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Elton Sherwin
The Bible and Homosexuality
Part 3
The New Testament “Clobber Verses”
Used to Condemn Homosexuality
Saint Paul Writing His Epistles
How this Presentation Came to Be
You may have seen the headlines:
Harvard Study:
“Religious upbringing linked to
better health and well-being”*
Young Adults Happier and
Less Likely to Use Drugs
Numerous studies have documented the positive effects of
church attendance on wellbeing.**
Sadly, there is one group of children for whom church
attendance is dangerous…
* and
…LGBTQ children and young adults who attend
churches believing that all homosexual acts are sinful
are more likely to contemplate self-harm and to
commit suicide.*
Recent Research Indicates…
* and
This has motivated some parents and
churches to revisit their church’s, and
the Bible’s, teaching on homosexuality
and sexual minorities.
This 3-part presentation takes a fresh look what the
Bible actually says about homosexuality
Does the Bible claim that all homosexual acts
are inherently evil or immoral?
Are all gays called to a life of celibacy?
This presentation discusses homosexuality, rape, gang
rape, temple prostitution, child prostitutes, intercourse, oral
sex, anal sex, condoms, and sexually transmitted infections
and cancers.
Parents of pre-teens should assess suitability for their
Part 1
The 4 Old Testament “Clobber” Verses
1. Sodom and Gomorra
 Hospitality to foreigners and gang
rape (Genesis 19: 1-29)
2. The Murder of the Levite’s
 Hospitality to visitors, gang rape
and murder (Judges 19: 1-30)
No gays, no queers, no lesbians in
these scriptures
The Levite of Ephraim
A. F. Caminafe (1837)
Sodom and Gomorrah Afire
3. Leviticus 18:22
4. Leviticus 20:13
Holiness codes
designed to keep Israel
separate from her
Today, Churches ignore
most of these “rules”
Leviticus bans promiscuous sex and
temple prostitution during religious
ceremonies and religious feasts
All things done by Israel's Enemies
Old Testament “Rules” About Homosexuality Are
Not About Consensual Relationships
Verse Off topic
Number of
by context
1 Genesis 19:1-29 √ √
2 Judges 19:1-30 √ √
3 Leviticus 18:22 One √
4 Leviticus 20:13 One √
In Part 2
Seven Scriptures Blessing Sexual Minorities
Seven Scriptures Affirming
Sexual Minorities
They are hard to find as
ancient Hebrew and Greek
have no synonym for the
modern word “Homosexual”
Isaiah 56:4-5Matthew 19:11-12Acts 8:26-40
Part 3: The New Testament
It is Widely Believed that Paul Was Anti-Gay
But, Perhaps Not!
Both the context and his
Greek are complex
Verse Off topic
Number of
by context
5 Romans 1:18-27 One √
6 I Corinthians 6:9-10 Two √
7 I Timothy 1:8-11 Three √
5. Romans 1:26-27
“For this reason God gave them up to
degrading passions. …men, giving up
natural intercourse with women, were
consumed with passion for one
For what reason?
The prior verse, Romans 1:25, explains:
“…because they exchanged the truth
about God for a lie and worshiped and
served the creature rather than the
Creator...”Farnese Hercules
Paul Stevenson
Paul’s letter to Rome
“ …because they exchanged the truth
about God for a lie and worshiped
and served the creature …men,
giving up natural intercourse with
women, were consumed with passion
for one another.”
Janet Edmond explains:
“The behavior Paul was addressing here
is explicitly associated with idol worship
(probably temple prostitution) and with
heterosexual people… participating in
promiscuous sex with anyone available.”
“…these were not the committed
homosexual relationships that we see
Farnese Hercules
Paul Stevenson
* Janet Edmonds:
Clobber Verse #6
The Condemnation of Roman Orgies
The Triumph of Pan (1636)
Nicolas Poussin - Wikipedia
"Paul's writings have been taken out of context and
twisted to punish and oppress every identifiable
minority in the world: Jews, children, women, blacks,
slaves, politicians, divorced people, convicts, pro-choice
people, lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transsexuals, religious
reformers, the mentally ill, and the list could go on and
on. Paul is often difficult and confusing to
understand. A lot of Paul's writing is very difficult to
translate. Since most of his letters were written in
response to news [or questions] from other people,
reading Paul can be like listening to one side of a
telephone conversation. We know, or think we know,
what Paul is saying, but we have to guess what the other
side has said [or was asking about]."
R.S. Truluck
The six Bible passages used to condemn homosexuals
What Reports Was Paul Receiving from Rome,
Corinth and Ephesus?
I imagine he might have
been getting letters like this:
Dear Teacher, I am sorry to report that on the feast of Dionysia
many of our brethren were celebrating in the streets. The young
men were stealing wine and their fathers were entering pagan
temples. You know what terrible things go on in there… Perhaps
in your next letter you could say something. Although, please
don’t mention that you heard this from me….
Roman cities were famous for their sexual excesses.
Whichever way Paul got his news, it could have been reports
like this, or what he saw on his visits that inspired him to
6. I Corinthians 6:9-10
“Fornicators, idolaters, adulterers, male
prostitutes, sodomites, thieves, the greedy,
drunkards, revilers, robbers – none of these will
inherit the kingdom of God.”
Paul’s letter to the church in Corinth
The Verse is Not About Homosexuals
The exact meaning of two critical words
—malakoi and arsenokoites—is unknown!
“…male prostitutes, sodomites…none of these will
inherit the kingdom of God.”
The Ever Changing Meanings of
Malakoi & Arsenokoitai
Conservative Christians have condemned all
homosexuals largely based on two words
whose meaning keeps changing:
“Most English-speaking Christians would have no
idea that the Greek word being translated was a
new word that Paul coined whose meaning and
translation are contested.”
Baptist News*
“Paul is right to condemn these sexual activities,
but this has nothing to do with a consensual
homosexual relationship.”
Bible commentator Janet Edmonds*
* Janet Edmonds:
Three key translations disputed:
pornos, arsenokoites and andrapodistes.
 The exact meaning of the latter two words
is lost in antiquity
7. I Timothy 1:8-11
“the law is laid down…
for those who kill their
father or mother, for
murderers, fornicators,
sodomites, slave traders,
liars, perjurers… Saint Timothy
Orthodox Icon
Paul’s letter to Timothy in Ephesus, a
city later famous for its brothel
A Condemnation of
Human Trafficking
sodomites, slave traders,
liars, perjurers…
Saint Timothy
“Scholars believe that the three terms were used
together in that slave dealers (andrapodistes) would
be acting as pimps for captured boys (pornos) who
would be taken advantage of by powerful men
(arsenokoites)…These are sins that certainly need to
be addressed, but this Bible passage does not relate
to homosexuals in a committed relationship.” Edmonds*
If the Objective is to Condemn Homosexuality
All 7 “Clobber” Verses Have Serious Problems
Verse Off topic
Number of
by context
1 Genesis 19:1-29 √ √
2 Judges 19:1-30 √ √
3 Leviticus 18:22 One √
4 Leviticus 20:13 One √
5 Romans 1:18-27 One √
6 I Corinthians 6:9-10 Two √
7 I Timothy 1:8-11 Three √
* Disputed words are significant and change the meaning of verses 3 to 7
Old Testament Verses
Verse Topic Disputed Words* Context
1 Genesis 19:1-29
Treatment of the
poor & foreigners
Destruction of
Sodom and
2 Judges 19:1-30
Rape and murder
of visitors
Rape and murder
of the Levite’s
3 Leviticus 18:22
Condemns incest,
prostitution and
sex during
religious rituals.
Abomination vs.
Ritually unclean
Unusual wording in
ancient Hebrew:
Meaning of both
verses is unclear.
Holiness codes:
not adopting
gentile customs
Includes many
“rules” universally
ignored today*
4 Leviticus 20:13
New Testament Verses
Verse Topic Disputed Words* Context
5 Romans 1:18-27
Consequences of
idol worship is
Powerful Roman
men abusing
Para physin
Pagan Idol
heterosexual sex,
& possibly temple
I Corinthians 6:9-
Forbids believers
in Corinth from
suing each other
Malakoi and
Exact meanings of
critical words are
condemns the
exploitation of
slaves and boys
by powerful
heterosexual men
7 I Timothy 1:8-11
Kidnappers and
slave traders
pimping young
arsenokoites and
More translation notes in the appendix
It Is a High Bar
For the Bible to Condemn All Homosexuality…
To claim that all homosexuals must
 Abstain from all sex
 Never marry
 Forgo leadership in churches
The scriptures would have to be:
1. Clear, undisputed in translation
2. Affirmed by context
3. Not contradicted by the Prophets or Jesus
© Marie-Lan Nguyen
As We Have Seen
The Opposite is True
These scriptures are
1. Disputed in translation
2. Challenged by their context
3. Contradicted by Jesus, Isaiah, Luke, even Paul
“Homosexuality Was Well Known
In the Ancient World,
Well Before Christ Was Born
And Jesus Never Said A Word About
In All of His Teachings about Multiple Things
He Never Said That
Gay People Should Be Condemned…”
President Jimmy Carter
Bible School Teacher,
Governor of Georgia,
39th President of the United States (1977 to 1981)
President Carter
National Archives
What Do These 7 Verses Really Mean?
These hard-to-translate, murky scriptures
condemn certain behaviors:
 Rape, gang rape and murder
 Promiscuous, debaucherous sex
 Male prostitution in a temple
 Buying and selling of young boys
 Human trafficking
 Powerful men sexually abusing others
 Straight men having sex with men and boys
“In the [New Testament] clobber passages Paul
condemns the coercive, excessive and predatory
same-sex sexual activity practiced by the Romans
— and would have condemned the same acts had
they been heterosexual in nature.”
John and Catherine Shore
excerpted from
“UNFAIR: Why the ‘Christian’ View of Gays Doesn’t Work.”*
The Essential Point
None of these 7 scriptures “have anything to
do with consensual homosexual relations.”*
They describe sexual behaviors that are
abusive, most of which are illegal today.
Paul is condemning powerful men
sexually abusing those without power.
* Bible commentator Janet Edmonds
A Bit of
Recent History and
Safety Messages for LGBTQ+ Young Adults
And Their Parents
Before we close…
What American High Schools
Often Omit
When Homosexuality Was an Illness
Through most of the 20th century most medical
professionals believed homosexuality was a
mental illness
 The results were than shuffled and given to
experts who were confident they could identify the
“mentally ill” gay men.
 They could not
 In 1953 UCLA Professor Evelyn
Hooker administered three tests
for “mental illness” to 30 gay and
30 straight men. Rorschach test
“Evelyn Hooker’s groundbreaking research exploded the
notion that homosexuality was a mental illness,
ultimately removing it from the DSM.”*
American Psychological Association (APA)
 One expert was so certain he could find the
“maladjusted” gay men, he went through all
the tests again. Still no luck.
 Her research was pivotal in changing the
minds of many medical professionals and it
ultimately led, in 1972, to the APA’s decision
that homosexuality was not a mental illness.
Last Century
 If a young women had
feelings for other women.
 But guys were nice enough
 If she wanted a family
Everyone advised her to marry a guy and
“settle down.”
 So she married and tried not to fantasize
too often about women
Was this fair to the husband?
Woman’s Army Corps
Guys Were Told
“Just Marry a Women”
Throughout history, and still today,
many gay men have been
encouraged to “focus on girls,” get
married and have children.
And then there is conversion therapy…
 The marriages often created great
emotional trauma for the wives, the
children and the men themselves.
Rock Hudson
Conversion Therapy and Prayer
Most LGBTQ Christians try hard to become
 They pray, they beg God. Success is rare.
“Relapses” are near universal.
 Conversion therapy has been such a disaster
one of the founders shut down his
organization and issued a public apology
 After telling his wife, children and relatives that
he was gay
 His “conversion” having failed
“In a 2019 survey of almost 35,000 young people
…found that 42% of a subgroup who had
received conversion therapy attempted suicide.”
January 2020
Homosexuality is Still Illegal in 72 Countries
Death Penalty in 7 Countries*
Use Caution WhenYou Travel Abroad
1. Nigeria
2. Qatar
3. Yemen
4. Saudi Arabia
5. Tanzania
6. Iran
7. Sudan
8. Barbados
9. Malaysia
10. Malawi
11. Zambia
12. Saint Lucia
13. Uganda
14. Pakistan
15. W. Bank & Gaza
16. Kenya
17. Maldives
18. Jamaica
19. Ethiopia
20. Egypt
1. Norway
2. Portugal
3. Belgium
4. United Kingdom
5. Finland
6. France
7. Canada
8. Spain
9. Sweden
10. Malta
11. New Zealand
12. Netherlands
13. Denmark
14. South Africa
15. Ireland
16. Australia
17. Uruguay
18. Iceland
19. Colombia
20. Austria
Be Cautious
Traveling with
LGBTQ family
Some websites add Russia
and Lithuania to the most
dangerous list
Thirteen States Ban All Forms of “Sodomy”
…Regardless of the Participants’ Genders:
 Alabama
 Florida
 Georgia
 Idaho
 Louisiana
 Maryland
 Massachusetts
 Michigan
 Minnesota
 Mississippi
 Both Carolinas and
 Oklahoma
Rolling Stone also flags:Texas, Tennessee & North Dakota*
Use Discretion and Caution in these States
Be Cautious in These States
And Countries
Driving while Gay
 Don’t get pulled over at 1am
 Avoid flamboyant attire
 Avoid public displays of affection
Revelers dressed as the
Village People in
Mexico City
The follow slide is sexually explicit
One Minute of Sex Ed
Just Because the Bible Doesn’t Forbid it
Doesn’t Mean It Is Always a Good Idea
Sex has risks:
 Intercourse, oral sex and anal sex
can all pass sexually transmitted
infections (STIs) and cancers
 Anal sex is the most common way
both men and women get HIV*
 Condoms, three** vaccines, limiting your
number of partners, PEP* and PrEP * all lower
the risk of a life-changing STD or cancer, but
do NOT eliminate all risk (more info in the appendix)
1930’s WPA Poster
Closing Thoughts
Sigmund Freud wrote:
“Many highly respectable
individuals of ancient and
modern times have been
homosexuals, several of the
greatest men among them…”*
Benois Madonna
Leonardo da Vinci
The Creation of Adam
Leonardo da Vinci was
imprisoned for “sodomy.”
Michelangelo’s love poetry
had all the male pronouns
switched to female pronouns
after his death and before
Once, I believed that gay children were
But I have come to realize that they are part of
God's creation:
Intentionally and purposely created.
And it is our job to cherish, protect and
celebrate them.
If Your Church Has Told You…
…You should not hold hands.
…You must live a celibate life.
…You should not love the person you love.
…You cannot marry.
…You cannot be ordained.
…You cannot teach children
…You cannot hold a leadership position.
…If your church has said you should not be who
God created you to be, remember:
The Bible Does Not Say This
And There Are Many Affirming Christians and Churches
That Do Not Believe This
Closing Blessing
If you are straight…
…Do not let the “teachers of the law” steal your
ability to enjoy and love God’s entire creation,
including the 7% that are not like you.
If you are—or might be—somewhere in the
…Do not let the “teachers of the law” steal your
self-confidence, your joy of life or your faith.
God created you uniquely and exactly as you are.
To Parents of LGBTQ+ Youth
It seems unwise to encourage an LGBTQ+ youngster to
fall in love with a denomination’s youth program and
then discover the denomination believes they are:
 “Intrinsically disordered”
 “Sinful unless celibate”
 “Contrary to the natural law”
 “Gravely immoral…” It is a sad, long list.
Research* and common sense dictate that it is not
healthy for the “7% kids” to attend churches professing
these non-scientific, non-scriptural beliefs.
* and
Discussion Questions
“Cobber Verse” Translation Notes
What Is a LGBTQ Person?
“Cobber Verse” Analysis and Expert Opinions
Resources for LGBTQ Christians and Their Families
Notes for the “One Minute of Sex Ed”
Image Credits
References and
Discussion Questions for Part 3
1. What most surprised you in the lesson?
2. Do you think any of these New Testament verses are a
universal ban on all homosexual acts?
3. What are your thoughts about the section discussing:
homosexuality as a mental illness; anti-gay laws; and
encouraging gays to marry straight spouses?
4. Neither Jesus, nor the prophets, nor the Ten
Commandments condemn Homosexuality. Why do you
think this is? Is it an accident?
5. Looking at all the scriptures we have discussed—all 7
“clobber verses” and the 7 affirming scriptures—what do
you believe is God’s message to sexual minorities?
“Cobber Verse” Translation Notes
 I am neither an ancient Greek nor an ancient
Hebrew scholar. Therefore, I found it
necessary to keep a spreadsheet of the
disputed words in the 7 “clobber verses.”
 The next 3 slides are my working notes as I
read and reread dozens of translations and
Matrix of Possible Translations
Disputed Translation Possible Meanings
Men & Abomination
Leviticus 18:22
Leviticus 20:13
Unusual wording in ancient Hebrew: Meaning of these verses is unclear and widely
disputed. While the English transliterations seem clear, the meaning of the original
Hebrew is anything but clear.
Abomination vs. Ritually unclean. Foul thing vs. things pertaining to idolatry4 "ritually
improper" or "involving foreign religious cult practice."1 Added complexity because
different Hebrew words are used for the word “man.”
Para physin
Romans 1:26-27
Unnatural vs. atypical vs. unconventional2
1 Corinthians 6:9
Possibly: Men who shave.3 Perhaps the “bottom” in male/male sex…? Also proposed:
Hairless young boys used for sex5
Malakoi has many meanings: Soft, effeminate, a male prostitute, lazy, decedent,
lacking in courage. Perhaps a young male prostitute, or catamite (young boy kept as
sexual companion for young man or boy).4 The soft fine clothing worn by the rich. Also:
“weakling” “wanton” “debauchers” “licentious” “sensual” “effeminate” and “male
In the Bible it has been translated as: “weaklings” (1525)
“effeminate” (1582, 1901)
“those who make women of themselves” (1890) and
“the sensual” (1951) 7
Disputed Translation Possible Meanings
1 Corinthians 6:9;
1 Timothy 1:10
Word probably invented by Paul. Possibly means pederasty (sex with young boys), male
prostitution or “men exploiting other men sexually.”7 Possibly: “customers of ‘the effeminate
call boys.’”5 Meaning is disputed/unknown.
Over last 500 years it has been translated as: “buggerers, “abusers of themselves with
mankind,” “the brutal,” “sodomites,” “liers with mankind,” “homosexuals” (1946), “pervert,”
“homosexual perverts,” “homosexual offenders” and “practicing homosexuals”6 Also as sexual
malakoi + arsenokoitai
1 Corinthians 6:9
Possibly Shrine prostitute?3 Possibly: male prostitutes … homosexual offenders; or
effeminate … sodomites8 or catamite (young boy kept as sexual companion for young man or
Paul disapproves of something, but exactly what has been lost to history.
Timothy 1:10
Adultery (a married person having sex with anyone other than their spouse) or male
prostitute. Immoral person. Mistranslated as homosexual. Pornos derives from the verb
pernemi meaning “to sell.”
Timothy 1:10
Kidnappers, slave dealers, pimps, man-stealer,
one who unjustly reduces free males to slavery or
one who steals the slaves of others and sells them.
+ pornos
+ arsenokoites
Timothy 1:10
Janet Edmonds: “kidnappers or slave dealers (Andrapodistes) acting as pimps for their
captured and castrated boys (pornos) to service the men (arsenokoites) who use these
unfortunate male prostitutes. (Brownson, pg. 274)”9
References for last three slides
Many of these webpages have additional references at the bottom.
What Does it Mean to Be LGBTQ?
Image: Thelmadatter/Wikimedia
A Complex Question
With a Helpful Answer
“What about people born with
ambiguous genitals or
whose chromosomes are not XX or XY?”
They struggled to answer the question.
Here is how I would answer it.
At a recent college gathering two
Christian theologians were asked
the following question:
90 to 93% of Humans Come in 1 of 2 “Models”
The Boy Model
√ Has XY chromosomes,
√ Has a male body
√ Believes they are a boy
√ Is primarily attracted to
The Girl Model
√ Has XX chromosomes,
√ Has a female body
√ Believes they are a girl
√ Is primarily attracted to
God’s Special Editions
7 to 10% of the population
does not fit in these two boxes, instead:
…Their DNA is neither XX nor XY; or
…Physically their bodies have some physical
characteristics of both a boy and a girl; or
…Their feelings don’t match their body’s physical sex.
For example they have a girl’s body but since
childhood think of themselves as a boy; or
…They have significant attraction to their own gender.
The Most Common Colors in
the Rainbow
There are many variations and combinations in the LGBTQ+
rainbow, including:
 Gay or Homosexual: Primarily attracted to people of the same
 Bi or Bisexual: Attracted to both genders
 Undecided or Questioning: Not yet sure of their sexual
 Trans or transsexual: Gender identity does not correspond
with birth sex. For example, a child with a girl’s body who feels
or “knows” they are a boy.
 Fluid or gender fluid: Someone whose sexual orientation
changes over time.
 Intersexual: a person “…born with a combination of male and
female biological characteristics, such as chromosomes or
“For those whose physical and emotional attractions are
consistently and exclusively directed toward persons of "the
other sex," knowing one's sexual orientation is easy. These
individuals are fortunate to live in a society – and family – that
unequivocally affirm heterosexuality and present no obstacles
to the recognition and acceptance of one's heterosexuality.
“Others experience some degree of same-sex attractions and
struggle to make sense of what those attractions mean,
especially in the context of a society and family that regards
heterosexuality as the ideal sexual orientation.”*
*Am I Gay?" A Guide for People Who Question Their Sexual Orientation: Dr. Richard H. Reams
“Cobber Verse” Analysis and Expert Opinions
Analysis of the 7 Clobber Verses
Gay Church
Huffington Post
The PostBarthian
The Janet Edmonds’ white paper
verses/ or
“Malakoi is NEVER Used in the Bible
to Mean Homosexual”
“…the meaning of malakoi, which by 1958, came to
equate malakoi with homosexuality instead of softness,
moral weakness or the effeminacy of temple prostitutes,
was not prompted by new linguistic evidence. Instead,
cultural factors influenced modern translators to inject
anti-gay bias into their translation. In ancient times, the
malakos stem never referred exclusively to gays and
lesbians. …In ancient times, it was used to refer to
heterosexual men who followed the Greek custom of
shaving the face daily.”
All quotes from: Also see:
The Ever Changing Meanings of
Malakoi & Arsenokoitai
Additional Analysis of the 7 Clobber Verses
Old and New Testament
Old Testament Verses
New Testament Clobber Verses
New Testament verses
 Romans 1:26-27
 1 Corinthians 6:9-10
 I Timothy 1:8-11
The 7 Scriptures Used Against Gays
Janet Edmond Summarizes:
“Many Christians want to remain faithful to God’s Word
through the Bible. This has caused Christians who
read the Bible without background information or
cultural context, to have difficulty accepting
homosexuals. They see gays and lesbians as sinners
who need to change and repent or remain celibate.
But when we study the seven scriptures typically used
to condemn homosexuals, it’s evident that none of
them have anything to do with consensual homosexual
There Were Many Different Types of Eunuchs
In the Ancient World
df see page 497.
 (see
bottom 4 references)
From part 2 of this series
Resources for LGBTQ Christians
Their Families,
Their Pastors and Spiritual Advisors
The Christian Message
Affirms Minorities and Sexual Minorities
Pastor Brandon Robertson
Resources for LGBTQ Christians
 Queer Grace:
 Online communities:
 Geeky Justin: Christian video blogger extraordinaire
 NALT: Christians proclaiming their belief in full LGBT equality
 Christian/Denominationally-Based LGBT Organizations: Catholic,
Mormon, Baptist, Eastern Orthodox, United Church of Christ, Et al. Some of
these groups are unapproved resistance groups supporting queer believers and
pushing for denominational change.
 Canyon Walkers:
 Q Christian Fellowship:
 The Reformation Project:
 Justin Hershey, Forge:
“Must Read” Documents for Bible Scholars,
Pastors, Elders, Deacons and Church Staff
 Affirming verses friendly or welcoming
 The Janet Edmonds’ white paper:
Secular Resources
 The Trevor Project: Crisis intervention and
suicide prevention services for lesbian, gay,
bisexual, transgender, queer & questioning
(LGBTQ) young people under 25
 FLAG: Founded in 1973 after the simple act of a
mother publicly supporting her gay son, PFLAG
is the nation's largest family and ally
Secular Resources
 The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender
National Help Center:
 Moderated chat rooms for LGBT youth and teens
 Operates 3 hotlines:
 The LGBT National Hotline,
 The LGBT National Youth Talkline,
 The LGBT National Senior Hotline
 Largest collection of resources for the LGBT community
in the United States
 The Bisexual Resource Center
Additional Resources
13ae949d6619 (see list near the end of article)
Additional Videos
 (“welcoming” churches)
Michelangelo’s poetry changed and Da Vinci jailed
for sodomy (this reference contains an obscenity)
Four Affirming Books
1. Torn: Rescuing the Gospel from the Gays-vs.-
Christians Debate (Justin Lee)
2. God and the Gay Christian: The Biblical Case in
Support of Same-Sex Relationships (Matthew Vines)
3. UnClobber: Rethinking Our Misuse of the Bible on
Homosexuality (Colby Martin)
4. Rescuing Jesus: How People of Color, Women, and
Queer Christians are Reclaiming Evangelicalism
(Deborah Jian Lee)
The follow slides are sexually explicit
More Info on the
One Minute of Sex Ed
Sex Safety
A Note to Parents and Pastors
Why include information about sex safety in a
scriptural analysis on homosexuality?
Telling young people that the Bible does not
condemn an activity — an activity that involves
significant risks — and not mentioning the risks
and how to minimize them… well it seems
Notes for “One Minute of Sex Ed”
Three Must Get Vaccines for All Young Adults
Straight or LGBTQ+
Currently there are three vaccines that protect against
sexually transmitted diseases and cancers.
All three vaccines protect against non-sexual and
sexual transition for:
1. Hepatitis A
2. Hepatitis B
3. HPV (Gardasil 9). Gardasil protects against almost all
cervical cancers as well as many other cancers and
genital warts in men and women. Cancers can develop
30 or more years after sex.
What Are PEP and PrEP?
PrEP: Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis*
 A daily pill that helps protect you from getting HIV
 Should be used in addition to a condom
 MUST be used if you have sex with an HIV positive
person without a condom
PEP: Post-Exposure Prophylaxis*
 These are “morning after” pills for HIV exposure
 But you must take the pills for 28 days
 If you have had intercourse, oral sex or anal sex without
a condom and your partner has or might have HIV.
 Get Advice ASAP: If you think you may have been
exposed to HIV or another STD
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LGBTQ in Scripture Part 3: New Testament Clobber Verses

  • 1. Elton Sherwin The Bible and Homosexuality Part 3 The New Testament “Clobber Verses” Used to Condemn Homosexuality Saint Paul Writing His Epistles
  • 2. How this Presentation Came to Be You may have seen the headlines: Harvard Study: “Religious upbringing linked to better health and well-being”* Young Adults Happier and Less Likely to Use Drugs Numerous studies have documented the positive effects of church attendance on wellbeing.** Sadly, there is one group of children for whom church attendance is dangerous… * and **
  • 3. …LGBTQ children and young adults who attend churches believing that all homosexual acts are sinful are more likely to contemplate self-harm and to commit suicide.* Recent Research Indicates… * and
  • 4. This has motivated some parents and churches to revisit their church’s, and the Bible’s, teaching on homosexuality and sexual minorities. This 3-part presentation takes a fresh look what the Bible actually says about homosexuality Does the Bible claim that all homosexual acts are inherently evil or immoral? Are all gays called to a life of celibacy? Benj/Wikipedia
  • 5. This presentation discusses homosexuality, rape, gang rape, temple prostitution, child prostitutes, intercourse, oral sex, anal sex, condoms, and sexually transmitted infections and cancers. Parents of pre-teens should assess suitability for their children. PG13
  • 6. Part 1 The 4 Old Testament “Clobber” Verses 1. Sodom and Gomorra  Hospitality to foreigners and gang rape (Genesis 19: 1-29) 2. The Murder of the Levite’s Concubine  Hospitality to visitors, gang rape and murder (Judges 19: 1-30) No gays, no queers, no lesbians in these scriptures The Levite of Ephraim A. F. Caminafe (1837) Wikipedia Sodom and Gomorrah Afire
  • 7. 3. Leviticus 18:22 4. Leviticus 20:13 Holiness codes designed to keep Israel separate from her neighbors. Today, Churches ignore most of these “rules” Leviticus bans promiscuous sex and temple prostitution during religious ceremonies and religious feasts All things done by Israel's Enemies
  • 8. Old Testament “Rules” About Homosexuality Are Not About Consensual Relationships Verse Off topic Number of Disputed Words Disputed by context 1 Genesis 19:1-29 √ √ 2 Judges 19:1-30 √ √ 3 Leviticus 18:22 One √ 4 Leviticus 20:13 One √
  • 9. In Part 2 Seven Scriptures Blessing Sexual Minorities Seven Scriptures Affirming Sexual Minorities They are hard to find as ancient Hebrew and Greek have no synonym for the modern word “Homosexual” Isaiah 56:4-5Matthew 19:11-12Acts 8:26-40
  • 10. Part 3: The New Testament It is Widely Believed that Paul Was Anti-Gay But, Perhaps Not! Both the context and his Greek are complex Verse Off topic Number of Disputed Words Disputed by context 5 Romans 1:18-27 One √ 6 I Corinthians 6:9-10 Two √ 7 I Timothy 1:8-11 Three √
  • 11. 5. Romans 1:26-27 “For this reason God gave them up to degrading passions. …men, giving up natural intercourse with women, were consumed with passion for one another.” For what reason? The prior verse, Romans 1:25, explains: “…because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator...”Farnese Hercules Paul Stevenson Paul’s letter to Rome
  • 12. “ …because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature …men, giving up natural intercourse with women, were consumed with passion for one another.” Janet Edmond explains: “The behavior Paul was addressing here is explicitly associated with idol worship (probably temple prostitution) and with heterosexual people… participating in promiscuous sex with anyone available.” “…these were not the committed homosexual relationships that we see today.”* Farnese Hercules Paul Stevenson * Janet Edmonds: Bible-Sept.-2016.pdf
  • 13. Clobber Verse #6 The Condemnation of Roman Orgies The Triumph of Pan (1636) Nicolas Poussin - Wikipedia
  • 14. "Paul's writings have been taken out of context and twisted to punish and oppress every identifiable minority in the world: Jews, children, women, blacks, slaves, politicians, divorced people, convicts, pro-choice people, lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transsexuals, religious reformers, the mentally ill, and the list could go on and on. Paul is often difficult and confusing to understand. A lot of Paul's writing is very difficult to translate. Since most of his letters were written in response to news [or questions] from other people, reading Paul can be like listening to one side of a telephone conversation. We know, or think we know, what Paul is saying, but we have to guess what the other side has said [or was asking about]." R.S. Truluck The six Bible passages used to condemn homosexuals
  • 15. What Reports Was Paul Receiving from Rome, Corinth and Ephesus? I imagine he might have been getting letters like this: Dear Teacher, I am sorry to report that on the feast of Dionysia many of our brethren were celebrating in the streets. The young men were stealing wine and their fathers were entering pagan temples. You know what terrible things go on in there… Perhaps in your next letter you could say something. Although, please don’t mention that you heard this from me…. Roman cities were famous for their sexual excesses. Whichever way Paul got his news, it could have been reports like this, or what he saw on his visits that inspired him to write…
  • 16. 6. I Corinthians 6:9-10 “Fornicators, idolaters, adulterers, male prostitutes, sodomites, thieves, the greedy, drunkards, revilers, robbers – none of these will inherit the kingdom of God.” Paul’s letter to the church in Corinth
  • 17. The Verse is Not About Homosexuals The exact meaning of two critical words —malakoi and arsenokoites—is unknown! “…male prostitutes, sodomites…none of these will inherit the kingdom of God.”
  • 18. The Ever Changing Meanings of Malakoi & Arsenokoitai Conservative Christians have condemned all homosexuals largely based on two words whose meaning keeps changing: “Most English-speaking Christians would have no idea that the Greek word being translated was a new word that Paul coined whose meaning and translation are contested.” Baptist News* *
  • 19. “Paul is right to condemn these sexual activities, but this has nothing to do with a consensual homosexual relationship.” Bible commentator Janet Edmonds* * Janet Edmonds:
  • 20. Three key translations disputed: pornos, arsenokoites and andrapodistes.  The exact meaning of the latter two words is lost in antiquity 7. I Timothy 1:8-11 “the law is laid down… for those who kill their father or mother, for murderers, fornicators, sodomites, slave traders, liars, perjurers… Saint Timothy Orthodox Icon Paul’s letter to Timothy in Ephesus, a city later famous for its brothel
  • 21. A Condemnation of Human Trafficking “…fornicators, sodomites, slave traders, liars, perjurers… Saint Timothy “Scholars believe that the three terms were used together in that slave dealers (andrapodistes) would be acting as pimps for captured boys (pornos) who would be taken advantage of by powerful men (arsenokoites)…These are sins that certainly need to be addressed, but this Bible passage does not relate to homosexuals in a committed relationship.” Edmonds* *
  • 22. If the Objective is to Condemn Homosexuality All 7 “Clobber” Verses Have Serious Problems Verse Off topic Number of Disputed Words* Disputed by context 1 Genesis 19:1-29 √ √ 2 Judges 19:1-30 √ √ 3 Leviticus 18:22 One √ 4 Leviticus 20:13 One √ 5 Romans 1:18-27 One √ 6 I Corinthians 6:9-10 Two √ 7 I Timothy 1:8-11 Three √ * Disputed words are significant and change the meaning of verses 3 to 7
  • 23. Old Testament Verses Verse Topic Disputed Words* Context 1 Genesis 19:1-29 Treatment of the poor & foreigners - Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah 2 Judges 19:1-30 Rape and murder of visitors - Rape and murder of the Levite’s concubine 3 Leviticus 18:22 Condemns incest, shrine prostitution and sex during religious rituals. Abomination vs. Ritually unclean Unusual wording in ancient Hebrew: Meaning of both verses is unclear. Holiness codes: not adopting gentile customs Includes many “rules” universally ignored today* 4 Leviticus 20:13 *
  • 24. New Testament Verses Verse Topic Disputed Words* Context 5 Romans 1:18-27 Consequences of idol worship is sexual immorality. Powerful Roman men abusing others Para physin Pagan Idol worship, promiscuous heterosexual sex, & possibly temple prostitution 6 I Corinthians 6:9- 10 Forbids believers in Corinth from suing each other Malakoi and arsenokoitai Exact meanings of critical words are unknown. Probably condemns the sexual exploitation of slaves and boys by powerful heterosexual men 7 I Timothy 1:8-11 Kidnappers and slave traders pimping young boys Pornos, arsenokoites and andrapodistes More translation notes in the appendix
  • 25. It Is a High Bar For the Bible to Condemn All Homosexuality… To claim that all homosexuals must  Abstain from all sex  Never marry  Forgo leadership in churches The scriptures would have to be: 1. Clear, undisputed in translation 2. Affirmed by context 3. Not contradicted by the Prophets or Jesus © Marie-Lan Nguyen Wikipedia
  • 26. As We Have Seen The Opposite is True These scriptures are 1. Disputed in translation 2. Challenged by their context 3. Contradicted by Jesus, Isaiah, Luke, even Paul
  • 27. “Homosexuality Was Well Known In the Ancient World, Well Before Christ Was Born And Jesus Never Said A Word About Homosexuality. In All of His Teachings about Multiple Things He Never Said That Gay People Should Be Condemned…” President Jimmy Carter Bible School Teacher, Governor of Georgia, 39th President of the United States (1977 to 1981) President Carter National Archives
  • 28. What Do These 7 Verses Really Mean? These hard-to-translate, murky scriptures condemn certain behaviors:  Rape, gang rape and murder  Promiscuous, debaucherous sex  Male prostitution in a temple  Buying and selling of young boys  Human trafficking  Powerful men sexually abusing others  Straight men having sex with men and boys
  • 29. “In the [New Testament] clobber passages Paul condemns the coercive, excessive and predatory same-sex sexual activity practiced by the Romans — and would have condemned the same acts had they been heterosexual in nature.” John and Catherine Shore excerpted from “UNFAIR: Why the ‘Christian’ View of Gays Doesn’t Work.”* *
  • 30. The Essential Point None of these 7 scriptures “have anything to do with consensual homosexual relations.”* They describe sexual behaviors that are abusive, most of which are illegal today. Paul is condemning powerful men sexually abusing those without power. * Bible commentator Janet Edmonds
  • 31. A Bit of Recent History and Safety Messages for LGBTQ+ Young Adults And Their Parents Before we close… What American High Schools Often Omit
  • 32. When Homosexuality Was an Illness Through most of the 20th century most medical professionals believed homosexuality was a mental illness  The results were than shuffled and given to experts who were confident they could identify the “mentally ill” gay men.  They could not  In 1953 UCLA Professor Evelyn Hooker administered three tests for “mental illness” to 30 gay and 30 straight men. Rorschach test
  • 33. “Evelyn Hooker’s groundbreaking research exploded the notion that homosexuality was a mental illness, ultimately removing it from the DSM.”* American Psychological Association (APA)  One expert was so certain he could find the “maladjusted” gay men, he went through all the tests again. Still no luck.  Her research was pivotal in changing the minds of many medical professionals and it ultimately led, in 1972, to the APA’s decision that homosexuality was not a mental illness. *
  • 34. Last Century  If a young women had feelings for other women.  But guys were nice enough  If she wanted a family Everyone advised her to marry a guy and “settle down.”  So she married and tried not to fantasize too often about women Was this fair to the husband? Woman’s Army Corps
  • 35. Guys Were Told “Just Marry a Women” Throughout history, and still today, many gay men have been encouraged to “focus on girls,” get married and have children. And then there is conversion therapy…  The marriages often created great emotional trauma for the wives, the children and the men themselves. Rock Hudson Wikipedia
  • 36. Conversion Therapy and Prayer Most LGBTQ Christians try hard to become straight  They pray, they beg God. Success is rare. “Relapses” are near universal.  Conversion therapy has been such a disaster one of the founders shut down his organization and issued a public apology  After telling his wife, children and relatives that he was gay  His “conversion” having failed
  • 37. “In a 2019 survey of almost 35,000 young people …found that 42% of a subgroup who had received conversion therapy attempted suicide.” January 2020
  • 38. Homosexuality is Still Illegal in 72 Countries Death Penalty in 7 Countries* Use Caution WhenYou Travel Abroad *
  • 39. Most Dangerous 1. Nigeria 2. Qatar 3. Yemen 4. Saudi Arabia 5. Tanzania 6. Iran 7. Sudan 8. Barbados 9. Malaysia 10. Malawi 11. Zambia 12. Saint Lucia 13. Uganda 14. Pakistan 15. W. Bank & Gaza 16. Kenya 17. Maldives 18. Jamaica 19. Ethiopia 20. Egypt Safest Countries 1. Norway 2. Portugal 3. Belgium 4. United Kingdom 5. Finland 6. France 7. Canada 8. Spain 9. Sweden 10. Malta 11. New Zealand 12. Netherlands 13. Denmark 14. South Africa 15. Ireland 16. Australia 17. Uruguay 18. Iceland 19. Colombia 20. Austria Be Cautious Traveling with LGBTQ family members Organizing meetings Relocating employees Source: btq-travel-safety/ Some websites add Russia and Lithuania to the most dangerous list
  • 40. Thirteen States Ban All Forms of “Sodomy” …Regardless of the Participants’ Genders:  Alabama  Florida  Georgia  Idaho  Louisiana  Maryland  Massachusetts  Michigan  Minnesota  Mississippi  Both Carolinas and  Oklahoma Rolling Stone also flags:Texas, Tennessee & North Dakota* Use Discretion and Caution in these States *
  • 41. Be Cautious in These States And Countries Driving while Gay  Don’t get pulled over at 1am  Avoid flamboyant attire  Avoid public displays of affection Revelers dressed as the Village People in Mexico City Image: Thelmadatter/Wikimedia
  • 42. The follow slide is sexually explicit One Minute of Sex Ed
  • 43. Just Because the Bible Doesn’t Forbid it Doesn’t Mean It Is Always a Good Idea Sex has risks:  Intercourse, oral sex and anal sex can all pass sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and cancers  Anal sex is the most common way both men and women get HIV* ***  Condoms, three** vaccines, limiting your number of partners, PEP* and PrEP * all lower the risk of a life-changing STD or cancer, but do NOT eliminate all risk (more info in the appendix) 1930’s WPA Poster
  • 45. Sigmund Freud wrote: “Many highly respectable individuals of ancient and modern times have been homosexuals, several of the greatest men among them…”* Benois Madonna Leonardo da Vinci David Michelangelo The Creation of Adam Michelangelo * Leonardo da Vinci was imprisoned for “sodomy.” Michelangelo’s love poetry had all the male pronouns switched to female pronouns after his death and before publication.
  • 46. Once, I believed that gay children were defective. But I have come to realize that they are part of God's creation: Intentionally and purposely created. And it is our job to cherish, protect and celebrate them.
  • 47. If Your Church Has Told You… …You should not hold hands. …You must live a celibate life. …You should not love the person you love. …You cannot marry. …You cannot be ordained. …You cannot teach children …You cannot hold a leadership position. …If your church has said you should not be who God created you to be, remember: The Bible Does Not Say This And There Are Many Affirming Christians and Churches That Do Not Believe This
  • 48. Closing Blessing If you are straight… …Do not let the “teachers of the law” steal your ability to enjoy and love God’s entire creation, including the 7% that are not like you. If you are—or might be—somewhere in the rainbow… …Do not let the “teachers of the law” steal your self-confidence, your joy of life or your faith. God created you uniquely and exactly as you are.
  • 49. To Parents of LGBTQ+ Youth It seems unwise to encourage an LGBTQ+ youngster to fall in love with a denomination’s youth program and then discover the denomination believes they are:  “Intrinsically disordered”  “Sinful unless celibate”  “Contrary to the natural law”  “Gravely immoral…” It is a sad, long list. Research* and common sense dictate that it is not healthy for the “7% kids” to attend churches professing these non-scientific, non-scriptural beliefs. * and
  • 50. Discussion Questions “Cobber Verse” Translation Notes What Is a LGBTQ Person? “Cobber Verse” Analysis and Expert Opinions Resources for LGBTQ Christians and Their Families Notes for the “One Minute of Sex Ed” Image Credits References and Resources
  • 51. Discussion Questions for Part 3 1. What most surprised you in the lesson? 2. Do you think any of these New Testament verses are a universal ban on all homosexual acts? 3. What are your thoughts about the section discussing: homosexuality as a mental illness; anti-gay laws; and encouraging gays to marry straight spouses? 4. Neither Jesus, nor the prophets, nor the Ten Commandments condemn Homosexuality. Why do you think this is? Is it an accident? 5. Looking at all the scriptures we have discussed—all 7 “clobber verses” and the 7 affirming scriptures—what do you believe is God’s message to sexual minorities?
  • 52. “Cobber Verse” Translation Notes  I am neither an ancient Greek nor an ancient Hebrew scholar. Therefore, I found it necessary to keep a spreadsheet of the disputed words in the 7 “clobber verses.”  The next 3 slides are my working notes as I read and reread dozens of translations and commentaries.
  • 53. Matrix of Possible Translations Disputed Translation Possible Meanings Men & Abomination (TO’EBAH) Leviticus 18:22 Leviticus 20:13 Unusual wording in ancient Hebrew: Meaning of these verses is unclear and widely disputed. While the English transliterations seem clear, the meaning of the original Hebrew is anything but clear. Abomination vs. Ritually unclean. Foul thing vs. things pertaining to idolatry4 "ritually improper" or "involving foreign religious cult practice."1 Added complexity because different Hebrew words are used for the word “man.” Para physin Romans 1:26-27 Unnatural vs. atypical vs. unconventional2 Malakoi 1 Corinthians 6:9 Possibly: Men who shave.3 Perhaps the “bottom” in male/male sex…? Also proposed: Hairless young boys used for sex5 Malakoi has many meanings: Soft, effeminate, a male prostitute, lazy, decedent, lacking in courage. Perhaps a young male prostitute, or catamite (young boy kept as sexual companion for young man or boy).4 The soft fine clothing worn by the rich. Also: “weakling” “wanton” “debauchers” “licentious” “sensual” “effeminate” and “male prostitutes”6 In the Bible it has been translated as: “weaklings” (1525) “effeminate” (1582, 1901) “those who make women of themselves” (1890) and “the sensual” (1951) 7
  • 54. Disputed Translation Possible Meanings Arsenokoitai(es) 1 Corinthians 6:9; 1 Timothy 1:10 Word probably invented by Paul. Possibly means pederasty (sex with young boys), male prostitution or “men exploiting other men sexually.”7 Possibly: “customers of ‘the effeminate call boys.’”5 Meaning is disputed/unknown. Over last 500 years it has been translated as: “buggerers, “abusers of themselves with mankind,” “the brutal,” “sodomites,” “liers with mankind,” “homosexuals” (1946), “pervert,” “homosexual perverts,” “homosexual offenders” and “practicing homosexuals”6 Also as sexual pervert7 malakoi + arsenokoitai 1 Corinthians 6:9 Possibly Shrine prostitute?3 Possibly: male prostitutes … homosexual offenders; or effeminate … sodomites8 or catamite (young boy kept as sexual companion for young man or boy).4 Paul disapproves of something, but exactly what has been lost to history. Pornos Timothy 1:10 Adultery (a married person having sex with anyone other than their spouse) or male prostitute. Immoral person. Mistranslated as homosexual. Pornos derives from the verb pernemi meaning “to sell.” Andrapodistes Timothy 1:10 Kidnappers, slave dealers, pimps, man-stealer, one who unjustly reduces free males to slavery or one who steals the slaves of others and sells them. Andrapodistes + pornos + arsenokoites Timothy 1:10 Janet Edmonds: “kidnappers or slave dealers (Andrapodistes) acting as pimps for their captured and castrated boys (pornos) to service the men (arsenokoites) who use these unfortunate male prostitutes. (Brownson, pg. 274)”9
  • 55. References for last three slides 1) 2) 3) 4) christianity-and-homosexuality/ 5) 6) 11-revised 7) malakoi-arsenokoitai/ 8) 9) content/uploads/2016/09/Booklet-about-Homosexuality-and-the-Bible- Sept.-2016.pdf Many of these webpages have additional references at the bottom.
  • 56. What Does it Mean to Be LGBTQ? Image: Thelmadatter/Wikimedia
  • 57. A Complex Question With a Helpful Answer “What about people born with ambiguous genitals or whose chromosomes are not XX or XY?” They struggled to answer the question. Here is how I would answer it. At a recent college gathering two Christian theologians were asked the following question:
  • 58. 90 to 93% of Humans Come in 1 of 2 “Models” The Boy Model √ Has XY chromosomes, √ Has a male body √ Believes they are a boy √ Is primarily attracted to girls The Girl Model √ Has XX chromosomes, √ Has a female body √ Believes they are a girl √ Is primarily attracted to boys
  • 59. God’s Special Editions 7 to 10% of the population does not fit in these two boxes, instead: …Their DNA is neither XX nor XY; or …Physically their bodies have some physical characteristics of both a boy and a girl; or …Their feelings don’t match their body’s physical sex. For example they have a girl’s body but since childhood think of themselves as a boy; or …They have significant attraction to their own gender.
  • 60. The Most Common Colors in the Rainbow There are many variations and combinations in the LGBTQ+ rainbow, including:  Gay or Homosexual: Primarily attracted to people of the same gender  Bi or Bisexual: Attracted to both genders  Undecided or Questioning: Not yet sure of their sexual orientation  Trans or transsexual: Gender identity does not correspond with birth sex. For example, a child with a girl’s body who feels or “knows” they are a boy.  Fluid or gender fluid: Someone whose sexual orientation changes over time.  Intersexual: a person “…born with a combination of male and female biological characteristics, such as chromosomes or genitals…”
  • 61. “For those whose physical and emotional attractions are consistently and exclusively directed toward persons of "the other sex," knowing one's sexual orientation is easy. These individuals are fortunate to live in a society – and family – that unequivocally affirm heterosexuality and present no obstacles to the recognition and acceptance of one's heterosexuality. “Others experience some degree of same-sex attractions and struggle to make sense of what those attractions mean, especially in the context of a society and family that regards heterosexuality as the ideal sexual orientation.”* *Am I Gay?" A Guide for People Who Question Their Sexual Orientation: Dr. Richard H. Reams
  • 62. “Cobber Verse” Analysis and Expert Opinions
  • 63. Analysis of the 7 Clobber Verses Gay Church  christianity-and-homosexuality/ Huffington Post  condemning-homosexuality_b_1396345 The PostBarthian  scriptures-cited-gays-lesbians-sex-relationships-lgbtq/ The Janet Edmonds’ white paper  verses/ or content/uploads/2016/09/Booklet-about-Homosexuality-and-the- Bible-Sept.-2016.pdf
  • 64. “Malakoi is NEVER Used in the Bible to Mean Homosexual” “…the meaning of malakoi, which by 1958, came to equate malakoi with homosexuality instead of softness, moral weakness or the effeminacy of temple prostitutes, was not prompted by new linguistic evidence. Instead, cultural factors influenced modern translators to inject anti-gay bias into their translation. In ancient times, the malakos stem never referred exclusively to gays and lesbians. …In ancient times, it was used to refer to heterosexual men who followed the Greek custom of shaving the face daily.” All quotes from: Also see:
  • 65. The Ever Changing Meanings of Malakoi & Arsenokoitai  words-the-lgbt-issue-part-11-revised  understanding-of-sexuality/  translations-from-ideology-malakoi-arsenokoitai/   really-that-mysterious/
  • 66. Additional Analysis of the 7 Clobber Verses Old and New Testament   Old Testament Verses   Leviticus  behavior/    really-say-while-with-a-woman.html 
  • 67. New Testament Clobber Verses New Testament verses    Romans 1:26-27     1 Corinthians 6:9-10  ng-the-confusion-about-1-corinthians-69-10/   behavior/  I Timothy 1:8-11 
  • 68. The 7 Scriptures Used Against Gays Janet Edmond Summarizes: “Many Christians want to remain faithful to God’s Word through the Bible. This has caused Christians who read the Bible without background information or cultural context, to have difficulty accepting homosexuals. They see gays and lesbians as sinners who need to change and repent or remain celibate. But when we study the seven scriptures typically used to condemn homosexuals, it’s evident that none of them have anything to do with consensual homosexual relations.”
  • 69. There Were Many Different Types of Eunuchs In the Ancient World     df see page 497.  19&lpg=PA219&dq=Spadones   tigw-part-1-eunuchs-eunuchs-in-the-old-testament  (see bottom 4 references) From part 2 of this series
  • 70. Resources for LGBTQ Christians Their Families, Their Pastors and Spiritual Advisors
  • 71. The Christian Message Affirms Minorities and Sexual Minorities Sojourners  perspective-homosexuality Unclobber  Pastor Brandon Robertson 
  • 72. Resources for LGBTQ Christians  Queer Grace:  Online communities:  Geeky Justin: Christian video blogger extraordinaire    NALT: Christians proclaiming their belief in full LGBT equality   Christian/Denominationally-Based LGBT Organizations: Catholic, Mormon, Baptist, Eastern Orthodox, United Church of Christ, Et al. Some of these groups are unapproved resistance groups supporting queer believers and pushing for denominational change.   Canyon Walkers:  Q Christian Fellowship:  The Reformation Project:  Justin Hershey, Forge:
  • 73. “Must Read” Documents for Bible Scholars, Pastors, Elders, Deacons and Church Staff  Affirming verses friendly or welcoming  3/difference-between-welcoming-church-and- affirming-one-huge  The Janet Edmonds’ white paper:  content/uploads/2016/09/Booklet-about- Homosexuality-and-the-Bible-Sept.-2016.pdf
  • 74. Secular Resources  The Trevor Project: Crisis intervention and suicide prevention services for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer & questioning (LGBTQ) young people under 25   FLAG: Founded in 1973 after the simple act of a mother publicly supporting her gay son, PFLAG is the nation's largest family and ally organization. 
  • 75. Secular Resources  The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender National Help Center:  Moderated chat rooms for LGBT youth and teens  Operates 3 hotlines:  The LGBT National Hotline,  The LGBT National Youth Talkline,  The LGBT National Senior Hotline  Largest collection of resources for the LGBT community in the United States  The Bisexual Resource Center 
  • 76. Additional Resources does-not-condemn-homosexuality-seriously-it-doesn-t- 13ae949d6619 (see list near the end of article) Additional Videos    (“welcoming” churches) Michelangelo’s poetry changed and Da Vinci jailed for sodomy (this reference contains an obscenity) 
  • 77. Four Affirming Books 1. Torn: Rescuing the Gospel from the Gays-vs.- Christians Debate (Justin Lee)  2. God and the Gay Christian: The Biblical Case in Support of Same-Sex Relationships (Matthew Vines)  3. UnClobber: Rethinking Our Misuse of the Bible on Homosexuality (Colby Martin)  4. Rescuing Jesus: How People of Color, Women, and Queer Christians are Reclaiming Evangelicalism (Deborah Jian Lee) 
  • 78. The follow slides are sexually explicit More Info on the One Minute of Sex Ed
  • 79. Sex Safety A Note to Parents and Pastors Why include information about sex safety in a scriptural analysis on homosexuality? Telling young people that the Bible does not condemn an activity — an activity that involves significant risks — and not mentioning the risks and how to minimize them… well it seems irresponsible.
  • 80. Notes for “One Minute of Sex Ed”
  • 81. Three Must Get Vaccines for All Young Adults Straight or LGBTQ+ Currently there are three vaccines that protect against sexually transmitted diseases and cancers. All three vaccines protect against non-sexual and sexual transition for: 1. Hepatitis A 2. Hepatitis B 3. HPV (Gardasil 9). Gardasil protects against almost all cervical cancers as well as many other cancers and genital warts in men and women. Cancers can develop 30 or more years after sex.
  • 82. What Are PEP and PrEP? PrEP: Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis*  A daily pill that helps protect you from getting HIV  Should be used in addition to a condom  MUST be used if you have sex with an HIV positive person without a condom PEP: Post-Exposure Prophylaxis*  These are “morning after” pills for HIV exposure  But you must take the pills for 28 days  If you have had intercourse, oral sex or anal sex without a condom and your partner has or might have HIV.  Get Advice ASAP: If you think you may have been exposed to HIV or another STD *
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