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U.S. Scorecard for Mobile Advertising Reach and Targeting (S.M.A.R.T.™)

                                                 AUGUST 2010

                                                 3     Millennial Media’s
                                                       Reach & Quick Stats

                                                 4     Special Section: Why Mobile is
                                                       a Must this Holiday Season

                                                 5     U.S. Mobile Advertising
                                                       Engagement Data

                                                 6     U.S. Mobile Campaign
                                                       Targeting Methods

                                                 7     Summary & Reporting
August 2010 S.M.A.R.T.™ Highlights
(Data compiled from 8/1/10 to 8/31/10)

                                                                                                               August 2010

U.S. Mobile Internet Reach                                         Place Call was the top performer in the MYDAS™ Portfolio
(Nielsen data from July 2010)                                      Mix™ in August. This tactic was leveraged by government
                                                                   agencies utilizing the mobile web and the Place Call
    The U.S. mobile Web increased by approximately                 post-click campaign action as a recruiting tactic.
    1.67%, from 78.7M to 80M users.                                Additionally, a social advocacy group promoting sober
                                                                   rides home to prevent drunk driving leveraged the ease
    Millennial Media’s U.S. unique audience reach                  of Click to Call action on mobile in their campaign.
    increased to 72M unique users month-over-month;
    Millennial Media continues to reach more than 8 out         U.S. Mobile Campaign Targeting Methods
    of 10 Mobile web users.
                                                                   Behavioral Audience represented 15% of campaigns on
Special Section:                                                   our network as a targeted reach method in August. This
Why Mobile is a Must this Holiday Season                           targeting tactic was highly leveraged by Telecom and
                                                                   Entertainment brands looking to create customized
    We partnered with comScore to conduct a research               audiences of sports fans to promote their football
    survey focused on mobile retail advertising, usage and         o erings.
    growth over the past year in preparation for the
    upcoming retail holiday buying season.                         Demographic as a targeted reach method represented
                                                                   37% of the Targeted-Audience Reach in August. Brands in
    The study found that nearly 30% of mobile subscribers          the Pharmaceutical vertical leveraged this tactic to
    accessing retail content on their phones cannot be             promote new products for women. This tactic was also
    reached online or of ine (in-store). For advertisers this      leveraged by an Automotive advertiser who wanted to
    means there is a NEW retail audience that can only be          reach the Millennials demographic with an end of model
    reached through mobile. To reach this untapped                 year promotion.
    market, it is imperative that brands double down with
    mobile this holiday season.

Engagement & Targeting

    Retail Promotion as a post-click campaign destination
    had the largest increase of 3 percentage points
    month-over-month. Travel brands –particularly in the
    Hotel sub-vertical– were actively engaging consumers
    with special o ers for mobile users looking for a last
    chance summer getaway. Additionally, CPG brands
    were leveraging this campaign action to increase
    awareness through promotions around new product
    launches for the back-to-school season.

                                                                       Visit to sign up      2
Millennial Media’s Reach & Quick Stats
                                                                                                                                                                                 August 2010

(Re ects Nielsen data from July 2010)                                                                                       Millennial Media’s U.S. reach has grown at the
                                                                           U.S. REACH GROWTH                                same rate as, or better than, the U.S. Mobile Web
80,087,000*                                                                                                                                                                  80.1
                                                                                                                           U.S. MOBILE WEB                                   72.0
MILLENNIAL MEDIA                                                                      59.8
Millennial Media Reaches More

Than 8 out of 10 Mobile Web Users

                                                                                          MAY 2009                         MILLENNIAL MEDIA                     JULY 2010

                                                                           MOBILE CAMPAIGN QUICK STATS

                                                                                        13%                                        Advertisers who used
                                                                                                                                   rich media creative

                                                                                        1.03                                       Number of ads requested
                                                                                                                                   per page view

                                                                                        122                                        Average monthly page
                                                                                                                                   views per user

                                                                                        4:46                                       Average user session time
                                                                                                                                   (min : sec)

                                                                                         Source: Millennial Media, 8/10.

                                                                          DID YOU KNOW?
                                                                          Millennial Media also publishes the Mobile Mix™ Report which covers the
                                                                          latest trends with top mobile manufactures, devices, operating systems, etc.?
                                                                          Click here to sign up today!

    *The Mobile Web number was extracted from the Nielsen Mobile Report: Standard Metrics (Internet Applications included), July 2010, All Carriers. The Millennial Media number is a Nielsen
    Custom User-De ned Report. See Nielsen methodology and disclaimer information on page 7.

                                                                                                                       Visit to sign up                        3
Special Section: Why Mobile is
 a Must this Holiday Season
 A Joint Study by comScore and Millennial Media
                                                                                                                                                                                                       August 2010

Mobile Subscriber Shopping Behaviors                                                                  Mobile Users vs. Mobile Retail Users Income
CHART A                                                                                               CHART B
                                        Mobile Only                                                   20%
                                        Of ine, Online & Mobile                                                                                                                                       Total Mobile Audience
                                                                                                      15%                                                                                             Mobile Retail Users
                                                                                                      10%                                                                                          Source: comScore, Q2 2010
                                     Source: comScore, Q2 2010
                                                                                                                       <$25k       $25k to        $50k to     $75k to       $100k+
                                                                                                                                    <$50k          <$75k      <$100k

mCommerce                      35%
Retail Items                   25%       31%
Purchased                      20%                      29%
CHART C                        15%                                  26%
                               10%                                           21%           21%          21%               19%          19%             17%
                                                                                                                                                                    15%              14%
                                        Electronics    Clothing/    Food   Entertainment   Airplane       Books          Hotel Stays    Flowers       Tools/Auto/       Sports/      Car Rentals       Source: comScore, Q2 2010
                                                      Accessories             Tickets       Tickets    (non-digital)                                   Industrial       Fitness

 With the holiday shopping season upon us, we partnered with comScore to conduct a research survey focused on
 mobile retail advertising, usage and growth over the past year. The goal of the study was to gain a better understanding
 of mobile retail users, including their purchase habits. The results show that it is imperative advertisers invest now for the
 holiday season or they will be missing out on revenue that can only be gained through mobile. Below you will nd
 highlights of the study. Look for a full presentation of the joint study in the coming weeks.

Study Insight:
     The study found that nearly 30% of mobile                                                                         mobile. The results also showed that mobile retail
     subscribers accessing retail content on their phones                                                              users are active in nearly every income bracket,
     cannot be reached online or of ine (in-store). For                                                                making mobile a great investment for all Retail
     advertisers, this means there is a NEW retail audience                                                            brands (Chart B).
     that can only be reached through mobile. To reach
     this untapped market, it is imperative that brands                                                                The products and services mobile retail users
     double down with mobile for the 2010 holiday                                                                      purchased varied greatly, but Electronics and
     season (Chart A).                                                                                                 Clothing/Accessories proved to be the most popular
                                                                                                                       items purchased. Brands in the Automotive,
     The mobile retail user tends to be slightly more                                                                  Entertainment, CPG and Travel verticals could bene t
     af uent than the total mobile audience with nearly                                                                greatly from mobile, as each of these areas had
     34% making >$100k per year. Luxury Retail brands                                                                  strong mCommerce activity (Chart C).
     should look to target this af uent group through

Methodology: The online data was sourced from comScore’s global panel of 2 million Internet users and sourced from a custom survey analysis.

                                                                                                                               Visit to sign up                                               4
U.S. Mobile Advertising Engagement Data
                                                                                                                                                                                                        August 2010

   Campaign Destination Mix – August 2010                                                                          MYDAS™ Portfolio Mix – August 2010
   CHART A                                                                                                         CHART B

                                                                                                                   30                                                                                                         28%
                  22%                                                                                              25                                                     23%
                                                                                                                                                                                     20%                                      MOBILE
                                                                                                                   20         18%                                                                                              ONLY

                                                                                                                                                                                                            16%      16%
                                                                         Traf c to Site                            15                               14%
      31%                             47%                                Custom Landing Page
                                                                         Expand Rich Media                         10

                                                                                                                    5                                MOBILE
                                                                                                                                                      ONLY      3%

                                                                                                                               Site      Social     Store m-Commerce Watch           Retail    Submit Application Join/       Place
                                                                                                                              Search     Media     Locator           Video        Promotion     Form Download Subscribe        Call
                                                                                                                                                  View map

Source: Millennial Media, 8/10                                                                                          Source: Millennial Media, 8/10
Numbers in parentheses represent a month-over-month change.                                                             Numbers in parentheses represent a month-over-month change.
*Campaign destinations represent the immediate click-through from creative to site, landing page, or rich media.        *MYDAS™ Portfolio represents the multiple calls to action for any given campaign.

  August Insight:
        Mobile web destinations (Traf c to Site and Custom                                                                     Retail Promotion as a post-click campaign destination
        Landing Page) represented nearly 80% of the                                                                            had the largest increase of 3 percentage points
        Campaign Destination Mix for the third consecutive                                                                     month-over-month. Travel brands –particularly in the
        month, signaling that brands are continuing their                                                                      Hotel sub-vertical– were actively engaging consumers
        commitment to the mobile platform by creating                                                                          with special o ers for mobile users looking for a last
        persistent mobile websites and landing pages                                                                           chance summer getaway. Additionally, CPG brands
        (Chart A).                                                                                                             were leveraging this campaign action to increase
                                                                                                                               awareness through promotions around new product
        Expand Rich Media was on the rise again in August                                                                      launches for the back-to-school season (Chart B).
        and represented 22% of the Campaign Destination
        Mix. This increase can be attributed to new                                                                            Place Call was the top performer in the MYDAS™
        advertisers, including insurance and CPG brands                                                                        Portfolio Mix™ in August. This tactic was leveraged by
        leveraging the high engagement Rich Media                                                                              government agencies utilizing the mobile web and
        element in their campaigns to promote Apps and                                                                         the Place Call post-click campaign action as a
        video content (Chart A).                                                                                               recruiting tactic. Additionally, a social advocacy group
                                                                                                                               promoting sober rides home to prevent drunk driving
                                                                                                                               leveraged the ease of the Click to Call action on
                                                                                                                               mobile in their campaign (Chart B).

                                                                                                                                       Visit to sign up                                        5
U.S. Mobile Campaign Targeting Methods
                                                                                                                                 August 2010

Campaign Targeting Mix – August 2010 Average                   Targeted Audience Mix – August 2010 Average
CHART A                                                        CHART B

            BROAD REACH
                                                                                                        41%                   Behavioral Audience
                                 43%                                                                                          Audience Takeover
                               AUDIENCE                                    37%

Source: Millennial Media, 8/10                                 Source: Millennial Media, 8/10
*Numbers in parentheses represent a month-over-month change.   *Numbers in parentheses represent a month-over-month change.
*GEO is de ned as a campaign targeting method which includes
geographic location, DMA, state, international country, etc.

August Insight:
     Targeted-Audience campaign methods (GEO,                          “Location-based services (GEO) provide marketers with
     Demographic, Behavioral, Audience and Audience                    compelling data that can enable them to present
     Takeover) made up 43% of campaigns on our                         relevant o ers and rewards right when customers are at
     network leveraging these methods.                                 the point of decision. Marketers should keep in mind
     Targeted-Audience methods allow advertisers to                    that consumers expect a value exchange in return for
     engage in a deeper dialog with mobile users and                   sharing location information”. ~ e-Marketer, Seven Key
     the result is stronger campaign interaction rates                 Trends in Mobile Usage, September 6, 2010
     (Chart A). Brands in the Automotive, Travel, Retail &
     Restaurants vertical could emulate the
     highly-sophisticated Telecom vertical, which                      Demographic as a targeted reach method represented
     leveraged all of the targeted-audience methods in                 37% of the Targeted-Audience Reach in August (Chart B).
     their campaigns to optimize engagement rates.                     Brands in the Pharmaceutical vertical leveraged this
                                                                       tactic to promote new products for women. This tactic
     GEO remained the top targeted-audience                            was also leveraged by an Automotive advertiser who
     campaign method in August. Retail & Restaurant                    wanted to reach the Millennials demographic with an
     franchise locations and small businesses                          end of model year promotion.
     leveraged this tactic to drive foot traf c to their
     brick-and-mortar locations through relevant                       Behavioral Audience represented 15% of campaigns on
     targeted promotions. Banking brands were also                     our network as a targeted reach method in August. This
     actively targeting speci c geographic locations                   targeting tactic was highly leveraged by Telecom and
     with new customer promotions (Chart B).                           Entertainment brands looking to create customized
                                                                       audiences of sports fans to promote their football
                                                                       o erings (Chart B).

                                                                              Visit to sign up                     6
Summary & Reporting Methodology
                                                                                                                                                                                                              August 2010

 About Millennial Media

 Millennial Media is the proven leader in mobile advertising. With the largest mobile media audience in the
 U.S., Millennial Media uniquely o ers brand advertisers the only set of speci c, scalable audiences. Our ability
 to reach, target and engage consumers is unparalleled. As an innovative technology leader, our mobile
 decisioning, serving and mediation platforms are powering some of the largest companies in the media
 business today. The company is committed to growing the mobile advertising marketplace by becoming the
 preferred partner to all advertisers seeking to reach mobile consumers, all publishers and developers seeking
 to maximize ad revenue and all mobile operators seeking to further monetize their networks. For more
 information, please visit or follow us on Twitter @millennialmedia.
 Millennial Media was named the 2010 OnMedia Top Private Company in Digital Media and was awarded a
 2010 Stevie Award (American Business Awards) for Most Innovative Company of the Year.

 About S.M.A.R.T.™

 The Scorecard for Mobile Advertising Reach and Targeting (S.M.A.R.T.™) delivers monthly insights on key
 trends in mobile advertising based on actual campaign and network data from Millennial Media, Inc.
 Millennial Media partners with major carriers, media networks and top-tier publishers to deliver the largest
 data set of any third-party U.S. mobile advertising network. As such, we are uniquely capable of reporting
 and analyzing the richest sets of carrier, device and campaign data collected over billions of monthly ad
 requests. Elevating and driving the whole mobile ecosystem forward is central to our company mission.

 Visit to sign up to receive Millennial Media-related news, including
 Millennial Media’s Mobile Mix™ and the Scorecard for Mobile Advertising Reach and Targeting (S.M.A.R.T.)™
 report. S.M.A.R.T.™ was designed to speak to brand advertisers; however, for information on our performance
 product, Decktrade™, please contact us directly or visit our website.

 Nielsen Reach Methodology & Disclaimer:
 Nielsen Mobile, a service of The Nielsen Company, is the world’s largest independent provider of syndicated consumer research to the telecom and mobile media markets. Nielsen Mobile focuses exclusively on
 tracking the behavior, attitudes and experiences of mobile consumers. Their reports also provide up to seven years of data on internet, video, gaming, audio and advertising trends for mobile phone users. Mobile user
 behavior information is derived from general U.S. population samples under established and accepted rules. For more information, please visit Disclaimer for ‘Custom Roll-up”: This report is
 produced for the convenience of Nielsen clients requiring alternative aggregations of audience traf c. These custom roll-ups are user-de ned and subject to rede nition and renaming upon client request and may be
 changed or restated at any point in time. Clients may use the data contained within these custom roll-ups to illustrate their unique business models or partnering relationships for internal analysis. Public use of this
 data must clearly state that this is nonstandard aggregation (”Source: Nielsen, Custom User-De ned Report, <Date>”) and cannot be compared to other custom reports or the syndicated reports on a rankings basis,
 including category level rankings. Nielsen does not allow for the double counting of traf c. Nielsen makes no claim as to the correctness of the custom aggregations but does certify the measurement traf c data as

 Millennial Media Methodology:
 Network reach is calculated from the count of unique users across our entire network. Millennial Media uses proprietary techniques to uniquely identify at least 75% of our user base persistently across our network
 and tracks the unique reach over the course of the month-long period. For the remainder, the unique user data is used to calculate the average frequency of views that a user consumes in a month. We apply that
 average frequency to the remaining impressions to determine our network-wide reach. Data provided is derived from Millennial Media server log activity for the time period indicated. Cost Per Engaged User (CPEU™)
 averages overall campaign spend against the number of unique users who engaged with the campaign creative. CPEU is derived by applying the overall media spend to the total number of users that engaged in any
 one of the actions which campaigns provided, such as expanding a rich media creative, visiting a landing page, watching a video, etc.

 For questions about the data in this report, or for recommendations for future reports,
 please contact us at
 ©2010 Millennial Media, Inc. All rights reserved. All product names and images are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.

                                                                                                                                       Visit to sign up                                      7

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  • 1. U.S. Scorecard for Mobile Advertising Reach and Targeting (S.M.A.R.T.™) AUGUST 2010 Contents 3 Millennial Media’s Reach & Quick Stats 4 Special Section: Why Mobile is a Must this Holiday Season 5 U.S. Mobile Advertising Engagement Data 6 U.S. Mobile Campaign Targeting Methods 7 Summary & Reporting Methodology
  • 2. August 2010 S.M.A.R.T.™ Highlights (Data compiled from 8/1/10 to 8/31/10) August 2010 U.S. Mobile Internet Reach Place Call was the top performer in the MYDAS™ Portfolio (Nielsen data from July 2010) Mix™ in August. This tactic was leveraged by government agencies utilizing the mobile web and the Place Call The U.S. mobile Web increased by approximately post-click campaign action as a recruiting tactic. 1.67%, from 78.7M to 80M users. Additionally, a social advocacy group promoting sober rides home to prevent drunk driving leveraged the ease Millennial Media’s U.S. unique audience reach of Click to Call action on mobile in their campaign. increased to 72M unique users month-over-month; Millennial Media continues to reach more than 8 out U.S. Mobile Campaign Targeting Methods of 10 Mobile web users. Behavioral Audience represented 15% of campaigns on Special Section: our network as a targeted reach method in August. This Why Mobile is a Must this Holiday Season targeting tactic was highly leveraged by Telecom and Entertainment brands looking to create customized We partnered with comScore to conduct a research audiences of sports fans to promote their football survey focused on mobile retail advertising, usage and o erings. growth over the past year in preparation for the upcoming retail holiday buying season. Demographic as a targeted reach method represented 37% of the Targeted-Audience Reach in August. Brands in The study found that nearly 30% of mobile subscribers the Pharmaceutical vertical leveraged this tactic to accessing retail content on their phones cannot be promote new products for women. This tactic was also reached online or of ine (in-store). For advertisers this leveraged by an Automotive advertiser who wanted to means there is a NEW retail audience that can only be reach the Millennials demographic with an end of model reached through mobile. To reach this untapped year promotion. market, it is imperative that brands double down with mobile this holiday season. Engagement & Targeting Retail Promotion as a post-click campaign destination had the largest increase of 3 percentage points month-over-month. Travel brands –particularly in the Hotel sub-vertical– were actively engaging consumers with special o ers for mobile users looking for a last chance summer getaway. Additionally, CPG brands were leveraging this campaign action to increase awareness through promotions around new product launches for the back-to-school season. Visit to sign up 2
  • 3. Millennial Media’s Reach & Quick Stats August 2010 U.S. MOBILE INTERNET REACH (Re ects Nielsen data from July 2010) Millennial Media’s U.S. reach has grown at the U.S. REACH GROWTH same rate as, or better than, the U.S. Mobile Web U.S. MOBILE WEB 80,087,000* 80.1 U.S. MOBILE WEB 72.0 MILLENNIAL MEDIA 59.8 72,012,000* 44.2 Millennial Media Reaches More MILLIONS MILLIONS Than 8 out of 10 Mobile Web Users MAY 2009 MILLENNIAL MEDIA JULY 2010 MOBILE CAMPAIGN QUICK STATS 13% Advertisers who used rich media creative 1.03 Number of ads requested per page view 122 Average monthly page views per user 4:46 Average user session time (min : sec) Source: Millennial Media, 8/10. DID YOU KNOW? Millennial Media also publishes the Mobile Mix™ Report which covers the latest trends with top mobile manufactures, devices, operating systems, etc.? Click here to sign up today! *The Mobile Web number was extracted from the Nielsen Mobile Report: Standard Metrics (Internet Applications included), July 2010, All Carriers. The Millennial Media number is a Nielsen Custom User-De ned Report. See Nielsen methodology and disclaimer information on page 7. Visit to sign up 3
  • 4. Special Section: Why Mobile is a Must this Holiday Season A Joint Study by comScore and Millennial Media August 2010 Mobile Subscriber Shopping Behaviors Mobile Users vs. Mobile Retail Users Income CHART A CHART B 35% 30% 27% 25% Mobile Only 20% Of ine, Online & Mobile Total Mobile Audience 15% Mobile Retail Users 73% 10% Source: comScore, Q2 2010 Source: comScore, Q2 2010 5% 0% <$25k $25k to $50k to $75k to $100k+ <$50k <$75k <$100k mCommerce 35% 30% Retail Items 25% 31% Purchased 20% 29% CHART C 15% 26% 10% 21% 21% 21% 19% 19% 17% 5% 15% 14% 0% Electronics Clothing/ Food Entertainment Airplane Books Hotel Stays Flowers Tools/Auto/ Sports/ Car Rentals Source: comScore, Q2 2010 Accessories Tickets Tickets (non-digital) Industrial Fitness With the holiday shopping season upon us, we partnered with comScore to conduct a research survey focused on mobile retail advertising, usage and growth over the past year. The goal of the study was to gain a better understanding of mobile retail users, including their purchase habits. The results show that it is imperative advertisers invest now for the holiday season or they will be missing out on revenue that can only be gained through mobile. Below you will nd highlights of the study. Look for a full presentation of the joint study in the coming weeks. Study Insight: The study found that nearly 30% of mobile mobile. The results also showed that mobile retail subscribers accessing retail content on their phones users are active in nearly every income bracket, cannot be reached online or of ine (in-store). For making mobile a great investment for all Retail advertisers, this means there is a NEW retail audience brands (Chart B). that can only be reached through mobile. To reach this untapped market, it is imperative that brands The products and services mobile retail users double down with mobile for the 2010 holiday purchased varied greatly, but Electronics and season (Chart A). Clothing/Accessories proved to be the most popular items purchased. Brands in the Automotive, The mobile retail user tends to be slightly more Entertainment, CPG and Travel verticals could bene t af uent than the total mobile audience with nearly greatly from mobile, as each of these areas had 34% making >$100k per year. Luxury Retail brands strong mCommerce activity (Chart C). should look to target this af uent group through Methodology: The online data was sourced from comScore’s global panel of 2 million Internet users and sourced from a custom survey analysis. Visit to sign up 4
  • 5. U.S. Mobile Advertising Engagement Data August 2010 Campaign Destination Mix – August 2010 MYDAS™ Portfolio Mix – August 2010 CHART A CHART B 30 28% 25% 22% 25 23% 20% MOBILE 20 18% ONLY 16% 16% Traf c to Site 15 14% 31% 47% Custom Landing Page Expand Rich Media 10 MOBILE ONLY MOBILE ONLY MOBILE ONLY 7% 5 MOBILE ONLY 3% 0 Site Social Store m-Commerce Watch Retail Submit Application Join/ Place Search Media Locator Video Promotion Form Download Subscribe Call View map Source: Millennial Media, 8/10 Source: Millennial Media, 8/10 Numbers in parentheses represent a month-over-month change. Numbers in parentheses represent a month-over-month change. *Campaign destinations represent the immediate click-through from creative to site, landing page, or rich media. *MYDAS™ Portfolio represents the multiple calls to action for any given campaign. August Insight: Mobile web destinations (Traf c to Site and Custom Retail Promotion as a post-click campaign destination Landing Page) represented nearly 80% of the had the largest increase of 3 percentage points Campaign Destination Mix for the third consecutive month-over-month. Travel brands –particularly in the month, signaling that brands are continuing their Hotel sub-vertical– were actively engaging consumers commitment to the mobile platform by creating with special o ers for mobile users looking for a last persistent mobile websites and landing pages chance summer getaway. Additionally, CPG brands (Chart A). were leveraging this campaign action to increase awareness through promotions around new product Expand Rich Media was on the rise again in August launches for the back-to-school season (Chart B). and represented 22% of the Campaign Destination Mix. This increase can be attributed to new Place Call was the top performer in the MYDAS™ advertisers, including insurance and CPG brands Portfolio Mix™ in August. This tactic was leveraged by leveraging the high engagement Rich Media government agencies utilizing the mobile web and element in their campaigns to promote Apps and the Place Call post-click campaign action as a video content (Chart A). recruiting tactic. Additionally, a social advocacy group promoting sober rides home to prevent drunk driving leveraged the ease of the Click to Call action on mobile in their campaign (Chart B). Visit to sign up 5
  • 6. U.S. Mobile Campaign Targeting Methods August 2010 Campaign Targeting Mix – August 2010 Average Targeted Audience Mix – August 2010 Average CHART A CHART B 7% BROAD REACH 15% 57% GEO Demographic 41% Behavioral Audience 43% Audience Takeover TARGETED AUDIENCE 37% REACH Source: Millennial Media, 8/10 Source: Millennial Media, 8/10 *Numbers in parentheses represent a month-over-month change. *Numbers in parentheses represent a month-over-month change. *GEO is de ned as a campaign targeting method which includes geographic location, DMA, state, international country, etc. August Insight: Targeted-Audience campaign methods (GEO, “Location-based services (GEO) provide marketers with Demographic, Behavioral, Audience and Audience compelling data that can enable them to present Takeover) made up 43% of campaigns on our relevant o ers and rewards right when customers are at network leveraging these methods. the point of decision. Marketers should keep in mind Targeted-Audience methods allow advertisers to that consumers expect a value exchange in return for engage in a deeper dialog with mobile users and sharing location information”. ~ e-Marketer, Seven Key the result is stronger campaign interaction rates Trends in Mobile Usage, September 6, 2010 (Chart A). Brands in the Automotive, Travel, Retail & Restaurants vertical could emulate the highly-sophisticated Telecom vertical, which Demographic as a targeted reach method represented leveraged all of the targeted-audience methods in 37% of the Targeted-Audience Reach in August (Chart B). their campaigns to optimize engagement rates. Brands in the Pharmaceutical vertical leveraged this tactic to promote new products for women. This tactic GEO remained the top targeted-audience was also leveraged by an Automotive advertiser who campaign method in August. Retail & Restaurant wanted to reach the Millennials demographic with an franchise locations and small businesses end of model year promotion. leveraged this tactic to drive foot traf c to their brick-and-mortar locations through relevant Behavioral Audience represented 15% of campaigns on targeted promotions. Banking brands were also our network as a targeted reach method in August. This actively targeting speci c geographic locations targeting tactic was highly leveraged by Telecom and with new customer promotions (Chart B). Entertainment brands looking to create customized audiences of sports fans to promote their football o erings (Chart B). Visit to sign up 6
  • 7. Summary & Reporting Methodology August 2010 About Millennial Media Millennial Media is the proven leader in mobile advertising. With the largest mobile media audience in the U.S., Millennial Media uniquely o ers brand advertisers the only set of speci c, scalable audiences. Our ability to reach, target and engage consumers is unparalleled. As an innovative technology leader, our mobile decisioning, serving and mediation platforms are powering some of the largest companies in the media business today. The company is committed to growing the mobile advertising marketplace by becoming the preferred partner to all advertisers seeking to reach mobile consumers, all publishers and developers seeking to maximize ad revenue and all mobile operators seeking to further monetize their networks. For more information, please visit or follow us on Twitter @millennialmedia. Millennial Media was named the 2010 OnMedia Top Private Company in Digital Media and was awarded a 2010 Stevie Award (American Business Awards) for Most Innovative Company of the Year. About S.M.A.R.T.™ The Scorecard for Mobile Advertising Reach and Targeting (S.M.A.R.T.™) delivers monthly insights on key trends in mobile advertising based on actual campaign and network data from Millennial Media, Inc. Millennial Media partners with major carriers, media networks and top-tier publishers to deliver the largest data set of any third-party U.S. mobile advertising network. As such, we are uniquely capable of reporting and analyzing the richest sets of carrier, device and campaign data collected over billions of monthly ad requests. Elevating and driving the whole mobile ecosystem forward is central to our company mission. Visit to sign up to receive Millennial Media-related news, including Millennial Media’s Mobile Mix™ and the Scorecard for Mobile Advertising Reach and Targeting (S.M.A.R.T.)™ report. S.M.A.R.T.™ was designed to speak to brand advertisers; however, for information on our performance product, Decktrade™, please contact us directly or visit our website. Nielsen Reach Methodology & Disclaimer: Nielsen Mobile, a service of The Nielsen Company, is the world’s largest independent provider of syndicated consumer research to the telecom and mobile media markets. Nielsen Mobile focuses exclusively on tracking the behavior, attitudes and experiences of mobile consumers. Their reports also provide up to seven years of data on internet, video, gaming, audio and advertising trends for mobile phone users. Mobile user behavior information is derived from general U.S. population samples under established and accepted rules. For more information, please visit Disclaimer for ‘Custom Roll-up”: This report is produced for the convenience of Nielsen clients requiring alternative aggregations of audience traf c. These custom roll-ups are user-de ned and subject to rede nition and renaming upon client request and may be changed or restated at any point in time. Clients may use the data contained within these custom roll-ups to illustrate their unique business models or partnering relationships for internal analysis. Public use of this data must clearly state that this is nonstandard aggregation (”Source: Nielsen, Custom User-De ned Report, <Date>”) and cannot be compared to other custom reports or the syndicated reports on a rankings basis, including category level rankings. Nielsen does not allow for the double counting of traf c. Nielsen makes no claim as to the correctness of the custom aggregations but does certify the measurement traf c data as accurate. Millennial Media Methodology: Network reach is calculated from the count of unique users across our entire network. Millennial Media uses proprietary techniques to uniquely identify at least 75% of our user base persistently across our network and tracks the unique reach over the course of the month-long period. For the remainder, the unique user data is used to calculate the average frequency of views that a user consumes in a month. We apply that average frequency to the remaining impressions to determine our network-wide reach. Data provided is derived from Millennial Media server log activity for the time period indicated. Cost Per Engaged User (CPEU™) averages overall campaign spend against the number of unique users who engaged with the campaign creative. CPEU is derived by applying the overall media spend to the total number of users that engaged in any one of the actions which campaigns provided, such as expanding a rich media creative, visiting a landing page, watching a video, etc. For questions about the data in this report, or for recommendations for future reports, please contact us at ©2010 Millennial Media, Inc. All rights reserved. All product names and images are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. Visit to sign up 7