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                                        A PRECISION-GUIDED MISSION STATEMENT IS A MUST!



         UNLOCK THE
  Visionary leadership is the key to success. If you possess it ... winning is
      predictable. If you are missing it ... your future is uncertain. p38

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                                                                             SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2005
8 WAYS TO TURN OBSTACLES                                           

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                                   AdvantEdge                       Vol. 2, No. 5, September/October 2005

38 Unlock the Leadership Code                                                                                                  48
    In his last speech before he died, Vince Lombardi shared
    the key to success. He said, “The secret, in a word is ...,
    ‘heartpower..’ Capture the heart and you’ve captured
    the person ... Get people to fall in love with your company.”
    Tom Mathews exemplifies this belief and has lived it to
    great success. Embrace these powerful lessons of lead-
    ership from the heart and learn the secrets to great
    success that is only possible through a great team.
    By Tom Mathews

48 Never Settle
    Mirror Me esteem-wear™ founder Jennifer Petsu is
    creating more than another clothing company; she is
    taking on the oppressive media standards that women
    struggle with every day. Her unique blend of visionary
    entrepreneur and vigilant crusader has proven a
    recipe for success as women, from movie stars to house-
    wives, are empowering themselves to feel success from
    within and reminding themselves to … “Never Settle.”
    By Anne-Henley Beck

54 8 Ways to Turn Obstacles into
    When a problem or mistake befalls you, most say to
    “overcome” it. But in seeing it as a challenge to be con-
    quered, you may be missing the greatest success
    opportunity. Some of the greatest inventions, from
    rubber and penicillin to Post-it notes and corn flakes,
    came from visionary people who chose not to “overcome”
    the obstacle, but rather ... to use the difficulty.
    By Victor M. Parachin

62 Mission: Critical
    The power of a well-stated mission lies in its unifying
    effect. Like a maestro, it directs everyone to play the
    same song at the right tempo and in the right key.
    Without a codified mission — or when a mission state-
    ment gathers dust like a gold-plated plaque in some
    long-forgotten storeroom — exuberance and gusto
    give way to inertia and apathy.
    By Tom Gegax

From the Archive
84 Master Change with These 4 Simple Steps
    Crisis is simply “change trying to take place.” Understand
    how to maintain focus and control during change to
    view it as a healthy and positive step toward achieving
    your goals. Embrace change and use it to your advan-
    tage rather than letting it work to your disadvantage.                  62
    By Brian Tracy

                                                                                 September/October 2005
letter from the editor
                                              ur mission is to continually connect you with the
                                         O    world’s most powerful success information, giving
                                         you the Edge at work and in life.

                                                            AIM FOR THE HEART

                                                              What comes to mind         executives, entrepreneurs, generals, and fathers
                                                           when someone says             and mothers fail to achieve great success through
                                                           “leadership”? Who do          leadership because they are focused on how to
                                                           you think were the            motivate and inspire their teams and subordinates
                                                           greatest     leaders     in   to follow their vision. True leaders, however, don’t
                                                           recent history and what       focus on how to get people to follow their vision.
                                                           made them so? Was it          Instead, they take the time to learn about the peo-
                                                           George      Washington’s      ple they are leading — their hopes, dreams, and
                                                           determination that led to     visions — and then show them how to achieve
                                                           the creation of a new         their dreams by following the greater vision.
                                                           nation     ...   Winston         People follow great leaders, not because they
                                  Churchill’s steadfast resolve that led England to      are so hyped up on motivation and inspiration to
                                  stand up to Hitler’s conquest of Europe ... or Sam     achieve the leader’s dream. They follow when
                                  Walton’s vision that changed the retail industry?      they see (that they have) the ability to achieve
                                     These are, undeniably, characteristics of great     their personal hopes and dreams ... by achieving
                                  leaders. However, all too often, the characteristics   the greater vision the leader has laid forth. “You
                                  of the leader and the resulting leadership —his or     must aim for the heart in order to inspire the
                                  her ability to lead — are thought of as the same       mind,” Tom explains. “As soon as people see in
                                  thing. Yet, there is a vast difference between a       your vision the ability to reach a future they can
                                  leader and leadership. Leadership is the result; the   only dream of, they will follow you to the ends
                                  leader is the cause. And the difference between        of the earth.”
                                  them is in the people who follow the leader. So,          It takes leaders with vision to help people see
                                  what makes great leadership worth following?           and articulate their dreams. It takes leaders with
                                                                                         compassion to help people believe they can real-
                                                                                         ize those dreams. If you see any organization
                         Vision is seeing something before its time. A                   achieve a large degree of success, you know
                         Visionary is a person who does something                        there is this kind of extraordinary leadership at
                         with what he or she sees. A Leader takes                        work. Visionary heart-empowered leadership is
                                                                                         the key ingredient that determines success: If
                         people someplace they would not go alone.
                                                                                         you have it ... winning is predictable, and if you
                         Leadership is actually going there.
                                                                                         are missing it ... your future is uncertain.
                                                                                            My challenge to you is for the next 60 days to
                                     In this issue of AdvantEdge, it is my honor to      find out every one of your team members’ goals,
                                  introduce one of the best leaders I have had the       dreams, and visions for their future. Get to know
                                  privilege to meet, Tom Mathews, Senior Executive       the depths and details of their goals, until you
                                  Vice Chairman of World Financial Group, a mem-         can picture in your mind the life they are striv-
                                  ber of the AEGON group. Tom is one of those rare       ing for. Then, focus a part of each day on what
                                  people who consistently demonstrate the charac-        you can do to help them achieve their dream
                                  teristics of a great leader, evidenced by the many     through your vision. I predict that this will be
                                  passionate and dedicated people who follow his         one of the greatest changes you will ever make,
                                  vision every day. Yet, despite his being adored,       both personally and professionally. Once you
                                  Tom leads with a quiet humbleness and dignity,         stop focusing on how to lead people by getting
                                  and attributes all his business success to his team,   them to see and follow your vision and instead
                                  over 20,000 people (and still growing).                aim for their heart and show them how to
                                     Tom explains that leadership is not about moti-     achieve their dream through your vision, you
                                  vation or inspiration. Leadership is about captur-     will have become ... a leader worth following.
                                  ing people’s hearts. Too many business owners,            Be a Visionary Leader!

                                                                                         Carson V. Conant
                                                                                         Editor in Chief, AdvantEdge
           8             September/October 2005
UNL                THE LEADER
           L        egendary football coach Vince Lombardi, in his last speech before he died, was addressing a
                    large corporate audience. He said, “I’m going to share with you the key to success in any
                    business.” You could have heard a pin drop as people sat on the edges of their seats waiting
            for the answer. He said, “The secret, in a word, is ... ‘heartpower.’ Capture the heart and you’ve cap-
            tured the person. ... Get people to fall in love with your company.”

            This is a very simple, yet powerful concept. But how does a leader do it?

            Tom Mathews epitomizes a leader who understands that it starts and ends with caring about your
            people, not as employees, but as human beings. He has built an amazing team of over 20,000 peo-
            ple through hard work and showing that he cares.

            He is a leader who “gets it.” He truly understands the power of recognition, kindness, and person-
            al goals. When describing any of the successes he has enjoyed, it is never “me” but always “we.”

            I once heard a leader defined as “someone who knows the way, goes the way and shows the way”...
            Tom qualifies in all three! Enjoy his leadership secrets and learn to “aim for the heart.”

            Mac Anderson
            Founder, Simple Truths and Successories

38   September/October 2005
SHIP CODE                                                         BY TOM MATHEWS

   When the great industrialist Andrew Carnegie        in action as well as what I’ve learned in hiring,
was asked what he would do if he had to start over,    training, and inspiring my team during the past 20
he quickly replied, “Take away all my factories and    years. If you’re an entrepreneur, leader, or manag-
money ... just leave me with my good men and I’ll      er, it is my hope that these insights will become a
get back in no time.” You can always replace mate-     place you can go when you’ve had a tough day and
rial possessions, but a great leader knows the most    need a shot of inspiration and guidance.
precious assets are the members of his or her team.
   Carnegie also said, “You must capture and keep
the heart of the original and supremely able man
before his brain can do its best.” I could not agree               WITH WILD DREAMS
more. In fact, this simple philosophy has been the
foundation of everything I have accomplished in
                                                          Since the beginning of history, the world’s most
life. When I think back on the people who have
                                                       important achievements have started with a
motivated and inspired me in my career, they were
                                                       dream. In most instances the naysayers will line
people who cared about me as a human being first
                                                       up to tell you it can’t be done. But dreams fuel pas-
and foremost. They cared about my family, my
                                                       sion, and passion plus perseverance equal suc-
goals, my dreams and, as my leader, helped show
                                                       cess. Shortly after Orville Wright flew his historic
me how I could make my dreams come true. They
                                                       first flight at Kitty Hawk, a North Carolina reporter
“aimed for my heart,” and led me to succeed. I
                                                       asked if everything was the way he thought it
promised myself that if I ever had the opportunity
                                                       would be. He said, “Actually, I preferred the
to lead others, the heart would always come first
                                                       dreaming of flying to doing it. I would lie in my
and that good things would follow, and this belief
                                                       bed at night and imagine the wind passing by, the
has never proved false.
                                                       view from above like a bird, and the exhilaration of
   The leadership principles that I’m about to share
                                                       it all.” As a leader, you must know and teach the
with you are the results of observing great leaders

                                                                                      Continued on Page 40

                                                               September/October 2005
Continued from Page 39                In 1970, I began playing the trum-         is full of love, forgiveness, and
                                                pet, and have enjoyed music ever                            peace.”
 power of dreams, for “nothing hap-
                                                since. I learned then that if everyone
 pens but first a dream,” as Carl
                                                plays the same note you cannot have        “Which one will win?” asked the boy.
 Sandburg said. Every member of your
                                                harmony or beautiful music. Over the        To which the grandfather replied,
 team must see and truly understand
                                                years, in business, that lesson has                 “The one I feed.”
 your dream as vividly as you do.
                                                come in handy many times. No matter                          (Origin Unknown)

     TEAMWORK                                   what team you are a part of, each per-
                                                son has a unique note to play. This           This simple story makes the powerful
                                                combination, just like a great sympho-
      MAKES THE DREAM WORK                                                                 point that, in life, you become what you
                                                ny of many instruments, can make           think about. However, I could talk for an
                                                beautiful music.                           hour about this life-changing law and
    One person does not an organization
                                                                                           still not capture its essence as clearly as
 make. The power of any organization

                                                           POWER                           by telling this 30-second story. Every
 starts and ends with people. In fact, tal-
                                                                                           organization has core values that its
 ented people committed to a common
                                                             OF STORIES                    leaders should continually reinforce;
 cause are unstoppable, for teamwork is
                                                                                           not with words, but with stories.
 the fuel that allows common people to
                                                   Bestselling business author Tom
 obtain uncommon results.*
                                                Peters recently said, “I stopped giving
     In 1996, runner Michael Johnson set
                                                presentations years ago. Now I only
 an Olympic record in the 400-meter
                                                tell stories.” He explains, “As I pre-                YOUR VISION
 and beat his own world record in the
                                                pare, I am conscious — 100 percent of
 200-meter. He became the first man
                                                time — of the evolving story, of the          “Leadership is the capacity to turn
 ever to win both events in the same
                                                plot, of the narrative that unfolds.       vision into reality,” says author
 Olympic Games. Our company was a
                                                Whoever has the best story wins — so       Warren Bennis. However, having the
 corporate sponsor, and I was in the
                                                work on your story!”                       vision is not enough ... it must be sold.
 crowd at the finish line for that race.
                                                   Peter’s advice should be taken to       This is an area where many leaders fall
 That same year, the Atlanta Olympic
                                                heart by any leader striving to build a    short. The mission and the vision may
 Games also held a 4x100-meter relay.
                                                great team.                                be crystal clear in their minds, but
 Four individuals cover a single lap
                                                   Stories are the ultimate communica-     they forget that the team needs contin-
 around the track, each contributing a
                                                tion tool. In fact, some of our greatest   uous reinforcement to keep it in focus.
 quarter of the distance required. The
                                                presidents — Abe Lincoln, Teddy               Jack Welch, the great CEO for
 comparison of individual versus team
 accomplishments has never been more
 obvious than here. While Michael
 Johnson was the winner of 55 consecu-                                LEAD FROM THE FRONT
 tive 400-meter finals and one of the best
 ever at this distance, he proved NO                  ANDREW CARNEGIE ONCE SAID, “AS I GROW OLDER I PAY LESS
 MATCH for the collective efforts of four           ATTENTION TO WHAT PEOPLE SAY. I JUST WATCH WHAT THEY
 team members. Even though he domi-
                                                    DO.” LEADERSHIP IS NOT A BIRTHRIGHT AND IT IS NOT SOME-
 nated the individual distance, his times
                                                    THING YOU CAN SIMPLY TALK ABOUT. IT MUST BE EARNED
 fade when compared with the time pos-
                                                    THROUGH EXAMPLE, EVERY SINGLE DAY. THE GREAT DR.
 sible for four less qualified individuals
                                                    ALBERT SCHWEITZER WAS ONCE ASKED IF HE THOUGHT THAT
 to cover the same distance as a team. In
 fact, both the men’s and women’s teams             SETTING AN EXAMPLE WAS THE MOST IMPORTANT QUALITY OF
 outperformed the all-time individual               LEADERSHIP. HE PAUSED AND SAID, “NO, IT’S NOT THE MOST
                                                    IMPORTANT QUALITY ... IT’S THE ONLY ONE.”
      Here is the reality of teamwork:
                                                Roosevelt, and Ronald Reagan — used        General Electric, “got it.” Whenever
                                                stories to inspire, encourage, and edu-
      MICHAEL JOHNSON’S 1996 400-                                                          and wherever he had the opportunity
                                                cate us. As a leader, to capture the
        METER OLYMPIC RECORD:                                                              to sell his vision, he did it. In fact,
                                                heart of your team, there is nothing
             43.49 seconds                                                                 compare the various speeches he gave
                                                more powerful than the right story at
     WOMEN’S 4x100-METER OLYMPIC                                                           throughout his 21-year career and
                                                the right time.
               RECORD:                                                                     notice the common themes:
                                                   Here is a great example. It’s a story
             41.60 seconds                                                                    In 1983: “Our objective, without
                                                of a Native American boy talking to his
      MEN’S 4x100-METER OLYMPIC                                                            question, is to become the most compet-
               RECORD:                                                                     itive enterprise on this earth. We can’t be
             37.40 seconds                                                                 fat. We can’t be bureaucratic. We can’t
                                                    What do you think about the world      be slow moving. We must change. We
   Individual accomplishment is sim-                 situation?” the young boy asked.      can stand for nothing less than the best.
 ply no match for a tightly unified,                                                       You have great responsibilities, but you
 committed team. Teamwork is about              The grandfather replied, “I feel like      also have tremendous opportunities.”
 sharing the load and accomplishing             wolves are fighting in my heart. One          In 1985: “As we look to the next five
 what individually is beyond reach.             is full of anger and hatred; the other                Continued on Page 42

40   September/October 2005
There once was a very cautious man,
Who never laughed or cried.
  He never cared, he never dared,
               He never dreamed or tried.

                And when one day he passed away,
                       His insurance was denied.
                              For since he never really lived,
                      They claimed he never died.
                                         —AUTHOR UNKNOWN

              Continued from Page 40             there are over 10 million businesses in    least two partners on your journey
   years, our combination of different busi-     the United States and they all have one    through the maze. Their names are
   ness cultures and shared values gives         thing in common — they were started        Courage and Perseverance. In fact, if
   GE the ability — the flexibility — to win     by entrepreneurs; people willing to bet    someone were to ask me to pick one
   in world markets. It provides the bond        on themselves to follow their dreams.      word to describe any success I’ve had
   that stimulates our people, the most             Starting a business or a major under-   in business, I wouldn’t hesitate; the
   important asset of an organization, to        taking can be compared to going            word would be perseverance. There
   pursue a common goal — achieving              through a maze. You start with a           will be many potholes, roadblocks,
   excellence in everything we do.”              dream and the courage to begin. You        and detours along the way toward
      In 1992: “Our unending drive to            then journey through the maze, more        your vision. As Peter Drucker once
   build a boundary-less, high-spirited          commonly known in business circles         said, “Whenever you see a successful
   company is moving faster every day in         as the “learning curve.” You go ... you    business, someone has made coura-
   the direction of what we want passion-        hit a wall, you go left, you hit another   geous decisions.”
   ately to become — the world’s most            wall, you go back, you hit another and        “You are out of your mind.” “This is
   competitive company.”                         another, until eventually a small light    insane.” “You should just get a real
      In 2000, as he said goodbye: “The GE
   of the future will be based on the cher-
                                                                             LIGHT THE FUSE
   ished values that drive us today: mutu-
   al trust and the unending, insatiable,
   boundary-less thirst for the world’s              “PEOPLE ARE LIKE STICKS OF DYNAMITE. THE POWER IS ON
   best ideas and best people. But the GE,           ON THE INSIDE, BUT NOTHING HAPPENS UNTIL THE FUSE
   of the future will be a faster, bolder GE
                                                     GETS LIT.” EVERY LEADER SHOULD TAKE THIS QUOTE TO
   whose actions will make the company
                                                     HEART. DEEP INSIDE WE ALL WANT PEOPLE IN OUR LIVES WHO
   of today appear slow and tentative by
                                                     WILL HELP TO MAKE US ALL WE CAN BE. YOU CAN BE THAT PER-
   comparison, a GE whose every
                                                     SON FOR THE MEMBERS OF YOUR TEAM. PROVIDING TIMELY
   employee will understand that success
   can only come from an inextricable                ENCOURAGEMENT, RECOGNITION, AND SUPPORT WILL HELP
   link to the success of our customers.”            TO LIGHT THE FUSE ... AND, IN MANY INSTANCES, UNLEASH
      As a leader, here are the questions
                                                     THEIR EMOTIONAL ENERGY.
   you must ask yourself: Do I continual-
   ly sell, and reinforce, our vision for the
   future? Is my vision simple and con-          appears. It continues to get brighter as   job.” “Americans will never spend a
   sistent, or is it confusing and unsure?       you move forward toward your goal.         dollar and a half for a cup of coffee.”
                                                 And with this light is a wonderful feel-   Howard Schultz heard all of the above
                                                 ing. To look in the mirror and be able     in 1986 when he was trying to raise
   ENTREPRENEURIAL                               to say, “I took my dream to reality” ...   the money to launch Starbucks. He
                                                 well, as the MasterCard commercials        said, “In the course of a year, I talked
                                                 would say, is priceless.                   to 242 investors and 217 said, ‘No!’
                                                    I can also guarantee you’ll need at                Continued on Page 44
      According to Dun & Bradstreet,

 42   September/October 2005
SHOW                                                                 CONQUER
                                                                                          THE PROCRASTINATION GAP
                       YOUR APPRECIATION
                                                                                             The greatest gap in life, according
     Creative ways to recognize your people and show appreciation.
                                                                                          to Richard Biggs, is the one between “I
                                                                                          should” and “I did”... more common-
                                                                                          ly known as the procrastination gap.
      William James, one of the founders of modern psychology, said, “The deep-
                                                                                          How many potentially life-changing
      est principle in human nature is the craving to be appreciated.” In fact, a
                                                                                          decisions are delayed endlessly
      study by Robert Half International found that lack of appreciation was in the
                                                                                          because we fear failure, we’re too
      top three reasons people leave companies, ahead of money and promotions.
                                                                                          tired, the timing isn’t right, or we
      Author Michael LeBoeuf says this, “The greatest management principle in
                                                                                          want it to be perfect? The list goes on
      the world is ... ‘The things that get rewarded and appreciated get done.’ ”
                                                                                          and on.
                                                                                             As leaders, we’re all guilty at times.
      Here are some creative ways to recognize your people and show appreciation:
                                                                                          However, to be truly great leaders, we
                                                                                          must develop the habit of action.
1. work with. AskAS PEOPLE. Find out what’s important to the people you
                                                                                          Successful leaders are those who look
                  about hobbies, favorite sports, ideal vacations, and family,
                                                                                          for their opportunities, and when they
      to name a few. This shows that you’re interested in who they are in life
                                                                                          find them ... act on them! Leadership
      rather than just what they are at work.
                                                                                          that aims at the heart is one such
                                                                                          opportunity that will tear open a
2.    WRITE THE WORD RECOGNITION in your calendar/day planning system
                                                                                          world of possibility and success in
      at some regular interval (like every Friday for the entire year). Make this
                                                                                          whatever your endeavor.
      word your trigger to quickly think of people who deserve praise. Then,
                                                                                             Leadership from the heart is truly
      immediately go thank them for their positive performance.
                                                                                          the key to success. It’s what Vince
                                                                                          Lombardi, the legendary football
3. her or his performanceSend athe positive impact itperson’sthe organization.
   NOTIFY THE FAMILY.            letter or card to the        spouse describing
                                                                                          coach, said the secret to success was, in
                          and                          has on
                                                                                          his last speech before he died: “The
                                                                                          secret, in a word, is ... ‘heartpower.’
4.    COMMEMORATE the day a co-worker joined your group. Think how you’d
                                                                                          Capture the heart and you’ve captured
      feel receiving a handwritten note that said something like: “Hey Bob, in
                                                                                          the person. ... Get people to fall in love
      case you forgot, you came on board three years ago today. It’s a date I won’t
                                                                                          with your company.” Inspire those you
      forget because of your contributions in these three years. Thanks for being
                                                                                          lead to fall in love with your vision and
      such an important member of the team.”
                                                                                          your company as if they were their
                                                                                          own, and enjoy the greatest joy in life
5. members, copies of certificates of Post all kinds of stuff: pictures of notes
   ESTABLISH A “WALL OF FAME.”                                             team
                                                                                          ... achieving that which you once
                                      completion for training, thank-you
                                                                                          thought impossible through the com-
      from customers, newspaper clippings about the organization’s success, and
                                                                                          panionship of others who believe in
      everything else you want to celebrate with your team. Let your creativity
                                                                                          your vision. Now that is Leadership ...
                                                                                          from the heart! I
      flow ... and be sure to solicit ideas from your teammates. And lastly, for
      appreciation to be effective, remember these three things:
         1. It must be genuine, from the heart.
         2. It should be specific.                                                                                   Tom Mathews
         3. It should be regular — not just on special occasions.
      Celebrate with your people whenever and wherever you can. It’s good for
      the soul ... yours and theirs.

             Continued from Page 42                      think is practical;
                                                       Expect more than others
  Many of them would listen to my one-
                                                         think is possible.”
  hour presentation and never call me                                                      Tom Mathews is a Senior Executive
  back. I’d phone, but most would not                                                      Vice Chairman of World Financial
                                                   My favorite definition of entrepre-
  even take my call. It was a very hum-                                                    Group, of the AEGON Group. WFG
                                                neurs is by George Gilder: “They cast
  bling experience, but my passion and                                                     is a financial services marketing
                                                aside their assurance for a 40-hour
  unrelenting persistence eventually                                                       company headquartered in Duluth,
                                                week; they leave the safe cover of
  made it happen.” One of Schultz’s                                                        Ga., with offices worldwide. To
                                                tenure and security … and charge
  favorite quotes is:                                                                      learn more about Tom Mathews and
                                                across the perilous fields of change       his new book Aim for the Heart:
                                                and opportunity. If they succeed, their
           “Care more than others                                                          Leading to Build Great Teams, visit
                                                profits will come not from what they
               think is wise;                                                     today.
                                                take from their fellow citizens, but
            Risk more than others
                                                from the value they freely place on the
               think is safe;
                                                                                          *Source: Successories Inc.
                                                gift of their imagination.”
           Dream more than others

44   September/October 2005

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Unlock The Leadership Code

  • 1. MISSION: CRITICAL A PRECISION-GUIDED MISSION STATEMENT IS A MUST! Nightingale-Conant’s AdvantEdge GET THE EDGE AT WORK AND IN LIFE UNLOCK THE LEADERSHIP C DE Visionary leadership is the key to success. If you possess it ... winning is predictable. If you are missing it ... your future is uncertain. p38 PLUS: GUERRILLA TACTICS FOR SALES SUCCESS p24 $4.95 USA SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2005 8 WAYS TO TURN OBSTACLES INTO OPPORTUNITIES p54 $6.95 CANADA MASTER CHANGE WITH THESE 4 SIMPLE STEPS p84
  • 2. contents Nightingale-Conant's AdvantEdge Vol. 2, No. 5, September/October 2005 Features 38 Unlock the Leadership Code 48 In his last speech before he died, Vince Lombardi shared the key to success. He said, “The secret, in a word is ..., ‘heartpower..’ Capture the heart and you’ve captured the person ... Get people to fall in love with your company.” Tom Mathews exemplifies this belief and has lived it to great success. Embrace these powerful lessons of lead- ership from the heart and learn the secrets to great success that is only possible through a great team. By Tom Mathews 48 Never Settle Mirror Me esteem-wear™ founder Jennifer Petsu is creating more than another clothing company; she is taking on the oppressive media standards that women struggle with every day. Her unique blend of visionary entrepreneur and vigilant crusader has proven a recipe for success as women, from movie stars to house- 54 wives, are empowering themselves to feel success from within and reminding themselves to … “Never Settle.” By Anne-Henley Beck 54 8 Ways to Turn Obstacles into Opportunities When a problem or mistake befalls you, most say to “overcome” it. But in seeing it as a challenge to be con- quered, you may be missing the greatest success opportunity. Some of the greatest inventions, from rubber and penicillin to Post-it notes and corn flakes, came from visionary people who chose not to “overcome” the obstacle, but rather ... to use the difficulty. By Victor M. Parachin 62 Mission: Critical The power of a well-stated mission lies in its unifying effect. Like a maestro, it directs everyone to play the same song at the right tempo and in the right key. Without a codified mission — or when a mission state- ment gathers dust like a gold-plated plaque in some long-forgotten storeroom — exuberance and gusto give way to inertia and apathy. By Tom Gegax From the Archive 84 Master Change with These 4 Simple Steps Crisis is simply “change trying to take place.” Understand how to maintain focus and control during change to view it as a healthy and positive step toward achieving your goals. Embrace change and use it to your advan- tage rather than letting it work to your disadvantage. 62 By Brian Tracy 5 September/October 2005
  • 3. letter from the editor ur mission is to continually connect you with the O world’s most powerful success information, giving you the Edge at work and in life. AIM FOR THE HEART What comes to mind executives, entrepreneurs, generals, and fathers when someone says and mothers fail to achieve great success through “leadership”? Who do leadership because they are focused on how to you think were the motivate and inspire their teams and subordinates greatest leaders in to follow their vision. True leaders, however, don’t recent history and what focus on how to get people to follow their vision. made them so? Was it Instead, they take the time to learn about the peo- George Washington’s ple they are leading — their hopes, dreams, and determination that led to visions — and then show them how to achieve the creation of a new their dreams by following the greater vision. nation ... Winston People follow great leaders, not because they Churchill’s steadfast resolve that led England to are so hyped up on motivation and inspiration to stand up to Hitler’s conquest of Europe ... or Sam achieve the leader’s dream. They follow when Walton’s vision that changed the retail industry? they see (that they have) the ability to achieve These are, undeniably, characteristics of great their personal hopes and dreams ... by achieving leaders. However, all too often, the characteristics the greater vision the leader has laid forth. “You of the leader and the resulting leadership —his or must aim for the heart in order to inspire the her ability to lead — are thought of as the same mind,” Tom explains. “As soon as people see in thing. Yet, there is a vast difference between a your vision the ability to reach a future they can leader and leadership. Leadership is the result; the only dream of, they will follow you to the ends leader is the cause. And the difference between of the earth.” them is in the people who follow the leader. So, It takes leaders with vision to help people see what makes great leadership worth following? and articulate their dreams. It takes leaders with compassion to help people believe they can real- ize those dreams. If you see any organization Vision is seeing something before its time. A achieve a large degree of success, you know Visionary is a person who does something there is this kind of extraordinary leadership at with what he or she sees. A Leader takes work. Visionary heart-empowered leadership is the key ingredient that determines success: If people someplace they would not go alone. you have it ... winning is predictable, and if you Leadership is actually going there. are missing it ... your future is uncertain. My challenge to you is for the next 60 days to In this issue of AdvantEdge, it is my honor to find out every one of your team members’ goals, introduce one of the best leaders I have had the dreams, and visions for their future. Get to know privilege to meet, Tom Mathews, Senior Executive the depths and details of their goals, until you Vice Chairman of World Financial Group, a mem- can picture in your mind the life they are striv- ber of the AEGON group. Tom is one of those rare ing for. Then, focus a part of each day on what people who consistently demonstrate the charac- you can do to help them achieve their dream teristics of a great leader, evidenced by the many through your vision. I predict that this will be passionate and dedicated people who follow his one of the greatest changes you will ever make, vision every day. Yet, despite his being adored, both personally and professionally. Once you Tom leads with a quiet humbleness and dignity, stop focusing on how to lead people by getting and attributes all his business success to his team, them to see and follow your vision and instead over 20,000 people (and still growing). aim for their heart and show them how to Tom explains that leadership is not about moti- achieve their dream through your vision, you vation or inspiration. Leadership is about captur- will have become ... a leader worth following. ing people’s hearts. Too many business owners, Be a Visionary Leader! Carson V. Conant Editor in Chief, AdvantEdge 8 September/October 2005
  • 4. UNL THE LEADER L egendary football coach Vince Lombardi, in his last speech before he died, was addressing a large corporate audience. He said, “I’m going to share with you the key to success in any business.” You could have heard a pin drop as people sat on the edges of their seats waiting for the answer. He said, “The secret, in a word, is ... ‘heartpower.’ Capture the heart and you’ve cap- tured the person. ... Get people to fall in love with your company.” This is a very simple, yet powerful concept. But how does a leader do it? Tom Mathews epitomizes a leader who understands that it starts and ends with caring about your people, not as employees, but as human beings. He has built an amazing team of over 20,000 peo- ple through hard work and showing that he cares. He is a leader who “gets it.” He truly understands the power of recognition, kindness, and person- al goals. When describing any of the successes he has enjoyed, it is never “me” but always “we.” I once heard a leader defined as “someone who knows the way, goes the way and shows the way”... Tom qualifies in all three! Enjoy his leadership secrets and learn to “aim for the heart.” Mac Anderson Founder, Simple Truths and Successories 38 September/October 2005
  • 5. CK SHIP CODE BY TOM MATHEWS When the great industrialist Andrew Carnegie in action as well as what I’ve learned in hiring, was asked what he would do if he had to start over, training, and inspiring my team during the past 20 he quickly replied, “Take away all my factories and years. If you’re an entrepreneur, leader, or manag- money ... just leave me with my good men and I’ll er, it is my hope that these insights will become a get back in no time.” You can always replace mate- place you can go when you’ve had a tough day and rial possessions, but a great leader knows the most need a shot of inspiration and guidance. precious assets are the members of his or her team. Carnegie also said, “You must capture and keep LEAD the heart of the original and supremely able man before his brain can do its best.” I could not agree WITH WILD DREAMS more. In fact, this simple philosophy has been the foundation of everything I have accomplished in Since the beginning of history, the world’s most life. When I think back on the people who have important achievements have started with a motivated and inspired me in my career, they were dream. In most instances the naysayers will line people who cared about me as a human being first up to tell you it can’t be done. But dreams fuel pas- and foremost. They cared about my family, my sion, and passion plus perseverance equal suc- goals, my dreams and, as my leader, helped show cess. Shortly after Orville Wright flew his historic me how I could make my dreams come true. They first flight at Kitty Hawk, a North Carolina reporter “aimed for my heart,” and led me to succeed. I asked if everything was the way he thought it promised myself that if I ever had the opportunity would be. He said, “Actually, I preferred the to lead others, the heart would always come first dreaming of flying to doing it. I would lie in my and that good things would follow, and this belief bed at night and imagine the wind passing by, the has never proved false. view from above like a bird, and the exhilaration of The leadership principles that I’m about to share it all.” As a leader, you must know and teach the with you are the results of observing great leaders Continued on Page 40 39 September/October 2005
  • 6. Continued from Page 39 In 1970, I began playing the trum- is full of love, forgiveness, and pet, and have enjoyed music ever peace.” power of dreams, for “nothing hap- since. I learned then that if everyone pens but first a dream,” as Carl plays the same note you cannot have “Which one will win?” asked the boy. Sandburg said. Every member of your harmony or beautiful music. Over the To which the grandfather replied, team must see and truly understand years, in business, that lesson has “The one I feed.” your dream as vividly as you do. come in handy many times. No matter (Origin Unknown) TEAMWORK what team you are a part of, each per- son has a unique note to play. This This simple story makes the powerful combination, just like a great sympho- MAKES THE DREAM WORK point that, in life, you become what you ny of many instruments, can make think about. However, I could talk for an beautiful music. hour about this life-changing law and One person does not an organization still not capture its essence as clearly as make. The power of any organization POWER by telling this 30-second story. Every starts and ends with people. In fact, tal- organization has core values that its ented people committed to a common OF STORIES leaders should continually reinforce; cause are unstoppable, for teamwork is not with words, but with stories. the fuel that allows common people to Bestselling business author Tom obtain uncommon results.* Peters recently said, “I stopped giving SELL In 1996, runner Michael Johnson set presentations years ago. Now I only an Olympic record in the 400-meter tell stories.” He explains, “As I pre- YOUR VISION and beat his own world record in the pare, I am conscious — 100 percent of 200-meter. He became the first man time — of the evolving story, of the “Leadership is the capacity to turn ever to win both events in the same plot, of the narrative that unfolds. vision into reality,” says author Olympic Games. Our company was a Whoever has the best story wins — so Warren Bennis. However, having the corporate sponsor, and I was in the work on your story!” vision is not enough ... it must be sold. crowd at the finish line for that race. Peter’s advice should be taken to This is an area where many leaders fall That same year, the Atlanta Olympic heart by any leader striving to build a short. The mission and the vision may Games also held a 4x100-meter relay. great team. be crystal clear in their minds, but Four individuals cover a single lap Stories are the ultimate communica- they forget that the team needs contin- around the track, each contributing a tion tool. In fact, some of our greatest uous reinforcement to keep it in focus. quarter of the distance required. The presidents — Abe Lincoln, Teddy Jack Welch, the great CEO for comparison of individual versus team accomplishments has never been more obvious than here. While Michael Johnson was the winner of 55 consecu- LEAD FROM THE FRONT tive 400-meter finals and one of the best ever at this distance, he proved NO ANDREW CARNEGIE ONCE SAID, “AS I GROW OLDER I PAY LESS MATCH for the collective efforts of four ATTENTION TO WHAT PEOPLE SAY. I JUST WATCH WHAT THEY team members. Even though he domi- DO.” LEADERSHIP IS NOT A BIRTHRIGHT AND IT IS NOT SOME- nated the individual distance, his times THING YOU CAN SIMPLY TALK ABOUT. IT MUST BE EARNED fade when compared with the time pos- THROUGH EXAMPLE, EVERY SINGLE DAY. THE GREAT DR. sible for four less qualified individuals ALBERT SCHWEITZER WAS ONCE ASKED IF HE THOUGHT THAT to cover the same distance as a team. In fact, both the men’s and women’s teams SETTING AN EXAMPLE WAS THE MOST IMPORTANT QUALITY OF outperformed the all-time individual LEADERSHIP. HE PAUSED AND SAID, “NO, IT’S NOT THE MOST champion. IMPORTANT QUALITY ... IT’S THE ONLY ONE.” Here is the reality of teamwork: Roosevelt, and Ronald Reagan — used General Electric, “got it.” Whenever stories to inspire, encourage, and edu- MICHAEL JOHNSON’S 1996 400- and wherever he had the opportunity cate us. As a leader, to capture the METER OLYMPIC RECORD: to sell his vision, he did it. In fact, heart of your team, there is nothing 43.49 seconds compare the various speeches he gave more powerful than the right story at WOMEN’S 4x100-METER OLYMPIC throughout his 21-year career and the right time. RECORD: notice the common themes: Here is a great example. It’s a story 41.60 seconds In 1983: “Our objective, without of a Native American boy talking to his MEN’S 4x100-METER OLYMPIC question, is to become the most compet- grandfather: RECORD: itive enterprise on this earth. We can’t be 37.40 seconds fat. We can’t be bureaucratic. We can’t What do you think about the world be slow moving. We must change. We Individual accomplishment is sim- situation?” the young boy asked. can stand for nothing less than the best. ply no match for a tightly unified, You have great responsibilities, but you committed team. Teamwork is about The grandfather replied, “I feel like also have tremendous opportunities.” sharing the load and accomplishing wolves are fighting in my heart. One In 1985: “As we look to the next five what individually is beyond reach. is full of anger and hatred; the other Continued on Page 42 40 September/October 2005
  • 7. There once was a very cautious man, Who never laughed or cried. He never cared, he never dared, He never dreamed or tried. And when one day he passed away, His insurance was denied. For since he never really lived, They claimed he never died. —AUTHOR UNKNOWN Continued from Page 40 there are over 10 million businesses in least two partners on your journey years, our combination of different busi- the United States and they all have one through the maze. Their names are ness cultures and shared values gives thing in common — they were started Courage and Perseverance. In fact, if GE the ability — the flexibility — to win by entrepreneurs; people willing to bet someone were to ask me to pick one in world markets. It provides the bond on themselves to follow their dreams. word to describe any success I’ve had that stimulates our people, the most Starting a business or a major under- in business, I wouldn’t hesitate; the important asset of an organization, to taking can be compared to going word would be perseverance. There pursue a common goal — achieving through a maze. You start with a will be many potholes, roadblocks, excellence in everything we do.” dream and the courage to begin. You and detours along the way toward In 1992: “Our unending drive to then journey through the maze, more your vision. As Peter Drucker once build a boundary-less, high-spirited commonly known in business circles said, “Whenever you see a successful company is moving faster every day in as the “learning curve.” You go ... you business, someone has made coura- the direction of what we want passion- hit a wall, you go left, you hit another geous decisions.” ately to become — the world’s most wall, you go back, you hit another and “You are out of your mind.” “This is competitive company.” another, until eventually a small light insane.” “You should just get a real In 2000, as he said goodbye: “The GE of the future will be based on the cher- LIGHT THE FUSE ished values that drive us today: mutu- al trust and the unending, insatiable, boundary-less thirst for the world’s “PEOPLE ARE LIKE STICKS OF DYNAMITE. THE POWER IS ON best ideas and best people. But the GE, ON THE INSIDE, BUT NOTHING HAPPENS UNTIL THE FUSE of the future will be a faster, bolder GE GETS LIT.” EVERY LEADER SHOULD TAKE THIS QUOTE TO whose actions will make the company HEART. DEEP INSIDE WE ALL WANT PEOPLE IN OUR LIVES WHO of today appear slow and tentative by WILL HELP TO MAKE US ALL WE CAN BE. YOU CAN BE THAT PER- comparison, a GE whose every SON FOR THE MEMBERS OF YOUR TEAM. PROVIDING TIMELY employee will understand that success can only come from an inextricable ENCOURAGEMENT, RECOGNITION, AND SUPPORT WILL HELP link to the success of our customers.” TO LIGHT THE FUSE ... AND, IN MANY INSTANCES, UNLEASH As a leader, here are the questions THEIR EMOTIONAL ENERGY. you must ask yourself: Do I continual- ly sell, and reinforce, our vision for the future? Is my vision simple and con- appears. It continues to get brighter as job.” “Americans will never spend a sistent, or is it confusing and unsure? you move forward toward your goal. dollar and a half for a cup of coffee.” And with this light is a wonderful feel- Howard Schultz heard all of the above ing. To look in the mirror and be able in 1986 when he was trying to raise ENTREPRENEURIAL to say, “I took my dream to reality” ... the money to launch Starbucks. He well, as the MasterCard commercials said, “In the course of a year, I talked LEADERSHIP would say, is priceless. to 242 investors and 217 said, ‘No!’ I can also guarantee you’ll need at Continued on Page 44 According to Dun & Bradstreet, 42 September/October 2005
  • 8. SHOW CONQUER THE PROCRASTINATION GAP YOUR APPRECIATION The greatest gap in life, according Creative ways to recognize your people and show appreciation. to Richard Biggs, is the one between “I should” and “I did”... more common- ly known as the procrastination gap. William James, one of the founders of modern psychology, said, “The deep- How many potentially life-changing est principle in human nature is the craving to be appreciated.” In fact, a decisions are delayed endlessly study by Robert Half International found that lack of appreciation was in the because we fear failure, we’re too top three reasons people leave companies, ahead of money and promotions. tired, the timing isn’t right, or we Author Michael LeBoeuf says this, “The greatest management principle in want it to be perfect? The list goes on the world is ... ‘The things that get rewarded and appreciated get done.’ ” and on. As leaders, we’re all guilty at times. Here are some creative ways to recognize your people and show appreciation: However, to be truly great leaders, we must develop the habit of action. 1. work with. AskAS PEOPLE. Find out what’s important to the people you KNOW THEM Successful leaders are those who look about hobbies, favorite sports, ideal vacations, and family, for their opportunities, and when they to name a few. This shows that you’re interested in who they are in life find them ... act on them! Leadership rather than just what they are at work. that aims at the heart is one such . opportunity that will tear open a 2. WRITE THE WORD RECOGNITION in your calendar/day planning system world of possibility and success in at some regular interval (like every Friday for the entire year). Make this whatever your endeavor. word your trigger to quickly think of people who deserve praise. Then, Leadership from the heart is truly immediately go thank them for their positive performance. the key to success. It’s what Vince Lombardi, the legendary football 3. her or his performanceSend athe positive impact itperson’sthe organization. NOTIFY THE FAMILY. letter or card to the spouse describing coach, said the secret to success was, in and has on his last speech before he died: “The secret, in a word, is ... ‘heartpower.’ 4. COMMEMORATE the day a co-worker joined your group. Think how you’d Capture the heart and you’ve captured feel receiving a handwritten note that said something like: “Hey Bob, in the person. ... Get people to fall in love case you forgot, you came on board three years ago today. It’s a date I won’t with your company.” Inspire those you forget because of your contributions in these three years. Thanks for being lead to fall in love with your vision and such an important member of the team.” your company as if they were their own, and enjoy the greatest joy in life 5. members, copies of certificates of Post all kinds of stuff: pictures of notes ESTABLISH A “WALL OF FAME.” team ... achieving that which you once completion for training, thank-you thought impossible through the com- from customers, newspaper clippings about the organization’s success, and panionship of others who believe in everything else you want to celebrate with your team. Let your creativity your vision. Now that is Leadership ... from the heart! I flow ... and be sure to solicit ideas from your teammates. And lastly, for appreciation to be effective, remember these three things: 1. It must be genuine, from the heart. Author: 2. It should be specific. Tom Mathews 3. It should be regular — not just on special occasions. Celebrate with your people whenever and wherever you can. It’s good for the soul ... yours and theirs. Continued from Page 42 think is practical; Expect more than others Many of them would listen to my one- think is possible.” hour presentation and never call me Tom Mathews is a Senior Executive back. I’d phone, but most would not Vice Chairman of World Financial My favorite definition of entrepre- even take my call. It was a very hum- Group, of the AEGON Group. WFG neurs is by George Gilder: “They cast bling experience, but my passion and is a financial services marketing aside their assurance for a 40-hour unrelenting persistence eventually company headquartered in Duluth, week; they leave the safe cover of made it happen.” One of Schultz’s Ga., with offices worldwide. To tenure and security … and charge favorite quotes is: learn more about Tom Mathews and across the perilous fields of change his new book Aim for the Heart: and opportunity. If they succeed, their “Care more than others Leading to Build Great Teams, visit profits will come not from what they think is wise; today. take from their fellow citizens, but Risk more than others from the value they freely place on the think is safe; *Source: Successories Inc. gift of their imagination.” Dream more than others 44 September/October 2005