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Legal And Ethical Issues Of Copyright
Legal and Ethical Issues in Copyright
In the digitalized the age, people have the ability to easily spread and share knowledge. With this great ability people are also given the tools to infringe
upon the intellectual property of others. Whether this be through intentional copyright infringement, plagiarism or any other action that infringes upon
the rights of others intellectual property. With so many cases ofcopyright infringement being brought before the legal system of the United States and
other countries the problem of copyright infringement has grown out of control. Legally copyright infringement is a "strict liability" tort, which means
that intentions don 't matter, if infringement occurred, then the infringer is liable. Copyright laws being as complex as they are have multiple ways to
interpret it, with the United States having "Fair Use" as a vague way of being able to use this content. This ability to use also can lead to the
infringement upon others works, whether this is by willfully violating a copyright, just plain ignorance the copyright or not understanding how to
comply with a copyright.
Fair Use
Copyrighting content is done in order to protect works form being used or misused by others. To use copyrighted material without the copyright
holder's permission you must follow the guidelines laid out by fair use. Fair use allows the copying of copyrighted material when done in a limited
way, such as to comment upon, criticize, or parody a
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Legal Issues Of The Weeknd
The R&B singer The Weeknd is currently facing some legal charges for his popular song, 'The Hills.' It is not just him who has been hit by this news
because his record label is also affected.
E! Online published a report containing a certain British music publishing company and its complaint against The Weeknd and his team for taking
parts of the song 'The Hills' from composer Tom Raybould, which was released for the film 'The Machine' about 2 years ago.
The charges against him were made this week at the U.S. District Court in LA. This was sited by E! News and the publishing company behind this
issue goes by the name of Cutting Edge Music Holding Ltd. The document says that Abel Tesfaye (aka The Weeknd) has violated thecopyright rules
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Legal And Ethical Issues
While the achievements Rob Smith in the Research and Development department are quite extraordinary to say the least, there has been information
put forward by Michael Jones (Senior VP of R&D) that brings both, legal and ethical concerns to light. These rumors being that Rob had acquired
some outside knowledge, which in turn led to a breakthrough within the Research and Development department. I have been asked to review all
relevant information, and make a determination of if MegaLab acted unethically in violation of law, and submit a draft for consideration to Human
Resources an Ethics policy that can be applied to the Research and Development department.
For those of you that are unaware of the rumors, the story going around the ... Show more content on ...
Likewise a course of action will be submitted to ensure that all actions taken in light of this incident will be within the scope of law. With respect to the
aforementioned employee within the Research and Development department, I do believe that it is in the best interest of MegaLab to bring in Rob,
and have a conversation with him about the rumors regarding the information leading to the breakthrough with his work. Based on the information
gained during that conversation, if it is indeed true that that the information gained was with questionable ethics his employment with MegaLab should
be terminated. This would also go toward putting distance between Rob and MegaLab. Likewise if the information is true, I do believe it advisable
that MegaLab withdraw our claim on the patent of HIV1. While pulling MegaLabs claim from the patent would cost us untold amounts of profits in the
future, it is my thinking that the amount legal fees fighting John Blank over control of this patent could possibility put MegaLabs into a position where
our same will brought up with unethical practices, which could cost us more in both profits and reputation. Furthermore when this conversation takes
place I would like to request that a member of our Legal team, and a member of the Human Resources department be present. I would like this to
ensure that if any issues that arise, they can
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Legal Issues
CadMex Pharmaceutical Memorandum To: Mr. Jack Brandt, CEO; Kera Sawyer, International Legal Counsel From: Dan, Vice President of
International Business Development Date: March 9, 20XX Subject: Current Gentura Status I would like to take this opportunity to bring everyone up
to date on the status of our relationship with Gentura. We have been working in partnership with Gentura a biotechnology company based in Candore
since 2007. Candore, a small developing island country in South East Asia, has been under the dictatorship of President Gwendoz since 2004. President
Gwendoz, encourages foreign investments into Camdore however, these investments come with some risk. All Camdore international business
transactions are subject to the... Show more content on ...
legal Issues Health authorities estimate that 1% of Candor's population would be infected by the viral outbreak in March of 2012. Gentura was under
pressure by the new government to subsidize the price of ViroBlax. The subsidization of ViroBlax would be a breech of contract with CadMex.
Furthermore, Gentura is the only licensed manufacture of ViroBlax in Candore. Acting as the Vice President in charge of International Business
Development, I directed our legal counsel to take no legal action, but claim compensation from Gentura. I based my decision from the fact that legal
actions against Gentura would weaken the partnership between CadMex and Gentura, and could take a great deal of time to arbitrate with nonbinding
results. The alternative of asking Gentura for shared marketing rights for another drug was considered, however through conversations with Gentura's
CEO Vail Saman, and our legal counsel of Kera Sawyer I decided that this option was not in our best interest to peruse. Unfortunately, in April of 2012,
the Candore health authority increased the percentage of people infected with the viral outbreak from 1% to 3%. Gentura is unable to meet the demand
for ViroBlax due to the increased percentage of people infected with the unidentified viral outbreak. The Candorean government has suspended the
CadMex's patent on ViroBlax, due to the national health emergency. In addition, the Candorean government has decided to provide compulsory
licenses for domestic
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Plan For Legal And Ethical Issues
Plan for Legal and Ethical Issues It can be stressful enough to find the best location for a business to build a home base in the United States; it is
even more challenging to attempt to expand the business to other parts of the world. It is important for the company to consider what are the most
viable options in location and which can better assist in the success and growth of the company. This paper will discuss a manufacturing company
looking to base a plant here in the United States, but also expand to Europe and Asia. Key factors discussed will be in identifying major potential
legal issues in the U.S., legal issues that differ based on employee location (such as Europe and Asia), key ethical issues in the U.S., four–to–five
ethical issues that differ upon location (such as Europe and Asia), and present strategic policies to manage the selected legal and ethical issues the
company may face. Potential legal issues in US There are many potential legal issues that organizations can face when opening a potential
manufacturing plant in the United States. Employers must be sure that they are not only adhering to the hiring practices and safety laws in their plant
but their benefits and packages as well. There are certain legal requirements that organizations must comply with in order to operate in the United
States. When organizations are following the proper protocol in business, they face less legal issues. According to Cascio (2016), "These kinds of HR
practices can
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The Legal Issues For Technologists
Introduction Legal Issues for Technologists, has been an extremely informative class in which much was learned. It directly tied into many of the
topics that I have studied in other classes. Entrepreneurial studies and sustainability seem to be at the very core of many majors here at Arizona
State University, my major is no exception. In my previous classes I have had to reflect on the materials of the class and demonstrate my knowledge
of the curriculum, so that I may bring my skills to my practices in the real world. While I did have some general ideas about various concepts and
topics covered in this class. Much previous knowledge was very non–specific and I had many gaps in my understanding. In classes taught by Lucy Qiu,
I have learned the incredibly intricate, and often tedious nature of entrepreneurial finance. Aram Chavez has taught me the value of marketing, the
power of the cult, and brought insight into the dealings that an entrepreneur might encounter throughout their Aha to Exit journey. Jason Bronowitz
has instilled skills relating to the building products, brands, and creating market opportunity analyses. And Finally, as we come to the end of the fall
2015 semester it is once again time for me to reflect on my studies to see what I will carry with me into the future. In an effort to conduct a thorough
and effective reflection, one that I believe will be the most beneficial to me, it is imperative that we start at the beginning of the class. I would like
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Legal Issue Of Nursing : Legal Issues In Nursing
Legal issues in nursing are something every nurse should be aware of. A few issues that nurses may have to deal with throughout there care is,
assault, battery, invasion of privacy, false imprisonment and negligence. As a nurse it is our responsibility to understand these issues, and understand
how to avoid them. This means following protocols, policies, and rights of a patient, and also caring for a patient in a safe manner. For the purpose of
this paper, I have chosen to write about assault, the legal definition, how it affects nursing, and how a nurse may violate this law and how a nurse can
prevent them from stepping over that line. According to the Mosby's Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing & Health Professions, the definition of assault is
an "unlawful act that places another person, without that person's consent, in fear of immediate bodily harm or battery. Furthermore, an attack with the
intentions to hurt or threaten a person with bodily harm" (O'Toole, M. T, 2017, p. 147). It's important to know how to avoid it, and how to recognize
situations that may put you in a spot of being assaulted. Knowing what tools are there for you to use, who to call, restraints, and what your legal rights
are. Assault is an important issue in the nursing practice because it can happen in in the flash of the moment. When people get stressed and frustrated,
there is only a certain amount that one person can handle, and their response could put them in a situation that may be defined as
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Legal Issues In Australia
Introduction The country of the Commonwealth of Australia is an island in the southern hemisphere. Australia is the smallest continent and is
surrounded by the Pacific Ocean on the east and Indian Ocean to the west. It is the sixth largest country in the world and contains about 2,966,151
square miles of land, roughly the size of the United States without Alaska and Hawaii. The estimated population is around 22,751,014 as of 2015 (The
World Fact Book, 2017). The capital of Australia is Canberra. Australia is divided into six states which are New South Wales, Queensland, South
Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, and Western Australia and also three territories which are Australian Capital Territory, Northern Territory, and Jervis Bay
Territory.... Show more content on ...
Effective system of government, a well– functioning legal system, and independent bureaucracy. Government has withdrawn from most areas of the
market. Low inflation rate of 1.5%. Minimal corruption and strong rule of law protect property rights. Foreign firms compete on level playing field
with domestic banks and other financial institutions. Many geographic attractions that support tourism. Global demand for agricultural produce in
increasing with the increase in Asian markets. The government body of Austrade that promotes foreign investment and provides valuable information
and resources that help attract businesses to
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Legal issues in employment paper
Reaction Paper – Legal Issues in Employment Windy G. Nunnery University of Central Oklahoma Working in human resources, I am exposed daily
to situations and questions that involve the legal issues related to employment. Although I have some familiarity with employment law, legal issues in
employment is an area that changes daily. The Legal Issues in Employment class has provided me with insight and exposure to areas of employment
law that I had minimal understanding. The first, most profound legal issue I have learned from this class is the information presented on social media,
and the use of computers, cameras, and spyware in the workplace. Being in HR, I have been exposed... Show more content on ...
Employers should focus on the prospective employee's skills, education, and general ability to do the job, and not involve personal life issues. I
also learned it is illegal to give prospective employees personality/behavioral tests. The outcome can be skewed, and it is discriminatory to not hire
someone because a test states their personality isn't favorable. The class also provided me with knowledge of the legal issues when terminating an
employee. I learned Oklahoma is an "at will" state and any employer can fire any employee any time for no reason. The employee can terminate
employment anytime, for any reason as well. However, to keep the employer from being liable for payment of unemployment and possible legal
ramifications, it is highly recommended that the employer document the behavioral issues an employee is having. An employer must prove to the
courts that they have tried to counsel and rehabilitate an employee to make them successful, before they terminate. I also learned that all employees
must be treated equal, and should have the same expectations and behavioral modification methods. Another topic learned in class was the American's
with Disabilities Act, and the impact decisions made by employers can have on the employee and the company. I learned that if an employee comes
forward stating they have a disability, and provide documented proof, an
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The Issue Of Legal Ethics
Introduction Having called the tune, Cintolo cannot be excused...on the basis of his vocation...[We] emphatically reject the notion that a law
degree, like some sorcerer's amulet, can ward off the rigours of the criminal law. The law itself is not a shield for ethical wrongdoing, legal ethics
and how they are applied by international lawyers has become the subject of much contention since the infamous memorandum drafted in 2002 by
Jay Bybee and John Yoo (Yoo) otherwise known as the 'torture memo'. This essay seeks to examine the issue of legal ethics through the lens of the
experience of Yoo and what this means for the provision of international legal advice in the United States (US) system. This examination will look
at, first, the ethics of lawyers in the US system. Secondly, how legal advice is provided based on who the client is and the advantages of each
approach. Third, ethics will be explored through the legal advice provided in the Office of Legal Counsel (OLC). Fourth, how international human
rights law (IHRL) applies and how the torture memo sought to ignore it. Finally, a look at how do we strengthen legal ethics to ensure what
happened during the Yoo years never repeats. Legal Ethics What are legal ethics? The ethical duty a lawyer, has been described by Lord Brougham
in the defence of Queen Caroline in her divorce of King George VII as 'an advocate, by the sacred duty which he owes his client, knows, in the
discharge of that office, but one person in the
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Jetblue Legal Issues
JetBlue Airways is a passenger airline founded in 1999 by David Neeleman. Neeleman aimed to provide the customer with first–rate service at
reasonable prices. In order to ensure this strategy, JetBlue had to recruit and hire the right people to complement its core values. The company
encompasses five core values: safety, caring, integrity fun, and passion. JetBlue uses a targeted selection process to identify employees which fit the
company values. However, this approach can lead to equal employment opportunity legal challenges.
A. National Laws Equal Employment Opportunity Laws provide guidelines for designing Human Resource systems in an organization that are legal,
ethical, fair and justified, thus protecting both ... Show more content on ...
(Lewis, 2007). JetBlue uses a targeted selection process. When JetBlue began its hiring, recruiters looked for applicants who displayed integrity, as
well as, showed traits consistent with its core values of safety, caring, integrity, fun, and passion. The interview process for both mechanics and pilots
are built on these core values to ensure the right cultural fit. During the interview process, applicants are asked to recall incidents from previous jobs
and describe how the situation was handled along with the consequences of the actions. JetBlue hired applicants who did not compromise on the safety
of passengers such as a mechanic who did not certify an aircraft because it did not comply with safety standards. JetBlue hired this mechanic because
his attitude fit with the standards set forth by JetBlue. On the other hand, a pilot who was arrogant was refused employment. In pilot recruitment, pilots
are required to be computer savvy, but they also need to fit the culture of the airline. The company covered the cost of pilot training, unlike other airline
carriers, therefore, the aspect of being a cultural fit is important to control attrition costs. If an employee leaves after the company invests in training, it
would be
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Legal Issues In Coaches Essay
Coaches have the experience of watching young people develop sport skills and contribute to developing a successful team. Coaches also have legal
obligations to their schools and their athletes. The most common legal issue most coaches face today is liability and negligence. Coaches are expected
to act as the cautious person in every situation. Oftentimes coaches are required to stand in the place of parents when athletes are left under their
supervision. The hazards of coaching has become very relevant and it is very important for coaches to be familiar with their legal rights and
responsibilities. Coaches have newer obstacles to endure in reference to legal issues. The need for safety and risk management awareness among
coaches is greater than ever before. Negligence, which is the failure to use reasonable care to protect against foreseeable harm under the
circumstances, is the legal theory relied on by athletes who have sued coaches for sports' related injuries. (Straton, 1999) Most negligence suits arise
from the lack of supervision among the coaching staff. Coaches oftentimes leave athletes unattended before or after practice. If this results in injury or
in the worst case death a coach can be held liable because of the negligence of leaving athletes unsupervised. ... Show more content on
Like all other athletes, college athletes are competing at a higher level of competition and are subject to injury from participating in sports. Just like
high school sports the college coaches have a legal duty not to put the athlete at risk of injury. There are relatively few cases in which college coaches
have been sued for negligent instruction or supervision that causes injury to their own players, but coaches at this level of competition should use
reasonable care to minimize the risks of injury. (Stratton,
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Legal Ethical and Regulatory Issues
Legal, Ethical & Regulatory Issues The online banking industry is a growing and a continually evolving business. This paper will identify and
describes the legal, ethical, and regulatory issues that impact online banking the Websites. Business ethics examines ethical rules and principles within
a commercial context involved in e–commerce are faced with the same if not more legal issues as any other business; these issues include, but are not
limited to jurisdiction, contract, and legitimacy in the banking.
Banks such as Wells Fargo, Wachovia, andBank of America using Websites to conduct electronic commerce should adhere to the same ethical
standards that other businesses follow." (Schneider, 2004).Ethics play an integral role ... Show more content on ...
These hackers threaten our security and confidentiality every day by getting unauthorized access and stealing our most valuable or sensitive
information. Privacy and security concerns are not unique to the bank industry; they are spread to personal information such as health or employment,
and other e–commerce transactions. The protection of this information has to be ensured by the company or bank in order for customers to continue
the relationship with such.
The bank industry is a pioneer in handling security and confidential information of customers. By protecting their customers they protect themselves as
well. Bank of America, Wachovia and Wells Fargo banks are very careful with the information and security management protecting it is their main
goal and commitment as they all express it in their websites and in the face to face banks. The banks try to provide the best service in every aspect
and they assure customers their responsibility toward the protection of the customer accounts going beyond their face to face business, it is maintained
over the phone and online as well.
Bank of America, Wachovia, and Wells Fargo guarantee online security, in the case a customer reports fraud within 60 days of the incident, the bank
compromises in refunding 100% of the amount to the bank account. The security of the consumers depends on the consumers as well, they expect
customers to take some steps to prevent fraud like protecting passwords, installing a
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The Ethical And Legal Issues
The Issue
The concept of autonomy spans both ethical and legal issues as it pertains to the aging population. This paper will focus on the ethical perspective of
trying to keep a balance between allowing an aging (65+) person to maintain their autonomy when making rational and intelligent life choices while at
the same time assisting them from making bad choices that might harm them emotionally, financial, spiritually or even physically in some instances.
Autonomy comes from the Greek word for "self rule," and defines a person's ability or capacity to make choices based on their personal beliefs and
values. Unless decision–making capacity is taken away from a person through legal measures, all adults are presumed to have capacity to ... Show more
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As unique as we are throughout our lifetimes, we are just as unique in how we age. Seniors today who are 65–plus have a greater opportunity of living
another thirty or more years, and while some are not healthy in body and/or mind, a great many are living full and active lives. It is usually the
family and friends who will be the first to observe if someone is failing in ADL's (Activities of Daily
Living), and to what degree the person may need help making daily choices. People need to feel empowered in their lives in order to feel satisfaction
and continue to have a purpose. Of prime importance in someone's life is the feeling that they make a difference and that their thoughts and deeds
Contrasting Views
While there are several components to the concept of autonomy, this paper will compare and contrast the elements pertaining to autonomy within the
healthcare and legal system. When President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Older Americans Act(OAA) in 1965, the same year of the creation of
Medicare, the OAA created the Administration onAging (AOA), a division within the Department of Health and Human Services which funds
community service programs for the elderly, as well as provides funding and administration for research projects in the field of aging. Amendments in
1972 to the OAA added the "National Nutrition Program" for elders. In 2000, the OAA was amended once again,
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Is3550 Legal Issues
Business Continuity Planning: is the way an organization can prepare for and aid in disaster recovery. It is an arrangement agreed upon in advance
by management and key personnel of the steps that will be taken to help the organizations recover should any type of disaster occur. These programs
prepare for multiple problems. Detailed plans are created that clearly outline the actions that an organization or particular members of an organization
will take to help recover/restore any of its critical operations that may have been either completely or partially interrupted during or after (occurring
within a specified period of time) a disaster or other extended disruption in accessibility to operational functions. In order... Show more content on ...
Commonly, impacts resulting from other types of incident (such as breach of confidentiality or loss of data integrity) are simultaneously explored, but
this need not be the case when only considering business continuity planning or disaster recovery. However, there are certainly advantages to
undertaking a comprehensive and wider focused exercise. The business impact analysis, or 'BIA', is intended to help you understand the degree of
potential loss (and other undesirable effects) which could occur. This will cover not just direct financial loss, but many other issues, such as loss of
customer confidence, reputational damage, regulatory effects, and so on.
Today's healthcare organizations have changed, mirroring or leading the changes seen in their enterprise counterparts. Organizations have become
widely distributed, and most don't have a dedicated IT staff. At the same time, most clinics or distributed sites require connectivity to hospital
resources/applications, and reliable, high speed wireless networks to function. The mobile nature of caregivers and the growing use of networked
imaging and video in patient care settings make an affordable, easy to manage network mission critical. Features & Benefits No need for
wireless or networking expertise Just plug in the router or AP The device will "phone home" and get its
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Personal Property Legal Issue That Martin Faces Essay
I respectfully disagree with your analysis pertaining to the personal property legal issue that Martin faces. I take issue with the way you are defining
bailment and implying that Martin and Benjamin had an agreement to valet Martins GTO. Therefore, I take issue with your "bailment" positioning
because that implies that the car thief and Martin had a personal agreement for him to park and return the car. ("National Para Legal,") states
The issue of whether or not a bailment has been created is important because, once a bailment has been established, a duty of care attaches to the
bailee. Failure to live up to this duty of care can cause the bailee to be liable for any harm that results to the property from the failure of the bailee to
properly care for the property. However, if there is no bailment (only a custodial arrangement), the custodian has no affirmative duty to safeguard the
property (2016).
However, the only agreement that Martin had implied was with the restaurant, which was made in good faith. Furthermore, the restaurant failed Martin
because of their neglect to maintain their company's property, which intern lead to the theft.
Moreover, I understand your thought process for the most recent purchaser exercising his good faith stance. However, I do not believe that stance
would hold up in court because of the way the North Carolina law is written. According to ("North Carolina General Assembly,")
Article 3. Motor VehicleAct of 1937. Part 8. Anti–Theft
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Legal Issues Over The Legal System
The career that I chose to focus on was legal area as far as becoming an attorney that practices family and criminal court. I chose this area of study
because I have become interested in legal issues over the past few years that lead me to the decision to practice law. Upon deciding what I wanted
to do with my career, I then decided that I want to first start out as a lawyer and then progress to becoming a judge where I plan on retiring from. I
decided I would rather practice criminal law and family law as a prosecutor rather than becoming a defense attorney. I don't feel that my arguments
are strong enough to be a defense attorney and do plan on working on those skills for improvement. However I am a firm believe that justice served
is the main reason individuals lean to the legal system for help. During my research for my chosen career I found an article that allowed me to look
deeper into the legal system. The article focuses on the importance of the local common law in resolving various related disputes (Decker, 2014).
Topics discussed include relationship between the local common law with the customs, social norms and local legal culture, role of the local courts of
the U.S. in the construction, implementation and enforcement of the common law and relationship between the common law and access to justice
(Decker, 2014). It further discusses the importance of the legal scholarship in construction of the common law (Decker, 2014). After reading this article
it basically
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Legal Issues In Lago: A Legal Case Study
Legal issues create complications and stress in the lives of not only the accused but also the entire family. It is an expensive affair and can ruin not
only the reputation and image but also the confidence of the person. There are many law firms that the accused can contact for arguing the case. The
criminal lawyers in Largo are well experienced, knowledgeable and very aggressive in their approach to ensure that the accused gets the protection and
the rights they are entitled to.
No two criminal cases are similar and laws vary based on each case. It is very unlikely that an accused can fight their own case in spite of being
educated or having knowledge of the rules. The officers could implicate the offender in many ways and without experienced lawyers help the offender
could find ... Show more content on ...
The accused is charged of physically harming or trying to harm a person o Possession of drugs or narcotics: It is a very serious offense and carries
long imprisonment. It is better to hire the services of criminal lawyers in Largo. o DUI. Driving under intoxication (DUI) again is a serious offence
and may lead to the accused losing their driving license in addition to penalties and jail term.
There are many more cases like prostitution, robbery, arson, DNA evidence, felonies, traffic violations that require the services of lawyers. The
lawyers first try to get details of the charges their clients have been accused of. They look to gather evidence, study and review the evidence, examine
and question witnesses, look for all possible loopholes, consult their co lawyers and seniors and then prepare for the case trial.
The criminal lawyers in Largo do not back out of a case even if all the evidences point towards the accused. They plead for the minimum of
sentence or try to get the case dropped if the police are unable to prove their charges.
How to choose a
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Legal and Professional Issues in Nursing
Legal and Professional Issues in Nursing
Nursing involves forming relationships with patients on many different levels, which will depend on unique sets of circumstances and individual
personalities. Illnesses which are considered life–threatening in particular can really require treatment that is complex and physical nevertheless, more
tellingly, can awaken compound emotional, mental and spiritual issues for both patient, family and nurse. Experiencing such situations helps nurses to
cope with these matters in upcoming, however there is also danger that experience by itself can lead to customary exercise. Reflective exercise is one
particular way to use experience to promote personal and professional growth. Observing and evaluating events that have an influence on them can aid
nurses in gaining a better accepting of their feelings and actions, which can in order guide them to question practices and theories. Incorporating new
awareness with bigger self– consciousness can help to monitor their preparation in forthcoming to endorse actual, modified care. A model of reflection,
which is being based on Murphy's and Aitkin's (1993) evaluation of the literature on insightful exercise, comprises the four phases of description,
self–awareness, critical analysis and evaluation. This easiness lends itself to any nursing situation, and this paper talks about the utilization of the
model with position to one specific event that had a thoughtful result on my method to
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Legal Issues In The Movie
to have to use that money for emergencies that came up throughout their life together. Carl is eventually able to purchase the tickets they need to go
on their trip. Carl refused to sell his home to allow for further development near him. The message that appears to send is, for Carl, the house is
worth less to him financially than the memories it holds, and he will keep the house no matter how much money he is offered. Carl also appears to
not really care about the development happening all around his home and environment. As long has he had his home, he was content. Legal Carl did
face some legal issues in the movie. His legal issues started when a construction worker hit his mailbox with a large piece of construction equipment.
Carl appeared
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BUSI561 Legal Issues in Business
Discussion Board Forum 2: Contracts BUSI561 – Legal Issues in Business November 10, 2013 Analysis of the Situation Let me begin by assessing
the current situation and relationship with Don. Don and I met because of our individual desires to walk with Christ. We developed our friendship that
eventually evolved to a business relationship; we are both small business owners. Our business venture started under favorable circumstances consistent
with implied duty of faith and fair dealings. According to Kubasek, Brennan, &Browne (2012), an implied contract is formed by conduct of involved
parties rather than written or spoken words. That was exactly the case between us. Don would place routine... Show more content on ...
Second, my son's authority to sign on behalf of the company should be considered. An employer may grant employees the following authorities on its
behalf: express authority, actual authority to execute certain agreements; implied authority, the nature that an employee's position implies certain
power; and ostensible authority, an employee's authority as it appears to a third party due to representation (Buchanan Law, 2008). I did not give my
son express authority to enter into agreements on behalf of the company. His position as a part–time deliveryman should not imply or should not be
perceived as having any authority to contract. Lastly, six elements have to be present for a contract to be enforceable: legal offer, legal acceptance,
consideration, genuine assent, competent parties, and legal objective. Although some of these were met, some were not. I believe Don unethically
manipulated the situation and deceived both my son and I. Nolo Legal Encyclopedia (n.d.)listed some instances where a contract can be found
unenforceable in the eyes of the law. These include: Lack of Capacity, my son did not have the ability to understand exactly what he was agreeing to or
what the implications would be; Misrepresentation, Don did not spell out exactly what the contract was when he asked my son to sign it. Instead he
misled him by stating it was just formality to guarantee continued
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Legal, Ethical, And Policy Issues
Legal, Ethical, and Policy Issues, Oh My! Julia Colasurdo SUNY College of Technology at Alfred State Abstract Legal, ethical, and policy issues are
an important aspect of nursing and medical informatics. Nurses should be aware of the dilemmas facing the use of informatics in the health care
facilities. It is important to note the legal issues facing nursing because of the charges of negligence that can be incurred on the nurse if not aware.
Ethical dilemmas of privacy including security breaches can be detrimental to the facility, and the patients. Nurses should also be aware of the policies
regarding privacy, and confidentiality. These actions can help prevent issues and aid in improving the health care system, especially in... Show more
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Health care depends on information." As nurses we have to be able to interpret the data and evaluate it's accuracy. We also use it along with our
assessments to care for our patients and identify when something isn't right. This objective will help me to understand the legal, ethical, and policy
issues related to the use of informatics in the work place. And it will also allow me to be not only aware of these issues, but will help me to
understand and utilize the data in the intended way to help patients. Legal Issues Legal issues related to medical informatics was destined to be a
problem. Before health records were only paper based and there was constantly incomplete or illegible information that was difficult to dicipher.
Now that electronic health records are commonly used, health care providers have access to unlimited amounts of data that's perfectly legible. The
amount of data now avaialable to the providers could almost be overwhelming. "This virtual "mountain" of data can lead to information overload, a
new liability that can lead providers to overlook key findings despite reliable access to documentation. For instance, clinicians who miss a critical
detail that affects treatment decisions while reviewing the EHR could in fact be liable for negligence because "the fact in question was likely just a
few clicks away."' (Sittig & Singh, 2011). The use of electronic health records,
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Lawyers : Legal Issues And Disputes
Lawyers advise and represent individuals, businesses, and government agencies on legal issues and disputes.
Lawyers typically do the following:
Advise and represent clients in courts, before government agencies, and in private legal matters
Communicate with their clients and others
Conduct research and analysis of legal problems
Interpret laws, rulings, and regulations for individuals and businesses
Present facts in writing and verbally to their clients or others and argue on their behalf
Prepare and file legal documents, such as lawsuits, appeals, wills, contracts, and deeds
Lawyers, also called attorneys, act as both advocates and advisors.
As advocates, they represent one of the parties in criminal or civil trials by presenting evidence ... Show more content on ...
However, some travel to attend meetings with clients at various locations, such as homes, hospitals, or prisons. Others travel to appear before courts.
Lawyers who represent clients in court may face heavy pressure during trials.
The majority of lawyers work full time, and many work long hours. Lawyers who are in private practice or those who work in large firms often work
long hours, conducting research and preparing and reviewing documents.
All lawyers must have a law degree and must also typically pass a state 's written bar examination.
Becoming a lawyer usually takes 7 years of full–time study after high school–4 years of undergraduate study, followed by 3 years of law school. Most
states and jurisdictions require lawyers to complete a juris doctor (J.D.) degree from a law school accredited by the American Bar Association (ABA).
ABA accreditation signifies that the law school–particularly its curricula and faculty–meets certain standards.
A bachelor 's degree is required for entry into most law schools, and courses in English, public speaking, government, history, economics, and
mathematics are useful.
Almost all law schools, particularly those approved by the ABA, require applicants to take the Law School Admission Test (LSAT). This test measures
applicants ' aptitude for the study of law.
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Prostitution As Social And Legal Issues
Literature Reviews:
This section reviews several literatures considering prostitution and prostitutes as social and legal issues. It firstly examines concisely the historical and
traditional prostitution discourses in course of developing law on prostitution in the United Kingdom, their (these discourses) influences contributed to
contemporary approaches socially and legally. Regarding the discriminating facts on prostitution and its legalization from media representations, the
final part will investigate how does contemporary media interpret the prevalent negative discourses (victim or offenders grounded) of prostitution as a
legal and social issue.
B)Prostitution and its legislative development in the United Kingdom
In order to comprehend the tension between social controlled morality and prostitution in British historic context, and the historical discourses leading
to current legal situation in the United Kingdom, this text relies heavily on the studies of Aspevig (2011) and Begum (2013); the former is about fact
and fiction of prostitution and the latter relates to the significance of regulating prostitution in the United Kingdom. Both studies similarly emphasized
on legal and social discourses on prostitution, instead of grounded on causes of issues tended to root from sexualized morality discourse. Women in
prostitution are particularly and historically accused of transmitting contagious sexual diseases, appraised as sexual offenders and
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The Negative Issue Of The Minimum Legal Drinking Age
Around the world, various minimum legal drinking ages (MLDA) exist. There are countries like Vietnam and Fiji who have no law at all, countries
like Belgium and Germany with low ages of sixteen or seventeen, and countries like the United States and India with ages as high as twenty–one
(McCardell 21). Up until 1984 the United States had no federal MLDA law, and it was up to the states to decide, but theNational Minimum Drinking
Age Act of 1984 changed all that: setting the national legal age of twenty–one. (CDC). Since then the MLDA has been a controversial topic with people
arguing for it to be lowered to eighteen and others suggesting it should stay the same. Which poses the question should the legal drinking age in the
United States be lowered to eighteen?
Before thoroughly researching the topic my opinion, like most college students, was that it should absolutely be lowered to eighteen. It is important to
note, that my father owns a beer distributor and lowering the MLDA to eighteen would give him and other distributors across America access to
millions of more customers, which gives me an extra reason to believe that it should be lowered. Despite that, after investigating the issue further, I
firmly believe that the MDLA should not be lowered to eighteen because because there is a high correlation between alcohol consumption and personal
health, a higher drinking age is better for public safety, and underage drinking has negative effects on the economy.
According to
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Legal Issue-Enron
Legal Issue in Business: The Case of Enron [Name of the Writer]
[Name of the Institution] Legal Issue in Business: The Case of Enron
Business ethics is based on normative ethics , standards that ethics are upheld and applied specific to distinguish what is right or wrong, that is to say
what should be done or who should not be fact. However, with few exceptions, business ethicists are usually less interested in the foundations of ethics
(meta–ethics) or by the principles of justification ethical principles: they show themselves more concerned with practical issues, and any obligation
specific practice that may apply to the activity and the relationship to economic (Swartz, 2004).
Discussion and Analysis ... Show more content on ...
Enron Exposed another Problem
Another problem that needs to be identified is that the information it filed with the SEC was stale. Although the Enron financial reports were raising
some eyebrows on Wall Street as a result of its rapid growth, changes in its business operations, and widespread use of special purpose entities, no
one at the SEC was concerned. The SEC had planned to review Enron's 2001 annual report after concerns over its accounting were raised in the press,
but Enron's bankruptcy mooted the issue, and no report for that period was ever filed by Enron.
After Enron's failure, Sarbanes–Oxley required the SEC to review the financial statements of all public companies at least every three years, one–third
each year. The SEC was able to conduct a cursory review of only 23 percent of filings in 2003 and had trouble finding staff to do more, filling less
than a third of its vacancies in the first half of fiscal 2004. A Government Accounting Office report also found that the SEC was lagging behind in
computer technology to aid in its mission.
Auditor Liability
As noted, the SEC and the Justice Department have broad powers to investigate that far exceed those of the auditors, but SEC and Justice Department
investigations, for even a limited reporting period, take years and the resulting prosecution even more years. A case in point is
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Questions On The Legal Issue
LST5CCL Assignment Cover Sheet Student Name: Ngoc Ha Do Student Number: 17262879 Name of Tutor: Tutorial Day and Time: Monday at 4pm
Date of Submission: 27/04/2015 Question 1: The legal issue involved in this case is whether a valid contract is formed between Anna and Barry 's Car
Sales Pty Ltd (the company). To determine the validity of a contract, four essential elements must exist in the agreement: intention to create legal
relations, a valid offer and acceptance; consideration and certainty of terms. The first element to consider is the intention to be legally bound between
parties. The fact shows that Anna needed to buy a car which the company wanted to sell. Furthermore, they already made and signed in the contract....
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Question 2A: The issue is whether Anna has been deceived with the true condition of the car by the Company's fraudulent misrepresentation. Under the
common law, fraudulent misrepresentation is made by one party to another; the statement is made with a lack of belief in its truth; the intention of
inducing the other party to enter into the contract; the statement results in damage to the innocent party. First and second element, the statement made
by the representor (the company) to the representee (Anna) lacks their belief in its truth. It includes false statement of existing fact, dishonest statement
of opinion and a statement that is a half–truth. False statement of existing fact is a discrepancy between the facts as proven and the statements made
by the representor. The figure showed in the odometer (75,000 km) is far different from what is recorded in the service details (175,000 km). It
shows that the company deliberately wound the odometer back to create false impression to the buyer that the car was not much used. In perspective
of Anna, the dealer made a dishonest statement of opinion when he praised the car as "the best one of the lot". He should know that the fleet car that
already ran for 175,000 km within 3 years couldn 't be in the best
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Legal And Professional Issues Associated With The...
There are significant number of cases associated with the professional issue and legal issues. The reason behind those issues could be: inadequate
staffing, improper recording and reporting system, workload, poor surveillance, negligence and insufficient knowledge on related field. All the hospital
team member is responsible to maintain the quality care to the patient and should avoid those issue by discussion and implementing plan strategy to
reduce those issues. If it still exists, then they should seek for higher level help. If it is not timely improved, then patient is going to suffer from the
situation because they are the one who are receiving the treatment any kind of negligence can directly affect their health and quality of service. In the
health related field, there is more likely to have legal and professional issues because health care personal is directly interacting with human any
kind of mistake may drag them to legal issues and there are high chances of sue as well. Legal and professional are prevalent in the health care and
especially in nursing field where they have to deal with the patient every day. So, nurses should be very careful while providing care to the patient
and should avoid of legal and professional issues as much as they can. In this report the key event, RN nurses' roles and responsibilities, legal and
professional nursing practice roles and responsibilities of the given case study will be explored
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Legal Issues Surroundings
It can be quite tough when a loved one passes away, and especially when it's a close relative. However, it's important to handle all legal matters
before that happens, in terms of a diseases estate and trust administration. It's always helpful when a loved one has left a will, as it provides legal
instructions about which properties and assets are to go to which relatives or friends. However, sometimes even when there's a will there can be many
issues to sort out, regarding how the real estate, contents, and other items are to be distributed to the person's children, for example. Attorneys can help
to handle such issues. That's true whether the deceased person has left or will. In fact, the situation can be even more complex when the person who
died didn't leave a will, as there can be various legal matters regarding which children get what possessions. An attorney can examine the contents of a
will, and examine the clauses it contains. They can then give legal... Show more content on ...
That's especially true when there are squabbles among siblings about the contents of their parents' will. A solicitor can help to sort things out. That's by
examining the will, collecting the estate's assets, and distributing the distributing the estate. There are various benefits of hiring a solicitor to handle
the issues related to a will. One of the main ones is that an attorney will have the legal knowledge to interpret the will, and determine which Australian
laws apply to which clauses. Most of us don't have the know–how to sort out such matters. In fact, trying to handle the issues without legal counsel can
be quite disastrous, so it's advisable not to take that action. Another benefit of using the services of a solicitor is that it can help to avoid making a
tough situation worse. Losing a loved one can be difficult enough. However, making bad legal moves can definitely worsen the situation, and cause
various legal
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Divorce : A Legal Issue
Divorce legalize a state of discord between the couple, it leads to a release of the climate of dispute and creates new domestic structures of
coexistence between parents and children. Recovering from a divorce is a separate process, not only for each individual but also for each sex. Women
are twice as likely to initiate divorce because they are more likely to recognize problems in the marriage. Most divorcing couples expect to go through
a difficult adjustment period immediately after the marriage comes to an official end. It is important to be aware of the possible consequences of
divorce, and to have a realistic view of the future. Only in the movies is that a rich handsome man and eligible to appear out of nowhere and give a
divorced woman everything she ever dreamed of and more. In real life, women often suffer more after a divorce, both in terms of quality of life and
emotional well–being. Divorce can be an agonizing process for men and women, as there may be many victims in divorce, children, relatives, friends
and finances.
Men suffer more psychologically than women when the wedding is over, according to a study released by the government agency Statistics Canada
(SC). Men suffer more long–term health problems after divorce if not remarry, women tend to suffer more seriously in the short term because of the
sudden loss of status, financial support and emotional safety net, provided by marriage. Divorced men between 20 and 64 years they were six times
more likely to
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The Legal Issues Of Surrogacy
Resembling so many other topics in this class, I continue to have mixed emotions about surrogacy. The topic goes back and forth based on the type,
the legal issues, and additional concerns that are to be expected. After watching what Dr. Rae has to say about surrogacy and doing research, I am
pleased to say that I am still learning and am truly amazed at how much knowledge and insight I am gaining on this topic.
There are four types of surrogacy. First is the traditional, or formally known as genetic surrogacy. Genetic surrogacy is when the carrier donates both
her eggs and her womb. With this route, there are many legal issues that the parents could face. Under the law, the carrier is the mother of the child.
It is also unethical and illegal, according to the 13th amendment, to hand over the custody of a child for money. Also, against the 13th amendment,
there is a forced separation of mother and child in this situation. One of the biggest risk that parents take with this type of surrogate mother, is that the
mother is allowed to decide to keep the baby and they can do nothing about it. The surrogate mother, by law, is allowed to keep this baby because it is
her egg which means that it is biologically her child.
The second, and most popular type of surrogacy is gestational surrogacy. IVF becomes a part of this journey, making the carrier, genetically unrelated.
The couple performs IVF and once the embryo is ready, it is placed inside the surrogate mother to carry and
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The Issue Of Term, Legal Profession
The issue of term "Legal profession" insists of people who work in legal environmental or in the Government . As a first year Law student, I am
learning about an overview of the legal profession; for instance, Legal method and Skills or Legal Systems that definitely influence my career in
the future. After two first weeks studying, my plan future is becoming a solicitor right after I get the Law Degree. The thing that affected my
prompt decision in studying Law is my motivation. Last year, I was attending to Business Law that was one of the units in my Business Diploma
course. During that semester, the Business Law was deeply attracted to me with not only knowledge about contract law or tort law but it also
explained the Australian legal hierarchy or how I can solve the case law or legal matter in real life. All of that made me identified how important
of the law in this current society. To archive my target, I should repair carefully for my knowledge and other skills to become a solicitor. First of
all, knowing clearly all the term that related to the legal profession is very important. If I want to study about the law, I have to know what law is,
according to Gibson and Fraser 'law is rules, developed over a long period of time to control people's interaction with each other and set the standard
of regulation between single individual with other or individuals and government' . Additionally, it is very necessary for me to distinctly knowing about
the legal practitioner if
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The Legal Issue Of Cyberbullying Essay
This assignment will firstly provide an explanation regarding the two legal issues, then discuss why they are legal issue, In addition, this assignment
will provide a comparison of established legislation in New Zealand and foreign jurisdictions; namely the United Kingdom and Australia in managing
the legal issues. Furthermore, this assignment will illustrate my opinions on how the legal issues could be managed or avoided.
The first legal issue is cyberbullying. Cyberbullying or alternatively termed electronic bullying is a legal issue as that is defined as using electronic
means of communication as a medium to carry out continuous acts of bullying towards a victim. This definition is supported by this quote "an
aggressive, intentional act carried out by a group or individual, using electronic forms of contact, repeatedly and over time against a victim who
cannot easily defend him or herself." (Hinduja and Patchin, 2009). Electronical device acts as a medium for users to achieve certain benefits, however,
certain users of the electronic devices have used the devices as a medium to inflict psychological abuse onto others.
Cyberbullying is a legal issue. There are assumption that cyberbullying is traditional bullying. The key differences of cyberbullying in comparison to
traditional bullying are timing and presence of the bully. Traditional bullying can be said to often be face to face and pre planned. In contrast, a
cyberbully can be shadowed or anonymous, the bully if not
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Legal Issues Regarding Adultery
Work and family constitute a major part of the common person's life. When it comes to legal issues, it stands to reason that family law issues would be
among the most frequently encountered problems, and people often need assistance, insight and guidance. It is no wonder that these are the most
commonly asked questions of experts on question–and–answer sites. Here are some of the most commonly asked family law questions.
Questions about Harassment
Harassment can either be physical or mental, direct or indirect. Each type of harassment has its own legal implications. Regardless of whether the
harassment is physical or verbal, real world or online, it is usually against the law. Harassment can also be in the form of stalking, which can be a
civil as well as a criminal offense depending on your state of residence.
Questions about caregivers' rights
Being a caregiver is often a thankless job. It can have legal implications if you are not legally the guardian ... Show more content on ...
Depending on where you live, the law and implications of adultery can vary. Issues regarding adultery are never simple and usually have nuances that
can lead to many questions. The most common among them are: What constitutes adultery? What is the fine for adultery? Can adultery result in
Questions about Divorce due to Adultery
Whether adultery and infidelity can be used against someone in a divorce case depends on the state. The law in each state varies. Courts also consider
whether there are children involved or not, and the ruling can vary based on these and many other considerations.
Family law spans many issues and aspects of family and inter–personal relationships. The implications of family law can raise many questions. Being
aware of the provisions of family law in your state and in your situation is the only way to stay on the right side of the
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Ethico-Legal Issues
Ethico–legal IssuesIn Ontario, the College of Physicians and Surgeons' (CPSO) position on consent for minors is not age–dependent thus requiring the
surgeon or attending physician to conduct an adequate assessment to determine the capacity to consent (CPSO, 2001). If determined unable to fully
comprehend the full nature of benefits and risks from opting in or out of surgery, the parents up until 16 years of age can decide. Similarly in the
USA, as in the case of Julianna Snow, age 5 (Cohen, 2016); the mother explained to the child the concept of death, free of suffering from futile hospital
treatments and resulted to the child choosing "heaven over hospital"; in which the parents and physicians respected. This example show that obtaining...
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International, national and provincial policy needs revision as the legal rights still vary from different countries and states when it comes to gender
identification and poses a significant threat to discriminate against intersex individuals. This lack of support from society strengthens the urgency of
medical assignment and surgical interventions to intersex children. However, the psychological ramifications of surgical interventions cannot be
ignored. While scholars, ethicists and scientist continue to provide insights and work on the ideal approach, surgical interventions are still being
practiced today; heavily influenced by socio–cultural views of gender binarism. In an ethical standpoint, nurture over nature raises the question of who
gets to decide what normal genitals should look like? Having the "correct" genitals, chromosomes and hormones shouldn't be the only way to guarantee
a legal spot in a
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Legal Issues About Legal Content Essay
Legal Blog Post Google Panda in 2015 Generates Serious Issues About Legal Content Keeping current with legal issues poses special problems for
legal practices. Many legal websites have invested a good deal of money in crafting articles that explain legal matters in ways that average people can
understand. However, search engines increasingly change the algorithms that they use to rank return lists of suggested websites in responses to viewer
Internet searches and queries. Algorithms are formulas that Google and other search engines use to rank websites and find relevant content to search
engine queries. Originally, most websites focused exclusively on optimizing their content and Web copy by including the keywords that people use
when searching online for answers, goods or services. However, using this method alone often resulted in literal word matches that didn 't really fit
what people wanted to find. Evolving SEO The search engines regularly update their formulas to make them fairer and more responsive to Internet
users ' queries and searches. Google, as the most popular search engine, is very important to Internet marketing, especially for legal services. Google
periodically makes changes in their searching and ranking criteria, and the company usually titles the major updates with the names of animals, such as
Penguin, Panda and Hummingbird. Few updates have more impact on the legal profession than Panda. The Panda Update: History and Evolution The
Panda update was
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The Issue Of Legal Issues
Legal Issues
There are far more opportunities for the decrease of legal issues with this conflict implementation plan. With tiered meeting being conducted on a daily
basis, the project status is addressed and issues with schedule, cost, scope and quality can be brought to the forefront and addressed. If negative issues
were not addressed in this matter, negative impacts on the project would likely occur – such as:
(a).Teams making unethical decisions
(b).Adversarial contractual relationships
(c).Decrease in productivity, quality and efficiency
(d).Wrongful representation and contractual agreements not met
Ultimately, if not addressed the effected parties may claim relief through the legal system (Wallace, 1999). This can be detrimental to project success
and the organization future business and reputation.
Ethical Dilemma
Looking at the trends within the American organizations that have conducted unethical behavior there could be a relationship between how the
leadership conduct themselves and how the employees act. The culture within the organization can shape how employees think and act (Taylor, et al.,
2014). Business Leaders must establish the culture through clear guidelines and setting the example to foster ethical performance. Take for instance,
the culture within Tyco International , which former CEO Dennis Kozlowski created one that was all about numbers. He had told BusinessWeek "the
sky is the limit" (Jennings, 2012). In addition, research has shown that
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Legal Issues In Amistad
Amistad is a film produced by Steven Spielberg the person who created E.T and Jurassic park. la Amistad is based on the true story of the events in
1839 aboard the slave ship Amistad, during which Mende tribesmen abducted for the slave trade managed to gain control of their captors' ship off the
coast of Cuba, and the international legal battle that followed their capture by a U.S. revenue cutter. The case was ultimately resolved by the Supreme
Court in 1841.
The plot was that a Spanish slave ship called Amistad was traveling from Cuba to the U.S. As the ship is crossing from Cuba to the United States,
Cinque, a leader of the Africans, leads a mutiny and takes over the ship. The mutineers spare the lives ... Show more content on ...
One of the astonishing facts revealed in Steven Spielberg's "Amistad" is that seven of the nine U.S. Supreme Court justices in 1839 were slave–owning
Southerners. His new film centers on the legal status of Africans who rise up against their captors on the high seas and are brought to trial in a New
England court. Slavery itself is not the issue. Instead, the court must decide whether the defendants were born of slaves (in which case they are guilty
of murder) or were illegally brought from Africa (and therefore had a right to defend themselves against kidnapping).This legal distinction is not made
as clear as it could have been; the international slave trade had been outlawed by treaties by 1839, the year of the landmark Amistad incident, but those
who were already slaves remained the property of their masters––as did their children. The moral hair–splitting underlying that distinction is truly
depraved, but on it depends the defense of Cinque, the leader of the Africans, and his fellow mutineers. The film opens on the ship Amistad, where
Cinque is able to free himself from shackles and release his fellow prisoners. They rise up against the Spanish crew of the ship, which is taking them
from a Havana slave market to another destination in Cuba. The two men who bought them are spared, and promise to guide the ship back to Africa.
But they guide it instead into
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The Legal And Ethical Issues
Introduction This essay will address the Legal and Ethical issues in relation to the case study. It will outline the four elements of valid consent and
applicable issues needed to prove and defend the claim for all parties involved. The Universal declaration of bioethics and human rights identifies three
relevant principles to this case study. Beneficence and non–maleficent, the notion of proper free and informed consent, autonomy and the measure in
place to protect individuals not capable of exerting this right. Finally, this essay will address the common conflicts that may arise and a process to
address the conflict.
Legal Issues
In Queensland Health Policy (2012) it clearly states that, Health Care Practitioners by law must obtain consent from a person or an appropriate
decision maker before touching, examining or providing any health care. Consent can be recognised in three forms: implied, verbal or written consent.
However, in a healthcare setting and applicable to this case study, Dr Able was required by Queensland Health Policy, as the senior health practitioner,
to obtain a valid written consent.
Even though the consent form was signed for this consent to be valid, four elements must be satisfied. The consent must be Voluntary without fraud,
misrepresentation, duress or coercion. Repeated pressure by a health care provider in circumstances where the patient is vulnerable, may amount to
duress or coercion (Beausoleil v. La Communaunt's des Soeurs de la
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Legal And Ethical Issues Of Copyright

  • 1. Legal And Ethical Issues Of Copyright Legal and Ethical Issues in Copyright Introduction In the digitalized the age, people have the ability to easily spread and share knowledge. With this great ability people are also given the tools to infringe upon the intellectual property of others. Whether this be through intentional copyright infringement, plagiarism or any other action that infringes upon the rights of others intellectual property. With so many cases ofcopyright infringement being brought before the legal system of the United States and other countries the problem of copyright infringement has grown out of control. Legally copyright infringement is a "strict liability" tort, which means that intentions don 't matter, if infringement occurred, then the infringer is liable. Copyright laws being as complex as they are have multiple ways to interpret it, with the United States having "Fair Use" as a vague way of being able to use this content. This ability to use also can lead to the infringement upon others works, whether this is by willfully violating a copyright, just plain ignorance the copyright or not understanding how to comply with a copyright. Fair Use Copyrighting content is done in order to protect works form being used or misused by others. To use copyrighted material without the copyright holder's permission you must follow the guidelines laid out by fair use. Fair use allows the copying of copyrighted material when done in a limited way, such as to comment upon, criticize, or parody a ... Get more on ...
  • 2. Legal Issues Of The Weeknd The R&B singer The Weeknd is currently facing some legal charges for his popular song, 'The Hills.' It is not just him who has been hit by this news because his record label is also affected. E! Online published a report containing a certain British music publishing company and its complaint against The Weeknd and his team for taking parts of the song 'The Hills' from composer Tom Raybould, which was released for the film 'The Machine' about 2 years ago. The charges against him were made this week at the U.S. District Court in LA. This was sited by E! News and the publishing company behind this issue goes by the name of Cutting Edge Music Holding Ltd. The document says that Abel Tesfaye (aka The Weeknd) has violated thecopyright rules when ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Legal And Ethical Issues While the achievements Rob Smith in the Research and Development department are quite extraordinary to say the least, there has been information put forward by Michael Jones (Senior VP of R&D) that brings both, legal and ethical concerns to light. These rumors being that Rob had acquired some outside knowledge, which in turn led to a breakthrough within the Research and Development department. I have been asked to review all relevant information, and make a determination of if MegaLab acted unethically in violation of law, and submit a draft for consideration to Human Resources an Ethics policy that can be applied to the Research and Development department. For those of you that are unaware of the rumors, the story going around the ... Show more content on ... Likewise a course of action will be submitted to ensure that all actions taken in light of this incident will be within the scope of law. With respect to the aforementioned employee within the Research and Development department, I do believe that it is in the best interest of MegaLab to bring in Rob, and have a conversation with him about the rumors regarding the information leading to the breakthrough with his work. Based on the information gained during that conversation, if it is indeed true that that the information gained was with questionable ethics his employment with MegaLab should be terminated. This would also go toward putting distance between Rob and MegaLab. Likewise if the information is true, I do believe it advisable that MegaLab withdraw our claim on the patent of HIV1. While pulling MegaLabs claim from the patent would cost us untold amounts of profits in the future, it is my thinking that the amount legal fees fighting John Blank over control of this patent could possibility put MegaLabs into a position where our same will brought up with unethical practices, which could cost us more in both profits and reputation. Furthermore when this conversation takes place I would like to request that a member of our Legal team, and a member of the Human Resources department be present. I would like this to ensure that if any issues that arise, they can ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Legal Issues CadMex Pharmaceutical Memorandum To: Mr. Jack Brandt, CEO; Kera Sawyer, International Legal Counsel From: Dan, Vice President of International Business Development Date: March 9, 20XX Subject: Current Gentura Status I would like to take this opportunity to bring everyone up to date on the status of our relationship with Gentura. We have been working in partnership with Gentura a biotechnology company based in Candore since 2007. Candore, a small developing island country in South East Asia, has been under the dictatorship of President Gwendoz since 2004. President Gwendoz, encourages foreign investments into Camdore however, these investments come with some risk. All Camdore international business transactions are subject to the... Show more content on ... legal Issues Health authorities estimate that 1% of Candor's population would be infected by the viral outbreak in March of 2012. Gentura was under pressure by the new government to subsidize the price of ViroBlax. The subsidization of ViroBlax would be a breech of contract with CadMex. Furthermore, Gentura is the only licensed manufacture of ViroBlax in Candore. Acting as the Vice President in charge of International Business Development, I directed our legal counsel to take no legal action, but claim compensation from Gentura. I based my decision from the fact that legal actions against Gentura would weaken the partnership between CadMex and Gentura, and could take a great deal of time to arbitrate with nonbinding results. The alternative of asking Gentura for shared marketing rights for another drug was considered, however through conversations with Gentura's CEO Vail Saman, and our legal counsel of Kera Sawyer I decided that this option was not in our best interest to peruse. Unfortunately, in April of 2012, the Candore health authority increased the percentage of people infected with the viral outbreak from 1% to 3%. Gentura is unable to meet the demand for ViroBlax due to the increased percentage of people infected with the unidentified viral outbreak. The Candorean government has suspended the CadMex's patent on ViroBlax, due to the national health emergency. In addition, the Candorean government has decided to provide compulsory licenses for domestic ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Plan For Legal And Ethical Issues Plan for Legal and Ethical Issues It can be stressful enough to find the best location for a business to build a home base in the United States; it is even more challenging to attempt to expand the business to other parts of the world. It is important for the company to consider what are the most viable options in location and which can better assist in the success and growth of the company. This paper will discuss a manufacturing company looking to base a plant here in the United States, but also expand to Europe and Asia. Key factors discussed will be in identifying major potential legal issues in the U.S., legal issues that differ based on employee location (such as Europe and Asia), key ethical issues in the U.S., four–to–five ethical issues that differ upon location (such as Europe and Asia), and present strategic policies to manage the selected legal and ethical issues the company may face. Potential legal issues in US There are many potential legal issues that organizations can face when opening a potential manufacturing plant in the United States. Employers must be sure that they are not only adhering to the hiring practices and safety laws in their plant but their benefits and packages as well. There are certain legal requirements that organizations must comply with in order to operate in the United States. When organizations are following the proper protocol in business, they face less legal issues. According to Cascio (2016), "These kinds of HR practices can ... Get more on ...
  • 6. The Legal Issues For Technologists Introduction Legal Issues for Technologists, has been an extremely informative class in which much was learned. It directly tied into many of the topics that I have studied in other classes. Entrepreneurial studies and sustainability seem to be at the very core of many majors here at Arizona State University, my major is no exception. In my previous classes I have had to reflect on the materials of the class and demonstrate my knowledge of the curriculum, so that I may bring my skills to my practices in the real world. While I did have some general ideas about various concepts and topics covered in this class. Much previous knowledge was very non–specific and I had many gaps in my understanding. In classes taught by Lucy Qiu, I have learned the incredibly intricate, and often tedious nature of entrepreneurial finance. Aram Chavez has taught me the value of marketing, the power of the cult, and brought insight into the dealings that an entrepreneur might encounter throughout their Aha to Exit journey. Jason Bronowitz has instilled skills relating to the building products, brands, and creating market opportunity analyses. And Finally, as we come to the end of the fall 2015 semester it is once again time for me to reflect on my studies to see what I will carry with me into the future. In an effort to conduct a thorough and effective reflection, one that I believe will be the most beneficial to me, it is imperative that we start at the beginning of the class. I would like ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Legal Issue Of Nursing : Legal Issues In Nursing Legal issues in nursing are something every nurse should be aware of. A few issues that nurses may have to deal with throughout there care is, assault, battery, invasion of privacy, false imprisonment and negligence. As a nurse it is our responsibility to understand these issues, and understand how to avoid them. This means following protocols, policies, and rights of a patient, and also caring for a patient in a safe manner. For the purpose of this paper, I have chosen to write about assault, the legal definition, how it affects nursing, and how a nurse may violate this law and how a nurse can prevent them from stepping over that line. According to the Mosby's Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing & Health Professions, the definition of assault is an "unlawful act that places another person, without that person's consent, in fear of immediate bodily harm or battery. Furthermore, an attack with the intentions to hurt or threaten a person with bodily harm" (O'Toole, M. T, 2017, p. 147). It's important to know how to avoid it, and how to recognize situations that may put you in a spot of being assaulted. Knowing what tools are there for you to use, who to call, restraints, and what your legal rights are. Assault is an important issue in the nursing practice because it can happen in in the flash of the moment. When people get stressed and frustrated, there is only a certain amount that one person can handle, and their response could put them in a situation that may be defined as ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Legal Issues In Australia Introduction The country of the Commonwealth of Australia is an island in the southern hemisphere. Australia is the smallest continent and is surrounded by the Pacific Ocean on the east and Indian Ocean to the west. It is the sixth largest country in the world and contains about 2,966,151 square miles of land, roughly the size of the United States without Alaska and Hawaii. The estimated population is around 22,751,014 as of 2015 (The World Fact Book, 2017). The capital of Australia is Canberra. Australia is divided into six states which are New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, and Western Australia and also three territories which are Australian Capital Territory, Northern Territory, and Jervis Bay Territory.... Show more content on ... Effective system of government, a well– functioning legal system, and independent bureaucracy. Government has withdrawn from most areas of the market. Low inflation rate of 1.5%. Minimal corruption and strong rule of law protect property rights. Foreign firms compete on level playing field with domestic banks and other financial institutions. Many geographic attractions that support tourism. Global demand for agricultural produce in increasing with the increase in Asian markets. The government body of Austrade that promotes foreign investment and provides valuable information and resources that help attract businesses to ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Legal issues in employment paper Reaction Paper – Legal Issues in Employment Windy G. Nunnery University of Central Oklahoma Working in human resources, I am exposed daily to situations and questions that involve the legal issues related to employment. Although I have some familiarity with employment law, legal issues in employment is an area that changes daily. The Legal Issues in Employment class has provided me with insight and exposure to areas of employment law that I had minimal understanding. The first, most profound legal issue I have learned from this class is the information presented on social media, and the use of computers, cameras, and spyware in the workplace. Being in HR, I have been exposed... Show more content on ... Employers should focus on the prospective employee's skills, education, and general ability to do the job, and not involve personal life issues. I also learned it is illegal to give prospective employees personality/behavioral tests. The outcome can be skewed, and it is discriminatory to not hire someone because a test states their personality isn't favorable. The class also provided me with knowledge of the legal issues when terminating an employee. I learned Oklahoma is an "at will" state and any employer can fire any employee any time for no reason. The employee can terminate employment anytime, for any reason as well. However, to keep the employer from being liable for payment of unemployment and possible legal ramifications, it is highly recommended that the employer document the behavioral issues an employee is having. An employer must prove to the courts that they have tried to counsel and rehabilitate an employee to make them successful, before they terminate. I also learned that all employees must be treated equal, and should have the same expectations and behavioral modification methods. Another topic learned in class was the American's with Disabilities Act, and the impact decisions made by employers can have on the employee and the company. I learned that if an employee comes forward stating they have a disability, and provide documented proof, an ... Get more on ...
  • 10. The Issue Of Legal Ethics Introduction Having called the tune, Cintolo cannot be excused...on the basis of his vocation...[We] emphatically reject the notion that a law degree, like some sorcerer's amulet, can ward off the rigours of the criminal law. The law itself is not a shield for ethical wrongdoing, legal ethics and how they are applied by international lawyers has become the subject of much contention since the infamous memorandum drafted in 2002 by Jay Bybee and John Yoo (Yoo) otherwise known as the 'torture memo'. This essay seeks to examine the issue of legal ethics through the lens of the experience of Yoo and what this means for the provision of international legal advice in the United States (US) system. This examination will look at, first, the ethics of lawyers in the US system. Secondly, how legal advice is provided based on who the client is and the advantages of each approach. Third, ethics will be explored through the legal advice provided in the Office of Legal Counsel (OLC). Fourth, how international human rights law (IHRL) applies and how the torture memo sought to ignore it. Finally, a look at how do we strengthen legal ethics to ensure what happened during the Yoo years never repeats. Legal Ethics What are legal ethics? The ethical duty a lawyer, has been described by Lord Brougham in the defence of Queen Caroline in her divorce of King George VII as 'an advocate, by the sacred duty which he owes his client, knows, in the discharge of that office, but one person in the ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Jetblue Legal Issues Introduction JetBlue Airways is a passenger airline founded in 1999 by David Neeleman. Neeleman aimed to provide the customer with first–rate service at reasonable prices. In order to ensure this strategy, JetBlue had to recruit and hire the right people to complement its core values. The company encompasses five core values: safety, caring, integrity fun, and passion. JetBlue uses a targeted selection process to identify employees which fit the company values. However, this approach can lead to equal employment opportunity legal challenges. A. National Laws Equal Employment Opportunity Laws provide guidelines for designing Human Resource systems in an organization that are legal, ethical, fair and justified, thus protecting both ... Show more content on ... (Lewis, 2007). JetBlue uses a targeted selection process. When JetBlue began its hiring, recruiters looked for applicants who displayed integrity, as well as, showed traits consistent with its core values of safety, caring, integrity, fun, and passion. The interview process for both mechanics and pilots are built on these core values to ensure the right cultural fit. During the interview process, applicants are asked to recall incidents from previous jobs and describe how the situation was handled along with the consequences of the actions. JetBlue hired applicants who did not compromise on the safety of passengers such as a mechanic who did not certify an aircraft because it did not comply with safety standards. JetBlue hired this mechanic because his attitude fit with the standards set forth by JetBlue. On the other hand, a pilot who was arrogant was refused employment. In pilot recruitment, pilots are required to be computer savvy, but they also need to fit the culture of the airline. The company covered the cost of pilot training, unlike other airline carriers, therefore, the aspect of being a cultural fit is important to control attrition costs. If an employee leaves after the company invests in training, it would be ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Legal Issues In Coaches Essay Coaches have the experience of watching young people develop sport skills and contribute to developing a successful team. Coaches also have legal obligations to their schools and their athletes. The most common legal issue most coaches face today is liability and negligence. Coaches are expected to act as the cautious person in every situation. Oftentimes coaches are required to stand in the place of parents when athletes are left under their supervision. The hazards of coaching has become very relevant and it is very important for coaches to be familiar with their legal rights and responsibilities. Coaches have newer obstacles to endure in reference to legal issues. The need for safety and risk management awareness among coaches is greater than ever before. Negligence, which is the failure to use reasonable care to protect against foreseeable harm under the circumstances, is the legal theory relied on by athletes who have sued coaches for sports' related injuries. (Straton, 1999) Most negligence suits arise from the lack of supervision among the coaching staff. Coaches oftentimes leave athletes unattended before or after practice. If this results in injury or in the worst case death a coach can be held liable because of the negligence of leaving athletes unsupervised. ... Show more content on ... Like all other athletes, college athletes are competing at a higher level of competition and are subject to injury from participating in sports. Just like high school sports the college coaches have a legal duty not to put the athlete at risk of injury. There are relatively few cases in which college coaches have been sued for negligent instruction or supervision that causes injury to their own players, but coaches at this level of competition should use reasonable care to minimize the risks of injury. (Stratton, ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Legal Ethical and Regulatory Issues Legal, Ethical & Regulatory Issues The online banking industry is a growing and a continually evolving business. This paper will identify and describes the legal, ethical, and regulatory issues that impact online banking the Websites. Business ethics examines ethical rules and principles within a commercial context involved in e–commerce are faced with the same if not more legal issues as any other business; these issues include, but are not limited to jurisdiction, contract, and legitimacy in the banking. Banks such as Wells Fargo, Wachovia, andBank of America using Websites to conduct electronic commerce should adhere to the same ethical standards that other businesses follow." (Schneider, 2004).Ethics play an integral role ... Show more content on ... These hackers threaten our security and confidentiality every day by getting unauthorized access and stealing our most valuable or sensitive information. Privacy and security concerns are not unique to the bank industry; they are spread to personal information such as health or employment, and other e–commerce transactions. The protection of this information has to be ensured by the company or bank in order for customers to continue the relationship with such. The bank industry is a pioneer in handling security and confidential information of customers. By protecting their customers they protect themselves as well. Bank of America, Wachovia and Wells Fargo banks are very careful with the information and security management protecting it is their main goal and commitment as they all express it in their websites and in the face to face banks. The banks try to provide the best service in every aspect and they assure customers their responsibility toward the protection of the customer accounts going beyond their face to face business, it is maintained over the phone and online as well. Bank of America, Wachovia, and Wells Fargo guarantee online security, in the case a customer reports fraud within 60 days of the incident, the bank compromises in refunding 100% of the amount to the bank account. The security of the consumers depends on the consumers as well, they expect customers to take some steps to prevent fraud like protecting passwords, installing a ... Get more on ...
  • 14. The Ethical And Legal Issues The Issue The concept of autonomy spans both ethical and legal issues as it pertains to the aging population. This paper will focus on the ethical perspective of trying to keep a balance between allowing an aging (65+) person to maintain their autonomy when making rational and intelligent life choices while at the same time assisting them from making bad choices that might harm them emotionally, financial, spiritually or even physically in some instances. Autonomy comes from the Greek word for "self rule," and defines a person's ability or capacity to make choices based on their personal beliefs and values. Unless decision–making capacity is taken away from a person through legal measures, all adults are presumed to have capacity to ... Show more content on ... As unique as we are throughout our lifetimes, we are just as unique in how we age. Seniors today who are 65–plus have a greater opportunity of living another thirty or more years, and while some are not healthy in body and/or mind, a great many are living full and active lives. It is usually the family and friends who will be the first to observe if someone is failing in ADL's (Activities of Daily 2 Living), and to what degree the person may need help making daily choices. People need to feel empowered in their lives in order to feel satisfaction and continue to have a purpose. Of prime importance in someone's life is the feeling that they make a difference and that their thoughts and deeds matter. Contrasting Views While there are several components to the concept of autonomy, this paper will compare and contrast the elements pertaining to autonomy within the healthcare and legal system. When President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Older Americans Act(OAA) in 1965, the same year of the creation of Medicare, the OAA created the Administration onAging (AOA), a division within the Department of Health and Human Services which funds community service programs for the elderly, as well as provides funding and administration for research projects in the field of aging. Amendments in 1972 to the OAA added the "National Nutrition Program" for elders. In 2000, the OAA was amended once again,
  • 15. ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Is3550 Legal Issues Business Continuity Planning: is the way an organization can prepare for and aid in disaster recovery. It is an arrangement agreed upon in advance by management and key personnel of the steps that will be taken to help the organizations recover should any type of disaster occur. These programs prepare for multiple problems. Detailed plans are created that clearly outline the actions that an organization or particular members of an organization will take to help recover/restore any of its critical operations that may have been either completely or partially interrupted during or after (occurring within a specified period of time) a disaster or other extended disruption in accessibility to operational functions. In order... Show more content on ... Commonly, impacts resulting from other types of incident (such as breach of confidentiality or loss of data integrity) are simultaneously explored, but this need not be the case when only considering business continuity planning or disaster recovery. However, there are certainly advantages to undertaking a comprehensive and wider focused exercise. The business impact analysis, or 'BIA', is intended to help you understand the degree of potential loss (and other undesirable effects) which could occur. This will cover not just direct financial loss, but many other issues, such as loss of customer confidence, reputational damage, regulatory effects, and so on. ( 7. Today's healthcare organizations have changed, mirroring or leading the changes seen in their enterprise counterparts. Organizations have become widely distributed, and most don't have a dedicated IT staff. At the same time, most clinics or distributed sites require connectivity to hospital resources/applications, and reliable, high speed wireless networks to function. The mobile nature of caregivers and the growing use of networked imaging and video in patient care settings make an affordable, easy to manage network mission critical. Features & Benefits No need for wireless or networking expertise Just plug in the router or AP The device will "phone home" and get its ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Personal Property Legal Issue That Martin Faces Essay I respectfully disagree with your analysis pertaining to the personal property legal issue that Martin faces. I take issue with the way you are defining bailment and implying that Martin and Benjamin had an agreement to valet Martins GTO. Therefore, I take issue with your "bailment" positioning because that implies that the car thief and Martin had a personal agreement for him to park and return the car. ("National Para Legal,") states The issue of whether or not a bailment has been created is important because, once a bailment has been established, a duty of care attaches to the bailee. Failure to live up to this duty of care can cause the bailee to be liable for any harm that results to the property from the failure of the bailee to properly care for the property. However, if there is no bailment (only a custodial arrangement), the custodian has no affirmative duty to safeguard the property (2016). However, the only agreement that Martin had implied was with the restaurant, which was made in good faith. Furthermore, the restaurant failed Martin because of their neglect to maintain their company's property, which intern lead to the theft. Moreover, I understand your thought process for the most recent purchaser exercising his good faith stance. However, I do not believe that stance would hold up in court because of the way the North Carolina law is written. According to ("North Carolina General Assembly,") Article 3. Motor VehicleAct of 1937. Part 8. Anti–Theft ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Legal Issues Over The Legal System The career that I chose to focus on was legal area as far as becoming an attorney that practices family and criminal court. I chose this area of study because I have become interested in legal issues over the past few years that lead me to the decision to practice law. Upon deciding what I wanted to do with my career, I then decided that I want to first start out as a lawyer and then progress to becoming a judge where I plan on retiring from. I decided I would rather practice criminal law and family law as a prosecutor rather than becoming a defense attorney. I don't feel that my arguments are strong enough to be a defense attorney and do plan on working on those skills for improvement. However I am a firm believe that justice served is the main reason individuals lean to the legal system for help. During my research for my chosen career I found an article that allowed me to look deeper into the legal system. The article focuses on the importance of the local common law in resolving various related disputes (Decker, 2014). Topics discussed include relationship between the local common law with the customs, social norms and local legal culture, role of the local courts of the U.S. in the construction, implementation and enforcement of the common law and relationship between the common law and access to justice (Decker, 2014). It further discusses the importance of the legal scholarship in construction of the common law (Decker, 2014). After reading this article it basically ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Legal Issues In Lago: A Legal Case Study Legal issues create complications and stress in the lives of not only the accused but also the entire family. It is an expensive affair and can ruin not only the reputation and image but also the confidence of the person. There are many law firms that the accused can contact for arguing the case. The criminal lawyers in Largo are well experienced, knowledgeable and very aggressive in their approach to ensure that the accused gets the protection and the rights they are entitled to. No two criminal cases are similar and laws vary based on each case. It is very unlikely that an accused can fight their own case in spite of being educated or having knowledge of the rules. The officers could implicate the offender in many ways and without experienced lawyers help the offender could find ... Show more content on ... The accused is charged of physically harming or trying to harm a person o Possession of drugs or narcotics: It is a very serious offense and carries long imprisonment. It is better to hire the services of criminal lawyers in Largo. o DUI. Driving under intoxication (DUI) again is a serious offence and may lead to the accused losing their driving license in addition to penalties and jail term. There are many more cases like prostitution, robbery, arson, DNA evidence, felonies, traffic violations that require the services of lawyers. The lawyers first try to get details of the charges their clients have been accused of. They look to gather evidence, study and review the evidence, examine and question witnesses, look for all possible loopholes, consult their co lawyers and seniors and then prepare for the case trial. The criminal lawyers in Largo do not back out of a case even if all the evidences point towards the accused. They plead for the minimum of sentence or try to get the case dropped if the police are unable to prove their charges. How to choose a ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Legal and Professional Issues in Nursing Legal and Professional Issues in Nursing Introduction Nursing involves forming relationships with patients on many different levels, which will depend on unique sets of circumstances and individual personalities. Illnesses which are considered life–threatening in particular can really require treatment that is complex and physical nevertheless, more tellingly, can awaken compound emotional, mental and spiritual issues for both patient, family and nurse. Experiencing such situations helps nurses to cope with these matters in upcoming, however there is also danger that experience by itself can lead to customary exercise. Reflective exercise is one particular way to use experience to promote personal and professional growth. Observing and evaluating events that have an influence on them can aid nurses in gaining a better accepting of their feelings and actions, which can in order guide them to question practices and theories. Incorporating new awareness with bigger self– consciousness can help to monitor their preparation in forthcoming to endorse actual, modified care. A model of reflection, which is being based on Murphy's and Aitkin's (1993) evaluation of the literature on insightful exercise, comprises the four phases of description, self–awareness, critical analysis and evaluation. This easiness lends itself to any nursing situation, and this paper talks about the utilization of the model with position to one specific event that had a thoughtful result on my method to ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Legal Issues In The Movie to have to use that money for emergencies that came up throughout their life together. Carl is eventually able to purchase the tickets they need to go on their trip. Carl refused to sell his home to allow for further development near him. The message that appears to send is, for Carl, the house is worth less to him financially than the memories it holds, and he will keep the house no matter how much money he is offered. Carl also appears to not really care about the development happening all around his home and environment. As long has he had his home, he was content. Legal Carl did face some legal issues in the movie. His legal issues started when a construction worker hit his mailbox with a large piece of construction equipment. Carl appeared ... Get more on ...
  • 22. BUSI561 Legal Issues in Business Discussion Board Forum 2: Contracts BUSI561 – Legal Issues in Business November 10, 2013 Analysis of the Situation Let me begin by assessing the current situation and relationship with Don. Don and I met because of our individual desires to walk with Christ. We developed our friendship that eventually evolved to a business relationship; we are both small business owners. Our business venture started under favorable circumstances consistent with implied duty of faith and fair dealings. According to Kubasek, Brennan, &Browne (2012), an implied contract is formed by conduct of involved parties rather than written or spoken words. That was exactly the case between us. Don would place routine... Show more content on ... Second, my son's authority to sign on behalf of the company should be considered. An employer may grant employees the following authorities on its behalf: express authority, actual authority to execute certain agreements; implied authority, the nature that an employee's position implies certain power; and ostensible authority, an employee's authority as it appears to a third party due to representation (Buchanan Law, 2008). I did not give my son express authority to enter into agreements on behalf of the company. His position as a part–time deliveryman should not imply or should not be perceived as having any authority to contract. Lastly, six elements have to be present for a contract to be enforceable: legal offer, legal acceptance, consideration, genuine assent, competent parties, and legal objective. Although some of these were met, some were not. I believe Don unethically manipulated the situation and deceived both my son and I. Nolo Legal Encyclopedia (n.d.)listed some instances where a contract can be found unenforceable in the eyes of the law. These include: Lack of Capacity, my son did not have the ability to understand exactly what he was agreeing to or what the implications would be; Misrepresentation, Don did not spell out exactly what the contract was when he asked my son to sign it. Instead he misled him by stating it was just formality to guarantee continued ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Legal, Ethical, And Policy Issues Legal, Ethical, and Policy Issues, Oh My! Julia Colasurdo SUNY College of Technology at Alfred State Abstract Legal, ethical, and policy issues are an important aspect of nursing and medical informatics. Nurses should be aware of the dilemmas facing the use of informatics in the health care facilities. It is important to note the legal issues facing nursing because of the charges of negligence that can be incurred on the nurse if not aware. Ethical dilemmas of privacy including security breaches can be detrimental to the facility, and the patients. Nurses should also be aware of the policies regarding privacy, and confidentiality. These actions can help prevent issues and aid in improving the health care system, especially in... Show more content on ... Health care depends on information." As nurses we have to be able to interpret the data and evaluate it's accuracy. We also use it along with our assessments to care for our patients and identify when something isn't right. This objective will help me to understand the legal, ethical, and policy issues related to the use of informatics in the work place. And it will also allow me to be not only aware of these issues, but will help me to understand and utilize the data in the intended way to help patients. Legal Issues Legal issues related to medical informatics was destined to be a problem. Before health records were only paper based and there was constantly incomplete or illegible information that was difficult to dicipher. Now that electronic health records are commonly used, health care providers have access to unlimited amounts of data that's perfectly legible. The amount of data now avaialable to the providers could almost be overwhelming. "This virtual "mountain" of data can lead to information overload, a new liability that can lead providers to overlook key findings despite reliable access to documentation. For instance, clinicians who miss a critical detail that affects treatment decisions while reviewing the EHR could in fact be liable for negligence because "the fact in question was likely just a few clicks away."' (Sittig & Singh, 2011). The use of electronic health records, ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Lawyers : Legal Issues And Disputes Lawyers advise and represent individuals, businesses, and government agencies on legal issues and disputes. Lawyers typically do the following: Advise and represent clients in courts, before government agencies, and in private legal matters Communicate with their clients and others Conduct research and analysis of legal problems Interpret laws, rulings, and regulations for individuals and businesses Present facts in writing and verbally to their clients or others and argue on their behalf Prepare and file legal documents, such as lawsuits, appeals, wills, contracts, and deeds Lawyers, also called attorneys, act as both advocates and advisors. As advocates, they represent one of the parties in criminal or civil trials by presenting evidence ... Show more content on ... However, some travel to attend meetings with clients at various locations, such as homes, hospitals, or prisons. Others travel to appear before courts. Lawyers who represent clients in court may face heavy pressure during trials. The majority of lawyers work full time, and many work long hours. Lawyers who are in private practice or those who work in large firms often work long hours, conducting research and preparing and reviewing documents. All lawyers must have a law degree and must also typically pass a state 's written bar examination. Becoming a lawyer usually takes 7 years of full–time study after high school–4 years of undergraduate study, followed by 3 years of law school. Most states and jurisdictions require lawyers to complete a juris doctor (J.D.) degree from a law school accredited by the American Bar Association (ABA). ABA accreditation signifies that the law school–particularly its curricula and faculty–meets certain standards. A bachelor 's degree is required for entry into most law schools, and courses in English, public speaking, government, history, economics, and mathematics are useful. Almost all law schools, particularly those approved by the ABA, require applicants to take the Law School Admission Test (LSAT). This test measures applicants ' aptitude for the study of law.
  • 25. ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Prostitution As Social And Legal Issues Literature Reviews: A)Introduction This section reviews several literatures considering prostitution and prostitutes as social and legal issues. It firstly examines concisely the historical and traditional prostitution discourses in course of developing law on prostitution in the United Kingdom, their (these discourses) influences contributed to contemporary approaches socially and legally. Regarding the discriminating facts on prostitution and its legalization from media representations, the final part will investigate how does contemporary media interpret the prevalent negative discourses (victim or offenders grounded) of prostitution as a legal and social issue. B)Prostitution and its legislative development in the United Kingdom In order to comprehend the tension between social controlled morality and prostitution in British historic context, and the historical discourses leading to current legal situation in the United Kingdom, this text relies heavily on the studies of Aspevig (2011) and Begum (2013); the former is about fact and fiction of prostitution and the latter relates to the significance of regulating prostitution in the United Kingdom. Both studies similarly emphasized on legal and social discourses on prostitution, instead of grounded on causes of issues tended to root from sexualized morality discourse. Women in prostitution are particularly and historically accused of transmitting contagious sexual diseases, appraised as sexual offenders and ... Get more on ...
  • 27. The Negative Issue Of The Minimum Legal Drinking Age Around the world, various minimum legal drinking ages (MLDA) exist. There are countries like Vietnam and Fiji who have no law at all, countries like Belgium and Germany with low ages of sixteen or seventeen, and countries like the United States and India with ages as high as twenty–one (McCardell 21). Up until 1984 the United States had no federal MLDA law, and it was up to the states to decide, but theNational Minimum Drinking Age Act of 1984 changed all that: setting the national legal age of twenty–one. (CDC). Since then the MLDA has been a controversial topic with people arguing for it to be lowered to eighteen and others suggesting it should stay the same. Which poses the question should the legal drinking age in the United States be lowered to eighteen? Before thoroughly researching the topic my opinion, like most college students, was that it should absolutely be lowered to eighteen. It is important to note, that my father owns a beer distributor and lowering the MLDA to eighteen would give him and other distributors across America access to millions of more customers, which gives me an extra reason to believe that it should be lowered. Despite that, after investigating the issue further, I firmly believe that the MDLA should not be lowered to eighteen because because there is a high correlation between alcohol consumption and personal health, a higher drinking age is better for public safety, and underage drinking has negative effects on the economy. According to ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Legal Issue-Enron Legal Issue in Business: The Case of Enron [Name of the Writer] [Name of the Institution] Legal Issue in Business: The Case of Enron Introduction Business ethics is based on normative ethics , standards that ethics are upheld and applied specific to distinguish what is right or wrong, that is to say what should be done or who should not be fact. However, with few exceptions, business ethicists are usually less interested in the foundations of ethics (meta–ethics) or by the principles of justification ethical principles: they show themselves more concerned with practical issues, and any obligation specific practice that may apply to the activity and the relationship to economic (Swartz, 2004). Discussion and Analysis ... Show more content on ... Enron Exposed another Problem Another problem that needs to be identified is that the information it filed with the SEC was stale. Although the Enron financial reports were raising some eyebrows on Wall Street as a result of its rapid growth, changes in its business operations, and widespread use of special purpose entities, no one at the SEC was concerned. The SEC had planned to review Enron's 2001 annual report after concerns over its accounting were raised in the press, but Enron's bankruptcy mooted the issue, and no report for that period was ever filed by Enron. After Enron's failure, Sarbanes–Oxley required the SEC to review the financial statements of all public companies at least every three years, one–third each year. The SEC was able to conduct a cursory review of only 23 percent of filings in 2003 and had trouble finding staff to do more, filling less than a third of its vacancies in the first half of fiscal 2004. A Government Accounting Office report also found that the SEC was lagging behind in computer technology to aid in its mission. Auditor Liability As noted, the SEC and the Justice Department have broad powers to investigate that far exceed those of the auditors, but SEC and Justice Department investigations, for even a limited reporting period, take years and the resulting prosecution even more years. A case in point is ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Questions On The Legal Issue LST5CCL Assignment Cover Sheet Student Name: Ngoc Ha Do Student Number: 17262879 Name of Tutor: Tutorial Day and Time: Monday at 4pm Date of Submission: 27/04/2015 Question 1: The legal issue involved in this case is whether a valid contract is formed between Anna and Barry 's Car Sales Pty Ltd (the company). To determine the validity of a contract, four essential elements must exist in the agreement: intention to create legal relations, a valid offer and acceptance; consideration and certainty of terms. The first element to consider is the intention to be legally bound between parties. The fact shows that Anna needed to buy a car which the company wanted to sell. Furthermore, they already made and signed in the contract.... Show more content on ... Question 2A: The issue is whether Anna has been deceived with the true condition of the car by the Company's fraudulent misrepresentation. Under the common law, fraudulent misrepresentation is made by one party to another; the statement is made with a lack of belief in its truth; the intention of inducing the other party to enter into the contract; the statement results in damage to the innocent party. First and second element, the statement made by the representor (the company) to the representee (Anna) lacks their belief in its truth. It includes false statement of existing fact, dishonest statement of opinion and a statement that is a half–truth. False statement of existing fact is a discrepancy between the facts as proven and the statements made by the representor. The figure showed in the odometer (75,000 km) is far different from what is recorded in the service details (175,000 km). It shows that the company deliberately wound the odometer back to create false impression to the buyer that the car was not much used. In perspective of Anna, the dealer made a dishonest statement of opinion when he praised the car as "the best one of the lot". He should know that the fleet car that already ran for 175,000 km within 3 years couldn 't be in the best ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Legal And Professional Issues Associated With The... SNPG923 LEGAL AND PROFESSIONAL ISSUES There are significant number of cases associated with the professional issue and legal issues. The reason behind those issues could be: inadequate staffing, improper recording and reporting system, workload, poor surveillance, negligence and insufficient knowledge on related field. All the hospital team member is responsible to maintain the quality care to the patient and should avoid those issue by discussion and implementing plan strategy to reduce those issues. If it still exists, then they should seek for higher level help. If it is not timely improved, then patient is going to suffer from the situation because they are the one who are receiving the treatment any kind of negligence can directly affect their health and quality of service. In the health related field, there is more likely to have legal and professional issues because health care personal is directly interacting with human any kind of mistake may drag them to legal issues and there are high chances of sue as well. Legal and professional are prevalent in the health care and especially in nursing field where they have to deal with the patient every day. So, nurses should be very careful while providing care to the patient and should avoid of legal and professional issues as much as they can. In this report the key event, RN nurses' roles and responsibilities, legal and professional nursing practice roles and responsibilities of the given case study will be explored ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Legal Issues Surroundings It can be quite tough when a loved one passes away, and especially when it's a close relative. However, it's important to handle all legal matters before that happens, in terms of a diseases estate and trust administration. It's always helpful when a loved one has left a will, as it provides legal instructions about which properties and assets are to go to which relatives or friends. However, sometimes even when there's a will there can be many issues to sort out, regarding how the real estate, contents, and other items are to be distributed to the person's children, for example. Attorneys can help to handle such issues. That's true whether the deceased person has left or will. In fact, the situation can be even more complex when the person who died didn't leave a will, as there can be various legal matters regarding which children get what possessions. An attorney can examine the contents of a will, and examine the clauses it contains. They can then give legal... Show more content on ... That's especially true when there are squabbles among siblings about the contents of their parents' will. A solicitor can help to sort things out. That's by examining the will, collecting the estate's assets, and distributing the distributing the estate. There are various benefits of hiring a solicitor to handle the issues related to a will. One of the main ones is that an attorney will have the legal knowledge to interpret the will, and determine which Australian laws apply to which clauses. Most of us don't have the know–how to sort out such matters. In fact, trying to handle the issues without legal counsel can be quite disastrous, so it's advisable not to take that action. Another benefit of using the services of a solicitor is that it can help to avoid making a tough situation worse. Losing a loved one can be difficult enough. However, making bad legal moves can definitely worsen the situation, and cause various legal ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Divorce : A Legal Issue Divorce legalize a state of discord between the couple, it leads to a release of the climate of dispute and creates new domestic structures of coexistence between parents and children. Recovering from a divorce is a separate process, not only for each individual but also for each sex. Women are twice as likely to initiate divorce because they are more likely to recognize problems in the marriage. Most divorcing couples expect to go through a difficult adjustment period immediately after the marriage comes to an official end. It is important to be aware of the possible consequences of divorce, and to have a realistic view of the future. Only in the movies is that a rich handsome man and eligible to appear out of nowhere and give a divorced woman everything she ever dreamed of and more. In real life, women often suffer more after a divorce, both in terms of quality of life and emotional well–being. Divorce can be an agonizing process for men and women, as there may be many victims in divorce, children, relatives, friends and finances. Men suffer more psychologically than women when the wedding is over, according to a study released by the government agency Statistics Canada (SC). Men suffer more long–term health problems after divorce if not remarry, women tend to suffer more seriously in the short term because of the sudden loss of status, financial support and emotional safety net, provided by marriage. Divorced men between 20 and 64 years they were six times more likely to ... Get more on ...
  • 33. The Legal Issues Of Surrogacy Resembling so many other topics in this class, I continue to have mixed emotions about surrogacy. The topic goes back and forth based on the type, the legal issues, and additional concerns that are to be expected. After watching what Dr. Rae has to say about surrogacy and doing research, I am pleased to say that I am still learning and am truly amazed at how much knowledge and insight I am gaining on this topic. There are four types of surrogacy. First is the traditional, or formally known as genetic surrogacy. Genetic surrogacy is when the carrier donates both her eggs and her womb. With this route, there are many legal issues that the parents could face. Under the law, the carrier is the mother of the child. It is also unethical and illegal, according to the 13th amendment, to hand over the custody of a child for money. Also, against the 13th amendment, there is a forced separation of mother and child in this situation. One of the biggest risk that parents take with this type of surrogate mother, is that the mother is allowed to decide to keep the baby and they can do nothing about it. The surrogate mother, by law, is allowed to keep this baby because it is her egg which means that it is biologically her child. The second, and most popular type of surrogacy is gestational surrogacy. IVF becomes a part of this journey, making the carrier, genetically unrelated. The couple performs IVF and once the embryo is ready, it is placed inside the surrogate mother to carry and ... Get more on ...
  • 34. The Issue Of Term, Legal Profession The issue of term "Legal profession" insists of people who work in legal environmental or in the Government . As a first year Law student, I am learning about an overview of the legal profession; for instance, Legal method and Skills or Legal Systems that definitely influence my career in the future. After two first weeks studying, my plan future is becoming a solicitor right after I get the Law Degree. The thing that affected my prompt decision in studying Law is my motivation. Last year, I was attending to Business Law that was one of the units in my Business Diploma course. During that semester, the Business Law was deeply attracted to me with not only knowledge about contract law or tort law but it also explained the Australian legal hierarchy or how I can solve the case law or legal matter in real life. All of that made me identified how important of the law in this current society. To archive my target, I should repair carefully for my knowledge and other skills to become a solicitor. First of all, knowing clearly all the term that related to the legal profession is very important. If I want to study about the law, I have to know what law is, according to Gibson and Fraser 'law is rules, developed over a long period of time to control people's interaction with each other and set the standard of regulation between single individual with other or individuals and government' . Additionally, it is very necessary for me to distinctly knowing about the legal practitioner if ... Get more on ...
  • 35. The Legal Issue Of Cyberbullying Essay This assignment will firstly provide an explanation regarding the two legal issues, then discuss why they are legal issue, In addition, this assignment will provide a comparison of established legislation in New Zealand and foreign jurisdictions; namely the United Kingdom and Australia in managing the legal issues. Furthermore, this assignment will illustrate my opinions on how the legal issues could be managed or avoided. The first legal issue is cyberbullying. Cyberbullying or alternatively termed electronic bullying is a legal issue as that is defined as using electronic means of communication as a medium to carry out continuous acts of bullying towards a victim. This definition is supported by this quote "an aggressive, intentional act carried out by a group or individual, using electronic forms of contact, repeatedly and over time against a victim who cannot easily defend him or herself." (Hinduja and Patchin, 2009). Electronical device acts as a medium for users to achieve certain benefits, however, certain users of the electronic devices have used the devices as a medium to inflict psychological abuse onto others. Cyberbullying is a legal issue. There are assumption that cyberbullying is traditional bullying. The key differences of cyberbullying in comparison to traditional bullying are timing and presence of the bully. Traditional bullying can be said to often be face to face and pre planned. In contrast, a cyberbully can be shadowed or anonymous, the bully if not ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Legal Issues Regarding Adultery Work and family constitute a major part of the common person's life. When it comes to legal issues, it stands to reason that family law issues would be among the most frequently encountered problems, and people often need assistance, insight and guidance. It is no wonder that these are the most commonly asked questions of experts on question–and–answer sites. Here are some of the most commonly asked family law questions. Questions about Harassment Harassment can either be physical or mental, direct or indirect. Each type of harassment has its own legal implications. Regardless of whether the harassment is physical or verbal, real world or online, it is usually against the law. Harassment can also be in the form of stalking, which can be a civil as well as a criminal offense depending on your state of residence. Questions about caregivers' rights Being a caregiver is often a thankless job. It can have legal implications if you are not legally the guardian ... Show more content on ... Depending on where you live, the law and implications of adultery can vary. Issues regarding adultery are never simple and usually have nuances that can lead to many questions. The most common among them are: What constitutes adultery? What is the fine for adultery? Can adultery result in incarceration? Questions about Divorce due to Adultery Whether adultery and infidelity can be used against someone in a divorce case depends on the state. The law in each state varies. Courts also consider whether there are children involved or not, and the ruling can vary based on these and many other considerations. Family law spans many issues and aspects of family and inter–personal relationships. The implications of family law can raise many questions. Being aware of the provisions of family law in your state and in your situation is the only way to stay on the right side of the
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  • 38. Ethico-Legal Issues Ethico–legal IssuesIn Ontario, the College of Physicians and Surgeons' (CPSO) position on consent for minors is not age–dependent thus requiring the surgeon or attending physician to conduct an adequate assessment to determine the capacity to consent (CPSO, 2001). If determined unable to fully comprehend the full nature of benefits and risks from opting in or out of surgery, the parents up until 16 years of age can decide. Similarly in the USA, as in the case of Julianna Snow, age 5 (Cohen, 2016); the mother explained to the child the concept of death, free of suffering from futile hospital treatments and resulted to the child choosing "heaven over hospital"; in which the parents and physicians respected. This example show that obtaining... Show more content on ... International, national and provincial policy needs revision as the legal rights still vary from different countries and states when it comes to gender identification and poses a significant threat to discriminate against intersex individuals. This lack of support from society strengthens the urgency of medical assignment and surgical interventions to intersex children. However, the psychological ramifications of surgical interventions cannot be ignored. While scholars, ethicists and scientist continue to provide insights and work on the ideal approach, surgical interventions are still being practiced today; heavily influenced by socio–cultural views of gender binarism. In an ethical standpoint, nurture over nature raises the question of who gets to decide what normal genitals should look like? Having the "correct" genitals, chromosomes and hormones shouldn't be the only way to guarantee a legal spot in a ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Legal Issues About Legal Content Essay Legal Blog Post Google Panda in 2015 Generates Serious Issues About Legal Content Keeping current with legal issues poses special problems for legal practices. Many legal websites have invested a good deal of money in crafting articles that explain legal matters in ways that average people can understand. However, search engines increasingly change the algorithms that they use to rank return lists of suggested websites in responses to viewer Internet searches and queries. Algorithms are formulas that Google and other search engines use to rank websites and find relevant content to search engine queries. Originally, most websites focused exclusively on optimizing their content and Web copy by including the keywords that people use when searching online for answers, goods or services. However, using this method alone often resulted in literal word matches that didn 't really fit what people wanted to find. Evolving SEO The search engines regularly update their formulas to make them fairer and more responsive to Internet users ' queries and searches. Google, as the most popular search engine, is very important to Internet marketing, especially for legal services. Google periodically makes changes in their searching and ranking criteria, and the company usually titles the major updates with the names of animals, such as Penguin, Panda and Hummingbird. Few updates have more impact on the legal profession than Panda. The Panda Update: History and Evolution The Panda update was ... Get more on ...
  • 40. The Issue Of Legal Issues Legal Issues There are far more opportunities for the decrease of legal issues with this conflict implementation plan. With tiered meeting being conducted on a daily basis, the project status is addressed and issues with schedule, cost, scope and quality can be brought to the forefront and addressed. If negative issues were not addressed in this matter, negative impacts on the project would likely occur – such as: (a).Teams making unethical decisions (b).Adversarial contractual relationships (c).Decrease in productivity, quality and efficiency (d).Wrongful representation and contractual agreements not met Ultimately, if not addressed the effected parties may claim relief through the legal system (Wallace, 1999). This can be detrimental to project success and the organization future business and reputation. Ethical Dilemma Looking at the trends within the American organizations that have conducted unethical behavior there could be a relationship between how the leadership conduct themselves and how the employees act. The culture within the organization can shape how employees think and act (Taylor, et al., 2014). Business Leaders must establish the culture through clear guidelines and setting the example to foster ethical performance. Take for instance, the culture within Tyco International , which former CEO Dennis Kozlowski created one that was all about numbers. He had told BusinessWeek "the sky is the limit" (Jennings, 2012). In addition, research has shown that ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Legal Issues In Amistad "Amistad" Amistad is a film produced by Steven Spielberg the person who created E.T and Jurassic park. la Amistad is based on the true story of the events in 1839 aboard the slave ship Amistad, during which Mende tribesmen abducted for the slave trade managed to gain control of their captors' ship off the coast of Cuba, and the international legal battle that followed their capture by a U.S. revenue cutter. The case was ultimately resolved by the Supreme Court in 1841. The plot was that a Spanish slave ship called Amistad was traveling from Cuba to the U.S. As the ship is crossing from Cuba to the United States, Cinque, a leader of the Africans, leads a mutiny and takes over the ship. The mutineers spare the lives ... Show more content on ... One of the astonishing facts revealed in Steven Spielberg's "Amistad" is that seven of the nine U.S. Supreme Court justices in 1839 were slave–owning Southerners. His new film centers on the legal status of Africans who rise up against their captors on the high seas and are brought to trial in a New England court. Slavery itself is not the issue. Instead, the court must decide whether the defendants were born of slaves (in which case they are guilty of murder) or were illegally brought from Africa (and therefore had a right to defend themselves against kidnapping).This legal distinction is not made as clear as it could have been; the international slave trade had been outlawed by treaties by 1839, the year of the landmark Amistad incident, but those who were already slaves remained the property of their masters––as did their children. The moral hair–splitting underlying that distinction is truly depraved, but on it depends the defense of Cinque, the leader of the Africans, and his fellow mutineers. The film opens on the ship Amistad, where Cinque is able to free himself from shackles and release his fellow prisoners. They rise up against the Spanish crew of the ship, which is taking them from a Havana slave market to another destination in Cuba. The two men who bought them are spared, and promise to guide the ship back to Africa. But they guide it instead into ... Get more on ...
  • 42. The Legal And Ethical Issues Introduction This essay will address the Legal and Ethical issues in relation to the case study. It will outline the four elements of valid consent and applicable issues needed to prove and defend the claim for all parties involved. The Universal declaration of bioethics and human rights identifies three relevant principles to this case study. Beneficence and non–maleficent, the notion of proper free and informed consent, autonomy and the measure in place to protect individuals not capable of exerting this right. Finally, this essay will address the common conflicts that may arise and a process to address the conflict. Legal Issues In Queensland Health Policy (2012) it clearly states that, Health Care Practitioners by law must obtain consent from a person or an appropriate decision maker before touching, examining or providing any health care. Consent can be recognised in three forms: implied, verbal or written consent. However, in a healthcare setting and applicable to this case study, Dr Able was required by Queensland Health Policy, as the senior health practitioner, to obtain a valid written consent. Even though the consent form was signed for this consent to be valid, four elements must be satisfied. The consent must be Voluntary without fraud, misrepresentation, duress or coercion. Repeated pressure by a health care provider in circumstances where the patient is vulnerable, may amount to duress or coercion (Beausoleil v. La Communaunt's des Soeurs de la ... Get more on ...