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 Even though there are no marks attached to the
preparatory activities it is essential for learners to
carry out these activities in preparation for their
production task so that each individual learner’s work
can be authenticated.
 Failure to carry out sufficient research into relevant
genres and media forms as well as adequately plan a
chosen production is also likely to restrict a learner’s
ability to meet the higher levels of the marking
 In preparation for the production task, learners
should carry out research into professionally
produced media products that are similar in
genre, style and form to the media products
proposed in their chosen production brief.
 Task 1: Choose THREE different magazines
similar in genre and form to your assigned
production (Three magazine covers and three
contents pages from those same magazines)
Research must include:
 learners notes on professionally produced media products that are
similar in genre, style and form to the media products proposed in
their chosen brief (see Section 2f of the specification).
Research may also include:
 fieldwork (e.g. a location recce for filming or digitally
photographed stills) and internet or paper-based research as
appropriate to the chosen brief.
You must deconstruct, analyse and make notes on these
professionally produced media products so that you can further
develop knowledge and understanding of your chosen media form’s
distinctive media language, for example:
 how genre conventions are employed
 how and why intertextuality is employed
 how combinations of media language elements are used to
create meaning and construct representations that address an
intended audience.
Learners should be prepared to analyse the distinctive media language elements
appropriate to the brief chosen, listed below:
Magazines as part of a cross-media brief:
 layout
 typography
 use of language
 use of images.
Online media as part of a cross-media brief:
 layout
 navigation
 use of language
 use of images/text/audio/video.
 To be able to identify and name the main
graphic elements in a magazine cover.
 Magazine covers include a series of
conventional graphic elements.
 These elements can vary from one magazine to
another, and from one genre to another, but
there are certain ones that invariable are staples
on a magazine cover (i.e. masthead, cover lines,
main image)
 Have a look at the following examples.
MASTHEAD:This is the
title and/or logo of the
Identifies the brand. It
is conventionally
located in the same
the photograph or
illustration that
occupies the central
area in the cover.This
image illustrate what
the magazine is about,
as well as what is the
main issue.
This is the text that
accompanies the main
image. It further
explains the more
about the main feature
of the magazine. It is
usually the biggest text
box after the masthead.
form the main cover
line, there will be
others that flag up
different issues inside
the magazine.
Colours such black,
white and pearl/golden
convey elegance,
glamour and luxury.
The choice of black for
the background
matches the model’s
dress and hair colours.
MASTHEAD: This is the
name and logo of the
Identifies the brand. It is
usually located in the same
place, conventionally at the
top centre or top left of the
magazine’s front cover.
COVER LINES: Aside form the
main cover line, there will be
others that flag up different
issues inside the magazine.
The font types used in this
magazine cover are a
combination of sans-serif and
serif font types.
white and red. The choice of
colours is determined by
the main image. The colours
applied to the text (font
types) are intended to
match the main image,
creating a coherent colour
scheme and visually
integrating both text and
This is the text that
accompanies the main
image. It further explains
the more about the main
feature of the magazine. It is
usually the biggest text box
after the masthead.
MAIN IMAGE: This is the
photograph or illustration
that occupies the biggest
area in the cover. This image
tells you what the magazine is
about, as well as what is the
main issue.
freebie attached to the front
MASTHEAD: This is the
name and branding image
(logo) of the magazine. It is
usually located in the same
place to identify the brand.
The bold colours and large
font is intended to make it
immediately recognisable
for its target audience.
COVER LINES: Aside from
the main cover line, there
will be others that flag up
other additional contents
of this magazine’s issue.
Cover lines are
conventionally written in
The FONT TYPES used in this magazine cover are sans-serif fonts in capitals, which have a
contemporary look, and are easy to read.
colours used in the font
types match, harmonise or
contrast with those of the
main image. It is paramount
that both graphic elements
(text and image) are
perfectly integrated in a
balanced and coherent
the text that accompanies
the main image. It further
explains the more about
the main feature of the
magazine. It is usually the
biggest text box after the
MAIN IMAGE: The biggest
image, which occupies the
central area of the cover.
This image illustrates and
represents the main
feature of this particular
issue, being this usually
the main article.
BARCODE: Is not a graphic
element as such, but a
purely functional element.
of the price of the magazine
and the publication date.
SKYLINE: Usually offers information about additional content or is used as a unique selling point
Looking at your chosen three magazine covers, answer these questions:
 How many graphic elements can you spot?
 Describe the masthead.What font types are used (serif/sans serif)?What
colour is used? Is it a conventional one? Is it conventional for this specific
 What is the main cover line (image/cover line)?
 What other cover lines are included?
 What is the composition of the text and images?Think of size of text and
position of images.
 What are the codes and conventions of that particular genre.
 What are the main two colours in the main image?
 What are the main two colours in the text?
 Is there a skyline above the masthead? What font type and colour?What
 Is there a strapline at the bottom of the front cover?
 Where is the dateline and price placed?
 To know what generic codes and
conventions are.
 What does code mean?
 What does convention mean?
All genres are defined by a series of codes and
Codes are a system of symbols used to
communicate a message or idea.
Conventions are the repetition and
reinforcement of normative values.
Colour pink.
Conventionally is a
colour associated
with femininity.
Here is used to
represent femininity
and appeal to a
female target
audience. It also
matches the soft lip
tone of the model in
the image.
The model in the cover
is a well known actress.
She appeals to a
female target
audience and portraits
the main contents of
this magazine genre:
fashion, beauty and
The size of the
masthead is the
biggest text in the
cover.This is because
the masthead is the
name/title of the
The model’s face is
in front of the
masthead, while this
is still easily legible
The size of the text
varies according to
the prominence of
the feature or
article’s cover line….
Colour white
Looking at your chosen three magazine
covers, analyse their generic codes and
conventions as per the example provided.
Contents page
 To be able to identify and name the main
graphic elements in a magazine’s contents
Masthead: Is included in the
contents page as well as the
Title:The word contents
indicates that this is the contents
page, but is also accompanied by
the V from the masthead which,
in addition to the masthead,
identifies the page as being part
ofVibe magazine.The numbers
1/3 indicate that this is the first
page out of three.
Contents sections: Divided in
two different sections and
composed in one column:
Features and Fashion.
Each one of these two sections is
subdivided in different contents.
Footer: Includes information
such as dateline, masthead and
page number.
Each different content in the
magazine is presented by the
page number where we can find
Cover feature:The contents
page usually highlights the cover
main feature.
Font types:There are two
different font types used for
the different texts in this page.
The page title as well as the
masthead is written in sans-
serif, however the headings in
the contents sections and the
dateline underneath the
masthead are written in serif.
The word CONTENTS is in bold
writing so it stands out when
you read it.
Main image:The guy is
showing off because he has
grills and lots of chains and
acting as if he is a bad guy.
Credits: provides information about the
photographer who took the image as well as the
date when the image was taken.
Page title of the special issueMasthead: Is
included in the
header of the
contents page.
Contents sections:
Divided in different
sections and
composed around
the main image.
Each one of these
two sections is
subdivided in
different contents
with their
corresponding page
Each different content in the
magazine is presented by the
page number where we can find
Font types:There are two
different font types used for
the different texts in this page:
The page title as well as the
masthead is written in serif,
however the headings in the
contents sections and the
dateline underneath the
masthead are written in sans
serif.The date, as well as the
headlines, is written in bold
capitals, so it stands out over
the other text (bylines of each
content’s headline).
Credits: Additional
information on the
front cover image
Each different
headline is written in
bold capitals, in
contrast with the
byline, which is
written in regular
lower case.
HEADER gives information
about the issue number and the
date of the magazine.
TITLE of the page
MAIN IMAGE The largest
picture of the page, illustrating
the main article or feature of
this issue. It displays the page
number where the article can
be found and a little caption.
CREDIT this is usually written in
a smaller font size,
conventionally on the side
margin or the bottom of the
categories, making it easier to
find the specific contents.
Each content is included in a
particular section and has a
page number, headline in
capitals and subheading (brief
description of the content) in
copy/body text (lower case).
Illustrating other contents
of this magazine’s issue.
EDITORIAL this is the
editor’s introduction to
this magazine’s issue.
 Analyse the different elements of a contents page of your choice (chose
the same magazine as per the previous front cover analysis)
 Analyse masthead/title, main image, sections, cover stories and
headlines and every element in the page such as date, footer, page
number etc.
 Analyse use of font types (serif/sans serif), use of images, sizes of text
and images and use of a colour scheme.
 Analyse the different graphic elements and use of graphic media
language in order to construct representation.
 Analyse the codes and conventions in those magazine covers, following
the previous example.
The more exhaustive your analysis is, the higher your grade will be! Use the
examples provided as reference.
Assignment 3. Magazine design
 To understand the concept house style in a
 A company’s preferred manner of
presentation and layout of their graphic
 A set of rules concerning graphic elements
(colours, images and typography) observed
by editorial and printing staff in a particular
publishing or printing company.
A set of rules concerning graphic elements (layout, colours, images and typography) observed
by the graphic, editorial and printing staff in a particular publishing or printing company.
 How do these different front pages maintain consistency in their
 Analyse all graphic elements such as masthead, main image,
main cover line, additional cover lines, dateline and any other
graphic elements that you think are relevant.
 Analyse use of font types (serif/sans serif), sizes of different
blocks of text and images, use of images and use of a colour
 Analyse the use of graphic media language in order to construct
 Analyse the codes and conventions in those magazine covers.
What are the main elements in the National Geographic magazine’s house style (think
of use of colour and shapes, font types, images, camera shots, composition. List as
many as you can in the next slide.
TASK: What are the main elements in the National Geographic Magazine’s house style (think of use of colour and
shapes, font types, images, camera shots, composition. List as many as you can in the next slide.
1. Colour and shapes:
2. Font types: Serif or sans-serif?
3. Images:
4. Camera shots:
5. Composition:
TASK: What are the main elements in the National Geographic Magazine’s house style (think of use of colour and
shapes, font types, images, camera shots, composition. List as many as you can in the next slide.
• Format/proportions/dimensions: Vertical format (also called portrait)
• Use of colour and shapes: Characteristic yellow portrait frame as branding image. Used also as logo
on the TV channel’s fly.
• Font types: Serif for the masthead, connoting the old tradition of the National Geographic Society,
and Sans Serif for the cover lines, connoting the contemporary aspect of the publication.
• Images: Conventionally, there is just one image occupying the totality of the front cover. This image is
usually a close up shot (portrait) or another shot used in a very similar fashion (such as the illustration
on example 2 or the general shot used on example 6)
• Camera shots: Conventionally Close ups.
• Composition: Masthead centred at the top of the front cover. Image occupies the totality of the cover.
Main cover line centred. Additional cover lines placed at the bottom left or right.
• Codes: The National Geographic is a magazine published by the National Geographic Society. Founded
in 1888, its interests include geography, archaeology, and natural science, the promotion
of environmental and historical conservation, and the study of world culture and history. All these
topics are clearly reflected in the images framed in its characteristic logo. The use of serif font types
for the masthead, connote the old tradition of the National Geographic Society. This masthead has
barely changed since the original publication of the magazine.
• Conventions: One conventional element is the characteristic yellow
portrait frame as branding image, which is also used also as logo on
the TV channel’s fly, as well as being the logo of the National Geographic
Society itself. Another conventional element is the use of a portrait close
up photography as main front cover image.
What are the main elements in Time magazine’s house style (think of use of colour and
shapes, font types, images, camera shots, composition. List as many as you can in the next
TASK: What are the main elements in Time magazine’s house style (think of use of colour and shapes, font types,
images, camera shots, composition. List as many as you can in the next slide.
1. Colour and shapes:
2. Font types: Serif or sans-serif?
3. Images:
4. Camera shots:
5. Composition:
What are the main elements in i-D magazine’s house style (think of use of colour and
shapes, font types, images, camera shots, composition. List as many as you can in the next
TASK: What are the main elements in i-D magazine’s house style (think of use of colour and shapes, font types, images,
camera shots, composition. List as many as you can in the next slide.
1. Colour and shapes:
2. Font types: Serif or sans-serif?
3. Images:
4. Camera shots:
5. Composition:
What are the main elements in The Big Issue magazine’s house style (think of use of colour
and shapes, font types, images, camera shots, composition. List as many as you can in the
next slide.
TASK: What are the main elements in The Big Issue magazine’s house style (think of use of colour and shapes, font
types, images, camera shots, composition. List as many as you can in the next slide.
1. Colour and shapes:
2. Font types: Serif or sans-serif?
3. Images:
4. Camera shots:
5. Composition:
 Analyse the house style in your previous three magazine’s front covers
and contents pages.
 How do these different contents pages maintain consistency in the
design compared to the cover?
 Analyse title/ masthead, skyline, main image, main cover line,
additional cover lines, flashes, additional images, issue number, price,
date and barcode.
 Analyse use of font types (serif/sans serif), use of images, sizes of text
and images and use of a colour scheme
 Analyse the different graphic elements and use of graphic media
language in order to construct representation.
 Analyse the codes and conventions in those magazine covers, following
the previous example.
COLOUR SCHEME: Same colour scheme (black/white/gold) included in both cover and contents page
Combination of font types:
Serif /Sans-serif
MASTHEAD: Same masthead included in both cover and contents page
Image cut over plain
colour background.
Footer including dateline,
masthead and page number.
Same font types are used in a consistent colour scheme.
Typography composition.
Main image is on
the front/center
of the page.
Credits which
provide information.
combination of
font types used
through the
different pages
of the magazine
Colour scheme: the colour scheme is consistent through the magazine cover
and the double page. The main colours used on the text and illustration are
purple, red as well as yellow and white on a black background.
Font types: the magazine consistently uses sans serif font types for all the text
elements such as masthead, head lines, stand first, body text and pulled

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Magazines research task

  • 2.  Even though there are no marks attached to the preparatory activities it is essential for learners to carry out these activities in preparation for their production task so that each individual learner’s work can be authenticated.  Failure to carry out sufficient research into relevant genres and media forms as well as adequately plan a chosen production is also likely to restrict a learner’s ability to meet the higher levels of the marking criteria.
  • 3.  In preparation for the production task, learners should carry out research into professionally produced media products that are similar in genre, style and form to the media products proposed in their chosen production brief.  Task 1: Choose THREE different magazines similar in genre and form to your assigned production (Three magazine covers and three contents pages from those same magazines)
  • 4. Research must include:  learners notes on professionally produced media products that are similar in genre, style and form to the media products proposed in their chosen brief (see Section 2f of the specification). Research may also include:  fieldwork (e.g. a location recce for filming or digitally photographed stills) and internet or paper-based research as appropriate to the chosen brief.
  • 5. You must deconstruct, analyse and make notes on these professionally produced media products so that you can further develop knowledge and understanding of your chosen media form’s distinctive media language, for example:  how genre conventions are employed  how and why intertextuality is employed  how combinations of media language elements are used to create meaning and construct representations that address an intended audience.
  • 6. Learners should be prepared to analyse the distinctive media language elements appropriate to the brief chosen, listed below: Magazines as part of a cross-media brief:  layout  typography  use of language  use of images. Online media as part of a cross-media brief:  layout  navigation  use of language  use of images/text/audio/video.
  • 7.
  • 8.  To be able to identify and name the main graphic elements in a magazine cover.
  • 9.  Magazine covers include a series of conventional graphic elements.  These elements can vary from one magazine to another, and from one genre to another, but there are certain ones that invariable are staples on a magazine cover (i.e. masthead, cover lines, main image)  Have a look at the following examples.
  • 10. MASTHEAD:This is the title and/or logo of the magazine. Identifies the brand. It is conventionally located in the same place MAIN IMAGE:This is the photograph or illustration that occupies the central area in the cover.This image illustrate what the magazine is about, as well as what is the main issue. MAIN COVER LINE: This is the text that accompanies the main image. It further explains the more about the main feature of the magazine. It is usually the biggest text box after the masthead. COVER LINES: Aside form the main cover line, there will be others that flag up different issues inside the magazine. COLOUR SCHEME: Colours such black, white and pearl/golden convey elegance, glamour and luxury. The choice of black for the background matches the model’s dress and hair colours.
  • 11. MASTHEAD: This is the name and logo of the magazine. Identifies the brand. It is usually located in the same place, conventionally at the top centre or top left of the magazine’s front cover. COVER LINES: Aside form the main cover line, there will be others that flag up different issues inside the magazine. FONT TYPES The font types used in this magazine cover are a combination of sans-serif and serif font types. COLOUR SCHEME: Black, white and red. The choice of colours is determined by the main image. The colours applied to the text (font types) are intended to match the main image, creating a coherent colour scheme and visually integrating both text and image. MAIN COVER LINE: This is the text that accompanies the main image. It further explains the more about the main feature of the magazine. It is usually the biggest text box after the masthead. MAIN IMAGE: This is the photograph or illustration that occupies the biggest area in the cover. This image tells you what the magazine is about, as well as what is the main issue. BARCODE and DATELINE COVERMOUNT Usually a freebie attached to the front cover. FLASH
  • 12. MASTHEAD: This is the name and branding image (logo) of the magazine. It is usually located in the same place to identify the brand. The bold colours and large font is intended to make it immediately recognisable for its target audience. COVER LINES: Aside from the main cover line, there will be others that flag up other additional contents of this magazine’s issue. Cover lines are conventionally written in CAPITALS. The FONT TYPES used in this magazine cover are sans-serif fonts in capitals, which have a contemporary look, and are easy to read. COLOUR SCHEME: The colours used in the font types match, harmonise or contrast with those of the main image. It is paramount that both graphic elements (text and image) are perfectly integrated in a balanced and coherent design. MAIN COVER LINE: This is the text that accompanies the main image. It further explains the more about the main feature of the magazine. It is usually the biggest text box after the masthead. MAIN IMAGE: The biggest image, which occupies the central area of the cover. This image illustrates and represents the main feature of this particular issue, being this usually the main article. BARCODE: Is not a graphic element as such, but a purely functional element. DATELINE/PRICE: Informs us of the price of the magazine and the publication date. SKYLINE: Usually offers information about additional content or is used as a unique selling point
  • 13. Looking at your chosen three magazine covers, answer these questions:  How many graphic elements can you spot?  Describe the masthead.What font types are used (serif/sans serif)?What colour is used? Is it a conventional one? Is it conventional for this specific genre?  What is the main cover line (image/cover line)?  What other cover lines are included?  What is the composition of the text and images?Think of size of text and position of images.  What are the codes and conventions of that particular genre.  What are the main two colours in the main image?  What are the main two colours in the text?  Is there a skyline above the masthead? What font type and colour?What text?  Is there a strapline at the bottom of the front cover?  Where is the dateline and price placed?
  • 14.  To know what generic codes and conventions are.  What does code mean?  What does convention mean?
  • 15. All genres are defined by a series of codes and conventions. Codes are a system of symbols used to communicate a message or idea. Conventions are the repetition and reinforcement of normative values.
  • 16. CODE: Colour pink. Conventionally is a colour associated with femininity. Here is used to represent femininity and appeal to a female target audience. It also matches the soft lip tone of the model in the image. CONVENTION: The model in the cover is a well known actress. She appeals to a female target audience and portraits the main contents of this magazine genre: fashion, beauty and celebrity. CONVENTION: The size of the masthead is the biggest text in the cover.This is because the masthead is the name/title of the magazine. CONVENTION: The model’s face is in front of the masthead, while this is still easily legible CONVENTION: The size of the text varies according to the prominence of the feature or article’s cover line…. CODE: Colour white conveys…
  • 17. Looking at your chosen three magazine covers, analyse their generic codes and conventions as per the example provided.
  • 19.  To be able to identify and name the main graphic elements in a magazine’s contents page.
  • 20. Masthead: Is included in the contents page as well as the dateline. Title:The word contents indicates that this is the contents page, but is also accompanied by the V from the masthead which, in addition to the masthead, identifies the page as being part ofVibe magazine.The numbers 1/3 indicate that this is the first page out of three. Contents sections: Divided in two different sections and composed in one column: Features and Fashion. Each one of these two sections is subdivided in different contents. Footer: Includes information such as dateline, masthead and page number. Each different content in the magazine is presented by the page number where we can find it. Cover feature:The contents page usually highlights the cover main feature. Font types:There are two different font types used for the different texts in this page. The page title as well as the masthead is written in sans- serif, however the headings in the contents sections and the dateline underneath the masthead are written in serif. The word CONTENTS is in bold writing so it stands out when you read it. Main image:The guy is showing off because he has grills and lots of chains and acting as if he is a bad guy. Credits: provides information about the photographer who took the image as well as the date when the image was taken. CONTENTS PAGE ANALYISIS
  • 21. Page title of the special issueMasthead: Is included in the header of the contents page. Contents sections: Divided in different sections and composed around the main image. Each one of these two sections is subdivided in different contents with their corresponding page numbers. Each different content in the magazine is presented by the page number where we can find it. Font types:There are two different font types used for the different texts in this page: The page title as well as the masthead is written in serif, however the headings in the contents sections and the dateline underneath the masthead are written in sans serif.The date, as well as the headlines, is written in bold capitals, so it stands out over the other text (bylines of each content’s headline). Dateline Credits: Additional information on the front cover image Each different headline is written in bold capitals, in contrast with the byline, which is written in regular lower case. CONTENTS PAGE ANALYISIS
  • 22. HEADER gives information about the issue number and the date of the magazine. TITLE of the page MAIN IMAGE The largest picture of the page, illustrating the main article or feature of this issue. It displays the page number where the article can be found and a little caption. CREDIT this is usually written in a smaller font size, conventionally on the side margin or the bottom of the page. CONTENTS SECTIONS Divided in categories, making it easier to find the specific contents. Each content is included in a particular section and has a page number, headline in capitals and subheading (brief description of the content) in copy/body text (lower case). ADDITIONAL IMAGES Illustrating other contents of this magazine’s issue. EDITORIAL this is the editor’s introduction to this magazine’s issue. CONTENTS PAGE ANALYISIS
  • 23.  Analyse the different elements of a contents page of your choice (chose the same magazine as per the previous front cover analysis)  Analyse masthead/title, main image, sections, cover stories and headlines and every element in the page such as date, footer, page number etc.  Analyse use of font types (serif/sans serif), use of images, sizes of text and images and use of a colour scheme.  Analyse the different graphic elements and use of graphic media language in order to construct representation.  Analyse the codes and conventions in those magazine covers, following the previous example. The more exhaustive your analysis is, the higher your grade will be! Use the examples provided as reference.
  • 25.  To understand the concept house style in a magazine.
  • 26.  A company’s preferred manner of presentation and layout of their graphic material.  A set of rules concerning graphic elements (colours, images and typography) observed by editorial and printing staff in a particular publishing or printing company.
  • 27. A set of rules concerning graphic elements (layout, colours, images and typography) observed by the graphic, editorial and printing staff in a particular publishing or printing company.
  • 28.  How do these different front pages maintain consistency in their design?  Analyse all graphic elements such as masthead, main image, main cover line, additional cover lines, dateline and any other graphic elements that you think are relevant.  Analyse use of font types (serif/sans serif), sizes of different blocks of text and images, use of images and use of a colour scheme.  Analyse the use of graphic media language in order to construct representation.  Analyse the codes and conventions in those magazine covers.
  • 29.
  • 30. What are the main elements in the National Geographic magazine’s house style (think of use of colour and shapes, font types, images, camera shots, composition. List as many as you can in the next slide.
  • 31. TASK: What are the main elements in the National Geographic Magazine’s house style (think of use of colour and shapes, font types, images, camera shots, composition. List as many as you can in the next slide. 1. Colour and shapes: 2. Font types: Serif or sans-serif? 3. Images: 4. Camera shots: 5. Composition:
  • 32. TASK: What are the main elements in the National Geographic Magazine’s house style (think of use of colour and shapes, font types, images, camera shots, composition. List as many as you can in the next slide. • Format/proportions/dimensions: Vertical format (also called portrait) • Use of colour and shapes: Characteristic yellow portrait frame as branding image. Used also as logo on the TV channel’s fly. • Font types: Serif for the masthead, connoting the old tradition of the National Geographic Society, and Sans Serif for the cover lines, connoting the contemporary aspect of the publication. • Images: Conventionally, there is just one image occupying the totality of the front cover. This image is usually a close up shot (portrait) or another shot used in a very similar fashion (such as the illustration on example 2 or the general shot used on example 6) • Camera shots: Conventionally Close ups. • Composition: Masthead centred at the top of the front cover. Image occupies the totality of the cover. Main cover line centred. Additional cover lines placed at the bottom left or right. • Codes: The National Geographic is a magazine published by the National Geographic Society. Founded in 1888, its interests include geography, archaeology, and natural science, the promotion of environmental and historical conservation, and the study of world culture and history. All these topics are clearly reflected in the images framed in its characteristic logo. The use of serif font types for the masthead, connote the old tradition of the National Geographic Society. This masthead has barely changed since the original publication of the magazine. • Conventions: One conventional element is the characteristic yellow portrait frame as branding image, which is also used also as logo on the TV channel’s fly, as well as being the logo of the National Geographic Society itself. Another conventional element is the use of a portrait close up photography as main front cover image.
  • 33. What are the main elements in Time magazine’s house style (think of use of colour and shapes, font types, images, camera shots, composition. List as many as you can in the next slide.
  • 34. TASK: What are the main elements in Time magazine’s house style (think of use of colour and shapes, font types, images, camera shots, composition. List as many as you can in the next slide. 1. Colour and shapes: 2. Font types: Serif or sans-serif? 3. Images: 4. Camera shots: 5. Composition:
  • 35. What are the main elements in i-D magazine’s house style (think of use of colour and shapes, font types, images, camera shots, composition. List as many as you can in the next slide.
  • 36. TASK: What are the main elements in i-D magazine’s house style (think of use of colour and shapes, font types, images, camera shots, composition. List as many as you can in the next slide. 1. Colour and shapes: 2. Font types: Serif or sans-serif? 3. Images: 4. Camera shots: 5. Composition:
  • 37. What are the main elements in The Big Issue magazine’s house style (think of use of colour and shapes, font types, images, camera shots, composition. List as many as you can in the next slide.
  • 38. TASK: What are the main elements in The Big Issue magazine’s house style (think of use of colour and shapes, font types, images, camera shots, composition. List as many as you can in the next slide. 1. Colour and shapes: 2. Font types: Serif or sans-serif? 3. Images: 4. Camera shots: 5. Composition:
  • 39.  Analyse the house style in your previous three magazine’s front covers and contents pages.  How do these different contents pages maintain consistency in the design compared to the cover?  Analyse title/ masthead, skyline, main image, main cover line, additional cover lines, flashes, additional images, issue number, price, date and barcode.  Analyse use of font types (serif/sans serif), use of images, sizes of text and images and use of a colour scheme  Analyse the different graphic elements and use of graphic media language in order to construct representation.  Analyse the codes and conventions in those magazine covers, following the previous example.
  • 40. COLOUR SCHEME: Same colour scheme (black/white/gold) included in both cover and contents page Combination of font types: Serif /Sans-serif MASTHEAD: Same masthead included in both cover and contents page HOUSE STYLE ANALYSIS
  • 41. Image cut over plain colour background. Footer including dateline, masthead and page number. Same font types are used in a consistent colour scheme. Typography composition. Main image is on the front/center of the page. Credits which provide information. HOUSE STYLE ANALYSIS Same combination of font types used through the different pages of the magazine
  • 42. HOUSE STYLE ANALYSIS Colour scheme: the colour scheme is consistent through the magazine cover and the double page. The main colours used on the text and illustration are purple, red as well as yellow and white on a black background. Font types: the magazine consistently uses sans serif font types for all the text elements such as masthead, head lines, stand first, body text and pulled quotes.