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BY :
February 2016
Presented to the Department of English Teaching, Faculty of Letters and
Arts Education, Institute of Teacher Training and Education of
IKIP PGRI Madiun,in Partial Fulfilment of the
Requirements for an Undergraduate
Degree of English Teaching
BY :
February 2016
Thesis by Bahtiyar Andriansyahentitled Multimodal Discourse Analysis on the
Movie Poster Man of Steelis approved by the advisors for the thesis examination.
Madiun, February4th
, 2016
Drs. Dwi Setyadi, M.M
Madiun, February4th
, 2015
Co- Advisor
Lulus Irawati, S.S, M.Pd
NIDN. 0713047501
This thesis by Bahtiyar Andriansyahis approved by the board of examiners on
tuesday, February12th
Board of Exeminers
Drs. Sumani, M.M., M.Hum. Chair
NIDN. 0030016602
Sigit Ricahyono, S.S., M.Pd Secretary
NIDN. 0712046901
Drs. Dwi Setyadi, M.M Member
NIDN. 0727106403
Lulus Irawati, S.S.,M.Pd
NIDN. 0713047501
Sigit Ricahyono, S.S., M.Pd
Madiun, February 12th
The Faculty of Letters and Arts Education
Drs. Sumani, M.M.,M.Hum.
The Department of English Teaching
Sigit Ricahyono, S.S., M.Pd
I, the writer of the thesis entitled “MULTIMODAL DISCOURSE
Name : Eka Andy Hermawan
NPM : 09.321.087
Department : Department of English Teaching
Faculty : Faculty of Letters and Arts Education
University : IKIP PGRI Madiun
States that this thesis is not a plagiarism or made by others. Anything
related to others work is written in quotation, the source of which is listed in the
bibliography. If it is found that my work, thought, or wholly plagiarized, I will be
ready to accept the sanction on the matter.
Madiun, February 09th
The Researcher
Eka Andy Hermawan
1.“ Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind."
(Albert Einstein)
2. “Kembang Tepus Kaki.”
3. “Nothing Impossible”
4. “What i worry i about is not whether God is on our side, but whether we are on
God’s side. Because god is always right.(Abraham Lincoln)
This thesis is dedicated to:
1. To my mother who has loved me very much.
2. To my brother Zainul Arifin and Ibnu Syahri Romadhon who have helped and
support doing this thesis.
3. To Herwaniti Arsaningsih who has accompany me doing this thesis.
4. All of his frinds who have helped in doing this thesis.
First and foremost, Alhamdulillahirobbil’aalamiin, the researcher would
like to express her deepest gratitude to Allah SWT, God the Almighty for the
blessing in completing this thesis entitled “Multimodal Discourse Analysis on the
Movie Poster Man of Steel” This thesis is submitted as the partial fulfillment of
requirements for an Undergraduate Degree of English Department Faculty of
Letters and Arts Education IKIP PGRI Madiun.
Many people have contributed spiritually and physically to this thesis. The
researcher would like to express her deepest gratitude and appreciation to:
1. Dr. H. Parji, M.Pd, the Rector of IKIP PGRI Madiun, who has given the
researcher a chance to write this thesis.
2. Drs. Sumani, M.M.,M.Hum, the Dean of The Faculty Letters and Arts
Education, who has given permission to write this thesis.
3. Sigit Ricahyono, S.S.,M.Pd, the Head of Department of English Teaching,
who has given him permission to complete this research.
4. Drs. Dwi Setyadi, M.M., the first advisor for his encouragement, support,
valuable advices and suggestions.
5. Lulus Irawati, S.S, M.Pd., the second advisor for his patience, support,
valuable advices and suggestion in correcting this thesis.
6. All lecturers of Department of English Teaching, The Faculty of Letters and
Arts Education IKIP PGRI Madiun who have given their precious knowledge
to the researcher.
7. The librarians of IKIP PGRI Madiun for giving their help in getting reference
books to the researcher.
8. All of his friends who help him in completing this thesis.
The researcher realizes that this thesis is far from being perfect. In order to
make this thesis better, the researcher also welcomes comment, criticism, and
suggestion from the readers. Finally, the researcher hopes that this thesis will be
useful for the readers, especially the student of English Department of IKIP PGRI
Madiun,February 10th
, 2016
The Researcher
INNER COVER ........................................................................................... i
SIGNATURE PAGE OF ADVISORS ..........................................................ii
SIGNATURE PAGE OF THE BOARD OF EXAMINERS ..........................iii
STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY ..............................................................iv
MOTTO AND DEDICATION .....................................................................v
TABLE OF CONTENTS..............................................................................vii
LIST OF TABLES .......................................................................................xi
LIST OF FIGURES ......................................................................................xii
LIST OF APPENDICES...............................................................................xiv
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION.............................................................1
A. Background of the Study............................................. 1
B. Limitation of Study..................................................... 3
C. Statement of Problem.................................................. 3
D. Purposes of the Research ........................................... 3
E. Significance of The Research...................................... 4
F. Methodology of The Research .................................... 5
1. Approach of the Research .................................... 5
2. Type of the Research............................................ 5
3. Data and Sources of Data .................................... 6
4. Data Collection Techniques ................................ 7
5. Technique of Analyzing the Data......................... 7
G. Theoretical Review..................................................... 7
1. Multimodal Discourse Analysis .......................... 8
a. Definition of Multimodal Discourse Analysis
(MDA) ......................................................... 8
b. Approach to MDA ...................................... 10
c. Theoretical and Analytical Issues in MDA .. 15
2.Strategies For Meaning-Making in
Print Advertisementt.......................................... 19
a. Systemic-functional Linguistics(SFL) ......... 19
b. Definition of Meaning-Making.................... 23
c. Strategies for Meaning-Making in Print
Advertisement............................................. 25
3. Advertising ........................................................ 25
a. Definition of Advertising ............................ 25
b. Media of Advertising .................................. 27
c. The Generic Structure Potential of Print
Advertisement............................................. 30
1) The Lead............................................ 31
2) The Display ....................................... 34
3) The Emblem ...................................... 35
4) The Announcement............................ 35
5) The Enhancer..................................... 36
6) The Tag ............................................. 37
7) The Call-and- Visit Information......... 38
4. Strategies For Meaning-Making in Printed
Advertisement.................................................... 18
a) Definition of Meaning-Making.................... 18
b) Strategies Meaning-Making in Advertising . 19
1) Stage 1 ................................................. 21
2) Stage 2 ................................................. 22
3) Stage 2a ............................................... 23
4) Stage 2b .............................................. 25
5) Stage 3 ................................................. 26
6) Stage 4 ................................................. 29
7) Contextualization Propensity,
Interpretative Space andSemantic
Effervescence:a Further Exploration of
Ideational Meaning ........................... 29
MOVIE POSTER MAN OF STEEL ............................. 39
A. Data Presentation and Research Findings.................. 39
B. Discussion ................................................................ 41
POSTER MAN OF STEEL......................................... 50
A. Data Presentation and Research Finding ................... 50
B. Discussion ................................................................ 52
CHAPTER IV CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ............................ 63
A. Conclusions..................................................................................... 63
B. Suggestions..................................................................................... 65
BIBLIOGRAPHY ................................................................................... 67
APPENDICES .......................................................................................... 69
VITA.......................................................................................................... 70
Table 1.1 Proposed generic structure of print advertisements 12
Table 1.2 Relational process between Primary Announcement and Lead 24
Table 1.3 The Identifying: Intensive process 26
Table 1.4 Relational process between Primary Announcement and Lead 50
Table 1.5 The Identifying: Intensive process 51
Figure1.1 The Display in a print advertisement15
Figure 1.2 The Announcement in print advertisements16
Figure 1.3 Triumvirate Interaction of Lead, Announcement,
and Enhancer21
Figure 1.4 Investment of Meaning from Primary
Announcement to Lead24
Figure 1.5 Investment of Meaning from Lead
to Primary Announcement25
Figure 1.6 Reading Path for the Golf Advertisement28
Figure 1.7 The Display in a print advertisement 41
Figure 1.8 Triumvirate Interaction of Lead, Announcement and
Enhancer 48
Figure 1.9 Investment of Meaning of Meaning from
Primary Announcement to Lead 50
Figure 2.1Investment of Meaning from Lead to Primary Announcement 51
Figure 2.2Reading Path for movieposter man of steel 52
Movie Poster Man of Steel 63
Eka Andy Hermawan, 2016. Multimodal Discourse Analysis on the Movie poster
Man of Steel. Intergraduate Thesis. Faculty of Letters and Arts
Education, IKIP PGRI MADIUN. Advisor (1) Siget Ricahyono, S.S.,
MPd., (2) Samsul Aripin, S.Pd., M.Pd.
Key Terms : Generic Structure, The Idietional Meaning-Making, Advertising
Advertising is way and method by individual or company through in certain
communication, such as Radios, letters, billboards, magazines, newspaper, faxes,
videos, stickers, newspaper, print advertisement, poster, newsagents and
Television. Printed and poster advertisement consists of linguistic code and visual
one. The Announcement is a linguistic code while the Lead is a visual one. The
two of them sets up Transitivity process then result in meaning that can be
unambiguously conveyed by the advertisers and unambiguously decoded by the
viewers. The researcher explains, what kind of generic structure and how
Ideational Meaning-Making in movie poster man of steel.
The research approach that is used is qualitative with research type of
Multimodal Discourse Analysis (MDA). The data of this research is movie poster
man of steel that is copied from data are discussed by
using theories of Multimodal Discourse Analysis, Meaning-Making and
The result of the discussion show that : Movie poster man of steel has some
elements that are included as the generic structure. They are the Lead,
Announcement, Enhancer, and Call and Visit information. Meaning-Making in
movie poster man of steel is a new experience, new knowledge gained by
observing this poster, it engages components on the poster. So, in certain level the
people or viewers are capable of understanding what the meaning in the poster. In
strategies for Meaning-Making in this poster the researcher uses three main
components in the construal of Ideational Meaning-Making in print
advertisements are Lead, Announcement and Enhancer. Based on strategies in
Meaning-Making in stage 1-4, it can be defined that poster made clear and
different. The purpose of this movie poster to make the audience more curious.
Nevertheless it depends in the social-cultural in their environment and experience
by the viewers. This poster advertising has low CP, this poster also has minimum
of linguistic items accompany the visual images, and strong definable
relationships are established between the linguistic and visual codes, the meanings
of the visual images are less contextualized.
The last, this research suggests that : for the future researchers, the
discussion of this research is less complete. Therefore, for the future the
researcher need to improve the discussion of Multimodal Discourse Analysis,
especialy the Ideational Meaning-Making.
Chapter I is focuses on introduction of the research. There are several
disscussions mentioned in this chapter, those are Background of study, Limitations of
study, Statement of problems and Purposes of Research. The researcher attempts to
simplify the understanding of discussion above by paraphrasing and giving distinctive
A. Background of the Study
Advertising is very common in our daily lives nowadays. In Indonesia,
advertising abounds; it could be found almost everywhere such as in mass media,
internet, social media, buses (city busses especially), Walls of a building,
handrails of escalators, billboards, wallpapers and even in a electric pillars.
However, it is strange that most of us don’t realize that advertising which we
have been seeing everyday is a form of discourse by the means of language that
would consciously or unconsciously influence our behaviors and thoughts in our
daily lives. The use of word play, puns, rhymes, pictures, colors and other
elements in advertising somehow has its own role in order to catch our attention
towards it.
A discourse analysis is based on the details of speech (and gaze and
gesture and action) or writing that are arguably deemed relevantin the context
and that are relevant to the arguments the analysis is attempting to make
(Gee, 2011: 117).
Branches of the Discourse Analysis among others are Contrastive
Analysis (CA), Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA), and Multimodal Discourse
Analysis (MDA). This research focuses on a study about Multimodal Discourse
Analysis (MDA) of whics will bring the research starts and ends. Multimodal
Discourse Analysis is a collection of research papers in the field of multimodality
(O’Halloran 2004: 1). It means that Multimodal Discourse Analysis included and
integrated in multisemiotic phenomena, such as print media, videos, music,
websites, three-dimensional objects, etc.
According to Vilanilam and Varghese (2004: 4), “Advertising is an
organized method of communicating information about a product or service
which a company or individual wants to sell to the people.” It emerges in a
movie poster man of steel, also in other poster or print even as an organized
method of communicating information about a product or service. In this case,
this research takes a movie poster man of steel. It is a unique movie poster and
make a viewer be curious. Thus, this poster is different with earlier movie poster
in which the earlier movie poster always shows the power of super hero. The
super hero who has incredible strength could the midfielder by armies. Moreover,
this movie poster is one of the best movie posters in 2013.
The researcher identifies many research which examined printed
advertisement since the researcher wants to examine something different. It is a
movie poster. Movie poster that will be discussed by the researcher is a movie
poster man of steel. This movie poster was created on June 14th
2013 along with
the release of this movie. This poster was made differently so that viewers feel
curious and it's more evident with the increase from the previous rating of this
That is why the researcher is interested to take “Multimodal Discourse
Analysis on the Movie Poster Man of Steel” as the title of this research and
shows how this movie poster conveys messages through visual items.
B. Limitation of the Study
In this research, the researcher only focuses on movie poster. The
discussion about how the advertisers ideational meaning-making in movie poster
man of steel.
C. Statement of the Problems
Based on the background of study above, the statements of problem are :
1. What is the Generic Structure Potential (GSP) of movie poster man of steel?
2. What is the Ideational meaning-making in of movie poster man of steel?
D. Purposes of the Research
Based on the background of study and statements of problem above, the
purposes of this research are :
1. to describe the Generic Structure Potential (GSP) of movie poster man of
2. to describe the Ideational meaning-making in of movie poster man of steel.
E. Significance of the Researh
This research analyzes the generic structure potential and the ideational
Meaning-Making in movie poster man of steel. Therefore the significances of the
research are :
1. For the readers
People can learn the phenomenon of MDA theory in movie poster. MDA
theory can answer the meaning contained on this poster. Besides, people can
learn and compare between the movie poster and advertisment poster. Thus,
the researcher gives more references to the reader especially college students
of IKIP PGRI Madiun about the Multimodal Discourse Analysis and the use
of it.
2. For future researchers
Furthermore, this research is made to help the future researchers who are
interested in analyzing movie poster by using Multimodal Discourse Analysis.
F. Methodology of the Research
This subchapter discusses about methodology of the research is one
important thing in this research. It shows the correct way and steps to solve
problems and to establish the success of the research. The way and steps that
contained in research methodology are approach of the research, method of the
research, data and source data, data collection techniques, and data analysis. Each
step will be explained as follow:
1. Approach of the Research
According to Thomas (2003: 57), “qualitative research is a research
which methods involve a researcher describing kinds of characteristics
and event without comparing events in terms of measurements and
amounts”. It means that qualitative research studies in descriptive matter,
also study in natural subject. The data collected by the researcher takes
the from of words or picture rather than namber . It is supported that the
data collected take the form of words or picture rather than number
(Bogdan and Biklen, 2007: 5).
It is clear, based on explanation above the researcher applies
qualitative research. Movie poster entitled man of steel is included in
qualitative research; it is a picture data and natural object that interpret
phenomenon in terms of meaning which people which bring them.
2. Type of the Research
The researcher uses Multimodal discourse analysis (MDA) as
approach. MDA describe what is the potential generic structure and
ideational meaning-making in “Multimodal discourse analysis on the
movie poster man of steel” as the title of this research.
3. Data and Sources of Data
Based on Bogdan and Biklen (2007: 117), “data refers to the
through materials researchers collect from the world they are studying:
data are particulars that form the basis of analysis.” It means that the data
are important object which is content information took from documents in
the form of statistic thet uses for anlysis porposes.
In this research the data is movie poster man of steel which contains
visual and verbal data that can be analyzed using Multimodal Discourse
Analysis (MDA). The movie poster man of steel as the data was taken
from This poster was made on June 14th
along with the release of the movie. It is shown as follows :
Picture I.1 Man of steel poster
4. Data collection Techniques
In collecting the data, the researcher uses one of data collection
technique namely documentation. In this research the data is document, it
is movie poster man of steel. According to Stringer (2004: 44), data
gathering is how information or data will be gathered including interview,
focus group, observation, review of materials, and equipment.
5. Technique of Analyzing the Data
The researcher analyzes the data using Multimodal Discourse
Analysis (MDA). So that, by using theory of Multimodal Discourse
Analysis (MDA) the researcher can describe what is the Ideational
Meaning-Making and the Generic Structure Potential of this movie poster
were formed. According to O’Halloran (2011: 1), “Multimodal Discourse
Analysis (MDA) is an emerging paradigm in discourse studies which
extends the study of language to the study of language in combination
with other resources, such as images, scientific symbolism, gesture,
action, music, and sound.” Based on quotation above Multimodal
Discourse Analysis includes images, such as poster and print.
G. Theoretical Review
This chapter contains theories that are required by the researcher to
analyse and to establish success of the research. The theories consists of main
theories and supporting theories. The main theories included Multimodal
Discourse Analysis (MDA) and the supporting theories included advertisement.
The researcher attempts to simplify the understanding of some theories above by
paraphrasing and giving distinct explanation.
1. Multimodal discourse analysis (MDA)
a. Definition of Multimodal Discourse Analysis (MDA)
Multimodal discourse analysis (henceforth MDA) is an emerging
paradigm in discourse studies which extends the study of language per
se to the study of language in combination with other resources, such as
images, scientific symbolism, gesture, action, music and sound. The
terminology in MDA is used somewhat loosely at present as concepts
and approaches evolve in this relatively new field of study. For example,
language and other resources which integrate to create meaning in
multimodal (or multisemiotic) phenomena (e.g. print materials, videos,
websites, three-dimensional objects and day-to-day events) are variously
called semiotic resources modes and modalities MDA itself is referred
to as multimodality multimodal analysis multimodal semiotics and
„multimodal studies (O’Haloran (2011: 120-137).
For the purpose of clarity, in this chapter semiotic resource is used
to describe the resources (or modes) (e.g. language, image, music,
gesture and architecture) which integrate across sensory modalities (e.g.
visual, auditory, tactile, olfactory, gustatory, kinesthetic) in multimodal
texts, discourses and events, collectively called multimodal phenomena.
Following Halliday (1978: 123), semiotic resources are ‘system[s] of
meanings that constitute’ the ‘reality’ of the culture’. The medium is the
means through which the multimodal phenomena materialise (e.g.
newspaper, television, computer or material object and event). In what
follows, the major concerns of MDA, the reasons for the emergence of
this field in linguistics, and the variety of approaches which have been
developed are discussed, before concepts specific to MDA are examined
in more detail and a sample multimodal analysis is presented
(O’Haloran (2011: 121).
. MDA is concerned with theory and analysis of semiotic resources
and the semantic expansions which occur as semiotic choices combine
in multimodal phenomena. The ‘inter-semiotic’ (or inter-modal)
relations arising from the interaction of semiotic choices, known as
intersemiosis, is a central area of multimodal research MDA is also
concerned with the design, production and distribution of multimodal
resources in social settings and the resemioticisation (Iedema, 2003: 40-
41) of multimodal phenomena which takes place as social practices
unfold. The major challenges facing MDA include the development of
theories and frameworks for semiotic resources other than language, the
modelling of social semiotic processes (in particular, intersemiosis and
resemioticisation), and the interpretation of the complex semantic space
which unfolds within and across multimodal phenomena.
There are several reasons for the paradigmatic shift away from the
study of language alone to the study of the integration of language with
other resources. First, discourse analysis attempting to interpret the wide
range of human discourse practices have found the need to account for
the meaning arising from multiple semiotic resources deployed in
various media, including contemporary interactive digital technologies.
Second, technologies to develop new methodological approaches for
MDA, for example multimodal annotation tools (Rohlfing et al., 2006)
have become available and affordable. Lastly, interdisciplinary research
has become more common as scientists from various disciplines seek to
solve similar problems. From ‘an age of disciplines, each having its own
domain, its own concept of theory, and its own body of method’, the
twentieth century has emerged as ‘age of themes’ (Halliday, 1991: 39)
aimed at solving particular problems. MDA is an example of this
paradigm shift, and it has a key contribution to make with respect to
multimodal analysis, search and retrieval of information.
b. Approaches to MDA
O’Holaron (2011: 120-137) has summarized that Gunther Kress
and Theo van Leeuwen and Michael O’Toole provided the foundations
for multimodal research in the 1980s and 1990s, drawing upon Michael
Halliday’s social semiotic approach to language to model the meaning
potential of words, sounds and images as sets of inter-related systems
and structures. Kress and van Leewuen explored images and visual
design, and O’Toole applied Halliday’s systemic functional model to a
semiotic analysis of displayed art, paintings, sculpture and architecture.
Continue to the summarizing of O’Halloran (2011-137) about
approach MDA, he stated, Halliday concern with both text and context,
instance and potential, is reflected in these foundational works. That is,
Kress and van Leeuwen adopt a (top-down) contextual approach with a
particular orientation to ideology, deriving general principles of visual
design which are illustrated via text analysis; while O‟Toole develops a
(bottom-up) grammatical approach by working closely with specific
‘texts’ (i.e. paintings, architectural designs and sculptures) to derive
frameworks which can be applied to other works. Subsequent research
has built upon these two approaches and extended them into new
domains. For example, contextual approaches have been developed for
speech, sound and music, scientific texts, hypermedia, action and
gesture, educational research and literacy. In addition, grammatical
approaches to mathematics, hypermedia and a range of other
multimodal texts have resulted in an approach which has been called
systemic-functional multimodal discourse analysis (SF-MDA). Jewitt
classifies contextual and grammatical approaches as „social semiotic
multimodality‟ and „multimodal discourse analysis‟ respectively.
These approaches provide complementary perspectives, being
derived from Michael Halliday‟s social semiotic approach to text,
society and culture, which grounds social critique in concrete social
practices through three fundamental principles:
1) Tri-stratal conceptualisation of meaning which relates low level
features in the text (e.g. images and sound) to higher-order
semantics through sets of inter-related lexicogrammatical systems,
and ultimately to social contexts of situation and culture.
2) Metafunctional theory which models the meaning potential of
semiotic resources into three distinct ‘metafunctions’:
 Ideational meaning (i.e. our ideas about the world) involves:
- Experiential meaning: representation and portrayal of
experience in the world.
- Logical meaning: construction of logical relations in that
 Interpersonal meaning: enactment of social relations.
 Textual meaning: organization of the meaning as coherent texts
and units.
3) Instantiation models the relations of actual choices in text to the
systemic potential, with intermediate subpotentials – registers –
appearing as patterns of choice in texttypes (e.g. casual
conversation, debate and scientific paper) (Iedema, 2003: 30).
Multimodal research rapidly expanded in mid 2000s onwards as
systemic linguists and other language researchers became increasingly
interested in exploring the integration of language with other resources.
There was an explicit acknowledgement that communication is
inherently multimodal and that literacy is not confined to language
(O’Halloran, 2011: 120-137).
Further approaches to multimodal studies evolved. These include
Ron Scollon, Suzanne Wong Scollon and Sigrid Norris multimodal
interactional analysis, developed from mediated discourse analysis
which has foundations in interactional sociolinguistics and intercultural
communication, and Charles Forceville’s cognitive approach to
multimodal metaphor based on cognitive linguistics. In addition, critical
discourse approaches have been developed based on social semiotics
and other critical traditions. A variety of distinct theoretical concepts
and frameworks continue to emerge in multimodal studies but most
have some relationship to one or more of these paradigms (O’Halloran,
2011: 120-137)..
The increasing popularity of MDA is evidenced by recent
publications. Unsurprisingly, there is much debate about the nature of
this emerging field. While multimodality can be characterized as ‘a
domain of enquiry’ (e.g. visual design, displayed art, mathematics,
hypermedia, education and so forth), theories, descriptions and
methodologies specific to MDA are clearly required and some
frameworks and tools have indeed already been developed (O’Halloran,
2011: 120-137).
As a domain of enquiry, multimodal studies encourage engagement
and cross-fertilisation with other disciplines which have the same object
of study. Incorporating knowledge, theories and methodologies from
other dis ciplines poses many problems, however, not least being the
provision of adequate resources for research to be undertaken across
traditional disciplinary boundaries (O’Halloran, 2011: 120-137).
The development of theories and practices specific to MDA, on the
other hand, will potentially contribute to other fields of study, including,
importantly, linguistics. In this sense, MDA „use[s] texts or types of text
to explore, illustrate, problematise, or apply general issues in
multimodal studies, such as those arising from the development of
theoretical frameworks specific to the study of multimodal phenomena,
or methodological issues. This chapter deals with MDA precisely in this
way as a new field of study which requires specific theoretical and
methodological frameworks and tools which in turn may be applied
across other disciplines and domains (O’Halloran, 2011: 120-137).
c. Theoretical and Analytical Issues in MDA
Theoretical and analytical issues in MDA include, modelling
semiotic resources which are fundamentally different to language,
modelling and analysing inter-semiotic expansions of meaning as
semiotic choices integrate in multimodal phenomena, and modelling and
analysing the resemioticisation of multimodal phenomena as social
practices unfold. These issues are considered in turn.
1) Modelling semiotic resources which are fundamentally different to
Following Halliday, language can be modelled as sets of
inter-related systems in the form of system networks, which are
metafunctionally organised according to taxonomies with
hierarchical ranks (word, word groups, clauses, clause complexes
and paragraphs and text. The grammatical systems link words to
meaning on the semantic stratum. Systems which operate on the
expression plane (i.e. graphology and typography for written
language and phonology for spoken language) are also included in
Halliday‟s model (O’Halloran, 2011: 120-137).
Most semiotic resources are fundamentally different to
language, however, with those having evolved from language (e.g.
mathematical symbolism, scientific notation and computer
programming languages) having the closest relationship in terms of
grammaticality. Images differ, for example, in that parts are
perceived as organised patterns in relation to the whole, following
Gestalt laws of organisation. Furthermore, following Charles
Sanders Pierce’s categorisation of signs, language is a symbolic
sign system which has no relationship to what is being represented,
while images are iconic because they represent something though
similarity. Therefore, analytic approaches and frameworks based on
linguistic models have been questioned Nevertheless, models
adapted from linguistics such as have been widely and usefully
applied to mathematical and scientific images, cities, buildings,
museums and displayed art. In O’Toole’s model, the theoretical
basis is Gestalt theory where images are composed of inter-related
parts in the composition of the whole. draws visual overlays of
systemic choices on the image, suggesting a visuallydefined
grammar as a possible way forward.
2) Modelling and analysing inter-semiotic expansions of meaning as
semiotic choices integrate in multimodal phenomena.
The interaction of semiotic choices in multimodal
phenomena gives rise to semantic expansions as the meaning
potential of different resources are accessed and integrated; for
example, in text-image relations gesture and speech and language,
images and mathematical symbolism. This semantic expansion is
also related to the materiality of the multimodal artefact ,
including thetechnology or other medium involved (e.g. book,
interactive digital media).
Semantic integration in multimodal pheneomena may be
viewed metafunctionally whereby experiential, logical,
interpersonal and textual meaning interact across elements at
different ranks (e.g. word group and image). The resulting
multiplication of meaning leads to a complex multidimensional
semantic space where there may be a compression of meaning
(even conflicting) meanings Indeed, there is no reason to
assume a coherent semantic integration of semiotic choices in
multimodal phenomena.
The processes and mechanisms of semantic expansion
arising from inter-semiosis have yet to be fully theorised. It may
be that inter-semiotic systems beyond the sets of inter related
grammatical systems for each resource, operating as ‘meta-
grammars’, are required. These inter-semiotic systems would have
the potential to link choices across the hierarchical taxonomies for
each resource, so that a word group in language, for example, is
resemioticised as a component of a complex visual narrative, or
vice versa. One major problem for multimodal discourse analysts
is the complexity of both the inter-semiotic processes and the
resulting semantic space, particularly in dynamic texts (e.g. videos)
and hyper-texts with hyperlinks (e.g. internet), (O’Halloran, 2011:
3) Modelling and analysing the resemioticisation of multimodal
phenomena as social practices unfold.
MDA is also concerned with the resemioticiation of
multimodal phenomena across place and time: ‘[r]esemioticisation
is about how meaning making shifts from context to context, from
practice to practice, or from stage of a practice to the next’ (Iedema,
2003: 41). Iedema (2003: 50) is concerned with resemioticiation as
a dynamic process which underscores ‘the material and historicised
dimensions of representation’.
Resemioticisation takes place within the unfolding
multimodal discourse itself (as the discourse shifts between
different resources) and across different contexts as social practices
unfold (e.g. how a policy document is enacted). From a
grammatical perspective, resemioticisation necessarily involves a
reconstrual of meaning as semiotic choices change over place and
time. In many cases, resemioticisation involves introducing new
semiotic resources, and may result in metaphorical expansions of
meaning as functional elements in one semiotic resource are
realised using another semiotic resource: for example, the shift from
language, to image and mathematical symbolism in unfolding
mathematics discourse. This process takes place as linguistic
configurations involving participants, processes and circumstances,
for example, are visualised as entities.
Processes specific to MDA, such as intersemiosis and
resemioticisation of multimodal phenomena, add to the
complexity of the semantic space which must be modelled and
analysed. Indeed, managing this complexity lies at the heart of
2. Strategies For Meaning-Making in Printed Advertisement
a. Systemic-functional linguistics (SFL)
Systemic Fungsional Linguistics (hereafter SFL) is a
comprehensive theory of language and social context developed
principally in Britain and Australia over the past six decades. It draws
on Saussure and Hjelmslev in its relational conception language as a
stratified system of signs, and follows Firth in treating meaning as
function in context. In addition, it provides one influential the oretical
fondation for work across semiotic systems in multimodal discourse
analysis. Significantly SFL has evolved as an appliable linguistics,
designed to address language problems faced by the community,
including educational, clinical and forensic contexts provide historically
contextualized reviews of discourse analysis informed by SFL,
including extensive references, and can be consulted in relation to the
more specific and to some extent more prospective account offered here
(Martin, 2011: 101).
SFL models linguagistic resources on three levels of abstraction-
Phonology/graphology, (realizing) lexicogrammar, (realizing) discorse
semantics. Higher strata involve emergently complex patterns of lower
strata ones; all levels make meaning. In addition, resources on each
stratum are organized metafunctionally, according to the kind of
meaning they construe – that is, identional resources naturalizing
physcal/biological materiality and semiosis, interpersonal resources
negotiating social relations and textual resources managing information
flow. This hierarchy of realization is outlined in realition to its attendant
complementarity of metafunction in Figure I.1.
Following firth and Hjelmslev, SFL models social context as more
abstract levels of semiosis: the level next to language is mapped
metafunctionally as field (ideational context), tenor ( Interpersonal
context) and mode (textual contex). Field is concerned with social
activity, across all walks of life – including home, recreation, trades and
crafts, professions and disciplines. Tenor is concerned with social
relations, negotiated in relation to power and solidarity. Mode is
concerned with the effect of various technologies of communication on
the texture of information flow – sepeaking vs writing example,
alongside various electronic modalities (radio, TV, telephon, texting,
email, blogging etc.). These three register variables are coordinated in
relation to social purpose by the higher level of genre, which specifies
which field, tenor and mode variables map onto one another in a given
culture and how their realization is staged in phases of unfolding
Figure I.1 Basic SFL parameters – stratification and metafunction
discourse. This social semiotic model of language and context is
summarized in Figure I.2.
Stratification and metafunction provide the theoretical parameters
for the descriptive cartography deployed by SFL text analysts. English
resources are mapped along these lines in Table I.2, including key
references to the descriptions commonly deployed (inclusive of Kress
and Van Leeuwen’s work on images which is so often deployed in inter-
modal verbiage/image analysis). As exemplified in the besic rule of
thumb in using this matix is to shunt among cells, taking care to look
upwards to higher levels for contextualization and rihhtwards to textual
meaning for contextulizaion.
Figure I.2 Language strata in relation to social context (stratified as register and genre)
Systemic-functional linguistics (SFL) is a theory of language that
focuses on the function of language. Although SFL accounts for the
syntactic structure of language, it places the function of language as
central (what language does, and how it does it), in preference to more
structural approaches, which place the elements of language and their
combinations as central. SFL starts at social context and looks at how
language both acts on and is constrained by this social context.
Put simply, there are hard and soft structures to language. Hard
structures include aspects of the linguistic system such as adjectives,
nouns, and verbs. Soft structures include the function of language. They
are referred to assoft structuresbecause of the level of abstraction
(Rogers, 2004: 8).
b. Definition of Meaning-Making
Meaning making is a social process where people use the modes, or
resources, at their disposal to represent. Language is only one resource
or mode for making meaning. Others include images, gestures, body
language, proxemics, color, movements, space, and time. Modes are
considered to be the material-semiotic resources that people have
available for achieving representational work. Texts, both products of
and part of discourses, are the “result of semiotic work of design,
production and composition; and as such they can be ‘semiotic entities’;
of any kind, resulting in ensembles composed of different modes”
(Rogers, 2011: 8).
From explanation above, it is concluded that Meaning-making is a
new knowledge, new experience gained from activities which are
interpreted in the form of understanding. It occurs when there are
components that influences and have a relation. thus, at this level the
people/viewers is capable of understanding meaning.
One of the underlying assumptions of SFL is that the object of
language study should be a whole text, not a decontextualized sentence
or utterance. SFL is committed to a view of language that focuses on
meaning and the choices people make when making meaning. Unlike
structural aspects of language systems (e.g., generative models of
grammar), there are no sharp distinctions between the system (form) and
the use of language (function). This means that the analyst can look to
speech (discourse) as an artifact of the relationship between language
and structure. (Rogers, 2004: 8-9).
c. Strategies For Meaning-Making in Advertising
The section 2 introduces the visual metaphor which ideationally
elucidates and enhances the ideational meaning potential of the
linguistic text in the advertisement (Cheong, 2004: 176).
Three main components in the construal of Ideational Meaning-
Making in print advertisements are Lead, Announcement and Enhancer.
According to Cheong, (2004: 176-177), “Lead, Announcement and
Enhancer are a triumvirate approach to meaning-making”.
3. Advertising
a. Definition of Advertising
Advertising is an organized method of communicating information
about a product or service which a company or indifidual wants to sell
to the people. It is a paid announcement that is conveyed through words,
pictures, music and action in a medium which is used by the prospective
buyers. To some, advertising is communication with the express purpose
of selling a product or service (Vilanilam and Varghese, 2004: 4).
The power of advertising becomes a key social and economic
institution, it is imagined to be emblematic of capitalist societies. Visual
advertising is often imagined to be emblematic of capitalist societies, the
visible manifestation or materialisation of the capitalist logics of
exploitation, alienation and reification. For instance, Robert Goldman
(1992: 2) argues that advertising is ‘a key social and economic
institution in producing and reproducing the material and ideological
supremacy of commodity relations.
Advertising aims to provide coverage and frequency via the
mass media and add brand values to the product. It can be used to try
and boost the morale of the salesforce, or to assist the salespeople in
their job by providing materials and sales support literature around
the theme of the campaign. Advertising objectives tend to be to create
awareness, change attitudes, etc., whereas marketing objectives tend
to be to increase sales and profits. Advertising’s role in the marketing
mix is often to support the other marketing activities such as
distribution, sales promotions, money-off coupons, reduced prices,
competitions, give-aways, etc (Brierley, 1995: 42-43).
Advertising is often used to try to increase sales of a product
or the use of a service. A related second reason for advertising is
to improve the firm’s “corporate image”: to persuade people that the
company is benevolent and trustworthy. Most image advertising is
designed not to challenge bad images but to change people’s perceptions
of the company (Brierley, 1995: 43-44)
The purpose of advertising is to distribute information designed to
influence consumer activity in the marketplace. (Sackett & Mavor,
2004: 4). It can be defined the goal of advertising to influence
consumer to buy the product.
According to (Brierley (1995: 1) in introduction “Aside from
advertisements being viewed, read and listened to, advertisers try to get
us to practice advertising as well as consume it - and they often
succeed”. It means the goal of advertisement tries to get the
people/consumers to practice advertising as well as consume the
To sum up, it can be defined the advertisement is way and method
by individual or company through in certain communication, such as
Radios, letters, billboards, magazines, newspaper, faxes, videos,
stickers, newspaper, print advertisement, poster, newsagents and
Television. It is about a product or service. The goal of advertisement is
to sell a product or service.
b. Media of Advertising
Television and magazine/newspaper pictures are media in
advetising. It can be the option when other media enable to using. In
anticipation of the launch teaser posters and commercials began to
appear that featured a large metallic red egg (‘Not just another Hatch’),
followed on from launch day itself images of a mighty red Clio. This
multimedia advertising blitz was followed by alternating television
advertisements with magazine/newspaper pictures: ‘in all, 66 percent of
the media spend in the first nine months of advertising activity was put
on TV.’ (O’Shaughnessy, John. and O’Shaughnessy, Nicholas. Jackson,
2004: 158).
According to Shimp (2007: 4) The primary forms of marketing
communications divided into some sections, among others traditional
mass media advertising (TV, magazines, etc.), online advertising (Web
sites, opt-in e-mail messages, text messaging, and so on), and sales
promotions (such as samples, coupons, rebates, and premium items). It
means there are media of advertisement, those are traditional mass
media advertising (TV, magazines, etc.), online advertising (Web sites,
opt-in e-mail messages, text messaging, and so on), and sales
promotions (such as samples, coupons, rebates, and premium items).
Vilanillam and Varghese (2004: 60) say there are various kinds of
advertisements even in print. Some are short and telegraphic, almost like
a poster on the page. The power of print or poster advertisement is a
layout in poster or print itself. It causes the viewers stops for a minute
because the viewers/people have seen something interesting. Can be
realized Print advertisements are first seen then read. In the world of
satellite and cable television, TV commercials have become
indispensable for most people. They also say the rising costs of press
and the comparatively wider reach of television have also made
television advertising very attractive for people. It means the media of
creativity in the advertisement among others Television and Print.
The growth of mass media, advertising became divided into two
broad camps and below-the-line. With the growth of mass media,
advertising became divided into two broad camps: above-the-line, which
means all those media for which an agency gained commission, and
below-the-line, all those areas for which an agency received a fee.
Above-the-line media include TV, cinema, radio, newspapers and
magazines, and posters. Below-the-line include direct mail, sponsorship,
public relations, sales promotions or merchandising (Brierley, 1995: 41)
To sum up, it can be defined media of advertisement are print and
poster advertisement, Magazine and Newspaper, Television, Radio,
online advertising (Web sites, opt-in e-mail messages, text messaging,
and so on), and sales promotions (such as samples, coupons, rebates,
and premium items). The goal of the media advertising is to facilitate
and advance the marketing.
c. The Generic Structure Potential of a Print Advertisement
Hasan (1984: 79) describes the Generic Structure Potential
(GSP) of a particular genre as a statement of the structural
resources available within a given genre. The GSP is thus an abstract
theoretical notion. Halliday and Hasan (1989: 64) note that it
…express(es) the total range of optional, (iterative), and obligatory
elements and their order in such a way that we exhaust the
possibilities of text structure for every text that can be appropriate to
(the contextual configuration of that text).
Figure I.3 GSP of advertisement
Cheong, (2004: 164) gives the explanation to details based on
explanation above, that is the simple formula of Generic Structure
Potential (GSP). The generic structure of a print advertisement means
the various visual and linguistic components in an advertisement which
are made explicit, together with the interaction between these semiotic
resources which creates differing levels of Ideational, Interpersonal and
Compositional/Textual meaning. It is shown as follows
This table proposed generic structure of print advertisements
Figure I.1 Proposed generic structure of print advertisements
Figure I.4 Proposed generic structure of print advertisements
Figure I.4 shows the details and simple of depicting of Generic
Structure Potential (GSP). Each part of formula, Lead (Display),
Emblem (Announcetment) (Enhancer) (Tag) (Call-and-Visit
Information) and details of Generic Structure Potential (GSP) will
be explained clearly and more detail based on theory used.
a) The Lead
The Lead is thus termed as it is Interpersonally most
Salient through choices in size, position and/or color. On its
own, the Lead has a wide spectrum in terms of meaning
potential, that is, many possible meaning emanate from the
Lead. Interpreted independently of the Announcement,
Enhancer, Display and Emblem, the Lead is figuratively an
efflorescence of meaning. (Cheong, 2004: 165). Based on those
quotation that conveyed, the researcher states that The Lead is
part of advertisement in print or poster that has Interpersonally
most Salient visual terms through certain option. It is
interpreted independently by formula of Generic Structure
Potential (GSP).
The Lead consists of the Locus of Attention (LoA) and
Complements to the Locus of Attention (Comp.LoA). There is
an element in the Lead that by its very Salience, be it an
unusual quality that challenges reality or outstanding size, color
and so forth, arrests the attention of the viewers. (Cheong,
2004: 165).
The LoA embeds the central idea of the advertisement. The
three-fold functions of the LoA includes Interpersonally
attracting attention, and Ideationally construing reality in a way
intended by the advertisers, where the viewers perception of
reality is manipulated (Cheong, 2004: 165). It means that Locus
of Attention (LoA) is part of The Lead that embeds central idea
of the advertisement and very salient to the viewers.
There is an interplay between linguistic item and the visual
image that enhances the meaning potential of the rankshifted
clause as well as the LoA. Without the LoA, there would be no
such interplay of meaning, thus the rankshifted clause' to make
a bigger splash with your images' would not be interpreted as a
pun, reducing the overall affectiv eappeal of the advertisement.
The LoA and the linguistic text act on each other, mutually
reinforcing and enhancing the meaning potential of the Lead
(Cheong, 2004: 168).
Complements to the Locus of Attention (Comp.LoA) is
component in The Lead that has less salient than the LoA, has
same function with the LoA, the Locus of Attention
(Comp.LoA) has a role in straengthening the position of the
LoA. The Complements to the LoA (Comp.LoA) refer to
components in the Lead which are comparatively less Salient
than the LoA. They functionally enhance the Interpersonal and
Ideational Salience of the LoA. In other words, the Comp.LoA
plays a subordinate role, to channel and Focus viewers'
attention on particular aspects of the LoA (Cheong, 2004: 169).
From explanations above, the Lead is part of advertisement
in print or poster that has Interpersonally most Salient visual
terms through certain option. It is interpreted independently by
formula of Generic Structure Potential (GSP) generally the
Lead consists of two parts, those are the Locus of Attention
(LoA) and Complements to the Locus of Attention
(Comp.LoA). Locus of Attention (LoA) is very central.
Different with Complements to the Locus of Attention
(Comp.LoA) it just complements of Locus of Attention (LoA).
b) Display
Cheong, (2004: 171) gives a figure the Display in a print
advertisement. It is divided into parts and has a different
meaning. It is shown as follows.
Figure I.5 The Display in a print advertisement
Figure I.5, shows the display in advertisement has four
character, those are Explicit, Implicit, Congruent, and
Incongruent. The researcher states the display is Implicit
Display where the Display refers to the photographic Display
of the product or service in the advertisement. If the product
advertised is in a tangible form, it is termed Explicit Display.
When the product advertisement employs symbolism as an
advertising strategy, can be said advertisement is Incongruent
Display. Whereas, the product advertisement can be construed
as a Congruent realization of the product advertisement if no
symbolism is involved in product advertisement.
c) The Emblem
The Emblem may be realized visually as the logo of the
product/service advertised and its linguistic realization is in the
form of the brandname of the product/service. Ideationally and
ideologically, it is the stamp of authority bespeaking and
validating the authenticity of the product advertised. The
Emblem functions to bestow an identity, as well as to confer
status to a product. The Emblem may be positioned any where
in the advertisement. However, it is interpersonally Salient to
Capture attention. (Cheong, 2004: 171-173).
d) The Announcement
In a print advertisement, the most Salient linguistic item/s
are termed the Announcement. The Announcement has
Relative Prominence in Scale and Color, Font and Size.
Ideationally, the Announcement captures and conveys the
essence of an intended message the advertisers wish to
foreground to the consumers (Cheong, 2004: 173). Figure I.6
Displays the functional realizations of an Announcement.
Figure I.6 The Announcement in print advertisements
Based on figure I.6 Announcement consists of Primary
announcement and Secondary announcement. Primary
announcement is the most interpersonally salient
announcement among other and only announcement in the
Advertisement. Secondary announcement is less
interpersonally salient announcement/s among other
announcements in the same advertisement.
e) The Enhancer
The Enhancer comprises linguistic items only, usually in
paragraph form, as exemplified by the labeled advertisements
above. The Enhancer builds on or modifies the meaning
emanating from the interaction between the Lead and the
Announcement. Interpersonally, its function is to persuade and
influence viewers to purchase the product, thus the Enhancer
contains Interpersonal lexis, which carry an attitudinal and/or
affective thrust. Through Interpersonal lexis , 'texts/speakers
attach an intersubjective value or assessment to participants and
processes by reference to emotional responses or to systems of
culturally-determined value systems'. Ideationally, it details the
advertisers' reasoning/argument as to why the product is worth
the customers' attention and money, and so Logical relations
and rankshifted clauses are evident. (Cheong, 2004: 173)
From explanation above, it shows Generally Enhacer in
paragraph form, it builds in linguistic items. Enhacer modifies
the meaning emanating from the interaction between the Lead
and the Announcement, it functions to influence the people to
purchase the product.
f) The Tag
Certain elements of information about a product/service
that are not included in the Enhancer are captured in the Tag.
The Tag is usually in the form of one-liners in small print and
is typically non-Salient. Grammatically, Tags are usually
realized as non-finite, and as ellipted Subject and finite element
(Cheong, 2004: 174).
g) Call-and-Visit Information
Call and Visit Information is usually in small print and non
salient, comprising contact information as to where, when, how
the product/service is available to the consumer (Cheong, 2004:
This chapter contains analysis of the research. The researcher uses theories
that is required to analysis and to estabilish success of the researcher. This
analysis includes the Generic Structure Potential (GSP) and the Ideational
meaning-making in this movie poster. It deals with the statement of problem
mentioned previously. There are two discussions in this chapter, the first is the
Generic Structure Potential (GSP) of movie poster man of steel and the second is
the Ideational Meaning-Making in this movie poster man of steel. The researcher
gives clear explanation through theories that mentioned previously in chapter I.
A. Data Presentation and Research Finding
The data of this research is a movie poster man of steel. The first
research question focuses on analysing the Generic Structure Potential (GSP)
of this movie poster. Before entering the analysis, below is the picture of
Generic Structure Potential of movie poster man of steel In Picture II.1 the
researcher gives the summary of the Generic Structure Potential (GSP) of
movie poster man of steel.
Picture II.1 The summary Generic Structure Potential (GSP)
The GSP of movie poster man of steel consists of seven elements.
They are the “Lead consists of the Locus of Attention (LoA) and
Complements to the Locus of Attention (Comp.LoA)”, Display,
Announcement, Enhancer, Emblem, Tag, Call and Visit information,
respectively. The general analysis GSP of The Poster is shown in Picture II.1.
B. Discussion
1. The Lead
Based on the definition of the lead from Cheong (2004: 165) the
flying superhero (in the movie man of steel the superhero was superman)
on the sky above the buildings in a city is the Lead in man of steel poster.
a) LoA (Locus of Atention)
The three fold function of the LoA include interpersonally,
attracting, attention and ideantionally construing reality in a way
intended by the advertisers (Cheong 2004: 165).
Following cheong’s framework (2004: 165-167), the locus of
attention (LoA) is the superman is face. Obviously, he is gazing
directly to the camera and thus seems to look at directly to the
viewers. By doing so, he is thus captivaring and engaging the viewers
attention to look beak at her. O’toole (1994: 5) Sugested that gaze is
the most important element in the modal function becouse the
presence or the absence of gaze can or not built the interpersonal
relation between the viewer and the object in the image.
Picture II.2 The Lead: Locus of Attention (LoA)
In this poster the sharply gaze dircet to fount serious expression is
showing the condition he has been facing. He is trying to save the
earth from his enemy, which is his enemy want to control the earth.
His muscular body and his costume informal in the viewer that he is
not ordinary people, he is superhero that have super power. His
clenced hand indicates that hi is in full power to light.
Textually, the company (warner bross and assotiations) produce a
superhero movie in the linguistic text that follows,”the text surves to
elaborate” the visual (kress and van leeuwen, 1996: 194). Visually the
LoA encapsulate the central idea, that the man in the poster is super
her. This central idea is reiterated in the linguistic text. That is, there is
a linguistic equivalence (be it in the from of sentences or particular
lexis) taht coheres identionally, with this central idea conveyed in the
LoA. Identionally, the following linguistic items, including clauses
and nominal groups, encapsulate tightly and parallel the idea
embedded in the LoA.
b) The Comp. LoA (Complement to Locus of Atention)
Picture II.3 ilustrate the componens to the LoA in the poster the
buildings below the model (superman), which are reduced in size and
are looking in affective appea, and therefore usually tess inviting than
the serious face LoA.
The background, which is remains in blur effect, indicates that
the superman is flying the stylization (Kress and Leeuwen, 2006: 25)
differs from the models. The blur effect makes aviewer not intersted to
look at the buildings, and indeed, the viewers will look the superman.
The Comp. LoA suberdirates it self to bring the LoA and the primary
announcement into focus. The LoA and the primary announcement
became the confluence of all attention.
Beside that, the back ground, which remain in blur and fails to be
illuminated, despite the spotlight. The background is generally
obliterated and unobservable. This may be contrasted with the LoA
who is pctured in a sharp color.
Juxtaposeng the LoA with the comp. LoA we see an interplay of
meanings between the visual images that is the ability to fly white
comp. LoA represents a look of ideologiy of exclusivity becomes
II.3 The Comp. LoA (Complement to Locus of Atention)
2. The Display
The LoA can also function as an implicit Display in certain
advertisements, where the display refers to to the photographic display
of the product or service in the advertisement (Cehong, 2004: 171).
Poster man of steel movie, obviously describing the protagonis of the
movie therefore, the man of steel poster is termed explisit Display.
There is no simbolism in the poster that descibe the movie. So it can
defined the poster as congruent Display.
3. The Emblem
The Emblem may be realized visually as the logo of the
product/service advertised and its linguistic realization is in the form
of the brand name of the product/service (O'Halloran, 2004:171). It
means that the emblem is realized as the logo of product
advertisement, it functions to identity of product advertisement, as
well as to confer status to a product. However, the Emblem
interpersonally salient to capture attention.
There are many emblems in the poster. It can be understood
because this movie produced by five different film company, the
emblems can be seen in table II.5.
Picture II.5 The Emblem
4. The Announcement
a) Primary Announcement
Reading the lines in picture II.6 may not give viewers a direct
comprehension about this poster. White viewers know that the title of
the movie is “Man of Steel” viewers may question the relevance of the
title and the display of the poster.
Picture II.6 Primary Announcement
b) Secondary annoncement
The next line below the primary announcement is secondary
announcement. It describes the important persons who are involved in
the making a movie. They are producer, directur and some main actors.
This explanation answer the question of viewers that come out when
reading the primary announcement.
It convince the viewers, the “Man of Steel” movie was created by
femous people and there is no doubt about the quality of thuse people.
Picture II.7 Secondary annoncement
5. The Enhancer
Generally Enhancer in paragraph form, it builds in linguistic
items. Enhancer modifies the meaning emanating from the interaction
between the Lead and the Announcement, it functions to influence the
people to purchase the product. The Enhancer comprises linguistic
items only, usually in paragraph form, as exemplified by the labeled
advertisements above. The Enhancer builds on or modifies the
meaning emanating from the interaction between the Lead and the
Announcement. Interpersonally, its function is to persuade and
influence viewers to purchase the product, thus the Enhancer contains
Interpersonal lexis (in bold print below), which carry an attitudinal
and/or affective thrust (O’Halloran, 2004: 173).
Based on that quotation above there is enhancer in this movie
poster because enhancer is formed in the shape of a paragraph.
Picture II.5 The enhancer
6. The Tag
Tag is certain elements about a product that are not included in
the Enhancer, usually the form is located in small printed, the
typically non salient. Certain elements of information about a
product/service that are not included in the Enhancer are captured in
the Tag. The Tag is usually in the form of one-liners in small print and
is typically non-Salient as illustrated in preceding label advertisements
(O’Halloran, 2004: 174).
Based on explanation above, it can be concluded that there is
Tag in this poster man of steel.
Picture II.6 The Tag
7. Call and Visit Information
Call and Visit Information is usually in small print and non
salient, comprising contact information as to where, when, how the
product/service is available to the consumer (O'Halloran,2004: 173).
Based on quotation above Call-and-Visit Information in this poster is
shown below : June 14th
and the website
Picture II.7 Call and Visit Information
This chapter serves the data presentation, research finding and analysis to
answer the second research question and the purpose of the research. The readers
are going to be welcomed a figure that given elements triumvirate approach to
Meaning-Making. By discussing the picture, the researcher attempts to answer the
problem and reaches the purpose of the research.
A. Data Presentation and Research Finding
The data of this research is a movie poster man of steel. The second
research question focusses on analysing the Ideational Meaning-Making.
The data of Ideational Meaning-Making are the components in poster or
printed advertising. They are the Lead, Announcement, and Enhancer.
Those elements are triumvirate approach to Meaning-Making. Before
entering the discussion, below is the data analysing in form Picture III.1 that
contains elements of Generic Structure of movie poster man of steel that
used for analysing the Ideational Meaning-Making. To review and facilitate,
the researcher gives figure III.1 outlines the four stages of triumvirate
interaction between the Lead, Announcement, and Enhancer in construing
Ideational Meaning-Making in a poster.
Picture III.1 Elements are triumvirate approach to Meaning-Making.
B. Discussion
1. Strategies for Ideational Meaning-Making in Poster Man of Steel
The section above introduces the Visual Metaphor which
ideationally elucidates and enhances the Ideational meaning potential of
the linguistic text in the advertisement. Cheong (2004: 176) introduce
another four strategies for Ideational meaning in Table III.1
Table III.1 The construal of Ideational meaning in print advertisements
The Bidirectional Investment of meaning refers to the cross-
investment of lexicogrammatical meaning in the linguistic text in the
Announcement to the visual image in the Lead and vice-versa. The
Contextualization Potential (CP) refers to the degree to which linguistic
items in a print advertisement contextualize the meaning of the visual
images. In a print advertisement, viewers have an Interpretative Space
(IS) within which to create meaning and the wider the IS, the greater
the Semantic Effervescence (SE) of the advertisement. The sections
below further elaborate.
2. Lead, Announcement and Enhancer: a triumvirate approachto
The Ideational metafunction is concerned with 'understanding the
environment' (Halliday, 1994 :xiii), '/enabling/ humans to...make sense
of what goes on around them and inside them' (Halliday, 1994: 106).
Figure III. 1 outlines the four stages of triumvirate interaction between
the Lead.
Figur III.1 Triumvirate Interaction of Lead, Announcement and Enhancer
Announcement and Enhancer in construing Ideational Meaning in
a print advertisement. Stages 1-4 detail how new dimensions of
meaning may be accessed and made manifest through the interaction of
the Lead, Announcement and Enhancer.
a) Stage 1
The lead in the Man of Steel Poster is the must interpersonally
salient, as seen in picture III.1, and thus this element is first
approached by newers. The gaze of the LoA looks with the viewer,
and the latter is Led into the advertisement. If interpreted
independently of the Announcement, Enhencer, Display and
Emblem, the Lead is figurately an effervescence of meaning as
mentioned above, the Lead could represent an ambasador for a
superhero or a call to attention to the new hope. on its own, a
kaleidoscope of possible meaning characterizes the Lead. There is a
wide scope in trems of meaning potential in the Lead. At this stage,
thsre is low CP, wide IS and high SE.
b) Stage 2
In a print advertisement, the next must salient item is the
announcement, thus the primaey announcement is second in the
reading path. There is bidirectional investment of meaning between
the announcement (the linguistic code) and the lead (the visual
code) as ilustrated in figure III: 2. The term investment refers to the
bidirectional investment of meaning from the lexico grammatical
choices in the announcement to the visual in the Lead and vice-
So, how are the viewers constructed by advertisers to read the
meaning in the Man of Steel poster that the LoA represents seme
one with superpower? After all, the announcement is alinguistic
code that while the lead is a visual one. The juxtaposition of the
linguistic texts and visual set up transitivity processes that invest
meaning from the linguistic code to the visual code and vice-versa
(Cheong, 2004: 178)
c) Stage 2a
In the man of steel poster (Picture III.1), there is a rational
attributive: intensive process between the primary announcement
and the lead. The attribute “stale ment-making personality is
invested the primary announcement into the carrier (that is the LoA
in the Lead) by virtue of their proximity, thus cousing viewers to
see the LoA as a person with statement making personality
Figure III.2 Investment of Meaning from Primary Announcement to Lead
Due to the relation proceess between primary announcement
on lead which invest meaning from the former to the latte, viewer
read the experiential meaning in the “Man of Steel” Poster.
Table III.2 Relational process between Primary Announcement and Lead
The Primary announcement thus acts as a stabilizer four an
other wise semantically efflorescent lead. The primary
announcemnt provides a context for viewers to adop / pursue the
preferred this ead of meaning intended by the advertisers
d) Stage 2b
Figure III.3 ilustrated how the lead enriches in ideational
meaning carried in the primary announcement. The sharp gaza of
the eye’s model, serious face, and strong body LoA in Figure III.3
(analisis poster) is a visual exemplification of the statement Man of
Stieel (a Statement to make). A relation: identifying: intensive
proces occurs in the investment of meaning from Lead to
Figure III.3 Investment of Meaning from Lead to Primary Announcement
Table III.3 investment of meaning from Lead to Primary
Announcement Through the identifying: intensive process, viewers
read the following meaning in the advertisement:
e) Stage 3
O’Halloran explains the Enhancer functions to amplify the
meanings generated between the Primary Announcement and the
Lead. The Display and the LoA, if the advertisement
unaccompanied by the Enhancer, the viewers/peoples can not
Table III.3 The Identifying: Intensive process
understanding the intended meanings from advertisers. however, in
this movie poster there is no enhancer.
The researcher gives Figure III.4 to illustrate the reading
path according to the Compositional layout of the movieposter man
of steel. It is shown below
Figure III.4 Reading Path for movie poster man of steel.
(C) Enhancer is least in Salience therefore read last. The
meaning generated through the interaction between Lead and
Announcement is 'the LoA exemplifies people who already have
a statement', 'It is statement-making'. The Enhancer builds on
this meaning, that statement-making people have .But on this
movie poster there is no Enhancer.
(B) Primary Announcement read second as it is second in
Salience. Through Relational processes that invest meaning Bi-
directionally from Announcement to Lead and vice-versa, the
Announcement serves to define the Lead as a visual
exemplification of the Announcement. There is semantic
equivalence between Lead and Announcement.
(A) The Lead is visually most Salient therefore read first. The
LoA carries some meaning, in this case the researcher convinces
what meanings advertisers intend the people to have till it
interacts with the Announcement.
f) Stage 4
Society ideologies are in continual evolution. The
ideologies will influence the way society interprets the
advertisements. However it depends in the social-cultural in their
environment and experience by the viewers / people.
This movie poster was created on June 14th
2013 by
releasing this movie. This movie poster is one of the best movie
posters of 2013.This poster was made differently so that viewers
feel curious and it's more evident with the increase from the
previous rating of this movie. So, the viewers/people can receive
the total meaning derived from the interaction between the Lead,
Announcement and the Enhancer. Based on strategies in Meaning-
Making in stage 1-3, it can be defined that poster made is different
from earlier movie poster. The purpose of this movie poster to
make the audience more curious. Nevertheless, it depends in the
social-cultural in their environment and experience by the viewers.
3. Systemic-functional linguistics (SFL)
Systemic Fungsional Linguistics (hereafter SFL) is a
comprehensive theory of language and social context developed
principally in Britain and Australia over the past six decades. It draws
on Saussure and Hjelmslev in its relational conception language as a
stratified system of signs, and follows Firth in treating meaning as
function in context. In addition, it provides one influential the oretical
fondation for work across semiotic systems in multimodal discourse
analysis. Significantly SFL has evolved as an appliable linguistics,
designed to address language problems faced by the community,
including educational, clinical and forensic contexts provide historically
contextualized reviews of discourse analysis informed by SFL,
including extensive references, and can be consulted in relation to the
more specific and to some extent more prospective account offered here
(Martin, 2011: 101).
4. Definition of Meaning-Making
Meaning making is a social process where people use the modes, or
resources, at their disposal to represent. Language is only one resource
or mode for making meaning. Others include images, gestures, body
language, proxemics, color, movements, space, and time. Modes are
considered to be the material-semiotic resources that people have
available for achieving representational work. Texts, both products of
and part of discourses, are the result of semiotic work of design,
production and composition; and as such they can be semiotic entities
of any kind resulting in ensembles composed of different modes
(Rogers, 2011: 8).
From explanation above, it is concluded that Meaning-making is a
new knowledge, new experience gained from activities which are
interpreted in the form of understanding. It occurs when there are
components that influences and have a relation. thus, at this level the
people/viewers is capable of understanding meaning.
One of the underlying assumptions of SFL is that the object of
language study should be a whole text, not a decontextualized sentence
or utterance. SFL is committed to a view of language that focuses on
meaning and the choices people make when making meaning. Unlike
structural aspects of language systems (e.g., generative models of
grammar), there are no sharp distinctions between the system (form)
and the use of language (function). This means that the analyst can look
to speech (discourse) as an artifact of the relationship between language
and structure. (Rogers, 2004: 8-9).
5. Meaning-Making in Movie Poster Man of Steel
In chapter I the researcher states Meaning-making is a new
knowledge, new experience gained from activities which are interpreted
in the form of understanding. It occurs when there are components
influences and have a relation. So, at this level, the people/viewers are
capable of understanding meaning. Based on that quotation, it can be
defined Meaning-Making in Movie Poster Man of Steel is a new
experience, new knowledge gained by observing this movie poster, it
engages components on the movie poster. So, in certain level the people
or viewers are capable understanding what is the meaning in the movie
After all, movie poster man of steel is a poster made different from
earlier movie poster. The components in poster have relation, support,
and influences. They are the primary Announcement, the Lead (LoA and
Comp. LoA), and Enhancer. The goal of this poster is to attract an
enthusiastic audience by releasing this movie poster.
This chapter contains some conclusions based on discussion on each reseach
question and suggestion for the readers and future researcher. In conclusion, it
contains Generic Structure Potential (GSP) of movie poster man of steel and the
Ideational Meaning-Making of movie poster man of steel. Furthermore, it has a
suggestion by the researcher.
A. Conclussion
In conclusion, this poster contains Generic Structure Potential (GSP)
and the Ideational Meaning-Making of movie poster man of steel.
1. Generic Structure Potential (GSP) of Movie Poster Man of Steel
From this research question, the researcher concludes that movie
poster man of steel makes the audience more curious with this movie
and it possibly has some elements called Generic Structure. The first
is the the Locus of Attention (LoA) and Complements to the Locus of
Attention (Comp.LoA). The Locus of Attention (LoA) that contains in
this poster is similar to the Lead, the difference is LoA only involving
in the super hero itself. In this case the viewers seize the LoA, the
LoA itself embeds central idea of the advertisement and very salient to
the viewers. Then, Complements to the Locus of Attention of this
poster is background of dark with the little light.
The second is Announcement. Announcement consists of
Primary Announcement and secondary Announcement. Primary
announcement in this poster is man of steel as the title. Then this
poster has not Secondary. The third is Enhancer, there is no enhancer
in this movie poster because enhancer is usually in the paragraph
form. The last is Call-and-Visit Information on 14 June as information
about this poster.
2. The Ideational Meaning-Making in Movie Poster Man of Steel
From strategies for Meaning-Making the researcher gets the
result. The first is the Lead is visually most Salient therefore read first.
The LoA carries some meaning, in this case the researcher convinces
what meanings advertisers intend the super hero surrended to the
armies. The second is Primary Announcement read second as it is
second in Salience. Through Relational processes that invests meaning
Bidirectionally from Announcement to Lead and vice-versa, the
Announcement serves to define the Lead as a visual exemplification
of the Announcement. There is semantic equivalence between the
Lead and Announcement. The third is Enhancer is least in salience
therefore read last. The Enhancer builds the meaning in poster and it
makes a statement the viewers/people. But on this poster there is no
enhancer. The fourth is the viewers to receive the total meaning
derived from the interaction between the Lead, Announcement and the
Based on strategies in Meaning-Making in stage 1-3, it can be
defined that it is not usually poster made different with earlier poster,
on this poster the power of super hero does not appear. Nevertheless it
depends in the social-cultural in their environment and experienced by
the viewers. This poster has low CP, this poster also has minimum of
linguistic items accompaning the visual images, and strong definable
relationships are established between the linguistic and visual codes,
the meanings of the visual images are less contextualized. In this Lead
there is a wide scope in terms of meaning potential in the Lead so
there is low CP, wide IS and high SE. So that, the viewers can
inteprete the Lead and effervescence of meaning. Meaning-Making in
movie poster man of steel is a new experience, new knowledge gained
by observing this poster, it engages components on the poster. In
certain level the people or viewers are capable of understanding what
is meaning in the poster.
B. Suggestion
Based on the the conclussion above, it is suggested that : for the future
researchers, the discussion of this researsch is less complete. Therefore, for
the future the researchers, it needs to improve the discussion of Multimodal
Discourse Analysis, especialy the Ideational Meaning-Making.
this advertisement has been well pre-thought and composed in such a
way that it suggests a compact and solid idea of keeping looking younger
for not-so-young females who now hold many major positions in their
professions. Thisadvertisement is realistic in a way that these potential
viewers do not need to look too young, which is not possible. They just need
to look a bit younger by taking a short pause and using the cream, and soon
they can continue to their exciting lifestyle. Every visual and linguistic item
in the ad is arranged very well so they complement and support one another
to project the positive image to attract the viewers to buy the product.
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Multimodal Discourse Analysis of Man of Steel Poster bachelor thesis [messy edition]

  • 2. i MULTIMODAL DISCOURSE ANALYSIS ON THE MOVIE POSTER MAN OF STEEL T H E S I S Presented to the Department of English Teaching, Faculty of Letters and Arts Education, Institute of Teacher Training and Education of IKIP PGRI Madiun,in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for an Undergraduate Degree of English Teaching BY : EKA ANDY HERMAWAN NPM.09.321.087 DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH TEACHING THE FACULTY OF LETTERS AND ARTS EDUCATION IKIP PGRI MADIUN February 2016
  • 3. ii SIGNATURE PAGE OF ADVISORS Thesis by Bahtiyar Andriansyahentitled Multimodal Discourse Analysis on the Movie Poster Man of Steelis approved by the advisors for the thesis examination. Madiun, February4th , 2016 Advisor Drs. Dwi Setyadi, M.M NIDN0727106403 Madiun, February4th , 2015 Co- Advisor Lulus Irawati, S.S, M.Pd NIDN. 0713047501
  • 4. iii SIGNATURE PAGE OF THE BOARD OF EXAMINERS This thesis by Bahtiyar Andriansyahis approved by the board of examiners on tuesday, February12th 2015. Board of Exeminers Drs. Sumani, M.M., M.Hum. Chair NIDN. 0030016602 Sigit Ricahyono, S.S., M.Pd Secretary NIDN. 0712046901 Drs. Dwi Setyadi, M.M Member NIDN. 0727106403 Lulus Irawati, S.S.,M.Pd NIDN. 0713047501 Sigit Ricahyono, S.S., M.Pd NIDN.0712046901 Madiun, February 12th 2015 DECLARATION The Faculty of Letters and Arts Education Dean, Drs. Sumani, M.M.,M.Hum. NIDN.0030016602 The Department of English Teaching Chairman, Sigit Ricahyono, S.S., M.Pd NIDN.0712046901 Chairman Secretary Member Member Member
  • 5. iv I, the writer of the thesis entitled “MULTIMODAL DISCOURSE ANALYSIS ON THE MOVIE POSTER MAN OF STEEL” : Name : Eka Andy Hermawan NPM : 09.321.087 Department : Department of English Teaching Faculty : Faculty of Letters and Arts Education University : IKIP PGRI Madiun States that this thesis is not a plagiarism or made by others. Anything related to others work is written in quotation, the source of which is listed in the bibliography. If it is found that my work, thought, or wholly plagiarized, I will be ready to accept the sanction on the matter. Madiun, February 09th ,2016 The Researcher Eka Andy Hermawan
  • 6. v MOTTO AND DEDICATION MOTTO 1.“ Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind." (Albert Einstein) 2. “Kembang Tepus Kaki.” 3. “Nothing Impossible” 4. “What i worry i about is not whether God is on our side, but whether we are on God’s side. Because god is always right.(Abraham Lincoln) DEDICATION This thesis is dedicated to: 1. To my mother who has loved me very much. 2. To my brother Zainul Arifin and Ibnu Syahri Romadhon who have helped and support doing this thesis. 3. To Herwaniti Arsaningsih who has accompany me doing this thesis. 4. All of his frinds who have helped in doing this thesis.
  • 7. vi FOREWORDS First and foremost, Alhamdulillahirobbil’aalamiin, the researcher would like to express her deepest gratitude to Allah SWT, God the Almighty for the blessing in completing this thesis entitled “Multimodal Discourse Analysis on the Movie Poster Man of Steel” This thesis is submitted as the partial fulfillment of requirements for an Undergraduate Degree of English Department Faculty of Letters and Arts Education IKIP PGRI Madiun. Many people have contributed spiritually and physically to this thesis. The researcher would like to express her deepest gratitude and appreciation to: 1. Dr. H. Parji, M.Pd, the Rector of IKIP PGRI Madiun, who has given the researcher a chance to write this thesis. 2. Drs. Sumani, M.M.,M.Hum, the Dean of The Faculty Letters and Arts Education, who has given permission to write this thesis. 3. Sigit Ricahyono, S.S.,M.Pd, the Head of Department of English Teaching, who has given him permission to complete this research. 4. Drs. Dwi Setyadi, M.M., the first advisor for his encouragement, support, valuable advices and suggestions. 5. Lulus Irawati, S.S, M.Pd., the second advisor for his patience, support, valuable advices and suggestion in correcting this thesis. 6. All lecturers of Department of English Teaching, The Faculty of Letters and Arts Education IKIP PGRI Madiun who have given their precious knowledge to the researcher.
  • 8. vii 7. The librarians of IKIP PGRI Madiun for giving their help in getting reference books to the researcher. 8. All of his friends who help him in completing this thesis. The researcher realizes that this thesis is far from being perfect. In order to make this thesis better, the researcher also welcomes comment, criticism, and suggestion from the readers. Finally, the researcher hopes that this thesis will be useful for the readers, especially the student of English Department of IKIP PGRI Madiun. Madiun,February 10th , 2016 The Researcher
  • 9. viii TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INNER COVER ........................................................................................... i SIGNATURE PAGE OF ADVISORS ..........................................................ii SIGNATURE PAGE OF THE BOARD OF EXAMINERS ..........................iii STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY ..............................................................iv MOTTO AND DEDICATION .....................................................................v FOREWORDS TABLE OF CONTENTS..............................................................................vii LIST OF TABLES .......................................................................................xi LIST OF FIGURES ......................................................................................xii LIST OF APPENDICES...............................................................................xiv ABSTRACT.................................................................................................xv CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION.............................................................1 A. Background of the Study............................................. 1 B. Limitation of Study..................................................... 3 C. Statement of Problem.................................................. 3 D. Purposes of the Research ........................................... 3 E. Significance of The Research...................................... 4 F. Methodology of The Research .................................... 5 1. Approach of the Research .................................... 5 2. Type of the Research............................................ 5 3. Data and Sources of Data .................................... 6 4. Data Collection Techniques ................................ 7 5. Technique of Analyzing the Data......................... 7 G. Theoretical Review..................................................... 7 1. Multimodal Discourse Analysis .......................... 8 a. Definition of Multimodal Discourse Analysis (MDA) ......................................................... 8 b. Approach to MDA ...................................... 10 c. Theoretical and Analytical Issues in MDA .. 15 2.Strategies For Meaning-Making in Print Advertisementt.......................................... 19 a. Systemic-functional Linguistics(SFL) ......... 19 b. Definition of Meaning-Making.................... 23 c. Strategies for Meaning-Making in Print Advertisement............................................. 25 3. Advertising ........................................................ 25 a. Definition of Advertising ............................ 25 b. Media of Advertising .................................. 27 c. The Generic Structure Potential of Print Advertisement............................................. 30 1) The Lead............................................ 31
  • 10. ix 2) The Display ....................................... 34 3) The Emblem ...................................... 35 4) The Announcement............................ 35 5) The Enhancer..................................... 36 6) The Tag ............................................. 37 7) The Call-and- Visit Information......... 38 4. Strategies For Meaning-Making in Printed Advertisement.................................................... 18 a) Definition of Meaning-Making.................... 18 b) Strategies Meaning-Making in Advertising . 19 1) Stage 1 ................................................. 21 2) Stage 2 ................................................. 22 3) Stage 2a ............................................... 23 4) Stage 2b .............................................. 25 5) Stage 3 ................................................. 26 6) Stage 4 ................................................. 29 7) Contextualization Propensity, Interpretative Space andSemantic Effervescence:a Further Exploration of Ideational Meaning ........................... 29 CHAPTER II THE GENERIC STRUCTURE POTENTIAL (GSP) OF MOVIE POSTER MAN OF STEEL ............................. 39 A. Data Presentation and Research Findings.................. 39 B. Discussion ................................................................ 41 CHAPTER III THE IDEATIONAL MEANING-MAKING IN MOVIE POSTER MAN OF STEEL......................................... 50 A. Data Presentation and Research Finding ................... 50 B. Discussion ................................................................ 52 CHAPTER IV CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ............................ 63 A. Conclusions..................................................................................... 63 B. Suggestions..................................................................................... 65 BIBLIOGRAPHY ................................................................................... 67 APPENDICES .......................................................................................... 69 VITA.......................................................................................................... 70
  • 11. x LIST OF TABLES Page Table 1.1 Proposed generic structure of print advertisements 12 Table 1.2 Relational process between Primary Announcement and Lead 24 Table 1.3 The Identifying: Intensive process 26 Table 1.4 Relational process between Primary Announcement and Lead 50 Table 1.5 The Identifying: Intensive process 51
  • 12. xi LIST OF FIGURES Page Figure1.1 The Display in a print advertisement15 Figure 1.2 The Announcement in print advertisements16 Figure 1.3 Triumvirate Interaction of Lead, Announcement, and Enhancer21 Figure 1.4 Investment of Meaning from Primary Announcement to Lead24 Figure 1.5 Investment of Meaning from Lead to Primary Announcement25 Figure 1.6 Reading Path for the Golf Advertisement28 Figure 1.7 The Display in a print advertisement 41 Figure 1.8 Triumvirate Interaction of Lead, Announcement and Enhancer 48 Figure 1.9 Investment of Meaning of Meaning from Primary Announcement to Lead 50 Figure 2.1Investment of Meaning from Lead to Primary Announcement 51 Figure 2.2Reading Path for movieposter man of steel 52
  • 13. xii LIST OF APPENDICES Page Movie Poster Man of Steel 63
  • 14. xiii ABSTRACT Eka Andy Hermawan, 2016. Multimodal Discourse Analysis on the Movie poster Man of Steel. Intergraduate Thesis. Faculty of Letters and Arts Education, IKIP PGRI MADIUN. Advisor (1) Siget Ricahyono, S.S., MPd., (2) Samsul Aripin, S.Pd., M.Pd. Key Terms : Generic Structure, The Idietional Meaning-Making, Advertising Advertising is way and method by individual or company through in certain communication, such as Radios, letters, billboards, magazines, newspaper, faxes, videos, stickers, newspaper, print advertisement, poster, newsagents and Television. Printed and poster advertisement consists of linguistic code and visual one. The Announcement is a linguistic code while the Lead is a visual one. The two of them sets up Transitivity process then result in meaning that can be unambiguously conveyed by the advertisers and unambiguously decoded by the viewers. The researcher explains, what kind of generic structure and how Ideational Meaning-Making in movie poster man of steel. The research approach that is used is qualitative with research type of Multimodal Discourse Analysis (MDA). The data of this research is movie poster man of steel that is copied from data are discussed by using theories of Multimodal Discourse Analysis, Meaning-Making and Advertising. The result of the discussion show that : Movie poster man of steel has some elements that are included as the generic structure. They are the Lead, Announcement, Enhancer, and Call and Visit information. Meaning-Making in movie poster man of steel is a new experience, new knowledge gained by observing this poster, it engages components on the poster. So, in certain level the people or viewers are capable of understanding what the meaning in the poster. In strategies for Meaning-Making in this poster the researcher uses three main components in the construal of Ideational Meaning-Making in print advertisements are Lead, Announcement and Enhancer. Based on strategies in Meaning-Making in stage 1-4, it can be defined that poster made clear and different. The purpose of this movie poster to make the audience more curious. Nevertheless it depends in the social-cultural in their environment and experience by the viewers. This poster advertising has low CP, this poster also has minimum of linguistic items accompany the visual images, and strong definable relationships are established between the linguistic and visual codes, the meanings of the visual images are less contextualized. The last, this research suggests that : for the future researchers, the discussion of this research is less complete. Therefore, for the future the researcher need to improve the discussion of Multimodal Discourse Analysis, especialy the Ideational Meaning-Making.
  • 15. 1 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Chapter I is focuses on introduction of the research. There are several disscussions mentioned in this chapter, those are Background of study, Limitations of study, Statement of problems and Purposes of Research. The researcher attempts to simplify the understanding of discussion above by paraphrasing and giving distinctive explanation. A. Background of the Study Advertising is very common in our daily lives nowadays. In Indonesia, advertising abounds; it could be found almost everywhere such as in mass media, internet, social media, buses (city busses especially), Walls of a building, handrails of escalators, billboards, wallpapers and even in a electric pillars. However, it is strange that most of us don’t realize that advertising which we have been seeing everyday is a form of discourse by the means of language that would consciously or unconsciously influence our behaviors and thoughts in our daily lives. The use of word play, puns, rhymes, pictures, colors and other elements in advertising somehow has its own role in order to catch our attention towards it. A discourse analysis is based on the details of speech (and gaze and gesture and action) or writing that are arguably deemed relevantin the context
  • 16. 2 and that are relevant to the arguments the analysis is attempting to make (Gee, 2011: 117). Branches of the Discourse Analysis among others are Contrastive Analysis (CA), Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA), and Multimodal Discourse Analysis (MDA). This research focuses on a study about Multimodal Discourse Analysis (MDA) of whics will bring the research starts and ends. Multimodal Discourse Analysis is a collection of research papers in the field of multimodality (O’Halloran 2004: 1). It means that Multimodal Discourse Analysis included and integrated in multisemiotic phenomena, such as print media, videos, music, websites, three-dimensional objects, etc. According to Vilanilam and Varghese (2004: 4), “Advertising is an organized method of communicating information about a product or service which a company or individual wants to sell to the people.” It emerges in a movie poster man of steel, also in other poster or print even as an organized method of communicating information about a product or service. In this case, this research takes a movie poster man of steel. It is a unique movie poster and make a viewer be curious. Thus, this poster is different with earlier movie poster in which the earlier movie poster always shows the power of super hero. The super hero who has incredible strength could the midfielder by armies. Moreover, this movie poster is one of the best movie posters in 2013. The researcher identifies many research which examined printed advertisement since the researcher wants to examine something different. It is a
  • 17. 3 movie poster. Movie poster that will be discussed by the researcher is a movie poster man of steel. This movie poster was created on June 14th 2013 along with the release of this movie. This poster was made differently so that viewers feel curious and it's more evident with the increase from the previous rating of this movie. That is why the researcher is interested to take “Multimodal Discourse Analysis on the Movie Poster Man of Steel” as the title of this research and shows how this movie poster conveys messages through visual items. B. Limitation of the Study In this research, the researcher only focuses on movie poster. The discussion about how the advertisers ideational meaning-making in movie poster man of steel. C. Statement of the Problems Based on the background of study above, the statements of problem are : 1. What is the Generic Structure Potential (GSP) of movie poster man of steel? 2. What is the Ideational meaning-making in of movie poster man of steel? D. Purposes of the Research Based on the background of study and statements of problem above, the purposes of this research are :
  • 18. 4 1. to describe the Generic Structure Potential (GSP) of movie poster man of steel. 2. to describe the Ideational meaning-making in of movie poster man of steel. E. Significance of the Researh This research analyzes the generic structure potential and the ideational Meaning-Making in movie poster man of steel. Therefore the significances of the research are : 1. For the readers People can learn the phenomenon of MDA theory in movie poster. MDA theory can answer the meaning contained on this poster. Besides, people can learn and compare between the movie poster and advertisment poster. Thus, the researcher gives more references to the reader especially college students of IKIP PGRI Madiun about the Multimodal Discourse Analysis and the use of it. 2. For future researchers Furthermore, this research is made to help the future researchers who are interested in analyzing movie poster by using Multimodal Discourse Analysis. F. Methodology of the Research This subchapter discusses about methodology of the research is one important thing in this research. It shows the correct way and steps to solve
  • 19. 5 problems and to establish the success of the research. The way and steps that contained in research methodology are approach of the research, method of the research, data and source data, data collection techniques, and data analysis. Each step will be explained as follow: 1. Approach of the Research According to Thomas (2003: 57), “qualitative research is a research which methods involve a researcher describing kinds of characteristics and event without comparing events in terms of measurements and amounts”. It means that qualitative research studies in descriptive matter, also study in natural subject. The data collected by the researcher takes the from of words or picture rather than namber . It is supported that the data collected take the form of words or picture rather than number (Bogdan and Biklen, 2007: 5). It is clear, based on explanation above the researcher applies qualitative research. Movie poster entitled man of steel is included in qualitative research; it is a picture data and natural object that interpret phenomenon in terms of meaning which people which bring them. 2. Type of the Research The researcher uses Multimodal discourse analysis (MDA) as approach. MDA describe what is the potential generic structure and ideational meaning-making in “Multimodal discourse analysis on the movie poster man of steel” as the title of this research.
  • 20. 6 3. Data and Sources of Data Based on Bogdan and Biklen (2007: 117), “data refers to the through materials researchers collect from the world they are studying: data are particulars that form the basis of analysis.” It means that the data are important object which is content information took from documents in the form of statistic thet uses for anlysis porposes. In this research the data is movie poster man of steel which contains visual and verbal data that can be analyzed using Multimodal Discourse Analysis (MDA). The movie poster man of steel as the data was taken from This poster was made on June 14th 2013 along with the release of the movie. It is shown as follows : Picture I.1 Man of steel poster
  • 21. 7 4. Data collection Techniques In collecting the data, the researcher uses one of data collection technique namely documentation. In this research the data is document, it is movie poster man of steel. According to Stringer (2004: 44), data gathering is how information or data will be gathered including interview, focus group, observation, review of materials, and equipment. 5. Technique of Analyzing the Data The researcher analyzes the data using Multimodal Discourse Analysis (MDA). So that, by using theory of Multimodal Discourse Analysis (MDA) the researcher can describe what is the Ideational Meaning-Making and the Generic Structure Potential of this movie poster were formed. According to O’Halloran (2011: 1), “Multimodal Discourse Analysis (MDA) is an emerging paradigm in discourse studies which extends the study of language to the study of language in combination with other resources, such as images, scientific symbolism, gesture, action, music, and sound.” Based on quotation above Multimodal Discourse Analysis includes images, such as poster and print. G. Theoretical Review This chapter contains theories that are required by the researcher to analyse and to establish success of the research. The theories consists of main theories and supporting theories. The main theories included Multimodal
  • 22. 8 Discourse Analysis (MDA) and the supporting theories included advertisement. The researcher attempts to simplify the understanding of some theories above by paraphrasing and giving distinct explanation. 1. Multimodal discourse analysis (MDA) a. Definition of Multimodal Discourse Analysis (MDA) Multimodal discourse analysis (henceforth MDA) is an emerging paradigm in discourse studies which extends the study of language per se to the study of language in combination with other resources, such as images, scientific symbolism, gesture, action, music and sound. The terminology in MDA is used somewhat loosely at present as concepts and approaches evolve in this relatively new field of study. For example, language and other resources which integrate to create meaning in multimodal (or multisemiotic) phenomena (e.g. print materials, videos, websites, three-dimensional objects and day-to-day events) are variously called semiotic resources modes and modalities MDA itself is referred to as multimodality multimodal analysis multimodal semiotics and „multimodal studies (O’Haloran (2011: 120-137). For the purpose of clarity, in this chapter semiotic resource is used to describe the resources (or modes) (e.g. language, image, music, gesture and architecture) which integrate across sensory modalities (e.g. visual, auditory, tactile, olfactory, gustatory, kinesthetic) in multimodal texts, discourses and events, collectively called multimodal phenomena.
  • 23. 9 Following Halliday (1978: 123), semiotic resources are ‘system[s] of meanings that constitute’ the ‘reality’ of the culture’. The medium is the means through which the multimodal phenomena materialise (e.g. newspaper, television, computer or material object and event). In what follows, the major concerns of MDA, the reasons for the emergence of this field in linguistics, and the variety of approaches which have been developed are discussed, before concepts specific to MDA are examined in more detail and a sample multimodal analysis is presented (O’Haloran (2011: 121). . MDA is concerned with theory and analysis of semiotic resources and the semantic expansions which occur as semiotic choices combine in multimodal phenomena. The ‘inter-semiotic’ (or inter-modal) relations arising from the interaction of semiotic choices, known as intersemiosis, is a central area of multimodal research MDA is also concerned with the design, production and distribution of multimodal resources in social settings and the resemioticisation (Iedema, 2003: 40- 41) of multimodal phenomena which takes place as social practices unfold. The major challenges facing MDA include the development of theories and frameworks for semiotic resources other than language, the modelling of social semiotic processes (in particular, intersemiosis and resemioticisation), and the interpretation of the complex semantic space which unfolds within and across multimodal phenomena.
  • 24. 10 There are several reasons for the paradigmatic shift away from the study of language alone to the study of the integration of language with other resources. First, discourse analysis attempting to interpret the wide range of human discourse practices have found the need to account for the meaning arising from multiple semiotic resources deployed in various media, including contemporary interactive digital technologies. Second, technologies to develop new methodological approaches for MDA, for example multimodal annotation tools (Rohlfing et al., 2006) have become available and affordable. Lastly, interdisciplinary research has become more common as scientists from various disciplines seek to solve similar problems. From ‘an age of disciplines, each having its own domain, its own concept of theory, and its own body of method’, the twentieth century has emerged as ‘age of themes’ (Halliday, 1991: 39) aimed at solving particular problems. MDA is an example of this paradigm shift, and it has a key contribution to make with respect to multimodal analysis, search and retrieval of information. b. Approaches to MDA O’Holaron (2011: 120-137) has summarized that Gunther Kress and Theo van Leeuwen and Michael O’Toole provided the foundations for multimodal research in the 1980s and 1990s, drawing upon Michael Halliday’s social semiotic approach to language to model the meaning potential of words, sounds and images as sets of inter-related systems
  • 25. 11 and structures. Kress and van Leewuen explored images and visual design, and O’Toole applied Halliday’s systemic functional model to a semiotic analysis of displayed art, paintings, sculpture and architecture. Continue to the summarizing of O’Halloran (2011-137) about approach MDA, he stated, Halliday concern with both text and context, instance and potential, is reflected in these foundational works. That is, Kress and van Leeuwen adopt a (top-down) contextual approach with a particular orientation to ideology, deriving general principles of visual design which are illustrated via text analysis; while O‟Toole develops a (bottom-up) grammatical approach by working closely with specific ‘texts’ (i.e. paintings, architectural designs and sculptures) to derive frameworks which can be applied to other works. Subsequent research has built upon these two approaches and extended them into new domains. For example, contextual approaches have been developed for speech, sound and music, scientific texts, hypermedia, action and gesture, educational research and literacy. In addition, grammatical approaches to mathematics, hypermedia and a range of other multimodal texts have resulted in an approach which has been called systemic-functional multimodal discourse analysis (SF-MDA). Jewitt classifies contextual and grammatical approaches as „social semiotic multimodality‟ and „multimodal discourse analysis‟ respectively.
  • 26. 12 These approaches provide complementary perspectives, being derived from Michael Halliday‟s social semiotic approach to text, society and culture, which grounds social critique in concrete social practices through three fundamental principles: 1) Tri-stratal conceptualisation of meaning which relates low level features in the text (e.g. images and sound) to higher-order semantics through sets of inter-related lexicogrammatical systems, and ultimately to social contexts of situation and culture. 2) Metafunctional theory which models the meaning potential of semiotic resources into three distinct ‘metafunctions’:  Ideational meaning (i.e. our ideas about the world) involves: - Experiential meaning: representation and portrayal of experience in the world. - Logical meaning: construction of logical relations in that world.  Interpersonal meaning: enactment of social relations.  Textual meaning: organization of the meaning as coherent texts and units. 3) Instantiation models the relations of actual choices in text to the systemic potential, with intermediate subpotentials – registers –
  • 27. 13 appearing as patterns of choice in texttypes (e.g. casual conversation, debate and scientific paper) (Iedema, 2003: 30). Multimodal research rapidly expanded in mid 2000s onwards as systemic linguists and other language researchers became increasingly interested in exploring the integration of language with other resources. There was an explicit acknowledgement that communication is inherently multimodal and that literacy is not confined to language (O’Halloran, 2011: 120-137). Further approaches to multimodal studies evolved. These include Ron Scollon, Suzanne Wong Scollon and Sigrid Norris multimodal interactional analysis, developed from mediated discourse analysis which has foundations in interactional sociolinguistics and intercultural communication, and Charles Forceville’s cognitive approach to multimodal metaphor based on cognitive linguistics. In addition, critical discourse approaches have been developed based on social semiotics and other critical traditions. A variety of distinct theoretical concepts and frameworks continue to emerge in multimodal studies but most have some relationship to one or more of these paradigms (O’Halloran, 2011: 120-137).. The increasing popularity of MDA is evidenced by recent publications. Unsurprisingly, there is much debate about the nature of this emerging field. While multimodality can be characterized as ‘a
  • 28. 14 domain of enquiry’ (e.g. visual design, displayed art, mathematics, hypermedia, education and so forth), theories, descriptions and methodologies specific to MDA are clearly required and some frameworks and tools have indeed already been developed (O’Halloran, 2011: 120-137). As a domain of enquiry, multimodal studies encourage engagement and cross-fertilisation with other disciplines which have the same object of study. Incorporating knowledge, theories and methodologies from other dis ciplines poses many problems, however, not least being the provision of adequate resources for research to be undertaken across traditional disciplinary boundaries (O’Halloran, 2011: 120-137). The development of theories and practices specific to MDA, on the other hand, will potentially contribute to other fields of study, including, importantly, linguistics. In this sense, MDA „use[s] texts or types of text to explore, illustrate, problematise, or apply general issues in multimodal studies, such as those arising from the development of theoretical frameworks specific to the study of multimodal phenomena, or methodological issues. This chapter deals with MDA precisely in this way as a new field of study which requires specific theoretical and methodological frameworks and tools which in turn may be applied across other disciplines and domains (O’Halloran, 2011: 120-137).
  • 29. 15 c. Theoretical and Analytical Issues in MDA Theoretical and analytical issues in MDA include, modelling semiotic resources which are fundamentally different to language, modelling and analysing inter-semiotic expansions of meaning as semiotic choices integrate in multimodal phenomena, and modelling and analysing the resemioticisation of multimodal phenomena as social practices unfold. These issues are considered in turn. 1) Modelling semiotic resources which are fundamentally different to language. Following Halliday, language can be modelled as sets of inter-related systems in the form of system networks, which are metafunctionally organised according to taxonomies with hierarchical ranks (word, word groups, clauses, clause complexes and paragraphs and text. The grammatical systems link words to meaning on the semantic stratum. Systems which operate on the expression plane (i.e. graphology and typography for written language and phonology for spoken language) are also included in Halliday‟s model (O’Halloran, 2011: 120-137). Most semiotic resources are fundamentally different to language, however, with those having evolved from language (e.g. mathematical symbolism, scientific notation and computer programming languages) having the closest relationship in terms of
  • 30. 16 grammaticality. Images differ, for example, in that parts are perceived as organised patterns in relation to the whole, following Gestalt laws of organisation. Furthermore, following Charles Sanders Pierce’s categorisation of signs, language is a symbolic sign system which has no relationship to what is being represented, while images are iconic because they represent something though similarity. Therefore, analytic approaches and frameworks based on linguistic models have been questioned Nevertheless, models adapted from linguistics such as have been widely and usefully applied to mathematical and scientific images, cities, buildings, museums and displayed art. In O’Toole’s model, the theoretical basis is Gestalt theory where images are composed of inter-related parts in the composition of the whole. draws visual overlays of systemic choices on the image, suggesting a visuallydefined grammar as a possible way forward. 2) Modelling and analysing inter-semiotic expansions of meaning as semiotic choices integrate in multimodal phenomena. The interaction of semiotic choices in multimodal phenomena gives rise to semantic expansions as the meaning potential of different resources are accessed and integrated; for example, in text-image relations gesture and speech and language, images and mathematical symbolism. This semantic expansion is
  • 31. 17 also related to the materiality of the multimodal artefact , including thetechnology or other medium involved (e.g. book, interactive digital media). Semantic integration in multimodal pheneomena may be viewed metafunctionally whereby experiential, logical, interpersonal and textual meaning interact across elements at different ranks (e.g. word group and image). The resulting multiplication of meaning leads to a complex multidimensional semantic space where there may be a compression of meaning (even conflicting) meanings Indeed, there is no reason to assume a coherent semantic integration of semiotic choices in multimodal phenomena. The processes and mechanisms of semantic expansion arising from inter-semiosis have yet to be fully theorised. It may be that inter-semiotic systems beyond the sets of inter related grammatical systems for each resource, operating as ‘meta- grammars’, are required. These inter-semiotic systems would have the potential to link choices across the hierarchical taxonomies for each resource, so that a word group in language, for example, is resemioticised as a component of a complex visual narrative, or vice versa. One major problem for multimodal discourse analysts is the complexity of both the inter-semiotic processes and the
  • 32. 18 resulting semantic space, particularly in dynamic texts (e.g. videos) and hyper-texts with hyperlinks (e.g. internet), (O’Halloran, 2011: 120-137). 3) Modelling and analysing the resemioticisation of multimodal phenomena as social practices unfold. MDA is also concerned with the resemioticiation of multimodal phenomena across place and time: ‘[r]esemioticisation is about how meaning making shifts from context to context, from practice to practice, or from stage of a practice to the next’ (Iedema, 2003: 41). Iedema (2003: 50) is concerned with resemioticiation as a dynamic process which underscores ‘the material and historicised dimensions of representation’. Resemioticisation takes place within the unfolding multimodal discourse itself (as the discourse shifts between different resources) and across different contexts as social practices unfold (e.g. how a policy document is enacted). From a grammatical perspective, resemioticisation necessarily involves a reconstrual of meaning as semiotic choices change over place and time. In many cases, resemioticisation involves introducing new semiotic resources, and may result in metaphorical expansions of meaning as functional elements in one semiotic resource are realised using another semiotic resource: for example, the shift from
  • 33. 19 language, to image and mathematical symbolism in unfolding mathematics discourse. This process takes place as linguistic configurations involving participants, processes and circumstances, for example, are visualised as entities. Processes specific to MDA, such as intersemiosis and resemioticisation of multimodal phenomena, add to the complexity of the semantic space which must be modelled and analysed. Indeed, managing this complexity lies at the heart of MDA. 2. Strategies For Meaning-Making in Printed Advertisement a. Systemic-functional linguistics (SFL) Systemic Fungsional Linguistics (hereafter SFL) is a comprehensive theory of language and social context developed principally in Britain and Australia over the past six decades. It draws on Saussure and Hjelmslev in its relational conception language as a stratified system of signs, and follows Firth in treating meaning as function in context. In addition, it provides one influential the oretical fondation for work across semiotic systems in multimodal discourse analysis. Significantly SFL has evolved as an appliable linguistics, designed to address language problems faced by the community, including educational, clinical and forensic contexts provide historically
  • 34. 20 contextualized reviews of discourse analysis informed by SFL, including extensive references, and can be consulted in relation to the more specific and to some extent more prospective account offered here (Martin, 2011: 101). SFL models linguagistic resources on three levels of abstraction- Phonology/graphology, (realizing) lexicogrammar, (realizing) discorse semantics. Higher strata involve emergently complex patterns of lower strata ones; all levels make meaning. In addition, resources on each stratum are organized metafunctionally, according to the kind of meaning they construe – that is, identional resources naturalizing physcal/biological materiality and semiosis, interpersonal resources negotiating social relations and textual resources managing information flow. This hierarchy of realization is outlined in realition to its attendant complementarity of metafunction in Figure I.1.
  • 35. 21 Following firth and Hjelmslev, SFL models social context as more abstract levels of semiosis: the level next to language is mapped metafunctionally as field (ideational context), tenor ( Interpersonal context) and mode (textual contex). Field is concerned with social activity, across all walks of life – including home, recreation, trades and crafts, professions and disciplines. Tenor is concerned with social relations, negotiated in relation to power and solidarity. Mode is concerned with the effect of various technologies of communication on the texture of information flow – sepeaking vs writing example, alongside various electronic modalities (radio, TV, telephon, texting, email, blogging etc.). These three register variables are coordinated in relation to social purpose by the higher level of genre, which specifies which field, tenor and mode variables map onto one another in a given culture and how their realization is staged in phases of unfolding Figure I.1 Basic SFL parameters – stratification and metafunction
  • 36. 22 discourse. This social semiotic model of language and context is summarized in Figure I.2. Stratification and metafunction provide the theoretical parameters for the descriptive cartography deployed by SFL text analysts. English resources are mapped along these lines in Table I.2, including key references to the descriptions commonly deployed (inclusive of Kress and Van Leeuwen’s work on images which is so often deployed in inter- modal verbiage/image analysis). As exemplified in the besic rule of thumb in using this matix is to shunt among cells, taking care to look upwards to higher levels for contextualization and rihhtwards to textual meaning for contextulizaion. Figure I.2 Language strata in relation to social context (stratified as register and genre)
  • 37. 23 Systemic-functional linguistics (SFL) is a theory of language that focuses on the function of language. Although SFL accounts for the syntactic structure of language, it places the function of language as central (what language does, and how it does it), in preference to more structural approaches, which place the elements of language and their combinations as central. SFL starts at social context and looks at how language both acts on and is constrained by this social context. Put simply, there are hard and soft structures to language. Hard structures include aspects of the linguistic system such as adjectives, nouns, and verbs. Soft structures include the function of language. They are referred to assoft structuresbecause of the level of abstraction (Rogers, 2004: 8). b. Definition of Meaning-Making Meaning making is a social process where people use the modes, or resources, at their disposal to represent. Language is only one resource or mode for making meaning. Others include images, gestures, body language, proxemics, color, movements, space, and time. Modes are considered to be the material-semiotic resources that people have available for achieving representational work. Texts, both products of and part of discourses, are the “result of semiotic work of design, production and composition; and as such they can be ‘semiotic entities’;
  • 38. 24 of any kind, resulting in ensembles composed of different modes” (Rogers, 2011: 8). From explanation above, it is concluded that Meaning-making is a new knowledge, new experience gained from activities which are interpreted in the form of understanding. It occurs when there are components that influences and have a relation. thus, at this level the people/viewers is capable of understanding meaning. One of the underlying assumptions of SFL is that the object of language study should be a whole text, not a decontextualized sentence or utterance. SFL is committed to a view of language that focuses on meaning and the choices people make when making meaning. Unlike structural aspects of language systems (e.g., generative models of grammar), there are no sharp distinctions between the system (form) and the use of language (function). This means that the analyst can look to speech (discourse) as an artifact of the relationship between language and structure. (Rogers, 2004: 8-9).
  • 39. 25 c. Strategies For Meaning-Making in Advertising The section 2 introduces the visual metaphor which ideationally elucidates and enhances the ideational meaning potential of the linguistic text in the advertisement (Cheong, 2004: 176). Three main components in the construal of Ideational Meaning- Making in print advertisements are Lead, Announcement and Enhancer. According to Cheong, (2004: 176-177), “Lead, Announcement and Enhancer are a triumvirate approach to meaning-making”. 3. Advertising a. Definition of Advertising Advertising is an organized method of communicating information about a product or service which a company or indifidual wants to sell to the people. It is a paid announcement that is conveyed through words, pictures, music and action in a medium which is used by the prospective buyers. To some, advertising is communication with the express purpose of selling a product or service (Vilanilam and Varghese, 2004: 4). The power of advertising becomes a key social and economic institution, it is imagined to be emblematic of capitalist societies. Visual advertising is often imagined to be emblematic of capitalist societies, the visible manifestation or materialisation of the capitalist logics of exploitation, alienation and reification. For instance, Robert Goldman
  • 40. 26 (1992: 2) argues that advertising is ‘a key social and economic institution in producing and reproducing the material and ideological supremacy of commodity relations. Advertising aims to provide coverage and frequency via the mass media and add brand values to the product. It can be used to try and boost the morale of the salesforce, or to assist the salespeople in their job by providing materials and sales support literature around the theme of the campaign. Advertising objectives tend to be to create awareness, change attitudes, etc., whereas marketing objectives tend to be to increase sales and profits. Advertising’s role in the marketing mix is often to support the other marketing activities such as distribution, sales promotions, money-off coupons, reduced prices, competitions, give-aways, etc (Brierley, 1995: 42-43). Advertising is often used to try to increase sales of a product or the use of a service. A related second reason for advertising is to improve the firm’s “corporate image”: to persuade people that the company is benevolent and trustworthy. Most image advertising is designed not to challenge bad images but to change people’s perceptions of the company (Brierley, 1995: 43-44) The purpose of advertising is to distribute information designed to influence consumer activity in the marketplace. (Sackett & Mavor,
  • 41. 27 2004: 4). It can be defined the goal of advertising to influence consumer to buy the product. According to (Brierley (1995: 1) in introduction “Aside from advertisements being viewed, read and listened to, advertisers try to get us to practice advertising as well as consume it - and they often succeed”. It means the goal of advertisement tries to get the people/consumers to practice advertising as well as consume the product. To sum up, it can be defined the advertisement is way and method by individual or company through in certain communication, such as Radios, letters, billboards, magazines, newspaper, faxes, videos, stickers, newspaper, print advertisement, poster, newsagents and Television. It is about a product or service. The goal of advertisement is to sell a product or service. b. Media of Advertising Television and magazine/newspaper pictures are media in advetising. It can be the option when other media enable to using. In anticipation of the launch teaser posters and commercials began to appear that featured a large metallic red egg (‘Not just another Hatch’), followed on from launch day itself images of a mighty red Clio. This multimedia advertising blitz was followed by alternating television
  • 42. 28 advertisements with magazine/newspaper pictures: ‘in all, 66 percent of the media spend in the first nine months of advertising activity was put on TV.’ (O’Shaughnessy, John. and O’Shaughnessy, Nicholas. Jackson, 2004: 158). According to Shimp (2007: 4) The primary forms of marketing communications divided into some sections, among others traditional mass media advertising (TV, magazines, etc.), online advertising (Web sites, opt-in e-mail messages, text messaging, and so on), and sales promotions (such as samples, coupons, rebates, and premium items). It means there are media of advertisement, those are traditional mass media advertising (TV, magazines, etc.), online advertising (Web sites, opt-in e-mail messages, text messaging, and so on), and sales promotions (such as samples, coupons, rebates, and premium items). Vilanillam and Varghese (2004: 60) say there are various kinds of advertisements even in print. Some are short and telegraphic, almost like a poster on the page. The power of print or poster advertisement is a layout in poster or print itself. It causes the viewers stops for a minute because the viewers/people have seen something interesting. Can be realized Print advertisements are first seen then read. In the world of satellite and cable television, TV commercials have become indispensable for most people. They also say the rising costs of press and the comparatively wider reach of television have also made
  • 43. 29 television advertising very attractive for people. It means the media of creativity in the advertisement among others Television and Print. The growth of mass media, advertising became divided into two broad camps and below-the-line. With the growth of mass media, advertising became divided into two broad camps: above-the-line, which means all those media for which an agency gained commission, and below-the-line, all those areas for which an agency received a fee. Above-the-line media include TV, cinema, radio, newspapers and magazines, and posters. Below-the-line include direct mail, sponsorship, public relations, sales promotions or merchandising (Brierley, 1995: 41) To sum up, it can be defined media of advertisement are print and poster advertisement, Magazine and Newspaper, Television, Radio, online advertising (Web sites, opt-in e-mail messages, text messaging, and so on), and sales promotions (such as samples, coupons, rebates, and premium items). The goal of the media advertising is to facilitate and advance the marketing.
  • 44. 30 c. The Generic Structure Potential of a Print Advertisement Hasan (1984: 79) describes the Generic Structure Potential (GSP) of a particular genre as a statement of the structural resources available within a given genre. The GSP is thus an abstract theoretical notion. Halliday and Hasan (1989: 64) note that it …express(es) the total range of optional, (iterative), and obligatory elements and their order in such a way that we exhaust the possibilities of text structure for every text that can be appropriate to (the contextual configuration of that text). Figure I.3 GSP of advertisement Cheong, (2004: 164) gives the explanation to details based on explanation above, that is the simple formula of Generic Structure Potential (GSP). The generic structure of a print advertisement means the various visual and linguistic components in an advertisement which are made explicit, together with the interaction between these semiotic resources which creates differing levels of Ideational, Interpersonal and Compositional/Textual meaning. It is shown as follows
  • 45. 31 This table proposed generic structure of print advertisements Figure I.1 Proposed generic structure of print advertisements Figure I.4 Proposed generic structure of print advertisements Figure I.4 shows the details and simple of depicting of Generic Structure Potential (GSP). Each part of formula, Lead (Display), Emblem (Announcetment) (Enhancer) (Tag) (Call-and-Visit Information) and details of Generic Structure Potential (GSP) will be explained clearly and more detail based on theory used. a) The Lead The Lead is thus termed as it is Interpersonally most Salient through choices in size, position and/or color. On its own, the Lead has a wide spectrum in terms of meaning potential, that is, many possible meaning emanate from the Lead. Interpreted independently of the Announcement, Enhancer, Display and Emblem, the Lead is figuratively an
  • 46. 32 efflorescence of meaning. (Cheong, 2004: 165). Based on those quotation that conveyed, the researcher states that The Lead is part of advertisement in print or poster that has Interpersonally most Salient visual terms through certain option. It is interpreted independently by formula of Generic Structure Potential (GSP). The Lead consists of the Locus of Attention (LoA) and Complements to the Locus of Attention (Comp.LoA). There is an element in the Lead that by its very Salience, be it an unusual quality that challenges reality or outstanding size, color and so forth, arrests the attention of the viewers. (Cheong, 2004: 165). The LoA embeds the central idea of the advertisement. The three-fold functions of the LoA includes Interpersonally attracting attention, and Ideationally construing reality in a way intended by the advertisers, where the viewers perception of reality is manipulated (Cheong, 2004: 165). It means that Locus of Attention (LoA) is part of The Lead that embeds central idea of the advertisement and very salient to the viewers. There is an interplay between linguistic item and the visual image that enhances the meaning potential of the rankshifted clause as well as the LoA. Without the LoA, there would be no
  • 47. 33 such interplay of meaning, thus the rankshifted clause' to make a bigger splash with your images' would not be interpreted as a pun, reducing the overall affectiv eappeal of the advertisement. The LoA and the linguistic text act on each other, mutually reinforcing and enhancing the meaning potential of the Lead (Cheong, 2004: 168). Complements to the Locus of Attention (Comp.LoA) is component in The Lead that has less salient than the LoA, has same function with the LoA, the Locus of Attention (Comp.LoA) has a role in straengthening the position of the LoA. The Complements to the LoA (Comp.LoA) refer to components in the Lead which are comparatively less Salient than the LoA. They functionally enhance the Interpersonal and Ideational Salience of the LoA. In other words, the Comp.LoA plays a subordinate role, to channel and Focus viewers' attention on particular aspects of the LoA (Cheong, 2004: 169). From explanations above, the Lead is part of advertisement in print or poster that has Interpersonally most Salient visual terms through certain option. It is interpreted independently by formula of Generic Structure Potential (GSP) generally the Lead consists of two parts, those are the Locus of Attention (LoA) and Complements to the Locus of Attention
  • 48. 34 (Comp.LoA). Locus of Attention (LoA) is very central. Different with Complements to the Locus of Attention (Comp.LoA) it just complements of Locus of Attention (LoA). b) Display Cheong, (2004: 171) gives a figure the Display in a print advertisement. It is divided into parts and has a different meaning. It is shown as follows. Figure I.5 The Display in a print advertisement Figure I.5, shows the display in advertisement has four character, those are Explicit, Implicit, Congruent, and Incongruent. The researcher states the display is Implicit Display where the Display refers to the photographic Display of the product or service in the advertisement. If the product advertised is in a tangible form, it is termed Explicit Display. When the product advertisement employs symbolism as an advertising strategy, can be said advertisement is Incongruent Display. Whereas, the product advertisement can be construed
  • 49. 35 as a Congruent realization of the product advertisement if no symbolism is involved in product advertisement. c) The Emblem The Emblem may be realized visually as the logo of the product/service advertised and its linguistic realization is in the form of the brandname of the product/service. Ideationally and ideologically, it is the stamp of authority bespeaking and validating the authenticity of the product advertised. The Emblem functions to bestow an identity, as well as to confer status to a product. The Emblem may be positioned any where in the advertisement. However, it is interpersonally Salient to Capture attention. (Cheong, 2004: 171-173). d) The Announcement In a print advertisement, the most Salient linguistic item/s are termed the Announcement. The Announcement has Relative Prominence in Scale and Color, Font and Size. Ideationally, the Announcement captures and conveys the essence of an intended message the advertisers wish to foreground to the consumers (Cheong, 2004: 173). Figure I.6 Displays the functional realizations of an Announcement.
  • 50. 36 Figure I.6 The Announcement in print advertisements Based on figure I.6 Announcement consists of Primary announcement and Secondary announcement. Primary announcement is the most interpersonally salient announcement among other and only announcement in the Advertisement. Secondary announcement is less interpersonally salient announcement/s among other announcements in the same advertisement. e) The Enhancer The Enhancer comprises linguistic items only, usually in paragraph form, as exemplified by the labeled advertisements above. The Enhancer builds on or modifies the meaning emanating from the interaction between the Lead and the
  • 51. 37 Announcement. Interpersonally, its function is to persuade and influence viewers to purchase the product, thus the Enhancer contains Interpersonal lexis, which carry an attitudinal and/or affective thrust. Through Interpersonal lexis , 'texts/speakers attach an intersubjective value or assessment to participants and processes by reference to emotional responses or to systems of culturally-determined value systems'. Ideationally, it details the advertisers' reasoning/argument as to why the product is worth the customers' attention and money, and so Logical relations and rankshifted clauses are evident. (Cheong, 2004: 173) From explanation above, it shows Generally Enhacer in paragraph form, it builds in linguistic items. Enhacer modifies the meaning emanating from the interaction between the Lead and the Announcement, it functions to influence the people to purchase the product. f) The Tag Certain elements of information about a product/service that are not included in the Enhancer are captured in the Tag. The Tag is usually in the form of one-liners in small print and is typically non-Salient. Grammatically, Tags are usually realized as non-finite, and as ellipted Subject and finite element (Cheong, 2004: 174).
  • 52. 38 g) Call-and-Visit Information Call and Visit Information is usually in small print and non salient, comprising contact information as to where, when, how the product/service is available to the consumer (Cheong, 2004: 173).
  • 53. 39 CHAPTER II THE GENERIC STRUCTURE POTENTIAL (GSP) OF MOVIE POSTER MAN OF STEEL This chapter contains analysis of the research. The researcher uses theories that is required to analysis and to estabilish success of the researcher. This analysis includes the Generic Structure Potential (GSP) and the Ideational meaning-making in this movie poster. It deals with the statement of problem mentioned previously. There are two discussions in this chapter, the first is the Generic Structure Potential (GSP) of movie poster man of steel and the second is the Ideational Meaning-Making in this movie poster man of steel. The researcher gives clear explanation through theories that mentioned previously in chapter I. A. Data Presentation and Research Finding The data of this research is a movie poster man of steel. The first research question focuses on analysing the Generic Structure Potential (GSP) of this movie poster. Before entering the analysis, below is the picture of Generic Structure Potential of movie poster man of steel In Picture II.1 the researcher gives the summary of the Generic Structure Potential (GSP) of movie poster man of steel.
  • 54. 40 Picture II.1 The summary Generic Structure Potential (GSP)
  • 55. 41 The GSP of movie poster man of steel consists of seven elements. They are the “Lead consists of the Locus of Attention (LoA) and Complements to the Locus of Attention (Comp.LoA)”, Display, Announcement, Enhancer, Emblem, Tag, Call and Visit information, respectively. The general analysis GSP of The Poster is shown in Picture II.1. B. Discussion 1. The Lead Based on the definition of the lead from Cheong (2004: 165) the flying superhero (in the movie man of steel the superhero was superman) on the sky above the buildings in a city is the Lead in man of steel poster. a) LoA (Locus of Atention) The three fold function of the LoA include interpersonally, attracting, attention and ideantionally construing reality in a way intended by the advertisers (Cheong 2004: 165). Following cheong’s framework (2004: 165-167), the locus of attention (LoA) is the superman is face. Obviously, he is gazing directly to the camera and thus seems to look at directly to the viewers. By doing so, he is thus captivaring and engaging the viewers attention to look beak at her. O’toole (1994: 5) Sugested that gaze is the most important element in the modal function becouse the presence or the absence of gaze can or not built the interpersonal relation between the viewer and the object in the image.
  • 56. 42 Picture II.2 The Lead: Locus of Attention (LoA) In this poster the sharply gaze dircet to fount serious expression is showing the condition he has been facing. He is trying to save the earth from his enemy, which is his enemy want to control the earth. His muscular body and his costume informal in the viewer that he is not ordinary people, he is superhero that have super power. His clenced hand indicates that hi is in full power to light.
  • 57. 43 Textually, the company (warner bross and assotiations) produce a superhero movie in the linguistic text that follows,”the text surves to elaborate” the visual (kress and van leeuwen, 1996: 194). Visually the LoA encapsulate the central idea, that the man in the poster is super her. This central idea is reiterated in the linguistic text. That is, there is a linguistic equivalence (be it in the from of sentences or particular lexis) taht coheres identionally, with this central idea conveyed in the LoA. Identionally, the following linguistic items, including clauses and nominal groups, encapsulate tightly and parallel the idea embedded in the LoA. b) The Comp. LoA (Complement to Locus of Atention) Picture II.3 ilustrate the componens to the LoA in the poster the buildings below the model (superman), which are reduced in size and are looking in affective appea, and therefore usually tess inviting than the serious face LoA. The background, which is remains in blur effect, indicates that the superman is flying the stylization (Kress and Leeuwen, 2006: 25) differs from the models. The blur effect makes aviewer not intersted to look at the buildings, and indeed, the viewers will look the superman. The Comp. LoA suberdirates it self to bring the LoA and the primary announcement into focus. The LoA and the primary announcement became the confluence of all attention.
  • 58. 44 Beside that, the back ground, which remain in blur and fails to be illuminated, despite the spotlight. The background is generally obliterated and unobservable. This may be contrasted with the LoA who is pctured in a sharp color. Juxtaposeng the LoA with the comp. LoA we see an interplay of meanings between the visual images that is the ability to fly white comp. LoA represents a look of ideologiy of exclusivity becomes apparent. II.3 The Comp. LoA (Complement to Locus of Atention) 2. The Display The LoA can also function as an implicit Display in certain advertisements, where the display refers to to the photographic display of the product or service in the advertisement (Cehong, 2004: 171). Poster man of steel movie, obviously describing the protagonis of the movie therefore, the man of steel poster is termed explisit Display.
  • 59. 45 There is no simbolism in the poster that descibe the movie. So it can defined the poster as congruent Display.
  • 60. 46 3. The Emblem The Emblem may be realized visually as the logo of the product/service advertised and its linguistic realization is in the form of the brand name of the product/service (O'Halloran, 2004:171). It means that the emblem is realized as the logo of product advertisement, it functions to identity of product advertisement, as well as to confer status to a product. However, the Emblem interpersonally salient to capture attention. There are many emblems in the poster. It can be understood because this movie produced by five different film company, the emblems can be seen in table II.5. Picture II.5 The Emblem
  • 61. 47 4. The Announcement a) Primary Announcement Reading the lines in picture II.6 may not give viewers a direct comprehension about this poster. White viewers know that the title of the movie is “Man of Steel” viewers may question the relevance of the title and the display of the poster. Picture II.6 Primary Announcement b) Secondary annoncement The next line below the primary announcement is secondary announcement. It describes the important persons who are involved in the making a movie. They are producer, directur and some main actors. This explanation answer the question of viewers that come out when reading the primary announcement. It convince the viewers, the “Man of Steel” movie was created by femous people and there is no doubt about the quality of thuse people. Picture II.7 Secondary annoncement
  • 62. 48 5. The Enhancer Generally Enhancer in paragraph form, it builds in linguistic items. Enhancer modifies the meaning emanating from the interaction between the Lead and the Announcement, it functions to influence the people to purchase the product. The Enhancer comprises linguistic items only, usually in paragraph form, as exemplified by the labeled advertisements above. The Enhancer builds on or modifies the meaning emanating from the interaction between the Lead and the Announcement. Interpersonally, its function is to persuade and influence viewers to purchase the product, thus the Enhancer contains Interpersonal lexis (in bold print below), which carry an attitudinal and/or affective thrust (O’Halloran, 2004: 173). Based on that quotation above there is enhancer in this movie poster because enhancer is formed in the shape of a paragraph. Picture II.5 The enhancer 6. The Tag Tag is certain elements about a product that are not included in the Enhancer, usually the form is located in small printed, the typically non salient. Certain elements of information about a product/service that are not included in the Enhancer are captured in
  • 63. 49 the Tag. The Tag is usually in the form of one-liners in small print and is typically non-Salient as illustrated in preceding label advertisements (O’Halloran, 2004: 174). Based on explanation above, it can be concluded that there is Tag in this poster man of steel. Picture II.6 The Tag 7. Call and Visit Information Call and Visit Information is usually in small print and non salient, comprising contact information as to where, when, how the product/service is available to the consumer (O'Halloran,2004: 173). Based on quotation above Call-and-Visit Information in this poster is shown below : June 14th and the website Picture II.7 Call and Visit Information
  • 64. 50 CHAPTER III THE IDEATIONAL MEANING-MAKING IN MOVIE POSTER MAN OF STEEL This chapter serves the data presentation, research finding and analysis to answer the second research question and the purpose of the research. The readers are going to be welcomed a figure that given elements triumvirate approach to Meaning-Making. By discussing the picture, the researcher attempts to answer the problem and reaches the purpose of the research. A. Data Presentation and Research Finding The data of this research is a movie poster man of steel. The second research question focusses on analysing the Ideational Meaning-Making. The data of Ideational Meaning-Making are the components in poster or printed advertising. They are the Lead, Announcement, and Enhancer. Those elements are triumvirate approach to Meaning-Making. Before entering the discussion, below is the data analysing in form Picture III.1 that contains elements of Generic Structure of movie poster man of steel that used for analysing the Ideational Meaning-Making. To review and facilitate, the researcher gives figure III.1 outlines the four stages of triumvirate interaction between the Lead, Announcement, and Enhancer in construing Ideational Meaning-Making in a poster.
  • 65. 51 Picture III.1 Elements are triumvirate approach to Meaning-Making.
  • 66. 52 B. Discussion 1. Strategies for Ideational Meaning-Making in Poster Man of Steel The section above introduces the Visual Metaphor which ideationally elucidates and enhances the Ideational meaning potential of the linguistic text in the advertisement. Cheong (2004: 176) introduce another four strategies for Ideational meaning in Table III.1 Table III.1 The construal of Ideational meaning in print advertisements The Bidirectional Investment of meaning refers to the cross- investment of lexicogrammatical meaning in the linguistic text in the Announcement to the visual image in the Lead and vice-versa. The Contextualization Potential (CP) refers to the degree to which linguistic items in a print advertisement contextualize the meaning of the visual images. In a print advertisement, viewers have an Interpretative Space (IS) within which to create meaning and the wider the IS, the greater the Semantic Effervescence (SE) of the advertisement. The sections below further elaborate.
  • 67. 53 2. Lead, Announcement and Enhancer: a triumvirate approachto Meaning-Making The Ideational metafunction is concerned with 'understanding the environment' (Halliday, 1994 :xiii), '/enabling/ humans to...make sense of what goes on around them and inside them' (Halliday, 1994: 106). Figure III. 1 outlines the four stages of triumvirate interaction between the Lead. Figur III.1 Triumvirate Interaction of Lead, Announcement and Enhancer
  • 68. 54 Announcement and Enhancer in construing Ideational Meaning in a print advertisement. Stages 1-4 detail how new dimensions of meaning may be accessed and made manifest through the interaction of the Lead, Announcement and Enhancer. a) Stage 1 The lead in the Man of Steel Poster is the must interpersonally salient, as seen in picture III.1, and thus this element is first approached by newers. The gaze of the LoA looks with the viewer, and the latter is Led into the advertisement. If interpreted independently of the Announcement, Enhencer, Display and Emblem, the Lead is figurately an effervescence of meaning as mentioned above, the Lead could represent an ambasador for a superhero or a call to attention to the new hope. on its own, a kaleidoscope of possible meaning characterizes the Lead. There is a wide scope in trems of meaning potential in the Lead. At this stage, thsre is low CP, wide IS and high SE. b) Stage 2 In a print advertisement, the next must salient item is the announcement, thus the primaey announcement is second in the reading path. There is bidirectional investment of meaning between the announcement (the linguistic code) and the lead (the visual code) as ilustrated in figure III: 2. The term investment refers to the bidirectional investment of meaning from the lexico grammatical
  • 69. 55 choices in the announcement to the visual in the Lead and vice- versa. So, how are the viewers constructed by advertisers to read the meaning in the Man of Steel poster that the LoA represents seme one with superpower? After all, the announcement is alinguistic code that while the lead is a visual one. The juxtaposition of the linguistic texts and visual set up transitivity processes that invest meaning from the linguistic code to the visual code and vice-versa (Cheong, 2004: 178) c) Stage 2a In the man of steel poster (Picture III.1), there is a rational attributive: intensive process between the primary announcement and the lead. The attribute “stale ment-making personality is invested the primary announcement into the carrier (that is the LoA in the Lead) by virtue of their proximity, thus cousing viewers to see the LoA as a person with statement making personality Figure III.2 Investment of Meaning from Primary Announcement to Lead
  • 70. 56 Due to the relation proceess between primary announcement on lead which invest meaning from the former to the latte, viewer read the experiential meaning in the “Man of Steel” Poster. Table III.2 Relational process between Primary Announcement and Lead The Primary announcement thus acts as a stabilizer four an other wise semantically efflorescent lead. The primary announcemnt provides a context for viewers to adop / pursue the preferred this ead of meaning intended by the advertisers d) Stage 2b Figure III.3 ilustrated how the lead enriches in ideational meaning carried in the primary announcement. The sharp gaza of the eye’s model, serious face, and strong body LoA in Figure III.3 (analisis poster) is a visual exemplification of the statement Man of Stieel (a Statement to make). A relation: identifying: intensive proces occurs in the investment of meaning from Lead to Announcement.
  • 71. 57 Figure III.3 Investment of Meaning from Lead to Primary Announcement Table III.3 investment of meaning from Lead to Primary Announcement Through the identifying: intensive process, viewers read the following meaning in the advertisement: e) Stage 3 O’Halloran explains the Enhancer functions to amplify the meanings generated between the Primary Announcement and the Lead. The Display and the LoA, if the advertisement unaccompanied by the Enhancer, the viewers/peoples can not Table III.3 The Identifying: Intensive process
  • 72. 58 understanding the intended meanings from advertisers. however, in this movie poster there is no enhancer. The researcher gives Figure III.4 to illustrate the reading path according to the Compositional layout of the movieposter man of steel. It is shown below Figure III.4 Reading Path for movie poster man of steel. (C) Enhancer is least in Salience therefore read last. The meaning generated through the interaction between Lead and Announcement is 'the LoA exemplifies people who already have a statement', 'It is statement-making'. The Enhancer builds on this meaning, that statement-making people have .But on this movie poster there is no Enhancer. (B) Primary Announcement read second as it is second in Salience. Through Relational processes that invest meaning Bi- directionally from Announcement to Lead and vice-versa, the Announcement serves to define the Lead as a visual exemplification of the Announcement. There is semantic equivalence between Lead and Announcement. (A) The Lead is visually most Salient therefore read first. The LoA carries some meaning, in this case the researcher convinces what meanings advertisers intend the people to have till it interacts with the Announcement.
  • 73. 59 f) Stage 4 Society ideologies are in continual evolution. The ideologies will influence the way society interprets the advertisements. However it depends in the social-cultural in their environment and experience by the viewers / people. This movie poster was created on June 14th 2013 by releasing this movie. This movie poster is one of the best movie posters of 2013.This poster was made differently so that viewers feel curious and it's more evident with the increase from the previous rating of this movie. So, the viewers/people can receive the total meaning derived from the interaction between the Lead, Announcement and the Enhancer. Based on strategies in Meaning- Making in stage 1-3, it can be defined that poster made is different from earlier movie poster. The purpose of this movie poster to make the audience more curious. Nevertheless, it depends in the social-cultural in their environment and experience by the viewers. 3. Systemic-functional linguistics (SFL) Systemic Fungsional Linguistics (hereafter SFL) is a comprehensive theory of language and social context developed principally in Britain and Australia over the past six decades. It draws on Saussure and Hjelmslev in its relational conception language as a stratified system of signs, and follows Firth in treating meaning as function in context. In addition, it provides one influential the oretical
  • 74. 60 fondation for work across semiotic systems in multimodal discourse analysis. Significantly SFL has evolved as an appliable linguistics, designed to address language problems faced by the community, including educational, clinical and forensic contexts provide historically contextualized reviews of discourse analysis informed by SFL, including extensive references, and can be consulted in relation to the more specific and to some extent more prospective account offered here (Martin, 2011: 101). 4. Definition of Meaning-Making Meaning making is a social process where people use the modes, or resources, at their disposal to represent. Language is only one resource or mode for making meaning. Others include images, gestures, body language, proxemics, color, movements, space, and time. Modes are considered to be the material-semiotic resources that people have available for achieving representational work. Texts, both products of and part of discourses, are the result of semiotic work of design, production and composition; and as such they can be semiotic entities of any kind resulting in ensembles composed of different modes (Rogers, 2011: 8). From explanation above, it is concluded that Meaning-making is a new knowledge, new experience gained from activities which are interpreted in the form of understanding. It occurs when there are
  • 75. 61 components that influences and have a relation. thus, at this level the people/viewers is capable of understanding meaning. One of the underlying assumptions of SFL is that the object of language study should be a whole text, not a decontextualized sentence or utterance. SFL is committed to a view of language that focuses on meaning and the choices people make when making meaning. Unlike structural aspects of language systems (e.g., generative models of grammar), there are no sharp distinctions between the system (form) and the use of language (function). This means that the analyst can look to speech (discourse) as an artifact of the relationship between language and structure. (Rogers, 2004: 8-9). 5. Meaning-Making in Movie Poster Man of Steel In chapter I the researcher states Meaning-making is a new knowledge, new experience gained from activities which are interpreted in the form of understanding. It occurs when there are components influences and have a relation. So, at this level, the people/viewers are capable of understanding meaning. Based on that quotation, it can be defined Meaning-Making in Movie Poster Man of Steel is a new experience, new knowledge gained by observing this movie poster, it engages components on the movie poster. So, in certain level the people or viewers are capable understanding what is the meaning in the movie poster.
  • 76. 62 After all, movie poster man of steel is a poster made different from earlier movie poster. The components in poster have relation, support, and influences. They are the primary Announcement, the Lead (LoA and Comp. LoA), and Enhancer. The goal of this poster is to attract an enthusiastic audience by releasing this movie poster.
  • 77. 63 CHAPTER IV CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION This chapter contains some conclusions based on discussion on each reseach question and suggestion for the readers and future researcher. In conclusion, it contains Generic Structure Potential (GSP) of movie poster man of steel and the Ideational Meaning-Making of movie poster man of steel. Furthermore, it has a suggestion by the researcher. A. Conclussion In conclusion, this poster contains Generic Structure Potential (GSP) and the Ideational Meaning-Making of movie poster man of steel. 1. Generic Structure Potential (GSP) of Movie Poster Man of Steel From this research question, the researcher concludes that movie poster man of steel makes the audience more curious with this movie and it possibly has some elements called Generic Structure. The first is the the Locus of Attention (LoA) and Complements to the Locus of Attention (Comp.LoA). The Locus of Attention (LoA) that contains in this poster is similar to the Lead, the difference is LoA only involving in the super hero itself. In this case the viewers seize the LoA, the LoA itself embeds central idea of the advertisement and very salient to the viewers. Then, Complements to the Locus of Attention of this poster is background of dark with the little light.
  • 78. 64 The second is Announcement. Announcement consists of Primary Announcement and secondary Announcement. Primary announcement in this poster is man of steel as the title. Then this poster has not Secondary. The third is Enhancer, there is no enhancer in this movie poster because enhancer is usually in the paragraph form. The last is Call-and-Visit Information on 14 June as information about this poster. 2. The Ideational Meaning-Making in Movie Poster Man of Steel From strategies for Meaning-Making the researcher gets the result. The first is the Lead is visually most Salient therefore read first. The LoA carries some meaning, in this case the researcher convinces what meanings advertisers intend the super hero surrended to the armies. The second is Primary Announcement read second as it is second in Salience. Through Relational processes that invests meaning Bidirectionally from Announcement to Lead and vice-versa, the Announcement serves to define the Lead as a visual exemplification of the Announcement. There is semantic equivalence between the Lead and Announcement. The third is Enhancer is least in salience therefore read last. The Enhancer builds the meaning in poster and it makes a statement the viewers/people. But on this poster there is no enhancer. The fourth is the viewers to receive the total meaning derived from the interaction between the Lead, Announcement and the Enhancer.
  • 79. 65 Based on strategies in Meaning-Making in stage 1-3, it can be defined that it is not usually poster made different with earlier poster, on this poster the power of super hero does not appear. Nevertheless it depends in the social-cultural in their environment and experienced by the viewers. This poster has low CP, this poster also has minimum of linguistic items accompaning the visual images, and strong definable relationships are established between the linguistic and visual codes, the meanings of the visual images are less contextualized. In this Lead there is a wide scope in terms of meaning potential in the Lead so there is low CP, wide IS and high SE. So that, the viewers can inteprete the Lead and effervescence of meaning. Meaning-Making in movie poster man of steel is a new experience, new knowledge gained by observing this poster, it engages components on the poster. In certain level the people or viewers are capable of understanding what is meaning in the poster. B. Suggestion Based on the the conclussion above, it is suggested that : for the future researchers, the discussion of this researsch is less complete. Therefore, for the future the researchers, it needs to improve the discussion of Multimodal Discourse Analysis, especialy the Ideational Meaning-Making. this advertisement has been well pre-thought and composed in such a way that it suggests a compact and solid idea of keeping looking younger for not-so-young females who now hold many major positions in their
  • 80. 66 professions. Thisadvertisement is realistic in a way that these potential viewers do not need to look too young, which is not possible. They just need to look a bit younger by taking a short pause and using the cream, and soon they can continue to their exciting lifestyle. Every visual and linguistic item in the ad is arranged very well so they complement and support one another to project the positive image to attract the viewers to buy the product.
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