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Merchandise Presentation
       - Why?
       - Colour
       - Colour Blocking
       - Zones
       - Types
          - Stacks
          - Hangs
       - Do’s and don’t
Why do we need merchandise presentation?..........

                                                     >Visual merchandising is the ultimate
                                                      image building tool. Depending on the
                                                      merchandise and the imagery of the
                                                      brand/store the VM is done. Visual
                                                     merchandising puts forward the desired
                                                     image of the store and helps in enhancing
                                                     the same.

                                                     Designer stores have lesser merchandise
                                                     and more space to make the product look
                                                     and feel expensive (or rightly said RICH).

                                                     On the contrary hypermarkets have more
                                                     merchandise and lesser space.

                                                     >Influence buying behavior: Through the
                                                      right and attractive display one can
                                                     influence the customer to like and but the

                                                     >Increase in turnover: Due to scientific
                                                     and strong product presentation the
                                                     customer is induced to buy more.

                                                     >Increase in bill size: Putting forth
                                                     co-ordinated look makes the customer
                                                     buy more than he would otherwise.
Why do we need merchandise presentation?..........

                                                     An example of the effects of
                                                     merchandising presentation

                                                     > Pic 1 does not communicate anything to
                                                     the customer and it looks completely

                                                     There is no visual appeal in this section. It
                                                     does not even arouse curiosity to look for
                                                     any merchandise. Since there is no visual
                                                     treat in this section, it fails to invite the
                                   Pic 1             customer to buy any product.

                                                     >Whereas in pic 2

                                                     There are blocks of colours, varied colour
                                                     stories that might attract customers to go
                                                     see or look for something of their choice
                                                     thus the space looks more inviting only
                                                     because the visual appeal has increased.

                                                     >This is the ‘ALL’ store at Lokhandwala

         Pic 2
Colour ..........

          - Basics of colour
          - Effect of colour -on design
                             -on people
Basics of Colour ..........

    Colour wheel....                   Primary colours
                                       These three colours cannot be made
                                       from mixing other colours .......
                                       Whereas all other colours can be
                                       derived from these three.


Basics of Colour ..........

                              Orange   Secondary colours
                                       These colours are formed by mixing the
                                       primary colours.


Basics of Colour ..........

                              Yellow + Orange    Tertiary colours
                                                 These colours are made from mixing
                                                 one primary and one secondary colour.
                                Yellow + Green



                                 Blue + Green

                                 Blue + Purple
Basics of Colour ..........

  Tints                       Tints and shades
                              With the addition of each drop of white
                              in a colour, it becomes a tint. For e.g.
                              Pink is a tint of red.

                              While with each drop black or grey
                              added to a colour, it becomes its shade,
                              for e.g. Maroon is a shade of red

Basics of Colour ..........

                              Hot colours
                              Hot refers to red in full saturation on the
                              colour wheel; that is red at its strongest.

                              Hot colours are strong and aggressive
                              and seem to vibrate within their own

                              The power of hot colours affect people in
                              many ways, such as stimulating the
                              nervous system.
Basics of Colour ..........

                              Cold colours
                              Cold refers to fully saturated blue. At its
                              brightest it is dominating and strong.

                              Cold colours remind one of ice and snow.
                              The feelings generated by cold colors –
                              — blue, green, and blue-green — are
                              The direct opposite of those generated by
                              hot colours, cold blue slows one’s
                              metabolism and increases one’s sense of
Basics of Colour ..........

                              Warm colours
                              All the hues that contain red are warm. It
                              Is the addition of yellow to red that makes
                              warm colours substantially different from
                              hot colours.

                              Warm colours are comforting,
                              spontaneous and welcoming. Like a
                              sunset, the warmth of these hues radiate
                              and surround everything in reach.
Basics of Colour ..........

                              Cool colours
                              Cool colours are based in blue. They
                              differ from cold colours because of the
                              addition of yellow to their composition,
                              which creates yellow-green, green, and

                              Like spring growth they make us feel
                              renewed. Soothing and calm, these hues
                              provide a sense of depth as well as
                              comfort. Cool colours are like a swim in a
                              refreshing, tropical pool.
Basics of Colour ..........

                              Light colours
                              They are the palest of pastels. They take
                              their lightness from the absence of visible
                              colour in their composition, and almost

                              Dark colours
                              They are hues that contain black in their
                              composition. They close up space and
                              make it seem smaller. Dark colours are
                              serious in their effect.
Basics of Colour ..........

                              Pale colours
                              Pale hues are the softest pastels. They
                              contain at least 65% white in their
                              composition, and are most often referred
                              to as soft or romantic.

                              Bright colours
                              The amount of pure colour within a hue
                              determines its brightness. The clarity of
                              bright colours is achieved by omission of
                              grey or black. Blues, reds, oranges are
                              colours in full brightness.
Basics of Colour ..........

                              Monochromatic colours
                              They are all the hues (tints and shades) of
                              a single colour. As a result, the energy is
                              more subtle and peaceful due to a lack of
                              colour contrast. Monochromatic colours
                              offer very little contrast and may be
                              considered boring unless there is diversity
                              within the design.

                              Neutral colours
                              The neutral colours are black, white,
                              silver, grey, and brown. They make good
                              backgrounds, serve to unify diverse
                              colour palettes and also often stand alone
                              as the only or primary focus of a design.

                              Neutral colours help to put the focus on
                              other colours or serve to tone down
                              colours that might otherwise be
                              overpowering on their own. To some
                              extent blacks, browns, tans, golds, and
                              beige colours are considered warm. While
                              white, ivory, silver, and grey are
                              somewhat cooler colours. Yet these warm
                              and cool attributes are flexible and more
                              subtle than that of reds or blues.
Basics of Colour ..........

                              Analogous colours
                              Analogous colours are a palette of
                              compatible colour combinations that blend
                              well together. They are neighbours on the
                              colour wheel. They tend to live harmoniously
                              because they are relatives to each other.

                              Analogous colours are less vivid, bright and
                              saturated. They have less contrast and
                              vibrational energy than complementary

                              Eg: A pine forest has light greens to blues
                              and purples within its depths.
Basics of Colour ..........

                              Complimentary colours
                              Complementary colours are colours that are
                              opposite to each other on the colour wheel.
                              They contrast, enhance and intensify each
                              other. Therefore, complementary colours
                              need to be used with caution.

                              The differences in tone and hue can be eye
                              catching, but used too much, they can be an
Basics of Colour ..........

                              Contrast colours
                              The colour that is more dominant in a picture
                              becomes its contrast. This contrast could be
                              value dominant or intensity dominant.
Basics of Colour ..........

                              Colour Interaction theory
                              When a person sees a picture, it is
                              perceived as having three different levels:----

                              a) Background
                              b) Foreground
                              c) Highlight

                              This picture is an example to understand
                              this theory better. Here the background is the
                              water as it is seen last by the eye.

                              The foreground are the leaves as it is seen
                              second by the eye and the highlight is the
                              flower as it is the first thing you register
                              when you see this picture.
Basics of Colour ..........

                              Different readings of the same colour
                              The same colour will appear different on different
                              backgrounds. Like the square on the blue background
                              will appear a little reddish and the square on the
                              reddish background will appear bluish.

                              Similarly over here the red appears bright and
                              vibrant in contrast with black and blue while it
                              appears lifeless against orange and dull in
                              contrast with white.
Basics of Colour ..........

Some common colour combinations for different moods





Basics of Colour Blocking..........

                Merchandise Presentation on a Wall or Gondola

                                                                      Top most stack of shirt to
                                                                      go on the slant shelf


                                                                          Neutral colours should
                                                                          be colour blocked


                                                                             Cut size
                                                                             stacks at
                                                                             the bottom

       Full sleeves            Checks/Pleads          Half sleeves
Basics of Colour Blocking..........

    Merchandise Presentation on a Wall or Gondola -
                  A few guidelines                    Why is colour blocking done vertically?

                                                      Colour blocking is done to make the
                                                      merchandise attractive and convincing for
                                                      the customer to buy it.

                                                      When a customer is looking for a
                                                      particular type or style of garment, he
                                                      should be able to access the entire range
                                                      of merchandise and thus all styles and
                                                      colours of that particular garment. This is
                                                      possible by arranging the merchandise

                                                      By doing this the whole range is displayed
                                                      and this becomes a lot more appealing
                                                      and a systematic arrangement,
                                                      when compared to a horizontal
                                                      arrangement which might have a space
                                                      constraint while displaying all styles at

                                        Cut sizes
Basics of Colour Blocking..........

            Merchandise Presentation on a Wall or Gondola -
                          A few guidelines

                                                              What are cut sizes?

                                                              Cut sizes are those garments for which the
                                                              entire set of sizes/colours have been sold

                                                              Cut sized garments are therefore the last
                                                              pieces left from any set. These cannot be
                                                              stacked on the shelf with the rest of the
                                                              merchandise since are incomplete and
                                                              thus they cannot be colour blocked

                                                              These are then placed at the bottom most
                                                              shelves with the rest of the cut sizes.

                                                   Cut sizes Ideally the sizes should also be colour
                                                            blocked amongst themselves.
Basics of Colour Blocking..........   Colour Blocking- Gondolas and
                                      wall units (stacking)
                                      Colour blocking is always done vertically
                                      following the VIBGYOR principle. This is to ensure
                                      that the merchandise of different colours is not
                                      scattered or jumbled across the floor. The VIBGYOR
                                      as shown below is an organised sequence of
                                      colours with the help of which we arrange our

                                      Keeping the light shades on top at eye
                                      level and the darker shades below automates the eye
                                      movement to flow from dark to light revealing the
                                      entire range of colours.




Basics of Colour Blocking..........

                                      Colour Blocking- Gondolas and
                                      wall units (stacking)

                                      These are a few examples of colour
                                       blocking. Here the colours that have
                                      been used are both warm and cool

                                        Warm colours
                                                        Yellow      Orange

                                        Cool colours

                                                         Blue         Pink

                                      But intensity of the colours is the same.
                                      Thus they have been placed together.

                                      Note the stacks are same in number /height
                                      and neatly placed in rows and vertical
Basics of Colour Blocking..........
                                      Colour Blocking- Gondolas and
                                      wall units (Hanging)
                                      While hanging merchandise one needs to
                                      keep the following in mind

                                      a) Similar sleeve lengths together.
                                      b) Similar colours together
                                      c) Co-ordinates and side outs together
                                      d) Frontals to show the co-ordinated look

                                      In this picture the neutrals have been clubbed
                                      with one bright colour to make the whole
                                      section look interesting, also the hanging is
                                      sparse thus the uneven lengths also adds

                                                                          Off centered display
                                                                             Yellow shirts

                                         Black shirts     Yellow shirts              Black shirts

                                                         Center display

                                      To give life,colours like black, grey and
                                      yellow have been added in between.

                                      It is not necessary that the display is central.
                                      It can be off-centred also, like explained
                                      graphically above.
Basics of Colour Blocking..........

                                      Colour Blocking- Gondolas and
                                      wall units (Hanging)

                                      Here are some examples of how to colour
                                      block for a hanging unit. Notice the following:

                                      a) Round necks are put together
                                      b) Collars are put together
                                      c) Colour co-ordinated in terms of all
                                      pastels together
                                      d) Green and yellow are in the same family
                                         thus have been co-ordinated together.

                                      The basic formula is to mix the colour families.


                                         Blue   + red     = purple

                                                +        =
                                      Thus, all shades of blue, red and purple
                                      go together.
Basics of Colour Blocking..........

    Merchandise Presentation on a Browsers                       Colour Blocking
                                                                 When the merchandise is displayed on the
                                                                 browsers, the colours should go from light to
                                                                 dark and the same style and the number of
                                                                 options of this style should be put on the
                                                                 same browser.

                                                                 It is also important to size block the displayed
Color                                                            merchandise. Size blocking is done by placing
                                                                 the sizes in this order-

                            Option 2                             L
                                       Size                      XL
                 Option 1
                                                      Option 4
                                                                 By doing this we can acheive a neat and
                                                   Option 3      well co-ordinated look.

                                                  Option 2
                                              Option 1
Basics of Colour Blocking..........

                                                 Option 2
                                              Option 1

    Front view                  Side view
                                                          Option 2
                                                       Option 1
      Preferably the whole coordinated look
      should be displayed i.e. both top and
      bottoms are displayed together.
                                                   Merchandise in a section needs to have
                                                   focused highlighting of the correct product.
                                                   This is to avoid confusing the customer by
                                                   showing him everything at the same time.
                                                   Instead there has to be prioritisation of
                                                   merchandise that can be made available to
                                                   the customer by the demarcation of the
3 Dimensional view of the section                  section into zones.

                                                   Display according to the zones
                                                   When you do merchandise presentation
                                                   start from zone 1, then go to zone 3 and
                                        skirt. 3
                                        Zone       zone 2 should be done last.
                                                   Zone 1: Most Visible
                                                   It is the most visible to the customers as it is
                                                   right on the aisle. The latest, well coordinated
                                                   merchandise should be displayed here.

                                                   Zone 2:
                                   Zone 2          It is not a very high visibility area. This area
                                                   should display basic merchandise of the
                          Zone 1                   brand, value priced products and last weeks’
                                                   merchandise here.

                                                   Zone 3:
                     le                            This zone has great visibility from a distance.
                                                   This area should always be presented in
                                                   themes or colour stories.

                          Zone 1:
                          1. The merchandise displayed here should be
                          fashion merchandise as it is a zone that is
                          eye catching and easily visible.

        Zone 1            2. Highlight maximum styles of merchandise
                          that is available in the section. It is essential
                          that the merchandise is neatly stacked with
                          not more than one colour in one stack.

                 Zone 2   3.The merchandise displayed on the bust
                          needs to be stacked next to it on the nested

                          4.Other colour options in the SAME STYLE
                          are to be stacked on the table. The excess
                          merchandise of total 4 Stacks can be kept
                          on the lowest level of the shelf.


                          A4 signages to be used on the nesting table,
                          incase of communication of an offer.

                          A5 is used for regular communication.

                 Zone 2:

                 The merchandise displayed here should be
                 basic merchandise as it is not easily visible to
                 the customer at first glance.

                 It is essential that the merchandise is
        Zone 2    neatly stacked with not more than one
                  colour in one stack. Refer to the colour
                  blocking section in the merchandise

                 Display basics and old merchandise here.

                 Stacking of merchandise. Refer to
                 “Colour Blocking” for merchandise presentation.


                 A 5 signage for regular information should be
                 placed on top of the fixture on the glass top
                 and made as per the signage format.

                 A4 signage to be used incase of
                 communication of an offer

                 Shelf talkers to be placed between two
                 stacks on every shelf.

3 Dimensional view of the section      Zone 3:

                                       Very visible from a distance. Latest theme or
                                        colour story should be placed here.

                                       Highlight maximum styles of merchandise
                                       that is available in the section. It is essential
                                       that the merchandise is neatly stacked with
                                       not more than one colour in one stack.

                                       Stacking of merchandise. Refer to “Colour
                                       Blocking” for merchandise presentation.
                            skirt. 3
                                       On the wall unit fashion merchandise should
                                       be presented in a colour co-ordinated manner.


                                        A 5 signage for regular information placed
                                        on top of the nesting table and made as per
                                       the signage format.

                                       A4 signages to be used incase of
                                       communication of an offer

                                       Shelf talkers to be placed between two
                                       stacks on every shelf.

   Pic 1         Hanging and Stacking
                 Our main aim is to attract the customer
                 through merchandise presentation. This can
                 be achieved by making interesting pockets of
                 display. This can be done by adopting various
                  ways of hanging and stacking of garments.

                 The following are some interesting examples
                 of creating such pockets in the merchandise

                 In the picture given, denims have been
                 hung casually on a browser. These back
                 loops have been inserted with co-ordinated
                 belts to break the monotony and give the
                 hanging merchandise an interesting appeal
                 and perspective.

                           In the first picture there is a point of interest
                           created at the bottom of the gondola by
                           cross merchandising.

                   Pic 1

                           In the next picture, four busts have been
                           placed together to create an impact.
                           This also highlights the style of the
                           garment and displays effectively, the range
                           of available colours.

           Pic 2

  Pic 1
                 Hanging and Stacking

                 An innovative way of co-ordinating different
                 styles of merchandise together is to create

                 Please note the cross merchandising.
                 Cufflinks along with the shirts. Cross
                 merchandising helps customers accessorise
                 their apparel thereby encouraging “add-on”
                 sales and in turn increase the ticket size.

                 These type of colour stories help attract the
                 customer from a distance.

Pic 1                    Table tops or Nesting table...
                         The display shown in picture 1 is another
                         way of cross merchandising where
                         you provide the customer with the complete
                         look including shoes, make-up and

                         A story can be created for instance in
                 Pic 2   picture 2, the story is “what all can fit in your

                         Other stories can be created in a similar
                         manner. For example concepts like pop
                         culture, street wear etc. can be put together
                         by cross merchandising and co-ordinating
                         merchandise with various accessories.

                    Over and Under Stocks
                    - If there is a problem of over stocks then -
                    You can layer the garments eg. you can
                    combine a shirt and t-shirt or two t-shirts and
                    create more space.

                    - Pull out cut sizes from complete
                    size sets. The cut sizes can be placed size
                    wise in less important areas and thus we
                    show only complete size sets.

                    - Open only one size set, that way you
                    give more options on the floor.

                    - If there is a problem of under stocks then
                    replicate the stocks for example hang
                    and stack the same style in two different
                    places by doing different coordinates or

                    - You can move stocks from a brand
                    that has more stock but they have to be from
                    the same genre for example UMM and
                    Jealous or Annabelle and Scullers.

                    - Open more than one size set.

                    > Add more props.

                    > Add more display points and create more
                     mini high-points on busts, to highlight
                     different parts of a large collection.

                    >Do more side outs and put similar colours
                     together to give a sophisticated look
                     emphasising the colour.

                    > Get in more co-ordinated accessories
                     for example bags, footwear, scarves and

                    >. Reduce shelving and do more hanging.
Do’s and Don'ts........

                                 Nesting Tables - Do’s
                                 Remove garments from the packaging
                                 while displaying.

                                 If the stacks are too many and
                                 untidy, you can stack one size per stack.
                                 This should be colour blocked with
                                 merchandise catergorisation.

Do’s and Don'ts........

                          Nesting Tables - Do’s
                          Use the table for display, to create a ‘story’,
                           ‘theme’ and category of merchandise rather
                          than stacking

                          If props are being used they should add
                          to the display and help in communicating the
                          story/ look/ theme.

                          Ensure colour blocking or create a colour

                          The stacks should be neat and tidy in
                          communicating a story.

                          The table is placed right next to the
                          toys basket and this gives a chaotic look
                          to the section. This should not be done.

                          The garments of the same genre
                          should be kept together.
Do’s and Don'ts........

                          Nesting Tables - Do’s
                          Use the table for display.

                          The colours used are cool colours
                          and from the same family i.e. green, yellow
                          and blue.

                          The customer should have easy
                          access to the merchandise displayed.

                          The colour co-ordination has been done well.

                          Note the way the prop is enhancing the colour
Do’s and Don'ts........

                          Wall Units - Do’s
                          - Ensure colour blocking.

                          - Ensure that similar fabrics are placed together.
                            Eg: Knits and wovens should not be mixed
                            during merchandise presentation.

                          Merchandise to be presented as co-ordinates,
                          eg: along with kurtas, stoles or duppatas should
                          be displayed and chudidhars and salwars should
                          be at a close distance to give the customer
                          more options.
Do’s and Don'ts........

                                 Nesting Tables - Do’s
                                 - Merchandise stacks should be placed in
                                 straights and not at an angle.

                                 - Merchandise on the bust should be stacked
                                 right next to it on the table.

                                 - Signage is required to communicate the
                                 displayed merchandise.

                                 - Co-ordinated trousers should be placed
                                 on the tower level of the nested table.

Do’s and Don'ts........

                          Wall Units - Do’s
                          Colour blocking is done very well.

                          Stacking is neat but should be
                          even. Avoid too much of stacking as it
                          becomes monotonous therefore the
                          elevation should be changed by creating a
                          co-ordinated look also with the help of

                          Here the entire section has a similar
                          colour pallette and is neatly presented.
Do’s and Don'ts........

                          Wall Units - Do’s
                           The colours and style of the high
                           point goes very well with the kurti on the
                           bust and the ones hung, automatically
                           making the section look attractive and

                           The merchandise displayed on the
                           high-point should be easily available and
                           accessible to the customer.

                           Blue shirts are kept under the blue
                           shirt that is hung. Thus colour blocking
                           automatically takes place.

                           Neutrals are stacked which
                           are more in tune with the visuals

                           In this further segregation as checks,
                           stripes, solids or half sleeves and full
                           sleeves can also be done which also
                           makes the presentation systematic and
                           lends a flow.
Do’s and Don'ts........

                                 Gondola and browsers- Do’s
                                 - The whole section is looking chaotic
                                 because there is no colour blocking on the
                                 floor units. Please ensure that the floor units
                                 are colour blocked at all times.

                                 - Sections of merchandise should be
                                 made for e.g. All short kurtis together and all
                                 long kurtas be placed together. This also
                                 makes it easier for the customer to browse
                                 through and buy.

Do’s and Don'ts........

                          Gondola and browsers- Do’s
                          Ensure colour blocking is done for the
                          gondola and browsers.

                          All basic solid shirts are put together.

                          Colour blocking could have been

                          Chudidhars and salwars are put
                          together in the mix-n-match section.
                          Thus making it easier for the customer to
Do’s and Don'ts........

                          Gondola and browsers- Do’s
                          - Ensure colour blocking is done.

                          - Co-ordinated sets are displayed
                          together. This way you are giving the
                          customer more options to choose from.

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Merchandise presentation manual : Apparel Category

  • 2. Contents - Why? - Colour - Colour Blocking - Zones - Types - Stacks - Hangs - Do’s and don’t
  • 3. Why do we need merchandise presentation?.......... >Visual merchandising is the ultimate image building tool. Depending on the merchandise and the imagery of the brand/store the VM is done. Visual merchandising puts forward the desired image of the store and helps in enhancing the same. Designer stores have lesser merchandise and more space to make the product look and feel expensive (or rightly said RICH). On the contrary hypermarkets have more merchandise and lesser space. >Influence buying behavior: Through the right and attractive display one can influence the customer to like and but the product. >Increase in turnover: Due to scientific and strong product presentation the customer is induced to buy more. >Increase in bill size: Putting forth co-ordinated look makes the customer buy more than he would otherwise.
  • 4. Why do we need merchandise presentation?.......... An example of the effects of merchandising presentation > Pic 1 does not communicate anything to the customer and it looks completely chaotic! There is no visual appeal in this section. It does not even arouse curiosity to look for any merchandise. Since there is no visual treat in this section, it fails to invite the Pic 1 customer to buy any product. >Whereas in pic 2 There are blocks of colours, varied colour stories that might attract customers to go see or look for something of their choice thus the space looks more inviting only because the visual appeal has increased. >This is the ‘ALL’ store at Lokhandwala Mumbai. Pic 2
  • 5. Colour .......... - Basics of colour - Effect of colour -on design -on people
  • 6. Basics of Colour .......... Colour wheel.... Primary colours Yellow These three colours cannot be made from mixing other colours ....... Whereas all other colours can be derived from these three. Blue Red
  • 7. Basics of Colour .......... Orange Secondary colours These colours are formed by mixing the primary colours. Green Purple
  • 8. Basics of Colour .......... Yellow + Orange Tertiary colours These colours are made from mixing one primary and one secondary colour. Yellow + Green Red+Orange Red+Purple Blue + Green Blue + Purple
  • 9. Basics of Colour .......... Tints Tints and shades With the addition of each drop of white in a colour, it becomes a tint. For e.g. Pink is a tint of red. While with each drop black or grey added to a colour, it becomes its shade, for e.g. Maroon is a shade of red Shades
  • 10. Basics of Colour .......... Hot colours Hot refers to red in full saturation on the colour wheel; that is red at its strongest. Hot colours are strong and aggressive and seem to vibrate within their own space. The power of hot colours affect people in many ways, such as stimulating the nervous system.
  • 11. Basics of Colour .......... Cold colours Cold refers to fully saturated blue. At its brightest it is dominating and strong. Cold colours remind one of ice and snow. The feelings generated by cold colors – — blue, green, and blue-green — are The direct opposite of those generated by hot colours, cold blue slows one’s metabolism and increases one’s sense of Calm.
  • 12. Basics of Colour .......... Warm colours All the hues that contain red are warm. It Is the addition of yellow to red that makes warm colours substantially different from hot colours. Warm colours are comforting, spontaneous and welcoming. Like a sunset, the warmth of these hues radiate and surround everything in reach.
  • 13. Basics of Colour .......... Cool colours Cool colours are based in blue. They differ from cold colours because of the addition of yellow to their composition, which creates yellow-green, green, and blue-green. Like spring growth they make us feel renewed. Soothing and calm, these hues provide a sense of depth as well as comfort. Cool colours are like a swim in a refreshing, tropical pool.
  • 14. Basics of Colour .......... Light colours They are the palest of pastels. They take their lightness from the absence of visible colour in their composition, and almost transparent. Dark colours They are hues that contain black in their composition. They close up space and make it seem smaller. Dark colours are serious in their effect.
  • 15. Basics of Colour .......... Pale colours Pale hues are the softest pastels. They contain at least 65% white in their composition, and are most often referred to as soft or romantic. Bright colours The amount of pure colour within a hue determines its brightness. The clarity of bright colours is achieved by omission of grey or black. Blues, reds, oranges are colours in full brightness.
  • 16. Basics of Colour .......... Monochromatic colours They are all the hues (tints and shades) of a single colour. As a result, the energy is more subtle and peaceful due to a lack of colour contrast. Monochromatic colours offer very little contrast and may be considered boring unless there is diversity within the design. Neutral colours The neutral colours are black, white, silver, grey, and brown. They make good backgrounds, serve to unify diverse colour palettes and also often stand alone as the only or primary focus of a design. Neutral colours help to put the focus on other colours or serve to tone down colours that might otherwise be overpowering on their own. To some extent blacks, browns, tans, golds, and beige colours are considered warm. While white, ivory, silver, and grey are somewhat cooler colours. Yet these warm and cool attributes are flexible and more subtle than that of reds or blues.
  • 17. Basics of Colour .......... Analogous colours Analogous colours are a palette of compatible colour combinations that blend well together. They are neighbours on the colour wheel. They tend to live harmoniously because they are relatives to each other. Analogous colours are less vivid, bright and saturated. They have less contrast and vibrational energy than complementary colours. Eg: A pine forest has light greens to blues and purples within its depths.
  • 18. Basics of Colour .......... Complimentary colours Complementary colours are colours that are opposite to each other on the colour wheel. They contrast, enhance and intensify each other. Therefore, complementary colours need to be used with caution. The differences in tone and hue can be eye catching, but used too much, they can be an eyesore.
  • 19. Basics of Colour .......... Contrast colours The colour that is more dominant in a picture becomes its contrast. This contrast could be value dominant or intensity dominant.
  • 20. Basics of Colour .......... Colour Interaction theory When a person sees a picture, it is perceived as having three different levels:---- a) Background b) Foreground c) Highlight This picture is an example to understand this theory better. Here the background is the water as it is seen last by the eye. The foreground are the leaves as it is seen second by the eye and the highlight is the flower as it is the first thing you register when you see this picture.
  • 21. Basics of Colour .......... Different readings of the same colour The same colour will appear different on different backgrounds. Like the square on the blue background will appear a little reddish and the square on the reddish background will appear bluish. Similarly over here the red appears bright and vibrant in contrast with black and blue while it appears lifeless against orange and dull in contrast with white.
  • 22. Basics of Colour .......... Some common colour combinations for different moods Earthy Romantic Friendly Soft Fresh
  • 23. Basics of Colour Blocking.......... Merchandise Presentation on a Wall or Gondola Top most stack of shirt to go on the slant shelf LIGHT Neutral colours should be colour blocked seperately. DARK Cut size stacks at the bottom Full sleeves Checks/Pleads Half sleeves
  • 24. Basics of Colour Blocking.......... Merchandise Presentation on a Wall or Gondola - A few guidelines Why is colour blocking done vertically? Colour blocking is done to make the merchandise attractive and convincing for the customer to buy it. When a customer is looking for a particular type or style of garment, he should be able to access the entire range of merchandise and thus all styles and colours of that particular garment. This is possible by arranging the merchandise vertically. By doing this the whole range is displayed and this becomes a lot more appealing and a systematic arrangement, when compared to a horizontal arrangement which might have a space constraint while displaying all styles at once. Cut sizes
  • 25. Basics of Colour Blocking.......... Merchandise Presentation on a Wall or Gondola - A few guidelines What are cut sizes? Cut sizes are those garments for which the entire set of sizes/colours have been sold out. Cut sized garments are therefore the last pieces left from any set. These cannot be stacked on the shelf with the rest of the merchandise since are incomplete and thus they cannot be colour blocked individually. These are then placed at the bottom most shelves with the rest of the cut sizes. Cut sizes Ideally the sizes should also be colour blocked amongst themselves. .
  • 26. Basics of Colour Blocking.......... Colour Blocking- Gondolas and wall units (stacking) Colour blocking is always done vertically following the VIBGYOR principle. This is to ensure that the merchandise of different colours is not scattered or jumbled across the floor. The VIBGYOR as shown below is an organised sequence of colours with the help of which we arrange our merchandise. Keeping the light shades on top at eye level and the darker shades below automates the eye movement to flow from dark to light revealing the entire range of colours. Green Orange Red Blue Indigo Yellow Violet
  • 27. Basics of Colour Blocking.......... Colour Blocking- Gondolas and wall units (stacking) These are a few examples of colour blocking. Here the colours that have been used are both warm and cool colours.... Warm colours Yellow Orange Cool colours Blue Pink But intensity of the colours is the same. Thus they have been placed together. Note the stacks are same in number /height and neatly placed in rows and vertical columns.
  • 28. Basics of Colour Blocking.......... Colour Blocking- Gondolas and wall units (Hanging) While hanging merchandise one needs to keep the following in mind a) Similar sleeve lengths together. b) Similar colours together c) Co-ordinates and side outs together d) Frontals to show the co-ordinated look In this picture the neutrals have been clubbed with one bright colour to make the whole section look interesting, also the hanging is sparse thus the uneven lengths also adds character. Off centered display Yellow shirts Black shirts Yellow shirts Black shirts Center display To give life,colours like black, grey and yellow have been added in between. It is not necessary that the display is central. It can be off-centred also, like explained graphically above.
  • 29. Basics of Colour Blocking.......... Colour Blocking- Gondolas and wall units (Hanging) Here are some examples of how to colour block for a hanging unit. Notice the following: a) Round necks are put together b) Collars are put together c) Colour co-ordinated in terms of all pastels together d) Green and yellow are in the same family thus have been co-ordinated together. The basic formula is to mix the colour families. Example Blue + red = purple + = Thus, all shades of blue, red and purple go together.
  • 30. Basics of Colour Blocking.......... Merchandise Presentation on a Browsers Colour Blocking When the merchandise is displayed on the browsers, the colours should go from light to dark and the same style and the number of options of this style should be put on the same browser. It is also important to size block the displayed Color merchandise. Size blocking is done by placing the sizes in this order- XS S M Option 2 L Size XL Option 1 XXL Option 4 By doing this we can acheive a neat and Option 3 well co-ordinated look. Option 2 Option 1
  • 31. Basics of Colour Blocking.......... Option 2 Option 1 Front view Side view Option 2 Option 1 Preferably the whole coordinated look should be displayed i.e. both top and bottoms are displayed together.
  • 32. Zones......... Merchandise in a section needs to have focused highlighting of the correct product. This is to avoid confusing the customer by showing him everything at the same time. Instead there has to be prioritisation of merchandise that can be made available to the customer by the demarcation of the 3 Dimensional view of the section section into zones. Display according to the zones When you do merchandise presentation start from zone 1, then go to zone 3 and skirt. 3 Zone zone 2 should be done last. Zone 1: Most Visible It is the most visible to the customers as it is right on the aisle. The latest, well coordinated merchandise should be displayed here. Zone 2: Customer Zone 2 It is not a very high visibility area. This area should display basic merchandise of the Zone 1 brand, value priced products and last weeks’ merchandise here. Zone 3: Ais le This zone has great visibility from a distance. This area should always be presented in themes or colour stories.
  • 33. Zones......... Zone 1: 1. The merchandise displayed here should be fashion merchandise as it is a zone that is eye catching and easily visible. Zone 1 2. Highlight maximum styles of merchandise that is available in the section. It is essential that the merchandise is neatly stacked with not more than one colour in one stack. Zone 2 3.The merchandise displayed on the bust needs to be stacked next to it on the nested table. 4.Other colour options in the SAME STYLE are to be stacked on the table. The excess merchandise of total 4 Stacks can be kept on the lowest level of the shelf. Signage A4 signages to be used on the nesting table, incase of communication of an offer. A5 is used for regular communication.
  • 34. Zones......... Zone 2: The merchandise displayed here should be basic merchandise as it is not easily visible to the customer at first glance. It is essential that the merchandise is Zone 2 neatly stacked with not more than one colour in one stack. Refer to the colour blocking section in the merchandise presentation. Display basics and old merchandise here. Stacking of merchandise. Refer to “Colour Blocking” for merchandise presentation. Signage A 5 signage for regular information should be placed on top of the fixture on the glass top and made as per the signage format. A4 signage to be used incase of communication of an offer Shelf talkers to be placed between two stacks on every shelf.
  • 35. Zones......... 3 Dimensional view of the section Zone 3: Very visible from a distance. Latest theme or colour story should be placed here. Highlight maximum styles of merchandise that is available in the section. It is essential that the merchandise is neatly stacked with not more than one colour in one stack. Stacking of merchandise. Refer to “Colour Blocking” for merchandise presentation. skirt. 3 Zone On the wall unit fashion merchandise should be presented in a colour co-ordinated manner. Signage A 5 signage for regular information placed on top of the nesting table and made as per the signage format. A4 signages to be used incase of communication of an offer Shelf talkers to be placed between two stacks on every shelf.
  • 36. Types......... Pic 1 Hanging and Stacking Our main aim is to attract the customer through merchandise presentation. This can be achieved by making interesting pockets of display. This can be done by adopting various ways of hanging and stacking of garments. The following are some interesting examples of creating such pockets in the merchandise area. In the picture given, denims have been hung casually on a browser. These back loops have been inserted with co-ordinated belts to break the monotony and give the hanging merchandise an interesting appeal and perspective.
  • 37. Types......... In the first picture there is a point of interest created at the bottom of the gondola by cross merchandising. Pic 1 In the next picture, four busts have been placed together to create an impact. This also highlights the style of the garment and displays effectively, the range of available colours. Pic 2
  • 38. Types......... Pic 1 Hanging and Stacking An innovative way of co-ordinating different styles of merchandise together is to create stories. Please note the cross merchandising. Cufflinks along with the shirts. Cross merchandising helps customers accessorise their apparel thereby encouraging “add-on” sales and in turn increase the ticket size. These type of colour stories help attract the customer from a distance.
  • 39. Types......... Pic 1 Table tops or Nesting table... The display shown in picture 1 is another way of cross merchandising where you provide the customer with the complete look including shoes, make-up and accessories. A story can be created for instance in Pic 2 picture 2, the story is “what all can fit in your bag”. Other stories can be created in a similar manner. For example concepts like pop culture, street wear etc. can be put together by cross merchandising and co-ordinating merchandise with various accessories.
  • 40. FAQs............. Over and Under Stocks - If there is a problem of over stocks then - You can layer the garments eg. you can combine a shirt and t-shirt or two t-shirts and create more space. - Pull out cut sizes from complete size sets. The cut sizes can be placed size wise in less important areas and thus we show only complete size sets. - Open only one size set, that way you give more options on the floor. - If there is a problem of under stocks then replicate the stocks for example hang and stack the same style in two different places by doing different coordinates or combinations. - You can move stocks from a brand that has more stock but they have to be from the same genre for example UMM and Jealous or Annabelle and Scullers. - Open more than one size set.
  • 41. FAQs............. > Add more props. > Add more display points and create more mini high-points on busts, to highlight different parts of a large collection. >Do more side outs and put similar colours together to give a sophisticated look emphasising the colour. > Get in more co-ordinated accessories for example bags, footwear, scarves and jewellery. >. Reduce shelving and do more hanging.
  • 42. Do’s and Don'ts........ Don’ts Nesting Tables - Do’s Remove garments from the packaging while displaying. If the stacks are too many and untidy, you can stack one size per stack. This should be colour blocked with merchandise catergorisation. Do’s
  • 43. Do’s and Don'ts........ Don’ts Nesting Tables - Do’s Use the table for display, to create a ‘story’, ‘theme’ and category of merchandise rather than stacking If props are being used they should add to the display and help in communicating the story/ look/ theme. Ensure colour blocking or create a colour story. The stacks should be neat and tidy in communicating a story. The table is placed right next to the toys basket and this gives a chaotic look to the section. This should not be done. The garments of the same genre should be kept together.
  • 44. Do’s and Don'ts........ Do’s Nesting Tables - Do’s Use the table for display. The colours used are cool colours and from the same family i.e. green, yellow and blue. The customer should have easy access to the merchandise displayed. The colour co-ordination has been done well. Note the way the prop is enhancing the colour story.
  • 45. Do’s and Don'ts........ Do’s Wall Units - Do’s - Ensure colour blocking. - Ensure that similar fabrics are placed together. Eg: Knits and wovens should not be mixed during merchandise presentation. Merchandise to be presented as co-ordinates, eg: along with kurtas, stoles or duppatas should be displayed and chudidhars and salwars should be at a close distance to give the customer more options.
  • 46. Do’s and Don'ts........ Don’ts Nesting Tables - Do’s - Merchandise stacks should be placed in straights and not at an angle. - Merchandise on the bust should be stacked right next to it on the table. - Signage is required to communicate the displayed merchandise. - Co-ordinated trousers should be placed on the tower level of the nested table. Do’s
  • 47. Do’s and Don'ts........ Do’s Wall Units - Do’s Colour blocking is done very well. Stacking is neat but should be even. Avoid too much of stacking as it becomes monotonous therefore the elevation should be changed by creating a co-ordinated look also with the help of frontals. Here the entire section has a similar colour pallette and is neatly presented.
  • 48. Do’s and Don'ts........ Do’s Wall Units - Do’s The colours and style of the high point goes very well with the kurti on the bust and the ones hung, automatically making the section look attractive and inviting. The merchandise displayed on the high-point should be easily available and accessible to the customer. Blue shirts are kept under the blue shirt that is hung. Thus colour blocking automatically takes place. Neutrals are stacked which are more in tune with the visuals In this further segregation as checks, stripes, solids or half sleeves and full sleeves can also be done which also makes the presentation systematic and lends a flow.
  • 49. Do’s and Don'ts........ Don’ts Gondola and browsers- Do’s - The whole section is looking chaotic because there is no colour blocking on the floor units. Please ensure that the floor units are colour blocked at all times. - Sections of merchandise should be made for e.g. All short kurtis together and all long kurtas be placed together. This also makes it easier for the customer to browse through and buy. Do’s
  • 50. Do’s and Don'ts........ Do’s Gondola and browsers- Do’s Ensure colour blocking is done for the gondola and browsers. All basic solid shirts are put together. Colour blocking could have been better. Chudidhars and salwars are put together in the mix-n-match section. Thus making it easier for the customer to shop.
  • 51. Do’s and Don'ts........ Do’s Gondola and browsers- Do’s - Ensure colour blocking is done. - Co-ordinated sets are displayed together. This way you are giving the customer more options to choose from.