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Slides By Rana Usman Sattar
Student Of BBA(Hons)
PMAS Arid Agriculture University
Gmail: ranaa.usman@gmail
   The word Communication is derived from “Communis” (Latin)
    meaning common. (establishes common ground of understanding)

   A process which involves sharing of information between people
    through a continuous activity of speaking, listening and

   Robert Anderson, in his book ,Professional Selling, defines
    “Communication is interchange of thoughts, opinions, or information,
    by speech, writing, or signs”.

   Allen Louis says, “Communication is the sum of all the things one
    person does when he wants to create understanding in the mind of
    another it involves a systematic and continuous process of telling,
    listening, and understanding.”
 Today communication has become a buzzword
 Communication is dynamic---active, energetic, forceful and constantly

   Mechanical systems are deterministic and closed

 Human comm. are not deterministic, but spontaneous and discretionary:
  that is they respond to moods ,distractions, impulses, all of which can
  change any moment. (complex)

   People need people. We can’t be human alone. (social)

 German Philosopher, Karl Jasper “ Man’s supreme achievement in the
  world is communication from personality to personality.” (from other
 Interpersonal comm. Is humanity’s greatest accomplishment but
  unfortunately most people are unable to communicate well.
 Many people believe that mental illness is primarily a problem of
  inadequate comm.
 Comm. Life blood of every kind of relationship.
Four Skills of Communication
Why We Communicate

                                           To inform
 1. Socially---- friends, family and      To request
 2. As students-----build up formal
                                           To persuade
  skills(reading, writing, speaking,
                                           To build goodwill
 3. All professions involve
  teachers, engineers, accountants )
   Our methods and style of comm. are primarily learned responses. Our
    training starts at an early age.

 You can not learn to play the guitar------- by listening to a concert.
 Learn to paint -----------------------------------by looking at pictures

   Change is inevitable-----------it is impossible to remain the same with new
    exposures / developments in one’s life.

   People need to be highly motivated to change

 Robert Bolton in “People Skills”, claims “At any period of life, the
  average person of sound mind and determination can learn improved ways
  of comm.”
 Law of change says “Things do not stay the same. If they don’t get
  better, they get worse.”
six tips for improving your
        communication style:

    1. Knowing how to improve communication skills will come easier once you become aware of
    your own communication style.

    Each person has a unique way of communicating. Listen to your own speech. What sorts of
    words do you use? Which sort of body language and what tone of voice are you using?

    Now, think of someone who, in your opinion, is a good communicator . Compare your style
    to theirs. You've just taken an important first step in how to improve communication skills.

    2. Now that you are aware of your own style, study the style of those around you. How do the
    most important people in your life converse? How do they say things? Look for approaches you
    can model and make your own.

    3. Adjust to the other styles of communication. Don't think it is too late to change your way of
    conversing because it's been years. You had to learn to communicate in the first place and you
    can unlearn certain behaviors or change them. Sometimes we get stuck in a communication rut.
   A father once was having a hard time with his teenaged daughter. She was growing and he
    thought she didn't tell him what was going on in her life. They were in a heated discussion when
    he asked, "Why didn't you tell me?"

    Her answer was that she had, but he was too busy lecturing her to hear him. He learned that
    adjusting his style to his daughter would involve listening first before jumping right into
    solving the problem.
   4. To build rapport, during a conversation try and match the other person's movements, posture
    and verbal style. Don't do everything they do, but mirror one or two things. For example, if the
    person gives mostly short answers to questions, you follow suit.

    Or, maybe they talk at a slower pace than you usually do-slow your speaking speed to match
    theirs. This may sound simplistic but it is a very potent way to make someone feel very relaxed
    and comfortable in your presence.

    5. The way you communicate at home may not be the same as in a different environment. Make
    sure you change your style to suit the different setting. Some comments you might want to
    tell your best friend, in private.

    6. Don't criticize others for communicating differently. If we all communicated in the same
    way, we'd soon be bored with each other.

    Getting a good grasp of your communication style and finding ways to accommodate other
    peoples' styles, is a good way to improve your communication skills.
Changing Workplace Environment
Challenges faced by modern workers are:

   No organizational goal is attainable without comm.

   A sea-change in use of technology (New developments
    ---satellite, phone, internet)
   Transformation of both work and organizational
    structure(Size of organization)
   Work is more complex and requires greater coordination
    and interaction among workers
   Increased global competition
   Increased quality emphasis and customer focus (ISO)
   Increased focus on legal and ethical problems
   Service workers outnumber production workers
   The pace of work is faster
   Concept of human capital (employee attitude, interest &
    Need to learn corporate etiquettes
    Writing letters, memos, reports, participation in
    seminars, discussions, interviews, presentations etc.
    (personality development programmes)
Important Management Functions
Why managers need comm.
   Managers need communication skills to perform the
   1.Interpersonal Role---(as a manager you inspire
    confidence, motivate, listen, win support & guide your
   2. Informational Role------ stock control, financial
    systems, personnel functions , quality control
   3.Decisional Role---- decision – making is based upon
    receiving and interpreting all relevant and necessary
Process of comm. Can be Open or
Theories of Communication
 1. Electronic Theory (mathematical)
   Message is transmitted directly without any disturbance.
   This theory emphasizes “Accuracy”.
   Mechanical aspect no emotions involved.

 Communicator                              Audience
 Or sender                                 or Receiver
2. Social Environment Theory
   This theory states different situations/
    environments make us perform different roles.
    e.g role of a son, father, employees etc.
   Environment

Rhetoric Theory
                Communication is circular not linear.
              Good communication must produce results.


              Channel         Receiver/        Feedback
Communication Cycle
Components of communication
Components of communication
Classification of Communication
Sensory Environment
 We communicate according to different sensations experienced by five
  Sense Perceptions/sense organs-----Sense of sight, hear, touch, smell,
  taste are called SIGNS. (music)
 Our “frame of reference” or “mental set” may be personal or social or both
  regarding a person or situation.
 Our perceptions/ mental images are stored in our brain according to our:
causes communication gap.
Ineffective comm. Causes an interpersonal gap that leads to :
Loneliness, family problems, psychological stress, vocational
   incompetence , physical illness , addiction and even death.

No two individuals are the same

   Meanings in communication differ because mental filters of individuals are
    unique. (sender & receiver) (communicate--------with staff, parents)

   We tend to see good qualities in people whom we perceive to be like
    ourselves, and to be critical of people we perceive to be different from

   Stereotype people-----------racial, cultural, or age group.

   People are not consistent in their behavior from one situation to another.
    (friendly at home, parties and strict at work)
Group Activity 1
   1. What are the qualities that make people popular with you and
    your friends?
   2. Do you find it difficult to imagine how older people feel about the
    things you like or dislike? If so, why?
   3. Describe the behavior of people you dislike in different situations,
    both social and formal.
   4. Do you stereotype people according to their age, wealth, place of
    residence, educational level etc ? If so what sort s of stereotype do
    you attach to different groups of people.
   5. Have you been disappointed in people because they failed to live
    up to your initial impressions? If so what was it you discovered
    about them ? Had these features been there all the time? Why , if
    they had did you fail to notice them?
   6. We use our perception to give structure and meaning to our world
    but our world differs from one another. How do people’s reports of
    the same incident vary? How accurate are we in judging people’s
    intentions, motivations, personalities , characters and attitudes.
Intrapersonal Communication

   Attributes of Intrapersonal Communication
   Physical Self-----------Strengths & Weakness
   Spiritual Self---------Nature(your thoughts, actions
    attitude and behaviors )
   Intellectual Self-------Level of intelligence
   Self Dialogue
   Become aware of different roles
Interpersonal Communication

 When two or more persons talk face to
  face (conversations, dialogues, group
 Communicating with one or more persons
 We spend about 75% of our time
  communicating interpersonally.
Interpersonal Comm. Is Contextual

Communication is a living act performed in specific context,
  in particular situations, and with a definite goal / purpose
  in mind. (Context)surrounding conditions.
   1.Psychological Context
   2.Relational Context
   3.Situational Context----(happy----hears depressing news)
   4.Environmental Context
   5.Cultural Context
   6. Religious Context
Errors committed in Interpersonal

   1. No change in behavior
   2. People divided in categories
   3. Negative Appearance
   4. By passing----misunderstanding
   5. Lack of Language Skills
   6. Distractions
Characteristics of Effective
 1. Open Communication Climate
 2.Commiting to Ethical Comm.
 3.Understanding of intercultural Comm.
 4.Proficient in Comm. Technology
 5.Audience Centered Approach to Comm.
 6.Creating & Processing messages
              Advantages of Oral Comm.
    1.Direct,simple,time saving and least expensive form of
    2. It allows immediate feedback
    3. Corrections can be made at the time of comm.
    4. Conveys personal warmth and friendliness
          Advantages of Written Comm.
1.   It serves as evidence of events and proceedings.
2.   Permanent record
3.   Reduces misunderstanding & misinterpretation
4.   More reliable for transmitting lengthy statistical data
5.   It appears formal and authoritative
Methods of Communication in Org.
               Internal Communication
   1.Spoken Messages
   Face to face meetings
   Presentations
   2. Written Messages
   Public notices, memorandums, Reports
    magazines, Staff bulletins
   3. Electronic Messages
   Computers, Local area networks, fax,
External Communication
 1. Spoken Messages
 2. Written Messages
 3. Electronic Messages----Video
 conferences, phones, fax, internet
Channels Of Organizational
   1. Informal Communication (grapevine)
   It consists of both business related & personal
   Example: rumors about company affairs and popular TV
   Informal info:

   is not planned by organization.
   Flows in all directions.
   Develops & maintains positive human relationships.
   Excellent source of information about employee morale
    and problems.
   2/3 of employee’s information is received through
Advantages of Grapevine Communication

   Grapevine channels carry information rapidly. As soon as an
    employee gets to know some confidential information, he becomes
    inquisitive and passes the details then to his closest friend who in
    turn passes it to other. Thus, it spreads hastily.
   The managers get to know the reactions of their
    subordinates on their policies. Thus, the feedback obtained is
    quick compared to formal channel of communication.
   The grapevine creates a sense of unity among the employees
    who share and discuss their views with each other. Thus, grapevine
    helps in developing group cohesiveness.
   The grapevine serves as an emotional supportive value.
Disadvantages of Grapevine Communication

   The grapevine carries partial information at times as it is more
    based on rumours. Thus, it does not clearly depicts the complete
    state of affairs.
   The grapevine is not trustworthy always as it does not follows
    official path of communication and is spread more by gossips and
    unconfirmed report.
   The productivity of employees may be hampered as they spend
    more time talking rather than working.
   The grapevine leads to making hostility against the executives.
   The grapevine may hamper the goodwill of the organization as it
    may carry false negative information about the high level people of
    the organization.
2. Formal Communication                 ( business related)

   It is planned by the organization.
   It flows in all directions.
   It is essential for the effective operation of business.
   Examples :Letters, reports, advertisement (radio &TV),
    phone calls.

   Official information flows through formal channels in
    three directions:- downward, upward, and horizontal.
Hierarchical Communication

1.   Downward Communication
     All decisions made at top level are
     communicated downward to materialize.

                  Top management
 Job direction/ enrichment(courses/welfare)
 Organizational procedures and practices
 Feedback about performance
 Indoctrination  of goals/ objectives
 Safety rules (gloves, goggles, boots )
 Hiring & firing
Upward Communication
   It travels from subordinates to superiors.

   Employees communicate information about:-
   Themselves
   Co-workers
   Problems
   Goals/targets
   Organizational practices and policies
   What needs to be done and how to do it

   No feedback------creates unrest among workers
                                                 Middle/ Lower
Lateral / Horizontal
 This communication takes place
  horizontally among the people of the same
 Mostly oral communication takes place
 All departments pool together efforts and
  skills to achieve their goals.
Benefits of Communication for
   1.Conflict Resolution

   Managers become aware of:
   Problem/ grievance solving attitude
   Listening skills improve
   Better awareness of organizational issues
   Sense of judgment---decision making power
   Empathize
   Interpersonal/ communication skills

    Conflicts can create healthy competition, bring changes for
    Promote organizational democracy.
2. Motivation

 Communication is the   basic tool for
 Managers must learn to motivate their
 Motivation can improve the
  morale/confidence of employee
 Managers must appreciate the work of
  their team members.
3.Problem Solving
   Some time systems are not operating according
    to instructions eg.
   Poor food supplied at cafe
   Poor medication
   Poor facilities at work/transportation
   Harassment
            4. Public Relations
   Company image and company products help
   Build image of the employees of an
    organization. (LUMS, IBA, Bahria)
   Lots of contacts/ relations with people of
    different walks of life.
Benefits of Communication to
   1.Positive Image
   Good communication helps to build positive
    image of an organization
   Efficiency and effectiveness
   Company products, company adds, work force
    all contribute to build positive image.
   2. Cost Reduction
   Inefficient people should not be employed
   Right mode of communication should be used.
3. Employee Morale
   Happy work force -------more production
   Investing in people improves their morale
            4.Employee Productivity

Proper direction --------more productivity for org.

People have to be told what to do, how to do and
  when to do
Communicating at Work
Current factors involved when
   communicating at work
1. Heightened Global Competition
2. Flattened Management Hierarchies
3. Expanded Team based management
4. Innovative Comm. Technologies
5.New work environments


Telecommuting   Teleconferencing   Videoconferencing
5.New work environments


Telecommuting    Teleconferencing   Videoconferencing
   Telecommuting, e-commuting, e-work, telework, working
    from home (WFH), or working at home (WAH) is a work
    arrangement in which employees enjoy flexibility in working
    location and hours.
   A teleconference is a telephone or video meeting between
    participants in two or more locations.

   A videoconference or video conference (also known as a
    videoteleconference) is a set of interactive telecommunication
    technologies which allow two or more locations to interact via
    two-way video and audio transmissions simultaneously. It has
    also been called 'visual collaboration' and is a type of
   Its designed to serve a conference rather than individuals
6. Diverse Work force
   Multicultural
   Gender
   Age
     7.Thriving in the age of Knowledge
   Vital raw material in this era is knowledge
   Intelligent machines
   Constantly changing technologies
   New source of power is not money in the
    hands of few but knowledge in the hands of
Characteristics of Effective Communication

 1. Open Communication Climate
 2.Commiting to Ethical Comm.
 3.Understanding of intercultural Comm.
 4.Proficient in Comm. Technology
 5.Audience Centered Approach to Comm.
 6.Creating & Processing messages
Non-verbal Communication
   Communication without words. They provide added
    information to what is said.
   It is impossible to communicate without gestures.
   A speaker who doesn’t make gestures is said to be
    boring, uncomfortable or nervous.

      Importance of Nonverbal Communication
   Non-verbal comm. Can be unintentional.
   N.C. may be more honest than verbal com. (it is not
   N.C is always present--------both in oral & written
Four types of Non-verbal
   1.Personal                ---------------------------------
   2.Common to group of      ---------------------------------
    people                    ---------------------------------
   3. Universal              ---------------------------------
   4.Unrelated to the        ---------------------------------
    message                   ---------------------------------
                              ---------------------------------
                              ---------------------------------
90% of Comm. Spectrum is Nonverbal

   Verbal(words)------7%        ---------------------------------
   Vocal(tone)---------38%      ---------------------------------
   Visual--------------55%      ---------------------------------
     (body language)             ---------------------------------
   Non-verbal-----93%           ---------------------------------
                                 ---------------------------------
                                 ---------------------------------
                                 ---------------------------------
Elements of Non-verbal Comm.
1. Appearance
 Written Comm.              A speaker’s credibility lies
 Oral comm.                  on his appearance( e.g
 Environmental factors       an accountant dressed in
                              casual clothes may find it
                              difficult to be taken
                              seriously when
                              presenting result of
                              audit )
                             Mowing a lawn in a suit
Facial Expressions                      Eye contact
 Eyes , Eye brows, chin,                Flow of conversation
  blushing                               Judging other peoples
 ---------------------------------       response
 During conversation                    Failure of eye contact-----
  -----leaning towards the                shyness, disagreement,
  person shows interest                   dishonesty.
 Leaning away from the                  ---------------------------------
  person shows----                       ---------------------------------
  disinterest ,dislike ness

   ---------------------------------
Gestures                   Touch
 Wave,, thumb gestures,    Intimate
  point, beckon             Professional
 Posture                   Social
 Stand, sit, walk          Friendly
 Voice                     Time
 Pace        *Silence      Western Culture----Time
 Tone                       conscious
 Volume                    Eastern culture------Not
 Pronunciation              Time conscious

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Levels of comm 1

  • 1. Communication Slides By Rana Usman Sattar Student Of BBA(Hons) PMAS Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi Gmail: ranaa.usman@gmail Facebook:
  • 2. The word Communication is derived from “Communis” (Latin) meaning common. (establishes common ground of understanding)  A process which involves sharing of information between people through a continuous activity of speaking, listening and understanding.  Robert Anderson, in his book ,Professional Selling, defines “Communication is interchange of thoughts, opinions, or information, by speech, writing, or signs”.  Allen Louis says, “Communication is the sum of all the things one person does when he wants to create understanding in the mind of another it involves a systematic and continuous process of telling, listening, and understanding.”
  • 3.  Today communication has become a buzzword  Communication is dynamic---active, energetic, forceful and constantly changing.  Mechanical systems are deterministic and closed  Human comm. are not deterministic, but spontaneous and discretionary:  that is they respond to moods ,distractions, impulses, all of which can change any moment. (complex)  People need people. We can’t be human alone. (social)  German Philosopher, Karl Jasper “ Man’s supreme achievement in the world is communication from personality to personality.” (from other creatures)  Interpersonal comm. Is humanity’s greatest accomplishment but unfortunately most people are unable to communicate well.  Many people believe that mental illness is primarily a problem of inadequate comm.  Comm. Life blood of every kind of relationship.
  • 4. Four Skills of Communication
  • 5. Why We Communicate  To inform  1. Socially---- friends, family and  To request acquaintances.(daily)  2. As students-----build up formal  To persuade skills(reading, writing, speaking, listening)  To build goodwill  3. All professions involve communication------(doctors, teachers, engineers, accountants )
  • 6. WE CAN CHANGE  Our methods and style of comm. are primarily learned responses. Our training starts at an early age.  You can not learn to play the guitar------- by listening to a concert.  Learn to paint -----------------------------------by looking at pictures  Change is inevitable-----------it is impossible to remain the same with new exposures / developments in one’s life.  People need to be highly motivated to change  Robert Bolton in “People Skills”, claims “At any period of life, the average person of sound mind and determination can learn improved ways of comm.”  Law of change says “Things do not stay the same. If they don’t get better, they get worse.”
  • 7. six tips for improving your communication style:  1. Knowing how to improve communication skills will come easier once you become aware of your own communication style. Each person has a unique way of communicating. Listen to your own speech. What sorts of words do you use? Which sort of body language and what tone of voice are you using? Now, think of someone who, in your opinion, is a good communicator . Compare your style to theirs. You've just taken an important first step in how to improve communication skills. 2. Now that you are aware of your own style, study the style of those around you. How do the most important people in your life converse? How do they say things? Look for approaches you can model and make your own. 3. Adjust to the other styles of communication. Don't think it is too late to change your way of conversing because it's been years. You had to learn to communicate in the first place and you can unlearn certain behaviors or change them. Sometimes we get stuck in a communication rut.
  • 8. A father once was having a hard time with his teenaged daughter. She was growing and he thought she didn't tell him what was going on in her life. They were in a heated discussion when he asked, "Why didn't you tell me?" Her answer was that she had, but he was too busy lecturing her to hear him. He learned that adjusting his style to his daughter would involve listening first before jumping right into solving the problem.  4. To build rapport, during a conversation try and match the other person's movements, posture and verbal style. Don't do everything they do, but mirror one or two things. For example, if the person gives mostly short answers to questions, you follow suit. Or, maybe they talk at a slower pace than you usually do-slow your speaking speed to match theirs. This may sound simplistic but it is a very potent way to make someone feel very relaxed and comfortable in your presence. 5. The way you communicate at home may not be the same as in a different environment. Make sure you change your style to suit the different setting. Some comments you might want to tell your best friend, in private. 6. Don't criticize others for communicating differently. If we all communicated in the same way, we'd soon be bored with each other. Getting a good grasp of your communication style and finding ways to accommodate other peoples' styles, is a good way to improve your communication skills.
  • 9. Changing Workplace Environment Challenges faced by modern workers are:  No organizational goal is attainable without comm.  A sea-change in use of technology (New developments ---satellite, phone, internet)  Transformation of both work and organizational structure(Size of organization)  Work is more complex and requires greater coordination and interaction among workers
  • 10. Increased global competition  Increased quality emphasis and customer focus (ISO)  Increased focus on legal and ethical problems  Service workers outnumber production workers  The pace of work is faster  Concept of human capital (employee attitude, interest & welfare)  Need to learn corporate etiquettes  Writing letters, memos, reports, participation in seminars, discussions, interviews, presentations etc. (personality development programmes)
  • 12. Why managers need comm.  Managers need communication skills to perform the following  1.Interpersonal Role---(as a manager you inspire confidence, motivate, listen, win support & guide your workers)  2. Informational Role------ stock control, financial systems, personnel functions , quality control  3.Decisional Role---- decision – making is based upon receiving and interpreting all relevant and necessary information.
  • 13. Process of comm. Can be Open or Closed
  • 14. Theories of Communication  1. Electronic Theory (mathematical)  Message is transmitted directly without any disturbance.  This theory emphasizes “Accuracy”.  Mechanical aspect no emotions involved.  Communicator Audience  Or sender or Receiver
  • 15. 2. Social Environment Theory  This theory states different situations/ environments make us perform different roles. e.g role of a son, father, employees etc.  Environment Communicator Audience
  • 16. Rhetoric Theory Communication is circular not linear. Good communication must produce results. Environment Channel Receiver/ Feedback Sender/ Decoder Encoder
  • 21. Sensory Environment  We communicate according to different sensations experienced by five Sense Perceptions/sense organs-----Sense of sight, hear, touch, smell, taste are called SIGNS. (music)  Our “frame of reference” or “mental set” may be personal or social or both regarding a person or situation.  Our perceptions/ mental images are stored in our brain according to our:
  • 22. causes communication gap. Ineffective comm. Causes an interpersonal gap that leads to : Loneliness, family problems, psychological stress, vocational incompetence , physical illness , addiction and even death. No two individuals are the same  Meanings in communication differ because mental filters of individuals are unique. (sender & receiver) (communicate--------with staff, parents)  We tend to see good qualities in people whom we perceive to be like ourselves, and to be critical of people we perceive to be different from us.  Stereotype people-----------racial, cultural, or age group.  People are not consistent in their behavior from one situation to another. (friendly at home, parties and strict at work)
  • 23. Group Activity 1  1. What are the qualities that make people popular with you and your friends?  2. Do you find it difficult to imagine how older people feel about the things you like or dislike? If so, why?  3. Describe the behavior of people you dislike in different situations, both social and formal.  4. Do you stereotype people according to their age, wealth, place of residence, educational level etc ? If so what sort s of stereotype do you attach to different groups of people.  5. Have you been disappointed in people because they failed to live up to your initial impressions? If so what was it you discovered about them ? Had these features been there all the time? Why , if they had did you fail to notice them?  6. We use our perception to give structure and meaning to our world but our world differs from one another. How do people’s reports of the same incident vary? How accurate are we in judging people’s intentions, motivations, personalities , characters and attitudes.
  • 24. Intrapersonal Communication  Attributes of Intrapersonal Communication  Physical Self-----------Strengths & Weakness  Spiritual Self---------Nature(your thoughts, actions attitude and behaviors )  Intellectual Self-------Level of intelligence  Self Dialogue  Become aware of different roles
  • 25. Interpersonal Communication  When two or more persons talk face to face (conversations, dialogues, group discussions)  Communicating with one or more persons  We spend about 75% of our time communicating interpersonally.
  • 26. Interpersonal Comm. Is Contextual Communication is a living act performed in specific context, in particular situations, and with a definite goal / purpose in mind. (Context)surrounding conditions.  1.Psychological Context  2.Relational Context  3.Situational Context----(happy----hears depressing news)  4.Environmental Context  5.Cultural Context  6. Religious Context
  • 27. Errors committed in Interpersonal Comm.  1. No change in behavior  2. People divided in categories  3. Negative Appearance  4. By passing----misunderstanding  5. Lack of Language Skills  6. Distractions
  • 28. Characteristics of Effective Communication  1. Open Communication Climate  2.Commiting to Ethical Comm.  3.Understanding of intercultural Comm.  4.Proficient in Comm. Technology  5.Audience Centered Approach to Comm.  6.Creating & Processing messages efficiently
  • 29. (Assignment) Advantages of Oral Comm.  1.Direct,simple,time saving and least expensive form of comm.  2. It allows immediate feedback  3. Corrections can be made at the time of comm.  4. Conveys personal warmth and friendliness Advantages of Written Comm. 1. It serves as evidence of events and proceedings. 2. Permanent record 3. Reduces misunderstanding & misinterpretation 4. More reliable for transmitting lengthy statistical data 5. It appears formal and authoritative
  • 30. Methods of Communication in Org. Internal Communication  1.Spoken Messages  Face to face meetings  Presentations  2. Written Messages  Public notices, memorandums, Reports magazines, Staff bulletins  3. Electronic Messages  Computers, Local area networks, fax, telephones
  • 31. External Communication  1. Spoken Messages  2. Written Messages  3. Electronic Messages----Video conferences, phones, fax, internet
  • 32. Channels Of Organizational Communication  1. Informal Communication (grapevine)  It consists of both business related & personal information.  Example: rumors about company affairs and popular TV shows.  Informal info:  is not planned by organization.  Flows in all directions.  Develops & maintains positive human relationships.  Excellent source of information about employee morale and problems.  2/3 of employee’s information is received through grapevine.
  • 33. Advantages of Grapevine Communication  Grapevine channels carry information rapidly. As soon as an employee gets to know some confidential information, he becomes inquisitive and passes the details then to his closest friend who in turn passes it to other. Thus, it spreads hastily.  The managers get to know the reactions of their subordinates on their policies. Thus, the feedback obtained is quick compared to formal channel of communication.  The grapevine creates a sense of unity among the employees who share and discuss their views with each other. Thus, grapevine helps in developing group cohesiveness.  The grapevine serves as an emotional supportive value.
  • 34. Disadvantages of Grapevine Communication  The grapevine carries partial information at times as it is more based on rumours. Thus, it does not clearly depicts the complete state of affairs.  The grapevine is not trustworthy always as it does not follows official path of communication and is spread more by gossips and unconfirmed report.  The productivity of employees may be hampered as they spend more time talking rather than working.  The grapevine leads to making hostility against the executives.  The grapevine may hamper the goodwill of the organization as it may carry false negative information about the high level people of the organization.
  • 35. 2. Formal Communication ( business related)  It is planned by the organization.  It flows in all directions.  It is essential for the effective operation of business.  Examples :Letters, reports, advertisement (radio &TV), phone calls.  Official information flows through formal channels in three directions:- downward, upward, and horizontal.
  • 36. Hierarchical Communication 1. Downward Communication All decisions made at top level are communicated downward to materialize. Top management
  • 37.  Job direction/ enrichment(courses/welfare)  Organizational procedures and practices  Feedback about performance  Indoctrination of goals/ objectives  Safety rules (gloves, goggles, boots )  Hiring & firing
  • 38. Upward Communication  It travels from subordinates to superiors.  Employees communicate information about:-  Themselves  Co-workers  Problems  Goals/targets  Organizational practices and policies  What needs to be done and how to do it  No feedback------creates unrest among workers Middle/ Lower management
  • 39. Lateral / Horizontal Communication  This communication takes place horizontally among the people of the same rank.  Mostly oral communication takes place  All departments pool together efforts and skills to achieve their goals.
  • 40. Benefits of Communication for Managers  1.Conflict Resolution  Managers become aware of:  Problem/ grievance solving attitude  Listening skills improve  Better awareness of organizational issues  Sense of judgment---decision making power  Empathize  Interpersonal/ communication skills Conflicts can create healthy competition, bring changes for improvement. Promote organizational democracy.
  • 41. 2. Motivation  Communication is the basic tool for motivation  Managers must learn to motivate their workers  Motivation can improve the morale/confidence of employee  Managers must appreciate the work of their team members.
  • 42. 3.Problem Solving  Some time systems are not operating according to instructions eg.  Poor food supplied at cafe  Poor medication  Poor facilities at work/transportation  Harassment  4. Public Relations  Company image and company products help  Build image of the employees of an organization. (LUMS, IBA, Bahria)  Lots of contacts/ relations with people of different walks of life.
  • 43. Benefits of Communication to Organizations  1.Positive Image  Good communication helps to build positive image of an organization  Efficiency and effectiveness  Company products, company adds, work force all contribute to build positive image.  2. Cost Reduction  Inefficient people should not be employed  Right mode of communication should be used.
  • 44. 3. Employee Morale  Happy work force -------more production  Investing in people improves their morale 4.Employee Productivity Proper direction --------more productivity for org. People have to be told what to do, how to do and when to do
  • 45. Communicating at Work Current factors involved when communicating at work 1. Heightened Global Competition 2. Flattened Management Hierarchies 3. Expanded Team based management 4. Innovative Comm. Technologies
  • 46. 5.New work environments Telework Telecommuting Teleconferencing Videoconferencing
  • 47. 5.New work environments Communication Telecommuting Teleconferencing Videoconferencing
  • 48. Telecommuting, e-commuting, e-work, telework, working from home (WFH), or working at home (WAH) is a work arrangement in which employees enjoy flexibility in working location and hours.   A teleconference is a telephone or video meeting between participants in two or more locations.  A videoconference or video conference (also known as a videoteleconference) is a set of interactive telecommunication technologies which allow two or more locations to interact via two-way video and audio transmissions simultaneously. It has also been called 'visual collaboration' and is a type of groupware.  Its designed to serve a conference rather than individuals
  • 49. 6. Diverse Work force  Multicultural  Gender  Age 7.Thriving in the age of Knowledge  Vital raw material in this era is knowledge  Intelligent machines  Constantly changing technologies  New source of power is not money in the hands of few but knowledge in the hands of many.
  • 50. Characteristics of Effective Communication  1. Open Communication Climate  2.Commiting to Ethical Comm.  3.Understanding of intercultural Comm.  4.Proficient in Comm. Technology  5.Audience Centered Approach to Comm.  6.Creating & Processing messages efficiently
  • 51. Non-verbal Communication  Communication without words. They provide added information to what is said.  It is impossible to communicate without gestures.  A speaker who doesn’t make gestures is said to be boring, uncomfortable or nervous.  Importance of Nonverbal Communication  Non-verbal comm. Can be unintentional.  N.C. may be more honest than verbal com. (it is not planned)  N.C is always present--------both in oral & written
  • 52. Four types of Non-verbal messages  1.Personal  ---------------------------------  2.Common to group of  --------------------------------- people  ---------------------------------  3. Universal  ---------------------------------  4.Unrelated to the  --------------------------------- message  ---------------------------------  ---------------------------------  ---------------------------------
  • 53. 90% of Comm. Spectrum is Nonverbal  Verbal(words)------7%  ---------------------------------  Vocal(tone)---------38%  ---------------------------------  Visual--------------55%  --------------------------------- (body language)  ---------------------------------  Non-verbal-----93%  ---------------------------------  ---------------------------------  ---------------------------------  ---------------------------------
  • 54. Elements of Non-verbal Comm. 1. Appearance  Written Comm.  A speaker’s credibility lies  Oral comm. on his appearance( e.g  Environmental factors an accountant dressed in casual clothes may find it difficult to be taken seriously when presenting result of audit )  Mowing a lawn in a suit
  • 55. Facial Expressions Eye contact  Eyes , Eye brows, chin,  Flow of conversation blushing  Judging other peoples  --------------------------------- response  During conversation  Failure of eye contact----- -----leaning towards the shyness, disagreement, person shows interest dishonesty.  Leaning away from the  --------------------------------- person shows----  --------------------------------- disinterest ,dislike ness  ---------------------------------
  • 56. Gestures Touch  Wave,, thumb gestures,  Intimate point, beckon  Professional  Posture  Social  Stand, sit, walk  Friendly  Voice  Time  Pace *Silence  Western Culture----Time  Tone conscious  Volume  Eastern culture------Not  Pronunciation Time conscious

Editor's Notes

  1. Catchphrase/ slogan Unrestricted/open/flexible
  2. unavoidable
  3. Efficiency------------in minimum time you get maximum output.(least wastage) Effectiveness---------Whatever you desire to get you are able to get it.
  4. Language/speech
  5. Verbal communication is the act of expressing your thoughts with words
  6. Overall context in which a problem or situation is placed, viewed, or interpreted.
  7. professional
  8. Intra-----within Personal-------person aptitude
  9. Contextual-------------------based on surroundings or circumstances
  10. The mood and feelings each person brings to the conversation Depends on your relationship with the other person eg. Your mum/friend scolds you Boss----in office -------authority Friend------in office, friend--------at home Boss------in café--------friendly 4. The circumstances or conditions that surround one; surroundings---Noise level, temperature level, time level 5. Longer eye contact, hand shake (Context)surrounding conditions:  the circumstances or events that form the environment within which something exists or takes place
  11. kind, irresponsible, generous 4.By passing -----people miss each other with the meaning of words (gross profit------net profit ), I didn’t mean to say that, crazy, 6. Distractions-----emotional or physical
  12. The grapevine is a supplement in those cases where formal communication does not work.
  13. Job direction/ enrichment-------------professional growth (courses), employee performance, employee welfare (health, insurance ) Organizational procedures and practices------------security procedures, internet usage, company vehicles Indoctrination-- brainwashing employees to be hard working, dedicated to achieve goals . instruction, achievement
  14. Empathize (you attitude)
  15. Morale--------------confidence, spirit
  16. Public relations---------cards, flowers, sweets
  17. Effectiveness------- choice of right tools Efficiency---------use of tools
  18. Investing in people--------------skills, education, pleasure trips with family spirit, hope, and confidence Emotional Intelligence-----------------Intelligence Quotient Emotional Intelligence------- ability to work efficiently despite stress and strain