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In what ways does your media
use, develop or challenge
  forms and conventions of real
        media products?
Coverlines are an indicator of what the magazine will include. They
       measure to the audience how exciting and worth-buying the
       magazine is therefore it’s crucial to choose and display the most     The barcode has been added
       essential and appealing features/articles.                            to enhance the professional
                                                                             look of the magazine and
                                                                             because it’s important for
                                                                             retailers as it has to be
The one convention that every                                                scanned in order to be sold.
genre-based magazine                                                         The pug is usually located
undoubtedly has is the                                                       next to the barcode but
masthead because it’s the                                                    occasionally under the
identity of the magazine.                                                    masthead too; it shows which
                                                                             season/month the issue
                                                                             belongs to and also how
                                                                             much it is worth. I’ve situated
                                                                             both the barcode and the pug
                                                                             at the bottom left of the
The main image was
deliberately chosen due to the
convenience of the layout- it                                                Eyebrows are also a regular
had enough negative space on                                                 convention particularly in
the left for coverlines and                                                  music magazines and they’re
although it’s not entirely from                                              usually an ‘exclusive’ feature
waist up, the model’s pose was                                               so when they’re stacked on
the most appropriate for the                                                 the shelves in the store, the
front cover as she’s looking                                                 eyebrows will be the second
directly into the camera.                                                    thing after the masthead that
                                                                             would capture the customers’
Development and Challenges
                                                                                    A challenge of my main
                                                                                    image is that it’s not from
                                                                                    waist-up but I tried to
                                                                                    disguise that by covering
Some creativity was put                                                             the bottom with coverlines.
into the masthead as a
group because we                                                                    Whilst a convention of Rock
considered a different                                                              music magazine is the
language (Bulgarian was our                                                         bombardment of coverlines
final decision) that would                                                          and the crowdiness of
still sound similar to English                                                      different little images and
would attract the cultural                                                          boxes overlapping on the
audience and it also makes                                                          side- I tried to avoid that
it sound more exotic and                                                            because I wanted my
dramatic (as it’s spelt with                                                        magazine to be different to
K’s). The masthead has also                                                         its rivals in order to appeal
been developed from the                                                             to its target audience.
original design (with black
background) to suit my
main image as I didn’t want
                                                                                   checked shirt and more eye
to crop anything out nor
                                                                                   make up (as it’s a typical Rock
have a studio mode picture.
                                                                                   look). But my intention was to
                                                                                   strive for a Rock/Glamour look;
                                                                                   and combined with the lack of
     Colour Scheme: although Rock music magazines have a dark colour               coverlines, I believe this is my
     scheme (and their picture usually contributes as well), I’ve tried to break   USP. Other than these, I believe
     that convention by loosening the colour scheme and have only added a          my front cover relatively
     small amount of black (navy blue) to make it look more appealing to the       follows the rest of the codes
     female audience. The picture itself consists of little black (jeans and the   and conventions.
     gate) and is fairly ‘glamorously’ bright due to the editing.
The word
‘contents’ is a
convention for all                Categories are another
magazines.                        convention so that readers
                                  would jump straight to what
                                  they’re looking for.
Date has been placed
above the title of the
magazine and
‘contents’ to once                Subjects have been categorised
again, state the                  under the sub-headings and
season/month that it              not in numerical order as this is
belongs to.                       a common convention in all
                                  types of magazines. They all
I’ve added images from the        consist of either a quote or a
same photoshoot (this             little intro to the article.
wouldn’t be so in a typical
magazine; I’ve done it merely
because these were the only
pictures I had taken) and put     Page numbers are crucial as it’s
them in a corner just under the   the whole purpose of a
title of my magazine- this is a   contents page; they inform the
conventional location for         reader where a certain
images on contents page of a      article/feature is throughout
Rock magazine. I’ve also          the magazine. Page numbers
sectioned the images into three   have also been put on the
sections; each being dissimilar   images as it’s another
to one another.                   convention.
Development and Challenges

                             I’ve also developed the
                             layout a little further by
I added the original         adding extra boxes that
masthead design so           stand out with added
that readers would           information to engage
constantly be reminded       the readers, for
which magazine they’re       example ‘Exclusive’ or
reading/flicking             ‘Turn to pages...for...’. It
through. I’ve done this      also makes the page
to also resemble the         look more lively and
style on the front cover     crowded which
as this will be a running    connotes that Rokk
theme throughout the         Muzika has a lot to
whole magazine               offer.
(another typical
There’s a dominant image and two other images behind it- I tried to go for a
Heading’s are             mosaic type of look so that each picture would be different from eachother.
usually the main          I’ve added simple thick borders to make it look less messier. All the pictures
aspect that ought         are on one side of the page as this is a likeable convention in most cases.    Page number and
to stand out on the                                                                                   category has been
DPS and that’s the                                                                                    added at the top of
aim I tried to                                                                                        the page in
achieve.                                                                                              relation to the
                                                                                                      contents page; so
                                                                                                      people are able to
                                                                                                      find it.

I chose a relatively
small font (11/12)                                                                                    Pull quotes are a
so that the text                                                                                      big convention in
would fit on just                                                                                     DPSs and although
one page instead                                                                                      the location varies
of two.                                                                                               (sometimes it’s put
                                                                                                      on the picture and
                                                                                                      amongst the
                                                                                                      text), I’ve placed in
                                                                                                      in the middle of
                                                                                                      the article.
    At the beginning of the article we see a standfirst which is a significant convention of a
    music magazine as it gives readers an insight on what the article consists of and captures
    the readers attention; that’s why it needs to be interesting. I’ve used standfirst in the way
    of rhetorical question to hook the readers.
Development and Challenges                                                        Heading: I’ve also
                                                                                  seen in some
                                                                                  cases that
                                                                                  magazines have
                                                                                  added creativity
                                                                                  by using two
                                                                                  different fonts to
I haven’t                                                                         reinforce the
added any                                                                         appeal of their
By-Lines.                                                                         layout. I took that
                                                                                  a step further and
                                                                                  used three
                                                                                  different fonts in
                                                                                  different locations
                                                                                  and rotations to
                                                                                  make it look more
                                                                                  fun and youthful.
                                                                                  I’ve maintained
                                                                                  the red/black
                                                                                  theme but added
                                                                                  a new colour to
                                                                                  the colour scheme
                                                                                  (however, I chose
                                                                                  a murky colour-
Typically , in Rock magazines, the background seems to be a single colour but I   dirty
took advantage of the InDesign tools to create an abstract sense of background    green/yellow- so it
to make it look less mind-numbing.                                                would resemble
                                                                                  the Rock genre).
How does your media product
 represent particular
    social groups?
My target audience are teenagers and young
    adults of both genders.
    Therefore, I intended to make my colour scheme as
    basic and appropriate to both genders as possible
    (as black/red/blue are all unisex colours).
    I’ve also tried to make it as cultural as possible by
    having the title of the magazine in a different
    language, and by using a non-English model for my
    main feature image.
    This is because Rock has been stereotyped as a
    ‘white people’s’ genre and I wanted to break that
    stereotype and show that anyone from any culture
    can like any type of music.

Also, the audience that I’m targeting at are
not the ‘emo’ and ‘goth’ driven kind of
people but more or less those who are a
fan of Rock but are also into the glamour
world of fashion and style.
My article is fairly quite
formal in sense of not having
any slang to ‘teen’ language;
I did this because I wanted
my readers to take it
seriously as it’s a
controversial matter and
many people are affected by
it. If I were to produce the
rest of my magazine, I’d have
a lot of informal articles and
features, therefore I wanted
to balance it.

I kept the font big and bold
and avoided using any fancy
fonts to help reach out to a
wider audience. No one
would have anything against
simplistic and basic fonts.

                  I made the design and colour scheme as un-biased to either genders as possible. I’ve
                  maintained the red/black theme to keep the Rock spirit throughout the magazine but I avoided
                  to use overly bright colours because it would lose its theme.
What kind of
  media institution might distribute
       your media product and why?

                                Bauer Media reaches out to over 19 million UK adults across multiple
                                media and adding another Rock genre based music magazine will increase
                                the amount of adults reading Bauer’s media product.
                                Bauer Media also has Bauer Radio which consists of Heat Radio, Q
                                Radio, Smash Hits! Radio and The Hits Radio will are available on DAB and
                                Free view. However, because my music magazine has a USP and a different
                                type of audience, this may encourage them to distribute my product more
                                as it’d have a new (even bigger) target audience.

IPC is another alternative and it’s UK’s leading consumer magazine and digital publishers
with a massive portfolio selling over 350 million copies each year. I would choose IPC
Media to distribute Rokk Muzika as it has partnerships with the big branded
supermarkets, so this can widen my target audience, as it will be more freely available in
supermarkets to who ever wants to buy my magazine.
Who would be the audience
                              for your media product?
The age range for Rokk Muzika is approximately from 17-25 - and the
percentage of genders would be 58% female and 42% male. They would
need to be fairly educated as some articles include formal words/language.
They should have some sort of a job with income so they would be willing
enough to spend money. Rokk Muzika doesn’t focus on just one particular
class; its audience is broad and anyone who belongs to any class can buy it as
it’s neither too expensive nor too cheap.

Students/young adults are also trying to achieve goals and get somewhere in
life therefore they’d need a lot of inspiration; and Rokk Muzika provides that
for its target audience and encourages education immensely. Some would
even want to get involved in the music industry or so.
How did you attract/address
                                    your audience?
                                                                            I followed the convention of
                                                                            just having one picture on
                                                                            one page and only text on
                                     The style of my model is Rocky,        the other for my DPS. This
                                     however the editing (I enhanced        layout appealed to me
                                     the colours to make it look more       personally and therefore
                                     appealing and professional) and the    decided to use it. I also
                                     composition of the picture is          didn’t want to use a single
                                     influenced by fashion-genre based      picture and displayed it as
                                     photo-shoots. This is because I        three instead. This would
                                     wanted to reach out to people who      attract the audience as
                                     are a fan and influenced by both       there’s an existence of a
                                     factors.                               balance between the
                                     Also, coverlines like ‘Top 10…’ grab   amount of text and images
                                     the readers attention instantly.       used.

The colours vary/ the masthead
and the colour scheme connote
the type of music that it belongs
to. The style of writing (although
there’s a variety of them) are all
plain and bold.
What have you
    learnt about technologies
from the process of constructing this product?

    By doing this task I have become fluent with using SlideShare
    which I had never used before; moreover, I didn’t have much
    difficulty with Wordpress as I have used blogging sites before
    and therefore, it wasn’t anything unfamiliar to me.

    Using a professional camera wasn’t anything new to me.
    Whilst making Rokk Muzika, I had to demonstrate my
    knowledge and understanding of different programs like
    Adobe Photoshop and Adobe InDesign which helped me
    make my magazine as efficient as possible.

    At first it was hard to work professionally because I didn’t
    know what InDesign entailed but when I started making my
    final piece, I did some research on ‘good tips’ to widen my
    knowledge and explore new things.

    I also learnt how to enhance my images without leaving the
    image pixelated and also the separate layers that enabled
    me to be creative with my masthead and DPS.
Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have
              learnt in the progression
                  from it to the full product?

           For the preliminary task, I didn’t need to think so much
           of the age range and other factors that influences the
           conventions of a magazine as a whole because it was a
           College Magazine and it had a wider audience.
           Whereas, for my final magazine, I had to consider the
           specific codes and conventions as well as the audience I
           was targeting at.
           As you can see, a couple of elements have been
           developed and added to my final piece, for e.g.
           barcode/eyebrows/photo alteration. I also learned
           more about planning as I had to book the photoshoot
           and edit the photos in time.
           I’ve learnt the importance of continuous saving to
           prevent losing my work.
           I developed my understanding of InDesign in the
           process of making my final design as I had never used it
           before. I overlapped text boxes so there wouldn’t be
           too much space in between the lines- I also used the
           same skill to make my masthead (the K’s are overlapped
           onto the rest of the text).
           I added more colours to my colour scheme.

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Magazine Evaluation

  • 2. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
  • 3. Coverlines are an indicator of what the magazine will include. They measure to the audience how exciting and worth-buying the magazine is therefore it’s crucial to choose and display the most The barcode has been added essential and appealing features/articles. to enhance the professional look of the magazine and because it’s important for retailers as it has to be The one convention that every scanned in order to be sold. genre-based magazine The pug is usually located undoubtedly has is the next to the barcode but masthead because it’s the occasionally under the identity of the magazine. masthead too; it shows which season/month the issue belongs to and also how much it is worth. I’ve situated both the barcode and the pug at the bottom left of the The main image was cover. deliberately chosen due to the convenience of the layout- it Eyebrows are also a regular had enough negative space on convention particularly in the left for coverlines and music magazines and they’re although it’s not entirely from usually an ‘exclusive’ feature waist up, the model’s pose was so when they’re stacked on the most appropriate for the the shelves in the store, the front cover as she’s looking eyebrows will be the second directly into the camera. thing after the masthead that would capture the customers’ attention.
  • 4. Development and Challenges A challenge of my main image is that it’s not from waist-up but I tried to disguise that by covering Some creativity was put the bottom with coverlines. into the masthead as a group because we Whilst a convention of Rock considered a different music magazine is the language (Bulgarian was our bombardment of coverlines final decision) that would and the crowdiness of still sound similar to English different little images and would attract the cultural boxes overlapping on the audience and it also makes side- I tried to avoid that it sound more exotic and because I wanted my dramatic (as it’s spelt with magazine to be different to K’s). The masthead has also its rivals in order to appeal been developed from the to its target audience. original design (with black background) to suit my Appearance/stereotype: main image as I didn’t want checked shirt and more eye to crop anything out nor make up (as it’s a typical Rock have a studio mode picture. look). But my intention was to strive for a Rock/Glamour look; and combined with the lack of Colour Scheme: although Rock music magazines have a dark colour coverlines, I believe this is my scheme (and their picture usually contributes as well), I’ve tried to break USP. Other than these, I believe that convention by loosening the colour scheme and have only added a my front cover relatively small amount of black (navy blue) to make it look more appealing to the follows the rest of the codes female audience. The picture itself consists of little black (jeans and the and conventions. gate) and is fairly ‘glamorously’ bright due to the editing.
  • 5. The word ‘contents’ is a convention for all Categories are another magazines. convention so that readers would jump straight to what they’re looking for. Date has been placed above the title of the magazine and ‘contents’ to once Subjects have been categorised again, state the under the sub-headings and season/month that it not in numerical order as this is belongs to. a common convention in all types of magazines. They all I’ve added images from the consist of either a quote or a same photoshoot (this little intro to the article. wouldn’t be so in a typical magazine; I’ve done it merely because these were the only pictures I had taken) and put Page numbers are crucial as it’s them in a corner just under the the whole purpose of a title of my magazine- this is a contents page; they inform the conventional location for reader where a certain images on contents page of a article/feature is throughout Rock magazine. I’ve also the magazine. Page numbers sectioned the images into three have also been put on the sections; each being dissimilar images as it’s another to one another. convention.
  • 6. Development and Challenges I’ve also developed the layout a little further by I added the original adding extra boxes that masthead design so stand out with added that readers would information to engage constantly be reminded the readers, for which magazine they’re example ‘Exclusive’ or reading/flicking ‘Turn to pages...for...’. It through. I’ve done this also makes the page to also resemble the look more lively and style on the front cover crowded which as this will be a running connotes that Rokk theme throughout the Muzika has a lot to whole magazine offer. (another typical convention).
  • 7. There’s a dominant image and two other images behind it- I tried to go for a Heading’s are mosaic type of look so that each picture would be different from eachother. usually the main I’ve added simple thick borders to make it look less messier. All the pictures aspect that ought are on one side of the page as this is a likeable convention in most cases. Page number and to stand out on the category has been DPS and that’s the added at the top of aim I tried to the page in achieve. relation to the contents page; so people are able to find it. I chose a relatively small font (11/12) Pull quotes are a so that the text big convention in would fit on just DPSs and although one page instead the location varies of two. (sometimes it’s put on the picture and sometimes amongst the text), I’ve placed in in the middle of the article. At the beginning of the article we see a standfirst which is a significant convention of a music magazine as it gives readers an insight on what the article consists of and captures the readers attention; that’s why it needs to be interesting. I’ve used standfirst in the way of rhetorical question to hook the readers.
  • 8. Development and Challenges Heading: I’ve also seen in some cases that magazines have added creativity by using two different fonts to I haven’t reinforce the added any appeal of their By-Lines. layout. I took that a step further and used three different fonts in different locations and rotations to make it look more fun and youthful. I’ve maintained the red/black theme but added a new colour to the colour scheme (however, I chose a murky colour- Typically , in Rock magazines, the background seems to be a single colour but I dirty took advantage of the InDesign tools to create an abstract sense of background green/yellow- so it to make it look less mind-numbing. would resemble the Rock genre).
  • 9. How does your media product represent particular social groups?
  • 10. My target audience are teenagers and young adults of both genders. Therefore, I intended to make my colour scheme as basic and appropriate to both genders as possible (as black/red/blue are all unisex colours). I’ve also tried to make it as cultural as possible by having the title of the magazine in a different language, and by using a non-English model for my main feature image. This is because Rock has been stereotyped as a ‘white people’s’ genre and I wanted to break that stereotype and show that anyone from any culture can like any type of music. Also, the audience that I’m targeting at are not the ‘emo’ and ‘goth’ driven kind of people but more or less those who are a fan of Rock but are also into the glamour world of fashion and style.
  • 11. My article is fairly quite formal in sense of not having any slang to ‘teen’ language; I did this because I wanted my readers to take it seriously as it’s a controversial matter and many people are affected by it. If I were to produce the rest of my magazine, I’d have a lot of informal articles and features, therefore I wanted to balance it. I kept the font big and bold and avoided using any fancy fonts to help reach out to a wider audience. No one would have anything against simplistic and basic fonts. I made the design and colour scheme as un-biased to either genders as possible. I’ve maintained the red/black theme to keep the Rock spirit throughout the magazine but I avoided to use overly bright colours because it would lose its theme.
  • 12. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why? Bauer Media reaches out to over 19 million UK adults across multiple media and adding another Rock genre based music magazine will increase the amount of adults reading Bauer’s media product. Bauer Media also has Bauer Radio which consists of Heat Radio, Q Radio, Smash Hits! Radio and The Hits Radio will are available on DAB and Free view. However, because my music magazine has a USP and a different type of audience, this may encourage them to distribute my product more as it’d have a new (even bigger) target audience. IPC is another alternative and it’s UK’s leading consumer magazine and digital publishers with a massive portfolio selling over 350 million copies each year. I would choose IPC Media to distribute Rokk Muzika as it has partnerships with the big branded supermarkets, so this can widen my target audience, as it will be more freely available in supermarkets to who ever wants to buy my magazine.
  • 13. Who would be the audience for your media product? The age range for Rokk Muzika is approximately from 17-25 - and the percentage of genders would be 58% female and 42% male. They would need to be fairly educated as some articles include formal words/language. They should have some sort of a job with income so they would be willing enough to spend money. Rokk Muzika doesn’t focus on just one particular class; its audience is broad and anyone who belongs to any class can buy it as it’s neither too expensive nor too cheap. Students/young adults are also trying to achieve goals and get somewhere in life therefore they’d need a lot of inspiration; and Rokk Muzika provides that for its target audience and encourages education immensely. Some would even want to get involved in the music industry or so.
  • 14. How did you attract/address your audience? I followed the convention of just having one picture on one page and only text on The style of my model is Rocky, the other for my DPS. This however the editing (I enhanced layout appealed to me the colours to make it look more personally and therefore appealing and professional) and the decided to use it. I also composition of the picture is didn’t want to use a single influenced by fashion-genre based picture and displayed it as photo-shoots. This is because I three instead. This would wanted to reach out to people who attract the audience as are a fan and influenced by both there’s an existence of a factors. balance between the Also, coverlines like ‘Top 10…’ grab amount of text and images the readers attention instantly. used. The colours vary/ the masthead and the colour scheme connote the type of music that it belongs to. The style of writing (although there’s a variety of them) are all plain and bold.
  • 15. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product? By doing this task I have become fluent with using SlideShare which I had never used before; moreover, I didn’t have much difficulty with Wordpress as I have used blogging sites before and therefore, it wasn’t anything unfamiliar to me. Using a professional camera wasn’t anything new to me. Whilst making Rokk Muzika, I had to demonstrate my knowledge and understanding of different programs like Adobe Photoshop and Adobe InDesign which helped me make my magazine as efficient as possible. At first it was hard to work professionally because I didn’t know what InDesign entailed but when I started making my final piece, I did some research on ‘good tips’ to widen my knowledge and explore new things. I also learnt how to enhance my images without leaving the image pixelated and also the separate layers that enabled me to be creative with my masthead and DPS.
  • 16. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product? For the preliminary task, I didn’t need to think so much of the age range and other factors that influences the conventions of a magazine as a whole because it was a College Magazine and it had a wider audience. Whereas, for my final magazine, I had to consider the specific codes and conventions as well as the audience I was targeting at. As you can see, a couple of elements have been developed and added to my final piece, for e.g. barcode/eyebrows/photo alteration. I also learned more about planning as I had to book the photoshoot and edit the photos in time. I’ve learnt the importance of continuous saving to prevent losing my work. I developed my understanding of InDesign in the process of making my final design as I had never used it before. I overlapped text boxes so there wouldn’t be too much space in between the lines- I also used the same skill to make my masthead (the K’s are overlapped onto the rest of the text). I added more colours to my colour scheme.