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UNIT № 7:
Medical Virology
1.Morphology and physiology
of the virus.
A virus (from the Latin. virus-poison) — the
simplest form of life, a microscopic particle
that is a molecule of nucleic acids (DNA or
RNA), enclosed in a protein shell and can
infect living organisms.
Distinguishing features of viruses:
1.contain only one type of nucleic acid (RNA or DNA);
2.they do not have their own protein synthesis and energy
systems; not have a cellular organization;
4.they have a disjointed method of reproduction (the
synthesis of proteins and nucleic acids occurs in different
places and at different times);
5.obligate parasitism of viruses is realized at the genetic
6.viruses pass through bacterial filters.
Viral particles can exist in two
1.extracellular (virion)
2.intracellular (virus).
In shape, there are: round, rod-shaped,
convoluted, in the form of regular
polygons, etc.
Their sizes range from 15-18 to 300 - 400
nm. In the center of the virion is a viral
nucleic acid, covered with a protein shell-
a capsid, which consists of capsomers.
Functions of the capsid:
 Protection of genetic material (DNA or
RNA) of the virus from mechanical and
chemical damage.
 Determination of the potential for
infection of the cell.
 At the initial stages of infection of the cell:
attachment to the cell membrane, rupture
of the membrane and introduction of the
genetic material of the virus into the cell.
The nucleic acid and the capsid
shell make up the nucleocapsid.
The nucleocapsid complex of the
virion is covered with the outer
shell – supercapacitor.
The supercapsid (additional lipoprotein) shell is
formed from the plasma membrane of the host cell.
It occurs only in relatively large viruses (flu, herpes).
This outer shell is a fragment of the nuclear or
cytoplasmic membrane of the host cell, from which
the virus exits into the extracellular environment.
Sometimes the outer shells of complex viruses
contain carbohydrates in addition to proteins, for
example, in pathogens of influenza and herpes.
The structure of DNA and RNA - containing viruses is not fundamentally
different from the NC of other microorganisms.
DNA can be:
1. double-chain;
2. single-stranded;
3. annular;
4. double-chain, but with one shorter chain;
5. two-chain, but with one continuous chain and the other fragmented
RNA can be:
1. single-thread;
2. linear two-thread;
3. linear fragmented;
4. ring; containing two identical single-stranded RNA.
Viral proteins are divided into:
1.genomic-nucleoproteins. Provide replication of
viral nucleic acids and virus reproduction
processes. These are enzymes that increase the
number of copies of the parent molecule, or
proteins that synthesize molecules on the
nucleic acid matrix that provide the
implementation of genetic information;
1.capsid shell proteins are simple
proteins that have the ability to self-
assemble. They are formed into
geometrically regular structures that
distinguish several types of symmetry:
spiral, cubic (they form regular
polygons, the number of faces is strictly
constant) , or mixed;
1.supercapsid shell proteins are complex proteins that are
diverse in function. Through them, the interaction of a virus
with a sensitive cell. Among the proteins of the supercapsid
shell, there are:
a) anchor proteins (one end of them is located on the surface,
and the other goes deep; providing contact with the virion cell);
b) enzymes (can destroy cell membranes);
с) hemagglutinins (cause hemagglutination);
d) elements of the host cell.
Interaction of the virus
with the host cell:
There are four types of interaction:
1. productive viral infection (interaction that results in the reproduction of the
virus, and the cells die);
2. abortive viral infection (an interaction in which the virus does not reproduce,
but the cell restores the impaired function);
3. latent viral infection (the virus reproduces, but the cell retains its functional
4. virus-induced transformation (an interaction in which a cell infected with a
virus acquires new properties not previously inherent in it).
After adsorption, virions penetrate through endocytosis or as a result of fusion of
the viral and cell membranes. The resulting vacuoles containing whole virions or
their internal components fall into the lysosomes, where deproteinization is
performed, i.e.," Stripping " of the virus, as a result of which the viral proteins
are destroyed. The nucleic acids of viruses released from proteins penetrate
through cellular channels into the cell nucleus or remain in the cytoplasm.
Influenza A, B, C viruses
(Orthomyxoviridae family)
Flu viruses (lat. Influenzavirus) — four monotypic genera of viruses from
the family of orthomyxoviruses (Orthomyxoviridae)
Monotypic genus, former name: Flu A. Type A influenza virus
It causes outbreaks of flu every year, often epidemics, periodically
pandemics. This is due to the high degree of variability of the virus: a type
A virus is susceptible to both antigenic shift (shift) and antigenic drift. In
2018, influenza viruses of the subtypes A (H1N1) and A (H3N2) circulate
among people.
The natural reservoir of the influenza A virus is waterfowl. Sometimes it is
transmitted to other birds, as a result it can infect poultry, from them -
domestic animals and then people, leading to epidemics and pandemics.
In birds, the virus
infects the epithelial
cells in the digestive
tract, in humans - the
epithelial cells of the
respiratory tract.
Within the species Influenza A virus, several serotypes have been identified
(observed in nature)
H1N1, which caused the pandemic of the Spanish influenza in 1918 and swine
flu in 2009 (according to the old classification, there are three sero-types:
Hsw1N1, H0N1 and H1N1;
H1N2, endemic to humans, pigs and birds;
H2N2, which caused the pandemic of Asian flu in 1957;
H3N2, which caused the Hong Kong flu pandemic in 1968;
H5N1, which caused the bird flu pandemic in 2004;
H6N1, detected in a single patient, was cured;
H7N7 is associated with human conjunctivitis and has a high epizootic
H7N9, responsible for six epidemics in China, now has a high pandemic
potential among other influenza A serotypes;
Monotypic genus, formerly known as Influenzavirus
B. of the influenza Virus type "B".
The "B" type flu virus changes by type of drift, but
not by shift. It is not subdivided into subtypes, but can
be subdivided into lines. In 2018, influenza type b
viruses are circulating in the V/Yamagata and
V/Victoria lines.
The natural reservoir of Influenzavirus B is
human. The virus affects the upper and lower
respiratory tract, the symptoms are similar to
those caused by a type "A" virus. It has a limited
number of lines, which is probably why most
people acquire immunity to Influenzavirus B at an
early age. This species is only variable in
hemagglutinin, ha antigen drift is not as active as
in Influenzavirus A.
The "B" flu virus causes epidemics, but it is quite rare, once
every 4-6 years, they develop slowly compared to those caused
by the "A" virus and usually cover 8-10 % of the population
The "B" type of flu virus is similar to the "A" type of virus,
they are difficult to distinguish under an electron microscope.
The shell of virions " B " contains 4 proteins: HA, NA, NB and
BM2. BM2 is a proton channel that is used by decapitati virus
(in a cage). The NB protein is considered an ion channel, but
this is not a prerequisite for virus replication in cell culture.
The virus genome consists of eight RNA fragments
Monotypic genus, former name:
Influenzavirus C. influenza Virus type "C".
Flu virus "C" is detected in patients less often
than "B" and "A", it usually leads to mild
infections, is not dangerous for humans and
does not pose a problem for public health.
The natural reservoir of Influenzavirus C is
human, it also infects pigs and in experiments
can be transmitted between pigs. Affects the
upper respiratory tract, mainly in children, the
clinical symptoms are weak. Serological studies
have revealed the global prevalence of type "C"
virus. Most people get immune to it at an early
The type "C" virus is not characterized by an
antigenic shift and it changes slightly[.
Influenzavirus C is much more stable than the "A"
type virus and the high degree of cross-reactivity
observed among them isolates these species from
each other.
The "C" flu virus causes scattered diseases and
almost never produces epidemic outbreaks.
Parainfluenza virus
Paramixoviruses (lat. Paramyxoviridae is a
family of viruses in the order Mononegavirales.
Parainfluenza virus
Parainfluenza refers to acute respiratory viral
The disease is characterized by damage to the
upper respiratory tract and moderate
Taxonomic position. Pathogens of human
parainfluenza are
viruses belonging to the family Paramyxoviridae, the
genus Respirovirus (serotypes
HPIV-1 and HPIV-3) and the genus Rubulavirus
(serotypes HPIV-2, HPIV-4).
Diseases in children
people are caused by parainfluenza viruses of
serotypes 1, 2 and 3, and the main
the pathogen for humans is the parainfluenza virus
serotype 3.
For the first time human
parainfluenza viruses were isolated
in 1956-1957 by R. M. Chanock
from nasopharyngeal swabs of
children with influenza-like illness by
infection of cell cultures.
Structure of the virus. The virion has a spherical shape with a
diameter of 150 nm.
The genome of human parainfluenza viruses is represented by a
UN-fragmented molecule minus-RNA.
The life cycle of the virus. Parainfluenza virus that has entered
the body
binds HN-spikes with sialic acid of the cell membrane. Then with
using the F-protein, the virus envelope merges with the cell
membrane, and the nucleocapsid
penetrates into the cell cytoplasm without the formation of
endosome. Transcription, the synthesis of
protein and genome replication occur directly in the cell's
The genome is transcribed into mRNA for the synthesis of viral
proteins and a complete
plus-a matrix for the formation of genomic RNA.
Child genomes interact
with L -, P-and NR-proteins, resulting in the formation of
At the same time, HN and F proteins are embedded in the
cell membrane, and M-protein
it is located opposite them on the inner side of the cell
membrane. Then
nucleocapsids are surrounded by a supercapsid shell
made of a pre-modified cell membrane. The yield of
virions from the cell is by budding. The scheme of the life
cycle of the parainfluenza virus is presented on
Epidemiology. The source of
infection in parainfluenza is patients
people with severe symptoms of the
disease or with an asymptomatic
The mechanism of infection is aerogenic, the main
route of infection transmission
- air-drop. The virus is most intensively released into
the external environment in
the first 2-3 days of the disease. The disease is
widespread. Children are more likely to get sick
5 years. There is no seasonality, but an increase in
the incidence is observed in the spring and
in autumn.
Pathogenesis. The entrance gate of infection is the
mucous membranes
upper respiratory tract (pharynx and larynx). The virus
after adsorption penetrates into the
epithelial cells of the respiratory tract, multiplies in them,
causes death
cells and inflammation. For a short time it is noted
of viremia. The decay products of the cells determines the
toxicity of the body.
The disease can be accompanied by bacterial
Clinic. The incubation period for parainfluenza is from 1
to 6 days.
When parainfluenza affects the larynx (laryngitis,
laryngotracheitis), bronchi (bronchitis),
the mucous membrane of the nose (rhinitis). The disease is
accompanied by an increase in
body temperature up to 38 ° C, weakness, runny nose,
tickling or sore throat, cough. The duration of the disease
is 5-7 days. The cough may persist for up to 2 weeks or
Immunity. After the disease
develops fragile and
short-term type-specific
immunity. Possible repeated
Laboratory diagnostics. The study material for
serves as mucus or flushing from the respiratory tract,
sputum. To isolate the virus
they use cell culture. Indication of the virus is carried out
by cytopathic
action and hemadsorption. Virus identification is
performed using
Modern methods of diagnosis of parainfluenza are RT-
PCR reverse
transcription and ELISA.
Treatment. For the treatment of
parainfluenza, symptomatic agents are
(antipyretic and antitussive agents, as
well as vitamin preparations).
Prevention. Means of specific prevention
of parainfluenza
Coronaviruses and acute
respiratory syndromes
Middle Eastern respiratory
syndrome (MERS)
Severe acute respiratory
syndrome (SARS)
Coronaviruses are RNA-coated viruses
that cause respiratory diseases of
varying severity from the common cold
to fatal pneumonia.
Coronavirus infections in humans most
often cause cold symptoms.
Three of the 7 coronaviruses cause much more severe
than other coronaviruses, and sometimes fatal
respiratory infections in humans, they have caused
major outbreaks of deadly pneumonia in the 21st
SARS-Cov2 is a new coronavirus that is the identified
cause of the 2019 coronavirus disease (COVID-19) that
originated in the city of Wuhan, China in late 2019 and
has spread worldwide.
IN 2012, the mers-CoV coronavirus was identified as the
cause of Middle Eastern respiratory syndrome (MERS).
In late 2002, SARS-CoV was identified as the cause of an
outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)
These coronaviruses, which cause
severe respiratory infections, are
zoonotic pathogens that first
infect infected animals and then
are transmitted from animals to
Middle East respiratory syndrome
Middle East respiratory syndrome
(MERS) is a severe acute
respiratory disease caused by
MERS coronavirus (MERS-CoV).
MERS -CoV virus transmission pathways
MERS-CoV can be transmitted from person to
person through direct contact, by airborne
droplets (particles > 5 microns), or by aerosol
(particles < 5 microns). The fact of human-to-
human transmission was established by the
development of infection in people who had the
only risk factor - close contact with people with
Clinical implications
The incubation period of MERS-CoV is about 5 days.
Reverse transcription PCR (RT-PCR) of upper and
lower respiratory tract secretions and blood serum
MERS should be suspected in patients who have an
unexplained acute febrile respiratory infection of the
lower respiratory tract and who have at least one of the
following signs within 14 days of the onset of symptoms:
- Travel or stay in areas where MERS has recently
been registered or transmission may have occurred
- Stayed in medical institutions where cases of MERS
were recorded
- Close contact with a suspected MERS patient
The MERS virus should also be suspected in patients
who have had close contact with a suspected mers
patient and who have fever, regardless of whether
they have respiratory symptoms.
Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)
Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) is
a severe, acute respiratory disease caused by
SARS coronavirus (SARS-CoV).
SARS is much more severe than other
coronavirus infections. SARS is a flu-like
disease that sometimes leads to progressive
severe respiratory failure.
Adenovirus infection
Adenovirus infection is a group of human infectious
diseases caused by adenoviruses. They belong to the
group of acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) and
are characterized by damage to the mucous
membranes of the upper respiratory tract,
conjunctiva, and lymphoid tissue. There is a fever with
moderate symptoms of intoxication.
For the first time, an adenovirus (namely, a virus of
the genus Mastadenovirus of the family
Adenoviridae) was isolated by Robert Huebner and
W. Rowe in 1953 during surgery on the tonsils and
adenoids of children. Currently, there are more than
40 known varieties. Adenovirus is resistant to the
external environment and to the action of organic
The source of infection is a patient with any
form of adenovirus infection or a healthy
virus carrier. There is a great risk of
infection from patients at the beginning of
the disease, i.e. during the first two weeks.
However, it also happens that the virus
continues to be released in the next 3-4
weeks during the recovery period.
The infection is transmitted by airborne
and fecal-oral route. Children aged 6
months to 5 years are most susceptible to
it. Children under 6 months are not
susceptible to infection due to the presence
of transplacental immunity, i.e. received
from the mother. After the disease, there is
a type-specific immunity
Epidemic outbreaks are recorded throughout
the year, especially in winter, and in the form
of sporadic cases in the warm season. Infection
is facilitated by close communication of
children. Organized children's groups often
get sick-undulating, for 10-12 days. All types of
adenoviruses are characterized by the
presence of a common complement-binding
Clinical implications
The incubation period is from 1 day to 2 weeks. The
disease begins acutely, with a rise in temperature.
Characteristic is a tetrad of symptoms: rhinitis-
pharyngitis-conjunctivitis-fever. There are also
symptoms of General intoxication — weakness,
lethargy, headache, lack of appetite, drowsiness.
Laboratory diagnostics is ineffective. In General
blood tests, non-specific changes (lymphocytosis,
leukopenia), flushes from the nasopharynx are not
widely used in practical medicine.
The infection enters the body through the mucous membranes of
the upper respiratory tract, less often-the intestines or
conjunctiva. The virus enters epithelial cells and cells of
lymphoid tissue, affects the cytoplasm and the nucleus, where
viral DNA replication occurs. The affected cells stop dividing and
die. Viruses penetrate other cells of the mucous membranes and
lymph nodes, as well as into the blood. This is accompanied by
massive exudative inflammation on the part of the mucous
membranes, i.e. the accumulation of fluid in them. Conjunctivitis
appears. Further, the pathological process involves internal
organs (lungs, bronchi, intestines, kidneys, liver, spleen), as well
as the brain, mesenteric lymph nodes.
Proper diet
Air humidification.
nose washing
Drug-based prevention measures
 Vaccination, or inoculation.
 Nose washing. You can, as already mentioned, make a
saline solution yourself, or you can buy a ready-made
mixture in a bottle with a convenient spout at the
 Vitamin and mineral complexes. By themselves, they do
not treat or protect against infection, but they help to
maintain normal immunity.
 Antiviral agents
Methods of laboratory diagnostics of viral
Methods of laboratory diagnostics of viral infections are
divided into several large groups.
- Direct methods that consist in detecting the virus itself or
antibodies to it directly in the biological material.
- Indirect methods-consist in artificial development of the
virus in significant quantities, and its further analysis.
The most relevant diagnostic methods in everyday
practice include:
Serological methods of diagnosis-detection of certain
antibodies or antigens in the patient's blood serum as a
result of the antigen-antibody reaction (AG-at). That is,
when searching for a specific antigen in a patient, the
corresponding artificially synthesized antibody is used,
and, accordingly, Vice versa-when detecting antibodies,
synthesized antigens are used.
The reaction immunofluorescence (RIF)
Based on the use of dye-labeled antibodies. In the
presence of a viral antigen, it binds to labeled
antibodies, and a specific color is observed under
the microscope, which indicates a positive result.
With this method, unfortunately, it is not
possible to interpret the result quantitatively, but
only qualitatively.
The possibility of quantitative determination
is provided by enzyme immunoassay
(ELISA). It is similar to a REEF, but the
markers used are not dyes, but enzymes that
turn colorless substrates into colored
products, which makes it possible to
quantify the content of both antigens and
- Wash away non-binding antibodies and
- Add a colorless substrate, and in the wells with
the antigen that we determine, staining will
occur, because there will be an enzyme
associated with the antigen, after which the
intensity of the glow of the colored product is
evaluated on a special device.
Reaction of indirect (passive) hemaglutination
The method is based on the ability of viruses to bind
red blood cells. Normally, red blood cells fall to the
bottom of the tablet, forming a so-called button.
However, if there is a virus in the biological material
under study, it will bind the red blood cells into a so-
called umbrella that will not fall to the bottom of the
If the task is to detect antibodies, it is
possible to do this by using the
hemagglutination inhibition reaction
(GIR). Various samples are buried in the
well with the virus and red blood cells. If
there are antibodies, they will bind the
virus, and the red blood cells will fall to
the bottom to form a "button".
Now we will focus on the
methods of diagnostics directly
of nucleic acids of the studied
viruses, and first of all on PCR
(Polymerase Chain Reaction) .
The essence of this method is to detect a specific fragment of
DNA or RNA of the virus by repeatedly copying it under
artificial conditions. PCR can only be performed with DNA, that
is, for RNA viruses, a reverse transcription reaction must first be
Directly PCR is carried out in a special device called an
amplifier, or thermal cycler, which maintains the necessary
temperature regime. The PCR mixture consists of added DNA,
which contains the fragment of interest, primers (a short
fragment of nucleic acid, a complementary DNA target, serves as
a seed for the synthesis of a complementary chain), DNA
polymerase, and nucleotides.
- Denaturation is the first stage. The
temperature rises to 95 degrees, the DNA
strands diverge relative to each other.
- Annealing of primers. The temperature is
lowered to 50-60 degrees. Primers find a
complementary section of the chain and link
to it.
- Synthesis. The temperature is raised again
to 72, which is the operating temperature for
DNA polymerase, which builds daughter
chains based on primers.
The cycle is repeated many times. After 40 cycles, a single
DNA molecule produces 10 * 12 degree copies of copies of
the desired fragment.
During real-time PCR, synthesized copies of the
DNA fragment are marked with a dye. The device
registers the intensity of the glow and plots the
accumulation of the desired fragment in the course
of the reaction.
Modern methods of laboratory diagnostics with
high confidence can detect the presence of the virus-
pathogen in the body, often long before the first
symptoms of the disease appear.

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Medical virology

  • 2. 1.Morphology and physiology of the virus. A virus (from the Latin. virus-poison) — the simplest form of life, a microscopic particle that is a molecule of nucleic acids (DNA or RNA), enclosed in a protein shell and can infect living organisms.
  • 3. Distinguishing features of viruses: 1.contain only one type of nucleic acid (RNA or DNA); 2.they do not have their own protein synthesis and energy systems; not have a cellular organization; 4.they have a disjointed method of reproduction (the synthesis of proteins and nucleic acids occurs in different places and at different times); 5.obligate parasitism of viruses is realized at the genetic level; 6.viruses pass through bacterial filters.
  • 4. Viral particles can exist in two forms: 1.extracellular (virion) 2.intracellular (virus).
  • 5. In shape, there are: round, rod-shaped, convoluted, in the form of regular polygons, etc. Their sizes range from 15-18 to 300 - 400 nm. In the center of the virion is a viral nucleic acid, covered with a protein shell- a capsid, which consists of capsomers.
  • 6. Functions of the capsid:  Protection of genetic material (DNA or RNA) of the virus from mechanical and chemical damage.  Determination of the potential for infection of the cell.  At the initial stages of infection of the cell: attachment to the cell membrane, rupture of the membrane and introduction of the genetic material of the virus into the cell.
  • 7. The nucleic acid and the capsid shell make up the nucleocapsid. The nucleocapsid complex of the virion is covered with the outer shell – supercapacitor.
  • 8. The supercapsid (additional lipoprotein) shell is formed from the plasma membrane of the host cell. It occurs only in relatively large viruses (flu, herpes). This outer shell is a fragment of the nuclear or cytoplasmic membrane of the host cell, from which the virus exits into the extracellular environment. Sometimes the outer shells of complex viruses contain carbohydrates in addition to proteins, for example, in pathogens of influenza and herpes.
  • 9. The structure of DNA and RNA - containing viruses is not fundamentally different from the NC of other microorganisms. DNA can be: 1. double-chain; 2. single-stranded; 3. annular; 4. double-chain, but with one shorter chain; 5. two-chain, but with one continuous chain and the other fragmented chain. RNA can be: 1. single-thread; 2. linear two-thread; 3. linear fragmented; 4. ring; containing two identical single-stranded RNA.
  • 10. Viral proteins are divided into: 1.genomic-nucleoproteins. Provide replication of viral nucleic acids and virus reproduction processes. These are enzymes that increase the number of copies of the parent molecule, or proteins that synthesize molecules on the nucleic acid matrix that provide the implementation of genetic information;
  • 11. 1.capsid shell proteins are simple proteins that have the ability to self- assemble. They are formed into geometrically regular structures that distinguish several types of symmetry: spiral, cubic (they form regular polygons, the number of faces is strictly constant) , or mixed;
  • 12. 1.supercapsid shell proteins are complex proteins that are diverse in function. Through them, the interaction of a virus with a sensitive cell. Among the proteins of the supercapsid shell, there are: a) anchor proteins (one end of them is located on the surface, and the other goes deep; providing contact with the virion cell); b) enzymes (can destroy cell membranes); с) hemagglutinins (cause hemagglutination); d) elements of the host cell.
  • 13. Interaction of the virus with the host cell:
  • 14. There are four types of interaction: 1. productive viral infection (interaction that results in the reproduction of the virus, and the cells die); 2. abortive viral infection (an interaction in which the virus does not reproduce, but the cell restores the impaired function); 3. latent viral infection (the virus reproduces, but the cell retains its functional activity); 4. virus-induced transformation (an interaction in which a cell infected with a virus acquires new properties not previously inherent in it). After adsorption, virions penetrate through endocytosis or as a result of fusion of the viral and cell membranes. The resulting vacuoles containing whole virions or their internal components fall into the lysosomes, where deproteinization is performed, i.e.," Stripping " of the virus, as a result of which the viral proteins are destroyed. The nucleic acids of viruses released from proteins penetrate through cellular channels into the cell nucleus or remain in the cytoplasm.
  • 15. Influenza A, B, C viruses (Orthomyxoviridae family)
  • 16. Flu viruses (lat. Influenzavirus) — four monotypic genera of viruses from the family of orthomyxoviruses (Orthomyxoviridae) Alphainfluenzavirus Monotypic genus, former name: Flu A. Type A influenza virus It causes outbreaks of flu every year, often epidemics, periodically pandemics. This is due to the high degree of variability of the virus: a type A virus is susceptible to both antigenic shift (shift) and antigenic drift. In 2018, influenza viruses of the subtypes A (H1N1) and A (H3N2) circulate among people. The natural reservoir of the influenza A virus is waterfowl. Sometimes it is transmitted to other birds, as a result it can infect poultry, from them - domestic animals and then people, leading to epidemics and pandemics.
  • 17. In birds, the virus infects the epithelial cells in the digestive tract, in humans - the epithelial cells of the respiratory tract.
  • 18. Within the species Influenza A virus, several serotypes have been identified (observed in nature) H1N1, which caused the pandemic of the Spanish influenza in 1918 and swine flu in 2009 (according to the old classification, there are three sero-types: Hsw1N1, H0N1 and H1N1; H1N2, endemic to humans, pigs and birds; H2N2, which caused the pandemic of Asian flu in 1957; H3N2, which caused the Hong Kong flu pandemic in 1968; H5N1, which caused the bird flu pandemic in 2004; H6N1, detected in a single patient, was cured; H7n2 H7n3 H7N7 is associated with human conjunctivitis and has a high epizootic potential; H7N9, responsible for six epidemics in China, now has a high pandemic potential among other influenza A serotypes; H9N2 H10N7 H17N10 H18N11
  • 19. Betainfluenzavirus Monotypic genus, formerly known as Influenzavirus B. of the influenza Virus type "B". The "B" type flu virus changes by type of drift, but not by shift. It is not subdivided into subtypes, but can be subdivided into lines. In 2018, influenza type b viruses are circulating in the V/Yamagata and V/Victoria lines.
  • 20. The natural reservoir of Influenzavirus B is human. The virus affects the upper and lower respiratory tract, the symptoms are similar to those caused by a type "A" virus. It has a limited number of lines, which is probably why most people acquire immunity to Influenzavirus B at an early age. This species is only variable in hemagglutinin, ha antigen drift is not as active as in Influenzavirus A.
  • 21. The "B" flu virus causes epidemics, but it is quite rare, once every 4-6 years, they develop slowly compared to those caused by the "A" virus and usually cover 8-10 % of the population The "B" type of flu virus is similar to the "A" type of virus, they are difficult to distinguish under an electron microscope. The shell of virions " B " contains 4 proteins: HA, NA, NB and BM2. BM2 is a proton channel that is used by decapitati virus (in a cage). The NB protein is considered an ion channel, but this is not a prerequisite for virus replication in cell culture. The virus genome consists of eight RNA fragments
  • 22. Gammainfluenzavirus Monotypic genus, former name: Influenzavirus C. influenza Virus type "C". Flu virus "C" is detected in patients less often than "B" and "A", it usually leads to mild infections, is not dangerous for humans and does not pose a problem for public health.
  • 23. The natural reservoir of Influenzavirus C is human, it also infects pigs and in experiments can be transmitted between pigs. Affects the upper respiratory tract, mainly in children, the clinical symptoms are weak. Serological studies have revealed the global prevalence of type "C" virus. Most people get immune to it at an early age.
  • 24. The type "C" virus is not characterized by an antigenic shift and it changes slightly[. Influenzavirus C is much more stable than the "A" type virus and the high degree of cross-reactivity observed among them isolates these species from each other. The "C" flu virus causes scattered diseases and almost never produces epidemic outbreaks.
  • 26. Paramixoviruses (lat. Paramyxoviridae is a family of viruses in the order Mononegavirales. Parainfluenza virus Parainfluenza refers to acute respiratory viral infections. The disease is characterized by damage to the upper respiratory tract and moderate intoxication.
  • 27. Taxonomic position. Pathogens of human parainfluenza are viruses belonging to the family Paramyxoviridae, the genus Respirovirus (serotypes HPIV-1 and HPIV-3) and the genus Rubulavirus (serotypes HPIV-2, HPIV-4). Diseases in children people are caused by parainfluenza viruses of serotypes 1, 2 and 3, and the main the pathogen for humans is the parainfluenza virus serotype 3.
  • 28. For the first time human parainfluenza viruses were isolated in 1956-1957 by R. M. Chanock from nasopharyngeal swabs of children with influenza-like illness by infection of cell cultures.
  • 29. Structure of the virus. The virion has a spherical shape with a diameter of 150 nm. The genome of human parainfluenza viruses is represented by a single-stranded UN-fragmented molecule minus-RNA.
  • 30. The life cycle of the virus. Parainfluenza virus that has entered the body binds HN-spikes with sialic acid of the cell membrane. Then with using the F-protein, the virus envelope merges with the cell membrane, and the nucleocapsid penetrates into the cell cytoplasm without the formation of endosome. Transcription, the synthesis of protein and genome replication occur directly in the cell's cytoplasm. The genome is transcribed into mRNA for the synthesis of viral proteins and a complete plus-a matrix for the formation of genomic RNA.
  • 31. Child genomes interact with L -, P-and NR-proteins, resulting in the formation of nucleocapsids. At the same time, HN and F proteins are embedded in the cell membrane, and M-protein it is located opposite them on the inner side of the cell membrane. Then nucleocapsids are surrounded by a supercapsid shell made of a pre-modified cell membrane. The yield of virions from the cell is by budding. The scheme of the life cycle of the parainfluenza virus is presented on figure
  • 32.
  • 33. Epidemiology. The source of infection in parainfluenza is patients people with severe symptoms of the disease or with an asymptomatic course infections.
  • 34. The mechanism of infection is aerogenic, the main route of infection transmission - air-drop. The virus is most intensively released into the external environment in the first 2-3 days of the disease. The disease is widespread. Children are more likely to get sick before 5 years. There is no seasonality, but an increase in the incidence is observed in the spring and in autumn.
  • 35. Pathogenesis. The entrance gate of infection is the mucous membranes upper respiratory tract (pharynx and larynx). The virus after adsorption penetrates into the epithelial cells of the respiratory tract, multiplies in them, causes death cells and inflammation. For a short time it is noted of viremia. The decay products of the cells determines the toxicity of the body. The disease can be accompanied by bacterial complications.
  • 36. Clinic. The incubation period for parainfluenza is from 1 to 6 days. When parainfluenza affects the larynx (laryngitis, laryngotracheitis), bronchi (bronchitis), the mucous membrane of the nose (rhinitis). The disease is accompanied by an increase in body temperature up to 38 ° C, weakness, runny nose, tickling or sore throat, cough. The duration of the disease is 5-7 days. The cough may persist for up to 2 weeks or more.
  • 37. Immunity. After the disease develops fragile and short-term type-specific immunity. Possible repeated diseases.
  • 38. Laboratory diagnostics. The study material for parainfluenza serves as mucus or flushing from the respiratory tract, sputum. To isolate the virus they use cell culture. Indication of the virus is carried out by cytopathic action and hemadsorption. Virus identification is performed using RTGA, RSK, RN. Modern methods of diagnosis of parainfluenza are RT- PCR reverse transcription and ELISA.
  • 39. Treatment. For the treatment of parainfluenza, symptomatic agents are used (antipyretic and antitussive agents, as well as vitamin preparations). Prevention. Means of specific prevention of parainfluenza absent.
  • 40. Coronaviruses and acute respiratory syndromes (MERS and SARS) Middle Eastern respiratory syndrome (MERS) Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)
  • 41. Coronaviruses are RNA-coated viruses that cause respiratory diseases of varying severity from the common cold to fatal pneumonia. Coronavirus infections in humans most often cause cold symptoms.
  • 42. Three of the 7 coronaviruses cause much more severe than other coronaviruses, and sometimes fatal respiratory infections in humans, they have caused major outbreaks of deadly pneumonia in the 21st century: SARS-Cov2 is a new coronavirus that is the identified cause of the 2019 coronavirus disease (COVID-19) that originated in the city of Wuhan, China in late 2019 and has spread worldwide. IN 2012, the mers-CoV coronavirus was identified as the cause of Middle Eastern respiratory syndrome (MERS). In late 2002, SARS-CoV was identified as the cause of an outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)
  • 43. These coronaviruses, which cause severe respiratory infections, are zoonotic pathogens that first infect infected animals and then are transmitted from animals to humans.
  • 44. Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) is a severe acute respiratory disease caused by MERS coronavirus (MERS-CoV).
  • 45. MERS -CoV virus transmission pathways MERS-CoV can be transmitted from person to person through direct contact, by airborne droplets (particles > 5 microns), or by aerosol (particles < 5 microns). The fact of human-to- human transmission was established by the development of infection in people who had the only risk factor - close contact with people with MERS.
  • 46. Clinical implications The incubation period of MERS-CoV is about 5 days. Diagnostics Reverse transcription PCR (RT-PCR) of upper and lower respiratory tract secretions and blood serum MERS should be suspected in patients who have an unexplained acute febrile respiratory infection of the lower respiratory tract and who have at least one of the following signs within 14 days of the onset of symptoms:
  • 47. - Travel or stay in areas where MERS has recently been registered or transmission may have occurred - Stayed in medical institutions where cases of MERS were recorded - Close contact with a suspected MERS patient The MERS virus should also be suspected in patients who have had close contact with a suspected mers patient and who have fever, regardless of whether they have respiratory symptoms.
  • 48. Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) is a severe, acute respiratory disease caused by SARS coronavirus (SARS-CoV). SARS is much more severe than other coronavirus infections. SARS is a flu-like disease that sometimes leads to progressive severe respiratory failure.
  • 49. Adenovirus infection Adenovirus infection is a group of human infectious diseases caused by adenoviruses. They belong to the group of acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) and are characterized by damage to the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract, conjunctiva, and lymphoid tissue. There is a fever with moderate symptoms of intoxication.
  • 50. Etiology For the first time, an adenovirus (namely, a virus of the genus Mastadenovirus of the family Adenoviridae) was isolated by Robert Huebner and W. Rowe in 1953 during surgery on the tonsils and adenoids of children. Currently, there are more than 40 known varieties. Adenovirus is resistant to the external environment and to the action of organic solvents.
  • 51. Epidemiology The source of infection is a patient with any form of adenovirus infection or a healthy virus carrier. There is a great risk of infection from patients at the beginning of the disease, i.e. during the first two weeks. However, it also happens that the virus continues to be released in the next 3-4 weeks during the recovery period.
  • 52. The infection is transmitted by airborne and fecal-oral route. Children aged 6 months to 5 years are most susceptible to it. Children under 6 months are not susceptible to infection due to the presence of transplacental immunity, i.e. received from the mother. After the disease, there is a type-specific immunity
  • 53. Epidemic outbreaks are recorded throughout the year, especially in winter, and in the form of sporadic cases in the warm season. Infection is facilitated by close communication of children. Organized children's groups often get sick-undulating, for 10-12 days. All types of adenoviruses are characterized by the presence of a common complement-binding antigen.
  • 54. Clinical implications The incubation period is from 1 day to 2 weeks. The disease begins acutely, with a rise in temperature. Characteristic is a tetrad of symptoms: rhinitis- pharyngitis-conjunctivitis-fever. There are also symptoms of General intoxication — weakness, lethargy, headache, lack of appetite, drowsiness. Laboratory diagnostics is ineffective. In General blood tests, non-specific changes (lymphocytosis, leukopenia), flushes from the nasopharynx are not widely used in practical medicine.
  • 55. Pathogenesis The infection enters the body through the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract, less often-the intestines or conjunctiva. The virus enters epithelial cells and cells of lymphoid tissue, affects the cytoplasm and the nucleus, where viral DNA replication occurs. The affected cells stop dividing and die. Viruses penetrate other cells of the mucous membranes and lymph nodes, as well as into the blood. This is accompanied by massive exudative inflammation on the part of the mucous membranes, i.e. the accumulation of fluid in them. Conjunctivitis appears. Further, the pathological process involves internal organs (lungs, bronchi, intestines, kidneys, liver, spleen), as well as the brain, mesenteric lymph nodes.
  • 57. Drug-based prevention measures  Vaccination, or inoculation.  Nose washing. You can, as already mentioned, make a saline solution yourself, or you can buy a ready-made mixture in a bottle with a convenient spout at the pharmacy.  Vitamin and mineral complexes. By themselves, they do not treat or protect against infection, but they help to maintain normal immunity.  Antiviral agents
  • 58. Methods of laboratory diagnostics of viral infections Methods of laboratory diagnostics of viral infections are divided into several large groups. - Direct methods that consist in detecting the virus itself or antibodies to it directly in the biological material. - Indirect methods-consist in artificial development of the virus in significant quantities, and its further analysis.
  • 59. The most relevant diagnostic methods in everyday practice include: Serological methods of diagnosis-detection of certain antibodies or antigens in the patient's blood serum as a result of the antigen-antibody reaction (AG-at). That is, when searching for a specific antigen in a patient, the corresponding artificially synthesized antibody is used, and, accordingly, Vice versa-when detecting antibodies, synthesized antigens are used.
  • 60. The reaction immunofluorescence (RIF) Based on the use of dye-labeled antibodies. In the presence of a viral antigen, it binds to labeled antibodies, and a specific color is observed under the microscope, which indicates a positive result. With this method, unfortunately, it is not possible to interpret the result quantitatively, but only qualitatively.
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  • 63. The possibility of quantitative determination is provided by enzyme immunoassay (ELISA). It is similar to a REEF, but the markers used are not dyes, but enzymes that turn colorless substrates into colored products, which makes it possible to quantify the content of both antigens and antibodies.
  • 64. - Wash away non-binding antibodies and antigens. - Add a colorless substrate, and in the wells with the antigen that we determine, staining will occur, because there will be an enzyme associated with the antigen, after which the intensity of the glow of the colored product is evaluated on a special device.
  • 65. Reaction of indirect (passive) hemaglutination (RPGA). The method is based on the ability of viruses to bind red blood cells. Normally, red blood cells fall to the bottom of the tablet, forming a so-called button. However, if there is a virus in the biological material under study, it will bind the red blood cells into a so- called umbrella that will not fall to the bottom of the hole.
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  • 67. If the task is to detect antibodies, it is possible to do this by using the hemagglutination inhibition reaction (GIR). Various samples are buried in the well with the virus and red blood cells. If there are antibodies, they will bind the virus, and the red blood cells will fall to the bottom to form a "button".
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  • 69. Now we will focus on the methods of diagnostics directly of nucleic acids of the studied viruses, and first of all on PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) .
  • 70. The essence of this method is to detect a specific fragment of DNA or RNA of the virus by repeatedly copying it under artificial conditions. PCR can only be performed with DNA, that is, for RNA viruses, a reverse transcription reaction must first be performed. Directly PCR is carried out in a special device called an amplifier, or thermal cycler, which maintains the necessary temperature regime. The PCR mixture consists of added DNA, which contains the fragment of interest, primers (a short fragment of nucleic acid, a complementary DNA target, serves as a seed for the synthesis of a complementary chain), DNA polymerase, and nucleotides.
  • 71. - Denaturation is the first stage. The temperature rises to 95 degrees, the DNA strands diverge relative to each other. - Annealing of primers. The temperature is lowered to 50-60 degrees. Primers find a complementary section of the chain and link to it. - Synthesis. The temperature is raised again to 72, which is the operating temperature for DNA polymerase, which builds daughter chains based on primers.
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  • 73. The cycle is repeated many times. After 40 cycles, a single DNA molecule produces 10 * 12 degree copies of copies of the desired fragment.
  • 74. During real-time PCR, synthesized copies of the DNA fragment are marked with a dye. The device registers the intensity of the glow and plots the accumulation of the desired fragment in the course of the reaction. Modern methods of laboratory diagnostics with high confidence can detect the presence of the virus- pathogen in the body, often long before the first symptoms of the disease appear.