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Ministry of Public Health Service of Ukraine
Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University
Training-methodical manual for class and out-of-class work
for students of MEDICAL FACULTY
Prepared by:
Ivano-Frankivsk, 2018
Ministry of Public Health Service of Ukraine
Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University
Department of Pathophysiology
Training-methodical manual
for class and out-of-class work of students
Student ________________group of medical faculty
(Name and surname)
Prepared by:
Gerasymchuk M. R.
Cherkasova V. V.
Zaiats L. M.
Training-methodical manual for class and out-of-class work for
students of medical faculty / M.R. Gerasymchuk, V.V. Cherkasova, L.M.
Zaiats // IFNMU. Department of pathophysiology. – 2018. – 90 p. Discussed
and approved by prophil commission of medical&biological disciplines
meeting of Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University.
Protocol № __ from «__» _________________ 2018 year
of pathological physiology for the students of the III course in the VI semester
Theme of practical classes Dates Hours
1. Pathophysiology of the blood system. Posthemorrhagic anemias. 15.01-19.01 2
2. Hemolytic anemia and anemia caused by violation of
22.01-26.01 2
3. Leukocytosis and leukopenia. Leukemias. 29.01-02.02 2
4. Violation of hemostasis. 05.02-09.02 2
5. Pathophysiology of heart. Arrhythmias. 12.02-16.02 2
6. Pathophysiology of heart. Ischemic heart disease. 19.02-23.02 2
7. The pathophysiology of systemic circulation. Circulatory failure. 26.02-02.03 2
8. Pathophysiology of blood vessels. 05.03-09.03 2
9. Pathophysiology of external respiration. Respiratory failure. 12.03-16.03 2
10. Pathophysiology of the digestive system. Disorders of digestion
in the mouth, stomach and in the intestine.
19.03-23.03 2
11. Pathophysiology of the liver. Liver insufficiency. 26.03-30.03 2
12. Pathophysiology of kidneys. Main kidney disease. Renal failure. 02.04-06.04 2
13. Pathophysiology of the endocrine system. The general
adaptation syndrome. Dysfunction of the pituitary gland.
09.04-13.04 2
14. Dysfunction of the adrenal, thyroid, parathyroid and genital
16.04-20.04 2
15. Pathophysiology of the nervous system. Violation of sensory,
motor and trophic function of the nervous system.
23.04-27.04 2
16. Violation integrative function of the nervous system.
Experimental neuroses
30.04-04.05 2
17. Module 2 (practical part) 07.05-11.05 2
18. Module 2 (theoretical part) 14.05-18.05 2
Total hours 36
1. Leukocytosis, leukopenia. Leukemia. Etiology, pathogenesis
leukocytosis and leukopenias. Leukemia: principles of
classification, the main types, typical symptoms. The
etiology of leukemia. Features of the pathogenesis of acute
and chronic leukemia.
17.01.18 18.01.18 2
2. The pathophysiology of the heart. Coronary insufficiency:
etiology, pathogenesis, consequences, clinical
manifestations. Myocardial infarction.
22.01.18 26.01.18 2
3. Pathophysiology of blood vessels. Arterial hypertension:
types, etiology, and pathogenesis.
31.01.18 01.02.18 2
4. Pathophysiology of the digestive system. Violation of
secretory and motor functions of the digestive tract. Ulcer
disease. Indigestion associated with secretory insufficiency
of the pancreas.
05.02.18 09.02.18 2
5. Pathophysiology of the liver. Liver failure. 14.02.18 15.02.18 2
6. Pathophysiology of kidneys. Renal failure. Causes and
mechanisms of disorders of glomerular filtration, tubular
reabsorption, and secretion. Acute and chronic renal failure:
criteria, causes, mechanisms, common manifestations.
Glomerulonephritis. Nephrotic syndrome.
19.02.18 23.02.18 2
7. Pathophysiology of the endocrine system. General
mechanisms of disorders of the endocrine system.
Neuroendocrine disorders. Syndrome of general adaptation.
Pathophysiology of hypothalamic-pituitary and adrenal
28.02.18 01.03.18 2
8. Pathophysiology of the thyroid and parathyroid glands. 05.03.18 09.03.18 2
9. Pathophysiology of the nervous system. Violation of
sensitive function of the nervous system. Pain.
14.03.18 15.03.18 2
10. Pathophysiology of the nervous system. Violation of motor
and trophic functions of the nervous system. Pathogenesis of
neurogenic dystrophies.
19.03.18 23.03.18 2
11. Violation integrative function of the nervous system.
28.03.18 29.03.18 2
12. Pathophysiology extreme conditions. Etiology, pathogenesis
of collapse and shock states. Etiology, pathogenesis coma.
02.04.18 05.04.18 2
Total hours 24
The ESTIMATION FOR THE MODULE is defined as a sum of marks of current
educational activity (in points), which is proposed during the evaluation of theoretical
knowledges and practical skills. Maximal amount of points, which a student can collect -
200 points during of every module study, including for current educational activity – 120
points (together the practical skills are 112 points, individual work is 8 points), on
results final module control are 80 points.
0 – 2 points – completely prepared homework;
0 – 4 points – oral answer;
0 – 1 points – test control during class.
Minimum – 0 points;
minimum positive – 4 points;
maximum – 7 points
Practical lessons are structured and provide a comprehensive assessment scores in
all learning activities (learning tasks) that students perform during practical classes:
"0" points – student just present in the class, but not fulfilled the task for self-
knowledge control, refuses to answer in the polling (quiz), does not participate in the
discussion of practical work and demonstration material, did not answer for the
question of the final test control. A student has not prepared homework.
"1" point – the student completed the task for self-knowledge, but can not explain
the solution of control tasks, do not know main part of the program material, does not
participate in the discussion of practical tasks, not solved the 50% of the final test
control tasks. A student has not prepared homework.
"2" points – the student completed the task for self-knowledge control, but has
difficulties in their interpretation, does not know large portions of the material, makes
significant errors; insecure, explains the practical tasks and display material just with
support, can not make the conclusion and findings, have not solved 50% the final test
control tasks. A student has not prepared homework properly.
"3" points – student completed the task for self-knowledge control, but in the
explanation assumes inaccuracies; in the polling – knows the main program material,
but not remember its details; uses incorrect definitions or terminology, but make a
sequences in the learned material; has difficulties in solving practical problems and
making conclusions, solved 51-60% of the final test control tasks. A student has not
prepared homework properly.
"4" points – student is prepared to the lesson, knows the program material,
intelligently and good present it, able to explain the main idea of practical tasks,
correctly analyzes of displayed material, competently and logical makes conclusions,
solved 61-70% of the final test control tasks. The student has prepared homework
"5" points – student is prepared for class, knows the program material,
intelligently and logical explains it, is able to explain the practical tasks, correctly
analyzes of displayed material, competently and logical makes conclusions, solved
71-80% of the final test control tasks. The student has prepared homework properly.
"6" points – student mastered the program material thoroughly, consistently,
competently and logical makes explanations, tightly linking theory with practice, to
cope with the reasons of practical work, demonstration material, able to analyze and
make appropriate conclusions, solved 81 - 90% of the final test control tasks. The
student has prepared homework properly.
"7" points – student deeply learned program material, thoroughly, consistently,
competently and logical teaching, closely linking theory with practice, has no
difficulties in the response to changed tasks, easily cope with the reasons of practical
work, demonstration material, able to analyze and make the appropriate conclusions,
solved 91 - 100% final test control tasks. The student has prepared homework
Topic 1: Pathophysiology of the blood system. Posthemorrhagic anaemia
1. Actuality of the theme. The system of blood is the internal environment of organism.
The normal state of blood, its cellular composition, is in close interrelation with activity of
different organs and systems (by the nervous system, marrow, liver, kidneys, spleen, and
endocrine glands). That is why violations from the side of blood can arise up in connection
with changes in these organs or as a result of direct influence on blood of different
pathological factors.
2. Duration of the class – 1h 30 min.
3. Aim: Form for students the picture of reasons, mechanisms, and consequences of
violations of general volume of blood at different pathological processes. Able to estimate
the quantitative changes of RBC, haemoglobin and color index, indexes of physiology
regeneration of marrow, degenerative changes of RBC at posthemorrhagic anemia.
To khow: determination of concept is “anaemia” and principles of classification;
etiology and pathogenesis of acute and chronic posthemorrhagic anaemia; etiology,
pathogenesis and displays of violation of general volume of blood; method of determination
of hemoglobin, color index, amount of RBC in peripheral blood.
To be able: to describe the picture of blood at acute and chronic posthemorrhagic
anemia in its different stages; to estimate, using got in an experiment given, quantitative
changes of RBC, hemoglobin and color index, indexes of physiology regeneration of
marrow, degenerative changes of RBC at posthemorrhagic anaemia.
Task for independent extracurricular work:
1. Able to analyse the value of volume, will make and basic functions of blood for
support of normal vital functions.
2. Methods of determining the amount of haemoglobin, RBC in blood, color index.
3. Erytropoiesis in a norm, nomenclature and morphology of red blood.
4. Normal indexes of line of RBC: table of contents of RBC, haemoglobin, color index,
amount of reticulocyte.
To perform practical work: to analyse of the normal content of blood average:
Normal content of erythrocytes (red blood cells - RBC) and hemoglobin in blood:
Erythrocytes: M — 4.0-5.0·1012
/l; F — 3.7-4.7·1012
/l; Newborn: 5-6·1012
Hemoglobin (Hb): M - 135-160 g/l; F - 120-140 g/l;
Mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH) = [Hb] / RBC count: 0.85-1.15 (Color Index, CI)
Reticulocytes: 2-10 % (of total erythrocyte number)
Erythrocytes sedimentation rate (ESR): M - 2-10 mm/h; F - 2-15mm/h
Hematocrit: Adults: M - 40-48 %; F - 36-42 %; Newborn: 45-54 %
Size of erythrocyte- 7-8 µm
Life span of erythrocyte - 120 days
Maturation of erythrocyte - 3 days
Total amount of erythrocytes in blood of adults - 25·1012
Destroyed and formed daily up to 1% of total amount of erythrocytes (210 billion).
Iron in blood 8.53-28.06 µmol/l
Ferritin, serum in men 96±7.63 µg/l, in women 45.5±4.58 µg/l.
4. Basic level.
The name of the previous
and future disciplines
The receiving of the skills
1. histology
2. biochemistry
3. physiology
4. Internal medicine
5. Haemathology
Scheme of erythropoiesis.
Quantitative parameters of red blood.
Technique of erythrocytes account.
Technique of determination of the hemoglobin content.
Technique of determination of a colour index.
5. Control questions of the theme:
1.The types of changes of general volume of blood.
2.To give determination of “hypovolemia”, its kinds and examples.
3.To give determination of “hypervolemia”, its kinds and examples.
4.Erytrocytosis. Polycythemia, its types, etiology, pathogenesis.
5.Determination of concept of “anaemia”. Classifications of anaemias.
6.Etiology of acute posthemorrhagic anaemia.
7.To give description of phases of compensation of organism on acute
8.A picture of peripheral blood is in the bone-cerebral phase of compensation
after hemorrhage.
9.Etiology and pathogenesis of chronic posthemorrhagic anaemia.
10. Hemorrhagic shock.
6. Students’ practical activities
Protocol № 1 Date_____________________
Experimental work 1. Define amount of haemoglobin for a rabbit with acute
posthemorrhagic anemia in blood. In a test tube from hemometer collect solution of salt
acid to the number 2 on the scale.
Collect 0.02 ml of blood into capillary; wipe the tag of the capillary by cotton wool
and out blood into the test tube with salt acid. A liquid is mixed and gives to stand 5 min.
Then refill the distilled water and mixed by a glass stick until the color of liquid in a test
tube will be equal with the color of standard solution of hemometer. Formula of
calculation: Hb = A×0.6206, where “A” is an amount of haemoglobin in g%; 0.6206 is a
coefficient of count in unit of SI. For example: A = 10 g%, then 10 • 0.6206 = 6.2 mmol/l.
Conclusion: __________________________________________________________
Experimental work 2. Count up the amount of RBC for a rabbit. In a test-tube pour
4 ml of a 3% solution of chloride of sodium. By a capillary pipette collect 0.02 ml blood
and produce it on the bottom of test tube. The contents are carefully mixed. Then drop of
liquids by pipette place under preliminary grinding (rubbing) in integumentary (covered)
small glass of account chamber. Count up erythrocytes in 5 large (that in 80 small) squares
of net of Goryaeva and calculate their amount in 1 litre of blood after a formula:
2004000 128
where A – is an amount of RBC in 5 large squares; 4000
– the volume of small square makes 1/4000 mm3
; 200 – is dilution of blood; 80 – is an
amount of the counted up small squares; 108
is a multiplier for the count of amount of RBC
in unit of SI; T – 1012
Conclusion: ______________________________________________________________________
Experimental work 3. To define the color index.
Formula of calculation: Er
Unit of Hb is mmol/l, Er is T/l. For example: Hb of
experience – 6.2 mmol/l, RBC of experience - 3 x 1012
/l. Then 1
Conclusion: ______________________________________________________________________
Experimental work 4. Prepare vital stain drop of blood and count up the amount of
reticulocytes. On object-plate with the preliminary inflicted paint of brilliant (cresyl) blue
do the drop of blood and immediately place on 8-10 min in a water bath.
The sample of blood drop dried up on air is examined under the immersion increase of
microscope. The count of reticulocytes is conducted in the narrowed eyeshot. Determine
the number of reticulocytes on 1000 RBC. Draw a stroke.
Analyse information of practical works and draw a conclusion about a presence for the
rabbit of anemia. Classify this anemia after pathogenesis, color index, ability to
regeneration, by the type of hemopoiesis.
Conclusion: ____________________________________________________________
Experimental work 5. Analysis of hemograms: 1. Analyse and estimate quantity of
each indicator of red blood (erythrocytes, hemoglobin, CI): norm, more, less. 2. Select the
type of anemia according to colour index: normochromic, hyperchromic, hypochromic. 3.
Give the examples of diseases in wich this anemia occurs.
Hemogram 1
/l g/l mm/h ∙109
/l % % % % % % %
2.9 75 0.71 9 6 0 2 - 5 61 28 4
Conclusion: ____________________________________________________________________
Hemogram 2
/l g/l mm/h ∙109
/l % % % % % % %
3.2 100 0.58 7 7 1 3 1 4 57 29 5
Conclusion: __________________________________________________________
Hemogram 3
Hb CI Ht
/l g/l % ∙109
/l % % % % % % %
8.5 130 1.05 67 12 0 2 2 8 58 24 6
Conclusion: __________________________________________________________
7. Practice Examination.
Practice examination type 1: Choose the correct answer:
Test 1. "Extramedullar haemopoiesis" means:
A. Haemopoiesis occur outside the
B. Spleen and liver resume
С. Expansion of haemopoiesis
down the long bones.
D. Bonemarrow haemopoiesis.
E. None of the above.
Test 2. The pathogenesis of hypochromic anemia in lead poisoning is due
A. Inhibition of enzymes involved in heme biosynthesis.
B. Binding of lead to transferrin, inhibiting the transport of iron.
С. Binding of leading to cell membrane of erythroid precursors.
D. Binding of lead to ferritin inhibiting their breakdown into hemosiderin.
Test 3. A 32-year-old patient was admitted to the hospital with gross
bloodloss due to auto accident trauma. Ps – 110 Bpm, RR - 22 pm, BP-
100/60mm Hg. What changes in the blood will occur in an hour after the
A. Hypovolemia
B. Hypoproteinemia
C. Hypochromia of erythrocytes
D. Leukopenia
E. Erythropenia
Test 4. After the prolonged vomiting a pregnant 26-year-old woman was
found to have the reduced volume of circulating blood. What change in the
total blood volume can be the case?
A. Oligocythemic hypovolemia
B. Simple hypovolemia
C. Polycythemic hypovolemia
D. Polycythemic hypervolemia
E. Oligocythemic hypervolemia
Test 5. A patient's blood was analyzed and the decreased erythrocyte’s
sedimentation rate (ESR) was discovered. What disease from the listed
below is accompanied with decreased ESR?
A. Myocardial infarction
B. Hepatitis
C. Splenomegaly
D. Polycytemia
E. Vitamin B deficiency
Practice examination type 2. Give answers to the questions of the real-
life tasks:
Task 1. The victim is delivered in receiving branch of the hospital by the
casual transport through 8 minutes after a traffic incident. Complains about pain
in stomach with irradiation into the right shoulder. The skin is pale, is covered
with cold sweat. Arterial pressure - 95/70 mm Hg, pulse – 102 beats for 1
minute, breath - 28 for 1 minute. The blood was taken immediately on analysis
a number of erythrocytes – 4.2×1012
/l, hemoglobin content - 122 g/l.
1. Analyse these data. What parameters deviate from the norm? 2. What is it
possible to think about in this case? 3. How does it explain painless of skin?
What does it mean this reaction? 4. How do you evaluate the increase in rate
pulse and breath?
Answer for the task 1: ___________________________________________________________
Task 2. Amount of RBC of the patient 3.5·1012
/l; contain Hb - 86g/l. 1.
What is this state name? 2. Define color index. 3. What does it testify about?
Answer for the task 2: ___________________________________________________________
1. General and clinical pathophysiology/Ed. by A.V.Kubyshkin–Vinn:NovaKnuhaPubl–2011.–P.361–381.
1. Copstead Lee-Ellen C. Pathophysiology / Lee-Ellen C. Copstead, Jacquelyn L. Banasik // Elsevier Inc, 4th edition. – 2010.–
P. 290–308, 319–320.
2. Pathophysiology, Concepts of Altered Health States/ C.M.Porth, G.Matfin.–NY,M.–2009.–P.278–285.
3. Russell J. Greene. Pathology and Therapeutics for Pharmacists. A basis for clinical pharmacy practice / Russell J. Greene,
Norman D. Harris // IL 60030-7820, 3rd
ed, USA. – 2008. – Chapters 11. – P. 705–712.
4. Corwin Elizabeth J. Handbook of Pathophysiology / Corwin Elizabeth J. – 3th
edition. Copyright В. – Lippincott Williams &
Wilkins – 2008. – Chapters 12. – P. 354–357, 363–365, 368–382.
5. Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease 8th
ed./Kumar,Abbas,Fauto 2007. –Ch.12.– P. 422–424.
1. Essentials of Pathophysiology: Concepts of Altered Health States (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins), Trade paperback
(2003) / Carol Mattson Porth, Kathryn J Gaspard. – Chapter 13. – P. 216–221.
2. Silbernagl S. Color Atlas of Pathophysiology /S.Silbernagl, F.Lang//Thieme.Stuttt.NY.–2000.–P.28–33.
Topic 2: Hemolytic anemia and anemia caused by violation of
1. The actuality of the theme. Anemia is a hematological symptom of various diseases
(illnesses of the gastrointestinal pathway, kidneys, infectious and helmintosis, malignant
tumors, inherited and purchased diseases of children, different intoxications).
The qualitative features of erythrocytes of peripheral blood and bone marrow allow
determining a kind of anemia, to make a submission about the regenerative ability of bone
marrow and to inspect efficiency of treatment. For example, erythrocytes with the
distinctive morphological characteristics are peculiar for iron-deficiency anemia
(hypochromic erythrocytes), B12 (folic)-deficiency anemia (megaloblasts and
megalocytes), sickle-cell anemia (sickle-shaped erythrocytes), thalassemia (target-like
erythrocytes), Minkowski-Shoffar’s anemia (microspherocytes). The increase of amount
reticulocytes in peripheral blood testifies for good compensator possibility of bone marrow.
2. Duration of the class – 1h 30 min.
3. Aim: To form for the students of concept about etiology and pathogenesis of
hemolytic and megaloblastic anemias, ability to characterize their basic hematological
displays, estimate the high-quality changes of RBC and hemoglobin as an index of the
tension of compensating mechanisms or pathological changes.
To know: principal reasons of origin and pathogenesis of hemolytic anemias and
anemias are as a result of violation of erythropoiesis; a role of industrial and domestic
factors is in the origin of anemias; basic clinical and haematological syndromes are at B12-
and folic acid deficit anemia; a mechanism of origin of icterus is at hemolytic anemias.
To be able: to describe basic haematological indexes at hemolytic and megaloblastic
anemias; to explain principles of experimental design of hemolytic and megaloblastic
anemias; on the basis of information of experiment able to estimate the quantitative and
high-quality changes of RBC and haemoglobin as index of tension of compensate
mechanisms or pathological changes at hemolytic or megaloblastic anemias.
A task is to independent extracurricular work: 1. to know erythropoiesis in a norm,
morphology of cells of the red blood. 2. Functions of RBC, structure, and functions of
hemoglobin. 3. Able to explain a biosynthesis gem; the value of iron for a synthesis gem. 4.
To know the exchange of iron, a vitamin of B12 and folic acid in the organism. 5. To know
the normal indexes of a number of RBC, amount of hemoglobin, color index, amount of
reticulocytes for the grown man. 6. Able to prepare and paint the samples of blood. 7. To
define the number of RBC, the concentration of hemoglobin, color index and amount of
reticulocytes in blood.
To perform practical work:
In hereditary hemolytic anemia, hemolysis is caused by a reduction of osmotic and
mechanical resistance of erythrocytes.
In hereditary membranopathy (microspherocytic hemolytic anemia or disease of
Minkovsky-Shoffar) genetic deficiency in the membrane of erythrocytes of Ca2+
ATP-phase and phospholipids results in increased permeability of the membrane.
In hereditary enzymopathy, for example, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency
(G-6-PhDG) anemia, acute intravascular hemolysis of erythrocytes is caused by damage of
the cellular membranes by peroxide as the erythrocytes with deficiency G-6-PGDG have
reduced contents of the restored glutation (oxidant). Intracellular hemolysis of erythrocytes
in hereditary hemoglobinopathy is connected with synthesis of abnormal or not peculiar to
the given age hemoglobin.
In the norm the fetal erythrocytes contain mainly fetal hemoglobin HbF (α2γ2) and their
synthesis begins after the 8th
week of the embryonal life; newborn’s erythrocytes have 70-
90% of HbF and 10-30% of HbA1; by the end of the first year of life and in adult,
erythrocytes contain 96-98% HbA1, 3%HbA2(α2δ2) and 1-2% of HbF.
In sickle cell anemia HbS is formed (in 6 position of β-chain of globin glutamic acid is
substituted for valine) which in its restored condition falls out in crystals and causes
erythrocyte deformity (sickle cells); hypoxia contributes to the intensification of hemolysis
of such erythrocytes.
The red cell membrane cytoskeleton and the effect of alterations in the cytoskeleton
proteins on red cell shape. With mutations that affect the integrity of the membrane
cytoskeleton, the normal biconcave erythrocyte loses membrane fragments. To
accommodate the loss of surface area, the cell adopts a spherical shape. Such spherocytic
cells are less deformable than normal and are therefore trapped in the splenic cords, where
they are phagocytosed by macrophages.
4. Basic level.
The name of the previous and future
The receiving of the skills
1. Histology; 2. Biochemistry
3. Physiology; 4 Haemathology
Scheme of erythropoiesis. Regulation of
erythropoiesis. Form and size of erythrocytes.
Structure of haemoglobin
5. Control questions of the theme:
1. Etiology of the purchased hemolytic anemias, their kinds.
2. To explain the mechanism of hemolysis at the purchased hemolytic
3. To give a description of the picture of peripheral blood at the purchased
hemolytic anemia.
4. To name the types of the inherited hemolytic anemias.
5. To explain pathogenesis hereditary spherocytosis [Minkowsky-Shauffard
disease], a picture of blood at this pathology.
6. To explain the pathogenesis of glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase
deficit anemia.
7. To name kinds, explain pathogenesis, a picture of peripheral blood at
inherited hemoglobinopathy. Thalassemias.
8. To explain the pathogenesis of sickle cell anemia, a picture of peripheral
9. To name kinds, make examples of anemias as a result of the violation of
10. Etiology, pathogenesis, a picture of the blood of asiderotic [iron-
deficiency] anemia. Iron-refractory therapy.
11. Kinds and etiology of B12-folic acid deficit anemias.
12. Etiology, pathogenesis of Addison-Birmer’s anemia.
13. Explain the classic displays of pernicious [Biermer-Ehrlich] anemia.
14. To give a description of the picture of peripheral blood at pernicious
6. Students’ practical activities
Protocol № 2 Date_____________________
Experimental work 1. To learn the picture of blood for a rabbit with experimental
hemolytic anemia. Within a week three times (with a two-day interval), a 3% solution of
phenylhydrazine is entered hypodermic a rabbit (dose of 0,6 ml per 1 kg of mass). Cut off
wool on the ear of the rabbit, a skin has wiped an alcohol, dry out either and pricks a
regional vein. The drop of blood inflict on the edge of the preparatory glass, stretch on its
entire surface by the polished subject glass, leaned to the drop under the corner of 45°.
On the stroke dried up on air inflict the counted up amount of drops of paint of Main-
Grunwald' and paint during 3 min. (fixing). Then inflict the same amount of drops of the
distilled water, mix up a waggle (coloring). A paint is united and, not washing water, a
stroke is inundated the divorced paint of Romanovsky (1 drop on 1 ml distilled water) on 6
min. Wash off a paint with water, dry out a stroke and study under an immersion increase.
Conclusion: __________________________________________________________
Experimental work 2. To learn the picture of peripheral blood for an animal with
megaloblastic anemia. Daily, during 5 days, intraperitoneal is entered an animal water
solution of saponin, from the calculation of 5 mg per 1 kg of mass.
On lesson, the skin of ear of animal has wiped an alcohol and does an incision. Prepare
the thin stroke of blood, and after drying out dye after Pappengeym. A stroke is ready to
consider under an immersion increase.
Describe the picture of blood at hemolytic and megaloblastic anemias.
Conclusion: _________________________________________________________________
Experimental work 3. Analysis of hemograms. 1. Analyse and estimate the quantity of
each indicator of red blood (erythrocytes, hemoglobin, CI): norm, more, less. 2. Select the
type of anemia according to color index: normochromic, hyperchromic, hypochromic. 3.
Give the examples of diseases in which this anemia occurs.
Conclusion: _______________________________________________________________________
Hemogram 1
/l g/l mm/h ∙109
/l % % % % % % %
2.79 110 0.63 8 5 1 4 - 2 59 28 6
3.25 120 1.22 7 7 1 3 1 4 55 31 5
Conclusion: ________________________________________________________
Hemogram 2
/l g/l mm/h ∙109
/l % % % % % % %
3.27 142 1.42 5 7 1 5 1 6 53 30 4
9.45 105 1.27 10 9 1 2 1 4 56 24 3
Conclusion: __________________________________________________________
Experimental work 4. Microscope study the picture of blood and bone
marrow in various kinds of anemia: Slide 1. Iron-deficiency anemia – blood;
Slide 2. Pernicious (B12-deficiency) anemia – blood; Slide 3. Pernicious (B12-
deficiency) anemia – bone marrow
Conclusion: __________________________________________________________
7. Practice Examination.
Practice examination type 1: Choose the correct answer:
Test 1. A 34-year-old woman was diagnosed with hereditary
microspherocytic hemolytic anemia (Minkowsky-Shauffard disease). What
mechanism caused hemolysis of erythrocytes?
A. Autoimmune disorder
B. Bone marrow hypoplasia
C. Enzymopathy
D. Membranopathy
E. Hemoglobinopathy
Test 2. Substitution of the glutamic acid on valine was revealed while
examining the initial molecular structure. For what inherited pathology is
this typical?
A. Minkowsky-Shauffard
B. Hemoglobinosis
C. Sickle-cell anemia
D. Favism
E. Thalassemia
Test 3. A 25-year-old Palestinian woman complains of weakness,
dizziness, and dyspnea. In anamnesis: periodically exacerbating anemia. In
blood: Hb - 60 g/l, erythrocytes – 2.5*1012
/l, reticulocytes - 35‰,
anisocytosis and poikilocytosis of erythrocytes, a lot of target cells and
polychromatophils. What type of anemia is it?
A. Sickle-cell anemia B. Addison-Biermer disease
C. Glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase-deficient anemia
D. Minkowsky-Shauffard disease
E. Thalassemia
Test 4. A 47-year-old man walks into the emergency room because of
feeling very weak, tired, short of breath, and dizzy. He has numbness and
tingling in his fingers. He appears pale and sallow. On examination, his
heart rate is 132. His sclerae and nailbeds are pale. His heart is enlarged
and he has dependent edema of his ankles. Laboratory findings include a
negative Coombs’ test and hemoglobin of 4 g/dL. The likely diagnosis is?
A. Pernicious anemia
B. Autoimmune anemia
C. Blood loss
D. Traumatic hemolytic anemia
E. Iron-deficiency anemia
Test 5. A 55 y.o. woman consulted a doctor about having continuous
cyclic uterine hemorrhages for a year, weakness, dizziness. Examination
revealed skin pallor. Hemogram: Hb – 70 g/L, erythrocytes - 3.2*1012
color index - 0.6, leukocytes – 6.0*109
/L, reticulocytes - 1%; erythrocyte
hypochromic. What anemia is it?
A. B12-folate-deficiency anemia
B. Iron-deficiency anemia
C. Aplastic anemia
D. Chronic posthemorrhagic
E. Hemolytic anemia
Test 6. A 37-year-old female patient complains of a headache, vertigo,
troubled sleep, numbness of limbs. For the last 6 years, she has been
working at the gas-discharge lamp-producing factory in the lead-
processing shop. Blood test findings: low Hb & RBC level, serum iron
concentration exceeds the norm by several times. Specify the type of
A. Iron-refractory anemia B. Iron-deficiency anemia
C. Minkowsky-Shauffard disease
D. Hypoplastic anemia E. Metaplastic anemia
Practice examination type 2. Give answers to the questions of the real-
life tasks:
Task 1. In a patient with anemia, there is the following picture of blood: a
number of erythrocytes – 1.4·1012
/l, hemoglobin content - 62 g/l; aniso- and
poikilocytes megaloblasts, megalocytes in the smear. 1. What type of anemia
are such changes characterized for? 2. Why does it develop? 3. Why in this case
is sharply expressed erythropenia? 4. Give the morphological characteristic to
megaloblasts and megalocytes. 5. Calculate Color Index (MCH).
Answer for the task 1: ___________________________________________________________
Task 2. The blood of a patient with anemia is characterized by parameters:
the number of erythrocytes – 3.5·1012
/l, hemoglobin content - 50g/l; in blood
smear – annulocytes, poikilocytes, and microcytes. 1. For what kind of anemia
these parameters are characterized? 2. Calculate Color Index (MCH) and
determine, to what group (according to Color Index) this anemia concern. 3.
Why erythrocytes are acquired in rings form.
Answer for the task 2: ___________________________________________________________
1. General and clinical pathophysiology/ A.V.Kubyshkin–Vinn:Nova Knuha Publ–2011.–P.381– 409.
2. Copstead L-E.C.Pathophysiology/L-E.C.Copstead, J.L.Banasik // ElsevierInc 4th
ed.–2010.– P. 310–329.
3. Pathophysiology, Concepts of Altered Health States/ C.M.Porth, G.Matfin.–NY,M.–2009.–P.278–285.
4. Corwin Elizabeth J. Handbook of Pathophysiology / Corwin Elizabeth J. – 3th
edition. Copyright В. – Lippincott Williams &
Wilkins – 2008. – Chapters 12. – P. 363–365, 368–382.
5. Russell J. Greene. Pathology and Therapeutics for Pharmacists. A basis for clinical pharmacy practice / Russell J. Greene,
Norman D. Harris // IL 60030-7820, 3rd
edition, USA. – 2008. – Ch. 11. – P. 712–724.
6. Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease 8th
ed/ Kumar, Abbas, Fauto 2007.–Ch.12.–P. 422–441.
7. Essentials of Pathophysiology: Concepts of Altered Health States (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins), Trade paperback
(2003) / Carol Mattson Porth, Kathryn J Gaspard. – Chapter 13. – P. 221–230.
8. SilbernaglS. Color Atlas of Pathophysiology/S.Silbernagl,F.Lang//Thieme.Stuttg. NY.– 2000.–P.34–41.
Topic 3. Leukocytosis and leukopenia. Leukemias.
1. The actuality of the theme. Leukocytosis is considered as a reaction hematopoietic
system due to the action of physiological and pathological irritations. Leukocytosis is a
pathological symptom of many diseases. In a basis of leukocytosis lay pathophysiological
mechanisms connected with proliferation, maturation going out of leukocytes and their
flow into vessels and redistribution.
Leukopenia may depend upon the oppressive influence of some toxins on the
maturation and outflow of leucocytes from the bone marrow. Often these phenomena are
observed during the infectious diseases. They have significance for the differential
diagnostic. If for the disease is characterized leukocytosis, the availability of leukopenia
testifies on depression of the hemopoietic system.
2. Duration of the class – 1h 30 min.
3. Aim: to analyze the pathogenesis of the quantitative and qualitative changes of
leucocytes in blood. The increase of leucocyte quantity is called leucocytosis, and the
decrease-leukopenia. The norm is 4-9G/l or 4-9*109
/l. The quantitative changes are
increased the quantity of immature forms in blood and degeneration of leucocytes.
Analyse of the pathogenesis of leukemia. Oncogenic viruses, ionizing radiation, and
chemical substances cause mutation of genes or epigenomic disturbance of regulation of
multiplication and maturation of hematopoietic cells of the II-nd and III-rd levels.
To know: types of the left nuclear deviation, leukemia – is a disease of tumor nature,
originating from blood cells with the initial affection of the bone marrow.
To be able: to analyze the quantitative and qualitative changes of leucocytes in blood,
blood data under acute and chronic leukemia.
The task for independent extracurricular work.
1. To know leukopoiesis in a norm, morphology of white blood cells.
2. Methods of determining the number of white blood cells in the blood.
3. Anatomy and functions of primary and secondary hematopoietic organs.
4. Basic level.
The name of the previous
and future disciplines
The receiving of the skills
1. histology
2. biochemistry
3. physiology
4. haematology
Scheme of leucopoesis.
Leucocytes formula of blood.
Function of leucocytes.
Methods of counting of leucocytes maintenance in blood.
5. The advice for students.
Leukocytosis. Leucocytosis –is the increase of total leucocyte quantity in
blood – over 9G/l (9*109
Leukopenia. Leucopenia – is the decrease of total leucocyte number in
blood –below 4G/l (4*109
Manual leukocyte differential
To manually classify leukocytes, a blood film is stained with May-Gruenwald-
Giemsa. The different types of leukocytes from the film are counted under a
microscope. Since the leukocytes are not evenly distributed in the film and the
same cell may not be counted more than once, the preparation should be
systematically screened.
Pull film Push film
At least 100 leukocytes should be counted and classified. Ideally, 2 x 100
cells (in two blood films) should be counted. It is nearly impossible to count
more than 100 leukocytes in severe leukopenias. On the other hand, in the case
of very high leukocyte counts, 400 leukocytes should be counted. Percentages
achieved in this way are converted to absolute values via the leukocyte count
(e.g. 20% lymphocytes with a
leukocyte count of 6.0 x 109
correspond to an absolute
lymphocyte count of 0.2 x 6.0
= 1.2 x 109
Rümke table % =
percentage of a type of leukocyte
to the total number shaded dark
red = percentage of identified
leukocytes (Table modified from
the CD-ROM "Das interaktive
Handbuch der Hämatologie")
Precision must be discussed again. Since leukocytes such as eosinophils
and basophils only constitute a small part of the total number of leukocytes, the
accuracy of their counts is rather small when only 100 leukocytes are counted.
This is especially important when the leukocyte count is very high (e.g. 1
eosinophil per 100 leukocytes in a leukocyte count of 60.0 x 109
/L already
corresponds to 60.0 x 107
/L). To what degree the leukocyte differential values
can vary, independent of the number of differentiated cells can be determined
from the Rümke table (see below).
If the actual percentage of a patient's basophils is 5%, for example, the
value found by counting 100 leukocytes may be between 2 and 11%. Only by
counting 10,000 cells (performed accurately only by automated counters), has
the obtained value a precision of ±10%. If the percentage of a cell type is 50% a
precision of ±10% is achieved with 500 counted leukocytes.
6. Control questions of the theme:
1. What is leukocytosis? Classification of the leukocytosis. Etiology of the
2. The mechanisms of leucocytosis. Blood picture under the leukocytosis.
3. What is leukopenia? Classification of the leukopenia. Etiology of the
4. The mechanisms of leucopenia. What is aleukia?
5. Blood picture under the leukopenia.
6. Leucocyte degeneration in blood.
7. Determination and general definition of leukosis. Classification of leucosis
is after motion and morphological signs.
8. Modern theories of the origin of leukosis: the role of viruses, ionizing
radiation, chemical matters, inherited anomalies. Tumor nature of leukosis.
Basic displays of tumor progression.
9. Features of hemopoiesis, a picture of peripheral blood, leukogram at an
acute myeloleukosis [myeloleukemia].
10.Features of hemopoiesis, a picture of blood at chronic myeloleukosis.
11.Picture of blood, leukogram at an acute lympholeukosis.
12.Picture of blood, leukogram at a chronic lympholeukosis.
13.A mechanism of development of anemia at acute and chronic leukosis.
14.Violation of reactivity of organism is at leucosis. A role of the inherited
anomalies is in development of leucosis.
15.Plasma cell disorders. Multiple myeloma.
7. Students’ practical activities
Protocol № 3 Date_____________________
Experimental work 1. Count up a leukocytic formula (leukogram) at an abscess. To
prepare the stroke of blood, taken from the vein of the ear of rabbit and to paint it after
Pappengeym. See the sample under an immersion increase. The drop of blood is mentally
divided into four fields, conducting the lines which are perpendicular one to one through
the center of the sample. Count up in every field 25 leukocytes, moving a stroke on the
broken line. Count up separate types of leukocytes using a meter.
Formula: LG
204000 96
А – amount of leucocytes in 100 big squares; 1600 – amount of small squares; 4000
a volume of small square is in microliter; 20 - is a degree of breeding of blood; 106
- is a
multiplier for the count of amount of leucocytes in CI units; G - giga = 109
Experimental work 2. Define the index of nuclear change.
The index of nuclear change of neutrophiles is determined after a formula:
%%% ++
M – mielocytes B – band [stab] neutrophiles
Y – young neutrophiles S – segmented [polynuclear] neutrophiles.
Index of nuclear exchange in norm 0,6-0,8
Experimental work 3. Counting of leukocytic formula in a smear of blood patient
with leukosis. a) Acute lymphoblastic leukosis; b) Acute myeloblastic leukosis; c) Chronic
myelocytic leukosis; d) Chronic lymphocytic leukosis
Study smear in immersion microscope objective. For determination of leucocytic
formula is necessary to calculate 100 leukocytes. Counting should be done in four various
parts of smear, moving subject glass so that the fields of sight were on sufficient distance
from either and other. For it also necessary pay attention to the form, sizes of cells, color,
granularity in protoplasm, form, and color of a nucleus. Put the results of counting in the
Neutrophiles Lym-
1% 0% 0% 0% 1% 2% 5% 8% 80% 1% 2%
2% 0% 90% 0% 1% 0% 2% 1% 0% 3% 1%
2% 1% 3% 14% 10% 6% 7% 39% 0% 10% 8%
3% 2% 0% 0% 0% 2% 3% 7% 4% 75% 4%
8. Practice Examination.
Practice examination type 1: Choose the correct answer:
Test 1. During the medical examination of a boy 5 years old were found
the significant increase of eosinophils in the blood. What from mentioned
below can be the cause of eosinophilia?
A. Helminthiasis
B. Obesity
C. Hypodynamia
D. Hypothermia
E. Physical strain
Test 2. A 16-year-old boy has performed an appendectomy. He has
been hospitalized for right lower quadrant abdominal pain within 18
hours. The surgical specimen is edematous and erythematous. Infiltration
by what of the following cells is the most typical for the process occurring
A. Basophils
B. Eosinophils
C. Monocytes
D. Neutrophils
E. Limphocytes
Test 3. A patient operated on complicated appendicitis has the
following changes of blood count: erythrocytes-4.0x1012
/l, Нb-120 g/l, color
index-0.9, leukocytes–18.109
/l, basophils-0, eosinophils - 0, myelocytes - 0,
juvenile - 0, stab neutrophils - 20, segmentonuclear neutrophils - 53,
lymphocytes - 21, monocytes - 5. How is such nuclear shift of leukocytic
formula called?
A. Hyperregenerative B. Regeneratively-degenerative
C. Regenerative left shift
D. Right shift
E. Degenerative left shift
Test 4. Lazy leucocyte syndrome is because of:
A. Disorder of phagocytosis
B. Cellular immunodeficiency
C. Combined immunodeficiency
D. Disorder of complement
Test 5. In a patient with leucosis parameters of white blood are the
following: the number of leucocytes – 100∙109
/l, from them basophils – 1 %,
eosinophils – 2%, stab neutrophils – 4%, segmental leucocytes – 7%,
lymphoblasts – 2%, lymphocytes – 80%, monocytes – 4%. In blood, there
are a lot of destroyed lymphocytes (Gymprehkt bodies). These parameters
are characterized by:
A. Acute myeloblastic leukosis
B. Chronic myelocytic leukosis
C. Chronic lymphocytic leukosis
D. Acute plasmoblastic leukosis
E. Chronic monocytic leukosis
Test 6. A patient with acute myeloblast leucosis has developed liver and
spleen enlargement, anemia, myeloblasts in peripheral blood. What
principal sign allows differing myeloblast leukosis from chronic one?
A. Leukemic gap
B. Pancytopenia
C. Anemia
D. Blast cells in peripheral blood
E. Thrombocytopenia
Test 7. A 23 y.o. a patient complains of weakness, a temperature rises
up to 38-400
C. Objectively: liver and spleen are enlarged. Hemogram: Hb-
100 g/l, erythrocytes – 2.9*1012
/l, leukocytes – 4.4*109
/l, thrombocytes –
/l, segmentonuclear neutrophils - 17%, lymphocytes - 15%, blast
cells - 68%. All cytochemical reactions are negative. Make a hematological
A. Acute erythromyelosis
B. Acute myeloblastic leukosis
C. Chronic myeloleukosis
D. Undifferentiated leukosis
E. Acute lymphoblastic leukosis
Test 8. Mongolism and Philadelphia chromosome (Phi) is commonly
associated with?
A. Acute lymphoblastic leukemia
B. Chronic lymphatic leukemia
C. Chronic myeloid leukemia
D. Acute myeloid leukemia
E. Erythroleukemia
Test 9. A patient has a cluster of matted together dense lymph nodes on
his neck. Histological examination of a removed lymph node revealed a
proliferation of reticular cells, the presence of Reed-Sternberg cells. What
disease is meant?
A. Myelocytic leukosis
B. Myeloblastic leukosis
C. Lymphocytic leukosis
D. Lymphoblastic leukosis
E. Lymphogranulomatosis
Practice examination type 2 Give answer to the questions of the real-
life tasks:
Task 1.
Amount of
Task1 12,0·109
/l 1 % 2 % - 1 % 15 % 57 % 20 % 4 %
Task 2 58,3·109
/l 1 % 3 % Single 3 % 38 % 48 % 4 % 3 %
Task 3 1,35·109
/l 0,5
1,5 % - - 4 % 17 % 65 % 12 %
Task 4 11,4·109
/l 2 % 16 % - - 1 % 55 % 24 % 2 %
Task 5 2,0·109
/l 0 % 1 % - 1 % 3 % 72 % 21 % 2 %
1. Analyze above mentioned leucocytes formulas and indicate what changes
of total leukocytes and separate forms are present in each of them.
2. What pathological processes and diseases are typical for this type of
hemograms? Give examples.
Answer for the task 2:___________________________________________________
Task 2.
amount of
/l 1% 2% 0% 0% 4% 7% 2% 80% 4%
/l 0% 3% - 1% 3% 6% 43% 39% 5%
/l 2% 2% - - 5% 38% 9% 42% 4%
/l 1% 1% 0% 1% 3% 21% 36% 34% 3%
1. Indicate, what parameters mentioned deviate from norm. What the
essence of this deviation - decrease, increase, appearance of the unusual forms?
2. What form of leucosis this leukogram is characterized for?
Answer for the task 2:___________________________________________________
Task 3.
amount of
Neutrophiles Lym-
cytesMyelo- Promiel Myelo- Meta- Stab Seg-
leucocytes les
blasts ocytes cytes
/l 1% 1 % 78% - - - 3% 3% 10% 2%
/l - 1% 25% 0% 1% 3% 5% 43% 17% 5%
/l 1% 2% 9% - 2% 5% 7% 41% 20% 13%
/l 2% 4 % 11 % 6 % 10 % 14 % 13 % 21 % 18 % 1 %
1. Indicate, what from above mentioned parameters deviate from norm. In what
the essence of this deviation – decrease, increase, appearance of the unusual
forms consists? 2. What form of leucosis this leukogram is characterized for?
Answer for the task 3:___________________________________________________
1. General and clinical pathophysiology / A.V.Kubyshkin–Vinn: Nova Knuha Publ– 2011.– P.286–287, 322–333.
2. Copstead L-E.C. Pathophysiology / L-E.C. Copstead, J.L. Banasic // Elsevier Inc. – 2010. – P. 242–262.
3. Symeonova N.K. Pathophysiology / N.K. Symeonova // Kyiv, AUS medicine Publ.–2010. – P.266–322.
4. Pathophysiology, Concepts of Altered Health States, Carol Mattson Porth, Glenn Matfin. – NY. – 2009. – P. 278–
5. Corwin Elizabeth J. Handbook of Pathophysiology / Corwin Elizabeth J. – 3th
edition. Copyright В. – Lippincott Williams &
Wilkins – 2008. – Chapter 12. – P. 357–359, 363, 366–367, 382–387.
6. Russell J. Greene. Pathology and Therapeutics for Pharmacists. A basis for clinical pharmacy practice / Russell J. Greene,
Norman D. Harris // Published by the Pharmaceutical Press, 3rd
edition, USA. – 2008. – Chapter 11. – P. 725–726.
7. Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease8th
ed./Kumar,Abbas,Fauto.–2007. – Ch.12.–P.441–468.
8. Essentials of Pathophysiology: Concepts of Altered Health States (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins), Trade paperback (2003)
/ Carol Mattson Porth, Kathryn J. Gaspard. –Chapter 11. – P. 191-205.
Topic 4: Violation of hemostasis.
1. The actuality of the theme. One of major functions of blood there is support of its
liquid state into vessels and coagulates of blood at violation of integrity of vascular wall.
The liquid state of blood is saved due to balance between coagulative and anticoagulative,
fibrinolytic and kallikrein-kinin systems. A violation in the system of hemostasis can take
place in three directions: 1) decline of coagulative ability of blood and origin of hemorragic
diathesis; 2) increase of the coagulative ability of blood and origin of thromboses; 3) origin
of the thrombohemorragic syndrome, which shows up an increase of thrombosis and
hemorrhagic diathesis both.
2. Duration of the class – 1 h 30 min.
3.Aim: To form for students the modern knowledge of reasons and mechanisms of
violation thrombocyte-vascular and coagulative hemostasis, to design these processes in an
experiment on animals with the purpose of cognition of reasons and terms of their origin,
mechanisms of development, consequences and value of these processes in the pathology
of man.
To khow: etiologic factors which predetermine violation of producing blood clots; basic
phases of process of blood tromb formation; reasons and mechanisms of origin of
hemorrhagic diathesis; reasons and mechanisms of violation thrombocyte-vascular
hemostasis; etiology and pathogenesis of disseminated intravascular coagulation [DIC];
inherited violations of blood thrombosis.
To be able: to explain the mechanisms of interrelation of basic factors of coagulative and
anticoagulative systems in the process of clotting; to reproduce violation of blood clotting
in an experiment; to calculate prothrombin time [PT] and prothrombin index; to count up
the amount of platelets in peripheral blood.
A task is to independent extracurricular work:
To think over the followings theoretical questions: Modern presentations about
coagulative and anticoagulative system of blood. Mechanisms of the physiology blood
clotting. Thrombosis as local violation of circulation of blood. Stages of blood clotting.
To perform practical work: to analyse of the pathogenesis of the platelet adhesion and
aggregation. Von Willebrand factor functions as an adhesion bridge between subendothelial
collagen and the glycoprotein Ib (GpIb) platelet receptor. Aggregation is accomplished by
binding of fibrinogen to platelet GpIIb-IIIa receptors and bridging many platelets together.
Congenital deficiencies in the various receptors or bridging molecules lead to the diseases
indicated in the colored boxes. ADP, adenosine diphosphate.
4. Basic level.
The name of the previous and
future disciplines
The receiving of the skills
1. histology
2. biochemistry
3. physiology
4. internal medicine
5. haematology
Vesseles-thrombocytous and plasmatic
factors, which participate in coagulation of
blood. Stage of blood coagulation. Significance
ancoagulative and fibrinolytic systems of
5. Control questions of the theme:
1.What is hemostasis pathology? Classification of pathology of hemostasis.
2.Normal hemostasis. The classical coagulation cascade.
3.Virchow's triad in thrombosis.
4.Decreasing of blood coagulation ability.
5.Thrombocytopenia and thrombocytopathy.
6.Increasing of blood coagulation ability.
7.Bleeding disorders related to defective platelet functions: Bernard–Soulier
syndrome, Glanzmann’s thrombasthenia.
8.Hemorrhagic diatheses related to abnormalities in clotting factors:
deficiencies of Factor VIII-vWF complex, Von Willebrand disease,
Hemophilia A, and B.
9.Generalized (disseminated) intravascular blood coagulation (DIC-syndrome).
10. Trombocytopenias: immune trombocytopenic purpura, drug-induced,
and HIV-associated trombocytopenia.
6. Independent audience work of student
Protocol № 4 Date_____________________
Experimental work 1. Define prothrombin time [PT] for a dog with the cirrhosis of
the liver. In advance, the oily solution of carbon tetrachloride has entered a dog from the
calculation of 4 ml per 1kg of mass. Before lesson for a dog take 4.5 ml of blood, add 0.5
ml of a 0.1% solution of oxalic sodium and spin, take the plasma. In test tube pour 0.2 ml
of plasma, warm up on a water bath at 38°C; add 0.2 ml warmed to a 38°N mixture from
equal parts of thromboplastin and 0.5% solution of calcium chloride. Carefully mix up a
glass stick, continuing to hold in a water bath. Calculate time from adding mixture to the
first signs of coagulation of plasma (in seconds).
Calculate the prothrombin indexes after formula: B
, where A – a time of
coagulation of control plasma (seconds); B – the time of coagulation of experimental
plasma (seconds). A normal index of is equal 70-100%.
Experimental work 2. Count up the number of thrombocytes for a rabbit with
radiation illness. Three days prior to lesson an animal is exposed to the X-rays. In the area
of regional vein, ears inflict a few drops of a 14% solution of magnesium sulphate prick a
vein; carefully mix up blood a glass stick with magnesia in correlation 2:10.
From the prepared mixture prepare a blood; dye it after Pappengeym (to repaint for the
best visibility of thrombocytes). A count is conducted under an immersion increase in the
narrowed eyeshot. Count up the number of thrombocytes on 1000 RBC.
Thef ormula of calculation: 1000
= , where H – is an amount of platelets on 1000 RBC;
A – is an amount of RBC; Method of count the number of RBC see in the previous lesson.
8. Practice Examination.
Practice examination type 1. Choose the correct answer:
Test 1. In the patient in time accident on Chornobyl atomic power station
aroses hemorrhagic syndrome, which was showed by hemorrhage in skin
and mucous membrane, appearance of blood in urine, faces and phlegmon.
The mechanism of hemorrhagic syndrome consists of:
A. Activation of fibrinolytic system
B. Accumulation of heparin in blood
C. Decrease amount of thromocytes
D. Violation of structure of
E. Lesion vascular wall
Test 2. A 43-year-old patient has thrombopenia, reduction of fibrinogen,
products of degradation of fibrin presented in the blood, petechial
haemorrhage along with septic shock. What is the most likely cause of the
A. Autoimmune thrombocytopenia
B. DIC-syndrom
C. Exogenous intoxication
D. Disorder of thrombocytes
E. Haemorrhagic diathesis
Test 3. Prothrombin time is increased in:
A. Thrombocytopenia
B. Afibrinogenemia
C. Qualitative defect of platelets
D. Willebrand's disease
E. DIC syndrome
Test 4. Examination of a patient with frequent hemorrhages from
internals and mucous membranes revealed proline and lysine being a part
of collagen fibers. What vitamin absence caused disturbance of their
A. Vitamin A
B. Thiamine
C. Vitamin K
D. Vitamin E
E. Vitamin C
Test 5. A 2-year-old child has got intestinal dysbacteriosis, which results
in hemorrhagic syndrome. What is the most likely cause of hemorrhage of
this child?
A. Vitamin К insufficiency
B. Hypocalcemia
C. РР hypovitaminosis
D. Fibrinogen deficiency
E. Activation of tissue
Practice examination type 2. Give answer to the questions of the real-life
task: The patient was in the surgical clinic because of thrombophlebitis of the
right leg. After careless sudden movement an acute dyspnea to bother him, pain
in the chest and cyanosis appeared.
1. Did these disorders associate with thrombophlebitis of the leg? 2. In what
cases such consequences of thrombophlebitis are possible? 3. Are such
complications occasional in the patient? 4. Is thrombophlebitis complication
possible in the other organs - brain, kidneys, spleen?
Answers for the task: ______________________________________________________________
1. General and clinical pathophysiology/Ed.byA.V.Kubyshkin–Vinn NovaKnuha Publ.–2011.–P.444–460.
2. Symeonova N.K. Pathophysiology / N.K. Symeonova // Kyiv, AUS M-ne Publ. – 2010. – P. 322–338.
3. Copstead Lee-Ellen C. Pathophysiology /L.-E.C.Copstead,J.L.Banasic//Elsevier Inc.–2010.–P.330–346.
4. Pathophysiology, Concepts of Altered Health States/ C.M.Porth, G.Matfin.–NY,M.–2009.–P.262–278.Corwin Elizabeth J.
Handbook of Pathophysiology / Corwin Elizabeth J. – 3th
edition. Copyright В. – Lippincott Williams & Wilkins – 2008. –
Chapter 12. – P. 359–364, 387–390.
5. Russell J. Greene. Pathology and Therapeutics for Pharmacists. A basis for clinical pharmacy practice / Russell J. Greene,
Norman D. Harris // IL 60030-7820, 3rd
edition, USA. – 2008. – Ch. 11. – P. 726–741.
6. Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease 8th
ed./Kumar,Abbas,Fauto.– 2007.–Ch12. –P.468–475.
1. Essentials of Pathophysiology: Concepts of Altered Health States (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins), Trade paperback (2003)
/ Carol Mattson Porth, Kathryn J. Gaspard. Chapter 12. – P. 205-215.
2. Silbernagl S. Color Atlas of Pathophysiology /S.Silbernagl,F.Lang//Thieme.Stuttg.NY.–2000.–P.60–65.
Topic 5: Pathophysiology of heart. Arrhythmias.
1. The actuality of the theme. The disorders of cardiac rhythm concern to complex
manifestations of a pathology of heart. It can arise in rather small damage of the conducting
system, and in some cases in structural changes. More often arrhythmia arises with
infectious illnesses and intoxications as consequence of myocarditis or dystrophy processes
in cardiac muscle, and also in heart ischemic disease, cardiosclerosis. The disorders of
cardiac rhythm arise also owing to reflex influences from various interceptors areas
(disease of the liver, intestinal tract, uterus), and also in hemodynamic disorders (arterial
hypertension). Not infrequently аrrythmia is a result of disturbance of functions central and
vegetative parts of nervous system. For example, the increase of activity parasympathetic
nervous system leads to a delay of conductivity. Similar is observed also by an overdose of
some medicinal drugs (digitalis, quinidine, morphine). If bradycardia is accompanied
complete atrioventricular blockade, can occur ischemia of brain with loss consciousness
and occurring spasms. Arrhythmia can result in the development of cardiac insufficiency.
2. Duration of the class – 1 h 30 min.
3. Aim: To reproduce the models of basic forms of disorders of cardiac activity of
caused violation of excitability, to explain reasons and mechanisms of origin in order to
make the ability to apply an etiologic and pathogenetic treatment of arrhythmias on the
departments of clinical type.
To know: that ability to the automatic formation of impulses depends on the cells
located in the conductive system of the heart (p-cells). A spontaneous slow depolarization
of the cellular membrane occurs in them during diastole.
- classification of arrhythmias and most widespread in clinical practice of their form;
- mechanisms of violations of automatism, excitability, and conductivity of heart;
- signs of electrocardiography of separate types of arrhythmias.
To be able: to reproduce in an experiment on animals separate types of violations of
cardiac rhythm;
- to explain changes on ECG at arrhythmias;
- to conduct electrocardiography research on animals (rabbit, frogs).
A task is to independent extracurricular work:
Conducting system of the heart, its anatomy, histology and functional value.
The concept of “pace-maker”, mechanisms of origin of bioelectric potentials in a cardiac
muscle. Basic electrophysiology properties of cardiac muscle. A principle of
electrocardiography. Basic taking which is used in medical practice. Description of indexes
of ECG.
To perform practical work: to analyze the mechanisms of the arrhythmias.
4. Basic level.
The name of the previous
The receiving of the skills
5. Histology
6. Biochemistry
7. Physiology
8. Internal medicine
9. Cardiology
Structure of the conducting system of heart.
Main properties of heart - automatism, irritability,
conductivity, contractivity, refractory.
Mechanisms of occurrence and transfer of nervous
impulse on the conducting system of heart.
5. Control questions of the theme:
1. Etiology of cardiovascular diseases.
2. Arrhythmias of heart: definition, classification.
3. Etiology and pathogenesis of nomotopic and heterotopic violations of
automatism: sinus tachy-, brady- and arrhythmia.
4. Reasons and mechanisms of extrasystoles and paroxysmal tachycardia. Basic
signs of different types of extrasystoles on ECG.
5. Blocks of heart: kinds, reasons, mechanism of origin. Atrioventricular block.
6. Blinking arrhythmia: principal reasons, description, mechanisms.
7. Flutter and fibrillation of atrium or ventricles; a mechanism of origin, the
sign is on ECG.
8. Methods of experimental recreation of arrhythmias.
9. Sudden cardiac death.
6. Independent audience work of student.
Protocol № 5 Date_____________________
Experimental work 1. Reproduce extrasystoles in a rabbit. A rabbit is fixed in
position on the back. Connect electrodes from electocardioscope on front and back
extremities. Take initial ECG. In a regional vein, the ears of rabbit enter 1 ml of a 10%
solution of chlorous barium. Through 20-30 sec mark appearance of single extrasystoles.
Study reflexion bradycardia in a rabbit.
After normalization of the electrocardiogram to the nose of rabbit bring cotton wool,
moistened the concentrated solution of ammonia. Look after development bradycardia and
appearance different type of extrasystoles.
Practical work 2. ECG
analysis of the patients with
arrhythmias (registered in 12
Аnalyzing of the studding
charts. It is necessary to do
protocol by the results of ECG
analysis, answer on control
Practical work 3. Changes of heart rhythm. Watching of movie by the results of
experiment: sinus tachycardia, reflectory sinus bradycardia, extrasystole, atrium-
ventricular block. According to the documental movie students should graphicaly paint
types of arrithmias, make conclusions.
Case 1. A 15-year-old female is brought to the emergency department (ED) after an
episode of syncope during a long-distance running event. She has no prior episodes of
syncope. Her ECG obtained in the ED is shown. She has no previous ECGs for comparison.
Which of the following have been identified as triggers of cardiac events in this family of
A. Loud noises
B. Exercise
C. Sleep
D. Swimming
E. Emotion
F. All of the above
Answer for the case 1:____________________________________________________________
Case 2. A 65-year-old
woman with a history of type 2
diabetes and previous MI presents
to her primary physician with a
chief complaint of nausea,
vomiting, and generalized
weakness since waking up. She
has no chest pain or dyspnea, and
this has never happened to her
before. She had been feeling well
prior to this episode. An ECG is
obtained (shown). Of note, this patient with symptoms of an MI is also having an inferior
and anterolateral ST-elevation MI (blue arrows). What is the AV conduction pattern
A. Normal AV conduction
B. Atrial fibrillation
C. Accessory pathway
D. First-degree AV block
E. Second-degree Mobitz type I AV block
F. Second-degree Mobitz type II AV
G. Third-degree AV block
Answer for the case 2:___________________________________________________________
Case 3. A 52-year-old
woman is brought in by ambulance
to the ED with multiple episodes of
syncope within the past 30 minutes.
There were no advanced life
support paramedics available in the
field, and the patient has therefore
received no treatment other than
oxygen. She is conscious on arrival
but appears pale and anxious. She
complains of palpitations but is
unable to provide much more information. The ECG is displayed. What is the rhythm
A. Multifocal atrial tachycardia with LV
hypertrophy (LVH)
B. Sinus tachycardia with pre-excitation
(WPW syndrome)
C. Monomorphic VT
D. Polymorphic VT (torsade de pointes)
E. Atrial fibrillation with left bundle
branch block
F. Atrial flutter
Answer for the case 3:____________________________________________________________
7. Practice Examination.
Practice examination type 1. Choose the correct answer:
Test 1. The arrow indicates
A. R wave
B. S wave
C. QS wave
D. Q wave
E. T wave
Test 2. Which of the following represent repolarization of the ventricles?
J point
A. P wave
B. QRS complex
C. T wave
D. J point
E. U wave
Test 3. After the trauma, the patient’s right n.vagus was damaged.
Which violation of the cardiac activity is possible in this case?
A. Violation of conductivity in the right auricle
B. Violation of the automatism of an atrioventricular node
C. Block of a conductivity in the atrioventricular node
D. Arrhythmia
E. Violation of the automatism of a Kiss-Fleck node
Test 4. An electrical cardiostimulator was implanted to a man 75 y.o.
with a heart rate of 40 bpm. After that heart rate rose up to 70 bpm.
Cardiostumulator assumed the function of the following heart part:
A. Sinoatrial node
B. His' bundle branches
C. His' bundle fibers
D. Atrioventricular node
E. Purkinje's fibers
Test 5. In a 45-year-old patient on ECG, it was revealed: sinus rhythm,
the number of auricular complexes exceeds the number of ventricular
complexes; progressing extension of the P-Q interval from complex to
complex; the fallout of some ventricular complexes; Р waves and QRST
complexes are without changes. Name the type of heart rhythm
A. Complete atrioventricular block
B. Atrioventricular block of the II degree
C. Atrioventricular blockade of the I degree
D. Synoauricular block
E. Intraatrial block
Test 6. ECG of a patient with hyperfunction of thyroid gland showed
heart hurry. It is indicated by depression of the following ECG element:
A. QRS complex
B. P-T interval
C. P-Q interval
D. R-R interval
E. P-Q segment
Practice examination type 2. Give brief explanation for the real-life
Task 1. In a patient with idiopathic hypertension the pulse rate during a
crisis decreases from 72 up to 52 beats per minute and within 10 days prolongs to
be retained at this level (48-56/minutes). The intramuscular injection 1 ml of
atropine, which was made for differentiation diagnosis, increased heart rate to 16
beats per minute. 1. What is the name of described disturbance of cardiac rhythm
and what group of arrhythmias does it concern? 2. What is its origin (cardiac –
organic damage of heart or extracardiac? 3. Why after injection of atropine heart
rate did increase?
Answer for the task 1:____________________________________________________________
Task 2. In a football fan during a match the heart rate has increased from 76
up to 96/min. 1. What is the name this change? 2. What is its mechanism? 3.
How does change the duration of slow diastolic depolarization of sinus node
pacemaker cells?
Answer for the task 2:____________________________________________________________
Task 3. The heart rate patient, which suffers from neurocirculatory dystonia,
increased up to 130/min in the. There are no symptoms of organic damage to the
heart. In doing of diagnostic vagus test (pressing on carotids sinus), the
frequency of heartbeats decreased short time, and then has become higher again.
1. What is the name of described cardiac rhythm disorder? 2. What is the
mechanism of this arrhythmia development? 3. Why did carotid sinus irritation
normalize cardiac rhythm?
Answer for the task 3:____________________________________________________________
Practice examination type 3
Q. What is the link between apnea and heart arrhythmias?
Answer for the question__________________________________________________________
1. Robbins basic pathology / Vinay Kumar, Abul K. Abbas, Jon C. Aster.– 9th ed.Ch.10. – 2013. – P. 385 – 386.
2. General and clinical pathophysiology /Ed.byA.V.Kubyshkin–Vinn:Nova KnuhaPubl–2011.–P.460–780.
3. Pathophysiology / Ed. by N.K. Symeonova // Kyiv, AUS medicine Publishing. – 2010. – P. 348–351.
4. Copstead L-El.C.Pathophysiology / L-E.C.Copstead, J.L. Banasic // Elsevier Inc. – 2010. – P. 396–427.
5. Pathophysiology,Concepts of Altered Health States/C.M.Porth,G.Matfin–NY,Milw.–2009.–P.584–606.
6. Corwin Elizabeth J. Handbook of Pathophysiology / Corwin Elizabeth J. – 3th
edition. Copyright В. – Lippincott Williams &
Wilkins – 2008. – Chapter 13. – P. 392–402, 414–426.
7. Gozhenko A.I. General and clinical pathophysiology / A.I. Gozhenko, I.P. Gurcalova // Study guide for medical students and
practitioners. Edited by prof.Zaporozan, OSMU. – Odessa. – 2005.– P. 217–221.
8. SilbernaglS.Color Atlas of Pathophysiology/S.Silbernagl,F.Lang//Thieme.Stuttg.NY.–2000.–P.176–294.
Topic 6: Pathophysiology of heart. Ischemic heart disease.
1. The actuality of the theme. Among cardiovascular diseases, coronary heart disease
is the most frequent reason for loss of health, capacity and death rate. From data of WHO,
morbidity on CHD in the economically developed countries of the world continues to be
increased, striking all more persons of young age. In this connection, obviously, there is a
necessity of study of etiology, pathogenesis, forms, and complications of CHD, ability to
reproduce on experimental models, students, so both successes of fight against ischemic
illness of heart in a considerable measure depends on correct diagnostics, medical and
prophylactic work as doctors of wide type and specialists of cardiologists.
2. Duration of the class – 1 h 30 min.
3. Aim: To expose the mechanisms of different forms of coronal insufficiency. To master
the basic displays of CHD; to learn to analyze the changes of ECG.
To know: reasons and mechanisms of development of violations of coronal circulation of
blood; functional, morphological, biochemical and electrocardiography changes are at the
heart attack of myocardium;
To be able: to reproduce in an experiment on animals coronal insufficiency; to analyze
the changes of electrocardiography; to explain the mechanism of pain at angina pectoris and
heart attack of the myocardium.
A task is to independent extracurricular work: 1. Anatomy of coronal circulation of
blood. 2. Normal coronal blood circulation, its features. 3. Features of metabolism of cardiac
muscle. 4. A concept is a heart “attack”, its reasons, kinds, and consequences. 5. Approaches
are to the experimental design of coronal insufficiency.
To perform practical work: To analyze the compensatory mechanisms cardiovascular
4. Basic level.
The name of the previous and future
The receiving of the skills
1. histology; 2. Biochemistry; 3. Physiology;
4. Internal medicine; 5. cardiology
Histochemical structure of the
myocardium. Specialities of blood
supply of heart. The main physiological
features of heart function. The principle
of operation of the electrocardiograph.
The technique of record of an
electrocardiogram in three standard
leads. Principal components of an
5. Control questions of the theme:
1.Features of coronal circulation of blood and metabolism of cardiac muscle.
2.Classification of coronary heart disease. CHD: determination, reasons, and
terms of origin, form.
3.Ischemic heart disease. Definition of the notion, risk factors, mechanisms of
4.Sudden coronary death: reasons, mechanisms of origin.
5.Angina pectoris: classification, pathogenesis of displays.
6.Heart attack of myocardium: kinds, description of functional and
biochemical violations in a cardiac muscle, mechanisms of pain syndrome.
7.Mechanisms of origin of spasms of coronary vessels.
8.Complication of heart attack of the myocardium. Pathogenesis of
cardiogenic shock.
9.Experimental models of heart attack of the myocardium.
10.Dressler’s syndrome, hibernal myocardium, methods of diagnosis, main
manifestations, blood tests, coagulation, ECG, SCG.
11.Noncoronary damages of myocardium: reasons, mechanisms of
12.Pericardium damage. Cardiac [pericardial] tamponade: reasons, displays,
mechanisms of indemnification.
6. Independent audience work of student.
Protocol № 6 Date_____________________
Experimental work 1. Recreate acute coronary insufficiency in a rabbit. For a
rabbit, fixed to the machine-tool, look after and analyze an electrocardiogram. Then in a vein
enter pituitrin (from a calculation 1 unit per kg of mass). Immediately after introduction and
during 3-5 min look after and analyze an electrocardiogram. Mark bradycardia, displacement
of segment of ST in relation to a isoline, appearance of “coronal” T-wave, lengthening the
PQ-interval. Draw conclusions in relation to the mechanisms of development of spasms of
coronary vessels and changes which was observed on an electrocardiogram.
Conclusion: _______________________________________________________________________
Practical work 2. Watching of movie according to the experimental work 1.
According to the documental movie students should graphicaly paint ECG with miocardial
Conclusion: _______________________________________________________________________
Practical work 3. ECG analysis of the patients with different kinds of miocardial
infarction (registered in 12 Leeds).
Conclusion: _______________________________________________________________________
Case 1. The paramedics call from the field requesting activation of the catheterization
laboratory for a ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) in a 50-year-old Asian
man complaining of difficulty breathing and palpitations. The paramedics express that the
ST-elevations look unusual in V1 and V2. Because they are 5 minutes away, you decide to
do a 12-lead ECG in the ED before activating the catheterization laboratory. The patient's
ECG is shown. He has no
previous ECGs for comparison.
What is your interpretation?
A. Confirmed STEMI
B. ST-segment ischemic
changes present but no STEMI
C. Benign early
D. Depolarization /
repolarization abnormality
caused by channelopathy
E. Hyperkalemia
Answer for the case
7. Practice Examination.
Practice examination type 1. Choose the correct answer:
Test 1. A 59-year-old patient is a plant manager. After the tax inspection
of his plant, he felt intense pain behind his breastbone irradiating to his left
arm. 15 minutes later his condition came to normal. Which of the possible
mechanisms of stenocardia development is the leading in this case?
A. Functional heart overload
B. High catecholamine concentration in blood
C. Intravascular aggregation of blood corpuscles
D. Coronary thrombosis
E. Coronary atherosclerosis
Test 2. A patient in three weeks after acute myocardial infarction has pain
in the heart and joints and pneumonia. What is the main mechanism of
development of post-infarction Dressler’s syndrome?
A. Autoimmune inflammation
B. Vessels' thrombosis
C. Secondary infection
D. Ischemia of myocardium
E. Resorption of enzymes from
necrotized area of myocardium
Test 3. A 48-year-old patient after severe psychoemotional exertion
suddenly began feeling a sharp pain in the heart region, irradiating into left
arm. Nitroglycerin relieves pain 10 minutes later. What pathogenetic
mechanism is responsible for the development of pain in this case?
A. Compression of coronary vessels
B. Spasm of coronary vessels
C. Dilation of peripheral vessels
D. Occlusion of coronary vessels
E. Increase of myocardial needs in oxygen
Test 4. Transmural myocardial infarction in the patient was complicated
with progressive acute left ventricle insufficiency. What is the most typical
for this state?
A. Edema of the extremities
B. Cyanosis
C. Edema of the lungs
D. Arterial hypertension
E. Ascites
Test 5. A patient with an acute myocarditis has the clinic presentations of
cardiogenic shock. What pathogenetic mechanism plays the main part in
shock development?
A. Depositing of blood in veins
B. Decrease of diastolic flow to the heart
C. Disorder of pumping ability of heart
D. Increase of vascular tone
E. Decrease of vascular tone
Practice examination
type 2 Give answers to the
questions of the real-life
task: Interpret the 12-lead
ECG shown below in this
picture, obtained from a
patient who presented with
new-onset dyspnea. What
two clinical diagnoses
should come to mind in view
of the symmetric T wave inversion seen in leads V1,V2,V3 (arrows)?
1. General and clinical pathophysiology / A.V.Kubyshkin–Vinn:NovaKnuha Publ–2011.–P.472-476.
2. Pathophysiology / N.K. Symeonova // Kyiv, AUS medicine Publishing. – 2010. – P. 344–348.
3. Copstead L-E.C. Pathophysiology / L-E.C. Copstead, J.L. Banasic // Elsevier Inc. – 2010. – P. 448–460.
4. Pathophysiology, Concepts of Altered Health States/ C.M.Porth, G.Matfin.–NY,M.–2009.–P.536–553.
5. Corwin Elizabeth J. Handbook of Pathophysiology / Corwin Elizabeth J. – 3th
edition. Copyright В. – Lippincott Williams &
Wilkins – 2008. – Chapter 13. – P. 345–347, 460–462.
6. Russell J. Greene. Pathology and Therapeutics for Pharmacists. A basis for clinical pharmacy practice / Russell J. Greene,
Norman D. Harris // IL 60030-7820, 3rd
edition, USA. – 2008. – Ch. 4. – P. 235–269.
7. Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease 8th
ed./Kumar,Abbas,Fauto.–2007.–Ch.11.–P. 388–398.
1. Faller A., Schunke M., Schunke G. The Human body: An Introduction to Structure and Function.-–Stuttgard, New York:
Thieme.–2004.– P. 536–553.
2. Essentials of Pathophysiology: Concepts of Altered Health States (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins), Trade paperback (2003) /
Carol Mattson Porth, Kathryn J. Gaspard. –Chapter 17. – P. 294 – 302.
3. SilbernaglS. Color Atlas of Pathophysiology/S.Silbernagl, F.Lang//Thieme.Stut.NY.–2000.–P.216–224.
Topic 7: The pathophysiology of the systemic circulation.
Circulatory failure.
1. The actuality of the theme. Adequate perfusion of body tissues depends on the
pumping ability of the heart, a vascular system that transports blood to the cells and back to
the heart, sufficient blood to fill the circulatory system, and tissues that are able to extract
and use the oxygen and nutrients from the blood. Heart failure and circulatory shock are
separate conditions that reflect a failure of the circulatory system. Both conditions exhibit
common compensatory mechanisms even though they differ in terms of pathogenesis and
2. Duration of the class – 1 h 30 min.
3. Aim: Learn reasons, forms, and mechanisms of development of cardiac insufficiency.
Acquaint students with the features of metabolism and hemodynamics at condition
insufficiency of blood circulation. Study concepts and essence of hypertrophy of
myocardium, features of its metabolism, mechanisms of compensation and decompensation.
To know: - types of insufficiency of heart and principal reasons for their development;
- heterometric and homeometric mechanisms of compensation of insufficiency of heart;
- hypertrophy of myocardium, its stage, a feature of the hypertrophied heart;
To be able: to explain changes in an organism at the condition insufficiency of blood
circulation; to determine the character of compensating reactions of myocardium on the
experimental model of acute insufficiency of heart (depending on the type of loading on a
heart), discover and explain changes which pass here.
A task is to independent extracurricular work: Structure of heart, its valves, circles of
blood circulation [systemic and pulmonary]. Features of innervation, metabolism, and
bloodstream of heart. Phases of the cardiac cycle, their description. Physiology law of the
heart [Frank-Starling's law]. Systolic [stroke volume] and minute volume [cardiac output] of
heart, methods of their determination. Processes of energy supply of cardiac muscle.
To perform practical work: To analyze the compensatory mechanisms cardio-vascular
4. Basic level.
The name of the previous and
future disciplines
The receiving of the skills
1. histology
2. biochemistry
3. physiology
4. internal medicine
5. cardiology
6. intensive care
Histochemical structure of the myocardium. Specialities
of blood supply of heart. The main physiological features
of heart function. The principle of operation of the
electrocardiograph. A technique of record of an
electrocardiogram in three standard leads. Principal
components of an electrocardiogram.
5. Control questions of the theme:
1. Insufficiency of blood circulation: determination, classification.
2. The most widespread innate defects of the heart. Mechanisms of
3. Reasons and displays of acute cardiac insufficiency.
4. Pathogenesis of cardiac insufficiency at the overload of heart by the volume
of blood: reasons, the essence of a heterometric mechanism of compensation.
5. Pathogenesis of cardiac insufficiency at the overload of heart by the resistance
of outflow of blood: reasons, the essence of a homeometric mechanism of
6. Congenital heart failure. Congenital defects: ventricular & atrial septal defect,
patent ductus arteriosus, tetralogy of Fallot, transposition of the great vessels,
truncus arteriosus, tricuspid atresia, coarctation of the aorta.
7. Reasons and displays of chronic cardiac insufficiency. Rheumatic heart
disease. Valvular disorders.
8. A myocardial form of cardiac insufficiency. Molecular mechanisms of
violations of the retractive function of the myocardium.
9. Compensate hypertrophy of myocardium: determination, kinds, and stages.
10.Cardiomyopathy. Features of the hypertrophic, dilated, restrictive
11.Mechanisms of development of cardiosclerosis.
12.Violation of hemo- and cardiodynamics at the insufficiency of blood
13.Vascular insufficiency. Unconsciousness, collapse: determinations, reasons of
14.Cardiac tumors: myxoma, rhabdomyoma.
6. Independent audience work of student.
Protocol № 7 Date_____________________
Experimental work 1. Modeling acute insufficiency of the right ventricle in a rat. A
motion of work: Under easy ether anesthesia for a rat the section of skin on the middle line
of neck and separate external jugular vein. To front and back extremities connect the
electrodes of electrocardiographs. Thromboplastin injects into a jugular vein for the
recreation of acute right- ventricular insufficiency. Fix a stop-watch time of offensive of
shortness of breath, stop of breathing, cramps. At the same time register changes on ECG:
deep waves of QS and ST, getting up of segment of RS-T into III leads, aVF, V1, V2 and
decline of segment of RS-T into I, aVL, V5, V6, appearance of negative waves of Q into III,
aVF, V1 and V2 leads.
Practical work 2. Secrets of our heart. Watching of movie and discuss the pathology
of the heart: sudden heart death, acute and chronic heart failure. Method of treatment and
prophylaxys: cardioreanimation.
According to the documental movie, students should graphically paint ECG for Chagas’
heart disease according to movie explanation, make conclusions.
Practical work 3.
ECG analysis of the
patients with acute and
chronic heart failure
(registered in 12 Leeds).
Congestive heart
failureThis ECG is from
a patient with heart
failure with frequent
PVCs (Premature
Ventricular Complex)
7. Practice Examination.
Practice examination type 1. Choose the correct answer:
Test 1. In course of a preventive examination of a miner, a doctor
revealed changes of cardiovascular fitness which was indicative of cardiac
insufficiency at the compensation stage. What is the main proof of cardiac
A. Cyanosis
B. Myocardium hypertrophy
C. Dyspnea
D. Tachycardia
E. Rise of arterial pressure
Test 2. A patient ill with essential arterial hypertension had a
hypertensive crisis that resulted in an attack of cardiac asthma. What is the
leading mechanism of cardiac insufficiency in this case?
A. Blood supply disturbance
B. Heart overload caused by high pressure
C. Heart overload caused by increased blood volume
D. Myocardium damage
E. Absolute coronary insufficiency
Test 3. A patient who suffers from a severe disorder of water-salt
metabolism experienced cardiac arrest in diastole. What is the most
probable mechanism of cardiac arrest in diastole?
A. Hypokaliemia
B. Hypernatremia
C. Hyperkaliemia
D. Hyponatremia
E. Organism dehydratation
Test 4. Dystrophic changes of the heart muscle are accompanied with
cardiac cavity enlargement, a decrease of the strength of heart contraction,
an increased amount of blood, which remains in the heart during systolic
phase, overfilled veins. For what state of heart is it characteristic?
A. Myogenic dilatation
B. Cardiosclerosis
C. Tonogenic dilatation
D. Tamponage of the heart
E. Emergency stage of
hyperfunction and hypertrophy
Test 5. The patient with acute myocardial infarction was given
intravenously different solutions during 8 hours with medical dropper 1500
ml and oxygen intranasally. He died because of pulmonary edema. What
caused the pulmonary edema?
A. Inhalation of the oxygen
B. Decreased oncotic pressure due to hemodilution
C. Neurogenic reaction
D. Allergic reaction
E. Volume overload of the left ventricular
Practice examination type 2 Give answers to the questions of the real-life
task: After transferred 3 months back anginas patient begin to be disturbed by
dyspnea, gravity in the right hypochondrium, attacks of difficult breathing. The
edemas of the lower extremities have appeared. At objective examination: dermal
covers with icteric color, lips cyanotic and swollen legs. The cervical veins are
pulsing. The borders of the heart are enlarged for the expense of both ventricles;
however, it is more left. Arterial pressure – 90/60 mmHg. A respiration rate -
26/min. The myocarditis, cardiovascular insufficiency in the stage of
compensation is detected. 1. What causes the damage to the myocardium in this
patient? 2. What disorder testifies about heart insufficiency? 3. Explain their
pathogenesis? 4. What changes have compensatory – adaption significance? 5.
What is their mechanism?
Answer for the task:_______________________________________________________________
Practice examination type 3
A 75-year-old man has an active problem list, including coronary artery disease and
myocardial infarction with both initial and repeat coronary artery bypass graft surgeries,
cardiac arrest necessitating an implanted cardioverter defibrillator (ICD), chronic congestive
heart failure with a left ventricular ejection fraction of 20%, chronic atrial fibrillation,
hepatic cirrhosis with end-stage liver disease, and chronic renal failure.
His problems also include a coagulopathy due to end-stage liver disease, grade 1
esophageal varices, chronic iron deficiency anemia, hypothyroidism, & hyperlipidemia. As
expected, he is followed by a host of specialty services, including cardiology, hematology,
nephrology, hepatology, and gastroenterology.
His current medication list includes aspirin, folate, valsartan, isosorbide, furosemide,
digoxin, carvedilol, atorvastatin, amiodarone, levothyroxine, spironolactone, nadolol, and
esomeprazole. He is allergic to penicillin and cephalosporins.
The man was once a heavy smoker and alcohol user but has abstained for the past five
years. Family history is remarkable for coronary artery disease, hypertension, and aortic
The review of
systems is notable for a
20-lb weight loss over
the past four months,
generalized weakness
with loss of muscle
tone, and easy bruising.
He has ascites that
require drainage on a
monthly basis. The
patient denies
neurologic, or
pulmonary symptoms, and he has had no therapies from his ICD.
The ICD is a dual-chamber defibrillator. Pacing is programmed DDD at a lower rate of
60 beats/min and an upper rate of 120 beats/min. The paced AV delay is 150ms, and the
sensed AV delay is 120ms. Ventricular fibrillation (VF) detection is programmed to detect at
rates higher than 320ms (188 beats/min), and all therapies are programmed to deliver 35 J.
On physical examination, the man’s weight is 129 lb; blood pressure, 104/68 mm Hg;
pulse, 66 beats/min; temperature, 35.9°C; respiratory rate, 16 breaths/min; and O2 saturation,
97% on room air. The patient is a thin, frail man in no apparent distress.
Pertinent physical findings include clear lungs bilaterally; a regular heart rate and
rhythm with a grade II/VI systolic murmur and jugular venous distention to the jaw line, a
protuberant abdomen with a fluid wave present, a liver edge palpable 4 cm below the right
costal margin, and bilateral shoddy lymphadenopathy in both groins. Pitting edema is present
on both lower extremities, and he has multiple ecchymoses on his arms, chest, and right leg.
The patient is neurologically intact.
His ECG in clinic today includes the following: a ventricular rate of 61 beats/min; PR
interval, 464 ms; QRS duration, 192 ms; QT/QTc interval, 510/513 ms; R axis, 133; and T
axis, –34. What is your interpretation of this ECG?
1. General and clinical pathophysiology/ A.V.Kubyshkin–Vinn:NovaKnuha Publ–2011.–P.460–478.
2. Pathophysiology / N.K. Symeonova // Kyiv, AUS medicine Publishing. – 2010. – P. 348–351.
3. CopsteadL-E.C.Pathophysiology/L-E.C.Copstead,J.L.Banasic//ElsevierInc.–2010.–P.396–427,461–509.
4. Pathophysiology, Concepts of Altered Health States/ C.M.Porth, G.Matfin.–NY,M.–2009.–P.584–633.
5. Corwin Elizabeth J. Handbook of Pathophysiology / Corwin Elizabeth J. – 3th
edition. Copyright В. – Lippincott Williams &
Wilkins – 2008. – Chapter 13. – P. 392–298, 414–429, 447–460.
6. Russell J. Greene. Pathology and Therapeutics for Pharmacists. A basis for clinical pharmacy practice / Russell J. Greene,
Norman D. Harris // IL 60030-7820, 3rd
edition, USA. – 2008. – Ch. 4. – P. 166–207.
7. Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease 8th
edition./ Kumar, Abbas, Fauto. – 2007. – Ch. 11. – P. 379–388, 400–420.
1. Essentials of Pathophysiology: Concepts of Altered Health States (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins), Trade paperback (2003) /
C. Mattson Porth, Kathryn J. Gaspard. – Ch.14, 17, 18. – P. 231–303, 308–338.
2. Silbernagl S. Color Atlas of Pathophysiology / S. Silbernagl, F. Lang // Thieme. Stuttgart.NY. – 2000. – P. 194–205, 224–233.
Topic 8: Pathophysiology of blood vessels.
1. The actuality of the theme. Blood pressure is probably one of the most variable but
best-regulated functions of the body. The purpose of the control of blood pressure is to keep
blood flow constant to vital organs such as the heart, brain, and kidneys. Without constant
flow to these organs, death ensues within seconds, minutes, or days. Although a decrease in
flow produces an immediate threat to life, the continuous elevation of blood pressure that
occurs with hypertension is a contributor to premature death and disability due to its effect
on the heart, blood vessels, and kidneys.
2.Duration of the class – 1 h 30 min.
3.Aim: To pay attention of students to the prevalence of defeat of vessels of resistive and
capacitive types. To expose the mechanisms of different types of hypertension with the
purpose of understanding of their pathogenesis in a clinic. To familiarize with the basic
experimental models of hypertension.
To know basic types of symptomatic hypertension, their reasons, mechanisms of
development; etiology, pathogenesis, a complication of hypertensive illness; basic
experimental models of hypertension.
To be able: to explain the mechanisms of increase of arterial pressure at different
hypertension; to differentiate symptomatic hypertension and hypertensive illness.
A task for independent extracurricular work:
To think over the followings theoretical questions: Mechanisms of a regulation of vascular
tone. Functions of kidneys in regulation of blood pressure. Methods of measuring of arterial
To perform practical work: to analyze the pathogenesis of hypertension and
4. Basic level.
The name of the previous
and future disciplines
The receiving of the skills
1. histology
2. biochemistry
3. physiology
4. internal medicine
5. intensive care
Histological structure of vessels wall.
Vascular tone.
Arterial pressure: the factors, defining it level.
Regulation of vascular tone and blood pressure.
The concept of the functional system of blood circulation.
5. Control questions of the theme:
1.Factors which predetermine the level of blood pressure for a man, basal tone of
2.Pressor and depressor systems of the organism, their description.
3.Arterial hypertension: kinds, classification. Degrees of high arterial pressure.
4.Nephrogenic hypertensions: reasons, kinds, pathogenesis.
5.Etiology and pathogenesis of endocrinal hypertension.
6.A role of the sympathetic nervous system in the pathogenesis of neurogenic
7.Salt hypertension: etiology, mechanisms of development.
8.Etiology and pathogenesis of essential hypertension.
9.Complication of essential hypertension.
10.Reasons and mechanisms of arterial hypotension.
6. Independent audience work of student.
Protocol № 8 Date_____________________
Practical work 1. Study a role of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous
system in the regulation of vascular tone (determination of Kerdyu index).
Measure arterial pressure on a hand, count up the number of cardiac reductions. The index
of Kerdyu (ІК) is calculated by a formula:
−=1 ; Norm of ІК = 0
The index of Kerdyu with the sign of “+” testifies to the advantage of sympathetic
influences on a heart and with the sign of “-“ – about the predominance of the
parasympathetic influencing. The index of Kerdyu must be calculated in the state of rest and
after the physical loading.
To conduct such research for all students of a group.
Conclusion: ________________________________________________________________________
Practical work 2. Arterial hypertension. Watching the documental movie about risk
factors and pathogenesis of blood pressure elevation. Students should discuss the main
ways of peer-educational explanation of arterial hypertension prevention and monitoring
blood pressure among patients.
Conclusion: _________________________________________________________________________
7. Practice Examination.
Practice examination type 1. Choose the correct answer:
Test 1. Arterial hypertension is caused by the stenosis of the renal arteries
in the patient. Activation of what system is the main link in the pathogenesis
of this form of hypertension?
A. Parasympathetic
B. Kallikrein-kinin
C. Renin-angiotensin
D. Sympathoadrenal
E. Hypothalamic-pituitary
Test 2. In crisis period a 14-year-old child ill with diphtheria has AP -
70/50 mm Hg accompanied by abrupt fall in temperature and tachycardia.
What form of vascular tone disturbance is it?
A. Chronic hypotension
B. Essential arterial hypotension
C. Vegetovascular dystonia
D. Acute hypotension
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Metod. med 2st semester book 2018 Module 2

  • 1. Ministry of Public Health Service of Ukraine Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University Pathophysiology MODULE 2 PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF ORGANS AND SYSTEMS Training-methodical manual for class and out-of-class work for students of MEDICAL FACULTY Prepared by: GERASYMCHUK M. R. CHERKASOVA V. V. ZAIATS L. M.
  • 3. Ministry of Public Health Service of Ukraine Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University Department of Pathophysiology PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF ORGANS AND SYSTEMS (MEDICAL FACULTY) Training-methodical manual for class and out-of-class work of students Student ________________group of medical faculty (Name and surname) Prepared by: Gerasymchuk M. R. Cherkasova V. V. Zaiats L. M. 3
  • 4. «PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF ORGANS AND SYSTEMS» Training-methodical manual for class and out-of-class work for students of medical faculty / M.R. Gerasymchuk, V.V. Cherkasova, L.M. Zaiats // IFNMU. Department of pathophysiology. – 2018. – 90 p. Discussed and approved by prophil commission of medical&biological disciplines meeting of Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University. Protocol № __ from «__» _________________ 2018 year 4
  • 5. CALENDAR PLAN OF PRACTICAL CLASSES of pathological physiology for the students of the III course in the VI semester Theme of practical classes Dates Hours 1. Pathophysiology of the blood system. Posthemorrhagic anemias. 15.01-19.01 2 2. Hemolytic anemia and anemia caused by violation of erythropoiesis. 22.01-26.01 2 3. Leukocytosis and leukopenia. Leukemias. 29.01-02.02 2 4. Violation of hemostasis. 05.02-09.02 2 5. Pathophysiology of heart. Arrhythmias. 12.02-16.02 2 6. Pathophysiology of heart. Ischemic heart disease. 19.02-23.02 2 7. The pathophysiology of systemic circulation. Circulatory failure. 26.02-02.03 2 8. Pathophysiology of blood vessels. 05.03-09.03 2 9. Pathophysiology of external respiration. Respiratory failure. 12.03-16.03 2 10. Pathophysiology of the digestive system. Disorders of digestion in the mouth, stomach and in the intestine. 19.03-23.03 2 11. Pathophysiology of the liver. Liver insufficiency. 26.03-30.03 2 12. Pathophysiology of kidneys. Main kidney disease. Renal failure. 02.04-06.04 2 13. Pathophysiology of the endocrine system. The general adaptation syndrome. Dysfunction of the pituitary gland. 09.04-13.04 2 14. Dysfunction of the adrenal, thyroid, parathyroid and genital glands. 16.04-20.04 2 15. Pathophysiology of the nervous system. Violation of sensory, motor and trophic function of the nervous system. 23.04-27.04 2 16. Violation integrative function of the nervous system. Experimental neuroses 30.04-04.05 2 17. Module 2 (practical part) 07.05-11.05 2 18. Module 2 (theoretical part) 14.05-18.05 2 Total hours 36 CALENDAR PLAN OF LECTURES # THEME OF LECTURE DATES Hours Ia1 Ia2 1. Leukocytosis, leukopenia. Leukemia. Etiology, pathogenesis leukocytosis and leukopenias. Leukemia: principles of classification, the main types, typical symptoms. The etiology of leukemia. Features of the pathogenesis of acute and chronic leukemia. 17.01.18 18.01.18 2 2. The pathophysiology of the heart. Coronary insufficiency: etiology, pathogenesis, consequences, clinical manifestations. Myocardial infarction. 22.01.18 26.01.18 2 3. Pathophysiology of blood vessels. Arterial hypertension: types, etiology, and pathogenesis. 31.01.18 01.02.18 2 5
  • 6. 4. Pathophysiology of the digestive system. Violation of secretory and motor functions of the digestive tract. Ulcer disease. Indigestion associated with secretory insufficiency of the pancreas. 05.02.18 09.02.18 2 5. Pathophysiology of the liver. Liver failure. 14.02.18 15.02.18 2 6. Pathophysiology of kidneys. Renal failure. Causes and mechanisms of disorders of glomerular filtration, tubular reabsorption, and secretion. Acute and chronic renal failure: criteria, causes, mechanisms, common manifestations. Glomerulonephritis. Nephrotic syndrome. 19.02.18 23.02.18 2 7. Pathophysiology of the endocrine system. General mechanisms of disorders of the endocrine system. Neuroendocrine disorders. Syndrome of general adaptation. Pathophysiology of hypothalamic-pituitary and adrenal system 28.02.18 01.03.18 2 8. Pathophysiology of the thyroid and parathyroid glands. 05.03.18 09.03.18 2 9. Pathophysiology of the nervous system. Violation of sensitive function of the nervous system. Pain. 14.03.18 15.03.18 2 10. Pathophysiology of the nervous system. Violation of motor and trophic functions of the nervous system. Pathogenesis of neurogenic dystrophies. 19.03.18 23.03.18 2 11. Violation integrative function of the nervous system. Neuroses. 28.03.18 29.03.18 2 12. Pathophysiology extreme conditions. Etiology, pathogenesis of collapse and shock states. Etiology, pathogenesis coma. 02.04.18 05.04.18 2 Total hours 24 The ESTIMATION FOR THE MODULE is defined as a sum of marks of current educational activity (in points), which is proposed during the evaluation of theoretical knowledges and practical skills. Maximal amount of points, which a student can collect - 200 points during of every module study, including for current educational activity – 120 points (together the practical skills are 112 points, individual work is 8 points), on results final module control are 80 points. CONTROL OF THEORETICAL & PRACTICAL PREPARATION 0 – 2 points – completely prepared homework; 0 – 4 points – oral answer; 0 – 1 points – test control during class. Minimum – 0 points; minimum positive – 4 points; maximum – 7 points 6
  • 7. Practical lessons are structured and provide a comprehensive assessment scores in all learning activities (learning tasks) that students perform during practical classes: "0" points – student just present in the class, but not fulfilled the task for self- knowledge control, refuses to answer in the polling (quiz), does not participate in the discussion of practical work and demonstration material, did not answer for the question of the final test control. A student has not prepared homework. "1" point – the student completed the task for self-knowledge, but can not explain the solution of control tasks, do not know main part of the program material, does not participate in the discussion of practical tasks, not solved the 50% of the final test control tasks. A student has not prepared homework. "2" points – the student completed the task for self-knowledge control, but has difficulties in their interpretation, does not know large portions of the material, makes significant errors; insecure, explains the practical tasks and display material just with support, can not make the conclusion and findings, have not solved 50% the final test control tasks. A student has not prepared homework properly. "3" points – student completed the task for self-knowledge control, but in the explanation assumes inaccuracies; in the polling – knows the main program material, but not remember its details; uses incorrect definitions or terminology, but make a sequences in the learned material; has difficulties in solving practical problems and making conclusions, solved 51-60% of the final test control tasks. A student has not prepared homework properly. "4" points – student is prepared to the lesson, knows the program material, intelligently and good present it, able to explain the main idea of practical tasks, correctly analyzes of displayed material, competently and logical makes conclusions, solved 61-70% of the final test control tasks. The student has prepared homework properly. "5" points – student is prepared for class, knows the program material, intelligently and logical explains it, is able to explain the practical tasks, correctly analyzes of displayed material, competently and logical makes conclusions, solved 71-80% of the final test control tasks. The student has prepared homework properly. "6" points – student mastered the program material thoroughly, consistently, competently and logical makes explanations, tightly linking theory with practice, to cope with the reasons of practical work, demonstration material, able to analyze and make appropriate conclusions, solved 81 - 90% of the final test control tasks. The student has prepared homework properly. "7" points – student deeply learned program material, thoroughly, consistently, competently and logical teaching, closely linking theory with practice, has no difficulties in the response to changed tasks, easily cope with the reasons of practical work, demonstration material, able to analyze and make the appropriate conclusions, solved 91 - 100% final test control tasks. The student has prepared homework properly. 7
  • 8. Topic 1: Pathophysiology of the blood system. Posthemorrhagic anaemia 1. Actuality of the theme. The system of blood is the internal environment of organism. The normal state of blood, its cellular composition, is in close interrelation with activity of different organs and systems (by the nervous system, marrow, liver, kidneys, spleen, and endocrine glands). That is why violations from the side of blood can arise up in connection with changes in these organs or as a result of direct influence on blood of different pathological factors. 2. Duration of the class – 1h 30 min. 3. Aim: Form for students the picture of reasons, mechanisms, and consequences of violations of general volume of blood at different pathological processes. Able to estimate the quantitative changes of RBC, haemoglobin and color index, indexes of physiology regeneration of marrow, degenerative changes of RBC at posthemorrhagic anemia. To khow: determination of concept is “anaemia” and principles of classification; etiology and pathogenesis of acute and chronic posthemorrhagic anaemia; etiology, pathogenesis and displays of violation of general volume of blood; method of determination of hemoglobin, color index, amount of RBC in peripheral blood. To be able: to describe the picture of blood at acute and chronic posthemorrhagic anemia in its different stages; to estimate, using got in an experiment given, quantitative changes of RBC, hemoglobin and color index, indexes of physiology regeneration of marrow, degenerative changes of RBC at posthemorrhagic anaemia. Task for independent extracurricular work: 1. Able to analyse the value of volume, will make and basic functions of blood for support of normal vital functions. 2. Methods of determining the amount of haemoglobin, RBC in blood, color index. 3. Erytropoiesis in a norm, nomenclature and morphology of red blood. 4. Normal indexes of line of RBC: table of contents of RBC, haemoglobin, color index, amount of reticulocyte. To perform practical work: to analyse of the normal content of blood average: Normal content of erythrocytes (red blood cells - RBC) and hemoglobin in blood: Erythrocytes: M — 4.0-5.0·1012 /l; F — 3.7-4.7·1012 /l; Newborn: 5-6·1012 /l Hemoglobin (Hb): M - 135-160 g/l; F - 120-140 g/l; Mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH) = [Hb] / RBC count: 0.85-1.15 (Color Index, CI) Reticulocytes: 2-10 % (of total erythrocyte number) Erythrocytes sedimentation rate (ESR): M - 2-10 mm/h; F - 2-15mm/h Hematocrit: Adults: M - 40-48 %; F - 36-42 %; Newborn: 45-54 % Size of erythrocyte- 7-8 µm Life span of erythrocyte - 120 days Maturation of erythrocyte - 3 days Total amount of erythrocytes in blood of adults - 25·1012 /l Destroyed and formed daily up to 1% of total amount of erythrocytes (210 billion). Iron in blood 8.53-28.06 µmol/l Ferritin, serum in men 96±7.63 µg/l, in women 45.5±4.58 µg/l. 4. Basic level. The name of the previous and future disciplines The receiving of the skills 8
  • 9. 1. histology 2. biochemistry 3. physiology 4. Internal medicine 5. Haemathology Scheme of erythropoiesis. Quantitative parameters of red blood. Technique of erythrocytes account. Technique of determination of the hemoglobin content. Technique of determination of a colour index. 5. Control questions of the theme: 1.The types of changes of general volume of blood. 2.To give determination of “hypovolemia”, its kinds and examples. 3.To give determination of “hypervolemia”, its kinds and examples. 4.Erytrocytosis. Polycythemia, its types, etiology, pathogenesis. 5.Determination of concept of “anaemia”. Classifications of anaemias. 6.Etiology of acute posthemorrhagic anaemia. 7.To give description of phases of compensation of organism on acute hemorrhage. 8.A picture of peripheral blood is in the bone-cerebral phase of compensation after hemorrhage. 9.Etiology and pathogenesis of chronic posthemorrhagic anaemia. 10. Hemorrhagic shock. 6. Students’ practical activities Protocol № 1 Date_____________________ Experimental work 1. Define amount of haemoglobin for a rabbit with acute posthemorrhagic anemia in blood. In a test tube from hemometer collect solution of salt acid to the number 2 on the scale. Collect 0.02 ml of blood into capillary; wipe the tag of the capillary by cotton wool and out blood into the test tube with salt acid. A liquid is mixed and gives to stand 5 min. Then refill the distilled water and mixed by a glass stick until the color of liquid in a test tube will be equal with the color of standard solution of hemometer. Formula of calculation: Hb = A×0.6206, where “A” is an amount of haemoglobin in g%; 0.6206 is a coefficient of count in unit of SI. For example: A = 10 g%, then 10 • 0.6206 = 6.2 mmol/l. Conclusion: __________________________________________________________ Experimental work 2. Count up the amount of RBC for a rabbit. In a test-tube pour 4 ml of a 3% solution of chloride of sodium. By a capillary pipette collect 0.02 ml blood and produce it on the bottom of test tube. The contents are carefully mixed. Then drop of liquids by pipette place under preliminary grinding (rubbing) in integumentary (covered) small glass of account chamber. Count up erythrocytes in 5 large (that in 80 small) squares of net of Goryaeva and calculate their amount in 1 litre of blood after a formula: lТ ААА / 100 10 100 10 80 2004000 128 =•=• •• where A – is an amount of RBC in 5 large squares; 4000 – the volume of small square makes 1/4000 mm3 ; 200 – is dilution of blood; 80 – is an amount of the counted up small squares; 108 is a multiplier for the count of amount of RBC in unit of SI; T – 1012 . Conclusion: ______________________________________________________________________ Experimental work 3. To define the color index. 9
  • 10. Formula of calculation: Er Нв CI • = 2 Unit of Hb is mmol/l, Er is T/l. For example: Hb of experience – 6.2 mmol/l, RBC of experience - 3 x 1012 /l. Then 1 32 2,6 ≈ • =CI Conclusion: ______________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Experimental work 4. Prepare vital stain drop of blood and count up the amount of reticulocytes. On object-plate with the preliminary inflicted paint of brilliant (cresyl) blue do the drop of blood and immediately place on 8-10 min in a water bath. The sample of blood drop dried up on air is examined under the immersion increase of microscope. The count of reticulocytes is conducted in the narrowed eyeshot. Determine the number of reticulocytes on 1000 RBC. Draw a stroke. Analyse information of practical works and draw a conclusion about a presence for the rabbit of anemia. Classify this anemia after pathogenesis, color index, ability to regeneration, by the type of hemopoiesis. Conclusion: ____________________________________________________________ Experimental work 5. Analysis of hemograms: 1. Analyse and estimate quantity of each indicator of red blood (erythrocytes, hemoglobin, CI): norm, more, less. 2. Select the type of anemia according to colour index: normochromic, hyperchromic, hypochromic. 3. Give the examples of diseases in wich this anemia occurs. Hemogram 1 Eryth- rocytes Hemo- glo- bin CI ESR Leu- kocy- tes Baso- phils Eosi- no- phils Neutrophils Lym- pho- cytes Mo- no-cy- tes meta- myelо- cytes stab- nucle- onic segmen- tonucle- onic ∙1012 /l g/l mm/h ∙109 /l % % % % % % % 2.9 75 0.71 9 6 0 2 - 5 61 28 4 Conclusion: ____________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Hemogram 2 Eryth- rocytes He- mo- glo- bin CI ESR Leu- kocy- tes Ba- so- phils Eosi- no- phils Neutrophils Lym- pho- cytes Mo- no-cy- tes meta- myelо- cytes stab- nucle- onic segmen- tonucle- onic ∙1012 /l g/l mm/h ∙109 /l % % % % % % % 3.2 100 0.58 7 7 1 3 1 4 57 29 5 Conclusion: __________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Hemogram 3 Eryth- rocytes Hb CI Ht Leu- kocy- tes Ba- so- phils Eosi- no- phils Neutrophils Lym- pho- cytes Mo- no-cy- tes meta- myelо- cytes stab- nucle- onic segmen- tonucle- onic ∙1012 /l g/l % ∙109 /l % % % % % % % 8.5 130 1.05 67 12 0 2 2 8 58 24 6 Conclusion: __________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 7. Practice Examination. 10
  • 11. Practice examination type 1: Choose the correct answer: Test 1. "Extramedullar haemopoiesis" means: A. Haemopoiesis occur outside the medulla. B. Spleen and liver resume haemopoiesis. С. Expansion of haemopoiesis down the long bones. D. Bonemarrow haemopoiesis. E. None of the above. Test 2. The pathogenesis of hypochromic anemia in lead poisoning is due to: A. Inhibition of enzymes involved in heme biosynthesis. B. Binding of lead to transferrin, inhibiting the transport of iron. С. Binding of leading to cell membrane of erythroid precursors. D. Binding of lead to ferritin inhibiting their breakdown into hemosiderin. Test 3. A 32-year-old patient was admitted to the hospital with gross bloodloss due to auto accident trauma. Ps – 110 Bpm, RR - 22 pm, BP- 100/60mm Hg. What changes in the blood will occur in an hour after the bloodloss? A. Hypovolemia B. Hypoproteinemia C. Hypochromia of erythrocytes D. Leukopenia E. Erythropenia Test 4. After the prolonged vomiting a pregnant 26-year-old woman was found to have the reduced volume of circulating blood. What change in the total blood volume can be the case? A. Oligocythemic hypovolemia B. Simple hypovolemia C. Polycythemic hypovolemia D. Polycythemic hypervolemia E. Oligocythemic hypervolemia Test 5. A patient's blood was analyzed and the decreased erythrocyte’s sedimentation rate (ESR) was discovered. What disease from the listed below is accompanied with decreased ESR? A. Myocardial infarction B. Hepatitis C. Splenomegaly D. Polycytemia E. Vitamin B deficiency Practice examination type 2. Give answers to the questions of the real- life tasks: Task 1. The victim is delivered in receiving branch of the hospital by the casual transport through 8 minutes after a traffic incident. Complains about pain in stomach with irradiation into the right shoulder. The skin is pale, is covered with cold sweat. Arterial pressure - 95/70 mm Hg, pulse – 102 beats for 1 minute, breath - 28 for 1 minute. The blood was taken immediately on analysis a number of erythrocytes – 4.2×1012 /l, hemoglobin content - 122 g/l. 1. Analyse these data. What parameters deviate from the norm? 2. What is it possible to think about in this case? 3. How does it explain painless of skin? 11
  • 12. What does it mean this reaction? 4. How do you evaluate the increase in rate pulse and breath? Answer for the task 1: ___________________________________________________________ Task 2. Amount of RBC of the patient 3.5·1012 /l; contain Hb - 86g/l. 1. What is this state name? 2. Define color index. 3. What does it testify about? Answer for the task 2: ___________________________________________________________ Signature___________________ Literature: Basic: 1. General and clinical pathophysiology/Ed. by A.V.Kubyshkin–Vinn:NovaKnuhaPubl–2011.–P.361–381. 1. Copstead Lee-Ellen C. Pathophysiology / Lee-Ellen C. Copstead, Jacquelyn L. Banasik // Elsevier Inc, 4th edition. – 2010.– P. 290–308, 319–320. 2. Pathophysiology, Concepts of Altered Health States/ C.M.Porth, G.Matfin.–NY,M.–2009.–P.278–285. 3. Russell J. Greene. Pathology and Therapeutics for Pharmacists. A basis for clinical pharmacy practice / Russell J. Greene, Norman D. Harris // IL 60030-7820, 3rd ed, USA. – 2008. – Chapters 11. – P. 705–712. 4. Corwin Elizabeth J. Handbook of Pathophysiology / Corwin Elizabeth J. – 3th edition. Copyright В. – Lippincott Williams & Wilkins – 2008. – Chapters 12. – P. 354–357, 363–365, 368–382. 5. Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease 8th ed./Kumar,Abbas,Fauto 2007. –Ch.12.– P. 422–424. Additional: 1. Essentials of Pathophysiology: Concepts of Altered Health States (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins), Trade paperback (2003) / Carol Mattson Porth, Kathryn J Gaspard. – Chapter 13. – P. 216–221. 2. Silbernagl S. Color Atlas of Pathophysiology /S.Silbernagl, F.Lang//Thieme.Stuttt.NY.–2000.–P.28–33. Topic 2: Hemolytic anemia and anemia caused by violation of erythropoiesis. 1. The actuality of the theme. Anemia is a hematological symptom of various diseases (illnesses of the gastrointestinal pathway, kidneys, infectious and helmintosis, malignant tumors, inherited and purchased diseases of children, different intoxications). The qualitative features of erythrocytes of peripheral blood and bone marrow allow determining a kind of anemia, to make a submission about the regenerative ability of bone marrow and to inspect efficiency of treatment. For example, erythrocytes with the distinctive morphological characteristics are peculiar for iron-deficiency anemia (hypochromic erythrocytes), B12 (folic)-deficiency anemia (megaloblasts and megalocytes), sickle-cell anemia (sickle-shaped erythrocytes), thalassemia (target-like erythrocytes), Minkowski-Shoffar’s anemia (microspherocytes). The increase of amount reticulocytes in peripheral blood testifies for good compensator possibility of bone marrow. 2. Duration of the class – 1h 30 min. 3. Aim: To form for the students of concept about etiology and pathogenesis of hemolytic and megaloblastic anemias, ability to characterize their basic hematological displays, estimate the high-quality changes of RBC and hemoglobin as an index of the tension of compensating mechanisms or pathological changes. 12
  • 13. To know: principal reasons of origin and pathogenesis of hemolytic anemias and anemias are as a result of violation of erythropoiesis; a role of industrial and domestic factors is in the origin of anemias; basic clinical and haematological syndromes are at B12- and folic acid deficit anemia; a mechanism of origin of icterus is at hemolytic anemias. To be able: to describe basic haematological indexes at hemolytic and megaloblastic anemias; to explain principles of experimental design of hemolytic and megaloblastic anemias; on the basis of information of experiment able to estimate the quantitative and high-quality changes of RBC and haemoglobin as index of tension of compensate mechanisms or pathological changes at hemolytic or megaloblastic anemias. A task is to independent extracurricular work: 1. to know erythropoiesis in a norm, morphology of cells of the red blood. 2. Functions of RBC, structure, and functions of hemoglobin. 3. Able to explain a biosynthesis gem; the value of iron for a synthesis gem. 4. To know the exchange of iron, a vitamin of B12 and folic acid in the organism. 5. To know the normal indexes of a number of RBC, amount of hemoglobin, color index, amount of reticulocytes for the grown man. 6. Able to prepare and paint the samples of blood. 7. To define the number of RBC, the concentration of hemoglobin, color index and amount of reticulocytes in blood. To perform practical work: In hereditary hemolytic anemia, hemolysis is caused by a reduction of osmotic and mechanical resistance of erythrocytes. In hereditary membranopathy (microspherocytic hemolytic anemia or disease of Minkovsky-Shoffar) genetic deficiency in the membrane of erythrocytes of Ca2+ -dependent ATP-phase and phospholipids results in increased permeability of the membrane. In hereditary enzymopathy, for example, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency (G-6-PhDG) anemia, acute intravascular hemolysis of erythrocytes is caused by damage of the cellular membranes by peroxide as the erythrocytes with deficiency G-6-PGDG have reduced contents of the restored glutation (oxidant). Intracellular hemolysis of erythrocytes in hereditary hemoglobinopathy is connected with synthesis of abnormal or not peculiar to the given age hemoglobin. In the norm the fetal erythrocytes contain mainly fetal hemoglobin HbF (α2γ2) and their synthesis begins after the 8th week of the embryonal life; newborn’s erythrocytes have 70- 90% of HbF and 10-30% of HbA1; by the end of the first year of life and in adult, erythrocytes contain 96-98% HbA1, 3%HbA2(α2δ2) and 1-2% of HbF. In sickle cell anemia HbS is formed (in 6 position of β-chain of globin glutamic acid is substituted for valine) which in its restored condition falls out in crystals and causes erythrocyte deformity (sickle cells); hypoxia contributes to the intensification of hemolysis of such erythrocytes. The red cell membrane cytoskeleton and the effect of alterations in the cytoskeleton proteins on red cell shape. With mutations that affect the integrity of the membrane cytoskeleton, the normal biconcave erythrocyte loses membrane fragments. To accommodate the loss of surface area, the cell adopts a spherical shape. Such spherocytic cells are less deformable than normal and are therefore trapped in the splenic cords, where they are phagocytosed by macrophages. 4. Basic level. The name of the previous and future disciplines The receiving of the skills 1. Histology; 2. Biochemistry 3. Physiology; 4 Haemathology Scheme of erythropoiesis. Regulation of erythropoiesis. Form and size of erythrocytes. 13
  • 14. Structure of haemoglobin 5. Control questions of the theme: 1. Etiology of the purchased hemolytic anemias, their kinds. 2. To explain the mechanism of hemolysis at the purchased hemolytic anemias. 3. To give a description of the picture of peripheral blood at the purchased hemolytic anemia. 4. To name the types of the inherited hemolytic anemias. 5. To explain pathogenesis hereditary spherocytosis [Minkowsky-Shauffard disease], a picture of blood at this pathology. 6. To explain the pathogenesis of glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficit anemia. 7. To name kinds, explain pathogenesis, a picture of peripheral blood at inherited hemoglobinopathy. Thalassemias. 8. To explain the pathogenesis of sickle cell anemia, a picture of peripheral blood. 9. To name kinds, make examples of anemias as a result of the violation of erythropoiesis. 10. Etiology, pathogenesis, a picture of the blood of asiderotic [iron- deficiency] anemia. Iron-refractory therapy. 11. Kinds and etiology of B12-folic acid deficit anemias. 12. Etiology, pathogenesis of Addison-Birmer’s anemia. 13. Explain the classic displays of pernicious [Biermer-Ehrlich] anemia. 14. To give a description of the picture of peripheral blood at pernicious anemia. 6. Students’ practical activities Protocol № 2 Date_____________________ Experimental work 1. To learn the picture of blood for a rabbit with experimental hemolytic anemia. Within a week three times (with a two-day interval), a 3% solution of phenylhydrazine is entered hypodermic a rabbit (dose of 0,6 ml per 1 kg of mass). Cut off wool on the ear of the rabbit, a skin has wiped an alcohol, dry out either and pricks a regional vein. The drop of blood inflict on the edge of the preparatory glass, stretch on its entire surface by the polished subject glass, leaned to the drop under the corner of 45°. On the stroke dried up on air inflict the counted up amount of drops of paint of Main- Grunwald' and paint during 3 min. (fixing). Then inflict the same amount of drops of the distilled water, mix up a waggle (coloring). A paint is united and, not washing water, a stroke is inundated the divorced paint of Romanovsky (1 drop on 1 ml distilled water) on 6 min. Wash off a paint with water, dry out a stroke and study under an immersion increase. Conclusion: __________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 14
  • 15. Experimental work 2. To learn the picture of peripheral blood for an animal with megaloblastic anemia. Daily, during 5 days, intraperitoneal is entered an animal water solution of saponin, from the calculation of 5 mg per 1 kg of mass. On lesson, the skin of ear of animal has wiped an alcohol and does an incision. Prepare the thin stroke of blood, and after drying out dye after Pappengeym. A stroke is ready to consider under an immersion increase. Describe the picture of blood at hemolytic and megaloblastic anemias. Conclusion: _________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Experimental work 3. Analysis of hemograms. 1. Analyse and estimate the quantity of each indicator of red blood (erythrocytes, hemoglobin, CI): norm, more, less. 2. Select the type of anemia according to color index: normochromic, hyperchromic, hypochromic. 3. Give the examples of diseases in which this anemia occurs. Conclusion: _______________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Hemogram 1 Eryth- rocytes Hb CI ESR Leu- kocy- tes Ba- so- phils Eosi- no- phils Neutrophils Lym- pho- cytes Mo- no- cy- tes meta- myelо- cytes stab- nucle- onic segmen- tonucle- onic ∙1012 /l g/l mm/h ∙109 /l % % % % % % % 2.79 110 0.63 8 5 1 4 - 2 59 28 6 3.25 120 1.22 7 7 1 3 1 4 55 31 5 Conclusion: ________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Hemogram 2 Eryth- rocytes Hb CI ESR Leu- kocy- tes Ba- so- phils Eosi- no- phils Neutrophils Lym- pho- cytes Mo- no- cy- tes meta- myelо- cytes stab- nucle- onic segmen- tonucle- onic ∙1012 /l g/l mm/h ∙109 /l % % % % % % % 3.27 142 1.42 5 7 1 5 1 6 53 30 4 9.45 105 1.27 10 9 1 2 1 4 56 24 3 Conclusion: __________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Experimental work 4. Microscope study the picture of blood and bone marrow in various kinds of anemia: Slide 1. Iron-deficiency anemia – blood; Slide 2. Pernicious (B12-deficiency) anemia – blood; Slide 3. Pernicious (B12- deficiency) anemia – bone marrow Conclusion: __________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 7. Practice Examination. Practice examination type 1: Choose the correct answer: Test 1. A 34-year-old woman was diagnosed with hereditary microspherocytic hemolytic anemia (Minkowsky-Shauffard disease). What mechanism caused hemolysis of erythrocytes? 15
  • 16. A. Autoimmune disorder B. Bone marrow hypoplasia C. Enzymopathy D. Membranopathy E. Hemoglobinopathy Test 2. Substitution of the glutamic acid on valine was revealed while examining the initial molecular structure. For what inherited pathology is this typical? A. Minkowsky-Shauffard disease B. Hemoglobinosis C. Sickle-cell anemia D. Favism E. Thalassemia Test 3. A 25-year-old Palestinian woman complains of weakness, dizziness, and dyspnea. In anamnesis: periodically exacerbating anemia. In blood: Hb - 60 g/l, erythrocytes – 2.5*1012 /l, reticulocytes - 35‰, anisocytosis and poikilocytosis of erythrocytes, a lot of target cells and polychromatophils. What type of anemia is it? A. Sickle-cell anemia B. Addison-Biermer disease C. Glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase-deficient anemia D. Minkowsky-Shauffard disease E. Thalassemia Test 4. A 47-year-old man walks into the emergency room because of feeling very weak, tired, short of breath, and dizzy. He has numbness and tingling in his fingers. He appears pale and sallow. On examination, his heart rate is 132. His sclerae and nailbeds are pale. His heart is enlarged and he has dependent edema of his ankles. Laboratory findings include a negative Coombs’ test and hemoglobin of 4 g/dL. The likely diagnosis is? A. Pernicious anemia B. Autoimmune anemia C. Blood loss D. Traumatic hemolytic anemia E. Iron-deficiency anemia Test 5. A 55 y.o. woman consulted a doctor about having continuous cyclic uterine hemorrhages for a year, weakness, dizziness. Examination revealed skin pallor. Hemogram: Hb – 70 g/L, erythrocytes - 3.2*1012 /L, color index - 0.6, leukocytes – 6.0*109 /L, reticulocytes - 1%; erythrocyte hypochromic. What anemia is it? A. B12-folate-deficiency anemia B. Iron-deficiency anemia C. Aplastic anemia D. Chronic posthemorrhagic anemia E. Hemolytic anemia Test 6. A 37-year-old female patient complains of a headache, vertigo, troubled sleep, numbness of limbs. For the last 6 years, she has been working at the gas-discharge lamp-producing factory in the lead- processing shop. Blood test findings: low Hb & RBC level, serum iron concentration exceeds the norm by several times. Specify the type of anemia: A. Iron-refractory anemia B. Iron-deficiency anemia 16
  • 17. C. Minkowsky-Shauffard disease D. Hypoplastic anemia E. Metaplastic anemia Practice examination type 2. Give answers to the questions of the real- life tasks: Task 1. In a patient with anemia, there is the following picture of blood: a number of erythrocytes – 1.4·1012 /l, hemoglobin content - 62 g/l; aniso- and poikilocytes megaloblasts, megalocytes in the smear. 1. What type of anemia are such changes characterized for? 2. Why does it develop? 3. Why in this case is sharply expressed erythropenia? 4. Give the morphological characteristic to megaloblasts and megalocytes. 5. Calculate Color Index (MCH). Answer for the task 1: ___________________________________________________________ Task 2. The blood of a patient with anemia is characterized by parameters: the number of erythrocytes – 3.5·1012 /l, hemoglobin content - 50g/l; in blood smear – annulocytes, poikilocytes, and microcytes. 1. For what kind of anemia these parameters are characterized? 2. Calculate Color Index (MCH) and determine, to what group (according to Color Index) this anemia concern. 3. Why erythrocytes are acquired in rings form. Answer for the task 2: ___________________________________________________________ Signature___________________ Literature: Basic: 1. General and clinical pathophysiology/ A.V.Kubyshkin–Vinn:Nova Knuha Publ–2011.–P.381– 409. 2. Copstead L-E.C.Pathophysiology/L-E.C.Copstead, J.L.Banasik // ElsevierInc 4th ed.–2010.– P. 310–329. 3. Pathophysiology, Concepts of Altered Health States/ C.M.Porth, G.Matfin.–NY,M.–2009.–P.278–285. 4. Corwin Elizabeth J. Handbook of Pathophysiology / Corwin Elizabeth J. – 3th edition. Copyright В. – Lippincott Williams & Wilkins – 2008. – Chapters 12. – P. 363–365, 368–382. 5. Russell J. Greene. Pathology and Therapeutics for Pharmacists. A basis for clinical pharmacy practice / Russell J. Greene, Norman D. Harris // IL 60030-7820, 3rd edition, USA. – 2008. – Ch. 11. – P. 712–724. 6. Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease 8th ed/ Kumar, Abbas, Fauto 2007.–Ch.12.–P. 422–441. Additional: 7. Essentials of Pathophysiology: Concepts of Altered Health States (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins), Trade paperback (2003) / Carol Mattson Porth, Kathryn J Gaspard. – Chapter 13. – P. 221–230. 8. SilbernaglS. Color Atlas of Pathophysiology/S.Silbernagl,F.Lang//Thieme.Stuttg. NY.– 2000.–P.34–41. Topic 3. Leukocytosis and leukopenia. Leukemias. 1. The actuality of the theme. Leukocytosis is considered as a reaction hematopoietic system due to the action of physiological and pathological irritations. Leukocytosis is a pathological symptom of many diseases. In a basis of leukocytosis lay pathophysiological mechanisms connected with proliferation, maturation going out of leukocytes and their flow into vessels and redistribution. 17
  • 18. Leukopenia may depend upon the oppressive influence of some toxins on the maturation and outflow of leucocytes from the bone marrow. Often these phenomena are observed during the infectious diseases. They have significance for the differential diagnostic. If for the disease is characterized leukocytosis, the availability of leukopenia testifies on depression of the hemopoietic system. 2. Duration of the class – 1h 30 min. 3. Aim: to analyze the pathogenesis of the quantitative and qualitative changes of leucocytes in blood. The increase of leucocyte quantity is called leucocytosis, and the decrease-leukopenia. The norm is 4-9G/l or 4-9*109 /l. The quantitative changes are increased the quantity of immature forms in blood and degeneration of leucocytes. Analyse of the pathogenesis of leukemia. Oncogenic viruses, ionizing radiation, and chemical substances cause mutation of genes or epigenomic disturbance of regulation of multiplication and maturation of hematopoietic cells of the II-nd and III-rd levels. To know: types of the left nuclear deviation, leukemia – is a disease of tumor nature, originating from blood cells with the initial affection of the bone marrow. To be able: to analyze the quantitative and qualitative changes of leucocytes in blood, blood data under acute and chronic leukemia. The task for independent extracurricular work. 1. To know leukopoiesis in a norm, morphology of white blood cells. 2. Methods of determining the number of white blood cells in the blood. 3. Anatomy and functions of primary and secondary hematopoietic organs. 4. Basic level. The name of the previous and future disciplines The receiving of the skills 1. histology 2. biochemistry 3. physiology 4. haematology Scheme of leucopoesis. Leucocytes formula of blood. Function of leucocytes. Methods of counting of leucocytes maintenance in blood. 5. The advice for students. Leukocytosis. Leucocytosis –is the increase of total leucocyte quantity in blood – over 9G/l (9*109 /l). Leukopenia. Leucopenia – is the decrease of total leucocyte number in blood –below 4G/l (4*109 ). Manual leukocyte differential To manually classify leukocytes, a blood film is stained with May-Gruenwald- Giemsa. The different types of leukocytes from the film are counted under a microscope. Since the leukocytes are not evenly distributed in the film and the same cell may not be counted more than once, the preparation should be systematically screened. 18
  • 19. Pull film Push film At least 100 leukocytes should be counted and classified. Ideally, 2 x 100 cells (in two blood films) should be counted. It is nearly impossible to count more than 100 leukocytes in severe leukopenias. On the other hand, in the case of very high leukocyte counts, 400 leukocytes should be counted. Percentages achieved in this way are converted to absolute values via the leukocyte count (e.g. 20% lymphocytes with a leukocyte count of 6.0 x 109 /L correspond to an absolute lymphocyte count of 0.2 x 6.0 = 1.2 x 109 /L). Rümke table % = percentage of a type of leukocyte to the total number shaded dark red = percentage of identified leukocytes (Table modified from the CD-ROM "Das interaktive Handbuch der Hämatologie") Precision must be discussed again. Since leukocytes such as eosinophils and basophils only constitute a small part of the total number of leukocytes, the accuracy of their counts is rather small when only 100 leukocytes are counted. This is especially important when the leukocyte count is very high (e.g. 1 eosinophil per 100 leukocytes in a leukocyte count of 60.0 x 109 /L already corresponds to 60.0 x 107 /L). To what degree the leukocyte differential values can vary, independent of the number of differentiated cells can be determined from the Rümke table (see below). If the actual percentage of a patient's basophils is 5%, for example, the value found by counting 100 leukocytes may be between 2 and 11%. Only by counting 10,000 cells (performed accurately only by automated counters), has the obtained value a precision of ±10%. If the percentage of a cell type is 50% a precision of ±10% is achieved with 500 counted leukocytes. 6. Control questions of the theme: 1. What is leukocytosis? Classification of the leukocytosis. Etiology of the leukocytosis. 2. The mechanisms of leucocytosis. Blood picture under the leukocytosis. 3. What is leukopenia? Classification of the leukopenia. Etiology of the leukopenia. 4. The mechanisms of leucopenia. What is aleukia? 5. Blood picture under the leukopenia. 6. Leucocyte degeneration in blood. 19
  • 20. 7. Determination and general definition of leukosis. Classification of leucosis is after motion and morphological signs. 8. Modern theories of the origin of leukosis: the role of viruses, ionizing radiation, chemical matters, inherited anomalies. Tumor nature of leukosis. Basic displays of tumor progression. 9. Features of hemopoiesis, a picture of peripheral blood, leukogram at an acute myeloleukosis [myeloleukemia]. 10.Features of hemopoiesis, a picture of blood at chronic myeloleukosis. 11.Picture of blood, leukogram at an acute lympholeukosis. 12.Picture of blood, leukogram at a chronic lympholeukosis. 13.A mechanism of development of anemia at acute and chronic leukosis. 14.Violation of reactivity of organism is at leucosis. A role of the inherited anomalies is in development of leucosis. 15.Plasma cell disorders. Multiple myeloma. 7. Students’ practical activities Protocol № 3 Date_____________________ Experimental work 1. Count up a leukocytic formula (leukogram) at an abscess. To prepare the stroke of blood, taken from the vein of the ear of rabbit and to paint it after Pappengeym. See the sample under an immersion increase. The drop of blood is mentally divided into four fields, conducting the lines which are perpendicular one to one through the center of the sample. Count up in every field 25 leukocytes, moving a stroke on the broken line. Count up separate types of leukocytes using a meter. Formula: LG А L АА / 20 /10 20 10 11600 204000 96 =•=• • •• , А – amount of leucocytes in 100 big squares; 1600 – amount of small squares; 4000 1 - a volume of small square is in microliter; 20 - is a degree of breeding of blood; 106 - is a multiplier for the count of amount of leucocytes in CI units; G - giga = 109 Conclusion______________________________________________________________________ Experimental work 2. Define the index of nuclear change. The index of nuclear change of neutrophiles is determined after a formula: S BYМ % %%% ++ where M – mielocytes B – band [stab] neutrophiles Y – young neutrophiles S – segmented [polynuclear] neutrophiles. Index of nuclear exchange in norm 0,6-0,8 Conclusion____________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 20
  • 21. Experimental work 3. Counting of leukocytic formula in a smear of blood patient with leukosis. a) Acute lymphoblastic leukosis; b) Acute myeloblastic leukosis; c) Chronic myelocytic leukosis; d) Chronic lymphocytic leukosis Study smear in immersion microscope objective. For determination of leucocytic formula is necessary to calculate 100 leukocytes. Counting should be done in four various parts of smear, moving subject glass so that the fields of sight were on sufficient distance from either and other. For it also necessary pay attention to the form, sizes of cells, color, granularity in protoplasm, form, and color of a nucleus. Put the results of counting in the table: Baso- phi- les Eosi- nophi- les Neutrophiles Lym- pho- blast s Lym- pho- cytes Mono- cytesMyelo- blasts Promy- elocytes Myelo- cytes Meta- myelo- cytes Stabnuc- leonic Segmento- nuclenic 1% 0% 0% 0% 1% 2% 5% 8% 80% 1% 2% 2% 0% 90% 0% 1% 0% 2% 1% 0% 3% 1% 2% 1% 3% 14% 10% 6% 7% 39% 0% 10% 8% 3% 2% 0% 0% 0% 2% 3% 7% 4% 75% 4% Conclusion:_____________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 8. Practice Examination. Practice examination type 1: Choose the correct answer: Test 1. During the medical examination of a boy 5 years old were found the significant increase of eosinophils in the blood. What from mentioned below can be the cause of eosinophilia? A. Helminthiasis B. Obesity C. Hypodynamia D. Hypothermia E. Physical strain Test 2. A 16-year-old boy has performed an appendectomy. He has been hospitalized for right lower quadrant abdominal pain within 18 hours. The surgical specimen is edematous and erythematous. Infiltration by what of the following cells is the most typical for the process occurring here? A. Basophils B. Eosinophils C. Monocytes D. Neutrophils E. Limphocytes Test 3. A patient operated on complicated appendicitis has the following changes of blood count: erythrocytes-4.0x1012 /l, Нb-120 g/l, color index-0.9, leukocytes–18.109 /l, basophils-0, eosinophils - 0, myelocytes - 0, juvenile - 0, stab neutrophils - 20, segmentonuclear neutrophils - 53, lymphocytes - 21, monocytes - 5. How is such nuclear shift of leukocytic formula called? A. Hyperregenerative B. Regeneratively-degenerative 21
  • 22. C. Regenerative left shift D. Right shift E. Degenerative left shift Test 4. Lazy leucocyte syndrome is because of: A. Disorder of phagocytosis B. Cellular immunodeficiency C. Combined immunodeficiency D. Disorder of complement Test 5. In a patient with leucosis parameters of white blood are the following: the number of leucocytes – 100∙109 /l, from them basophils – 1 %, eosinophils – 2%, stab neutrophils – 4%, segmental leucocytes – 7%, lymphoblasts – 2%, lymphocytes – 80%, monocytes – 4%. In blood, there are a lot of destroyed lymphocytes (Gymprehkt bodies). These parameters are characterized by: A. Acute myeloblastic leukosis B. Chronic myelocytic leukosis C. Chronic lymphocytic leukosis D. Acute plasmoblastic leukosis E. Chronic monocytic leukosis Test 6. A patient with acute myeloblast leucosis has developed liver and spleen enlargement, anemia, myeloblasts in peripheral blood. What principal sign allows differing myeloblast leukosis from chronic one? A. Leukemic gap B. Pancytopenia C. Anemia D. Blast cells in peripheral blood E. Thrombocytopenia Test 7. A 23 y.o. a patient complains of weakness, a temperature rises up to 38-400 C. Objectively: liver and spleen are enlarged. Hemogram: Hb- 100 g/l, erythrocytes – 2.9*1012 /l, leukocytes – 4.4*109 /l, thrombocytes – 48*109 /l, segmentonuclear neutrophils - 17%, lymphocytes - 15%, blast cells - 68%. All cytochemical reactions are negative. Make a hematological conclusion: A. Acute erythromyelosis B. Acute myeloblastic leukosis C. Chronic myeloleukosis D. Undifferentiated leukosis E. Acute lymphoblastic leukosis Test 8. Mongolism and Philadelphia chromosome (Phi) is commonly associated with? A. Acute lymphoblastic leukemia B. Chronic lymphatic leukemia C. Chronic myeloid leukemia D. Acute myeloid leukemia E. Erythroleukemia Test 9. A patient has a cluster of matted together dense lymph nodes on his neck. Histological examination of a removed lymph node revealed a proliferation of reticular cells, the presence of Reed-Sternberg cells. What disease is meant? A. Myelocytic leukosis B. Myeloblastic leukosis C. Lymphocytic leukosis D. Lymphoblastic leukosis E. Lymphogranulomatosis 22
  • 23. Practice examination type 2 Give answer to the questions of the real- life tasks: Task 1. Amount of leucocytes Baso - phile s Eosino -philes Neutrophiles Lym- phocyte s Mono -cytesMyelo- cytes Meta- myelo- cytes Stab- nucleo -nic Segmen -tonuc- leonic Task1 12,0·109 /l 1 % 2 % - 1 % 15 % 57 % 20 % 4 % Task 2 58,3·109 /l 1 % 3 % Single 3 % 38 % 48 % 4 % 3 % Task 3 1,35·109 /l 0,5 % 1,5 % - - 4 % 17 % 65 % 12 % Task 4 11,4·109 /l 2 % 16 % - - 1 % 55 % 24 % 2 % Task 5 2,0·109 /l 0 % 1 % - 1 % 3 % 72 % 21 % 2 % 1. Analyze above mentioned leucocytes formulas and indicate what changes of total leukocytes and separate forms are present in each of them. 2. What pathological processes and diseases are typical for this type of hemograms? Give examples. Answer for the task 2:___________________________________________________ Task 2. Total amount of leucocytes Baso- philes Eosino- philes Neutrophiles Lympho- blasts Lympho- cytes Mono- cytesMyelo- blasts Meta- mye- locytes Stab Seg- mental 100,0*109 /l 1% 2% 0% 0% 4% 7% 2% 80% 4% 60*109 /l 0% 3% - 1% 3% 6% 43% 39% 5% 22*109 /l 2% 2% - - 5% 38% 9% 42% 4% 48,5*109 /l 1% 1% 0% 1% 3% 21% 36% 34% 3% 1. Indicate, what parameters mentioned deviate from norm. What the essence of this deviation - decrease, increase, appearance of the unusual forms? 2. What form of leucosis this leukogram is characterized for? Answer for the task 2:___________________________________________________ Task 3. Total amount of Baso- philes Eosi- nophi- Neutrophiles Lym- pho- Mono- cytesMyelo- Promiel Myelo- Meta- Stab Seg- 23
  • 24. leucocytes les blasts ocytes cytes myelo- cytes mental cytes 75,0*109 /l 1% 1 % 78% - - - 3% 3% 10% 2% 54*109 /l - 1% 25% 0% 1% 3% 5% 43% 17% 5% 39*109 /l 1% 2% 9% - 2% 5% 7% 41% 20% 13% 250*109 /l 2% 4 % 11 % 6 % 10 % 14 % 13 % 21 % 18 % 1 % 1. Indicate, what from above mentioned parameters deviate from norm. In what the essence of this deviation – decrease, increase, appearance of the unusual forms consists? 2. What form of leucosis this leukogram is characterized for? Answer for the task 3:___________________________________________________ Signature___________________ Literature: Basic: 1. General and clinical pathophysiology / A.V.Kubyshkin–Vinn: Nova Knuha Publ– 2011.– P.286–287, 322–333. 2. Copstead L-E.C. Pathophysiology / L-E.C. Copstead, J.L. Banasic // Elsevier Inc. – 2010. – P. 242–262. 3. Symeonova N.K. Pathophysiology / N.K. Symeonova // Kyiv, AUS medicine Publ.–2010. – P.266–322. 4. Pathophysiology, Concepts of Altered Health States, Carol Mattson Porth, Glenn Matfin. – NY. – 2009. – P. 278– 323. 5. Corwin Elizabeth J. Handbook of Pathophysiology / Corwin Elizabeth J. – 3th edition. Copyright В. – Lippincott Williams & Wilkins – 2008. – Chapter 12. – P. 357–359, 363, 366–367, 382–387. 6. Russell J. Greene. Pathology and Therapeutics for Pharmacists. A basis for clinical pharmacy practice / Russell J. Greene, Norman D. Harris // Published by the Pharmaceutical Press, 3rd edition, USA. – 2008. – Chapter 11. – P. 725–726. 7. Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease8th ed./Kumar,Abbas,Fauto.–2007. – Ch.12.–P.441–468. Additional: 8. Essentials of Pathophysiology: Concepts of Altered Health States (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins), Trade paperback (2003) / Carol Mattson Porth, Kathryn J. Gaspard. –Chapter 11. – P. 191-205. Topic 4: Violation of hemostasis. 1. The actuality of the theme. One of major functions of blood there is support of its liquid state into vessels and coagulates of blood at violation of integrity of vascular wall. The liquid state of blood is saved due to balance between coagulative and anticoagulative, fibrinolytic and kallikrein-kinin systems. A violation in the system of hemostasis can take place in three directions: 1) decline of coagulative ability of blood and origin of hemorragic diathesis; 2) increase of the coagulative ability of blood and origin of thromboses; 3) origin of the thrombohemorragic syndrome, which shows up an increase of thrombosis and hemorrhagic diathesis both. 2. Duration of the class – 1 h 30 min. 3.Aim: To form for students the modern knowledge of reasons and mechanisms of violation thrombocyte-vascular and coagulative hemostasis, to design these processes in an experiment on animals with the purpose of cognition of reasons and terms of their origin, mechanisms of development, consequences and value of these processes in the pathology of man. To khow: etiologic factors which predetermine violation of producing blood clots; basic phases of process of blood tromb formation; reasons and mechanisms of origin of hemorrhagic diathesis; reasons and mechanisms of violation thrombocyte-vascular 24
  • 25. hemostasis; etiology and pathogenesis of disseminated intravascular coagulation [DIC]; inherited violations of blood thrombosis. To be able: to explain the mechanisms of interrelation of basic factors of coagulative and anticoagulative systems in the process of clotting; to reproduce violation of blood clotting in an experiment; to calculate prothrombin time [PT] and prothrombin index; to count up the amount of platelets in peripheral blood. A task is to independent extracurricular work: To think over the followings theoretical questions: Modern presentations about coagulative and anticoagulative system of blood. Mechanisms of the physiology blood clotting. Thrombosis as local violation of circulation of blood. Stages of blood clotting. To perform practical work: to analyse of the pathogenesis of the platelet adhesion and aggregation. Von Willebrand factor functions as an adhesion bridge between subendothelial collagen and the glycoprotein Ib (GpIb) platelet receptor. Aggregation is accomplished by binding of fibrinogen to platelet GpIIb-IIIa receptors and bridging many platelets together. Congenital deficiencies in the various receptors or bridging molecules lead to the diseases indicated in the colored boxes. ADP, adenosine diphosphate. 4. Basic level. The name of the previous and future disciplines The receiving of the skills 1. histology 2. biochemistry 3. physiology 4. internal medicine 5. haematology Vesseles-thrombocytous and plasmatic factors, which participate in coagulation of blood. Stage of blood coagulation. Significance ancoagulative and fibrinolytic systems of blood. 5. Control questions of the theme: 1.What is hemostasis pathology? Classification of pathology of hemostasis. 2.Normal hemostasis. The classical coagulation cascade. 3.Virchow's triad in thrombosis. 4.Decreasing of blood coagulation ability. 5.Thrombocytopenia and thrombocytopathy. 6.Increasing of blood coagulation ability. 7.Bleeding disorders related to defective platelet functions: Bernard–Soulier syndrome, Glanzmann’s thrombasthenia. 8.Hemorrhagic diatheses related to abnormalities in clotting factors: deficiencies of Factor VIII-vWF complex, Von Willebrand disease, Hemophilia A, and B. 9.Generalized (disseminated) intravascular blood coagulation (DIC-syndrome). 10. Trombocytopenias: immune trombocytopenic purpura, drug-induced, and HIV-associated trombocytopenia. 6. Independent audience work of student Protocol № 4 Date_____________________ Experimental work 1. Define prothrombin time [PT] for a dog with the cirrhosis of the liver. In advance, the oily solution of carbon tetrachloride has entered a dog from the 25
  • 26. calculation of 4 ml per 1kg of mass. Before lesson for a dog take 4.5 ml of blood, add 0.5 ml of a 0.1% solution of oxalic sodium and spin, take the plasma. In test tube pour 0.2 ml of plasma, warm up on a water bath at 38°C; add 0.2 ml warmed to a 38°N mixture from equal parts of thromboplastin and 0.5% solution of calcium chloride. Carefully mix up a glass stick, continuing to hold in a water bath. Calculate time from adding mixture to the first signs of coagulation of plasma (in seconds). Calculate the prothrombin indexes after formula: B А Х • = 100 , where A – a time of coagulation of control plasma (seconds); B – the time of coagulation of experimental plasma (seconds). A normal index of is equal 70-100%. Conclusion:_______________________________________________________________________ Experimental work 2. Count up the number of thrombocytes for a rabbit with radiation illness. Three days prior to lesson an animal is exposed to the X-rays. In the area of regional vein, ears inflict a few drops of a 14% solution of magnesium sulphate prick a vein; carefully mix up blood a glass stick with magnesia in correlation 2:10. From the prepared mixture prepare a blood; dye it after Pappengeym (to repaint for the best visibility of thrombocytes). A count is conducted under an immersion increase in the narrowed eyeshot. Count up the number of thrombocytes on 1000 RBC. Thef ormula of calculation: 1000 АН Х • = , where H – is an amount of platelets on 1000 RBC; A – is an amount of RBC; Method of count the number of RBC see in the previous lesson. Conclusion:_______________________________________________________________________ 8. Practice Examination. Practice examination type 1. Choose the correct answer: Test 1. In the patient in time accident on Chornobyl atomic power station aroses hemorrhagic syndrome, which was showed by hemorrhage in skin and mucous membrane, appearance of blood in urine, faces and phlegmon. The mechanism of hemorrhagic syndrome consists of: A. Activation of fibrinolytic system B. Accumulation of heparin in blood C. Decrease amount of thromocytes D. Violation of structure of fibrinogene E. Lesion vascular wall Test 2. A 43-year-old patient has thrombopenia, reduction of fibrinogen, products of degradation of fibrin presented in the blood, petechial haemorrhage along with septic shock. What is the most likely cause of the changes? A. Autoimmune thrombocytopenia B. DIC-syndrom C. Exogenous intoxication D. Disorder of thrombocytes production E. Haemorrhagic diathesis Test 3. Prothrombin time is increased in: A. Thrombocytopenia B. Afibrinogenemia C. Qualitative defect of platelets D. Willebrand's disease E. DIC syndrome 26
  • 27. Test 4. Examination of a patient with frequent hemorrhages from internals and mucous membranes revealed proline and lysine being a part of collagen fibers. What vitamin absence caused disturbance of their hydroxylation? A. Vitamin A B. Thiamine C. Vitamin K D. Vitamin E E. Vitamin C Test 5. A 2-year-old child has got intestinal dysbacteriosis, which results in hemorrhagic syndrome. What is the most likely cause of hemorrhage of this child? A. Vitamin К insufficiency B. Hypocalcemia C. РР hypovitaminosis D. Fibrinogen deficiency E. Activation of tissue thromboplastin Practice examination type 2. Give answer to the questions of the real-life task: The patient was in the surgical clinic because of thrombophlebitis of the right leg. After careless sudden movement an acute dyspnea to bother him, pain in the chest and cyanosis appeared. 1. Did these disorders associate with thrombophlebitis of the leg? 2. In what cases such consequences of thrombophlebitis are possible? 3. Are such complications occasional in the patient? 4. Is thrombophlebitis complication possible in the other organs - brain, kidneys, spleen? Answers for the task: ______________________________________________________________ Signature___________________ Literature: Basic: 1. General and clinical pathophysiology/Ed.byA.V.Kubyshkin–Vinn NovaKnuha Publ.–2011.–P.444–460. 2. Symeonova N.K. Pathophysiology / N.K. Symeonova // Kyiv, AUS M-ne Publ. – 2010. – P. 322–338. 3. Copstead Lee-Ellen C. Pathophysiology /L.-E.C.Copstead,J.L.Banasic//Elsevier Inc.–2010.–P.330–346. 4. Pathophysiology, Concepts of Altered Health States/ C.M.Porth, G.Matfin.–NY,M.–2009.–P.262–278.Corwin Elizabeth J. Handbook of Pathophysiology / Corwin Elizabeth J. – 3th edition. Copyright В. – Lippincott Williams & Wilkins – 2008. – Chapter 12. – P. 359–364, 387–390. 5. Russell J. Greene. Pathology and Therapeutics for Pharmacists. A basis for clinical pharmacy practice / Russell J. Greene, Norman D. Harris // IL 60030-7820, 3rd edition, USA. – 2008. – Ch. 11. – P. 726–741. 6. Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease 8th ed./Kumar,Abbas,Fauto.– 2007.–Ch12. –P.468–475. Additional: 1. Essentials of Pathophysiology: Concepts of Altered Health States (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins), Trade paperback (2003) / Carol Mattson Porth, Kathryn J. Gaspard. Chapter 12. – P. 205-215. 2. Silbernagl S. Color Atlas of Pathophysiology /S.Silbernagl,F.Lang//Thieme.Stuttg.NY.–2000.–P.60–65. Topic 5: Pathophysiology of heart. Arrhythmias. 1. The actuality of the theme. The disorders of cardiac rhythm concern to complex manifestations of a pathology of heart. It can arise in rather small damage of the conducting system, and in some cases in structural changes. More often arrhythmia arises with 27
  • 28. infectious illnesses and intoxications as consequence of myocarditis or dystrophy processes in cardiac muscle, and also in heart ischemic disease, cardiosclerosis. The disorders of cardiac rhythm arise also owing to reflex influences from various interceptors areas (disease of the liver, intestinal tract, uterus), and also in hemodynamic disorders (arterial hypertension). Not infrequently аrrythmia is a result of disturbance of functions central and vegetative parts of nervous system. For example, the increase of activity parasympathetic nervous system leads to a delay of conductivity. Similar is observed also by an overdose of some medicinal drugs (digitalis, quinidine, morphine). If bradycardia is accompanied complete atrioventricular blockade, can occur ischemia of brain with loss consciousness and occurring spasms. Arrhythmia can result in the development of cardiac insufficiency. 2. Duration of the class – 1 h 30 min. 3. Aim: To reproduce the models of basic forms of disorders of cardiac activity of caused violation of excitability, to explain reasons and mechanisms of origin in order to make the ability to apply an etiologic and pathogenetic treatment of arrhythmias on the departments of clinical type. To know: that ability to the automatic formation of impulses depends on the cells located in the conductive system of the heart (p-cells). A spontaneous slow depolarization of the cellular membrane occurs in them during diastole. - classification of arrhythmias and most widespread in clinical practice of their form; - mechanisms of violations of automatism, excitability, and conductivity of heart; - signs of electrocardiography of separate types of arrhythmias. To be able: to reproduce in an experiment on animals separate types of violations of cardiac rhythm; - to explain changes on ECG at arrhythmias; - to conduct electrocardiography research on animals (rabbit, frogs). A task is to independent extracurricular work: Conducting system of the heart, its anatomy, histology and functional value. The concept of “pace-maker”, mechanisms of origin of bioelectric potentials in a cardiac muscle. Basic electrophysiology properties of cardiac muscle. A principle of electrocardiography. Basic taking which is used in medical practice. Description of indexes of ECG. To perform practical work: to analyze the mechanisms of the arrhythmias. 4. Basic level. The name of the previous disciplines The receiving of the skills 5. Histology 6. Biochemistry 7. Physiology 8. Internal medicine 9. Cardiology Structure of the conducting system of heart. Main properties of heart - automatism, irritability, conductivity, contractivity, refractory. Mechanisms of occurrence and transfer of nervous impulse on the conducting system of heart. 5. Control questions of the theme: 1. Etiology of cardiovascular diseases. 2. Arrhythmias of heart: definition, classification. 3. Etiology and pathogenesis of nomotopic and heterotopic violations of automatism: sinus tachy-, brady- and arrhythmia. 28
  • 29. 4. Reasons and mechanisms of extrasystoles and paroxysmal tachycardia. Basic signs of different types of extrasystoles on ECG. 5. Blocks of heart: kinds, reasons, mechanism of origin. Atrioventricular block. 6. Blinking arrhythmia: principal reasons, description, mechanisms. 7. Flutter and fibrillation of atrium or ventricles; a mechanism of origin, the sign is on ECG. 8. Methods of experimental recreation of arrhythmias. 9. Sudden cardiac death. 6. Independent audience work of student. Protocol № 5 Date_____________________ Experimental work 1. Reproduce extrasystoles in a rabbit. A rabbit is fixed in position on the back. Connect electrodes from electocardioscope on front and back extremities. Take initial ECG. In a regional vein, the ears of rabbit enter 1 ml of a 10% solution of chlorous barium. Through 20-30 sec mark appearance of single extrasystoles. Study reflexion bradycardia in a rabbit. After normalization of the electrocardiogram to the nose of rabbit bring cotton wool, moistened the concentrated solution of ammonia. Look after development bradycardia and appearance different type of extrasystoles. Conclusion:_____________________________________________________________________ Practical work 2. ECG analysis of the patients with arrhythmias (registered in 12 Leeds). Аnalyzing of the studding charts. It is necessary to do protocol by the results of ECG analysis, answer on control questions. Conclusion:_____________ _____________________________ ___________________________ Practical work 3. Changes of heart rhythm. Watching of movie by the results of experiment: sinus tachycardia, reflectory sinus bradycardia, extrasystole, atrium- ventricular block. According to the documental movie students should graphicaly paint types of arrithmias, make conclusions. 29
  • 30. Conclusion:_____________________________________________________________________ Case 1. A 15-year-old female is brought to the emergency department (ED) after an episode of syncope during a long-distance running event. She has no prior episodes of syncope. Her ECG obtained in the ED is shown. She has no previous ECGs for comparison. Which of the following have been identified as triggers of cardiac events in this family of syndromes? A. Loud noises B. Exercise C. Sleep D. Swimming E. Emotion F. All of the above Answer for the case 1:____________________________________________________________ Case 2. A 65-year-old woman with a history of type 2 diabetes and previous MI presents to her primary physician with a chief complaint of nausea, vomiting, and generalized weakness since waking up. She has no chest pain or dyspnea, and this has never happened to her before. She had been feeling well prior to this episode. An ECG is obtained (shown). Of note, this patient with symptoms of an MI is also having an inferior and anterolateral ST-elevation MI (blue arrows). What is the AV conduction pattern present? A. Normal AV conduction B. Atrial fibrillation C. Accessory pathway D. First-degree AV block E. Second-degree Mobitz type I AV block F. Second-degree Mobitz type II AV block G. Third-degree AV block Answer for the case 2:___________________________________________________________ Case 3. A 52-year-old woman is brought in by ambulance to the ED with multiple episodes of syncope within the past 30 minutes. There were no advanced life support paramedics available in the field, and the patient has therefore received no treatment other than oxygen. She is conscious on arrival but appears pale and anxious. She complains of palpitations but is 30
  • 31. unable to provide much more information. The ECG is displayed. What is the rhythm shown? A. Multifocal atrial tachycardia with LV hypertrophy (LVH) B. Sinus tachycardia with pre-excitation (WPW syndrome) C. Monomorphic VT D. Polymorphic VT (torsade de pointes) E. Atrial fibrillation with left bundle branch block F. Atrial flutter Answer for the case 3:____________________________________________________________ 7. Practice Examination. Practice examination type 1. Choose the correct answer: Test 1. The arrow indicates A. R wave B. S wave C. QS wave D. Q wave E. T wave 31
  • 32. Test 2. Which of the following represent repolarization of the ventricles? J point A. P wave B. QRS complex C. T wave D. J point E. U wave Test 3. After the trauma, the patient’s right n.vagus was damaged. Which violation of the cardiac activity is possible in this case? A. Violation of conductivity in the right auricle B. Violation of the automatism of an atrioventricular node C. Block of a conductivity in the atrioventricular node D. Arrhythmia E. Violation of the automatism of a Kiss-Fleck node Test 4. An electrical cardiostimulator was implanted to a man 75 y.o. with a heart rate of 40 bpm. After that heart rate rose up to 70 bpm. Cardiostumulator assumed the function of the following heart part: A. Sinoatrial node B. His' bundle branches C. His' bundle fibers D. Atrioventricular node E. Purkinje's fibers Test 5. In a 45-year-old patient on ECG, it was revealed: sinus rhythm, the number of auricular complexes exceeds the number of ventricular complexes; progressing extension of the P-Q interval from complex to complex; the fallout of some ventricular complexes; Р waves and QRST complexes are without changes. Name the type of heart rhythm dysfunction. A. Complete atrioventricular block B. Atrioventricular block of the II degree C. Atrioventricular blockade of the I degree D. Synoauricular block E. Intraatrial block 32
  • 33. Test 6. ECG of a patient with hyperfunction of thyroid gland showed heart hurry. It is indicated by depression of the following ECG element: A. QRS complex B. P-T interval C. P-Q interval D. R-R interval E. P-Q segment Practice examination type 2. Give brief explanation for the real-life tasks: Task 1. In a patient with idiopathic hypertension the pulse rate during a crisis decreases from 72 up to 52 beats per minute and within 10 days prolongs to be retained at this level (48-56/minutes). The intramuscular injection 1 ml of atropine, which was made for differentiation diagnosis, increased heart rate to 16 beats per minute. 1. What is the name of described disturbance of cardiac rhythm and what group of arrhythmias does it concern? 2. What is its origin (cardiac – organic damage of heart or extracardiac? 3. Why after injection of atropine heart rate did increase? Answer for the task 1:____________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Task 2. In a football fan during a match the heart rate has increased from 76 up to 96/min. 1. What is the name this change? 2. What is its mechanism? 3. How does change the duration of slow diastolic depolarization of sinus node pacemaker cells? Answer for the task 2:____________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Task 3. The heart rate patient, which suffers from neurocirculatory dystonia, increased up to 130/min in the. There are no symptoms of organic damage to the heart. In doing of diagnostic vagus test (pressing on carotids sinus), the frequency of heartbeats decreased short time, and then has become higher again. 1. What is the name of described cardiac rhythm disorder? 2. What is the mechanism of this arrhythmia development? 3. Why did carotid sinus irritation normalize cardiac rhythm? Answer for the task 3:____________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Practice examination type 3 Q. What is the link between apnea and heart arrhythmias? Answer for the question__________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 33
  • 34. _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Signature___________________ Literature: Basic: 1. Robbins basic pathology / Vinay Kumar, Abul K. Abbas, Jon C. Aster.– 9th ed.Ch.10. – 2013. – P. 385 – 386. 2. General and clinical pathophysiology /Ed.byA.V.Kubyshkin–Vinn:Nova KnuhaPubl–2011.–P.460–780. 3. Pathophysiology / Ed. by N.K. Symeonova // Kyiv, AUS medicine Publishing. – 2010. – P. 348–351. 4. Copstead L-El.C.Pathophysiology / L-E.C.Copstead, J.L. Banasic // Elsevier Inc. – 2010. – P. 396–427. 5. Pathophysiology,Concepts of Altered Health States/C.M.Porth,G.Matfin–NY,Milw.–2009.–P.584–606. 6. Corwin Elizabeth J. Handbook of Pathophysiology / Corwin Elizabeth J. – 3th edition. Copyright В. – Lippincott Williams & Wilkins – 2008. – Chapter 13. – P. 392–402, 414–426. Additional: 7. Gozhenko A.I. General and clinical pathophysiology / A.I. Gozhenko, I.P. Gurcalova // Study guide for medical students and practitioners. Edited by prof.Zaporozan, OSMU. – Odessa. – 2005.– P. 217–221. 8. SilbernaglS.Color Atlas of Pathophysiology/S.Silbernagl,F.Lang//Thieme.Stuttg.NY.–2000.–P.176–294. Topic 6: Pathophysiology of heart. Ischemic heart disease. 1. The actuality of the theme. Among cardiovascular diseases, coronary heart disease is the most frequent reason for loss of health, capacity and death rate. From data of WHO, morbidity on CHD in the economically developed countries of the world continues to be increased, striking all more persons of young age. In this connection, obviously, there is a necessity of study of etiology, pathogenesis, forms, and complications of CHD, ability to reproduce on experimental models, students, so both successes of fight against ischemic illness of heart in a considerable measure depends on correct diagnostics, medical and prophylactic work as doctors of wide type and specialists of cardiologists. 2. Duration of the class – 1 h 30 min. 3. Aim: To expose the mechanisms of different forms of coronal insufficiency. To master the basic displays of CHD; to learn to analyze the changes of ECG. To know: reasons and mechanisms of development of violations of coronal circulation of blood; functional, morphological, biochemical and electrocardiography changes are at the heart attack of myocardium; To be able: to reproduce in an experiment on animals coronal insufficiency; to analyze the changes of electrocardiography; to explain the mechanism of pain at angina pectoris and heart attack of the myocardium. A task is to independent extracurricular work: 1. Anatomy of coronal circulation of blood. 2. Normal coronal blood circulation, its features. 3. Features of metabolism of cardiac muscle. 4. A concept is a heart “attack”, its reasons, kinds, and consequences. 5. Approaches are to the experimental design of coronal insufficiency. To perform practical work: To analyze the compensatory mechanisms cardiovascular diseases. 4. Basic level. The name of the previous and future disciplines The receiving of the skills 1. histology; 2. Biochemistry; 3. Physiology; 4. Internal medicine; 5. cardiology Histochemical structure of the myocardium. Specialities of blood supply of heart. The main physiological features of heart function. The principle 34
  • 35. of operation of the electrocardiograph. The technique of record of an electrocardiogram in three standard leads. Principal components of an electrocardiogram. 5. Control questions of the theme: 1.Features of coronal circulation of blood and metabolism of cardiac muscle. 2.Classification of coronary heart disease. CHD: determination, reasons, and terms of origin, form. 3.Ischemic heart disease. Definition of the notion, risk factors, mechanisms of development 4.Sudden coronary death: reasons, mechanisms of origin. 5.Angina pectoris: classification, pathogenesis of displays. 6.Heart attack of myocardium: kinds, description of functional and biochemical violations in a cardiac muscle, mechanisms of pain syndrome. 7.Mechanisms of origin of spasms of coronary vessels. 8.Complication of heart attack of the myocardium. Pathogenesis of cardiogenic shock. 9.Experimental models of heart attack of the myocardium. 10.Dressler’s syndrome, hibernal myocardium, methods of diagnosis, main manifestations, blood tests, coagulation, ECG, SCG. 11.Noncoronary damages of myocardium: reasons, mechanisms of development. 12.Pericardium damage. Cardiac [pericardial] tamponade: reasons, displays, mechanisms of indemnification. 6. Independent audience work of student. Protocol № 6 Date_____________________ Experimental work 1. Recreate acute coronary insufficiency in a rabbit. For a rabbit, fixed to the machine-tool, look after and analyze an electrocardiogram. Then in a vein enter pituitrin (from a calculation 1 unit per kg of mass). Immediately after introduction and during 3-5 min look after and analyze an electrocardiogram. Mark bradycardia, displacement of segment of ST in relation to a isoline, appearance of “coronal” T-wave, lengthening the PQ-interval. Draw conclusions in relation to the mechanisms of development of spasms of coronary vessels and changes which was observed on an electrocardiogram. Conclusion: _______________________________________________________________________ Practical work 2. Watching of movie according to the experimental work 1. According to the documental movie students should graphicaly paint ECG with miocardial infarction. Conclusion: _______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ 35
  • 36. Practical work 3. ECG analysis of the patients with different kinds of miocardial infarction (registered in 12 Leeds). Conclusion: _______________________________________________________________________ Case 1. The paramedics call from the field requesting activation of the catheterization laboratory for a ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) in a 50-year-old Asian man complaining of difficulty breathing and palpitations. The paramedics express that the ST-elevations look unusual in V1 and V2. Because they are 5 minutes away, you decide to do a 12-lead ECG in the ED before activating the catheterization laboratory. The patient's ECG is shown. He has no previous ECGs for comparison. What is your interpretation? A. Confirmed STEMI B. ST-segment ischemic changes present but no STEMI C. Benign early repolarization D. Depolarization / repolarization abnormality caused by channelopathy E. Hyperkalemia Answer for the case _________________________________________________________ 7. Practice Examination. Practice examination type 1. Choose the correct answer: Test 1. A 59-year-old patient is a plant manager. After the tax inspection of his plant, he felt intense pain behind his breastbone irradiating to his left arm. 15 minutes later his condition came to normal. Which of the possible mechanisms of stenocardia development is the leading in this case? A. Functional heart overload B. High catecholamine concentration in blood C. Intravascular aggregation of blood corpuscles D. Coronary thrombosis E. Coronary atherosclerosis Test 2. A patient in three weeks after acute myocardial infarction has pain in the heart and joints and pneumonia. What is the main mechanism of development of post-infarction Dressler’s syndrome? A. Autoimmune inflammation B. Vessels' thrombosis C. Secondary infection D. Ischemia of myocardium E. Resorption of enzymes from necrotized area of myocardium Test 3. A 48-year-old patient after severe psychoemotional exertion suddenly began feeling a sharp pain in the heart region, irradiating into left 36
  • 37. arm. Nitroglycerin relieves pain 10 minutes later. What pathogenetic mechanism is responsible for the development of pain in this case? A. Compression of coronary vessels B. Spasm of coronary vessels C. Dilation of peripheral vessels D. Occlusion of coronary vessels E. Increase of myocardial needs in oxygen Test 4. Transmural myocardial infarction in the patient was complicated with progressive acute left ventricle insufficiency. What is the most typical for this state? A. Edema of the extremities B. Cyanosis C. Edema of the lungs D. Arterial hypertension E. Ascites Test 5. A patient with an acute myocarditis has the clinic presentations of cardiogenic shock. What pathogenetic mechanism plays the main part in shock development? A. Depositing of blood in veins B. Decrease of diastolic flow to the heart C. Disorder of pumping ability of heart D. Increase of vascular tone E. Decrease of vascular tone Practice examination type 2 Give answers to the questions of the real-life task: Interpret the 12-lead ECG shown below in this picture, obtained from a patient who presented with new-onset dyspnea. What two clinical diagnoses should come to mind in view of the symmetric T wave inversion seen in leads V1,V2,V3 (arrows)? Signature___________________ Literature: Basic: 1. General and clinical pathophysiology / A.V.Kubyshkin–Vinn:NovaKnuha Publ–2011.–P.472-476. 2. Pathophysiology / N.K. Symeonova // Kyiv, AUS medicine Publishing. – 2010. – P. 344–348. 3. Copstead L-E.C. Pathophysiology / L-E.C. Copstead, J.L. Banasic // Elsevier Inc. – 2010. – P. 448–460. 4. Pathophysiology, Concepts of Altered Health States/ C.M.Porth, G.Matfin.–NY,M.–2009.–P.536–553. 5. Corwin Elizabeth J. Handbook of Pathophysiology / Corwin Elizabeth J. – 3th edition. Copyright В. – Lippincott Williams & Wilkins – 2008. – Chapter 13. – P. 345–347, 460–462. 37
  • 38. 6. Russell J. Greene. Pathology and Therapeutics for Pharmacists. A basis for clinical pharmacy practice / Russell J. Greene, Norman D. Harris // IL 60030-7820, 3rd edition, USA. – 2008. – Ch. 4. – P. 235–269. 7. Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease 8th ed./Kumar,Abbas,Fauto.–2007.–Ch.11.–P. 388–398. Additional: 1. Faller A., Schunke M., Schunke G. The Human body: An Introduction to Structure and Function.-–Stuttgard, New York: Thieme.–2004.– P. 536–553. 2. Essentials of Pathophysiology: Concepts of Altered Health States (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins), Trade paperback (2003) / Carol Mattson Porth, Kathryn J. Gaspard. –Chapter 17. – P. 294 – 302. 3. SilbernaglS. Color Atlas of Pathophysiology/S.Silbernagl, F.Lang//Thieme.Stut.NY.–2000.–P.216–224. Topic 7: The pathophysiology of the systemic circulation. Circulatory failure. 1. The actuality of the theme. Adequate perfusion of body tissues depends on the pumping ability of the heart, a vascular system that transports blood to the cells and back to the heart, sufficient blood to fill the circulatory system, and tissues that are able to extract and use the oxygen and nutrients from the blood. Heart failure and circulatory shock are separate conditions that reflect a failure of the circulatory system. Both conditions exhibit common compensatory mechanisms even though they differ in terms of pathogenesis and causes. 2. Duration of the class – 1 h 30 min. 3. Aim: Learn reasons, forms, and mechanisms of development of cardiac insufficiency. Acquaint students with the features of metabolism and hemodynamics at condition insufficiency of blood circulation. Study concepts and essence of hypertrophy of myocardium, features of its metabolism, mechanisms of compensation and decompensation. To know: - types of insufficiency of heart and principal reasons for their development; - heterometric and homeometric mechanisms of compensation of insufficiency of heart; - hypertrophy of myocardium, its stage, a feature of the hypertrophied heart; To be able: to explain changes in an organism at the condition insufficiency of blood circulation; to determine the character of compensating reactions of myocardium on the experimental model of acute insufficiency of heart (depending on the type of loading on a heart), discover and explain changes which pass here. A task is to independent extracurricular work: Structure of heart, its valves, circles of blood circulation [systemic and pulmonary]. Features of innervation, metabolism, and bloodstream of heart. Phases of the cardiac cycle, their description. Physiology law of the heart [Frank-Starling's law]. Systolic [stroke volume] and minute volume [cardiac output] of heart, methods of their determination. Processes of energy supply of cardiac muscle. To perform practical work: To analyze the compensatory mechanisms cardio-vascular diseases. 4. Basic level. The name of the previous and future disciplines The receiving of the skills 1. histology 2. biochemistry 3. physiology 4. internal medicine 5. cardiology 6. intensive care Histochemical structure of the myocardium. Specialities of blood supply of heart. The main physiological features of heart function. The principle of operation of the electrocardiograph. A technique of record of an electrocardiogram in three standard leads. Principal components of an electrocardiogram. 38
  • 39. 5. Control questions of the theme: 1. Insufficiency of blood circulation: determination, classification. 2. The most widespread innate defects of the heart. Mechanisms of compensation. 3. Reasons and displays of acute cardiac insufficiency. 4. Pathogenesis of cardiac insufficiency at the overload of heart by the volume of blood: reasons, the essence of a heterometric mechanism of compensation. 5. Pathogenesis of cardiac insufficiency at the overload of heart by the resistance of outflow of blood: reasons, the essence of a homeometric mechanism of compensation. 6. Congenital heart failure. Congenital defects: ventricular & atrial septal defect, patent ductus arteriosus, tetralogy of Fallot, transposition of the great vessels, truncus arteriosus, tricuspid atresia, coarctation of the aorta. 7. Reasons and displays of chronic cardiac insufficiency. Rheumatic heart disease. Valvular disorders. 8. A myocardial form of cardiac insufficiency. Molecular mechanisms of violations of the retractive function of the myocardium. 9. Compensate hypertrophy of myocardium: determination, kinds, and stages. 10.Cardiomyopathy. Features of the hypertrophic, dilated, restrictive cardiomyopathy. 11.Mechanisms of development of cardiosclerosis. 12.Violation of hemo- and cardiodynamics at the insufficiency of blood circulation. 13.Vascular insufficiency. Unconsciousness, collapse: determinations, reasons of origin. 14.Cardiac tumors: myxoma, rhabdomyoma. 6. Independent audience work of student. Protocol № 7 Date_____________________ Experimental work 1. Modeling acute insufficiency of the right ventricle in a rat. A motion of work: Under easy ether anesthesia for a rat the section of skin on the middle line of neck and separate external jugular vein. To front and back extremities connect the electrodes of electrocardiographs. Thromboplastin injects into a jugular vein for the recreation of acute right- ventricular insufficiency. Fix a stop-watch time of offensive of shortness of breath, stop of breathing, cramps. At the same time register changes on ECG: deep waves of QS and ST, getting up of segment of RS-T into III leads, aVF, V1, V2 and decline of segment of RS-T into I, aVL, V5, V6, appearance of negative waves of Q into III, aVF, V1 and V2 leads. Conclusion:______________________________________________________________________ Practical work 2. Secrets of our heart. Watching of movie and discuss the pathology of the heart: sudden heart death, acute and chronic heart failure. Method of treatment and prophylaxys: cardioreanimation. 39
  • 40. According to the documental movie, students should graphically paint ECG for Chagas’ heart disease according to movie explanation, make conclusions. Conclusion:_____________________________________________________________ Practical work 3. ECG analysis of the patients with acute and chronic heart failure (registered in 12 Leeds). Congestive heart failureThis ECG is from a patient with heart failure with frequent PVCs (Premature Ventricular Complex) Conclusion:______________________________________________________________________ 7. Practice Examination. Practice examination type 1. Choose the correct answer: Test 1. In course of a preventive examination of a miner, a doctor revealed changes of cardiovascular fitness which was indicative of cardiac insufficiency at the compensation stage. What is the main proof of cardiac compensation? A. Cyanosis B. Myocardium hypertrophy C. Dyspnea D. Tachycardia E. Rise of arterial pressure Test 2. A patient ill with essential arterial hypertension had a hypertensive crisis that resulted in an attack of cardiac asthma. What is the leading mechanism of cardiac insufficiency in this case? A. Blood supply disturbance B. Heart overload caused by high pressure C. Heart overload caused by increased blood volume D. Myocardium damage E. Absolute coronary insufficiency Test 3. A patient who suffers from a severe disorder of water-salt metabolism experienced cardiac arrest in diastole. What is the most probable mechanism of cardiac arrest in diastole? A. Hypokaliemia B. Hypernatremia C. Hyperkaliemia D. Hyponatremia E. Organism dehydratation Test 4. Dystrophic changes of the heart muscle are accompanied with cardiac cavity enlargement, a decrease of the strength of heart contraction, 40
  • 41. an increased amount of blood, which remains in the heart during systolic phase, overfilled veins. For what state of heart is it characteristic? A. Myogenic dilatation B. Cardiosclerosis C. Tonogenic dilatation D. Tamponage of the heart E. Emergency stage of hyperfunction and hypertrophy Test 5. The patient with acute myocardial infarction was given intravenously different solutions during 8 hours with medical dropper 1500 ml and oxygen intranasally. He died because of pulmonary edema. What caused the pulmonary edema? A. Inhalation of the oxygen B. Decreased oncotic pressure due to hemodilution C. Neurogenic reaction D. Allergic reaction E. Volume overload of the left ventricular Practice examination type 2 Give answers to the questions of the real-life task: After transferred 3 months back anginas patient begin to be disturbed by dyspnea, gravity in the right hypochondrium, attacks of difficult breathing. The edemas of the lower extremities have appeared. At objective examination: dermal covers with icteric color, lips cyanotic and swollen legs. The cervical veins are pulsing. The borders of the heart are enlarged for the expense of both ventricles; however, it is more left. Arterial pressure – 90/60 mmHg. A respiration rate - 26/min. The myocarditis, cardiovascular insufficiency in the stage of compensation is detected. 1. What causes the damage to the myocardium in this patient? 2. What disorder testifies about heart insufficiency? 3. Explain their pathogenesis? 4. What changes have compensatory – adaption significance? 5. What is their mechanism? Answer for the task:_______________________________________________________________ Practice examination type 3 A 75-year-old man has an active problem list, including coronary artery disease and myocardial infarction with both initial and repeat coronary artery bypass graft surgeries, cardiac arrest necessitating an implanted cardioverter defibrillator (ICD), chronic congestive heart failure with a left ventricular ejection fraction of 20%, chronic atrial fibrillation, hepatic cirrhosis with end-stage liver disease, and chronic renal failure. His problems also include a coagulopathy due to end-stage liver disease, grade 1 esophageal varices, chronic iron deficiency anemia, hypothyroidism, & hyperlipidemia. As expected, he is followed by a host of specialty services, including cardiology, hematology, nephrology, hepatology, and gastroenterology. His current medication list includes aspirin, folate, valsartan, isosorbide, furosemide, digoxin, carvedilol, atorvastatin, amiodarone, levothyroxine, spironolactone, nadolol, and esomeprazole. He is allergic to penicillin and cephalosporins. 41
  • 42. The man was once a heavy smoker and alcohol user but has abstained for the past five years. Family history is remarkable for coronary artery disease, hypertension, and aortic dissection. The review of systems is notable for a 20-lb weight loss over the past four months, generalized weakness with loss of muscle tone, and easy bruising. He has ascites that require drainage on a monthly basis. The patient denies gastrointestinal, neurologic, or pulmonary symptoms, and he has had no therapies from his ICD. The ICD is a dual-chamber defibrillator. Pacing is programmed DDD at a lower rate of 60 beats/min and an upper rate of 120 beats/min. The paced AV delay is 150ms, and the sensed AV delay is 120ms. Ventricular fibrillation (VF) detection is programmed to detect at rates higher than 320ms (188 beats/min), and all therapies are programmed to deliver 35 J. On physical examination, the man’s weight is 129 lb; blood pressure, 104/68 mm Hg; pulse, 66 beats/min; temperature, 35.9°C; respiratory rate, 16 breaths/min; and O2 saturation, 97% on room air. The patient is a thin, frail man in no apparent distress. Pertinent physical findings include clear lungs bilaterally; a regular heart rate and rhythm with a grade II/VI systolic murmur and jugular venous distention to the jaw line, a protuberant abdomen with a fluid wave present, a liver edge palpable 4 cm below the right costal margin, and bilateral shoddy lymphadenopathy in both groins. Pitting edema is present on both lower extremities, and he has multiple ecchymoses on his arms, chest, and right leg. The patient is neurologically intact. His ECG in clinic today includes the following: a ventricular rate of 61 beats/min; PR interval, 464 ms; QRS duration, 192 ms; QT/QTc interval, 510/513 ms; R axis, 133; and T axis, –34. What is your interpretation of this ECG? Answer:_________________________________________________________________________ Signature___________________ Literature: Basic: 1. General and clinical pathophysiology/ A.V.Kubyshkin–Vinn:NovaKnuha Publ–2011.–P.460–478. 2. Pathophysiology / N.K. Symeonova // Kyiv, AUS medicine Publishing. – 2010. – P. 348–351. 3. CopsteadL-E.C.Pathophysiology/L-E.C.Copstead,J.L.Banasic//ElsevierInc.–2010.–P.396–427,461–509. 4. Pathophysiology, Concepts of Altered Health States/ C.M.Porth, G.Matfin.–NY,M.–2009.–P.584–633. 5. Corwin Elizabeth J. Handbook of Pathophysiology / Corwin Elizabeth J. – 3th edition. Copyright В. – Lippincott Williams & Wilkins – 2008. – Chapter 13. – P. 392–298, 414–429, 447–460. 42
  • 43. 6. Russell J. Greene. Pathology and Therapeutics for Pharmacists. A basis for clinical pharmacy practice / Russell J. Greene, Norman D. Harris // IL 60030-7820, 3rd edition, USA. – 2008. – Ch. 4. – P. 166–207. 7. Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease 8th edition./ Kumar, Abbas, Fauto. – 2007. – Ch. 11. – P. 379–388, 400–420. Additional: 1. Essentials of Pathophysiology: Concepts of Altered Health States (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins), Trade paperback (2003) / C. Mattson Porth, Kathryn J. Gaspard. – Ch.14, 17, 18. – P. 231–303, 308–338. 2. Silbernagl S. Color Atlas of Pathophysiology / S. Silbernagl, F. Lang // Thieme. Stuttgart.NY. – 2000. – P. 194–205, 224–233. Topic 8: Pathophysiology of blood vessels. 1. The actuality of the theme. Blood pressure is probably one of the most variable but best-regulated functions of the body. The purpose of the control of blood pressure is to keep blood flow constant to vital organs such as the heart, brain, and kidneys. Without constant flow to these organs, death ensues within seconds, minutes, or days. Although a decrease in flow produces an immediate threat to life, the continuous elevation of blood pressure that occurs with hypertension is a contributor to premature death and disability due to its effect on the heart, blood vessels, and kidneys. 2.Duration of the class – 1 h 30 min. 3.Aim: To pay attention of students to the prevalence of defeat of vessels of resistive and capacitive types. To expose the mechanisms of different types of hypertension with the purpose of understanding of their pathogenesis in a clinic. To familiarize with the basic experimental models of hypertension. To know basic types of symptomatic hypertension, their reasons, mechanisms of development; etiology, pathogenesis, a complication of hypertensive illness; basic experimental models of hypertension. To be able: to explain the mechanisms of increase of arterial pressure at different hypertension; to differentiate symptomatic hypertension and hypertensive illness. A task for independent extracurricular work: To think over the followings theoretical questions: Mechanisms of a regulation of vascular tone. Functions of kidneys in regulation of blood pressure. Methods of measuring of arterial pressure. To perform practical work: to analyze the pathogenesis of hypertension and hypotension. 4. Basic level. The name of the previous and future disciplines The receiving of the skills 1. histology 2. biochemistry 3. physiology 4. internal medicine 5. intensive care Histological structure of vessels wall. Vascular tone. Arterial pressure: the factors, defining it level. Regulation of vascular tone and blood pressure. The concept of the functional system of blood circulation. 5. Control questions of the theme: 1.Factors which predetermine the level of blood pressure for a man, basal tone of vessels. 2.Pressor and depressor systems of the organism, their description. 3.Arterial hypertension: kinds, classification. Degrees of high arterial pressure. 4.Nephrogenic hypertensions: reasons, kinds, pathogenesis. 43
  • 44. 5.Etiology and pathogenesis of endocrinal hypertension. 6.A role of the sympathetic nervous system in the pathogenesis of neurogenic hypertension. 7.Salt hypertension: etiology, mechanisms of development. 8.Etiology and pathogenesis of essential hypertension. 9.Complication of essential hypertension. 10.Reasons and mechanisms of arterial hypotension. 6. Independent audience work of student. Protocol № 8 Date_____________________ Practical work 1. Study a role of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system in the regulation of vascular tone (determination of Kerdyu index). Measure arterial pressure on a hand, count up the number of cardiac reductions. The index of Kerdyu (ІК) is calculated by a formula: dyastolicBP rateheart IK ⋅ −=1 ; Norm of ІК = 0 The index of Kerdyu with the sign of “+” testifies to the advantage of sympathetic influences on a heart and with the sign of “-“ – about the predominance of the parasympathetic influencing. The index of Kerdyu must be calculated in the state of rest and after the physical loading. To conduct such research for all students of a group. Conclusion: ________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Practical work 2. Arterial hypertension. Watching the documental movie about risk factors and pathogenesis of blood pressure elevation. Students should discuss the main ways of peer-educational explanation of arterial hypertension prevention and monitoring blood pressure among patients. Conclusion: _________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 7. Practice Examination. Practice examination type 1. Choose the correct answer: Test 1. Arterial hypertension is caused by the stenosis of the renal arteries in the patient. Activation of what system is the main link in the pathogenesis of this form of hypertension? A. Parasympathetic B. Kallikrein-kinin C. Renin-angiotensin D. Sympathoadrenal E. Hypothalamic-pituitary Test 2. In crisis period a 14-year-old child ill with diphtheria has AP - 70/50 mm Hg accompanied by abrupt fall in temperature and tachycardia. What form of vascular tone disturbance is it? A. Chronic hypotension B. Essential arterial hypotension C. Vegetovascular dystonia D. Acute hypotension 44