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Jida Al Mazrouei
MCM 300
October 29, 2014
“Objectification and Dismemberment of Women
in Advertising and Magazines”
“The Objectification and Dismemberment of Women in the
“The Sexual Objectification of Women in Advertising: A
Contemporary Cultural Perspective”
Does the media have a negative influence on society in the way
it advertises women?
Objectifying women basically means treating a person in a
certain was that disregards their dignity, treating them like
objects. In advertising specifically in television and magazines
the majority of women are used as objects. When certain body
parts are being focused on and enhanced it may send a message
that women must look a certain way in order to be attractive.
Overtime, more females are falling into the trap of eating
disorders as a quick method to shed weight in order to look like
the girls they see in commercials. Most ads only contain women
who are extremely thin or underweight, and if they do not meet
a certain image they are photo shopped to look a certain way.
Female viewers then begin to believe that in order to be
beautiful and accepted by society they must look like the
models in the photo-shopped ads. Some advertisements that
portray the way females should look like are causing women to
go under the knife to change their looks.
Furthermore, in some commercials women are portrayed as
housewives which leads societies to believe that a woman’s sole
purpose in life is looking after her husband and children which
will then lead to the amount of working women to decrease.
Moreover, when women are dressed in little to no clothing this
represents them as sex objects, with a main aim of attracting
male attention. One negative effect is that women’s main
concern is their physical appearance and how to dress in a
certain way to attract men.Watching these commercials have
encouraged women to engage sexually with men and pregnancy
levels increased immensely. Some females are aware of the
problem with using women as sex objects in advertisements and
completely disagree that they are showing women for what they
truly are.
Unfortunately women nowadays tend to be forgiving of
advertising companies who are portraying them so negatively. .
In this module, we study email as a source of workplace
friction. Think of an example from your own work (not
personal) experience, in which some form of message created a
conflict. Think of a single example, not several.
What do you believe created the conflict: choice of words, tone,
format, or something else? If there were two or more factors,
discuss their relative importance. How could the conflict have
been avoided?
Support your analysis using the sources mentioned in the Case,
SLP, or Background Info. Identify each source with an in-text
citation. There's no need to place the full reference at the
bottom of your posting, if the reference appears in the module--
otherwise, it's required.
Your analysis should be complete, concise, positive, and
logical. You should use standard English; avoid slang, jargon,
and Webspeak (e.g., typing "4" instead of "for").
Routine and Goodwill Emails
Learning By Doing
A nice aspect of a course in business communication is that you
can learn by doing. In business communication, you can
actually create real communications (such as emails, letters,
memos, etc.) and see how they work out in real life. In the TUI
tradition of creating Session Long Projects that actually apply
to your life and work, we ask you to create a communication for
the organization you are in.
Read the following case study excerpt (derived from Dr.
Guffey's Business Communication Newsletter):
Like many colleges and universities, we are facing severe
budget cutbacks. Our division, along with all other campus
departments, faces a 25 percent budget reduction this year.
Although we have less income to work with, we are reluctant to
cut services that might diminish our instructional goals.
One place where the division can save money and not disturb
your relationship with your students is close to your office
desk. Organizations around the country are saving money and
improving their recycling efforts by having employees empty
their own trash baskets. By walking with your trash to the
recycling bins in the basement, you will gain a bit of exercise,
reduce departmental custodial costs, and help the environment
with efficient recycling.
Write one routine email and one goodwill email for the
organization you are in, using the contents of the case study
above. The routine email should explain the budget cutbacks
and the policies adopted to deal with them. The goodwill email,
presumably sent a few days after the routine email, should thank
those who are complying with the new policies, and encourage
the others to begin doing so.
Both messages should follow standard narrative format, and
include introductions and conclusions. Do not use sentence
fragments, bullets, or lists.
Following the messages, write an essay explaining the
principles and good practices you followed while creating them.
SLP Assignment Expectations
Write two short emails.
Write a summary explaining why you used the principles you
used in writing your emails. The explanation should make use
of Background Materials sources, properly cited and referenced.
Business Communication Module 1-Case
Routine and Goodwill Emails
The way to learn to write good emails is to learn the principles
and then practice. The same goes for messages that encourage
people to regard your organization with goodwill and simple
routine messages. This Case asks you to do all of these, in an
intercultural context. So, read the following:
On Writing Emails
•Professional Email Needs Attention
Christensen, G.J. (2003). Professional Email Needs Attendion.
Accessed from
Does Email Escalate Conflict?
Some of these articles help to explain some of the bad outcomes
that email can lead to. The articles also help you to see how to
avoid these outcomes.
Peele, T. (2012, Jan 29). It's time to get tough on officials'
texts, emails. Contra Costa Times. Retrieved from Proquest.
Petraeus shocked to hear of emails, associates say. (2012, Nov
13). Los Angeles Times. Retrieved from Proquest.
Don't hide behind your emails. (2012, Oct 25). The Daily Post.
Retrieved from Proquest.
Writing Effective Email: Top 10 Tips
Jerz, D.G. (2000). Email: Ten Tips for Writing It Effectively.
Accessed February 17, 2011, at
On Writing Goodwill Messages
•The Write Stuff for Quality
Campanizzi, Jane (2005). The Write Stuff for Quality. Accessed
February 17, 2011, at
On Intercultural Communication
Peele, T. (2012, Jan 29). It's time to get tough on officials'
texts, emails. Contra Costa Times. Retrieved from Proquest.
Petraeus shocked to hear of emails, associates say. (2012, Nov
13). Los Angeles Times. Retrieved from Proquest.
Don't hide behind your emails. (2012, Oct 25). The Daily Post.
Retrieved from Proquest.
•Intercultural Communication: A Guide to Men of Action
This article is very old, very short and very good.
Hall, E. T. & Whyte, W. F. (1960). Intercultural
Communication: A Guide to Men of Action. The International
Executive. New York, 2(4) 14-15.
The Anthropology of Manners
Ditto for this one.
Hall, E. T., (1959). The Anthropology Of Manners. The
International Executive. New York, 1(3), 9-11. (ProQuest)
And Then...
Please read the two articles below in the ProQuest data base.
Then imagine you are VP Employee Communications at a large
service firm, such as a bank, advertising or consulting firm.
R, S. G. (2008). Tame the email beast! A baker's dozen.
Performance Improvement, 47(4), 5-6. Retrieved from Proquest.
(VIDEO + ARTICLE) Manktelow, J. & Carlson, A.Writing
Effective Emails: Making Sure Your Messages Get Read and
Acted Upon
Case Assignment
Read the article “Tame the email beast!” Create an email, in a
letter format to all of your employees to announce an email
policy that you have just created. You are not persuading: you
are announcing. Specify the response that you want from the
email (for example: ask the recipients to email a receipt
response). Your email must start with an introduction and end
with a conclusion. You must be tactful and professional.
Remember: some of those folks have been around a long time
and some are beginning their very first jobs.
Then write a brief summary explaining why you chose to
emphasize these principles in your email and discuss at least
three rules that you used from the article “Tame the email
beast!” and why you wrote your message as you did. In this
summary, please discuss your objectives and how you used the
other background readings.
This section of the assignment should include at least 2
references (using the articles provided in the case study),
properly cited, to articles from the background materials.
Your assignment will be graded on logical flow, ease of
reading, tone of message, references to articles, understanding
of concepts, and (for that extra special touch) tasteful
Be careful: remember that emails can be leaked! If your email
appeared on Page 1 of the Wall Street Journal, would you be
proud or embarrassed?
Submit your assignments by the module's due date.
Assignment Expectations
Write a short email announcing an email policy after reading
the required article.
Write a summary explaining which principles and rules you
used when composing your email. The explanation should make
use of at least two Background Info sources, properly cited and
Key sections of a research paper
Table of Contents
1. Abstract / Summary: Clear, logical summary of your paper,
typically not more than one paragraph
(05 %)
2. Literature Review: Provides information on existing
knowledge related to the topic(25 %)
3. Research Questions/Hypotheses Clearly defines the
purpose(s) of the research, what you expect to achieve, and key
questions to be answered (10%)
4. Methodology section: (30 %)
a. Approach/Methods/ and instrument Describes the methods
you will use to accomplish your objectives
b. Population of the study Describes how participants for the
research will be recruited and the number of participants
required in order to adequately answer the research questions.
5. Findings present the findings of the study
(20 %)
6. Citation References APA Style
(05 %)
(at least 8 academic references including books and journal
7. Logic and structure To what extent we provide the reader
with the rationale for each of our decisions
(05 %)
Check list
Cover page: student name; ID; course number; semester; paper
title and RQ
organization (as in the guidelines of various sections)
Structure: all sections of the paper as indicated in this document
subheadings in each section of the paper
Third person style (do not use me, I, or we)
Rationale for each one of the decisions communicated in the
methodology section
Clarity pf each one of the sentences
what is the topic about?
the exact research question.
why is it important to research this topic
brief description of methodology
the most important findings
Literature Review:
at least three sections
clarity of terms and theory used- if any
subheading for each one of the sections
quotation marks whenever a direct quotation is used
proper citation for any direct quote or paraphrased idea
in-text citation includes the surname of the author and the year
of publishing in parenthesis.
In the case of direct quotation, you add the page number of the
text quoted
all cited books, papers, chapters etc., are included in a full
reference list at the end of the paper
simple and clear writing
conclude with gaps in the literature
Research Question:
clear research question
complete research question
specific & concise
Research Methodology:
three sections
Whether the paper adopts a quantitative or a qualitative research
Rationale for the choice of approach
Any comment on how the research question is worded
Methodology & instrument
The method used to answer the research question
Rationale for the methodology choice- here you can briefly
speak about the qualities of the research method selected (for
instance survey research method)
Population & sampling strategy
What is the population of the study or the universe of texts?
Rationale for the population choice
Identify the sampling strategy
indicate whether it was a random or a non-random sampling
Name the sampling strategy used “stratified, convenient,
network, etc.,
Write a rational for the sampling strategy choice
Research instrument
describes how you will collect your data
Explanation of main questions
If any set of questions in the instruments were borrowed from
other researchers proper citations, rationale
Explanation of changes and rationale
The full research instrument is appendix one- make a reference
to it here
Data collected to answer the RQ
Use simple language
The section has a structure
quantitative paper, findings should be structured based on
survey questions or content analysis questions
All tables must have captions in which you write the table
number and description, for instance, Table 1, media use, or
Table 2, Percentage of Investment of Arab Governments in
Satellite Television Channels.
For qualitative papers, findings should be discussion based
The findings should refer to all participants input from focus
groups, surveys or interviews as “one of the research
participants”, or “a participants from focus group one” or “one
of the interviewee”, etc.,,
If long should have sub-titles (a structure)
How the data collected answer your RQ
End with a clear conclusion
All in APA style
Alphabetically arranged
Font 11, Times New Roman
Jida Al Mazrouei
MCM 300
December 15, 14
Research Question: Does the media have a negative influence
on society in the way it advertises women?
how is women objectification in commercials viewed by young
males and females at AUS?
1. Approach + Rationale: Qualitative or Quantitative
I will be using the qualitative approach because my research
Question requires me to find out why people behave a certain
way as well as how societies react to certain behaviors and why.
Furthermore using the method of interviews can help advance
my research in the sense that I would be able to observe my
peer’s reaction and feedback to my question.
Methodology + Rationale: Interview Questios:
By recording my data I can look back and reflect at the different
opinions I received from the group members and compare. I can
show the group members a sample of a magazine advertisement
that objectifies women. I will be asking both male and female
university students, however my research is about females so
the majority of my interviewees will be females.
Research Instrument:
Population and Sampling:Males & Females:
Does the media have a negative influence on society in the way
it advertises women?
1. What is your gender?
What is your gender? Female
2. How often are you exposed to advertisements?
How often are you exposed to advertisements? On a daily basis
Once a week
3. Do you see a difference between the way men are advertised
and the way women are?
Do you see a difference between the way men are advertised
and the way women are? Yes
If Yes, please explain
4. Do you think women are perceived negatively in certain
Do you think women are perceived negatively in certain
advertisements? Yes
Other (please explain)
5. In your opinion, what is the impact of these advertisements
on society?
In your opinion, what is the impact of these advertisements on
6. "Certain advertisements play a major role in the
objectification of women" , do you agree with this statement?
"Certain advertisements play a major role in the objectification
of women" , do you agree with this statement? No
7. Give suggestions on ways to decrease the objectifying effects
of these advertisements?
Give suggestions on ways to decrease the objectifying effects of
these advertisements?
Population: people between the ages of 18 to 25, because I am
interested to know what unmarried young adults are affected by
these commercials and how it can influence their future
Sample: AUS students, convenience sample. Interviewing
around 10 students.
I need to know how young males and females react to the way
women are advertised and objectified in television and
magazine commercials.
A few links I found:

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Jida Al MazroueiG00046466MCM 300October 29, 2014Objecti.docx

  • 1. Jida Al Mazrouei G00046466 MCM 300 October 29, 2014 “Objectification and Dismemberment of Women in Advertising and Magazines” “The Objectification and Dismemberment of Women in the Media” “The Sexual Objectification of Women in Advertising: A Contemporary Cultural Perspective” Does the media have a negative influence on society in the way it advertises women? Objectifying women basically means treating a person in a certain was that disregards their dignity, treating them like objects. In advertising specifically in television and magazines the majority of women are used as objects. When certain body parts are being focused on and enhanced it may send a message that women must look a certain way in order to be attractive. Overtime, more females are falling into the trap of eating disorders as a quick method to shed weight in order to look like the girls they see in commercials. Most ads only contain women who are extremely thin or underweight, and if they do not meet a certain image they are photo shopped to look a certain way. Female viewers then begin to believe that in order to be beautiful and accepted by society they must look like the models in the photo-shopped ads. Some advertisements that portray the way females should look like are causing women to go under the knife to change their looks. Furthermore, in some commercials women are portrayed as housewives which leads societies to believe that a woman’s sole purpose in life is looking after her husband and children which
  • 2. will then lead to the amount of working women to decrease. Moreover, when women are dressed in little to no clothing this represents them as sex objects, with a main aim of attracting male attention. One negative effect is that women’s main concern is their physical appearance and how to dress in a certain way to attract men.Watching these commercials have encouraged women to engage sexually with men and pregnancy levels increased immensely. Some females are aware of the problem with using women as sex objects in advertisements and completely disagree that they are showing women for what they truly are. Unfortunately women nowadays tend to be forgiving of advertising companies who are portraying them so negatively. . TD In this module, we study email as a source of workplace friction. Think of an example from your own work (not personal) experience, in which some form of message created a conflict. Think of a single example, not several. What do you believe created the conflict: choice of words, tone, format, or something else? If there were two or more factors, discuss their relative importance. How could the conflict have been avoided? Support your analysis using the sources mentioned in the Case, SLP, or Background Info. Identify each source with an in-text
  • 3. citation. There's no need to place the full reference at the bottom of your posting, if the reference appears in the module-- otherwise, it's required. Your analysis should be complete, concise, positive, and logical. You should use standard English; avoid slang, jargon, and Webspeak (e.g., typing "4" instead of "for"). Routine and Goodwill Emails Learning By Doing A nice aspect of a course in business communication is that you can learn by doing. In business communication, you can actually create real communications (such as emails, letters, memos, etc.) and see how they work out in real life. In the TUI tradition of creating Session Long Projects that actually apply to your life and work, we ask you to create a communication for the organization you are in. Read the following case study excerpt (derived from Dr. Guffey's Business Communication Newsletter): Like many colleges and universities, we are facing severe budget cutbacks. Our division, along with all other campus departments, faces a 25 percent budget reduction this year. Although we have less income to work with, we are reluctant to cut services that might diminish our instructional goals. One place where the division can save money and not disturb your relationship with your students is close to your office desk. Organizations around the country are saving money and improving their recycling efforts by having employees empty their own trash baskets. By walking with your trash to the recycling bins in the basement, you will gain a bit of exercise, reduce departmental custodial costs, and help the environment with efficient recycling.
  • 4. Write: Write one routine email and one goodwill email for the organization you are in, using the contents of the case study above. The routine email should explain the budget cutbacks and the policies adopted to deal with them. The goodwill email, presumably sent a few days after the routine email, should thank those who are complying with the new policies, and encourage the others to begin doing so. Both messages should follow standard narrative format, and include introductions and conclusions. Do not use sentence fragments, bullets, or lists. Following the messages, write an essay explaining the principles and good practices you followed while creating them. SLP Assignment Expectations Write two short emails. Write a summary explaining why you used the principles you used in writing your emails. The explanation should make use of Background Materials sources, properly cited and referenced. Business Communication Module 1-Case Routine and Goodwill Emails The way to learn to write good emails is to learn the principles and then practice. The same goes for messages that encourage people to regard your organization with goodwill and simple routine messages. This Case asks you to do all of these, in an intercultural context. So, read the following: On Writing Emails •Professional Email Needs Attention Christensen, G.J. (2003). Professional Email Needs Attendion. Accessed from Does Email Escalate Conflict? Some of these articles help to explain some of the bad outcomes that email can lead to. The articles also help you to see how to
  • 5. avoid these outcomes. Peele, T. (2012, Jan 29). It's time to get tough on officials' texts, emails. Contra Costa Times. Retrieved from Proquest. Petraeus shocked to hear of emails, associates say. (2012, Nov 13). Los Angeles Times. Retrieved from Proquest. Don't hide behind your emails. (2012, Oct 25). The Daily Post. Retrieved from Proquest. • Writing Effective Email: Top 10 Tips Jerz, D.G. (2000). Email: Ten Tips for Writing It Effectively. Accessed February 17, 2011, at text/email.htm On Writing Goodwill Messages •The Write Stuff for Quality Campanizzi, Jane (2005). The Write Stuff for Quality. Accessed February 17, 2011, at On Intercultural Communication Peele, T. (2012, Jan 29). It's time to get tough on officials' texts, emails. Contra Costa Times. Retrieved from Proquest. Petraeus shocked to hear of emails, associates say. (2012, Nov 13). Los Angeles Times. Retrieved from Proquest. Don't hide behind your emails. (2012, Oct 25). The Daily Post. Retrieved from Proquest. •Intercultural Communication: A Guide to Men of Action This article is very old, very short and very good. Hall, E. T. & Whyte, W. F. (1960). Intercultural Communication: A Guide to Men of Action. The International Executive. New York, 2(4) 14-15. The Anthropology of Manners Ditto for this one. Hall, E. T., (1959). The Anthropology Of Manners. The International Executive. New York, 1(3), 9-11. (ProQuest)
  • 6. And Then... Please read the two articles below in the ProQuest data base. Then imagine you are VP Employee Communications at a large service firm, such as a bank, advertising or consulting firm. R, S. G. (2008). Tame the email beast! A baker's dozen. Performance Improvement, 47(4), 5-6. Retrieved from Proquest. (VIDEO + ARTICLE) Manktelow, J. & Carlson, A.Writing Effective Emails: Making Sure Your Messages Get Read and Acted Upon Case Assignment Read the article “Tame the email beast!” Create an email, in a letter format to all of your employees to announce an email policy that you have just created. You are not persuading: you are announcing. Specify the response that you want from the email (for example: ask the recipients to email a receipt response). Your email must start with an introduction and end with a conclusion. You must be tactful and professional. Remember: some of those folks have been around a long time and some are beginning their very first jobs. Then write a brief summary explaining why you chose to emphasize these principles in your email and discuss at least three rules that you used from the article “Tame the email beast!” and why you wrote your message as you did. In this summary, please discuss your objectives and how you used the other background readings. This section of the assignment should include at least 2 references (using the articles provided in the case study),
  • 7. properly cited, to articles from the background materials. Your assignment will be graded on logical flow, ease of reading, tone of message, references to articles, understanding of concepts, and (for that extra special touch) tasteful creativity. Be careful: remember that emails can be leaked! If your email appeared on Page 1 of the Wall Street Journal, would you be proud or embarrassed? Submit your assignments by the module's due date. Assignment Expectations Write a short email announcing an email policy after reading the required article. Write a summary explaining which principles and rules you used when composing your email. The explanation should make use of at least two Background Info sources, properly cited and referenced. Key sections of a research paper Table of Contents 1. Abstract / Summary: Clear, logical summary of your paper, typically not more than one paragraph (05 %) 2. Literature Review: Provides information on existing knowledge related to the topic(25 %) 3. Research Questions/Hypotheses Clearly defines the purpose(s) of the research, what you expect to achieve, and key questions to be answered (10%)
  • 8. 4. Methodology section: (30 %) a. Approach/Methods/ and instrument Describes the methods you will use to accomplish your objectives b. Population of the study Describes how participants for the research will be recruited and the number of participants required in order to adequately answer the research questions. 5. Findings present the findings of the study (20 %) 6. Citation References APA Style (05 %) (at least 8 academic references including books and journal articles) 7. Logic and structure To what extent we provide the reader with the rationale for each of our decisions (05 %)
  • 9. CHECK LIST: Check list Cover page: student name; ID; course number; semester; paper title and RQ organization (as in the guidelines of various sections) Structure: all sections of the paper as indicated in this document subheadings in each section of the paper Third person style (do not use me, I, or we) Rationale for each one of the decisions communicated in the methodology section Clarity pf each one of the sentences Abstract what is the topic about? the exact research question. why is it important to research this topic brief description of methodology the most important findings
  • 10. Literature Review: at least three sections clarity of terms and theory used- if any subheading for each one of the sections quotation marks whenever a direct quotation is used proper citation for any direct quote or paraphrased idea in-text citation includes the surname of the author and the year of publishing in parenthesis. In the case of direct quotation, you add the page number of the text quoted all cited books, papers, chapters etc., are included in a full reference list at the end of the paper simple and clear writing conclude with gaps in the literature Research Question: clear research question complete research question specific & concise
  • 11. Research Methodology: three sections Approach Whether the paper adopts a quantitative or a qualitative research approach Rationale for the choice of approach Any comment on how the research question is worded Methodology & instrument The method used to answer the research question Rationale for the methodology choice- here you can briefly speak about the qualities of the research method selected (for instance survey research method) Population & sampling strategy What is the population of the study or the universe of texts? Rationale for the population choice
  • 12. Identify the sampling strategy indicate whether it was a random or a non-random sampling strategy Name the sampling strategy used “stratified, convenient, network, etc., Write a rational for the sampling strategy choice Research instrument describes how you will collect your data Explanation of main questions If any set of questions in the instruments were borrowed from other researchers proper citations, rationale Explanation of changes and rationale The full research instrument is appendix one- make a reference to it here Findings: Data collected to answer the RQ Use simple language The section has a structure
  • 13. quantitative paper, findings should be structured based on survey questions or content analysis questions All tables must have captions in which you write the table number and description, for instance, Table 1, media use, or Table 2, Percentage of Investment of Arab Governments in Satellite Television Channels. For qualitative papers, findings should be discussion based The findings should refer to all participants input from focus groups, surveys or interviews as “one of the research participants”, or “a participants from focus group one” or “one of the interviewee”, etc.,, If long should have sub-titles (a structure) How the data collected answer your RQ End with a clear conclusion References All in APA style Alphabetically arranged Font 11, Times New Roman Jida Al Mazrouei G00046466
  • 14. MCM 300 December 15, 14 Methodology Research Question: Does the media have a negative influence on society in the way it advertises women? how is women objectification in commercials viewed by young males and females at AUS? 1. Approach + Rationale: Qualitative or Quantitative I will be using the qualitative approach because my research Question requires me to find out why people behave a certain way as well as how societies react to certain behaviors and why. Furthermore using the method of interviews can help advance my research in the sense that I would be able to observe my peer’s reaction and feedback to my question. Methodology + Rationale: Interview Questios: By recording my data I can look back and reflect at the different opinions I received from the group members and compare. I can show the group members a sample of a magazine advertisement that objectifies women. I will be asking both male and female university students, however my research is about females so the majority of my interviewees will be females. Research Instrument: Population and Sampling:Males & Females: Does the media have a negative influence on society in the way it advertises women? 1. What is your gender? What is your gender? Female Male 2. How often are you exposed to advertisements? How often are you exposed to advertisements? On a daily basis
  • 15. Once a week Rarely 3. Do you see a difference between the way men are advertised and the way women are? Do you see a difference between the way men are advertised and the way women are? Yes No If Yes, please explain 4. Do you think women are perceived negatively in certain advertisements? Do you think women are perceived negatively in certain advertisements? Yes No Other (please explain) 5. In your opinion, what is the impact of these advertisements on society? In your opinion, what is the impact of these advertisements on society? 6. "Certain advertisements play a major role in the objectification of women" , do you agree with this statement? "Certain advertisements play a major role in the objectification of women" , do you agree with this statement? No Yes 7. Give suggestions on ways to decrease the objectifying effects of these advertisements? Give suggestions on ways to decrease the objectifying effects of these advertisements? Population: people between the ages of 18 to 25, because I am interested to know what unmarried young adults are affected by these commercials and how it can influence their future
  • 16. decisions. Sample: AUS students, convenience sample. Interviewing around 10 students. I need to know how young males and females react to the way women are advertised and objectified in television and magazine commercials. A few links I found: _sexual_objectification_of_women.pdfhttp://newyorksociologist .org/11/Berberick2011.pdf Journals/JC/JC-01-0-000-10-Web/JC-01-1-000-10-Abst- PDF/JC-01-1-013-10-002-Ifezue-A-N/JC-01-1-013-10-002- Ifezue-A-N-Tt.pdf