations were feeling declines as well, and the eventual decline in some European Union countries further contributed to this worldwide situation. This economic downward spiral quickly made its way into Canada, and was a huge issue of concern during the 2008 federal election. Out of this federal election walked a minority elected ... Show more content on ... Along with these specific relief zones, the government also worked to ensure that citizens received appropriate tax breaks and were given the incentive to engage in future skill development to help for tomorrow. Initiatives ensured things like Employment Insurance (EI) resources were increased and strengthened in order to further help those that had lost jobs in the downturn and were unsuccessful trying to re–enter the workforce. Grants and scholarships were also increased; especially in the trade fields were demand for skilled workers and apprentices was substantial. When the Action Plan was initially conceived and approved in the Canadian budget, it was a program intended to bet temporary. The initiatives that came out of it that were related to the stimulus of the construction sector and infrastructure development were initially to be over in two years before a deadline of the end of March, 2011 (Public Works and Government Services Canada, 2011). However some of the programs developed were not going to be able to meet this deadline due to delays, and the federal government sanctioned an extension of the deadline to October of ... Get more on ...
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  • 82. The Museum Of London : An Era Of Fast Paced Social... Introduction In an era of fast–paced social transformations, museums as social institutions are faced with more challenges than ever before. New cultural policy, economic pattern shift, technological innovation and other factors are all putting the pressure on. Management therefore becomes extremely vital to museums as to all industries, and at the core of it lies the issue of forward planning. Forward planning, of which Stuart Davies has made a definition (1996,7), is a process that can guide museums through the difficult times, producing better services and greater efficiency. As the product of this process, a forward plan then should be able to help museums in sticking to their set goals, monitoring the fulfillment of schedule and continuing with strategic thinking. However, having a written document does not necessarily guarantee museums a secure future. Though there are no rules that must be complied with in the composition, there are indeed standards relating to the nature of museum management involved and in need of appropriate address. This report takes the example of the Museum of London, examining its 2013–2018 forward plan from both strengths and drawbacks with reference to specific statements. Hopefully, some useful suggestions could be offered through the analysis to guide the museum in updating their plan for the two years ahead and achieving expected outcomes by the end. Museum Background The Museum of London, as its name indicates, is a comprehensive city ... Get more on ...
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  • 86. Atlantis Global Corporation Case Study To: John Dawson and Board of Directors From: Alayah Williams, Shawn Williams, and Cross–Cultural Team Subject: Results of Change Management Process Diagnosis: "Implementation of the strategic human capital plan is a key step in an agency's progress to build a highly effective, performance–based organization by recruiting, acquiring, motivating, and rewarding a high–performing, top quality workforce. The plan becomes the roadmap for continuous improvement and the framework for transforming the culture and operations of the agency." ( 2005). Atlantis Global Corporation has fallen upon some serious problems that has caused failure to meet its financial obligations and profits to lag. One of the first problems causing AGC's ... Show more content on ... Finally, diversity and multiculturalism was a major issue that plagued AGC. Project management and sensitivity training should have included all expatriates, employees, and cross–cultural teams to strengthen the interpersonal skills needed to be successful. These problems were diagnosed by means of employee surveys, interviews, and focus groups. In conclusion, the root causes of these problems were lack of training, poor leadership styles and pool human capital management. Intervention: If AGC is going to survive, it's culture needs an overall improvement to increase its performance, provide a strategic competitive advantage, and encompass unified beliefs and values to be upheld throughout the company. By ensuring HR is taking the cognitive approach to openly discuss various cultures and gain knowledge and feedback in a safe and structured setting, AGC will better determine who is a better fit as an expatriate for the company. "The cognitive approach also focuses on assessing an individual's knowledge of the cultural backgrounds of the participants in efforts to build a strong understanding into the cultures of others." (Sabotoka, 2017). Pre–departure training allows the employee and family members to enter the assignment already equipped with realistic expectations; a basic ... Get more on ...
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  • 90. The Importance Of Being A Manager During Times Of Success... Introduction: The following Case Analysis details the many aspects of being a manager during times of success and struggle. Ron Bent, a plant manager at Engstrom Auto Mirror plant in Indiana, implements a bonus incentive plan in order to raise morale and productivity in his company. The following analysis will demonstrate how at its inception, the plan is successful in its goals, but eventually starts to decline when a downturn hit the industry. In this paper, several recommendations will be made on whether or not the Scanlon plan should be abandoned, and strategies Ron Bent can take to increase performance at the Engstrom Auto Mirror Plant. Analysis: The Scanlon plan was introduced in the 1930's by Joseph Scanlon, an accountant and member of the Steelworkers union (2). The Scanlon plan that Engstrom used focused on cost saving and higher production, which would then increase labor savings. Adapting the plan is a long process, and Bent made sure 75% of employees were on board. Engstroms version encouraged suggestions at all levels, and encouraged input to help productivity. The plan focused on transparency of financial and business data to all ranks of the organization (2). With transparency, allowing suggestions, and an encouragement of new ideas, Bent believed that the plan would provide a source of intrinsic motivation to employees of Engstrom. As stated earlier, Bent ensured that at least 75% of his workforce agreed to the plan. By doing so, he was examining the ... Get more on ...
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  • 94. The Tax Plan For Economic Growth Another part of the Trump tax plan that is beneficial to economic growth is the elimination of the estate tax, better known as the death tax. The estate tax, in a nutshell, is a tax on your right to transfer property after death. According to the IRS "It consists of an accounting of everything you own or have certain interests in at the date of death (Refer to Form 706 (PDF)). The fair market value of these items is used, not necessarily what you paid for them or what their values were when you acquired them. The total of all of these items is your "Gross Estate." The includible property may consist of cash and securities, real estate, insurance, trusts, annuities, business interests and other assets. Once you have accounted for the Gross ... Show more content on ... Deemed Repatriation is one example of a negative in the Trump tax plan. Trump's tax plan puts forth an one time 10% tax on the overseas earnings of a U.S. based company, which is known as Deemed Repatriation. The result of this Deemed Repatriation is the transfer of about $250 billion from overseas benefit to the U.S. treasury. Another downfall of Donald Trump's tax plan is the end of deferral. Due to the fact that the U.S. taxes income earned both within our borders and overseas, to compensate, a system of "deferral" was put into place, so that the second bit of taxation is not owed unless a company decides to bring the money back into America. The business interest cap is yet another downfall of the Trump tax program. Often, businesses go to lending markets with the intent to raise capital as well as finance new investment. When the businesses do this, they must obviously pay an interest to their lenders. The Donald Trump plan caps the business interest deduction after a phase–in; what would be an ordinary and necessary business expense, that also helps to leverage new investment that might not otherwise happen, Trump puts a stop to. You may think that the Deemed Repatriation may be going toward Trump's proposed healthcare reform, but you can tell that his plan is inherently flawed when you look to what else Trump swears to achieve. Things like his plan to deport all illegal Mexican immigrants are ... Get more on ...
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  • 98. Economic Recovery Plan Essay Owning a home: the dream that every man dreams. The American dream is both a privilege and a burden. Typically, realizing a dream that you have had since maturity is pleasurable, however, for many Americans, the possibility of owning their own home is a temptation that burns too bright to resist. I live in Williamson County, in Tennessee, which, at one point, was ranked in the top ten wealthiest counties in the entire United States. The fact is this: if you live in Williamson County, you most likely have some money. I have seen firsthand how people are tricked into "Keeping up with the Jones'", and it is causing America as a whole to suffer financially. I think we can all agree that the majority of our current economic problems ... Show more content on ... f. the excess monies from the withholding penalty may not be used for anything purpose other than purchasing a home of renting an apartment/home. The excess withholding money expires and is returned to the federal government to be used expressly for social security, the day after the probationary time period ends. g. repeat offenders, or offenders who make a significant housing decision without consulting their probationary officer, during the probationary period will be imprisoned for 15 years. h. Once the full or settled amount has been paid, the offending financial institution will pay 1% of the full loan amount to the federal government to offset the costs of the bankruptcy, as well as any taxes that were not paid by the offender while in the program. i. Federal and state income taxes that are in excess of the typical withholding percentage from the paycheck can be waived during the specified period by the probationary officer. This may seem like a harsh penalty, however, let me explain the ethics behind my idea. I believe that there are consequences for bad actions. I believe that if you get greedy and purchase a home that you cannot afford then you deserve to be punished. However, it is very sad for me to see families suffer because their mother or father is imprisoned after poor financial decisions. This law would ensure that the offender ... Get more on ...
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  • 102. Why You Need Workforce Planning | Workforce, November 2002, pp. 46–50 Why You Need Workforce Planning Workforce planning lets HR manage talent shortages and surpluses. By understanding business cycles and tending to "talent pipelines" and current talent inventories, HR can act, instead of just react. By John Sullivan Workforce planning is one of the most important issues that human resources professionals are talking about today. Still, many have not gone beyond the talking stage. The task of actually implementing workforce planning is daunting because it is so difficult to define. The following suggestions are designed to demystify what workforce planning is and to discuss the reasons why every HR department should implement such an effort. Being prepared is ... Show more content on ... To further aggravate the problem, many HR departments have no formal strategy of any kind. When you stop HR people in the same department and independently ask them to name their department's strategy, more often than not you get a blank look. Rather than seeing the big picture, HR departments tend to develop programs only when a "crisis" occurs. It is infrequent that you find a systematic strategy, a forecast, and a plan to integrate HR. HR has two distinct reasons for planning ahead. The first reason is to lessen the impact of the boom–and–bust cycle on the management and operation of the HR department itself. The second––and perhaps more important––reason for planning ahead is that HR manages the talent pipeline for the organization. It's crucial to maintain both that pipeline and the talent "inventory" at the right levels. Unfortunately, HR is notorious for first "over hiring" and then not having the capacity to reduce the workforce to necessary levels without inflicting major damage on employee morale. | Unfortunately, HR is notorious for first "over hiring" and then not having the capacity to reduce the workforce to necessary levels without inflicting major damage on employee morale. In contrast, during the boom phases, HR processes, which were designed for the average load, can't handle the overload requirements of high–volume hiring and retention issues. Fortunately, there is ... Get more on ...
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  • 106. Economic Development Of Indonesi A Long Term Plan Economic development in Indonesia began in early 1970. Indonesia had a low income per capita compared with other developing countries such as India, Bangladesh or Nigeria. As one of the poorest country in the world, Indonesia faced many challenges to cater its inhabitants, for example more than half of the population was living in absolute poverty. This condition made Indonesia had a low life expectancy because lack of health infrastructure such as hospital and medical workers. Some regions faced a disease outbreak that caused by poor sanitation accompany by poor nutrient. In education, many adult people did not join in a basic education level, such as primary and secondary school. It made the illiteracy rate higher among workforce age. ... Show more content on ... The budged allocation had a negative influence for other government projects such as road and irrigation ,which is supporting infrastructure(R R Piggott et al. 1993). Moreover, reducing dependency in rice import, government main strategy is to exploitation natural resource that could generate other economic benefit such as employment. Primary sectors were the main driver for Indonesian economies in the first term development. The primary sectors such as minerals, agricultural products, fishery products and forestry resources contribute almost 60 % from the total Indonesian GDP. Industrialisation process in that era had a small contribution not only in the second stage process, such as swan wood into furniture, but also in the first stage, such as timber into swans. The industries contribute only less than 5 % from total GDP. In addition, more than 90 % of export value came from the primary sector and the primary sectors were also provided more than 75 % employment (Calkins et al. 1994). This data could draw the importance of the natural resource in Indonesia for the economic development. This condition gave significant impact on the environment. Massive Investment in agriculture and the introducing new farming technique could increase the prosperity. The farmers were encouraged to adopt the modern farming technique using better varieties and fertilizer along with a huge subsidize. Java Island with high ... Get more on ...
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  • 110. Planning Consultants Of Somersworth, New Hampshire According to the planning consultants of Somersworth, New Hampshire (2010) a new Master Plan has been revised for a vision into 2020 due to significant investment in both the private and public sector. Somersworth is currently undergoing significant change since 2000 and these modifications to the city allow for several social and economic opportunities in the area. Development and redevelopment that has occurred since 2000 has been the relocation of both City Hall and the Police Department, the renovation of an old mill building into residential units and small business offices, an expansion of retail development and medical offices, constructing a connector road from High Street to Route 108, establishing business parks, developing a golf course and a recreational facility, upgrading the wastewater treatment facilities, and lastly, dedicating land acquisition to conservation purposes (Master Plan Update, 2010). The basis of this paper is to layout improvements that can be made to the Master Plan of Somersworth, as well as provide improvements for the community. One of the most prominent assets to the Master Plan was appointing a committee for the 2020 Vision in hopes to create a positive future. Some of the goals the committee is striving to accomplish are as follows: an ability to take a strategic goal and turn it into a practical plan, an incorporation of a revitalization plan, an evaluation of new ways for economic growth, enabling a conservation plan for a sustainable ... Get more on ...
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  • 114. The European Economic Recovery Plan EU as a whole experienced significant economic slowdown in 2008, as reported by the EU commission . In response to this in 2008, the European Economic Recovery Plan (EERP) was launched. The plan aimed to increase demand by bolstering purchasing power, revive the labor markets, and raise confidence in the financial system. Since the EU is only a common currency union and not fiscal union, it limited the ability of EU leaders and institutions to respond. In result, the crisis escalated and in 2009 the European debt crises hit the EU. During this period, some EU members were unable to pay their government debt or to bail out their indebted banks on their own and called to EU financial entities for help. In 2010 leading European countries created various entities such as the European Stability Mechanism (ESM) to deal with the crisis, while the Central European bank (ECB) helped by providing cheap loans and reduced interest rates in order to sustain the money flow between European banks. As a result, European banks became owners of substantial portion of sovereign debt. Due to these stabilizing measures Ireland and Portugal were able to complete their bailout plans in 2014, Cyprus is expected to complete its bailout in 2016, while Spain never received bailout assistance and is slowly recovering. Greece experienced the most dramatic crisis in 2015, since the state was on the verge of financial default. Greece refused to accept the repayment conditions offered by the ECB, and ... Get more on ...
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  • 118. Economic Impact Of The Clean Power Plan This paper explores the economic impact the Clean Power Plan, as proposed by President Obama, would have on the coal industry and on society as a whole. The plan, also known as the CPP, has a goal of reducing carbon dioxide emissions by the year 2030. Many proponents of the coal industry claim that the CPP would harm the United States economy with little positive impact on the environment. The White House, other government agencies, scholarly organizations, and organizations regarding the protection of human health and the environment dispute these claims, stating that the CPP would actually lead to a net increase in employment, increased air quality, and an overall healthier society, all while promoting the renewable energy sector. After analyzing the data from both sides, it was determined in this paper that the overall benefits of the Clean Power Plan outweigh the costs, therefore the plan should go forward as planned. Introduction On August 3, 2015, President Obama announced new carbon pollution standards for power plants under the Clean Power Plan (CPP).[1] The purpose of the plan was to decrease carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions to promote better air quality. This plan will impact not only coal fired power plants and the coal industry, but also individuals who live around them and the greater populous. This paper seeks to answer if such a plan should go forward and the impacts of such a plan on the parties listed above. To answer this question, this paper will look ... Get more on ...
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  • 122. Economic Plan University College Dublin National University Of Ireland, Dublin Management Accounting (MA) MAIN ASSIGNMENT NUID: BSc 14B Finance Lecturer: Jane Cao Name: Pham Thi Thanh Dung Student Number: 10286411 Date of submission: Nov 28, 2011 I declare that all materials include in this essay/report/project/dissertation is the end result of my own work and that due acknowledgement have been given in the bibliography and references to ALL sources be they printed, electronic or personal. Confirmation Certificate Congratulations! You have successfully completed the Library Plagiarism Quiz. Student Name: ..................................... Student Number: ................................. Date: ... Show more content on ... At the heart of this flexibility is the fact that ABC systems focus on accumulating costs via several key activities. By focusing on specific activities, ABC systems provide Jason cost allocation information–especially when costs are caused by non–volume–based cost drivers. How ABC system will remedy any problems with the current costing system? The ABC system can improve product cost. III– Calculation: a) Rate of each activity: Product design = = $50/design hour Unique parts = = $80/unique part Inspection = = $6.25/inspection Setup = = $31.25/setup Labor–related OH = = 80% of direct labor cost Depreciation of plant and equipment = = 80/machine hours Cost allocation: (Monitor) Product design = 47 × $50 = $2,350 Unique parts = 17 × $80 = $1,360 Inspection = 225 × $6.25 = $1,406.25
  • 123. Setup = 1 × $31.25 = $31.25 Machine hour = 112 × $80 = $8,960 Labor–related OH cost = 80% × 25 × 900 = $18,000 Total OH cost = $2,350 + $1,360 + $1,406.25 + $31.25 + $8,960 + $18,000 = 32,107.5 OH cost/unit = = $35.675 Direct material 250 Direct labor 25 | Total unit cost $310.675 Analyzer Product design = 110 × $50 = ... Get more on ...
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  • 127. The Apec Economic Blueprint : The Asean Economic Plan Essay AEC 2015 – The ASEAN Economic Blueprint Develops The 1967 five founding nations of ASEAN (The Association of Southeast Asian Nations) now number ten nations who are: Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. The ASEAN today, collectively is a market of some 600 million people. The GDP today is over US$1.8 trillion. This trade bloc is located between India and China making it the third Asian market in terms of it emergence as a trading bloc. ""The deadline set for 31 December 2015 for the "full" integration of the member states into the ASEAN Economic Community seems to have been more a symbolic onset of formal obligations in a long process where various policy and industry commitments have been made. The ASEAN Economic Community 2015 Blueprint was worked on from 2008 until 2015. It described four large ASEAN goals. Those goals were (1) Single Market and Production Base, (2) Competitive Economic Region (3) Equitable Economic Development and (4) Integration Into the Global Economy. (AECat–a–glance–2016_web_version2.pdf ) Of the four identified commitments perhaps the most significant in terms of its effects on the business community is "Single Market and Production Base." Many attempts describe what is meant by the phrase "Single Market and Production Base." This paper agrees a single production base and market allows businesses to tap into products and services complementary in the region. The need is to ... Get more on ...
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  • 131. Economic Situation And Plans For Future Economic Growth Current economic situation and plans for future economic growth (Tleu) High level of oil–dependency Azerbaijan is an oil–rich country whose gross national income per capita has increased approximately ten times since 2001. Economic growth has been driven by the exploration and development of oil and gas reserves, high levels of public expenditure, and state reforms to support a market–based economy. Despite significant growth, the economy of Azerbaijan remains largely dependent on the extraction and production of oil, which amounted to about 40% of GDP, 95% of national exports and 64 % of total fiscal revenues in 2013–2014. The Azerbaijan's economy is currently facing challenging pressures related to the decline in the oil prices ... Show more content on ... The increasing share of the oil sector lasted until 2010 when the oil boom ended. Up to 2009, the country had been infected by oil euphoria, and within 5 years the non–oil share in total GDP decreased from 70% to 45%. Oil contributions to the State Budget are illustrated in the pie–charts below: The share of non–oil revenues in the State Budget are given in the graph as well: The graph shows that the share of the State Budget's income as a share of GDP around 34.20%, in comparison with other countries' practices, this percentage is appropriate. But taking into consideration the income from oil revenues, the reality of the budget does not seem so positive. Non–oil public revenues are predicted to be around only 10.66% of GDP. Economy diversification and development of non–oil industries are crucial In light of decreasing oil revenues, Azerbaijan's economy strongly feels a need for diversification to prevent possible future economic default, since the era of high oil prices has passed. This economic diversification could be achieved as the following conditions apply: · Decreasing of infrastructure costs in order to save financial resources to invest in non–oil related industries; · Review and develop a new oil revenue management strategy; · Boosting of liberalization of the Azerbaijani economy and development of competition in all sectors. Currently the government's direct and ... Get more on ...
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  • 135. Pursuing Government Contracts Acquisition planning and documentation is an important factor for any vendor wanting to do business with the government. The acquisition plan will ensure acquisition objectives to include technical, business, management and other important factors that will control the acquisition, which are addressed and consistent with applicable U.S Statutes while ensuring the best interest of the government is secure. In order to be considered for a government contract the acquisition and planning strategy should pinpoint the strategy the vendor intends to use, all while gaining a sense of what will need to be done in order to accomplish the agency needs. The plan must address all the technical, business, management, and other important matters that the ... Show more content on ... Smith, Inc. (KSI) a small floor refinishing business that provides a specialty coating product for ceramic tile and marble floors. KSI is a Jacksonville based flooring contractor that has chosen residential new homes as their niche. Water Tubes will be able to handle any service request for specialty flooring needs or custom specialty coating product for ceramic tile and marble floors. By concentrating on a specific segment of the market, KSI will be able to rapidly gain market share, demonstrating proficiency and professionalism in serving both commercial and government spaces. In order to secure a government contract KSI will begin with a market research to find out if the U.S Navy is procuring these types of professional services. There are a vast amount sources that will provide needed data for prospective federal contractors. By using sites such The Federal Procurement Data Center (FPDC), Federal Acquisition Jump Station and FedBizzOpps (FBO). KSI will have a better under of the Navy's needs with the use of the services these sites provide. The U.S. Navy would be able to use KSI's services both on land and sea since the decks of the ships will also need to be ... Get more on ...
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  • 139. Pros And Cons Of Baby Boomers The group of people who are referred to as the baby boomers, are people who were born in the recent years following World War II. This boom in the population took place form 1946 until 1964 when the birth rate finally tapered off. By 1964 there were 76.4 million "baby boomers" in the United States which made up almost forty percent of the nation population at the time (Baby Boomers). Baby Boomers make up about 30 percent of the workforce today. Due to the proximity of their ages this means they will all be retiring around the same time. This causes a major issue for organizations: how will they transfer the knowledge base and skill set of their retiring employees, the Baby Boomers, without the loss of production and efficiency? This question needs to be answered and for these organizations, this means coming up with a plan in order to transfer the ... Show more content on ... This type of one on one training would be the best way to minimize loss of production and to maintain efficiency. Due to the one on one nature of the mentor solution, the new employees would be able to get a full picture of the position through their opportunity to ask important clarifying questions. In this way, the mentor program is individualized to the employee. They are able to learn the job at their own pace, and manner. However, the biggest con to this plan is the cost. This plans makes the organization increase their number of employees therefore they would be losing money through payroll. Another downside is the time consuming nature of this solution. Due to the individualization of the plan it takes a lot of time, which costs the company money. This plan would take months to execute effectively, and because the new employees would be learning on the job, there would also be a risk of error in their daily ... Get more on ...
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  • 143. Statecrafts If I was in the role of a senior adviser to the President of the United States will view strategy and grand strategy with such skillful management and wise intelligence of state affairs. Strategy may be defined as an overall plan that is crafted with a series of actions and support in order to increase favorable possibilities of victory, or winning favorable goals to their interests and purpose (Heuser, 2010). Strategy may include the uses of the country's instruments of power, usually military forces. However, statecrafts have to keep in mind that the conflicting side may have the common interest and a common strategy. Strategy itself is not only a concept, but "an inherent element of statecraft at all times" (Heuser, 2010). As for grand strategy, according to Bands, is defined as the theory "that binds a country's highest interests to its daily interactions with the world" (Bands, 2012). In order for a grand strategy to be successful, strategists should understand what the country's interests are, what potential threats are preventing the country to accomplish those interests, and what resources does the country have in order to stop the threat and successfully reach those interests. Which brings in what instruments of power the country might use to reach ... Show more content on ... To produce a good strategy, the strategist should not depend so much on the first strategy, rather, the strategists must be ready to change strategy when encountering with the enemy. The reason why is that every situation could change immediately, and depending on its outcome there may be a possibility that something happened that could "not have been expected earlier" (Heuser, ... Get more on ...
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  • 147. A Green Economic Plan For The Environment Essay With the deterioration of numerous environments around the globe, and the increased phenomena of anthropogenic climate change, it is evident that changes must take course and the protection of the environment become a crucial aspect embedded in social, political, and economic change. With this understanding, many nations across the globe have adopted a green economic plan that aims to reduce the impact upon the natural environment, whilst also ensuring economic benefit; however, establishing a strong green economic plan that targets the reduction of impact upon the environment can be a financially difficult process, particularly for nations that do not possess the adequate funding. Considering this, many nations in this position partner up with other nations so that the necessary funding can be fulfilled. Guyana is a sovereign state situated in South America that is known to have exceptionally high rates of deforestation for the past several years. Considering this, Norway has taken on the initiative to provide monetary incentives that will fuel Guyana 's green economy on the basis that deforestation rates are reduced. Exploring the GRIF project will provide a unique outlook on specifically how economic investments can promote a green economy, and, subsequently, propose a model that presents a scenario in which the reduction of the global impact upon the natural environment can be achieved. The Guyana REDD+ Investment Fund Various initiatives, such as Reducing Emissions ... Get more on ...
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  • 151. Economic Growth From The Plan economic growth from the plan," he said, "it still wouldn't be able to claw back the revenue losses." (LA Times). In addition to these steps, Trump proposes to eliminate carried interest breaks. Currently private equity investors and hedge funds pay a tax rate of 23.8%. Under Trump's proposal their earnings would be classed as ordinary income and be taxed at 25%, however under the current taxation system they pay 39.6%, so although as a corporate entity the earnings under capital gains tax would go from 23.8% to 25%, under his model as ordinary income those people who manage the hedge fund or equity investment company would see a drop in personal tax of 14.6%. When asked what loopholes he intended to close, he became vague, some ... Show more content on ... The top 1 percent of all taxpayers would see a 21.6 percent increase in after–tax income." Table 4. Distributional Analysis for Donald Trump 's Tax Reform Plan Effect of Tax Reform on After–Tax Income Compared to Current Law All Returns by Decile Static Distributional Analysis Dynamic Distributional Analysis 0% to 10% 1.4% 10.7% 10% to 20% 0.6% 10.6% 20% to 30% 1.2% 11.5% 30% to 40% 3.0% 14.3% 40% to 50% 5.3% 17.7% 50% to 60% 7.2% 19.5% 60% to 70% 8.0% 19.7% 70% to 80% 8.3% 19.4% 80% to 90% 8.9% 19.5% 90% to 100% 14.6% 22.6% 99% to 100% 21.6% 27.0% TOTAL FOR ALL 10.2% 20.0% Source: Tax Foundation Taxes and Growth Model, Sept. 2015. Donald Trump's tax plan would enact a number of tax reforms that would both lower marginal tax rates on workers and significantly reduce the cost of capital. These changes in the incentives to work and invest would greatly increase the U.S. economy's size in the long run, leading to higher incomes for taxpayers at all income levels. The plan would also be a large tax cut, which would increase the federal government's deficit by over $10 trillion, both on a static and dynamic basis. Finally, it is worth noting that the Taxes and Growth Model does not take into account the fiscal or economic effects of interest on debt. It also does not require budgets to balance over the long term. It also does not account for
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  • 156. Poland 's Economic Reform Plan Of 1989 The year of 1989 is generally regarded as a watershed moment in the history of Eastern Europe–the one which effectively ended the dominance of Communist politics in the region formerly known as the Soviet Bloc. Comprised of Poland, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania, and East Germany, this region was politically and economically depended on the Soviet Union that largely dictated the official ideological orientation of the Soviet Bloc nations. In 1989, the region's dependence on the Soviet Union effectively came to an end along with the communist hegemony in Eastern Europe. At the same time, Eastern Europeans finally discovered the opportunity to make a transition from centralized socialism to democratic and decentralized form of market economy that was largely modeled on the Western democracies. The following chapter examines the extent to which Western theoretical and institutional trends influenced Poland's economic reform plan of 1989. At the same time, it seeks to account for Poland's own local tradition of neoliberal thought. In so doing, it aims to dispel the oversimplified interpretation of the transnational exchange between Polish and American economists according to which the former had to learn from scratch while the former assumed the role of educators. As various commentators have observed, the Eastern European transition to market economy took Western neoliberalism as its principal ideological model. It is no secret, for instance, that Jeffrey ... Get more on ...