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Consuming web services asynchronously
with Futures
and Rx Observables
Chris Richardson
Author of POJOs in Action
Founder of the original
Presentation goal
Learn how to use (Scala) Futures
and Rx Observables to write
simple yet robust and scalable
concurrent code
About Chris
(About Chris)
About Chris()
About Chris
About Chris
About Chris
The need for concurrency
Simplifying concurrent code with Futures
Taming callback hell with JavaScript promises
Consuming asynchronous streams with Reactive Extensions
Let’s imagine you are building an online
+ mobile apps
Application architecture
Product Info Service
Native mobile
Recomendation Service
Review Service
Front end server
API gatewayREST
Web Application
Handling getProductDetails()
Front-end server
Product Info Service
Handling getProductDetails() - sequentially
Front-end server
Product Info Service
Higher response time :-(
Handling getProductDetails() - in parallel
Front-end server
Product Info Service
Lower response time :-)
Implementing a concurrent REST client
Thread-pool based approach
executorService.submit(new Callable(...))
Simpler but less scalable - lots of idle threads consuming memory
Event-driven approach
NIO with completion callbacks
More complex but more scalable
The front-end server must handle partial
failure of backend services
Front-end server
Product Info Service
How to provide a
good user
The need for concurrency
Simplifying concurrent code with Futures
Taming callback hell with JavaScript promises
Consuming asynchronous streams with Reactive Extensions
Futures are a great concurrency
How futures work
Client does not know how the asynchronous operation is implemented
Client can invoke multiple asynchronous operations and gets a Future for each
REST client using Spring @Async
class ProductInfoServiceImpl extends ProducInfoService {
val restTemplate : RestTemplate = ...
def getProductInfo(productId: Long) = {
new AsyncResult(restTemplate.getForObject(....)...)
Execute asynchronously in thread pool
A Future
containing a value
trait ProductInfoService {
def getProductInfo(productId: Long): java.util.concurrent.Future[ProductInfo]
class ProductDetailsService
@Autowired()(productInfoService: ProductInfoService,
reviewService: ReviewService,
recommendationService: RecommendationService) {
def getProductDetails(productId: Long): ProductDetails = {
val productInfoFuture = productInfoService.getProductInfo(productId)
val recommendationsFuture = recommendationService.getRecommendations(productId)
val reviewsFuture = reviewService.getReviews(productId)
val productInfo = productInfoFuture.get(300, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
val recommendations =
recommendationsFuture.get(10, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
val reviews = reviewsFuture.get(10, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
ProductDetails(productInfo, recommendations, reviews)
class ProductController
@Autowired()(productDetailsService : ProductDetailsService) {
def productDetails(@PathVariable productId: Long) =
Not bad but...
val productInfo =
productInfoFuture.get(300, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
Blocks Tomcat thread until Future
Not so scalable :-(
... and also...
Java Futures work well for a single-level of asynchronous execution
#fail for more complex, scalable scenarios
Difficult to compose and coordinate multiple concurrent operations
Better: Futures with callbacks no blocking!
val f : Future[Int] = Future { ... }
f onSuccess {
case x : Int => println(x)
f onFailure {
case e : Exception => println("exception thrown")
Guava ListenableFutures, Spring 4 ListenableFuture
Java 8 CompletableFuture, Scala Futures
Even better: Composable Futures
val f1 = Future { ... ; 1 }
val f2 = Future { ... ; 2 }
val f4 = * 2)
assertEquals(4, Await.result(f4, 1 second))
val fzip = f1 zip f2
assertEquals((1, 2), Await.result(fzip, 1 second))
Transforms Future
Combines two futures
Scala, Java 8 CompletableFuture (partially)
Scala futures are Monads
def callB() : Future[...] = ...
def callC() : Future[...] = ...
def callD() : Future[...] = ...
val result = for {
(b, c) <- callB() zip callC();
d <- callD(b, c)
} yield d
result onSuccess { .... }
Two calls execute in parallel
And then invokes D
Get the result of D
Scala Future + RestTemplate
import scala.concurrent.Future
class ProductInfoService {
def getProductInfo(productId: Long): Future[ProductInfo] = {
Future { restTemplate.getForObject(....) }
Executes in thread pool
Scala Future
Scala Future + RestTemplate
class ProductDetailsService @Autowired()(....) {
def getProductDetails(productId: Long) = {
val productInfoFuture = productInfoService.getProductInfo(productId)
val recommendationsFuture = recommendationService.getRecommendations(productId)
val reviewsFuture = reviewService.getReviews(productId)
for (((productInfo, recommendations), reviews) <-
productInfoFuture zip recommendationsFuture zip reviewsFuture)
yield ProductDetails(productInfo, recommendations, reviews)
Async Spring MVC + Scala Futures
class ProductController ... {
def productDetails(@PathVariable productId: Long) = {
val productDetails =
val result = new DeferredResult[ProductDetails]
productDetails onSuccess {
case r => result.setResult(r)
productDetails onFailure {
case t => result.setErrorResult(t)
Convert Scala Future to
Spring MVC
Servlet layer is asynchronous but the
backend uses thread pools
Need event-driven REST client
About the Reactor pattern
Defined by Doug Schmidt in 1995
Pattern for writing scalable servers
Alternative to thread-per-connection model
Single threaded event loop dispatches events on handles (e.g. sockets, file
descriptors) to event handlers
Reactor pattern structure
Event Handler
Initiation Dispatcher
for each h in handlers
end loop
Synchronous Event
Java NIO Selectors = Reactor pattern
But that’s super low-level :-(
New in Spring 4
Mirrors RestTemplate
Methods return a ListenableFuture = JDK 7 Future + callback methods
Can use HttpComponents NIO-based AsyncHttpClient
Spring AsyncRestTemplate
Using the AsyncRestTemplate
val asyncRestTemplate = new AsyncRestTemplate(
new HttpComponentsAsyncClientHttpRequestFactory())
override def getProductInfo(productId: Long) = {
val listenableFuture =
baseUrl, productId)
toScalaFuture(listenableFuture).map { _.getBody }
Convert to Scala Future and get entity
Converting ListenableFuture to Scala Future
implicit def toScalaFuture[T](f : ListenableFuture[T]) : Future[T] = {
val p = promise[T]
f.addCallback(new ListenableFutureCallback[T] {
def onSuccess(result: T) { p.success(result)}
def onFailure(t: Throwable) { p.failure(t) }
The producer side of Scala Futures
Supply outcome
Return future
Now everything is non-blocking :-)
If recommendation service is down...
Never responds front-end server waits indefinitely
Consumes valuable front-end server resources
Page never displayed and customer gives up
Returns an error
Error returned to the front-end server error page is displayed
Customer gives up
Fault tolerance at Netflix
Network timeouts and retries
Invoke remote services via a bounded thread pool
Use the Circuit Breaker pattern
On failure:
return default/cached data
return error to caller
Using Hystrix
class ProductInfoServiceImpl extends ProductInfoService {
val restTemplate = RestTemplateFactory.makeRestTemplate()
val baseUrl = ...
class GetProductInfoCommand(productId: Long)extends
HystrixCommand[ProductInfo](....) {
override def run() =
baseUrl, productId).getBody
def getProductInfoUsingHystrix(productId: Long) : Future[ProductInfo] = {
new GetProductInfoCommand(productId).queue()
Runs in thread pool
Returns JDK Future
But how to accomplish this with event-
driven code
How to handling partial failures?
productDetailsFuture zip
recommendationsFuture zip reviewsFuture
Fails if any Future has failed
Handling partial failures
val recommendationsFuture =
recover {
case _ => Recommendations(List())
“catch-like” Maps Throwable to value
Implementing a Timeout
resultFuture onSuccess { case r => result.setResult(r) }
resultFuture onFailure { case t => result.setErrorResult(t) }
No timeout - callbacks might never be
invoked :-(
Await.result(resultFuture, timeout)
Blocks until timeout:-(
Non-blocking Timeout
object TimeoutFuture {
def apply[T](future: Future[T], onTimeout: => Unit = Unit)
(implicit ec: ExecutionContext, after: Duration): Future[T] = {
val timer = new HashedWheelTimer(10, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
val promise = Promise[T]()
val timeout = timer.newTimeout(new TimerTask {
def run(timeout: Timeout){
promise.failure(new TimeoutException(s"Future timed out after ${after.toMillis}ms"))
}, after.toNanos, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS)
Future.firstCompletedOf(Seq(future, promise.future)).
tap(_.onComplete { case result => timeout.cancel() })
val future = ...
val timedoutFuture = TimeoutFuture(future)(executionContext, 200.milleseconds)
Timer fails
Outcome of first
Using the Akka Circuit Breaker
import akka.pattern.CircuitBreaker
val breaker =
new CircuitBreaker(actorSystem.scheduler,
maxFailures = 1,
callTimeout = 100.milliseconds,
resetTimeout = 1.minute)
val resultFuture = breaker.
withCircuitBreaker{ asynchronousOperationReturningFuture() }
Limiting # of simultaneous requests
val limiter =
new ConcurrencyLimiter(maxConcurrentRequests=10, maxQueueSize=30)
val resultFuture = limiter.withLimit {
class ConcurrencyLimiter ...
val concurrencyManager : ActorRef = ...
def withLimit[T](body : => Future[T])(...) =
(concurrencyManager ?
ConcurrentExecutionManager.Request { () => body }).mapTo[T]
Putting it all together
class ProductInfoServiceImpl @Autowired()(...) extends ProductService {
val limiter = new ConcurrencyLimiter(...)
val breaker = new CircuitBreaker(...)
override def getProductInfo(productId: Long) = {
breaker.withCircuitBreaker {
limiter.withLimit {
TimeoutFuture { ... AsyncRestTemplate.get ... }
The need for concurrency
Simplifying concurrent code with Futures
Taming callback hell with JavaScript promises
Consuming asynchronous streams with Reactive Extensions
Why solve this problem for JavaScript?
Browser invokes web services
Implement front-end server/API gateway using NodeJS!
What’s NodeJS?
Designed for DIRTy apps
Asynchronous JavaScript code =
callback hell
Sequential: A B C
Fork and join: A and B C
Code quickly becomes very messy
Callback-based HTTP client
request = require("request")
handler = (error, clientResponse, body) ->
if clientResponse.statusCode != 200
request("http://.../productdetails/" + productId, handler)
Messy callback code
getProductDetails = (req, res) ->
productId = req.params.productId
result = {productId: productId}
makeHandler = (key) ->
(error, clientResponse, body) ->
if clientResponse.statusCode != 200
result[key] = JSON.parse(body)
if (result.productInfo and result.recommendations and
request("http://localhost:3000/productdetails/" + productId, makeHandler("productInfo"))
request("http://localhost:3000/recommendations/" + productId, makeHandler('recommendations'))
request("http://localhost:3000/reviews/" + productId, makeHandler('reviews'))
app.get('/productinfo/:productId', getProductInfo)
Returns a callback
Have all three requests
Simplifying code with Promises (a.k.a.
Functions return a promise - no callback parameter
A promise represents an eventual outcome
Use a library of functions for transforming and composing promises
Promises/A+ specification -
Basic promise API
promise2 = promise1.then(fulfilledHandler, errorHandler, ...)
called when promise1 is fulfilled
returns a promise or value
resolved with outcome of callback
called when promise1 is rejected
returns a promise or value
About when.js
Rich API = Promises spec + use full
all, some, join, map, reduce
Calling non-promise code
Simpler promise-based code
rest = require("rest")
@httpClient = rest.chain(mime).chain(errorCode);
getProductInfo : (productId) ->
path: "http://.../productinfo/" + productId
Returns a promise
No ugly callbacks
Simpler promise-based code
class ProductDetailsService
getProductDetails: (productId) ->
makeProductDetails = (productInfo, recommendations, reviews) ->
details =
productId: productId
productDetails: productInfo.entity
recommendations: recommendations.entity
reviews: reviews.entity
responses = [@getProductInfo(productId),
Array[Promise] Promise[Array]
Simpler promise-based code: HTTP
getProductDetails = (req, res) ->
productId = req.params.productId
succeed = (productDetails) -> res.json(productDetails)
fail = (something) ->
res.send(500, JSON.stringify(something.entity || something))
then(succeed, fail)
app.get('/productdetails/:productId', getProductDetails)
Writing robust client code
Implementing timeouts
timeout = require("when/timeout")
withTimeout = (promise) -> timeout(300, promise)
getProductDetails = (productId) -> ... withTimeout(client(...))
Creates a new promise
Original promise must complete within 300 msec
Recovering from failures
getRecommendations(productId).otherwise( -> {})
Invoked to return default value if getRecommendations()
Limiting # of concurrent requests
ConcurrencyLimiter = require("./concurrencylimiter").ConcurrencyLimiter
limiter = new ConcurrencyLimiter(maxQueueSize = 100, maxConcurrency = 10)
getProductDetails = (productId) ->
... limiter.withLimit( -> client(...))
Homegrown code
Circuit breaker
CircuitBreaker = require("./circuitbreaker").CircuitBreaker
productCircuitBreaker = new CircuitBreaker()
getProductDetails = (productId) ->
... productCircuitBreaker.withCircuitBreaker( -> client(...))
Homegrown code
Putting it all together
getProductDetails: (productId) ->
responses = [@getProductInfo(productId),
@getRecommendations(productId).otherwise(() -> {}),
@getReviews(productId).otherwise(() -> {})]
getProductInfo = (productId) ->
limiter.withLimit ->
productCircuitBreaker.withCircuitBreaker ->
withTimeout client
path: "http://..../productinfo/" + productd
The need for concurrency
Simplifying concurrent code with Futures
Taming callback hell with JavaScript promises
Consuming asynchronous streams with Reactive Extensions
Let’s imagine you have a stream of trades
you need to calculate the rolling average
price of each stock
Spring Integration + Complex event
processing (CEP) engine is a good
But where is the high-level abstraction
that solves this problem?
Not applicable to infinite streams
Introducing Reactive Extensions (Rx)
The Reactive Extensions (Rx) is a library for composing
asynchronous and event-based programs using
observable sequences and LINQ-style query operators.
Using Rx, developers represent asynchronous data
streams with Observables , query asynchronous
data streams using LINQ operators , and .....
About RxJava
Reactive Extensions (Rx) for the JVM
Implemented in Java
Adaptors for Scala, Groovy and Clojure
RxJava core concepts
class Observable<T> {
Subscription subscribe(Observer<T> observer)
interface Observer<T> {
void onNext(T args)
void onCompleted()
void onError(Throwable e)
An asynchronous stream of
Used to unsubscribe
Comparing Observable to...
Observer pattern - similar but adds
Iterator pattern - mirror image
Push rather than pull
Future - similar but
Represents a stream of multiple values
So what?
Transforming Observables
class Observable<T> {
Observable<T> take(int n);
Observable<T> skip(int n);
<R> Observable<R> map(Func1<T,R> func)
<R> Observable<R> flatMap(Func1<T,Observable<R>> func)
Observable<T> filter(Func1<T,java.lang.Boolean> predicate)
Scala-collection style methods
Transforming observables
class Observable<T> {
<K> Observable<GroupedObservable<K,T>>
groupBy(Func1<T,K> keySelector)
Similar to Scala groupBy except results are emitted as items arrive
Stream of streams!
Combining observables
class Observable<T> {
static <R,T1,T2>
Observable<R> zip(Observable<T0> o1,
Observable<T1> o2,
Func2<T1,T2,R> reduceFunction)
Invoked with pairs of items from
o1 and o2
Stream of results from
Creating observables from data
class Observable<T> {
static Observable<T> from(Iterable<T> iterable]);
static Observable<T> from(T items ...]);
static Observable<T> from(Future<T> future]);
Creating observables from event sources
Observable<T> o = Observable.create(
new SubscriberFunc<T> () {
Subscription onSubscribe(Observer<T> obs) {
... connect to event source....
return new Subscriber () {
void unsubscribe() { ... };
Called once for
each Observer
Called when
Arranges to call obs.onNext/onComplete/...
Using Rx Observables instead of
Rx-based ProductInfoService
class ProductInfoService
override def getProductInfo(productId: Long) = {
val baseUrl = ...
val responseEntity =
asyncRestTemplate.getForEntity(baseUrl + "/productinfo/{productId}",
classOf[ProductInfo], productId)
toRxObservable(responseEntity).map {
(r : ResponseEntity[ProductInfo]) => r.getBody
ListenableFuture Observable
implicit def toRxObservable[T](future: ListenableFuture[T])
: Observable[T] = {
def create(o: Observer[T]) = {
future.addCallback(new ListenableFutureCallback[T] {
def onSuccess(result: T) {
def onFailure(t: Throwable) {
new Subscription {
def unsubscribe() {}
Observable.create(create _)
Supply single value
Indicate failure
Do nothing
Rx - ProductDetailsService
class ProductDetailsService @Autowired()
(productInfoService: ProductInfoService,
reviewService: ReviewService,
ecommendationService: RecommendationService) {
def getProductDetails(productId: Long) = {
val productInfo = productInfoService.getProductInfo(productId)
val recommendations =
val reviews = reviewService.getReviews(productId), recommendations, reviews,
(p : ProductInfo, r : Recommendations, rv : Reviews) =>
ProductDetails(p, r, rv))
Just like
Rx - ProductController
class ProductController
def productDetails(@PathVariable productId: Long) =
Rx - Observable DeferredResult
implicit def toDeferredResult[T](observable : Observable[T]) = {
val result = new DeferredResult[T]
observable.subscribe(new Observer[T] {
def onCompleted() {}
def onError(e: Throwable) {
def onNext(r: T) {
RxObservables vs. Futures
Much better than JDK 7 futures
Comparable to Scala Futures
Rx Scala code is slightly more verbose
Making this code robust
Hystrix works with Observables (and thread pools)
For event-driven code we are on our own
Back to the stream of Trades averaging
AMQP messages Observables 1
<amqp:inbound-channel-adapter ... />
<int:channel id="inboundEventsChannel"/>
AMQP messages Observables 2
class AmqpToObservableAdapter (actorRef : observerManager) {
def createObservable() =
Observable.create((o: Observer[_ >: String]) => {
observerManager ! Subscribe(o)
new Subscription {
override def unsubscribe() {
observerManager ! Unsubscribe(o)
def handleMessage(message : String) {
observerManager ! Message(message)
Manages and
notifies observers
Calculating averages
calculateAverages(Observable<Trade> trades) {
class Trade {
private String symbol;
private double price;
class AveragePrice {
private String symbol;
double averagePrice;
Using groupBy()
APPL : 401 IBM : 405 CAT : 405 APPL: 403
groupBy( (trade) => trade.symbol)
APPL : 401
IBM : 405
CAT : 405 ...
APPL: 403
Observable<GroupedObservable<String, Trade>>
Using window()
APPL : 401 APPL : 405 APPL : 405 ...
APPL : 401 APPL : 405 APPL : 405
APPL : 405 APPL : 405 APPL : 403
APPL : 405 ...
N secs
N secs
M secs
Using reduce()
APPL : 402 APPL : 405 APPL : 405
APPL : 404
reduce(sumCalc) / length
Observable<AveragePrice> Singleton
Using merge()
APPL : 401
IBM : 405
CAT : 405 ...
APPL: 403
APPL : 401 IBM : 405 CAT : 405 APPL: 403
RxJS / NodeJS example
var rx = require("rx");
function tailFile (fileName) {
var self = this;
var o = rx.Observable.create(function (observer) {
var watcher = self.tail(fileName, function (line) {
return function () {
function parseLogLine(line) { ... }
Rx in the browser - implementing
Your Mouse is a Database
Ajax call returning
Change events Observable
Display completions
Consuming web services asynchronously is essential
Scala-style composable Futures are a powerful concurrency abstraction
Rx Observables are even more powerful
Rx Observables are a unifying abstraction for a wide variety of use cases

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Consuming web services asynchronously with Futures and Rx Observables (svcc, ...Consuming web services asynchronously with Futures and Rx Observables (svcc, ...
Consuming web services asynchronously with Futures and Rx Observables (svcc, ...
Chris Richardson
Futures and Rx Observables: powerful abstractions for consuming web services ...
Futures and Rx Observables: powerful abstractions for consuming web services ...Futures and Rx Observables: powerful abstractions for consuming web services ...
Futures and Rx Observables: powerful abstractions for consuming web services ...
Chris Richardson
NodeJS: the good parts? A skeptic’s view (oredev, oredev2013)
NodeJS: the good parts? A skeptic’s view (oredev, oredev2013)NodeJS: the good parts? A skeptic’s view (oredev, oredev2013)
NodeJS: the good parts? A skeptic’s view (oredev, oredev2013)
Chris Richardson
Decompose That WAR! Architecting for Adaptability, Scalability, and Deployabi...
Decompose That WAR! Architecting for Adaptability, Scalability, and Deployabi...Decompose That WAR! Architecting for Adaptability, Scalability, and Deployabi...
Decompose That WAR! Architecting for Adaptability, Scalability, and Deployabi...
Chris Richardson
Decompose That WAR! Architecting for Adaptability, Scalability, and Deployabi...
Decompose That WAR! Architecting for Adaptability, Scalability, and Deployabi...Decompose That WAR! Architecting for Adaptability, Scalability, and Deployabi...
Decompose That WAR! Architecting for Adaptability, Scalability, and Deployabi...
Chris Richardson
NodeJS: the good parts? A skeptic’s view (devnexus2014)
NodeJS: the good parts? A skeptic’s view (devnexus2014)NodeJS: the good parts? A skeptic’s view (devnexus2014)
NodeJS: the good parts? A skeptic’s view (devnexus2014)
Chris Richardson
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NodeJS: the good parts? A skeptic’s view (jmaghreb, jmaghreb2013)NodeJS: the good parts? A skeptic’s view (jmaghreb, jmaghreb2013)
NodeJS: the good parts? A skeptic’s view (jmaghreb, jmaghreb2013)
Chris Richardson
Microservices + Events + Docker = A Perfect Trio by Docker Captain Chris Rich...
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Docker, Inc.
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Chris Richardson
#JaxLondon keynote: Developing applications with a microservice architecture
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Chris Richardson
Developing Applications with a Micro Service Architecture - Chris Richardson
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Developing Applications with a Micro Service Architecture - Chris Richardson
Developing applications with a microservice architecture (SVforum, microservi...
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Chris Richardson
Developing applications with a microservice architecture (svcc)
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Chris Richardson
Building microservices with Scala, functional domain models and Spring Boot (...
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Building microservices with Scala, functional domain models and Spring Boot (...
Chris Richardson
YOW2018 - Events and Commands: Developing Asynchronous Microservices
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Chris Richardson
Mucon: Not Just Events: Developing Asynchronous Microservices
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Chris Richardson
Saturn 2018: Managing data consistency in a microservice architecture using S...
Saturn 2018: Managing data consistency in a microservice architecture using S...Saturn 2018: Managing data consistency in a microservice architecture using S...
Saturn 2018: Managing data consistency in a microservice architecture using S...
Chris Richardson
Agile integration workshop Seattle
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Agile integration workshop Seattle
Judy Breedlove
Overview of the Eventuate Tram Customers and Orders application
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Overview of the Eventuate Tram Customers and Orders application
Chris Richardson
NodeJS: the good parts? A skeptic’s view (jax jax2013)
NodeJS: the good parts? A skeptic’s view (jax jax2013)NodeJS: the good parts? A skeptic’s view (jax jax2013)
NodeJS: the good parts? A skeptic’s view (jax jax2013)
Chris Richardson

Similar to Futures and Rx Observables: powerful abstractions for consuming web services asynchronously (#springone #s2gx) (20)

Consuming web services asynchronously with Futures and Rx Observables (svcc, ...
Consuming web services asynchronously with Futures and Rx Observables (svcc, ...Consuming web services asynchronously with Futures and Rx Observables (svcc, ...
Consuming web services asynchronously with Futures and Rx Observables (svcc, ...
Futures and Rx Observables: powerful abstractions for consuming web services ...
Futures and Rx Observables: powerful abstractions for consuming web services ...Futures and Rx Observables: powerful abstractions for consuming web services ...
Futures and Rx Observables: powerful abstractions for consuming web services ...
NodeJS: the good parts? A skeptic’s view (oredev, oredev2013)
NodeJS: the good parts? A skeptic’s view (oredev, oredev2013)NodeJS: the good parts? A skeptic’s view (oredev, oredev2013)
NodeJS: the good parts? A skeptic’s view (oredev, oredev2013)
Decompose That WAR! Architecting for Adaptability, Scalability, and Deployabi...
Decompose That WAR! Architecting for Adaptability, Scalability, and Deployabi...Decompose That WAR! Architecting for Adaptability, Scalability, and Deployabi...
Decompose That WAR! Architecting for Adaptability, Scalability, and Deployabi...
Decompose That WAR! Architecting for Adaptability, Scalability, and Deployabi...
Decompose That WAR! Architecting for Adaptability, Scalability, and Deployabi...Decompose That WAR! Architecting for Adaptability, Scalability, and Deployabi...
Decompose That WAR! Architecting for Adaptability, Scalability, and Deployabi...
NodeJS: the good parts? A skeptic’s view (devnexus2014)
NodeJS: the good parts? A skeptic’s view (devnexus2014)NodeJS: the good parts? A skeptic’s view (devnexus2014)
NodeJS: the good parts? A skeptic’s view (devnexus2014)
NodeJS: the good parts? A skeptic’s view (jmaghreb, jmaghreb2013)
NodeJS: the good parts? A skeptic’s view (jmaghreb, jmaghreb2013)NodeJS: the good parts? A skeptic’s view (jmaghreb, jmaghreb2013)
NodeJS: the good parts? A skeptic’s view (jmaghreb, jmaghreb2013)
Microservices + Events + Docker = A Perfect Trio by Docker Captain Chris Rich...
Microservices + Events + Docker = A Perfect Trio by Docker Captain Chris Rich...Microservices + Events + Docker = A Perfect Trio by Docker Captain Chris Rich...
Microservices + Events + Docker = A Perfect Trio by Docker Captain Chris Rich...
Microservices + Events + Docker = A Perfect Trio (dockercon)
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#JaxLondon keynote: Developing applications with a microservice architecture
#JaxLondon keynote: Developing applications with a microservice architecture#JaxLondon keynote: Developing applications with a microservice architecture
#JaxLondon keynote: Developing applications with a microservice architecture
Developing Applications with a Micro Service Architecture - Chris Richardson
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Developing Applications with a Micro Service Architecture - Chris Richardson
Developing applications with a microservice architecture (SVforum, microservi...
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Developing applications with a microservice architecture (SVforum, microservi...
Developing applications with a microservice architecture (svcc)
Developing applications with a microservice architecture (svcc)Developing applications with a microservice architecture (svcc)
Developing applications with a microservice architecture (svcc)
Building microservices with Scala, functional domain models and Spring Boot (...
Building microservices with Scala, functional domain models and Spring Boot (...Building microservices with Scala, functional domain models and Spring Boot (...
Building microservices with Scala, functional domain models and Spring Boot (...
YOW2018 - Events and Commands: Developing Asynchronous Microservices
YOW2018 - Events and Commands: Developing Asynchronous MicroservicesYOW2018 - Events and Commands: Developing Asynchronous Microservices
YOW2018 - Events and Commands: Developing Asynchronous Microservices
Mucon: Not Just Events: Developing Asynchronous Microservices
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Mucon: Not Just Events: Developing Asynchronous Microservices
Saturn 2018: Managing data consistency in a microservice architecture using S...
Saturn 2018: Managing data consistency in a microservice architecture using S...Saturn 2018: Managing data consistency in a microservice architecture using S...
Saturn 2018: Managing data consistency in a microservice architecture using S...
Agile integration workshop Seattle
Agile integration workshop SeattleAgile integration workshop Seattle
Agile integration workshop Seattle
Overview of the Eventuate Tram Customers and Orders application
Overview of the Eventuate Tram Customers and Orders applicationOverview of the Eventuate Tram Customers and Orders application
Overview of the Eventuate Tram Customers and Orders application
NodeJS: the good parts? A skeptic’s view (jax jax2013)
NodeJS: the good parts? A skeptic’s view (jax jax2013)NodeJS: the good parts? A skeptic’s view (jax jax2013)
NodeJS: the good parts? A skeptic’s view (jax jax2013)

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Chris Richardson
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Chris Richardson
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Chris Richardson
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Chris Richardson
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Chris Richardson
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Chris Richardson
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Chris Richardson
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Chris Richardson
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Chris Richardson
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Chris Richardson

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The microservice architecture: what, why, when and how?
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UiPath Test Automation using UiPath Test Suite series, part 4UiPath Test Automation using UiPath Test Suite series, part 4
UiPath Test Automation using UiPath Test Suite series, part 4

Futures and Rx Observables: powerful abstractions for consuming web services asynchronously (#springone #s2gx)

  • 1. @crichardson Consuming web services asynchronously with Futures and Rx Observables Chris Richardson Author of POJOs in Action Founder of the original @crichardson
  • 2. @crichardson Presentation goal Learn how to use (Scala) Futures and Rx Observables to write simple yet robust and scalable concurrent code
  • 9. @crichardson Agenda The need for concurrency Simplifying concurrent code with Futures Taming callback hell with JavaScript promises Consuming asynchronous streams with Reactive Extensions
  • 10. @crichardson Let’s imagine you are building an online store
  • 15. @crichardson Application architecture Product Info Service Desktop browser Native mobile client REST REST REST Recomendation Service Review Service Front end server API gatewayREST Mobile browser Web Application HTML
  • 16. @crichardson Handling getProductDetails() Front-end server Product Info Service Recommendations Service Review Service getProductInfo() getRecommendations() getReviews() getProductDetails()
  • 17. @crichardson Handling getProductDetails() - sequentially Front-end server Product Info Service Recommendations Service Review Service getProductInfo() getRecommendations() getReviews() getProductDetails() Higher response time :-(
  • 18. @crichardson Handling getProductDetails() - in parallel Front-end server Product Info Service Recommendations Service Review Service getProductInfo() getRecommendations() getReviews() getProductDetails() Lower response time :-)
  • 19. @crichardson Implementing a concurrent REST client Thread-pool based approach executorService.submit(new Callable(...)) Simpler but less scalable - lots of idle threads consuming memory Event-driven approach NIO with completion callbacks More complex but more scalable
  • 20. @crichardson The front-end server must handle partial failure of backend services Front-end server Product Info Service Recommendations Service Review Service getProductInfo() getRecommendations() getReviews() getProductDetails() X How to provide a good user experience?
  • 21. @crichardson Agenda The need for concurrency Simplifying concurrent code with Futures Taming callback hell with JavaScript promises Consuming asynchronous streams with Reactive Extensions
  • 22. @crichardson Futures are a great concurrency abstraction
  • 24. @crichardson Benefits Client does not know how the asynchronous operation is implemented Client can invoke multiple asynchronous operations and gets a Future for each one.
  • 25. @crichardson REST client using Spring @Async @Component class ProductInfoServiceImpl extends ProducInfoService { val restTemplate : RestTemplate = ... @Async def getProductInfo(productId: Long) = { new AsyncResult(restTemplate.getForObject(....)...) } } Execute asynchronously in thread pool A Future containing a value trait ProductInfoService { def getProductInfo(productId: Long): java.util.concurrent.Future[ProductInfo] }
  • 26. @crichardson ProductDetailsService @Component class ProductDetailsService @Autowired()(productInfoService: ProductInfoService, reviewService: ReviewService, recommendationService: RecommendationService) { def getProductDetails(productId: Long): ProductDetails = { val productInfoFuture = productInfoService.getProductInfo(productId) } } val recommendationsFuture = recommendationService.getRecommendations(productId) val reviewsFuture = reviewService.getReviews(productId) val productInfo = productInfoFuture.get(300, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) val recommendations = recommendationsFuture.get(10, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) val reviews = reviewsFuture.get(10, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) ProductDetails(productInfo, recommendations, reviews)
  • 27. @crichardson ProductController @Controller class ProductController @Autowired()(productDetailsService : ProductDetailsService) { @RequestMapping(Array("/productdetails/{productId}")) @ResponseBody def productDetails(@PathVariable productId: Long) = productDetailsService.getProductDetails(productId)
  • 28. @crichardson Not bad but... val productInfo = productInfoFuture.get(300, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) Blocks Tomcat thread until Future completes Not so scalable :-(
  • 29. @crichardson ... and also... Java Futures work well for a single-level of asynchronous execution BUT #fail for more complex, scalable scenarios Difficult to compose and coordinate multiple concurrent operations
  • 30. @crichardson Better: Futures with callbacks no blocking! val f : Future[Int] = Future { ... } f onSuccess { case x : Int => println(x) } f onFailure { case e : Exception => println("exception thrown") } Guava ListenableFutures, Spring 4 ListenableFuture Java 8 CompletableFuture, Scala Futures
  • 31. @crichardson Even better: Composable Futures val f1 = Future { ... ; 1 } val f2 = Future { ... ; 2 } val f4 = * 2) assertEquals(4, Await.result(f4, 1 second)) val fzip = f1 zip f2 assertEquals((1, 2), Await.result(fzip, 1 second)) Transforms Future Combines two futures Scala, Java 8 CompletableFuture (partially)
  • 32. @crichardson Scala futures are Monads def callB() : Future[...] = ... def callC() : Future[...] = ... def callD() : Future[...] = ... val result = for { (b, c) <- callB() zip callC(); d <- callD(b, c) } yield d result onSuccess { .... } Two calls execute in parallel And then invokes D Get the result of D
  • 33. @crichardson Scala Future + RestTemplate import scala.concurrent.Future @Component class ProductInfoService { def getProductInfo(productId: Long): Future[ProductInfo] = { Future { restTemplate.getForObject(....) } } } Executes in thread pool Scala Future
  • 34. @crichardson Scala Future + RestTemplate class ProductDetailsService @Autowired()(....) { def getProductDetails(productId: Long) = { val productInfoFuture = productInfoService.getProductInfo(productId) val recommendationsFuture = recommendationService.getRecommendations(productId) val reviewsFuture = reviewService.getReviews(productId) for (((productInfo, recommendations), reviews) <- productInfoFuture zip recommendationsFuture zip reviewsFuture) yield ProductDetails(productInfo, recommendations, reviews) } } Non-blocking!
  • 35. @crichardson Async Spring MVC + Scala Futures @Controller class ProductController ... { @RequestMapping(Array("/productdetails/{productId}")) @ResponseBody def productDetails(@PathVariable productId: Long) = { val productDetails = productDetailsService.getProductDetails(productId) val result = new DeferredResult[ProductDetails] productDetails onSuccess { case r => result.setResult(r) } productDetails onFailure { case t => result.setErrorResult(t) } result } Convert Scala Future to Spring MVC DeferredResult
  • 36. @crichardson Servlet layer is asynchronous but the backend uses thread pools Need event-driven REST client
  • 37. @crichardson About the Reactor pattern Defined by Doug Schmidt in 1995 Pattern for writing scalable servers Alternative to thread-per-connection model Single threaded event loop dispatches events on handles (e.g. sockets, file descriptors) to event handlers
  • 38. @crichardson Reactor pattern structure Event Handler handle_event(type) get_handle() Initiation Dispatcher handle_events() register_handler(h) select(handlers) for each h in handlers h.handle_event(type) end loop handle Synchronous Event Demultiplexer select() owns notifies uses handlers Application creates
  • 39. @crichardson Java NIO Selectors = Reactor pattern But that’s super low-level :-(
  • 40. @crichardson New in Spring 4 Mirrors RestTemplate Methods return a ListenableFuture = JDK 7 Future + callback methods Can use HttpComponents NIO-based AsyncHttpClient Spring AsyncRestTemplate
  • 41. @crichardson Using the AsyncRestTemplate val asyncRestTemplate = new AsyncRestTemplate( new HttpComponentsAsyncClientHttpRequestFactory()) override def getProductInfo(productId: Long) = { val listenableFuture = asyncRestTemplate.getForEntity("{baseUrl}/productinfo/{productId}", classOf[ProductInfo], baseUrl, productId) toScalaFuture(listenableFuture).map { _.getBody } } Convert to Scala Future and get entity
  • 42. @crichardson Converting ListenableFuture to Scala Future implicit def toScalaFuture[T](f : ListenableFuture[T]) : Future[T] = { val p = promise[T] f.addCallback(new ListenableFutureCallback[T] { def onSuccess(result: T) { p.success(result)} def onFailure(t: Throwable) { p.failure(t) } }) p.future } The producer side of Scala Futures Supply outcome Return future
  • 43. @crichardson Now everything is non-blocking :-)
  • 44. @crichardson If recommendation service is down... Never responds front-end server waits indefinitely Consumes valuable front-end server resources Page never displayed and customer gives up Returns an error Error returned to the front-end server error page is displayed Customer gives up
  • 45. @crichardson Fault tolerance at Netflix Network timeouts and retries Invoke remote services via a bounded thread pool Use the Circuit Breaker pattern On failure: return default/cached data return error to caller Implementation:
  • 46. @crichardson Using Hystrix @Component class ProductInfoServiceImpl extends ProductInfoService { val restTemplate = RestTemplateFactory.makeRestTemplate() val baseUrl = ... class GetProductInfoCommand(productId: Long)extends HystrixCommand[ProductInfo](....) { override def run() = restTemplate. getForEntity("{baseUrl}/productinfo/{productId}", classOf[ProductInfo], baseUrl, productId).getBody } def getProductInfoUsingHystrix(productId: Long) : Future[ProductInfo] = { new GetProductInfoCommand(productId).queue() } } Runs in thread pool Returns JDK Future
  • 47. @crichardson But how to accomplish this with event- driven code
  • 48. @crichardson How to handling partial failures? productDetailsFuture zip recommendationsFuture zip reviewsFuture Fails if any Future has failed
  • 49. @crichardson Handling partial failures val recommendationsFuture = recommendationService. getRecommendations(userId,productId). recover { case _ => Recommendations(List()) } “catch-like” Maps Throwable to value
  • 50. @crichardson Implementing a Timeout resultFuture onSuccess { case r => result.setResult(r) } resultFuture onFailure { case t => result.setErrorResult(t) } No timeout - callbacks might never be invoked :-( Await.result(resultFuture, timeout) Blocks until timeout:-(
  • 51. @crichardson Non-blocking Timeout object TimeoutFuture { def apply[T](future: Future[T], onTimeout: => Unit = Unit) (implicit ec: ExecutionContext, after: Duration): Future[T] = { val timer = new HashedWheelTimer(10, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) val promise = Promise[T]() val timeout = timer.newTimeout(new TimerTask { def run(timeout: Timeout){ onTimeout promise.failure(new TimeoutException(s"Future timed out after ${after.toMillis}ms")) } }, after.toNanos, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS) Future.firstCompletedOf(Seq(future, promise.future)). tap(_.onComplete { case result => timeout.cancel() }) } } val future = ... val timedoutFuture = TimeoutFuture(future)(executionContext, 200.milleseconds) Timer fails promise Outcome of first completed
  • 52. @crichardson Using the Akka Circuit Breaker import akka.pattern.CircuitBreaker val breaker = new CircuitBreaker(actorSystem.scheduler, maxFailures = 1, callTimeout = 100.milliseconds, resetTimeout = 1.minute) val resultFuture = breaker. withCircuitBreaker{ asynchronousOperationReturningFuture() }
  • 53. @crichardson Limiting # of simultaneous requests val limiter = new ConcurrencyLimiter(maxConcurrentRequests=10, maxQueueSize=30) val resultFuture = limiter.withLimit { asynchronousOperationReturningFuture() } class ConcurrencyLimiter ... val concurrencyManager : ActorRef = ... def withLimit[T](body : => Future[T])(...) = (concurrencyManager ? ConcurrentExecutionManager.Request { () => body }).mapTo[T]
  • 54. @crichardson Putting it all together @Component class ProductInfoServiceImpl @Autowired()(...) extends ProductService { val limiter = new ConcurrencyLimiter(...) val breaker = new CircuitBreaker(...) override def getProductInfo(productId: Long) = { ... breaker.withCircuitBreaker { limiter.withLimit { TimeoutFuture { ... AsyncRestTemplate.get ... } } } }
  • 55. @crichardson Agenda The need for concurrency Simplifying concurrent code with Futures Taming callback hell with JavaScript promises Consuming asynchronous streams with Reactive Extensions
  • 57. @crichardson Why solve this problem for JavaScript? Browser invokes web services Implement front-end server/API gateway using NodeJS!
  • 60. @crichardson Asynchronous JavaScript code = callback hell Scenarios: Sequential: A B C Fork and join: A and B C Code quickly becomes very messy
  • 61. @crichardson Callback-based HTTP client request = require("request") handler = (error, clientResponse, body) -> if clientResponse.statusCode != 200 // ERROR else // SUCCESS request("http://.../productdetails/" + productId, handler)
  • 62. @crichardson Messy callback code getProductDetails = (req, res) -> productId = req.params.productId result = {productId: productId} makeHandler = (key) -> (error, clientResponse, body) -> if clientResponse.statusCode != 200 res.status(clientResponse.statusCode) res.write(body) res.end() else result[key] = JSON.parse(body) if (result.productInfo and result.recommendations and res.json(result) request("http://localhost:3000/productdetails/" + productId, makeHandler("productInfo")) request("http://localhost:3000/recommendations/" + productId, makeHandler('recommendations')) request("http://localhost:3000/reviews/" + productId, makeHandler('reviews')) app.get('/productinfo/:productId', getProductInfo) Returns a callback function Have all three requests completed?
  • 63. @crichardson Simplifying code with Promises (a.k.a. Futures) Functions return a promise - no callback parameter A promise represents an eventual outcome Use a library of functions for transforming and composing promises Promises/A+ specification -
  • 64. @crichardson Basic promise API promise2 = promise1.then(fulfilledHandler, errorHandler, ...) called when promise1 is fulfilled returns a promise or value resolved with outcome of callback called when promise1 is rejected returns a promise or value
  • 65. About when.js Rich API = Promises spec + use full extensions Creation: when.defer() when.reject()... Combinators: all, some, join, map, reduce Other: Calling non-promise code timeout ....
  • 66. @crichardson Simpler promise-based code rest = require("rest") @httpClient = rest.chain(mime).chain(errorCode); getProductInfo : (productId) -> @httpClient path: "http://.../productinfo/" + productId Returns a promise No ugly callbacks
  • 67. @crichardson Simpler promise-based code class ProductDetailsService getProductDetails: (productId) -> makeProductDetails = (productInfo, recommendations, reviews) -> details = productId: productId productDetails: productInfo.entity recommendations: recommendations.entity reviews: reviews.entity details responses = [@getProductInfo(productId), @getRecommendations(productId), @getReviews(productId)] all(responses).spread(makeProductDetails) Array[Promise] Promise[Array]
  • 68. @crichardson Simpler promise-based code: HTTP handler getProductDetails = (req, res) -> productId = req.params.productId succeed = (productDetails) -> res.json(productDetails) fail = (something) -> res.send(500, JSON.stringify(something.entity || something)) productDetailsService. getDetails(productId). then(succeed, fail) app.get('/productdetails/:productId', getProductDetails)
  • 70. @crichardson Implementing timeouts timeout = require("when/timeout") withTimeout = (promise) -> timeout(300, promise) getProductDetails = (productId) -> ... withTimeout(client(...)) Creates a new promise Original promise must complete within 300 msec
  • 71. @crichardson Recovering from failures getRecommendations(productId).otherwise( -> {}) Invoked to return default value if getRecommendations() fails
  • 72. @crichardson Limiting # of concurrent requests ConcurrencyLimiter = require("./concurrencylimiter").ConcurrencyLimiter limiter = new ConcurrencyLimiter(maxQueueSize = 100, maxConcurrency = 10) getProductDetails = (productId) -> ... limiter.withLimit( -> client(...)) Homegrown code
  • 73. @crichardson Circuit breaker CircuitBreaker = require("./circuitbreaker").CircuitBreaker productCircuitBreaker = new CircuitBreaker() getProductDetails = (productId) -> ... productCircuitBreaker.withCircuitBreaker( -> client(...)) Homegrown code
  • 74. @crichardson Putting it all together getProductDetails: (productId) -> ... responses = [@getProductInfo(productId), @getRecommendations(productId).otherwise(() -> {}), @getReviews(productId).otherwise(() -> {})] all(responses).spread(succeed) getProductInfo = (productId) -> limiter.withLimit -> productCircuitBreaker.withCircuitBreaker -> withTimeout client path: "http://..../productinfo/" + productd
  • 75. @crichardson Agenda The need for concurrency Simplifying concurrent code with Futures Taming callback hell with JavaScript promises Consuming asynchronous streams with Reactive Extensions
  • 76. @crichardson Let’s imagine you have a stream of trades and you need to calculate the rolling average price of each stock
  • 77. @crichardson Spring Integration + Complex event processing (CEP) engine is a good choice
  • 78. @crichardson But where is the high-level abstraction that solves this problem?
  • 80. @crichardson Introducing Reactive Extensions (Rx) The Reactive Extensions (Rx) is a library for composing asynchronous and event-based programs using observable sequences and LINQ-style query operators. Using Rx, developers represent asynchronous data streams with Observables , query asynchronous data streams using LINQ operators , and .....
  • 81. @crichardson About RxJava Reactive Extensions (Rx) for the JVM Implemented in Java Adaptors for Scala, Groovy and Clojure
  • 82. @crichardson RxJava core concepts class Observable<T> { Subscription subscribe(Observer<T> observer) ... } interface Observer<T> { void onNext(T args) void onCompleted() void onError(Throwable e) } Notifies An asynchronous stream of items Used to unsubscribe
  • 83. @crichardson Comparing Observable to... Observer pattern - similar but adds Observer.onComplete() Observer.onError() Iterator pattern - mirror image Push rather than pull Future - similar but Represents a stream of multiple values
  • 85. @crichardson Transforming Observables class Observable<T> { Observable<T> take(int n); Observable<T> skip(int n); <R> Observable<R> map(Func1<T,R> func) <R> Observable<R> flatMap(Func1<T,Observable<R>> func) Observable<T> filter(Func1<T,java.lang.Boolean> predicate) ... } Scala-collection style methods
  • 86. @crichardson Transforming observables class Observable<T> { <K> Observable<GroupedObservable<K,T>> groupBy(Func1<T,K> keySelector) ... } Similar to Scala groupBy except results are emitted as items arrive Stream of streams!
  • 87. @crichardson Combining observables class Observable<T> { static <R,T1,T2> Observable<R> zip(Observable<T0> o1, Observable<T1> o2, Func2<T1,T2,R> reduceFunction) ... } Invoked with pairs of items from o1 and o2 Stream of results from reduceFunction
  • 88. @crichardson Creating observables from data class Observable<T> { static Observable<T> from(Iterable<T> iterable]); static Observable<T> from(T items ...]); static Observable<T> from(Future<T> future]); ... }
  • 89. @crichardson Creating observables from event sources Observable<T> o = Observable.create( new SubscriberFunc<T> () { Subscription onSubscribe(Observer<T> obs) { ... connect to event source.... return new Subscriber () { void unsubscribe() { ... }; }; }); Called once for each Observer Called when unsubscribing Arranges to call obs.onNext/onComplete/...
  • 90. @crichardson Using Rx Observables instead of Futures
  • 91. @crichardson Rx-based ProductInfoService @Component class ProductInfoService override def getProductInfo(productId: Long) = { val baseUrl = ... val responseEntity = asyncRestTemplate.getForEntity(baseUrl + "/productinfo/{productId}", classOf[ProductInfo], productId) toRxObservable(responseEntity).map { (r : ResponseEntity[ProductInfo]) => r.getBody } }
  • 92. @crichardson ListenableFuture Observable implicit def toRxObservable[T](future: ListenableFuture[T]) : Observable[T] = { def create(o: Observer[T]) = { future.addCallback(new ListenableFutureCallback[T] { def onSuccess(result: T) { o.onNext(result) o.onCompleted() } def onFailure(t: Throwable) { o.onError(t) } }) new Subscription { def unsubscribe() {} } } Observable.create(create _) } Supply single value Indicate failure Do nothing
  • 93. @crichardson Rx - ProductDetailsService @Component class ProductDetailsService @Autowired() (productInfoService: ProductInfoService, reviewService: ReviewService, ecommendationService: RecommendationService) { def getProductDetails(productId: Long) = { val productInfo = productInfoService.getProductInfo(productId) val recommendations = recommendationService.getRecommendations(productId) val reviews = reviewService.getReviews(productId), recommendations, reviews, (p : ProductInfo, r : Recommendations, rv : Reviews) => ProductDetails(p, r, rv)) } } Just like Scala Futures
  • 94. @crichardson Rx - ProductController @Controller class ProductController @RequestMapping(Array("/productdetails/{productId}")) @ResponseBody def productDetails(@PathVariable productId: Long) = toDeferredResult(productDetailsService.getProductDetails(productId))
  • 95. @crichardson Rx - Observable DeferredResult implicit def toDeferredResult[T](observable : Observable[T]) = { val result = new DeferredResult[T] observable.subscribe(new Observer[T] { def onCompleted() {} def onError(e: Throwable) { result.setErrorResult(e) } def onNext(r: T) { result.setResult(r.asInstanceOf[T]) } }) result }
  • 96. @crichardson RxObservables vs. Futures Much better than JDK 7 futures Comparable to Scala Futures Rx Scala code is slightly more verbose
  • 97. @crichardson Making this code robust Hystrix works with Observables (and thread pools) But For event-driven code we are on our own
  • 98. @crichardson Back to the stream of Trades averaging example...
  • 99. @crichardson AMQP messages Observables 1 <amqp:inbound-channel-adapter ... /> <int:channel id="inboundEventsChannel"/> <int:service-activator input-channel="inboundEventsChannel" ref="amqpToObservableAdapter" method="handleMessage"/>
  • 100. @crichardson AMQP messages Observables 2 class AmqpToObservableAdapter (actorRef : observerManager) { def createObservable() = Observable.create((o: Observer[_ >: String]) => { observerManager ! Subscribe(o) new Subscription { override def unsubscribe() { observerManager ! Unsubscribe(o) } } }) def handleMessage(message : String) { observerManager ! Message(message) } } Manages and notifies observers
  • 101. @crichardson Calculating averages Observable<AveragePrice> calculateAverages(Observable<Trade> trades) { ... } class Trade { private String symbol; private double price; class AveragePrice { private String symbol; private double averagePrice;
  • 102. @crichardson Using groupBy() APPL : 401 IBM : 405 CAT : 405 APPL: 403 groupBy( (trade) => trade.symbol) APPL : 401 IBM : 405 CAT : 405 ... APPL: 403 Observable<GroupedObservable<String, Trade>> Observable<Trade>
  • 103. @crichardson Using window() APPL : 401 APPL : 405 APPL : 405 ... APPL : 401 APPL : 405 APPL : 405 APPL : 405 APPL : 405 APPL : 403 APPL : 405 ... window(...) Observable<Trade> Observable<Observable<Trade>> N secs N secs M secs
  • 104. @crichardson Using reduce() APPL : 402 APPL : 405 APPL : 405 APPL : 404 reduce(sumCalc) / length Observable<Trade> Observable<AveragePrice> Singleton
  • 105. @crichardson Using merge() merge() APPL : 401 IBM : 405 CAT : 405 ... APPL: 403 APPL : 401 IBM : 405 CAT : 405 APPL: 403 Observable<Observable<AveragePrice>> Observable<AveragePrice>
  • 106. @crichardson RxJS / NodeJS example var rx = require("rx"); function tailFile (fileName) { var self = this; var o = rx.Observable.create(function (observer) { var watcher = self.tail(fileName, function (line) { observer.onNext(line); }); return function () { watcher.close(); } }); return; } function parseLogLine(line) { ... }
  • 107. @crichardson Rx in the browser - implementing completion TextChanges(input) .DistinctUntilChanged() .Throttle(TimeSpan.FromMilliSeconds(10)) .Select(word=>Completions(word)) .Switch() .Subscribe(ObserveChanges(output)); Your Mouse is a Database Ajax call returning Observable Change events Observable Display completions
  • 108. @crichardson Summary Consuming web services asynchronously is essential Scala-style composable Futures are a powerful concurrency abstraction Rx Observables are even more powerful Rx Observables are a unifying abstraction for a wide variety of use cases