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                       National Guard
                      Black Belt Training

                          Module 53

                        Process Control

                                            UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO

CPI Roadmap – Control
                                                             8-STEP PROCESS
                                                                                                       6. See
   1 Validate          2. Identify           3. Set          4. Determine         5. Develop                            7. Confirm     8. Standardize
      the             Performance         Improvement            Root              Counter-                              Results         Successful
    Problem               Gaps              Targets              Cause            Measures                              & Process         Processes

        Define                  Measure                       Analyze                          Improve                        Control

                       •   Implement Mistake Proofing
                                                                                 •Control Charts & SPC
                       •   Develop SOP’s, Training Plan, Process
                                                                                 •Standard Operating Procedures (SOP’s)
                                                                                 •Training Plan
                       •   Implement Solution
                                                                                 •Communication Plan
                       •   Establish Ongoing Process Measurements
                                                                                 •Implementation Plan
                       •   Identify Project Replication Opportunities
                                                                                 •Process Control / Response Plans
                       •   Estimate Final Financial/Operational Benefits
                                                                                 •Visual Process Control Tools
                       •   Transition Project to Process Owner
                                                                                 •Project Replication
                       •   Develop Audit/Response Plan
                                                                                 •Project Commissioning
                       •   Create Final Storyboard
                       •   Complete Control Tollgate
                                                                                 •Team Feedback Session

                       Note: Activities and tools vary by project. Lists provided here are not necessarily all-inclusive.            UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO

 Learning Objectives
          Apply the concepts of Control Plans to process
          improvement projects
          i           t   j t
          Apply the concepts of Standard Operating Procedures
          to process improvement processes

                                Process Control            UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO

 Control Phase Tasks
     After developing and implementing a pilot:
     1. Validate the measurement system for the
        KPOV(s) and critical KPIV(s)
                                                                We discussed these tools earlier
     2. Implement the improvements
     3. Create a process control system to make sure that the
        improved process stays in control
                      Document th appropriate procedures f monitoring th process,
                      D         t the         i t       d     for      it i the
                      including how to react if it goes out of control
                      Development of the process control system really gets started early
                      in your p j
                         y    project but is implemented in the Control Phase

     4. Process Documentation and Standard Operating Procedures
     5. Project closure and commissioning
                                                              We will discuss this tool later

                                            Process Control                              UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO

 Measurement System Analysis
          When collecting data as part of our control system,
          we must verify th t th
                t    if that there i not excessive
                                   is t         i
          measurement system variation present.
          This really should have been done prior to conducting
            h      ll h ld h       b     d                d
          significant analysis but now is your absolute last
          To validate the measurement system, you should use
          the same process that you learned in the MSA
          modules in Measure

                                Process Control          UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO

 Determine Process Capability
          Process capability is the measure for how a process is
          Verify that our process is doing better, we need to re-
          calculate that number now
          Recalculate during the pilot phase to confirm the
          capability has improved, then calculate it again after
          the improvement has gone live in the workplace
                 The second "real-world" calculation should only happen
                 after enough time has passed to allow sufficient
                 sampling and the process is in control
                 For the purpose of this training, that means after you
                 have completed the Control tasks
                                     Process Control           UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO

 Improvement Confirmation
          Confirmation in Six Sigma means statistics that will
          b k up your decisions.
                       d i i
          We will be using calculations that you have already
          learned in process capability and hypothesis testing
          l     d                 bl      dh      h
          This means comparing the mean and standard
          deviation of the original data collected with data
          collected after the improvement

                                 Process Control          UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO

                       National Guard
                      Black Belt Training

                         Control Plans

                                            UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO

 Cultural Issues and Control
          If data has been used to develop the solution, if it fails, it is
          usually not due to technical issues
          Acceptance by the people in the process (cultural issues) often
          determines success or failure
          Force Field Analysis helps to identify and mitigate cultural risk
          Driving forces are things that can or will drive the organization
          to implement the change
          Restraining forces are things that can or will drive the
          organization to reject the change
          Key: Strengthen driving forces and/or weaken restraining

                                      Process Control                 UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO

 Exercise: Cultural Issues
          For your training project, complete a Force Field analysis
          for the implementation and control plans

            __________________ Project Implementation and Control

                      Driving Forces                     Restraining Forces

                                       Process Control                        UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO

 Maintaining the Improvement
          There are the three approaches you can use to
          maintain your process improvement.
            i t i               i          t
          They are not sequential, however there is somewhat
          of a h
           f hierarchy:
                 Risk Management
                 Mistake P
                 Mi t k Proofing
                      Both should be considered before or in tandem with a control
                      charting strategy, because they are strategies for avoiding
                      potential problems altogether
                 Control Charts can only monitor for potential
                 problems      All th ee app oaches must have
                                   three approaches m st ha e
                                    Control Plans to sustain the gains
                                           Process Control                UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO

 Mistake Proofing
          The best approach to process control is Mistake
          Proofing Mistake Proofing is a method for avoiding
          errors in a process
          The simplest definition of "Mistake Proofing” is that it
                                      Mistake Proofing
          is a technique for eliminating errors by making it
          impossible to make mistakes in the process
          Unfortunately, mistake proofing is not always possible
          or economically practical, therefore you must develop
          a plan with on-going monitoring

                                 Process Control           UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO

 Control Charts
          Control charts are essentially a feedback system
          Generating control charts requires on-going data
          collection on a process to monitor how it performed
          before and after the improvements
          b f       d f     h

                                Process Control          UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO

 Review of Control Charts
                Focuses attention on measuring and tracking
                                             g            g
                process variation over time
                Distinguishes between special and common
                      g                p
                causes of variation
                Used as a tool for process control (
                                   p               (can monitor
                inputs and outputs over time)
                Tracks process improvements in q
                        p         p            quality, cost
                and/or throughput
                Establishes a normative and uniform language
                                                       g g
                for comparing performance among processes
                                                            UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO

 Steps to Create Control Charts
              Determine where to use control charts
              Determine the control chart type, and then the sampling
              Collect data
              Calculate statistics
              Track data, remove causes for out-of-control points, and
              recalculate statistics. Repeat until stable.
              Develop action plan for out-of-control conditions
              Run the process over time

                                                                   UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO

 Creating Control Charts

                                                           ATTRIBUTE                      type          CONTINUOUS
                                                                                         of data

                                           type of
                  DEFECTS                                       DEFECTIVES

                                                                                       subgroup size       1                 2-7               8+

                    sample                                         sample
                      size                                           size
                                                                                                         I – MR             X–R              X–S
                                                                                                          Chart             Chart            Chart
      CONSTANT               VARIABLE             CONSTANT                  VARIABLE
                                                                                                       Individuals          Mean &           Mean &
                                                                                                        & Moving            Range           Std. Dev.

        C Chart               U Chart                                        P Chart

       Number of             Incidences               Number of             Proportion                               Choose Appropriate
       Incidences              per Unit               Defectives            Defective                                  Control Chart

                                                                                                                                          UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO

 Input vs. Output Measures
                      X      Y

                                 UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO

 Control Chart Advantages

                Systematic and efficient method for turning data into
                actionable information
                Lets people make decisions from FACTS
                     p p
                Highlights special cause impacts to a process
                Provides warning o deg ada o be o e making de ec
                  o des a        g of degradation before a g defect
                products / services
                Establishes controls for continuous improvement and
                shows evidence of i
                 h       id       f improvementst
                Involves everyone and builds worker knowledge of the

                                                                        UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO

 Show Control Chart Stages

                                                                       P Chart of Bad by Stage
                                                      Before                                     After
                                            0.6                          1



                                            0.3                                                                    UCL=0.3045

                                            0.1                                                                    P=0.1069

                                            0.0                                                                    LCL=0

                                                  1            3   5     7     9      11    13       15       17
                               Tests performed with unequal sample sizes

              Select stages under Options button in Minitab
                                                                                                          UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO

 Watch for Patterns
               Wrong process settings, error in measurement, subgrouping or
               plotting, incomplete operation, machine and tool breakdowns,
               power surge.

               Is the change sudden or gradual?
               Introduction of a new material, machine, operator, inspector or test
               set, new process controls, maintenance, process changes, change
               in proportion of materials from different sources.

               Tool or fixture wear, deterioration of materials, aging, changes in
               maintenance or calibration, environmental factors human factors,
                                calibration                 factors,        factors
               production schedules, gradual changes in materials or process,
               accumulation of waste products, machine warm-up.
                                                                              UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO

 Watch for Patterns
           Does the time period of the cycle suggest a cause?
           Environmental factors, worn locations on tools or fixtures, human factors, gage
           changes, voltage fluctuations, shift changes, systematic rotation of equipment or
           materials, merging of subassemblies or processes.

           Could each subgroup be a mixture of data from more than one source?
           Non-random sampling, miscalculation, i
           N      d         li      i   l l ti    incorrect chart t
                                                           t h t type, non-rational
                                                                              ti   l
           subgrouping, reduction in process variability, changes in inspection process.

           Could subgroups be coming from two sources alternately?
           Two or more different materials, operators, designs, or testers mixed in the
           process, over adjustments of the process, poor sampling procedures, control of
           two or more processes on the same chart

                                                                                   UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO

 Implementation Notes
          Use Control Charts where it will be of benefit
          Design the improvements and monitor their impact
          over time
          Train everyone on how to read control charts
          Create a control plan to identify “triggers” to watch
          and “responses” to implement

                      Beware: Graphs can be misleading

                                                           UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO

 What Is a Control Plan?
         Control plans provide a written summary description of the
         systems used i minimizing process and service variation
            t        d in i i i i             d     i      i ti
         Control plans do not replace information contained in
         detailed instructions
         In a grand sense the control plan describes the actions that
         are required at each phase of the process including
         receiving, in-process, outgoing, and periodic requirements
         to assure that all process outputs will be in a state of
         Ultimately, the control plan is a living document reflecting
         current methods of control and measurement systems used

                                  Process Control            UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO

 Control Plan Minimum Requirements
     1. Identify the process that is being controlled
     2. Identify measures (numbers) to be monitored
     3. Identify “trigger point” values for each measure where
                  trigger point
        action should be taken
     4 Identify action to be taken when a “trigger point” is
                                           trigger point
     5 Identify who is responsible for taking action when a
        “trigger point” is reached

                               Process Control          UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO

 Elements of Process Control Plans
          Holds the performance gains made
          Assists in highlighting opportunities for further
          improvement activities
          Is a living document
                 Adjusted as conditions change and further
                 improvements made
                 Has formal provision for periodic review
          Is interesting and easy to understand – use pictures
          and colors

                                     Process Control          UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO

 Why Is a Process Control Plan Necessary?
         Processes have a tendency to degrade over time
         Also, at this stage, the process is generally moving
         beyond the hands of the CPI team
         Those who are responsible for continuing the process
         need a clear understanding of how to implement it
         consistently and steps to take if it gets out of control
         The improved process needs to be communicated to
         all involved parties through documentation and
                      p            g
         A data collection plan is also necessary to test the
         improved process and confirm that the solutions are
         i       d            d      fi   h   h     l i
         indeed having positive impact                                     26
                                 Process Control           UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO

 Existing Control Documentation
         Many processes already have in place what are called
         "quality plans" to ensure each service characteristic or sub-
         "   lit l     "t             h     i    h    t i ti        b
         process stays in conformance with their overall process
         You should take into consideration any existing quality
         plans as part of establishing a process control system for
         your project
              The existing plan may include process procedures and
              tolerances, as well as items to be monitored for control and
              response plans in the event of a process breakdown. These
                 p       p                      p
              can inform your own control plan
              Your improved sub-process may have an impact on the
              quality plan, so you need to include changes to it as part of
              your documentation
                                      Process Control               UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO

 Process Control Plan Header
          Control Plan Number (for Doc. Control)
          Date revised and effective date
          Contact person who “owns” Control Plan
          Team personnel that created Plan
          Service or Product numbers/processes that Plan
          applies to
          Other identification notes

                                 Process Control       UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO

 Process Control Plan Body – 1
          Following the layout of the new Process Map, list the
          process operation steps and f each:
                        ti   t       d for   h
                 Number of the step
                 Name of step (
                 N       f t (operation or action t b d
                                       ti       ti to be done))
                 Tools and/or guides used to assist operation
                 Characteristics of the process step (KPIVs)
                 Characteristics of the step outcomes (KPOVs)
                 Any special notation for a characteristic ?
                 (Safety or environmental issue?)

                                     Process Control              UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO

 Process Control Plan Body – 2
         Proposed specs for each KPIV and KPOV including the
         t l
         Evaluation or measurement technique - how to monitor the
         variable meets the specification or tolerance
              For each characteristic called out
              Attribute or Variable
              How measurement will be done (tool and SOP)
              Sample size and frequency
         Control/monitoring method
         Reaction plan for when KPIV/KPOV goes out of spec
                  p                       g            p

                                    Process Control         UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO

 Control Plan Strategy
          The intent of an effective control plan strategy is to:
                 Operate our processes consistently on target with
                 minimum variation
                 Minimize process tampering (over-adjustment)
                                             (over adjustment)
                 Assure that the process improvements that have been
                 identified and implemented become institutionalized
                 Provide for adequate training in all procedures
                 Include required maintenance schedules

                              Revise Perodically

                                    Process Control           UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO

 Documenting the Control Plan
                                                  Process                                                  Current
                                                                      Cpk /Date       Measurement   %R&R             Sample    Sample
    Process   Process Step   Input   Output   Specification (LSL,                                          Control                      Reaction Plan
                                                                    (Sample Size)       System      %P/T              Size    Frequency
                                                USL, Target)                                               Method

         For Key Process Input and Key Process Output variables, the measurement
         system and measurement system capability should be identified
          y                        y        p    y
         Targets and specification limits for Key Process Input Variables and Key Process
         Output variables are recorded
         For inputs and outputs, the process capability should be calculated
         The specifics of the sampling plan with associated reaction plan for out-of-spec
         conditions should be listed
         This document is an extension of the Current Controls column of the FMEA

                                                                    Process Control                                               UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO

 FMEA In Control Planning
          The FMEA should be a primary source for the identification of key
          variables to control and for an initial evaluation of current control plans

                                                                                                 S                                        O
                      Key Process
    Process Step                      Potential Failure Mode    Potential Failure Effects        E           Potential Causes             C            Current Controls
                                                                                                 V                                        C

                                                             Process                                                            Current
                                                                                  Cpk /Date          Measurement     %R&R                     Sample    Sample
      Process      Process Step     Input      Output    Specification (LSL,                                                    Control                          Reaction Plan
                                                                                (Sample Size)          System        %P/T                      Size    Frequency
                                                           USL, Target)                                                         Method

                                                                               Process Control                                                           UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO

 Control Plan Development
         Continuous variables:
         determine optimal operating
         window (specifications)
         Discrete/attribute variables:
                                                                                                                Cpk /D
                                                Process   Process Step   Input   Output   Specification (LSL,
                                                                                            USL, Target)
                                                                                            US T         )

         determine optimal setting,
         procedure, material, etc.
         Uncontrollable noise
         U     t ll bl    i
         variables: determine
         acceptable operating windows
         f compensating variables
                        i     i bl

                                     Process Control                                            UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO

 Control Plan Development Control Methods
         For Controllable
         Variables:                                                                                Statistical Process C t l
                                                                                                   St ti ti l P        Control
              Inspection and Test Methods                                                             Choice of control chart(s)
                                                                                                      and sampling plan
              Standard Operating Procedures
              (“SOPs”), Checklists                                                                    Procedures for identifying
                                                                                                      P o ed e fo identif ing
                                                                                                      and responding to out-of-
              Mistake-proofing systems and                                                            control points and
              devices                                                                                 undesirable trends
                  Color tags                                                                          Procedures for preventing
                  Single use devices                                                                  recurrence of special causes
                                                                                                   Automated process control
                       on     Cpk /Da te       Me a sure m e nt   %R&R   Curre nt Control   Sa m
                      L,    (Sa m ple Size )    Te chnique         P/T       Me thod         S

                                                                    Process Control                                     UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO

 Control Plan Development Control Methods
         For Noise (Uncontrollable
         Input) Variables:
              Compensate with changes to
              KPIVs (based on known
              relationships not tweaking or
              Define shutdown conditions
                                                           on     Cpk /Date     Measurement   %R&R   Current Control   Sam

              Use alternative quality control              L,   (Sample Size)    Technique     P/T       Method         S

              procedures (inspection, sorting,
              rework, etc.)

                                         Process Control                                              UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO

 Control Methods Takeaways
          Changes in the process require changes to the control
            th d
          Control methods identify person responsible for
          control of each critical variable and details about how
                l f     h        l      bl    dd     l b      h
          to react to out-of-control conditions (see next slide)
          Control methods include a training plan and process
          auditing system
          Complicated methods can be referenced by document
          number and location

                                 Process Control          UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO

 Reaction Plans
     Holding the Gain
          Monitor and respond to problems
          Manage the process day-to-day
                             day to day
          Practice continuous improvement

                       When you improve a process and
                         h                               d
                      hold the gain, it ensures your efforts
                             have not been in vain

                                     Process Control           UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO

 Reaction Plan and Procedures
         Actions should be the
         responsibility of people
         closest to the process
         The reaction plan can
         simply refer to an SOP and
         identify the person                          R
                                                                    Sample    Sample

         responsible for the reaction
                                                          Control                        Reaction Plan
                                                                     Size       q    y
                                                          M th d

         In all cases, suspect or
         nonconforming service must
         be clearly identified and
         Can be built from the FMEA
                                    Process Control                                            UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO

 Building a Reaction Plan
     1.Examine Each Key Step in the Process
         Entire SIPOC

     2.Apply Preventive Planning
         What could go wrong?
         How would we respond – contingency?
         Who would be responsible?

     3.Set “Trigger” Measures
          Wh would warrant response?
                    ld             ?

     4.Document the Plan
         Key ingredient for Process Management
                              Process Control    UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO

 Examples of Reaction Plans
          Adjust the machine and recheck
          Separate service and quarantine
          Return to supplier / previous process step
          Notify supervisor
          Resource shift

          NOTE: Area personnel will typically have a list of items to
          check when a characteristic wanders out of control

                                    Process Control               UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO

 Reaction Types
                                This type of control involves making a process adjustment to bring the
                                variable back into control without identifying or correcting the factor

                                which caused the situation


                                In this type of control action, the cause of the variation is identified and
                                corrected temporarily. The problem may reappear soon.


                                In this type of action, the cause of the variation is identified and
                                permanently corrected. The cause will not happen again or at least will
                                not occur as often.

                   Typically, unsuccessful control programs utilize only compensating
                 actions. Focus control plan response on preventative action. Examples
                      i l d root cause analysis, personnel training, preventative
                                  t          l i            lt i i           t ti
                   maintenance, controller tuning and replacing defective equipment.
                                                       Process Control                           UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO

 How to Take Preventative Action
         When an undocumented out-of-control condition occurs, a cross-
         functional team consisting mainly of area personnel process
         engineers, and supervisors identify the variable to be controlled
         and follow these steps:
          1. Prepare or update a process flow diagram of the system
          2. A cause/effect (fishbone) diagram is prepared illustrating
             possible causes of variation in the process
                      Four basic areas to center on are: manpower, materials, methods, and
          3 The team selects the most likely causes from the list
          4. Starting with the most likely causes, root causes of the
             variation are identified. Ask “WHY?” five times!

                            Find root causes, not likely causes!
                                               Process Control                   UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO

 How to Take Preventative Action (Cont.)
     5. Prepare a Reaction Plan for each out-of-control condition
             Causes are placed in the order that they should be checked, the most likely
             C             l  d i th    d th t th      h ld b h k d th          t lik l
             or easiest to check first
             The team determines compensating actions to take should no cause be

     6. The Reaction Plan is reviewed by the team and the process
        experts for modifications. The team determines how the plan
        will be documented and how to train the work force
     7. Corrective action (permanent ones!) assignments are made and
        followed up to prevent recurrence!
     8. Define a plan to collect data on how often the reaction plan is
        used and how well it works. Review results quarterly
                                                     q       y

                                           Process Control                    UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO

 Trouble Shooting
          A control plan is a logical, systematic approach for
          finding d
          fi di and correcting root causes of out-of-control
                             ti       t         f t f      t l
          conditions, and will be a valuable tool for process
          A key advantage of the reaction plan form is its use
          as a troubleshooting guide for area personnel
                 A systematic guide of what to look for during upset
                 conditions is valuable on its own

                                     Process Control            UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO

 R&R Leave Program Example
PROJECT NAME                       DIVISION                                                    DIVISION CHIEF                                 DATE
USCENTCOM R&R Leave Program        Human Relations Readiness Division, HRPD                    COL Donna Alberto                              3/31/2007
BRANCH CHIEF                       PROCESS OWNERS                                              RESPONSIBLE CONTROL MANAGER
LTC Frazlier Pope                  Army G-1, USCENTCOM, CFLCC, TRANSCOM                        Stewart Goesch                                 MONTHLY REPORT

                                                                                                            Applicable Control Charts and Metrics
                                    Responsible                                                              Upper      Lower
Action          Control Action                                                                   Target
                                     Individual              Freq.        Process Step                       Control    Control      Current                     Reaction Plan
Number                                                                                           Value
                                                                                                              Limit      Limit
                                   LTC Rivera; LTC                       Project PAX 90,
                                                                                                  100%                                        If pax projection accuracy drops below 85%, CFLCC will
    1     PAX Projections          Coperhaven; LTC Daily/Monthly         60, 30, 6 days and
                                                                                                               100%        85%       88%      automatically reduce PAX estimates by 5-10%
                                                                                                                                                                                      5 10%
                                   K                                     48 h out
                                   Mike Phillips                                                                                              If pax seat fill accuracy drops below 85% (e.g. over
                                   (with Dave                            Order                    100%                                        15% excess seats continuously ordered), G-1 will
    2     Aircraft/Seat Orders
                                   Hamilton & LTC
                                                                         Seats/Aircraft          Accurate
                                                                                                               100%        85%       92%      automatically reduce PAX seat estimates forwarded to
                                   Knott)                                                                                                     AMC by 5-10%
                                                                                                                                              If Fill Rate drops below 65%, recommend switch to 2-1-
    3     Fill Rate                Stewart Goesch        Daily/Monthly   Monitor Fill Rate         80%            75%      65%       64%      2-1 for 17-30 days and then monitor for improvements
                                                                                                                                              If Number of Unfilled Seats reaches 3811, recommend
                                                                         Monitor Unfilled
    4     Unfilled Seats           Stewart Goesch        Daily/Monthly
                                                                                                 2,500/Mo    4,000/Mo       0        3,811    switch to 2-1-2-1 for 17-30 days and then monitor for
                                                                                                                                              If Avg Cost Per PAX exceeds $2,500 and we are
                                                                                                                                              ordering 2 aircraft, switch to 2-1-2-1 for 17-30 days and
                                                                         Monitor Cost Per                                                     then monitor for improvements; if we are ordering one
    5     Average Cost Per PAX     Stewart Goesch        Daily/Monthly
                                                                                                  $1,894       $2,500     $1,515    $2,609    aircraft, and the total numbers are less than 100,
                                                                                                                                              attempt to sell back mission and utilize commercial air
                                                                                                                                              If holdover count exceeds 0, first utilize extra seats on
                                   Mike Phillips (with                                                          50                            aircraft $178/PAX, then consider utilization up to 100
    6     Holdovers                Dave Hamilton & LTC   Daily/Monthly   Monitor Holdovers          0
                                                                                                            (24-48 hrs)
                                                                                                                            0         55      seats commercial, then holdover for 24 hrs, and fly out
                                                                                                                                              FIFO on very next mission
                                   Mike Phillips (with                   Order Second                                                         If substained pax average projected over 370 PAX /day,
    7     Second Aircraft Orders   Dave Hamilton & LTC   Daily/Monthly
                                                                                                   355            370      330        222     consider ordering second aircraft
                                   Mike Phillips (with                                                                                        Attempt sell back-any msn with less than 50 PAX
    8     Aircraft Sell Backs      Dave Hamilton & LTC   Daily/Monthly   Sell Back Aircraft        355            50        0         75      projected

    9     PAX Flown                LTC Knott             Daily/Monthly   PAX Flown                 N/A      N/A            N/A      10,300    N/A

                                                                                             Process Control                                                         UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO

 Questions for Control Plan Evaluation
         Key Process Input Variables (KPIVs):
             How are th monitored?
             H        they     it d?
             How often are they verified?
             Are optimum target values and specifications known?
             How much variation is there around the target value?
             What causes the variation in the KPIV?
             How often is the KPIV out of control?
             Which KPIVs should have control charts?

         Uncontrollable (Noise) Inputs
             What are they?
             Are they impossible or impractical to control?
             Do we know how to compensate for changes in them?
             How robust i th system t N i ?
             H      b t is the    t   to Noise?

                                          Process Control           UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO

 Questions for Control Plan Evaluation
         Standard Operating Procedures
             Do they i t?
             D th exist?
             Are they simple and understood?
             Are they being followed?
             Are they current?
             Is personnel training performed and documented?
             Is there a process audit schedule?

         Maintenance Procedures
             Have critical components been identified?
             Does the schedule specify who what & when?
             Where are the manufacturer’s instructions?
             Do we have a trouble shooting guide?
             Wh t are the training requirements for maintenance?
                       th t i i        i     t f       i t     ?

                                         Process Control           UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO

 Questions for Control Plan Evaluation
         What special equipment is needed for measurement? What is
         the measurement capability?
         Who does the measurement? How often is a measurement
         taken? How are routine data recorded?
         Who plots the control chart (if one is used) and interprets the
         What key procedures are required to maintain control?
         What is done with a service or product that is off spec?
         How is the process routinely audited?
         Who makes the audit? How often? How is it recorded?

                                     Process Control                UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO

 Control Plan Check List
      Process maps detail process steps,             Sampling, inspection and testing
      information flow and important                 plans include how often, where and
      variables                                      to who results reported
      Key service variables identified with          Operating procedures identify
      importance to customer, desired                actions, responsibilities, maintenance
      target value and specification range           schedules and service segregation
      defined                                        requirements
      Long and short term capability trend           Training materials describe all
      charts track variation reduction               aspects of process operation
      progress                                       and responsibilities
      Key and critical input variables               Mil/spec documentation
      identified with targets, statistically         standards met, if required
      determined control limits & control            Process improvement efforts fully
      strategies defined                             documented and available for
      Reaction plan in place for out-of-
                                  out of             reference
      spec processes                                 Control plan is reviewed and
      Measurement systems are capable                updated quarterly and resides in the
      with calibration requirements                  operating area

                                          Process Control                         UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO

 Control Plan Roadmap Review
     1. Collect existing documentation for          7. Pay particular attention to
        process                                        adequacy of training, maintenance,
                                                       operating and reaction plans
     2. Determine scope of process for
        current control plan                        8. Assign tasks to team members to
                                                       complete missing plan elements
                                                           p            gp
     3. Form
     3 Fo m teams to update
        documentation more than one                 9. Verify compliance with area
        quarter old                                    documentation requirements
     4 Short term capability studies should         10.
                                                    10 (Re)train personnel
        be replaced with long term
                                                    11. Collect sign-off signatures from
        capability results
                                                        safety & environmental,
     5 Fill in Control Plan Summary based               maintenance,
                                                        maintenance operations and
        on review of updated                            process engineering
                                                    12. Verify control plan effectiveness in
     6 Identify missing or inadequate                   six months with long term
        components — gaps                               capability study
                                         Process Control                          UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO

 Exercise: Control Plan for GGA Budget
         Draft a sample “Control” system, as follows:
          a.Select two measures to monitor the GGA budget
             process; note if Input, Process or Output measures
          b For each measure define a “trigger” point
                       measure,           trigger
          c. Identify short-term responses to problems; note
                p         y
          d.Describe response to serious, persistent problems
         Prepare to share ideas with the group
            p                            g p

                               20 Minutes

                                  Process Control            UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO

 Process Control Plan Template

    PROJECT NAME                         DIVISION                                       DIVISION CHIEF                                   DATE
    LD09014 Improve Tollgate Templates   LSS PMO                                        LTC Garrett Heath                                12/18/2007
    BRANCH CHIEF                         PROCESS OWNERS                                 RESPONSIBLE CONTROL MANAGER

                                                                                                       Applicable Control Charts and Metrics
                                         Responsible                                                    Upper      Lower
      Action        Control Action                                                       Target
                                          Individual       Freq.   Process Step                         Control    Control     Current                    Reaction Plan
     Number                                                                              Value
                                                                                                         Limit      Limit
                                                                                                                                         If process cycle time for updating templates rises
        1      Process Cycle Time        Green Belt    Quarterly   Updating Tollgates      4 Min         5 Min       N/A
                                                                                                                             4 Min, 40   above 8 minutes, PMO will re-examine process to
                                                                                                                               Sec       identify constraints.
               Conduct VOC Survey to
                                                                                           100%                                          PMO willl adjust tollgate templates to address issues
        2      address issues in FMEA    Green Belt    Quarterly
                                                                                                         100%        85%        N/A      raised by VOC.
               (Improve Phase)                                     Tollgate Templates
               Conduct VOC Survey to
                                                                   Access to Tools         100%                                          PMO will adjust tools and references access to
        3      address issues in FMEA
                 dd    i      i          Green Belt
                                         G     B lt    Quarterly
                                                       Q t l
                                                                   and References       Satisfaction
                                                                                                         100%        85%        N/A      issues raised by VOC.
               (Improve Phase)

                                                        - Example -

                                                                                                           Required Deliverable                                                                  53
                                                                                                                                                                   UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO

                       National Guard
                      Black Belt Training

                      SOP and Documentation

                                              UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO

 Selecting What to Document
         Activities critical to customer satisfaction
         Processes/tasks that involve many people
             Especially changing team players, multiple functions

         Complex acti ities
         Comple activities
         Areas where “history” is important
             Will we need to refer to what we’ve done or how we did this later?
                                           we ve
             (Examples: DMAIC project tracking and documentation)

         Legal and audit requirements
             Examples: Hiring process; financial procedures
                  l                    f       l      d

         Where flexibility is essential

                                           Process Control                    UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO

 Documentation Hints
             Write at a level appropriate to the user
             Watch for jargon or techno-ese
             Spell out acronyms, abbreviations and symbols the first time they
             are used
             Be aware of multi-cultural influences
             Be clear, concise, and specific
         Make sure to quantify
         Include process standards
             Key measures, customer requirements
         Provide reference sources
             A name and phone number, e-mail address, etc.
                         p            ,               ,
             Add cross references when/where applicable
                                       Process Control                  UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO

 Documentation Hints (Cont.)
         Use graphics when/where applicable
              Incorporate process maps or examples of f
              I        t                       l    f forms
         Test and validate documentation
              You may want to ask an objective party
         Make it accessible and flexible
              On line,
              On-line, hard copy or both
              Someone should “own” documentation
              Have an update and improvement mechanism
              B aware of audit considerations
                         f dit       id ti
         Use documentation to train others
         Say h
         S what you do, but do what you say!
                    d b d       h          !
                                     Process Control          UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO

 Documentation Exercise – What Went Wrong?
          Three children are told by their parents they can play
          after dinner outside. Their only instructions were “Be
                       outside                                Be
          home before dark.” One returns at 7:15, one returns
          at 8:15 and the third returns at 9:15. Why did the
          second and third get punished?
                d d h d               h d?
          Three new employees are hired to three “Cookie”
          stores same company different locations One is
                          company,            locations.
          told to follow the instructions to mix dough based on
          the instructions in the drawer under the counter, one
          is told to follow the instructions posted on the wall,
          the third is instructed to follow directions on the box.
          O y o e batc came
          Only one batch ca e out co ect y What happened?
                                      correctly.     at appe ed

                                 Process Control           UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO

 Project Documentation Package
         Trouble Shooting Guides                     Process Maps
         Reaction Plans                              FMEAs
         Training                                    Measurement Systems
         Maintenance Schedules
                                                     Project Scope
         Capability Analysis
                                                     Project Summary
                                                        j          y

                                   Process Control                     UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO

 CNX Variables of Cause and Effect
          Divide Cause and Effect Inputs into three groups:
                 C (Controllable) -Is this something you can control?
                 Examples may be a staffing, new hires, telemarketing
                 scripts speed of delivery vehicle or delivery routes
                 N (Noise) -Contributors to the problem that we cannot
                 control (examples may be weather effects, time a
                 customer calls in an order, traffic problems,
                 X-A variable we may have experimented with already
          For Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), focus on
          the “C” variables

                                     Process Control           UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO

 Do We Have SOPs?
          List “C” variables and prioritize

          Determine if a procedure is in place for each. If yes,
          then get a copy for the team and include with the
          Control Plan

          If none in place, the team needs to develop this

                                  Process Control         UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO

 What Is an SOP???
          An SOP is specific instructions that detail the task or
          activity that needs t t k place each ti
             ti it th t    d to take l          h time th action
                                                        the ti
          in performed. This is to ensure the task is done the
          same way each time
          It details activities so that a person new to the
          position will perform the task the same way as
          someone whose been in the job for a longer time
          It ensures that task is performed the same way on an
          ongoing basis

                                 Process Control           UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO

 Steps to Write an SOP
         Brainstorm with team to identify all of the steps required to
         carry out a t k or activity. I l d i di id l that may
                  t task       ti it Include individuals th t
         not be on team, but are expected to carry out this task
         after project is completed. Remember, this helps with buy-
         in later
         Organize these activities into the proper time sequence and
         confirm with team and outside group
            f       h          d      d
         Write the SOP to include additional requirements that
         needed to be explained to get a uniform output each time
         Review draft with team/group
         Meet with Process Owners and secure necessary approvals
                                  Process Control             UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO

 Documentation/SOP Exercise
          Objective: Understand the purpose and application of
          documentation b d
          d        t ti  by documenting your best helicopter
                                     ti      b t h li     t
                 “Design” and build the helicopter (done)
                 Document how to build the helicopter (15 minutes)
                 Exchange instructions with another group and build
                 their helicopter (5 minutes)
                 Compare the actual helicopters
                 Be prepared to discuss your findings with the class

                                     Process Control            UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO

 Revision Planning
         Identify criteria for revision
              Under hat circumstances
              Unde what ci c mstances is revision likel to be needed?
                                          e ision likely
         Determine who is responsible
              Process o e s ou d o e see (at least)
                ocess owner should oversee    east)
              Responsible person(s) should have process knowledge
         Plan the changes
              Impacts on the process, customers, team players, materials,
              systems (Tool: “future-focused” cause and effect analysis)
              Actions needed to accommodate change: New documents,
              measures, training, etc.
         Implement the changes
              Responsibility and timing!
              Validate SOP and Process Map align.
                                           Process Control              UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO

 Revising Documentation
          Establish identification and revision codes
                 Examples: 5.0, 5.1, 5.15, 5.2 etc.
          Decide what to replace
                 Whole items (all of a training manual, an entire
                 document of procedures, etc.)
                 O one page at a time
          Establish a system for distribution
                 Who needs to know?
                 What media will inform them?

                                      Process Control               UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO

          Cultural attitudes and beliefs
          Systems and structures
                 HR policies
                 Management Information Systems
                 Training, etc.

                      Fundamental changes in daily behavior, attitude
                        and practice make the change “permanent”

                                         Process Control                UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO

 Standard Operating Procedures Tips
         Establish in conjunction with the control plan
         Use illustrations
         Use flow diagrams
         Use work instructions that really work
         Use reaction plans that really work
         Focus on the quality of documentation, not the quantity
         Use workers to help with the instruction
         Clearly lay out authorities, roles, and responsibilities

                                   Process Control              UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO

 Continuous Improvement

                         Putting the new process in
                      place is not a “one time” activity
                      Achieving – and sustaining – our
                        vision requires evaluating and
                       improving our processes on an
                       i       i
                                 ongoing basis

                          We can always do bette
                           e ca a ays      better!

                                   Process Control         UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO

SOP and Training Plan Template
                                  SOPs Requiring Revision
                                                                           - Example -
        SOPs Requiring Revision             Responsible                        Status
       FY09 SOP Update              Lead: Branch Chief,            Completed
       1 Oct 08 – 28 Feb 09         AO: Team Lead
       Next SOP Update schedule     Lead: TSC Chief,               Complete before FY10 NSPS
       1 Sep 09 – 30 Sep 10         AO: Team Lead                  Cycle
       Next SOP Update schedule     Lead: TSC Chief,               Complete before FY11 NSPS
       1 Sep 09 – 30 Sep 10         AO: Team Lead                  Cycle

                                     Required Training
           Required Training
             q             g               Responsible
                                              p                                Status
     Office Professional            Each Team Members are         OPD Training Schedule plan
     Development                    encouraged to provide OPD     is asked to be updated to
                                                                  team members.
     Individual Professional
     I di id l P f     i   l        Branch Chi f and T
                                    B    h Chief d Team           Susp D t B
                                                                  S      Date: Branch Chi f and
                                                                                     h Chief d
     Development Plan               members                       Team member discuss and
                                                                  finalize by 1 May 09
                                                          Required Deliverable                          70
                                                                                        UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO

  Visual Process Control Tools Template
           • SOP is posted computer desktop for easy reference access.
           • Mistake proofing system in place - copy of DD214 w/checklist is
           posted on the counselor’s desk                - Example -

      Sample DD 214
        w/ checklist

                                                       Recommended                      71
                                                                        UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO

Mistake Proofing (Poke Yoke) Template
    - Example -

        Solution: Make use of existing bar codes on shipping paperwork to
        mistake proof receiving function
             Validate with suppliers (shipping company) that all shipping containers will
             have barcode label ($0)
             Purchase RF (wireless) bar coding equipment and software ($100/gun * 20
             Train all longshoreman on use and care of equipment ($50/hr * 20 hrs)
             Install error metrics for error tracking ($100)

                                                                                UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO

   Future State Process Map Template
                       “As Is” Process

                      To Be Process

                                  - Example -

                                      Required Deliverable                   73
                                                             UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO

                      Control Chart Exercise
                      Did the Process Improve?

                                                 UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO

Exercise: What Does the Data Say?

                      • Each of the following 10 examples contain
                        presentations of data “before” and “after”
                        an improvement project was conducted

                      • For each example, answer the question:
                           Did the process improve?
                                   p         p
                      • You may answer …
                           YES NO or CAN’T TELL

                                                                     UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO

Example 1
        Example 1: Monthly rejects before and after an improvement project

                                                                               Monthly R j t d U it
                                                                               M thl Rejected Units
                                                    Before                                       After


                             ejected Units


                  Number of Re






                                                    JAN      FEB   MAR   APR   MAY   JUN   JUL    AUG    SEP   OCT   NOV   DEC   JAN   FEB

                                                                                                                                             UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO

Example 2
                                 Example 2: Adhesion strength in Newtons before and
                                            after an improvement project
                                            (Larger values are better.)

                           175                                       165.8

                           150              140.6






                                           Before                    After

                                                                                  UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO

Example 3

                           Example 3: Defects before and after an improvement project

                               Pareto Chart Before and After Project

                                                       B      D   C    A   E   Other

                 900       Before                     After
                                                                                                                                p Chart - Defect B
                                                                                                           Before                       After


                                                                                                    0 05
                 100                                                                                                                                                     UCL=0.04694
                  0                                                                                                                                                      _
                       B   D    C    A    E   Other                                                 0.03                                                                 P=0.03028
                                               Defect Type
                                                                                                            2       4   6   8   10    12 14     16   18   20   22   24
                                                                                                                                     S   l

                                                                                                                                                               UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO

Example 4
        Example 4: Labor Cost before and after an improvement project

                                              Average Salary & Fringes per Employee – Technical Group
                                               Before                                                               After
           A verage Salary & Fringes



                                               Feb-02   Apr-02   Jun-02   Aug-02 Oct-02   Dec-02 Feb-03   Apr-03   Jun-03 Aug-03   Oct-03   Dec-03

                                               Before                                                               After
                      Moving Range


                                       200                                                                                                           __
                                         0                                                                                                           LCL=0
                                               Feb-02   Apr-02   Jun-02   Aug-02 Oct-02   Dec-02 Feb-03   Apr-03   Jun-03 Aug-03   Oct-03   Dec-03

                                                                                                                                                                UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO
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NG BB 53 Process Control [Compatibility Mode]

  • 1. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO National Guard Black Belt Training Module 53 Process Control UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO
  • 2. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO CPI Roadmap – Control p 8-STEP PROCESS 6. See 1.Validate 1 Validate 2. Identify 3. Set 4. Determine 5. Develop 7. Confirm 8. Standardize Counter- the Performance Improvement Root Counter- Results Successful Measures Problem Gaps Targets Cause Measures & Process Processes Through Define Measure Analyze Improve Control TOOLS ACTIVITIES •KPIs/Metrics • Implement Mistake Proofing •Control Charts & SPC • Develop SOP’s, Training Plan, Process •Standard Operating Procedures (SOP’s) Controls •Training Plan • Implement Solution •Communication Plan • Establish Ongoing Process Measurements •Implementation Plan • Identify Project Replication Opportunities •Process Control / Response Plans • Estimate Final Financial/Operational Benefits •Visual Process Control Tools • Transition Project to Process Owner •Project Replication • Develop Audit/Response Plan •Project Commissioning • Create Final Storyboard •Storyboards • Complete Control Tollgate •Team Feedback Session 2 Note: Activities and tools vary by project. Lists provided here are not necessarily all-inclusive. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO
  • 3. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Learning Objectives Apply the concepts of Control Plans to process improvement projects i t j t Apply the concepts of Standard Operating Procedures to process improvement processes 3 Process Control UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO
  • 4. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Control Phase Tasks After developing and implementing a pilot: 1. Validate the measurement system for the KPOV(s) and critical KPIV(s) We discussed these tools earlier 2. Implement the improvements 3. Create a process control system to make sure that the improved process stays in control Document th appropriate procedures f monitoring th process, D t the i t d for it i the including how to react if it goes out of control Development of the process control system really gets started early in your p j y project but is implemented in the Control Phase p 4. Process Documentation and Standard Operating Procedures 5. Project closure and commissioning We will discuss this tool later 4 Process Control UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO
  • 5. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Measurement System Analysis When collecting data as part of our control system, we must verify th t th t if that there i not excessive is t i measurement system variation present. This really should have been done prior to conducting h ll h ld h b d d significant analysis but now is your absolute last chance To validate the measurement system, you should use the same process that you learned in the MSA modules in Measure 5 Process Control UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO
  • 6. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Determine Process Capability Process capability is the measure for how a process is performing Verify that our process is doing better, we need to re- calculate that number now Recalculate during the pilot phase to confirm the capability has improved, then calculate it again after the improvement has gone live in the workplace The second "real-world" calculation should only happen after enough time has passed to allow sufficient sampling and the process is in control For the purpose of this training, that means after you have completed the Control tasks 6 Process Control UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO
  • 7. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Improvement Confirmation Confirmation in Six Sigma means statistics that will back b k up your decisions. d i i We will be using calculations that you have already learned in process capability and hypothesis testing l d bl dh h This means comparing the mean and standard deviation of the original data collected with data collected after the improvement 7 Process Control UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO
  • 8. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO National Guard Black Belt Training Control Plans UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO
  • 9. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Cultural Issues and Control If data has been used to develop the solution, if it fails, it is usually not due to technical issues Acceptance by the people in the process (cultural issues) often determines success or failure Force Field Analysis helps to identify and mitigate cultural risk Driving forces are things that can or will drive the organization to implement the change Restraining forces are things that can or will drive the organization to reject the change Key: Strengthen driving forces and/or weaken restraining forces 9 Process Control UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO
  • 10. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Exercise: Cultural Issues For your training project, complete a Force Field analysis for the implementation and control plans __________________ Project Implementation and Control Driving Forces Restraining Forces 10 Process Control UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO
  • 11. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Maintaining the Improvement There are the three approaches you can use to maintain your process improvement. i t i i t They are not sequential, however there is somewhat of a h f hierarchy: h Risk Management Mistake P Mi t k Proofing fi Both should be considered before or in tandem with a control charting strategy, because they are strategies for avoiding potential problems altogether Control Charts can only monitor for potential problems All th ee app oaches must have three approaches m st ha e Control Plans to sustain the gains 11 Process Control UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO
  • 12. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Mistake Proofing The best approach to process control is Mistake Proofing. Proofing Mistake Proofing is a method for avoiding errors in a process The simplest definition of "Mistake Proofing” is that it Mistake Proofing is a technique for eliminating errors by making it impossible to make mistakes in the process Unfortunately, mistake proofing is not always possible or economically practical, therefore you must develop a plan with on-going monitoring 12 Process Control UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO
  • 13. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Control Charts Control charts are essentially a feedback system Generating control charts requires on-going data collection on a process to monitor how it performed before and after the improvements b f d f h 13 Process Control UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO
  • 14. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Review of Control Charts Focuses attention on measuring and tracking g g process variation over time Distinguishes between special and common g p causes of variation Used as a tool for process control ( p (can monitor inputs and outputs over time) Tracks process improvements in q p p quality, cost y, and/or throughput Establishes a normative and uniform language g g for comparing performance among processes 14 UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO
  • 15. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Steps to Create Control Charts Determine where to use control charts Determine the control chart type, and then the sampling method Collect data Calculate statistics Track data, remove causes for out-of-control points, and recalculate statistics. Repeat until stable. Develop action plan for out-of-control conditions Run the process over time 15 UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO
  • 16. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Creating Control Charts ATTRIBUTE type CONTINUOUS of data f type of subgroup attribute size data DEFECTS DEFECTIVES subgroup size 1 2-7 8+ sample sample size size I – MR X–R X–S Chart Chart Chart CONSTANT VARIABLE CONSTANT VARIABLE Individuals Mean & Mean & & Moving Range Std. Dev. Range NP C Chart U Chart P Chart Chart Number of Incidences Number of Proportion Choose Appropriate Incidences per Unit Defectives Defective Control Chart 16 UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO
  • 17. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Input vs. Output Measures X Y 17 UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO
  • 18. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Control Chart Advantages Systematic and efficient method for turning data into actionable information Lets people make decisions from FACTS p p Highlights special cause impacts to a process Provides warning o deg ada o be o e making de ec o des a g of degradation before a g defect products / services Establishes controls for continuous improvement and shows evidence of i h id f improvementst Involves everyone and builds worker knowledge of the process 18 UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO
  • 19. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Show Control Chart Stages g P Chart of Bad by Stage Before After 0.6 1 0.5 0.4 Proportion 1 0.3 UCL=0.3045 0.2 _ 0.1 P=0.1069 0.0 LCL=0 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 Sample Tests performed with unequal sample sizes Select stages under Options button in Minitab 19 UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO
  • 20. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Watch for Patterns OUTLIERS Wrong process settings, error in measurement, subgrouping or plotting, incomplete operation, machine and tool breakdowns, power surge. SHIFTS Is the change sudden or gradual? Introduction of a new material, machine, operator, inspector or test set, new process controls, maintenance, process changes, change in proportion of materials from different sources. TRENDS Tool or fixture wear, deterioration of materials, aging, changes in maintenance or calibration, environmental factors human factors, calibration factors, factors production schedules, gradual changes in materials or process, accumulation of waste products, machine warm-up. 20 UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO
  • 21. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Watch for Patterns CYCLES Does the time period of the cycle suggest a cause? Environmental factors, worn locations on tools or fixtures, human factors, gage changes, voltage fluctuations, shift changes, systematic rotation of equipment or materials, merging of subassemblies or processes. STRATIFICATION Could each subgroup be a mixture of data from more than one source? Non-random sampling, miscalculation, i N d li i l l ti incorrect chart t t h t type, non-rational ti l subgrouping, reduction in process variability, changes in inspection process. MIXTURES Could subgroups be coming from two sources alternately? Two or more different materials, operators, designs, or testers mixed in the process, over adjustments of the process, poor sampling procedures, control of two or more processes on the same chart 21 UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO
  • 22. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Implementation Notes Use Control Charts where it will be of benefit Design the improvements and monitor their impact over time Train everyone on how to read control charts Create a control plan to identify “triggers” to watch triggers and “responses” to implement Beware: Graphs can be misleading 22 UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO
  • 23. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO What Is a Control Plan? Control plans provide a written summary description of the systems used i minimizing process and service variation t d in i i i i d i i ti Control plans do not replace information contained in detailed instructions In a grand sense the control plan describes the actions that are required at each phase of the process including receiving, in-process, outgoing, and periodic requirements to assure that all process outputs will be in a state of control Ultimately, the control plan is a living document reflecting current methods of control and measurement systems used 23 Process Control UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO
  • 24. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Control Plan Minimum Requirements 1. Identify the process that is being controlled 2. Identify measures (numbers) to be monitored 3. Identify “trigger point” values for each measure where trigger point action should be taken 4. 4 Identify action to be taken when a “trigger point” is trigger point reached 5. 5 Identify who is responsible for taking action when a “trigger point” is reached 24 Process Control UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO
  • 25. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Elements of Process Control Plans Holds the performance gains made Assists in highlighting opportunities for further improvement activities Is a living document Adjusted as conditions change and further improvements made Has formal provision for periodic review Is interesting and easy to understand – use pictures and colors 25 Process Control UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO
  • 26. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Why Is a Process Control Plan Necessary? Processes have a tendency to degrade over time Also, at this stage, the process is generally moving beyond the hands of the CPI team Those who are responsible for continuing the process need a clear understanding of how to implement it consistently and steps to take if it gets out of control The improved process needs to be communicated to all involved parties through documentation and p g training A data collection plan is also necessary to test the improved process and confirm that the solutions are i d d fi h h l i indeed having positive impact 26 Process Control UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO
  • 27. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Existing Control Documentation Many processes already have in place what are called "quality plans" to ensure each service characteristic or sub- " lit l "t h i h t i ti b process stays in conformance with their overall process You should take into consideration any existing quality plans as part of establishing a process control system for your project The existing plan may include process procedures and tolerances, as well as items to be monitored for control and response plans in the event of a process breakdown. These p p p can inform your own control plan Your improved sub-process may have an impact on the quality plan, so you need to include changes to it as part of plan your documentation 27 Process Control UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO
  • 28. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Process Control Plan Header Control Plan Number (for Doc. Control) Date revised and effective date Contact person who “owns” Control Plan owns Team personnel that created Plan Service or Product numbers/processes that Plan applies to Other identification notes 28 Process Control UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO
  • 29. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Process Control Plan Body – 1 Following the layout of the new Process Map, list the process operation steps and f each: ti t d for h Number of the step Name of step ( N f t (operation or action t b d ti ti to be done)) Tools and/or guides used to assist operation Characteristics of the process step (KPIVs) Characteristics of the step outcomes (KPOVs) Any special notation for a characteristic ? (Safety or environmental issue?) 29 Process Control UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO
  • 30. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Process Control Plan Body – 2 Proposed specs for each KPIV and KPOV including the tolerances t l Evaluation or measurement technique - how to monitor the variable meets the specification or tolerance For each characteristic called out Attribute or Variable How measurement will be done (tool and SOP) Sample size and frequency Control/monitoring method Reaction plan for when KPIV/KPOV goes out of spec p g p 30 Process Control UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO
  • 31. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Control Plan Strategy The intent of an effective control plan strategy is to: Operate our processes consistently on target with minimum variation Minimize process tampering (over-adjustment) (over adjustment) Assure that the process improvements that have been identified and implemented become institutionalized p Provide for adequate training in all procedures Include required maintenance schedules Revise Perodically 31 Process Control UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO
  • 32. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Documenting the Control Plan Process Current Cpk /Date Measurement %R&R Sample Sample Process Process Step Input Output Specification (LSL, Control Reaction Plan (Sample Size) System %P/T Size Frequency USL, Target) Method For Key Process Input and Key Process Output variables, the measurement system and measurement system capability should be identified y y p y Targets and specification limits for Key Process Input Variables and Key Process Output variables are recorded For inputs and outputs, the process capability should be calculated The specifics of the sampling plan with associated reaction plan for out-of-spec conditions should be listed This document is an extension of the Current Controls column of the FMEA 32 Process Control UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO
  • 33. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO FMEA In Control Planning The FMEA should be a primary source for the identification of key variables to control and for an initial evaluation of current control plans S O Key Process Process Step Potential Failure Mode Potential Failure Effects E Potential Causes C Current Controls Input V C Process Current Cpk /Date Measurement %R&R Sample Sample Process Process Step Input Output Specification (LSL, Control Reaction Plan (Sample Size) System %P/T Size Frequency USL, Target) Method 33 Process Control UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO
  • 34. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Control Plan Development Continuous variables: determine optimal operating window (specifications) Discrete/attribute variables: / Process Cpk /D Process Process Step Input Output Specification (LSL, (Sample USL, Target) US T ) determine optimal setting, procedure, material, etc. Uncontrollable noise U t ll bl i variables: determine acceptable operating windows for f compensating variables i i bl 34 Process Control UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO
  • 35. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Control Plan Development Control Methods For Controllable Variables: Statistical Process C t l St ti ti l P Control Inspection and Test Methods Choice of control chart(s) and sampling plan Standard Operating Procedures (“SOPs”), Checklists Procedures for identifying P o ed e fo identif ing and responding to out-of- Mistake-proofing systems and control points and devices undesirable trends Color tags Procedures for preventing Single use devices recurrence of special causes Automated process control p on Cpk /Da te Me a sure m e nt %R&R Curre nt Control Sa m L, (Sa m ple Size ) Te chnique P/T Me thod S 35 Process Control UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO
  • 36. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Control Plan Development Control Methods For Noise (Uncontrollable Input) Variables: Compensate with changes to KPIVs (based on known relationships, relationships not tweaking or opinion!) Define shutdown conditions on Cpk /Date Measurement %R&R Current Control Sam Use alternative quality control L, (Sample Size) Technique P/T Method S procedures (inspection, sorting, rework, etc.) 36 Process Control UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO
  • 37. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Control Methods Takeaways Changes in the process require changes to the control method th d Control methods identify person responsible for control of each critical variable and details about how l f h l bl dd l b h to react to out-of-control conditions (see next slide) Control methods include a training plan and process auditing system Complicated methods can be referenced by document number and location 37 Process Control UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO
  • 38. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Reaction Plans Holding the Gain Monitor and respond to problems Manage the process day-to-day day to day Practice continuous improvement When you improve a process and h d hold the gain, it ensures your efforts have not been in vain 38 Process Control UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO
  • 39. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Reaction Plan and Procedures Actions should be the responsibility of people closest to the process The reaction plan can simply refer to an SOP and identify the person R Current Sample Sample responsible for the reaction Control Reaction Plan Size q y Frequency Method M th d procedure In all cases, suspect or nonconforming service must be clearly identified and quarantined Can be built from the FMEA 39 Process Control UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO
  • 40. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Building a Reaction Plan 1.Examine Each Key Step in the Process Entire SIPOC 2.Apply Preventive Planning What could go wrong? How would we respond – contingency? Who would be responsible? 3.Set “Trigger” Measures What Wh would warrant response? ld ? 4.Document the Plan Key ingredient for Process Management 40 Process Control UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO
  • 41. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Examples of Reaction Plans Adjust the machine and recheck Separate service and quarantine Return to supplier / previous process step Notify supervisor Resource shift NOTE: Area personnel will typically have a list of items to check when a characteristic wanders out of control 41 Process Control UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO
  • 42. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Reaction Types Compensate This type of control involves making a process adjustment to bring the variable back into control without identifying or correcting the factor aches which caused the situation oved Correct Approa Impro In this type of control action, the cause of the variation is identified and corrected temporarily. The problem may reappear soon. Prevent A In this type of action, the cause of the variation is identified and permanently corrected. The cause will not happen again or at least will not occur as often. Typically, unsuccessful control programs utilize only compensating actions. Focus control plan response on preventative action. Examples include i l d root cause analysis, personnel training, preventative t l i lt i i t ti maintenance, controller tuning and replacing defective equipment. 42 Process Control UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO
  • 43. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO How to Take Preventative Action When an undocumented out-of-control condition occurs, a cross- functional team consisting mainly of area personnel process personnel, engineers, and supervisors identify the variable to be controlled and follow these steps: 1. Prepare or update a process flow diagram of the system 2. A cause/effect (fishbone) diagram is prepared illustrating possible causes of variation in the process Four basic areas to center on are: manpower, materials, methods, and machinery 3. 3 The team selects the most likely causes from the list 4. Starting with the most likely causes, root causes of the variation are identified. Ask “WHY?” five times! Find root causes, not likely causes! 43 Process Control UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO
  • 44. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO How to Take Preventative Action (Cont.) 5. Prepare a Reaction Plan for each out-of-control condition Causes are placed in the order that they should be checked, the most likely C l d i th d th t th h ld b h k d th t lik l or easiest to check first The team determines compensating actions to take should no cause be identified 6. The Reaction Plan is reviewed by the team and the process experts for modifications. The team determines how the plan will be documented and how to train the work force 7. Corrective action (permanent ones!) assignments are made and followed up to prevent recurrence! 8. Define a plan to collect data on how often the reaction plan is used and how well it works. Review results quarterly q y 44 Process Control UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO
  • 45. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Trouble Shooting A control plan is a logical, systematic approach for finding d fi di and correcting root causes of out-of-control ti t f t f t l conditions, and will be a valuable tool for process improvement A key advantage of the reaction plan form is its use as a troubleshooting guide for area personnel A systematic guide of what to look for during upset conditions is valuable on its own 45 Process Control UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO
  • 46. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO R&R Leave Program Example PROJECT NAME DIVISION DIVISION CHIEF DATE USCENTCOM R&R Leave Program Human Relations Readiness Division, HRPD COL Donna Alberto 3/31/2007 BRANCH CHIEF PROCESS OWNERS RESPONSIBLE CONTROL MANAGER LTC Frazlier Pope Army G-1, USCENTCOM, CFLCC, TRANSCOM Stewart Goesch MONTHLY REPORT Applicable Control Charts and Metrics Control Responsible Upper Lower Action Control Action Target Individual Freq. Process Step Control Control Current Reaction Plan Number Value Limit Limit LTC Rivera; LTC Project PAX 90, 100% If pax projection accuracy drops below 85%, CFLCC will 1 PAX Projections Coperhaven; LTC Daily/Monthly 60, 30, 6 days and Accurate 100% 85% 88% automatically reduce PAX estimates by 5-10% 5 10% Knott K 48 h out hrs Mike Phillips If pax seat fill accuracy drops below 85% (e.g. over (with Dave Order 100% 15% excess seats continuously ordered), G-1 will 2 Aircraft/Seat Orders Hamilton & LTC Daily/Monthly Seats/Aircraft Accurate 100% 85% 92% automatically reduce PAX seat estimates forwarded to Knott) AMC by 5-10% If Fill Rate drops below 65%, recommend switch to 2-1- 3 Fill Rate Stewart Goesch Daily/Monthly Monitor Fill Rate 80% 75% 65% 64% 2-1 for 17-30 days and then monitor for improvements If Number of Unfilled Seats reaches 3811, recommend Monitor Unfilled 4 Unfilled Seats Stewart Goesch Daily/Monthly Seats 2,500/Mo 4,000/Mo 0 3,811 switch to 2-1-2-1 for 17-30 days and then monitor for improvements If Avg Cost Per PAX exceeds $2,500 and we are ordering 2 aircraft, switch to 2-1-2-1 for 17-30 days and Monitor Cost Per then monitor for improvements; if we are ordering one 5 Average Cost Per PAX Stewart Goesch Daily/Monthly PAX $1,894 $2,500 $1,515 $2,609 aircraft, and the total numbers are less than 100, attempt to sell back mission and utilize commercial air $1554/PAX If holdover count exceeds 0, first utilize extra seats on Mike Phillips (with 50 aircraft $178/PAX, then consider utilization up to 100 6 Holdovers Dave Hamilton & LTC Daily/Monthly Monitor Holdovers 0 (24-48 hrs) 0 55 seats commercial, then holdover for 24 hrs, and fly out Knott) FIFO on very next mission Mike Phillips (with Order Second If substained pax average projected over 370 PAX /day, 7 Second Aircraft Orders Dave Hamilton & LTC Daily/Monthly Aircraft 355 370 330 222 consider ordering second aircraft g Knott) Mike Phillips (with Attempt sell back-any msn with less than 50 PAX 8 Aircraft Sell Backs Dave Hamilton & LTC Daily/Monthly Sell Back Aircraft 355 50 0 75 projected Knott) 9 PAX Flown LTC Knott Daily/Monthly PAX Flown N/A N/A N/A 10,300 N/A 46 Process Control UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO
  • 47. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Questions for Control Plan Evaluation Key Process Input Variables (KPIVs): How are th monitored? H they it d? How often are they verified? Are optimum target values and specifications known? How much variation is there around the target value? What causes the variation in the KPIV? How often is the KPIV out of control? Which KPIVs should have control charts? Uncontrollable (Noise) Inputs What are they? Are they impossible or impractical to control? Do we know how to compensate for changes in them? How robust i th system t N i ? H b t is the t to Noise? 47 Process Control UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO
  • 48. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Questions for Control Plan Evaluation Standard Operating Procedures Do they i t? D th exist? Are they simple and understood? Are they being followed? Are they current? Is personnel training performed and documented? Is there a process audit schedule? Maintenance Procedures Have critical components been identified? Does the schedule specify who what & when? who, Where are the manufacturer’s instructions? Do we have a trouble shooting guide? What Wh t are the training requirements for maintenance? th t i i i t f i t ? 48 Process Control UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO
  • 49. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Questions for Control Plan Evaluation What special equipment is needed for measurement? What is the measurement capability? Who does the measurement? How often is a measurement taken? How are routine data recorded? Who plots the control chart (if one is used) and interprets the information? What key procedures are required to maintain control? What is done with a service or product that is off spec? How is the process routinely audited? Who makes the audit? How often? How is it recorded? 49 Process Control UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO
  • 50. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Control Plan Check List Process maps detail process steps, Sampling, inspection and testing information flow and important plans include how often, where and variables to who results reported Key service variables identified with Operating procedures identify importance to customer, desired actions, responsibilities, maintenance target value and specification range schedules and service segregation defined requirements Long and short term capability trend Training materials describe all charts track variation reduction aspects of process operation progress and responsibilities Key and critical input variables Mil/spec documentation identified with targets, statistically standards met, if required determined control limits & control Process improvement efforts fully strategies defined documented and available for Reaction plan in place for out-of- out of reference spec processes Control plan is reviewed and Measurement systems are capable updated quarterly and resides in the with calibration requirements operating area specified 50 Process Control UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO
  • 51. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Control Plan Roadmap Review 1. Collect existing documentation for 7. Pay particular attention to process adequacy of training, maintenance, operating and reaction plans 2. Determine scope of process for current control plan 8. Assign tasks to team members to complete missing plan elements p gp 3. Form 3 Fo m teams to update pdate documentation more than one 9. Verify compliance with area quarter old documentation requirements 4. 4 Short term capability studies should 10. 10 (Re)train personnel be replaced with long term 11. Collect sign-off signatures from capability results safety & environmental, 5. 5 Fill in Control Plan Summary based maintenance, maintenance operations and on review of updated process engineering documentation 12. Verify control plan effectiveness in 6. 6 Identify missing or inadequate six months with long term components — gaps capability study 51 Process Control UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO
  • 52. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Exercise: Control Plan for GGA Budget Draft a sample “Control” system, as follows: a.Select two measures to monitor the GGA budget process; note if Input, Process or Output measures b.For b For each measure define a “trigger” point measure, trigger c. Identify short-term responses to problems; note responsibility p y d.Describe response to serious, persistent problems Prepare to share ideas with the group p g p 20 Minutes 52 Process Control UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO
  • 53. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Process Control Plan Template PROJECT NAME DIVISION DIVISION CHIEF DATE LD09014 Improve Tollgate Templates LSS PMO LTC Garrett Heath 12/18/2007 BRANCH CHIEF PROCESS OWNERS RESPONSIBLE CONTROL MANAGER Applicable Control Charts and Metrics Control Responsible Upper Lower Action Control Action Target Individual Freq. Process Step Control Control Current Reaction Plan Number Value Limit Limit If process cycle time for updating templates rises 1 Process Cycle Time Green Belt Quarterly Updating Tollgates 4 Min 5 Min N/A 4 Min, 40 above 8 minutes, PMO will re-examine process to Sec identify constraints. Conduct VOC Survey to 100% PMO willl adjust tollgate templates to address issues 2 address issues in FMEA Green Belt Quarterly Satisfaction 100% 85% N/A raised by VOC. (Improve Phase) Tollgate Templates Conduct VOC Survey to Access to Tools 100% PMO will adjust tools and references access to j 3 address issues in FMEA dd i i Green Belt G B lt Quarterly Q t l and References Satisfaction 100% 85% N/A issues raised by VOC. (Improve Phase) - Example - Required Deliverable 53 UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO
  • 54. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO National Guard Black Belt Training SOP and Documentation UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO
  • 55. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Selecting What to Document Activities critical to customer satisfaction Processes/tasks that involve many people Especially changing team players, multiple functions Complex acti ities Comple activities Areas where “history” is important Will we need to refer to what we’ve done or how we did this later? we ve (Examples: DMAIC project tracking and documentation) Legal and audit requirements Examples: Hiring process; financial procedures l f l d Where flexibility is essential 55 Process Control UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO
  • 56. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Documentation Hints Language Write at a level appropriate to the user Watch for jargon or techno-ese Spell out acronyms, abbreviations and symbols the first time they are used Be aware of multi-cultural influences Be clear, concise, and specific Make sure to quantify Include process standards Key measures, customer requirements measures Provide reference sources A name and phone number, e-mail address, etc. p , , Add cross references when/where applicable 56 Process Control UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO
  • 57. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Documentation Hints (Cont.) Use graphics when/where applicable Incorporate process maps or examples of f I t l f forms Test and validate documentation You may want to ask an objective party Make it accessible and flexible On line, On-line, hard copy or both Someone should “own” documentation Have an update and improvement mechanism Be B aware of audit considerations f dit id ti Use documentation to train others Say h S what you do, but do what you say! d b d h ! 57 Process Control UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO
  • 58. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Documentation Exercise – What Went Wrong? Three children are told by their parents they can play after dinner outside. Their only instructions were “Be outside Be home before dark.” One returns at 7:15, one returns at 8:15 and the third returns at 9:15. Why did the second and third get punished? d d h d h d? Three new employees are hired to three “Cookie” stores, stores same company different locations One is company, locations. told to follow the instructions to mix dough based on the instructions in the drawer under the counter, one is told to follow the instructions posted on the wall, the third is instructed to follow directions on the box. O y o e batc came Only one batch ca e out co ect y What happened? correctly. at appe ed 58 Process Control UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO
  • 59. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Project Documentation Package Trouble Shooting Guides Process Maps Reaction Plans FMEAs Training Measurement Systems Analysis Maintenance Schedules Project Scope SOPs Customers Capability Analysis Project Summary j y 59 Process Control UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO
  • 60. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO CNX Variables of Cause and Effect Divide Cause and Effect Inputs into three groups: C (Controllable) -Is this something you can control? Examples may be a staffing, new hires, telemarketing scripts, scripts speed of delivery vehicle or delivery routes N (Noise) -Contributors to the problem that we cannot control (examples may be weather effects, time a customer calls in an order, traffic problems, X-A variable we may have experimented with already For Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), focus on the “C” variables 60 Process Control UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO
  • 61. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Do We Have SOPs? List “C” variables and prioritize Determine if a procedure is in place for each. If yes, then get a copy for the team and include with the Control Plan If none in place, the team needs to develop this 61 Process Control UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO
  • 62. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO What Is an SOP??? An SOP is specific instructions that detail the task or activity that needs t t k place each ti ti it th t d to take l h time th action the ti in performed. This is to ensure the task is done the same way each time It details activities so that a person new to the position will perform the task the same way as someone whose been in the job for a longer time It ensures that task is performed the same way on an ongoing basis 62 Process Control UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO
  • 63. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Steps to Write an SOP Brainstorm with team to identify all of the steps required to carry out a t k or activity. I l d i di id l that may t task ti it Include individuals th t not be on team, but are expected to carry out this task after project is completed. Remember, this helps with buy- in later Organize these activities into the proper time sequence and confirm with team and outside group f h d d Write the SOP to include additional requirements that needed to be explained to get a uniform output each time Review draft with team/group Meet with Process Owners and secure necessary approvals 63 Process Control UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO
  • 64. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Documentation/SOP Exercise Objective: Understand the purpose and application of documentation b d d t ti by documenting your best helicopter ti b t h li t design “Design” and build the helicopter (done) Design Document how to build the helicopter (15 minutes) Exchange instructions with another group and build their helicopter (5 minutes) Compare the actual helicopters Be prepared to discuss your findings with the class 64 Process Control UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO
  • 65. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Revision Planning Identify criteria for revision Under hat circumstances Unde what ci c mstances is revision likel to be needed? e ision likely Determine who is responsible Process o e s ou d o e see (at least) ocess owner should oversee east) Responsible person(s) should have process knowledge Plan the changes Impacts on the process, customers, team players, materials, systems (Tool: “future-focused” cause and effect analysis) Actions needed to accommodate change: New documents, measures, training, etc. Implement the changes Responsibility and timing! Validate SOP and Process Map align. 65 Process Control UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO
  • 66. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Revising Documentation Establish identification and revision codes Examples: 5.0, 5.1, 5.15, 5.2 etc. Decide what to replace Whole items (all of a training manual, an entire document of procedures, etc.) Or, O one page at a time i Establish a system for distribution Who needs to know? What media will inform them? 66 Process Control UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO
  • 67. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Institutionalization Cultural attitudes and beliefs Systems and structures HR policies Management Information Systems Training, etc. Fundamental changes in daily behavior, attitude and practice make the change “permanent” 67 Process Control UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO
  • 68. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Standard Operating Procedures Tips Establish in conjunction with the control plan Use illustrations Use flow diagrams Use work instructions that really work Use reaction plans that really work Focus on the quality of documentation, not the quantity Use workers to help with the instruction Clearly lay out authorities, roles, and responsibilities 68 Process Control UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO
  • 69. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Continuous Improvement Putting the new process in place is not a “one time” activity Achieving – and sustaining – our vision requires evaluating and improving our processes on an i i ongoing basis MOTTO: We can always do bette e ca a ays better! 69 Process Control UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO
  • 70. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO SOP and Training Plan Template SOPs Requiring Revision - Example - SOPs Requiring Revision Responsible Status FY09 SOP Update Lead: Branch Chief, Completed 1 Oct 08 – 28 Feb 09 AO: Team Lead Next SOP Update schedule Lead: TSC Chief, Complete before FY10 NSPS 1 Sep 09 – 30 Sep 10 AO: Team Lead Cycle Next SOP Update schedule Lead: TSC Chief, Complete before FY11 NSPS 1 Sep 09 – 30 Sep 10 AO: Team Lead Cycle Required Training Required Training q g Responsible p Status Office Professional Each Team Members are OPD Training Schedule plan Development encouraged to provide OPD is asked to be updated to team members. Individual Professional I di id l P f i l Branch Chi f and T B h Chief d Team Susp D t B S Date: Branch Chi f and h Chief d Development Plan members Team member discuss and finalize by 1 May 09 Required Deliverable 70 UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO
  • 71. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Visual Process Control Tools Template • SOP is posted computer desktop for easy reference access. • Mistake proofing system in place - copy of DD214 w/checklist is posted on the counselor’s desk - Example - Sample DD 214 w/ checklist Recommended 71 UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO
  • 72. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Mistake Proofing (Poke Yoke) Template - Example - Solution: Make use of existing bar codes on shipping paperwork to mistake proof receiving function function. Validate with suppliers (shipping company) that all shipping containers will have barcode label ($0) Purchase RF (wireless) bar coding equipment and software ($100/gun * 20 guns) Train all longshoreman on use and care of equipment ($50/hr * 20 hrs) Install error metrics for error tracking ($100) Recommended 72 UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO
  • 73. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Future State Process Map Template “As Is” Process To Be Process - Example - Required Deliverable 73 UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO
  • 74. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Control Chart Exercise Did the Process Improve? 74 UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO
  • 75. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Exercise: What Does the Data Say? • Each of the following 10 examples contain presentations of data “before” and “after” an improvement project was conducted • For each example, answer the question: Did the process improve? p p • You may answer … YES, YES NO or CAN’T TELL 75 UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO
  • 76. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Example 1 p Example 1: Monthly rejects before and after an improvement project Monthly R j t d U it M thl Rejected Units Before After 2000 1800 1600 ejected Units 1400 1200 Number of Re 1000 800 600 400 200 0 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB Month 76 UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO
  • 77. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Example 2 p Example 2: Adhesion strength in Newtons before and after an improvement project (Larger values are better.) 175 165.8 150 140.6 125 100 Newtons 75 50 25 0 Before After 77 UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO
  • 78. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Example 3 p Example 3: Defects before and after an improvement project Pareto Chart Before and After Project B D C A E Other 900 Before After p Chart - Defect B 800 Before After 700 0.10 600 Frequency 0.09 500 0.08 400 0.07 oportion 300 0.06 200 0.05 0 05 Pro 100 UCL=0.04694 0.04 0 _ B D C A E Other 0.03 P=0.03028 Defect Type 0.02 LCL=0.01362 0.01 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 Sample S l 78 UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO
  • 79. UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO Example 4 Example 4: Labor Cost before and after an improvement project Average Salary & Fringes per Employee – Technical Group Before After A verage Salary & Fringes 6500 6000 UCL=5601 5500 _ X=5206 5000 LCL=4812 Feb-02 Apr-02 Jun-02 Aug-02 Oct-02 Dec-02 Feb-03 Apr-03 Jun-03 Aug-03 Oct-03 Dec-03 Month Before After 800 Moving Range e 600 UCL=484.7 400 200 __ MR=148.4 0 LCL=0 Feb-02 Apr-02 Jun-02 Aug-02 Oct-02 Dec-02 Feb-03 Apr-03 Jun-03 Aug-03 Oct-03 Dec-03 Month 79 UNCLASSIFIED / FOUO