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Appropriate Services for
Sexual Minority Youth
Our Children Succeed Initiative
Timothy Denney, MS, CRC
Funded in part by a cooperative agreement between the NW Minnesota
Council of Collaboratives and SAMHSA
What is meant by “Sexual Minority?”
Current SAMHSA designation: LGBTQI2-S
 Lesbian

 Gay

 Bi-sexual

 Transgender (pre/post-operative)

 Questioning

 Inter-sexed

 Two-spirit

                  Appropriate Services for Sexual Minority Youth   2
Defining terms
Lesbian: Females who are emotionally and sexually attracted to,
   and may partner with, females only.

Gay: Males who are emotionally and sexually attracted to, and
   may partner with, males only. “Gay” is also an overarching
   term used to refer to a broad array of sexual orientation
   identities other than heterosexual.

Bi-sexual: Individuals who are emotionally and sexually
    attracted to, and may partner with, both
    males and females.

                     Appropriate Services for Sexual Minority Youth   3
Defining terms
Transgender (pre/post-operative): Individuals who express a
   gender identity different from their birth-assigned gender.

Questioning: Individuals who are uncertain about their sexual
   orientation and/or gender identity.

Inter-sexed: Individuals with medically defined biological
    attributes that are not exclusively male or female; frequently
    “assigned” a gender at birth, which may differ from their
    gender identity later in life.

                      Appropriate Services for Sexual Minority Youth   4
Defining terms
Two-spirit: A culture-specific general identity for Native
   Americans (American Indians and Alaska Natives) with
   homosexual or transgendered identities. Traditionally a role-
   based definition, two-spirit individuals are perceived to
   bridge different sectors of society (e.g., the male-female
   dichotomy, and the Spirit and natural worlds).
Other Terms: Youth also may use other terms to describe their
   sexual orientation and gender identity, such as homosexual,
   queer, gender queer, non-gendered, and asexual. Some youth
   may not identify a word that describes their sexual
   orientation, and others may view their gender as fluid and
   even changing over time. Some youth may avoid gender
   specific pronouns.
                      Appropriate Services for Sexual Minority Youth   5
How many are in your service area?
Real numbers are hard to come by due in part to reluctance to
   self-identify by youth, and to wide variation in survey design.

National statistics most often encountered:
 Reported most often: 2-10%

 “Activist statistics:” 5-20% (“1 in 10” programs based
   upon these stats)
 Actual statistics: 2-5% Most likely 3 - 5 % (GLBTQI2-S)

 These numbers can be used for service planning in your area.

                      Appropriate Services for Sexual Minority Youth   6
How many are in your service area?
National Longitudinal
Study of Adolescent Health
7% Same Sex Attraction,
(13-17 Y.O. 6%)

National Health & Nutrition
Exam Survey III 17-39 Y.O: 2.2 % reported same sex partners

Even with the wide range of statistical reports, you can expect 2
   to 5 of every 100 people you have worked with, met, or
   taught are in the sexual minority.
                      Appropriate Services for Sexual Minority Youth   7
How many are in your service area?
Massachusetts's YRBS, a comprehensive study
of school-aged youth in that state.
   Male 2%    Female 4%              Total 3%
   No sexual contact by those reporting
    LGBTQI orientation was approximately
    1.5% of general population (55% of the
    total LGBTQI)

                      Appropriate Services for Sexual Minority Youth   8
Reluctant to self-identify
   This is a difficult region in which to self-identify
   Socially conservative local culture
   Strong religious influences
   Contrary orientation to most local cultural settings
   Issue is not talked about
   Small town gossip
   Other reasons?

                      Appropriate Services for Sexual Minority Youth   9
Reluctant to self-identify

How hard would it be to “come out”
  in your community?

Being “out” is in many respects the
   process of “coming out” to someone everyday.

This is a process that can be freighted with emotions: fear,
   rejection, abuse, avoidance, non-support.

For many it may be perceived as a survival issue.
                      Appropriate Services for Sexual Minority Youth   10
Often Not Visible in Minnesota
Discuss: What factors would make this minority group less
                            visible in your particular

                                     Discuss: When would a youth or
                                     young adult self-identify in your
                                     community or region?

                     Appropriate Services for Sexual Minority Youth      11
LGBTQI2-S Risk Analysis
Homelessness: LGBTQI2-S youth
more likely to be in placement or
homeless at some point.
One study showed up to half of
LGBT youth in placement surveyed
were homeless at some point in past.
One study showed 65% of 400 homeless LGBTQ youth had been
   in child welfare placement.
One study showed that 28% of LGB youth dropped out of school
   due to feeling unsafe at school.
                     Appropriate Services for Sexual Minority Youth   12
LGBTQI2-S Risk Analysis
    (LGBT vs. general population)
    Being bullied                                                        42 vs 21%
    Threatened/injured with a weapon at school                           22 vs 5%
    Skipping school because felt unsafe                                  15 vs 4%
    Using alcohol at higher levels                                       60 vs 45%
    Being diagnosed with HIV or STD                                      16 vs 7%
    Being twice as likely to
     abuse alcohol
    Being eight times more
     likely to abuse cocaine

                         Appropriate Services for Sexual Minority Youth               13
LGBTQI2-S Risk Analysis
National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (Add Study)
   revealed that adolescents with same-sex attractions…
 Males were 33% more likely to be victimized

 Females were 18% more likely to be victimized

 Those attracted to the same sex were 86% more likely to be
   violently attacked
 Those attracted to both sexes were 43% more likely to be
   violently attacked

                     Appropriate Services for Sexual Minority Youth   14
LGBTQI2-S Risk Analysis
Huebner, Rebchook, & Kegeles (2004) analysis of data revealed
   that young men 18 to 27 years (average age 23) with same-
   sex attractions experienced in the previous 6 months…
 Anti-gay harassment 37%

 Discrimination due to sexual
   orientation 11%
 Violence linked to sexual
   orientation 5%

                     Appropriate Services for Sexual Minority Youth   15
LGBTQI2-S Risk Analysis
Substance use and abuse research is mixed for this population.
   Some studies indicate an elevated risk for substance use and
   abuse for this adolescent and young adult population.

Other studies, such as Russell, Driscoll, & Truong (2002)
   indicate little variation in the trajectories of drug use and
   abuse between sexual minority and sexual majority youth.

There is some evidence of elevated alcohol use among sexual
   minority youth and young adults, and for higher rates of
   useage among transgender youth and young adults.

                      Appropriate Services for Sexual Minority Youth   16
LGBTQI2-S Risk Analysis
Running away is a common reaction to the pressures of being in
   the Sexual Minority as an adolescent.
 Upon identification, many GLBTQ youth are thrown out of
   their home, mistreated, or made the focus of their family's
   Sexual Minority youth are more likely to run away from
    home and to experience academic problems.
   Several studies have found that approximately 40% of
    homeless "street" teens self-identify as gay/lesbian. This
    often leads to abuse, prostitution, high-risk behaviors,
                      Appropriate Services for Sexual Minority Youth   17
Related Mental Health Concerns
                      Mood disorders,
                      Anxiety disorders, fear
                      Reactions to violence or threats
                      Common presenting problems
                        Depression-related behaviors
                        Alcohol and drug use
                        Anxiety-related behaviors
                        Suicide or self-injury

            Appropriate Services for Sexual Minority Youth   18
One Youth’s Experience
   From Post Secret Website

                    Appropriate Services for Sexual Minority Youth   19
Suicide: loaded topic, divergent statistics
Nearly all studies confounded:
 Alcohol,
 Homelessness
 MH disabilities

Difficult to know actual statistical
risk for suicide attempts in
LGBTQI2-S youth.

Certainly the risk is significantly elevated, requiring more
   care in delivering appropriate services
                       Appropriate Services for Sexual Minority Youth   20
Suicide: loaded topic, divergent statistics

MN Student Survey 3% to 5% students OA had a suicide
  attempt in previous year.

MN studies: Sexual Minority youth 2-3 times more likely to
  attempt suicide than general population youth.

National LS: Sexual Minority youth roughly 2 times more likely
   to attempt

Adult MSNBC: 2 times more likely (non-rigorous study)

                     Appropriate Services for Sexual Minority Youth   21
Suicide: loaded topic, divergent statistics
Russell & Joyner (2001) analysis of the Add Study (NLSAHD)
   found that
 15.4% of males and 28.3% of females had suicidal thoughts
   in the previous 12 months.
 5% of males and 12.2 % of females had a suicide attempt in
   the previous 12 months

Paul, Cantania, et. al analysis of the National Health and
   Nutrition Exam Survey III found that for LGBT populations
 21% had developed a suicide plan

 12% had attempted suicide and 6% had multiple attempts

                    Appropriate Services for Sexual Minority Youth   22
Suicide: loaded topic, divergent statistics
Meyer, Dietrich, & Schwartz (2008) study of LGBT young adults
  ages 18-29 found that
 47% had lifetime prevalence of any anxiety disorder

 66-77% had lifetime prevalence of any disorder
 35-51% had lifetime prevalence of substance abuse disorder

 30% had lifetime prevalence any mood disorder

 8-18% had lifetime prevalence of drug dependency

 8-10% had lifetime prevalence of serious suicide attempt

                    Appropriate Services for Sexual Minority Youth   23
Suicide: loaded topic, divergent statistics
Actual risk 2-3 times more than general population, meaning
   there is likely a 6-15% suicide risk factor for Sexual
   Minority youth/young adults.
   Although the real percentages are hard to establish, Estimates
    range from 12-20% of age-group suicide attempts are Sexual
    Minority population.

Common statistic quoted: 30% to 33% of suicides are Sexual
  Minority youth/young adults.
 Not much evidence to support these higher percentages.
 Statistical sources discredited: Kinsey report (sexuality),
  Gibson report (suicide)
                      Appropriate Services for Sexual Minority Youth   24
Sexual activity risks
(LGBT vs. general population)
   Reported lifetime
    sexual activity 73% vs 43%

   Reported sex before age 13                              13% vs 5%

   Reported four or more partners                          36% vs 11%

   Reported being tested for STD/HIV 42% vs 24%

                     Appropriate Services for Sexual Minority Youth      25
Understanding our own cultural limitations
 Sexual minority orientations are considered “outside the
     mainstream” by many (or most) in our communities. This
     grants “privilege” to the “mainstream.”

 (1) A special right, advantage, or immunity for a particular person
     (2) the right to say or write something without risk of

                                          Information on this slide from Elaine Slaton, FFCMH

                       Appropriate Services for Sexual Minority Youth                    26
Understanding our own cultural limitations
Infers protection against the disadvantages others have…
   This privileged, protected status in relation to others without
    this status – infers power.
   The privileged have power over unprivileged.
   Heterosexual people have privileged status (over Sexual

                                Information on this slide from Elaine Slaton, FFCMH

                       Appropriate Services for Sexual Minority Youth          27
Understanding our own cultural limitations
 Mainstream Privilege as viewed
 from GLBTQI2-S perspectives:

    Very visible
    Felt as the experience of “quiet” discrimination and
     occasionally active discrimination
    Part of a complex system that determines access to resources,
     education/economic opportunities, and services
    A challenge that one may need to confront on a daily basis in
     personal life
                                       Information on this slide from Elaine Slaton, FFCMH

                       Appropriate Services for Sexual Minority Youth                   28
Sexual Minority Youth Have Rights
Non-discrimination in health care, mental health care, social
   services, and justice services.
 How are Sexual Minority youth discriminated against in
   human services?
    Lack of regard for sexual

       orientation, a “non-topic.”
    Lack of trained professionals.
    Few safe places to self-disclose.
    Others reasons?

                       Appropriate Services for Sexual Minority Youth   29
Sexual Minority Youth Have Rights

   Our responsibility is to provide appropriate services and to
     respect civil rights. Period.

Professional responsibility requires us to offer appropriate
   services using best practices in a manner appropriate to each
   individual consumer.

Practice Brief 1:

                      Appropriate Services for Sexual Minority Youth   30
Sexual Minority Service Barriers
   Discrimination and perceived service barriers lead to…
     Low rate of self-identification due
                  to fear (from prior experiences)
     Some possible MH causal factors
       are effectively “off the table.”
     Self-identification may lead to
       discrimination or “outing.”
     Result: real issues not addressed
       or therapeutic relationship is

                       Appropriate Services for Sexual Minority Youth   31
Sexual Minority Service Barriers
Service barriers often extend from our cultural insensitivity.
    Monolithic “mainstream”

       culture issues

      Our personal orientation
       or religious background

      Other personal lenses or past experiences

      Disclosure of orientation may lead to discomfort and poor
       responses from the professional.
                      Appropriate Services for Sexual Minority Youth   32
Personal safety LGBTQI2-S youth
Sexual Minority youth may fear rejection and discrimination due
   to their sexual orientation. In a representative sample of 1,067
   teens, only one youth self-identified as gay although five
   percent had engaged in same-sex sexual behavior.
What are the threats to personal safety a Sexual Minority student
may face?
   “Outing”                           Rejection
   Abuse                              Service barriers
   Homelessness                       Loss of support network
   Blaming and shaming                Victimization
                      Appropriate Services for Sexual Minority Youth   33
Working with LGBTQI2-S Youth
                                     Acknowledge their presence in
                                     your setting
                                     Examine your own beliefs and
                                     Commit to equal respect, dignity,
                                     service and expectations for all

Be aware of your language everywhere
Avoid stereotyping

                     Appropriate Services for Sexual Minority Youth      34
Working with LGBTQI2-S Youth

                                                      Create a positive and
                                                      welcoming environment

                                                      Respond appropriately
                                                      to self-disclosure

Become the person anyone can go to, regardless of the issue.
   Those in need will find you when they need to do so.

Inclusion is needed to counter the exclusion that is universally
                      Appropriate Services for Sexual Minority Youth          35
Person-first disability services.
Person-first is more than a choice of words. It is choosing to
    look at persons before we look at other factors: culture, race,
    ethnicity, orientation, disability, disease.

                                       Affirm each person as a person
                                       first. We can easily be distracted
                                       by the other factors.

                                       Person-first thinking is key to both
                                       consumer-driven and strength-
                                       based services.

                       Appropriate Services for Sexual Minority Youth         36
Consumer-driven disability services.
Plan ahead for consumer-driven service to be appropriately
   provided to a Sexual Minority individual.

Youth privacy vs. caregiver responsibility issues

“Outing” issues: confidentiality in the staff lunch room.

                      Appropriate Services for Sexual Minority Youth   37
Strengths-based disability services
Work to identify the strengths a youth
brings to the situation.

Find the protective factors that will
work against emotional difficulties
and self-injurious behaviors.

Many pathologies related to the GLBTQI youth experience are
  not orientation-based, but are related to fear, exposure,
  rejection, and abuse.

                       Appropriate Services for Sexual Minority Youth   38
Casework with LGBTQI2-S Youth
Work to avoid placements
Seek out safe placements: foster
   care, congregant care, and
   juvenile justice placements
Be prepared: do your homework
Become familiar with local options
Advocate appropriately
Assume nothing: let them inform decisions

                     Appropriate Services for Sexual Minority Youth   39
Working with Transgender Youth
Know the terms and use them appropriately

Understand GID: identification of symptoms

Refer for services related to GID

Allow for expressions of identity

Ensure appropriate care in referrals

Assume nothing: let them inform decisions

                       Appropriate Services for Sexual Minority Youth   40
Juvenile Justice with LGBTQI2-S Youth
                                               Acknowledge their presence

                                               Know that there are a
                                              disproportionate number of
                                              LGBT youth in JJ settings

                                              Safe placements require staff
                                              training and standards.

All youth have the right to be safe in placement.

                      Appropriate Services for Sexual Minority Youth          41
Juvenile Justice with LGBTQI2-S Youth
Identification and stigmatization are inappropriate treatment

Provide appropriate services
and referrals

Assume nothing: let them
inform your decisions. Do
not assume they are sex offenders.

                      Appropriate Services for Sexual Minority Youth   42
Families of LGBTQI2-S Youth

                                        Families may or may not be
                                        supportive of the youth’s
                                        stated orientation

                                        Encourage communication
                                        within the family

Refer for services if there is significant need or conflict

                       Appropriate Services for Sexual Minority Youth   43
Guardians ad Litem working with
Be aware of the presence of LGBTQI2-S youth in the child
   welfare system in disproportionate numbers
Be aware of potential mistreatment and discrimination
Protect consumer privacy
Deal with anti-LGBTQI2-S
Know the legal protections
available to consumers

                     Appropriate Services for Sexual Minority Youth   44
Appropriate professional service
            Neither a common nor comfortable
               professional situation for many.
            Lack of training and discussion on this topic
               in our region is a problem.
            Presumption of indifference or non-
                judgment may distract from actual
                competency in service: the “color-blind”
            Appropriate service provision will require
               education, reflection, planning and
              Appropriate Services for Sexual Minority Youth   45
Appropriate professional service
   Professional obligation 1: get educated, know the facts.
     About the population
     About appropriate services

   Professional obligation 2: reflect on yourself, address
    personal opinions and attitudes.
   Professional obligation 3: plan ahead to become competent in
    appropriate skills.
   Professional obligation 4: practice appropriate skills, and
    advocate for knowledge and skills growth in your agency.

                       Appropriate Services for Sexual Minority Youth   46
Appropriate professional service
  Make this a professional development goal for yourself.
   Look for resources and study them. Web research.
   Find conferences and seminars.
   Become the “go to” person for youth and young adults
   Become the “go to” person for colleagues seeking
    information and better practices. Again, advocate for
    appropriate services.

                   Appropriate Services for Sexual Minority Youth   47
Open discussion and questions

             Appropriate Services for Sexual Minority Youth   48

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Appropriate services for sexual minority youth

  • 1. Appropriate Services for Sexual Minority Youth Our Children Succeed Initiative Timothy Denney, MS, CRC Funded in part by a cooperative agreement between the NW Minnesota Council of Collaboratives and SAMHSA
  • 2. What is meant by “Sexual Minority?” Current SAMHSA designation: LGBTQI2-S  Lesbian  Gay  Bi-sexual  Transgender (pre/post-operative)  Questioning  Inter-sexed  Two-spirit Appropriate Services for Sexual Minority Youth 2
  • 3. Defining terms Lesbian: Females who are emotionally and sexually attracted to, and may partner with, females only. Gay: Males who are emotionally and sexually attracted to, and may partner with, males only. “Gay” is also an overarching term used to refer to a broad array of sexual orientation identities other than heterosexual. Bi-sexual: Individuals who are emotionally and sexually attracted to, and may partner with, both males and females. Appropriate Services for Sexual Minority Youth 3
  • 4. Defining terms Transgender (pre/post-operative): Individuals who express a gender identity different from their birth-assigned gender. Questioning: Individuals who are uncertain about their sexual orientation and/or gender identity. Inter-sexed: Individuals with medically defined biological attributes that are not exclusively male or female; frequently “assigned” a gender at birth, which may differ from their gender identity later in life. Appropriate Services for Sexual Minority Youth 4
  • 5. Defining terms Two-spirit: A culture-specific general identity for Native Americans (American Indians and Alaska Natives) with homosexual or transgendered identities. Traditionally a role- based definition, two-spirit individuals are perceived to bridge different sectors of society (e.g., the male-female dichotomy, and the Spirit and natural worlds). Other Terms: Youth also may use other terms to describe their sexual orientation and gender identity, such as homosexual, queer, gender queer, non-gendered, and asexual. Some youth may not identify a word that describes their sexual orientation, and others may view their gender as fluid and even changing over time. Some youth may avoid gender specific pronouns. Appropriate Services for Sexual Minority Youth 5
  • 6. How many are in your service area? Real numbers are hard to come by due in part to reluctance to self-identify by youth, and to wide variation in survey design. National statistics most often encountered:  Reported most often: 2-10%  “Activist statistics:” 5-20% (“1 in 10” programs based upon these stats)  Actual statistics: 2-5% Most likely 3 - 5 % (GLBTQI2-S)  These numbers can be used for service planning in your area. Appropriate Services for Sexual Minority Youth 6
  • 7. How many are in your service area? National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health 7% Same Sex Attraction, (13-17 Y.O. 6%) National Health & Nutrition Exam Survey III 17-39 Y.O: 2.2 % reported same sex partners Even with the wide range of statistical reports, you can expect 2 to 5 of every 100 people you have worked with, met, or taught are in the sexual minority. Appropriate Services for Sexual Minority Youth 7
  • 8. How many are in your service area? Massachusetts's YRBS, a comprehensive study of school-aged youth in that state.  Male 2% Female 4% Total 3%  No sexual contact by those reporting LGBTQI orientation was approximately 1.5% of general population (55% of the total LGBTQI) Appropriate Services for Sexual Minority Youth 8
  • 9. Reluctant to self-identify  This is a difficult region in which to self-identify  Socially conservative local culture  Strong religious influences  Contrary orientation to most local cultural settings  Issue is not talked about  Small town gossip  Other reasons? Appropriate Services for Sexual Minority Youth 9
  • 10. Reluctant to self-identify How hard would it be to “come out” in your community? Being “out” is in many respects the process of “coming out” to someone everyday. This is a process that can be freighted with emotions: fear, rejection, abuse, avoidance, non-support. For many it may be perceived as a survival issue. Appropriate Services for Sexual Minority Youth 10
  • 11. Often Not Visible in Minnesota Discuss: What factors would make this minority group less visible in your particular community? Discuss: When would a youth or young adult self-identify in your community or region? Appropriate Services for Sexual Minority Youth 11
  • 12. LGBTQI2-S Risk Analysis Homelessness: LGBTQI2-S youth more likely to be in placement or homeless at some point. One study showed up to half of LGBT youth in placement surveyed were homeless at some point in past. One study showed 65% of 400 homeless LGBTQ youth had been in child welfare placement. One study showed that 28% of LGB youth dropped out of school due to feeling unsafe at school. Appropriate Services for Sexual Minority Youth 12
  • 13. LGBTQI2-S Risk Analysis (LGBT vs. general population)  Being bullied 42 vs 21%  Threatened/injured with a weapon at school 22 vs 5%  Skipping school because felt unsafe 15 vs 4%  Using alcohol at higher levels 60 vs 45%  Being diagnosed with HIV or STD 16 vs 7%  Being twice as likely to abuse alcohol  Being eight times more likely to abuse cocaine Appropriate Services for Sexual Minority Youth 13
  • 14. LGBTQI2-S Risk Analysis National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (Add Study) revealed that adolescents with same-sex attractions…  Males were 33% more likely to be victimized  Females were 18% more likely to be victimized  Those attracted to the same sex were 86% more likely to be violently attacked  Those attracted to both sexes were 43% more likely to be violently attacked Appropriate Services for Sexual Minority Youth 14
  • 15. LGBTQI2-S Risk Analysis Huebner, Rebchook, & Kegeles (2004) analysis of data revealed that young men 18 to 27 years (average age 23) with same- sex attractions experienced in the previous 6 months…  Anti-gay harassment 37%  Discrimination due to sexual orientation 11%  Violence linked to sexual orientation 5% Appropriate Services for Sexual Minority Youth 15
  • 16. LGBTQI2-S Risk Analysis Substance use and abuse research is mixed for this population. Some studies indicate an elevated risk for substance use and abuse for this adolescent and young adult population. Other studies, such as Russell, Driscoll, & Truong (2002) indicate little variation in the trajectories of drug use and abuse between sexual minority and sexual majority youth. There is some evidence of elevated alcohol use among sexual minority youth and young adults, and for higher rates of useage among transgender youth and young adults. Appropriate Services for Sexual Minority Youth 16
  • 17. LGBTQI2-S Risk Analysis Running away is a common reaction to the pressures of being in the Sexual Minority as an adolescent.  Upon identification, many GLBTQ youth are thrown out of their home, mistreated, or made the focus of their family's dysfunction.  Sexual Minority youth are more likely to run away from home and to experience academic problems.  Several studies have found that approximately 40% of homeless "street" teens self-identify as gay/lesbian. This often leads to abuse, prostitution, high-risk behaviors, criminality. Appropriate Services for Sexual Minority Youth 17
  • 18. Related Mental Health Concerns  Mood disorders,  Anxiety disorders, fear  Reactions to violence or threats  Common presenting problems  Depression-related behaviors  Alcohol and drug use  Anxiety-related behaviors  Suicide or self-injury Appropriate Services for Sexual Minority Youth 18
  • 19. One Youth’s Experience  From Post Secret Website Appropriate Services for Sexual Minority Youth 19
  • 20. Suicide: loaded topic, divergent statistics Nearly all studies confounded:  Alcohol,  Homelessness  MH disabilities Difficult to know actual statistical risk for suicide attempts in LGBTQI2-S youth. Certainly the risk is significantly elevated, requiring more care in delivering appropriate services Appropriate Services for Sexual Minority Youth 20
  • 21. Suicide: loaded topic, divergent statistics MN Student Survey 3% to 5% students OA had a suicide attempt in previous year. MN studies: Sexual Minority youth 2-3 times more likely to attempt suicide than general population youth. National LS: Sexual Minority youth roughly 2 times more likely to attempt Adult MSNBC: 2 times more likely (non-rigorous study) Appropriate Services for Sexual Minority Youth 21
  • 22. Suicide: loaded topic, divergent statistics Russell & Joyner (2001) analysis of the Add Study (NLSAHD) found that  15.4% of males and 28.3% of females had suicidal thoughts in the previous 12 months. various  5% of males and 12.2 % of females had a suicide attempt in the previous 12 months Paul, Cantania, et. al analysis of the National Health and Nutrition Exam Survey III found that for LGBT populations  21% had developed a suicide plan  12% had attempted suicide and 6% had multiple attempts Appropriate Services for Sexual Minority Youth 22
  • 23. Suicide: loaded topic, divergent statistics Meyer, Dietrich, & Schwartz (2008) study of LGBT young adults ages 18-29 found that  47% had lifetime prevalence of any anxiety disorder  66-77% had lifetime prevalence of any disorder various  35-51% had lifetime prevalence of substance abuse disorder  30% had lifetime prevalence any mood disorder  8-18% had lifetime prevalence of drug dependency  8-10% had lifetime prevalence of serious suicide attempt Appropriate Services for Sexual Minority Youth 23
  • 24. Suicide: loaded topic, divergent statistics Actual risk 2-3 times more than general population, meaning there is likely a 6-15% suicide risk factor for Sexual Minority youth/young adults.  Although the real percentages are hard to establish, Estimates range from 12-20% of age-group suicide attempts are Sexual Minority population. Common statistic quoted: 30% to 33% of suicides are Sexual Minority youth/young adults.  Not much evidence to support these higher percentages.  Statistical sources discredited: Kinsey report (sexuality), Gibson report (suicide) Appropriate Services for Sexual Minority Youth 24
  • 25. Sexual activity risks (LGBT vs. general population)  Reported lifetime sexual activity 73% vs 43%  Reported sex before age 13 13% vs 5%  Reported four or more partners 36% vs 11%  Reported being tested for STD/HIV 42% vs 24% Appropriate Services for Sexual Minority Youth 25
  • 26. Understanding our own cultural limitations Sexual minority orientations are considered “outside the mainstream” by many (or most) in our communities. This grants “privilege” to the “mainstream.” (1) A special right, advantage, or immunity for a particular person (2) the right to say or write something without risk of punishment Information on this slide from Elaine Slaton, FFCMH Appropriate Services for Sexual Minority Youth 26
  • 27. Understanding our own cultural limitations Infers protection against the disadvantages others have…  This privileged, protected status in relation to others without this status – infers power.  The privileged have power over unprivileged.  Heterosexual people have privileged status (over Sexual Minorities) Information on this slide from Elaine Slaton, FFCMH Appropriate Services for Sexual Minority Youth 27
  • 28. Understanding our own cultural limitations Mainstream Privilege as viewed from GLBTQI2-S perspectives:  Very visible  Felt as the experience of “quiet” discrimination and occasionally active discrimination  Part of a complex system that determines access to resources, education/economic opportunities, and services  A challenge that one may need to confront on a daily basis in personal life Information on this slide from Elaine Slaton, FFCMH Appropriate Services for Sexual Minority Youth 28
  • 29. Sexual Minority Youth Have Rights Non-discrimination in health care, mental health care, social services, and justice services.  How are Sexual Minority youth discriminated against in human services?  Lack of regard for sexual orientation, a “non-topic.”  Lack of trained professionals.  Few safe places to self-disclose.  Others reasons? Appropriate Services for Sexual Minority Youth 29
  • 30. Sexual Minority Youth Have Rights Our responsibility is to provide appropriate services and to respect civil rights. Period. Professional responsibility requires us to offer appropriate services using best practices in a manner appropriate to each individual consumer. Practice Brief 1: Appropriate Services for Sexual Minority Youth 30
  • 31. Sexual Minority Service Barriers  Discrimination and perceived service barriers lead to…  Low rate of self-identification due to fear (from prior experiences)  Some possible MH causal factors are effectively “off the table.”  Self-identification may lead to discrimination or “outing.”  Result: real issues not addressed or therapeutic relationship is discontinued. Appropriate Services for Sexual Minority Youth 31
  • 32. Sexual Minority Service Barriers Service barriers often extend from our cultural insensitivity.  Monolithic “mainstream” culture issues  Our personal orientation or religious background  Other personal lenses or past experiences  Disclosure of orientation may lead to discomfort and poor responses from the professional. Appropriate Services for Sexual Minority Youth 32
  • 33. Personal safety LGBTQI2-S youth Sexual Minority youth may fear rejection and discrimination due to their sexual orientation. In a representative sample of 1,067 teens, only one youth self-identified as gay although five percent had engaged in same-sex sexual behavior. What are the threats to personal safety a Sexual Minority student may face? “Outing” Rejection Abuse Service barriers Homelessness Loss of support network Blaming and shaming Victimization Appropriate Services for Sexual Minority Youth 33
  • 34. Working with LGBTQI2-S Youth Acknowledge their presence in your setting Examine your own beliefs and attitudes Commit to equal respect, dignity, service and expectations for all consumers Be aware of your language everywhere Avoid stereotyping Appropriate Services for Sexual Minority Youth 34
  • 35. Working with LGBTQI2-S Youth Create a positive and welcoming environment Respond appropriately to self-disclosure Become the person anyone can go to, regardless of the issue. Those in need will find you when they need to do so. Inclusion is needed to counter the exclusion that is universally experienced Appropriate Services for Sexual Minority Youth 35
  • 36. Person-first disability services. Person-first is more than a choice of words. It is choosing to look at persons before we look at other factors: culture, race, ethnicity, orientation, disability, disease. Affirm each person as a person first. We can easily be distracted by the other factors. Person-first thinking is key to both consumer-driven and strength- based services. Appropriate Services for Sexual Minority Youth 36
  • 37. Consumer-driven disability services. Plan ahead for consumer-driven service to be appropriately provided to a Sexual Minority individual. Youth privacy vs. caregiver responsibility issues “Outing” issues: confidentiality in the staff lunch room. Appropriate Services for Sexual Minority Youth 37
  • 38. Strengths-based disability services Work to identify the strengths a youth brings to the situation. Find the protective factors that will work against emotional difficulties and self-injurious behaviors. Many pathologies related to the GLBTQI youth experience are not orientation-based, but are related to fear, exposure, rejection, and abuse. Appropriate Services for Sexual Minority Youth 38
  • 39. Casework with LGBTQI2-S Youth Work to avoid placements Seek out safe placements: foster care, congregant care, and juvenile justice placements Be prepared: do your homework Become familiar with local options Advocate appropriately Assume nothing: let them inform decisions Appropriate Services for Sexual Minority Youth 39
  • 40. Working with Transgender Youth Know the terms and use them appropriately Understand GID: identification of symptoms Refer for services related to GID Allow for expressions of identity Ensure appropriate care in referrals Assume nothing: let them inform decisions Appropriate Services for Sexual Minority Youth 40
  • 41. Juvenile Justice with LGBTQI2-S Youth Acknowledge their presence Know that there are a disproportionate number of LGBT youth in JJ settings Safe placements require staff training and standards. All youth have the right to be safe in placement. Appropriate Services for Sexual Minority Youth 41
  • 42. Juvenile Justice with LGBTQI2-S Youth Identification and stigmatization are inappropriate treatment Provide appropriate services and referrals Assume nothing: let them inform your decisions. Do not assume they are sex offenders. Appropriate Services for Sexual Minority Youth 42
  • 43. Families of LGBTQI2-S Youth Families may or may not be supportive of the youth’s stated orientation Encourage communication within the family Refer for services if there is significant need or conflict Appropriate Services for Sexual Minority Youth 43
  • 44. Guardians ad Litem working with LGBTQI2-S Youth Be aware of the presence of LGBTQI2-S youth in the child welfare system in disproportionate numbers Be aware of potential mistreatment and discrimination Protect consumer privacy Deal with anti-LGBTQI2-S discrimination Know the legal protections available to consumers Appropriate Services for Sexual Minority Youth 44
  • 45. Appropriate professional service Neither a common nor comfortable professional situation for many. Lack of training and discussion on this topic in our region is a problem. Presumption of indifference or non- judgment may distract from actual competency in service: the “color-blind” myth. Appropriate service provision will require education, reflection, planning and practice Appropriate Services for Sexual Minority Youth 45
  • 46. Appropriate professional service  Professional obligation 1: get educated, know the facts.  About the population  About appropriate services  Professional obligation 2: reflect on yourself, address personal opinions and attitudes.  Professional obligation 3: plan ahead to become competent in appropriate skills.  Professional obligation 4: practice appropriate skills, and advocate for knowledge and skills growth in your agency. Appropriate Services for Sexual Minority Youth 46
  • 47. Appropriate professional service Make this a professional development goal for yourself.  Look for resources and study them. Web research.  Find conferences and seminars.  Become the “go to” person for youth and young adults  Become the “go to” person for colleagues seeking information and better practices. Again, advocate for appropriate services. Appropriate Services for Sexual Minority Youth 47
  • 48. Open discussion and questions Appropriate Services for Sexual Minority Youth 48

Editor's Notes

  1. Where to look? We will discover some answers to this questions as we go
  2. Where to look: Homeless, Drop-outs, placements. Why?
  3. Where to look: Victims, truants, substance abusers. Why? All of the kids in these groups? Certainly not.
  4. Where to look: MH populations
  5. Where to look: Suicide and self-injury. Elevated chance of being in the group
  6. Where to look: Sexually active kids, though not all, of course.