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R.Soujanya, Guide: K.Venkateshwarlu / International Journal of Engineering Research and
                  Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622
                   Vol. 2, Issue 5, September- October 2012, pp.1914-1921
  The Transaction Concept: Integrated With BPEL and WS-AT,
                WS-BA Coordination Protocols
                  R.Soujanya (M.Tech)                   Guide: M.Venkateshwarlu M.Tech
                 Department of SE,                                         Department of CSE,
                 Sri Kottam Tulasi Reddy Memorial College,           Associate Professor CSE Department,
                 Kondair. Andhra Pradesh.                         Sri Kottam Tulasi Reddy Memorial College,
                                                                           Kondair. Andhra Pradesh.

ABSTRACT                                                   remote operation invocation is not the revolution
         Service-Oriented Computing (SOC) is               brought by Service-Oriented Computing (SOC),
becoming the mainstream development paradigm
of applications over the Internet, taking                  though. Rather, it is the possibility of having
advantage of remote independent functionalities.           programs that perform complex tasks coordinating
When the control over the communication and                and reusing many loosely coupled independent
the elements of the information system is low,             services.
developing solid systems is challenging. In
particular, developing reliable web service                         Business processes are now able to execute
compositions usually requires the integration of           seamlessly across organizations and to coordinate
both composition languages, such as the Business           the interaction of loosely coupled services. Often it
Process Execution Language (BPEL), and of                  is necessary to have transactionality for a set of
coordination protocols, such as WS-Atomic                  business operations,
Transaction      and     WS-Business      Activity.        But the loosely nature of such systems calls for
Unfortunately, the composition and coordination            techniques and principles that go beyond traditional
of web services currently have separate languages          ACID transactions.
and specifications.
         The goal of this paper is twofold. First,                  In the present treatment, a service is a
we identify the major requirements of transaction          standard XML description of an autonomous
management in Service-oriented systems and                 software entity, it executes in a standalone container,
survey the relevant standards. Second, we                  it may have one or more active instantiations, and it
propose a semiautomatic approach to integrate              is made of possibly many operations that are
BPEL      specifications    and      web   service         invoked asynchronously. A service composition is a
coordination protocols, that is, implementing              set of operations belonging to possibly many
transaction     management       within    service         services, and a partial order relation defining the
composition processes, and thus overcoming the             sequencing in which operations are to be invoked.
limitations of current technologies.                       Such a partial order is adequately represented as a
                                                           direct graph. A service transaction is a unit of work
Keywords:       Web    services,     transaction           comprehending two or more operations that need to
management, WS-Business Activity, WS-Atomic                be invoked according to a specific transaction
Transaction,    ACID     properties,     Service           policy. The coordination of a service transaction is
composition languages, and Business process                the management of the transaction according to a
execution language.                                        given policy. A service transaction can span over
                                                           operations of one service or, more interestingly, of
1. INTRODUCTION                                            several services.
          The widespread adoption of Web services
is feeding the promises of the new field of Service                 One     may argue       that    transaction
Centric Systems. As Service Centric (SC) Systems           management is a well-known Technique for the new
are being increasingly adopted, new challenges and         features of transactions executed by web services;
possibilities emerge. Standardized web service             various web transaction specifications have been
technologies are enabling a new generation of              developed. WS-Coordination [1] specification
software that relies on external services to               describes an extensive framework for providing
accomplish its tasks. The remote services are usually      various coordination protocols. The WS-
invoked in an asynchronous manner. They are                AtomicTransaction (WS-AT) [2] and WS-Business
known by their published interfaces, and await             Activity (WS-BA) specifications [3] are two typical
invocations over a possibly open network. Single           web transaction protocols. They leverage WS-
                                                           Coordination by extending it to define specific

                                                                                                 1914 | P a g e
R.Soujanya, Guide: K.Venkateshwarlu / International Journal of Engineering Research and
                  Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622
                   Vol. 2, Issue 5, September- October 2012, pp.1914-1921
coordination protocols for transaction processing.           effects should be durable in time. Given the nature
The former is developed for simple and short-lived           of Service-Oriented Systems, satisfying these
web transactions, while the latter for complex and           properties is often not possible and, in the end, not
long-lived business activities. Finally, the Business        necessarily desirable. In fact, some features are
Process                                                      unique to Service-Oriented Systems:
         Execution Language (BPEL) [4] is a                        Long-lived and concurrent transactions, not
process-based composition specification language.                      only traditional transactions which are
In order to develop reliable web services                              usually short and sequential.
compositions, one needs the integration of                         Distributed             over     heterogeneous
transaction standards with composition language                        environments.
standards such as BPEL [5], [6]. Unfortunately,                    Greater range of transaction types due to
these are currently separate specifications.                           different types of business processes,
                                                                       service types, information types, or product
          This paper has a double goal: the first one is               flows.
to look at the requirements of transaction                         Unpredictable number of participants.
management for Service-oriented systems. The                       Unpredictable execution length.
systematization of requirements is the starting point                      For example, information query and
for an analysis of current standards and technologies                  flight payment need 5 minutes; while e-
in the field of web services. The second goal of the                   shopping an hour; and a complex business
paper is to propose a framework for the integration                    transaction like contracting may take days.
of BPEL with transaction protocols such as WS-                     Greater dynamism. Computation and
AtomicTransaction and WS-Business Activity. We                         communication resources may change at
use a simple but representative example across the                     runtime.
paper, the drop-dead order (DDO) one, to illustrate
                                                                   Unavailability of undo operations, most
requirements and the proposed approach.                                often only compensating actions that return
                                                                       the system to a state that is close to the
2. The Drop Dead Order Example                                         initial state is available.
          The drop-dead order describes a scenario
                                                             Furthermore, transactions may act differently when
where a customer wants to order products from a              exposed to certain conditions such as logical
distributor under the condition that the products are
                                                             expressions, events expressed in deadlines, and even
delivered before the drop-dead date (Figure).                errors in case of a faulty web service. To make sure
          In the scenario, the distributor tries to find a
                                                             that the integrity of data is persistent, the two
supplier that has the products available. If he finds
                                                             transaction models used are, namely, Composite and
such a supplier, he will search for a carrier that is
                                                             distributed that allow smooth recovery to a previous
able to deliver the products before the drop-dead
                                                             “safe” state.
date. If both the supplier and the carrier are able to
                                                                       The set of emerging features mentioned
fulfill the demands of the customer, the distributor
                                                             earlier, which combinations of requirements are
reports to the customer that he can fulfill the order.       mostly coming from the areas of databases and
After the customer has acknowledged, the distributor         workflows provide the basis for identifying the most
sends a confirmation to the supplier and the carrier.        relevant requirements for transactions in Service-
                                                             Oriented Systems.
FIGURE:            The Drop Dead Order Example
                                                             3.1 ACID Properties
                                                             3.1.1 Atomicity
                                                                      Atomicity is the property of a transaction to
                                                             either complete successfully or not at all, even in the
                                                             event of partial failures.
                                                             3.1.2 Consistency
                                                                      Consistency is the property of a transaction
                                                             to begin and end in a state which is consistent with
                                                             the intended semantics of the system, i.e., not
                                                             breaking any integrity constraints.
                                                             3.1.3 Isolation
3 TRANSACTION REQUIREMENTS                                            Isolation is the property of a transaction to
           In the field of databases, transactions are       perform operations isolated from all other
required to satisfy the so-called ACID properties,           operations. One transaction can therefore not see the
that is, the set of operations involved in a transaction     other transaction‟s data in an intermediate state.
should occur atomically, should be consistent,               3.1.4 Durability
should be isolated from other operations, and their                   Durability is the property of a transaction to
                                                             record the effects in a persistent way. Whenever a

                                                                                                   1915 | P a g e
R.Soujanya, Guide: K.Venkateshwarlu / International Journal of Engineering Research and
                  Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622
                   Vol. 2, Issue 5, September- October 2012, pp.1914-1921
transaction notifies one participant of successful         application memory by locking it in the transaction
completion, the effects must persist, even when            for the entire time. While the optimistic simply
subsequent failures occur.                                 chooses to detect collisions and then resolves the
3.2 Transaction Behaviors                                  collision when it does occur. This scheme has better
3.2.1 Rollback                                             performance. When two transactions are concurrent,
          Rollback is the operation of returning to a      they should not both claim the same supply of goods
previous state in case of a failure during a               from one Supplier.
transaction. This may be necessary to enforce
consistency.                                               TRANSACTION   STANDARDS    AND
3.2.2 Compensating Actions                                 SERVICE COMPOSITION LANGUAGES
          Compensating actions are executed in the                   WS-Transactions and Business Transaction
event of a failure during a transaction, all changes       Protocol (BTP) are the two most representative
performed before the failure should be undone.             standards that directly address the transaction
3.2.3 Abort                                                management of web service-based systems, while
          Abort is the returning to the initial state in   for representing compositions of services, the
case of failure or if the user wishes so.                  Business Process Execution Language and the
3.2.4 Adding Deadlines                                     Choreography Description Language (WS-CDL) are
          Adding deadlines to transactions involves        most widely known and adopted. WS-Transactions
giving timeouts to operations.                             consist of two coordination protocols: WS-Atomic
3.2.5 Logical Expressions                                  Transaction and WS-Business Activity which live in
          Logical      expressions    for   specifying     the WS-coordination framework. WS-AT provides
constraints are used for giving unambiguous and            the coordination protocols for short-lived simple
semantically defined rules for guaranteeing                operations, while WS-BA provides the coordination
consistency.                                               protocols for long-lived complex business activities.
                                                           The WS-coordination framework is extensible and
3.3 Transaction Models                                     incremental. That is, WS-coordination can enhance
3.3.1 Composite Transactions                               existing Service-Oriented Systems with transaction
         Composite     transactions   are    nested        properties by wrapping them with a specific
transactions. These transactions depend on the             coordination.
global outcome, that is, all three succeed or the                    BTP is a model for long-lived business
whole composite transaction fails.                         transaction structured into small atomic transactions,
3.3.2 Distributed Transactions                             and using cohesion to connect these atomic
        Distributed transactions are transactions          operations. Its motivation is to optimize the use of
between two or more parties executing on different         resource involved in a long-lived transaction under
hosts. The transaction should support transactions         loosely coupled web service environments and
through a network between two different hosts.             avoiding the use of a central coordinator.
                                                                     BPEL provides the facilities to specify
3.4 Transaction Behavior—Alternatives                      executable business processes with references to
3.4.1 Transaction Recovery                                 services‟ interfaces and implementations. It does
          Transaction recovery by dynamic rebinding        handle some basic issues of transactions, such as
and dynamic recomposition at runtime is the                compensation, fault, and exception handling, but
possibility of replacing a faulty web service when         other transaction requirements are not managed.
the current service is not able to fulfill its promises.   WS-CDL provides the infrastructure to describe
Dynamic recomposition is the forming of a new              cross-enterprise collaborations of web services in a
composition by replacing one or several services by        choreographic way.
another composition that fulfills the same function.                 Consider the proposed protocols that take
Imagine that the first Carrier somehow fails and is        the transaction and the business perspective of
unreachable. If this happens during a transaction,         Service-Oriented Systems with respect to the
then automatic rebinding with a service that offers        requirements. In Table 1, we summarize the results
the same service should take place. Recomposition          of the evaluation for all requirements—each row—
through rebinding with a third Carrier through the         and for all protocols—each column—by denoting
Supplier is also a possibility.                            the satisfaction with the “⨁” symbol, the partial
                                                           satisfaction with “⨀” and no support with ”Ө”.
3.4.2 Optimistic or Pessimistic Concurrency
         Optimistic or pessimistic concurrency
control refers to the support of different types of
concurrency control to enforce consistency. This
control could either be optimistic or pessimistic. The
pessimistic approach prevents an entity in

                                                                                                1916 | P a g e
R.Soujanya, Guide: K.Venkateshwarlu / International Journal of Engineering Research and
                    Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622
                     Vol. 2, Issue 5, September- October 2012, pp.1914-1921
                                                                   The above survey shows that there are
                                                         standardized protocols for describing transactions
                                                         and languages for describing processes in terms of
TABLE-1         Evaluation Results                       flows of activities. The connection among these is,
                                                         to say the least, very loose. The problem is that
                                                         processes are described in terms of activities and
                                                         roles capable of executing the activities, but
                                                         semantic dependencies among these activities are
                                                         not represented beyond message and flow control. It
                                                         may happen that several operations from a single
                                                         web service are invoked within a BPEL process, and
                                                         dependencies among these operations may exist.
                                                                   Our proposal consists of making the
                                                         dependencies among the activities explicit via an
                                                         automatic procedure and performing a restructuring
                                                         step of the process, where necessary. The identified
                                                         dependencies among activities can be then identified
                                                         by the designer of the process as being transactions
                                                         or not. In case they are, the designer will decide
                                                         which kind of transactions they are and simply
                                                         annotate them. The execution framework then takes
                                                         care that transaction annotations are correctly
                                                         managed at runtime. The need for the human design
          WS-AT is a traditional protocol which
                                                         decision in the process is necessary due to the lack
satisfies the basic ACID properties. WS-BA, on the
                                                         of semantic annotations of the BPEL processes.
other hand, renounces atomicity to accommodate
                                                         Only the designer can decide whether a set of
long-lived transactions. BTP has included confirm
                                                         activities that seem to have a dependency in the
sets. These confirm sets let the application element
                                                         process are to be executed transaction ally or not.
choose which operations with parties in the
transaction are to be canceled and which are to be
                                                         Fig 3 Approach to integrating transactions into
confirmed. In this way, the application element is
                                                         BPEL processes.
able to contact more services which perform the
same task and to choose the best option.
Unfortunately, BTP is not part of the WS-Stack,
which limits its compatibility with other web service
technologies. In addition, BTP does not support
long-lived transactions. There is also a difference in
granularity between the above transaction standards.
WSAT contains simple two-phase commit protocols,
WS-BA contains nonblocking protocols and BTP
consists of a Sequence of small atomic transactions.
As for security, WS-Security can be combined with
WS-Transaction as well as with BTP.
          Dynamic rebinding is supported only by
BPEL, though only at the implementation level. WS-
CDL supports most requirements, while its major
disadvantage is that the large players in the field do
not support it and that no implementation is
available.                                                        Consider Fig. 3, where data transformation
          WS-AT is a very conservative business          goes from left to right and we distinguish three
transaction model especially with respect to             layers: the data layer at the bottom, the middle
blocking. WS-BA is more appropriate for services,        execution layer defining the data transformation, and
by renouncing to the concept of the two-phase            the knowledge level indicating from where the
commit. BTP places itself in the middle (two-phase       knowledge to transform the data comes. We start
commit is followed in a relaxed way). As for BPEL        with a generic business process designed to solve
and WS-CDL, they address the business process            some business goal. An automatic processing step,
perspective with limited transaction support.            which we define next, identifies dependencies
                                                         among activities. These are then reviewed by an
5 PROPOSALS FOR INTEGRATING                              expert that decides which actually transactions are
TRANSACTIONS INTO BPEL                                   and which not. For those who qualify, he further
                                                         decides what kind of transactions they are and

                                                                                             1917 | P a g e
R.Soujanya, Guide: K.Venkateshwarlu / International Journal of Engineering Research and
                     Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622
                      Vol. 2, Issue 5, September- October 2012, pp.1914-1921
annotates them. For instance, some may be long             Figure 4: Representation of activities and the link
running while others may be atomic ones. We                that connects them.
remark how this is a design step performed by an
expert who understands the domain, the specific
process, and the consequences of choosing a
transaction policy in favor of another. This step
cannot be automated unless further semantic
annotations are made on the BPEL. The restructured
and annotated process is then ready to be sent for
execution. Next the execution phase and will be
handled by the execution framework. We consider
the three phases of the approach individually.

5.1 Preprocessing
          Preprocessing the BPEL specification is
performed in two steps, namely, 1) identification and
2) resolution of transaction dependencies. In order to
illustrate the two steps, we introduce an abstract
model of BPEL.

5.1.1 Abstract Model of BPEL Specifications
          A BPEL process specification describes the
interaction between services in a specific composite
web service. Its abstract model, known as behavioral
interface, defines the behavior of a group of services
by specifying constraints on the order of messages to
be sent and received from a service.
          A BPEL specification „S‟ is a set of
activities „A‟ and its associated links „L‟, represented
by S = (A, L). The links, which are directed, define a     5.1.2 Dependencies Identification Algorithm
partial ordering over the set of activities and are thus
well represented as a directed graph (e.g., Fig. 4).                If one specifies a set of activities within a
 An activity „a‟ in A having a type represented           given BPEL specification S, there may exist
     by Ta, has the following properties:                  dependencies among activities that can hinder the
- Name Na.                                                 application of transaction management as described
- Operation OPa, which is usually implemented              above. Assume that
     by the web service at a specific port.                    St = { ai│ ai is a transactional activity of a
- Input variable IVa and output variable OVa,              transaction t} is a transaction t specified within the
     which specify the parameters required and             BPEL specification S.
     produced by the OPa, respectively.                             For any two activities am and an where am,
- Set of source links SLa and set of target links                                                        𝒍𝒋𝟏   𝒍𝒋𝒌
                                                           an ∈ St and am ≠ an, if there exists a path am ….
     TLa, which specify the outgoing and incoming
     links (transitions), respectively.                    an where lj1 and ljk are some links connecting
                                                           activities, we say that an is reachable from am,
     A link l in S has a unique name Nl and is                             ∗
     indirectly defined through two activities a1 and      denoted as am an, and {lj1…. ljk} is a link chain of
                                                               ∗                            ∗
     a2 which indicates not only the direction ld of       am     an denoted as LC { am        an }. For any two
     the transition, but also the conditions lc for the    activities am and an in a transaction St that are
     transition to take place.                                                                               ∗
                                                           implemented by the same web service, if am          an
          Furthermore, the Customer-to-distributor                                                 ∗
link lc-d is one of the source links of the                and OVam ∈ lc where l ∈ LC {am             an}, then a
ReceiveOrder activity a1, namely, lc-d ∈ SLa1.             transaction dependency exists between am and an.
Furthermore, lc-d ∈ TLa6, where TLa6 is the target         To identify the existence of transaction dependencies
link of the CompleteDistribution activity a6.              within a given BPEL specification S, we propose
Therefore, the link lc-d connects the transition           Algorithm 5.1.
between a1 and a6, denoted as
 a1 _ → a6. Fig. 4 provides an illustration of
a1          → a6.

                                                                                                1918 | P a g e
R.Soujanya, Guide: K.Venkateshwarlu / International Journal of Engineering Research and
                  Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622
                   Vol. 2, Issue 5, September- October 2012, pp.1914-1921

                                                          5.2 Declaration of Transaction Policies

                                                                    Once transactions are identified and BPEL
                                                          has been accordingly restructured, one needs to
          The algorithm is a standard graph algorithm     define the desired transactional behavior. To this
similar to those for reachable set construction. The      end, we introduce a reference transaction policy
function IdentifyDependency takes S as input and          declaration schema, shown in Fig. 7.
outputs a Boolean value that represents the existence               With this schema, one can declare the
of transaction dependencies. The function first           transaction policy using the following elements:
creates a path p for any two activities am and an.        1. Trans ID is a nonzero integer, representing
Then, traverses the links in the link chain ls obtained   transactions within a business process.
from p. When a link l is detected and its transition      2. Trans Protocol specifies a protocol for the
condition lc contains the output variable OVam of the     transaction, such as WS-AtomicTransaction or WS-
first activity am, or if it contains an output variable   BusinessActivity.
OVai which is identical to OVam semantically, the         3. Trans Root indicates the parent transaction
algorithm stops and returns TRUE. Otherwise, it           identified by Trans_ID. The value 0 is used to
continues until all pairs of activities in St have been   indicate the root transaction within the business
visited. Finally, if no transaction dependencies are      process. One can specify the hierarchy of
detected, the algorithm returns FALSE.                    transactions by assigning appropriate Trans_IDs and
5.1.3 Resolution of Dependencies                                    With such a schema, one can annotate
          Once      transaction   dependencies   are      constraints or preferences to a specific activity in the
identified, it is necessary to handle them. To solve      BPEL specification. The annotated activity must be
this problem, we merge the dependent activities into      an invoke activity. One can separately specify the
one transaction. Algorithm 5.2 resolves the               desired constraints or preferences in the design-time-
transaction      dependencies within      a    BPEL       info or runtime-info sections. For transaction
specification S. It employs Algorithm 5.1 to detect       management, we declare the transaction policies in
transaction dependencies and it asks the user for         the section of the transinfo which is embedded
confirmation that it is indeed a transactional            within the section of runtime info, since a
dependency. The output is a new                           transaction policy is a runtime constraint. Together
BPEL specification referred to as preprocessed            with the other types of process information,
BPEL where conflicts are resolved.                        transaction policies are stored in an XML file for use
                                                          at runtime.

                                                                                                1919 | P a g e
R.Soujanya, Guide: K.Venkateshwarlu / International Journal of Engineering Research and
                  Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622
                   Vol. 2, Issue 5, September- October 2012, pp.1914-1921
Figure 7: A transaction policy declaration schema.                  T.M. happens just before the binding.
                                                                    Currently,ODE and ActiveBPEL are two
                                                                    BPEL engines supported by the SCENE
                                                                    The Event Adapter maps the low-level
                                                                    events from the BPEL engine onto the
                                                                    binding-related events. The first version of
                                                                    SeCSE event adapter is extended to support
                                                                    the mapping of transaction-related events.
                                                                The Transaction Manager is a separate
                                                                    component in the executor and deployed in
                                                                    the Mule container (Mule is a messaging
                                                                    platform based on ideas from Enterprise
                                                                    Service Bus (ESB) architectures).
                                                          The Transaction Manager consists of the following
                                                          two transaction-specific components:
5.3 The Execution Framework                               - TransLog is responsible for managing the lifecycle
          The proposed approach transforms a              of transactions, such as creating transaction
generic business process into a restructured one in
                                                          instances, maintaining the status of transaction
which transactions are identified and annotated.          instances, and destroying transaction instances.
Now, one needs an execution framework that is             TransLog is also responsible for transferring the
richer than a simple BPEL engine. In fact, one needs      information among the components in the executor.
to interpret the annotations, make sure that activities             For example, it listens the transaction-
are executed according to the transaction conditions      related events from the Event Adapter, and it is
and also that the binding among dependent activities      responsible for the communication between
is consistent with the transaction semantics. To
                                                          Transaction Manager and JBoss Transaction Server.
achieve this, we rely on the Service Centric System
                                                          - PolicyOperator retrieves the transaction policies
Engineering (SeCSE) platform in the context of
                                                          from the XML file, and parses the transaction
which the current approach has been developed.            policies, and then maps transaction policies onto the
          Service Centric System Engineering is a
                                                          coordination context. It provides a set of APIs which
European sixth framework integrated project, whose        are to be called by the TransLog.
primary goal is to create methods, tools, and
techniques for system integrators and service                      As for the implementation of transaction
providers and to support the cost-effective               protocols, we rely on JBoss Transaction Server.
development of service-centric applications. The          JBoss Transaction Server is an open source
SeCSE service composition methodology supports            implementation           of         WS-Coordination,
the modeling of both the service interaction view
                                                          WSAtomicTransaction, and WS-BusinessActivity. It
and the service process view. A service integrator
                                                          provides a set of APIs to support the coordination
needs to design both the abstract flow logic and the      services and transaction protocols. JBoss
decision logic of the process-based composition.          Transaction Server is selectedfor this purpose
Therefore, the SeCSE composition language allows          because it 1) is a complete, standalone, open source
the definition of a service composition in terms of a     software tool, 2) has sufficient documentation and 3)
process and some rules that determine its dynamic         and supports WS-Coordination and WS-Transaction.
behavior. Correspondingly, the flow logic can be
represented by a BPEL specification, while the
decision logic is defined by rules.
                                                          6. CONCLUSION:
                                                                   Web services are being increasingly
     Based on the architecture of the SeCSE
                                                          adopted by organizations in order to run their
platform, we built a transaction management tool
                                                          business more effectively and efficiently. However,
called DecTM4B. It consists of three modules,
                                                          current technologies lack the support often required
                                                          by such organizations. The success of web services
          The Preprocessor for Transaction
                                                          lies, among other factors, in their reliability,
          Management is used to identify and
                                                          especially when economic interests are involved.
          eliminate       transaction      dependencies
                                                          One key feature is that of being able to deal
          occurring      in    the    original    BPEL
                                                          transactionally with a set of operations, but this is far
          specification.     The     output    is   the
                                                          from being easy, especially when the operations in
          preprocessed BPEL specification. The
                                                          the transaction come from different remote service
          SeCSE platform will deal with the binding
          of abstract services before the BPEL engine
                                                          In this paper, we highlight the key requirements of
          executes the BPEL specification. The
                                                          transaction management in Service-Oriented
          preprocessing executed by Preprocessor for
                                                          Systems and propose a novel declarative transaction

                                                                                                 1920 | P a g e
R.Soujanya, Guide: K.Venkateshwarlu / International Journal of Engineering Research and
                  Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622
                   Vol. 2, Issue 5, September- October 2012, pp.1914-1921
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        Ltd., IBM, IONA Technologies, and
        Microsoft, 2007.                                 AUTHOR BIOGRAPHIES:
  2)    WS-AT,        “Web       Services    Atomic
        Transaction        (WS-AtomicTransaction),
        Version 1.1,” technical report, Arjuna
        Technologies Ltd., BEA Systems, Hitachi
        Ltd., IBM, IONA Technologies, and                               R.Soujanya received her B.Tech,
        Microsoft, 2007.                                 Degree in Computer science and information
  3)    WS-BA, “Web Services Business Activity           technology from G.Pulla Reddy Engineering
        Framework (WSBusinessActivity), Version          College, Kurnool India, in 2010. She is pursuing
        1.1,” technical report, Arjuna Technologies      her M.Tech in Software Engineering in Sri Kottam
        Ltd., BEA Systems, Hitachi Ltd., IBM,            Tulasi Reddy Memorial College, Kondair India. Her
        IONA Technologies, and Microsoft, 2007.          area of interest is in the field of Service oriented
  4)    BPEL, “Business Process Execution                computing, Wireless Sensor Networks and Software
        Language for Web Services Version 1.1,”          Testing.
        technical report, IBM, Microsoft, BEAT,
        SAP, and Siebel Systems, 2003.
  5)    C. Sun and M. Aiello, “Requirements and
        Evaluation of Protocols and Tools for
        Transaction Management in Service Centric
        Systems,” Proc. Ann. Int‟l Computer
        Software      and      Applications    Conf.
        (COMPSAC ‟07), pp. 461-466, 2007.                Mr.M.Venkateshwarlu        Associate     Professor,
  6)    A. Erradi, P. Maheshwari, and V. Tosic,          completed B.Tech in Computer Science &
        “Recovery Policies for Enhancing Web             Engineering in Sri Kalahastheeshwara Institute of
        Services Reliability,” Proc. IEEE Int‟l          Technology, Sri Kalahasthi, and M.Tech in
        Conf. Web Services (ICWS ‟06), pp. 189-          Computer Science & Engineering in Sri Kottam
        196, 2006.                                       Tulasi Reddy Memorial College of Engg, Affiliated
  7)    A.Portilla,     “Providing      Transactional    to JNTU Hyderabad. His interested areas are
        Behavior to Services Coordination,” Proc.        Wireless Sensor Networks, Artificial Intelligence.
        Very Large Data Bases (VLDB) PhD                 He attended two international conferences on
        Workshop, vol. 170, 2006.                        MANET`s and one national level conference on
  8)    S. Loecher, “Model-Based Transaction             Networks. He attended Mission 10x program
        Service Configuration for Component-             conducted by Wipro. Presently he was acting as The
        Based Development,” Component-Based              Convener of R&D cell in SKTRMCE. Kondair,
        Software Eng., pp. 302-309, 2004.                Mahaboob Nagar (Dt). He had total 07 years of
  9)    P.W.P.J. Grefen, “Combining Theory and           teaching experience. Currently he was working as
        Practice in Integrity Control: A Declarative     Associate Professor in CSE Department in KTM
        Approach to the Specification of a               College of Engineering,
        Transaction Modification Subsystem,”

                                                                                             1921 | P a g e

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  • 1. R.Soujanya, Guide: K.Venkateshwarlu / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 Vol. 2, Issue 5, September- October 2012, pp.1914-1921 The Transaction Concept: Integrated With BPEL and WS-AT, WS-BA Coordination Protocols R.Soujanya (M.Tech) Guide: M.Venkateshwarlu M.Tech Department of SE, Department of CSE, Sri Kottam Tulasi Reddy Memorial College, Associate Professor CSE Department, Kondair. Andhra Pradesh. Sri Kottam Tulasi Reddy Memorial College, Kondair. Andhra Pradesh. ABSTRACT remote operation invocation is not the revolution Service-Oriented Computing (SOC) is brought by Service-Oriented Computing (SOC), becoming the mainstream development paradigm of applications over the Internet, taking though. Rather, it is the possibility of having advantage of remote independent functionalities. programs that perform complex tasks coordinating When the control over the communication and and reusing many loosely coupled independent the elements of the information system is low, services. developing solid systems is challenging. In particular, developing reliable web service Business processes are now able to execute compositions usually requires the integration of seamlessly across organizations and to coordinate both composition languages, such as the Business the interaction of loosely coupled services. Often it Process Execution Language (BPEL), and of is necessary to have transactionality for a set of coordination protocols, such as WS-Atomic business operations, Transaction and WS-Business Activity. But the loosely nature of such systems calls for Unfortunately, the composition and coordination techniques and principles that go beyond traditional of web services currently have separate languages ACID transactions. and specifications. The goal of this paper is twofold. First, In the present treatment, a service is a we identify the major requirements of transaction standard XML description of an autonomous management in Service-oriented systems and software entity, it executes in a standalone container, survey the relevant standards. Second, we it may have one or more active instantiations, and it propose a semiautomatic approach to integrate is made of possibly many operations that are BPEL specifications and web service invoked asynchronously. A service composition is a coordination protocols, that is, implementing set of operations belonging to possibly many transaction management within service services, and a partial order relation defining the composition processes, and thus overcoming the sequencing in which operations are to be invoked. limitations of current technologies. Such a partial order is adequately represented as a direct graph. A service transaction is a unit of work Keywords: Web services, transaction comprehending two or more operations that need to management, WS-Business Activity, WS-Atomic be invoked according to a specific transaction Transaction, ACID properties, Service policy. The coordination of a service transaction is composition languages, and Business process the management of the transaction according to a execution language. given policy. A service transaction can span over operations of one service or, more interestingly, of 1. INTRODUCTION several services. The widespread adoption of Web services is feeding the promises of the new field of Service One may argue that transaction Centric Systems. As Service Centric (SC) Systems management is a well-known Technique for the new are being increasingly adopted, new challenges and features of transactions executed by web services; possibilities emerge. Standardized web service various web transaction specifications have been technologies are enabling a new generation of developed. WS-Coordination [1] specification software that relies on external services to describes an extensive framework for providing accomplish its tasks. The remote services are usually various coordination protocols. The WS- invoked in an asynchronous manner. They are AtomicTransaction (WS-AT) [2] and WS-Business known by their published interfaces, and await Activity (WS-BA) specifications [3] are two typical invocations over a possibly open network. Single web transaction protocols. They leverage WS- Coordination by extending it to define specific 1914 | P a g e
  • 2. R.Soujanya, Guide: K.Venkateshwarlu / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 Vol. 2, Issue 5, September- October 2012, pp.1914-1921 coordination protocols for transaction processing. effects should be durable in time. Given the nature The former is developed for simple and short-lived of Service-Oriented Systems, satisfying these web transactions, while the latter for complex and properties is often not possible and, in the end, not long-lived business activities. Finally, the Business necessarily desirable. In fact, some features are Process unique to Service-Oriented Systems: Execution Language (BPEL) [4] is a  Long-lived and concurrent transactions, not process-based composition specification language. only traditional transactions which are In order to develop reliable web services usually short and sequential. compositions, one needs the integration of  Distributed over heterogeneous transaction standards with composition language environments. standards such as BPEL [5], [6]. Unfortunately,  Greater range of transaction types due to these are currently separate specifications. different types of business processes, service types, information types, or product This paper has a double goal: the first one is flows. to look at the requirements of transaction  Unpredictable number of participants. management for Service-oriented systems. The  Unpredictable execution length. systematization of requirements is the starting point For example, information query and for an analysis of current standards and technologies flight payment need 5 minutes; while e- in the field of web services. The second goal of the shopping an hour; and a complex business paper is to propose a framework for the integration transaction like contracting may take days. of BPEL with transaction protocols such as WS-  Greater dynamism. Computation and AtomicTransaction and WS-Business Activity. We communication resources may change at use a simple but representative example across the runtime. paper, the drop-dead order (DDO) one, to illustrate  Unavailability of undo operations, most requirements and the proposed approach. often only compensating actions that return the system to a state that is close to the 2. The Drop Dead Order Example initial state is available. The drop-dead order describes a scenario Furthermore, transactions may act differently when where a customer wants to order products from a exposed to certain conditions such as logical distributor under the condition that the products are expressions, events expressed in deadlines, and even delivered before the drop-dead date (Figure). errors in case of a faulty web service. To make sure In the scenario, the distributor tries to find a that the integrity of data is persistent, the two supplier that has the products available. If he finds transaction models used are, namely, Composite and such a supplier, he will search for a carrier that is distributed that allow smooth recovery to a previous able to deliver the products before the drop-dead “safe” state. date. If both the supplier and the carrier are able to The set of emerging features mentioned fulfill the demands of the customer, the distributor earlier, which combinations of requirements are reports to the customer that he can fulfill the order. mostly coming from the areas of databases and After the customer has acknowledged, the distributor workflows provide the basis for identifying the most sends a confirmation to the supplier and the carrier. relevant requirements for transactions in Service- Oriented Systems. FIGURE: The Drop Dead Order Example 3.1 ACID Properties 3.1.1 Atomicity Atomicity is the property of a transaction to either complete successfully or not at all, even in the event of partial failures. 3.1.2 Consistency Consistency is the property of a transaction to begin and end in a state which is consistent with the intended semantics of the system, i.e., not breaking any integrity constraints. 3.1.3 Isolation 3 TRANSACTION REQUIREMENTS Isolation is the property of a transaction to In the field of databases, transactions are perform operations isolated from all other required to satisfy the so-called ACID properties, operations. One transaction can therefore not see the that is, the set of operations involved in a transaction other transaction‟s data in an intermediate state. should occur atomically, should be consistent, 3.1.4 Durability should be isolated from other operations, and their Durability is the property of a transaction to record the effects in a persistent way. Whenever a 1915 | P a g e
  • 3. R.Soujanya, Guide: K.Venkateshwarlu / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 Vol. 2, Issue 5, September- October 2012, pp.1914-1921 transaction notifies one participant of successful application memory by locking it in the transaction completion, the effects must persist, even when for the entire time. While the optimistic simply subsequent failures occur. chooses to detect collisions and then resolves the 3.2 Transaction Behaviors collision when it does occur. This scheme has better 3.2.1 Rollback performance. When two transactions are concurrent, Rollback is the operation of returning to a they should not both claim the same supply of goods previous state in case of a failure during a from one Supplier. transaction. This may be necessary to enforce consistency. TRANSACTION STANDARDS AND 3.2.2 Compensating Actions SERVICE COMPOSITION LANGUAGES Compensating actions are executed in the WS-Transactions and Business Transaction event of a failure during a transaction, all changes Protocol (BTP) are the two most representative performed before the failure should be undone. standards that directly address the transaction 3.2.3 Abort management of web service-based systems, while Abort is the returning to the initial state in for representing compositions of services, the case of failure or if the user wishes so. Business Process Execution Language and the 3.2.4 Adding Deadlines Choreography Description Language (WS-CDL) are Adding deadlines to transactions involves most widely known and adopted. WS-Transactions giving timeouts to operations. consist of two coordination protocols: WS-Atomic 3.2.5 Logical Expressions Transaction and WS-Business Activity which live in Logical expressions for specifying the WS-coordination framework. WS-AT provides constraints are used for giving unambiguous and the coordination protocols for short-lived simple semantically defined rules for guaranteeing operations, while WS-BA provides the coordination consistency. protocols for long-lived complex business activities. The WS-coordination framework is extensible and 3.3 Transaction Models incremental. That is, WS-coordination can enhance 3.3.1 Composite Transactions existing Service-Oriented Systems with transaction Composite transactions are nested properties by wrapping them with a specific transactions. These transactions depend on the coordination. global outcome, that is, all three succeed or the BTP is a model for long-lived business whole composite transaction fails. transaction structured into small atomic transactions, 3.3.2 Distributed Transactions and using cohesion to connect these atomic Distributed transactions are transactions operations. Its motivation is to optimize the use of between two or more parties executing on different resource involved in a long-lived transaction under hosts. The transaction should support transactions loosely coupled web service environments and through a network between two different hosts. avoiding the use of a central coordinator. BPEL provides the facilities to specify 3.4 Transaction Behavior—Alternatives executable business processes with references to 3.4.1 Transaction Recovery services‟ interfaces and implementations. It does Transaction recovery by dynamic rebinding handle some basic issues of transactions, such as and dynamic recomposition at runtime is the compensation, fault, and exception handling, but possibility of replacing a faulty web service when other transaction requirements are not managed. the current service is not able to fulfill its promises. WS-CDL provides the infrastructure to describe Dynamic recomposition is the forming of a new cross-enterprise collaborations of web services in a composition by replacing one or several services by choreographic way. another composition that fulfills the same function. Consider the proposed protocols that take Imagine that the first Carrier somehow fails and is the transaction and the business perspective of unreachable. If this happens during a transaction, Service-Oriented Systems with respect to the then automatic rebinding with a service that offers requirements. In Table 1, we summarize the results the same service should take place. Recomposition of the evaluation for all requirements—each row— through rebinding with a third Carrier through the and for all protocols—each column—by denoting Supplier is also a possibility. the satisfaction with the “⨁” symbol, the partial satisfaction with “⨀” and no support with ”Ө”. 3.4.2 Optimistic or Pessimistic Concurrency Control Optimistic or pessimistic concurrency control refers to the support of different types of concurrency control to enforce consistency. This control could either be optimistic or pessimistic. The pessimistic approach prevents an entity in 1916 | P a g e
  • 4. R.Soujanya, Guide: K.Venkateshwarlu / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 Vol. 2, Issue 5, September- October 2012, pp.1914-1921 The above survey shows that there are standardized protocols for describing transactions and languages for describing processes in terms of TABLE-1 Evaluation Results flows of activities. The connection among these is, to say the least, very loose. The problem is that processes are described in terms of activities and roles capable of executing the activities, but semantic dependencies among these activities are not represented beyond message and flow control. It may happen that several operations from a single web service are invoked within a BPEL process, and dependencies among these operations may exist. Our proposal consists of making the dependencies among the activities explicit via an automatic procedure and performing a restructuring step of the process, where necessary. The identified dependencies among activities can be then identified by the designer of the process as being transactions or not. In case they are, the designer will decide which kind of transactions they are and simply annotate them. The execution framework then takes care that transaction annotations are correctly managed at runtime. The need for the human design WS-AT is a traditional protocol which decision in the process is necessary due to the lack satisfies the basic ACID properties. WS-BA, on the of semantic annotations of the BPEL processes. other hand, renounces atomicity to accommodate Only the designer can decide whether a set of long-lived transactions. BTP has included confirm activities that seem to have a dependency in the sets. These confirm sets let the application element process are to be executed transaction ally or not. choose which operations with parties in the transaction are to be canceled and which are to be Fig 3 Approach to integrating transactions into confirmed. In this way, the application element is BPEL processes. able to contact more services which perform the same task and to choose the best option. Unfortunately, BTP is not part of the WS-Stack, which limits its compatibility with other web service technologies. In addition, BTP does not support long-lived transactions. There is also a difference in granularity between the above transaction standards. WSAT contains simple two-phase commit protocols, WS-BA contains nonblocking protocols and BTP consists of a Sequence of small atomic transactions. As for security, WS-Security can be combined with WS-Transaction as well as with BTP. Dynamic rebinding is supported only by BPEL, though only at the implementation level. WS- CDL supports most requirements, while its major disadvantage is that the large players in the field do not support it and that no implementation is available. Consider Fig. 3, where data transformation WS-AT is a very conservative business goes from left to right and we distinguish three transaction model especially with respect to layers: the data layer at the bottom, the middle blocking. WS-BA is more appropriate for services, execution layer defining the data transformation, and by renouncing to the concept of the two-phase the knowledge level indicating from where the commit. BTP places itself in the middle (two-phase knowledge to transform the data comes. We start commit is followed in a relaxed way). As for BPEL with a generic business process designed to solve and WS-CDL, they address the business process some business goal. An automatic processing step, perspective with limited transaction support. which we define next, identifies dependencies among activities. These are then reviewed by an 5 PROPOSALS FOR INTEGRATING expert that decides which actually transactions are TRANSACTIONS INTO BPEL and which not. For those who qualify, he further decides what kind of transactions they are and 1917 | P a g e
  • 5. R.Soujanya, Guide: K.Venkateshwarlu / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 Vol. 2, Issue 5, September- October 2012, pp.1914-1921 annotates them. For instance, some may be long Figure 4: Representation of activities and the link running while others may be atomic ones. We that connects them. remark how this is a design step performed by an expert who understands the domain, the specific process, and the consequences of choosing a transaction policy in favor of another. This step cannot be automated unless further semantic annotations are made on the BPEL. The restructured and annotated process is then ready to be sent for execution. Next the execution phase and will be handled by the execution framework. We consider the three phases of the approach individually. 5.1 Preprocessing Preprocessing the BPEL specification is performed in two steps, namely, 1) identification and 2) resolution of transaction dependencies. In order to illustrate the two steps, we introduce an abstract model of BPEL. 5.1.1 Abstract Model of BPEL Specifications A BPEL process specification describes the interaction between services in a specific composite web service. Its abstract model, known as behavioral interface, defines the behavior of a group of services by specifying constraints on the order of messages to be sent and received from a service. A BPEL specification „S‟ is a set of activities „A‟ and its associated links „L‟, represented by S = (A, L). The links, which are directed, define a 5.1.2 Dependencies Identification Algorithm partial ordering over the set of activities and are thus well represented as a directed graph (e.g., Fig. 4). If one specifies a set of activities within a  An activity „a‟ in A having a type represented given BPEL specification S, there may exist by Ta, has the following properties: dependencies among activities that can hinder the - Name Na. application of transaction management as described - Operation OPa, which is usually implemented above. Assume that by the web service at a specific port. St = { ai│ ai is a transactional activity of a - Input variable IVa and output variable OVa, transaction t} is a transaction t specified within the which specify the parameters required and BPEL specification S. produced by the OPa, respectively. For any two activities am and an where am, - Set of source links SLa and set of target links 𝒍𝒋𝟏 𝒍𝒋𝒌 an ∈ St and am ≠ an, if there exists a path am …. TLa, which specify the outgoing and incoming links (transitions), respectively. an where lj1 and ljk are some links connecting activities, we say that an is reachable from am, A link l in S has a unique name Nl and is ∗ indirectly defined through two activities a1 and denoted as am an, and {lj1…. ljk} is a link chain of ∗ ∗ a2 which indicates not only the direction ld of am an denoted as LC { am an }. For any two the transition, but also the conditions lc for the activities am and an in a transaction St that are transition to take place. ∗ implemented by the same web service, if am an Furthermore, the Customer-to-distributor ∗ link lc-d is one of the source links of the and OVam ∈ lc where l ∈ LC {am an}, then a ReceiveOrder activity a1, namely, lc-d ∈ SLa1. transaction dependency exists between am and an. Furthermore, lc-d ∈ TLa6, where TLa6 is the target To identify the existence of transaction dependencies link of the CompleteDistribution activity a6. within a given BPEL specification S, we propose Therefore, the link lc-d connects the transition Algorithm 5.1. between a1 and a6, denoted as 𝒍𝒄−𝒅 a1 _ → a6. Fig. 4 provides an illustration of 𝒍𝒄−𝒅 a1 → a6. _ 1918 | P a g e
  • 6. R.Soujanya, Guide: K.Venkateshwarlu / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 Vol. 2, Issue 5, September- October 2012, pp.1914-1921 5.2 Declaration of Transaction Policies Once transactions are identified and BPEL has been accordingly restructured, one needs to The algorithm is a standard graph algorithm define the desired transactional behavior. To this similar to those for reachable set construction. The end, we introduce a reference transaction policy function IdentifyDependency takes S as input and declaration schema, shown in Fig. 7. outputs a Boolean value that represents the existence With this schema, one can declare the of transaction dependencies. The function first transaction policy using the following elements: creates a path p for any two activities am and an. 1. Trans ID is a nonzero integer, representing Then, traverses the links in the link chain ls obtained transactions within a business process. from p. When a link l is detected and its transition 2. Trans Protocol specifies a protocol for the condition lc contains the output variable OVam of the transaction, such as WS-AtomicTransaction or WS- first activity am, or if it contains an output variable BusinessActivity. OVai which is identical to OVam semantically, the 3. Trans Root indicates the parent transaction algorithm stops and returns TRUE. Otherwise, it identified by Trans_ID. The value 0 is used to continues until all pairs of activities in St have been indicate the root transaction within the business visited. Finally, if no transaction dependencies are process. One can specify the hierarchy of detected, the algorithm returns FALSE. transactions by assigning appropriate Trans_IDs and Trans_Roots. 5.1.3 Resolution of Dependencies With such a schema, one can annotate Once transaction dependencies are constraints or preferences to a specific activity in the identified, it is necessary to handle them. To solve BPEL specification. The annotated activity must be this problem, we merge the dependent activities into an invoke activity. One can separately specify the one transaction. Algorithm 5.2 resolves the desired constraints or preferences in the design-time- transaction dependencies within a BPEL info or runtime-info sections. For transaction specification S. It employs Algorithm 5.1 to detect management, we declare the transaction policies in transaction dependencies and it asks the user for the section of the transinfo which is embedded confirmation that it is indeed a transactional within the section of runtime info, since a dependency. The output is a new transaction policy is a runtime constraint. Together BPEL specification referred to as preprocessed with the other types of process information, BPEL where conflicts are resolved. transaction policies are stored in an XML file for use at runtime. 1919 | P a g e
  • 7. R.Soujanya, Guide: K.Venkateshwarlu / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 Vol. 2, Issue 5, September- October 2012, pp.1914-1921 Figure 7: A transaction policy declaration schema. T.M. happens just before the binding. Currently,ODE and ActiveBPEL are two BPEL engines supported by the SCENE platform.  The Event Adapter maps the low-level events from the BPEL engine onto the binding-related events. The first version of SeCSE event adapter is extended to support the mapping of transaction-related events.  The Transaction Manager is a separate component in the executor and deployed in the Mule container (Mule is a messaging platform based on ideas from Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) architectures). The Transaction Manager consists of the following two transaction-specific components: 5.3 The Execution Framework - TransLog is responsible for managing the lifecycle The proposed approach transforms a of transactions, such as creating transaction generic business process into a restructured one in instances, maintaining the status of transaction which transactions are identified and annotated. instances, and destroying transaction instances. Now, one needs an execution framework that is TransLog is also responsible for transferring the richer than a simple BPEL engine. In fact, one needs information among the components in the executor. to interpret the annotations, make sure that activities For example, it listens the transaction- are executed according to the transaction conditions related events from the Event Adapter, and it is and also that the binding among dependent activities responsible for the communication between is consistent with the transaction semantics. To Transaction Manager and JBoss Transaction Server. achieve this, we rely on the Service Centric System - PolicyOperator retrieves the transaction policies Engineering (SeCSE) platform in the context of from the XML file, and parses the transaction which the current approach has been developed. policies, and then maps transaction policies onto the Service Centric System Engineering is a coordination context. It provides a set of APIs which European sixth framework integrated project, whose are to be called by the TransLog. primary goal is to create methods, tools, and techniques for system integrators and service As for the implementation of transaction providers and to support the cost-effective protocols, we rely on JBoss Transaction Server. development of service-centric applications. The JBoss Transaction Server is an open source SeCSE service composition methodology supports implementation of WS-Coordination, the modeling of both the service interaction view WSAtomicTransaction, and WS-BusinessActivity. It and the service process view. A service integrator provides a set of APIs to support the coordination needs to design both the abstract flow logic and the services and transaction protocols. JBoss decision logic of the process-based composition. Transaction Server is selectedfor this purpose Therefore, the SeCSE composition language allows because it 1) is a complete, standalone, open source the definition of a service composition in terms of a software tool, 2) has sufficient documentation and 3) process and some rules that determine its dynamic and supports WS-Coordination and WS-Transaction. behavior. Correspondingly, the flow logic can be represented by a BPEL specification, while the decision logic is defined by rules. 6. CONCLUSION: Web services are being increasingly Based on the architecture of the SeCSE adopted by organizations in order to run their platform, we built a transaction management tool business more effectively and efficiently. However, called DecTM4B. It consists of three modules, current technologies lack the support often required namely, by such organizations. The success of web services  The Preprocessor for Transaction lies, among other factors, in their reliability, Management is used to identify and especially when economic interests are involved. eliminate transaction dependencies One key feature is that of being able to deal occurring in the original BPEL transactionally with a set of operations, but this is far specification. The output is the from being easy, especially when the operations in preprocessed BPEL specification. The the transaction come from different remote service SeCSE platform will deal with the binding instances. of abstract services before the BPEL engine In this paper, we highlight the key requirements of executes the BPEL specification. The transaction management in Service-Oriented preprocessing executed by Preprocessor for Systems and propose a novel declarative transaction 1920 | P a g e
  • 8. R.Soujanya, Guide: K.Venkateshwarlu / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 Vol. 2, Issue 5, September- October 2012, pp.1914-1921 management approach for web service compositions. Proc. 19th Int‟l Conf. Very Large Data The key to implementing transaction management Bases, R. Agrawal, S. Baker, and D.A. Bell, into BPEL processes is to consider the combination eds., pp. 581- 591, 1993. of business logic with transactions, taking into 10) C. Sun and M. Aiello, “Requirements and account the challenges that make it impossible to Evaluation of Protocols and Tools for directly apply transaction models to all Transaction Management in Service Centric BPEL processes. Systems,” Proc. Ann. Int‟l Computer The proposal consists of first a Software and Applications Conf. preprocessing of the BPEL to identify and manage (COMPSAC ‟07), pp. 461-466, 2007. transaction dependencies among a group of 11) A. Lazovik, M. Aiello, and M. Papazoglou, activities. Then, it proceeds with the annotation with “Planning and Monitoring the Execution of transaction policies. Finally, the interpretations of Web Service Requests,” Int‟l J. Digital the declared transaction policy are specified as Libraries, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 235-246, 2006. event-action condition rules to be processed at 12) M. Aiello and A. Lazovik, “Monitoring runtime. Assertion-Based Business Process,” Int‟l J. Cooperative Information Systems, vol. 15, REFERENCES no. 3, pp. 359-390, 2006. 1) WS-C, “Web Services Coordination (WS- 13) B. Haugen and T. Fletcher, “Multi-Party Coordination),” technical report, Arjuna Electronic Business Transactions. Version Technologies Ltd., BEA Systems, Hitachi 1.1,” technical report, UN, 2002. Ltd., IBM, IONA Technologies, and Microsoft, 2007. AUTHOR BIOGRAPHIES: 2) WS-AT, “Web Services Atomic Transaction (WS-AtomicTransaction), Version 1.1,” technical report, Arjuna Technologies Ltd., BEA Systems, Hitachi Ltd., IBM, IONA Technologies, and R.Soujanya received her B.Tech, Microsoft, 2007. Degree in Computer science and information 3) WS-BA, “Web Services Business Activity technology from G.Pulla Reddy Engineering Framework (WSBusinessActivity), Version College, Kurnool India, in 2010. She is pursuing 1.1,” technical report, Arjuna Technologies her M.Tech in Software Engineering in Sri Kottam Ltd., BEA Systems, Hitachi Ltd., IBM, Tulasi Reddy Memorial College, Kondair India. Her IONA Technologies, and Microsoft, 2007. area of interest is in the field of Service oriented 4) BPEL, “Business Process Execution computing, Wireless Sensor Networks and Software Language for Web Services Version 1.1,” Testing. technical report, IBM, Microsoft, BEAT, SAP, and Siebel Systems, 2003. 5) C. Sun and M. Aiello, “Requirements and Evaluation of Protocols and Tools for Transaction Management in Service Centric Systems,” Proc. Ann. Int‟l Computer Software and Applications Conf. (COMPSAC ‟07), pp. 461-466, 2007. Mr.M.Venkateshwarlu Associate Professor, 6) A. Erradi, P. Maheshwari, and V. Tosic, completed B.Tech in Computer Science & “Recovery Policies for Enhancing Web Engineering in Sri Kalahastheeshwara Institute of Services Reliability,” Proc. IEEE Int‟l Technology, Sri Kalahasthi, and M.Tech in Conf. Web Services (ICWS ‟06), pp. 189- Computer Science & Engineering in Sri Kottam 196, 2006. Tulasi Reddy Memorial College of Engg, Affiliated 7) A.Portilla, “Providing Transactional to JNTU Hyderabad. His interested areas are Behavior to Services Coordination,” Proc. Wireless Sensor Networks, Artificial Intelligence. Very Large Data Bases (VLDB) PhD He attended two international conferences on Workshop, vol. 170, 2006. MANET`s and one national level conference on 8) S. Loecher, “Model-Based Transaction Networks. He attended Mission 10x program Service Configuration for Component- conducted by Wipro. Presently he was acting as The Based Development,” Component-Based Convener of R&D cell in SKTRMCE. Kondair, Software Eng., pp. 302-309, 2004. Mahaboob Nagar (Dt). He had total 07 years of 9) P.W.P.J. Grefen, “Combining Theory and teaching experience. Currently he was working as Practice in Integrity Control: A Declarative Associate Professor in CSE Department in KTM Approach to the Specification of a College of Engineering, Transaction Modification Subsystem,” 1921 | P a g e