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Elton Sherwin
The Bible and Homosexuality
Part 2
The Seven Scriptures
Blessing Sexual Minorities
How this Presentation Came to Be
You may have seen the headlines:
Harvard Study:
“Religious upbringing linked to
better health and well-being”*
Young Adults Happier and
Less Likely to Use Drugs
Numerous studies have documented the positive effects of
church attendance on wellbeing.**
Sadly, there is one group of children for whom church
attendance is dangerous…
* and
…LGBTQ children and young adults who attend
churches believing that all homosexual acts are sinful
are more likely to contemplate self-harm and to
commit suicide.*
Recent Research Indicates…
* and
This has motivated some parents and
churches to revisit their church’s, and
the Bible’s, teaching on homosexuality
and sexual minorities
This 3-part presentation takes a fresh look what the
Bible actually says about homosexuality
Does the Bible claim that all homosexual acts
are inherently evil or immoral?
Are all gays called to a life of celibacy?
This presentation discusses homosexuality, eunuchs,
castration and rape. Parents of pre-teens should assess
suitability for their children.
Part 1
The 4 Old Testament “Clobber” Verses
1. Sodom and Gomorra
 Hospitality to foreigners and gang
rape (Genesis 19: 1-29)
2. The Murder of the Levite’s
 Hospitality to visitors, gang rape
and murder (Judges 19: 1-30)
No gays, no queers, no lesbians in
these scriptures
The Levite of Ephraim
A. F. Caminafe (1837)
Sodom and Gomorrah Afire
3. Leviticus 18:22
4. Leviticus 20:13
Holiness codes
designed to keep Israel
separate from her
Today, Churches ignore
most of these “rules”
Leviticus bans promiscuous sex and
temple prostitution during religious
ceremonies and religious feasts
It is not about consensual homosexual sex
Scriptures Specifically Affirming Sexual Minorities
Scriptures About the
Universal Nature of God’s Love for All Mankind
Part 2
Seven Scriptures Blessing Sexual Minorities
God’s Love for All Mankind
“Let us create humankind in our image.”
Genesis 1:26
Michelangelo-Sistine Chapel ceiling
It does not say:
“Let us create humankind in our image.”
Michelangelo-Sistine Chapel ceiling
93% of
“There is no longer Jew or Greek,
there is no longer slave or free,
there is no longer male and female;
for all of you
are one
in Christ Jesus.”
Galatians 3:23-29
Saint Paul Writing His Epistles
Valentin de Boulogne
God’s Love for All Mankind
let us love one another,
because love is from God;
Everyone who loves is
born of God and
knows God.
1 John 4:7-8
St. John the Evangelist
Domenichino (Domenico Zampieri)
National Gallery, London-Wikipedia
God’s Love for All Mankind
“For it was you who formed my inward parts;
you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
I praise you, for I am fearfully and
wonderfully made.”
Psalm 139
Four Scriptures: Affirming Gods Love for All People
Anti-LGBTQ Christians Tend to Believe
Sexual Orientation Is a Choice
“Today I think I will be attracted to men and
tomorrow I will be attracted to women.”
Believe LGBTQ children are a result of bad
However, Most Researchers*
Agree with Pope Francis
Pope Francis told a gay man:
“God made you that way and
loves you as you are”**
Casa Rosada (Argentina
Presidency of the Nation)
* Origins of homosexuality:
evidence-for-the-genetics-of-homosexuality/ and
** Pope’s remarks:
As We Will See
Pope Francis was mirroring
Jesus’s own words in Mathew
“God made you that way and
loves you as you are”
Casa Rosada (Argentina
Presidency of the Nation)
Three Bible Verses
Specifically Affirming Sexual Minorities
We saw, there are many scriptures about
the universal, unconditional nature of
God’s Love. But there are also…
These 3 Bible Verses are Very Hard
to Translate.
One pivotal word—Eunuch—meant
something different in antiquity…
Surprisingly, Neither Ancient Hebrew nor Ancient Greek
Had a Synonym for “Homosexual”
And Eunuch Had a Broader Meaning in the Bible
In antiquity, the word eunuch often included:
 Men who were castrated
 Court officials, officers or attendants
 Men with effeminate mannerisms or appearance
 Celibates (by choice)
 Men with no desire for women
 Men born with incomplete or missing genitalia
There Were Many Different Types of Eunuchs
In the Ancient World
df see page 497.
 (see
bottom 4 references)
If this is a new news for you, here are the references:
The Most Famous Eunuchs Today
Are Probably…
But the Most Famous eunuch in the Bible is…
The Game
of Thrones
Grey Worm (Jacob Anderson)
© 2019 Home Box Office
Lord Varys (Conleth Hill)
© 2019 Home Box Office
The Ethiopian
Eunuch and the
Apostle Philip
Abraham Bloemaert,
The Baptism of the
The Ethiopian Eunuch and
the Apostle Philip
A quick summary of Acts 8:26-40
An angel sends the apostle Philip south on the road from
Jerusalem to Gaza where he sees an important African
He is an Ethiopian eunuch, most likely a black African.
Luke tells us this eunuch is in charge of the Queen’s
treasury, a position of supreme trust and great influence.
This Ethiopian official is returning from worshiping in
Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch
In charge of the Ethiopian treasury, he likely
had a sizable entourage with guards.
The eunuch’s trip was over 1,500 miles and took several
weeks each way.
Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch
Then the Spirit told Philip, “Go to that chariot and stay near it.”
Philip finds the eunuch reading the book of Isaiah out loud and
offers to help interpret the scripture.
Then, the Holy Spirit marks the importance of this baptism by
performing an unusual miracle taking Philip away.
What does all this mean?
Why is it relevant to sexual minorities today?
Philip tells the eunuch the good news about
Jesus, how he is the fulfillment of Isaiah’s
prophesy, and the eunuch asks to be baptized.
Philip baptizes the eunuch.
What is the Message of This Scripture?
First African baptized a Christian
 Black man
 Chosen by the Holy Spirit
Clear message: The Gospel is
available for all people regardless
of ethnicity, skin color or religious
But is there more…
Why seek out a eunuch?
Scripture Commentator
Janet Edmonds Explains
“It is difficult to overstate the significance of this
story about the Ethiopian eunuch to our
modern quest for Biblical insights into
homosexuality. The Holy Spirit could have
chosen anyone to be the first gentile Christian,
but the Holy Spirit chose an African sexual
minority who showed faith.”*
Edmonds Continues
“The conversion of this man of
unconventional sexuality was of
such great significance to the
early church that it is included
in the Books of Acts. The
Bible’s unmistakable message
here is one of inclusiveness
and of God’s love for all people,
regardless of their sexual
The Message of This Scripture
The Gospel is available for all
people regardless of ethnicity,
skin color, religious background
or sexual orientation.
I Will Read the Beginning and the End
of this Verse
Raise Your Hand If You Recognize the Verse
In the Entire Bible, Jesus Introduces
Only One Verse This Way:
But he [Jesus] said to them, “Not everyone can
receive this saying, but only those to whom it is
In All of Scripture Jesus Closes
Only One Verse This Way:
“Let the one
who is able to receive this receive it.”
But he [Jesus] said to them, “Not everyone can
receive this saying, but only those to whom it is
In All of Scripture Jesus Closes
Only One Verse This Way:
“Let the one
who is able to receive this receive it.”
What Scripture Was So Important That
Jesus Frames It This Way?
Matthew 19:11-12
But he [Jesus] said to them, “Not everyone can
receive this saying, but only those to whom it is
given. For there are eunuchs who have been
so from birth, and there are eunuchs who have
been made eunuchs by men, and there are
eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs
for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. Let the
one who is able to receive this receive it.”
What Does This Mean?
And why is it so important that
Jesus emphasizes it this way?
Janet Edmonds Elaborates
“When the New Testament was written, the
term ‘eunuch’ meant a man who, for a
number of possible reasons, was incapable
of or disinterested in having sexual relations
with a woman.”
Edmonds Continues
“In Matthew 19:11-12, Jesus described three
types of eunuchs:
 “Those who have been eunuchs from birth.”
 “Those who have been made eunuchs by
 “Those who have made themselves eunuchs
for the sake of the kingdom of heaven”
Edmonds Continues
 The last category “to which Jesus may have
been referring would include men (such as
Roman Catholic priests) who take a vow of
celibacy in order to serve God.
 “The second category would include those
who are incapable of fathering children due
to castration or injury.”
…And the FIRST Category?
 The first category, “those who are born
eunuchs, would have been understood in
Jesus’ day as including men with
stereotypically effeminate characteristics and
 “Jesus thus acknowledges that some people
are sexual minorities from birth.”
Quotes from Janet Edmonds’ whitepaper
…And the FIRST Category?
 The first category, “those who are born
eunuchs, would have been understood in
Jesus’ day as including men with
stereotypically effeminate characteristics and
 “Jesus thus acknowledges that some people
are sexual minorities from birth.”
Quotes from Janet Edmonds’ whitepaper
The Nature of Homosexuality
 Jesus understood that God created some
people to desire individuals of the same sex.
 Until very recently most Americans believed
that homosexuality was a choice or a learned
behavior or a “defect.”
Now, we know God creates about 7-10% of
humans as unique and special from birth.
Today We Know
God Creates 7-10% Of Humans Uniquely
Special From Birth
2,000 Years Ago Jesus Said
“…there are eunuchs [SEXUAL MINORITIES] who
have been so from birth.”
Even If You Disagree with Edmonds’ Analysis
Jesus clearly says:
There are at least 3 different types of
sexual minorities.
And some sexual minorities were
created that way, by God, from birth.
A Message for God’s 7%
A Message for
The LGBTQ community
Hidden in scripture for 2,000 years
“Let the one who is able to receive this
receive it.”
Original King James
“For there are some
eunuchs, which were so
born from their mother's
12 similar “mother's womb” translations
 Young's Literal Translation
 World English Bible
 Webster's Bible Translation
 English Revised Version
 Darby Bible Translation
 American King James Version
 King James 2000 Bible
 Jubilee Bible 2000
 Christian Standard Bible
 Aramaic Bible in Plain English
 New American Standard 1977
“For there are some
eunuchs, which were so
born from their mother's
Jesus clearly states that
God creates some sexual
minorities in their mother’s
It is not a choice
It is not permissive parenting
Third Scripture Blessing Sexual Minorities
“To the eunuchs
who keep my Sabbaths…
I will give…a memorial and a name
better than sons and daughters…
[and it] will endure forever.”
Isaiah 56:4-5
Third Scripture Blessing Sexual Minorities
“To the eunuchs
who keep my Sabbaths…
I will give…a memorial and a name
better than sons and daughters…
[and it] will endure forever.”
Isaiah 56:4-5
Who is Isaiah Talking About?
“To the eunuchs”
To Jewish POWs castrated by Israel's enemies
Jewish princelings castrated by the Babylonians
Those who forgo children to serve God
Those who are unable to have children
Men born with no desire for women
To all sexual minorities that the world scorns
“…who keep my Sabbaths…
I will give…a memorial and a name
better than sons and daughters…
[and it] will endure forever.”
Isaiah 56:4-5
Isaiah’s Message Is Powerful, And…
Watch What Happens
When We Combine
Jesus and Isaiah’s Words
Just Scripture
No Interpretation
“…he said to them,
“Not everyone can receive this saying,
but only those to whom it is given…”
“For there are eunuchs
who have been so from birth,
and there are eunuchs
who have been made eunuchs by men,
and there are eunuchs
who have made themselves eunuchs
for the sake of the kingdom of heaven.”
“To the eunuchs who keep my Sabbaths…
I will give…a memorial and a name
better than sons and daughters…
[and it] will endure forever.”
These Are God’s Special Children
Named by Jesus
Blessed by Isaiah
We are Called to Cherish
And to Protected Them
“Let the one who is able
to receive this
receive it.”
Quick Review of the Scriptures
Blessing Sexual Minorities
Isaiah 56:4-5Matthew 19:11-12Acts 8:26-40
Acts 8:26-40
A black
sexual minority
is baptized.
Matthew 19:11-12
Jesus says some sexual minorities were
created that way by God.
“For there are
eunuchs who have
been so from birth….”
Isaiah 56:4-5
“To the eunuchs
who keep my Sabbaths…
I will give…a memorial and a name
better than sons and daughters…
[and it] will endure forever.”
Four Scriptures: Affirming Gods Love for All People
In part 3
New Testament
Clobber Verses
We will look at the
three letters from Paul
commonly used to
condemn homosexuality
 Problems of translation
 Problems of context
7 Clobber
√ Genesis 19:1-29
√ Judges 19:1-30
√ Leviticus 18:22
√ Leviticus 20:13
5 Romans 1:18-27
6 I Corinthians 6:9-10
7 I Timothy 1:8-11
Closing Thoughts
As Paul said
“There is no longer Jew or Greek,
there is no longer slave or free,
there is no longer male and female;
for all of you
are one
in Christ Jesus.”
Galatians 3:23-29
Saint Paul Writing His Epistles
Valentin de Boulogne
Remember Paul’s words:
Closing Blessing
If you are straight…
…Do not let the “teachers of the law” steal your
ability to enjoy and love God’s entire creation,
including the 7% that are not like you.
If you are—or might be—somewhere in the
…Do not let the “teachers of the law” steal your
self-confidence, your joy of life or your faith.
God created you uniquely and exactly as you are.
To Parents of LGBTQ+ Youth
It seems unwise to encourage an LGBTQ+ youngster to
fall in love with a denomination’s youth program and
then discover the denomination believes they are:
 “Intrinsically disordered”
 “Sinful unless celibate”
 “Contrary to the natural law”
 “Gravely immoral…” It is a sad, long list.
Research* and common sense dictate that it is not
healthy for the “7% kids” to attend churches professing
these non-scientific, non-scriptural beliefs.
* and
Discussion Questions
What Does it Mean to Be LGBTQ?
Resources for LGBTQ Christians and Their Families
“Cobber Verse” Translation Notes
Image Credits
References and
Discussion Questions
1. How do you interpret the story of the Ethiopian
eunuch? A blessing on sexual minorities or…
something else?
2. Do you think “eunuchs who have been so from birth”
refers to gays?
3. Do you agree with Janet Edmonds that “eunuch”
meant: “a man who, for a number of possible
reasons, was incapable of or disinterested in having
sexual relations with a woman?”
4. Why do you think Jesus started the verse in
Matthew 19 with “Not everyone can receive this
saying, but only those to whom it is given.”
5. Who are “…those to whom it is given.”
What Does it Mean to Be LGBTQ?
Image: Thelmadatter/Wikimedia
A Complex Question
With a Helpful Answer
“What about people born with
ambiguous genitals or
whose chromosomes are not XX or XY?”
They struggled to answer the question.
Here is how I would answer it.
At a recent college gathering two
Christian theologians were asked
the following question:
90 to 93% of Humans Come in 1 of 2 “Models”
The Boy Model
√ Has XY chromosomes,
√ Has a male body
√ Believes they are a boy
√ Is primarily attracted to
The Girl Model
√ Has XX chromosomes,
√ Has a female body
√ Believes they are a girl
√ Is primarily attracted to
God’s Special Editions
7 to 10% of the population
does not fit in these two boxes, instead:
…Their DNA is neither XX nor XY; or
…Physically their bodies have some physical
characteristics of both a boy and a girl; or
…Their feelings don’t match their body’s physical sex.
For example they have a girl’s body but since
childhood think of themselves as a boy; or
…They have significant attraction to their own gender.
The Most Common Colors in
the Rainbow
There are many variations and combinations in the LGBTQ+
rainbow, including:
 Gay or Homosexual: Primarily attracted to people of the same
 Bi or Bisexual: Attracted to both genders
 Undecided or Questioning: Not yet sure of their sexual
 Trans or transsexual: Gender identity does not correspond
with birth sex. For example, a child with a girl’s body who feels
or “knows” they are a boy.
 Fluid or gender fluid: Someone whose sexual orientation
changes over time.
 Intersexual: a person “…born with a combination of male and
female biological characteristics, such as chromosomes or
“For those whose physical and emotional attractions are
consistently and exclusively directed toward persons of "the
other sex," knowing one's sexual orientation is easy. These
individuals are fortunate to live in a society – and family – that
unequivocally affirm heterosexuality and present no obstacles
to the recognition and acceptance of one's heterosexuality.
“Others experience some degree of same-sex attractions and
struggle to make sense of what those attractions mean,
especially in the context of a society and family that regards
heterosexuality as the ideal sexual orientation.”*
*Am I Gay?" A Guide for People Who Question Their Sexual Orientation: Dr. Richard H. Reams
Resources for LGBTQ Christians
Their Families, Their Pastors and
Spiritual Advisors
The Christian Message
Affirms Minorities and Sexual Minorities
Pastor Brandon Robertson
“Must Read” Documents for Bible Scholars,
Pastors, Elders, Deacons and Church Staff
 Affirming verses friendly or welcoming
 The Janet Edmonds’ white paper:
Resources for LGBTQ Christians
 Queer Grace:
 Online communities:
 Geeky Justin: Christian video blogger extraordinaire
 NALT: Christians proclaiming their belief in full LGBT equality
 Christian/Denominationally-Based LGBT Organizations: Catholic,
Mormon, Baptist, Eastern Orthodox, United Church of Christ, Et al. Some of
these groups are unapproved resistance groups supporting queer believers and
pushing for denominational change.
 Canyon Walkers:
 Q Christian Fellowship:
 The Reformation Project:
 Justin Hershey, Forge:
Secular Resources
 The Trevor Project: Crisis intervention and
suicide prevention services for lesbian, gay,
bisexual, transgender, queer & questioning
(LGBTQ) young people under 25
 FLAG: Founded in 1973 after the simple act of a
mother publicly supporting her gay son, PFLAG
is the nation's largest family and ally
Secular Resources
 The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender
National Help Center:
 Moderated chat rooms for LGBT youth and teens
 Operates 3 hotlines:
 The LGBT National Hotline,
 The LGBT National Youth Talkline,
 The LGBT National Senior Hotline
 Largest collection of resources for the LGBT community
in the United States
 The Bisexual Resource Center
Additional Resources
13ae949d6619 (see list near the end of article)
Additional Videos
 (“welcoming” churches)
Michelangelo’s poetry changed and Da Vinci jailed
for sodomy (this reference contains an obscenity)
Four Affirming Books
1. Torn: Rescuing the Gospel from the Gays-vs.-
Christians Debate (Justin Lee)
2. God and the Gay Christian: The Biblical Case in
Support of Same-Sex Relationships (Matthew Vines)
3. UnClobber: Rethinking Our Misuse of the Bible on
Homosexuality (Colby Martin)
4. Rescuing Jesus: How People of Color, Women, and
Queer Christians are Reclaiming Evangelicalism
(Deborah Jian Lee)
“Cobber Verse” Translation Notes
Analysis of the 7 Clobber Verses
Gay Church
Huffington Post
The PostBarthian
The Janet Edmonds’ white paper
verses/ or
“Malakoi is NEVER Used in the Bible
to Mean Homosexual”
“…the meaning of malakoi, which by 1958, came to
equate malakoi with homosexuality instead of softness,
moral weakness or the effeminacy of temple prostitutes,
was not prompted by new linguistic evidence. Instead,
cultural factors influenced modern translators to inject
anti-gay bias into their translation. In ancient times, the
malakos stem never referred exclusively to gays and
lesbians. …In ancient times, it was used to refer to
heterosexual men who followed the Greek custom of
shaving the face daily.”
All quotes from: Also see:
The Ever Changing Meanings of
Malakoi & Arsenokoitai
Additional Analysis of the 7 Clobber Verses
Old and New Testament
Old Testament Verses
New Testament Clobber Verses
New Testament verses
 Romans 1:26-27
 1 Corinthians 6:9-10
 I Timothy 1:8-11
The 7 Scriptures Used Against Gays
Janet Edmond Summarizes:
“Many Christians want to remain faithful to God’s Word
through the Bible. This has caused Christians who
read the Bible without background information or
cultural context, to have difficulty accepting
homosexuals. They see gays and lesbians as sinners
who need to change and repent or remain celibate.
But when we study the seven scriptures typically used
to condemn homosexuals, it’s evident that none of
them have anything to do with consensual homosexual
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The Bible and Homosexuality, Part 2: The 7 Scriptures Blessing Sexual Minorities

  • 1. Elton Sherwin The Bible and Homosexuality Part 2 The Seven Scriptures Blessing Sexual Minorities
  • 2. How this Presentation Came to Be You may have seen the headlines: Harvard Study: “Religious upbringing linked to better health and well-being”* Young Adults Happier and Less Likely to Use Drugs Numerous studies have documented the positive effects of church attendance on wellbeing.** Sadly, there is one group of children for whom church attendance is dangerous… * and **
  • 3. …LGBTQ children and young adults who attend churches believing that all homosexual acts are sinful are more likely to contemplate self-harm and to commit suicide.* Recent Research Indicates… * and
  • 4. This has motivated some parents and churches to revisit their church’s, and the Bible’s, teaching on homosexuality and sexual minorities This 3-part presentation takes a fresh look what the Bible actually says about homosexuality Does the Bible claim that all homosexual acts are inherently evil or immoral? Are all gays called to a life of celibacy? Benj/Wikipedia
  • 5. This presentation discusses homosexuality, eunuchs, castration and rape. Parents of pre-teens should assess suitability for their children. PG13
  • 6. Part 1 The 4 Old Testament “Clobber” Verses 1. Sodom and Gomorra  Hospitality to foreigners and gang rape (Genesis 19: 1-29) 2. The Murder of the Levite’s Concubine  Hospitality to visitors, gang rape and murder (Judges 19: 1-30) No gays, no queers, no lesbians in these scriptures The Levite of Ephraim A. F. Caminafe (1837) Wikipedia Sodom and Gomorrah Afire
  • 7. 3. Leviticus 18:22 4. Leviticus 20:13 Holiness codes designed to keep Israel separate from her neighbors. Today, Churches ignore most of these “rules” Leviticus bans promiscuous sex and temple prostitution during religious ceremonies and religious feasts It is not about consensual homosexual sex
  • 8. Then, Scriptures Specifically Affirming Sexual Minorities First, Scriptures About the Universal Nature of God’s Love for All Mankind Part 2 Seven Scriptures Blessing Sexual Minorities
  • 9. God’s Love for All Mankind “Let us create humankind in our image.” Genesis 1:26 Michelangelo-Sistine Chapel ceiling
  • 10. It does not say: “Let us create humankind in our image.” Michelangelo-Sistine Chapel ceiling V 93% of
  • 11. “There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus.” Galatians 3:23-29 Saint Paul Writing His Epistles Valentin de Boulogne
  • 12. God’s Love for All Mankind Beloved, let us love one another, because love is from God; Everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. 1 John 4:7-8 St. John the Evangelist Domenichino (Domenico Zampieri) National Gallery, London-Wikipedia
  • 13. God’s Love for All Mankind “For it was you who formed my inward parts; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” Psalm 139
  • 14. Four Scriptures: Affirming Gods Love for All People
  • 15. Anti-LGBTQ Christians Tend to Believe Sexual Orientation Is a Choice “Today I think I will be attracted to men and tomorrow I will be attracted to women.” Or Believe LGBTQ children are a result of bad parenting Benj/Wikipedia
  • 16. However, Most Researchers* Agree with Pope Francis Pope Francis told a gay man: “God made you that way and loves you as you are”** Casa Rosada (Argentina Presidency of the Nation) Wikipedia * Origins of homosexuality: evidence-for-the-genetics-of-homosexuality/ and variants-same-sex-behavior ** Pope’s remarks: pope-chile-gay-20180520-story.html
  • 17. As We Will See Pope Francis was mirroring Jesus’s own words in Mathew “God made you that way and loves you as you are” Casa Rosada (Argentina Presidency of the Nation) Wikipedia
  • 18. Three Bible Verses Specifically Affirming Sexual Minorities We saw, there are many scriptures about the universal, unconditional nature of God’s Love. But there are also…
  • 19. Unfortunately, These 3 Bible Verses are Very Hard to Translate. One pivotal word—Eunuch—meant something different in antiquity…
  • 20. Surprisingly, Neither Ancient Hebrew nor Ancient Greek Had a Synonym for “Homosexual” And Eunuch Had a Broader Meaning in the Bible In antiquity, the word eunuch often included:  Men who were castrated  Court officials, officers or attendants  Men with effeminate mannerisms or appearance  Celibates (by choice)  Men with no desire for women  Men born with incomplete or missing genitalia
  • 21. There Were Many Different Types of Eunuchs In the Ancient World     df see page 497.  19&lpg=PA219&dq=Spadones   tigw-part-1-eunuchs-eunuchs-in-the-old-testament  (see bottom 4 references) If this is a new news for you, here are the references:
  • 22. The Most Famous Eunuchs Today Are Probably… But the Most Famous eunuch in the Bible is… The Game of Thrones Grey Worm (Jacob Anderson) © 2019 Home Box Office Lord Varys (Conleth Hill) © 2019 Home Box Office
  • 23. The Ethiopian Eunuch and the Apostle Philip Abraham Bloemaert, The Baptism of the Chamberlain 1620-25
  • 24. The Ethiopian Eunuch and the Apostle Philip A quick summary of Acts 8:26-40 An angel sends the apostle Philip south on the road from Jerusalem to Gaza where he sees an important African official. He is an Ethiopian eunuch, most likely a black African. Luke tells us this eunuch is in charge of the Queen’s treasury, a position of supreme trust and great influence. This Ethiopian official is returning from worshiping in Jerusalem.
  • 25. Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch In charge of the Ethiopian treasury, he likely had a sizable entourage with guards. The eunuch’s trip was over 1,500 miles and took several weeks each way.
  • 26. Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch Then the Spirit told Philip, “Go to that chariot and stay near it.” Philip finds the eunuch reading the book of Isaiah out loud and offers to help interpret the scripture. Then, the Holy Spirit marks the importance of this baptism by performing an unusual miracle taking Philip away. What does all this mean? Why is it relevant to sexual minorities today? Philip tells the eunuch the good news about Jesus, how he is the fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophesy, and the eunuch asks to be baptized. Philip baptizes the eunuch.
  • 27. What is the Message of This Scripture? First African baptized a Christian  Black man  Chosen by the Holy Spirit Clear message: The Gospel is available for all people regardless of ethnicity, skin color or religious background. But is there more… Why seek out a eunuch?
  • 28. Scripture Commentator Janet Edmonds Explains “It is difficult to overstate the significance of this story about the Ethiopian eunuch to our modern quest for Biblical insights into homosexuality. The Holy Spirit could have chosen anyone to be the first gentile Christian, but the Holy Spirit chose an African sexual minority who showed faith.”* WOW! * about-Homosexuality-and-the-Bible-Sept.-2016.pdf
  • 29. Edmonds Continues “The conversion of this man of unconventional sexuality was of such great significance to the early church that it is included in the Books of Acts. The Bible’s unmistakable message here is one of inclusiveness and of God’s love for all people, regardless of their sexual preferences.”
  • 30. The Message of This Scripture The Gospel is available for all people regardless of ethnicity, skin color, religious background or sexual orientation.
  • 31. I Will Read the Beginning and the End of this Verse Raise Your Hand If You Recognize the Verse
  • 32. In the Entire Bible, Jesus Introduces Only One Verse This Way: But he [Jesus] said to them, “Not everyone can receive this saying, but only those to whom it is given.” In All of Scripture Jesus Closes Only One Verse This Way: “Let the one who is able to receive this receive it.”
  • 33. But he [Jesus] said to them, “Not everyone can receive this saying, but only those to whom it is given.” In All of Scripture Jesus Closes Only One Verse This Way: “Let the one who is able to receive this receive it.” What Scripture Was So Important That Jesus Frames It This Way?
  • 34. Matthew 19:11-12 But he [Jesus] said to them, “Not everyone can receive this saying, but only those to whom it is given. For there are eunuchs who have been so from birth, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by men, and there are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. Let the one who is able to receive this receive it.”
  • 35. What Does This Mean? And why is it so important that Jesus emphasizes it this way? ?
  • 36. Janet Edmonds Elaborates “When the New Testament was written, the term ‘eunuch’ meant a man who, for a number of possible reasons, was incapable of or disinterested in having sexual relations with a woman.”
  • 37. Edmonds Continues “In Matthew 19:11-12, Jesus described three types of eunuchs:  “Those who have been eunuchs from birth.”  “Those who have been made eunuchs by others”  “Those who have made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven”
  • 38. Edmonds Continues  The last category “to which Jesus may have been referring would include men (such as Roman Catholic priests) who take a vow of celibacy in order to serve God.  “The second category would include those who are incapable of fathering children due to castration or injury.”
  • 39. …And the FIRST Category?  The first category, “those who are born eunuchs, would have been understood in Jesus’ day as including men with stereotypically effeminate characteristics and behavior.”  “Jesus thus acknowledges that some people are sexual minorities from birth.” Quotes from Janet Edmonds’ whitepaper
  • 40. …And the FIRST Category?  The first category, “those who are born eunuchs, would have been understood in Jesus’ day as including men with stereotypically effeminate characteristics and behavior.”  “Jesus thus acknowledges that some people are sexual minorities from birth.” Quotes from Janet Edmonds’ whitepaper
  • 41. The Nature of Homosexuality  Jesus understood that God created some people to desire individuals of the same sex.  Until very recently most Americans believed that homosexuality was a choice or a learned behavior or a “defect.” Now, we know God creates about 7-10% of humans as unique and special from birth.
  • 42. Today We Know God Creates 7-10% Of Humans Uniquely Special From Birth 2,000 Years Ago Jesus Said “…there are eunuchs [SEXUAL MINORITIES] who have been so from birth.”
  • 43. Even If You Disagree with Edmonds’ Analysis Jesus clearly says: There are at least 3 different types of sexual minorities. And some sexual minorities were created that way, by God, from birth.
  • 44. A Message for God’s 7% A Message for The LGBTQ community Hidden in scripture for 2,000 years “Let the one who is able to receive this receive it.” Jesus
  • 45. Original King James Translation “For there are some eunuchs, which were so born from their mother's womb…” 12 similar “mother's womb” translations  Young's Literal Translation  World English Bible  Webster's Bible Translation  English Revised Version  Darby Bible Translation  American King James Version  King James 2000 Bible  Jubilee Bible 2000  Christian Standard Bible  Aramaic Bible in Plain English  New American Standard 1977
  • 46. “For there are some eunuchs, which were so born from their mother's womb…” Jesus clearly states that God creates some sexual minorities in their mother’s wombs It is not a choice It is not permissive parenting
  • 47. Third Scripture Blessing Sexual Minorities “To the eunuchs who keep my Sabbaths… I will give…a memorial and a name better than sons and daughters… [and it] will endure forever.” Isaiah 56:4-5
  • 48. Third Scripture Blessing Sexual Minorities “To the eunuchs who keep my Sabbaths… I will give…a memorial and a name better than sons and daughters… [and it] will endure forever.” Isaiah 56:4-5 Wow!!!
  • 49. Who is Isaiah Talking About? “To the eunuchs” To Jewish POWs castrated by Israel's enemies Jewish princelings castrated by the Babylonians Those who forgo children to serve God Those who are unable to have children Men born with no desire for women To all sexual minorities that the world scorns “…who keep my Sabbaths… I will give…a memorial and a name better than sons and daughters… [and it] will endure forever.” Isaiah 56:4-5
  • 50. Isaiah’s Message Is Powerful, And… Watch What Happens When We Combine Jesus and Isaiah’s Words Just Scripture No Interpretation “…he said to them, “Not everyone can receive this saying, but only those to whom it is given…” Jesus
  • 51. “For there are eunuchs who have been so from birth, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by men, and there are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven.” Jesus “To the eunuchs who keep my Sabbaths… I will give…a memorial and a name better than sons and daughters… [and it] will endure forever.” Isaiah
  • 52. These Are God’s Special Children Named by Jesus Blessed by Isaiah We are Called to Cherish And to Protected Them
  • 53. “Let the one who is able to receive this receive it.” Jesus
  • 54. Quick Review of the Scriptures Blessing Sexual Minorities Isaiah 56:4-5Matthew 19:11-12Acts 8:26-40
  • 55. Acts 8:26-40 A black sexual minority is baptized.
  • 56. Matthew 19:11-12 Jesus says some sexual minorities were created that way by God. “For there are eunuchs who have been so from birth….”
  • 57. Isaiah 56:4-5 “To the eunuchs who keep my Sabbaths… I will give…a memorial and a name better than sons and daughters… [and it] will endure forever.”
  • 58. Four Scriptures: Affirming Gods Love for All People
  • 59. In part 3 New Testament Clobber Verses We will look at the three letters from Paul commonly used to condemn homosexuality  Problems of translation  Problems of context 7 Clobber Verses √ Genesis 19:1-29 √ Judges 19:1-30 √ Leviticus 18:22 √ Leviticus 20:13 5 Romans 1:18-27 6 I Corinthians 6:9-10 7 I Timothy 1:8-11
  • 61. As Paul said “There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus.” Galatians 3:23-29 Saint Paul Writing His Epistles Valentin de Boulogne Remember Paul’s words:
  • 62. Closing Blessing If you are straight… …Do not let the “teachers of the law” steal your ability to enjoy and love God’s entire creation, including the 7% that are not like you. If you are—or might be—somewhere in the rainbow… …Do not let the “teachers of the law” steal your self-confidence, your joy of life or your faith. God created you uniquely and exactly as you are.
  • 63. To Parents of LGBTQ+ Youth It seems unwise to encourage an LGBTQ+ youngster to fall in love with a denomination’s youth program and then discover the denomination believes they are:  “Intrinsically disordered”  “Sinful unless celibate”  “Contrary to the natural law”  “Gravely immoral…” It is a sad, long list. Research* and common sense dictate that it is not healthy for the “7% kids” to attend churches professing these non-scientific, non-scriptural beliefs. * and
  • 64. Discussion Questions What Does it Mean to Be LGBTQ? Resources for LGBTQ Christians and Their Families “Cobber Verse” Translation Notes Image Credits References and Resources
  • 65. Discussion Questions 1. How do you interpret the story of the Ethiopian eunuch? A blessing on sexual minorities or… something else? 2. Do you think “eunuchs who have been so from birth” refers to gays? 3. Do you agree with Janet Edmonds that “eunuch” meant: “a man who, for a number of possible reasons, was incapable of or disinterested in having sexual relations with a woman?” 4. Why do you think Jesus started the verse in Matthew 19 with “Not everyone can receive this saying, but only those to whom it is given.” 5. Who are “…those to whom it is given.”
  • 66. What Does it Mean to Be LGBTQ? Image: Thelmadatter/Wikimedia
  • 67. A Complex Question With a Helpful Answer “What about people born with ambiguous genitals or whose chromosomes are not XX or XY?” They struggled to answer the question. Here is how I would answer it. At a recent college gathering two Christian theologians were asked the following question:
  • 68. 90 to 93% of Humans Come in 1 of 2 “Models” The Boy Model √ Has XY chromosomes, √ Has a male body √ Believes they are a boy √ Is primarily attracted to girls The Girl Model √ Has XX chromosomes, √ Has a female body √ Believes they are a girl √ Is primarily attracted to boys
  • 69. God’s Special Editions 7 to 10% of the population does not fit in these two boxes, instead: …Their DNA is neither XX nor XY; or …Physically their bodies have some physical characteristics of both a boy and a girl; or …Their feelings don’t match their body’s physical sex. For example they have a girl’s body but since childhood think of themselves as a boy; or …They have significant attraction to their own gender.
  • 70. The Most Common Colors in the Rainbow There are many variations and combinations in the LGBTQ+ rainbow, including:  Gay or Homosexual: Primarily attracted to people of the same gender  Bi or Bisexual: Attracted to both genders  Undecided or Questioning: Not yet sure of their sexual orientation  Trans or transsexual: Gender identity does not correspond with birth sex. For example, a child with a girl’s body who feels or “knows” they are a boy.  Fluid or gender fluid: Someone whose sexual orientation changes over time.  Intersexual: a person “…born with a combination of male and female biological characteristics, such as chromosomes or genitals…”
  • 71. “For those whose physical and emotional attractions are consistently and exclusively directed toward persons of "the other sex," knowing one's sexual orientation is easy. These individuals are fortunate to live in a society – and family – that unequivocally affirm heterosexuality and present no obstacles to the recognition and acceptance of one's heterosexuality. “Others experience some degree of same-sex attractions and struggle to make sense of what those attractions mean, especially in the context of a society and family that regards heterosexuality as the ideal sexual orientation.”* *Am I Gay?" A Guide for People Who Question Their Sexual Orientation: Dr. Richard H. Reams
  • 72. Resources for LGBTQ Christians Their Families, Their Pastors and Spiritual Advisors
  • 73. The Christian Message Affirms Minorities and Sexual Minorities Sojourners  perspective-homosexuality Unclobber  Pastor Brandon Robertson 
  • 74. “Must Read” Documents for Bible Scholars, Pastors, Elders, Deacons and Church Staff  Affirming verses friendly or welcoming  3/difference-between-welcoming-church-and- affirming-one-huge  The Janet Edmonds’ white paper:  content/uploads/2016/09/Booklet-about- Homosexuality-and-the-Bible-Sept.-2016.pdf
  • 75. Resources for LGBTQ Christians  Queer Grace:  Online communities:  Geeky Justin: Christian video blogger extraordinaire    NALT: Christians proclaiming their belief in full LGBT equality   Christian/Denominationally-Based LGBT Organizations: Catholic, Mormon, Baptist, Eastern Orthodox, United Church of Christ, Et al. Some of these groups are unapproved resistance groups supporting queer believers and pushing for denominational change.   Canyon Walkers:  Q Christian Fellowship:  The Reformation Project:  Justin Hershey, Forge:
  • 76. Secular Resources  The Trevor Project: Crisis intervention and suicide prevention services for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer & questioning (LGBTQ) young people under 25   FLAG: Founded in 1973 after the simple act of a mother publicly supporting her gay son, PFLAG is the nation's largest family and ally organization. 
  • 77. Secular Resources  The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender National Help Center:  Moderated chat rooms for LGBT youth and teens  Operates 3 hotlines:  The LGBT National Hotline,  The LGBT National Youth Talkline,  The LGBT National Senior Hotline  Largest collection of resources for the LGBT community in the United States  The Bisexual Resource Center 
  • 78. Additional Resources does-not-condemn-homosexuality-seriously-it-doesn-t- 13ae949d6619 (see list near the end of article) Additional Videos    (“welcoming” churches) Michelangelo’s poetry changed and Da Vinci jailed for sodomy (this reference contains an obscenity) 
  • 79. Four Affirming Books 1. Torn: Rescuing the Gospel from the Gays-vs.- Christians Debate (Justin Lee)  2. God and the Gay Christian: The Biblical Case in Support of Same-Sex Relationships (Matthew Vines)  3. UnClobber: Rethinking Our Misuse of the Bible on Homosexuality (Colby Martin)  4. Rescuing Jesus: How People of Color, Women, and Queer Christians are Reclaiming Evangelicalism (Deborah Jian Lee) 
  • 81. Analysis of the 7 Clobber Verses Gay Church  christianity-and-homosexuality/ Huffington Post  condemning-homosexuality_b_1396345 The PostBarthian  scriptures-cited-gays-lesbians-sex-relationships-lgbtq/ The Janet Edmonds’ white paper  verses/ or content/uploads/2016/09/Booklet-about-Homosexuality-and-the- Bible-Sept.-2016.pdf
  • 82. “Malakoi is NEVER Used in the Bible to Mean Homosexual” “…the meaning of malakoi, which by 1958, came to equate malakoi with homosexuality instead of softness, moral weakness or the effeminacy of temple prostitutes, was not prompted by new linguistic evidence. Instead, cultural factors influenced modern translators to inject anti-gay bias into their translation. In ancient times, the malakos stem never referred exclusively to gays and lesbians. …In ancient times, it was used to refer to heterosexual men who followed the Greek custom of shaving the face daily.” All quotes from: Also see:
  • 83. The Ever Changing Meanings of Malakoi & Arsenokoitai  words-the-lgbt-issue-part-11-revised  understanding-of-sexuality/  translations-from-ideology-malakoi-arsenokoitai/   really-that-mysterious/
  • 84. Additional Analysis of the 7 Clobber Verses Old and New Testament   Old Testament Verses   Leviticus  behavior/    really-say-while-with-a-woman.html 
  • 85. New Testament Clobber Verses New Testament verses    Romans 1:26-27     1 Corinthians 6:9-10  ng-the-confusion-about-1-corinthians-69-10/   behavior/  I Timothy 1:8-11 
  • 86. The 7 Scriptures Used Against Gays Janet Edmond Summarizes: “Many Christians want to remain faithful to God’s Word through the Bible. This has caused Christians who read the Bible without background information or cultural context, to have difficulty accepting homosexuals. They see gays and lesbians as sinners who need to change and repent or remain celibate. But when we study the seven scriptures typically used to condemn homosexuals, it’s evident that none of them have anything to do with consensual homosexual relations.”
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