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SiTuaTional Self leaDerShip
        a c Ti o n p l a n

    e x p e r i e ncing the rewards
            o f Managing up

                                          S u s a n Fo w l e r

    For Preview Only                      Phil Reynolds

                                      Laurence Hawkins

                                         Ke n B l a n c h a r d
The 21-DAy SiTuATiOnAl SelF leADerShiP AcTiOn PlAn
                                      Experiencing the Rewards of Managing Up

                                                   Susan Fowler
                                                   Phil Reynolds
                                                 Laurence Hawkins
                                                   Ken Blanchard

                         editor                                                  Art Director
                       Maril Adrian                                             Beverly Haney

                      Proofreaders                                            Production Artists
                      Barbara Akers                                              Bridgit Watt
                       Carey Nash                                               Kara Meredith

                                                   Brand Manager
                                                   Victoria Cutler

  Ken Blanchard first developed Situational Leadership with Paul Hersey in the late 1960s. In 1985, Blanchard and

  the Founding Associates of The Ken Blanchard Companies —Marjorie Blanchard, Don Carew, Eunice Parisi-

  Carew, Fred Finch, Laurence Hawkins, Drea Zigarmi, and Patricia Zigarmi—created a new generation of the
  theory called Situational Leadership II. The leadership model used in this product is based on the Founding

  Associates’ second generation thinking and research, and is used with their permission.

© Copyright 2009 by The Ken Blanchard Companies. All rights reserved. Do not duplicate.

These materials have been designed to develop specific knowledge and skills and have been thoroughly tested to

                                For Preview Only
ensure their effectiveness. They represent the proprietary intellectual property of The Ken Blanchard Companies and
are protected under international copyright law.

                                       125 State Place, Escondido, CA 92029 USA
                          Global Headquarters 760 489-5005 • 800 728-6000 • Fax 760 489-8407
                 UK +44 (0) 1483 456300 Canada 905 829-3510 • 800 665-5023 Singapore +65 6775 1030

Item # 17437                                                                                                V081509
Experiencing the Rewards
                                    of Managing Up in 21 Days

                                                                    Each assignmEnt FOcUsEs On OnE OF thE FOllOwing aREas:

                                                                                                     ssl gamE Plan
Getting Started                                                                                 OnE On OnE mEEting
The 21-Day Situational Self Leadership (SSL) Action
                                                                                              sElF lEadERshiP skills
Plan is designed to help you experience the promise
of self leadership by challenging your assumed
constraints, celebrating your points of power, and
                                                                         day 1—cRaFt yOUR VisiOn statEmEnt
collaborating for success—especially with your
manager.                                                                 day 2—cREatE thE mOst imPORtant list
                                                                               yOU may EVER makE
First, commit to the 21-day process. Then, follow
through by devoting 15 minutes each day to reading                       day 3—challEngE assUmEd cOnstRaints
the appropriate page and taking the recommended                                in thE wORkPlacE
action. Each day’s assignment builds on previous ones.
You can expect to
                                                                         day 4—wORk yOUR ssl gamE Plan

•   Review basic concepts learned in your SSL                            day 5—dEFinE a kEy REsPOnsibility aREa
    workshop and create the “best of times” working                      day 6—dEtERminE yOUR gOal
•   Deepen your skills for conducting One on One                         day 7—diagnOsE yOUR dEVElOPmEnt lEVEl
    meetings with your manager                                           day 8—dEcidE On thE lEadERshiP stylE nEEdEd
•   Find ways to obtain the direction and support you
    need from a variety of sources                                       day 9—Plan yOUR FiRst OnE On OnE mEEting
•   Be inspired by reflections of self leaders who have                  day 10—challEngE assUmEd cOnstRaints
    successfully put the ideas of self leadership into                          abOUt yOUR OnE On OnE mEEting
•   Undertake assignments that apply the concepts, skills,               day 11—cElEbRatE POints OF POwER
    and practices in your own work situation                             day 12—cOndUct OnE On OnE mEEting
The practical skills of a self leader are almost impossible              day 13—dEbRiEF OnE On OnE mEEting

                                          For Preview Only
to master if you have not accepted responsibility                        day 14—dO takE actiOn
for your own growth and progress. However, the
only way that anyone can lead you is to restore your                     day 15—dEtEct changEs in cURREnt REality
ability to guide yourself. As the 21-day methodology                     day 16—cOllabORatE FOR sUccEss
progresses, you will begin to handle that responsibility
more effectively. Taking the lead and managing up will                   day 17—ExPREss yOURsElF
become more familiar and comfortable.                                    day 18—sEll a sOlUtiOn
The Situational Self Leadership Action Plan CD                           day 19—nEgOtiatE FOR aUtOnOmy
The CD contains interactive                                              day 20—REmEmbER thE bEst and wORst OF timEs
worksheets that support your daily
assignments.                                                             day 21—cOmmit tO sElF lEadERshiP

© 2009 The Ken Blanchard Companies. All rights reserved. Do not duplicate • Item # 17437 • V081509

1        Craft Your Vision Statement
         Generate energy and sustain your passion

         Are you laying bricks or building a cathedral?
         You may be familiar with the old story* about a man who journeyed
         the world searching for knowledge and wisdom. As he wandered from
         village to village, he encountered three men laying bricks. Always
         seeking to learn, he asked a seemingly simple question: “What are you
         doing here?”                                                                                    Find Your Purpose
         The first man answered, “What does it look like? I am laying bricks.”                           Consider how a clear purpose for your work
                                                                                                         will help you manage up. If you and your
         The second man replied, “Can’t you tell? I’m putting up a wall.”
                                                                                                         manager disagree on the purpose of your
         The third man looked up, smiled, and said, “What am I doing? I’m                                role, it is unlikely that you will agree on the
         building a cathedral. It will be beautiful, and thousands of people will come                   priority of your goals, everyday tasks, and the
         here for inspiration.”                                                                          skills, resources, or training necessary for you
                                                                                                         to accomplish it.

                                                                                                         Benefits of a Well-Crafted Vision Statement
                                                                                                         A thoughtfully crafted vision statement gives
                                                                                                         you perspective for the work you do each day.
                                                                                                         It empowers you to overcome the inevitable
                                                                                                         obstacles, pain, strife, and exhaustion that
                                                                                                         could jeopardize your success at work. It is
                                                                                                         the ultimate answer to the seemingly simple
                                                                                                         question, “What am I doing here?”

         The longevity of this story is a testament of its strength to connect
         your work to a clear and powerful purpose. Who would you prefer                                  ACTION
         to be? Which of the three men will find the strength, will, and desire                           Use the Vision Statement worksheet to craft
         to continue working when his back aches or the weather turns                                     or refine your work-related vision statement.
         cold? Which one will feel a greater sense of accomplishment and                                  (The template can also be used to craft a
         satisfaction over time? All three men are doing the same work, but                               personal vision statement.)
         with a different vision. All three are laying bricks, but the third is
                                                   For Preview Only
         working with a higher end in mind, a grander purpose—a vision for
         his work-related role.

         A new Chapter to the Story
         What if you are happily working away on your “cathedral wall,” with
         your higher purpose in mind, only to discover that your boss has a                               reFlecTiOnS OF A SelF leADer
         different purpose in mind—that the wall you are building is for a                                My vision statement guides everything I do—
         shopping center? You are laboring under a false impression—your                                  from the decisions I make to how I spend my time.
         vision is not aligned with your organization’s vision for your role. This                        I get great satisfaction doing my work and living
         misalignment will eventually diminish your long-term commitment                                  my life on purpose.
         and cause confusion and misunderstanding between you and your                                        —Karen von Boetticher, Training Specialist, PHR,
                                                                                                                                   Healthcare Services, USA
         organization—particularly with your manager.

         * This story is older than you might think. It was first recorded by St. Benedict in 530 A.D.

© 2009 The Ken Blanchard Companies. All rights reserved. Do not duplicate • Item # 17437 • V081509                                                          1
DAY                                                                                                                                                       SSL GAMe PLAn

8         Decide on the Leadership Style Needed
          Get the direction and support you need to succeed

          What is wrong with waiting for your boss
          to figure out what you need?
          Nothing, as long as you are willing to live without getting
          what you need when you need it.
          Your manager has plenty of priorities. It is unwise to think
          that your needs will always be at the top of the list. It is
          better to be proactive. After all, if you are not prepared
          to act on your own behalf, why should you expect it from
          someone else—even if that someone is your manager?

          Know What to Ask For
          Self leaders are proactive about identifying what they need                                                     ACTION
          rather than waiting and hoping their managers will figure it
          out for them. Use the Needs Model to choose the leadership                                                      •   Decide on the leadership style you need based on
          style that best matches the diagnosis of your development                                                           the diagnosis of your development level for your
          level on your goal. The Needs Model illustrates the link                                                            goal.
          between each of the four development levels and the                                                             •   Refer to the appropriate Prescriptions section in
          matching leadership style so you know what to ask for.                                                              your DnA Guide for specific examples of direction
                                                                                                                              and/or support to ask from your manager or other
                                                         The Needs Model                                                      sources.
                                                                                                                          •   Transfer the leadership style you
                                                D4                  D3              D2                  D1
                                               High          Moderate-to-High    Low-to-Some           Low
                                                                                                                              need along with the most appropriate
       Goal/Task/                          Competence—
                                                                                                                              Prescriptions to step 4 on the SSL
         Skill                              Commitment        Commitment         Commitment         Commitment
                                                                                                                              Game Plan Worksheet (Day 5).


                                               Low Directive                                     High Directive
                                               and                                                         and
                                               High Supportive            NG                   High Supportive

                                               Behavior                                               Behavior


                                                                            For Preview Only
                                               Let’s Talk,                                           Let’s Talk,

                                               D3 Decides                                              Leader
                     Supportive Behavior

                                                             S UP


                                                                        S3         S2
                                               S4                                                        S1

                                                                                                                          reFlecTiOnS OF A SelF leADer

                                                                                  Leader                                  I now understand that managing up to get the leadership


                                                                    Decides       Decides
                                                                                                         IN               style that matches my development level is my responsibility.

                                               D           Low Directive          High Directive              G
                                                                    and           and                                     I have learned to seek the direction and support I need,
                                                         Low Supportive
                                                                                  Low Supportive
                                                                                                                          not only from my boss, but anyone who can help me reach
                                                                                                                          my goals. As a result, my relationship with my boss has
                     Low                                           Directive Behavior                              High   improved and so has the way I feel about my job.
                                                                                                                                     —Juny Martindale, Assistant Manager of Compliance,

 © 2009 The Ken Blanchard Companies. All rights reserved. Do not duplicate • Item # 17437 • V081509                                                                                   2
DAY                                                                                                              One On One MeeTinG

9         Plan Your First One on One Meeting
          Structure your discussion for getting what you need from your manager

          What is your most important work
          Your boss is probably at the top of your list—or should be!                The Purpose of One on One Meetings
          The nature of your relationship with your manager is often                 • To open up communication between you and your
          directly tied to the quality of your work life. So it follows                 manager
          that managing up is not only an opportunity for you to get                 • To provide opportunities to set new goals and
          the direction and support you need but also to improve the                    reexamine agreed-upon goals
          quality of that relationship.                                              • To get direction and support
                                                                                     • To exchange information and give progress reports
          Partnering for Performance Meetings Focus
          on Your Manager’s Agenda                                                   • To get in touch with your concerns and solve
          Managers who have experienced Situational Leadership® II
          learn that one of their primary leadership skills is Partnering            •   To connect your personal goals to the organization’s
          for Performance. Partnering for Performance means
          reaching agreements with people about their development                    When you take the time to structure One on One
          level and the leadership style needed to help them achieve                 meetings, you do more than get what you need to
          individual and organization goals. Your manager conveys                    achieve your goals. You build mutual trust and respect
          the organization’s expectations for your role and how he                   between you and your manager, reinforce the most
          or she plans to help you meet those expectations through                   crucial relationship you have in the workplace, and as a
          Partnering for Performance meetings.                                       result, improve the quality of your life at work.

          One on One Meetings Focus on Your Agenda
          The parallel to the manager’s Partnering for Performance
          meeting is the self leader’s One on One meeting. It is an
          intentional, scheduled, and structured meeting initiated by                1. Schedule a 20- to 30-minute One on One Meeting
          you, the self leader, and focused on your SSL Game Plan.                      with your manager to be conducted on Day 12.
          The responsibility for the agenda is yours.                                2. Plan your agenda by referring to your SSL Game
                                                                                        Plan Worksheet and completing the One on One
                                                                                        Meeting Form.

                                           For Preview Only
                                                                                     reFlecTiOnS OF A SelF leADer
                                                                                     I learned just how important scripting my One on One
                                                                                     agenda is to the success of the meeting. Knowing what I
                                                                                     want to say and how to say it gives me the confidence to
                                                                                     communicate my needs to my boss. My boss has been very
                                                                                     responsive, and our relationship has definitely improved.
                                                                                                          —Laura Davis-Thiry, Sales Assistant, USA

 © 2009 The Ken Blanchard Companies. All rights reserved. Do not duplicate • Item # 17437 • V081509                                                  3
DAY                                                                                                                       MinD-SeT

          Remember the Best and Worst of Times
          Create the best of times by getting the leadership style
          that matches your development level on key goals and tasks

          What can you learn from your best and worst
          working experiences?
          You can create more “best of times” by recognizing how and                      Rare exception When the Best of Times
          why they are different than the “worst of times.” Exploring and                 is a Mismatch
          analyzing the best and worst of times with thousands of self                    One young man who reported that he did
          leaders over the years has yielded consistent and fascinating                   not get the leadership style that matched his
          results. For example, one poll revealed that all the development                development level in the best of times. He
          levels are represented in the worst of times, and that all the                  received Style 1 from his boss despite being at D4
          development levels except D2 are represented in the best of times.              on his major goals and projects. When asked why
          The results are clear: development level is not what determines the             he considered it the best of times, he replied, “I
          best or worst of times. So, what does determine a best of times                 just ignored him.” There is an important lesson in
          experience?                                                                     his story. Usually managing up means getting the
                                                                                          leadership style that matches your development
          The Best of Times is a Match                                                    level, but in some cases, managing up may mean
          Your own analysis may lead you to the same conclusion other self                overlooking or adapting to the leadership style
          leaders have discovered: It is the match that counts. In their most             you are getting in order to succeed!
          positive work experiences, self leaders received a leadership style
          that matched their development level on key goals and projects; in
          the most negative work experiences, they did not.

                                                                                          1. Revisit the best of times and worst of times
                                                                                             by reviewing your classroom materials or
                                                                                             completing the Best and Worst of Times
                                                                                          2. Consider what you can do to today
                                                                                             create the best of times.

                                           For Preview Only
                                                                                          reFlecTiOnS OF A SelF leADer
                                                                                           I can honestly say that Situational Self Leadership has
                                                                                          changed my attitude to work and life in general. I have
                                                                                          used the Managing Up Conversation Starters in the DNA
                             To create the best of times,                                 Guide to speak with my boss about my goals, what I need
                          remember that a leader is anyone                                to achieve them, and what I need from him. I am even
                            who can give you the direction                                more content feeling discontent when I am at D2 because
                               and support you need.                                      I realize it is normal. I have made some life-changing
                                                                                          decisions now that I realize it is in my hands to drive
                                                                                          those changes.
                                                                                                        —Tina Rayat, Regional Registrations Specialist,
                                                                                                                             Consumer Products, UK

 © 2009 The Ken Blanchard Companies. All rights reserved. Do not duplicate • Item # 17437 • V081509                                                 4
DAY                                                                                                                     MinD-SeT

          Commit to Self Leadership
          Be the change

          What’s in it for you to be                              Self Leaders Adopt empowering Beliefs
          a self leader?                                           1. I can influence and affect the quality of my work environment.
          It takes a lot of work to challenge your                 2. My initiative is almost always rewarded, either through
                                                                      recognition from others, self-satisfaction of doing my best, or
          assumed constraints, celebrate your points
                                                                      through the experience I gained.
          of power, and collaborate for success. This
          action planner has attempted to answer the               3. It is in my own best interest to obtain the direction and/or
                                                                      support I need to get the job done.
          question of what is in it for you to engage in
          the action steps for each day. Now, consider             4. Most people want to and are willing to help me learn a new skill
                                                                      or achieve a goal.
          the big question that only you can answer:
          How committed are you to being a self leader?            5. I stay ahead of the curve by taking the initiative to identify and
                                                                      challenge my own assumed constraints.
                                                                   6. I create the conditions for my success when I take ownership for
                                                                      my Key Responsibility Areas.
                                                                   7. I am accountable for my work, effort, and outcomes, thus helping
                                                                      to eliminate a victim mentality and culture of entitlement that
                                                                      serve no one, least of all me.
                                                                   8. The personal and professional rewards of responding to challenges
                     In a world crying out for                        through the insights, skills, and actions of the self leader are
                                                                      worth the effort.
                     authentic leadership, you
                      need to begin with the                       9. Self leadership empowers me to fulfill my life purpose, act on my
                                                                      values, and achieve my aspirations.
                      most obvious source—
                             yourself.                            10. Change is inevitable; growth is optional—it is up to me to be the
                                                                      change I want to see in the world.

                                                                  1. Commit to continue working on the skill set and mind-set
                                                                     of a self leader.
                                                                  2. Be a role model for the change you hope to see in the world.
                                           For Preview Only
                                                                  reFlecTiOnS OF A SelF leADer
                                                                  Situational Self Leadership helped me redefine my attitudes toward my job
                                                                  and my life. I gained more self-confidence, which helped me initiate ideas that
                                                                  increased the effectiveness of my team. I improved myself by defining my Key
                                                                  Responsibility Areas, managing my time better, and communicating with all
                                                                  departments of my organization. I learned how to set SMART goals. I shared my
                                                                  new skills and knowledge with my team, which resulted in improving the quality
                                                                  and efficiency of our work. Situational Self Leadership has had a spectacular
                                                                  impact on my job and my personal life!
                                                                                                —Stelios Korakakis, Bank Department Manager, Greece

 © 2009 The Ken Blanchard Companies. All rights reserved. Do not duplicate • Item # 17437 • V081509                                             5

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21 Days SSL Sample

  • 1. Th e 2 1 - D ay SiTuaTional Self leaDerShip a c Ti o n p l a n e x p e r i e ncing the rewards o f Managing up S u s a n Fo w l e r For Preview Only Phil Reynolds Laurence Hawkins Ke n B l a n c h a r d
  • 2. The 21-DAy SiTuATiOnAl SelF leADerShiP AcTiOn PlAn Experiencing the Rewards of Managing Up Authors Susan Fowler Phil Reynolds Laurence Hawkins Ken Blanchard editor Art Director Maril Adrian Beverly Haney Proofreaders Production Artists Barbara Akers Bridgit Watt Carey Nash Kara Meredith Brand Manager Victoria Cutler Ken Blanchard first developed Situational Leadership with Paul Hersey in the late 1960s. In 1985, Blanchard and ® the Founding Associates of The Ken Blanchard Companies —Marjorie Blanchard, Don Carew, Eunice Parisi- ® Carew, Fred Finch, Laurence Hawkins, Drea Zigarmi, and Patricia Zigarmi—created a new generation of the theory called Situational Leadership II. The leadership model used in this product is based on the Founding ® Associates’ second generation thinking and research, and is used with their permission. © Copyright 2009 by The Ken Blanchard Companies. All rights reserved. Do not duplicate. These materials have been designed to develop specific knowledge and skills and have been thoroughly tested to For Preview Only ensure their effectiveness. They represent the proprietary intellectual property of The Ken Blanchard Companies and are protected under international copyright law. 125 State Place, Escondido, CA 92029 USA Global Headquarters 760 489-5005 • 800 728-6000 • Fax 760 489-8407 UK +44 (0) 1483 456300 Canada 905 829-3510 • 800 665-5023 Singapore +65 6775 1030 Item # 17437 V081509
  • 3. Experiencing the Rewards of Managing Up in 21 Days Each assignmEnt FOcUsEs On OnE OF thE FOllOwing aREas: mind-sEt ssl gamE Plan Getting Started OnE On OnE mEEting The 21-Day Situational Self Leadership (SSL) Action sElF lEadERshiP skills Plan is designed to help you experience the promise of self leadership by challenging your assumed constraints, celebrating your points of power, and day 1—cRaFt yOUR VisiOn statEmEnt collaborating for success—especially with your manager. day 2—cREatE thE mOst imPORtant list yOU may EVER makE First, commit to the 21-day process. Then, follow through by devoting 15 minutes each day to reading day 3—challEngE assUmEd cOnstRaints the appropriate page and taking the recommended in thE wORkPlacE action. Each day’s assignment builds on previous ones. You can expect to day 4—wORk yOUR ssl gamE Plan • Review basic concepts learned in your SSL day 5—dEFinE a kEy REsPOnsibility aREa workshop and create the “best of times” working day 6—dEtERminE yOUR gOal environment • Deepen your skills for conducting One on One day 7—diagnOsE yOUR dEVElOPmEnt lEVEl meetings with your manager day 8—dEcidE On thE lEadERshiP stylE nEEdEd • Find ways to obtain the direction and support you need from a variety of sources day 9—Plan yOUR FiRst OnE On OnE mEEting • Be inspired by reflections of self leaders who have day 10—challEngE assUmEd cOnstRaints successfully put the ideas of self leadership into abOUt yOUR OnE On OnE mEEting action • Undertake assignments that apply the concepts, skills, day 11—cElEbRatE POints OF POwER and practices in your own work situation day 12—cOndUct OnE On OnE mEEting The practical skills of a self leader are almost impossible day 13—dEbRiEF OnE On OnE mEEting For Preview Only to master if you have not accepted responsibility day 14—dO takE actiOn for your own growth and progress. However, the only way that anyone can lead you is to restore your day 15—dEtEct changEs in cURREnt REality ability to guide yourself. As the 21-day methodology day 16—cOllabORatE FOR sUccEss progresses, you will begin to handle that responsibility more effectively. Taking the lead and managing up will day 17—ExPREss yOURsElF become more familiar and comfortable. day 18—sEll a sOlUtiOn The Situational Self Leadership Action Plan CD day 19—nEgOtiatE FOR aUtOnOmy The CD contains interactive day 20—REmEmbER thE bEst and wORst OF timEs worksheets that support your daily assignments. day 21—cOmmit tO sElF lEadERshiP © 2009 The Ken Blanchard Companies. All rights reserved. Do not duplicate • Item # 17437 • V081509
  • 4. MinD-SeT 1 Craft Your Vision Statement Generate energy and sustain your passion Are you laying bricks or building a cathedral? You may be familiar with the old story* about a man who journeyed the world searching for knowledge and wisdom. As he wandered from village to village, he encountered three men laying bricks. Always seeking to learn, he asked a seemingly simple question: “What are you doing here?” Find Your Purpose The first man answered, “What does it look like? I am laying bricks.” Consider how a clear purpose for your work will help you manage up. If you and your The second man replied, “Can’t you tell? I’m putting up a wall.” manager disagree on the purpose of your The third man looked up, smiled, and said, “What am I doing? I’m role, it is unlikely that you will agree on the building a cathedral. It will be beautiful, and thousands of people will come priority of your goals, everyday tasks, and the here for inspiration.” skills, resources, or training necessary for you to accomplish it. Benefits of a Well-Crafted Vision Statement A thoughtfully crafted vision statement gives you perspective for the work you do each day. It empowers you to overcome the inevitable obstacles, pain, strife, and exhaustion that could jeopardize your success at work. It is the ultimate answer to the seemingly simple question, “What am I doing here?” The longevity of this story is a testament of its strength to connect your work to a clear and powerful purpose. Who would you prefer ACTION to be? Which of the three men will find the strength, will, and desire Use the Vision Statement worksheet to craft to continue working when his back aches or the weather turns or refine your work-related vision statement. cold? Which one will feel a greater sense of accomplishment and (The template can also be used to craft a satisfaction over time? All three men are doing the same work, but personal vision statement.) with a different vision. All three are laying bricks, but the third is For Preview Only working with a higher end in mind, a grander purpose—a vision for his work-related role. A new Chapter to the Story What if you are happily working away on your “cathedral wall,” with your higher purpose in mind, only to discover that your boss has a reFlecTiOnS OF A SelF leADer different purpose in mind—that the wall you are building is for a My vision statement guides everything I do— shopping center? You are laboring under a false impression—your from the decisions I make to how I spend my time. vision is not aligned with your organization’s vision for your role. This I get great satisfaction doing my work and living misalignment will eventually diminish your long-term commitment my life on purpose. and cause confusion and misunderstanding between you and your —Karen von Boetticher, Training Specialist, PHR, Healthcare Services, USA organization—particularly with your manager. * This story is older than you might think. It was first recorded by St. Benedict in 530 A.D. © 2009 The Ken Blanchard Companies. All rights reserved. Do not duplicate • Item # 17437 • V081509 1
  • 5. DAY SSL GAMe PLAn 8 Decide on the Leadership Style Needed Get the direction and support you need to succeed What is wrong with waiting for your boss to figure out what you need? Nothing, as long as you are willing to live without getting what you need when you need it. Your manager has plenty of priorities. It is unwise to think that your needs will always be at the top of the list. It is better to be proactive. After all, if you are not prepared to act on your own behalf, why should you expect it from someone else—even if that someone is your manager? Know What to Ask For Self leaders are proactive about identifying what they need ACTION rather than waiting and hoping their managers will figure it out for them. Use the Needs Model to choose the leadership • Decide on the leadership style you need based on style that best matches the diagnosis of your development the diagnosis of your development level for your level on your goal. The Needs Model illustrates the link goal. between each of the four development levels and the • Refer to the appropriate Prescriptions section in matching leadership style so you know what to ask for. your DnA Guide for specific examples of direction and/or support to ask from your manager or other The Needs Model sources. • Transfer the leadership style you D4 D3 D2 D1 High Moderate-to-High Low-to-Some Low need along with the most appropriate Goal/Task/ Competence— High Competence— Variable Competence— Low Competence— High Prescriptions to step 4 on the SSL Skill Commitment Commitment Commitment Commitment Game Plan Worksheet (Day 5). High Low Directive High Directive and and C High Supportive NG High Supportive O Behavior Behavior I RT AC For Preview Only Let’s Talk, Let’s Talk, PO D3 Decides Leader HIN Supportive Behavior Decides S UP G S3 S2 S4 S1 ING reFlecTiOnS OF A SelF leADer DIR AT Leader I now understand that managing up to get the leadership EC D4 EG Decides Decides IN style that matches my development level is my responsibility. EL T D Low Directive High Directive G and and I have learned to seek the direction and support I need, Low Supportive Behavior Low Supportive Behavior not only from my boss, but anyone who can help me reach my goals. As a result, my relationship with my boss has Low Directive Behavior High improved and so has the way I feel about my job. —Juny Martindale, Assistant Manager of Compliance, Barbados © 2009 The Ken Blanchard Companies. All rights reserved. Do not duplicate • Item # 17437 • V081509 2
  • 6. DAY One On One MeeTinG 9 Plan Your First One on One Meeting Structure your discussion for getting what you need from your manager What is your most important work relationship? Your boss is probably at the top of your list—or should be! The Purpose of One on One Meetings The nature of your relationship with your manager is often • To open up communication between you and your directly tied to the quality of your work life. So it follows manager that managing up is not only an opportunity for you to get • To provide opportunities to set new goals and the direction and support you need but also to improve the reexamine agreed-upon goals quality of that relationship. • To get direction and support • To exchange information and give progress reports Partnering for Performance Meetings Focus on Your Manager’s Agenda • To get in touch with your concerns and solve problems Managers who have experienced Situational Leadership® II learn that one of their primary leadership skills is Partnering • To connect your personal goals to the organization’s goals for Performance. Partnering for Performance means reaching agreements with people about their development When you take the time to structure One on One level and the leadership style needed to help them achieve meetings, you do more than get what you need to individual and organization goals. Your manager conveys achieve your goals. You build mutual trust and respect the organization’s expectations for your role and how he between you and your manager, reinforce the most or she plans to help you meet those expectations through crucial relationship you have in the workplace, and as a Partnering for Performance meetings. result, improve the quality of your life at work. One on One Meetings Focus on Your Agenda The parallel to the manager’s Partnering for Performance meeting is the self leader’s One on One meeting. It is an ACTION intentional, scheduled, and structured meeting initiated by 1. Schedule a 20- to 30-minute One on One Meeting you, the self leader, and focused on your SSL Game Plan. with your manager to be conducted on Day 12. The responsibility for the agenda is yours. 2. Plan your agenda by referring to your SSL Game Plan Worksheet and completing the One on One Meeting Form. For Preview Only reFlecTiOnS OF A SelF leADer I learned just how important scripting my One on One agenda is to the success of the meeting. Knowing what I want to say and how to say it gives me the confidence to communicate my needs to my boss. My boss has been very responsive, and our relationship has definitely improved. —Laura Davis-Thiry, Sales Assistant, USA © 2009 The Ken Blanchard Companies. All rights reserved. Do not duplicate • Item # 17437 • V081509 3
  • 7. DAY MinD-SeT Remember the Best and Worst of Times Create the best of times by getting the leadership style that matches your development level on key goals and tasks What can you learn from your best and worst working experiences? You can create more “best of times” by recognizing how and Rare exception When the Best of Times why they are different than the “worst of times.” Exploring and is a Mismatch analyzing the best and worst of times with thousands of self One young man who reported that he did leaders over the years has yielded consistent and fascinating not get the leadership style that matched his results. For example, one poll revealed that all the development development level in the best of times. He levels are represented in the worst of times, and that all the received Style 1 from his boss despite being at D4 development levels except D2 are represented in the best of times. on his major goals and projects. When asked why The results are clear: development level is not what determines the he considered it the best of times, he replied, “I best or worst of times. So, what does determine a best of times just ignored him.” There is an important lesson in experience? his story. Usually managing up means getting the leadership style that matches your development The Best of Times is a Match level, but in some cases, managing up may mean Your own analysis may lead you to the same conclusion other self overlooking or adapting to the leadership style leaders have discovered: It is the match that counts. In their most you are getting in order to succeed! positive work experiences, self leaders received a leadership style that matched their development level on key goals and projects; in the most negative work experiences, they did not. ACTION 1. Revisit the best of times and worst of times by reviewing your classroom materials or completing the Best and Worst of Times worksheet. 2. Consider what you can do to today create the best of times. For Preview Only reFlecTiOnS OF A SelF leADer I can honestly say that Situational Self Leadership has changed my attitude to work and life in general. I have used the Managing Up Conversation Starters in the DNA To create the best of times, Guide to speak with my boss about my goals, what I need remember that a leader is anyone to achieve them, and what I need from him. I am even who can give you the direction more content feeling discontent when I am at D2 because and support you need. I realize it is normal. I have made some life-changing decisions now that I realize it is in my hands to drive those changes. —Tina Rayat, Regional Registrations Specialist, Consumer Products, UK © 2009 The Ken Blanchard Companies. All rights reserved. Do not duplicate • Item # 17437 • V081509 4
  • 8. DAY MinD-SeT Commit to Self Leadership Be the change What’s in it for you to be Self Leaders Adopt empowering Beliefs a self leader? 1. I can influence and affect the quality of my work environment. It takes a lot of work to challenge your 2. My initiative is almost always rewarded, either through recognition from others, self-satisfaction of doing my best, or assumed constraints, celebrate your points through the experience I gained. of power, and collaborate for success. This action planner has attempted to answer the 3. It is in my own best interest to obtain the direction and/or support I need to get the job done. question of what is in it for you to engage in the action steps for each day. Now, consider 4. Most people want to and are willing to help me learn a new skill or achieve a goal. the big question that only you can answer: How committed are you to being a self leader? 5. I stay ahead of the curve by taking the initiative to identify and challenge my own assumed constraints. 6. I create the conditions for my success when I take ownership for my Key Responsibility Areas. 7. I am accountable for my work, effort, and outcomes, thus helping to eliminate a victim mentality and culture of entitlement that serve no one, least of all me. 8. The personal and professional rewards of responding to challenges In a world crying out for through the insights, skills, and actions of the self leader are worth the effort. authentic leadership, you need to begin with the 9. Self leadership empowers me to fulfill my life purpose, act on my values, and achieve my aspirations. most obvious source— yourself. 10. Change is inevitable; growth is optional—it is up to me to be the change I want to see in the world. ACTION 1. Commit to continue working on the skill set and mind-set of a self leader. 2. Be a role model for the change you hope to see in the world. For Preview Only reFlecTiOnS OF A SelF leADer Situational Self Leadership helped me redefine my attitudes toward my job and my life. I gained more self-confidence, which helped me initiate ideas that increased the effectiveness of my team. I improved myself by defining my Key Responsibility Areas, managing my time better, and communicating with all departments of my organization. I learned how to set SMART goals. I shared my new skills and knowledge with my team, which resulted in improving the quality and efficiency of our work. Situational Self Leadership has had a spectacular impact on my job and my personal life! —Stelios Korakakis, Bank Department Manager, Greece © 2009 The Ken Blanchard Companies. All rights reserved. Do not duplicate • Item # 17437 • V081509 5