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People Builders
Leadership Skills
MTL Course Topics
People Builders
People Builders
Leadership Skills
MTL Course Topics
The Course Topics series from Manage Train Learn is a large collection of topics that will help you as a learner
to quickly and easily master a range of skills in your everyday working life and life outside work. If you are a
trainer, they are perfect for adding to your classroom courses and online learning plans.
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People Builders
Leadership Skills
MTL Course Topics
People Builders
Leadership Skills
MTL Course Topics
There is a difference between false and true leadership.
False leaders are those who acquire positions of power for
their own grandiose schemes and their own personal glory.
History is littered with examples of false leaders from
Genghis Khan to Josef Stalin to Saddam Hussein. True
leaders, on the other hand, are not leaders for themselves.
Instead of seeking personal gain, true leaders inspire and
motivate others. They bring out the best in the team. They
get people to realise their potential. They make others think
they are great. True leaders create other leaders. In
organisations, they build the most precious resource of all:
the people that they lead.
People Builders
Leadership Skills
MTL Course Topics
If managers make the most of their people, leaders add
value to them.
There are seven ways in which leaders build people value:
1. sowing good habits
2. coaxing out skills
3. building the team
4. removing the limitations
5. educating them
6. empowering them
7. working with time.
"The testosterone model of leadership - based on warfare
and sport - is giving way to consensual models in which
leadership is seen as a service to others. The new approach
is closer to a client-supplier relationship than an employer-
employee relationship." (Karl Albrecht)
People Builders
Leadership Skills
MTL Course Topics
By gentle persuasion, personal example and helpful
feedback, leaders encourage people to acquire the many
small habits that, taken by themselves may be insignificant,
but when added together can transform a team and its
performance. Leaders sow good habits.
If you want to learn how to stop smoking, refrain from doing
If you want to learn how to make good presentations, do
lots of them.
If you want to learn how to sell yourself on the phone, make
more phone calls.
"Excellence is an art won by habitation and training. We are
what we repeatedly do. Excellence is not then an act, but a
habit." (Aristotle)
People Builders
Leadership Skills
MTL Course Topics
Nobody knows exactly how many times you need to repeat
an action to make it a habit. Some people think that an
action needs to be consciously repeated 20 times before it
becomes automatic.
The wastepaper basket test is a good way to find out your
habit score. Move your wastepaper basket to a new position
well away from its old position. Now count up the number
of times you either go back to the old place or have to think
consciously where it is. The first time you throw anything
into the basket in its new place without thinking is your
habit score.
"If you want to do something, make a habit of it. If you want
not to do something, refrain from doing it." (Epictetus,
People Builders
Leadership Skills
MTL Course Topics
Leaders know that the potential to perform well lies half-
dormant in most people. To bring skills out requires coaxing
and coaching.
These are the steps required in a coaching programme:
1. describe the end behaviours required; for example how
to handle a difficult customer complaint, how to work
effectively in the team, how to solve problems
2. break the behaviour down into key steps
3. now, both off-the-job and on-the-job, practise and give
feedback, practise and give feedback, practise and give
feedback, until the responses are habitual.
"Sow a thought and you reap an act;
Sow an act and you reap a habit;
Sow a habit and you reap a character;
Sow a character and you reap a destiny." (Charles Reade)
People Builders
Leadership Skills
MTL Course Topics
Coaching is the surest way to build people's skills. It is not a
process without pain or frustration which is why people
need help to get through it.
Stage 1 - Push: Motivation to learn is initially high but dives
along with performance when progress is slower than
Stage 2 - Hard Slog: This is the time of hard slog when
nothing seems to work. The skills don't come off, you have
more failures than successes and you wonder why you ever
started. The coach keeps up your self-belief.
Stage 3 - Crossing The Magic Line: Having persisted, things
gradually start to fall into place. There are even encouraging
successes which breed more successes.
Stage 4 - On Their Own: Things now fall into place. The job
makes sense and you discover a rhythm to it. The coach
withdraws to the side-lines and is available for help.
People Builders
Leadership Skills
MTL Course Topics
You build a team by taking a group of people from unshared
certainty to shared uncertainty.
Phase 1 - Unshared Certainty: people work on their own
without any concern for others. Being self-reliant means
being safe. This is an organisation that follows rules and
procedures and minds its back.
Phase 2 - Functional Co-operation: people build formal links
with others but only on job-related matters.
Phase 3 - Common Cause: people find things they want to
do together and start working as a team.
Phase 4 - Shared Uncertainty: people are willing to join
together to undertake challenging tasks with uncertain
"Give your people the only two gifts you can give them: the
roots to grow and the wings to fly." (From a Jewish wedding
People Builders
Leadership Skills
MTL Course Topics
In his book "Global Challenge: Leadership Lessons from the
World's Toughest Yacht Race", Humphrey Walters describes
his experience of the BT Global Challenge round-the-world
yacht race. The race crews were selected from amateur
volunteers, some of whom had racing experience, some of
whom had not. Each team aimed for an equal mix of
experienced volunteers plus one professional.
Walters noted that as soon as the team selections had been
made, seven of the 14 crews went away to learn how to sail
their particular yachts. The other seven crews didn't go
anywhere near the water until after a period of work on
team-building skills.
When the race finished, 10 months and 33,000 miles later,
all the teams that had worked on their team-building skills
finished in the top half of the race.
People Builders
Leadership Skills
MTL Course Topics
Many people who work well within themselves are like fish
in a plexiglass tank: they swim around within the limitations
imposed on them.
When the glass is raised, or a bigger tank found, new
heights are possible but, without confidence-boosting
leadership, the fish, like the people, often stay within their
habitual limits.
One of the most important tasks that people-builders can
perform is to get people to remove their limitations and
believe in themselves.
CAN = CAN'T - T.
People Builders
Leadership Skills
MTL Course Topics
A team does as well as you and the team think they can.
In an experiment at a British school, teachers were given
assorted ratings about a new set of intakes, ranging from
"excellent prospect" to "unlikely to do well". These ratings
were arbitrary and bore no relation to the pupils' true
abilities. In tests at the end of the year, there was an
astonishing degree of correlation between how pupils
performed and the random ratings given to the teachers.
The relationship between expectation and performance is
sometimes called the Pygmalion effect after Pygmalion, a
king of ancient Cyprus. Pygmalion fell in love with an ivory
image of a young maiden. Such was his love for the image
that he begged the goddess Aphrodite to breathe life into it
and make her his own. This she did and Pygmalion married
her and became, by her, father of Paphos.
People Builders
Leadership Skills
MTL Course Topics
Most organisations do not go further in building skills than a
mix of on-the-job training and off-the-job training. The
result is that immediate skill deficiencies are met, but not
necessarily those of tomorrow or the next day.
People-builders go one step beyond training. They know
that educating people - the word "educating" means
"leading out" - involves people in all aspects of the business,
the community and the world around them. An educated
employee re-pays your trust a hundred-fold by becoming a
better worker and a better representative of the
"If you are planning for a year, sow rice; if you are planning
for a decade, plant trees; if you are planning for a lifetime,
educate people." (Chinese proverb)
People Builders
Leadership Skills
MTL Course Topics
A consultant was visiting a top Japanese industrialist on a
fact-finding mission. He was curious to find out how the
Japanese workforce achieved such huge productivity gains
over their counterparts in the West.
"First, we train, " said the industrialist.
"Then what?" asked the consultant.
"We train," said the industrialist.
"And next?"
"We train.“
Smiling, the consultant asked: "What do you do next?
"No," said the industrialist. "We educate."
"OK," said the consultant. "And then what?"
"Then we succeed," said the industrialist.
People Builders
Leadership Skills
MTL Course Topics
When you have power and release it in others, it comes
back to you with credit. Empowering those you lead means:
1. Respecting them as individuals in their own right.
2. Encouraging them through showing interest and
3. Letting them own their jobs and take as much control as
they can.
4. Seeking their views and contributions.
5. Making people feel good about what they do
6. Restoring pride in their workmanship.
7. Not treating them in ways you would hate to be treated
"Make a careful list of all the things done to you that you
abhorred. Don't do them to others, ever. Make another list
of all the things done to you that you loved. Do them to
others, always." (Dee Hock)
People Builders
Leadership Skills
MTL Course Topics
One of the key principles of leadership is to treat others the
way you would like to be treated yourself. This principle is
known as "the Golden Rule" because it is a principle
common to all the major religions of the world.
Buddhism says: "Hurt not others with that which pains
Christianity says: "Always treat others as you would like
them to treat you. That is the law of the Prophets."
Hinduism says: "This is the sum of duty. Do nothing to
others which, if done to you, would cause you pain."
Confucianism says: "Do not unto others what you would
not they should do to you."
Islam says: "No one of you is a believer until he loves for his
brother what he loves for himself."
Judaism says: "What is hurtful to yourself do not do to your
fellow man."
Taoism says: "Regard your neighbour's loss as your own."
People Builders
Leadership Skills
MTL Course Topics
One popular image of the successful leader is the person
who, by force of willpower, charisma and personality takes
over an ailing enterprise and magically turns it around,
transforming failure into success, loss into profit and
disaster into triumph.
The reality is that there are very few examples of such
leadership. And yet there are many examples of leaders who
come into an enterprise, set themselves and their teams a
vision of what is possible and then bit by bit, through hard
times and good build towards the vision.
"The great successful men and women of the world have
used their imaginations; they think ahead and create their
mental picture and then go to work materialising that
picture in all its details, filling in here, adding a little bit
there, altering this bit and that bit, but steadily building,
steadily building." (Robert Collier)
People Builders
Leadership Skills
MTL Course Topics
There are two sorts of people in this world, says
Alistair Mant, and one of them ought never to
be promoted to high rank.
One sort thinks of life, and success, in terms of
his or her relationships with other people - the
object being to control, dominate or seduce the
other in the interest of personal survival. These
are the bipods, or raiders.
The other sort are tripods or builders. For them
the question is not so much 'Shall I win?' but
'What's it for?' For these people there is a third
corner to all relation-ships - the task or the
purpose. They can, says Mant, run personal risks
in pursuit of some high purpose and can
observe themselves in their relationships. They
can, as it were, see the joke.
Mant argues that the raider or bipod mentality
may thrive for a time but that this form of
flawed leadership eventually self-destructs,
while if you ask people for examples of great
leaders in their own experience they will speak
of teachers, managers, fathers (or, more likely,
mothers) who were uncompromising in the
pursuit of a task or a vision (the third corner).
People Builders
Leadership Skills
MTL Course Topics
Building the team does not happen overnight, nor can the
pace of real individual development be forced.
There is a plant called the Chinese bamboo plant which,
when planted, shows no signs of growth for four years.
Nevertheless, it must be tended, fed and watered with care
throughout this time. Then, in its fifth year, it starts to grow
and inside six weeks reaches a magnificent height of ninety
Sometimes, people are like the Chinese bamboo plant.
Ray Treen, chief executive of Cornhill Insurance, says: "I am
a long-distance runner, not a sprinter. What I lack in
charisma, I more than make up for in persistence. If you're
passionate about your goals, persistence and patience are
the keys."
People Builders
Leadership Skills
MTL Course Topics
When leaders have created and coached the team, built
them into an interdependent unit, removed the limitations
to what they believe they can do, and empowered them to
stand on their own, then the team can perform without the
leader's presence or leadership. It doesn't matter whether it
is on the battlefield or the business park.
"If you're a rifle company commander, or one of our team
leaders, you may well be a casualty of the first bullet. If that
happens, and if the unit that you trained has the discipline
and the character to accomplish its objective without you,
then that's a reflection of your commitment and your
Ultimately, the most effective measure of a leader is the
performance of his unit in his absence." (J. Schoomaker,
quoted in the Ninth House Network).
People Builders
Leadership Skills
MTL Course Topics
People Builders
Leadership Skills
MTL Course Topics
This has been a Slide Topic from Manage Train Learn

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People Builders

  • 1. 1 | People Builders Leadership Skills MTL Course Topics LEADERSHIP SKILLS People Builders
  • 2. 2 | People Builders Leadership Skills MTL Course Topics The Course Topics series from Manage Train Learn is a large collection of topics that will help you as a learner to quickly and easily master a range of skills in your everyday working life and life outside work. If you are a trainer, they are perfect for adding to your classroom courses and online learning plans. COURSE TOPICS FROM MTL The written content in this Slide Topic belongs exclusively to Manage Train Learn and may only be reprinted either by attribution to Manage Train Learn or with the express written permission of Manage Train Learn. They are designed as a series of numbered slides. As with all programmes on Slide Topics, these slides are fully editable and can be used in your own programmes, royalty-free. Your only limitation is that you may not re-publish or sell these slides as your own. Copyright Manage Train Learn 2020 onwards. Attribution: All images are from sources which do not require attribution and may be used for commercial uses. Sources include pixabay, unsplash, and freepik. These images may also be those which are in the public domain, out of copyright, for fair use, or allowed under a Creative Commons license.
  • 3. 3 | People Builders Leadership Skills MTL Course Topics ARE YOU READY? OK, LET’S START!
  • 4. 4 | People Builders Leadership Skills MTL Course Topics INTRODUCTION There is a difference between false and true leadership. False leaders are those who acquire positions of power for their own grandiose schemes and their own personal glory. History is littered with examples of false leaders from Genghis Khan to Josef Stalin to Saddam Hussein. True leaders, on the other hand, are not leaders for themselves. Instead of seeking personal gain, true leaders inspire and motivate others. They bring out the best in the team. They get people to realise their potential. They make others think they are great. True leaders create other leaders. In organisations, they build the most precious resource of all: the people that they lead.
  • 5. 5 | People Builders Leadership Skills MTL Course Topics HOW TO BUILD PEOPLE If managers make the most of their people, leaders add value to them. There are seven ways in which leaders build people value: 1. sowing good habits 2. coaxing out skills 3. building the team 4. removing the limitations 5. educating them 6. empowering them 7. working with time. "The testosterone model of leadership - based on warfare and sport - is giving way to consensual models in which leadership is seen as a service to others. The new approach is closer to a client-supplier relationship than an employer- employee relationship." (Karl Albrecht)
  • 6. 6 | People Builders Leadership Skills MTL Course Topics SOWING HABITS By gentle persuasion, personal example and helpful feedback, leaders encourage people to acquire the many small habits that, taken by themselves may be insignificant, but when added together can transform a team and its performance. Leaders sow good habits. If you want to learn how to stop smoking, refrain from doing it. If you want to learn how to make good presentations, do lots of them. If you want to learn how to sell yourself on the phone, make more phone calls. "Excellence is an art won by habitation and training. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence is not then an act, but a habit." (Aristotle)
  • 7. 7 | People Builders Leadership Skills MTL Course Topics THE HABIT SCORE Nobody knows exactly how many times you need to repeat an action to make it a habit. Some people think that an action needs to be consciously repeated 20 times before it becomes automatic. The wastepaper basket test is a good way to find out your habit score. Move your wastepaper basket to a new position well away from its old position. Now count up the number of times you either go back to the old place or have to think consciously where it is. The first time you throw anything into the basket in its new place without thinking is your habit score. "If you want to do something, make a habit of it. If you want not to do something, refrain from doing it." (Epictetus, 89AD)
  • 8. 8 | People Builders Leadership Skills MTL Course Topics COAXING OUT SKILLS Leaders know that the potential to perform well lies half- dormant in most people. To bring skills out requires coaxing and coaching. These are the steps required in a coaching programme: 1. describe the end behaviours required; for example how to handle a difficult customer complaint, how to work effectively in the team, how to solve problems 2. break the behaviour down into key steps 3. now, both off-the-job and on-the-job, practise and give feedback, practise and give feedback, practise and give feedback, until the responses are habitual. "Sow a thought and you reap an act; Sow an act and you reap a habit; Sow a habit and you reap a character; Sow a character and you reap a destiny." (Charles Reade)
  • 9. 9 | People Builders Leadership Skills MTL Course Topics COACHING Coaching is the surest way to build people's skills. It is not a process without pain or frustration which is why people need help to get through it. Stage 1 - Push: Motivation to learn is initially high but dives along with performance when progress is slower than expected. Stage 2 - Hard Slog: This is the time of hard slog when nothing seems to work. The skills don't come off, you have more failures than successes and you wonder why you ever started. The coach keeps up your self-belief. Stage 3 - Crossing The Magic Line: Having persisted, things gradually start to fall into place. There are even encouraging successes which breed more successes. Stage 4 - On Their Own: Things now fall into place. The job makes sense and you discover a rhythm to it. The coach withdraws to the side-lines and is available for help.
  • 10. 10 | People Builders Leadership Skills MTL Course Topics BUILDING THE TEAM You build a team by taking a group of people from unshared certainty to shared uncertainty. Phase 1 - Unshared Certainty: people work on their own without any concern for others. Being self-reliant means being safe. This is an organisation that follows rules and procedures and minds its back. Phase 2 - Functional Co-operation: people build formal links with others but only on job-related matters. Phase 3 - Common Cause: people find things they want to do together and start working as a team. Phase 4 - Shared Uncertainty: people are willing to join together to undertake challenging tasks with uncertain outcomes. "Give your people the only two gifts you can give them: the roots to grow and the wings to fly." (From a Jewish wedding blessing)
  • 11. 11 | People Builders Leadership Skills MTL Course Topics WORK ON THE TEAM In his book "Global Challenge: Leadership Lessons from the World's Toughest Yacht Race", Humphrey Walters describes his experience of the BT Global Challenge round-the-world yacht race. The race crews were selected from amateur volunteers, some of whom had racing experience, some of whom had not. Each team aimed for an equal mix of experienced volunteers plus one professional. Walters noted that as soon as the team selections had been made, seven of the 14 crews went away to learn how to sail their particular yachts. The other seven crews didn't go anywhere near the water until after a period of work on team-building skills. When the race finished, 10 months and 33,000 miles later, all the teams that had worked on their team-building skills finished in the top half of the race.
  • 12. 12 | People Builders Leadership Skills MTL Course Topics REMOVING LIMITATIONS Many people who work well within themselves are like fish in a plexiglass tank: they swim around within the limitations imposed on them. When the glass is raised, or a bigger tank found, new heights are possible but, without confidence-boosting leadership, the fish, like the people, often stay within their habitual limits. One of the most important tasks that people-builders can perform is to get people to remove their limitations and believe in themselves. CAN = CAN'T - T.
  • 13. 13 | People Builders Leadership Skills MTL Course Topics THE PYGMALION EFFECT A team does as well as you and the team think they can. In an experiment at a British school, teachers were given assorted ratings about a new set of intakes, ranging from "excellent prospect" to "unlikely to do well". These ratings were arbitrary and bore no relation to the pupils' true abilities. In tests at the end of the year, there was an astonishing degree of correlation between how pupils performed and the random ratings given to the teachers. The relationship between expectation and performance is sometimes called the Pygmalion effect after Pygmalion, a king of ancient Cyprus. Pygmalion fell in love with an ivory image of a young maiden. Such was his love for the image that he begged the goddess Aphrodite to breathe life into it and make her his own. This she did and Pygmalion married her and became, by her, father of Paphos.
  • 14. 14 | People Builders Leadership Skills MTL Course Topics LEADING OUT Most organisations do not go further in building skills than a mix of on-the-job training and off-the-job training. The result is that immediate skill deficiencies are met, but not necessarily those of tomorrow or the next day. People-builders go one step beyond training. They know that educating people - the word "educating" means "leading out" - involves people in all aspects of the business, the community and the world around them. An educated employee re-pays your trust a hundred-fold by becoming a better worker and a better representative of the organisation. "If you are planning for a year, sow rice; if you are planning for a decade, plant trees; if you are planning for a lifetime, educate people." (Chinese proverb)
  • 15. 15 | People Builders Leadership Skills MTL Course Topics WHERE TRAINING LEADS A consultant was visiting a top Japanese industrialist on a fact-finding mission. He was curious to find out how the Japanese workforce achieved such huge productivity gains over their counterparts in the West. "First, we train, " said the industrialist. "Then what?" asked the consultant. "We train," said the industrialist. "And next?" "We train.“ Smiling, the consultant asked: "What do you do next? Train?" "No," said the industrialist. "We educate." "OK," said the consultant. "And then what?" "Then we succeed," said the industrialist.
  • 16. 16 | People Builders Leadership Skills MTL Course Topics EMPOWERING When you have power and release it in others, it comes back to you with credit. Empowering those you lead means: 1. Respecting them as individuals in their own right. 2. Encouraging them through showing interest and support. 3. Letting them own their jobs and take as much control as they can. 4. Seeking their views and contributions. 5. Making people feel good about what they do 6. Restoring pride in their workmanship. 7. Not treating them in ways you would hate to be treated yourself. "Make a careful list of all the things done to you that you abhorred. Don't do them to others, ever. Make another list of all the things done to you that you loved. Do them to others, always." (Dee Hock)
  • 17. 17 | People Builders Leadership Skills MTL Course Topics THE GOLDEN RULE One of the key principles of leadership is to treat others the way you would like to be treated yourself. This principle is known as "the Golden Rule" because it is a principle common to all the major religions of the world. Buddhism says: "Hurt not others with that which pains you." Christianity says: "Always treat others as you would like them to treat you. That is the law of the Prophets." Hinduism says: "This is the sum of duty. Do nothing to others which, if done to you, would cause you pain." Confucianism says: "Do not unto others what you would not they should do to you." Islam says: "No one of you is a believer until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself." Judaism says: "What is hurtful to yourself do not do to your fellow man." Taoism says: "Regard your neighbour's loss as your own."
  • 18. 18 | People Builders Leadership Skills MTL Course Topics THE BUILDER One popular image of the successful leader is the person who, by force of willpower, charisma and personality takes over an ailing enterprise and magically turns it around, transforming failure into success, loss into profit and disaster into triumph. The reality is that there are very few examples of such leadership. And yet there are many examples of leaders who come into an enterprise, set themselves and their teams a vision of what is possible and then bit by bit, through hard times and good build towards the vision. "The great successful men and women of the world have used their imaginations; they think ahead and create their mental picture and then go to work materialising that picture in all its details, filling in here, adding a little bit there, altering this bit and that bit, but steadily building, steadily building." (Robert Collier)
  • 19. 19 | People Builders Leadership Skills MTL Course Topics BIPODS AND TRIPODS There are two sorts of people in this world, says Alistair Mant, and one of them ought never to be promoted to high rank. One sort thinks of life, and success, in terms of his or her relationships with other people - the object being to control, dominate or seduce the other in the interest of personal survival. These are the bipods, or raiders. The other sort are tripods or builders. For them the question is not so much 'Shall I win?' but 'What's it for?' For these people there is a third corner to all relation-ships - the task or the purpose. They can, says Mant, run personal risks in pursuit of some high purpose and can observe themselves in their relationships. They can, as it were, see the joke. Mant argues that the raider or bipod mentality may thrive for a time but that this form of flawed leadership eventually self-destructs, while if you ask people for examples of great leaders in their own experience they will speak of teachers, managers, fathers (or, more likely, mothers) who were uncompromising in the pursuit of a task or a vision (the third corner).
  • 20. 20 | People Builders Leadership Skills MTL Course Topics WORKING WITH TIME Building the team does not happen overnight, nor can the pace of real individual development be forced. There is a plant called the Chinese bamboo plant which, when planted, shows no signs of growth for four years. Nevertheless, it must be tended, fed and watered with care throughout this time. Then, in its fifth year, it starts to grow and inside six weeks reaches a magnificent height of ninety feet. Sometimes, people are like the Chinese bamboo plant. Ray Treen, chief executive of Cornhill Insurance, says: "I am a long-distance runner, not a sprinter. What I lack in charisma, I more than make up for in persistence. If you're passionate about your goals, persistence and patience are the keys."
  • 21. 21 | People Builders Leadership Skills MTL Course Topics THE LEADER WITHDRAWS When leaders have created and coached the team, built them into an interdependent unit, removed the limitations to what they believe they can do, and empowered them to stand on their own, then the team can perform without the leader's presence or leadership. It doesn't matter whether it is on the battlefield or the business park. "If you're a rifle company commander, or one of our team leaders, you may well be a casualty of the first bullet. If that happens, and if the unit that you trained has the discipline and the character to accomplish its objective without you, then that's a reflection of your commitment and your contribution. Ultimately, the most effective measure of a leader is the performance of his unit in his absence." (J. Schoomaker, quoted in the Ninth House Network).
  • 22. 22 | People Builders Leadership Skills MTL Course Topics THAT’S IT! WELL DONE!
  • 23. 23 | People Builders Leadership Skills MTL Course Topics THANK YOU This has been a Slide Topic from Manage Train Learn