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21 Irrefutable
         Laws of Leadership

Leadership &
Talent Management
♦ Internationally recognized
  leadership expert, speaker, and
  author who has sold over 13
  million books.
♦ founder of Maximum Impact
  Inc. Injoy Stewardship Services
  and EQUIP.
♦ Every year he speaks to Fortune
  500 companies
♦ About personal interpersonal and
   organizational leadership.
♦CContains real life examples of leadership
        i      l lif        l    f l d hi
  principles that are easily transferred to any
  work environment.
      k     i
♦ Easy to read.
♦ The concepts had a lot of depth but
♦ I call it the “Foundational book on leadership”
♦ Leadership is influence; without influence
  one cannot lead.
♦ Influence =“The ability to get followers”
♦ Influence to self, others, group,
  organization, bigger community
        i i bi                   i
♦ “He who thinks he leads, but has no
  followers, is only taking a walk.”
                                    Follow because
                                    they ADORE you
Follow because
in you               PEOPLE


                                       Follow because
                   PERMISSION          they TRUST in
Follow because                         you
they LIKE you


 Follow because
                                  21 Irrefutable
 they HAVE TO                   Laws of Leadership
Maxwell states Good & Bad News for all to hear:
1 The laws can be learned
1.                 learned.
  –   Some are easier to understand and apply than others, but every one
      of them can be acquired.
2. Can stand alone.
  –   Each law compliments all the others, but you don’t need one in
      order to learn another.
3. Carry consequences with them
  –   Apply the laws, and people will follow you. Violate or ignore
      them, and you will not be able to lead others.
4. Can waste your time
  –   Once you learn the principles, you have to practice them and apply
      them to your life otherwise it useless.
LEADERSHIP (2008 Revised)

♦ The Law of

               ♦ The Law of

The Law of    The Law of   The Law of
 the Lid       Process     Navigation

      The Law of     The Law of
      Inner Circle   Empower
1 Law of the Lid
Leadership ability determines
personal and organizational level of
         l d               ll l f
1. Law of the Lid
Leadership ability determines personal and organizational level of

Point of the Principle on the Lid
♦ An organization will never surpass the capabilities of its
♦ If the leadership is strong, the lid is high
♦ The lower an individual's ability to lead, the lower the lid
  on his potential.
    – if your leadership were an 8, your effectiveness can never be
      greater than a 7.
    – Your organization will never grow more than the 7
    – Because you are the lid.
♦ The Lid represents the limit of our leadership abilities.
♦ Ray Kroc Vs Dick & Maurice McDonald
  – 1952, Mcdonald failed to expand their product with
    Franchise Model.
  – From 15 investors only 10 opened the restaurant.
  – Their genius was in kitchen operational excellence
  – 1955 Kroc had global vision, decided to make an
    1955,                   vision
    agreement with them and setup McDonald’s System Inc
    & Hamburger University
  – He brought the Master Franchise License at 1961
  – In 4 years Korc succeed to open 100 restaurant and 4
    years later 500 outlet
  – Today Mcdonald has 21 000 outlets in 100 countries.
                           21,000              countries

                        8                The Lid:
 The Ability to Lead

                                         15 investors
                                            10 outlets
                                                  tl t


                        1      Effectivity

                            1 2 3 4 5 6        7   8     9   10
                             Dedication Toward Success
                                                   The Lid :
                                                   10 100         21,000
 The Ability to Lead



                        1      Effectivity

                            1 2 3 4 5 6        7   8     9   10
                             Dedication Toward Success
♦ Plenty of smart, talented, successful people are limited by
       y         ,         ,            p p                 y
  their leadership ability.
♦ If you want to reach new level of effectiveness in your job
  or organization, raise your lid.
           i ti      i        lid
   –   Paradigm
   –   Attitude
   –   Habits
   –   Capabilities (Knowledge & Skills)
   –   Resources (People/leaders Time & Money)
♦ If you want to grow your company, uplift your lid
Questions for Reflection . . .
♦ What are the leadership lids in my life?
♦ How will I lift those lids? What do I need
  to do?
♦ Who are the potential leader in my
  organization should I groom?
        i i     h ld          ?
♦ How do I groom them into effective
2. L
2 Law of Process
Leadership develops daily,
not in a day.
2. Law of Process
Leadership develops daily, not in a day.
♦ Leadership is not a one day thing; it's an every day thing.
           p                y     g;             y y       g
♦ It's the disciplined, consistent effort to improve a little bit
  each day that reaps great harvests over a lifetime.
♦ Do not expect the “Microwave” Leadership
♦ Even when someone is gifted with natural abilities, one
  still has to build one s collection of leadership skills.
                     one’s                          skills
♦ Abraham Lincoln
  – From poor family      President
♦ Jimmy Carter is one of the leaders who developed
  through time.
   – Awarded Nobel Peace Prize 2002
   – Worldwide respect as leader of the Habitat for
     Humanity organization.
♦ Al Gore – d f
     G      defeated b B h in Presidency
                   d by Bush i P id
   – Awarded Nobel Peace Prize 2007– persistency in
     raising the Global Warming Issue
♦ Phase 1 – Unconscious - Incompetence
♦ Phase 2 - Conscious - Incompetence
♦ Phase 3 - C
   h        Conscious- C
                 i     Competence
♦ Phase 4 - Unconscious- Competence
     Unconsciou Co
              us        s

                              Comfort Zone

                            Incompetence     Competence
♦To lead tomorrow, learn Today ;
Yesterday success not equal with tomorrow success
♦ It is easy to see the end result, but is hard to
  experience the process.
♦ We are all must willing take small baby steps day
                         g               y p      y
  after day, to reach our ultimate goal.
♦ Successful leaders should be learners--
  continuously improving and building up on
  previously developed skills
♦ “If we now can lift the burden we once were
  not able to, it doesn’t mean the burden is
  lighten but rather because our muscle has
  grown and developed”.
                       -Theodore Roosevelt
Questions for Reflection . . .
♦ In my growth as a leader, what lessons does
  God continue to remind me about, and drill
  into me?
♦ What have I had to un-learn and re-learn?
♦ Whi h phase am I experiencing now, as a
  Which h                 i i
♦ What could I do to achieve the better phase?
3. Law of Navigation
Anyone can steer the ship, but it
takes a leader to chart the course.
♦ The Law of Navigation is
   – about seeing the trip ahead,
   – charting a plan to get to the destination,
   – and remaining focused on the vision.
       d      i i f         d     h ii
♦ A navigator starts with a vision,
♦ and then knows what it takes to reach that vision,
    d th k        h t t k t           h th t i i
♦ who they will need on the team, and
♦ what obstacles to anticipate and overcome.
   h b       l         i i       d
♦ Navigators balance optimism with realism
♦ Preparation is the key to good navigation
♦ Robert F. Scott VS. Roald Amundsen (1912)
♦ Norwegian explorer aiming to be the first group
  to reach the South Pole.
   – Amundsen succeed
   – Scott failed & faced fatal consequences, he & his team
     died in the way back to the home base.
Scott                           Amundsen
♦ Logistic- his team to carry   ♦ Logistic – all need
  them along, depots not          supplies put in the depots
        id d ith
  provided with required
                      i d           l
                                  along his planned route
                                         hi l      d    t
  supplies, no clear sign.        with clear sign
♦ Transporter- motor
      a spo te    oto           ♦ Transporter- Special
                                      a spo te Spec a
  machines and horses             trained dogs
♦ Journey- miserable ; did      ♦ Journey – make sure his
  not h             i      ld
       have appropriate cold      team not b i too much
                                             bring        h
  clothes , bring 60 kg           burden and too tired- 6
  geologist specimen
         g    p                   hours or 15-20 mil/dayy
♦ The leader is the one who sees more detail
  and farthest into the future ,
♦ He is the best person to guide his followers
♦ The size of the project does not matter.
♦ The size of the leaders and the ability to
  navigate determine the accomplishment of a
♦ Visioning, detail p
           g,        planning, measuring,
                            g,          g,
  deploying. & adjusting is the leader’s job
G dl d
Good leaders

♦ Know the way

♦Show the way

♦Go the way
(Measure & Adjust)
Questions for Reflection . . .
♦ What challenges will my department face in the
  nearest future?
♦ What new capabilities and resources we need to
  acquire in order to deal with the challenges
♦ What is the detail strategy and plan in building the
  required capabilities and resources?
♦ What project or assignment in my unit should be
  planned better in advanced?
♦ How do we know we are in the right track and
  improve it accordingly?
A L d ’ P t ti l is Determined
   Leader’s Potential i D t i d
by Those Closest to Him
A Leader’s Potential is Determined by Those
  Leader s
Closest to Him

♦ The strength of the people around a leader
  determines that leader’s potential.
♦ No matter how good a leader is, that person
  has limits.
♦ His Inner Circle expands his abilities.
♦ Q : Have you ever wonder why a lot of
  world records were broken in the Olympic
♦ A : When the “Best” was challenged by the
  “Best”, the potential was unleashed and
  pushing them forward to achieve the higher
  level performance.
Roger Bannister & 1 Mile Challenge
♦ Before 1954, no one can run 1 mile > 4 min.
         1954                            min
♦ May 16, 1954 Bannister broke the 4 min.
  record (3:59:4)
♦ 46 days later a different runner broke his
♦ 1957 (3 year later), 16 runners broke the 4
  min. record
  min record.
♦ 2008, 955 runners can break the record more
  than 4700 times
Example                      ♦4E+P
                             ♦ Energy
♦ Jack Welch =
                             ♦ Energize
   – Cathcart
                             ♦ Edge
   – Dennis Dammerman
   – Peter F. Drucker,       ♦ Execute
   – Jeff Imlett             ♦ Passion
   – Bob Nardeli,
   – Jim McNerney,
   – S
     Suzy W l h
♦ GE – 1980 = $ 13 Billion
  2001 = $ 400 Billi
♦ When leader surrounded himself with
  followers, the growth rate is one person at a
♦ But when leaders surrounded himself with
  leaders who will develop leaders, growth is
  multiplied, and the highest possible level of
  success is achieved.
♦ A leader’s role, then, is to surround himself with
    leader s
  right people.
♦ Get connected with better leaders from yourself
  and learn from them
♦ Hires the right people.
              g p p
   – Develops them.
   – Listens to them
♦ Get coached or mentored by the right
♦ Read the right book
When choosing your INNER CIRCLE,
look for the following qualities:

Questions for Reflection . . .
♦ Who makes up my inner circle?

♦ What quality they are representing of?

♦ How am I stronger because of them?

♦ Who else needs to be in my inner circle for
  it to be complete?
5 Law of Empowerment
Only secure leaders give power to
♦ The people s capacity to achieve is determined by
  their leader’s ability to empower
♦ Good leader :
   –   Finds other leaders;
   –   Builds them up;
   –   Gives them resources, authority, and responsibility;
   –   And then lets them go off to achieve.
♦ The opposite situation :
   – When a leader undermines his team members
   – Creates b i that people in his team cannot
             barriers h       l i hi
     overcome, are violations of the Law of Empowerment.
Dis-empower Leader
♦ Henry Ford : the antithesis of the empowering leader.
♦ Built the Model “T“ but not want to change or improve it.
                   T                                    it
♦ Even with all its success, Ford consistently undermined his
  executives and nearly killed the company.
♦ Ford’s grandson, Henry Ford II, a Navy man, returned to
  the company
   – Became president of Ford Motor Company
   – Loss in fifteen years (- $ 1 Million day).
   – Hired a group of men and turned the company around.
   – But like his grandfather, Henry Ford II undermined the
     leadership of the company executives.
   – Tex Thornton, Ernie Breech, Lewis Crusoe (GM) were
     encouraged to attack and humiliate each other
♦ Ford to Iacocca (President of Ford Co.):
                                     Co ):
♦ “ If someone work for you , don’t let him
  become secure Do what they expect you to
  do but let them always worry and
  unbalanced ”
♦ Market: (1) General Motor (2) Ford (3) Chryslers
♦ Fi d f
  Fired from F d hi d b Ch l as CEO
             Ford, hired by Chryslers
♦ Chryslers was bleeding
♦ Priority he made :
   – Cost Cutting (Incl. 25 % of his salary)
   – Empower the R&D $ 300 Million (no cost cutting)
♦ Result : Produce “K-Car” saved gasoline
♦ 1974- Gasoline Price Increased
♦ “K C ” was booming
  “K-Car”    b   i
♦ Chryslers got turnaround
♦ Ford
   – Reactive : to beat Chryslers produced “Ford
   – Gasoline tank was covered with thin platform
   – Accident happened to Ford Pinto, they
     frequently exploded.
   – Cynical saying: “If you are bored with your life
     take then take the Pinto.”
   – Ford Pinto was a big problem to Ford
   – Spoiled its great brand
♦ If a leader does not empower others, he has
  become the lid in the organization/unit.
♦ If the lid did not being lifted, people will either
  give up (passive) or
♦ move to where they can maximize their potential
  and worse you produce irrelevant solution to your
♦ Empowering people also empowers the leader.
♦ The leader will achieve much more, and becomes
  a better leader in the process.
Questions for Reflection . . .
♦ How well do I empower others? How do I
  do it?
♦ When I fail to empower others, how much
  does it have to do with my own insecurities
  d       h    t d ith           i      iti
  as a leader?
♦ What have been empowering experiences in
  my life?
♦ How can I better empower those who work
  beside me?
                                                   The Lid :
                                                   10 100         21,000
 The Ability to Lead



                        1      Effectivity

                            1 2 3 4 5 6        7   8     9   10
                             Dedication Toward Success

The Law of    The Law of   The Law of
 the Lid       Process     Navigation

      The Law of     The Law of
      Inner Circle   Empower
♦ Bad News -Lid: Everyone has a lid that limit her/his
    leadership effectiveness.
♦   Good News - Process: Everyone could grow and lift up
    their lid (limitation).
     h i      (li i i )
♦   Navigation Challenge: To uplift your lid do the
    planning, measuring and adjusting.
                measu ing
♦   Inner Circle Challenge: The person you always listen to
    they could be the lid of your effectiveness.
♦   Empowerment Challenge : To optimize your lid learn to
    develop leaders not just followers in your team; work
    smarter not just harder.
Leadership &
Talent Management
C     lt t

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Laws Of Leadership

  • 1. 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership SUCIPTO ASAN Leadership & Talent Management Consultant
  • 2. JOHN C. MAXWELL C ♦ Internationally recognized leadership expert, speaker, and author who has sold over 13 million books. ♦ founder of Maximum Impact Inc. Injoy Stewardship Services and EQUIP. ♦ Every year he speaks to Fortune 500 companies
  • 3. THIS BOOK … ♦ About personal interpersonal and personal, organizational leadership. ♦CContains real life examples of leadership i l lif l f l d hi principles that are easily transferred to any work environment. k i ♦ Easy to read. ♦ The concepts had a lot of depth but g insightful. ♦ I call it the “Foundational book on leadership”
  • 4. LEADERSHIP ♦ Leadership is influence; without influence one cannot lead. ♦ Influence =“The ability to get followers” ♦ Influence to self, others, group, organization, bigger community i i bi i ♦ “He who thinks he leads, but has no followers, is only taking a walk.”
  • 5. 5 LEVEL OF LEADERSHIP Follow because they ADORE you PERSONHOOD Follow because they BELIEVE in you PEOPLE DEVELOPMENT PRODUCTION Follow because PERMISSION they TRUST in Follow because you they LIKE you POSITION Follow because 21 Irrefutable they HAVE TO Laws of Leadership
  • 6. INTRODUCTION Maxwell states Good & Bad News for all to hear: 1 The laws can be learned 1. learned. – Some are easier to understand and apply than others, but every one of them can be acquired. 2. Can stand alone. – Each law compliments all the others, but you don’t need one in order to learn another. 3. Carry consequences with them them. – Apply the laws, and people will follow you. Violate or ignore them, and you will not be able to lead others. 4. Can waste your time – Once you learn the principles, you have to practice them and apply principles them to your life otherwise it useless.
  • 7. THE 21 IRREFUTABE LAWS OF LEADERSHIP (2008 Revised) ♦ The Law of Addition ♦ The Law of Picture
  • 8. TODAY SESSION The Law of The Law of The Law of the Lid Process Navigation The Law of The Law of Inner Circle Empower
  • 9. 1 Law of the Lid 1. Leadership ability determines personal and organizational level of l d ll l f effectiveness
  • 10. 1. Law of the Lid Leadership ability determines personal and organizational level of effectiveness Point of the Principle on the Lid p ♦ An organization will never surpass the capabilities of its leaders. ♦ If the leadership is strong, the lid is high ♦ The lower an individual's ability to lead, the lower the lid on his potential. potential – if your leadership were an 8, your effectiveness can never be greater than a 7. – Your organization will never grow more than the 7 – Because you are the lid. ♦ The Lid represents the limit of our leadership abilities.
  • 11. EXAMPLE ♦ Ray Kroc Vs Dick & Maurice McDonald y bersaudara. – 1952, Mcdonald failed to expand their product with Franchise Model. – From 15 investors only 10 opened the restaurant. – Their genius was in kitchen operational excellence – 1955 Kroc had global vision, decided to make an 1955, vision agreement with them and setup McDonald’s System Inc & Hamburger University – He brought the Master Franchise License at 1961 – In 4 years Korc succeed to open 100 restaurant and 4 years later 500 outlet – Today Mcdonald has 21 000 outlets in 100 countries. 21,000 countries
  • 12. SUCCESS WITHOUT EFFECTIVE LEADERSHIP 10 9 8 The Lid: The Ability to Lead 7 15 investors 5 10 outlets tl t y 4 3 2 T 1 Effectivity 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Dedication Toward Success
  • 13. SUCCESS WITH EFFECTIVE LEADERSHIP The Lid : 10 100 21,000 10 outlets 9 8 The Ability to Lead 7 5 y 4 3 2 T 1 Effectivity 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Dedication Toward Success
  • 14. Application ♦ Plenty of smart, talented, successful people are limited by y , , p p y their leadership ability. ♦ If you want to reach new level of effectiveness in your job or organization, raise your lid. i ti i lid – Paradigm – Attitude – Habits – Capabilities (Knowledge & Skills) – Resources (People/leaders Time & Money) (People/leaders, ♦ If you want to grow your company, uplift your lid
  • 15. Questions for Reflection . . . ♦ What are the leadership lids in my life? ♦ How will I lift those lids? What do I need to do? ♦ Who are the potential leader in my organization should I groom? i i h ld ? ♦ How do I groom them into effective leader?
  • 16. 2. L 2 Law of Process fP Leadership develops daily, daily not in a day.
  • 17. 2. Law of Process Leadership develops daily, not in a day. ♦ Leadership is not a one day thing; it's an every day thing. p y g; y y g ♦ It's the disciplined, consistent effort to improve a little bit each day that reaps great harvests over a lifetime. ♦ Do not expect the “Microwave” Leadership ♦ Even when someone is gifted with natural abilities, one still has to build one s collection of leadership skills. one’s skills
  • 18. Example ♦ Abraham Lincoln – From poor family President ♦ Jimmy Carter is one of the leaders who developed through time. – Awarded Nobel Peace Prize 2002 – Worldwide respect as leader of the Habitat for Humanity organization. ♦ Al Gore – d f G defeated b B h in Presidency d by Bush i P id Election – Awarded Nobel Peace Prize 2007– persistency in 2007 raising the Global Warming Issue
  • 19. THE FOUR PHASES OF LEADERSHIP GROWTH: ♦ Phase 1 – Unconscious - Incompetence ♦ Phase 2 - Conscious - Incompetence ♦ Phase 3 - C h Conscious- C i Competence ♦ Phase 4 - Unconscious- Competence
  • 20. GROWTH MOVEMENT onscious Unconsciou Co us s Comfort Zone Incompetence Competence ♦To lead tomorrow, learn Today ; Yesterday success not equal with tomorrow success
  • 21. Application ♦ It is easy to see the end result, but is hard to experience the process. ♦ We are all must willing take small baby steps day g y p y after day, to reach our ultimate goal. ♦ Successful leaders should be learners-- continuously improving and building up on previously developed skills
  • 22. ♦ “If we now can lift the burden we once were If not able to, it doesn’t mean the burden is lighten but rather because our muscle has lighten, grown and developed”. -Theodore Roosevelt Theodore
  • 23. Questions for Reflection . . . ♦ In my growth as a leader, what lessons does leader God continue to remind me about, and drill into me? ♦ What have I had to un-learn and re-learn? ♦ Whi h phase am I experiencing now, as a Which h i i leader? ♦ What could I do to achieve the better phase?
  • 24. 3. Law of Navigation Anyone can steer the ship, but it takes a leader to chart the course.
  • 25. Concept ♦ The Law of Navigation is – about seeing the trip ahead, – charting a plan to get to the destination, – and remaining focused on the vision. d i i f d h ii ♦ A navigator starts with a vision, ♦ and then knows what it takes to reach that vision, d th k h t t k t h th t i i ♦ who they will need on the team, and ♦ what obstacles to anticipate and overcome. h b l i i d ♦ Navigators balance optimism with realism ♦ Preparation is the key to good navigation
  • 26. Example ♦ Robert F. Scott VS. Roald Amundsen (1912) ♦ Norwegian explorer aiming to be the first group to reach the South Pole. – Amundsen succeed – Scott failed & faced fatal consequences, he & his team died in the way back to the home base.
  • 27.
  • 28. Scott Amundsen ♦ Logistic- his team to carry ♦ Logistic – all need them along, depots not supplies put in the depots id d ith provided with required i d l along his planned route hi l d t supplies, no clear sign. with clear sign ♦ Transporter- motor a spo te oto ♦ Transporter- Special a spo te Spec a machines and horses trained dogs ♦ Journey- miserable ; did ♦ Journey – make sure his not h i ld have appropriate cold team not b i too much bring h clothes , bring 60 kg burden and too tired- 6 g geologist specimen g p hours or 15-20 mil/dayy
  • 29. Application ♦ The leader is the one who sees more detail and farthest into the future , ♦ He is the best person to guide his followers followers. ♦ The size of the project does not matter. ♦ The size of the leaders and the ability to navigate determine the accomplishment of a mission. ♦ Visioning, detail p g, planning, measuring, g, g, deploying. & adjusting is the leader’s job
  • 30. G dl d Good leaders ♦ Know the way ♦Show the way ♦Go the way y (Measure & Adjust)
  • 31. Questions for Reflection . . . ♦ What challenges will my department face in the nearest future? ♦ What new capabilities and resources we need to acquire in order to deal with the challenges effectively? ♦ What is the detail strategy and plan in building the required capabilities and resources? ♦ What project or assignment in my unit should be planned better in advanced? ♦ How do we know we are in the right track and g improve it accordingly?
  • 32. 4 THE LAW OF INNER 4. CIRCLE : A L d ’ P t ti l is Determined Leader’s Potential i D t i d by Those Closest to Him
  • 33. THE LAW OF INNER CIRCLE : A Leader’s Potential is Determined by Those Leader s Closest to Him ♦ The strength of the people around a leader determines that leader’s potential. ♦ No matter how good a leader is, that person has limits. ♦ His Inner Circle expands his abilities. p
  • 34. Example ♦ Q : Have you ever wonder why a lot of world records were broken in the Olympic competition? ♦ A : When the “Best” was challenged by the “Best”, the potential was unleashed and Best pushing them forward to achieve the higher level performance. performance
  • 35. Roger Bannister & 1 Mile Challenge
  • 36. THE LAW OF INNER CIRCLE ♦ Before 1954, no one can run 1 mile > 4 min. 1954 min ♦ May 16, 1954 Bannister broke the 4 min. record (3:59:4) ♦ 46 days later a different runner broke his record. record ♦ 1957 (3 year later), 16 runners broke the 4 min. record min record. ♦ 2008, 955 runners can break the record more than 4700 times
  • 37. Example ♦4E+P ♦ Energy ♦ Jack Welch = ♦ Energize i – Cathcart ♦ Edge – Dennis Dammerman – Peter F. Drucker, ♦ Execute – Jeff Imlett ♦ Passion – Bob Nardeli, – Jim McNerney, – S Suzy W l h Welch ♦ GE – 1980 = $ 13 Billion 2001 = $ 400 Billi Billion
  • 38. Application ♦ When leader surrounded himself with followers, the growth rate is one person at a time. time ♦ But when leaders surrounded himself with leaders who will develop leaders, growth is leaders multiplied, and the highest possible level of success is achieved. achieved
  • 39. Application ♦ A leader’s role, then, is to surround himself with leader s right people. ♦ Get connected with better leaders from yourself y and learn from them ♦ Hires the right people. g p p – Develops them. – Listens to them ♦ Get coached or mentored by the right p person ♦ Read the right book
  • 41. Questions for Reflection . . . ♦ Who makes up my inner circle? ♦ What quality they are representing of? ♦ How am I stronger because of them? ♦ Who else needs to be in my inner circle for it to be complete?
  • 42. 5. 5 Law of Empowerment Only secure leaders give power to others.
  • 43. CONCEPT ♦ The people s capacity to achieve is determined by people’s their leader’s ability to empower ♦ Good leader : – Finds other leaders; – Builds them up; – Gives them resources, authority, and responsibility; – And then lets them go off to achieve. ♦ The opposite situation : – When a leader undermines his team members – Creates b i that people in his team cannot barriers h l i hi overcome, are violations of the Law of Empowerment.
  • 44. Dis-empower Leader ♦ Henry Ford : the antithesis of the empowering leader. ♦ Built the Model “T“ but not want to change or improve it. T it ♦ Even with all its success, Ford consistently undermined his executives and nearly killed the company. ♦ Ford’s grandson, Henry Ford II, a Navy man, returned to the company – Became president of Ford Motor Company Company. – Loss in fifteen years (- $ 1 Million day). – Hired a group of men and turned the company around. – But like his grandfather, Henry Ford II undermined the leadership of the company executives. – Tex Thornton, Ernie Breech, Lewis Crusoe (GM) were encouraged to attack and humiliate each other
  • 45. ♦ Ford to Iacocca (President of Ford Co.): Co ): ♦ “ If someone work for you , don’t let him become secure Do what they expect you to secure. do but let them always worry and unbalanced. unbalanced ”
  • 46. Example ♦ Market: (1) General Motor (2) Ford (3) Chryslers ♦ Fi d f Fired from F d hi d b Ch l as CEO Ford, hired by Chryslers ♦ Chryslers was bleeding ♦ Priority he made : – Cost Cutting (Incl. 25 % of his salary) – Empower the R&D $ 300 Million (no cost cutting) ♦ Result : Produce “K-Car” saved gasoline ♦ 1974- Gasoline Price Increased ♦ “K C ” was booming “K-Car” b i ♦ Chryslers got turnaround
  • 47. ♦ Ford – Reactive : to beat Chryslers produced “Ford Pinto Pinto” – Gasoline tank was covered with thin platform – Accident happened to Ford Pinto, they Pinto frequently exploded. – Cynical saying: “If you are bored with your life If take then take the Pinto.” – Ford Pinto was a big problem to Ford – Spoiled its great brand
  • 48. Application ♦ If a leader does not empower others, he has become the lid in the organization/unit. ♦ If the lid did not being lifted, people will either give up (passive) or ♦ move to where they can maximize their potential and worse you produce irrelevant solution to your customer. ♦ Empowering people also empowers the leader. ♦ The leader will achieve much more, and becomes a better leader in the process.
  • 49. Questions for Reflection . . . Q ♦ How well do I empower others? How do I do it? ♦ When I fail to empower others, how much does it have to do with my own insecurities d h t d ith i iti as a leader? ♦ What have been empowering experiences in my life? ♦ How can I better empower those who work beside me?
  • 50. SUCCESS WITH EFFECTIVE LEADERSHIP The Lid : 10 100 21,000 10 outlets 9 8 The Ability to Lead 7 5 y 4 3 2 T 1 Effectivity 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Dedication Toward Success
  • 51. CONCLUSION The Law of The Law of The Law of the Lid Process Navigation The Law of The Law of Inner Circle Empower
  • 52. CONCLUSION ♦ Bad News -Lid: Everyone has a lid that limit her/his y leadership effectiveness. ♦ Good News - Process: Everyone could grow and lift up their lid (limitation). h i (li i i ) ♦ Navigation Challenge: To uplift your lid do the planning, measuring and adjusting. measu ing ♦ Inner Circle Challenge: The person you always listen to they could be the lid of your effectiveness. ♦ Empowerment Challenge : To optimize your lid learn to develop leaders not just followers in your team; work smarter not just harder.
  • 53. NOW IT S IT’S THE TIME TO LEAD SUCIPTO ASAN Leadership & Talent Management Consultant C lt t