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Master Test Specification - SRCP

                     Master Test Specification
                                   Simple Railroad
                    Command Protocol(SRCP)
                                       23 July 2010

                                                               Ankit Singh
                                                      High Integrity System
                                        Fachhochschule Frankfurt am Main
                                             University of Applied Sciences

Master Test Specification for SRCP

Table of Contents

1. Chapter 1: Introduction............................................................ 4
2. Chapter 2: Test plan................................................................. 5
        2.1 Test level....................................................................... 5
                2.1.1 Black Box Testing.............................................. 5
                2.1.2 White Box Testing............................................. 6
        2.2 Test Object and Environment....................................... 7
        2.3 Tools.............................................................................. 7
        2.4 Schedule........................................................................ 7
        2.5 Test areas...................................................................... 8
        2.6 Test tuning..................................................................... 9
3. Chapter 3: Test Specification.....................................................10
        3.1     Testing techniques......................................................10
        3.2     Test Metrics used........................................................10
        3.3      Requirement list.........................................................11
4. Chapter 4: Communication........................................................17
5. Chapter 5: Black Box Test Cases …...........................................18
        5.1     Mode/Protocol Testing ….............................................18
        5.2     Wrong Documentation of Specification....…................21
        5.3     Cause-Effect Graph ….................................................23
6. Chapter 6: White Box Testing....................................................26
        6.1 White Box Testing Results............................................. 26
                6.1.1 Module: ddl-s88.c............................................. 26
                6.1.2 Module: srcp-fb.c.…...........................................27
7. Findings …................................................................................30
8. Conclusion …............................................................................31
9. References: ..............................................................................32

Master Test Specification - SRCP

        List of Tables

        2.4 Project Schedule …..............................................................8
        3.2 Test Metrics ….....................................................................10
        3.3.1 General Requirement ….................................................. 13
        3.3.2 Bus Allocation................................................................. 16
        5.1.1 Valid / correct commands …............................................ 18
        5.1.2 Invalid / incorrect commands …...................................... 20
        5.2 Wrong Test Specification commands …...........…................ 22
        5.3 Handshake Cause-Effect graph Decision ….........................24

        List of Figures

        2.1.1 Black Box Testing …...........................................................5
        2.1.2 White Box Testing …..........................................................6
        3.3      General flow of operations................................................12
        4 Communication diagram.........................................................18
        5.3 Cause-effect Graph...............................................................23 General Functionality Relations …...............…............... 27 FB generation calls ….....................................................28 SET Function of FB …..................................................... 28 GET Function of FB …......................................................28 INIT Function of FB …......................................................28

        List of Charts

        5.1      Bar Chart Pass vs Fail ….................................................... 23
        5.2      Pie Chart Pass vs Fail ........................................................ 23


Simple Railroad Command Protocol(SRCP), is a middle man platform for various

vendors of model railway. It is an Internet protocol for controlling and programming

(digital) railway systems. The protocol is based on the application layer (layer 7) of

the OSI Reference Model. The major goals of SRCP is to provide a common

operating language among railway models as well as providing multiuser support.

Moreover, scalability issues like safety features are bundled into SRCP.

The aim of this document is to identify layout and investigate test scenarios and test

cases for the software at hand. The first section of the document focus on the myriad

components of test planning in view of SRCP followed by specification of test areas.

The final section examine the test cases identified, defined and be investigated.

Master Test Specification - SRCP

                                         Chapter 2
                                          Test plan

This section details the various components required for the testing of SRCP. It identifies
the level of testing, the environment and tools to be used. Additionally, time frame and
major test areas are scrutinized.

        2.1. Test level

        The level of required at this version of testing is unit testing with black box testing
        method and white box testing.

        2.1.1 Black-box Testing

        The black-box tests are going to be automatized using PyUnit python test package.
        Since only the SRCP server application is going to be tested, a client application is
        going to run unit tests on server. The general black-box testing strategy includes:
                 1. Running different valid tests on each of commands in combination with each
                 device group; and
                 2. Running different invalid tests on each of commands in combination with
                 each device group.

Figure 2.1.1 Black Box Testing

Black-box tests are going to be performed by running client application written in
Python programming language. The client application is going to connect to, and
communicate with SRCP server via TCP protocol.

2.1.2 White-box Testing

Main criteria in white-box testing is going to be code coverage, which means that all
branches in control ow graph are going to be covered. The white-box testing is going
to be performed on specific modules of SRCP server to ensure the safety of the
tested modules. The list of modules to be tested is listed below:
      1. srcp-fb.c and
      2. ddl-s88.c

                         Figure 2.1.2 White Box Testing

White-box tests are going be performed using VIM or Emacs with help of ctags &
etags respectively for moving around the C code of the SRCP Project.

Master Test Specification - SRCP

        2.2. Test Object And Environment

        SRCP Server version 2.1.1 is a platform independent model. One SRCP server is
        also called Central Unit (CU) and covers the functionality of exactly one CU. The

        SRCP server is open for communication in two directions. The first side covers the
        communication between the railroad and the SRCP server over several buses. And
        The other side of communication is between the SRCP server and the clients. The
        servers task is to convert commands from the clients to commands for the model
        railroad and send reports back to the clients. The communication between clients and
        SRCP server in both directions is done with via SRCP.

        We choose Linux 9.10 as a major platform for setting up the test environment.
        In liaison, windows based platforms will be used if found necessary for clients of

        2.3 Tools

        Various tools for testing will be in action for the testing process. We mainly categorize
        testing tools into
        •        Documentation tools: Open office suit
        •        Unit test scripting tools: pyUnit/Python based script

        2.4 Schedule

        As this is a project for the fulfillment of Advanced Testing Methods module, the
        duration of the project will be based on the semester duration. The submission of the
        Project is on 25-7-2010.
        The Detailed testing project Schedule table is given below.

Master Test Specification - SRCP

                      2010                  APRIL           MAY                  JUNE
                     WEEK                   3   4    1    2   3        4     1   2   3   4
           Client Provide Specification
              Documents for SRCP
                  Test Planning
           Master Test Specification I
           Master Test Specification II
                Black Box Testing
               White Box Testing
                   Test Report
             Final MTS SRCP 0.8.3
               Delivered to Client
                                          Table 2.4 Project Schedule

                                              Working     Working Parallel
        2.5 Test areas

        Client – Server Network Communication

        Network Communication between a client and a server is the base of software. The
        client and server communicate in network using TCP protocol. The network
        establishment should be proper so that client sends requests to server and server
        acknowledge to the request & sends back appropriate reply to the client. So, Network
        communication is one of the important area to be tested.

        SRCP connection Mode

        After a client established a successful connection with SRCP server, a client can
        switching into different mode given in SRCP. Mainly, there are three modes: I)
        handshake, II) command, III) info modes. Switching between different modes need to
        tested properly so that the commands of the individual modes can be used for
        different type of service given by server.

Test areas are defined according to the priorities set out by the documentation of
SRCP. We have pointed out the following test areas:
1. Level of priority
       a. MUST/MUST NOT tagged requirements
       b. SHALL/RECOMMEND tagged requirements
       c. CAN/OPERATIONAL tagged requirements
2. Valid/Invalid requirements
3. General flow of operations requirements

2.6 Test tuning

As this is a very first test document, tuning and improvement are always at the table.
Thus, we will employ rudimentary test tuning techniques like that of feedback during
presentations, one to one observation, traceability matrix the SRCP main

Master Test Specification - SRCP

                                              Chapter 3
                                      Test Specification

This section of the document examine requirements of the system at hand and propose list
of requirements for the advancement of test cases.

        3.1 Testing techniques

        Since the level of testing required at this stage is unit with black box testing
        techniques, we found that it is advisory to explore and identify best method for
        accomplishing the object at hand. Equivalence partitioning, boundary value analysis,
        all pair testing for parameter and traceability matrix specification as an appropriate fit.

        3.2 Test Metrics Used
                                              Table 3.2 Test Metrics

Test metric            Definition                  Purpose                    How to calculate

Defect severity        The severity level of a     Provides indications       Every defect has
                       defect indicates the        about the quality of       severity levels
                       potential business          the product under          attached to it.
                       impact for the end user     test. High-severity        Broadly, these
                       (business impact =          defects means low          are Critical, Se-
                       effect on the end user x product quality, and          rious, Medium
                       frequency of                vice versa. At the         and Low.
                       occurrence).                end of this phase, this
                                                   information is useful to
                                                   make the release

decision based on the
                                           number of defects and
                                           their severity levels.

Test coverage    Defined as the extent     This metric is an in-      Coverage could
                 to which testing covers   dication of the com-       be with respect
                 the products complete     pleteness of the testing. to requirements,
                 functionality.            It does not indicate       functional topic
                                           anything about the         list, business
                                           effectiveness of the       flows, use cases,
                                           testing. This can be       etc. It can be
                                           used as a criterion to     calculated based
                                           stop testing.              on the number
                                                                      of items that
                                                                      were covered vs.
                                                                      the total number
                                                                      of items.

     3.3 Requirement list

     Before listing out of the details of the SRCP requirements, it is useful to identify the
     major blocks of the protocol. The following picture depict the overall process of SRCP

Master Test Specification - SRCP

                                   Figure 3.3 General flow of operations

        Based on the test areas specified in section 2.5, we have the following
                 1. Commands
                         a. Command mode
                         b. Info mode
                 2. Reply
                 3. Server state
        4.       General valid/ invalid requirements

Table 3.3.1 General Requirements

Sr.No       Item                             Requirement
  1     General:         SRCP server can manage and provide several CUs is
        SRCP Server      valid
 2      General:         Separating CUs is made by different bus numbers
        SRCP Server
 3      General:         SRCP is based on the data transfer technologies of TCP.
        SRCP Server      One port is occupied
 4      General:         SRCP servers have to be prosecuted on the different TCP
        SRCP Server      ports if there are several CUs connected to a computer
                         without a common
                         SRCP server
 5      General:         All character codes are described in their decimal form as
        Lexical Units    # followed by the numeric values of the character
 6      General:         Entire communication consists of the characters of the
        Lexical Units    7 bit ASCII character set in the range from #32 to #127.
                         Also,#9(TAB) for space ,#10 and #13 (CR,LF) for end
                         line are valid
 7      General:         Numbers are processed at least as singed 32bit integers.
        Lexical Units    Floating point numbers are NOT used.
 8      Command          Commands are processed in hand shake and command
                         mode only. They are not valid during info mode and
                         MUST be ignored
 9      Command          Commands consist of a command word, must followed
                         by a command parameter list separated by white space.
 10     Command          It is not valid to resume a command in the following line.
 11     Command          If the list consist of several elements they need to be
                         separated by white space. Elements containing white
                         space are not valid
 12     Command          The end of line always consists of the character #10 n .A
                         prefixed #13r is valid .The character #13 is ignored.
 13     Command          A single line including the end of the line MUST NOT
                         exceed over a length of 1000 characters
 14     Command and      All words are case-sensitive .Commands and replies of
        Reply            the SRCP all always written in uppercase letters
 15     Reply            A server HAS TO reply to every command of a client
 16     Reply            A reply SHALL be single line. With the sign (Backslash,

Master Test Specification - SRCP

                                   #92) before the LF(resp CRLF) it is marked that the reply
                                   contains another line
     17         Reply              IF the reply is an error message the command MUST
                                   NOT be executed
     18         Reply              A reply is complete with the effective end of line .
                                   Processing more than one answer in one line is not valid
     19         General:           After the server has sent its reply it processes the next
                SRCP Server        command. That way commands are handled by a strictly
                                   two-way communication between the client and the
                                   server in a changing order of commands and reactions.
                                   The server HAS TO process the commands in the
                                   chronological order of receiving them
     20         General :          On connection the hand shake mode is activated.
                SRCP Server        Further operation parameters are determined by the client
                                   in this mode. The connection changes from the hand
                                   shake mode to either the command mode or the info
                                   mode according to client’s demand .From all three modes
                                   the connection can be closed any time.
     21         Command            Commands MUST be processed by the server in the
                                   order of receiving them
     22         Command            Unknown or unrecognized commands MUST be replied
                                   with the message “410 ERROR unknown command”
     23         General:           A client establishes a TCP/IP connection with the server.
                SRCP               The server sends a single line welcome string .Then the
                Server              Communication parameters and the desired operation
                                   mode are negotiated between client and server. The
                                   operation mode starts with the final command GO sent
                                   by the client and it has to be confirmed by the server.
     24         General:           The server MUST differ between the client session
                SRCP Server        internally.
     25         General:           After establishing connection between client and server,
                SRCP Server        The server sends a text line (The welcome) to client .
     26         General:            Every of these information MUST be seen as a key-
                SRCP Server        value pair. The order of these keys is undetermined .It is
                                   also generally possible to specify keys with different
                                   values repeatedly .For every key exactly one value is
     27         General:           During the hand shake phase no other commands than

SRCP Server   listed are valid.
28   Command       SET PROTOCOL SRCP<VERSION>,
                   The server sends as reply either 201 OK PROTOCOL
                   SRCP OR 404ERROR unsupported protocol
29   Command and   SET CONNECTIONMODE SRCP<MODE>,valid are
     Reply         INFO FOR the unidirectional command mode .The
                   server send either 202 OK or 401 ERROR unsupported
                   connection mode
30   Command and   GO by this command the hand shake phase is
     Reply         Completed and the chosen operation mode is activate.
                   The server send 200 OK<ID> immediately before that
                   the to the client, Otherwise 402 ERROR insufficient data
                   and remains in the hand shake mode .The field<ID>
                   marks the numerical session ID given by the server
                   MUST be unique and MUST NOT be identical to zero.
31   General:      After completing the hand shake the agreed attributes can
     SRCP Server   not be change and are valid for the entire connection.
32   General:      Poll of valid messages during handshake 200 OK <ID>,
                   OK ,400
                   ERROR unsupported protocol, 401 ERROR unsupported
                   connection mode, 402 ERROR insufficient data,500
                   ERROR out of resource.
33   Command       Valid command types:
34   Command       After the INIT the indicated element is in default state.
                   During INFO mode 101 INFO INIT <devicegroup>
                   <addr> is sent for the affected element
35   Command       By the command TERM the initialization is cancelled
                   and the effected element is in default state. Before using
                   it again the affected element has to be reinitialized.
                   During INFO mode a message in the form of 102
                   INFO<devicegroup><addr> is sent for the affected

Master Test Specification - SRCP

The allocation of device groups and commands on the buses

The following overview is supposed to show the allocation of device groups and commands
on the buses.
                                   Table 3.3.2 Bus Allocation
                          SET |    GET    WAIT      INIT        TERM   RESET   VERIFY
         GL                  1      1       --        1          1       1       --
         SM                  1      1       --        1          1       1       1
         GA                  1      1       --        1          1       1       --
         FB                  1      1       1         1          1       1       --
       TIME                  0      0       0         0          0       0       --
     POWER                   1      1       --        1          1       --      --
     SERVER                  --     0       --        --         0       0       --
     SESSION                 0      0       --        --         0       --      --
       LOCK                  0      0       --        0          0       --      --
 DESCRIPTION                 0      0       --        --         --      --      --

Chapter 4

A client – server communication diagram of SRCP
                           Figure 4 Communication Diagram

Master Test Specification - SRCP

                                          Chapter 5
                                   Black Box Test Cases

This section contains all test cases for Black Box testing of the Simple Railroad Command

5.1 Mode/Protocol Testing:-

    1.    SRCP server Protocol version 0.8.3

                              Table 5.1.1 VALID / CORRECT COMMANDS

 Test Case        Command                      Expected Output    Behavior Description
 ID No.
 1_0              TCP connection 4303          srcpd V2.0.12;     Indicates server is
                                               SRCP 0.8.3;        running & returns the
                                               SRCPOTHER 0.8.4-   version
 1_1              SET PROTOCOL SRCP            <TimeStamp> 201    Client establishes
                  0.8                          OK                 connection with SRCP
                                               PROTOCOL SRCP      server
 1_2              SET PROTOCOL SRCP            <TimeStamp> 201    “qwerty” is ignored
                  0.8 qwerty                   OK PROTOCOL        and client establishes
                                               SRCP               connection with the
 1_3              SET CONNECTIONMODE           <TimeStamp> 202    Client program
                  SRCP INFO                    OK SRCP INFO       switches to INFO mode

1_4          SET CONNECTIONMODE        <TimeStamp> 202      “123” is ignored and
             SRCP INFO 123             OK SRCP INFO         the client program
                                                            switches to INFO mode
1_5          SET CONNECTIONMODE        <TimeStamp> 202      Client program
             SRCP COMMAND              OK                   switches to COMMAND
                                       CONNECTIONMOD        mode
1_6          SET CONNECTIONMODE        <TimeStamp> 202      “22” is ignored and
             SRCP COMMAND 22           OK                   client program switches
                                       CONNECTIONMOD        to COMMAND mode
1_7          GO                        <TimeStamp> 200      Client sends above
                                       OK <numerical        entered commands to
                                       session ID>          server (handshake
**********   Command Mode *******      ******************   ***********************

1_8          INIT 1 FB 0x1111          200 OK               Initialization of bus 1
                                                            with address
1_9          GET 1 FB 0x1111           100 INFO 1 FB 0      Getting information of
                                       9846074              bus 1
1_10         INIT 0 TIME 1 1           200 OK               Initialization of time
1_11         SET 0 TIME 364 22 22 22   200 OK               Setting time with
1_12         GET 0 TIME                100 INFO 0 TIME      Getting time of Bus 0
                                       364 22 22 28
1_13         INIT 1 POWER              <TimeStamp>          Initialize power
                                       200 OK               device on bus 1
1_14         SET 1 POWER ON            <TimeStamp>200       Enable power on bus
                                       OK                   1

Master Test Specification - SRCP

 1_15             TERM 1 POWER           <TimeStamp>200      Disable power on
                                         OK                  bus 1
 1_16             GET 0 SERVER           <TimeStamp>100      Informs the current
                                         INFO                state of the
                                         0 SERVER            server is running
 1_17             TERM 0 SERVER          <TimeStamp>200       Quits the running
                                         OK                  server and closes all
 1_18             GET 1 DESCRIPTION      <TimeStamp>100      covers all device
                                         INFO 1              groups
                                         DESCRIPTION GA      supported by the
                                         GL FB SM POWER      concerned
                                         LOCK INFO           server on bus 1
 1_19             GET 0 DESCRIPTION      <TimeStamp>100      INFO covers all
                                         INFO 0              device groups
                                         DESCRIPTION         supported by the
                                         SESSION             concerned
                                         SERVER TIME GM      server on bus 0
 1_20             INIT 1 GA 200 N 1      <TimeStamp>200      Command initializes
                  1                      OK                  a GA at 200
                                                             address addr in the
 1_21             SET 1 GA 200 1 1       200 OK              The port 1 of the
                  100                                        decoder with the
                                                             address 200 is set
                                                             on the value 1
                                                             for 100 ms.
 1_22             GET 1 GA 200 1         <TimeStamp>100      Server sends all
                                         INFO 1 GA 200 1 0   available
                                                             information about
                                                             the current
                                                             state of the switch
                                                             specified by 200
 1_23             SET 1 LOCK GA 101 10   <TimeStamp> 200     Sets a lock on GA on
                                         OK                  bus 1 address 101 for
                                                             10 msec
 1_24             GET 1 LOCK GA 101      <TimeStamp> 100     Returns a lock status
                                         INFO 1 LOCK GA      of GA on bus 1

100 <LOCK>             address 100
1_25         TERM 1 LOCK GA 101        <TimeStamp> 414        Terminates lock on
                                       ERROR device           device GA on bus 1
                                       locked                 address 101
1_26         TERM 0 SERVER             <TimeStamp> 200        Terminates Server
                                       OK                     successfully

                   Table 5.1.2 INVALID / INCORRECT COMMANDS

Test Case    Command                   Expected Output        Behavior Description
ID No.
2_1          SET PROTOCOL SRCP         400 ERROR              Not establishes
             0.9                       unsupported protocol   connection with wrong
2_2                                    <TimeStamp> 402        Pressing enter without
                                       ERROR insufficient     any input return Error
2_3          SET                       <TimeStamp> 410        Returns Error with
                                        ERROR unknown         incomplete command

5.2 Wrong Document Specification

                    Table 5.2 Wrong Test Specification Commands

 Test Case   Command                   Expected Output        Behavior Description
ID No.
3_1          set ConnEctionMode Srcp   410 ERROR              Fail : <TimeStamp>

Master Test Specification - SRCP

                  Command                   unknown command         202 OK
 3_2              SET 1 FB 0x111111 0       100 INFO 1 FB           Fail: <TimeStamp> 422
                                            0x111111 0              ERROR unsupported
                                                                    device group
 3_3              GET 0 SESSION 2           100 INFO 0              Fail : <TimeStamp>422
                                            SESSION 2               ERROR unsupported
                                                                    device group
 3_4              RESET 0 SERVER            101 INFO 0              Fail :
                                            SERVER                  <TimeStamp>423
                                                                    ERROR unsupported
 3_5              TERM 0 TIME               102 INFO 0 TIME         Fail : <TimeStamp>422
                                                                    ERROR unsupported
                                                                    device group

This all above Test cases is been implemented in a python unit testing script

All the above result can be found by running the python script with default as
HOSTID = localhost
PORTID = 4303

Master Test Specification - SRCP

5.3 Cause effect graph

C1: SRCP version set to >= 0.9
C2: Mode selection is “COMMAND”
C3: Mode selection is “DEFAULT”
C4: Mode selection is “INFO”
C5: GO command is issued to the server

E1: Version NOT accepted
E2: Acceptable commands can be entered and their respective reply messages can be
E3: Commands are ignored, only the info output is sent to the client in a unidirectional
                                   Graph 5.3: Cause-Effect Graph

Table 5.3: Handshake Cause-Effect graph Decision

  Direction          Causes &           Rule 1              Rule 2      Rule 3       Rule 4
    down              Effects

      V             C1(>=0.9)              1                    0         0            0

      V              C2(cmd)               0                    1         0            0

      V               C3(def)              0                    0         1            0

      V               C4(inf)              0                    0         0            1

      V               C5(go)               0                    1         1            1

      V        E1(verNOTok)                1                    0         0            0

      V         E2(cmdentry)               0                    1         1            0

      V             E3(infentry)           0                    0         0            1

We ran 32 black box tests cases written in ''.

And we found 5 Bugs which was wrongly described in the SRCP specification.

                                BarChart 5.1: Pass vs Fail Test cases
                                               Test Run
                                   32 Tests Run (27 Pass & 5 Failed)

               30                  27






                                Pass                 Fail

Master Test Specification - SRCP

                                   Pie Chart 5.2: Pass vs Fail Test cases

                                                    Test Run
                                        32 Tests Run (27 Pass & 5 Failed)




The simple statistics done on the results of Test cases implemented is given below:

                                Pass             Fail
                                 27                5
          Percentage           84.38%           15.63%

Fail: 15.63% is very high if considered with the safety. We need to reduce this percentage
to ensure the accuracy and safety of the product.

It may goes down if implementing more test cases in future or may also goes up. But
Developer need to work on the clarity of SRCP specification and functioning of the
commands and services in SRCP modules.

Chapter 6
                                   White Box Test

We performed white box testing on the following modules of the SRCP:
          1. srcp-fb.c
          2. ddl-s88.c
Followings are the bugs findings performed by doing statement and logic coverage white-
box testing.

6.1 White Box Testing Results

          •    Inspections and walk through of the code performed and reviewed
          •    General safe/secure coding guidelines were studied and applied

6.1.1 MODULE: ddl-s88.c

 1. function: init_bus_S88:
      Bugs: result from call to ioperm(S88PORT, 3,1) (which is checking port accessibility)
               is not checked.
      Suggestions: makes sure the return value is OK

 2. function: *thr_sendrec_S88:
      Bugs: usleep not checked for incorrect result (lines 463 and 468 in source)
      Suggestions: check the result returned by usleep()

Master Test Specification - SRCP

3. function: *thr_sendrec_S88:
        Bugs: sleep function result not checked against incorrect values
        Suggestion: see 2.

 4. function: FBSD_ioperm:
        Bugs: sprintf considered unsafe since the size of data is not checked dynamically,
                 occurs on line 540 of the source
        Suggestion: replace sprintf() occurences with snprintf(), see man snprintf

6.1.2 MODULE: srcp-fb.c

    •   Call graph diagram of main source files and their relation to srcp-fb.c:

                              Figure General Functionality Relations

•   FB module generation calls:

                               Figure FB generation calls
   •   GET & SET function call graphs of FB (Internal calls)

                               Figure SET functions of FB

                               Figure GET functions of FB

   •   Initialization (INIT) function of FB (Internal Calls)

                                Figure INIT function of FB

1. function: enqueueInfoFB:
         Bug: msg length HARDCODED and the the msg length is not checked dynamically
         Suggestions: should be passed any specified message, and calculate size

Master Test Specification - SRCP

2. function: queue_reset_fb:
           Bug: usleep not checked for incorrect result
           Suggestions: check the result returned by usleep()

3. function: infoFB:
           Bug: msg overflow can occur, so message length should be dynamically checked
           Suggestion: Check for the overflow


We managed to find Bugs in the module by doing Inspections and walk through of the
code. The suggestions should be implemented to avoid bugs in the modules.


 •   TCP-port 4303 assigned by IANA but not mentioned in specification

 •   Incomplete data in specification leads to confusion

 •   Insufficient details in Specification

 •   In some cases commands are not working on certain device groups

 •   Differences between Specification & srcpd implementations.

 •   Proper Return checks are not done in the source codes which can lead to

     crashing of the system.

 •   Overflow check and avoid passing hard-coded message string length. It should

     be taken dynamically.

Master Test Specification - SRCP


    •   Full code coverage using black-box testing isn’t feasible

    •   White-box in combination with black-box testing considerably increases code


    •   Increased code coverage = Increased code safety


 1) Lecture notes and slides of Dr. Schoenfelder.

 2) The Art of Software Testing, Second Edition, Glenford J. Myers



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Master Teset Specification SRCP

  • 1. Master Test Specification - SRCP Master Test Specification for Simple Railroad Command Protocol(SRCP) 23 July 2010 Tester, Ankit Singh High Integrity System Fachhochschule Frankfurt am Main University of Applied Sciences 1
  • 2. Master Test Specification for SRCP Table of Contents 1. Chapter 1: Introduction............................................................ 4 2. Chapter 2: Test plan................................................................. 5 2.1 Test level....................................................................... 5 2.1.1 Black Box Testing.............................................. 5 2.1.2 White Box Testing............................................. 6 2.2 Test Object and Environment....................................... 7 2.3 Tools.............................................................................. 7 2.4 Schedule........................................................................ 7 2.5 Test areas...................................................................... 8 2.6 Test tuning..................................................................... 9 3. Chapter 3: Test Specification.....................................................10 3.1 Testing techniques......................................................10 3.2 Test Metrics used........................................................10 3.3 Requirement list.........................................................11 4. Chapter 4: Communication........................................................17 5. Chapter 5: Black Box Test Cases …...........................................18 5.1 Mode/Protocol Testing ….............................................18 5.2 Wrong Documentation of Specification....…................21 5.3 Cause-Effect Graph ….................................................23 6. Chapter 6: White Box Testing....................................................26 6.1 White Box Testing Results............................................. 26 6.1.1 Module: ddl-s88.c............................................. 26 6.1.2 Module: srcp-fb.c.…...........................................27 7. Findings …................................................................................30 8. Conclusion …............................................................................31 9. References: ..............................................................................32 2
  • 3. Master Test Specification - SRCP List of Tables 2.4 Project Schedule …..............................................................8 3.2 Test Metrics ….....................................................................10 3.3.1 General Requirement ….................................................. 13 3.3.2 Bus Allocation................................................................. 16 5.1.1 Valid / correct commands …............................................ 18 5.1.2 Invalid / incorrect commands …...................................... 20 5.2 Wrong Test Specification commands …...........…................ 22 5.3 Handshake Cause-Effect graph Decision ….........................24 List of Figures 2.1.1 Black Box Testing …...........................................................5 2.1.2 White Box Testing …..........................................................6 3.3 General flow of operations................................................12 4 Communication diagram.........................................................18 5.3 Cause-effect Graph...............................................................23 General Functionality Relations …...............…............... 27 FB generation calls ….....................................................28 SET Function of FB …..................................................... 28 GET Function of FB …......................................................28 INIT Function of FB …......................................................28 List of Charts 5.1 Bar Chart Pass vs Fail ….................................................... 23 5.2 Pie Chart Pass vs Fail ........................................................ 23 3
  • 4. Chapter1 Introduction Simple Railroad Command Protocol(SRCP), is a middle man platform for various vendors of model railway. It is an Internet protocol for controlling and programming (digital) railway systems. The protocol is based on the application layer (layer 7) of the OSI Reference Model. The major goals of SRCP is to provide a common operating language among railway models as well as providing multiuser support. Moreover, scalability issues like safety features are bundled into SRCP. The aim of this document is to identify layout and investigate test scenarios and test cases for the software at hand. The first section of the document focus on the myriad components of test planning in view of SRCP followed by specification of test areas. The final section examine the test cases identified, defined and be investigated. 4
  • 5. Master Test Specification - SRCP Chapter 2 Test plan This section details the various components required for the testing of SRCP. It identifies the level of testing, the environment and tools to be used. Additionally, time frame and major test areas are scrutinized. 2.1. Test level The level of required at this version of testing is unit testing with black box testing method and white box testing. 2.1.1 Black-box Testing The black-box tests are going to be automatized using PyUnit python test package. Since only the SRCP server application is going to be tested, a client application is going to run unit tests on server. The general black-box testing strategy includes: 1. Running different valid tests on each of commands in combination with each device group; and 2. Running different invalid tests on each of commands in combination with each device group. 5
  • 6. Figure 2.1.1 Black Box Testing Black-box tests are going to be performed by running client application written in Python programming language. The client application is going to connect to, and communicate with SRCP server via TCP protocol. 2.1.2 White-box Testing Main criteria in white-box testing is going to be code coverage, which means that all branches in control ow graph are going to be covered. The white-box testing is going to be performed on specific modules of SRCP server to ensure the safety of the tested modules. The list of modules to be tested is listed below: 1. srcp-fb.c and 2. ddl-s88.c Figure 2.1.2 White Box Testing White-box tests are going be performed using VIM or Emacs with help of ctags & etags respectively for moving around the C code of the SRCP Project. 6
  • 7. Master Test Specification - SRCP 2.2. Test Object And Environment SRCP Server version 2.1.1 is a platform independent model. One SRCP server is also called Central Unit (CU) and covers the functionality of exactly one CU. The SRCP server is open for communication in two directions. The first side covers the communication between the railroad and the SRCP server over several buses. And The other side of communication is between the SRCP server and the clients. The servers task is to convert commands from the clients to commands for the model railroad and send reports back to the clients. The communication between clients and SRCP server in both directions is done with via SRCP. We choose Linux 9.10 as a major platform for setting up the test environment. In liaison, windows based platforms will be used if found necessary for clients of SRCP. 2.3 Tools Various tools for testing will be in action for the testing process. We mainly categorize testing tools into • Documentation tools: Open office suit • Unit test scripting tools: pyUnit/Python based script 2.4 Schedule As this is a project for the fulfillment of Advanced Testing Methods module, the duration of the project will be based on the semester duration. The submission of the Project is on 25-7-2010. The Detailed testing project Schedule table is given below. 7
  • 8. Master Test Specification - SRCP 2010 APRIL MAY JUNE WEEK 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 Client Provide Specification Documents for SRCP Test Planning Master Test Specification I Master Test Specification II Black Box Testing White Box Testing Test Report Final MTS SRCP 0.8.3 Delivered to Client Table 2.4 Project Schedule Working Working Parallel 2.5 Test areas Client – Server Network Communication Network Communication between a client and a server is the base of software. The client and server communicate in network using TCP protocol. The network establishment should be proper so that client sends requests to server and server acknowledge to the request & sends back appropriate reply to the client. So, Network communication is one of the important area to be tested. SRCP connection Mode After a client established a successful connection with SRCP server, a client can switching into different mode given in SRCP. Mainly, there are three modes: I) handshake, II) command, III) info modes. Switching between different modes need to tested properly so that the commands of the individual modes can be used for different type of service given by server. 8
  • 9. Test areas are defined according to the priorities set out by the documentation of SRCP. We have pointed out the following test areas: 1. Level of priority a. MUST/MUST NOT tagged requirements b. SHALL/RECOMMEND tagged requirements c. CAN/OPERATIONAL tagged requirements 2. Valid/Invalid requirements 3. General flow of operations requirements 2.6 Test tuning As this is a very first test document, tuning and improvement are always at the table. Thus, we will employ rudimentary test tuning techniques like that of feedback during presentations, one to one observation, traceability matrix the SRCP main documentation. 9
  • 10. Master Test Specification - SRCP Chapter 3 Test Specification This section of the document examine requirements of the system at hand and propose list of requirements for the advancement of test cases. 3.1 Testing techniques Since the level of testing required at this stage is unit with black box testing techniques, we found that it is advisory to explore and identify best method for accomplishing the object at hand. Equivalence partitioning, boundary value analysis, all pair testing for parameter and traceability matrix specification as an appropriate fit. 3.2 Test Metrics Used Table 3.2 Test Metrics Test metric Definition Purpose How to calculate Defect severity The severity level of a Provides indications Every defect has defect indicates the about the quality of severity levels potential business the product under attached to it. impact for the end user test. High-severity Broadly, these (business impact = defects means low are Critical, Se- effect on the end user x product quality, and rious, Medium frequency of vice versa. At the and Low. occurrence). end of this phase, this information is useful to make the release 10
  • 11. decision based on the number of defects and their severity levels. Test coverage Defined as the extent This metric is an in- Coverage could to which testing covers dication of the com- be with respect the products complete pleteness of the testing. to requirements, functionality. It does not indicate functional topic anything about the list, business effectiveness of the flows, use cases, testing. This can be etc. It can be used as a criterion to calculated based stop testing. on the number of items that were covered vs. the total number of items. 3.3 Requirement list Before listing out of the details of the SRCP requirements, it is useful to identify the major blocks of the protocol. The following picture depict the overall process of SRCP protocol. 11
  • 12. Master Test Specification - SRCP Figure 3.3 General flow of operations Based on the test areas specified in section 2.5, we have the following 1. Commands a. Command mode b. Info mode 2. Reply 3. Server state 4. General valid/ invalid requirements 12
  • 13. Table 3.3.1 General Requirements Sr.No Item Requirement 1 General: SRCP server can manage and provide several CUs is SRCP Server valid 2 General: Separating CUs is made by different bus numbers SRCP Server 3 General: SRCP is based on the data transfer technologies of TCP. SRCP Server One port is occupied 4 General: SRCP servers have to be prosecuted on the different TCP SRCP Server ports if there are several CUs connected to a computer without a common SRCP server 5 General: All character codes are described in their decimal form as Lexical Units # followed by the numeric values of the character 6 General: Entire communication consists of the characters of the Lexical Units 7 bit ASCII character set in the range from #32 to #127. Also,#9(TAB) for space ,#10 and #13 (CR,LF) for end line are valid 7 General: Numbers are processed at least as singed 32bit integers. Lexical Units Floating point numbers are NOT used. 8 Command Commands are processed in hand shake and command mode only. They are not valid during info mode and MUST be ignored 9 Command Commands consist of a command word, must followed by a command parameter list separated by white space. 10 Command It is not valid to resume a command in the following line. 11 Command If the list consist of several elements they need to be separated by white space. Elements containing white space are not valid 12 Command The end of line always consists of the character #10 n .A prefixed #13r is valid .The character #13 is ignored. 13 Command A single line including the end of the line MUST NOT exceed over a length of 1000 characters 14 Command and All words are case-sensitive .Commands and replies of Reply the SRCP all always written in uppercase letters 15 Reply A server HAS TO reply to every command of a client 16 Reply A reply SHALL be single line. With the sign (Backslash, 13
  • 14. Master Test Specification - SRCP #92) before the LF(resp CRLF) it is marked that the reply contains another line 17 Reply IF the reply is an error message the command MUST NOT be executed 18 Reply A reply is complete with the effective end of line . Processing more than one answer in one line is not valid 19 General: After the server has sent its reply it processes the next SRCP Server command. That way commands are handled by a strictly two-way communication between the client and the server in a changing order of commands and reactions. The server HAS TO process the commands in the chronological order of receiving them 20 General : On connection the hand shake mode is activated. SRCP Server Further operation parameters are determined by the client in this mode. The connection changes from the hand shake mode to either the command mode or the info mode according to client’s demand .From all three modes the connection can be closed any time. 21 Command Commands MUST be processed by the server in the order of receiving them 22 Command Unknown or unrecognized commands MUST be replied with the message “410 ERROR unknown command” 23 General: A client establishes a TCP/IP connection with the server. SRCP The server sends a single line welcome string .Then the Server Communication parameters and the desired operation mode are negotiated between client and server. The operation mode starts with the final command GO sent by the client and it has to be confirmed by the server. 24 General: The server MUST differ between the client session SRCP Server internally. 25 General: After establishing connection between client and server, SRCP Server The server sends a text line (The welcome) to client . 26 General: Every of these information MUST be seen as a key- SRCP Server value pair. The order of these keys is undetermined .It is also generally possible to specify keys with different values repeatedly .For every key exactly one value is valid. 27 General: During the hand shake phase no other commands than 14
  • 15. SRCP Server listed are valid. 28 Command SET PROTOCOL SRCP<VERSION>, The server sends as reply either 201 OK PROTOCOL SRCP OR 404ERROR unsupported protocol 29 Command and SET CONNECTIONMODE SRCP<MODE>,valid are Reply INFO FOR the unidirectional command mode .The server send either 202 OK or 401 ERROR unsupported connection mode 30 Command and GO by this command the hand shake phase is Reply Completed and the chosen operation mode is activate. The server send 200 OK<ID> immediately before that the to the client, Otherwise 402 ERROR insufficient data and remains in the hand shake mode .The field<ID> marks the numerical session ID given by the server MUST be unique and MUST NOT be identical to zero. 31 General: After completing the hand shake the agreed attributes can SRCP Server not be change and are valid for the entire connection. 32 General: Poll of valid messages during handshake 200 OK <ID>, SRCP Server 201 OK PROTOCOL SRCP,202 OK CONNECTION OK ,400 ERROR unsupported protocol, 401 ERROR unsupported connection mode, 402 ERROR insufficient data,500 ERROR out of resource. 33 Command Valid command types: GET,SET,CHECK,WAIT,INIT,TERM,RESET,VARIFY 34 Command After the INIT the indicated element is in default state. During INFO mode 101 INFO INIT <devicegroup> <addr> is sent for the affected element 35 Command By the command TERM the initialization is cancelled and the effected element is in default state. Before using it again the affected element has to be reinitialized. During INFO mode a message in the form of 102 INFO<devicegroup><addr> is sent for the affected element. 15
  • 16. Master Test Specification - SRCP The allocation of device groups and commands on the buses The following overview is supposed to show the allocation of device groups and commands on the buses. Table 3.3.2 Bus Allocation SET | GET WAIT INIT TERM RESET VERIFY CHECK GL 1 1 -- 1 1 1 -- SM 1 1 -- 1 1 1 1 GA 1 1 -- 1 1 1 -- FB 1 1 1 1 1 1 -- TIME 0 0 0 0 0 0 -- POWER 1 1 -- 1 1 -- -- SERVER -- 0 -- -- 0 0 -- SESSION 0 0 -- -- 0 -- -- LOCK 0 0 -- 0 0 -- -- DESCRIPTION 0 0 -- -- -- -- -- 16
  • 17. Chapter 4 Communication A client – server communication diagram of SRCP Figure 4 Communication Diagram 17
  • 18. Master Test Specification - SRCP Chapter 5 Black Box Test Cases This section contains all test cases for Black Box testing of the Simple Railroad Command Protocol. 5.1 Mode/Protocol Testing:- 1. SRCP server Protocol version 0.8.3 Table 5.1.1 VALID / CORRECT COMMANDS Test Case Command Expected Output Behavior Description ID No. 1_0 TCP connection 4303 srcpd V2.0.12; Indicates server is SRCP 0.8.3; running & returns the SRCPOTHER 0.8.4- version wip 1_1 SET PROTOCOL SRCP <TimeStamp> 201 Client establishes 0.8 OK connection with SRCP PROTOCOL SRCP server 1_2 SET PROTOCOL SRCP <TimeStamp> 201 “qwerty” is ignored 0.8 qwerty OK PROTOCOL and client establishes SRCP connection with the server 1_3 SET CONNECTIONMODE <TimeStamp> 202 Client program SRCP INFO OK SRCP INFO switches to INFO mode 18
  • 19. 1_4 SET CONNECTIONMODE <TimeStamp> 202 “123” is ignored and SRCP INFO 123 OK SRCP INFO the client program switches to INFO mode 1_5 SET CONNECTIONMODE <TimeStamp> 202 Client program SRCP COMMAND OK switches to COMMAND CONNECTIONMOD mode E 1_6 SET CONNECTIONMODE <TimeStamp> 202 “22” is ignored and SRCP COMMAND 22 OK client program switches CONNECTIONMOD to COMMAND mode E 1_7 GO <TimeStamp> 200 Client sends above OK <numerical entered commands to session ID> server (handshake completes) ********** Command Mode ******* ****************** *********************** 1_8 INIT 1 FB 0x1111 200 OK Initialization of bus 1 with address 1_9 GET 1 FB 0x1111 100 INFO 1 FB 0 Getting information of 9846074 bus 1 1_10 INIT 0 TIME 1 1 200 OK Initialization of time 1_11 SET 0 TIME 364 22 22 22 200 OK Setting time with 22H:22M:22S 1_12 GET 0 TIME 100 INFO 0 TIME Getting time of Bus 0 364 22 22 28 1_13 INIT 1 POWER <TimeStamp> Initialize power 200 OK device on bus 1 1_14 SET 1 POWER ON <TimeStamp>200 Enable power on bus OK 1 19
  • 20. Master Test Specification - SRCP 1_15 TERM 1 POWER <TimeStamp>200 Disable power on OK bus 1 1_16 GET 0 SERVER <TimeStamp>100 Informs the current INFO state of the 0 SERVER server is running RUNNING 1_17 TERM 0 SERVER <TimeStamp>200 Quits the running OK server and closes all connections 1_18 GET 1 DESCRIPTION <TimeStamp>100 covers all device INFO 1 groups DESCRIPTION GA supported by the GL FB SM POWER concerned LOCK INFO server on bus 1 1_19 GET 0 DESCRIPTION <TimeStamp>100 INFO covers all INFO 0 device groups DESCRIPTION supported by the SESSION concerned SERVER TIME GM server on bus 0 1_20 INIT 1 GA 200 N 1 <TimeStamp>200 Command initializes 1 OK a GA at 200 address addr in the server. 1_21 SET 1 GA 200 1 1 200 OK The port 1 of the 100 decoder with the address 200 is set on the value 1 for 100 ms. 1_22 GET 1 GA 200 1 <TimeStamp>100 Server sends all INFO 1 GA 200 1 0 available information about the current state of the switch decoder specified by 200 address 1_23 SET 1 LOCK GA 101 10 <TimeStamp> 200 Sets a lock on GA on OK bus 1 address 101 for 10 msec 1_24 GET 1 LOCK GA 101 <TimeStamp> 100 Returns a lock status INFO 1 LOCK GA of GA on bus 1 20
  • 21. 100 <LOCK> address 100 1_25 TERM 1 LOCK GA 101 <TimeStamp> 414 Terminates lock on ERROR device device GA on bus 1 locked address 101 1_26 TERM 0 SERVER <TimeStamp> 200 Terminates Server OK successfully Table 5.1.2 INVALID / INCORRECT COMMANDS Test Case Command Expected Output Behavior Description ID No. 2_1 SET PROTOCOL SRCP 400 ERROR Not establishes 0.9 unsupported protocol connection with wrong version 2_2 <TimeStamp> 402 Pressing enter without ERROR insufficient any input return Error data 2_3 SET <TimeStamp> 410 Returns Error with ERROR unknown incomplete command command 5.2 Wrong Document Specification Table 5.2 Wrong Test Specification Commands Test Case Command Expected Output Behavior Description ID No. 3_1 set ConnEctionMode Srcp 410 ERROR Fail : <TimeStamp> 21
  • 22. Master Test Specification - SRCP Command unknown command 202 OK CONNECTIONMODE 3_2 SET 1 FB 0x111111 0 100 INFO 1 FB Fail: <TimeStamp> 422 0x111111 0 ERROR unsupported device group 3_3 GET 0 SESSION 2 100 INFO 0 Fail : <TimeStamp>422 SESSION 2 ERROR unsupported device group 3_4 RESET 0 SERVER 101 INFO 0 Fail : SERVER <TimeStamp>423 ERROR unsupported operation 3_5 TERM 0 TIME 102 INFO 0 TIME Fail : <TimeStamp>422 ERROR unsupported device group This all above Test cases is been implemented in a python unit testing script '' All the above result can be found by running the python script with default as HOSTID = localhost PORTID = 4303 22
  • 23. Master Test Specification - SRCP 5.3 Cause effect graph C1: SRCP version set to >= 0.9 C2: Mode selection is “COMMAND” C3: Mode selection is “DEFAULT” C4: Mode selection is “INFO” C5: GO command is issued to the server E1: Version NOT accepted E2: Acceptable commands can be entered and their respective reply messages can be displayed E3: Commands are ignored, only the info output is sent to the client in a unidirectional mode Graph 5.3: Cause-Effect Graph 23
  • 24. Table 5.3: Handshake Cause-Effect graph Decision Direction Causes & Rule 1 Rule 2 Rule 3 Rule 4 down Effects V C1(>=0.9) 1 0 0 0 V C2(cmd) 0 1 0 0 V C3(def) 0 0 1 0 V C4(inf) 0 0 0 1 V C5(go) 0 1 1 1 V E1(verNOTok) 1 0 0 0 V E2(cmdentry) 0 1 1 0 V E3(infentry) 0 0 0 1 We ran 32 black box tests cases written in ''. And we found 5 Bugs which was wrongly described in the SRCP specification. BarChart 5.1: Pass vs Fail Test cases Test Run 32 Tests Run (27 Pass & 5 Failed) 30 27 25 20 Pass 15 10 5 5 0 Pass Fail 24
  • 25. Master Test Specification - SRCP Pie Chart 5.2: Pass vs Fail Test cases Test Run 32 Tests Run (27 Pass & 5 Failed) 5 Pass Fail 27 The simple statistics done on the results of Test cases implemented is given below: Pass Fail 27 5 Percentage 84.38% 15.63% Fail: 15.63% is very high if considered with the safety. We need to reduce this percentage to ensure the accuracy and safety of the product. It may goes down if implementing more test cases in future or may also goes up. But Developer need to work on the clarity of SRCP specification and functioning of the commands and services in SRCP modules. 25
  • 26. Chapter 6 White Box Test We performed white box testing on the following modules of the SRCP: 1. srcp-fb.c 2. ddl-s88.c Followings are the bugs findings performed by doing statement and logic coverage white- box testing. 6.1 White Box Testing Results Comments: • Inspections and walk through of the code performed and reviewed • General safe/secure coding guidelines were studied and applied 6.1.1 MODULE: ddl-s88.c 1. function: init_bus_S88: Bugs: result from call to ioperm(S88PORT, 3,1) (which is checking port accessibility) is not checked. Suggestions: makes sure the return value is OK 2. function: *thr_sendrec_S88: Bugs: usleep not checked for incorrect result (lines 463 and 468 in source) Suggestions: check the result returned by usleep() 26
  • 27. Master Test Specification - SRCP 3. function: *thr_sendrec_S88: Bugs: sleep function result not checked against incorrect values Suggestion: see 2. 4. function: FBSD_ioperm: Bugs: sprintf considered unsafe since the size of data is not checked dynamically, occurs on line 540 of the source Suggestion: replace sprintf() occurences with snprintf(), see man snprintf 6.1.2 MODULE: srcp-fb.c • Call graph diagram of main source files and their relation to srcp-fb.c: Figure General Functionality Relations 27
  • 28. FB module generation calls: Figure FB generation calls • GET & SET function call graphs of FB (Internal calls) Figure SET functions of FB Figure GET functions of FB • Initialization (INIT) function of FB (Internal Calls) Figure INIT function of FB 1. function: enqueueInfoFB: Bug: msg length HARDCODED and the the msg length is not checked dynamically Suggestions: should be passed any specified message, and calculate size dynamically 28
  • 29. Master Test Specification - SRCP 2. function: queue_reset_fb: Bug: usleep not checked for incorrect result Suggestions: check the result returned by usleep() 3. function: infoFB: Bug: msg overflow can occur, so message length should be dynamically checked Suggestion: Check for the overflow Conclusion: We managed to find Bugs in the module by doing Inspections and walk through of the code. The suggestions should be implemented to avoid bugs in the modules. 29
  • 30. Findings • TCP-port 4303 assigned by IANA but not mentioned in specification • Incomplete data in specification leads to confusion • Insufficient details in Specification • In some cases commands are not working on certain device groups • Differences between Specification & srcpd implementations. • Proper Return checks are not done in the source codes which can lead to crashing of the system. • Overflow check and avoid passing hard-coded message string length. It should be taken dynamically. 30
  • 31. Master Test Specification - SRCP Conclusion • Full code coverage using black-box testing isn’t feasible • White-box in combination with black-box testing considerably increases code coverage • Increased code coverage = Increased code safety 31
  • 32. References 1) Lecture notes and slides of Dr. Schoenfelder. 2) The Art of Software Testing, Second Edition, Glenford J. Myers 3)   32