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CELE Project 2012

Mariwan Hama Saeed
10 weeks

Computer Science
MSc. Advanced Computing Science

Permission given to use this project
Word count: 3095

  Malware in Computer Systems: Problems and Solutions

                                       8 June 2012

Malware is a harmful programme, which has incredibly developed over the last decade. It
infects computer systems, deletes data files and steals valuable information from the
computer. This paper will focus on providing the most effective solutions to malware that
might mitigate the problems. It investigated four types of malware as well as it provided
the best three countermeasures. It suggests to computer users a number of practices,
such as training the staff about the security software. Students who study computer
science may get some benefits from this project.


Introduction ....................................................................................................... 1

1. Malware ......................................................................................................... 2

      1.1 Virus ..................................................................................................... 2

      1.2 Worm .................................................................................................... 2

      1.3 Trojan ................................................................................................... 3

      1.4 Spyware ................................................................................................ 4

2. Countermeasures of Malware ............................................................................. 5

       2.1 Firewall ................................................................................................. 5

       2.2 Security Software ................................................................................... 6

       2.3 Training ................................................................................................ 7

Conclusion ......................................................................................................... 9

List of references ................................................................................................ 10

Malware, which is a contraction of malicious software, is designed to destroy computer
systems and programmes. It has changed significantly and rapidly in the last decade and
the security software has greatly developed in the recent years. Today, there are many
forms of malware such as virus, worm, Trojan and spyware. Consequently, there are a
number of computer systems around the world which have been damaged as a result of
malware. Recently, the latest threat the Flame has been discovered. This threat is a form
of the malware that has been found in Iran and has been reported by both Aleks (2012)
and Symantec Security Response (2012) as the most complicated threat in the recent
year is located in the Middle-East. Aleks, who is a Kaspersky Lab expert, shows that
Kaspersky antivirus provided the solution for that threat as well as Symantec Corporation.

The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the problems of malware and provide the best
solutions of malware on computers. Firstly, the kinds of malware which include virus,
worm, Trojan and spyware will be examined. Secondly, the best effective solutions will be
presented which include firewall, security software, and training. This project identifies
the computer systems which are damaged as a result of harmful programmes.
Furthermore, it will show how the problems of malware can be mitigated via hardware
such as firewall or via software such as antivirus. However, this project has not provided
the completed solutions of threats because this is only a short project on harmful
software and indicates the countermeasures in a very few papers.

1. Malware

According to Moir (2003) defines that malware is related to any harmful programmes which are
designed to damage computer systems and programmes such as virus, worm, Trojan and spyware.

1.1 Virus

Virus is one of the types of Malware which is a piece of code that attaches to a programme or a file.
When the infected programme is run by a user, the virus executes secretly without the user’s noticing
(Vacca 2009:56-57). Stallings (200:602) indicates that many viruses need four stages to
infect and destroy computer systems. Firstly, dormant phase which is a stage known as an idle
step because the virus is idle and it is activated by date or by another programme. Secondly, the virus
tries to copy itself to another programme in the propagation phase. Thirdly, triggering phase in this
step the virus is ready to perform its function that is caused by several of system tasks such as
counting number of times. Damaging programmes, erasing files and then shutting down or restarting
of the computer are done by the virus in the execution phase. These steps are changed from one
computer to another computer and from one operating system to another one. It also depends on the
types of vulnerable points in the system.

There are many types of viruses one of them is a macro virus. This is one of the most common of
viruses that infect application programmes such as Microsoft Word, Excel and Access. When these
programmes are opened, the virus executes itself and performs different actions such as deleting files
and replicates itself to another programme. File infector is another type of virus that attaches to
executable codes (com and exe) and infect them when the files are installed. After that the virus will
execute (Cole et al. 2005:558).

Virus has three main actions. Firstly, the virus generates itself between computers on a network. This
is a significant point, which distinguishes a virus from other kinds of malware. Secondly, it installs itself
on a computer without users noticing. Furthermore, it damages software by changing, deleting the
software and randomly executes files then locks many sources such as mouse and keyboard (Salomon

1.2 Worm

Salomon (2010:99) defines the worm as “a programme that executes independently of
other programmes, replicates itself, and spreads through a network from computer to
computer.” This may mean that the worm is harmful software which infects host to host
via a vulnerable hole and a security hole in the systems. The main difference between
viruses and worms is that the viruses always hide in programmes, however, the worms

are working independently. Moreover, worms are mostly used by hackers rather than
viruses because the worms spread from computer to computer across network
connections (Kizza 2009:127-128). Stallings (2005:607) notes that the worm uses some
ways for spreading itself. Firstly, it uses email facilities to copy itself from system to
system. Secondly, the execution methods help the worm to run itself to other systems.
After that, it consumes login facilities in order to duplicate itself from one system to a
different system.

There are several types of worms, Morris is a famous kind of them. It was formed by
Robert Morris in 1998 Morris spreads on the UNIX operating system and uses various
numbers of techniques for copying itself. It makes several illegal actions such as,
receiving, sending and forwarding emails automatically, it also makes a combination
between user accounts and it exploits fingerprinting protocols. Code Red is another style
of the worms, which was released in 2001, exploits a security hole within the Microsoft
Internet Information Server (IIS) and disables the system file checker in Microsoft
Windows. This worm infected nearly 360,000 servers in 14 hours. In addition, Nimda is
another type of them that was created in 2001. It causes several issues in computers and
Internet systems, for example modifying Internet document extensions and it creates
several copies of itself under various names Stallings (2005:608-609).

1.3 Trojan

Collin (2004:338) explains that Trojan is a programme, which is put into a system by
hackers. It copies information without user's authorisation. Sometimes, the Trojans might
be useful programmes, such as games and anti-viruses. Users are aware of the
installation processes of Trojans, but they do not know about their hidden processes
(Vacca 2009:122). Trojans are different from viruses and worms because they do not
copy themselves. They might pass many security controls and they might not be stopped
by firewalls, these can be great threats to the security of organizations (Cole et al.

Trojan causes many actions. Firstly, it might steal data or may monitor user’s action
(Vacca 2009:295). Secondly, it is used for hacking technique by providing pieces of
hidden code in a benefit programme for example Green Saver. Moreover, Trojan uses an
executable script, such as JavaScript for introducing them into a user's workstation. Also,
the Trojan enters into the system via a lack of security to obtain unauthorized access of
resources (Vacca 2009:681). Furthermore, it can be indirectly used to complete actions,
whilst unauthorized users cannot finish them directly. For example, Trojan can be used

for reading files in another system (Stallings 2005:601). Trojan might run additional code
that performs a harmful activity in the system. Attackers use it in order to spreading
viruses or other types of malware into systems without the user’s attention (Cole

There are many types of Trojan that the Farfli Trojan77 is a one kind of Trojan. It was
created in 2007 that spreads massively, downloads and installs onto the computer. This
affected browsers, which were developed by Chinese programmers (Vacca 2009:681).
Net-Bus and Sub-Seven are other types of Trojan, which are used by the hackers and the
attackers for destroying systems and stealing significant information from the systems
(Nestler 2011:142-143).

1.4 Spyware

According to Collin (2004:313), spyware is a kind of software that might be installed on
the user's computer without their knowledge and it sends the user’s information to the
real source of itself. This means that spyware is created for stealing personal information
of the computer users. The main distinction between spyware, viruses and worms is that
spyware easily spread in the computers and they can be removed quickly. Furthermore,
pop-ups and spam are increased as a result of some types of spyware. These are
harassing users of the computer. In 2005 the NCSA reported that 61% of the computers
were affected by spyware around the world (CA, Geier, and Geier 2007:5-7).

Spyware uses many ways to gather information for the central source. Firstly, it uses
keystrokes which are responsible for copying sensitive information and passwords of the
computer’s user. Secondly, emails are used by the spyware for sending user’s data to the
creator of the spyware. Thirdly, much of the spyware are copying communications
between computer users and then sends to the spyware’s owner. Some applications and
websites are used by the spyware for monitoring users (Cole et al. 2008:314).

Spyware can do many huge actions. The spyware might be installed in computers without
user authorisation; it may find some ways to enter computers via free soft-wares and
games, which are downloaded from websites. Some types of spyware destroy desktop
icons, computer programmes and web browsers. This is annoying computer users. It
makes computers and the Internet slowdown that is a significant problem when users are
trying to download large files, watching online videos and using computer programmes
(CA, Geier, and Geier 2007:5-7).

2. Countermeasures of Malware

There are many ways that can be used for mitigating the impacts of the malware on
computer systems. This section will explain the solutions of malware in terms of Firewall,
Security Software and Training.

2.1 Firewall

The rapid growth of technology in terms of Internet and computers led to growth in the
number of users and activities of the users but no all activities of the users are
acceptable. Computers should have been protected against of the unacceptable actions of
the users. Therefore, home computers and organisation computers need protection
because they are facing threats from the internal users and the external users. The
administrators of these computers should be able to find ways to protect the computers. A
firewall is one of the best ways for protecting computers (Kizza 2009:249). Microsoft
Corporation (n.d.) defines that the firewall as “ a software programme or piece of
hardware that helps screen out hackers, viruses, and worms that try to reach your
computer over the Internet.” This means that the firewall is a protection of computer
systems in a considerable way.

The hardware and software firewalls are designed to protect computers from Malware,
which include Trojans, Viruses, Spywares and Worms. A personal computer usually one
computer that is better to protect it by software firewall that is called a personal firewall
(Salomon 2010:202-203). Cole et al. (2008:318) indicate that the personal firewall is a
software work on the user’s computer that can be very effective and it can block inside
actions and outside actions that come from the Internet. It allows the users of the
computer to manually block and permit in and out traffic. However, for connecting various
numbers of computers and producing group of computers this needs protection. In that
situation, it is better to use a hardware firewall, which is the same as the personal firewall
in working but it is more robust than personal firewall (Salomon 2010:202-203).

According to Cole et al. (2008:59-60), There are many problems can be solved by a
firewall. The firewall helps operating system services for distinguishing fake applications
and fake users. This is called poor authentication. It scans free programmes in a highly
effective way and identifies which one of them is not optimized and creates a vulnerability
hole in the security of the computer operating system. Moreover, hackers are blocked in a
highly effective way by firewall. The firewall works all times against attackers, who are

responsible for destroying computer programmes because it can be able to block some
types of attacks.

However, the firewall has many limitations for some kind of problems. Some of the
attackers can bypass the firewall. In this situation the firewall cannot block that attackers.
Some internal threats cannot remove by firewall such as employees who work with
external attacker against the companies. In addition, firewall cannot detect all types of
malware because it would be impossible for the firewall to scan all emails, messages and
programmes for identifying which types of malware they include (Stallings 2005:623-
624). It is clear that for providing the most effective security for any organisations and
companies the firewall is not perfect because it can solve some problems not all of the
problems. Security software is another solution that can be used with firewalls for
establishing that purpose.

2.2 Security Software

Today, much software is designed for securing computer operating systems. Antivirus
programmes are one of the most effective programmes that are widely used for securing
computers against viruses, worms and Trojans. Computer users also use anti-spyware
programmes which are another programme for protecting computers from spyware.

Antivirus software, which is one of the best programmes, can be used to protect
computers from malware. In the past, antivirus programmes were very simple software
packages and viruses were uncomplicated codes. The viruses were solved easily.
However, the viruses are more complicated, such as Flame virus, which was reported by
Kaspersky and Norton anti-virus programmes as one of the sophisticated viruses that
spread in the middle-east last month. Similar to viruses’ antivirus software has
significantly grown.

Many antivirus programmes use three steps to eliminate viruses from the infected
systems one of them is detection step. In this step when the infection has happened, the
antivirus programme may locate the virus. Identification is the second stage that viruses
are identified by the antivirus programme. Removal is the final, in this stage antivirus
programme remove the viruses. However, when the anti-virus programmes are unable to
clean the infected systems from viruses in those stages, restoring backup version of the
system might be one of the possible alternative ways to solve this problem (Stallings

Currently, there are many antivirus programmes that can be used to protect computer
systems. Microsoft Security Essentials is one of the antivirus programmes, which is used
to guard computer systems from threats. It is free, easy to use and it does not need to
scan the computer systems or update itself because it does automatically via the
Microsoft website. It can be said Norton and Kaspersky antivirus programmes are the best
antivirus programmes that can be used to protect systems and eliminate viruses from an
infected system. They need virus signature updates because they use virus signature
updates for eliminating and protecting systems from the latest viruses (Cole et al.

It is clear that some antivirus programmes can not able to remove threats such as
spyware because antivirus programmes face a number of difficult obstacles. Vacca
(2009:61-62) points out that one of the challenges for the antivirus programmes is a
complicated malware, which is growing continuously. The infected system is another
obstacle for the antivirus programmes. Moreover, many malware stay in memory that
affect files and attack the computer system processes. Sometimes the antivirus
programmes are turned off by some of the most dangerous threats. In this situation that
is possible to use anti-spyware programmes, which are one of the alternative
programmes that can be used for removing and cleaning systems from spyware.

Anti-spyware programmes guard computer systems from spyware. Today, there are
many numbers of anti-spyware programmes that can be seen. Microsoft Corporation
(n.d.) argues that the Microsoft Windows Defender one of the programmes that can able
to protect systems from a various number of spyware but it needs updating to work
properly. It offers two ways to scan computer systems against spyware. Real-time
protection in this way the programme alerts the user about the spyware when the
spyware wants to install on the system. Scanning options that is the second way offers
the user the schedule scan and the custom scan of the system against the spyware.
However the security software may not able to protect the computer systems completely.
Training method is one of the ways that can assist the security programmes and the
firewalls to provide the highly protection of the computer systems against the malware.

2.3 Training

Training is an additional protection for the firewalls and the security software for
countermeasures of Malware. It can be provided for members and staffs of any
organisations because the implementation of a robust and secure organization such as
universities and companies is not enough and needs highly skilled employees in terms of

security. Today new vulnerabilities and new threats are discovered. It is important for IT
staffs in any organisation to be prepared for identifying the vulnerabilities and threats
Vacca (ed.) (2009:9-10).

Cole et al. (2008) indicate that there are many practices that can be provided for IT
staffs. They should open only expected emails no stranger emails because many stranger
emails include graphic files and audio files. These files are used by hackers and attackers
for spreading threats and catching useful information. Another practice for the staffs
should use other email clients for reading and receiving questionable emails because
these emails may be shared by other members in public clients. It seems possible that IT
staffs should know how to use the security programmes and how can update these
programmes. It is better to scan all the downloaded files from emails before using to
protect the computer systems from threats.


The issues of malware have not been solved completely in this project because they have
developed considerably. This paper has discussed the problems of the dangerous types of
the malware and has provided some significant countermeasures for the malware. The
solutions have been presented in great ways in terms of firewalls, the security software
and providing training in a highly useful way for the staff of an organisation because
insecure organisation is more sustainable to be effected by threats than a more secure

According to Microsoft Corporation (n.d.), it seems that Microsoft Windows Defender and
Microsoft Security Essential are the programmes that may be very useful for mitigating
the problems of malware. However, Cole et al. (2008) suggest that there are many
practices of the members of the organisations that can be provided. It is clear that this
paper has not suggested all the possible solutions to reduce the problems of harmful
programmes because this is limited in terms of the number of words. It also suggested
that for any users of computer around the world they should be able to use the security
programmes and know how these programmes are updated via the Internet and how can
the infected computer be solved. Today, the number of hackers and attackers has
extremely grown. They use various types of malware for stealing information and
damaging, deleting computer systems and data files. It will be better for other
researchers to provide extra solutions for the malware.

List of References

Aleks (2012) The Flame: Questions and Answers [online] available from
< swers> [5
May 2012]

CA, Geier, E., and Geier J. (2007) Simple Computer Security. Indianapolis: Wiley

Cole E., Krutz R., and Conley J. W. (2005) Network Security Bible. Indianapolis: Wiley

Cole, E., Krutz, R. L., Conley, W. J., Reisman, B., Ruebush, M., Gollmann, D., and Reese,
R. (2008) Network Security Fundamentals. Danvers: Wiley Publishing

Collin, S.M.H. (2004) Dictionary of Computing. Bloomsbury Publishing Plc: Peter Collin

Kizza, J. M. (2009) Guide to Computer Network Security. London: Springer

Microsoft Corporation (n.d.) what is a firewall [online] available from
<> [27 May 2012]

Microsoft Corporation (n.d.) Microsoft Security Essentials [online] available from
< > [2 May

Microsoft Corporation (n.d.) Windows Defender [online] available from
[2 May 2012]

Moir, R. (2003) Defining Malware [online] available from <> [20 May 2012]

Nestler, V., Conklin, A., White, G., and Hirsch, M. (2011) Principles of Computer Security.
New York: McGraw-Hill

Salomon, D. (2010) the elements of computer security. London: Springer

Stallings, W. (2005) Cryptography and Network Security Principles and Practices. London:
Prentice Hall

Symantec Security Response (2012) Flamer: Highly Sophisticated and Discreet Threat
Targets the Middle East [online] available from
threat-targets-middle-east> [5 May 2012]

Vacca, J. R. (ed.) (2009) Computer and Information Security. Burlington: Morgan


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  • 1. CELE Project 2012 Mariwan Hama Saeed 2110342 10 weeks Computer Science MSc. Advanced Computing Science Permission given to use this project Word count: 3095 Malware in Computer Systems: Problems and Solutions 8 June 2012
  • 2. Abstract Malware is a harmful programme, which has incredibly developed over the last decade. It infects computer systems, deletes data files and steals valuable information from the computer. This paper will focus on providing the most effective solutions to malware that might mitigate the problems. It investigated four types of malware as well as it provided the best three countermeasures. It suggests to computer users a number of practices, such as training the staff about the security software. Students who study computer science may get some benefits from this project.
  • 3. Contents Abstract Introduction ....................................................................................................... 1 1. Malware ......................................................................................................... 2 1.1 Virus ..................................................................................................... 2 1.2 Worm .................................................................................................... 2 1.3 Trojan ................................................................................................... 3 1.4 Spyware ................................................................................................ 4 2. Countermeasures of Malware ............................................................................. 5 2.1 Firewall ................................................................................................. 5 2.2 Security Software ................................................................................... 6 2.3 Training ................................................................................................ 7 Conclusion ......................................................................................................... 9 List of references ................................................................................................ 10
  • 4. Introduction Malware, which is a contraction of malicious software, is designed to destroy computer systems and programmes. It has changed significantly and rapidly in the last decade and the security software has greatly developed in the recent years. Today, there are many forms of malware such as virus, worm, Trojan and spyware. Consequently, there are a number of computer systems around the world which have been damaged as a result of malware. Recently, the latest threat the Flame has been discovered. This threat is a form of the malware that has been found in Iran and has been reported by both Aleks (2012) and Symantec Security Response (2012) as the most complicated threat in the recent year is located in the Middle-East. Aleks, who is a Kaspersky Lab expert, shows that Kaspersky antivirus provided the solution for that threat as well as Symantec Corporation. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the problems of malware and provide the best solutions of malware on computers. Firstly, the kinds of malware which include virus, worm, Trojan and spyware will be examined. Secondly, the best effective solutions will be presented which include firewall, security software, and training. This project identifies the computer systems which are damaged as a result of harmful programmes. Furthermore, it will show how the problems of malware can be mitigated via hardware such as firewall or via software such as antivirus. However, this project has not provided the completed solutions of threats because this is only a short project on harmful software and indicates the countermeasures in a very few papers. 1
  • 5. 1. Malware According to Moir (2003) defines that malware is related to any harmful programmes which are designed to damage computer systems and programmes such as virus, worm, Trojan and spyware. 1.1 Virus Virus is one of the types of Malware which is a piece of code that attaches to a programme or a file. When the infected programme is run by a user, the virus executes secretly without the user’s noticing (Vacca 2009:56-57). Stallings (200:602) indicates that many viruses need four stages to infect and destroy computer systems. Firstly, dormant phase which is a stage known as an idle step because the virus is idle and it is activated by date or by another programme. Secondly, the virus tries to copy itself to another programme in the propagation phase. Thirdly, triggering phase in this step the virus is ready to perform its function that is caused by several of system tasks such as counting number of times. Damaging programmes, erasing files and then shutting down or restarting of the computer are done by the virus in the execution phase. These steps are changed from one computer to another computer and from one operating system to another one. It also depends on the types of vulnerable points in the system. There are many types of viruses one of them is a macro virus. This is one of the most common of viruses that infect application programmes such as Microsoft Word, Excel and Access. When these programmes are opened, the virus executes itself and performs different actions such as deleting files and replicates itself to another programme. File infector is another type of virus that attaches to executable codes (com and exe) and infect them when the files are installed. After that the virus will execute (Cole et al. 2005:558). Virus has three main actions. Firstly, the virus generates itself between computers on a network. This is a significant point, which distinguishes a virus from other kinds of malware. Secondly, it installs itself on a computer without users noticing. Furthermore, it damages software by changing, deleting the software and randomly executes files then locks many sources such as mouse and keyboard (Salomon 2010:43). 1.2 Worm Salomon (2010:99) defines the worm as “a programme that executes independently of other programmes, replicates itself, and spreads through a network from computer to computer.” This may mean that the worm is harmful software which infects host to host via a vulnerable hole and a security hole in the systems. The main difference between viruses and worms is that the viruses always hide in programmes, however, the worms 2
  • 6. are working independently. Moreover, worms are mostly used by hackers rather than viruses because the worms spread from computer to computer across network connections (Kizza 2009:127-128). Stallings (2005:607) notes that the worm uses some ways for spreading itself. Firstly, it uses email facilities to copy itself from system to system. Secondly, the execution methods help the worm to run itself to other systems. After that, it consumes login facilities in order to duplicate itself from one system to a different system. There are several types of worms, Morris is a famous kind of them. It was formed by Robert Morris in 1998 Morris spreads on the UNIX operating system and uses various numbers of techniques for copying itself. It makes several illegal actions such as, receiving, sending and forwarding emails automatically, it also makes a combination between user accounts and it exploits fingerprinting protocols. Code Red is another style of the worms, which was released in 2001, exploits a security hole within the Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) and disables the system file checker in Microsoft Windows. This worm infected nearly 360,000 servers in 14 hours. In addition, Nimda is another type of them that was created in 2001. It causes several issues in computers and Internet systems, for example modifying Internet document extensions and it creates several copies of itself under various names Stallings (2005:608-609). 1.3 Trojan Collin (2004:338) explains that Trojan is a programme, which is put into a system by hackers. It copies information without user's authorisation. Sometimes, the Trojans might be useful programmes, such as games and anti-viruses. Users are aware of the installation processes of Trojans, but they do not know about their hidden processes (Vacca 2009:122). Trojans are different from viruses and worms because they do not copy themselves. They might pass many security controls and they might not be stopped by firewalls, these can be great threats to the security of organizations (Cole et al. 2008:312-313). Trojan causes many actions. Firstly, it might steal data or may monitor user’s action (Vacca 2009:295). Secondly, it is used for hacking technique by providing pieces of hidden code in a benefit programme for example Green Saver. Moreover, Trojan uses an executable script, such as JavaScript for introducing them into a user's workstation. Also, the Trojan enters into the system via a lack of security to obtain unauthorized access of resources (Vacca 2009:681). Furthermore, it can be indirectly used to complete actions, whilst unauthorized users cannot finish them directly. For example, Trojan can be used 3
  • 7. for reading files in another system (Stallings 2005:601). Trojan might run additional code that performs a harmful activity in the system. Attackers use it in order to spreading viruses or other types of malware into systems without the user’s attention (Cole 2005:486-487). There are many types of Trojan that the Farfli Trojan77 is a one kind of Trojan. It was created in 2007 that spreads massively, downloads and installs onto the computer. This affected browsers, which were developed by Chinese programmers (Vacca 2009:681). Net-Bus and Sub-Seven are other types of Trojan, which are used by the hackers and the attackers for destroying systems and stealing significant information from the systems (Nestler 2011:142-143). 1.4 Spyware According to Collin (2004:313), spyware is a kind of software that might be installed on the user's computer without their knowledge and it sends the user’s information to the real source of itself. This means that spyware is created for stealing personal information of the computer users. The main distinction between spyware, viruses and worms is that spyware easily spread in the computers and they can be removed quickly. Furthermore, pop-ups and spam are increased as a result of some types of spyware. These are harassing users of the computer. In 2005 the NCSA reported that 61% of the computers were affected by spyware around the world (CA, Geier, and Geier 2007:5-7). Spyware uses many ways to gather information for the central source. Firstly, it uses keystrokes which are responsible for copying sensitive information and passwords of the computer’s user. Secondly, emails are used by the spyware for sending user’s data to the creator of the spyware. Thirdly, much of the spyware are copying communications between computer users and then sends to the spyware’s owner. Some applications and websites are used by the spyware for monitoring users (Cole et al. 2008:314). Spyware can do many huge actions. The spyware might be installed in computers without user authorisation; it may find some ways to enter computers via free soft-wares and games, which are downloaded from websites. Some types of spyware destroy desktop icons, computer programmes and web browsers. This is annoying computer users. It makes computers and the Internet slowdown that is a significant problem when users are trying to download large files, watching online videos and using computer programmes (CA, Geier, and Geier 2007:5-7). 4
  • 8. 2. Countermeasures of Malware There are many ways that can be used for mitigating the impacts of the malware on computer systems. This section will explain the solutions of malware in terms of Firewall, Security Software and Training. 2.1 Firewall The rapid growth of technology in terms of Internet and computers led to growth in the number of users and activities of the users but no all activities of the users are acceptable. Computers should have been protected against of the unacceptable actions of the users. Therefore, home computers and organisation computers need protection because they are facing threats from the internal users and the external users. The administrators of these computers should be able to find ways to protect the computers. A firewall is one of the best ways for protecting computers (Kizza 2009:249). Microsoft Corporation (n.d.) defines that the firewall as “ a software programme or piece of hardware that helps screen out hackers, viruses, and worms that try to reach your computer over the Internet.” This means that the firewall is a protection of computer systems in a considerable way. The hardware and software firewalls are designed to protect computers from Malware, which include Trojans, Viruses, Spywares and Worms. A personal computer usually one computer that is better to protect it by software firewall that is called a personal firewall (Salomon 2010:202-203). Cole et al. (2008:318) indicate that the personal firewall is a software work on the user’s computer that can be very effective and it can block inside actions and outside actions that come from the Internet. It allows the users of the computer to manually block and permit in and out traffic. However, for connecting various numbers of computers and producing group of computers this needs protection. In that situation, it is better to use a hardware firewall, which is the same as the personal firewall in working but it is more robust than personal firewall (Salomon 2010:202-203). According to Cole et al. (2008:59-60), There are many problems can be solved by a firewall. The firewall helps operating system services for distinguishing fake applications and fake users. This is called poor authentication. It scans free programmes in a highly effective way and identifies which one of them is not optimized and creates a vulnerability hole in the security of the computer operating system. Moreover, hackers are blocked in a highly effective way by firewall. The firewall works all times against attackers, who are 5
  • 9. responsible for destroying computer programmes because it can be able to block some types of attacks. However, the firewall has many limitations for some kind of problems. Some of the attackers can bypass the firewall. In this situation the firewall cannot block that attackers. Some internal threats cannot remove by firewall such as employees who work with external attacker against the companies. In addition, firewall cannot detect all types of malware because it would be impossible for the firewall to scan all emails, messages and programmes for identifying which types of malware they include (Stallings 2005:623- 624). It is clear that for providing the most effective security for any organisations and companies the firewall is not perfect because it can solve some problems not all of the problems. Security software is another solution that can be used with firewalls for establishing that purpose. 2.2 Security Software Today, much software is designed for securing computer operating systems. Antivirus programmes are one of the most effective programmes that are widely used for securing computers against viruses, worms and Trojans. Computer users also use anti-spyware programmes which are another programme for protecting computers from spyware. Antivirus software, which is one of the best programmes, can be used to protect computers from malware. In the past, antivirus programmes were very simple software packages and viruses were uncomplicated codes. The viruses were solved easily. However, the viruses are more complicated, such as Flame virus, which was reported by Kaspersky and Norton anti-virus programmes as one of the sophisticated viruses that spread in the middle-east last month. Similar to viruses’ antivirus software has significantly grown. Many antivirus programmes use three steps to eliminate viruses from the infected systems one of them is detection step. In this step when the infection has happened, the antivirus programme may locate the virus. Identification is the second stage that viruses are identified by the antivirus programme. Removal is the final, in this stage antivirus programme remove the viruses. However, when the anti-virus programmes are unable to clean the infected systems from viruses in those stages, restoring backup version of the system might be one of the possible alternative ways to solve this problem (Stallings 2005:610). 6
  • 10. Currently, there are many antivirus programmes that can be used to protect computer systems. Microsoft Security Essentials is one of the antivirus programmes, which is used to guard computer systems from threats. It is free, easy to use and it does not need to scan the computer systems or update itself because it does automatically via the Microsoft website. It can be said Norton and Kaspersky antivirus programmes are the best antivirus programmes that can be used to protect systems and eliminate viruses from an infected system. They need virus signature updates because they use virus signature updates for eliminating and protecting systems from the latest viruses (Cole et al. 2008:317-318). It is clear that some antivirus programmes can not able to remove threats such as spyware because antivirus programmes face a number of difficult obstacles. Vacca (2009:61-62) points out that one of the challenges for the antivirus programmes is a complicated malware, which is growing continuously. The infected system is another obstacle for the antivirus programmes. Moreover, many malware stay in memory that affect files and attack the computer system processes. Sometimes the antivirus programmes are turned off by some of the most dangerous threats. In this situation that is possible to use anti-spyware programmes, which are one of the alternative programmes that can be used for removing and cleaning systems from spyware. Anti-spyware programmes guard computer systems from spyware. Today, there are many numbers of anti-spyware programmes that can be seen. Microsoft Corporation (n.d.) argues that the Microsoft Windows Defender one of the programmes that can able to protect systems from a various number of spyware but it needs updating to work properly. It offers two ways to scan computer systems against spyware. Real-time protection in this way the programme alerts the user about the spyware when the spyware wants to install on the system. Scanning options that is the second way offers the user the schedule scan and the custom scan of the system against the spyware. However the security software may not able to protect the computer systems completely. Training method is one of the ways that can assist the security programmes and the firewalls to provide the highly protection of the computer systems against the malware. 2.3 Training Training is an additional protection for the firewalls and the security software for countermeasures of Malware. It can be provided for members and staffs of any organisations because the implementation of a robust and secure organization such as universities and companies is not enough and needs highly skilled employees in terms of 7
  • 11. security. Today new vulnerabilities and new threats are discovered. It is important for IT staffs in any organisation to be prepared for identifying the vulnerabilities and threats Vacca (ed.) (2009:9-10). Cole et al. (2008) indicate that there are many practices that can be provided for IT staffs. They should open only expected emails no stranger emails because many stranger emails include graphic files and audio files. These files are used by hackers and attackers for spreading threats and catching useful information. Another practice for the staffs should use other email clients for reading and receiving questionable emails because these emails may be shared by other members in public clients. It seems possible that IT staffs should know how to use the security programmes and how can update these programmes. It is better to scan all the downloaded files from emails before using to protect the computer systems from threats. 8
  • 12. Conclusion The issues of malware have not been solved completely in this project because they have developed considerably. This paper has discussed the problems of the dangerous types of the malware and has provided some significant countermeasures for the malware. The solutions have been presented in great ways in terms of firewalls, the security software and providing training in a highly useful way for the staff of an organisation because insecure organisation is more sustainable to be effected by threats than a more secure one. According to Microsoft Corporation (n.d.), it seems that Microsoft Windows Defender and Microsoft Security Essential are the programmes that may be very useful for mitigating the problems of malware. However, Cole et al. (2008) suggest that there are many practices of the members of the organisations that can be provided. It is clear that this paper has not suggested all the possible solutions to reduce the problems of harmful programmes because this is limited in terms of the number of words. It also suggested that for any users of computer around the world they should be able to use the security programmes and know how these programmes are updated via the Internet and how can the infected computer be solved. Today, the number of hackers and attackers has extremely grown. They use various types of malware for stealing information and damaging, deleting computer systems and data files. It will be better for other researchers to provide extra solutions for the malware. 9
  • 13. List of References Aleks (2012) The Flame: Questions and Answers [online] available from < swers> [5 May 2012] CA, Geier, E., and Geier J. (2007) Simple Computer Security. Indianapolis: Wiley Publishing Cole E., Krutz R., and Conley J. W. (2005) Network Security Bible. Indianapolis: Wiley Publishing Cole, E., Krutz, R. L., Conley, W. J., Reisman, B., Ruebush, M., Gollmann, D., and Reese, R. (2008) Network Security Fundamentals. Danvers: Wiley Publishing Collin, S.M.H. (2004) Dictionary of Computing. Bloomsbury Publishing Plc: Peter Collin Publishing Kizza, J. M. (2009) Guide to Computer Network Security. London: Springer Microsoft Corporation (n.d.) what is a firewall [online] available from <> [27 May 2012] Microsoft Corporation (n.d.) Microsoft Security Essentials [online] available from < > [2 May 2012] Microsoft Corporation (n.d.) Windows Defender [online] available from <> [2 May 2012] Moir, R. (2003) Defining Malware [online] available from <> [20 May 2012] Nestler, V., Conklin, A., White, G., and Hirsch, M. (2011) Principles of Computer Security. New York: McGraw-Hill Salomon, D. (2010) the elements of computer security. London: Springer 10
  • 14. Stallings, W. (2005) Cryptography and Network Security Principles and Practices. London: Prentice Hall Symantec Security Response (2012) Flamer: Highly Sophisticated and Discreet Threat Targets the Middle East [online] available from < threat-targets-middle-east> [5 May 2012] Vacca, J. R. (ed.) (2009) Computer and Information Security. Burlington: Morgan Kaufmann 11