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Level 2—Permission
Level 2 is based entirely on relationships. On the Permission
level, people follow because they want to. When you like people
and treat them like individuals who have value, you begin to
develop influence with them. You develop trust. The
environment becomes much more positive—whether at home, on
the job, at play, or while volunteering.
The agenda for leaders on Level 2 isn’t preserving their
position. It’s getting to know their people and figuring out how
to get along with them. Leaders find out who their people are.
Followers find out who their leaders are. People build solid,
lasting relationships.
You can like people
without leading
them, but you cannot
lead people well
without liking them.
1. How can one gain influence with others?
2. How can one develop a productive team?
You have been working on the Jersey City Police Department
for five years now and your peers have come to respect you
because how you treat them and because of how they perceive
you perform at work. How would you use your influence on the
job to make your work environment a better place?
Level 1—Position
Position is the lowest level of leadership—the entry level. The
only influence a positional leader has is that which comes with
the job title. People follow because they have to. Positional
leadership is based on the rights granted by the position and
title. Nothing is wrong with having a leadership position.
Everything is wrong with using position to get people to follow.
Position is a poor substitute for influence.
People who make it only to Level 1 may be bosses, but they are
never leaders. They have subordinates, not team members. They
rely on rules, regulations, policies, and organization charts to
control their people. Their people will only follow them within
the stated boundaries of their authority. And their people will
usually do only what is required of them. When positional
leaders ask for extra effort or time, they rarely get it.
1. Positional leaders usually have difficulty working with
volunteers, younger people, and the highly educated. Why?
You have been promoted to a Corporal in the Jersey City Police
Department. Your goal is to be the best example possible in the
“positional role” of Corporal. What would be your main two or
three priorities/actions, establishing your “positional role” as a
Course Success
Habits Matter
1. Professors are influenced by your behaviors (texting,
excessively late/absent, etc.) which could impact your grade.
2. Do your best with every assignment by asking questions and
making corrections because details matter!
3. Do work early, procrastination will usually result in poor
work quality or failure to submit assignments.
4. Participation helps collective classroom learning and
increases the chance of receiving a favorable letter of
Communicating Via Email
1. Start off by indicating your course name/section, day and
2. Subject: Intro. Criminal Justice 111-02 (Tues. 6pm.) Class
3. Always type in your “main reason” for the email.
4. It should be an “attention getter” such as a newspaper
5. Proof read your e-mail! Download and use Ginger application
on phone
6. Always end email with your full name and student ID #
Writing Format
1. Use Times New Roman 12 point Font.
2. Keep margins at 1 inch
3. Click “No Spacing” at the top of your Microsoft Word
4. “Single space” discussion boards and “double space” reports,
midterm and final papers.
5. Subtitles should be bold and flush left/upper and lower
case(center for research papers and don’t bold).
6. Indent (TAB .5) at the beginning of every paragraph.
7. Write short, clear and concise sentences (Do not type I think,
I belive, I feel, etc. just state your point).
8. A paragraph is a minimum of 5 sentences. You must have
additional paragraphs for sections having more than 12
Use subtitles in every essay! This ensures that both you and the
reader will remain focused on the topic in each section (see
your college textbook). When a professor is reading an average
of one hundred papers, one right after another, it can become
confusing attempting to figure out what your specific paper is
Your subtitles should be like newspaper headings, short and
grabs the readers attention. You should consider using subtitles
for sections having more thanfour paragraphs. The ‘References’
subtitle (which is always last) should be centered. Look at the
effectiveness of subtitles from Dr. King’s Autobiography.
Early Years
Born as Michael King Jr. on January 15, 1929, Martin Luther
King Jr. was the middle child of Michael King Sr. and Alberta
Williams King. The King and Williams families were rooted in
rural Georgia. Martin Jr.'s grandfather, A.D. Williams, was a
rural minister for years and then moved to Atlanta in 1893. He
took over the small, struggling Ebenezer Baptist church with
around 13 members and made it into a forceful congregation. He
married Jennie Celeste Parks and they had one child that
survived, Alberta. Michael King Sr. came from a sharecropper
family in a poor farming community. He married Alberta in
1926 after an eight-year courtship. The newlyweds moved to
A.D. Williams home in Atlanta.
Michael King Sr. stepped in as pastor of Ebenezer Baptist
Church upon the death of his father-in-law in 1931. He too
became a successful minister, and adopted the name Martin
Luther King Sr. in honor of the German Protestant religious
leader Martin Luther. In due time, Michael Jr. would follow his
father's lead and adopt the name himself.
Education and Spiritual Growth
In 1948, Martin Luther King Jr. earned a sociology degree from
Morehouse College and attended the liberal Crozer Theological
Seminary in Chester, Pennsylvania. He thrived in all his studies,
and was valedictorian of his class in 1951, and elected student
body president. He also earned a fellowship for graduate study.
But Martin also rebelled against his father’s more conservative
influence by drinking beer and playing pool while at college. He
became involved with a white woman and went through a
difficult time before he could break off the affair.
During the work on this doctorate, Martin Luther King Jr. met
Coretta Scott, an aspiring singer and musician, at the New
England Conservatory school in Boston. They were married in
June 1953 and had four children, Yolanda, Martin Luther King
III, Dexter Scott and Bernice. In 1954, while still working on
his dissertation, King became pastor of the Dexter Avenue
Baptist Church of Montgomery, Alabama. He completed his
Ph.D. and was awarded his degree in 1955. King was only 25
years old.
Paraphrasing a Quoted Sentence
You must paraphrase (critically think and rephrase the idea) and
cite sentences that you research online, in journals, your
textbook and any other source. You must AVOID USING
QUOTES because it could be viewed as a sign of laziness (copy
and paste). In addition, the APA citation format provided is
only for paraphrased sentences.
There is a different APA format for quotes! Paraphrased
sentence are essentially you restating what you have read in
your own words (short and to the point!). One ideal way to
paraphrase, would be to think of you reading something and
then having to explain it to someone else in a brief and clear
Example of Quoted Sentence
“Surveillance cameras, then captured the rental car leaving the
crime scene and Hernandez carrying a gun, as he returned to his
home minutes later, according to authorities.”
Paraphrased Sentences
1. Cameras showed Hernandez, both at the scene of the crime
and holding a gun, as he went into his house (Hill & Zilla,
2. According to Hill and Zilla (1999) Hernandez was not only
recorded having a gun at his home, but also driving away from
the crime scene.
Solid Paragraphs Follow These Steps
1. Always answerthe question or state your position in the very
first sentence (one sentence).
2. Explain your reasoning or your position (multiple
3. Use paraphrased citation(s), as evidence to back up your
answer or position (one sentence).
4. Summerize how the citation(s) supports your overall answer
or position (multiple sentences).
Do you feel that minimum wage should be $10.00 an hour?
The minimum wage should be $10.00 an hour. The more people
make, the more they will be able to afford things that they need
and want. They can go shopping on a weekly basis and buy
food, clothing and do things that are entertaining. Buying from
stores help improve our economy. According to Jamison (2014)
any economy will be very strong when people spend money
because money is circulating. In other words, when working
people have money they will be willing to spend more and
provide for themselves and their family. Small business, big
businesses and communities all benefit from people having
more money. Having a minimum wage, which is at least $10.00
an hour is a great place to start.
* Ask who, what, when, where, why and how questions in order
to expand your reasoning.
**Notice there are eight sentences in this solid paragraph.
You must download either or the student version as a support tool for
improving the quality of your papers. You must still proofread
your work and get another person to also review assignments.
This is not Microsoft Word (which is a word processing unit)
this is a grammar software program that will correct about 85%
not 100%, of errors that students typically make. Always use
the NJCU writing lab if you need assistance with your writing
Use of Credible Sources
All of your sources should typically have an author(s) and year,
unless you are citing a government website. You must use
credible sources from the college library. The best sources are
Journals that are scholarly and peer reviewed. However, most
students tend to rely on web surfing. If you do so make sure
you remember the following:
a. Use your textbook and the NJCU online library
b. If you use regular google, make sure that you type the key
words “news articles” (including quotes) after other key words
you might choose to use.
from nationally recognized newspapers (Washington Post, Wall
Street Journal, New York Times, etc.).
d. Never use sources such as Dictionaries, Encyclopedias,
Wikipedia,, Nolo,, blogs, etc. None of
these are considered credible sources.
e. All of your credible sources will be found in the college
library or online college library.
Follow these steps for NJCU Library article search:
1. Type in key words
a. Police Training dogs or K-9 finding drugs (you will need to
play with key words to find articles)
2. Select the following:
a. Full Text
b. Peer Review
c. Scholarly Article
d. After the year 1999
e. Journals
3. Look at the titles and see which ones seem to match your
interest, then click the title for further details.
4. Skim through the article to determine whether or not the
article is relevant.
5. When you find a sentence(s) that you would like would use,
you must:
a. Paraphrase
b. Cite
c. Reference the source in APA format
6. If you see a link that says either “Cite” or “Bibliography,”
click and select the APA format
7. If you DO NOT see the APA reference formatted in the
“Cite” or Bibliography” area, you will need to do the following:
8. Copy the Title of the “article” and
9. Click the Citation Generating Link and paste the Title in the
space provided.
10. Select the right article
11. Check to make sure that the right information is in the
appropriate place, in accordance with Course Success. DO NOT
fill out all of the blank spaces, ONLY the information required
by following the Reference Subtitle detailed below.
12. Generate your Reference then copy and paste it in to the
reference section. Make sure that the format of the text is
correct (for example, there should be no all caps in the title,
APA Sources and Citations
Most Common Citation Examples:
Last Name (Year) or (Last Name, Year).A citation must be
within EACH sentence being paraphrased (NOT A
PARAGRAPH)!The examples listed below are citations
(highlighted in red) for paraphrased sentences only, direct
quotes follow a different format, which can be found on the
APA website.
Single Author
a) According to Wilson (2013) crime is a problem that impacts
every community.
b) Crime is a problem that impacts every community (Wilson,
Two Authors
c) Wilson and Kramer (2013) state that crime is a problem that
impacts every community.
d) Crime is a problem that impacts every community (Wilson &
Kramer, 2013).
Three Authors
e) Tucker, Wilson and Kramer (2013) state that crime is a
problem that impacts every community.
f) Crime is a problem that impacts every community (Tucker,
Wilson & Kramer, 2013).
Four to Seven Authors
g) Crime is a problem that impacts every community (Phelps,
Lima, Gomez, MacArthur, & Nehru, 2004).
h) Phelps et al. (2004) state that crime is a problem that impacts
every community.
i) Crime is a problem that impacts every community (Phelps et
al., 2004).
** Type all last names for your first citation and for subsequent
citation use “et al.”
Government Sources
j) According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics (2011) 23% of
teens that commit violent criminal acts were between the ages
of 16-19.
k) Twenty three percent of teens that commit violent criminal
acts were between the ages of 16-19 (Bureau of Justice
Statistics, 2011).
Court Case Sources
Name v. Name (Year) or (Name v. Name, Year)
l) Lessard v. Schmidt (1972)
m) (Lessard v. Schmidt, 1972)
Things to Remember:
1. EVERY in text citation must have a reference.
a. According to Morrison (2011)……..
Morrison, O. S. (2011). When criminals get caught red handed.
Chicago, IL. Pearson Publishing.
2. ANY sentence paraphrased must have a citation.
a. Williams (2001) states that our criminal justice system in the
U.S. needs to be modernized.
b. Our criminal justice system in the U.S. needs to be
modernized (Williams, 2001).
3. Use different citations when more than one reference is
a. Crime can be improved through strong community support
(Hampton, 2012). This is true because that is what a
neighborhood watch is all about. According to Johnson (2011),
crimes are lower in areas that have neighborhood watch.
4. Avoid using the same citation in back to back sentences
instead, explain citations in a sentence or sentences between
a. Crime is on the rise in suburban areas because of prescription
drugs (Dorian, 2011).Police are trying to figure out ways to
effectively handle this growing problem. According to Dorian
(2011), creating more rehabilitation programs is an important
part of solving this challenge.
APA References (Must Be In Alphabetical Order)
Last Name, Middle Initial. First Initial. (Year). Title with first
letter in upper case and remaining
in lower case. Journal Name, Vol, pages. Doi. or retrieved from
Black, E. (2009). Snuggles, my cotherapist, and other animal
tales in life and therapy.
Family Process, 459-461. doi:10.1111/j.1545-
Grindstaff, C. F, & Ebanks, S.P. (1973). Male sterilization as a
contraceptive method: An
empirical study. Population Studies, 27, 443-455. Retrieved
* Please note that some online journals have a “Cite” link which
allows you to select APA 6th Edition. If so you can simply
copy and paste the provided reference.
Website and Government Website
Last Name, Middle Initial. First Initial. (Year). Title with first
letter in upper case and remaining
in lower case. Retrieved from http://www.
Chou, L., McClintock, R., Moretti, F., & Nix, D. H. (1993).
Technology and education: New
wine in new bottles: Choosing pasts and imagining educational
futures. Retrieved from
Columbia University, Institute for Learning Technologies
Hoffman, D. (2009). Diagnosing skin cancer on nose. Retrieved
U.S. Office of Personnel Management. (2008, November).
Report to Congress: The employment
of veterans in the federal government, fiscal year 2007.
Retrieved from
Last Name, Middle Initial. First Initial. (Year). Title with first
letter in upper case and remaining
in lower case. City, State Initials: Publisher.
Gabaldon, D. (1991). Outlander begins a new day from the halls
of wisdom. New York, NY:
Delacorte Press.
Gabaldon, D., & Williams, J.K. (1991). When time stood still
and the people cried.
New York, NY: Delacorte Press.
Court Cases
Name v. Name, Volume Source Page (Court Date)
Lessard v. Schmidt, 349 F. Supp. 1078 (E.D. Wis. 1972)
Blystone v. Pennsylvania, 494 U.S. (1990)
People v. Armour, 590 N.W.2d 61 (Mich. 1999)
*See APA Link for more detail formatting
1. The “References” subtitle should be centered and on separate
page by doing a page break (CTR + Enter)
2. References should be in alphabetical order
3. In order to indent underneath the last names you must:
Make sure you click “NO SPACING”
Then HIT ENTER next to text be indented
Then hit TAB
Discussion Board Response Examples
· Respond to the question(s) listed below in a minimum of 300
· You must use subtitles and follow “Course Success.”
· You must write in a clear and concise manner. Students must
include one citation and reference.
Basic Response Example #1
Why is it important that the police and the community have a
productive relationship? What do you feel is the single most
important thing the police can do that would significantly help
improve their relationships with community members? What do
you feel is the single most important thing the community can
do that would significantly help improve their relationships
with police?
* How many questions are being asked? How many subtitles
should you have? Did the writer answer the question in the first
sentence and then explain? (Do not rewrite the question in the
discussion board simply respond)
The Importance of Community and Police Relations
It is important that the police and the community have a
productive relationship because they both need each other. The
community need the police to have a safe place to live and the
police need the community to solve crimes. When the police
have a great relationship with the community, it makes their job
a lot easier. They will know who to talk to when there is a
problem and they can also learn about effective ways to prevent
crime. Most importantly, they will have a good reputation
within the community have a productive relationship. Most
crimes are solved through the information from the community
(Love, 2002). If the police have cooperation from the
community it creates a common ground of understanding.
Police Can Improve Community Relationships
The single most important thing that the police can do that
would significantly improve their relationship with the
community is talking with individuals and organizations.
Talking to the community, establishing relationships with them
would show that they care. Talking and listening also mean that
the police are learning about people’s concerns. Even on a
personal level they can learn how much they have in common
with people even though they may come from a different
cultural background.
When you go out into the neighborhood and talk to people, you
become part of the people. It humbles you and it puts the
community at ease. If police don’t do this the people may feel
that they are inferior to the police and be scared to talk to them.
If the police establish a good relationship with community
members than there is no need for the community to feel that
Community Can Improve Police Relationships
The single most important thing that the community can do that
would significantly improve their relationship with the police is
having an understanding of what they are there for, and what
they really do. The community needs to have a sit down with
the local police and they need to come to an understanding of
what the community and the police can do together as a team to
keep their neighborhood safe. Communication is the key to
making the relationship work to the best of its abilities.
Teamwork is also a major contributing factor to a successful
relationship. The community cannot be safe if one does not
work with the other.
Love, D. (2002). Community policing: Building relationships.
Retrieved from
Advance Essay Response Example #2
What was the Initial First Responders Program Impact on Police
and Citizen Collaboration?
*This is a single question with multiple responses
IFR Impact
Unfortunately the full impact of the program could not be fully
appreciated because approximately 80% of the officers did not
directly participate in the IFR program (Kenney &White, 2010).
Nonetheless, as stated earlier one cannot underestimate the
importance of police and community collaboration, as it relates
to both an effective police department and a satisfied
community. The fact that all of the police that participated in
the program believed that the IFR concept helped solved crime
is significant.
The importance of this finding means that police have faith in a
system that meets their individual and collective needs. This in
turn can certainly impact their attitude in a positive manner and
reduce stress levels when having to close cases. Robin and
Worden (2003) disagree and indicate that the relationship
between police attitude and behavior is weak. One would think
that having police officer buy into a particular program is a
major factor in determining the effectiveness of any program.
Public Sentiments
In addition, the finding that indicated that 98% of police felt
that citizens were satisfied with police interactions, this
outcome is substantial (Kenney &White, 2010). Police attitudes
on how the community views them is important because the
citizens will be more willing to cooperate. If the community
feels that the police are both respecting them and doing their
job, then a healthy relationship between the two will flourish.
One can expect that this type of productive relationship will
lead to not only a reduction in criminal activity based on
Becarria’s (1764) Rational Choice Theory, which states, that
when punishment is “swift, certain, and proportional,” it deters
criminal behavior. With community support the “certainty” of
getting arrested by police and the “swiftness” at which an arrest
takes place, will certainly have a discouraging sway on
criminals’ decision to commit crimes. While there may not be
accurate measurements of victimization and reductions in crime,
the fact that when the police and community worked together
during the course of the IFR program resulting in an
overwhelming majority of crimes being solved, is something
that cannot be ignored.
Beccaria, C. (1764). Of crimes and punishments. Retrieved
March 2013, from
Kenney, D. J., & White, M. D. (2010). Expanding the role of
patrol in criminal
investigations: Houston's investigative first responder project.
Police Quarterly. Retrieved March 2013, from DOI:
Robin, S. E., & Worden, R. E. (2003). Police officers' attitudes,
behavior, and supervisory
influences: Ananalysis of problem solving*. Criminology,
41(1), 131-131. Retrieved from
*References are in alphabetical order
Level 2—permission level 2 is based entirely on relationships.

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Level 2—permission level 2 is based entirely on relationships.

  • 1. Level 2—Permission Level 2 is based entirely on relationships. On the Permission level, people follow because they want to. When you like people and treat them like individuals who have value, you begin to develop influence with them. You develop trust. The environment becomes much more positive—whether at home, on the job, at play, or while volunteering. The agenda for leaders on Level 2 isn’t preserving their position. It’s getting to know their people and figuring out how to get along with them. Leaders find out who their people are. Followers find out who their leaders are. People build solid, lasting relationships. You can like people without leading them, but you cannot lead people well without liking them. Discussion 1. How can one gain influence with others? 2. How can one develop a productive team? You have been working on the Jersey City Police Department for five years now and your peers have come to respect you because how you treat them and because of how they perceive you perform at work. How would you use your influence on the
  • 2. job to make your work environment a better place? Level 1—Position Position is the lowest level of leadership—the entry level. The only influence a positional leader has is that which comes with the job title. People follow because they have to. Positional leadership is based on the rights granted by the position and title. Nothing is wrong with having a leadership position. Everything is wrong with using position to get people to follow. Position is a poor substitute for influence. People who make it only to Level 1 may be bosses, but they are never leaders. They have subordinates, not team members. They rely on rules, regulations, policies, and organization charts to control their people. Their people will only follow them within the stated boundaries of their authority. And their people will usually do only what is required of them. When positional leaders ask for extra effort or time, they rarely get it. Discussion 1. Positional leaders usually have difficulty working with volunteers, younger people, and the highly educated. Why? You have been promoted to a Corporal in the Jersey City Police Department. Your goal is to be the best example possible in the “positional role” of Corporal. What would be your main two or three priorities/actions, establishing your “positional role” as a leader? Course Success Habits Matter 1. Professors are influenced by your behaviors (texting, excessively late/absent, etc.) which could impact your grade.
  • 3. 2. Do your best with every assignment by asking questions and making corrections because details matter! 3. Do work early, procrastination will usually result in poor work quality or failure to submit assignments. 4. Participation helps collective classroom learning and increases the chance of receiving a favorable letter of recommendations. Communicating Via Email 1. Start off by indicating your course name/section, day and time. 2. Subject: Intro. Criminal Justice 111-02 (Tues. 6pm.) Class Absence 3. Always type in your “main reason” for the email. 4. It should be an “attention getter” such as a newspaper heading. 5. Proof read your e-mail! Download and use Ginger application on phone 6. Always end email with your full name and student ID # Writing Format 1. Use Times New Roman 12 point Font. 2. Keep margins at 1 inch 3. Click “No Spacing” at the top of your Microsoft Word document 4. “Single space” discussion boards and “double space” reports, midterm and final papers. 5. Subtitles should be bold and flush left/upper and lower case(center for research papers and don’t bold).
  • 4. 6. Indent (TAB .5) at the beginning of every paragraph. 7. Write short, clear and concise sentences (Do not type I think, I belive, I feel, etc. just state your point). 8. A paragraph is a minimum of 5 sentences. You must have additional paragraphs for sections having more than 12 sentences. Subtitles Use subtitles in every essay! This ensures that both you and the reader will remain focused on the topic in each section (see your college textbook). When a professor is reading an average of one hundred papers, one right after another, it can become confusing attempting to figure out what your specific paper is about. Your subtitles should be like newspaper headings, short and grabs the readers attention. You should consider using subtitles for sections having more thanfour paragraphs. The ‘References’ subtitle (which is always last) should be centered. Look at the effectiveness of subtitles from Dr. King’s Autobiography. Early Years Born as Michael King Jr. on January 15, 1929, Martin Luther King Jr. was the middle child of Michael King Sr. and Alberta Williams King. The King and Williams families were rooted in rural Georgia. Martin Jr.'s grandfather, A.D. Williams, was a rural minister for years and then moved to Atlanta in 1893. He took over the small, struggling Ebenezer Baptist church with around 13 members and made it into a forceful congregation. He married Jennie Celeste Parks and they had one child that survived, Alberta. Michael King Sr. came from a sharecropper family in a poor farming community. He married Alberta in 1926 after an eight-year courtship. The newlyweds moved to A.D. Williams home in Atlanta.
  • 5. Michael King Sr. stepped in as pastor of Ebenezer Baptist Church upon the death of his father-in-law in 1931. He too became a successful minister, and adopted the name Martin Luther King Sr. in honor of the German Protestant religious leader Martin Luther. In due time, Michael Jr. would follow his father's lead and adopt the name himself. Education and Spiritual Growth In 1948, Martin Luther King Jr. earned a sociology degree from Morehouse College and attended the liberal Crozer Theological Seminary in Chester, Pennsylvania. He thrived in all his studies, and was valedictorian of his class in 1951, and elected student body president. He also earned a fellowship for graduate study. But Martin also rebelled against his father’s more conservative influence by drinking beer and playing pool while at college. He became involved with a white woman and went through a difficult time before he could break off the affair. During the work on this doctorate, Martin Luther King Jr. met Coretta Scott, an aspiring singer and musician, at the New England Conservatory school in Boston. They were married in June 1953 and had four children, Yolanda, Martin Luther King III, Dexter Scott and Bernice. In 1954, while still working on his dissertation, King became pastor of the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church of Montgomery, Alabama. He completed his Ph.D. and was awarded his degree in 1955. King was only 25 years old. Paraphrasing a Quoted Sentence You must paraphrase (critically think and rephrase the idea) and cite sentences that you research online, in journals, your textbook and any other source. You must AVOID USING QUOTES because it could be viewed as a sign of laziness (copy and paste). In addition, the APA citation format provided is
  • 6. only for paraphrased sentences. There is a different APA format for quotes! Paraphrased sentence are essentially you restating what you have read in your own words (short and to the point!). One ideal way to paraphrase, would be to think of you reading something and then having to explain it to someone else in a brief and clear manner. Example of Quoted Sentence “Surveillance cameras, then captured the rental car leaving the crime scene and Hernandez carrying a gun, as he returned to his home minutes later, according to authorities.” Paraphrased Sentences 1. Cameras showed Hernandez, both at the scene of the crime and holding a gun, as he went into his house (Hill & Zilla, 1999). 2. According to Hill and Zilla (1999) Hernandez was not only recorded having a gun at his home, but also driving away from the crime scene. Solid Paragraphs Follow These Steps 1. Always answerthe question or state your position in the very first sentence (one sentence). 2. Explain your reasoning or your position (multiple sentences).* 3. Use paraphrased citation(s), as evidence to back up your answer or position (one sentence). 4. Summerize how the citation(s) supports your overall answer or position (multiple sentences). Example: Question:
  • 7. Do you feel that minimum wage should be $10.00 an hour? Response: The minimum wage should be $10.00 an hour. The more people make, the more they will be able to afford things that they need and want. They can go shopping on a weekly basis and buy food, clothing and do things that are entertaining. Buying from stores help improve our economy. According to Jamison (2014) any economy will be very strong when people spend money because money is circulating. In other words, when working people have money they will be willing to spend more and provide for themselves and their family. Small business, big businesses and communities all benefit from people having more money. Having a minimum wage, which is at least $10.00 an hour is a great place to start. * Ask who, what, when, where, why and how questions in order to expand your reasoning. **Notice there are eight sentences in this solid paragraph. Grammar You must download either or the student version as a support tool for improving the quality of your papers. You must still proofread your work and get another person to also review assignments. This is not Microsoft Word (which is a word processing unit) this is a grammar software program that will correct about 85% not 100%, of errors that students typically make. Always use the NJCU writing lab if you need assistance with your writing assignments. Use of Credible Sources All of your sources should typically have an author(s) and year, unless you are citing a government website. You must use credible sources from the college library. The best sources are Journals that are scholarly and peer reviewed. However, most
  • 8. students tend to rely on web surfing. If you do so make sure you remember the following: a. Use your textbook and the NJCU online library b. If you use regular google, make sure that you type the key words “news articles” (including quotes) after other key words you might choose to use. c. ONLY SELECT ARTICLES WITH AUTHOR(S) AND YEAR from nationally recognized newspapers (Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, etc.). d. Never use sources such as Dictionaries, Encyclopedias, Wikipedia,, Nolo,, blogs, etc. None of these are considered credible sources. e. All of your credible sources will be found in the college library or online college library. Researching Follow these steps for NJCU Library article search: 1. Type in key words a. Police Training dogs or K-9 finding drugs (you will need to play with key words to find articles) 2. Select the following: a. Full Text b. Peer Review c. Scholarly Article d. After the year 1999 e. Journals 3. Look at the titles and see which ones seem to match your interest, then click the title for further details. 4. Skim through the article to determine whether or not the article is relevant.
  • 9. 5. When you find a sentence(s) that you would like would use, you must: a. Paraphrase b. Cite c. Reference the source in APA format 6. If you see a link that says either “Cite” or “Bibliography,” click and select the APA format 7. If you DO NOT see the APA reference formatted in the “Cite” or Bibliography” area, you will need to do the following: 8. Copy the Title of the “article” and 9. Click the Citation Generating Link and paste the Title in the space provided. 10. Select the right article 11. Check to make sure that the right information is in the appropriate place, in accordance with Course Success. DO NOT fill out all of the blank spaces, ONLY the information required by following the Reference Subtitle detailed below. 12. Generate your Reference then copy and paste it in to the reference section. Make sure that the format of the text is correct (for example, there should be no all caps in the title, etc.). APA Sources and Citations Most Common Citation Examples: Last Name (Year) or (Last Name, Year).A citation must be within EACH sentence being paraphrased (NOT A PARAGRAPH)!The examples listed below are citations
  • 10. (highlighted in red) for paraphrased sentences only, direct quotes follow a different format, which can be found on the APA website. Single Author a) According to Wilson (2013) crime is a problem that impacts every community. b) Crime is a problem that impacts every community (Wilson, 2013). Two Authors c) Wilson and Kramer (2013) state that crime is a problem that impacts every community. d) Crime is a problem that impacts every community (Wilson & Kramer, 2013). Three Authors e) Tucker, Wilson and Kramer (2013) state that crime is a problem that impacts every community. f) Crime is a problem that impacts every community (Tucker, Wilson & Kramer, 2013). Four to Seven Authors g) Crime is a problem that impacts every community (Phelps, Lima, Gomez, MacArthur, & Nehru, 2004). h) Phelps et al. (2004) state that crime is a problem that impacts every community. i) Crime is a problem that impacts every community (Phelps et al., 2004). ** Type all last names for your first citation and for subsequent citation use “et al.”
  • 11. Government Sources j) According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics (2011) 23% of teens that commit violent criminal acts were between the ages of 16-19. k) Twenty three percent of teens that commit violent criminal acts were between the ages of 16-19 (Bureau of Justice Statistics, 2011). Court Case Sources Name v. Name (Year) or (Name v. Name, Year) l) Lessard v. Schmidt (1972) m) (Lessard v. Schmidt, 1972) Things to Remember: 1. EVERY in text citation must have a reference. a. According to Morrison (2011)…….. Morrison, O. S. (2011). When criminals get caught red handed. Chicago, IL. Pearson Publishing. 2. ANY sentence paraphrased must have a citation. a. Williams (2001) states that our criminal justice system in the U.S. needs to be modernized. b. Our criminal justice system in the U.S. needs to be modernized (Williams, 2001). 3. Use different citations when more than one reference is required a. Crime can be improved through strong community support (Hampton, 2012). This is true because that is what a neighborhood watch is all about. According to Johnson (2011),
  • 12. crimes are lower in areas that have neighborhood watch. 4. Avoid using the same citation in back to back sentences instead, explain citations in a sentence or sentences between citations. a. Crime is on the rise in suburban areas because of prescription drugs (Dorian, 2011).Police are trying to figure out ways to effectively handle this growing problem. According to Dorian (2011), creating more rehabilitation programs is an important part of solving this challenge. APA References (Must Be In Alphabetical Order) Journal Last Name, Middle Initial. First Initial. (Year). Title with first letter in upper case and remaining in lower case. Journal Name, Vol, pages. Doi. or retrieved from http://www. Black, E. (2009). Snuggles, my cotherapist, and other animal tales in life and therapy. Family Process, 459-461. doi:10.1111/j.1545- 5300.2009.01295.x Grindstaff, C. F, & Ebanks, S.P. (1973). Male sterilization as a contraceptive method: An empirical study. Population Studies, 27, 443-455. Retrieved from * Please note that some online journals have a “Cite” link which allows you to select APA 6th Edition. If so you can simply copy and paste the provided reference. Website and Government Website Last Name, Middle Initial. First Initial. (Year). Title with first letter in upper case and remaining
  • 13. in lower case. Retrieved from http://www. Chou, L., McClintock, R., Moretti, F., & Nix, D. H. (1993). Technology and education: New wine in new bottles: Choosing pasts and imagining educational futures. Retrieved from Columbia University, Institute for Learning Technologies website: Hoffman, D. (2009). Diagnosing skin cancer on nose. Retrieved from,,6f9v,00.html U.S. Office of Personnel Management. (2008, November). Report to Congress: The employment of veterans in the federal government, fiscal year 2007. Retrieved from Books Last Name, Middle Initial. First Initial. (Year). Title with first letter in upper case and remaining in lower case. City, State Initials: Publisher. Gabaldon, D. (1991). Outlander begins a new day from the halls of wisdom. New York, NY: Delacorte Press. Gabaldon, D., & Williams, J.K. (1991). When time stood still and the people cried. New York, NY: Delacorte Press. Court Cases Name v. Name, Volume Source Page (Court Date)
  • 14. Lessard v. Schmidt, 349 F. Supp. 1078 (E.D. Wis. 1972) Blystone v. Pennsylvania, 494 U.S. (1990) People v. Armour, 590 N.W.2d 61 (Mich. 1999) *See APA Link for more detail formatting 1. The “References” subtitle should be centered and on separate page by doing a page break (CTR + Enter) 2. References should be in alphabetical order 3. In order to indent underneath the last names you must: Make sure you click “NO SPACING” Then HIT ENTER next to text be indented Then hit TAB Discussion Board Response Examples Instructions: · Respond to the question(s) listed below in a minimum of 300 words. · You must use subtitles and follow “Course Success.” · You must write in a clear and concise manner. Students must include one citation and reference. Basic Response Example #1 Question(s): Why is it important that the police and the community have a productive relationship? What do you feel is the single most important thing the police can do that would significantly help improve their relationships with community members? What do
  • 15. you feel is the single most important thing the community can do that would significantly help improve their relationships with police? * How many questions are being asked? How many subtitles should you have? Did the writer answer the question in the first sentence and then explain? (Do not rewrite the question in the discussion board simply respond) Response: The Importance of Community and Police Relations It is important that the police and the community have a productive relationship because they both need each other. The community need the police to have a safe place to live and the police need the community to solve crimes. When the police have a great relationship with the community, it makes their job a lot easier. They will know who to talk to when there is a problem and they can also learn about effective ways to prevent crime. Most importantly, they will have a good reputation within the community have a productive relationship. Most crimes are solved through the information from the community (Love, 2002). If the police have cooperation from the community it creates a common ground of understanding. Police Can Improve Community Relationships The single most important thing that the police can do that would significantly improve their relationship with the community is talking with individuals and organizations. Talking to the community, establishing relationships with them would show that they care. Talking and listening also mean that the police are learning about people’s concerns. Even on a personal level they can learn how much they have in common with people even though they may come from a different cultural background. When you go out into the neighborhood and talk to people, you
  • 16. become part of the people. It humbles you and it puts the community at ease. If police don’t do this the people may feel that they are inferior to the police and be scared to talk to them. If the police establish a good relationship with community members than there is no need for the community to feel that way. Community Can Improve Police Relationships The single most important thing that the community can do that would significantly improve their relationship with the police is having an understanding of what they are there for, and what they really do. The community needs to have a sit down with the local police and they need to come to an understanding of what the community and the police can do together as a team to keep their neighborhood safe. Communication is the key to making the relationship work to the best of its abilities. Teamwork is also a major contributing factor to a successful relationship. The community cannot be safe if one does not work with the other. Reference Love, D. (2002). Community policing: Building relationships. Retrieved from munity %20Policing/Community%20Policing-- Building%20Relationships.pdf Advance Essay Response Example #2 Question: What was the Initial First Responders Program Impact on Police and Citizen Collaboration?
  • 17. *This is a single question with multiple responses IFR Impact Unfortunately the full impact of the program could not be fully appreciated because approximately 80% of the officers did not directly participate in the IFR program (Kenney &White, 2010). Nonetheless, as stated earlier one cannot underestimate the importance of police and community collaboration, as it relates to both an effective police department and a satisfied community. The fact that all of the police that participated in the program believed that the IFR concept helped solved crime is significant. The importance of this finding means that police have faith in a system that meets their individual and collective needs. This in turn can certainly impact their attitude in a positive manner and reduce stress levels when having to close cases. Robin and Worden (2003) disagree and indicate that the relationship between police attitude and behavior is weak. One would think that having police officer buy into a particular program is a major factor in determining the effectiveness of any program. Public Sentiments In addition, the finding that indicated that 98% of police felt that citizens were satisfied with police interactions, this outcome is substantial (Kenney &White, 2010). Police attitudes on how the community views them is important because the citizens will be more willing to cooperate. If the community feels that the police are both respecting them and doing their job, then a healthy relationship between the two will flourish. One can expect that this type of productive relationship will
  • 18. lead to not only a reduction in criminal activity based on Becarria’s (1764) Rational Choice Theory, which states, that when punishment is “swift, certain, and proportional,” it deters criminal behavior. With community support the “certainty” of getting arrested by police and the “swiftness” at which an arrest takes place, will certainly have a discouraging sway on criminals’ decision to commit crimes. While there may not be accurate measurements of victimization and reductions in crime, the fact that when the police and community worked together during the course of the IFR program resulting in an overwhelming majority of crimes being solved, is something that cannot be ignored. References Beccaria, C. (1764). Of crimes and punishments. Retrieved March 2013, from Kenney, D. J., & White, M. D. (2010). Expanding the role of patrol in criminal investigations: Houston's investigative first responder project. Police Quarterly. Retrieved March 2013, from DOI: 10.1177/1098611110365687 Robin, S. E., & Worden, R. E. (2003). Police officers' attitudes, behavior, and supervisory influences: Ananalysis of problem solving*. Criminology, 41(1), 131-131. Retrieved from 4 *References are in alphabetical order