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The Ultimate
Prepared by: YK Png
Shawn D. Moon and Sue Dathe-Douglass
This presentation deck is adopted from the book
“The Ultimate Competitive Advantage”
by Shawn D. Moon and Sue Dathe-Douglass
A New Paradigm: In a Winning Culture, Everyone Leads
The Ultimate Competitive Advantage . . .
Shawn D. Moon and Sue Dathe-Douglass
“If you don’t have a Competitive Advantage, don’t compete”
~ Jack Welch
What is Culture?
The collective behavior of your people (what the majority of your people do the
majority of the time); the nature of the language and relationships within the
organization, and the spoken and unspoken values, norms, and systems at work
A New Paradigm: In a Winning Culture, Everyone Leads
Transformation & Engagement
The 7 Habits - Changing Culture Changes Everything
What is Winning Culture?
Winning cultures are filled with superb people who deliver as promised time after time.
Winning cultures are unique, deliberately designed and maintained, and rare.
A culture exposed with the rising tide: Just as an individual’s character is tested the
most when it is under pressure, an organization’s culture is exposed during times of
“How many of you honestly believe that the vast majority of the people in your
organization possess more intelligence, talent, capability, creativity and
resourcefulness than their present jobs require or even allow” ~ Stephen R Covey
The majority of working people are unengaged or actively disengaged from their work.
So what is the Sustainable Competitive Advantage?
You and Your People
A firm can have the “best” brand or product, but if people don’t do the things needed
to leverage it, sustain it, and live up to it, it will evaporate.
A firm can be the “best” company, but if your people couldn’t care less about
maintaining it, the whole thing is a house of cards.
The People Behind the Activities
The Behaviour of People is the Ultimate source of your Competitive Advantage!
“Seeing the firm as a collection of activities makes it clear that everyone in a firm is
part of strategy” ~ Michael Porter
The sum of what everyone does every day is called a “culture”, what the majoriy of the
people do the majority of the time.
“A high trust culture is the only Sustainable Competitive Advantage.”
We need highly engaged people in a high trust culture.
The culture of any organization is simply the collective behavior of its leaders. If you
want to change your culture, change the collective behavior of your leaders.
Staff Engagement & Inspiring Trust
Transformation & Engagement
Changing Paradigms
To change the culture, you have to change people’s paradigms.
A paradigm is like an operating system for a computer. The machine will only do what
the operating system allows it to do. If your paradigms are from the past, you’ll be
using obsolete applications that aren’t up to the requirements of today.
Changing Paradigms
To change the culture, you have to change people’s paradigms.
Transformation & Engagement
Leadership Operating System
The Ultimate Competitive Advantage . . .
Habit 1 - Be PROACTIVE:
The Initiative and Responsibility for Results
• While proactive people are passionate, they are also resourceful.
• Proactivity means you find a way.
• Get into the habit of taking initiative. Use proactive language.
Stop saying:
“I can’t hit the target, we don’t have money to spend / oos, ….”
“I’m not responsible.”
“I have already loaded up the customers with big lots!”
Say instead:
“I will find ways to hit the target.” (“INNOVATIVE”)
“Let’s work together to find the solution.” (“COLLABORATIVE”)
What is a situation where I can be more PROACTIVE today?
Habit 2 – Begin with the End in Mind (VISION):
Gain a Clear Sense of Mission
• “Good business leaders create a vision, articulate the vision, passionately own the
vision, and relentlessly drive it to completion.” ~ Jack Welch
• Your leadership starts with showing people “where you are going, what your dream
looks like, where we are going to be when successful”. ~ Jack Welch
• Get into the habit of knowing the purpose for everything. (“INSIGHTFULNESS”)
• Begin everything with this thought – “What’s the end in mind here? Why am I/are
we doing this?”. Do this before you start projects, meetings, conferences, messages,
documents – anything you do at work.
What is a situation where I need to define my end in mind today?
Habit 3 – Put First Things First (PRODUCTIVITY):
Focus on Getting the Right Things Done
• What is more important than fighting a fire?
• Preventing the fire in the first place.
• Plan your work weeks so your calendar fills with top priorities instead of secondary
• Ask yourself how you will carry out your vision or mission this week. (“INNOVATIVE”)
What can I stop doing today?
Productivity Choice: The Big Rocks
Transformation & Engagement
Habit 4 – Think Win/Win (MUTUAL BENEFIT):
Provide Mutual Benefit by Respectfully Seeking to
Benefit Others as well as Yourself
• Basic principle: Respect for others and for Yourself. (“PROVEN”)
• Get into the habit of thinking about how to benefit other people as well as yourself.
• Who can help you carry out your vision or mission?
• What’s in it for them?
• Make “win-win” agreements with those people in which you spell out the wins for
everyone. (“COLLABORATIVE”)
Where am I winning at someone else’s expense?
Where is someone else winning at my expense?
Habit 5 – Seek First to Understand, then to be
Understood (EMPATHY):
Empathize In Order to Understand People and Their
Perspectives Before Sharing Your Own
• Basic principle: Empathy ➔ Empathy is essential to effective leadership, and it can’t
be fake.
• Great leaders allow empathy to shape the vision… Your goal is to understand.
• Get into the habit of listening. (“COLLABORATIVE” / “INSIGHTFULNESS”)
• Stop talking. Listen with empathy, which means dropping your own agenda and fully
getting into theirs. (This doesn’t mean you have to agree with their agenda. Just
understand it.) Do this with your coworkers, supervisors, and customers. Seek to
understand them before giving your views.
Who need me to listen to them today?
Habit 6 – SYNERGIZE:
Leverage the Gifts and Resources of Other People
• Basic principle: the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. (“PROVEN”)
• No individual is like any other – each has gifts, talents, passion, and skills no one else
can duplicate. Effective leaders leverage those differences. (“COLLABORATIVE”)
• Get into the habit of looking for the solution you haven’t thought of before.
• Stop defending your territory and your “solutions”. In problem solving, say to others,
“What if we looked for a solution we haven’t thought of before? A solution that’s
better than anything we’ve come up with yet? What would it look like?”
What situation needs a synergistic solution today?
Leadership Operating System
The Ultimate Competitive Advantage . . .
Imagine a team where everyone is a leader, where
every member is Proactive (1.PROACTIVITY) and
Visionary (2.VISION) with clearly shared Priorities
Imagine a team where everyone is looking out for the
Interests of One Another (4.MUTUAL BENEFITS),
where they are intensely Empathic (5.EMPATHY) and
Open to Different Views (6.SYNERGY) – in short, a
team where the 7 habits are the operating system.
This is the TEAM we need!
Habit 7 – Sharpen the Saw
Keep Getting Better and More Capable, Never Standing Still
• A true leader is to continuously improve your capabilities (“INSIGHTFULNESS”) instead
of letting them wear out.
• Basic principle: If you neglect yourself, your physical health, your learning, and your
relationships, you will become dull and useless.
• Get into the habit of getting better – physically, mentally, spiritually, and in your
• What can you do to keep up your energy and keep your mind sharp? What do you need to do
to your job better? What relationships do you need to work on? If you are a dull saw
instead of sharp saw, you won’t really be a leader at all.
Where do I need to “sharpen the saw” today?
Let Everyone Lead
• First steps to building a winning culture that has embraced the 7 habits and holds
the ultimate competitive advantage are to adopt the mindset that everyone on your
team can lead and accept that it’s your job to make them a leader, to inspire them
and to embrace their roles.
• You will never capture people’s heart by treating them like jackass.
• The ultimate competitive advantage will go to those who adopt the paradigm that
everyone on your team should be a leader.
Leadership is a choice, not just a position
• Replace unproductive paradigms with inspiring new paradigms and corresponding
practices that will unleash new and extraordinarily productive behaviours.
Leaders as Owners
• People who own things take care of them.
• Leaders are owners – of goals, projects, initiatives, and systems.
• Non-owners / Followers don’t own anything, they don’t care the same way that
leaders do.
The main job of leaders is to create other leaders
• Leadership: Formal authority that comes with a title, and moral authority that comes
with your character.
• The truth is, anyone can be a leader, regardless of title or job description.
A title doesn’t automatically “entitle” you to anything
• If you want to motivate people, and you want your team to take ownership of their
work, why not make everyone a leader?
6 Highly Effective Practices . . .
Common Practices Highly Effective Practices
Franklin Covey, 2015
Develop a great strategy
Execute your strategy with excellence and precision.
(Priority, Lead measures, Scorecards, Accountability)
Do more with less
Unleash productivity and engage the people. (eg.
Urgent/Impt, Impt/Not Urgent, Urgent/Unimpt,
Not urgent/Unimpt)
Become the provider of
choice to your customers
Be the most trusted provider to your customers. 4
cores of credibility (Character: Integrity/Intent,
Competence: Capabilities/Results)
Create value for customers
Help customers succeed by creating value for them.
Build a legacy of sales leadership, create a great sales
Satisfy customers Create intense loyalty with customers
Create and post mission
Lead with Purpose. “Jobs you are hired to do” right
now, …
The Ultimate Competitive Advantage . . .
Practice 1: Lead with Purpose
“Effort and courage are not enough without purpose and direction” ~ John F. Kennedy
• People with a simple, unique, powerful mission are the most engaged people.
• Find the voice of your team.
• Regularly evaluate the “job you are being hired to do” right now.
Create and post mission
Lead with Purpose. “Jobs you are hired to do” right
now, …
1.1: Find the Voice of Your Team
• Do we have a written team mission? Are we passionate about our team mission? Does
it inspire our energy and determination, or are we just going through the motions?
• Does our mission leverage the talents of each team member? Do we even know what
those talents are? (“COLLABORATIVE”)
• Are we doing what we should do? (“RESPONSIVENESS”)
• What is the specific job our customers are hiring us to do? (“INSIGHTFULNESS”)
Is it changing?
– Who are our most important internal or external customers and stakeholders?
– What are the most important goals?
– What unique capabilities do we bring to help them meet those goals? What are they “hiring”
us to do or to provide?
1.2: Align with the Mission
• What are our core processes? (“INSIGHTFULNESS”)
• Do our core processes clearly support the mission?
• What do we need to do make our core processes (“INNOVATIVE”):
– Simple?
– Visible?
– Consistent?
Practice 2: Execute with Excellence
“A really great talent finds happiness in execution” ~ Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
• Most strategies fail, not because they are poor strategies but because they are
never executed.
• Whatever you’re trying to do (eg. Play piano, play golf, …) or execute a strategic goal
with excellence, sustained success requires extraordinary commitment.
Develop a great strategy Execute your strategy with excellence and precision.
(Priority, Lead measures, Scorecards, Accountability)
The 4 Disciplines of Execution
The Ultimate Competitive Advantage . . .
The 4 Disciplines of Execution
The Ultimate Competitive Advantage . . .
To achieve your goals with
1. Focus on the Wildly Important
2. Act on the Lead Measures
(Lead vs Lag measures)
3. Keep a Compelling Scoreboard
4. Create a Cadence of
1. A goal that is wildly important is one that must
be achieved or nothing else will matter very
2. Lead measure tracks action you set and take to
achieve the goal. Lag measures quantify the
3. True leaders work with people to decide what
lead measures are in their power and then hold
them accountable for acting on those lead
4. People play differently when they’re keeping
5. If your team members don’t know whether they
are winning the game, they are probably on their
way to losing.
6. The goal defines the team. Make sure everyone’s
role in achieving the goal is clearly defined.
The 4 Disciplines & Team Engagement
The Ultimate Competitive Advantage . . .
To achieve your goals with
1. Focus on the Wildly Important
2. Act on the Lead Measures
(Lead vs Lag measures)
3. Keep a Compelling Scoreboard
4. Create a Cadence of
1. The 4 disciplines are important to make sure
delivery of results.
2. Leaders’ job is to support the line people, not the
other way around. An atmosphere of trust is
3. More time and effort should be put into building
the winning culture.
“Did we do what we committed to do to each other as promised?”
What should a leader role be?
Practice 3: Unleash Productivity
“If you want to build a ship don’t herd people together to collect wood and don’t assign
them tasks and work, but rather teach them to long for the endless immensity of the
sea.” ~ Antoine De St. Exupery
• Given enough support, any human being has virtually limitless power.
• New paradigm: Every person is uniquely powerful! Your job as a leader is to unleash
that power!
• Archimedes: One person has virtually limitless power, given the right mindset, the
right tools, and the right place to stand.
• Knowing their contribution is valued means far more …
Do more with less
Unleash productivity and engage the people. (eg. Urgent/Impt,
Impt/Not Urgent, Urgent/Unimpt, Not urgent/Unimpt)
Productivity Choice
The Ultimate Competitive Advantage . . .
Productivity Choice (Exercise)
The Ultimate Competitive Advantage . . .
3. Schedule Your Priorities, Don’t
Prioritize Your Schedule
Each week, look closely at your calendar. Then use the box exercise to plan the
Urgent / Important Not Urgent / Important
Urgent / Not Important Non Urgent / Not Important
Practice 4: Inspire Trust
“Trust is the highest form of human motivation. It brings out the very best in people”
~ Stephen M.R. Covey
• Trust is the great accelerator. Where trust is high, everything is faster and less
complicated, and where trust is low, everything is slower, costlier, and encumbered
with suspicion.
Become the provider of
choice to your customers
Be the most trusted provider to your customers. 4
cores of credibility (Character: Integrity/Intent,
Competence: Capabilities/Results)
The Five Waves of Trust
The Ultimate Competitive Advantage . . .
The Cores of Credibility
The Ultimate Competitive Advantage . . .
The motive that best builds
credibility and trust is when
you care about the people
that you’re leading – and
they know you care about
The Cores of Credibility
The Ultimate Competitive Advantage . . .
• Trust is strengthened by how you act.
• Results are what convert the cynics.
Practice 5: Build a Legacy of Sales Leadership
“Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships”
~ Michael Jordan
• Effective leaders are trustworthy people with high purpose, who in turns inspire a
level of trust that creates dep loyalty among employees, customers, ….
• Building an enduring legacy of success doesn’t come from creating great salespeople,
it comes from creating a superior sales culture – in other words, what your
salespeople do every day. ➔ How you sell matters more than what you sell.
• You don’t need sales superstars. You need a super sales culture, where ordinary
people do extraordinary things.
• Help your clients to succeed (“PROVEN” / “RESPONSIVENESS” / “INNOVATIVE” /
“COLLABORATIVE”). To do this, you need good information (“INSIGHTFULNESS”).
Create value for customers
Help customers succeed by creating value for them.
Build a legacy of sales leadership, create a great sales
What do you think the doctor/customer is thinking each time
you see him/her?
“What’s in it for me?”
“How can I contribute to the wellbeing
of my community?”
Do you know your customer’s need(s)?
delivery limits
category costs
better ROI
trade up
Improved staff
• A benefit is not a benefit unless it matches or exceeds your customer’s need.
• Customers must trust that your intent is compatible with their best interests, and
that you have the expertise to design and deliver a solution that meets their needs
World Class Sales Cultures Balance Advocacy and Inquiry
The Ultimate Competitive Advantage . . .
• The better you understand what your customer wants and needs, the
better the choices you can bring to the table. It is in your own best
interest to focus on the interests of the customer first.
• Create a Win Win solution: In the end, character comes down to one thing –
caring as much about others as you do about yourself.
Helping Your Customers to Succeed
The Ultimate Competitive Advantage . . .
Check Your
Move Off the Solution
Create a Win-Win Solution
Practice 6: Create Intense Loyalty
“You can buy a person’s hand, but you can’t buy his heart. His heart is where his
enthusiasm, his loyalty is” ~ Stephen R. Covey
• “Satisfaction” – The Old Paradigm ➔ “Intense Loyalty”: The New Paradigm.
• The Golden Rule: “… to treat others the way you would want to be treated”.
• Study after study demonstrates that customer loyalty is the prime driver of
profitable growth. ➔ 5% growth in customer loyalty = 85% growth in profits!
• By contrast, chronic inconsistencies in customer service are the enemy of loyalty.
Some companies pay a fearsome price when their poor practices show up in social
media – no response to customer service phone calls, rude delivery person, etc, etc.
• Our primary goal is to create a culture where people are fulfilled by using their
talents in passions in their work.
• “People care if you take a genuine interest in their future… Taking an honest
interest in someone builds loyalty” ~ Victor Lipman
Satisfy customers Create intense loyalty with customers
Moving the Middle
The Ultimate Competitive Advantage . . .
• Passionless people ➔ A loss of
• Employee loyalty leads to customer
• Often passive customers can become
very loyal customers if you listen with
empathy to their issues.
6 Highly Effective Practices . . .
Common Practices Highly Effective Practices
Franklin Covey, 2015
Develop a great strategy
Execute your strategy with excellence and precision.
(Priority, Lead measures, Scorecards, Accountability)
Do more with less
Unleash productivity and engage the people. (eg.
Urgent/Impt, Impt/Not Urgent, Urgent/Unimpt,
Not urgent/Unimpt)
Become the provider of
choice to your customers
Be the most trusted provider to your customers. 4
cores of credibility (Character: Integrity/Intent,
Competence: Capabilities/Results)
Create value for customers
Help customers succeed by creating value for them.
Build a legacy of sales leadership, create a great sales
Satisfy customers Create intense loyalty with customers
Create and post mission
Lead with Purpose. “Jobs you are hired to do” right
now, …
The Ultimate Competitive Advantage . . .
Conclusion: The Job for you to do now
• Everyone can be a Leader. In fact, individual leadership is an imperative!
• The mission is to achieve your own great purpose by helping others achieve
theirs. The maxim is meaning.
• The mental operating system is no longer “control”, but “unleash”. You hold
purpose and principles in common among you.
• Primary question: “How much do you really care?”
• Do you care enough to do what is required?
• To make the choice to be a leader, not just a job description?
• To help others to become leaders?
• To execute your most important goals with excellence and precision.
• To help your customers to succeed.
• To create intense loyalty among the people / customers you serve.

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The ultimate competitive advantage by Shawn D. Moon and Sue Dathe-Douglass

  • 1. The Ultimate Competitive Advantage Prepared by: YK Png Shawn D. Moon and Sue Dathe-Douglass
  • 2. Acknowledgement This presentation deck is adopted from the book “The Ultimate Competitive Advantage” by Shawn D. Moon and Sue Dathe-Douglass
  • 3. A New Paradigm: In a Winning Culture, Everyone Leads The Ultimate Competitive Advantage . . . Shawn D. Moon and Sue Dathe-Douglass “If you don’t have a Competitive Advantage, don’t compete” ~ Jack Welch What is Culture? The collective behavior of your people (what the majority of your people do the majority of the time); the nature of the language and relationships within the organization, and the spoken and unspoken values, norms, and systems at work therein.
  • 4. A New Paradigm: In a Winning Culture, Everyone Leads Transformation & Engagement The 7 Habits - Changing Culture Changes Everything
  • 5. What is Winning Culture? Winning cultures are filled with superb people who deliver as promised time after time. Winning cultures are unique, deliberately designed and maintained, and rare. A culture exposed with the rising tide: Just as an individual’s character is tested the most when it is under pressure, an organization’s culture is exposed during times of crisis. “How many of you honestly believe that the vast majority of the people in your organization possess more intelligence, talent, capability, creativity and resourcefulness than their present jobs require or even allow” ~ Stephen R Covey The majority of working people are unengaged or actively disengaged from their work.
  • 6. So what is the Sustainable Competitive Advantage? You and Your People A firm can have the “best” brand or product, but if people don’t do the things needed to leverage it, sustain it, and live up to it, it will evaporate. A firm can be the “best” company, but if your people couldn’t care less about maintaining it, the whole thing is a house of cards.
  • 7. The People Behind the Activities The Behaviour of People is the Ultimate source of your Competitive Advantage! “Seeing the firm as a collection of activities makes it clear that everyone in a firm is part of strategy” ~ Michael Porter The sum of what everyone does every day is called a “culture”, what the majoriy of the people do the majority of the time. “A high trust culture is the only Sustainable Competitive Advantage.” We need highly engaged people in a high trust culture. The culture of any organization is simply the collective behavior of its leaders. If you want to change your culture, change the collective behavior of your leaders.
  • 8. Staff Engagement & Inspiring Trust Transformation & Engagement
  • 9. Changing Paradigms To change the culture, you have to change people’s paradigms. A paradigm is like an operating system for a computer. The machine will only do what the operating system allows it to do. If your paradigms are from the past, you’ll be using obsolete applications that aren’t up to the requirements of today.
  • 10. Changing Paradigms To change the culture, you have to change people’s paradigms. Transformation & Engagement
  • 11. Leadership Operating System The Ultimate Competitive Advantage . . .
  • 12. Habit 1 - Be PROACTIVE: The Initiative and Responsibility for Results • While proactive people are passionate, they are also resourceful. • Proactivity means you find a way. • Get into the habit of taking initiative. Use proactive language. Stop saying: “I can’t hit the target, we don’t have money to spend / oos, ….” “I’m not responsible.” “I have already loaded up the customers with big lots!” Say instead: “I will find ways to hit the target.” (“INNOVATIVE”) “Let’s work together to find the solution.” (“COLLABORATIVE”) What is a situation where I can be more PROACTIVE today?
  • 13. Habit 2 – Begin with the End in Mind (VISION): Gain a Clear Sense of Mission • “Good business leaders create a vision, articulate the vision, passionately own the vision, and relentlessly drive it to completion.” ~ Jack Welch • Your leadership starts with showing people “where you are going, what your dream looks like, where we are going to be when successful”. ~ Jack Welch • Get into the habit of knowing the purpose for everything. (“INSIGHTFULNESS”) • Begin everything with this thought – “What’s the end in mind here? Why am I/are we doing this?”. Do this before you start projects, meetings, conferences, messages, documents – anything you do at work. What is a situation where I need to define my end in mind today?
  • 14. Habit 3 – Put First Things First (PRODUCTIVITY): Focus on Getting the Right Things Done • What is more important than fighting a fire? • Preventing the fire in the first place. • Plan your work weeks so your calendar fills with top priorities instead of secondary priorities. • Ask yourself how you will carry out your vision or mission this week. (“INNOVATIVE”) What can I stop doing today?
  • 15. Productivity Choice: The Big Rocks Transformation & Engagement
  • 16. Habit 4 – Think Win/Win (MUTUAL BENEFIT): Provide Mutual Benefit by Respectfully Seeking to Benefit Others as well as Yourself • Basic principle: Respect for others and for Yourself. (“PROVEN”) • Get into the habit of thinking about how to benefit other people as well as yourself. • Who can help you carry out your vision or mission? • What’s in it for them? • Make “win-win” agreements with those people in which you spell out the wins for everyone. (“COLLABORATIVE”) Where am I winning at someone else’s expense? Where is someone else winning at my expense?
  • 17. Habit 5 – Seek First to Understand, then to be Understood (EMPATHY): Empathize In Order to Understand People and Their Perspectives Before Sharing Your Own • Basic principle: Empathy ➔ Empathy is essential to effective leadership, and it can’t be fake. • Great leaders allow empathy to shape the vision… Your goal is to understand. • Get into the habit of listening. (“COLLABORATIVE” / “INSIGHTFULNESS”) • Stop talking. Listen with empathy, which means dropping your own agenda and fully getting into theirs. (This doesn’t mean you have to agree with their agenda. Just understand it.) Do this with your coworkers, supervisors, and customers. Seek to understand them before giving your views. Who need me to listen to them today?
  • 18. Habit 6 – SYNERGIZE: Leverage the Gifts and Resources of Other People • Basic principle: the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. (“PROVEN”) • No individual is like any other – each has gifts, talents, passion, and skills no one else can duplicate. Effective leaders leverage those differences. (“COLLABORATIVE”) • Get into the habit of looking for the solution you haven’t thought of before. (“INNOVATIVE”) • Stop defending your territory and your “solutions”. In problem solving, say to others, “What if we looked for a solution we haven’t thought of before? A solution that’s better than anything we’ve come up with yet? What would it look like?” What situation needs a synergistic solution today?
  • 19. Leadership Operating System The Ultimate Competitive Advantage . . . Imagine a team where everyone is a leader, where every member is Proactive (1.PROACTIVITY) and Visionary (2.VISION) with clearly shared Priorities (3.PRODUCTIVITY). Imagine a team where everyone is looking out for the Interests of One Another (4.MUTUAL BENEFITS), where they are intensely Empathic (5.EMPATHY) and Open to Different Views (6.SYNERGY) – in short, a team where the 7 habits are the operating system. This is the TEAM we need!
  • 20. Habit 7 – Sharpen the Saw (CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT): Keep Getting Better and More Capable, Never Standing Still • A true leader is to continuously improve your capabilities (“INSIGHTFULNESS”) instead of letting them wear out. • Basic principle: If you neglect yourself, your physical health, your learning, and your relationships, you will become dull and useless. • Get into the habit of getting better – physically, mentally, spiritually, and in your relationships. • What can you do to keep up your energy and keep your mind sharp? What do you need to do to your job better? What relationships do you need to work on? If you are a dull saw instead of sharp saw, you won’t really be a leader at all. Where do I need to “sharpen the saw” today?
  • 22. Let Everyone Lead • First steps to building a winning culture that has embraced the 7 habits and holds the ultimate competitive advantage are to adopt the mindset that everyone on your team can lead and accept that it’s your job to make them a leader, to inspire them and to embrace their roles. • You will never capture people’s heart by treating them like jackass. • The ultimate competitive advantage will go to those who adopt the paradigm that everyone on your team should be a leader. Leadership is a choice, not just a position • Replace unproductive paradigms with inspiring new paradigms and corresponding practices that will unleash new and extraordinarily productive behaviours.
  • 23. Leaders as Owners • People who own things take care of them. • Leaders are owners – of goals, projects, initiatives, and systems. • Non-owners / Followers don’t own anything, they don’t care the same way that leaders do. The main job of leaders is to create other leaders • Leadership: Formal authority that comes with a title, and moral authority that comes with your character. • The truth is, anyone can be a leader, regardless of title or job description. A title doesn’t automatically “entitle” you to anything • If you want to motivate people, and you want your team to take ownership of their work, why not make everyone a leader?
  • 24. 6 Highly Effective Practices . . . Common Practices Highly Effective Practices Franklin Covey, 2015 Develop a great strategy Execute your strategy with excellence and precision. (Priority, Lead measures, Scorecards, Accountability) Do more with less Unleash productivity and engage the people. (eg. Urgent/Impt, Impt/Not Urgent, Urgent/Unimpt, Not urgent/Unimpt) Become the provider of choice to your customers Be the most trusted provider to your customers. 4 cores of credibility (Character: Integrity/Intent, Competence: Capabilities/Results) Create value for customers Help customers succeed by creating value for them. Build a legacy of sales leadership, create a great sales culture. Satisfy customers Create intense loyalty with customers Create and post mission statement Lead with Purpose. “Jobs you are hired to do” right now, … The Ultimate Competitive Advantage . . .
  • 25. Practice 1: Lead with Purpose “Effort and courage are not enough without purpose and direction” ~ John F. Kennedy • People with a simple, unique, powerful mission are the most engaged people. • Find the voice of your team. • Regularly evaluate the “job you are being hired to do” right now. Create and post mission statement Lead with Purpose. “Jobs you are hired to do” right now, …
  • 26. 1.1: Find the Voice of Your Team • Do we have a written team mission? Are we passionate about our team mission? Does it inspire our energy and determination, or are we just going through the motions? • Does our mission leverage the talents of each team member? Do we even know what those talents are? (“COLLABORATIVE”) • Are we doing what we should do? (“RESPONSIVENESS”) • What is the specific job our customers are hiring us to do? (“INSIGHTFULNESS”) Is it changing? – Who are our most important internal or external customers and stakeholders? – What are the most important goals? – What unique capabilities do we bring to help them meet those goals? What are they “hiring” us to do or to provide?
  • 27. 1.2: Align with the Mission • What are our core processes? (“INSIGHTFULNESS”) • Do our core processes clearly support the mission? • What do we need to do make our core processes (“INNOVATIVE”): – Simple? – Visible? – Consistent?
  • 28. Practice 2: Execute with Excellence “A really great talent finds happiness in execution” ~ Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe • Most strategies fail, not because they are poor strategies but because they are never executed. • Whatever you’re trying to do (eg. Play piano, play golf, …) or execute a strategic goal with excellence, sustained success requires extraordinary commitment. Develop a great strategy Execute your strategy with excellence and precision. (Priority, Lead measures, Scorecards, Accountability)
  • 29. The 4 Disciplines of Execution The Ultimate Competitive Advantage . . .
  • 30. The 4 Disciplines of Execution The Ultimate Competitive Advantage . . . To achieve your goals with excellence: 1. Focus on the Wildly Important 2. Act on the Lead Measures (Lead vs Lag measures) 3. Keep a Compelling Scoreboard 4. Create a Cadence of Accountability 1. A goal that is wildly important is one that must be achieved or nothing else will matter very much. 2. Lead measure tracks action you set and take to achieve the goal. Lag measures quantify the results. 3. True leaders work with people to decide what lead measures are in their power and then hold them accountable for acting on those lead measures. 4. People play differently when they’re keeping score. 5. If your team members don’t know whether they are winning the game, they are probably on their way to losing. 6. The goal defines the team. Make sure everyone’s role in achieving the goal is clearly defined.
  • 31. The 4 Disciplines & Team Engagement The Ultimate Competitive Advantage . . . To achieve your goals with excellence: 1. Focus on the Wildly Important 2. Act on the Lead Measures (Lead vs Lag measures) 3. Keep a Compelling Scoreboard 4. Create a Cadence of Accountability 1. The 4 disciplines are important to make sure delivery of results. 2. Leaders’ job is to support the line people, not the other way around. An atmosphere of trust is important. 3. More time and effort should be put into building the winning culture. “Did we do what we committed to do to each other as promised?” What should a leader role be?
  • 32. Practice 3: Unleash Productivity “If you want to build a ship don’t herd people together to collect wood and don’t assign them tasks and work, but rather teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea.” ~ Antoine De St. Exupery • Given enough support, any human being has virtually limitless power. • New paradigm: Every person is uniquely powerful! Your job as a leader is to unleash that power! • Archimedes: One person has virtually limitless power, given the right mindset, the right tools, and the right place to stand. • Knowing their contribution is valued means far more … Do more with less Unleash productivity and engage the people. (eg. Urgent/Impt, Impt/Not Urgent, Urgent/Unimpt, Not urgent/Unimpt)
  • 33. Productivity Choice The Ultimate Competitive Advantage . . .
  • 34. Productivity Choice (Exercise) The Ultimate Competitive Advantage . . . 3. Schedule Your Priorities, Don’t Prioritize Your Schedule Each week, look closely at your calendar. Then use the box exercise to plan the week. Urgent / Important Not Urgent / Important Urgent / Not Important Non Urgent / Not Important
  • 35. Practice 4: Inspire Trust “Trust is the highest form of human motivation. It brings out the very best in people” ~ Stephen M.R. Covey • Trust is the great accelerator. Where trust is high, everything is faster and less complicated, and where trust is low, everything is slower, costlier, and encumbered with suspicion. Become the provider of choice to your customers Be the most trusted provider to your customers. 4 cores of credibility (Character: Integrity/Intent, Competence: Capabilities/Results)
  • 36. The Five Waves of Trust The Ultimate Competitive Advantage . . .
  • 37. The Cores of Credibility The Ultimate Competitive Advantage . . . The motive that best builds credibility and trust is when you care about the people that you’re leading – and they know you care about them.
  • 38. The Cores of Credibility The Ultimate Competitive Advantage . . . • Trust is strengthened by how you act. • Results are what convert the cynics.
  • 39. Practice 5: Build a Legacy of Sales Leadership “Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships” ~ Michael Jordan • Effective leaders are trustworthy people with high purpose, who in turns inspire a level of trust that creates dep loyalty among employees, customers, …. • Building an enduring legacy of success doesn’t come from creating great salespeople, it comes from creating a superior sales culture – in other words, what your salespeople do every day. ➔ How you sell matters more than what you sell. • You don’t need sales superstars. You need a super sales culture, where ordinary people do extraordinary things. • Help your clients to succeed (“PROVEN” / “RESPONSIVENESS” / “INNOVATIVE” / “COLLABORATIVE”). To do this, you need good information (“INSIGHTFULNESS”). Create value for customers Help customers succeed by creating value for them. Build a legacy of sales leadership, create a great sales culture.
  • 40. What do you think the doctor/customer is thinking each time you see him/her? “What’s in it for me?” “How can I contribute to the wellbeing of my community?”
  • 41. Do you know your customer’s need(s)? Appropriate delivery limits Highlights high-value products Reduced category costs Improved patient off-take Incremental profit, better ROI Appropriate pack configurations Rationalizes SKUs Encourages trade up Simplifies patients’ decisions Improved stock-turns Improved staff convenience Increased patient convenience Enhanced clinical environment • A benefit is not a benefit unless it matches or exceeds your customer’s need. • Customers must trust that your intent is compatible with their best interests, and that you have the expertise to design and deliver a solution that meets their needs
  • 42. World Class Sales Cultures Balance Advocacy and Inquiry The Ultimate Competitive Advantage . . . • The better you understand what your customer wants and needs, the better the choices you can bring to the table. It is in your own best interest to focus on the interests of the customer first. • Create a Win Win solution: In the end, character comes down to one thing – caring as much about others as you do about yourself.
  • 43. Helping Your Customers to Succeed The Ultimate Competitive Advantage . . . Check Your Intent Move Off the Solution Create a Win-Win Solution
  • 44. Practice 6: Create Intense Loyalty “You can buy a person’s hand, but you can’t buy his heart. His heart is where his enthusiasm, his loyalty is” ~ Stephen R. Covey • “Satisfaction” – The Old Paradigm ➔ “Intense Loyalty”: The New Paradigm. • The Golden Rule: “… to treat others the way you would want to be treated”. • Study after study demonstrates that customer loyalty is the prime driver of profitable growth. ➔ 5% growth in customer loyalty = 85% growth in profits! • By contrast, chronic inconsistencies in customer service are the enemy of loyalty. Some companies pay a fearsome price when their poor practices show up in social media – no response to customer service phone calls, rude delivery person, etc, etc. • Our primary goal is to create a culture where people are fulfilled by using their talents in passions in their work. • “People care if you take a genuine interest in their future… Taking an honest interest in someone builds loyalty” ~ Victor Lipman Satisfy customers Create intense loyalty with customers
  • 45. Moving the Middle The Ultimate Competitive Advantage . . . • Passionless people ➔ A loss of productivity. • Employee loyalty leads to customer loyalty. • Often passive customers can become very loyal customers if you listen with empathy to their issues.
  • 46. 6 Highly Effective Practices . . . Common Practices Highly Effective Practices Franklin Covey, 2015 Develop a great strategy Execute your strategy with excellence and precision. (Priority, Lead measures, Scorecards, Accountability) Do more with less Unleash productivity and engage the people. (eg. Urgent/Impt, Impt/Not Urgent, Urgent/Unimpt, Not urgent/Unimpt) Become the provider of choice to your customers Be the most trusted provider to your customers. 4 cores of credibility (Character: Integrity/Intent, Competence: Capabilities/Results) Create value for customers Help customers succeed by creating value for them. Build a legacy of sales leadership, create a great sales culture. Satisfy customers Create intense loyalty with customers Create and post mission statement Lead with Purpose. “Jobs you are hired to do” right now, … The Ultimate Competitive Advantage . . .
  • 47. Conclusion: The Job for you to do now • Everyone can be a Leader. In fact, individual leadership is an imperative! • The mission is to achieve your own great purpose by helping others achieve theirs. The maxim is meaning. • The mental operating system is no longer “control”, but “unleash”. You hold purpose and principles in common among you. • Primary question: “How much do you really care?” • Do you care enough to do what is required? • To make the choice to be a leader, not just a job description? • To help others to become leaders? • To execute your most important goals with excellence and precision. • To help your customers to succeed. • To create intense loyalty among the people / customers you serve.