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BSI Mobile Viral Marketing – Basics and Status

Marketing 2.0 Conference, Amsterdam 2007
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3. International Word-of-Mouth Marketing Conference
Amsterdam, 10-11 May, 2007

Mobile Viral Marketing –
Basics and Status

Dietmar G. Wiedemann

Mobile Commerce Working Group
Chair of Business Informatics and Systems Engineering
University of Augsburg
Universitaetsstrasse 16, 86159 Augsburg, Germany
Tel. +49 (821) 598-4431, Fax -4432
Research                                                    Application
      cutting-edge in mobile,                                    analysis and consulting in
    international co-operation                                    research-driven projects

                            high-class education for graduates and
                              executives in the mobile ecosystem

Mobile Commerce Working Group
Chair of Business Informatics and Systems Engineering
University of Augsburg
Universitaetsstrasse 16, 86159 Augsburg, Germany
Tel. +49 (821) 598-4431, Fax -4432
Research area: mobile (viral) marketing

 Campaign management
  > Development of a tool-based process model
 Success factor analysis
 Market studies
  > Consumer acceptance of mobile viral marketing
  > Development of Napoleon (Bluetooth System)
  > Standardization for Bluetooth Marketing

 What makes the mobile channel interesting for
 What is mobile viral marketing?
 What are the characteristics of mobile viral
  > Literature review: morphological box
 What are typical campaigns and strategies?
  > Case study research: standard types
 What are challenges in mobile viral marketing
 How successful is mobile viral marketing?
What makes the mobile channel interesting
for marketeting?
 Marketers can reach people
 anywhere and anytime
  > 79 % of Germans are available at least 9
    hour per day (n=1,034) [In04]
 Mobile devices are an essential
 element in people’s life
  > 20% would rather lose their wedding ring
    than their mobile (n=5,500) [No06]
 … and indispensable for human
  > 86% of Swedes have flirted using SMS
      (n=685)   [Te06]

 High degree of attention
 Mobile communication
 technology allows
  > Ubiquity
  > Context-sensitive advertising including
    personalization, interactivity, and location
    based advertising
  > Identification of consumers
  > (Command and control function)
Usage of Mobile Marketing Campaigns

                   Information          Entertainment                   Contest                    Coupon
Increasing        Mobile newsletter   Logo, wallpaper or         Raffle in which all         Free SMS or MMS
brand                                 theme                      consumers win               contingent on the
awareness                                                                                    brand website
Changing brand Portal informing       Mobile game                Placing image through       Coupon for a
image          about product                                     the prize of the raffle     promotional gift that
               attributes                                                                    places the image
Increasing        Information about   Ring tone provided via     Raffle provided via an      Cash, quantity or
sales             season products     an on-pack campaign        on-pack campaign            seasonal discounts via
Establishing      Question-answer     Download-center            Provision of a raffle for   Mobile discount ticket
brand loyalty     application                                    existing consumers          book
Building          Personalized        Provision of a logo or a   Participation in a raffle   Provision of a coupon
customer          information         ring tone on condition     on condition of             on condition of
database                              of registration            registration                registration

Motivating        Send-to-a-friend-   Mobile greeting card       Participation in the        Discount in return of
mobile viral      option, URL,                                   raffle requires partici-    recommendation
marketing         WAP-Push                                       pation of other people

    > Campaign Type Selection Toolbox [PW06]
Examples of mobile viral marketing

                                                 Mobile viral marketing
                                                 as distribution concept

Location-        Mobile          Communication
based            communities     services
friend finders   (opinion

                                                 Mobile viral marketing as
                                                 communication concept

Send-to-a-        MMS Greeting    Voice Cards
friend options    Cards
What is mobile viral marketing?

 Mobile viral marketing
  > is a concept for distribution or communication
  > relies on customers to transmit content via mobile communication
    techniques and mobile devices to other potential customers in their
    social sphere and to animate these contacts to also transmit the content
 Mobile viral content comprises mobile products,
 services, or ads
  > Also WAP Push and URL

 Case study approach           [Ei89]

  > Definition of research questions
     » RQ 1: What are the characteristics of mobile viral marketing?
     » RQ 2: What are typical campaigns and strategies?
  > Selecting cases: Web content analysis (34 case studies)
  > Crafting instrument
     » Morphological box derived from literature (RQ 1)
  > Analyzing case studies
     » With-in case analysis
     » Cross-case pattern search
  > Searching for relationship between emerging standard types (RQ 2)
  > Enfolding literature
  > Research closure
What are the characteristics of mobile viral
  Characteristic                                                             Instances

  Participant                  Marketer        Connection point         Initial contact      Communicator               Recipient

  Motivation of
                                               Intrinsic                                                 Extrinsic

  Role of communicator in
                                                  Active                                                 Passive

  Added value for recipient         Information              Entertainment                Contest             Monetary incentive

  Content type                   Mobile application            Video             Voice           Image                   Text

  Content generation                 Company-generated content                                  User-generated content

  Impact                                       Positive                                                  Negative
  Level of network
                                                  High                                                     Low
  Cost of communicator or
                                     Premium rate                      Transmission costs                            None
  Recommendation type                                 Push                                                    Pull

  Mobile network type         Cellular phone        WLAN/                                                                Near Field
                                                                      Frequency             Bluetooth     Infrared
                                 network            WiMAX                                                              Communication

                                  High level            Wireless         Multimedia
  Enabling                                                                                 Short Messaging           Interactive Voice
                                programming            Application       Messaging
  technology                                                                                   Service                   Response
                                  language              Protocol          Service

 Source: wi-mobile
Application of the morphological box

         Tool for designing and analyzing mobile viral
         Example: L'Oréal (Mobile Kiss)
                                                     Characteristic                                            Instances
                                                                                           Connection          Initial
                                                     Participant           Marketer                                           Communicator         Recipient
                                                                                             point            contact
                                                     Motivation of
12snap &                                                                                  Intrinsic                                    Extrinsic
WellaDesign! The                                     Role of
mobile Kiss: Who do                                  communicator in                      Active                                       Passive
you like to kiss?
                                                     Added value for
SMS with YOUR                                                               Information           Entertainment          Contest          Monetary incentive
name, type of kiss                                                            Mobile
(F=Female;M=                                         Content type                                     Video          Voice      Image              Text
Male) mobile
number of recipient                                  Content generation      Company-generated content                        User-generated content
to 74033
                                                     Impact                               Positive                                     Negative
                                                     Level of network
                                                                                           High                                          Low
                                                     Cost of
                                                     communicator or            Premium rate                                                   None
                             12snap & Wella          recipient
                             Design! The Kiss        Recommendation
                                                                                             Push                                          Pull
              Kiss via IVR   was from Susi! Kiss     type
                             back! Who is kissing    Mobile network type
                             most frequently                                 phone                            RFID         Bluetooth      IrDA         NFC
                             flies Ibiza von Wella
                             Design!                 Enabling
                                                                               High level
                                                                             programming               WAP     MMS             SMS                    IVR
What are typical campaigns and strategies?

 Conducting within-case analysis revealed two
 groups of case studies
  > Mobile services with network externalities represent the distribution
  > Mobile marketing campaigns with viral component represent the
    communication concept
 Conducting cross-case search revealed typical
 patterns composed of the instances of two
Mobile viral marketing standard types

         Source: wi-mobile

 Role of communicator in persuasion
  > Active: communicator is personally involved in the process of
    acquiring new customers
  > Passive: request to forward or to use the content is integrated into
    the process by an additional message sent by the marketer or part
    of the content
 Level of network externalities
  > High: value of a unit of the good increases with the expected
    number of units to be sold or used
  > Low: value of a unit of the good and expected number of units to be
    sold or used are independent.
Motivated Evangelism

    Examples: proprietary communication
    services, location-based friend finders, or
    mobile communities
    Network externalities are high as both
    and others users benefit from a wider
    diffusion of the service
    Active participation of communicators in                                     I love Amsterdam
    acquiring new users
    It is conceivable that new recipient turns
    into an evangelist for the good inside his
    or her circle of friends, and the installed
    base grows exponentially

Company                                          Description
           The communication service enables creation and sending of so called Zlango
           messages made up of over 200 icons to express words, concepts, or feelings.
           Communicators as well as recipients are required to download the mobile application to
           use the service.
Signaling Use, Group Membership

    Examples: mobile file compression
    software or proprietary document
     > Mobile Payment
     > PDF-writer
     > Real Player
    Both and other users benefit from a
    wider diffusion of the service
    Recipient are informed about the service
    by the marketer
     > WAP-Push to a landing page

Company                                           Description

              The mobile payment procedure enabled among others money transfers between
              customers. When a user sent money to an unregistered user, he or she was able to
              receive the money only after signing up for the mobile payment procedures. Paybox
              informed the unregistered user about this issue with an SMS.
Targeted Recommendation

    Example: send-to-a-friend-options
    No change of benefit when
    communicators forward the mobile viral
    Communicator can roughly predict the
    recipient’s interests and preferences
    based on private information
    Spreading specific product information
    within a target group which could be
    extremely difficult to reach otherwise

Company                                           Description
               Initial contacts were briefed on the commercial WAP portal by advertisement on a
               mobile network operator portal. Communicators use a send-to-a-friend-option and
Adidas (+10)   recommend the commercial WAP portal by entering his or her name as well as the
               name and the MSISDN of recipient who receives a WAP Push leading to the WAP
Awareness Creation,
 Benefits Signaling
      Examples: free SMS services,
      mobile greeting cards, micro                                                 132
      movies including URLs                                                        characters

      No benefit from a wider diffusion                                            powered by
      Recommendation is part of the
      mobile viral content

Company                                              Description
                Initial contacts were briefed on the sound greeting cards by Push SMS.
                Communicators sent an SMS with their name, the selected a sound card indicated by
                “F” or “M” according their sex and the recipient’s MSISDN to L'Oréal. The company
(Mobile Kiss)
                sent the sound greeting card and afterwards an SMS with information about the
                communicator and the forwarding mechanism to receivers.
What are challenges in mobile viral
 Perceived usefulness by recipients
  > Informational added value (IAV)
 Reward for communicators
  > Money, mobiles services, e.g., ringtones etc.
 Perceived ease of use
  > “Design to mobile – 3 clicks”
 Free mobile viral content
  > Except transaction cost
 Initial contacts
  > Mobile viral mavens
 First-mover’s advantage
  > Innovative products
 Critical mass
  > “winner takes it all”
  > Possibility of setting of limits
How successful is mobile viral marketing?

 Potential of mobile viral marketing for distribution and
 communication purposes
  > Case study
     » L'Oréal (Mobile Kiss): Push-SMS to 200,000 users; result: 750,000 contacts
  > Surveys
     » 17% forwarded mobile ads (n=500) [BS02]
     » 30% said a friend’s recommendation would convince them to download a
        mobile application (n=2,500) [Ip05]
     » 45% would intend to share music with friends via Bluetooth (n=1,477) [IN06]

 Own expert study            (n=44) [MW06]

  > Personal messages sent by friends gain more credibility
  > (Viral) recipients participate more frequently in a campaign as initial contacts
  > Lower company expense

 From „Web 2.0“ to „Mobile 2.0“
  > Need for business model
  > Indirect revenue sources: provisions or advertising

 Mobile channel offers many opportunities for viral
  > as distribution concept
  > as communication concept
 Most mobile campaigns are copied from
 (connected with) the stationary Internet
  > E.g., send-to-a-friend options, greeting cards, etc.
 Challenges of the mobile channel
 Case studies, trials, and survey revealed high
 degree of viral effects
 “It stays suspencive!”
Research and industry meet at…

8th Conference Mobile Commerce Technologies und Applications
University of Augsburg, 28–29 Jan 2008

28 Jan: Tutorial (½ day) on the various areas of the mobile ecosystem
29 Jan: Conference Program; Planned sessions include: M-Marketing, M-Payment, M-
Banking, M-Entertainment (Music, Gaming, TV), Mobile-Integrated Business Processes,

 [BS02] P. Barwise and C. Strong, “Permission-based Mobile Advertising”, Journal of
 Interactive Marketing, 16 (1), 2002, pp. 14–24.
 [He00] S. Helm, “Viral Marketing – Establishing Customer Relationships by ‘Word-of-
 mouse’”, Electronic Markets, 10 (3), 2000, pp. 158–161.
 [He04] T. Hennig-Thurau, K:P. Gwinner, G. Walsh, D.D. Gremler, “Electronic Word-of-
 Mouth via Consumer-Opinion Platforms: What Motivates Consumers to Articulate
 Themselves on the Internet?” Journal of Interactive Marketing, 18 (1), 2004, 38-52.
 [Mod01] M.F. Modzelewski, „Finding a Cure for Viral Marketing“, Direct Marketing News,
 [Mon01] A.L. Montgomery, "Applying Quantitative Marketing Techniques to the Internet“,
 Interfaces, 31 (2), 2001; pp. 90-108.
 [In04] Instituts für Mobile Marketing, "Handynutzungsverhalten in Deutschland“,
 Schriftenreihe des Instituts für Mobile Marketing, 2004.
 [IN06] Intuitive Media and New Media Age, Kids Go Mobile – Ownership and Use of Mobile
 Phones By Children aged 6 to 13,, 2006.
 [Ip05] I-play, “I-play Outlines Collective Industry Action Required for Mobile Gaming Market
 to Reach True Potential”, press release, June 6, 2005.
 [PW06] Pousttchi, K. and Wiedemann, D. G. „Mobile Commerce I“ Arbeitsgruppe Mobile
 Commerce. Augsburg 2006.
 [MW06] Marini, S. and Wiedemann, D. G. „Entwicklungen im Bereich Mobile Advertising aus
 der Sicht von Experten. Ergebnisse der Expertenbefragung MM1“, Pousttchi, K. (Ed.)
 Studienpapiere der Arbeitsgruppe Mobile Commerce. Bd. 1, Augsburg 2006, S.1-49.
 [No06] Nokia research into mobile habits (5,500 people aged between 18 and 35 in 11
 nations). 2006.
 [Te06] TeliaSonera, „Twothirds of Swedes secretly read partner‘s SMS message, press

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Mobile Viral Marketing – Basics and Status

  • 1. BSI Mobile Viral Marketing – Basics and Status Marketing 2.0 Conference, Amsterdam 2007
  • 2. Join the conversation MARKETING 2.0 CONFERENCE
  • 3. 3. International Word-of-Mouth Marketing Conference Amsterdam, 10-11 May, 2007 Mobile Viral Marketing – Basics and Status Dietmar G. Wiedemann Mobile Commerce Working Group Chair of Business Informatics and Systems Engineering University of Augsburg Universitaetsstrasse 16, 86159 Augsburg, Germany Tel. +49 (821) 598-4431, Fax -4432
  • 4. Research Application cutting-edge in mobile, analysis and consulting in international co-operation research-driven projects Teaching high-class education for graduates and executives in the mobile ecosystem Mobile Commerce Working Group Chair of Business Informatics and Systems Engineering University of Augsburg Universitaetsstrasse 16, 86159 Augsburg, Germany Tel. +49 (821) 598-4431, Fax -4432
  • 5. Research area: mobile (viral) marketing Campaign management > Development of a tool-based process model Success factor analysis Market studies > Consumer acceptance of mobile viral marketing Projects > Development of Napoleon (Bluetooth System) > Standardization for Bluetooth Marketing
  • 6. Agenda What makes the mobile channel interesting for marketing? What is mobile viral marketing? What are the characteristics of mobile viral marketing? > Literature review: morphological box What are typical campaigns and strategies? > Case study research: standard types What are challenges in mobile viral marketing How successful is mobile viral marketing?
  • 7. What makes the mobile channel interesting for marketeting? Marketers can reach people anywhere and anytime > 79 % of Germans are available at least 9 hour per day (n=1,034) [In04] Mobile devices are an essential element in people’s life > 20% would rather lose their wedding ring than their mobile (n=5,500) [No06] … and indispensable for human relations > 86% of Swedes have flirted using SMS (n=685) [Te06] High degree of attention Mobile communication technology allows > Ubiquity > Context-sensitive advertising including personalization, interactivity, and location based advertising > Identification of consumers > (Command and control function)
  • 8. Usage of Mobile Marketing Campaigns Information Entertainment Contest Coupon Increasing Mobile newsletter Logo, wallpaper or Raffle in which all Free SMS or MMS brand theme consumers win contingent on the awareness brand website Changing brand Portal informing Mobile game Placing image through Coupon for a image about product the prize of the raffle promotional gift that attributes places the image Increasing Information about Ring tone provided via Raffle provided via an Cash, quantity or sales season products an on-pack campaign on-pack campaign seasonal discounts via SMS Establishing Question-answer Download-center Provision of a raffle for Mobile discount ticket brand loyalty application existing consumers book Building Personalized Provision of a logo or a Participation in a raffle Provision of a coupon customer information ring tone on condition on condition of on condition of database of registration registration registration Motivating Send-to-a-friend- Mobile greeting card Participation in the Discount in return of mobile viral option, URL, raffle requires partici- recommendation marketing WAP-Push pation of other people > Campaign Type Selection Toolbox [PW06]
  • 9. Examples of mobile viral marketing Mobile viral marketing as distribution concept Location- Mobile Communication based communities services friend finders (opinion platforms) Mobile viral marketing as communication concept Send-to-a- MMS Greeting Voice Cards friend options Cards
  • 10. What is mobile viral marketing? Mobile viral marketing > is a concept for distribution or communication > relies on customers to transmit content via mobile communication techniques and mobile devices to other potential customers in their social sphere and to animate these contacts to also transmit the content Mobile viral content comprises mobile products, services, or ads > Also WAP Push and URL
  • 11. Method Case study approach [Ei89] > Definition of research questions » RQ 1: What are the characteristics of mobile viral marketing? » RQ 2: What are typical campaigns and strategies? > Selecting cases: Web content analysis (34 case studies) > Crafting instrument » Morphological box derived from literature (RQ 1) > Analyzing case studies » With-in case analysis » Cross-case pattern search > Searching for relationship between emerging standard types (RQ 2) > Enfolding literature > Research closure
  • 12. What are the characteristics of mobile viral marketing? Characteristic Instances Participant Marketer Connection point Initial contact Communicator Recipient Motivation of Intrinsic Extrinsic communicator Role of communicator in Active Passive persuasion Added value for recipient Information Entertainment Contest Monetary incentive Content type Mobile application Video Voice Image Text Content generation Company-generated content User-generated content Impact Positive Negative Level of network High Low externalities Cost of communicator or Premium rate Transmission costs None recipient Recommendation type Push Pull Radio Mobile network type Cellular phone WLAN/ Near Field Frequency Bluetooth Infrared network WiMAX Communication Identification High level Wireless Multimedia Enabling Short Messaging Interactive Voice programming Application Messaging technology Service Response language Protocol Service Source: wi-mobile
  • 13. Application of the morphological box Tool for designing and analyzing mobile viral marketing Example: L'Oréal (Mobile Kiss) Characteristic Instances Connection Initial Participant Marketer Communicator Recipient point contact Motivation of 12snap & Intrinsic Extrinsic communicator WellaDesign! The Role of mobile Kiss: Who do communicator in Active Passive persuasion you like to kiss? Added value for SMS with YOUR Information Entertainment Contest Monetary incentive recipient name, type of kiss Mobile (F=Female;M= Content type Video Voice Image Text application Male) mobile number of recipient Content generation Company-generated content User-generated content to 74033 Impact Positive Negative Level of network High Low externalities Cost of Transmission communicator or Premium rate None 12snap & Wella recipient costs Design! The Kiss Recommendation Push Pull Kiss via IVR was from Susi! Kiss type back! Who is kissing Mobile network type Cellular WLAN/ most frequently phone RFID Bluetooth IrDA NFC WiMAX network flies Ibiza von Wella Design! Enabling High level programming WAP MMS SMS IVR technology language
  • 14. What are typical campaigns and strategies? Conducting within-case analysis revealed two groups of case studies > Mobile services with network externalities represent the distribution concept > Mobile marketing campaigns with viral component represent the communication concept Conducting cross-case search revealed typical patterns composed of the instances of two characteristics
  • 15. Mobile viral marketing standard types Source: wi-mobile Role of communicator in persuasion > Active: communicator is personally involved in the process of acquiring new customers > Passive: request to forward or to use the content is integrated into the process by an additional message sent by the marketer or part of the content Level of network externalities > High: value of a unit of the good increases with the expected number of units to be sold or used > Low: value of a unit of the good and expected number of units to be sold or used are independent.
  • 16. Motivated Evangelism Examples: proprietary communication services, location-based friend finders, or mobile communities Network externalities are high as both and others users benefit from a wider diffusion of the service Active participation of communicators in I love Amsterdam acquiring new users It is conceivable that new recipient turns into an evangelist for the good inside his or her circle of friends, and the installed base grows exponentially Company Description The communication service enables creation and sending of so called Zlango messages made up of over 200 icons to express words, concepts, or feelings. Zlango Communicators as well as recipients are required to download the mobile application to use the service.
  • 17. Signaling Use, Group Membership Examples: mobile file compression software or proprietary document formats > Mobile Payment > PDF-writer > Real Player Both and other users benefit from a wider diffusion of the service Recipient are informed about the service by the marketer > WAP-Push to a landing page Company Description The mobile payment procedure enabled among others money transfers between customers. When a user sent money to an unregistered user, he or she was able to Paybox receive the money only after signing up for the mobile payment procedures. Paybox informed the unregistered user about this issue with an SMS.
  • 18. Targeted Recommendation Example: send-to-a-friend-options No change of benefit when communicators forward the mobile viral content Communicator can roughly predict the recipient’s interests and preferences based on private information Spreading specific product information within a target group which could be extremely difficult to reach otherwise Company Description Initial contacts were briefed on the commercial WAP portal by advertisement on a mobile network operator portal. Communicators use a send-to-a-friend-option and Adidas (+10) recommend the commercial WAP portal by entering his or her name as well as the name and the MSISDN of recipient who receives a WAP Push leading to the WAP portal.
  • 19. Awareness Creation, Benefits Signaling Examples: free SMS services, mobile greeting cards, micro 132 movies including URLs characters No benefit from a wider diffusion powered by www.aubergemediale. com Recommendation is part of the mobile viral content Company Description Initial contacts were briefed on the sound greeting cards by Push SMS. Communicators sent an SMS with their name, the selected a sound card indicated by L'Oréal “F” or “M” according their sex and the recipient’s MSISDN to L'Oréal. The company (Mobile Kiss) sent the sound greeting card and afterwards an SMS with information about the communicator and the forwarding mechanism to receivers.
  • 20. What are challenges in mobile viral marketing? Perceived usefulness by recipients > Informational added value (IAV) Reward for communicators > Money, mobiles services, e.g., ringtones etc. Perceived ease of use > “Design to mobile – 3 clicks” Free mobile viral content > Except transaction cost Initial contacts > Mobile viral mavens First-mover’s advantage > Innovative products Critical mass > “winner takes it all” Scalability > Possibility of setting of limits
  • 21. How successful is mobile viral marketing? Potential of mobile viral marketing for distribution and communication purposes > Case study » L'Oréal (Mobile Kiss): Push-SMS to 200,000 users; result: 750,000 contacts > Surveys » 17% forwarded mobile ads (n=500) [BS02] » 30% said a friend’s recommendation would convince them to download a mobile application (n=2,500) [Ip05] » 45% would intend to share music with friends via Bluetooth (n=1,477) [IN06] Own expert study (n=44) [MW06] > Personal messages sent by friends gain more credibility > (Viral) recipients participate more frequently in a campaign as initial contacts > Lower company expense
  • 22. Outlook From „Web 2.0“ to „Mobile 2.0“ > Need for business model > Indirect revenue sources: provisions or advertising
  • 23. Conclusion Mobile channel offers many opportunities for viral marketing > as distribution concept > as communication concept Most mobile campaigns are copied from (connected with) the stationary Internet > E.g., send-to-a-friend options, greeting cards, etc. Challenges of the mobile channel Case studies, trials, and survey revealed high degree of viral effects “It stays suspencive!”
  • 24. Research and industry meet at… 8th Conference Mobile Commerce Technologies und Applications University of Augsburg, 28–29 Jan 2008 Program: 28 Jan: Tutorial (½ day) on the various areas of the mobile ecosystem 29 Jan: Conference Program; Planned sessions include: M-Marketing, M-Payment, M- Banking, M-Entertainment (Music, Gaming, TV), Mobile-Integrated Business Processes, GALILEO, …
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