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Consumer Power through Information, Network, and Crowd Based Platforms
Michael Moletsky, Wilkes University –
Ilia Platonov, Wilkes University -
Jasmin Jaen, Wilkes University –
The internet and social media have been a growing source that marketers and consumers access
in order to gain information. The reach of the internet provides access to wide variety of
industries, in ways the world would have thought unimaginable. This research primarily
discusses how the voice of consumer has gained an immense amount of power through different
internet platforms. Also, included is how internet based sources are now the leading fuel for all
audiences to understand how and what needs to be improved upon in order to improve a business
or service. Consumer empowerment can exhibit a surprising amount of influence among its
audience; either making or breaking most establishments through online information. This can
also lead to an increase of information-based power to marketers and allow for them to see what
improvements can be made personally, but also seek knowledge on its competitors. This research
sheds light onto the three distinct consumer power sources: information, network, and crowd.
The research paper answers the following questions.
• What are the positive and negative effects that transpire from consumer power?
• What are the three distinct consumer power sources and how do they each influence the
Internet consumer base?
• What forms of consumer power will further develop and increase influence and what
does the future of Information Based, Network Based and Crowd Based Consumer Power
look like?
Keywords: Consumer power, Internet, Social platforms, Communication, Consumer
Consumers arguably hold today more power over corporations than at any other period in
history. Social media and other online platforms have allowed consumers to spread their views of
products, service and experiences. Word of mouth communication is recognized as the most
influential information distribution method since ancient times, especially when referring to
personal experiences or bought goods (Duan, Gu, and Whinston, 2008). Consumer power is
gaining even more traction now with the advent of the internet, the free exchange of information
online and the ability to reach literally billions of people around the globe. Online reviews and
consumer reports blogs have become valuable methods for strangers world-wide to create
mutually beneficial relationships between each other. If employed by consumer-based
storytelling, it is possible to have an average increase of 32% in purchasing consideration
(Richardson, Lee, Osborn, 2017). Poor reviews by past consumers can cause future consumers
online to be leery of commerce with a trader, thus affecting their behavior even if the transaction
is a one-time deal or trade (Dellarocas, 2003).
There is a wealth of information related to the growing powers of consumers during the
rise of the 21st
century internet frenzy. Recent research suggests that consumers’ sense of power
plays an important role in various purchasing decisions. (e.g., Choi and Mattila, 2015, 2016;Wu
et al., 2016; Zhang, 2013; Zhang and Hanks, 2015). Thru the access to product reviews, product
specifications, and product prices, the modern consumer has a great ability to use information as
very powerful tool. While options among customers are increasing, information manipulation
and misinterpretation between firms and consumers may weaken. This is delineated to be leading
to needier, active in different channels consumers, which are more challenging to influence, than
only offline active consumers (Lindersson, Nilsson, 2015). In today World, people can find all
information that they need using social media platforms. These social media platforms have
become influential on consumer behavior when it comes to awareness, opinions, information
acquisition, consumers positions, purchase demeanor, and post-acquisition communication and
product evaluation (Mangold and Faulds, 2009). Consumers will continue to rely heavily on
digital media to not only research products, but to now communicate with other consumers who
have important information on previously purchased goods (Hanna, Rohm, Crittenden, 2011). To
bridge the gaps in previous research, this exploration offers to answer the following questions
about consumer power through a variety of social media platforms: What are the positive and
negative effects that transpire from consumer power? What are the three distinct consumer power
sources (information, network and crowd) and how do they each influence the Internet’s
audience in their own way? What does the future of consumer power look like?
The specifications of information, network and crowd based platforms are the three main
components that relate to the increase of influence that consumers have possessed within recent
years. This research paper will take an in-depth look into each online source highlighting the
ways in which the average consumer gains great influence and knowledge throughout its
platform. The purpose of this research will call attention to the positive and negative outcomes of
social media based power and how this authority affects the world around it. This individualistic
power, combined with the weight it possesses, can be used to measure the influence of peer-to-
peer reviews; which in turn can and will predict how consumer’s behavior alter when buying
from vendors of differing ratings, both high and low.
Theoretical Framework
Information based power is the most simplistic and offers the least amount of
independence to consumers as the information shared is often times one-directional leaving
producers and is directly fed to consumers via the internet and internet advertising. This research
intends to suggests information based power is highly skewed and manipulated and will
eventually be eradicated by network and crowd based consumer power, therefore information
based power resides at the lowest tiers of the framework. In addition, the overwhelming
abundance of information creates barriers to marketers being able to spark consumer interests.
This diluted interest and ability to maintain one’s consumer segment has led to a stark decrease
in brand awareness and loyalty. This research shows that simply inundating the internet with
product and/or service information is no longer enough to remain competitive. Since consumer
information consumption has drastically increased, marketers must remain dynamic in their
approach to information delivery to the masses. Therefore our conceptual framework represents
the change, in technological advances and resource sharing methodologies which will lead
consumers to the future in information consumption and overall consumer power. Network
based power is currently leading the way in taking power from where it has rested historically, in
the hands of producers and marketers, to the social networks of consumers. Network based
power has allowed for the dissemination of general ads and information presented on the internet
to become more organized. Thus allowing consumers to form their own preferred networks on
social media where only tailored information from like-minded individuals is both available and
shared with everyone in that network. These common networks become the platforms for
consumer information sharing and increased consumer power. Finally, crowd based power has
taken the concept of networking to the next level and presents the most effective method of
increasing consumer power. Crowd based power represents an intentional collection of all
previous consumer power platforms and so aligns them with highly specific and specialized
purposes. Crowd based powers has found a way to harness the power of networks while
increasing the resources available to those networks thus ultimately increasing purchasing power
while exposing market vulnerabilities. The following simplified conceptual framework
represents the level of relevance and overall effectiveness of information based, network based
and crowd based consumer power in today’s digitized and competitive online marketplace.
Information-based power through content consumption and content production
Before the rise of Internet, which is today’s largest platform of communication,
consumers did not have such unrestricted access to both firm and consumer created information.
Today, consumers purchase devices for at home use which relies heavily on internet commerce
platforms. These platforms have the largest access to information, which includes information
about products or services, created by producer or seller, other consumer’s reviews or stories,
professional reviews from agencies or rating firms. Having such access to product or service
information gives consumers a better way of analyzing their choices of product or service, and
reduces skewed communication between merchants and consumers. Average media consumption
has continued to grow over last decade. (Nielsen, 2011). Therefore, with access to more
information, people consume more information in smaller period of time, and it helps influence
on shorter choice cycle and faster circulation of trends on a market (Labrecque, vor dem Esche,
etc., 2013, 261). Information-based power movement is supported by technological advantages
of new century, which supports a rise of psychological sense of control. “For example, shifts in
personal beliefs regarding the efficacy or enhanced learning that results from socially embedded
support, facilitates information assimilation and usage” (Ariely, 2000; Jayanti and Singh, 2010).
Consumers, who use internet platforms for receiving information about products and services,
are better motivated to have benefits from such an access to information, compare to customers
who use other sources of information. However, internet active customers still continue to
extract, rather than help to make more quality content (Labrecque, vor dem Esche, etc., 2013,
261). Growing technological infrastructure increased access to internet, so consumers do not
need to drive to the malls to do shopping or just look for new things anymore; consumers do not
need to listen to a store consultant, because they can receive all information, just using their
mobile devices. Also, using the same devices, consumers can leave a self-expression about
product or service, but still some content creation barriers remains. During Web 1.0 era,
consumers were not able to produce information thru the Internet, and had consumption roles in
general. Web 2.0 removed most of those constraints. Consumers became to be able to vocalize
both recommendations and critics through eWOM (Grégoire, Laufer, and Tripp 2010; Hennig-
Thurau et al. 2004; Ward and Ostrom, 2006) and explore features of themselves, and reflect to
the brands and on social causes (Schau and Gilly 2003). “The impact of the production of user-
generated content extends beyond the virtual context, outperforming traditional marketing efforts
at times” (Labrecque, vor dem Esche, et al., 2013, p.261).
Proposition 1: Information (reviews) about products or services affect consumer decisions about
whether to buy this product or not, and it is not always depends on a quality of this product or
Network Based Consumer Power
“Network-based power centers on the metamorphosis of content through network actions
designed to build personal reputation and influence markets through the distribution, remixing,
and enhancement of digital content” (Labrecque, Vor Dem Esche, et al., 2013, 263). Through
network based power, all consumers are able to add value in surpassing the value of original
content via the endless communication platform presented by social media websites. The turn of
the century was immediately followed by a stark increase in the creation of, and access to,
content spread by the stark increase of networking sites (Labrecque, Vor Dem Esche, et al.,
2013). These networking sites allowed for the increase in power and effectiveness individuals
have to influence others in their networks as network-based power is multi-directional and not
one-directional as traditional methodologies of consumer based power would suggest. “Web 2.0
technologies and the rise of social media have enabled widespread networked-based power and
individual consumer’s ability to influence others’ decision-making and co-create content more
easily through liking, commenting, tagging or other forms of media enrichment” (Labrecque, Vor
Dem Esche, et al., 2013). Previous research has shown that the larger a person’s network, the
more influence over purchase decisions they can exert on other consumers in their network. This
intricate web of communication channels, which supports a consumer-to-consumer
communication model, creates and environment for several communication strategies used to
spread information regarding products and services: evaluation, embracing, explanation and
endorsement (Kozinets, et al., 2010). These strategies are commonly utilized to share product
data while increasing influence over consumers in the network. These consumer influencers are
more likely to speed up the overall product adoption process, increase market size and diversity
while accurately predicting product success (Labrecque, Vor Dem Esche, et al., 2013). According
to Banerjee (1992), “…people place such a significant weight on other people’s opinion that they
may even ignore their own private information.” What this research suggests is consumer
influence powered through social media networks can cause significant variances between two
products of the same quality in the same competitive market. Therefore, the research
surrounding this paper will suggest there is a direct relationship between positive posts and
commentary on social network sites and quantity and value of sales.
Proposition 2: Consumers perceived value in a social media network leader’s posts and
commentary is positively associated with consumer’s decisions to purchase a product or service.
Crowd-based Consumer Power
Crowd-based consumer power through social media creates an influence by its
innate ability to gather, assemble, and organize resources in a way that mutually benefits both
consumers and companies (Labrecque, Esche, Mathwick, Novak & Hofacker, 2013). Content
from social networks enables consumers and companies alike to create, distribute, and
recommend information to other relevant sources through a bevy of social media applications.
They do this while also providing tools necessary to influence the company-customer exchange
(Hanna, Rohm & Crittenden, 2011). Crowd-based power is particularly effective because of its
wide reach. Instead of traditional word of mouth recommendation, which is spread one at a time,
consumers now have the ability to reach thousands of potentially new customers in a few short
seconds (Mangold & Faulds, 2009). This has positively influenced decision making and future
spending by all parties and is credited with making the online buying process the easiest and
most cost effective form of commerce. Crowd-based power platforms continue to grow at
exponential rates as the internet of things continues to grow and encompass more areas of human
life. Crowd-based power creates a sense of unity among its users. Contributors to online
discussion boards, reviews and other communities form online relationships through affiliation
and participation (Labrecque, Esche, Mathwick, Novak & Hofacker, 2013). Overall this has
created a power disruption within the typical historic supply chain, where consumers were
mostly influenced on spending by advertisement (Duan, Gu & Whinston, 2008).
The distribution of power is greatly influenced by the ideology of the network. The
structure of the internet has allowed for individuals who are not part of an organized community
to obtain power, and then have influence over the respective audience (Labrecque, Esche,
Mathwick, Novak & Hofacker, 2013). The mentality behind the emotion of belonging and
partaking in communal relationships makes collective affiliation meaningful to participants; it is
mostly appreciated when companies “provide customers with the opportunity to enjoy product
benefits without ownership” (Lamberton &Rose, 2011, p 109). This has also given opportunities
of providing public recognition to companies and effectively targeting its customers by tailoring
specific advertisements and messages to its addressees. These types of personalized tactics act to
reduce the power of the marketer to the public, but in turn this influences the individual
consumer to continue their ongoing participation; in the end, this positively promotes the
business’ characteristics.
Proposition 3: In order for a company to remain in a healthy standing, it will need to consistently
promote a sense of communal ownership with its audience so consumers positively utilize their
influential power
Case Studies
Uber vs. Lyft
Uber is a transportation company that allows its drivers and riders to connect through
their smartphones using a technology-based platform. This global company is headquartered in
San Francisco, California and began its operation in 2009. The means of this company is to
operate as a taxi service and has also added the service of delivery. Uber has been the pioneer in
the technologically advanced transportation industry and received a plethora of positive reviews.
Shortly after the booming results of this transportation network company, a competitor arose in
the year 2012; this company is known as Lyft. Being locked in a head-to-head competition, both
companies need to upgrade their customer experience and give the opportunity of consumer-
based power. This has introduced the ratings segment to the driving experience for both users,
the driver and the passenger; and the creation of their social media accounts to allow all users to
speak their minds publicly.
With this consumer-power in mind, both companies need to begin partnering with their
customers and employees; they now contain the ability to demand new standards for corporate
behavior and to have them commit to purpose, not just profit” (Mainwaring, 2011). If this
incorporation is ignored by Uber or Lyft, it can lead to reputational risks and customer
dissatisfaction. An exploratory case of 25 individuals ranging in age from 18-56 years old was
conducted to find the reasoning behind the use of social media. It was discovered that 80% of
respondents use social media to seek out information, 56% to express their opinions and 40% to
share their experiences or information they have gained (Whiting & Williams, 2013).
In January 2017, President Trump made an executive order to ban U.S. entry to citizens
in 7 predominate Muslim countries; this led a protest at New York’s JFK International airport.
The New York Taxi Workers alliance asked all drivers, including Uber and Lyft, to not pick up
passengers from the JFK airport and to join the protest; instead, Uber made an announcement via
Twitter that the company would suspend its surge pricing and asked its patrons to be patient with
long wait times. Lyft largely stayed out of this political confrontation but notified its users that
the company would be donating one million dollars over the next four years to the American
Civil Liberties Union. Consumers had an immediate reaction and used their power to create a
hashtag campaign,“#DeleteUber”; this campaign motivated its fellow audience to discontinue
their usage of Uber and to install its famed competitor Lyft. This led to a 137 percent rise in
monthly rides for Lyft and the app also gained nearly 5 million more passengers all within a
month of the launch of the campaign, “#DeleteUber”.
Effects of critics for movie box office
In the modern World, people using their mobile devices to access needed information
easier and faster. These days, most of people check reviews of restaurants, movies, books, video
games, and other goods and services in entertainment industry. In other words, reviews and
critiques of product or service and people who wrote this reviews called critics. It can be both -
negative or positive. The absence of observational information may be due to a natural analysis
problem: usually high quality products tend to receive positive reviews, and it is hard to
understand, whether the review or the quality is responsible for high demand (Reinstein, Snyder,
Case study were based on effect of two critique writers, Gene Siskel and Roger Ebert.
They were choosen because of their reputation as the most influential critique writers in movie
industry. Case study shows that effect of negative or positive critique is extremely important,
computing for about twenty percent of box office revenue in the first weekend (Reinstein,
Snyder, 2000). It is following with a survey printed in the Wall Street Journal, which found that a
thirty percent of people, who goes watch movie in cinemas, chose a film because of a positive
critic review (Simmons, 1994). Also, one customer can read positive reviews, go watch a movie,
and then influence others through the word of mouth.
Results of this case study show significant effect of product/service reviews to transmit
information from customer to consumer about goods of uncertain quality. Results show the
possibility of critic power to influence consumer demand. “Reviews can themselves be
considered goods of uncertain quality, and it may be natural for critics who have established
high-quality reputations to exert the most influence” (Reinstein, Snyder, 2000).
Discussion and Implications
Theoretical Implications
The concept of consumer-based power has its authority for the rise or destruction of a
business’ forthcoming presence. The leverage and influence social media provides to consumers
has been immediately recognized and effectively gives the opportunity for critical commentary.
The self-confidence and influence of the consumer has grown at an accelerated rate; which in
turn, reduces the control producers and service provider retain. Considering this, businesses need
to continuously engage with consumers and to provide honest, ethical insight to the audience
through social media platforms. Businesses that fairly communicate and execute their promises
and goals to the consumers are more than likely to be rewarded by the consumers. This promotes
consumers to use their power by exchanging their experiences and providing their feedback on
the appropriate social media platforms for fellow consumers to review and possibly relate to
(Deloitte, 2014). If the traits of transparency and empowerment to consumers is underutilized or
erroneously undermined, this will result in a negative impact of the consumer’s trust and in turn
lower the positivity that business may have previously possessed.
Managerial Implications
Social media platforms hold a massive amount of both potential and actualized power for
both producers and consumers. Managers and executives must take full advantage of social
media’s ability to, collect data with respect to the market and participating consumers in addition
to distribute data rapidly all at a very low cost. Social media platforms effect on consumer
power has significant implications on a variety of management operations including increasing
brand recognition, brand reputation, customer acquisition, retention and satisfaction, market
analysis and advertising strategies. Managers and organizational decision makers must
continually embrace, contend and collaborate with the online marketplaces which social media
platforms create. Social media platforms have a significant impact to organizations, the breadth
of which had not been seen before in the physical, brick and mortar marketplace. Managers must
leverage social media’s facilitation of information dissemination in network and crowd based
platforms which increases trust amongst network members. This trust stands to positively
impact sales, however negative information shared amongst trusted network members can have a
significant impact on a product’s or service’s overall performance. In today’s ever evolving
virtual world, managers are faced with an online feedback collection mechanism via social media
platforms which is rooted in the strong interdependencies webbed between producers,
competitors, consumers and customers.
Limitations and Future Research
Based on the research conducted it is our belief the discussion of consumer power
through social media is in its early stages of development and many facets are still to be fully
understood. Single directional information based consumer power involves the integration of
consumer generated content with mainstream news and media dissemination, which is highly
susceptible to manipulation. Further research should include an analysis with respect to
instances upon which consumer generated content found on social media platforms within a
particular demographic is accurate and objective. Further research would have to show if
consumer perceptions of user generated information within a network is viewed as less or more
credible by other networked viewers. Subsequently, are those viewers’ consumer behaviors and
purchasing decisions thereby quantifiably influenced? Crowd based consumer power is in its
early stages therefore additional research should be sure to include analysis to determine the
specific impact in particular industry segments. Gaining insight into to development of
consumer crowds and their respective effects on business segments is critical in furthering the
understanding of the future of consumer power and its relative impact on business models. Some
remaining questions look to address whether consumer power via social media in fact creates
value for networked consumers. The research conducted in this study does not account for the
question as to whether online information production and consumption activities vary as a result
of personality characteristics, psychological traits, personal preferences and human behavior.
Further research should be expanded to account for the unprecedented reach and scalability of
social media in conjunction with the volatility of online participants. Newly developed
propositions should seek to address rapidly changing social media participants, strategic
informational manipulation, game-theory and other theory driven experiments designed to
discuss producer and consumer behaviors on social media and drive towards an understanding
regarding how organizational decision makers develop strategies surrounding marketing, product
development, customer engagement and consumer decision making as a result of the rapid
developments surrounding consumer power.
. This research explores the overall effectiveness and relevance that has been extended
onto information based, network based and crowd based power. Each entity has proven its
expected forthcoming increase in consumer power via social media. Information based is limited
to direction from producers to consumers which has resulted to it being the lowest opportunity
for consumers to gain power. Network based power is the current forerunner for consumer
power, but crowd based has been researched to be the leader for the future of consumer authority
because of its multi-directional influence. Future research is needed to show how each unit is
able to remain applicable to the consumer’s role in power.
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Consumer power through information, network, and crowd based platforms.

  • 1. Running head: CONSUMER POWER THROUGH INFORMATION, NETWORK 1 Consumer Power through Information, Network, and Crowd Based Platforms Michael Moletsky, Wilkes University – Ilia Platonov, Wilkes University - Jasmin Jaen, Wilkes University –
  • 2. CONSUMER POWER THROUGH INFORMATION, NETWORK 2 Abstract The internet and social media have been a growing source that marketers and consumers access in order to gain information. The reach of the internet provides access to wide variety of industries, in ways the world would have thought unimaginable. This research primarily discusses how the voice of consumer has gained an immense amount of power through different internet platforms. Also, included is how internet based sources are now the leading fuel for all audiences to understand how and what needs to be improved upon in order to improve a business or service. Consumer empowerment can exhibit a surprising amount of influence among its audience; either making or breaking most establishments through online information. This can also lead to an increase of information-based power to marketers and allow for them to see what improvements can be made personally, but also seek knowledge on its competitors. This research sheds light onto the three distinct consumer power sources: information, network, and crowd. The research paper answers the following questions. • What are the positive and negative effects that transpire from consumer power? • What are the three distinct consumer power sources and how do they each influence the Internet consumer base? • What forms of consumer power will further develop and increase influence and what does the future of Information Based, Network Based and Crowd Based Consumer Power look like? Keywords: Consumer power, Internet, Social platforms, Communication, Consumer Relationships
  • 3. CONSUMER POWER THROUGH INFORMATION, NETWORK 3 Introduction Consumers arguably hold today more power over corporations than at any other period in history. Social media and other online platforms have allowed consumers to spread their views of products, service and experiences. Word of mouth communication is recognized as the most influential information distribution method since ancient times, especially when referring to personal experiences or bought goods (Duan, Gu, and Whinston, 2008). Consumer power is gaining even more traction now with the advent of the internet, the free exchange of information online and the ability to reach literally billions of people around the globe. Online reviews and consumer reports blogs have become valuable methods for strangers world-wide to create mutually beneficial relationships between each other. If employed by consumer-based storytelling, it is possible to have an average increase of 32% in purchasing consideration (Richardson, Lee, Osborn, 2017). Poor reviews by past consumers can cause future consumers online to be leery of commerce with a trader, thus affecting their behavior even if the transaction is a one-time deal or trade (Dellarocas, 2003). There is a wealth of information related to the growing powers of consumers during the rise of the 21st century internet frenzy. Recent research suggests that consumers’ sense of power plays an important role in various purchasing decisions. (e.g., Choi and Mattila, 2015, 2016;Wu et al., 2016; Zhang, 2013; Zhang and Hanks, 2015). Thru the access to product reviews, product specifications, and product prices, the modern consumer has a great ability to use information as very powerful tool. While options among customers are increasing, information manipulation and misinterpretation between firms and consumers may weaken. This is delineated to be leading to needier, active in different channels consumers, which are more challenging to influence, than only offline active consumers (Lindersson, Nilsson, 2015). In today World, people can find all
  • 4. CONSUMER POWER THROUGH INFORMATION, NETWORK 4 information that they need using social media platforms. These social media platforms have become influential on consumer behavior when it comes to awareness, opinions, information acquisition, consumers positions, purchase demeanor, and post-acquisition communication and product evaluation (Mangold and Faulds, 2009). Consumers will continue to rely heavily on digital media to not only research products, but to now communicate with other consumers who have important information on previously purchased goods (Hanna, Rohm, Crittenden, 2011). To bridge the gaps in previous research, this exploration offers to answer the following questions about consumer power through a variety of social media platforms: What are the positive and negative effects that transpire from consumer power? What are the three distinct consumer power sources (information, network and crowd) and how do they each influence the Internet’s audience in their own way? What does the future of consumer power look like? The specifications of information, network and crowd based platforms are the three main components that relate to the increase of influence that consumers have possessed within recent years. This research paper will take an in-depth look into each online source highlighting the ways in which the average consumer gains great influence and knowledge throughout its platform. The purpose of this research will call attention to the positive and negative outcomes of social media based power and how this authority affects the world around it. This individualistic power, combined with the weight it possesses, can be used to measure the influence of peer-to- peer reviews; which in turn can and will predict how consumer’s behavior alter when buying from vendors of differing ratings, both high and low.
  • 5. CONSUMER POWER THROUGH INFORMATION, NETWORK 5 Theoretical Framework Information based power is the most simplistic and offers the least amount of independence to consumers as the information shared is often times one-directional leaving producers and is directly fed to consumers via the internet and internet advertising. This research intends to suggests information based power is highly skewed and manipulated and will eventually be eradicated by network and crowd based consumer power, therefore information based power resides at the lowest tiers of the framework. In addition, the overwhelming abundance of information creates barriers to marketers being able to spark consumer interests. This diluted interest and ability to maintain one’s consumer segment has led to a stark decrease in brand awareness and loyalty. This research shows that simply inundating the internet with product and/or service information is no longer enough to remain competitive. Since consumer information consumption has drastically increased, marketers must remain dynamic in their approach to information delivery to the masses. Therefore our conceptual framework represents the change, in technological advances and resource sharing methodologies which will lead consumers to the future in information consumption and overall consumer power. Network based power is currently leading the way in taking power from where it has rested historically, in the hands of producers and marketers, to the social networks of consumers. Network based power has allowed for the dissemination of general ads and information presented on the internet to become more organized. Thus allowing consumers to form their own preferred networks on social media where only tailored information from like-minded individuals is both available and shared with everyone in that network. These common networks become the platforms for consumer information sharing and increased consumer power. Finally, crowd based power has taken the concept of networking to the next level and presents the most effective method of
  • 6. CONSUMER POWER THROUGH INFORMATION, NETWORK 6 increasing consumer power. Crowd based power represents an intentional collection of all previous consumer power platforms and so aligns them with highly specific and specialized purposes. Crowd based powers has found a way to harness the power of networks while increasing the resources available to those networks thus ultimately increasing purchasing power while exposing market vulnerabilities. The following simplified conceptual framework represents the level of relevance and overall effectiveness of information based, network based and crowd based consumer power in today’s digitized and competitive online marketplace. Information-based power through content consumption and content production Before the rise of Internet, which is today’s largest platform of communication, consumers did not have such unrestricted access to both firm and consumer created information. Today, consumers purchase devices for at home use which relies heavily on internet commerce platforms. These platforms have the largest access to information, which includes information about products or services, created by producer or seller, other consumer’s reviews or stories,
  • 7. CONSUMER POWER THROUGH INFORMATION, NETWORK 7 professional reviews from agencies or rating firms. Having such access to product or service information gives consumers a better way of analyzing their choices of product or service, and reduces skewed communication between merchants and consumers. Average media consumption has continued to grow over last decade. (Nielsen, 2011). Therefore, with access to more information, people consume more information in smaller period of time, and it helps influence on shorter choice cycle and faster circulation of trends on a market (Labrecque, vor dem Esche, etc., 2013, 261). Information-based power movement is supported by technological advantages of new century, which supports a rise of psychological sense of control. “For example, shifts in personal beliefs regarding the efficacy or enhanced learning that results from socially embedded support, facilitates information assimilation and usage” (Ariely, 2000; Jayanti and Singh, 2010). Consumers, who use internet platforms for receiving information about products and services, are better motivated to have benefits from such an access to information, compare to customers who use other sources of information. However, internet active customers still continue to extract, rather than help to make more quality content (Labrecque, vor dem Esche, etc., 2013, 261). Growing technological infrastructure increased access to internet, so consumers do not need to drive to the malls to do shopping or just look for new things anymore; consumers do not need to listen to a store consultant, because they can receive all information, just using their mobile devices. Also, using the same devices, consumers can leave a self-expression about product or service, but still some content creation barriers remains. During Web 1.0 era, consumers were not able to produce information thru the Internet, and had consumption roles in general. Web 2.0 removed most of those constraints. Consumers became to be able to vocalize both recommendations and critics through eWOM (Grégoire, Laufer, and Tripp 2010; Hennig- Thurau et al. 2004; Ward and Ostrom, 2006) and explore features of themselves, and reflect to
  • 8. CONSUMER POWER THROUGH INFORMATION, NETWORK 8 the brands and on social causes (Schau and Gilly 2003). “The impact of the production of user- generated content extends beyond the virtual context, outperforming traditional marketing efforts at times” (Labrecque, vor dem Esche, et al., 2013, p.261). Proposition 1: Information (reviews) about products or services affect consumer decisions about whether to buy this product or not, and it is not always depends on a quality of this product or service. Network Based Consumer Power “Network-based power centers on the metamorphosis of content through network actions designed to build personal reputation and influence markets through the distribution, remixing, and enhancement of digital content” (Labrecque, Vor Dem Esche, et al., 2013, 263). Through network based power, all consumers are able to add value in surpassing the value of original content via the endless communication platform presented by social media websites. The turn of the century was immediately followed by a stark increase in the creation of, and access to, content spread by the stark increase of networking sites (Labrecque, Vor Dem Esche, et al., 2013). These networking sites allowed for the increase in power and effectiveness individuals have to influence others in their networks as network-based power is multi-directional and not one-directional as traditional methodologies of consumer based power would suggest. “Web 2.0 technologies and the rise of social media have enabled widespread networked-based power and individual consumer’s ability to influence others’ decision-making and co-create content more easily through liking, commenting, tagging or other forms of media enrichment” (Labrecque, Vor Dem Esche, et al., 2013). Previous research has shown that the larger a person’s network, the more influence over purchase decisions they can exert on other consumers in their network. This intricate web of communication channels, which supports a consumer-to-consumer
  • 9. CONSUMER POWER THROUGH INFORMATION, NETWORK 9 communication model, creates and environment for several communication strategies used to spread information regarding products and services: evaluation, embracing, explanation and endorsement (Kozinets, et al., 2010). These strategies are commonly utilized to share product data while increasing influence over consumers in the network. These consumer influencers are more likely to speed up the overall product adoption process, increase market size and diversity while accurately predicting product success (Labrecque, Vor Dem Esche, et al., 2013). According to Banerjee (1992), “…people place such a significant weight on other people’s opinion that they may even ignore their own private information.” What this research suggests is consumer influence powered through social media networks can cause significant variances between two products of the same quality in the same competitive market. Therefore, the research surrounding this paper will suggest there is a direct relationship between positive posts and commentary on social network sites and quantity and value of sales. Proposition 2: Consumers perceived value in a social media network leader’s posts and commentary is positively associated with consumer’s decisions to purchase a product or service. Crowd-based Consumer Power Crowd-based consumer power through social media creates an influence by its innate ability to gather, assemble, and organize resources in a way that mutually benefits both consumers and companies (Labrecque, Esche, Mathwick, Novak & Hofacker, 2013). Content from social networks enables consumers and companies alike to create, distribute, and recommend information to other relevant sources through a bevy of social media applications. They do this while also providing tools necessary to influence the company-customer exchange (Hanna, Rohm & Crittenden, 2011). Crowd-based power is particularly effective because of its wide reach. Instead of traditional word of mouth recommendation, which is spread one at a time,
  • 10. CONSUMER POWER THROUGH INFORMATION, NETWORK 10 consumers now have the ability to reach thousands of potentially new customers in a few short seconds (Mangold & Faulds, 2009). This has positively influenced decision making and future spending by all parties and is credited with making the online buying process the easiest and most cost effective form of commerce. Crowd-based power platforms continue to grow at exponential rates as the internet of things continues to grow and encompass more areas of human life. Crowd-based power creates a sense of unity among its users. Contributors to online discussion boards, reviews and other communities form online relationships through affiliation and participation (Labrecque, Esche, Mathwick, Novak & Hofacker, 2013). Overall this has created a power disruption within the typical historic supply chain, where consumers were mostly influenced on spending by advertisement (Duan, Gu & Whinston, 2008). The distribution of power is greatly influenced by the ideology of the network. The structure of the internet has allowed for individuals who are not part of an organized community to obtain power, and then have influence over the respective audience (Labrecque, Esche, Mathwick, Novak & Hofacker, 2013). The mentality behind the emotion of belonging and partaking in communal relationships makes collective affiliation meaningful to participants; it is mostly appreciated when companies “provide customers with the opportunity to enjoy product benefits without ownership” (Lamberton &Rose, 2011, p 109). This has also given opportunities of providing public recognition to companies and effectively targeting its customers by tailoring specific advertisements and messages to its addressees. These types of personalized tactics act to reduce the power of the marketer to the public, but in turn this influences the individual consumer to continue their ongoing participation; in the end, this positively promotes the business’ characteristics.
  • 11. CONSUMER POWER THROUGH INFORMATION, NETWORK 11 Proposition 3: In order for a company to remain in a healthy standing, it will need to consistently promote a sense of communal ownership with its audience so consumers positively utilize their influential power Case Studies Uber vs. Lyft Uber is a transportation company that allows its drivers and riders to connect through their smartphones using a technology-based platform. This global company is headquartered in San Francisco, California and began its operation in 2009. The means of this company is to operate as a taxi service and has also added the service of delivery. Uber has been the pioneer in the technologically advanced transportation industry and received a plethora of positive reviews. Shortly after the booming results of this transportation network company, a competitor arose in the year 2012; this company is known as Lyft. Being locked in a head-to-head competition, both companies need to upgrade their customer experience and give the opportunity of consumer- based power. This has introduced the ratings segment to the driving experience for both users, the driver and the passenger; and the creation of their social media accounts to allow all users to speak their minds publicly. With this consumer-power in mind, both companies need to begin partnering with their customers and employees; they now contain the ability to demand new standards for corporate behavior and to have them commit to purpose, not just profit” (Mainwaring, 2011). If this incorporation is ignored by Uber or Lyft, it can lead to reputational risks and customer dissatisfaction. An exploratory case of 25 individuals ranging in age from 18-56 years old was conducted to find the reasoning behind the use of social media. It was discovered that 80% of
  • 12. CONSUMER POWER THROUGH INFORMATION, NETWORK 12 respondents use social media to seek out information, 56% to express their opinions and 40% to share their experiences or information they have gained (Whiting & Williams, 2013). In January 2017, President Trump made an executive order to ban U.S. entry to citizens in 7 predominate Muslim countries; this led a protest at New York’s JFK International airport. The New York Taxi Workers alliance asked all drivers, including Uber and Lyft, to not pick up passengers from the JFK airport and to join the protest; instead, Uber made an announcement via Twitter that the company would suspend its surge pricing and asked its patrons to be patient with long wait times. Lyft largely stayed out of this political confrontation but notified its users that the company would be donating one million dollars over the next four years to the American Civil Liberties Union. Consumers had an immediate reaction and used their power to create a hashtag campaign,“#DeleteUber”; this campaign motivated its fellow audience to discontinue their usage of Uber and to install its famed competitor Lyft. This led to a 137 percent rise in monthly rides for Lyft and the app also gained nearly 5 million more passengers all within a month of the launch of the campaign, “#DeleteUber”. Effects of critics for movie box office In the modern World, people using their mobile devices to access needed information easier and faster. These days, most of people check reviews of restaurants, movies, books, video games, and other goods and services in entertainment industry. In other words, reviews and critiques of product or service and people who wrote this reviews called critics. It can be both - negative or positive. The absence of observational information may be due to a natural analysis problem: usually high quality products tend to receive positive reviews, and it is hard to understand, whether the review or the quality is responsible for high demand (Reinstein, Snyder, 2000).
  • 13. CONSUMER POWER THROUGH INFORMATION, NETWORK 13 Case study were based on effect of two critique writers, Gene Siskel and Roger Ebert. They were choosen because of their reputation as the most influential critique writers in movie industry. Case study shows that effect of negative or positive critique is extremely important, computing for about twenty percent of box office revenue in the first weekend (Reinstein, Snyder, 2000). It is following with a survey printed in the Wall Street Journal, which found that a thirty percent of people, who goes watch movie in cinemas, chose a film because of a positive critic review (Simmons, 1994). Also, one customer can read positive reviews, go watch a movie, and then influence others through the word of mouth. Results of this case study show significant effect of product/service reviews to transmit information from customer to consumer about goods of uncertain quality. Results show the possibility of critic power to influence consumer demand. “Reviews can themselves be considered goods of uncertain quality, and it may be natural for critics who have established high-quality reputations to exert the most influence” (Reinstein, Snyder, 2000). Discussion and Implications Theoretical Implications The concept of consumer-based power has its authority for the rise or destruction of a business’ forthcoming presence. The leverage and influence social media provides to consumers has been immediately recognized and effectively gives the opportunity for critical commentary. The self-confidence and influence of the consumer has grown at an accelerated rate; which in turn, reduces the control producers and service provider retain. Considering this, businesses need to continuously engage with consumers and to provide honest, ethical insight to the audience through social media platforms. Businesses that fairly communicate and execute their promises and goals to the consumers are more than likely to be rewarded by the consumers. This promotes
  • 14. CONSUMER POWER THROUGH INFORMATION, NETWORK 14 consumers to use their power by exchanging their experiences and providing their feedback on the appropriate social media platforms for fellow consumers to review and possibly relate to (Deloitte, 2014). If the traits of transparency and empowerment to consumers is underutilized or erroneously undermined, this will result in a negative impact of the consumer’s trust and in turn lower the positivity that business may have previously possessed. Managerial Implications Social media platforms hold a massive amount of both potential and actualized power for both producers and consumers. Managers and executives must take full advantage of social media’s ability to, collect data with respect to the market and participating consumers in addition to distribute data rapidly all at a very low cost. Social media platforms effect on consumer power has significant implications on a variety of management operations including increasing brand recognition, brand reputation, customer acquisition, retention and satisfaction, market analysis and advertising strategies. Managers and organizational decision makers must continually embrace, contend and collaborate with the online marketplaces which social media platforms create. Social media platforms have a significant impact to organizations, the breadth of which had not been seen before in the physical, brick and mortar marketplace. Managers must leverage social media’s facilitation of information dissemination in network and crowd based platforms which increases trust amongst network members. This trust stands to positively impact sales, however negative information shared amongst trusted network members can have a significant impact on a product’s or service’s overall performance. In today’s ever evolving virtual world, managers are faced with an online feedback collection mechanism via social media platforms which is rooted in the strong interdependencies webbed between producers, competitors, consumers and customers.
  • 15. CONSUMER POWER THROUGH INFORMATION, NETWORK 15 Limitations and Future Research Based on the research conducted it is our belief the discussion of consumer power through social media is in its early stages of development and many facets are still to be fully understood. Single directional information based consumer power involves the integration of consumer generated content with mainstream news and media dissemination, which is highly susceptible to manipulation. Further research should include an analysis with respect to instances upon which consumer generated content found on social media platforms within a particular demographic is accurate and objective. Further research would have to show if consumer perceptions of user generated information within a network is viewed as less or more credible by other networked viewers. Subsequently, are those viewers’ consumer behaviors and purchasing decisions thereby quantifiably influenced? Crowd based consumer power is in its early stages therefore additional research should be sure to include analysis to determine the specific impact in particular industry segments. Gaining insight into to development of consumer crowds and their respective effects on business segments is critical in furthering the understanding of the future of consumer power and its relative impact on business models. Some remaining questions look to address whether consumer power via social media in fact creates value for networked consumers. The research conducted in this study does not account for the question as to whether online information production and consumption activities vary as a result of personality characteristics, psychological traits, personal preferences and human behavior. Further research should be expanded to account for the unprecedented reach and scalability of social media in conjunction with the volatility of online participants. Newly developed propositions should seek to address rapidly changing social media participants, strategic informational manipulation, game-theory and other theory driven experiments designed to
  • 16. CONSUMER POWER THROUGH INFORMATION, NETWORK 16 discuss producer and consumer behaviors on social media and drive towards an understanding regarding how organizational decision makers develop strategies surrounding marketing, product development, customer engagement and consumer decision making as a result of the rapid developments surrounding consumer power. Conclusion . This research explores the overall effectiveness and relevance that has been extended onto information based, network based and crowd based power. Each entity has proven its expected forthcoming increase in consumer power via social media. Information based is limited to direction from producers to consumers which has resulted to it being the lowest opportunity for consumers to gain power. Network based power is the current forerunner for consumer power, but crowd based has been researched to be the leader for the future of consumer authority because of its multi-directional influence. Future research is needed to show how each unit is able to remain applicable to the consumer’s role in power.
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