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                                                                                  To Lead

           In the next few pages you will discover:
•   Why orthodox leadership programmes fail
•   A groundbreaking approach to becoming a better leader
•   How you can participate and transform your leadership, your work and your life

                   Dear leader,
                   I would like you to take a moment to recall the reasons why you became a leader.

                   In all likelihood, it was because you were serious about making a difference. That
                   is, you wanted to help achieve some important goals, or make your world a better
                   place. And when you succeed in this way, leadership can be incredibly rewarding.

                   Unfortunately, the leadership journey can also be incredibly challenging -
                   competing expectations, ongoing problems, people issues, fatigue and stress,
                   isolation and doubt etc. - and this can really blunt your ability to have an impact.

                   My name is Lawrence Green and I have been fortunate to work with leaders since
                   1996. In that time I taught leadership for ten years at post-graduate level,
                   delivered hundreds of leadership workshops to thousands of leaders and read
                   hundreds of books and articles on leadership.

                   What I came to realise, was that the orthodox approach to leadership and
                   leadership development was failing. It was not helping leaders to be ready to meet
                   the challenges that our organisations and communities face.

                   So basically, I decided to do something about it. I knew I didn’t want to set
                   myself up as yet another leadership guru, but I thought it was important to stand
                   up for a different approach. I wanted to create a leadership offering that worked
                   better for leaders and their organisations and communities.

                   The result is the Legacy Leadership Training Programme which begins in
                   Wellington on June 7th 2011.

                   If you would like to take the 'pain' out of leadership, and liberate your ability to
                   have a lasting impact, then please read on.

                   I look forward to supporting your future success.

                   Warm regards

                   Lawrence Green
                                           Of Orthodox Development
             Historically, leadership development has failed because leaders
                haven't been given the right kind and amount of support.

  Failure 1. Assuming All Leaders                         Failure 4. Short-term Development
              Are Alike                                   With the orthodox approach, Leadership
                                                          development is delivered as a one-off event.
The orthodox approach to leadership assumes
                                                          Leaders attend and 'download' a set of universal
that leadership can somehow be reduced to a
                                                          'how to formulas' for effective leadership.
universal set of competencies. Unfortunately,
this simplification incorrectly assumes that:
                                                          Unfortunately, this approach sets leaders up to
  •     The requirements for leadership success are       fail. Why? Because each leaders' situation is
        universal and apply to all situations;            always more complex than the formulas given.
  •     All leaders need the same strengths and
        personality to succeed; and that                  The truth is that successful leadership, in relation
  •     Only those who 'fit' the competency model
        have leadership potential.                        to a leaders' world, needs to be discovered rather
                                                          than downloaded.
       Failure 2. Limited Budgets
While most organisations recognise the
importance of leadership development, they also
face significant budget constraints. This means:

  •     The leadership talent pool is often defined too
  •     Development opportunities are frequently too
        limited in scope; and
  •     Where there is development, there is often not
        enough ongoing support.
                                                                Failure 5. Inadequate Links To
      Failure 3. Superficial Change                                       Experience
The orthodox approach assumes that if you can             Learning effectively from experience is critical
just get a leader to increase the frequency of the        to a leaders' development:
'desired' behaviours, they will be better leaders.
                                                          Unfortunately, orthodox leadership programmes:
Unfortunately, such behavioural changes:
                                                            •     Fail to put direct experience at the heart of the
  •     Are usually hard to sustain;                              learning process;
  •     Do not mean that a leader will be different let     •     Don't identify the experiences that matter for a
        alone better at their job; and                            leaders' development; and
  •     Ignore the deeper drivers of effective              •     Don't approach those experiences in a manner
        leadership such as identity and character.                that allows the critical lessons to be learnt.

             There is no shortage of leadership talent... we just need to make
                              the most of the talent we have.
            Leadership Training Programme(LLTP)
               The LLTP focuses on the real needs of leaders and the critical
                        drivers of their development and success.

 1. A Leadership Mastery Approach
The central focus of the LLTP is to help leaders'
progress towards mastery of the major demands of
leadership. This means helping each leader to:

  •    Make the most of the unique qualities they
       bring to leadership;
  •    Better handle the actual demands they face
       rather than forcing them to fit an arbitrary set
       of competencies; and to
  •    Learn successfully from experience.

            2. Accessible To All
To ensure that cost is no longer a barrier, the LLTP
offers a 'super early bird rate'. This is a
                                                                4. Discovering Leadership
                                                          The LLTP has strong focus on helping leaders to
membership fee of $500+GST per person plus a
                                                          discover for themselves the best way of tackling
koha/donation for each individual workshop.
                                                          the real challenges they face. This is achieved by
                                                          helping leaders to:
This represents great value for money relative to
the cost of an equivalent full-fee programme                •    Identify significant learning events - those
($18-20K + GST) and means that you can attend                    experiences that drive becoming a better leader;
based on what you can comfortably afford.                   •    Understand the strengths and attributes they
                                                                 bring to the issues they face; and to
This special rate, however, is only available for           •    Create a map for navigating the best way
applications received by May 7th 2011.

                                                                   5. Integrating Learning
      3. Deep And Lasting Change                          The LLTP is built around a system for accelerating
The LLTP provides the opportunity to truly grow           leader development and impact. The drivers of
and develop as a leader. This is achieved by:             development include:
  •    Delivering an in-depth programme over an 18-
       month period;                                        •    A well-defined and simple model of leadership.
  •    Providing support inside and outside the             •    Multiple learning methods for different
       programme to help consolidate leader                      learning styles.
       development; and by                                  •    Peer discussion and support.
  •    Going beyond the development of leadership           •    Simple post-workshop exercises.
       skills to help leaders explore who they are and      •    Multiple periods of learning & practice.
       what they stand for.                                 •    Critical thinking, reflection and feedback.

             LLTP VALUES: Community, generosity of spirit and becoming a
              better leader without sacrificing your health or personal life.
            True leaders are servants, collaborators, catalysts and liberators
                               of potential and possibility.

  Event                  Major Topics                              Primary Focus                    Dates
Leadership      Programme foundations.                 Creating a common understanding of            June
Foundations     Coming to grips with leadership.       leadership and an action plan for change      7&8
                Change, impact and legacy.             and impact in your world.

Learning To     Learning to lead and leading to        The critical drivers of effective learning    Aug
   Lead         learn.                                 and how to integrate these into the           1&2
                Accelerating your development.         experience of leadership.

   The          Values, purpose, vision and service.   Being clear about what you stand for,         Sept
Leadership      Ethics, integrity and your personal    building character and being the person      15 & 16
   Core         code of conduct.                       that others want to follow.
   Self         The high energy leader.                Building and maintaining the energy levels    Nov
Leadership      The psychology of leadership.          and mindset necessary for effective          17 & 18
    1           End of year success review.            leadership.

  Event                  Major Topics                              Primary Focus                    Dates
   Self         Leading from your strengths.           Leveraging your talents and creating          Feb
Leadership      Impact systems and planning for        achievement systems that complement
    2           impact.                                your leadership style.
Leading For     Reading your world.                    Understanding the limits of change,           April
 Change 1       Navigating messy problems.             mapping complex issues and ensuring
                Advanced communication skills.         your thinking resonates with others.

 Mid-year       Lessons, insights and integration.     Lessons from practice, understanding          June
 Review         Success cause analysis.                what is working and solving the challenges
                Action learning groups.                of change.
Leading For     Managing responses to change.          Working effectively with the psychological    Aug
 Change 2       Inspiring action.                      dynamics of change and inspiring others
                Learning to succeed.                   to act differently.
Leadership      Learning review.                       Consoldation of learning, goal setting for    Oct
Integration     Learning integration.                  the next stage of your development and
                The art of audacious leadership.       programme graduation and celebration.

              Acceptance on to the LLTP is on a first come, first served basis.
                If you plan to apply, please do so sooner rather than later.

                    HOW TO PARTICIPATE
                     & Transform Your Leadership, Work & Life

        Step                                                  Actions
     1. Confirm     You are welcome to apply for the LLTP if you are committed to: 1) Improving your impact
        Your        and getting the most out of life, 2) Being stretched and learning more about your leadership,
     Eligibility    and 3) Willing to undertake a long-term programme of development.

    2. Determine    If you are considering sending more than one person to the LLTP, please contact Lawrence to
       numbers      discuss your needs and objectives, your administrative requirements and any other questions or
                    concerns you might have.

    3. Complete     The three questions I would like you to consider are:
    application     1. Where would you most like to develop as a leader?
     questions      2. Where do you most want to have an impact as a leader?
                    3. When you are learning something new, how do you do that most easily?

      4. Submit     In order to confirm your programme application you need to:
     application    1. Deposit your programme membership fee of $500+GST per person via online banking into...

                      Leader Greatness Ltd.
                      03 0521 0195990 000 (Westpac)
                      Please include your name and organisation details.

                    2. E-mail your responses from the questions above to
                    3. Include your full contact details and the easiest way to contact you.

         5.         The purpose of the application meeting is to ensure that the LLTP is right for you; to confirm
     Application    that you can make the commitment necessary to succeed; and to better understand your
      meeting       hopes, goals and needs.

          6.        Confirmation of acceptance on to the programme will occur within 24hrs of the application
    Confirmation    meeting. At this point, you will also receive a welcome pack containing a few simple exercises
         and        and activities to complete before the first workshop on June 7th and 8th; and a tax receipt for
     preparation    your membership payment.

                    In the unlikely event that you are not accepted onto the programme, your membership fee will
                    be refunded promptly.

      Payment Option                        Dates                                       Cost
    Founding Members -          April 14th - May 14th 2011        Membership fee of $500+GST per person + a
    Super Early Bird                                              Koha/donation for each individual workshop.

    Founding Members -          May 15th - May 29th 2011          Membership fee of $500+GST per person +
    Early Bird                                                    $9000+GST for workshop fees.

    Full Rate                   May 30th - June 6th               Membership fee of $500+GST per person +
                                                                  $18000+GST for workshop fees.

                If you have any questions about the programme, please contact
                Lawrence on or on 0274 922 378
                                                                 Lawrence Green
                My passionate goal is to make the LLTP the most powerful and
                 successful learning experience of your life. Lawrence Green

                A Short Profile                                           Testimonials
Lawrence is a leadership specialist with over fifteen    Attending Lawrence's leadership programme has been
years experience in working with leaders and the         an unfailingly enlightening process that has been
challenges of leadership.                                challenging, insightful and useful all in equal measure.
                                                         Lawrence has a manner that at once challenges people
He has also completed a Master of Commerce and           and yet draws out the best in them. He is a man of
Administration with a research focus on Change           intellectual rigour and integrity coupled with an
Management; and a Master of Philosophy in                inspirational self-awareness that sets a strong example.
Psychology with a research focus on Leadership           Noel Murphy
                                                         Lawrence's guidance was a boon to me. He coached
Within his consulting practice, Lawrence enjoys          our group in both practical business leadership and
working with leaders leading change, leaders in the      less tangible personal skills. I came away with the
arts and creative industries, and leaders committed to   tools and confidence I needed to convince others of
making a difference in their communities.                my vision, motivate my team and make genuine
                                                         progress with challenging projects. Clare Kerrison
     A Note About The Koha Option                        Lawrence has both academic and business credibility
I often get asked about why I have a koha-based          and can produce the right blend of both to meet
option in my programmes (usually because 'this is not    organisational or individual needs. He also has a
how you do business').                                   strong set of values that he brings to the table in a
                                                         quiet and non-aggresive manner. I personally got a lot
For me though, it is about my own commitment to          out of working with Lawrence as he caused me to
generosity of spirit and because it simply feels like    think about what was important to me and what my
the right thing to do.                                   next move should be. Bill Shields
I know this approach can sometimes be challenging        Lawrence operates with a wonderful spirit of
for organisations, but once you are clear about what     generosity from a strong and clear ethical foundation
you can afford, I will just invoice you as normal so     to help others achieve their goals. As a presenter he
that everything is square with your records.             performs with intelligence, warmth and wit to engage
                                                         and inspire those who work with him. He has a rich
                                                         and broad-based understanding of the drivers of
                                                         business success; and as an educator, coach and
                                                         mentor he shares his knowledge and experience in a
                                                         way that actively motivates others to be the best they
                                                         can be. Alison Bartley

                                                         I have worked with Lawrence in a number of contexts.
                                                         He was steady, articulate, values-driven, able to effect
                                                         immediate change, as well as introduce thinking
                                                         around more complex long-term questions. He knows
                                                         who he is, and what he wants to effect. He is able to
                                                         bring this strongly and clearly into his work and he
                                                         was fun and easy to be with without ever letting the
                                                         focus on our stronger goals and aspirations slip.
                                                         Christian Penny
             C: 0064 274 922 378
P: 20 Rodrigo Rd, Kilbirnie, Wellington 6022

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Legacy Leadership Training Programme

  • 1.
  • 2. AN INVITATION To Lead In the next few pages you will discover: • Why orthodox leadership programmes fail • A groundbreaking approach to becoming a better leader • How you can participate and transform your leadership, your work and your life Dear leader, I would like you to take a moment to recall the reasons why you became a leader. In all likelihood, it was because you were serious about making a difference. That is, you wanted to help achieve some important goals, or make your world a better place. And when you succeed in this way, leadership can be incredibly rewarding. Unfortunately, the leadership journey can also be incredibly challenging - competing expectations, ongoing problems, people issues, fatigue and stress, isolation and doubt etc. - and this can really blunt your ability to have an impact. My name is Lawrence Green and I have been fortunate to work with leaders since 1996. In that time I taught leadership for ten years at post-graduate level, delivered hundreds of leadership workshops to thousands of leaders and read hundreds of books and articles on leadership. What I came to realise, was that the orthodox approach to leadership and leadership development was failing. It was not helping leaders to be ready to meet the challenges that our organisations and communities face. So basically, I decided to do something about it. I knew I didn’t want to set myself up as yet another leadership guru, but I thought it was important to stand up for a different approach. I wanted to create a leadership offering that worked better for leaders and their organisations and communities. The result is the Legacy Leadership Training Programme which begins in Wellington on June 7th 2011. If you would like to take the 'pain' out of leadership, and liberate your ability to have a lasting impact, then please read on. I look forward to supporting your future success. Warm regards Lawrence Green
  • 3. THE FIVE FAILINGS Of Orthodox Development Historically, leadership development has failed because leaders haven't been given the right kind and amount of support. Failure 1. Assuming All Leaders Failure 4. Short-term Development Are Alike With the orthodox approach, Leadership development is delivered as a one-off event. The orthodox approach to leadership assumes Leaders attend and 'download' a set of universal that leadership can somehow be reduced to a 'how to formulas' for effective leadership. universal set of competencies. Unfortunately, this simplification incorrectly assumes that: Unfortunately, this approach sets leaders up to • The requirements for leadership success are fail. Why? Because each leaders' situation is universal and apply to all situations; always more complex than the formulas given. • All leaders need the same strengths and personality to succeed; and that The truth is that successful leadership, in relation • Only those who 'fit' the competency model have leadership potential. to a leaders' world, needs to be discovered rather than downloaded. Failure 2. Limited Budgets While most organisations recognise the importance of leadership development, they also face significant budget constraints. This means: • The leadership talent pool is often defined too narrowly; • Development opportunities are frequently too limited in scope; and • Where there is development, there is often not enough ongoing support. Failure 5. Inadequate Links To Failure 3. Superficial Change Experience The orthodox approach assumes that if you can Learning effectively from experience is critical just get a leader to increase the frequency of the to a leaders' development: 'desired' behaviours, they will be better leaders. Unfortunately, orthodox leadership programmes: Unfortunately, such behavioural changes: • Fail to put direct experience at the heart of the • Are usually hard to sustain; learning process; • Do not mean that a leader will be different let • Don't identify the experiences that matter for a alone better at their job; and leaders' development; and • Ignore the deeper drivers of effective • Don't approach those experiences in a manner leadership such as identity and character. that allows the critical lessons to be learnt. There is no shortage of leadership talent... we just need to make the most of the talent we have.
  • 4. THE LEGACY Leadership Training Programme(LLTP) The LLTP focuses on the real needs of leaders and the critical drivers of their development and success. 1. A Leadership Mastery Approach The central focus of the LLTP is to help leaders' progress towards mastery of the major demands of leadership. This means helping each leader to: • Make the most of the unique qualities they bring to leadership; • Better handle the actual demands they face rather than forcing them to fit an arbitrary set of competencies; and to • Learn successfully from experience. 2. Accessible To All To ensure that cost is no longer a barrier, the LLTP offers a 'super early bird rate'. This is a 4. Discovering Leadership The LLTP has strong focus on helping leaders to membership fee of $500+GST per person plus a discover for themselves the best way of tackling koha/donation for each individual workshop. the real challenges they face. This is achieved by helping leaders to: This represents great value for money relative to the cost of an equivalent full-fee programme • Identify significant learning events - those ($18-20K + GST) and means that you can attend experiences that drive becoming a better leader; based on what you can comfortably afford. • Understand the strengths and attributes they bring to the issues they face; and to This special rate, however, is only available for • Create a map for navigating the best way forward. applications received by May 7th 2011. 5. Integrating Learning 3. Deep And Lasting Change The LLTP is built around a system for accelerating The LLTP provides the opportunity to truly grow leader development and impact. The drivers of and develop as a leader. This is achieved by: development include: • Delivering an in-depth programme over an 18- month period; • A well-defined and simple model of leadership. • Providing support inside and outside the • Multiple learning methods for different programme to help consolidate leader learning styles. development; and by • Peer discussion and support. • Going beyond the development of leadership • Simple post-workshop exercises. skills to help leaders explore who they are and • Multiple periods of learning & practice. what they stand for. • Critical thinking, reflection and feedback. LLTP VALUES: Community, generosity of spirit and becoming a better leader without sacrificing your health or personal life.
  • 5. THE PROGRAMME Schedule True leaders are servants, collaborators, catalysts and liberators of potential and possibility. 2011 Event Major Topics Primary Focus Dates Leadership Programme foundations. Creating a common understanding of June Foundations Coming to grips with leadership. leadership and an action plan for change 7&8 Change, impact and legacy. and impact in your world. Learning To Learning to lead and leading to The critical drivers of effective learning Aug Lead learn. and how to integrate these into the 1&2 Accelerating your development. experience of leadership. The Values, purpose, vision and service. Being clear about what you stand for, Sept Leadership Ethics, integrity and your personal building character and being the person 15 & 16 Core code of conduct. that others want to follow. Self The high energy leader. Building and maintaining the energy levels Nov Leadership The psychology of leadership. and mindset necessary for effective 17 & 18 1 End of year success review. leadership. 2012 Event Major Topics Primary Focus Dates Self Leading from your strengths. Leveraging your talents and creating Feb Leadership Impact systems and planning for achievement systems that complement 2 impact. your leadership style. Leading For Reading your world. Understanding the limits of change, April Change 1 Navigating messy problems. mapping complex issues and ensuring Advanced communication skills. your thinking resonates with others. Mid-year Lessons, insights and integration. Lessons from practice, understanding June Review Success cause analysis. what is working and solving the challenges Action learning groups. of change. Leading For Managing responses to change. Working effectively with the psychological Aug Change 2 Inspiring action. dynamics of change and inspiring others Learning to succeed. to act differently. Leadership Learning review. Consoldation of learning, goal setting for Oct Integration Learning integration. the next stage of your development and The art of audacious leadership. programme graduation and celebration. Acceptance on to the LLTP is on a first come, first served basis. If you plan to apply, please do so sooner rather than later.
  • 6. & 7 1 v o N e S A u J HOW TO PARTICIPATE & Transform Your Leadership, Work & Life Step Actions 1. Confirm You are welcome to apply for the LLTP if you are committed to: 1) Improving your impact Your and getting the most out of life, 2) Being stretched and learning more about your leadership, Eligibility and 3) Willing to undertake a long-term programme of development. 2. Determine If you are considering sending more than one person to the LLTP, please contact Lawrence to numbers discuss your needs and objectives, your administrative requirements and any other questions or concerns you might have. 3. Complete The three questions I would like you to consider are: the application 1. Where would you most like to develop as a leader? questions 2. Where do you most want to have an impact as a leader? 3. When you are learning something new, how do you do that most easily? 4. Submit In order to confirm your programme application you need to: your application 1. Deposit your programme membership fee of $500+GST per person via online banking into... Leader Greatness Ltd. 03 0521 0195990 000 (Westpac) Please include your name and organisation details. 2. E-mail your responses from the questions above to 3. Include your full contact details and the easiest way to contact you. 5. The purpose of the application meeting is to ensure that the LLTP is right for you; to confirm Application that you can make the commitment necessary to succeed; and to better understand your meeting hopes, goals and needs. 6. Confirmation of acceptance on to the programme will occur within 24hrs of the application Confirmation meeting. At this point, you will also receive a welcome pack containing a few simple exercises and and activities to complete before the first workshop on June 7th and 8th; and a tax receipt for preparation your membership payment. In the unlikely event that you are not accepted onto the programme, your membership fee will be refunded promptly. Payment Option Dates Cost Founding Members - April 14th - May 14th 2011 Membership fee of $500+GST per person + a Super Early Bird Koha/donation for each individual workshop. Founding Members - May 15th - May 29th 2011 Membership fee of $500+GST per person + Early Bird $9000+GST for workshop fees. Full Rate May 30th - June 6th Membership fee of $500+GST per person + $18000+GST for workshop fees. If you have any questions about the programme, please contact Lawrence on or on 0274 922 378
  • 7. ABOUT Lawrence Green My passionate goal is to make the LLTP the most powerful and successful learning experience of your life. Lawrence Green A Short Profile Testimonials Lawrence is a leadership specialist with over fifteen Attending Lawrence's leadership programme has been years experience in working with leaders and the an unfailingly enlightening process that has been challenges of leadership. challenging, insightful and useful all in equal measure. Lawrence has a manner that at once challenges people He has also completed a Master of Commerce and and yet draws out the best in them. He is a man of Administration with a research focus on Change intellectual rigour and integrity coupled with an Management; and a Master of Philosophy in inspirational self-awareness that sets a strong example. Psychology with a research focus on Leadership Noel Murphy Development. Lawrence's guidance was a boon to me. He coached Within his consulting practice, Lawrence enjoys our group in both practical business leadership and working with leaders leading change, leaders in the less tangible personal skills. I came away with the arts and creative industries, and leaders committed to tools and confidence I needed to convince others of making a difference in their communities. my vision, motivate my team and make genuine progress with challenging projects. Clare Kerrison A Note About The Koha Option Lawrence has both academic and business credibility I often get asked about why I have a koha-based and can produce the right blend of both to meet option in my programmes (usually because 'this is not organisational or individual needs. He also has a how you do business'). strong set of values that he brings to the table in a quiet and non-aggresive manner. I personally got a lot For me though, it is about my own commitment to out of working with Lawrence as he caused me to generosity of spirit and because it simply feels like think about what was important to me and what my the right thing to do. next move should be. Bill Shields I know this approach can sometimes be challenging Lawrence operates with a wonderful spirit of for organisations, but once you are clear about what generosity from a strong and clear ethical foundation you can afford, I will just invoice you as normal so to help others achieve their goals. As a presenter he that everything is square with your records. performs with intelligence, warmth and wit to engage and inspire those who work with him. He has a rich and broad-based understanding of the drivers of business success; and as an educator, coach and mentor he shares his knowledge and experience in a way that actively motivates others to be the best they can be. Alison Bartley I have worked with Lawrence in a number of contexts. He was steady, articulate, values-driven, able to effect immediate change, as well as introduce thinking around more complex long-term questions. He knows who he is, and what he wants to effect. He is able to bring this strongly and clearly into his work and he was fun and easy to be with without ever letting the focus on our stronger goals and aspirations slip. Christian Penny
  • 8. W: E: C: 0064 274 922 378 P: 20 Rodrigo Rd, Kilbirnie, Wellington 6022