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B.Tech., M.Sc., Mphil., Ph.D.
Divisions of the Nervous System
2 main subdivisions:
Central Nervous System
◦ the brain & spinal cord
Peripheral Nervous System -
◦ groups of neurons called ganglia and peripheral
◦ provides pathways to & from the central nervous
system for electrochemical signals (impulses)
The Peripheral Nervous System
Composed of 2 divisions:
◦ Provides sensory information (voluntary)
◦ Transmits impulses to and from skeletal muscles -
usually conscious actions
◦ motor system for viscera (smooth muscles &
◦ Autonomic is further divided into 2 subdivisions
The Autonomic Nervous System
2 subdivisions of Autonomic:
◦ participates in body’s response to stress; fight or flight
◦ returns body to resting state & conserves resources
Orientation of the PNS
Dorsal roots carry sensory info to the spinal cord
Ventral roots carry outgoing motor axons
Peripheral nerves formed from dorsal & ventral roots
Symmetry of PNS
◦ Arranged on 2 axis:
◦ longitudinal: rostral to caudal ( head to tail)
◦ dorsal to ventral (back to front)
◦ 31 pairs of spinal nerves
◦ 12 pairs of cranial nerves
The basic and functional unit of the nervous
Consist of a cell body (perikaryon) and processes
arising from it.
The processes arising from the cell body of a
neuron are called neurites.
Several short branching processes called
One longer process called an Axon
Types of Neuron
Synapses are sites of junction
between neurons.
axosomatic synapse
axoaxonal synapse
 dendro-axonic or dendro-dendritic
Supporting cells of nervous system
Non conducting cells of the nervous
Classification of Neuroglia
Schwann cells
They provide mechanical support to neurons
Serve as insulators and prevent neuronal impulses
from spreading in unwanted directions.
The Central Nervous System
Consists of following Regions:
◦ Spinal Cord
◦ Brain
◦ Cerebrum
◦ Cerebellum
◦ Diencephalon: the caudal (posterior) part of the forebrain, containing the epithalamus,
thalamus, hypothalamus, and ventral thalamus and the third ventricle.
◦ Brain Stem
◦ Midbrain
◦ Medulla
◦ Pons
Protection of the Brain & CNS
The skull & spinal column
The Meninges
◦ 3 layers of tissue protecting brain
◦ Dura mater
◦ outer tough layer
◦ Subdural space – normally small
◦ Arachnoid membrane
◦ next to dura mater
◦ Subarachnoid space - spongy layer filled with cerebrospinal fluid and
blood vessels
◦ Pia mater
◦ membrane that covers the brain
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) - cushions brain; circulates around the brain &
spinal cord
The ventricles are a communicating network
of cavities.
The adult derivatives of the open space or
lumen of the embryonic neural tube
The largest of these spaces
One within each of the cerebral hemispheres)
Volume increases with age
Best seen in frontal sections, where their
◦ ventral surface is usually defined by the basal
◦ dorsal surface by the corpus callosum, and
◦ medial surface by the septum pellucidum
Projection of the horns
Forms a narrow midline space
between the right and left thalamus
Runs through the midbrain
The anterior surface contains two
◦ Supra-optic recess
◦ Infundibular recess
The last in the system
It lies within the
brainstem, at the junction
between the pons and
medulla oblongata.
Lateral boundary- superior and inferior
cerebellar peduncles
Roof- Superior part is formed by medial superior
cerebellar peduncle, inferior part by inferior
medullary velum.
Floor- Formed by posterior surface of pons and
cranial halves of medulla. Divided by median
Lateral Ventricle Lateral Ventricle
Third ventricle
Fourth ventricle
Cisterna Magna
Median aperture (Magendie)
Intervertebral foramen
of Monro
Intervertebral foramen
of Monro
Lateral aperture
Lateral aperture
Cerebral aqueduct
Lined by ependymal cells
Located in the ventricles produce
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), which fills the
ventricles and subarachnoid space,
following a cycle of constant production
and reabsorption.
It forms the barrier between blood and
Found in the ventricles of the brain and in the subarachnoid space around the
brain and spinal cord
The circulation is aided by the arterial pulsations of the choroid plexuses and by
the cilia on the ependymal cells lining the ventricles.
The main sites for the absorption of the cerebrospinal fluid are the arachnoid
villi that project into the dural venous sinuses, especially the superior sagittal
Hydrocephalus is defined as an abnormal collection of CSF within
the ventricles of the brain.
Chronic hydrocephalus causes raised intracranial pressure, and
consequently cerebral atrophy
There are 2 basic clinical classifications
Abnormal collection of CSF in the absence of any
flow obstruction in the ventricles.
Common causes usually involve the functional
impairment of the arachnoid granulations, such as
fibrosis of the subarachnoid space following a
Abnormal collection of CSF, with flow
obstructed within the ventricular system.
The most common site of obstruction is the
cerebral aqueduct, connecting the third and
fourth ventricles.
Obstruction can arise in the interventricular foramen,
median aperture or cerebral aqueduct.
Occurs due to tumor
Causes distention of the ventricles
Refers to ventricular expansion, secondary to brain
Occur due to loss of adjacent brain parenchyma
Often seen in patients with neurodegenerative
conditions, such as Alzheimer’s disease.
Caused by an intracranial tumor
Compresses the thin walls of the retinal vein as it
crosses the extension of the subarachnoid space to
enter the optic nerve.
Results in congestion of the retinal vein, bulging
forward of the optic disc, and edema of the disc; the last
condition is referred to as papilledema.
Both eyes exhibits papilledema. Persistent papilledema
leads to optic atrophy and blindness.
The Spinal Cord- gross anatomy and internal structure
 The spinal cord is roughly cylindrical in shape.
 It begins superiorly at the foramen magnum
 in the skull.
 It terminates inferiorly in the adult at the level
 of the lower border of the L1.
 In the young child, it usually ends at the upper
 border of L3.
Spinal Cord (cont’d)
 Cervical & lumbar enlargements
 In the cervical region, it gives origin to the brachial
 In the lower thoracic and lumbar regions, it gives
origin to the lumbosacral plexus
Inferiorly, the spinal cord tapers off into the conus
From the apex of conus medullaris
Prolongation of the pia mater, descends to be attached to the posterior
surface of coccyx.
In the midline anteriorly, the anterior median fissure.
 On the posterior surface, a shallow furrow, the posterior median sulcus.
Along the entire length of the spinal cord are attached 31 pairs of spinal nerves
Cervical …… 8
Thoracic …… 12
Lumbar …… 5
Sacral …… 5
Coccygeal …..1
Each connects to the spinal cord by 2 roots – dorsal and ventral.
Each root forms from a series of rootlets that attach along the whole
length of the spinal cord segment.
Ventral roots are motor while dorsal roots are sensory.
The 2 roots join to form a spinal nerve prior to exiting the vertebral column.
Almost immediately after emerging from its intervertebral foramen, a spinal nerve will divide
into a dorsal ramus, a ventral ramus, and a meningeal branch that re-enters and innervates the
meninges and associated blood vessels.
Each ramus is mixed.
Joined to the base of the ventral rami of spinal nerves in the thoracic region are the rami communicantes. These are sympathetic fibers.
Dorsal rami supply the posterior body trunk whereas the thicker ventral rami supply the rest of the body trunk and the limbs.
Except for T2 to T12, all ventral rami branch extensively and join one another lateral to the
vertebral column forming complicated nerve plexuses.
Within a plexus, fibers from different rami criss cross each other and become redistributed.
Internal Structure:
The spinal cord is composed of an inner core of gray matter, which is surrounded by an outer
covering of white matter.
On cross section; the gray matter is seen as an H-shaped pillar with anterior and posterior gray
columns, or horns, united by a thin gray commissure containing the small central canal.
A small lateral gray column or horn is present in the thoracic and upper lumbar segments of the
The amount of gray matter present at any given level of the spinal cord is related to the amount
of muscle innervated at that level.
Thus, its size is greatest within the cervical and lumbosacral enlargements of the cord.
Grey and White Matter of Spinal Cord
• The white matter, may be divided into anterior,
lateral, and posterior white columns or
• The anterior column on each side lies
between the midline and the anterior nerve
• The lateral column lies between the anterior
and the posterior nerve roots;
• The posterior column lies between the
posterior nerve roots and the midline.
Spinal Cord Nuclei and laminae
Ascending and descending tracts of spinal cord
↑ Sensory
◦ Gracile tract
◦ Leg position & vibration
◦ Cuneate tract
◦ Arm position & vibration
◦ Dorsal spinocerebellar tract
◦ Strength & muscle speed
◦ Ventral spinocerebellar tract
◦ Modulation; interneurons
◦ Lateral spinothalamic tract
◦ Pain & temperature
◦ Anterior spinothalamic tract
◦ Light touch
◦ Spinocervical thalamic tract
◦ Kinesthetic movement & discriminative touch
↓ Motor
◦ Corticospinal tract
◦ Speed & agility
◦ Reticulospinal tract
◦ Differential facilitation of motor neurons
◦ Rubrospinal tract
◦ Fix movement errors
◦ Lateral vestibulospinal tract
◦ Extensor & posture
◦ Medial vestibulospinal tract
◦ Flexor & head position
◦ Tectospinal tract
◦ Head turning
Clinical Anatomy of spinal cord
Developmental anomalies: Spinal bifida
–meningomyelocoele, meningomyelocoele,
•Tabes dorsalis (syphilitic myelopathy)
–complication of advanced syphilis (Treponema
•Damage to dorsal root ganglion (or spinal ganglion)
•degeneration (demyelination) of dorsal column fibres
•Loss of proprioceptive sense (position sense), and
discriminative touch
Lumbar puncture
•Gives access to the spinal subarachnoid space
•Needle inserted between L3/L4 or L4/L5
•Structures traversed during lumbar puncture:
–Subcutaneous tissue
–Supraspinous ligament
–Interspinous ligament
–Ligamentum flavum
–Epidural tissue
–Spinal dura
–Arachnoid mater
Epidural injections
–Lumbar epidural
•(for anaesthetic/analgesic injections)
–Caudal epidural
– Cervical/thoracic epidural
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, ALS (or
Lou Gehrig’s Disease
• Upper and lower motor
neuron disease
– with gradual degeneration of
motor neurons
– Progressive weakening of
skeletal muscles occurs
• atrophy and fasciculation (fine
twitching) occur
• May involve genetic factor
– Mutation of SOD1 gene (on
xsome 21) reported
– FALS runs in family
• Symptoms starts around 40-
60 years (more in men)
• Patient may die from
respiratory failure
– due to paralysis of diaphragm
The Brain
Remaining 6 areas of the CNS are part of the brain
The control center of the body
◦ Regulates body activity; enables you to think
Surface is gray matter - 6 x 106 cell bodies / cc
Under gray matter is white matter - formed of myelinated
Surface of the brain (neocortex) is convoluted
◦ Increases surface area
◦ ridges = gyri
◦ grooves = sulci
Forebrain, Midbrain, Hindbrain
The Cerebral Hemispheres
Largest region of brain; 7/8 by weight - Includes:
◦ Cerebral cortex – outer surface of gray matter
◦ underlying white matter
◦ 3 nuclei (clusters of related neurons):
◦ the basal ganglia
◦ the hippocampal formation
◦ the amygdala
◦ these are masses of gray matter at the base of the cerebrum
that serve the motor cortex
◦ paired cavities = lateral ventricles
◦ Divided into 2 ‘half spheres’ = hemisheres
The Cerebral Cortex
The convoluted outer surface
◦ grooves = sulci
◦ elevated regions = gyri
Composed of gray matter
2-5 mm thick
Contains ~ 12 billion neurons
Most of the cerebral cortex is concerned with processing sensory
information or motor commands
2 bands of tissue – one sensory, one motor
Divided into primary, secondary, & tertiary
The Forebrain
◦ Olfactory bulb
◦ Cerebral cortex
◦ Basal telencephalon (basal ganglia)
◦ Corpus callosum
◦ commissure between cerebral hemispheres
◦ Internal capsule
◦ connections with brain stem
◦ Lateral ventricles
Lobes of the Cerebrum
2 sides called hemispheres
Joined by a bridge = Corpus Callosum
Separated by a deep fissure front to back
Like 2 mirror images (but not quite)
Divided into 4 lobes
◦ 1. Frontal
◦ 2. Parietal
◦ 3. Temporal
◦ 4. Occipital
Lobes of the Cerebrum
Parietal Lobe
Temporal Lobe
Frontal Lobe
Limbic Lobe
Occipital Lobe
The Frontal Lobe
Intellectual functioning
Sexual behavior
Voluntary movements
The Parietal Lobe
Body sensory awareness (including taste)
Abstract thought, especially math
Body imaging
The Temporal Lobe
Includes part of limbic system*
Interpretation of language
The Occipital Lobe
Receiving, interpreting, & discriminating visual stimuli
 Association of visual stimuli with memory
Ventral View
Sagittal Section
Superolateral surface
Superolateral surface
Medial surface
Medial surface
Inferior surface
White matter of Cerebral hemisphere
The surface of the cerebral hemisphere is covered by a thin layer of grey
matter called the cerebral cortex.
The greater part of the cerebral hemisphere deep to the cortex is occupied by
white matter within which are embedded certain important masses of grey
These fibres may be:
 Association fibres that interconnect different regions of the cerebral cortex.
Projection fibres that connect the cerebral cortex with other masses of grey
matter; and vice versa.
Commissural fibres that interconnect identical areas in the two hemispheres.
Internal capsule
The internal capsule may be divided into the following parts.
 The anterior limb lies between the caudate nucleus medially, and the anterior part of the
lentiform nucleus laterally.
 The posterior limb lies between the thalamus medially, and the posterior part of the
lentiform nucleus on the lateral side.
 In transverse sections through the cerebral hemisphere the anterior and posterior limbs
of the internal capsule are seen to meet at an angle open outwards. This angle is called
the genu (genu = bend).
 Some fibres of the internal capsule lie behind the posterior end of the lentiform nucleus.
They constitute its retrolentiform part.
 Some other fibres pass below the lentiform nucleus (and not medial to it). These fibres
constitute the sublentiform part of the internal capsule
Functional areas
The Primary Sensory & Motor Cortex
Primary Motor Cortex:
◦ controls voluntary movements of limbs & trunk
◦ contains neurons that project directly to spinal cord to
activate somatic motor neurons
Primary Sensory Areas
◦ receive information from peripheral receptors with only a
few synaptic relays interposed
Brodmann Areas
Cytoarchitectural areas of neocortex
Regions with similar cell structure
◦ each represents a functionally distinct area
◦ Area 17 is the primary visual cortex
◦ at the caudal pole of the occipital lobe
◦ Area 4 is the primary motor cortex
◦ primary auditory cortex on left side of temporal lobe near language center
Secondary & Tertiary Areas
Surrounding primary areas are higher order (secondary & tertiary)
sensory & motor areas
◦ Process & integrate info coming from the primary sensory areas.
Higher order motor areas send complex info required for motor
actions to primary motor areas
Association Areas
Three other large regions of cortex surround the primary,
secondary & tertiary areas Called association areas
In primates, association areas are majority of cortex
Localization of Cortical Functions
Lobes of the Brain & Associated Regions
Integration of Brain Functions
Interactions of all areas sensory, motor & motivational systems is
essential for behavior.
Example: throw a ball - info about motion of ball, impact of ball,
position of arms, legs, hands, etc. - sensory, motor, motivational
Anatomical organization of each major functional system (sensory,
motor, motivational) follows 4 principles
Principles of Anatomical Organization
Each system contains relay centers
◦ These don’t just transmit info; also modify it
◦ Most important relay center is the thalamus
◦ almost all sensory info to cerebral cortex processed
by thalamus
Each system is composed of several distinct
◦ Example: touch & pain
Principles of Anatomical Organization (Cont.)
Each pathway is topographically organized
◦ neural map - clustered functions
Most pathways cross the body’s midline
◦ Thus each hemisphere controls the actions/sensations of the
opposite side.
◦ Left side dominates language; right side -spatial perception,
musical ability
Thalamus & hypothalamus taken together
Important structures found in the cerebrum
Between the midbrain & cerebral hemispheres
◦ Thalamus
◦ Hypothalamus
◦ Third ventricle
Retina and optic nerves
◦ develop from optic vesicle that pouches off from
diencephalon during development
The Thalamus & Hypothalamus
◦ relay center - processes & distributes almost all sensory & motor info
going to the cerebral cortex
◦ links nervous & endocrine system
◦ emotional control
◦ under the thalamus
◦ regulates autonomic nervous system
◦ connects to thalamus, midbrain & some cortical areas
◦ Controls body temperature, thirst, hunger, emotional behavior
The cerebellum consists of a part lying near the midline called the vermis, and
of two lateral hemispheres.
two surfaces, superior and inferior
Dorsal to the pons & medulla
Mostly white matter covered with a thin layer of gray matter
Pleated surface; divided into several lobes
Receives sensory input from the spinal cord, motor info from the cerebral
cortex & input about balance from receptors in the inner ear
Therefore, can coordinate planning & timing of voluntary muscle movement &
maintain balance.
The Medulla Oblongata & Pons
Medulla Oblongata
◦ Bottom (rostral) region of the brainstem
◦ Regulates blood pressure and respiration; controls
breathing, swallowing, digestion, heart & blood
◦ Above medulla
◦ links cerebellum to cerebrum; relays info from
cerebral hemispheres to cerebellum
The Midbrain
◦ Tectum (roof)
◦ superior colliculus + inferior colliculus
◦ Tegmentum (floor)
◦ Cerebral aqueduct
Controls responses to sight (e.g. eye movements)
Relay station of auditory & visual signals
Motor control of some skeletal muscles
The Brainstem
Anatomically, from the bottom up:
◦ Medulla Oblongata
◦ Pons
◦ Midbrain
Taken together = brainstem
◦ Contains all the nerves that connect the spinal cord with the cerebrum
◦ Receives sensory info from head, face, & neck
◦ Motor neurons control muscles of head & neck
◦ 12 pairs of cranial nerves carry input & output
◦ Also involved in hearing, taste & balance
The Limbic System
A functional & evolutionary division, rather than anatomical
Group of structures in center of the brain above the brainstem:
◦ hypothalamus
◦ pituitary
◦ hippocampus
◦ important role in memory
◦ hippocampal gyrus
◦ amygdala
◦ coordinates actions of the autonomic & endocrine systems
◦ involved in emotions
Functions of the Limbic System
Sometimes called the “mammalian brain because most highly developed in
One of the oldest areas of brain from an evolutionary standpoint
Maintains homeostasis: e.g. helps maintain temperature, blood pressure,
heart rate, blood sugar
Also involved in emotional reactions needed for survival
4 F’s: fleeing, fighting, feeding.
Visualizing the Limbic System
Clinical Anatomy of Brain
The cerebral hemispheres are involved with inputs and outputs from
the contralateral side of the body
◦ Damage to neocortex causes problems on the opposite side
◦ In patients with epilepsy, surgeons occasionally cut corpus callosum
to relieve seizures. Flash different pictures in each eye, patients
could describe what they saw with right eye, but not left, but could
pick out object - example: Heart = ART.
The cerebellum is involved with the control of movement on the
ipsilateral side of the body.
◦ Damage to the cerebellum causes motor deficits on the same side.
Injury Mechanisms
The brain is a complex and delicate organ, and one that is
vulnerable to injury from a variety of different traumas. These
 Frontal Lobe Injury
 Occipital Lobe Injury
 Temporal Lobe Injury
 Side Impact Injury
 Coup/Contre-coup Injury
 Diffuse Axonal Injury
 Epidural Hematoma
 Subdural Hematoma
Frontal Lobe Injury
The frontal lobe of the brain can be injured
from direct impact on the front of the head.
During impact, the brain tissue is accelerated
forward into the bony skull. This can cause
bruising of the brain tissue and tearing of
blood vessels.
Frontal lobe injuries can cause changes in
personality, as well as many different kinds of
disturbances in cognition and memory.
Occipital Lobe Injury
Occipital lobe injuries occur from
blows to the back of the head.
This can cause bruising of the
brain tissue and tearing of blood
These injuries can result in vision
problems or even blindness.
Temporal Lobe Injury
The temporal lobe of the brain is
vulnerable to injury from impacts of
the front of the head.
The temporal lobe lies upon the bony
ridges of the inside of the skull, and
rapid acceleration can cause the brain
tissue to smash into the bone, causing
tissue damage or bleeding.
Side Impact Injury
Injuries to the right or left side of the brain
can occur from injuries to the side of the
Injuries to this part of the brain can result
in language or speech difficulties, and
sensory or motor problems.
Coup/Contre-coup Injury
A French phrase that describes bruises
that occur at two sites in the brain.
When the head is struck, the impact
causes the brain to bump the opposite
side of the skull. Damage occurs at the
area of impact and on the opposite
side of the brain.
Diffuse Axonal Injury
Brain injury does not require a direct head
impact. During rapid acceleration of the
head, some parts of the brain can move
separately from other parts. This type of
motion creates shear forces that can
destroy axons necessary for brain
These shear forces can stretch the nerve
bundles of the brain.
Diffuse Axonal Injury
The brain is a complex
network of interconnections.
Critical nerve tracts can be
sheared and stressed during
an acceleration-type of injury.
Diffuse axonal injury is a very
serious injury, as it directly
impacts the major pathways of the
Epidural Hematoma
An epidural hematoma is a blood clot
that forms between the skull and the
top lining of the brain (dura).
This blood clot can cause fast changes in
the pressure inside the brain.
When the brain tissue is compressed, it
can quickly result in compromised blood
flow and neuron damage.
Subdural Hematoma
A subdural hematoma is a blood clot
that forms between the dura and the
brain tissue.
The clot may cause increased pressure
and may need to be removed surgically.
When the brain tissue is compressed, it
can quickly result in compromised blood
flow and tissue damage.
Blood Supply of the
Brain and Spinal Cord.
The brain is one of the most metabolically
active organs in the body, receiving 17% of
the total cardiac output and about 20% of
the oxygen available in the body.
The brain receives it’s blood from two
pairs of arteries, the carotid and vertebral.
About 80% of the brain’s blood supply
comes from the carotid, and the remaining
20% from the vertebral.
These arteries arise in the neck, and ascend to
the cranium.
Within the cranial vault, the terminal branches
of these arteries form an anastomotic circle,
called the Circle of Willis. From this circle,
branches arise which supply the majority of the
Other parts of the CNS, such as the pons and
spinal cord, are supplied by smaller branches
from the vertebral arteries.
Internal Carotid Arteries
The internal carotid arteries (ICA) originate at the bifurcation of the left and right common carotid arteries, at
the level of the fourth cervical vertebrae (C4).
They move superiorly within the carotid sheath, and enter the brain via the carotid canal of the temporal bone.
They do not supply any branches to the face or neck.
Once in the cranial cavity, the internal carotids pass anteriorly through the cavernous sinus. Distal to the
cavernous sinus, each ICA gives rise to:
◦ Ophthalmic artery
◦ Posterior communicating artery
◦ Anterior cerebral artery
The internal carotids then continue as the middle cerebral artery, which supplies the the lateral portions of the
Vertebral Arteries
The right and left vertebral arteries arise from the subclavian arteries, medial
to the anterior scalene muscle. They then ascend up the posterior side of the
neck, through holes in the transverse processes of the cervical vertebrae,
known as foramen transversarium.
The vertebral arteries enter the cranial cavity via the foramen magnum.
Within the cranial vault, some branches are given off:
◦ Meningeal branch
◦ Anterior and posterior spinal arteries
◦ Posterior inferior cerebellar artery
After this, the two vertebral arteries converge to form the basilar artery
Arterial Circle of Willis
The terminal branches of the vertebral and internal carotid arteries all anastamose to form a
circular blood vessel, called the Circle of Willis.
There are three main (paired) constituents of the Circle of Willis:
◦ Anterior cerebral arteries: These are terminal branches of the internal carotids.
◦ Internal carotid arteries: Present immediately proximal to the origin of the middle
cerebral arteries.
◦ Posterior cerebral arteries: These are terminal branches of the vertebral arteries.
To complete the circle, two ‘connecting vessels’ are also present:
◦ Anterior communicating artery: This artery connects the two anterior cerebral arteries.
◦ Posterior communicating artery: A branch of the internal carotid, this artery connects the
ICA to the posterior cerebral artery.
Regional Blood Supply to the Cerebrum
There are three cerebral arteries; anterior, middle and
inferior. They each supply a different portion of the
◦ The anterior cerebral arteries supply the anteromedial
portion of the cerebrum.
◦ The middle cerebral arteries are situated laterally,
supplying the majority of the lateral part of the brain.
◦ The posterior cerebral arteries supply both the medial
and lateral parts of the posterior cerebrum
Anterior Spinal Artery, provides
sulcal branches which penetrate
the ventral median fissure and
supply the ventral 2/3 of the spinal
Posterior Spinal Arteries, each
descends along the dorsolateral
surface of the spinal cord and
supplies the dorsal 1/3.
Spinal cord blood supply
Ventral Dorsal
Radicular arteries, originating from
segmental arteries at various levels,
which divide into anterior and
posterior radicular
arteries as they move along ventral and
dorsal roots to reach the spinal cord.
Here they reinforce spinal arteries and
anastomose with their branches.
From these varied sources of blood supply, a series of circumferential
anastomotic channels are formed around the spinal cord, called the arterial
vasocorona, from which short branches penetrate and supply the lateral parts
of the cord
The radicular arteries provide the main
blood supply to the cord at the thorasic,
lumbar and sacral segments. There are a
greater number on the posterior (10-23)
than anterior (6-10 only) side of the cord.
One radicular artery, noticeably larger than the others, is called
the artery of Adamkiewicz, or the artery of the lumbar
enlargement. Usually located with the lower thorasic or upper
lumbar spinal segment on the left side of the spinal cord.
The spinal cord lacks adequate collateral supply in some areas,
making these regions prone to ischemia after vascular occlusions.
The upper Thorasic (T1-T4) and first lumbar segments are the most
vulnerable regions of the cord.
There are several arteries that reinforce
the spinal cord blood supply and are
termed segmental arteries
1. The Vertebral arteries, spinal branches
which are present in the upper cervical
(~C3-C5) levels
2. Ascending Cervical arteries, present in
the lower cervical areas
3. Posterior Intercostal, present in the
mid-thorasic region
Clinical Relevance: Disorders of Arterial Supply
◦ The brain is particularly sensitive to oxygen starvation. A stroke is a acute
development of a neurological deficit, due to a disturbance in the blood supply of
the brain.
◦ There are four main causes of a cerebrovascular accident:
◦ Thrombosis – Obstruction of a blood vessel by a locally forming clot.
◦ Embolism – Obstruction of a blood vessel by an emboli formed elsewhere.
◦ Hypoperfusion – Underperfusion of the brain, due to systemically low blood pressure (e.g shock).
◦ Haemorrhage – An accumulation of blood within the cranial cavity.
◦ Out of these four, the most common cause is embolism. In many patients, an
athlerosclerotic emboli will arise from the vessels of the neck.
Clinical Relevance: Disorders of Arterial Supply
Intracerebral Aneurysms
◦ An aneurysm is a dilation of an artery, which is greater than
50% of the normal diameter. They most likely to occur to occur
in the vessels contributing to the Circle of Willis. They are
particularly dangerous – producing no symptoms until they
◦ Once the artery wall has ruptured, it is a medical emergency,
and the patient is likely to die unless treated swiftly. Treatment
of an intracerebral aneurysm is surgical.

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Neuroanatomy i

  • 1. NEUROANATOMY - I B.Tech., M.Sc., Mphil., Ph.D.
  • 2. Divisions of the Nervous System 2 main subdivisions: Central Nervous System ◦ the brain & spinal cord Peripheral Nervous System - ◦ groups of neurons called ganglia and peripheral nerves ◦ provides pathways to & from the central nervous system for electrochemical signals (impulses) 2
  • 3. The Peripheral Nervous System Composed of 2 divisions: Somatic ◦ Provides sensory information (voluntary) ◦ Transmits impulses to and from skeletal muscles - usually conscious actions Autonomic ◦ motor system for viscera (smooth muscles & glands-involuntary) ◦ Autonomic is further divided into 2 subdivisions 3
  • 4. 4
  • 5. The Autonomic Nervous System 2 subdivisions of Autonomic: Sympathetic ◦ participates in body’s response to stress; fight or flight Parasympathetic ◦ returns body to resting state & conserves resources 5
  • 6. Orientation of the PNS Dorsal roots carry sensory info to the spinal cord Ventral roots carry outgoing motor axons Peripheral nerves formed from dorsal & ventral roots Symmetry of PNS ◦ Arranged on 2 axis: ◦ longitudinal: rostral to caudal ( head to tail) ◦ dorsal to ventral (back to front) Segmented: ◦ 31 pairs of spinal nerves ◦ 12 pairs of cranial nerves 6
  • 7. Neurons The basic and functional unit of the nervous system. Consist of a cell body (perikaryon) and processes arising from it. The processes arising from the cell body of a neuron are called neurites. Several short branching processes called Dendrites One longer process called an Axon 7
  • 9. Synapse Synapses are sites of junction between neurons. Types axosomatic synapse axoaxonal synapse  dendro-axonic or dendro-dendritic somato-dendritic 9
  • 10. NEUROGLIAS: Supporting cells of nervous system Non conducting cells of the nervous systems. Classification of Neuroglia Astrocyte Microglia Schwann cells Oligodentrocytes They provide mechanical support to neurons Serve as insulators and prevent neuronal impulses from spreading in unwanted directions. 10
  • 11. The Central Nervous System Consists of following Regions: ◦ Spinal Cord ◦ Brain ◦ Cerebrum ◦ Cerebellum ◦ Diencephalon: the caudal (posterior) part of the forebrain, containing the epithalamus, thalamus, hypothalamus, and ventral thalamus and the third ventricle. ◦ Brain Stem ◦ Midbrain ◦ Medulla ◦ Pons 11
  • 12. Protection of the Brain & CNS The skull & spinal column The Meninges ◦ 3 layers of tissue protecting brain ◦ Dura mater ◦ outer tough layer ◦ Subdural space – normally small ◦ Arachnoid membrane ◦ next to dura mater ◦ Subarachnoid space - spongy layer filled with cerebrospinal fluid and blood vessels ◦ Pia mater ◦ membrane that covers the brain Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) - cushions brain; circulates around the brain & spinal cord 12
  • 13. VENTRICULAR SYSTEM 13 The ventricles are a communicating network of cavities. The adult derivatives of the open space or lumen of the embryonic neural tube
  • 14. LATERAL VENTRICLE 14 The largest of these spaces One within each of the cerebral hemispheres) Volume increases with age Best seen in frontal sections, where their ◦ ventral surface is usually defined by the basal ganglia, ◦ dorsal surface by the corpus callosum, and ◦ medial surface by the septum pellucidum
  • 16. THIRD VENTRICLE 16 Forms a narrow midline space between the right and left thalamus Runs through the midbrain The anterior surface contains two protrusions: ◦ Supra-optic recess ◦ Infundibular recess
  • 17. FOURTH VENTRICLE 17 The last in the system It lies within the brainstem, at the junction between the pons and medulla oblongata.
  • 18. BOUNDARIES 18 Lateral boundary- superior and inferior cerebellar peduncles Roof- Superior part is formed by medial superior cerebellar peduncle, inferior part by inferior medullary velum. Floor- Formed by posterior surface of pons and cranial halves of medulla. Divided by median sulcus
  • 19. COMMUNICATION 19 Lateral Ventricle Lateral Ventricle Third ventricle Fourth ventricle Cisterna Magna Median aperture (Magendie) Intervertebral foramen of Monro Intervertebral foramen of Monro Lateral aperture (Lushka) Lateral aperture (Lushka) Cerebral aqueduct
  • 20. 20
  • 22. CHOROID PLEXUS 22 Lined by ependymal cells Located in the ventricles produce Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), which fills the ventricles and subarachnoid space, following a cycle of constant production and reabsorption. It forms the barrier between blood and CSF
  • 23. CEREBROSPINAL FLUID 23 Found in the ventricles of the brain and in the subarachnoid space around the brain and spinal cord The circulation is aided by the arterial pulsations of the choroid plexuses and by the cilia on the ependymal cells lining the ventricles. The main sites for the absorption of the cerebrospinal fluid are the arachnoid villi that project into the dural venous sinuses, especially the superior sagittal sinus Functions…….
  • 24. CLINICAL RELEVANCE 24 Hydrocephalus is defined as an abnormal collection of CSF within the ventricles of the brain. Chronic hydrocephalus causes raised intracranial pressure, and consequently cerebral atrophy There are 2 basic clinical classifications COMMUNICATING (NON-OBSTRUCTIVE HYDROCEPHALUS) NON-COMMUNICATING (OBSTRUTIVE HYDROCEPHALUS)
  • 25. 25 COMMUNICATING (NON-OBSTRUCTIVE HYDROCEPHALUS) Abnormal collection of CSF in the absence of any flow obstruction in the ventricles. Common causes usually involve the functional impairment of the arachnoid granulations, such as fibrosis of the subarachnoid space following a haemorrhage.
  • 26. 26 NON-COMMUNICATING (OBSTRUTIVE HYDROCEPHALUS) Abnormal collection of CSF, with flow obstructed within the ventricular system. The most common site of obstruction is the cerebral aqueduct, connecting the third and fourth ventricles. Causes
  • 27. 27 BLOCKAGE OF CSF CIRCULATION Obstruction can arise in the interventricular foramen, median aperture or cerebral aqueduct. Occurs due to tumor Causes distention of the ventricles
  • 28. 28 HYDROCEPHALUS EX VACUO Refers to ventricular expansion, secondary to brain atrophy. Occur due to loss of adjacent brain parenchyma Often seen in patients with neurodegenerative conditions, such as Alzheimer’s disease.
  • 29. 29 INCREASED CSF PRESSURE Caused by an intracranial tumor Compresses the thin walls of the retinal vein as it crosses the extension of the subarachnoid space to enter the optic nerve. Results in congestion of the retinal vein, bulging forward of the optic disc, and edema of the disc; the last condition is referred to as papilledema. Both eyes exhibits papilledema. Persistent papilledema leads to optic atrophy and blindness.
  • 30. The Spinal Cord- gross anatomy and internal structure  The spinal cord is roughly cylindrical in shape.  It begins superiorly at the foramen magnum  in the skull.  It terminates inferiorly in the adult at the level  of the lower border of the L1.  In the young child, it usually ends at the upper  border of L3. 30
  • 31. Spinal Cord (cont’d) ENLARGEMENTS  Cervical & lumbar enlargements  In the cervical region, it gives origin to the brachial plexus  In the lower thoracic and lumbar regions, it gives origin to the lumbosacral plexus CONUS MEDULLARIS: Inferiorly, the spinal cord tapers off into the conus medullaris. 31
  • 32. FILUM TERMINALE: From the apex of conus medullaris Prolongation of the pia mater, descends to be attached to the posterior surface of coccyx. FISSURE & SULCI In the midline anteriorly, the anterior median fissure.  On the posterior surface, a shallow furrow, the posterior median sulcus. 32
  • 33. SPINAL NERVES Along the entire length of the spinal cord are attached 31 pairs of spinal nerves Cervical …… 8 Thoracic …… 12 Lumbar …… 5 Sacral …… 5 Coccygeal …..1 Each connects to the spinal cord by 2 roots – dorsal and ventral. Each root forms from a series of rootlets that attach along the whole length of the spinal cord segment. Ventral roots are motor while dorsal roots are sensory. The 2 roots join to form a spinal nerve prior to exiting the vertebral column. Almost immediately after emerging from its intervertebral foramen, a spinal nerve will divide into a dorsal ramus, a ventral ramus, and a meningeal branch that re-enters and innervates the meninges and associated blood vessels. Each ramus is mixed. Joined to the base of the ventral rami of spinal nerves in the thoracic region are the rami communicantes. These are sympathetic fibers. Dorsal rami supply the posterior body trunk whereas the thicker ventral rami supply the rest of the body trunk and the limbs. 33
  • 34. Plexuses Except for T2 to T12, all ventral rami branch extensively and join one another lateral to the vertebral column forming complicated nerve plexuses. Within a plexus, fibers from different rami criss cross each other and become redistributed. Internal Structure: The spinal cord is composed of an inner core of gray matter, which is surrounded by an outer covering of white matter. GRAY MATTER On cross section; the gray matter is seen as an H-shaped pillar with anterior and posterior gray columns, or horns, united by a thin gray commissure containing the small central canal. A small lateral gray column or horn is present in the thoracic and upper lumbar segments of the cord. The amount of gray matter present at any given level of the spinal cord is related to the amount of muscle innervated at that level. Thus, its size is greatest within the cervical and lumbosacral enlargements of the cord. 34
  • 35. Grey and White Matter of Spinal Cord 35 WHITE MATTER • The white matter, may be divided into anterior, lateral, and posterior white columns or funiculi. • The anterior column on each side lies between the midline and the anterior nerve roots; • The lateral column lies between the anterior and the posterior nerve roots; • The posterior column lies between the posterior nerve roots and the midline.
  • 36. Spinal Cord Nuclei and laminae 36
  • 37. Ascending and descending tracts of spinal cord ↑ Sensory ◦ Gracile tract ◦ Leg position & vibration ◦ Cuneate tract ◦ Arm position & vibration ◦ Dorsal spinocerebellar tract ◦ Strength & muscle speed ◦ Ventral spinocerebellar tract ◦ Modulation; interneurons ◦ Lateral spinothalamic tract ◦ Pain & temperature ◦ Anterior spinothalamic tract ◦ Light touch ◦ Spinocervical thalamic tract ◦ Kinesthetic movement & discriminative touch ↓ Motor ◦ Corticospinal tract ◦ Speed & agility ◦ Reticulospinal tract ◦ Differential facilitation of motor neurons ◦ Rubrospinal tract ◦ Fix movement errors ◦ Lateral vestibulospinal tract ◦ Extensor & posture ◦ Medial vestibulospinal tract ◦ Flexor & head position ◦ Tectospinal tract ◦ Head turning 37
  • 38. 38
  • 39. Clinical Anatomy of spinal cord Developmental anomalies: Spinal bifida –meningomyelocoele, meningomyelocoele, rachischisis 39
  • 40. 40 •Tabes dorsalis (syphilitic myelopathy) –complication of advanced syphilis (Treponema pallidum) •Damage to dorsal root ganglion (or spinal ganglion) •degeneration (demyelination) of dorsal column fibres •Loss of proprioceptive sense (position sense), and discriminative touch
  • 41. 41 Lumbar puncture •Gives access to the spinal subarachnoid space •Needle inserted between L3/L4 or L4/L5 •Structures traversed during lumbar puncture: –Skin –Subcutaneous tissue –Supraspinous ligament –Interspinous ligament –Ligamentum flavum –Epidural tissue –Spinal dura –Arachnoid mater
  • 42. 42 Epidural injections –Lumbar epidural •(for anaesthetic/analgesic injections) –Caudal epidural – Cervical/thoracic epidural
  • 43. 43 Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, ALS (or Lou Gehrig’s Disease • Upper and lower motor neuron disease – with gradual degeneration of motor neurons – Progressive weakening of skeletal muscles occurs • atrophy and fasciculation (fine twitching) occur • May involve genetic factor – Mutation of SOD1 gene (on xsome 21) reported – FALS runs in family • Symptoms starts around 40- 60 years (more in men) • Patient may die from respiratory failure – due to paralysis of diaphragm
  • 44. The Brain Remaining 6 areas of the CNS are part of the brain The control center of the body ◦ Regulates body activity; enables you to think Surface is gray matter - 6 x 106 cell bodies / cc Under gray matter is white matter - formed of myelinated axons. Surface of the brain (neocortex) is convoluted ◦ Increases surface area ◦ ridges = gyri ◦ grooves = sulci 44
  • 46. The Cerebral Hemispheres Largest region of brain; 7/8 by weight - Includes: ◦ Cerebral cortex – outer surface of gray matter ◦ underlying white matter ◦ 3 nuclei (clusters of related neurons): ◦ the basal ganglia ◦ the hippocampal formation ◦ the amygdala ◦ these are masses of gray matter at the base of the cerebrum that serve the motor cortex ◦ paired cavities = lateral ventricles ◦ Divided into 2 ‘half spheres’ = hemisheres 46
  • 47. The Cerebral Cortex The convoluted outer surface ◦ grooves = sulci ◦ elevated regions = gyri Composed of gray matter 2-5 mm thick Contains ~ 12 billion neurons Most of the cerebral cortex is concerned with processing sensory information or motor commands 2 bands of tissue – one sensory, one motor Divided into primary, secondary, & tertiary 47
  • 48. The Forebrain Telencephalon ◦ Olfactory bulb ◦ Cerebral cortex ◦ Basal telencephalon (basal ganglia) ◦ Corpus callosum ◦ commissure between cerebral hemispheres ◦ Internal capsule ◦ connections with brain stem ◦ Lateral ventricles 48
  • 49. Lobes of the Cerebrum 2 sides called hemispheres Joined by a bridge = Corpus Callosum Separated by a deep fissure front to back Like 2 mirror images (but not quite) Divided into 4 lobes ◦ 1. Frontal ◦ 2. Parietal ◦ 3. Temporal ◦ 4. Occipital 49
  • 50. Lobes of the Cerebrum Parietal Lobe Temporal Lobe Frontal Lobe Limbic Lobe Occipital Lobe 50
  • 51. The Frontal Lobe Intellectual functioning Reasoning Aggression Sexual behavior Speech Smell Voluntary movements 51
  • 52. The Parietal Lobe Body sensory awareness (including taste) Language Abstract thought, especially math Body imaging 52
  • 53. The Temporal Lobe Includes part of limbic system* Emotion* Interpretation of language Hearing Memory 53
  • 54. The Occipital Lobe Receiving, interpreting, & discriminating visual stimuli  Association of visual stimuli with memory 54
  • 62. White matter of Cerebral hemisphere The surface of the cerebral hemisphere is covered by a thin layer of grey matter called the cerebral cortex. The greater part of the cerebral hemisphere deep to the cortex is occupied by white matter within which are embedded certain important masses of grey matter. These fibres may be:  Association fibres that interconnect different regions of the cerebral cortex. Projection fibres that connect the cerebral cortex with other masses of grey matter; and vice versa. Commissural fibres that interconnect identical areas in the two hemispheres. 62
  • 63. Internal capsule The internal capsule may be divided into the following parts.  The anterior limb lies between the caudate nucleus medially, and the anterior part of the lentiform nucleus laterally.  The posterior limb lies between the thalamus medially, and the posterior part of the lentiform nucleus on the lateral side.  In transverse sections through the cerebral hemisphere the anterior and posterior limbs of the internal capsule are seen to meet at an angle open outwards. This angle is called the genu (genu = bend).  Some fibres of the internal capsule lie behind the posterior end of the lentiform nucleus. They constitute its retrolentiform part.  Some other fibres pass below the lentiform nucleus (and not medial to it). These fibres constitute the sublentiform part of the internal capsule 63
  • 65. The Primary Sensory & Motor Cortex Primary Motor Cortex: ◦ controls voluntary movements of limbs & trunk ◦ contains neurons that project directly to spinal cord to activate somatic motor neurons Primary Sensory Areas ◦ receive information from peripheral receptors with only a few synaptic relays interposed 65
  • 66. Brodmann Areas Cytoarchitectural areas of neocortex Regions with similar cell structure Numbered ◦ each represents a functionally distinct area Examples: ◦ Area 17 is the primary visual cortex ◦ at the caudal pole of the occipital lobe ◦ Area 4 is the primary motor cortex ◦ primary auditory cortex on left side of temporal lobe near language center 66
  • 67. Secondary & Tertiary Areas Surrounding primary areas are higher order (secondary & tertiary) sensory & motor areas ◦ Process & integrate info coming from the primary sensory areas. Higher order motor areas send complex info required for motor actions to primary motor areas 67
  • 68. Association Areas Three other large regions of cortex surround the primary, secondary & tertiary areas Called association areas In primates, association areas are majority of cortex 68
  • 69. Localization of Cortical Functions 69
  • 70. Lobes of the Brain & Associated Regions 70
  • 71. Integration of Brain Functions Interactions of all areas sensory, motor & motivational systems is essential for behavior. Example: throw a ball - info about motion of ball, impact of ball, position of arms, legs, hands, etc. - sensory, motor, motivational systems Anatomical organization of each major functional system (sensory, motor, motivational) follows 4 principles 71
  • 72. Principles of Anatomical Organization Each system contains relay centers ◦ These don’t just transmit info; also modify it ◦ Most important relay center is the thalamus ◦ almost all sensory info to cerebral cortex processed by thalamus Each system is composed of several distinct pathways ◦ Example: touch & pain 72
  • 73. Principles of Anatomical Organization (Cont.) Each pathway is topographically organized ◦ neural map - clustered functions Most pathways cross the body’s midline ◦ Thus each hemisphere controls the actions/sensations of the opposite side. ◦ Left side dominates language; right side -spatial perception, musical ability 73
  • 74. Diencephalon Thalamus & hypothalamus taken together Important structures found in the cerebrum Between the midbrain & cerebral hemispheres ◦ Thalamus ◦ Hypothalamus ◦ Third ventricle Retina and optic nerves ◦ develop from optic vesicle that pouches off from diencephalon during development 74
  • 75. The Thalamus & Hypothalamus Thalamus ◦ relay center - processes & distributes almost all sensory & motor info going to the cerebral cortex ◦ links nervous & endocrine system ◦ emotional control Hypothalamus ◦ under the thalamus ◦ regulates autonomic nervous system ◦ connects to thalamus, midbrain & some cortical areas ◦ Controls body temperature, thirst, hunger, emotional behavior 75
  • 76. Cerebellum The cerebellum consists of a part lying near the midline called the vermis, and of two lateral hemispheres. two surfaces, superior and inferior Dorsal to the pons & medulla Mostly white matter covered with a thin layer of gray matter Pleated surface; divided into several lobes Receives sensory input from the spinal cord, motor info from the cerebral cortex & input about balance from receptors in the inner ear Therefore, can coordinate planning & timing of voluntary muscle movement & maintain balance. 76
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  • 78. The Medulla Oblongata & Pons Medulla Oblongata ◦ Bottom (rostral) region of the brainstem ◦ Regulates blood pressure and respiration; controls breathing, swallowing, digestion, heart & blood vessels. Pons ◦ Above medulla ◦ links cerebellum to cerebrum; relays info from cerebral hemispheres to cerebellum 78
  • 79. The Midbrain Mesencephalon ◦ Tectum (roof) ◦ superior colliculus + inferior colliculus ◦ Tegmentum (floor) ◦ Cerebral aqueduct Controls responses to sight (e.g. eye movements) Relay station of auditory & visual signals Motor control of some skeletal muscles 79
  • 80. The Brainstem Anatomically, from the bottom up: ◦ Medulla Oblongata ◦ Pons ◦ Midbrain Taken together = brainstem ◦ Contains all the nerves that connect the spinal cord with the cerebrum ◦ Receives sensory info from head, face, & neck ◦ Motor neurons control muscles of head & neck ◦ 12 pairs of cranial nerves carry input & output ◦ Also involved in hearing, taste & balance 80
  • 81. The Limbic System A functional & evolutionary division, rather than anatomical Group of structures in center of the brain above the brainstem: ◦ hypothalamus ◦ pituitary ◦ hippocampus ◦ important role in memory ◦ hippocampal gyrus ◦ amygdala ◦ coordinates actions of the autonomic & endocrine systems ◦ involved in emotions 81
  • 82. Functions of the Limbic System Sometimes called the “mammalian brain because most highly developed in mammals One of the oldest areas of brain from an evolutionary standpoint Maintains homeostasis: e.g. helps maintain temperature, blood pressure, heart rate, blood sugar Also involved in emotional reactions needed for survival 4 F’s: fleeing, fighting, feeding. 82
  • 85. Ipsilateral/Contralateral The cerebral hemispheres are involved with inputs and outputs from the contralateral side of the body ◦ Damage to neocortex causes problems on the opposite side ◦ In patients with epilepsy, surgeons occasionally cut corpus callosum to relieve seizures. Flash different pictures in each eye, patients could describe what they saw with right eye, but not left, but could pick out object - example: Heart = ART. The cerebellum is involved with the control of movement on the ipsilateral side of the body. ◦ Damage to the cerebellum causes motor deficits on the same side. 85
  • 86. Injury Mechanisms The brain is a complex and delicate organ, and one that is vulnerable to injury from a variety of different traumas. These include:  Frontal Lobe Injury  Occipital Lobe Injury  Temporal Lobe Injury  Side Impact Injury  Coup/Contre-coup Injury  Diffuse Axonal Injury  Epidural Hematoma  Subdural Hematoma 86
  • 87. Frontal Lobe Injury The frontal lobe of the brain can be injured from direct impact on the front of the head. During impact, the brain tissue is accelerated forward into the bony skull. This can cause bruising of the brain tissue and tearing of blood vessels. Frontal lobe injuries can cause changes in personality, as well as many different kinds of disturbances in cognition and memory. 87
  • 88. Occipital Lobe Injury Occipital lobe injuries occur from blows to the back of the head. This can cause bruising of the brain tissue and tearing of blood vessels. These injuries can result in vision problems or even blindness. 88
  • 89. Temporal Lobe Injury The temporal lobe of the brain is vulnerable to injury from impacts of the front of the head. The temporal lobe lies upon the bony ridges of the inside of the skull, and rapid acceleration can cause the brain tissue to smash into the bone, causing tissue damage or bleeding. 89
  • 90. Side Impact Injury Injuries to the right or left side of the brain can occur from injuries to the side of the head. Injuries to this part of the brain can result in language or speech difficulties, and sensory or motor problems. 90
  • 91. Coup/Contre-coup Injury A French phrase that describes bruises that occur at two sites in the brain. When the head is struck, the impact causes the brain to bump the opposite side of the skull. Damage occurs at the area of impact and on the opposite side of the brain. 91
  • 92. Diffuse Axonal Injury Brain injury does not require a direct head impact. During rapid acceleration of the head, some parts of the brain can move separately from other parts. This type of motion creates shear forces that can destroy axons necessary for brain functioning. These shear forces can stretch the nerve bundles of the brain. 92
  • 93. Diffuse Axonal Injury The brain is a complex network of interconnections. Critical nerve tracts can be sheared and stressed during an acceleration-type of injury. Diffuse axonal injury is a very serious injury, as it directly impacts the major pathways of the brain. 93
  • 94. Epidural Hematoma An epidural hematoma is a blood clot that forms between the skull and the top lining of the brain (dura). This blood clot can cause fast changes in the pressure inside the brain. When the brain tissue is compressed, it can quickly result in compromised blood flow and neuron damage. 94
  • 95. Subdural Hematoma A subdural hematoma is a blood clot that forms between the dura and the brain tissue. The clot may cause increased pressure and may need to be removed surgically. When the brain tissue is compressed, it can quickly result in compromised blood flow and tissue damage. 95
  • 96. Blood Supply of the Brain and Spinal Cord.
  • 97. Introduction The brain is one of the most metabolically active organs in the body, receiving 17% of the total cardiac output and about 20% of the oxygen available in the body. The brain receives it’s blood from two pairs of arteries, the carotid and vertebral. About 80% of the brain’s blood supply comes from the carotid, and the remaining 20% from the vertebral. 97
  • 98. These arteries arise in the neck, and ascend to the cranium. Within the cranial vault, the terminal branches of these arteries form an anastomotic circle, called the Circle of Willis. From this circle, branches arise which supply the majority of the cerebrum. Other parts of the CNS, such as the pons and spinal cord, are supplied by smaller branches from the vertebral arteries. 98
  • 99. Internal Carotid Arteries The internal carotid arteries (ICA) originate at the bifurcation of the left and right common carotid arteries, at the level of the fourth cervical vertebrae (C4). They move superiorly within the carotid sheath, and enter the brain via the carotid canal of the temporal bone. They do not supply any branches to the face or neck. Once in the cranial cavity, the internal carotids pass anteriorly through the cavernous sinus. Distal to the cavernous sinus, each ICA gives rise to: ◦ Ophthalmic artery ◦ Posterior communicating artery ◦ Anterior cerebral artery The internal carotids then continue as the middle cerebral artery, which supplies the the lateral portions of the cerebrum. 99
  • 100. 100
  • 101. Vertebral Arteries The right and left vertebral arteries arise from the subclavian arteries, medial to the anterior scalene muscle. They then ascend up the posterior side of the neck, through holes in the transverse processes of the cervical vertebrae, known as foramen transversarium. The vertebral arteries enter the cranial cavity via the foramen magnum. Within the cranial vault, some branches are given off: ◦ Meningeal branch ◦ Anterior and posterior spinal arteries ◦ Posterior inferior cerebellar artery After this, the two vertebral arteries converge to form the basilar artery 101
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  • 103. Arterial Circle of Willis The terminal branches of the vertebral and internal carotid arteries all anastamose to form a circular blood vessel, called the Circle of Willis. There are three main (paired) constituents of the Circle of Willis: ◦ Anterior cerebral arteries: These are terminal branches of the internal carotids. ◦ Internal carotid arteries: Present immediately proximal to the origin of the middle cerebral arteries. ◦ Posterior cerebral arteries: These are terminal branches of the vertebral arteries. To complete the circle, two ‘connecting vessels’ are also present: ◦ Anterior communicating artery: This artery connects the two anterior cerebral arteries. ◦ Posterior communicating artery: A branch of the internal carotid, this artery connects the ICA to the posterior cerebral artery. 103
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  • 105. Regional Blood Supply to the Cerebrum There are three cerebral arteries; anterior, middle and inferior. They each supply a different portion of the cerebrum. ◦ The anterior cerebral arteries supply the anteromedial portion of the cerebrum. ◦ The middle cerebral arteries are situated laterally, supplying the majority of the lateral part of the brain. ◦ The posterior cerebral arteries supply both the medial and lateral parts of the posterior cerebrum 105
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  • 107. Anterior Spinal Artery, provides sulcal branches which penetrate the ventral median fissure and supply the ventral 2/3 of the spinal cord. Posterior Spinal Arteries, each descends along the dorsolateral surface of the spinal cord and supplies the dorsal 1/3. 107 Spinal cord blood supply
  • 109. Radicular arteries, originating from segmental arteries at various levels, which divide into anterior and posterior radicular arteries as they move along ventral and dorsal roots to reach the spinal cord. Here they reinforce spinal arteries and anastomose with their branches. From these varied sources of blood supply, a series of circumferential anastomotic channels are formed around the spinal cord, called the arterial vasocorona, from which short branches penetrate and supply the lateral parts of the cord 109
  • 110. The radicular arteries provide the main blood supply to the cord at the thorasic, lumbar and sacral segments. There are a greater number on the posterior (10-23) than anterior (6-10 only) side of the cord. One radicular artery, noticeably larger than the others, is called the artery of Adamkiewicz, or the artery of the lumbar enlargement. Usually located with the lower thorasic or upper lumbar spinal segment on the left side of the spinal cord. 110
  • 111. The spinal cord lacks adequate collateral supply in some areas, making these regions prone to ischemia after vascular occlusions. The upper Thorasic (T1-T4) and first lumbar segments are the most vulnerable regions of the cord. 111
  • 112. There are several arteries that reinforce the spinal cord blood supply and are termed segmental arteries 1. The Vertebral arteries, spinal branches which are present in the upper cervical (~C3-C5) levels 2. Ascending Cervical arteries, present in the lower cervical areas 3. Posterior Intercostal, present in the mid-thorasic region 112
  • 113. Clinical Relevance: Disorders of Arterial Supply Stroke ◦ The brain is particularly sensitive to oxygen starvation. A stroke is a acute development of a neurological deficit, due to a disturbance in the blood supply of the brain. ◦ There are four main causes of a cerebrovascular accident: ◦ Thrombosis – Obstruction of a blood vessel by a locally forming clot. ◦ Embolism – Obstruction of a blood vessel by an emboli formed elsewhere. ◦ Hypoperfusion – Underperfusion of the brain, due to systemically low blood pressure (e.g shock). ◦ Haemorrhage – An accumulation of blood within the cranial cavity. ◦ Out of these four, the most common cause is embolism. In many patients, an athlerosclerotic emboli will arise from the vessels of the neck. 113
  • 114. Clinical Relevance: Disorders of Arterial Supply Intracerebral Aneurysms ◦ An aneurysm is a dilation of an artery, which is greater than 50% of the normal diameter. They most likely to occur to occur in the vessels contributing to the Circle of Willis. They are particularly dangerous – producing no symptoms until they rupture. ◦ Once the artery wall has ruptured, it is a medical emergency, and the patient is likely to die unless treated swiftly. Treatment of an intracerebral aneurysm is surgical. 114
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