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Lion Similes
The article in titled Between Lions and Men, Images of the Hero in the Iliad by Michael Clarke is a
very innovate piece of work. In the article, Clarke puts forward the idea of how the referencing of
wild animals in the Iliad is symbolic and highly significant to the ethical and psychological
problems of heroism within Homer's Iliad. The focus that Clarke is placing in relation to the animal
similes within the Iliad is the lion similes. As the Iliad is focused on Achilles and his death, it is no
wonder that the lion similes are associated with this so called hero. Achilles and how he associates
himself with the wolf and particularly the lion is the focal point of this article. In this essay I will
analyse and comment on the argument put forward ... Show more content on ...
They both in general embody very similar characteristics. They both are associated with and exude
power, strength and ferociousness. Clarke states in his article that the lion stands for 'the warrior's
most violent and warlike mood– in other words, for his state of mind when he behaves in the way
that defines him as a hero' (Clarke. P 147). However in disagreement, how can Achilles be defined
as a hero when he is seeking personal revenge because of the death of Patroclus? The lion does not
think only about themselves, they have a pride or a coalition to guide and protect. In the Iliad,
Achilles walks out on his fellow warriors. The warrior became weak and therefore hides away,
which results in him getting Patroclus to go and fight on behalf of him. That is not the character of
the lion. The lion steps up with bravery and courage to face the obstacles in front of them. However,
Achilles is like the lion through the revenge plot in a sense that he is driven and determined to kill
Hector for what he has done. Furthermore, in agreement with Clarke, Achilles association with the
lion has put him in a state of 'extreme mental ferocity' which leads Achilles towards 'self–
destruction' (P 153). This in turn shows the strong link between glory and death as after Achilles
obtains his glory, he does not care if he dies. He ultimately 'embraces death in his lion–like mood' (P
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Tragic Speech For Achilleus
Achilleus is a prideful person, his feud with Agamemnon has thrown the Achaians into a tough
position. Seeing as Achilleus' closest friends have failed to convince him to join the war, the most
efficient way to persuade Achilleus is by telling him how foolish this fight has become, how he will
become insignificant to Achains, and how his ignorance will continue to affect his closest friends
and family. The menace Achilleus felt at first was justifiable, now he has turned it into a foolish
fight. It is a saying that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. As for Achilleus, every
action that was taken against him, "...anger of Peleus' son Achilleus / and its devastation, which put
pains thousandfold upon the Achaians," there is an even tragic response (1.1–2). Homer repeatedly
describes Achilleus as " glorious" and one who has a "godlike" presence (9.434, 494). Achilleus is
looked upon by many people, yet he has a childish behavior when dishonored. Although he states
"...honor is a thing I need not...," it is a part of him and how he and others perceive him (9.607–8). If
this statement was authentic to Achilleus' character, he would have let go of his anger and joined the
war when asked. After he is reminded of how bad this fight looks through another's perspective, he
should be appealed to as Hera was by Hephaistos "This will be a disastrous matter and not endurable
/ if you too quarrel thus for the sake of mortals," showing her how it does not become of her to
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The Fate Of The War
Fate is considered as the development of events beyond a person 's control, regarded as determined
by a supernatural power. The Greeks believed that fate controls the course of a man 's life as well as
a nations life.They also believed that after fate made a decree there was nothing you could possibly
do to change this. Fate was depicted as the most powerful force in the poem therefore not even the
gods could change what was already decreed. Achilles and Hector were both controlled by the
powerful force as well as the outcome of the war. Through out the poem the fate of these individuals
are learned and made clearer. There was nothing either could have done to overcome or change their
fate. Both men were fated to die in the poem. When it came to the fate of both men Achilles had the
upper hand because his mother was Thetis who was a god and knew the will of Achilles fate before
his birth. Therefore she informed Achilles of his fate before he left for Troy. "My mother Thetis, a
moving silver grace, Tells me my two fates sweep me on to my death. If I stay here and fight, I'll
never return home, But my glory will be undying forever. If I return home to my dear fatherland My
glory is lost but my life will be long"(225). By looking at this we can see that Thetis made Achilles
believe he was given a double fate which was really not the case. It is understood why she did this,
no mother would inform their child that they have no say on what will happen to them and
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War In The Odyssey
Fiction helps introduce the lies and truths of other people's minds, to help others learn about their
own country, foreign places, and others eras. In addition, it often uses symbolism and imagery to
allow people to know they are not alone in all the problems that human beings deal with, such as,
with life and death, war and peace, or with love and rage. Knowing this helps a reader understand
how Homer's Iliad complicates the reality that comes with war, yet he successfully proves men
cannot escape war because it is intoxicating and glorious. Homer creates the sense that war is an
inevitable truth of mankind through his use of recurring imagery, by making his characters share the
same tragic flaws, and by using other mythological stories to create parallels that correspond to this
One of the beautiful things Homer provides in The Iliad is recurring imagery from the natural world
to convey that war is an inevitable truth of mankind. When talking about the men at war and what
they are like, Homer chooses the simile of men as lions. Specifically, when Hector kills Patroclus,
Homer says: A boar does not wear out easily, but a lion Will overpower it when the two face off
Over a trickling ... Show more content on ...
While boars are aggressive and violent, lions are consistently depicted as being the king of the
jungle and are represented with bravery. Perhaps this is why Homer uses the lion as a simile
numerous times. Homer is showing the audience that the fatal flaw in beasts and men (strength,
passion, courage) threatens to destroy them. Patroclus wants his eternal glory, and like a boar he
fought hard to survive and gain it. However, Hector was the lion who wanted glory more. Through
Homers constant use of imagery portraying men as lions, the audience can understand men will
pursue war for glory, much like a lion will fight to remain king of the
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The Value Of Hospitality During The Iliad And The Odyssey
In Homeric society, hospitality was highly valued by all members of the society. The value of
hospitality was shown in The Essential Homer: Selections from the Iliad and the Odyssey by the
main character Achilles in his interactions with various other characters in the story. Achilles was
welcoming to visitors to his home by offering them refreshments, dinner, and a place to rest.
Showing your hospitality to guests like Achilles did in the Iliad demonstrated how hospitality in this
time period defined the place of humanity in the cosmos. Before focusing directly on Achilles in the
Iliad, it is important to identify why hospitality was important to the Ancient Greeks. Two reasons
being hospitable is important to the Ancient Greeks is because it shows respect for guests in
someone's household, and travelling in that time period took much longer than today. For the
Ancient Greek's, respect and honour is everything. When someone comes to your home the way to
show your respect for them is by providing whatever they need after a long journey. Since in ancient
times there were no cars, planes, or trains, many people had to walk or ride horses to get around.
Due to this, people would be tired, hungry, and thirsty when they arrived at a given location. By
being hospitable, a homeowner would show respect for their guests and give them the necessary
refreshments to carry on their journey. In the Iliad, Achilles understands the importance of being
hospitable and is welcoming to
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Between Lions And Men Images Of The Hero In The Iliad...
The article in titled Between Lions and Men, Images of the Hero in the Iliad by Michael Clarke is a
very innovate piece of work. In the article Clarke puts forward the idea of how the referencing of
wild animals in the Iliad is symbolic and highly significant to the ethical and psychological
problems of heroism within Homer's Iliad. The focus that Clarke is placing in relation to the animal
similes within the Iliad is the lion similes. As the Iliad is focused on Achilles and his death, it is no
wonder that the lion similes are associated with this so called hero. Achilles and how he associates
himself with the wolf and particularly the lion is the focal point of this article. In this essay I will
analyse and comment on the argument put forward by Clarke in his article Between Lions and Men,
Images of the Hero in the Iliad. Firstly, in agreement with Clarke, the lion similes are the similes
that are the focal point in the Iliad. As Clarke states, there are other kinds of similes that feature in
the epic such as wolves, leopards, boars and even cows but these do not hold as much importance as
the lion simile does. In relation to all the other beasts and animals mentioned, the lion is the one that
is at the top of the food chain, the one that is the most ferocious, strong and powerful.
Clarke discusses in his ... Show more content on ...
The warriors have no fear in killing their opponents or anyone who stands in their way. However, an
emotional side is seen to Achilles and him as the lion. When he is told that Patroclus is dead,
Achilles weeps and laments over Patroclus 'like a lion grieving the loss of its cubs' (P 155). Similar
to a human, the lion has multiple characteristics or personality traits. For instance, as stated by
Clarke, the lion is powerful and strong which are both characteristics of a hero. As well as that, the
lion does not know its limitations and Achilles does not know his
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Analysis Of The Poem ' Achilles '
Gods and animals exist on a different plane from mere mortals, as supported by Shay, "Whether the
berserker is beneath humanity as an animal, above it as a god, or both, he his cut off from all human
community," (Shay, 6). While death can be a very physical thing, it can also be symbolic of the loss
of humanity. In the last chapters of the poem, Achilles' rage becomes all–consuming and takes him
over. Rage dictates all of his actions, and whether it is his god–like or animal–like characteristics
being attributed to his rage, Homer and the soldiers no longer speak about him as a mortal. Achilles
may go on breathing after the death of Patroclus, but he is not truly alive again until he can quell his
rage, because his rage comes at the price of his humanity.
Who Achilles is before Patroclus is killed very different from who he is after Patroclus' death. This
is key in understanding Achilles' loss of humanity. "The modern concept of tragic drama takes for
granted the existence of a single character, whose action and suffering are the focal point of the
play," (Knox, 1). While it is arguable who the true hero of The Iliad is, it is unlikely for someone to
doubt that Achilles is a hero regardless, and one that drives the plot of the poem. Achilles' suffering
begins the play and ends it. His feud with Agamemnon may seem petty or drawn out, but it is
important to set a precedent for Achilles' nature. "I have no mind to linger here disgraced, /
brimming your cup and piling up your
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Analysis Of Homer 's The Iliad Essay
Homer's the Iliad is a tale of war and aggression (Puchner 183). Written in the 8th century, it
remains relevant to society today. The basis of the Iliad, warfare, brings with it portrayals of death,
grief, and the real problem with humankind: we are not peaceful beings. In a war–ridden world,
these topics remain pertinent to society. These terrors of war showcased in the Iliad generate an
anti–war message. With this said, Homer creates a timeless lesson against war with his work. While
the Iliad has been around for centuries, humankind has yet to learn from Homer's anti–war message.
War has been an unfortunate part of humans' history from the beginning, and it remains to be a
problem today, and with war comes death. In the Iliad, "death resonates with images occurring
throughout the poem" (Neal 22). Homer's graphic depictions of death are to show the results of war.
The killing of Sarpedon is just one example of this brutality; "Patroclus came back, leaning into his
throw, and the bronze point caught Sarpedon just below the rib cage where it protects the heart"
(Homer 16.513–15). Another example is the killing of Patroclus, "He muscled his way through him
and rammed his spearhead into the pit of his belly and all the way through" (Homer 16.859–861).
Finally, the killing of Hector is the most horrific example of brutality; "The heavy bronze apex
pierced the soft neck but did not slit the windpipe, so that Hector could speak still" (Hector 22.359–
361). Hector's death is
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Example Of Loyalty In Beowulf
Layton Spiers
English IV
2nd Period
22 September 2017
Throughout the societies from which ancient stories came, morals were valued and taught to keep
everyday life functioning in a productive manner. Through the stages of British literature, the epic
stories of Beowulf, "Gilgamesh", The Iliad and The Odyssey show vast evidence of this. When
showing loyalty in these societies, conflict and the concept of being a hero were very important
elements. In the epics of Beowulf and "Gilgamesh", conflict is used to show the importance of
loyalty in Anglo–Saxon and Greek societies. Beowulf must fight the dragon to save his people, a
man versus nature conflict. Wiglaf knows that Beowulf need him to come and help because Beowulf
is going to die and therefore Wiglaf must carry on Beowulf's legacy of loyalty. When they begin to
fight the dragon Wiglaf says, "I remember that time when mead was flowing, how we pledged
loyalty to our lord in the hall¨ (Beers 36). This quote shows that the men would stay loyal no matter
the obstacle they had to overcome, showing how important it was to be loyal. Beowulf states, "This
fight is not yours, nor is it up to any man except me to measure his strength against the monster or to
prove his worth¨ (Beers 34). He understands how hard it will be to defeat the dragon due to his age,
but still knows he must go into battle, proving that he is loyal enough to put his life on the line to
save his people, another a man versus nature conflict. Similarly
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Iliad and Achilles Speech
In the modern world, people, as a society, have always given themselves a goal or goals that they
would like to attain at some point during their lifetime. Many people seek to attain riches, love,
happiness or high stature within society. When we people set that goal, we tend to mold our
lifestyles around it. As people work throughout their lives to achieve this ultimate goal, it becomes
apparent to others what it is we are working so hard for. Just as this pattern is evident in modern
society, it can also be seen in the times of Homer, particularly in the great Greek epic, the Iliad. This
distinct pattern can be seen in Achilles, one of the most vital characters in the story. Achilles, being
the ultimate most powerful warrior of all ... Show more content on ...
This insecurity is the source of Achilles “duty” to exact revenge upon Hektor, the
assassin of Patroklos. Achilles makes the decision to kill Hektor in spite of the fact that his fate will
be to die. Even though Achilles plans to attack Hektor for vengeful purposes, he has an underlying
motive. Because Achilles feels he has failed his friend, he wants or needs to save face. This is in
order to keep his goal of ultimate glory within his grasp. Achilles sees the opportunity his been
waiting for all his life. By killing Hektor and then being slain himself, he achieves his lofty goal of
ultimate glory. It is evident through this passage that Homer is building up this grand battle between
two of the greatest warriors of this time period. Achilles, already regarded as the greatest fighter,
speaks of Hektor not in a degrading manner, rather in a respectful manner, taking into account his
numerous heroic feats. “…my other companions, who in their numbers went down
before the glorious Hektor” (378, Iliad, 18.102). Homer wrote this line as if he were a
promoter of a boxing fight. He lifts the strength of Hektor’s character, and in doing so
makes for a more rivaled battle. At this point in the passage, Achilles in a sense forewarns everyone
of his intentions,
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Examples Of Similes In Rage Of Achilles
The moon shone over the water where the boat sailed, noiseless as an oar gliding through a river.
This is an example of a simile. The water is quiet and peaceful, which is shown in this image.
Similes and other figurative language are used to convey emotion and the feeling of the situation.
Without the simile, there would only be a small indication of the serenity of the scene. In the "Rage
of Achilles," epic similes are used to show that if characters are brave and humble, they become
more heroic, but if they are cowardly and overly prideful, they do not deserve the glory of battle.
One example of a hero getting glory by swallowing his pride is when Achilles goes back to fight
after Patroclus dies (18). Achilles does not want to fight because Agamemnon stole his "prize, for
which [he had] toiled" (6). However, Achilles goes back to fight when Patroclus dies, even though
he said he wouldn't fight (18). Because he overcomes his selfishness and his arrogance, he looks "all
radiant as the star" (19). He also shines "more brilliantly than those of any other that shines by
night" (19). Stars represent glory and selflessness, so Achilles being compared to a star shows his
honor. He is also compared to a god because he "bodes ill for mortals, for he brings fire and fever in
his train" (19). He is running to fight in a war and because he is a great fighter, he leaves a trail of
death behind him. When heroes stop being arrogant and follow the heroic code, they become more
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Achilles A Dynamic Character Essay
Achilles is the type of character that you love and hate at the same time. He's the hero, but he also
has deep flaws that causes him to do things that make you hate him –– such as, killing Hector and
dragging his body behind his chariot. Achilles is a selfish, prideful warrior who is full of rage that he
typically can't control. But Achilles is also a dynamic character; he doesn't stay the same selfish,
prideful warrior from the start of the poem to the end of it. He learns lessons along his journey from
the people and situations he encounters that changes him. Before Achilles encountered the people
and situations that changed him, he was selfish, prideful, quick–tempered, fearless, strong, and
sometimes cruel. This is shown many times ... Show more content on ...
When he does this, he starts showing compassion. This is something Achilles has not done before
this point in the play. He realizes that what he has done is wrong. He becomes less of the jealous,
prideful, warrior who is full of rage and more of a compassionate person. This is the biggest lesson
he learns; he learns how to be more compassionate. Odysseus was a Greek king that Achilles
respected. Odysseus often keeps Achilles from making rash decisions and tries to teach him things
about war and being a leader. When Achilles wanted to rush into war after the death of Patroclus,
Odysseus convinced him to let the army eat first. From Odysseus, Achilles learned what it means to
be a leader. In the movie, Achilles is aggravated at Odysseus and says, "Of all the kings of Greece, I
respect you most. But in this war you're a servant. And I refuse to be a servant any longer." To this
Odysseus responds, "Sometimes you need to serve in order to lead. I hope you understand that one
day." I think that this helped Achilles realize that he needed to stay fight instead of leaving like he
planned. This helped Achilles learn the importance of thinking about others. Achilles was very self–
centered. He didn't think about how the people he killed were sons, fathers, and husbands. He didn't
think about how his sitting out of the war caused many men to die. Odysseus' lesson about
leadership made Achilles more aware of the needs of the people
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Examples Of Gayity In The Movie Troy
Throughout time stories are often passed down and shared. Slowly changing to fit that culture's
values and beliefs during their given time. In this case with Wolfgang Petersen's 2004 film, Troy.
Homer's The Iliad tells the story of the rage of Achilles in a way to reflect Greece during the time of
Homer, while Troy, tells the same story in it's own way which reveals the values of the modern day.
In this paper, I will argue that the alteration to Achilles and Patroclus relationship in the movie Troy,
as compared to the suggested lover bond in the Iliad represents how modern culture feels toward
homosexuality. To prove this claim, I will provide various scenes in the movie and where Director
Petersen altered Achilles's character to fit a more modern idea. Then I will analyze the Greece's
culture beliefs on homosexual compared to that of the modern day, I will also address the opposing
argument's position.
1.Wolfgang Petersen tries to fill in the gap between Achilles and Patroclus's relationship by claiming
that they're cousins. He pitches this message multiple times throughout the film by having other
heroes such as Odysseus ask who Patroclus is to Achilles. They continue to push this home when
Patroclus and Achilles are sailing toward the beach of troy. Both character call each other cousins
for the entire dialog of the ship scene to establish to the audience the these two characters are
cousins. Petersen makes Patroclus Achilles's cousin to create a strong bond between the
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Theme Of Violence In The Iliad
Endless Cycle
(A Discussion on Scenes of Violence in the Iliad and Their Effect on the Text as a Whole)
Children taunting each other on the playground. A fast paced action adventure movie. A family
crossing the street when a person of color walks by. They can be found everywhere within society,
and yet rarely are recognized for what they truly are; scenes of violence. The children are using
linguistic violence. The movie shows physical violence. The person of color endures societal
violence. From the time a person is born to the time they die, they are subjected everyday to
violence, even if it comes in forms that we do not immediately recognize as being violent in nature.
It is possible that this complacency with violence exists because it can also be found in Western
Cultures' most treasured works, specifically those that are accredited for shaping the view of society
as the world knows it. In Homer's masterful work of The Iliad, the reader is confronted with all sorts
of violence on many different occasion;, however, a few specific ones contribute more than the rest
to the overall themes of the text. Rage. The very first word of The Iliad brings with it a sense of
violence in itself. When one hears the word 'rage', the following thought is one of aggression, of
anger, of almost animalistic hatred. Yes, hatred, for one cannot have rage without it. The opening
scene has the ironic hero– ironic in the sense that most would not classify him as a hero in the
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The Importance Of The Warrior Culture In The Iliad And...
The Iliad and Beowulf are two important stories that illustrate critical components of the warrior
culture. Achilles and Beowulf are similar in nature as they value pride and honor to the highest
degree in their way of life. They, however, play a central role in highlighting the importance of the
Anglo–Saxons and Greeks perception of their burial rites. It is through these character's experiences
that the reader is able to see how commemoration of the dead exemplifies the significance of their
greatness. This paper will be examining the warrior culture of these two stories and how honor
played a role in demonstrating the importance of ritual rites for their respective cultures. Beowulf
embodies extraordinary qualities such as heroism, bravery, and superhuman strength. These
characteristics are similar to that of Achilles. Furthermore, both of their incredible strengths allow
them to prevail against other strong warriors in battle. Perhaps the quality that best describes both of
these individuals is honor. Achilles displayed this trait from the beginning to the end in the Iliad.
After enduring a public humiliation in the hands of Agamemnon, Achilles declared that he would
withdraw all his men from battle and no longer fight for the Greeks. Although the Greeks suffered
many casualties, Achilles' pride and honor prevented him from participating in battle. It wasn't until
the death of his warrior companion, Patroclus, that Achilles returned to battle. His refusal to partake
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The Iliad Or The Poem Of Force
In her essay, The Iliad or The Poem of Force, Simone Weil argues, "The true hero, the true subject
matter, the center of the Iliad, is force," (152). "Force" is defined as, "that x that turns anybody who
is subjected to it/ into a thing," (153). Weil perceives force as an active entity that is capable of
profound, negative, influences on the lives it touches (153). For a hero, force replaces his rational
sensibilities by an uncontrollable urge to slaughter his opponent in an animalistic fashion, an
unavoidable outcome generated by war. Weil defines this uncontrollable type of force as "the force
that kills," marking the moment when a hero becomes a warrior (155). Simone Weil records The
Iliad as a evil and vanity of war, but she fails to do justice to the complexity of Homer 's challenging
vision. She turns a blind eye to poem 's commitment to heroism, a concept she assigns force as the
poem 's "true hero." Weil overlooks the Homeric hero's investment in the ethos of glory and the
participation in the "noblest deeds of men," which is present in The Iliad's "true hero," Hector. In
The Iliad, war generates the most meaningful, noble, and glorious actions along with destruction and
self–destruction. Homer understands the allure of war as Weil does not, her interpretation is one–
sided and fails to recognize the humanity and pathos behind of the slayers. Weil makes this
exclusion because, she reads The Iliad as an antiwar poem due to her own experiences in war life.
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Grief in The Iliad Essay
Grief in The Iliad
There are many lessons that can be learned from reading Homer's The Iliad. One of which is
understanding the stages of grief. One can literally watch Achilles go through all five stages when
he morns the death of his comrade Patroclus. Achilles moves through Denial and Isolation,
Depression, Anger, Bargaining and Acceptance in the short time after his close friends death.
"Sheltered under his curving, beaked ships he found him, foreboding, deep down, all that had come
to pass" (18.3–4). In this sentence, Achilles is trying to avoid learning about his friend's death. He
has isolated himself in hopes that it is not true. He knows that it is so but feels that if he can keep
from hearing the truth that it will not ... Show more content on ...
"A black cloud of grief came shrouding over Achilles. Both hands clawing the ground for soot and
filth, he poured it over his head, fouled his handsome face and black ashes settled onto his fresh
clean war–shirt. Overpowered in all his power, sprawled in the dust, Achilles lay there,
fallen…tearing his hair, defiling it with his own hands" (18.25–30). In this passage Achilles is
acting out some of the classic symptoms of depression such as sadness and hopelessness. Another
symptom of depression is suicide. Homer demonstrates this well in the following passage,
"Antilochus kneeling near, weeping uncontrollably, clutched Achilles' hands as he wept his proud
heart out—for fear he would slash his throat with an iron blade" (18. 36–38). Achilles once
again speaks of killing himself as he passes from depression into the stage of anger. "My spirit
rebels—I've lost the will to live, to take my stand in the world of men—unless, before
all else, Hector's battered down by my spear and gasps away his life, the blood–price for Patroclus,
Menoetius' gallant son he's killed and stripped!" (18.105–109). In anger the grieving person may be
furious at the person who inflicted the hurt, much as Achilles was towards Hector. Achilles also
briefly passes through the stage of bargaining when he is having a conversation with his mother,
Thetis. " 'You're doomed to a short life, my son, from all you say! For hard on the heals of Hector's
death your death must
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Human Morality In Athenians And Achilles
These works illustrate the struggles with human morality that plague both the Athenians and
Achilles. During crises, they lose their humanity and compassion for others. Humanity is complex,
and one aspect of it is the human capacity to empathize with other creatures. Not being able to
empathize with others is a sign of a lack of humanity, and in the modern world is associated, when
dramatic enough, with psychopathy. This can be applied to the mental states of the people in these
works as well. Achilles loses his connection with his people and struggles deeply with the
knowledge of his multiple moirai (fate or destiny). The Athenians also disconnect from the people in
their empire, boasting of their mercy in the beginning of the text, but ... Show more content on ...
They feel nothing for the Mytileneans, they only wish to hold on to the power that they have and
continue to expand their empire. Diodotus reminds them that the best way to deal with these
tensions is to prevent them by taking care of the communities in the empire and showing mercy and
kindness so that the thought of revolting never crosses their minds (Thucydides 221.46). They
employ this tactic later with the Melians by offering them fair terms when attempting to conquer
them. They remind the Melians that those in power do what they want to do and those without
power must accept that and that the Melians should be grateful for the deal proposed by the
Athenians (Thucydides 402.89). The Melians do not accept and in turn receive no mercy and are
slaughtered. This illustrates the poison of power and dissociation that has a hold on the Athenian
people; it is so important that they expand their empire that they demolish anything that stands in
their way without pity. Achilles is unstable for a few reasons, one of which is that he feels he has
been publicly humiliated by Agamemnon and that his timé (honor) and value as a part of the war
effort is not being
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Essay on Achilles: The Tragic Hero of The Iliad
Achilles can be described as a Tragic Hero in many ways. He was brave and had great strength but,
he was also prideful and lacked control with his emotions, and in all the label of a tragic hero fits
him. A Tragic hero is "a literary character who makes an error of judgment or has a fatal flaw that,
combined with fate and external forces, brings on a tragedy" ("Tragic Hero"). To many men Achilles
was god–like, and immortal, the epitome of a hero to the Greeks, he was strong, brave in the face of
war, and of noble birth because he was the son of a goddess. In the Iliad, Achilles, driven by anger
seeks revenge on Hector for killing his "dearest comrade" ("The Heroic Age"), Patroclus, whom he
claims to have valued more than his own life. He ... Show more content on ...
He then returns the body to Priam and feels guilty about his friend. "Feel no anger at me, Patroclus,
if you learn––– even there in the House of Death––– I let his father have Prince Hector back"
(Homer). Achilles wants his friend to forgive him and once again has succumbed to the intense
emotions he feel that are out of his control. These emotions have Achilles act on rage and impulse.
Achilles is a tragic hero because he exhibits the qualities of a hero but, in the end is fated to death.
Achilles' fatal flaw could be his lack of emotional stability. This can be argued and shown
throughout the Iliad. Achilles is courageous, full of strength, and god–like but he is also full of pride
and rage, and not in control of his emotions. He doesn't think of the consequences that come with
just acting upon his emotions, he just impulsively does what he feels in the heat of the moment. This
can be shown as his fatal flaw because emotions can be the cause of certain actions that might lead
to difficulties in the future or in this case Achilles' death.
In a sense Achilles can inspire the contemporary generation to face the challenges of life, though he
is probably not the best example. Achilles acts on impulse which is not something that our
generation should do all too easily. Achilles inspires bravery but, with that he also inspires reckless
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The Ideas Of Heroes In The Iliad And Gilgamesh
When more than one individual reads a piece of literature the ideas that flow through a discussion
are unique. Through the class discussions much is learned through the ideas of fellow classmates.
The different perspectives brought to the table allows learners to learn a great deal from one another.
Discussing the literature presented in class aids in the understanding of the roles each character in
the poem plays. The knowledge about each character's attitudes, beliefs, and ultimate goals through
other individuals helps to see the same major point only from a different perspective.
Through the discussion on the Iliad many major points were made about the idea of heroes in both
the Iliad and Gilgamesh. One major point made was the difference in the idea of heroes in both
poems. "In the Iliad, heroes did what was necessary to maintain their honor; which usually resulted
in several bad decisions." (Lockerbie). The conclusion that came about is in the Iliad, the hero was a
warrior of war that valued power, women and honor. A warrior shaped by the Gods and Goddesses
that achieved their honor through the battlefield. These warriors were selfish, egotistical and lack the
maturity to learn a valuable lesson. Defined by their actions they fought to kill without any clear
reason. Paris was an example many brought forth to illustrate the idea of hero in the Iliad. Paris
chose a beautiful woman over power, and victory starting a 10–year war. A 10–year war was started
at his fault and
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Character Analysis Of Hector
Hector is shaped by his surroundings by becoming completely immersed in the morals in his society.
He is shaped culturally through bravery of a warrior, the belief in fate and intervention of the gods,
and the great love for his country. All of which are direct traits of the society and what they believed
was moral and appropriate.
In the Homeric society, being an ideal and successful warrior was so critically important to many
individuals for the sake of being remembered. Like the love of glory, no one would remember the
person for centuries if he/she did not give them a reason to remember he/she. By being a brave and a
heroic warrior it gave fame and recognition to the warrior which, in return, made them memorable.
In the text it can be seen that Hector will go to great lengths to be the brave warrior that he is. For
example, he criticizes his own brother for being a coward when fighting against Menelaus, stating
that his charm and good looks are going to get him nowhere in the realm of being a great hero and
being remembered. He even stands firm to protect Troy even though he does not agree with the war.
Since Hector is the mightiest of warriors for the Trojans, he always leads his army into battle, gives
commands, and kills fiercely for the sake of his reputation. His loyalness to the king, his royal
position, his country and his army all contribute to him being a brave warrior and for him to receive
the glory and being honored.
Fate and pre–determined destiny are massively believed in this society that it affects everyone in
that cultural. Hector expresses his belief in this and puts himself in dangerous situations because he
has no fear of death because it is already pre–determined. This can be found in his final
confrontation with Achilles, Hector's gullibleness to the goddess's trick leads him to a losing battle.
He could have easily ran away from the rageful Achilles, but he fully believed his fate was sealed
and he could do nothing about it. By the belief in fate and Zeus' scales, the sense that nothing could
be changed about one's life is fully believed in this society. Fate centers around those scales and the
gods and goddesses. These supernatural entities intervene in the lives of the mortals
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Examples Of Glory In The Iliad
Can we use four different words to analysis the Iliad? Of course we can! But what are the four
words? These four words are glory, honor, pathos and rugged individualism. Before we can do
anything we must first define these words. So lets start with glory, glory means very great praise or
honor. Honor means high respect. Pathos means a quality that bring pity, sorrow or sadness. Rugged
individualism is the belief of all individuals can succeed on their own. The aim of essay is to let us
understand more about Homers Iliad and the theme of the Iliad.
How can we apply glory? The Iliad has a lot of paragraphs that talk about glory. Why? Because one
of the theme is herolism, and usually in hero stories there are glory, that is why there's glory. But
actually where can we see glory? In the first paragraph of the extract saying "Achilles with wild fury
in his heart pulled in upon his chest his beautiful shield, his helmet with four burnished metal ridges
nodding above it". This is glory because in this battle Achilles killed Hector, but we didn't see
anything about Achilles killing Hector in the example. Why? Its because the real glory of Achilles is
he brings fury in the battle to ... Show more content on ...
Sometimes honor might not come because you win. it might come when you lose. Sounds ridiculous
but its true. Another example from the extract "Now Hector has turned vulnerable, softer than when
he put the torches to the ships" This is said by the people who stabbed Hectors body, they show
great praise to Hector. Another example is "I see you now for what you are. No chance to win you
over....... great as you are.". This is said by Hector before he die, this example means that he knows
that he cant win Achilles, but he says that the gods are in anger of Achilles because his heart is like a
iron in his breast. Why is it honor? Because even though Hector is gonna die, he still says out why
he thinks, he doesn't feel fear of Achilles will kill him
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The Epic Of Gilgamesh And Gilgamesh
A hero is a man of extraordinary ability and the courage to do things when others falter in the face of
adversity. The role each hero plays in society varies greatly depending on the time period and the
gods' intervention in their worlds. They often possess great strength or other noble abilities. In
Gilgamesh we see Enkidu and Gilgamesh blessed with incredible strength so much so that it gets
them into trouble. In The Iliad, there are many different heroes each with their own roles and
abilities. Some are warriors, others are cunning in nature, and some possess the brute strength that
spreads fear in the enemy. In each society, the role of the hero is to inspire those around them and
conquer lands or people that stand in their way. Enkidu and Gilgamesh are defined primarily by
their strength. They are fortified with bravery and willing to take on even the most impossible of
tasks. Gilgamesh decides to kill Humbaba, the guardian of the cedar trees. Enkidu tries to be the
voice of reason, but Gilgamesh convinces him death is nothing to fear. Later on Enkidu dies after
the gods intervene because of Gilgamesh and Enkidu's antics and this sends Gilgamesh into a panic,
not wanting to die himself. He seeks immortality of the flesh and goes through many trials to get a
hold of an immortal plant. His foolishness ultimately costs him his one chance at immortality but a
lot is learned. Gilgamesh returns to be the hero of Uruk, guarding the city. In The Iliad a couple of
the main
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The Reasons Of An Epic : The Ilad And The Iliad
Some of the eldest and most significant cultures have been around for thousands of years. China was
one of four civilizations to be organized. Egypt came around and some of these structures (the
pyramids) still stand today as a test to time. One of the grand influences on our culture as Americans
is that of the ancient Greeks. Most of our architect, art, language, and stories originates in the land of
Greece. However, one thing that Greece has that we do not is an Epic. Some may ponder and ask,
"what do you mean an epic?" By Epic, I'm simply referring to the stories such as the Iliad or the
Odyssey. Italy, France, Britain, and Greece all have these Epics that tell of their country's history.
The Iliad contains more merit than that of the Odyssey for a few reasons. One of these is the fact
that it comes before that of the Iliad. Another reason is the facts it contains. The Odyssey is the story
of Odysseus's journey home, and on this journey he is constantly battling monsters. In the Iliad, it is
a story of a war between men. It tells of the god's intervening, but it is closer to factual and our
current day historians and scientist need facts to say something's credible. In the Epic, The Iliad,
Homer displays three series of violence and bloodshed all because of different reasons. The first
major scene of violence that will be dissected in the Epic Iliad, by Homer, is the war itself and why
copious amounts of blood was spilled. The war started over three goddesses fighting
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The Epic Of Gilgamesh And The Iliad Essay
The destiny in Gilgamesh and The Iliad stories are believed to be a power that controls what
happens in the future. The story of Gilgamesh and the Iliad destinies are moderately the same in
significance of the conflicts and the ways of life both of the stories focused on a significant deaths.
The Iliad and Gilgamesh is a remarkable reminder of the way life is in the present, but also how it is
a little different. Both stories are similar in goals and destinies and how it affect the main characters.
Most people believes that destiny or fate is pre–set and it is changed only by decisions we make that
may be selfish and vindicated. Hopefully by the end of the essay the readers will get a better
understand of stories similarities and differences. In Gilgamesh it 's discovered that he was two
thirds god and one–third man, and his knowledge is the significant to his fate. Gilgamesh is a hero
that is beautiful, courageous, and daunting to the others around him; they desires to have his
attributes, and accomplishments to reflect and exemplify theirs life and destiny. Being mortal means
that his fate is to experience his own death and the death of others around him. In fact, without death
his life would be meaningless, and the journeys that make up the story would vanish. The
immortality of Gilgamesh's name gives the ability to live forever than to die and be forgotten. This
story teaches Gilgamesh what it means to be human; he teaches him the meaning of love and
compassion, the
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Patroclus Funeral
Achilles Sorrows then Celebrates at Patroclus' Funeral The sorrow of the great warrior Patroclus'
death continues as his funeral was held last week near the Greek camp following Hector's death. An
inside source has revealed that Achilles is devastated over the loss of his great friend and asks that
all people may be respectful to his friend in participating in the mourning of him. Achilles ordered
that the bones of Patroclus be burned and placed into an urn elaborately. He commanded the entire
army to say respectful farewells to their fellow warrior. He then ate with the Myrmidons. A reporter
from the Athens Efimerída spoke to Achilles on what he will plan to do now after the conclusion of
his friends funeral. He said "I plan to destroy
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Compare And Contrast Beowulf And The Iliad
"Beowulf" and "The Iliad" have plenty of differences but also have plenty of similarities within their
stories, structure, and writing styles. For instance they are both poems but "The Iliad" is an ancient
poem while "Beowulf" is an epic poem. They are both poems but they are two different types of
poems, this is just one of the many similarities and differences in these two stories. One of the
similarities within this story is that both heros from the stories take a prize from their enemies when
they win their battles. Beowulf and Achilles both take body parts from their enemies and in Achilles
case the whole body of his enemy as their prizes. As lines 357 and 358 in "Beowulf" state, "From
the rafters where Beowulf had hung it, was the monster's Arm, claw and shoulder and all" (Allen
53). Beowulf also takes the head of his enemy later in the book when he kills his enemies mother.
This point is shown also later in the story, lines 568 through 573 says, "The monsters' hall was full
of Rich treasures, but all that Beowulf took Was Grendel's head and the hilt of the giants' Jeweled
sword; the rest of that ring–marked Blade had dissolved in Grendel's steaming Blood, boiling even
after his death" (Allen 60). This taking of the body as a prize is also evident in "The Iliad" when
Achilles takes Hector's body and ties it to his chariot and drags his dead body through town. Lines
246 through 253 in "The Iliad" state, "Indeed, he had in mind for Hector's body outrage and shame.
Behind both feet he pierced the tendons, heel to ankle. Rawhide cords he drew through both and
lashed them to his chariot, letting the man's head trail. Stepping aboard, bearing the great trophy of
the arms, he shook the reins, and whipped the team ahead into a willing run" ("The Iliad" 86). The
taking of the body of their enemies is one of the similarities between these two war heroes and in
these two stories. One of the major differences in these two stories is the reason that the heroes are
fighting in the first place. In "Beowulf" the hero is fighting to help people and to have a great and
grand legacy behind his name opposed to in "The Iliad" the hero is fighting for revenge and is
fighting through pure anger. Lines 109 through
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Theme Of Violence In The Iliad
(An Analysis of Violence in the Iliad) Truly great works of literature are filled to the brim with
countless images of symbolism and illustrations of timeless themes. With the amount of depth that
such stories dive into, every carefully phrased sentence makes an intentional statement. This goes to
say, that even intense sequences of violence within true literature has an intended point to make.
One such work of literature, an ancient epic, The Iliad, by Homer is filled to the brim with dynamic,
and violent scenes. However, this brings the question, how does violence contribute to a theme?
Through many brutal scenes of violence, The Iliad demonstrates that with or without the aid of
divine intervention, humanity will always strive to defend honor and fight for what is believed to be
justice. A prominent scene of violence lies within the death of Patroclus, after he can stand idly by
no longer, and fights for a cause he believes in. It is clear that Patroclus has been a close friend with
Achilles for most of his life, and most likely feels inferior deep down. Patroclus has always been in
the shadow of this great hero, yet when the Greeks need Achilles the most, he refuses to help. Due to
his lack of action, Patroclus takes it upon himself to bear the armor of Achilles to join the Greeks in
battle. Not only is he defending the honor of the Greek cause, he is defending the honor of Achilles,
who chooses to pout and avoid the battle. Wearing Achilles' armor, Patroclus seems unstoppable, yet
amidst the battle, he becomes too reckless, and is wounded. This makes him easy prey for Hector to
brutally kill him. Homer tells of Patroclus' death, "Hector waiting, watching the greathearted
Patroclus trying to stagger free, seeing him wounded there with the sharp bronze came rushing into
him right across the lines and rammed his spear shaft home, stabbing deep in the bowels, and the
brazen point went jutting straight out through Patroclus' back," (439). Vivid as this death may be, it
clearly demonstrates that honor and justice is worth dying for. On another hand, the iconic duel
between Hector and Achilles demonstrates the struggle to fight or die with honor from both sides of
the war. With boundless rage,
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Patroclus A Hero In The Iliad
Homeric heroes in classics, such as the Iliad, possess similar qualities that are the criterion of what
defines a hero. Characteristics, like honor and loyalty, in addition to an individual's favoring by the
gods, feats in battle, and fatal flaws are present in each hero. Therefore, when identifying an
individual in one of Homer's epics as a hero, it is essential that he possesses these traits. Patroclus is
a keen example of an individual in the Iliad who is a hero. Within the Iliad, the term "hero" is best
characterized by Patroclus's loyalty to Achilles and the Greek army, power in battle, and hubris that
serves as his ultimate weakness. Loyalty is a trait that Patroclus, indubitably, possesses. As the
Trojan forces overpower the Achaeans, Patroclus loyally stays by Achilles's side, even though the
Greek army is in desperate need of both men in battle. Patroclus knows his help ... Show more
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All Homeric heroes eventually reach their downfall because of their overbearing pride, and
Patroclus is no exception. When Patroclus begs Achilles to enter the battle in Achilles's place,
Achilles refuses; he only obliges after receiving Patroclus's promise to return after driving the
Trojans away. Despite his promise to Achilles, however, Patroclus decides to pursue the Trojan
army. As Patroclus's series of kills increases, he gains more confidence in his ability to storm Troy.
Patroclus becomes overconfident as he nearly invades, and meets his final fate when Apollo pushes
him over and Hector finishes the kill. Instead of following the wise wish of Achilles, Patroclus
decides to overstep his limits. If Patroclus returned to the ships, swallowing his pride in the process,
as Achilles advised, he most likely would remain alive. Unfortunately, his hubris causes his
inevitable death on the battlefield. Therefore, similar to other Homeric heroes, Patroclus's one fatal
flaw is potent enough to cause this Greek hero's
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The True Hero Of The Iliad
Talha Yousaf
Theodore O'Neill
Human Being and Citizen I
27 October 2014
Hector – The true hero of The Iliad
Throughout human history, mankind has venerated heroes because they possess the ideals that
people strive to achieve themselves. The appearance and importance of heroes in The Iliad form a
major part of what makes it such a celebrated tale. The concept of heroism, however, for the ancient
Greeks and modern society is quite different. The Greeks viewed heroes as humans usually
descended from the gods and in possession of superhuman strength and an aptitude for battle .
Achilles clearly fits the above definition and therefore it comes as no surprise that he has historically
been viewed as the main hero of the epic. However, the modern day definition of heroism, more
than just strength and prowess in battle, encompasses the idea of a moral responsibility: defending
one's people from harm and sacrificing one's own desires or life for the sake of others. Hector
proves to be a great warrior, referred to as 'man–killing Hector' by the Achaeans, and therefore can
be seen as a hero by the Greek perspective. However that is not the defining characteristic of the
Trojan Prince. His character revolves around a sense of moral responsibility towards his people, his
culture and his family, and using his power to defend them, sacrificing his own life in the process.
The goal of this paper is to prove that Hector, not Achilles, is the true hero of The Iliad.
Early on in the tale we
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Ransom By David Malouf Analysis
Grief can play with one's mind twisting and manipulating one to not be the same person they used to
be, while grief can also change one for the better. In the book, Ransom, by David Malouf, Hector
kills Achilles' friend, Patroclus, so Achilles kills Hector. Priam wants to see his son one last time so
he makes a plan to get to him. Somax takes Priam on a carriage to go find his son Hector. They have
some troubles along the way, but they eventually get to Priam's son. Priam brings Hector back to
Troy and Hector is buried. In Ransom by David Malouf, the author teaches the reader the power of
grief through the experiences of Priam and Achilles. Grief can be a controlling force, it can cause
and individual to change as a person, and grief can strongly influence one's actions. The sorrow
from the loss of a loved can be burdensome and can take a toll on one and their family. Priam
explains to Hecuba, "It is eleven days now since Hector's death and we have done nothing, all of us,
but weep and sit stunned with grief" (Malouf 50). Priam's family is depressed over the loss of their
son Hector. It controls their emotions and the way they think of their life now, moving on without
Hector. While Priam is talking with Deiphobus, "Priam lowers his head. When he raises it again his
look is grave but his eyes, for all the power of emotion in him are dry" (Malouf 84). Priam is having
a difficult time coming to terms that Hector is actually gone, so he is overcome with multiple
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Honour In The Iliad Essay
The concept of honour reverberates throughout both Troy and Book XXIV of the Iliad, this is clear
in the two texts when addressing the idea of war and what it entails. War is seen a destructive force
and yet to die during such is the highest honour, as they are serving their king and their country. The
concept of nationalism and defending your own nation at the risk of losing your life is considered to
be the highest as this act ensure that there is a significant place in history for your name and eternal
recognition. This is further supported in the film Troy when Achilles chooses to fight in the battle of
Troy despites his foreshadowed death, for Achilles is consumed with the notion of being
remembered and to die with honour. This idea of Glory and Honour echoes throughout both pieces
with the constant reflection of warfare equalling worthiness. In the film Troy throughout the battle
between Achilles and Hector items of Hectors armour a removed piece by piece this is to reflect the
stripping away of his glory and himself as a man. However it is apparent that the vengeful act of
killing Hector relieve none of his tension and is still consumed by grief.
In both texts recurring theme is the effect of grief upon characters. In the film Troy we see as the
death of Patroclus evokes brutality within Achilles and causes him to make decisions to which are
rash and clouded by his own personal feelings and emotions. Upon finding out about the death of
Patroclus, ... Show more content on ...
Also, in both texts grief envelops the character of Achilles and allows his anger to take hold of him
on the battle field. Book XXIV also presents traditional concerns of the era in its use of now
considered patronising and discourteous language whereas Troy takes the concerns of modern times
and places them within an old fashioned era to show the effects of
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Despite being a minor character, Patroclus is crucial to the plot of The Iliad. He determines the
outcome of the Trojan War as he is the reason behind Achilles deciding to go back and fight on
behalf of his death. The role of Patroclus is not credited enough even though his character
practically decides the outcome of the war. Patroclus has been Achilles' best friend ever since they
were children. They were constantly together, whether it was simply enjoying each other's company
or in the fray of battle. However, when Achilles decides to sit out of the war, Patroclus goes to battle
alone. Achilles lends Patroclus his armor, but tells him not to go past the ships. Patroclus, caught up
in battle, ignores Achilles and continues to show off by
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Bravery In An Iliad And Trojan Women
Bravery is commonly shown in different ways in An Iliad and The Trojan Women. In the text the
characters show bravery by preserving. In the book An Iliad, the characters show bravery through
rising to the occasion and persevering. In The Trojan Women, the characters show bravery through
overcoming the challenges they deal with and preserving too. The characters in An Iliad and Trojan
Women show bravery even in the face of challenge, the characters are perseverant, making them
brave. Since they showing bravery, they gain a sense of self–confidence and they prove to be more
successful because they were able to rise to the occasion.
In An Iliad, the characters are forced to display their true selves by showing their bravery and rising
to the occasion After Patroclus has been killed the Achaeans and Trojans are fighting over his body.
Hector decides to surprise the Achaeans by taking Achilles armor which Patroclus has been
wearing.Antilochus narrates,"I remember that I heard Glaucus shouting You're a coward, Hector,
you didn't challenge Ajax because he's stronger than you, now you have left him the boy of
Patroclus which would have been a precious prize for us! Then Hector did something that no one
will forget. He ran to join his companions who Patroclus's armor into the city, a trophy. He stopped,
took off his own armor and put on the immortal armor that Achilles had given his friend to go into
battle"(109).I heard that Glaucus was yelling at Hector "You're a coward, you didn't fight Ajax
because you know that he can beat you, and now you leave us with just the body of Patroclus and
steal the armor, having the armor would have been special for us." Hector did something so
unexpected. He ran to his soldiers taking the armor back to the city of Troy. He stopped them took
the Patroclus's armor from them and put it on shocking the Achaeans and upsetting them more.This
displays Hector's bravery because in the book multiple times people from both sides have taken
armor from the dead before. The reason why this is so important now is that Patroclus was wearing
Achilles armor which was very special because Achilles was an important warrior. This is Hector's
way of showing them that he is not a coward and wants to show
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How Are Beowulf And Achilles Alike
Beowulf and Achilles Beowulf is a story about a man named Beowulf who desired fame and fortune
in life. The Iliad had a character named Achilles who is similar to Beowulf because he also desired
glory. But they are two completely different stories written at different times and different places by
different people. Both stories have unique qualities such as dragons in one and multi–gods in the
other and that is what makes fictitious stories like these classics. Since achieving fame is a goal of
these two characters, and since these are great works of literature, people can relate to wanting to be
famous in life. So this essay is about Beowulf and Achilles and what they went through to be
famous and also what they went through to ... Show more content on ...
After Hector's death, Achilles would drag the body every morning around his army base three times
to show the accomplishment he had made in the war. The gods didn't really agree with him though
because they kept healing Hector's body (not back to life though). "...All his wounds sealed shut,
wherever they struck... and many drove their bronze blades through his body". Eventually, Priam
(with help of gods) got Achilles to sell Hector's body back for a bunch of priceless goods. "Give
(Hector) back to me, now, no more delay – I must see my son with my own eyes" (The Iliad, ln 650
– 651, p 212). Being begged by a king increases his fame just because a king doesn't usually do that,
especially in this case. Priam gets the body and buries it and that's the end of The Iliad.
Whereas in Beowulf, written by an anonymous poet, is about a man who is very strong. He travels
to a distant land to kill a couple monsters and earn glory for himself. The quest begins when
Beowulf heads to the Danish castle. He is a Geat by the way. His king is Higlac and Beowulf asked
him if he could travel the seas to earn glory for himself by helping out the Danish and their king,
Hrothgar. When Beowulf finally got to Hrothgar, Hrothgar was glad to see him; he seemed to have a
lot of faith in Beowulf. "Our Holy Father has sent him as a sign of His grace, a mark of His favor, to
help us defeat Grendel and end that terror" (Beowulf, ln 381 – 384). The monster, Grendel, had
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Nietzsche 's Iliad As A Demonstration Of A Single Nature...
Nietzsche interprets Iliad as a demonstration of a single nature of "power" among the Greeks that
leads to the brutal war. Simone Weil disagrees with Nietzsche and believes Iliad to be a
representation of two forces, "might" and courtesy, which she calls "gravity" and "grace" (Simone
Weil Handout, passage # 2, pg 2). Nietzsche considers only one perspective of the Iliad, the cruelty
of "power," in contrast, Weil examines both the good and the brutality shown in Homer's epic. Weil
thinks of Homer's epic to be exhibiting the misery of the war, along with some sparks of "grace" (IC
48). Overall, Nietzsche thinks of Homer's Iliad only to be a celebration of competition derived by
the "will to power," whereas Weil considers Iliad as not just a representation of the rule by "might,"
but also showing moments of courtesy through the savagery of war (NR 355).
Nietzsche argues that Iliad is all about the constant battle of strife driven by the "will to power" in
life. As he says " simply is the will to power" (NR 355). Here, Nietzsche is saying that
everyone in Iliad takes action in order to gain honor and "power." For example, when Agamemnon
returns his prize Chryseis, he says Achilles to give him his prize, Briseis because it would be a
dishonor for him to be without a prize (SHI 5). This starts a conflict between the two, as Achilles
says that it's better for him to return home, than being "unhonored" by giving up his prize (SHI 6).
Nietzsche further mentions that "Where I
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Human Agency Is Nonexistent Throughout The Books
The concept of human agency is nonexistent throughout the books in the Iliad. Well, at least it seems
that way. The gods constantly intervene and change the fates of certain warriors and events as they
please, "...but Aphrodite snatched Paris away." (3.439) this shows Aphrodite carrying Paris away
before he is about to die by the hands of Menelaus, thus changing Paris' fate. However, there are
parts in the epic that show signs of free will. There is a place in the Iliad where human agency does
exist. It exists in the fierce, yet gentle, warrior named Patroclus. He chose to beg Achilles for his
armor to push the Trojans back to their walls. Patroclus, wearing Achilles' armor, did not just wear
the armor to appear as Achilles and scare the ... Show more content on ...
This passage conveys humans having intentions on doing things that they feel is right, but they do
not have control over the environment.
The passage shows characteristics of animal agency. Patroclus had the intentions to charge into
battle, hoping to push back the Trojans far enough for the Achaeans to be safe for another day, but
he could not control the situation, as he did not intend for a god to attack him. As Patroclus is
stunned in battle, Hector watches over him like prey. Hector is a warrior of the Trojans and so it is
his duty to attack those who are a threat to his people. Hector shows animal agency by observing his
enemy and waiting for an opportunity to attack Patroclus at his weakest point. "Hector waiting,
watching the greathearted Patroclus trying to stagger free" (16.952–953) shows that he is watching
Patroclus from a distance because he knows that if they fight up front, he will surely lose. Hector is
"watching" Patroclus like a predator watches its prey. Patroclus tries to "stagger free" is showing us
that he is frightened and is trying to reach out to escape or find help.
Human actions are intentional and have reasons to why they have been performed. The passage
shows how empowered one gets once they get a taste of victory. Patroclus was simply worried about
his brothers out at war, fighting for survival as the Trojans are closing onto their ships. He urges
Achilles for his
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Achilles Revenge Essay
Achilles's Revenge
Achilles bears down upon Hector for the last fight of one of their lives. The Greeks and Trojans have
been at war for a long time and the for the first time since the war has started the greatest warriors of
both sides are about to clash in a one on one battle that the gods themselves are taking part in
influencing the outcome of it. After Hector killed Achilles best friend Patroclus, Achilles has been
out to avenge him by killing Hector and showing him the same courtesy that he showed Patroclus
when he killed him by leaving him where the dogs and buzzards could pick at him, and he would
never get the burial necessary for him to move on into the afterlife. Achilles hunting Hector down
proves that even the most ruthless of Greek warriors can show compassion towards a friend. As
Achilles makes his way from the greek ships to the city of Troy, he has an internal debate on
whether or not killing Hector was truly what his friend would want him to do. The debate comes to
an end when he sees Hector ... Show more content on ...
He could feel the impending victory just out of reach mocking him, saying that he will never make
it, that Hector will get away and his friend will never be avenged. The stunning beauty that suddenly
appears known as Athena, descends to deliver him a message. With the a surprisingly human
compassionate tone she says " At last our hopes run high, my brilliant Achilles–Father Zeus must
love you–we'll sweep great glory back to Achaea's fleet, we'll kill this Hector, mad as he is for
battle! No way for him to escape us now, no longer–not even if Phoebus the distant deadly Archer
goes through torments , pleading for Hector's life, groveling over and over before our storming
Father Zeus. But you, you hold your ground and catch your breath while I run Hector down and
persuade the man to fight you
... Get more on ...
Characters In The Iliad And Gilgamesh
Once more than one individual reads a piece of literature the ideas that flow through a discussion are
unique. Through the class discussions much is learned through the ideas of classmates. The different
perspectives brought to the table allows learners to learn a great deal from one another. Discussing
the literature presented in class aids in the understanding of the roles each character in the poem
plays. The knowledge about each character's attitudes, beliefs, and ultimate goals through other
individuals helps to see the same major point only from a different perspective.
Through the discussion on the Iliad many major points were made about the idea of the heroes in
both the Iliad and Gilgamesh. One major point made was the difference in the idea of the heroes in
both poems. "In the Iliad, heroes did what was necessary to maintain their honor; which usually
resulted in several bad decisions." (Lockerbie). The conclusion that came about is in the Iliad, the
hero was a warrior of war that valued power, women, and honor. A warrior, shaped by the Gods and
Goddesses that achieved their honor through the battlefield. These warriors were selfish, egotistical,
and lack the maturity to learn a valuable lesson. Defined by their actions they fought to kill,
sometimes without any clear purpose. Paris was an example many brought forth to illustrate the idea
of the hero in the Iliad. Paris chose a beautiful woman over power, and victory, starting a 10–year
war. The 10–year war was
... Get more on ...

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Lion Similes

  • 1. Lion Similes The article in titled Between Lions and Men, Images of the Hero in the Iliad by Michael Clarke is a very innovate piece of work. In the article, Clarke puts forward the idea of how the referencing of wild animals in the Iliad is symbolic and highly significant to the ethical and psychological problems of heroism within Homer's Iliad. The focus that Clarke is placing in relation to the animal similes within the Iliad is the lion similes. As the Iliad is focused on Achilles and his death, it is no wonder that the lion similes are associated with this so called hero. Achilles and how he associates himself with the wolf and particularly the lion is the focal point of this article. In this essay I will analyse and comment on the argument put forward ... Show more content on ... They both in general embody very similar characteristics. They both are associated with and exude power, strength and ferociousness. Clarke states in his article that the lion stands for 'the warrior's most violent and warlike mood– in other words, for his state of mind when he behaves in the way that defines him as a hero' (Clarke. P 147). However in disagreement, how can Achilles be defined as a hero when he is seeking personal revenge because of the death of Patroclus? The lion does not think only about themselves, they have a pride or a coalition to guide and protect. In the Iliad, Achilles walks out on his fellow warriors. The warrior became weak and therefore hides away, which results in him getting Patroclus to go and fight on behalf of him. That is not the character of the lion. The lion steps up with bravery and courage to face the obstacles in front of them. However, Achilles is like the lion through the revenge plot in a sense that he is driven and determined to kill Hector for what he has done. Furthermore, in agreement with Clarke, Achilles association with the lion has put him in a state of 'extreme mental ferocity' which leads Achilles towards 'self– destruction' (P 153). This in turn shows the strong link between glory and death as after Achilles obtains his glory, he does not care if he dies. He ultimately 'embraces death in his lion–like mood' (P ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Tragic Speech For Achilleus Achilleus is a prideful person, his feud with Agamemnon has thrown the Achaians into a tough position. Seeing as Achilleus' closest friends have failed to convince him to join the war, the most efficient way to persuade Achilleus is by telling him how foolish this fight has become, how he will become insignificant to Achains, and how his ignorance will continue to affect his closest friends and family. The menace Achilleus felt at first was justifiable, now he has turned it into a foolish fight. It is a saying that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. As for Achilleus, every action that was taken against him, "...anger of Peleus' son Achilleus / and its devastation, which put pains thousandfold upon the Achaians," there is an even tragic response (1.1–2). Homer repeatedly describes Achilleus as " glorious" and one who has a "godlike" presence (9.434, 494). Achilleus is looked upon by many people, yet he has a childish behavior when dishonored. Although he states "...honor is a thing I need not...," it is a part of him and how he and others perceive him (9.607–8). If this statement was authentic to Achilleus' character, he would have let go of his anger and joined the war when asked. After he is reminded of how bad this fight looks through another's perspective, he should be appealed to as Hera was by Hephaistos "This will be a disastrous matter and not endurable / if you too quarrel thus for the sake of mortals," showing her how it does not become of her to ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. The Fate Of The War Fate is considered as the development of events beyond a person 's control, regarded as determined by a supernatural power. The Greeks believed that fate controls the course of a man 's life as well as a nations life.They also believed that after fate made a decree there was nothing you could possibly do to change this. Fate was depicted as the most powerful force in the poem therefore not even the gods could change what was already decreed. Achilles and Hector were both controlled by the powerful force as well as the outcome of the war. Through out the poem the fate of these individuals are learned and made clearer. There was nothing either could have done to overcome or change their fate. Both men were fated to die in the poem. When it came to the fate of both men Achilles had the upper hand because his mother was Thetis who was a god and knew the will of Achilles fate before his birth. Therefore she informed Achilles of his fate before he left for Troy. "My mother Thetis, a moving silver grace, Tells me my two fates sweep me on to my death. If I stay here and fight, I'll never return home, But my glory will be undying forever. If I return home to my dear fatherland My glory is lost but my life will be long"(225). By looking at this we can see that Thetis made Achilles believe he was given a double fate which was really not the case. It is understood why she did this, no mother would inform their child that they have no say on what will happen to them and regardless ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. War In The Odyssey Fiction helps introduce the lies and truths of other people's minds, to help others learn about their own country, foreign places, and others eras. In addition, it often uses symbolism and imagery to allow people to know they are not alone in all the problems that human beings deal with, such as, with life and death, war and peace, or with love and rage. Knowing this helps a reader understand how Homer's Iliad complicates the reality that comes with war, yet he successfully proves men cannot escape war because it is intoxicating and glorious. Homer creates the sense that war is an inevitable truth of mankind through his use of recurring imagery, by making his characters share the same tragic flaws, and by using other mythological stories to create parallels that correspond to this truth. One of the beautiful things Homer provides in The Iliad is recurring imagery from the natural world to convey that war is an inevitable truth of mankind. When talking about the men at war and what they are like, Homer chooses the simile of men as lions. Specifically, when Hector kills Patroclus, Homer says: A boar does not wear out easily, but a lion Will overpower it when the two face off Over a trickling ... Show more content on ... While boars are aggressive and violent, lions are consistently depicted as being the king of the jungle and are represented with bravery. Perhaps this is why Homer uses the lion as a simile numerous times. Homer is showing the audience that the fatal flaw in beasts and men (strength, passion, courage) threatens to destroy them. Patroclus wants his eternal glory, and like a boar he fought hard to survive and gain it. However, Hector was the lion who wanted glory more. Through Homers constant use of imagery portraying men as lions, the audience can understand men will pursue war for glory, much like a lion will fight to remain king of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. The Value Of Hospitality During The Iliad And The Odyssey In Homeric society, hospitality was highly valued by all members of the society. The value of hospitality was shown in The Essential Homer: Selections from the Iliad and the Odyssey by the main character Achilles in his interactions with various other characters in the story. Achilles was welcoming to visitors to his home by offering them refreshments, dinner, and a place to rest. Showing your hospitality to guests like Achilles did in the Iliad demonstrated how hospitality in this time period defined the place of humanity in the cosmos. Before focusing directly on Achilles in the Iliad, it is important to identify why hospitality was important to the Ancient Greeks. Two reasons being hospitable is important to the Ancient Greeks is because it shows respect for guests in someone's household, and travelling in that time period took much longer than today. For the Ancient Greek's, respect and honour is everything. When someone comes to your home the way to show your respect for them is by providing whatever they need after a long journey. Since in ancient times there were no cars, planes, or trains, many people had to walk or ride horses to get around. Due to this, people would be tired, hungry, and thirsty when they arrived at a given location. By being hospitable, a homeowner would show respect for their guests and give them the necessary refreshments to carry on their journey. In the Iliad, Achilles understands the importance of being hospitable and is welcoming to ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Between Lions And Men Images Of The Hero In The Iliad... The article in titled Between Lions and Men, Images of the Hero in the Iliad by Michael Clarke is a very innovate piece of work. In the article Clarke puts forward the idea of how the referencing of wild animals in the Iliad is symbolic and highly significant to the ethical and psychological problems of heroism within Homer's Iliad. The focus that Clarke is placing in relation to the animal similes within the Iliad is the lion similes. As the Iliad is focused on Achilles and his death, it is no wonder that the lion similes are associated with this so called hero. Achilles and how he associates himself with the wolf and particularly the lion is the focal point of this article. In this essay I will analyse and comment on the argument put forward by Clarke in his article Between Lions and Men, Images of the Hero in the Iliad. Firstly, in agreement with Clarke, the lion similes are the similes that are the focal point in the Iliad. As Clarke states, there are other kinds of similes that feature in the epic such as wolves, leopards, boars and even cows but these do not hold as much importance as the lion simile does. In relation to all the other beasts and animals mentioned, the lion is the one that is at the top of the food chain, the one that is the most ferocious, strong and powerful. Clarke discusses in his ... Show more content on ... The warriors have no fear in killing their opponents or anyone who stands in their way. However, an emotional side is seen to Achilles and him as the lion. When he is told that Patroclus is dead, Achilles weeps and laments over Patroclus 'like a lion grieving the loss of its cubs' (P 155). Similar to a human, the lion has multiple characteristics or personality traits. For instance, as stated by Clarke, the lion is powerful and strong which are both characteristics of a hero. As well as that, the lion does not know its limitations and Achilles does not know his ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Analysis Of The Poem ' Achilles ' Gods and animals exist on a different plane from mere mortals, as supported by Shay, "Whether the berserker is beneath humanity as an animal, above it as a god, or both, he his cut off from all human community," (Shay, 6). While death can be a very physical thing, it can also be symbolic of the loss of humanity. In the last chapters of the poem, Achilles' rage becomes all–consuming and takes him over. Rage dictates all of his actions, and whether it is his god–like or animal–like characteristics being attributed to his rage, Homer and the soldiers no longer speak about him as a mortal. Achilles may go on breathing after the death of Patroclus, but he is not truly alive again until he can quell his rage, because his rage comes at the price of his humanity. Who Achilles is before Patroclus is killed very different from who he is after Patroclus' death. This is key in understanding Achilles' loss of humanity. "The modern concept of tragic drama takes for granted the existence of a single character, whose action and suffering are the focal point of the play," (Knox, 1). While it is arguable who the true hero of The Iliad is, it is unlikely for someone to doubt that Achilles is a hero regardless, and one that drives the plot of the poem. Achilles' suffering begins the play and ends it. His feud with Agamemnon may seem petty or drawn out, but it is important to set a precedent for Achilles' nature. "I have no mind to linger here disgraced, / brimming your cup and piling up your ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Analysis Of Homer 's The Iliad Essay Homer's the Iliad is a tale of war and aggression (Puchner 183). Written in the 8th century, it remains relevant to society today. The basis of the Iliad, warfare, brings with it portrayals of death, grief, and the real problem with humankind: we are not peaceful beings. In a war–ridden world, these topics remain pertinent to society. These terrors of war showcased in the Iliad generate an anti–war message. With this said, Homer creates a timeless lesson against war with his work. While the Iliad has been around for centuries, humankind has yet to learn from Homer's anti–war message. War has been an unfortunate part of humans' history from the beginning, and it remains to be a problem today, and with war comes death. In the Iliad, "death resonates with images occurring throughout the poem" (Neal 22). Homer's graphic depictions of death are to show the results of war. The killing of Sarpedon is just one example of this brutality; "Patroclus came back, leaning into his throw, and the bronze point caught Sarpedon just below the rib cage where it protects the heart" (Homer 16.513–15). Another example is the killing of Patroclus, "He muscled his way through him and rammed his spearhead into the pit of his belly and all the way through" (Homer 16.859–861). Finally, the killing of Hector is the most horrific example of brutality; "The heavy bronze apex pierced the soft neck but did not slit the windpipe, so that Hector could speak still" (Hector 22.359– 361). Hector's death is ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Example Of Loyalty In Beowulf Layton Spiers Larr English IV 2nd Period 22 September 2017 Throughout the societies from which ancient stories came, morals were valued and taught to keep everyday life functioning in a productive manner. Through the stages of British literature, the epic stories of Beowulf, "Gilgamesh", The Iliad and The Odyssey show vast evidence of this. When showing loyalty in these societies, conflict and the concept of being a hero were very important elements. In the epics of Beowulf and "Gilgamesh", conflict is used to show the importance of loyalty in Anglo–Saxon and Greek societies. Beowulf must fight the dragon to save his people, a man versus nature conflict. Wiglaf knows that Beowulf need him to come and help because Beowulf is going to die and therefore Wiglaf must carry on Beowulf's legacy of loyalty. When they begin to fight the dragon Wiglaf says, "I remember that time when mead was flowing, how we pledged loyalty to our lord in the hall¨ (Beers 36). This quote shows that the men would stay loyal no matter the obstacle they had to overcome, showing how important it was to be loyal. Beowulf states, "This fight is not yours, nor is it up to any man except me to measure his strength against the monster or to prove his worth¨ (Beers 34). He understands how hard it will be to defeat the dragon due to his age, but still knows he must go into battle, proving that he is loyal enough to put his life on the line to save his people, another a man versus nature conflict. Similarly ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Iliad and Achilles Speech In the modern world, people, as a society, have always given themselves a goal or goals that they would like to attain at some point during their lifetime. Many people seek to attain riches, love, happiness or high stature within society. When we people set that goal, we tend to mold our lifestyles around it. As people work throughout their lives to achieve this ultimate goal, it becomes apparent to others what it is we are working so hard for. Just as this pattern is evident in modern society, it can also be seen in the times of Homer, particularly in the great Greek epic, the Iliad. This distinct pattern can be seen in Achilles, one of the most vital characters in the story. Achilles, being the ultimate most powerful warrior of all ... Show more content on ... This insecurity is the source of Achilles “duty” to exact revenge upon Hektor, the assassin of Patroklos. Achilles makes the decision to kill Hektor in spite of the fact that his fate will be to die. Even though Achilles plans to attack Hektor for vengeful purposes, he has an underlying motive. Because Achilles feels he has failed his friend, he wants or needs to save face. This is in order to keep his goal of ultimate glory within his grasp. Achilles sees the opportunity his been waiting for all his life. By killing Hektor and then being slain himself, he achieves his lofty goal of ultimate glory. It is evident through this passage that Homer is building up this grand battle between two of the greatest warriors of this time period. Achilles, already regarded as the greatest fighter, speaks of Hektor not in a degrading manner, rather in a respectful manner, taking into account his numerous heroic feats. “…my other companions, who in their numbers went down before the glorious Hektor” (378, Iliad, 18.102). Homer wrote this line as if he were a promoter of a boxing fight. He lifts the strength of Hektor’s character, and in doing so makes for a more rivaled battle. At this point in the passage, Achilles in a sense forewarns everyone of his intentions, ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Examples Of Similes In Rage Of Achilles The moon shone over the water where the boat sailed, noiseless as an oar gliding through a river. This is an example of a simile. The water is quiet and peaceful, which is shown in this image. Similes and other figurative language are used to convey emotion and the feeling of the situation. Without the simile, there would only be a small indication of the serenity of the scene. In the "Rage of Achilles," epic similes are used to show that if characters are brave and humble, they become more heroic, but if they are cowardly and overly prideful, they do not deserve the glory of battle. One example of a hero getting glory by swallowing his pride is when Achilles goes back to fight after Patroclus dies (18). Achilles does not want to fight because Agamemnon stole his "prize, for which [he had] toiled" (6). However, Achilles goes back to fight when Patroclus dies, even though he said he wouldn't fight (18). Because he overcomes his selfishness and his arrogance, he looks "all radiant as the star" (19). He also shines "more brilliantly than those of any other that shines by night" (19). Stars represent glory and selflessness, so Achilles being compared to a star shows his honor. He is also compared to a god because he "bodes ill for mortals, for he brings fire and fever in his train" (19). He is running to fight in a war and because he is a great fighter, he leaves a trail of death behind him. When heroes stop being arrogant and follow the heroic code, they become more valiant ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Achilles A Dynamic Character Essay Achilles is the type of character that you love and hate at the same time. He's the hero, but he also has deep flaws that causes him to do things that make you hate him –– such as, killing Hector and dragging his body behind his chariot. Achilles is a selfish, prideful warrior who is full of rage that he typically can't control. But Achilles is also a dynamic character; he doesn't stay the same selfish, prideful warrior from the start of the poem to the end of it. He learns lessons along his journey from the people and situations he encounters that changes him. Before Achilles encountered the people and situations that changed him, he was selfish, prideful, quick–tempered, fearless, strong, and sometimes cruel. This is shown many times ... Show more content on ... When he does this, he starts showing compassion. This is something Achilles has not done before this point in the play. He realizes that what he has done is wrong. He becomes less of the jealous, prideful, warrior who is full of rage and more of a compassionate person. This is the biggest lesson he learns; he learns how to be more compassionate. Odysseus was a Greek king that Achilles respected. Odysseus often keeps Achilles from making rash decisions and tries to teach him things about war and being a leader. When Achilles wanted to rush into war after the death of Patroclus, Odysseus convinced him to let the army eat first. From Odysseus, Achilles learned what it means to be a leader. In the movie, Achilles is aggravated at Odysseus and says, "Of all the kings of Greece, I respect you most. But in this war you're a servant. And I refuse to be a servant any longer." To this Odysseus responds, "Sometimes you need to serve in order to lead. I hope you understand that one day." I think that this helped Achilles realize that he needed to stay fight instead of leaving like he planned. This helped Achilles learn the importance of thinking about others. Achilles was very self– centered. He didn't think about how the people he killed were sons, fathers, and husbands. He didn't think about how his sitting out of the war caused many men to die. Odysseus' lesson about leadership made Achilles more aware of the needs of the people ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Examples Of Gayity In The Movie Troy Throughout time stories are often passed down and shared. Slowly changing to fit that culture's values and beliefs during their given time. In this case with Wolfgang Petersen's 2004 film, Troy. Homer's The Iliad tells the story of the rage of Achilles in a way to reflect Greece during the time of Homer, while Troy, tells the same story in it's own way which reveals the values of the modern day. In this paper, I will argue that the alteration to Achilles and Patroclus relationship in the movie Troy, as compared to the suggested lover bond in the Iliad represents how modern culture feels toward homosexuality. To prove this claim, I will provide various scenes in the movie and where Director Petersen altered Achilles's character to fit a more modern idea. Then I will analyze the Greece's culture beliefs on homosexual compared to that of the modern day, I will also address the opposing argument's position. 1.Wolfgang Petersen tries to fill in the gap between Achilles and Patroclus's relationship by claiming that they're cousins. He pitches this message multiple times throughout the film by having other heroes such as Odysseus ask who Patroclus is to Achilles. They continue to push this home when Patroclus and Achilles are sailing toward the beach of troy. Both character call each other cousins for the entire dialog of the ship scene to establish to the audience the these two characters are cousins. Petersen makes Patroclus Achilles's cousin to create a strong bond between the ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Theme Of Violence In The Iliad Endless Cycle (A Discussion on Scenes of Violence in the Iliad and Their Effect on the Text as a Whole) Children taunting each other on the playground. A fast paced action adventure movie. A family crossing the street when a person of color walks by. They can be found everywhere within society, and yet rarely are recognized for what they truly are; scenes of violence. The children are using linguistic violence. The movie shows physical violence. The person of color endures societal violence. From the time a person is born to the time they die, they are subjected everyday to violence, even if it comes in forms that we do not immediately recognize as being violent in nature. It is possible that this complacency with violence exists because it can also be found in Western Cultures' most treasured works, specifically those that are accredited for shaping the view of society as the world knows it. In Homer's masterful work of The Iliad, the reader is confronted with all sorts of violence on many different occasion;, however, a few specific ones contribute more than the rest to the overall themes of the text. Rage. The very first word of The Iliad brings with it a sense of violence in itself. When one hears the word 'rage', the following thought is one of aggression, of anger, of almost animalistic hatred. Yes, hatred, for one cannot have rage without it. The opening scene has the ironic hero– ironic in the sense that most would not classify him as a hero in the ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. The Importance Of The Warrior Culture In The Iliad And... The Iliad and Beowulf are two important stories that illustrate critical components of the warrior culture. Achilles and Beowulf are similar in nature as they value pride and honor to the highest degree in their way of life. They, however, play a central role in highlighting the importance of the Anglo–Saxons and Greeks perception of their burial rites. It is through these character's experiences that the reader is able to see how commemoration of the dead exemplifies the significance of their greatness. This paper will be examining the warrior culture of these two stories and how honor played a role in demonstrating the importance of ritual rites for their respective cultures. Beowulf embodies extraordinary qualities such as heroism, bravery, and superhuman strength. These characteristics are similar to that of Achilles. Furthermore, both of their incredible strengths allow them to prevail against other strong warriors in battle. Perhaps the quality that best describes both of these individuals is honor. Achilles displayed this trait from the beginning to the end in the Iliad. After enduring a public humiliation in the hands of Agamemnon, Achilles declared that he would withdraw all his men from battle and no longer fight for the Greeks. Although the Greeks suffered many casualties, Achilles' pride and honor prevented him from participating in battle. It wasn't until the death of his warrior companion, Patroclus, that Achilles returned to battle. His refusal to partake ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. The Iliad Or The Poem Of Force In her essay, The Iliad or The Poem of Force, Simone Weil argues, "The true hero, the true subject matter, the center of the Iliad, is force," (152). "Force" is defined as, "that x that turns anybody who is subjected to it/ into a thing," (153). Weil perceives force as an active entity that is capable of profound, negative, influences on the lives it touches (153). For a hero, force replaces his rational sensibilities by an uncontrollable urge to slaughter his opponent in an animalistic fashion, an unavoidable outcome generated by war. Weil defines this uncontrollable type of force as "the force that kills," marking the moment when a hero becomes a warrior (155). Simone Weil records The Iliad as a evil and vanity of war, but she fails to do justice to the complexity of Homer 's challenging vision. She turns a blind eye to poem 's commitment to heroism, a concept she assigns force as the poem 's "true hero." Weil overlooks the Homeric hero's investment in the ethos of glory and the participation in the "noblest deeds of men," which is present in The Iliad's "true hero," Hector. In The Iliad, war generates the most meaningful, noble, and glorious actions along with destruction and self–destruction. Homer understands the allure of war as Weil does not, her interpretation is one– sided and fails to recognize the humanity and pathos behind of the slayers. Weil makes this exclusion because, she reads The Iliad as an antiwar poem due to her own experiences in war life. Therefore, ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Grief in The Iliad Essay Grief in The Iliad There are many lessons that can be learned from reading Homer's The Iliad. One of which is understanding the stages of grief. One can literally watch Achilles go through all five stages when he morns the death of his comrade Patroclus. Achilles moves through Denial and Isolation, Depression, Anger, Bargaining and Acceptance in the short time after his close friends death. "Sheltered under his curving, beaked ships he found him, foreboding, deep down, all that had come to pass" (18.3–4). In this sentence, Achilles is trying to avoid learning about his friend's death. He has isolated himself in hopes that it is not true. He knows that it is so but feels that if he can keep from hearing the truth that it will not ... Show more content on ... "A black cloud of grief came shrouding over Achilles. Both hands clawing the ground for soot and filth, he poured it over his head, fouled his handsome face and black ashes settled onto his fresh clean war–shirt. Overpowered in all his power, sprawled in the dust, Achilles lay there, fallen…tearing his hair, defiling it with his own hands" (18.25–30). In this passage Achilles is acting out some of the classic symptoms of depression such as sadness and hopelessness. Another symptom of depression is suicide. Homer demonstrates this well in the following passage, "Antilochus kneeling near, weeping uncontrollably, clutched Achilles' hands as he wept his proud heart out—for fear he would slash his throat with an iron blade" (18. 36–38). Achilles once again speaks of killing himself as he passes from depression into the stage of anger. "My spirit rebels—I've lost the will to live, to take my stand in the world of men—unless, before all else, Hector's battered down by my spear and gasps away his life, the blood–price for Patroclus, Menoetius' gallant son he's killed and stripped!" (18.105–109). In anger the grieving person may be furious at the person who inflicted the hurt, much as Achilles was towards Hector. Achilles also briefly passes through the stage of bargaining when he is having a conversation with his mother, Thetis. " 'You're doomed to a short life, my son, from all you say! For hard on the heals of Hector's death your death must ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Human Morality In Athenians And Achilles These works illustrate the struggles with human morality that plague both the Athenians and Achilles. During crises, they lose their humanity and compassion for others. Humanity is complex, and one aspect of it is the human capacity to empathize with other creatures. Not being able to empathize with others is a sign of a lack of humanity, and in the modern world is associated, when dramatic enough, with psychopathy. This can be applied to the mental states of the people in these works as well. Achilles loses his connection with his people and struggles deeply with the knowledge of his multiple moirai (fate or destiny). The Athenians also disconnect from the people in their empire, boasting of their mercy in the beginning of the text, but ... Show more content on ... They feel nothing for the Mytileneans, they only wish to hold on to the power that they have and continue to expand their empire. Diodotus reminds them that the best way to deal with these tensions is to prevent them by taking care of the communities in the empire and showing mercy and kindness so that the thought of revolting never crosses their minds (Thucydides 221.46). They employ this tactic later with the Melians by offering them fair terms when attempting to conquer them. They remind the Melians that those in power do what they want to do and those without power must accept that and that the Melians should be grateful for the deal proposed by the Athenians (Thucydides 402.89). The Melians do not accept and in turn receive no mercy and are slaughtered. This illustrates the poison of power and dissociation that has a hold on the Athenian people; it is so important that they expand their empire that they demolish anything that stands in their way without pity. Achilles is unstable for a few reasons, one of which is that he feels he has been publicly humiliated by Agamemnon and that his timé (honor) and value as a part of the war effort is not being ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Essay on Achilles: The Tragic Hero of The Iliad Achilles can be described as a Tragic Hero in many ways. He was brave and had great strength but, he was also prideful and lacked control with his emotions, and in all the label of a tragic hero fits him. A Tragic hero is "a literary character who makes an error of judgment or has a fatal flaw that, combined with fate and external forces, brings on a tragedy" ("Tragic Hero"). To many men Achilles was god–like, and immortal, the epitome of a hero to the Greeks, he was strong, brave in the face of war, and of noble birth because he was the son of a goddess. In the Iliad, Achilles, driven by anger seeks revenge on Hector for killing his "dearest comrade" ("The Heroic Age"), Patroclus, whom he claims to have valued more than his own life. He ... Show more content on ... He then returns the body to Priam and feels guilty about his friend. "Feel no anger at me, Patroclus, if you learn––– even there in the House of Death––– I let his father have Prince Hector back" (Homer). Achilles wants his friend to forgive him and once again has succumbed to the intense emotions he feel that are out of his control. These emotions have Achilles act on rage and impulse. Achilles is a tragic hero because he exhibits the qualities of a hero but, in the end is fated to death. Achilles' fatal flaw could be his lack of emotional stability. This can be argued and shown throughout the Iliad. Achilles is courageous, full of strength, and god–like but he is also full of pride and rage, and not in control of his emotions. He doesn't think of the consequences that come with just acting upon his emotions, he just impulsively does what he feels in the heat of the moment. This can be shown as his fatal flaw because emotions can be the cause of certain actions that might lead to difficulties in the future or in this case Achilles' death. In a sense Achilles can inspire the contemporary generation to face the challenges of life, though he is probably not the best example. Achilles acts on impulse which is not something that our generation should do all too easily. Achilles inspires bravery but, with that he also inspires reckless ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. The Ideas Of Heroes In The Iliad And Gilgamesh When more than one individual reads a piece of literature the ideas that flow through a discussion are unique. Through the class discussions much is learned through the ideas of fellow classmates. The different perspectives brought to the table allows learners to learn a great deal from one another. Discussing the literature presented in class aids in the understanding of the roles each character in the poem plays. The knowledge about each character's attitudes, beliefs, and ultimate goals through other individuals helps to see the same major point only from a different perspective. Through the discussion on the Iliad many major points were made about the idea of heroes in both the Iliad and Gilgamesh. One major point made was the difference in the idea of heroes in both poems. "In the Iliad, heroes did what was necessary to maintain their honor; which usually resulted in several bad decisions." (Lockerbie). The conclusion that came about is in the Iliad, the hero was a warrior of war that valued power, women and honor. A warrior shaped by the Gods and Goddesses that achieved their honor through the battlefield. These warriors were selfish, egotistical and lack the maturity to learn a valuable lesson. Defined by their actions they fought to kill without any clear reason. Paris was an example many brought forth to illustrate the idea of hero in the Iliad. Paris chose a beautiful woman over power, and victory starting a 10–year war. A 10–year war was started at his fault and ... Get more on ...
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  • 81. Character Analysis Of Hector Hector is shaped by his surroundings by becoming completely immersed in the morals in his society. He is shaped culturally through bravery of a warrior, the belief in fate and intervention of the gods, and the great love for his country. All of which are direct traits of the society and what they believed was moral and appropriate. In the Homeric society, being an ideal and successful warrior was so critically important to many individuals for the sake of being remembered. Like the love of glory, no one would remember the person for centuries if he/she did not give them a reason to remember he/she. By being a brave and a heroic warrior it gave fame and recognition to the warrior which, in return, made them memorable. In the text it can be seen that Hector will go to great lengths to be the brave warrior that he is. For example, he criticizes his own brother for being a coward when fighting against Menelaus, stating that his charm and good looks are going to get him nowhere in the realm of being a great hero and being remembered. He even stands firm to protect Troy even though he does not agree with the war. Since Hector is the mightiest of warriors for the Trojans, he always leads his army into battle, gives commands, and kills fiercely for the sake of his reputation. His loyalness to the king, his royal position, his country and his army all contribute to him being a brave warrior and for him to receive the glory and being honored. Fate and pre–determined destiny are massively believed in this society that it affects everyone in that cultural. Hector expresses his belief in this and puts himself in dangerous situations because he has no fear of death because it is already pre–determined. This can be found in his final confrontation with Achilles, Hector's gullibleness to the goddess's trick leads him to a losing battle. He could have easily ran away from the rageful Achilles, but he fully believed his fate was sealed and he could do nothing about it. By the belief in fate and Zeus' scales, the sense that nothing could be changed about one's life is fully believed in this society. Fate centers around those scales and the gods and goddesses. These supernatural entities intervene in the lives of the mortals ... Get more on ...
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  • 85. Examples Of Glory In The Iliad Can we use four different words to analysis the Iliad? Of course we can! But what are the four words? These four words are glory, honor, pathos and rugged individualism. Before we can do anything we must first define these words. So lets start with glory, glory means very great praise or honor. Honor means high respect. Pathos means a quality that bring pity, sorrow or sadness. Rugged individualism is the belief of all individuals can succeed on their own. The aim of essay is to let us understand more about Homers Iliad and the theme of the Iliad. How can we apply glory? The Iliad has a lot of paragraphs that talk about glory. Why? Because one of the theme is herolism, and usually in hero stories there are glory, that is why there's glory. But actually where can we see glory? In the first paragraph of the extract saying "Achilles with wild fury in his heart pulled in upon his chest his beautiful shield, his helmet with four burnished metal ridges nodding above it". This is glory because in this battle Achilles killed Hector, but we didn't see anything about Achilles killing Hector in the example. Why? Its because the real glory of Achilles is he brings fury in the battle to ... Show more content on ... Sometimes honor might not come because you win. it might come when you lose. Sounds ridiculous but its true. Another example from the extract "Now Hector has turned vulnerable, softer than when he put the torches to the ships" This is said by the people who stabbed Hectors body, they show great praise to Hector. Another example is "I see you now for what you are. No chance to win you over....... great as you are.". This is said by Hector before he die, this example means that he knows that he cant win Achilles, but he says that the gods are in anger of Achilles because his heart is like a iron in his breast. Why is it honor? Because even though Hector is gonna die, he still says out why he thinks, he doesn't feel fear of Achilles will kill him ... Get more on ...
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  • 89. The Epic Of Gilgamesh And Gilgamesh A hero is a man of extraordinary ability and the courage to do things when others falter in the face of adversity. The role each hero plays in society varies greatly depending on the time period and the gods' intervention in their worlds. They often possess great strength or other noble abilities. In Gilgamesh we see Enkidu and Gilgamesh blessed with incredible strength so much so that it gets them into trouble. In The Iliad, there are many different heroes each with their own roles and abilities. Some are warriors, others are cunning in nature, and some possess the brute strength that spreads fear in the enemy. In each society, the role of the hero is to inspire those around them and conquer lands or people that stand in their way. Enkidu and Gilgamesh are defined primarily by their strength. They are fortified with bravery and willing to take on even the most impossible of tasks. Gilgamesh decides to kill Humbaba, the guardian of the cedar trees. Enkidu tries to be the voice of reason, but Gilgamesh convinces him death is nothing to fear. Later on Enkidu dies after the gods intervene because of Gilgamesh and Enkidu's antics and this sends Gilgamesh into a panic, not wanting to die himself. He seeks immortality of the flesh and goes through many trials to get a hold of an immortal plant. His foolishness ultimately costs him his one chance at immortality but a lot is learned. Gilgamesh returns to be the hero of Uruk, guarding the city. In The Iliad a couple of the main ... Get more on ...
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  • 93. The Reasons Of An Epic : The Ilad And The Iliad Some of the eldest and most significant cultures have been around for thousands of years. China was one of four civilizations to be organized. Egypt came around and some of these structures (the pyramids) still stand today as a test to time. One of the grand influences on our culture as Americans is that of the ancient Greeks. Most of our architect, art, language, and stories originates in the land of Greece. However, one thing that Greece has that we do not is an Epic. Some may ponder and ask, "what do you mean an epic?" By Epic, I'm simply referring to the stories such as the Iliad or the Odyssey. Italy, France, Britain, and Greece all have these Epics that tell of their country's history. The Iliad contains more merit than that of the Odyssey for a few reasons. One of these is the fact that it comes before that of the Iliad. Another reason is the facts it contains. The Odyssey is the story of Odysseus's journey home, and on this journey he is constantly battling monsters. In the Iliad, it is a story of a war between men. It tells of the god's intervening, but it is closer to factual and our current day historians and scientist need facts to say something's credible. In the Epic, The Iliad, Homer displays three series of violence and bloodshed all because of different reasons. The first major scene of violence that will be dissected in the Epic Iliad, by Homer, is the war itself and why copious amounts of blood was spilled. The war started over three goddesses fighting ... Get more on ...
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  • 97. The Epic Of Gilgamesh And The Iliad Essay The destiny in Gilgamesh and The Iliad stories are believed to be a power that controls what happens in the future. The story of Gilgamesh and the Iliad destinies are moderately the same in significance of the conflicts and the ways of life both of the stories focused on a significant deaths. The Iliad and Gilgamesh is a remarkable reminder of the way life is in the present, but also how it is a little different. Both stories are similar in goals and destinies and how it affect the main characters. Most people believes that destiny or fate is pre–set and it is changed only by decisions we make that may be selfish and vindicated. Hopefully by the end of the essay the readers will get a better understand of stories similarities and differences. In Gilgamesh it 's discovered that he was two thirds god and one–third man, and his knowledge is the significant to his fate. Gilgamesh is a hero that is beautiful, courageous, and daunting to the others around him; they desires to have his attributes, and accomplishments to reflect and exemplify theirs life and destiny. Being mortal means that his fate is to experience his own death and the death of others around him. In fact, without death his life would be meaningless, and the journeys that make up the story would vanish. The immortality of Gilgamesh's name gives the ability to live forever than to die and be forgotten. This story teaches Gilgamesh what it means to be human; he teaches him the meaning of love and compassion, the ... Get more on ...
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  • 101. Patroclus Funeral Achilles Sorrows then Celebrates at Patroclus' Funeral The sorrow of the great warrior Patroclus' death continues as his funeral was held last week near the Greek camp following Hector's death. An inside source has revealed that Achilles is devastated over the loss of his great friend and asks that all people may be respectful to his friend in participating in the mourning of him. Achilles ordered that the bones of Patroclus be burned and placed into an urn elaborately. He commanded the entire army to say respectful farewells to their fellow warrior. He then ate with the Myrmidons. A reporter from the Athens Efimerída spoke to Achilles on what he will plan to do now after the conclusion of his friends funeral. He said "I plan to destroy ... Get more on ...
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  • 105. Compare And Contrast Beowulf And The Iliad "Beowulf" and "The Iliad" have plenty of differences but also have plenty of similarities within their stories, structure, and writing styles. For instance they are both poems but "The Iliad" is an ancient poem while "Beowulf" is an epic poem. They are both poems but they are two different types of poems, this is just one of the many similarities and differences in these two stories. One of the similarities within this story is that both heros from the stories take a prize from their enemies when they win their battles. Beowulf and Achilles both take body parts from their enemies and in Achilles case the whole body of his enemy as their prizes. As lines 357 and 358 in "Beowulf" state, "From the rafters where Beowulf had hung it, was the monster's Arm, claw and shoulder and all" (Allen 53). Beowulf also takes the head of his enemy later in the book when he kills his enemies mother. This point is shown also later in the story, lines 568 through 573 says, "The monsters' hall was full of Rich treasures, but all that Beowulf took Was Grendel's head and the hilt of the giants' Jeweled sword; the rest of that ring–marked Blade had dissolved in Grendel's steaming Blood, boiling even after his death" (Allen 60). This taking of the body as a prize is also evident in "The Iliad" when Achilles takes Hector's body and ties it to his chariot and drags his dead body through town. Lines 246 through 253 in "The Iliad" state, "Indeed, he had in mind for Hector's body outrage and shame. Behind both feet he pierced the tendons, heel to ankle. Rawhide cords he drew through both and lashed them to his chariot, letting the man's head trail. Stepping aboard, bearing the great trophy of the arms, he shook the reins, and whipped the team ahead into a willing run" ("The Iliad" 86). The taking of the body of their enemies is one of the similarities between these two war heroes and in these two stories. One of the major differences in these two stories is the reason that the heroes are fighting in the first place. In "Beowulf" the hero is fighting to help people and to have a great and grand legacy behind his name opposed to in "The Iliad" the hero is fighting for revenge and is fighting through pure anger. Lines 109 through ... Get more on ...
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  • 109. Theme Of Violence In The Iliad Humanity (An Analysis of Violence in the Iliad) Truly great works of literature are filled to the brim with countless images of symbolism and illustrations of timeless themes. With the amount of depth that such stories dive into, every carefully phrased sentence makes an intentional statement. This goes to say, that even intense sequences of violence within true literature has an intended point to make. One such work of literature, an ancient epic, The Iliad, by Homer is filled to the brim with dynamic, and violent scenes. However, this brings the question, how does violence contribute to a theme? Through many brutal scenes of violence, The Iliad demonstrates that with or without the aid of divine intervention, humanity will always strive to defend honor and fight for what is believed to be justice. A prominent scene of violence lies within the death of Patroclus, after he can stand idly by no longer, and fights for a cause he believes in. It is clear that Patroclus has been a close friend with Achilles for most of his life, and most likely feels inferior deep down. Patroclus has always been in the shadow of this great hero, yet when the Greeks need Achilles the most, he refuses to help. Due to his lack of action, Patroclus takes it upon himself to bear the armor of Achilles to join the Greeks in battle. Not only is he defending the honor of the Greek cause, he is defending the honor of Achilles, who chooses to pout and avoid the battle. Wearing Achilles' armor, Patroclus seems unstoppable, yet amidst the battle, he becomes too reckless, and is wounded. This makes him easy prey for Hector to brutally kill him. Homer tells of Patroclus' death, "Hector waiting, watching the greathearted Patroclus trying to stagger free, seeing him wounded there with the sharp bronze came rushing into him right across the lines and rammed his spear shaft home, stabbing deep in the bowels, and the brazen point went jutting straight out through Patroclus' back," (439). Vivid as this death may be, it clearly demonstrates that honor and justice is worth dying for. On another hand, the iconic duel between Hector and Achilles demonstrates the struggle to fight or die with honor from both sides of the war. With boundless rage, ... Get more on ...
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  • 113. Patroclus A Hero In The Iliad Homeric heroes in classics, such as the Iliad, possess similar qualities that are the criterion of what defines a hero. Characteristics, like honor and loyalty, in addition to an individual's favoring by the gods, feats in battle, and fatal flaws are present in each hero. Therefore, when identifying an individual in one of Homer's epics as a hero, it is essential that he possesses these traits. Patroclus is a keen example of an individual in the Iliad who is a hero. Within the Iliad, the term "hero" is best characterized by Patroclus's loyalty to Achilles and the Greek army, power in battle, and hubris that serves as his ultimate weakness. Loyalty is a trait that Patroclus, indubitably, possesses. As the Trojan forces overpower the Achaeans, Patroclus loyally stays by Achilles's side, even though the Greek army is in desperate need of both men in battle. Patroclus knows his help ... Show more content on ... All Homeric heroes eventually reach their downfall because of their overbearing pride, and Patroclus is no exception. When Patroclus begs Achilles to enter the battle in Achilles's place, Achilles refuses; he only obliges after receiving Patroclus's promise to return after driving the Trojans away. Despite his promise to Achilles, however, Patroclus decides to pursue the Trojan army. As Patroclus's series of kills increases, he gains more confidence in his ability to storm Troy. Patroclus becomes overconfident as he nearly invades, and meets his final fate when Apollo pushes him over and Hector finishes the kill. Instead of following the wise wish of Achilles, Patroclus decides to overstep his limits. If Patroclus returned to the ships, swallowing his pride in the process, as Achilles advised, he most likely would remain alive. Unfortunately, his hubris causes his inevitable death on the battlefield. Therefore, similar to other Homeric heroes, Patroclus's one fatal flaw is potent enough to cause this Greek hero's ... Get more on ...
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  • 117. The True Hero Of The Iliad Talha Yousaf Theodore O'Neill Human Being and Citizen I 27 October 2014 Hector – The true hero of The Iliad Throughout human history, mankind has venerated heroes because they possess the ideals that people strive to achieve themselves. The appearance and importance of heroes in The Iliad form a major part of what makes it such a celebrated tale. The concept of heroism, however, for the ancient Greeks and modern society is quite different. The Greeks viewed heroes as humans usually descended from the gods and in possession of superhuman strength and an aptitude for battle . Achilles clearly fits the above definition and therefore it comes as no surprise that he has historically been viewed as the main hero of the epic. However, the modern day definition of heroism, more than just strength and prowess in battle, encompasses the idea of a moral responsibility: defending one's people from harm and sacrificing one's own desires or life for the sake of others. Hector proves to be a great warrior, referred to as 'man–killing Hector' by the Achaeans, and therefore can be seen as a hero by the Greek perspective. However that is not the defining characteristic of the Trojan Prince. His character revolves around a sense of moral responsibility towards his people, his culture and his family, and using his power to defend them, sacrificing his own life in the process. The goal of this paper is to prove that Hector, not Achilles, is the true hero of The Iliad. Early on in the tale we ... Get more on ...
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  • 121. Ransom By David Malouf Analysis Grief can play with one's mind twisting and manipulating one to not be the same person they used to be, while grief can also change one for the better. In the book, Ransom, by David Malouf, Hector kills Achilles' friend, Patroclus, so Achilles kills Hector. Priam wants to see his son one last time so he makes a plan to get to him. Somax takes Priam on a carriage to go find his son Hector. They have some troubles along the way, but they eventually get to Priam's son. Priam brings Hector back to Troy and Hector is buried. In Ransom by David Malouf, the author teaches the reader the power of grief through the experiences of Priam and Achilles. Grief can be a controlling force, it can cause and individual to change as a person, and grief can strongly influence one's actions. The sorrow from the loss of a loved can be burdensome and can take a toll on one and their family. Priam explains to Hecuba, "It is eleven days now since Hector's death and we have done nothing, all of us, but weep and sit stunned with grief" (Malouf 50). Priam's family is depressed over the loss of their son Hector. It controls their emotions and the way they think of their life now, moving on without Hector. While Priam is talking with Deiphobus, "Priam lowers his head. When he raises it again his look is grave but his eyes, for all the power of emotion in him are dry" (Malouf 84). Priam is having a difficult time coming to terms that Hector is actually gone, so he is overcome with multiple emotions. ... Get more on ...
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  • 125. Honour In The Iliad Essay The concept of honour reverberates throughout both Troy and Book XXIV of the Iliad, this is clear in the two texts when addressing the idea of war and what it entails. War is seen a destructive force and yet to die during such is the highest honour, as they are serving their king and their country. The concept of nationalism and defending your own nation at the risk of losing your life is considered to be the highest as this act ensure that there is a significant place in history for your name and eternal recognition. This is further supported in the film Troy when Achilles chooses to fight in the battle of Troy despites his foreshadowed death, for Achilles is consumed with the notion of being remembered and to die with honour. This idea of Glory and Honour echoes throughout both pieces with the constant reflection of warfare equalling worthiness. In the film Troy throughout the battle between Achilles and Hector items of Hectors armour a removed piece by piece this is to reflect the stripping away of his glory and himself as a man. However it is apparent that the vengeful act of killing Hector relieve none of his tension and is still consumed by grief. In both texts recurring theme is the effect of grief upon characters. In the film Troy we see as the death of Patroclus evokes brutality within Achilles and causes him to make decisions to which are rash and clouded by his own personal feelings and emotions. Upon finding out about the death of Patroclus, ... Show more content on ... Also, in both texts grief envelops the character of Achilles and allows his anger to take hold of him on the battle field. Book XXIV also presents traditional concerns of the era in its use of now considered patronising and discourteous language whereas Troy takes the concerns of modern times and places them within an old fashioned era to show the effects of ... Get more on ...
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  • 129. Patroclus Despite being a minor character, Patroclus is crucial to the plot of The Iliad. He determines the outcome of the Trojan War as he is the reason behind Achilles deciding to go back and fight on behalf of his death. The role of Patroclus is not credited enough even though his character practically decides the outcome of the war. Patroclus has been Achilles' best friend ever since they were children. They were constantly together, whether it was simply enjoying each other's company or in the fray of battle. However, when Achilles decides to sit out of the war, Patroclus goes to battle alone. Achilles lends Patroclus his armor, but tells him not to go past the ships. Patroclus, caught up in battle, ignores Achilles and continues to show off by ... Get more on ...
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  • 133. Bravery In An Iliad And Trojan Women Bravery is commonly shown in different ways in An Iliad and The Trojan Women. In the text the characters show bravery by preserving. In the book An Iliad, the characters show bravery through rising to the occasion and persevering. In The Trojan Women, the characters show bravery through overcoming the challenges they deal with and preserving too. The characters in An Iliad and Trojan Women show bravery even in the face of challenge, the characters are perseverant, making them brave. Since they showing bravery, they gain a sense of self–confidence and they prove to be more successful because they were able to rise to the occasion. In An Iliad, the characters are forced to display their true selves by showing their bravery and rising to the occasion After Patroclus has been killed the Achaeans and Trojans are fighting over his body. Hector decides to surprise the Achaeans by taking Achilles armor which Patroclus has been wearing.Antilochus narrates,"I remember that I heard Glaucus shouting You're a coward, Hector, you didn't challenge Ajax because he's stronger than you, now you have left him the boy of Patroclus which would have been a precious prize for us! Then Hector did something that no one will forget. He ran to join his companions who Patroclus's armor into the city, a trophy. He stopped, took off his own armor and put on the immortal armor that Achilles had given his friend to go into battle"(109).I heard that Glaucus was yelling at Hector "You're a coward, you didn't fight Ajax because you know that he can beat you, and now you leave us with just the body of Patroclus and steal the armor, having the armor would have been special for us." Hector did something so unexpected. He ran to his soldiers taking the armor back to the city of Troy. He stopped them took the Patroclus's armor from them and put it on shocking the Achaeans and upsetting them more.This displays Hector's bravery because in the book multiple times people from both sides have taken armor from the dead before. The reason why this is so important now is that Patroclus was wearing Achilles armor which was very special because Achilles was an important warrior. This is Hector's way of showing them that he is not a coward and wants to show ... Get more on ...
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  • 137. How Are Beowulf And Achilles Alike Beowulf and Achilles Beowulf is a story about a man named Beowulf who desired fame and fortune in life. The Iliad had a character named Achilles who is similar to Beowulf because he also desired glory. But they are two completely different stories written at different times and different places by different people. Both stories have unique qualities such as dragons in one and multi–gods in the other and that is what makes fictitious stories like these classics. Since achieving fame is a goal of these two characters, and since these are great works of literature, people can relate to wanting to be famous in life. So this essay is about Beowulf and Achilles and what they went through to be famous and also what they went through to ... Show more content on ... After Hector's death, Achilles would drag the body every morning around his army base three times to show the accomplishment he had made in the war. The gods didn't really agree with him though because they kept healing Hector's body (not back to life though). "...All his wounds sealed shut, wherever they struck... and many drove their bronze blades through his body". Eventually, Priam (with help of gods) got Achilles to sell Hector's body back for a bunch of priceless goods. "Give (Hector) back to me, now, no more delay – I must see my son with my own eyes" (The Iliad, ln 650 – 651, p 212). Being begged by a king increases his fame just because a king doesn't usually do that, especially in this case. Priam gets the body and buries it and that's the end of The Iliad. Whereas in Beowulf, written by an anonymous poet, is about a man who is very strong. He travels to a distant land to kill a couple monsters and earn glory for himself. The quest begins when Beowulf heads to the Danish castle. He is a Geat by the way. His king is Higlac and Beowulf asked him if he could travel the seas to earn glory for himself by helping out the Danish and their king, Hrothgar. When Beowulf finally got to Hrothgar, Hrothgar was glad to see him; he seemed to have a lot of faith in Beowulf. "Our Holy Father has sent him as a sign of His grace, a mark of His favor, to help us defeat Grendel and end that terror" (Beowulf, ln 381 – 384). The monster, Grendel, had ... Get more on ...
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  • 141. Nietzsche 's Iliad As A Demonstration Of A Single Nature... Nietzsche interprets Iliad as a demonstration of a single nature of "power" among the Greeks that leads to the brutal war. Simone Weil disagrees with Nietzsche and believes Iliad to be a representation of two forces, "might" and courtesy, which she calls "gravity" and "grace" (Simone Weil Handout, passage # 2, pg 2). Nietzsche considers only one perspective of the Iliad, the cruelty of "power," in contrast, Weil examines both the good and the brutality shown in Homer's epic. Weil thinks of Homer's epic to be exhibiting the misery of the war, along with some sparks of "grace" (IC 48). Overall, Nietzsche thinks of Homer's Iliad only to be a celebration of competition derived by the "will to power," whereas Weil considers Iliad as not just a representation of the rule by "might," but also showing moments of courtesy through the savagery of war (NR 355). Nietzsche argues that Iliad is all about the constant battle of strife driven by the "will to power" in life. As he says " simply is the will to power" (NR 355). Here, Nietzsche is saying that everyone in Iliad takes action in order to gain honor and "power." For example, when Agamemnon returns his prize Chryseis, he says Achilles to give him his prize, Briseis because it would be a dishonor for him to be without a prize (SHI 5). This starts a conflict between the two, as Achilles says that it's better for him to return home, than being "unhonored" by giving up his prize (SHI 6). Nietzsche further mentions that "Where I ... Get more on ...
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  • 145. Human Agency Is Nonexistent Throughout The Books The concept of human agency is nonexistent throughout the books in the Iliad. Well, at least it seems that way. The gods constantly intervene and change the fates of certain warriors and events as they please, "...but Aphrodite snatched Paris away." (3.439) this shows Aphrodite carrying Paris away before he is about to die by the hands of Menelaus, thus changing Paris' fate. However, there are parts in the epic that show signs of free will. There is a place in the Iliad where human agency does exist. It exists in the fierce, yet gentle, warrior named Patroclus. He chose to beg Achilles for his armor to push the Trojans back to their walls. Patroclus, wearing Achilles' armor, did not just wear the armor to appear as Achilles and scare the ... Show more content on ... This passage conveys humans having intentions on doing things that they feel is right, but they do not have control over the environment. The passage shows characteristics of animal agency. Patroclus had the intentions to charge into battle, hoping to push back the Trojans far enough for the Achaeans to be safe for another day, but he could not control the situation, as he did not intend for a god to attack him. As Patroclus is stunned in battle, Hector watches over him like prey. Hector is a warrior of the Trojans and so it is his duty to attack those who are a threat to his people. Hector shows animal agency by observing his enemy and waiting for an opportunity to attack Patroclus at his weakest point. "Hector waiting, watching the greathearted Patroclus trying to stagger free" (16.952–953) shows that he is watching Patroclus from a distance because he knows that if they fight up front, he will surely lose. Hector is "watching" Patroclus like a predator watches its prey. Patroclus tries to "stagger free" is showing us that he is frightened and is trying to reach out to escape or find help. Human actions are intentional and have reasons to why they have been performed. The passage shows how empowered one gets once they get a taste of victory. Patroclus was simply worried about his brothers out at war, fighting for survival as the Trojans are closing onto their ships. He urges Achilles for his ... Get more on ...
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  • 149. Achilles Revenge Essay Achilles's Revenge Achilles bears down upon Hector for the last fight of one of their lives. The Greeks and Trojans have been at war for a long time and the for the first time since the war has started the greatest warriors of both sides are about to clash in a one on one battle that the gods themselves are taking part in influencing the outcome of it. After Hector killed Achilles best friend Patroclus, Achilles has been out to avenge him by killing Hector and showing him the same courtesy that he showed Patroclus when he killed him by leaving him where the dogs and buzzards could pick at him, and he would never get the burial necessary for him to move on into the afterlife. Achilles hunting Hector down proves that even the most ruthless of Greek warriors can show compassion towards a friend. As Achilles makes his way from the greek ships to the city of Troy, he has an internal debate on whether or not killing Hector was truly what his friend would want him to do. The debate comes to an end when he sees Hector ... Show more content on ... He could feel the impending victory just out of reach mocking him, saying that he will never make it, that Hector will get away and his friend will never be avenged. The stunning beauty that suddenly appears known as Athena, descends to deliver him a message. With the a surprisingly human compassionate tone she says " At last our hopes run high, my brilliant Achilles–Father Zeus must love you–we'll sweep great glory back to Achaea's fleet, we'll kill this Hector, mad as he is for battle! No way for him to escape us now, no longer–not even if Phoebus the distant deadly Archer goes through torments , pleading for Hector's life, groveling over and over before our storming Father Zeus. But you, you hold your ground and catch your breath while I run Hector down and persuade the man to fight you ... Get more on ...
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  • 153. Characters In The Iliad And Gilgamesh Once more than one individual reads a piece of literature the ideas that flow through a discussion are unique. Through the class discussions much is learned through the ideas of classmates. The different perspectives brought to the table allows learners to learn a great deal from one another. Discussing the literature presented in class aids in the understanding of the roles each character in the poem plays. The knowledge about each character's attitudes, beliefs, and ultimate goals through other individuals helps to see the same major point only from a different perspective. Through the discussion on the Iliad many major points were made about the idea of the heroes in both the Iliad and Gilgamesh. One major point made was the difference in the idea of the heroes in both poems. "In the Iliad, heroes did what was necessary to maintain their honor; which usually resulted in several bad decisions." (Lockerbie). The conclusion that came about is in the Iliad, the hero was a warrior of war that valued power, women, and honor. A warrior, shaped by the Gods and Goddesses that achieved their honor through the battlefield. These warriors were selfish, egotistical, and lack the maturity to learn a valuable lesson. Defined by their actions they fought to kill, sometimes without any clear purpose. Paris was an example many brought forth to illustrate the idea of the hero in the Iliad. Paris chose a beautiful woman over power, and victory, starting a 10–year war. The 10–year war was ... Get more on ...