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When writing down my potential techniques on my music video assignment, it helped my store and pin
point the techniques that I might apply to my music video, which was helpful because it allowed me to
expand my thoughts on the types of camera shots, angles, how people will be used in the video, virchels
and special effects that I will do which in return, will help me go into making music video with a clear
head of what I might do from the get go at the start of the planning which will help me to start
thinking creativly of what I might implament within my music video.
Although I had some knowledge of music videos and the components that made up the genre within
them, the extensive research into drill and the the visual representations of them when I was watching
music videos and analysed them helped my understanding of camera angles and why they use certain
camera angles, like when there is a long shot in a music video to show a group of people which can
make the music video look more cinematic, a close-up to make the atmosphere more intense and scary,
and in addition to this there is a use of low shots to make characters within the music video appear large
thus more dominant. Learning these camera angles that are used within drill music videos was useful
because I learn why they are used and how they were executed, which made me more efficient, then if I
didn't watch any music videos, when editing because I had a conscious idea of what would and wouldn't
work because of all the research I had done on the genre of drill and the music videos that when with it.
The main downside to researhing, was the time consumed because some of that time was spent
researching down a rabbit hole where I didn't find any new or usful information that would cater to my
best interests of the project at hand, which was bad because I could have spend my time, instead on
researching more museful information. This slight predicament of my time wasted could have been
avoided and mitigated via thoroughly and carefully researching relevant information that would greatly
enhance my understand and potential, to optize the creativity inflicted upon my music video.
Reseaching for my potential songs that I was going to use, was very usful because this allowed me
to judge different song and their styles (subgenres) within drill and understand how a slight
alternative tint to a song could potentially impact a music video, so that I knew what changes and
alterations I would need to add to the music video fit with the song. This was important because I would
need to understand the tone and style of the song that I would be using before making the music video
so that it would fit the overall mood and aethetic of the music video correctly because I wouldn't want to
make the music video look really happy and vibrant if the song of the music video is sad and the other
way around because it wouldn't fit the overall theme of the music, which isn't good because the whole
point of a music video is that the video goes along with the music in some way and unless it’s a music
video parody or has good reason to use this style, there shouldn't be a conflicting feeling between audio
After that, I began to research conventions that I plan to use for my music video so that I had an idea for
what themes and moods I could use to soak within my music video so that It would fit with the genre of drill, so
that it would fit alongside the song that I would use. This part of the research would be esstential for me to make
a music video because it is something that I would need to do so that I could develop a great understanding
about how medias like music videos are constructed using certain themes, moods, settins, props and charaters to
inflict and/or to express an emotion piece of artistry that will be aethetically pleasing.
I made a mind map of all the possible ideas that I would potentially include in my music video so that I could have
a mass of ideas within a brainstorm because it would allow me to reflect and develop on origional ideas so that it
will enhance my create drive going into the creation of the music video so that I don't feel lost or confused
about what to do for the music video. Also I would like to note that althought formulating a mind map was
personally very annoying because it took a long time, it is also a very good learning style for me because I am
somewhat of a visual learner, so switching learning styles within my research was a very good way of keeping me
going and to move forward efficiently.
In the summary of my research I talk about the opportunities of my ideas, which was interesting to assemble
because it allowed me to strongly understand what some of my ideas were and what they would entail in terms of
oppotunies, which allowed me to understand what I would be getting myself into and it made me think into the
future about what preperations I should take when proceeded into production and post production because it
made me aware of the fact that I would need to thoroughlyplan what I would create in order to be effiecient at the
production side of the project. Also within my summary, I talk about restrictions as well, which was an
important thing to take into consideration because it made me reconise the potential barriers along the way, which
may prevent me from getting something done which was really good for me because I could then look at the
potential promlem and figure out and give a solution to the issue to make it better or to replace it so that my work
can contunue in a swift manner so that I don't get held back in work.
At the end stages of my research I began writing final ideas regaring track summary and my own ideas which was
one of, if not one of the most of important parts of the research section of the powerpoint because it lays out in a
constructive manner, the ideas of my music videos. At this stage of the powerpoint I feel like things are coming
together nicely because I talk indepth about the camera shots/angles, visual effects, tone, direction of the music
Before creating my music video I did an aray of planning of various different things that will be included within my music video so
that I knew the genral things that would be involved within the music video and what problems could occour as a result of them being
At the start, I planned out my loctions, which were Sutton Bank and Thirk. Within this segment of the Powerpoint, I described how I
would get to these locations, there distance away from my house, the transportaion and specific loctations within them so that I knew
exactally where I was going so that I didn't get lost in terms of where I should go in these areas because it allowed me to sufficiently
planout and organise where I would go and at what risks could potentially come with it and how I would solve and/or avoid them.
After location, I configured within the plan the equipment that I would be using for the music video so that I had a concrete idea of
what exactly I would need be bring with me on the adventure of gathering the clips I would need for the music video so that I would
know what I was bring and why I would be using them in the music video so that get the footage I would need. This was important for
me because if I forgot certain equipment on a day for th shooting, then it could potential ruin the clip gathering process,
which might a to my detriment because it might make me unable to get the clips that I would need to get for the music video.
I also planned out my facilities which was an important thing to plan because when deciding were to record you must first know the
areas where it is allowed and areas where it is not aloowed so that I could plan tp record in an area that I would be allowed to record
at so that I don’t arrested or fined for recording on private and/or land that is prohibated for people to record at so that I can move
swiftly on from the recording to the post preduction without any complains. As a result, I gave myself time to find places that would
be acceptiable for recording with had a fruitful coutcome because I foud areas the were allowed for the public to go and record at,
like and abby and a nation park which was great because I now had places that I could go to without risk of any angry land owners.
Then I quickly planned personnel and planned out who I would go with to use for the music video so that I could have a clear idea of
who I would be with in my recording so that I could know the people involved along side me when shooting the music video.
I then planned the props and costumes that I would be using in my music video which was important because in the genre of music
that I would be making there is a prodominatly urban style of out fit which is frequently warn within a music video which is why is
needed to plan out what I would be wearing so that I knew exactly what clothes I should bring when recording so that I don't forget to
bring the right clothes on the day to get the clips for the music video. Also well as generic clothing, I also decided to bring glow-up
masks so that the music video had some extra indifferent visual conponents within the frames of the video because they looked really
good in the dark since they projected glowing green lights into the dark. Also I Planned what car that I would be using in my music
video as well so that I had a clear plan layed out of what cars I would be using so that I wasn't be disorganised within my planning and
so that when it came to the production, I knew what cars would be included within the music video.
Moving forward, I would begin to planout what shots I would be using for my music video and where
the locatiosn of the shot would be so that I could write down the loctaions of the shots in
correlation to the type of shots being performed when recorded for the music video. This was usful
planning because not only was I planning the shots to be used for the music video, I was also
describing where the shots would take place which was good because I understood greatly where and
how I would implament my shots within my music video.
Then it came to sturural breakdown which gave me a good opptunity to show what my plan of action
was in a visual sense with corrilations to the song so that I could show what would happen when the
beat comes in and what happens visually for the outro, which was very usful because it allowed me
to know specifically what I will do within my music video in terms of structure and where the clips
will be placed on the time line of the song. The structural breakdown was also very helpful because it
allowed me to understand and developed an understanding about what editing style I would be using
and how I would use them which made me more confident leading up to post production because it
made me understand what I should do visually.
The story board was also very helpful because it allowed me to breakdown into sections, what I would
be doing visually for my music video with writing and visually interpriations of what my music video
would look like which was good because it outlined the main sections of my music video which allowed
me to reflect at story board when shooting the video so that I could refresh my mind on the visual
direction of where the video is going.
Probably one of the best planning that I did was the shot list because it outlined all the shots that I
would do for the music video, even the less significant one, which was very usful because it allowed
me to know where every shot should go in the music video, for how long and what type of shot it
would be, which was very usful because it allowed me to navigate quickly where each and every clip is
in a specific order, which was very good for the recording process because I knew all the shots I
should get for the my music video.
Contingency planning helped me understand what I should do in
certain cercum stances when something doesn't go to plan or if
something goes wrong and how to solve them so that that when I go
out to record and use equipment I don’t comprimise the recording and
find an alernative that would work instead. For example, I wrote about
how if the weather wasn't in conditiosn to record, then I should record
because it could potentially be dangerous in terms of health and safty
and it could also damage equipment, which would could result in many
preventiosn when getting clips for the music video.
The schedual when planning, helped me plan-out how long and on
what days I wil be doing certain thing within the project so that I have
soild idea of what I will need to do on what days so that I have
organisation within my project. This didn't all go to plan because there
was a lot going on but I tried my best to try and set my self time to
complete the wor that needed to be complete for the project so that I
had the time to complete the project before the deadline date.
Although at some stages of this project I was efficient when it came to managing my
time, it wan't all well and good because at some stages I was a bit behind because of
being ill, when held me back a lot because I wasn't in for one of the days at college,
whach adamaged the momentum of fluidly doing the work and sometimes it was simply
not being efficient enough when using my time carfully.
If I did this again I would deffinatly improve the management of time by setting
reminders on my phone and on a calendar so that I can nofify myself when work needs
to be done so that I can know what times will be best for me to get it done so that I
can excel at achieving a finish of my work more fluentally and so that I can leave time at
the end so that I can do extra work if neccisary so that I can optize the level of my work
via having more time to do it. When recording, because I needed to travel to get my
footage with someone else driving me to the locations and I had thinkgs on, it was
sometimes hard to find a day that would fit me and the drive when we were both free so
it when were getting the last batch of footage, it was last minute which is worrying as
far as time management goes because if I was unable to get the last set of footage on
the at day then it would have made things very difficult. As a result of this, if I had to do
this again, then I would deffinatly try and organize my times better by communicating
with the driver that I would be recording with so that I would have time to do
recording earlier so that it wouldn’t have been as last minute which could ptentially
be deadly to the recording process.
Also in post production I had done a lot of work in a reletivly short amount of time,
what would have been quicker is if I instead of adding clips and editing them along as I
filled up the timeline is if I were to fill in all the timeline with clips and then after ive
order all the clips within the timeline I then start adding effects so that I can do the
effects last so that it gives me time that is separated beteen the visual effects and
the ordering of clips within the timeline.
QUALITIES - CAMERAThe main difference between the two products is that the existing product
has a much higher production quality to it which is clear to see because
every shot has the perfect camera movement and all the shots are crystal
clear and sharp which is which is what I did in my music video but not to
the same extent because there was a few shots that were a bit out of
focus and/or had too much visual noise to call the shot clear. Another
difference is that the old town road music video had a storyline and my
music video doesn't because I that wan't the direction I was going for in
my music video because I didn't feel like it was neccersary because the
songs lryics wasn't a story.
Also the shots are vastly different in the two music videos because in the
existing product we can see more long shots and high shots and on the
flipside, my products have more low shots, central shots and a few drone
shots, so shot-wise my shots are vastly different because in my music
video I am trying to convay a different tone then what is in the existing
music video because they are two different genres because my music
video is drill and the existing product is Contry/Hip-Hop so that’s the
reaons why there different shot and angels in the different music videos.
Another indifferance is that my video uses a lot of visual effects to
compliment the song on the beat, however, in the old town road music
video it doesn't just any fancy visual effetcs and is clear thoughout in that
Althought the production quality is different, a similarity of both products
is that they are both rendered out at 1080p (HD). Most of the duration
between the cuts are vastly different, however in one section of the ald
Lil Nas X - Old Town
When it comes to editing, my product is has the main difference
between the two of the amount of visual effects because my music video
product has almost a wacky and/or interesting special effect every other
clip oppose to the existing product via outkast which has little to no
special effects. Another difference is that the my music video was shot
at 1080p and the outkast video is shot at 480p and is a squared VHS
styled framing which mine is not because my music video is more
rectangular. Also the camera shots are somewhat different aswell
because my camera shots are mainly low-angled with a few drone shots
and long/mid shots as well, however the OutKast music video has a lot
of high shots, mid shots and close ups shots.
The only only similarity between the two videos when it comes to
camera angles/shots is that they both have some close-up shots and
low shots but there isn't nearly as many low shots in mu product then
the existing one because the mood trying to be expressed in the
existing product is less intense then mine.
A great similarity between the two videos is the speed at wich thet cut
from clip to clip because it is fast between each clip to match the beat of
the some which is probably which they are so similar because they are
both hip-hop songs and drill songs with similar BPM which effects
When I objectivly view over my product, I can deffinatly reckonise my work as
at least good because although some shots don't look as good as I could
have made them if I reshot them because of lighting, noise and bluriness,
the majority of the music videos have moderate to decent looking shots on
it, espcially since I put an aray of various different visual effects on my raw
footage in premier pro to make them look even better so that the music
video is more visually simulating and overall more interesting to watch. I
would improve the shots that I thought weren't the best by altering the
apature and the focus and add better external lighting as well so that the
people in the shot are clearer.
I would most certainly discribe my music video as creative because when
shooting my shots I added swooping motions and slight panning motions to
some of my shots so that they don't feel too static for the music video when
the person is miming the lyrics to the song. The visual effects that I
implamented with my music video where mainly experimental in the end
because I got carried away with the editing, which turned out great because
some of the best things in the music video are attributed to visual effects
because it makes the music video look more interesting make the viewer
whant to continue watching the music video. I personally enjoyed the drone
shots that I used within the music video because they made the music video
feel like it is at a higher quality , I also like the part of the music video where
there is a soild red background and the colours change every time the man
flicks his wrist because it look quite authentic and stylist. In the music video
I also like the cuts where it changes fram wide screen to VHS because it
keeps the music video from staying the same framing, which in effect, makes
the viewing experience more enjoyiable when watching the music video.
My product appeals to my target audience because my product's visual elements heavily
influenced by the drill genre which is attrative to a lot of people because there are a lot of
people into the style of music so from the get go there will be people who will deffinatly be
into my music video product because there is such a mass amount of people who are into the
style of music, as well as drill music and the whole UK music scene blowing up because of
grime and UK hip-hop's trendiness.
Not only is the genre of music going to attract a lot of people, the visual in the overall music
video will also do the same because the visuals within the music video highly compliment the
song because of it's drill inspired and visually stimulating presentation.
My music video also has some high quality shots in them, like high-up drone shots, car shots
and a great number of shots fill with, but not over saturated with, effects that would be
appealing to a lot of people because a lot of people like to see cool experiemnt effects within
a music video because they can look unreal, which makes them look even better to ponder at.
Also the tone of the music video matches the song because its not too sad and not too happy,
which is ggod because it makes the video feel like its supposed to go along side the song
because of the colouration, the speed and the tone of the music video as a whole.
What did you like about the product?
 The rhythmic editing was really good and helped the video fit with
the music.
 Used a wide range of effects (e.g filters) the fitted the style of the
 Use of lights, filming at night with the light up mask looked really
cool on camera.
 Good range of shots and locations.
What improvements could have been made to the
 There was no storyline.
What did you like about the product?
 I could tell with the editing and camera angles that this is a very
traditional rap like music video, I liked what looked like drone shots
and the transition from walking behind the trees. I liked the way the
camera moved with some of the hand actions the overall movement
was really smooth. I also really liked the shot where the performer is
all blacked out and the background changes it’s colour.
What improvements could have been made to the
•Almost every shot had noise in it and was slightly or a lot out of focus,
maybe the performers could have been doing something a bit more
than throwing there hands around as most of the hand movements
didn’t really go with that beat of the song.
What did you like about the product?
The sky shots looked really good. A lot of the editing was also
really good. I liked the VHS effect that came up sometimes. I also
really liked the thing where they were in the sky behind them at the
same time it worked really well. A lot of the camera techniques
were also really well done. The shot where he walked behind the
tree and another person came out the other side was really well
done and looked really real. It really fitted the music. The coloured
sky was really unique
What improvements could have been made to the product?
Some of the shots were a bit grainy in the dark, there may have
been ways to have slightly less grain. A lot of the zooming done in
post looked a bit odd when there was a mix of camera zoom too in
some clips. I think a lot more of the clips without any effects on
could have been coloured graded a lot more so that they didn’t
look like they had come straight from the camera and they had
more of a video feel.
What do you agree with from your peer feedback?
 I agree that there wasn’t any storyline because I never intended there
to be one.
 I disagree that almost every shot had noise into because they didn’t
but I will agree that the shots that did have noise in music video
looked satisfactory.
 The drone shots were good was something that I agree with because
they weren’t shaky and for the most part they were smooth when the
drone’s camera frame was panning/moving.
 In feedback 2 someone fed back that they liked the shot where
someone walked behind a tree and came back round the other side
which is something that I also think looks very good because it's
something that in the real world doesn't happen because its not
possible, which is why it is so aluring visually to watch.
What do you disagree with from your peer feedback?
 Almost every shot had noise because it factually incorrect because if
you watch the music video you can see that there is only nosie on a
select few clips of the music video.
I would definatly make the clips less grainy by altering the ISO so that
the video isn't as grainy in the video because when a video is grainy I
will agree, the video doesn't look nearly as good as if it wasn't grainy
because when a video isn't grain it is clearer to see what is going on in
the frame.
Althought I thought that a lot of the digitally edited zooming looked
good in the music video product, looking back and reflecting on the
music video, I can honestly see how someone can find some of them
unpleasent because some of them look a bit off, so if I could re do the
shots and the editing, I would try and make the camera movemnet as
clean as possible with good focus and I would then, I needed to, add
digital stablizers and movement so that to try and make it look more
supreme in post.
I would also add more visual effects that were at the same quality as
the tree transitioning effect because a lotof people seem to enjoy that
quite a lot.
I would a lot potentially change my product by adding one or two more
drone shots in the mix because I feel like since drone shots can my a
product look a lot better why not add a litlle bit more if people enjoy

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Mv production assignment evaluation form 2019

  • 3. RESEARCH When writing down my potential techniques on my music video assignment, it helped my store and pin point the techniques that I might apply to my music video, which was helpful because it allowed me to expand my thoughts on the types of camera shots, angles, how people will be used in the video, virchels and special effects that I will do which in return, will help me go into making music video with a clear head of what I might do from the get go at the start of the planning which will help me to start thinking creativly of what I might implament within my music video. Although I had some knowledge of music videos and the components that made up the genre within them, the extensive research into drill and the the visual representations of them when I was watching music videos and analysed them helped my understanding of camera angles and why they use certain camera angles, like when there is a long shot in a music video to show a group of people which can make the music video look more cinematic, a close-up to make the atmosphere more intense and scary, and in addition to this there is a use of low shots to make characters within the music video appear large thus more dominant. Learning these camera angles that are used within drill music videos was useful because I learn why they are used and how they were executed, which made me more efficient, then if I didn't watch any music videos, when editing because I had a conscious idea of what would and wouldn't work because of all the research I had done on the genre of drill and the music videos that when with it. The main downside to researhing, was the time consumed because some of that time was spent researching down a rabbit hole where I didn't find any new or usful information that would cater to my best interests of the project at hand, which was bad because I could have spend my time, instead on researching more museful information. This slight predicament of my time wasted could have been avoided and mitigated via thoroughly and carefully researching relevant information that would greatly enhance my understand and potential, to optize the creativity inflicted upon my music video. Reseaching for my potential songs that I was going to use, was very usful because this allowed me to judge different song and their styles (subgenres) within drill and understand how a slight alternative tint to a song could potentially impact a music video, so that I knew what changes and alterations I would need to add to the music video fit with the song. This was important because I would need to understand the tone and style of the song that I would be using before making the music video so that it would fit the overall mood and aethetic of the music video correctly because I wouldn't want to make the music video look really happy and vibrant if the song of the music video is sad and the other way around because it wouldn't fit the overall theme of the music, which isn't good because the whole point of a music video is that the video goes along with the music in some way and unless it’s a music video parody or has good reason to use this style, there shouldn't be a conflicting feeling between audio
  • 4. After that, I began to research conventions that I plan to use for my music video so that I had an idea for what themes and moods I could use to soak within my music video so that It would fit with the genre of drill, so that it would fit alongside the song that I would use. This part of the research would be esstential for me to make a music video because it is something that I would need to do so that I could develop a great understanding about how medias like music videos are constructed using certain themes, moods, settins, props and charaters to inflict and/or to express an emotion piece of artistry that will be aethetically pleasing. I made a mind map of all the possible ideas that I would potentially include in my music video so that I could have a mass of ideas within a brainstorm because it would allow me to reflect and develop on origional ideas so that it will enhance my create drive going into the creation of the music video so that I don't feel lost or confused about what to do for the music video. Also I would like to note that althought formulating a mind map was personally very annoying because it took a long time, it is also a very good learning style for me because I am somewhat of a visual learner, so switching learning styles within my research was a very good way of keeping me going and to move forward efficiently. In the summary of my research I talk about the opportunities of my ideas, which was interesting to assemble because it allowed me to strongly understand what some of my ideas were and what they would entail in terms of oppotunies, which allowed me to understand what I would be getting myself into and it made me think into the future about what preperations I should take when proceeded into production and post production because it made me aware of the fact that I would need to thoroughlyplan what I would create in order to be effiecient at the production side of the project. Also within my summary, I talk about restrictions as well, which was an important thing to take into consideration because it made me reconise the potential barriers along the way, which may prevent me from getting something done which was really good for me because I could then look at the potential promlem and figure out and give a solution to the issue to make it better or to replace it so that my work can contunue in a swift manner so that I don't get held back in work. At the end stages of my research I began writing final ideas regaring track summary and my own ideas which was one of, if not one of the most of important parts of the research section of the powerpoint because it lays out in a constructive manner, the ideas of my music videos. At this stage of the powerpoint I feel like things are coming together nicely because I talk indepth about the camera shots/angles, visual effects, tone, direction of the music RESEARCH
  • 5. PLANNING Before creating my music video I did an aray of planning of various different things that will be included within my music video so that I knew the genral things that would be involved within the music video and what problems could occour as a result of them being invloved. At the start, I planned out my loctions, which were Sutton Bank and Thirk. Within this segment of the Powerpoint, I described how I would get to these locations, there distance away from my house, the transportaion and specific loctations within them so that I knew exactally where I was going so that I didn't get lost in terms of where I should go in these areas because it allowed me to sufficiently planout and organise where I would go and at what risks could potentially come with it and how I would solve and/or avoid them. After location, I configured within the plan the equipment that I would be using for the music video so that I had a concrete idea of what exactly I would need be bring with me on the adventure of gathering the clips I would need for the music video so that I would know what I was bring and why I would be using them in the music video so that get the footage I would need. This was important for me because if I forgot certain equipment on a day for th shooting, then it could potential ruin the clip gathering process, which might a to my detriment because it might make me unable to get the clips that I would need to get for the music video. I also planned out my facilities which was an important thing to plan because when deciding were to record you must first know the areas where it is allowed and areas where it is not aloowed so that I could plan tp record in an area that I would be allowed to record at so that I don’t arrested or fined for recording on private and/or land that is prohibated for people to record at so that I can move swiftly on from the recording to the post preduction without any complains. As a result, I gave myself time to find places that would be acceptiable for recording with had a fruitful coutcome because I foud areas the were allowed for the public to go and record at, like and abby and a nation park which was great because I now had places that I could go to without risk of any angry land owners. Then I quickly planned personnel and planned out who I would go with to use for the music video so that I could have a clear idea of who I would be with in my recording so that I could know the people involved along side me when shooting the music video. I then planned the props and costumes that I would be using in my music video which was important because in the genre of music that I would be making there is a prodominatly urban style of out fit which is frequently warn within a music video which is why is needed to plan out what I would be wearing so that I knew exactly what clothes I should bring when recording so that I don't forget to bring the right clothes on the day to get the clips for the music video. Also well as generic clothing, I also decided to bring glow-up masks so that the music video had some extra indifferent visual conponents within the frames of the video because they looked really good in the dark since they projected glowing green lights into the dark. Also I Planned what car that I would be using in my music video as well so that I had a clear plan layed out of what cars I would be using so that I wasn't be disorganised within my planning and so that when it came to the production, I knew what cars would be included within the music video.
  • 6. PLANNING Moving forward, I would begin to planout what shots I would be using for my music video and where the locatiosn of the shot would be so that I could write down the loctaions of the shots in correlation to the type of shots being performed when recorded for the music video. This was usful planning because not only was I planning the shots to be used for the music video, I was also describing where the shots would take place which was good because I understood greatly where and how I would implament my shots within my music video. Then it came to sturural breakdown which gave me a good opptunity to show what my plan of action was in a visual sense with corrilations to the song so that I could show what would happen when the beat comes in and what happens visually for the outro, which was very usful because it allowed me to know specifically what I will do within my music video in terms of structure and where the clips will be placed on the time line of the song. The structural breakdown was also very helpful because it allowed me to understand and developed an understanding about what editing style I would be using and how I would use them which made me more confident leading up to post production because it made me understand what I should do visually. The story board was also very helpful because it allowed me to breakdown into sections, what I would be doing visually for my music video with writing and visually interpriations of what my music video would look like which was good because it outlined the main sections of my music video which allowed me to reflect at story board when shooting the video so that I could refresh my mind on the visual direction of where the video is going. Probably one of the best planning that I did was the shot list because it outlined all the shots that I would do for the music video, even the less significant one, which was very usful because it allowed me to know where every shot should go in the music video, for how long and what type of shot it would be, which was very usful because it allowed me to navigate quickly where each and every clip is in a specific order, which was very good for the recording process because I knew all the shots I should get for the my music video.
  • 7. Contingency planning helped me understand what I should do in certain cercum stances when something doesn't go to plan or if something goes wrong and how to solve them so that that when I go out to record and use equipment I don’t comprimise the recording and find an alernative that would work instead. For example, I wrote about how if the weather wasn't in conditiosn to record, then I should record because it could potentially be dangerous in terms of health and safty and it could also damage equipment, which would could result in many preventiosn when getting clips for the music video. The schedual when planning, helped me plan-out how long and on what days I wil be doing certain thing within the project so that I have soild idea of what I will need to do on what days so that I have organisation within my project. This didn't all go to plan because there was a lot going on but I tried my best to try and set my self time to complete the wor that needed to be complete for the project so that I had the time to complete the project before the deadline date. PLANNING
  • 8. TIME MANAGEMENT Although at some stages of this project I was efficient when it came to managing my time, it wan't all well and good because at some stages I was a bit behind because of being ill, when held me back a lot because I wasn't in for one of the days at college, whach adamaged the momentum of fluidly doing the work and sometimes it was simply not being efficient enough when using my time carfully. If I did this again I would deffinatly improve the management of time by setting reminders on my phone and on a calendar so that I can nofify myself when work needs to be done so that I can know what times will be best for me to get it done so that I can excel at achieving a finish of my work more fluentally and so that I can leave time at the end so that I can do extra work if neccisary so that I can optize the level of my work via having more time to do it. When recording, because I needed to travel to get my footage with someone else driving me to the locations and I had thinkgs on, it was sometimes hard to find a day that would fit me and the drive when we were both free so it when were getting the last batch of footage, it was last minute which is worrying as far as time management goes because if I was unable to get the last set of footage on the at day then it would have made things very difficult. As a result of this, if I had to do this again, then I would deffinatly try and organize my times better by communicating with the driver that I would be recording with so that I would have time to do recording earlier so that it wouldn’t have been as last minute which could ptentially be deadly to the recording process. Also in post production I had done a lot of work in a reletivly short amount of time, what would have been quicker is if I instead of adding clips and editing them along as I filled up the timeline is if I were to fill in all the timeline with clips and then after ive order all the clips within the timeline I then start adding effects so that I can do the effects last so that it gives me time that is separated beteen the visual effects and the ordering of clips within the timeline.
  • 9. TECHNICAL QUALITIES - CAMERAThe main difference between the two products is that the existing product has a much higher production quality to it which is clear to see because every shot has the perfect camera movement and all the shots are crystal clear and sharp which is which is what I did in my music video but not to the same extent because there was a few shots that were a bit out of focus and/or had too much visual noise to call the shot clear. Another difference is that the old town road music video had a storyline and my music video doesn't because I that wan't the direction I was going for in my music video because I didn't feel like it was neccersary because the songs lryics wasn't a story. Also the shots are vastly different in the two music videos because in the existing product we can see more long shots and high shots and on the flipside, my products have more low shots, central shots and a few drone shots, so shot-wise my shots are vastly different because in my music video I am trying to convay a different tone then what is in the existing music video because they are two different genres because my music video is drill and the existing product is Contry/Hip-Hop so that’s the reaons why there different shot and angels in the different music videos. Another indifferance is that my video uses a lot of visual effects to compliment the song on the beat, however, in the old town road music video it doesn't just any fancy visual effetcs and is clear thoughout in that respect. Althought the production quality is different, a similarity of both products is that they are both rendered out at 1080p (HD). Most of the duration between the cuts are vastly different, however in one section of the ald Lil Nas X - Old Town Road
  • 10. TECHNICAL QUALITIES – EDITING/POST OutKa When it comes to editing, my product is has the main difference between the two of the amount of visual effects because my music video product has almost a wacky and/or interesting special effect every other clip oppose to the existing product via outkast which has little to no special effects. Another difference is that the my music video was shot at 1080p and the outkast video is shot at 480p and is a squared VHS styled framing which mine is not because my music video is more rectangular. Also the camera shots are somewhat different aswell because my camera shots are mainly low-angled with a few drone shots and long/mid shots as well, however the OutKast music video has a lot of high shots, mid shots and close ups shots. The only only similarity between the two videos when it comes to camera angles/shots is that they both have some close-up shots and low shots but there isn't nearly as many low shots in mu product then the existing one because the mood trying to be expressed in the existing product is less intense then mine. A great similarity between the two videos is the speed at wich thet cut from clip to clip because it is fast between each clip to match the beat of the some which is probably which they are so similar because they are both hip-hop songs and drill songs with similar BPM which effects
  • 11. AESTHETIC QUALITIES When I objectivly view over my product, I can deffinatly reckonise my work as at least good because although some shots don't look as good as I could have made them if I reshot them because of lighting, noise and bluriness, the majority of the music videos have moderate to decent looking shots on it, espcially since I put an aray of various different visual effects on my raw footage in premier pro to make them look even better so that the music video is more visually simulating and overall more interesting to watch. I would improve the shots that I thought weren't the best by altering the apature and the focus and add better external lighting as well so that the people in the shot are clearer. I would most certainly discribe my music video as creative because when shooting my shots I added swooping motions and slight panning motions to some of my shots so that they don't feel too static for the music video when the person is miming the lyrics to the song. The visual effects that I implamented with my music video where mainly experimental in the end because I got carried away with the editing, which turned out great because some of the best things in the music video are attributed to visual effects because it makes the music video look more interesting make the viewer whant to continue watching the music video. I personally enjoyed the drone shots that I used within the music video because they made the music video feel like it is at a higher quality , I also like the part of the music video where there is a soild red background and the colours change every time the man flicks his wrist because it look quite authentic and stylist. In the music video I also like the cuts where it changes fram wide screen to VHS because it keeps the music video from staying the same framing, which in effect, makes the viewing experience more enjoyiable when watching the music video.
  • 12. AUDIENCE APPEAL My product appeals to my target audience because my product's visual elements heavily influenced by the drill genre which is attrative to a lot of people because there are a lot of people into the style of music so from the get go there will be people who will deffinatly be into my music video product because there is such a mass amount of people who are into the style of music, as well as drill music and the whole UK music scene blowing up because of grime and UK hip-hop's trendiness. Not only is the genre of music going to attract a lot of people, the visual in the overall music video will also do the same because the visuals within the music video highly compliment the song because of it's drill inspired and visually stimulating presentation. My music video also has some high quality shots in them, like high-up drone shots, car shots and a great number of shots fill with, but not over saturated with, effects that would be appealing to a lot of people because a lot of people like to see cool experiemnt effects within a music video because they can look unreal, which makes them look even better to ponder at. Also the tone of the music video matches the song because its not too sad and not too happy, which is ggod because it makes the video feel like its supposed to go along side the song because of the colouration, the speed and the tone of the music video as a whole.
  • 14. FEEDBACK 1 What did you like about the product?  The rhythmic editing was really good and helped the video fit with the music.  Used a wide range of effects (e.g filters) the fitted the style of the video/music.  Use of lights, filming at night with the light up mask looked really cool on camera.  Good range of shots and locations. What improvements could have been made to the product?  There was no storyline.
  • 15. FEEDBACK 2 What did you like about the product?  I could tell with the editing and camera angles that this is a very traditional rap like music video, I liked what looked like drone shots and the transition from walking behind the trees. I liked the way the camera moved with some of the hand actions the overall movement was really smooth. I also really liked the shot where the performer is all blacked out and the background changes it’s colour. What improvements could have been made to the product? •Almost every shot had noise in it and was slightly or a lot out of focus, maybe the performers could have been doing something a bit more than throwing there hands around as most of the hand movements didn’t really go with that beat of the song.
  • 16. FEEDBACK 3 What did you like about the product? The sky shots looked really good. A lot of the editing was also really good. I liked the VHS effect that came up sometimes. I also really liked the thing where they were in the sky behind them at the same time it worked really well. A lot of the camera techniques were also really well done. The shot where he walked behind the tree and another person came out the other side was really well done and looked really real. It really fitted the music. The coloured sky was really unique What improvements could have been made to the product? Some of the shots were a bit grainy in the dark, there may have been ways to have slightly less grain. A lot of the zooming done in post looked a bit odd when there was a mix of camera zoom too in some clips. I think a lot more of the clips without any effects on could have been coloured graded a lot more so that they didn’t look like they had come straight from the camera and they had more of a video feel.
  • 17. PEER FEEDBACK SUMMARY What do you agree with from your peer feedback?  I agree that there wasn’t any storyline because I never intended there to be one.  I disagree that almost every shot had noise into because they didn’t but I will agree that the shots that did have noise in music video looked satisfactory.  The drone shots were good was something that I agree with because they weren’t shaky and for the most part they were smooth when the drone’s camera frame was panning/moving.  In feedback 2 someone fed back that they liked the shot where someone walked behind a tree and came back round the other side which is something that I also think looks very good because it's something that in the real world doesn't happen because its not possible, which is why it is so aluring visually to watch. What do you disagree with from your peer feedback?  Almost every shot had noise because it factually incorrect because if you watch the music video you can see that there is only nosie on a select few clips of the music video.
  • 18. PEER FEEDBACK SUMMARY I would definatly make the clips less grainy by altering the ISO so that the video isn't as grainy in the video because when a video is grainy I will agree, the video doesn't look nearly as good as if it wasn't grainy because when a video isn't grain it is clearer to see what is going on in the frame. Althought I thought that a lot of the digitally edited zooming looked good in the music video product, looking back and reflecting on the music video, I can honestly see how someone can find some of them unpleasent because some of them look a bit off, so if I could re do the shots and the editing, I would try and make the camera movemnet as clean as possible with good focus and I would then, I needed to, add digital stablizers and movement so that to try and make it look more supreme in post. I would also add more visual effects that were at the same quality as the tree transitioning effect because a lotof people seem to enjoy that quite a lot. I would a lot potentially change my product by adding one or two more drone shots in the mix because I feel like since drone shots can my a product look a lot better why not add a litlle bit more if people enjoy

Editor's Notes

  1. What were the strengths of your research? How did your research help your product? What were the weaknesses of your research? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product?
  2. What were the strengths of your planning? How did your planning help your product? What were the weaknesses of your planning? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product?
  3. What were the strengths of your planning? How did your planning help your product? What were the weaknesses of your planning? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product?
  4. Did you manage your time well? Did you complete your project on time or would your products have improved with additional time? What would you have done if you had more time to produce your work?
  5. Compare your work to similar existing products and discuss the similarities and differences Put your final piece(s) in the centre of a page alongside an existing product Use text boxes and arrows
  6. Compare your work to similar existing products and discuss the similarities and differences Put your final piece(s) in the centre of a page alongside an existing product Use text boxes and arrows
  7. Does your work look good? Was it creative? What aspects of your game’s visuals do you like? What would you improve? How would you improve it? Discuss the strengths and weaknesses Put your final piece(s) in the centre of a page and analyse them Use text boxes and arrows
  8. How have you appealed to your target audience? What specific bits of content would appeal to your target audience. Refer to your findings from your questionnaire. Put your final piece(s) in the centre of a page and analyse them Use text boxes and arrows
  9. What changes would you make to your product based upon your peer feedback and why?