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Building microservices with
Scala, functional domain
models and Spring Boot
Chris Richardson
Author of POJOs in Action
Founder of the original
Presentation goal
Share my experiences with building and
deploying an application using Scala, functional
domain models, microservices, event sourcing,
CQRS, and Docker
About Chris
About Chris
Founder of a buzzword compliant (stealthy, social, mobile, big
data, machine learning, ...) startup
Consultant helping organizations improve how they architect
and deploy applications using cloud, micro services, polyglot
applications, NoSQL, ...
Creator of
For more information
Why build event-driven microservices?
Overview of event sourcing
Designing microservices with event sourcing
Implementing queries in an event sourced application
Building and deploying microservices
Traditional application
Spring MVC
Limitations of the monolithic
Intimidates developers
Obstacle to frequent deployments
Overloads your IDE and container
Obstacle to scaling development
Modules having conflicting scaling requirements
Requires long-term commitment to a technology stack
Limitations of a single
relational database
Schema updates
O/R impedance mismatch
Handling semi-structured data
Apply the scale cube
X axis
- horizontal duplication
Y axis -
Scale by
different things
Use a microservice architecture
Banking UI
Account Management
Management Service
functionally decomposed
and sharded
relational databases
Use NoSQL databases
Avoids the limitations of RDBMS
For example,
text search Solr/Cloud Search
social (graph) data Neo4J
highly distributed/available database Cassandra
But most have a very limited
transaction model
Different modules use
different types of databases
IEEE Software Sept/October 2010 - Debasish Ghosh / Twitter @debasishg
But this results in distributed
data management problems
Example #1 - SQL + Text
Search engine
MySQL ElasticSearch
How to maintain consistency without 2PC?
Product #1 Product #1
Example #2 - Cassandra main
table <=> index table
How to maintain consistency without 2PC?
Main Table
Index Table
Example #3: Money transfer
Account Management
Management Service
Account #2
Account #1 Money Transfer
How to maintain consistency without 2PC?
Event-based architecture to
the rescue
Components (e.g. services) publish events when state
Components subscribe to events
Maintains eventual consistency across multiple aggregates
(in multiple datastores)
Synchronize replicated data
Event-driven synchronization:
SQL + Text Search engine
Catalog Service
MySQL ElasticSearch
Product #1 Product #1
Search Service
Message Bus
Index Doc
create product
fromAccountId = 101
toAccountId = 202
amount = 55
state = INITIAL
fromAccountId = 101
toAccountId = 202
amount = 55
state = DEBITED
fromAccountId = 101
toAccountId = 202
amount = 55
Eventually consistent money transfer
Message Bus
Subscribes to:
Subscribes to:
id = 101
balance = 250
id = 202
balance = 125
id = 101
balance = 195
id = 202
balance = 180
To maintain consistency
a service must
atomically publish an event
a domain object changes
How to atomically update the
datastore and publish event(s)?
Use 2PC
Guaranteed atomicity BUT
Need a distributed transaction
Database and message broker must
support 2PC
Impacts reliability
Not fashionable
2PC is best avoided
Use datastore as a message queue
1. Update database: new entity state
& event
2. Consume event & mark event as
Eventually consistent mechanism
See BASE: An Acid Alternative,
• BUT Tangled business logic and
event publishing code
• Difficult to implement when using a
NoSQL database :-(
Why build event-driven microservices?
Overview of event sourcing
Designing microservices with event sourcing
Implementing queries in an event sourced application
Building and deploying microservices
Event sourcing
For each aggregate in your domain model:
Identify (state-changing) domain events
Define Event classes
For example,
Account: AccountOpenedEvent, AccountDebitedEvent,
ShoppingCart: ItemAddedEvent, ItemRemovedEvent,
Persists events
NOT current state
Event table
101 450
Account table
Replay events to recreate
Before: update state + publish
Two actions that must be atomic
Single action that can
be done atomically
Now: persist (and publish)
Request handling in an event-sourced application
pastEvents = findEvents(entityId)
newEvents = processCmd(SomeCmd)
Microservice A
Event Store publishes events -
consumed by other services
Microservice B
Event store implementations
Home-grown/DIY by Greg Young
Talk to me about my project :-)
Optimizing using snapshots
Most aggregates have relatively few events
BUT consider a 10-year old Account many transactions
Therefore, use snapshots:
Periodically save snapshot of aggregate state
Typically serialize a memento of the aggregate
Load latest snapshot + subsequent events
Hybrid OO/Functional style
example aggregate
Aggregate traits
Map Command to Events
Apply event returning
updated Aggregate
Account - command processing
Account - applying events
Event Store API
Reactive/Async API
Functional example aggregate
Aggregate type classes/implicits
MoneyTransfer Aggregate
State Behavior
FP-style event store
Enables inference of T, and EV
Tells ES how to instantiate
aggregate and apply events
Business benefits of event
Built-in, reliable audit log
Enables temporal queries
Publishes events needed by big data/predictive analytics etc.
Preserved history More easily implement future
Technical benefits of event
Solves data consistency issues in a Microservice/NoSQL-
based architecture:
Atomically save and publish events
Event subscribers update other aggregates ensuring
eventual consistency
Event subscribers update materialized views in SQL and
NoSQL databases (more on that later)
Eliminates O/R mapping problem
Drawbacks of event sourcing
Weird and unfamiliar
Events = a historical record of your bad design decisions
Handling duplicate events can be tricky
Application must handle eventually consistent data
Event store only directly supports PK-based lookup (more on
that later)
Why build event-driven microservices?
Overview of event sourcing
Designing microservices with event sourcing
Implementing queries in an event sourced application
Building and deploying microservices
Identify your application’s bounded contexts
Subdomains / areas of functionality
Partition the
bounded context’s
domain model
into Aggregates
The anatomy of a microservice
Event Store
HTTP Request
HTTP Adapter
Event Adapter
Xyz Adapter
Xyz Request
Asynchronous Spring MVC
Scala Future => Spring MVC DeferredResult
DSL concisely specifies:
1.Creates MoneyTransfer aggregate
2.Processes command
3.Applies events
4.Persists events
Handling events published by
1.Load MoneyTransfer aggregate
2.Processes command
3.Applies events
4.Persists events
Why build event-driven microservices?
Overview of event sourcing
Designing microservices with event sourcing
Implementing queries in an event sourced application
Building and deploying microservices
Let’s imagine that you want to
display an account and it’s
recent transactions...
Displaying balance + recent
credits and debits
We need to do a “join: between the Account and the
corresponding MoneyTransfers
(Assuming Debit/Credit events don’t include other account, ...)
Event Store = primary key lookup of individual aggregates, ...
Use Command Query Responsibility Segregation
Command Query Responsibility
Segregation (CQRS)
Event Store
Query-side microservices
Event Store
Updater - microservice
View Updater
Reader - microservice
View Query
update query
Persisting account balance and
recent transactions in MongoDB
id: "298993498",
balance: 100000,
transfers : [
{"transferId" : "4552840948484",
"fromAccountId" : 298993498,
"toAccountId" : 3483948934,
"amount" : 5000}, ...
changes: [
{"changeId" : "93843948934",
"transferId" : "4552840948484",
"transactionType" : "AccountDebited",
"amount" : 5000}, ...
Denormalized = efficient lookup
MoneyTransfers that
update the account
The debits and credits
Persisting account info using
class AccountInfoUpdateService
(accountInfoRepository : AccountInfoRepository, mongoTemplate : MongoTemplate)
extends CompoundEventHandler {
def created(de: DispatchedEvent[AccountOpenedEvent]) = …
def recordDebit(de: DispatchedEvent[AccountDebitedEvent]) = …
def recordCredit(de: DispatchedEvent[AccountCreditedEvent]) = …
def recordTransfer(de: DispatchedEvent[MoneyTransferCreatedEvent]) = …
Other kinds of views
AWS Cloud Search
Text search as-a-Service
View updater batches
aggregates to index
View query service does
text search
AWS DynamoDB
NoSQL as-a-Service
On-demand scalable -
specify desired read/write
Document and key-value
data models
Useful for denormalized,
UI oriented views
Benefits and drawbacks of
Necessary in an event-sourced
Separation of concerns =
simpler command and query
Supports multiple denormalized
Improved scalability and
Potential code duplication
Replication lag/eventually
consistent views
Why build event-driven microservices?
Overview of event sourcing
Designing microservices with event sourcing
Implementing queries in an event sourced application
Building and deploying microservices
My application architecture
gateway Event
Service 1
Service 2
Service ...
NodeJS Scala/Spring Boot
Building microservices with
Spring Boot
Makes it easy to create stand-alone, production ready
Spring applications
Automatically configures Spring using Convention over
Externalizes configuration
Generates standalone executable JARs with embedded
web server
Provides a standard foundation for
all your microservices
Spring Boot simplifies configuration
•Typesafe JavaConfig
•Legacy XML
You write less
of this
Inferred from
Tiny Spring configuration
Scan for controllers
Customize JSON serialization
About auto-configuration
Builds on Spring framework features
@EnableAutoConfiguration - triggers the inclusion of default
@Conditional - beans only active if condition is satisfied
Conditional on class defined on class path
e.g. Mongo Driver implies Mongo beans
Conditional on bean defined/undefined
e.g. define Mongo beans if you haven’t
The Main program
Building with Gradle
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
apply plugin: 'scala'
apply plugin: 'spring-boot'
dependencies {
compile "org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-web"
compile "org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-data-mongodb"
compile "org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-amqp"
compile "org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-actuator"
testCompile "org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-test"
Ensures correct dependencies
Running the microservice
$ java -jar build/libs/spring-boot-restful-service.jar --server.port=8081
2014-12-03 16:32:04.671 INFO 93199 --- [ main]
n.c.m.r.main.UserRegistrationMain$ : Started UserRegistrationMain. in 5.707
seconds (JVM running for 6.553)
$ curl localhost:8081/health
"rabbit":{"status":"UP", ...}
Built in health checks
Command line arg processing
Jenkins-based deployment
Build & Test
Build & Test
to registry
One pipeline per microservice
Building Docker images
cp ../build/libs/service.${1}.jar build/service.jar
docker build -t service-${VERSION} .
Building only takes 5
Smoke testing docker images
Smoke test
containerGET /health
POST /containers/create
POST /containers/{id}/start
Docker daemon must listen on
TCP port
Publishing Docker images
docker tag service-${VERSION}:latest 
docker push ${REGISTRY_HOST_AND_PORT}/service-${VERSION}
Pushing only takes 25
CI environment runs on
EC2 Instance
EBS volume
Updating the production
Large EC2 instance running Docker
Deployment tool:
1. Compares running containers with what’s been built by Jenkins
2. Pulls latest images from Docker registry
3. Stops old versions
4. Launches new versions
One day: use Docker clustering solution and a service discovery mechanism,
Most likely, AWS container service
Mesos and Marathon + Zookeeper, Kubernetes or ???
Event sourcing solves key data consistency issues with:
Partitioned SQL/NoSQL databases
Use CQRS to implement materialized views for queries
Spring Boot is a great foundation for microservices
Docker is a great way to package microservices

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Building and deploying microservices with event sourcing, CQRS and Docker (Ha...
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Reactive Programming in Java 8 with Rx-Java
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Developing event-driven microservices with event sourcing and CQRS (svcc, sv...
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Developing event-driven microservices with event sourcing and CQRS (svcc, sv...

Similar to Building microservices with Scala, functional domain models and Spring Boot (#Devnexus)

Developing functional domain models with event sourcing (sbtb, sbtb2015)
Developing functional domain models with event sourcing (sbtb, sbtb2015)Developing functional domain models with event sourcing (sbtb, sbtb2015)
Developing functional domain models with event sourcing (sbtb, sbtb2015)
Chris Richardson
Building Microservices with Scala, functional domain models and Spring Boot -...
Building Microservices with Scala, functional domain models and Spring Boot -...Building Microservices with Scala, functional domain models and Spring Boot -...
Building Microservices with Scala, functional domain models and Spring Boot -...
#JaxLondon: Building microservices with Scala, functional domain models and S...
#JaxLondon: Building microservices with Scala, functional domain models and S...#JaxLondon: Building microservices with Scala, functional domain models and S...
#JaxLondon: Building microservices with Scala, functional domain models and S...
Chris Richardson
Building and deploying microservices with event sourcing, CQRS and Docker (Be...
Building and deploying microservices with event sourcing, CQRS and Docker (Be...Building and deploying microservices with event sourcing, CQRS and Docker (Be...
Building and deploying microservices with event sourcing, CQRS and Docker (Be...
Chris Richardson
Developing event-driven microservices with event sourcing and CQRS (london Ja...
Developing event-driven microservices with event sourcing and CQRS (london Ja...Developing event-driven microservices with event sourcing and CQRS (london Ja...
Developing event-driven microservices with event sourcing and CQRS (london Ja...
Chris Richardson
SVCC Developing Asynchronous, Message-Driven Microservices
SVCC Developing Asynchronous, Message-Driven Microservices  SVCC Developing Asynchronous, Message-Driven Microservices
SVCC Developing Asynchronous, Message-Driven Microservices
Chris Richardson
Microservices in Java and Scala (sfscala)
Microservices in Java and Scala (sfscala)Microservices in Java and Scala (sfscala)
Microservices in Java and Scala (sfscala)
Chris Richardson
Handling Eventual Consistency in JVM Microservices with Event Sourcing (javao...
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Handling Eventual Consistency in JVM Microservices with Event Sourcing (javao...
Chris Richardson
Solving distributed data management problems in a microservice architecture (...
Solving distributed data management problems in a microservice architecture (...Solving distributed data management problems in a microservice architecture (...
Solving distributed data management problems in a microservice architecture (...
Chris Richardson
Microservices + Events + Docker = A Perfect Trio (dockercon)
Microservices + Events + Docker = A Perfect Trio (dockercon)Microservices + Events + Docker = A Perfect Trio (dockercon)
Microservices + Events + Docker = A Perfect Trio (dockercon)
Chris Richardson
Microservices + Events + Docker = A Perfect Trio by Docker Captain Chris Rich...
Microservices + Events + Docker = A Perfect Trio by Docker Captain Chris Rich...Microservices + Events + Docker = A Perfect Trio by Docker Captain Chris Rich...
Microservices + Events + Docker = A Perfect Trio by Docker Captain Chris Rich...
Docker, Inc.
Events on the outside, on the inside and at the core (jaxlondon)
Events on the outside, on the inside and at the core (jaxlondon)Events on the outside, on the inside and at the core (jaxlondon)
Events on the outside, on the inside and at the core (jaxlondon)
Chris Richardson
Building and Deploying Microservices with Event Sourcing, CQRS and Docker
Building and Deploying Microservices with Event Sourcing, CQRS and DockerBuilding and Deploying Microservices with Event Sourcing, CQRS and Docker
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Developing functional domain models with event sourcing (oakjug, sfscala)
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Developing functional domain models with event sourcing (oakjug, sfscala)
Chris Richardson
YOW2018 - Events and Commands: Developing Asynchronous Microservices
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YOW2018 - Events and Commands: Developing Asynchronous Microservices
Chris Richardson
Developing microservices with aggregates (melbourne)
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Developing microservices with aggregates (melbourne)
Chris Richardson
Saturn 2018: Managing data consistency in a microservice architecture using S...
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Saturn 2018: Managing data consistency in a microservice architecture using S...
Chris Richardson
CQRS and Event Sourcing
CQRS and Event Sourcing CQRS and Event Sourcing
CQRS and Event Sourcing
Inho Kang
[Hands-on] CQRS(Command Query Responsibility Segregation) 와 Event Sourcing 패턴 실습
[Hands-on] CQRS(Command Query Responsibility Segregation) 와 Event Sourcing 패턴 실습[Hands-on] CQRS(Command Query Responsibility Segregation) 와 Event Sourcing 패턴 실습
[Hands-on] CQRS(Command Query Responsibility Segregation) 와 Event Sourcing 패턴 실습
Oracle Korea
JavaOne2017: ACID Is So Yesterday: Maintaining Data Consistency with Sagas
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JavaOne2017: ACID Is So Yesterday: Maintaining Data Consistency with Sagas
Chris Richardson

Similar to Building microservices with Scala, functional domain models and Spring Boot (#Devnexus) (20)

Developing functional domain models with event sourcing (sbtb, sbtb2015)
Developing functional domain models with event sourcing (sbtb, sbtb2015)Developing functional domain models with event sourcing (sbtb, sbtb2015)
Developing functional domain models with event sourcing (sbtb, sbtb2015)
Building Microservices with Scala, functional domain models and Spring Boot -...
Building Microservices with Scala, functional domain models and Spring Boot -...Building Microservices with Scala, functional domain models and Spring Boot -...
Building Microservices with Scala, functional domain models and Spring Boot -...
#JaxLondon: Building microservices with Scala, functional domain models and S...
#JaxLondon: Building microservices with Scala, functional domain models and S...#JaxLondon: Building microservices with Scala, functional domain models and S...
#JaxLondon: Building microservices with Scala, functional domain models and S...
Building and deploying microservices with event sourcing, CQRS and Docker (Be...
Building and deploying microservices with event sourcing, CQRS and Docker (Be...Building and deploying microservices with event sourcing, CQRS and Docker (Be...
Building and deploying microservices with event sourcing, CQRS and Docker (Be...
Developing event-driven microservices with event sourcing and CQRS (london Ja...
Developing event-driven microservices with event sourcing and CQRS (london Ja...Developing event-driven microservices with event sourcing and CQRS (london Ja...
Developing event-driven microservices with event sourcing and CQRS (london Ja...
SVCC Developing Asynchronous, Message-Driven Microservices
SVCC Developing Asynchronous, Message-Driven Microservices  SVCC Developing Asynchronous, Message-Driven Microservices
SVCC Developing Asynchronous, Message-Driven Microservices
Microservices in Java and Scala (sfscala)
Microservices in Java and Scala (sfscala)Microservices in Java and Scala (sfscala)
Microservices in Java and Scala (sfscala)
Handling Eventual Consistency in JVM Microservices with Event Sourcing (javao...
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Handling Eventual Consistency in JVM Microservices with Event Sourcing (javao...
Solving distributed data management problems in a microservice architecture (...
Solving distributed data management problems in a microservice architecture (...Solving distributed data management problems in a microservice architecture (...
Solving distributed data management problems in a microservice architecture (...
Microservices + Events + Docker = A Perfect Trio (dockercon)
Microservices + Events + Docker = A Perfect Trio (dockercon)Microservices + Events + Docker = A Perfect Trio (dockercon)
Microservices + Events + Docker = A Perfect Trio (dockercon)
Microservices + Events + Docker = A Perfect Trio by Docker Captain Chris Rich...
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Microservices + Events + Docker = A Perfect Trio by Docker Captain Chris Rich...
Events on the outside, on the inside and at the core (jaxlondon)
Events on the outside, on the inside and at the core (jaxlondon)Events on the outside, on the inside and at the core (jaxlondon)
Events on the outside, on the inside and at the core (jaxlondon)
Building and Deploying Microservices with Event Sourcing, CQRS and Docker
Building and Deploying Microservices with Event Sourcing, CQRS and DockerBuilding and Deploying Microservices with Event Sourcing, CQRS and Docker
Building and Deploying Microservices with Event Sourcing, CQRS and Docker
Developing functional domain models with event sourcing (oakjug, sfscala)
Developing functional domain models with event sourcing (oakjug, sfscala)Developing functional domain models with event sourcing (oakjug, sfscala)
Developing functional domain models with event sourcing (oakjug, sfscala)
YOW2018 - Events and Commands: Developing Asynchronous Microservices
YOW2018 - Events and Commands: Developing Asynchronous MicroservicesYOW2018 - Events and Commands: Developing Asynchronous Microservices
YOW2018 - Events and Commands: Developing Asynchronous Microservices
Developing microservices with aggregates (melbourne)
Developing microservices with aggregates (melbourne)Developing microservices with aggregates (melbourne)
Developing microservices with aggregates (melbourne)
Saturn 2018: Managing data consistency in a microservice architecture using S...
Saturn 2018: Managing data consistency in a microservice architecture using S...Saturn 2018: Managing data consistency in a microservice architecture using S...
Saturn 2018: Managing data consistency in a microservice architecture using S...
CQRS and Event Sourcing
CQRS and Event Sourcing CQRS and Event Sourcing
CQRS and Event Sourcing
[Hands-on] CQRS(Command Query Responsibility Segregation) 와 Event Sourcing 패턴 실습
[Hands-on] CQRS(Command Query Responsibility Segregation) 와 Event Sourcing 패턴 실습[Hands-on] CQRS(Command Query Responsibility Segregation) 와 Event Sourcing 패턴 실습
[Hands-on] CQRS(Command Query Responsibility Segregation) 와 Event Sourcing 패턴 실습
JavaOne2017: ACID Is So Yesterday: Maintaining Data Consistency with Sagas
JavaOne2017: ACID Is So Yesterday: Maintaining Data Consistency with SagasJavaOne2017: ACID Is So Yesterday: Maintaining Data Consistency with Sagas
JavaOne2017: ACID Is So Yesterday: Maintaining Data Consistency with Sagas

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Chris Richardson
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Chris Richardson
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Chris Richardson

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