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Executive Overview

Why do Businesses Need CAM?                        The Issue of Context in Business
    Today’ business interactions are
            s                                      Interchanges
becoming increasingly sophisticated, and the            Particularly important is the ability of CAM
legal and social impacts more pronounced. It       templates to enable the use of business
is no longer enough to simply exchange basic       context. Knowing the context of any
information with few or no edits and checks        information exchange is critical. For example a
involved. Further more to gain maximum             seller may need to know such things as: is this
business advantage requires flexible               shipment urgent, is this a preferred customer,
information flows that can react rapidly and       do they need English or Spanish, what model
effectively to market changes and                  is the part for? Without context mistakes and
opportunities, not to mention formal service       run-on costs rapidly ensue.
requirements between partners. Some
examples include: being able to adapt to cross-        In automating information integration,
border shipment regulations to ensure timely       knowing and defining context of use is the
deliveries, tracking of goods and services,        single most pervasive and important factor.
ensuring appropriate delivery methods              The older EDI systems however have no way
(refrigeration, fragile goods, perishable goods,   to support dynamic context driven content
security of goods), through to parts and           assembly whereas CAM provides this better
supplies meeting exacting engineering and          than any other XML syntax system today. In
technical requirements to ensure the correct       fact CAM templates work for both old EDI
part or service is provided. We need only to       payloads and new XML based transaction
mention the recent Mad Cow disease event to        structures.
realize how important all this may suddenly            CAM provides a rich yet simple context
become, and then think about potential threats     mechanism defined in XML syntax that
to supply chain providers in today’ volatile
                                     s             enables interactions to be tailored by
world to realize the degree of importance          specifying the context parameters (as in the
accurate information now has.                      seller example above) and the appropriate
To address these needs information                 agreed control values they will contain. There
exchanges are moving to technical formats          are also guidelines toward determining roles
using XML technology worldwide. However            and methods to deduce what these appropriate
XML by itself is only a markup language, it was    significant parameters should be. The concept
never intended to support exacting business        here is “ surprises” which means that users
interchange definitions, rules and industry        of CAM templates know exactly what to
vocabularies. To provide that extra level of       expect, and why, from their business partners
robust information definition and exact control    because they can inspect and agree to the
the Content Assembly Mechanism (CAM) has           context parameters before hand.
been developed as an OASIS open                       This context mechanism is at the heart of
specification and toolset. Business users can      why CAM is so effective. By allowing users to
quickly and easily use CAM templates to            quantify what their context factors are
declaratively assert these missing business        precisely, this removes the guess work from
rules and structural information requirements.     business transaction exchanges between
Content Assembly Mechanism Executive Overview                                                                             -2

partners and allows them to formulize their              that can successfully carry out the specific
collaboration agreements exactly. It also                transactional function that they were designed
makes re-use and identifying potential                   for. CAM also provides the foundation for
candidate CAM template models much easier.               creating industry libraries and dictionaries
Simply knowing what the external parameters              of schema elements and business document
are can instantly qualify if a template makes            structures to support business process needs.
sense for a user and allow them to therefore                 The figure here shows a summary of the
select it.                                               technical components that a CAM template
    Relating to this is the further need in              can contain. They can be used altogether or in
today’ interconnected world to be able to
       s                                                 combination. The structure instance section is
leverage industry dictionaries of standard pre-          required; the remaining four are optional, so a
defined information elements. CAM directly               CAM template can be as simple or
supports the use of registries of industry               sophisticated as the business needs dictate.
vocabulary definitions for content
                                                                         can have more than one structure layout
references within business transactions.
Therefore information exchanges can be Combined               XML
                                              with          instance               can add inline rules directly
assembled from pre-built proven                           structure(s)                   into structure
industry components and structure
definitions.                                         +                                               Simple Declarative Statements

    By using CAM technology                                Business context rules                       excludeTree()

businesses can secure and dramatically               +
                                                                                                        item type="noun"
                                                           Content Reference rules
improve the quality and accuracy of their                                                               UIDReference="ukt000910"

information exchanges. The business                  +                                                  <conditional
                                                                                                        expression="'//SupplierID' and
                                                           Data Validation rules
benefits then accrue thorough the ability                                                               lookup(value,'SGIRWSDL:sup
to handle more business partners                     +                                                  <MapRule output="type"
                                                           External Mapping rules
needs, more types of products, more                                                                     input="Sales/Company/Yea
sophisticated products, while shortening
the time to deploy by eliminating production
errors and making pre-production testing                     Next we describe how to use CAM with
simple and complete.                                     typical production environments today such as
    Having established the business needs, the           Microsoft’ BizTalk™ Server and .NET
remaining questions concern what the required            environments, or other transaction processing
software components to acquire CAM                       systems just as the Sun J2EE based
technology are, how do these work, how does              environments.
that fit with your existing infrastructure, and          Using CAM template processing
what is involved in adoption and
                                                                  Integrating CAM processing into an
                                                         existing environment is simple and
CAM Technology Overview                                  straightforward. First you need to determine
    The CAM specification provides an open               what role or roles you wish CAM to perform. A
XML based system for using business rules to             typical role for an initial adoption is using the
define, validate and compose specific business           CAM processor to validate inbound XML
documents from generalized schema                        transactions in a processing queue based on
elements, attributes and structures.                     who the originating sender is and the context
                                                         of that transaction.
    A CAM rule set and document assembly
template defines the specific business context,                   An incoming transaction is selected, its
content requirement, and transactional function          profile referenced to find the appropriate CAM
of a document. A CAM template must be                    template type for that transaction, and then a
capable of consistently reproducing documents            context parameter set file may also be
                                                         optionally selected from that senders profile.
Content Assembly Mechanism Executive Overview                                                             -3

The CAM processor then reads in the XML                             either case it is provided with parameters that
transaction, loads the CAM template and the                         point to the XML transaction to be processed
context value file (if provided) and then                           and the CAM template and context details that
validates the information and structure in the                      apply.
transaction by comparing the rules in the                                    Another excellent role for CAM is as a
template with the information in the actual XML                     design time tool, allowing business partners to
transaction record(s). The figure here shows                        pre-validate sample business transactions
the steps involved in CAM processing.                               before they use them in production. Therefore
                                                                    in this case you can provide CAM templates to
                     1                                   XML        your partners so they can pre-test their own
                                           process    transaction   transaction implementations. In this case they
                                             and        content
                                           compare                  would run the CAM processor locally on their
                                                                    own systems, or remotely as a web service
      +                         3
                                                                    from your own network facilities.
                                    actual XML                           The next role is in automated transaction
                                     instance                       processing systems such as a business
                                    to be used
                                                                    process engine (BPEL or BPSS) and it may
 CAM gets passed context from                                       use a CAM processor to direct the creation or
        business use                                   5
                                                                    processing of business transactions for it. In
                                                     Results for
                                                                    this case a step in the business process will
                                                     context and    have a CAM template associated with it that
                                                                    will be invoked. The CAM processor can then
                                                                    produce the desired information processing for
        Importantly CAM is able to handle very                      the business process engine.
specific structure variances and rules, such as                             Considering this business processing
knowing when a customer number or part type                         picture CAM processing can be used to
is needed or allowed depending on the type of                       assemble or re-format transactions either
item that is being ordered. All this is encoded                     outbound or inbound. This capability is
using simple and clear XML declarations in the                      enabled by the merge and mapping features of
CAM template itself.                                                the CAM template. Since the CAM template
         CAM can also do lookups of business                        allows you to specify more than one
information using the template lookup rule                          transaction structure, you may decide to have
mechanism. This can check information                               one structure for the information coming from
against backend application database                                your application databases and then another
information such as part numbers, stock on                          structure for the resulting output layout of the
hand and other volatile information that cannot                     transaction you require to send. In this case
be written as a static rule in the CAM template                     the CAM processor will determine the exact
itself. If CAM detects a problem it can direct                      layout structure dynamically by apply its
error responses accordingly, along with                             context assembly rules, including or excluding
appropriate error messages that have been                           structure pieces accordingly. For example if an
defined in the CAM template. This allows                            order contains perishable items, those items
highly specific and accurate problem reporting,                     require handling and storage instructions to be
rather than vague and non-specific reactions to                     added to the transaction structure itself.
be returned back when a problem is                                          Once the target structure is assembled,
encountered.                                                        then the CAM processor will complete the
        The CAM processor itself is a self-                         transaction itself by merging and manipulating
contained component that can either be called                       the information from the raw input data
directly by the existing transaction processing                     structure. Again these rules are expressed as
software, or invoked as a web service. In                           simple declarations using XML syntax and
Content Assembly Mechanism Executive Overview                                                    -4

predicate commands within the CAM template                Creating Industry Catalogues
                                                                  Since CAM templates are just simple
Obtaining CAM processing                                  XML files themselves they can also be readily
        An open source CAM processor is                   and easily shared within an industry group or a
available that supports validating transactions           business enterprise. They can be stored into
with a CAM template. The CAM templates                    an XML Registry or traditional online
themselves can be created using any simple                cataloguing system and then searched for and
XML text editing environment. The first thing             located accordingly. Whole libraries of CAM
you require when constructing a CAM template              templates can be built for popular and typical
is an actual XML model of the information                 industry transaction formats, such as the OAGi
structure you wish to manipulate. You can                 BOD formats that are used extensively by ERP
either enter this directly from scratch into the          systems or financial CAM templates for
CAM template, in XML, or you can cut and                  common invoice and popular financial
paste an example from some XML that you are               transaction structures. Users then simply
already using1. Many samples are available                download the appropriate CAM template and
that serve as illustrations for various scenarios         set their own CAM context variable values to
and industry transactions.                                customize it for their own use.

         Since the CAM processor itself is                Industry Dictionaries and Vocabularies
designed to be highly interactive with feedback                   Built into the CAM templates is the
messaging, this makes it also a good learning             content referencing system. This allows
tool for staff creating their own CAM templates.          developers to create libraries of pre-defined
The CAM specifications themselves also                    elements with characteristics, facets and
contain helpful samples and use guides                    business rules associated with them
throughout. There is also a CAM template                  automatically. These definitions can either be
model available in the commercial VisualScript            specified directly in-line into the CAM template,
editing tool product that will automatically              or can reside in an industry registry of terms
create a baseline CAM template. A 30 day                  and structures.
free trial version is available for those wanting
                                                                 Additionally by using the content
to try this out.
                                                          referencing system the information crosswalk
        Unlike complex XML syntax                         between different industry structures can be
approaches, CAM templates are designed to                 automatically deduced and documented.
be open and easy to read and build by hand
                                                                   The content referencing system is very
for human designers. The target transaction
                                                          flexible and supports a wide variety of registry
structures are specified directly in XML itself.
                                                          interfaces directly. It also allows industry
This means no special knowledge is needed;
                                                          groups to use their existing dictionary elements
designers can simply type into the CAM
                                                          and code systems directly, without requiring
template the exact structure layout they wish to
                                                          invention of new codes or details. Best of all,
use. This is WYSIWYG for XML structures.
                                                          existing legacy transactions that are in use
         Designers can also include sub-                  today can simply be upgraded and made CAM-
structures command that insert from pre-built             aware without any changes to those wire
components too, allowing commonly used                    transaction formats themselves. By creating a
patterns to be made consistent across a range             CAM template for any such transactions and
of content assembly structures.                           then completing the content reference section
                                                          this will automatically provide the crosswalk to
                                                          the industry dictionary definitions.
  Note: a tutorial of the technical steps to create CAM          When used in an environment where
templates is provided in the companion “CAM               an industry dictionary is not readily available
Technology Overview” brochure available from the          the content referencing system allows
OASIS CAM TC documents center.
Content Assembly Mechanism Executive Overview                                             -5

developers to quickly construct that and           • Information modelling analysts creating
classify those element details.                       dictionaries and vocabularies
Local language decoupling                          • Production managers running high volume
                                                      eBusiness hubs
         A further huge benefit of the content     • Mobile device engineers working with
referencing system is locale and language             rendering content to small footprint displays
usage decoupling. Often XML                        • RFID engineers needing to link XML to
implementations become mired in arguments             physical characteristics of items and build
relating to the exact XML tag names to use for
                                                      catalogues that can be automatically
content, and also the information content itself      referenced
requires localization into another language.
                                                   • Consultants advising customers on optimal
This often involves conflicts around the use of
                                                      ways to deploy XML technologies.
elements or attributes or both within the XML
structure since XML itself does not provide you    The following items next provide samples of
with a single consistent way to do this            possible use case for CAM processing.
(attributes of attributes are not permitted, and       A CAM processor can be deployed as a
elements cannot be enumerated and                  web service to allow business partners to pre-
tokenized).                                        validate XML instances before using them in
         The content reference system frees you    message exchanges. By presenting an XML
from these constraints by allowing you to          instance to the web service and selecting a
specify a reference code for an element or         CAM template the partner can have returned a
attribute directly. You can therefore apply the    detailed report about the results of the tests
rules you where you need them. Therefore the       and their outcomes.
CAM processor can consistently apply rules             Within industry standardization efforts CAM
and manipulations regardless of the actual         templates can be used to capture all the
structure layout, element or attribute name        design rules that apply to an industries use of
used. From the CAM perspective the elements        XML structures. The CAM processor can then
<process_time/>, <Pdatetime/>, and                 provide a validation and conformance service.
<madewhen/> are all functionally identical         Industry groups can also create CAM
when they all have the same content reference      templates to document older legacy
identifier associated with them.                   transaction formats and provide XML based
         By providing the locale language          semantics and usage rules for those.
definitions or these items as well, then you           When integrating with E-Forms systems
have the ability to read in codes in one           the CAM processor can be used in a variety of
language and then output them directly to a        modes. It could create forms given some input
different one.                                     business transaction, or it could take the output
Who uses CAM templates?                            from a form entry process and then validate it
       In this segment we provide examples of      and re-structure the content and deliver it as a
a selection of our current audience set and        business transaction.
people who are working with and uses of CAM            In short the CAM processor can be used in
templates today:                                   a variety of roles wherever manipulation or
                                                   validation of information content structures is
• Developers who are working with handling         required.
   XML transaction content
                                                   A Real World CAM Scenario
• Business analysts creating industry domain
   transaction standards                                The original implementation of CAM by
• Engineers working on smart applications and      British Telecomm (BT) in the UK is providing
   agent applications with XML                     transaction validation against hundreds of
• Business process engineers defining              trouble ticket message formats that BT
   workflow interactions                           receives daily. These trouble ticket formats
Content Assembly Mechanism Executive Overview                                               -6

used in the telecommunications industry are         provide the basis for up to 50% of information
XML messages using the xCBL syntax                  flowing in legacy EDI transactions. Industry
approach and are highly complex XML                 groups define extensive code lists for the
structures. The information carried in them is      products and services used by their members.
highly variable and differs according to the        Yet the W3C XML schema system does not
originators own telecommunications switches         support code list definitions directly. Therefore
and configuration details. The message              CAM provides a key capability with its built-in
details change frequently every three to four       lookup () functionality.
months as new services and products are
introduced and provisioned in response to           Industry initiatives today have created
demands from highly dynamic and technology          dictionaries of their nouns (elements) and
driven markets within the industry.                 verbs and labelled them with reference codes.
                                                    They have also provided classifications and
    Managing these structures and formats
                                                    taxonomies for these as in the case of UDEF
takes significant manpower and especially to
                                                    particularly. By allowing these industry groups
detect when solution partners have made
                                                    to load their dictionaries into XML instances in
changes to their transactions and details
                                                    a registry the CAM approach unlocks the
without first notifying the systems connected to
                                                    potential of these dictionaries to effect
them. This may also happen inadvertently
                                                    significant improvements in interoperability of
when new devices are installed in the field and
                                                    information in those industries.
they start producing new trouble ticket reports
                                                    Providing the means to assemble consistent
    Being able to direct and manage this            transactions from pre-defined libraries of
implementation space using the XML scripts in       structure components and also to create
the CAM templates significantly reduces this        libraries of business process definitions that
maintenance burden and also allows changes          can be context driven are key functionality that
to be implemented rapidly and easily.               CAM delivers.
    Partners can also begin to become
involved in the process themselves by               By linking a CAM processor service to the
managing and maintaining the CAM template           registry these industry groups can then allow
definitions that relate to their own production     members to validate XML transactions against
systems and configurations. They can then           the standard definitions in their registries or
share those templates with their partners when      download CAM templates and associated
changes are about to be placed in production.       business process definitions that they can use
                                                    directly in their own systems.
How Does CAM Work With or Compliment                     By combining CAM technology with a
Other Semantic Definition Initiatives (UDEF,        registry in this way provides the foundation for
UBL, OAG, RosettaNet, HL7, STEP, eprXML)            even more sophisticated semantics in the
     The CAM technology has been designed           future. Taxonomies and ontologies are
fundamentally to leverage dictionaries of noun      emerging as ways for machines to understand
definitions and libraries of transaction formats    more about knowledge in a way that today only
built from industry initiatives. By providing the   humans are able to. Registries can provide
content reference section in the CAM template       ontology and taxonomy driven search results.
the processor is able to automatically retrieve     This allows agent software and human
semantics from industry registries about            researchers to more effectively locate business
individual elements in a XML transaction. This      transaction processes, such as CAM
allows consistent definitions to be deployed        templates, and determine if they are suitable
across a set of industry business transactions.     for the task they need.
It also includes the ability to version and sub-
version definitions. This is especially important
for the processing of code lists. Code lists
Content Assembly Mechanism Executive Overview                                            -7

    Enhancing the work of industry groups is a      Contacts and Additional Information
significant benefit that CAM technology
                                                       The CAM technology is a product of the
delivers today.
                                                    OASIS Business Content Assembly
    CAM can also be used in tandem with             Mechanism Technical Committee. More
UML. UML does have a production rules               details can be found from the specifications
system that can be used to output XML from          and documents that the committee has
UML diagrams and it is anticipated that this        produced. These include the latest CAM
can allow UML models to output partially            specification, presentations introducing CAM,
complete CAM templates that can then be             and examples of CAM templates. These and
hand-edited in XML to complete a full               other documents can be obtained through the
information model.                                  OASIS website at:
     Perhaps one of the most exciting potential         For more information on how to participate
uses for CAM is with the emerging OASIS             in CAM activities, please see the membership
work on EPR (Electronic Process)                    links from the main OASIS web site or the
specifications for service oriented                 CAM TC area directly.
applications2. Since these are required to be
fully model driven, having the CAM templates
able to resolve dynamically through context
parameters the information exchange formats                            Content Assembly
allows designers of eprAPL (EPR Application)                           Mechanism Technical
solutions a rapid and consistent way of                                Committee
implementing these.

                                                    Chair: David Webber –
    Reviewing what CAM represents and the
opportunities it opens up we find a range of
use cases; from sophisticated discreet tasks as
part of specific architectures such as ebXML
business processes or Service Oriented
Architectures environments, to simple local
document verification as a standalone
business tool.
    The value of the CAM approach is in
managing context and business rules directly
and tying these to consistent information
semantics. The lesson learned is that
consistent information exchanges must include
context management. The result from this will
be to transform the ability of industry to deploy
successful and interoperable eBusiness
information exchanges simply and quickly.

 For more information on the EPR work and the
eprXML and eprAPL components – please see the
OASIS BCM TC area at

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Content Assembly Mechanism Executive Overview

  • 1. Executive Overview business transaction information management Why do Businesses Need CAM? The Issue of Context in Business Today’ business interactions are s Interchanges becoming increasingly sophisticated, and the Particularly important is the ability of CAM legal and social impacts more pronounced. It templates to enable the use of business is no longer enough to simply exchange basic context. Knowing the context of any information with few or no edits and checks information exchange is critical. For example a involved. Further more to gain maximum seller may need to know such things as: is this business advantage requires flexible shipment urgent, is this a preferred customer, information flows that can react rapidly and do they need English or Spanish, what model effectively to market changes and is the part for? Without context mistakes and opportunities, not to mention formal service run-on costs rapidly ensue. requirements between partners. Some examples include: being able to adapt to cross- In automating information integration, border shipment regulations to ensure timely knowing and defining context of use is the deliveries, tracking of goods and services, single most pervasive and important factor. ensuring appropriate delivery methods The older EDI systems however have no way (refrigeration, fragile goods, perishable goods, to support dynamic context driven content security of goods), through to parts and assembly whereas CAM provides this better supplies meeting exacting engineering and than any other XML syntax system today. In technical requirements to ensure the correct fact CAM templates work for both old EDI part or service is provided. We need only to payloads and new XML based transaction mention the recent Mad Cow disease event to structures. realize how important all this may suddenly CAM provides a rich yet simple context become, and then think about potential threats mechanism defined in XML syntax that to supply chain providers in today’ volatile s enables interactions to be tailored by world to realize the degree of importance specifying the context parameters (as in the accurate information now has. seller example above) and the appropriate To address these needs information agreed control values they will contain. There exchanges are moving to technical formats are also guidelines toward determining roles using XML technology worldwide. However and methods to deduce what these appropriate XML by itself is only a markup language, it was significant parameters should be. The concept never intended to support exacting business here is “ surprises” which means that users no interchange definitions, rules and industry of CAM templates know exactly what to vocabularies. To provide that extra level of expect, and why, from their business partners robust information definition and exact control because they can inspect and agree to the the Content Assembly Mechanism (CAM) has context parameters before hand. been developed as an OASIS open This context mechanism is at the heart of specification and toolset. Business users can why CAM is so effective. By allowing users to quickly and easily use CAM templates to quantify what their context factors are declaratively assert these missing business precisely, this removes the guess work from rules and structural information requirements. business transaction exchanges between
  • 2. Content Assembly Mechanism Executive Overview -2 partners and allows them to formulize their that can successfully carry out the specific collaboration agreements exactly. It also transactional function that they were designed makes re-use and identifying potential for. CAM also provides the foundation for candidate CAM template models much easier. creating industry libraries and dictionaries Simply knowing what the external parameters of schema elements and business document are can instantly qualify if a template makes structures to support business process needs. sense for a user and allow them to therefore The figure here shows a summary of the select it. technical components that a CAM template Relating to this is the further need in can contain. They can be used altogether or in today’ interconnected world to be able to s combination. The structure instance section is leverage industry dictionaries of standard pre- required; the remaining four are optional, so a defined information elements. CAM directly CAM template can be as simple or supports the use of registries of industry sophisticated as the business needs dictate. vocabulary definitions for content can have more than one structure layout references within business transactions. Therefore information exchanges can be Combined XML with instance can add inline rules directly assembled from pre-built proven structure(s) into structure industry components and structure definitions. + Simple Declarative Statements makeOptional() By using CAM technology Business context rules excludeTree() businesses can secure and dramatically + item type="noun" name="Agency/@AgencyID" Content Reference rules improve the quality and accuracy of their UIDReference="ukt000910" information exchanges. The business + <conditional expression="'//SupplierID' and Data Validation rules benefits then accrue thorough the ability lookup(value,'SGIRWSDL:sup plierID_check')" to handle more business partners + <MapRule output="type" External Mapping rules needs, more types of products, more input="Sales/Company/Yea r/Qtr/Product@type"/> sophisticated products, while shortening the time to deploy by eliminating production errors and making pre-production testing Next we describe how to use CAM with simple and complete. typical production environments today such as Having established the business needs, the Microsoft’ BizTalk™ Server and .NET s remaining questions concern what the required environments, or other transaction processing software components to acquire CAM systems just as the Sun J2EE based technology are, how do these work, how does environments. that fit with your existing infrastructure, and Using CAM template processing what is involved in adoption and Integrating CAM processing into an implementation? existing environment is simple and CAM Technology Overview straightforward. First you need to determine The CAM specification provides an open what role or roles you wish CAM to perform. A XML based system for using business rules to typical role for an initial adoption is using the define, validate and compose specific business CAM processor to validate inbound XML documents from generalized schema transactions in a processing queue based on elements, attributes and structures. who the originating sender is and the context of that transaction. A CAM rule set and document assembly template defines the specific business context, An incoming transaction is selected, its content requirement, and transactional function profile referenced to find the appropriate CAM of a document. A CAM template must be template type for that transaction, and then a capable of consistently reproducing documents context parameter set file may also be optionally selected from that senders profile.
  • 3. Content Assembly Mechanism Executive Overview -3 The CAM processor then reads in the XML either case it is provided with parameters that transaction, loads the CAM template and the point to the XML transaction to be processed context value file (if provided) and then and the CAM template and context details that validates the information and structure in the apply. transaction by comparing the rules in the Another excellent role for CAM is as a template with the information in the actual XML design time tool, allowing business partners to transaction record(s). The figure here shows pre-validate sample business transactions the steps involved in CAM processing. before they use them in production. Therefore in this case you can provide CAM templates to 1 XML your partners so they can pre-test their own CAM Template process transaction transaction implementations. In this case they and content compare would run the CAM processor locally on their own systems, or remotely as a web service + 3 4 from your own network facilities. 2 Generates actual XML The next role is in automated transaction Context Statements instance processing systems such as a business definition to be used process engine (BPEL or BPSS) and it may CAM gets passed context from use a CAM processor to direct the creation or business use 5 processing of business transactions for it. In Results for given this case a step in the business process will context and have a CAM template associated with it that action will be invoked. The CAM processor can then produce the desired information processing for Importantly CAM is able to handle very the business process engine. specific structure variances and rules, such as Considering this business processing knowing when a customer number or part type picture CAM processing can be used to is needed or allowed depending on the type of assemble or re-format transactions either item that is being ordered. All this is encoded outbound or inbound. This capability is using simple and clear XML declarations in the enabled by the merge and mapping features of CAM template itself. the CAM template. Since the CAM template CAM can also do lookups of business allows you to specify more than one information using the template lookup rule transaction structure, you may decide to have mechanism. This can check information one structure for the information coming from against backend application database your application databases and then another information such as part numbers, stock on structure for the resulting output layout of the hand and other volatile information that cannot transaction you require to send. In this case be written as a static rule in the CAM template the CAM processor will determine the exact itself. If CAM detects a problem it can direct layout structure dynamically by apply its error responses accordingly, along with context assembly rules, including or excluding appropriate error messages that have been structure pieces accordingly. For example if an defined in the CAM template. This allows order contains perishable items, those items highly specific and accurate problem reporting, require handling and storage instructions to be rather than vague and non-specific reactions to added to the transaction structure itself. be returned back when a problem is Once the target structure is assembled, encountered. then the CAM processor will complete the The CAM processor itself is a self- transaction itself by merging and manipulating contained component that can either be called the information from the raw input data directly by the existing transaction processing structure. Again these rules are expressed as software, or invoked as a web service. In simple declarations using XML syntax and
  • 4. Content Assembly Mechanism Executive Overview -4 predicate commands within the CAM template Creating Industry Catalogues itself. Since CAM templates are just simple Obtaining CAM processing XML files themselves they can also be readily An open source CAM processor is and easily shared within an industry group or a available that supports validating transactions business enterprise. They can be stored into with a CAM template. The CAM templates an XML Registry or traditional online themselves can be created using any simple cataloguing system and then searched for and XML text editing environment. The first thing located accordingly. Whole libraries of CAM you require when constructing a CAM template templates can be built for popular and typical is an actual XML model of the information industry transaction formats, such as the OAGi structure you wish to manipulate. You can BOD formats that are used extensively by ERP either enter this directly from scratch into the systems or financial CAM templates for CAM template, in XML, or you can cut and common invoice and popular financial paste an example from some XML that you are transaction structures. Users then simply already using1. Many samples are available download the appropriate CAM template and that serve as illustrations for various scenarios set their own CAM context variable values to and industry transactions. customize it for their own use. Since the CAM processor itself is Industry Dictionaries and Vocabularies designed to be highly interactive with feedback Built into the CAM templates is the messaging, this makes it also a good learning content referencing system. This allows tool for staff creating their own CAM templates. developers to create libraries of pre-defined The CAM specifications themselves also elements with characteristics, facets and contain helpful samples and use guides business rules associated with them throughout. There is also a CAM template automatically. These definitions can either be model available in the commercial VisualScript specified directly in-line into the CAM template, editing tool product that will automatically or can reside in an industry registry of terms create a baseline CAM template. A 30 day and structures. free trial version is available for those wanting Additionally by using the content to try this out. referencing system the information crosswalk Unlike complex XML syntax between different industry structures can be approaches, CAM templates are designed to automatically deduced and documented. be open and easy to read and build by hand The content referencing system is very for human designers. The target transaction flexible and supports a wide variety of registry structures are specified directly in XML itself. interfaces directly. It also allows industry This means no special knowledge is needed; groups to use their existing dictionary elements designers can simply type into the CAM and code systems directly, without requiring template the exact structure layout they wish to invention of new codes or details. Best of all, use. This is WYSIWYG for XML structures. existing legacy transactions that are in use Designers can also include sub- today can simply be upgraded and made CAM- structures command that insert from pre-built aware without any changes to those wire components too, allowing commonly used transaction formats themselves. By creating a patterns to be made consistent across a range CAM template for any such transactions and of content assembly structures. then completing the content reference section this will automatically provide the crosswalk to the industry dictionary definitions. 1 Note: a tutorial of the technical steps to create CAM When used in an environment where templates is provided in the companion “CAM an industry dictionary is not readily available Technology Overview” brochure available from the the content referencing system allows OASIS CAM TC documents center.
  • 5. Content Assembly Mechanism Executive Overview -5 developers to quickly construct that and • Information modelling analysts creating classify those element details. dictionaries and vocabularies Local language decoupling • Production managers running high volume eBusiness hubs A further huge benefit of the content • Mobile device engineers working with referencing system is locale and language rendering content to small footprint displays usage decoupling. Often XML • RFID engineers needing to link XML to implementations become mired in arguments physical characteristics of items and build relating to the exact XML tag names to use for catalogues that can be automatically content, and also the information content itself referenced requires localization into another language. • Consultants advising customers on optimal This often involves conflicts around the use of ways to deploy XML technologies. elements or attributes or both within the XML structure since XML itself does not provide you The following items next provide samples of with a single consistent way to do this possible use case for CAM processing. (attributes of attributes are not permitted, and A CAM processor can be deployed as a elements cannot be enumerated and web service to allow business partners to pre- tokenized). validate XML instances before using them in The content reference system frees you message exchanges. By presenting an XML from these constraints by allowing you to instance to the web service and selecting a specify a reference code for an element or CAM template the partner can have returned a attribute directly. You can therefore apply the detailed report about the results of the tests rules you where you need them. Therefore the and their outcomes. CAM processor can consistently apply rules Within industry standardization efforts CAM and manipulations regardless of the actual templates can be used to capture all the structure layout, element or attribute name design rules that apply to an industries use of used. From the CAM perspective the elements XML structures. The CAM processor can then <process_time/>, <Pdatetime/>, and provide a validation and conformance service. <madewhen/> are all functionally identical Industry groups can also create CAM when they all have the same content reference templates to document older legacy identifier associated with them. transaction formats and provide XML based By providing the locale language semantics and usage rules for those. definitions or these items as well, then you When integrating with E-Forms systems have the ability to read in codes in one the CAM processor can be used in a variety of language and then output them directly to a modes. It could create forms given some input different one. business transaction, or it could take the output Who uses CAM templates? from a form entry process and then validate it In this segment we provide examples of and re-structure the content and deliver it as a a selection of our current audience set and business transaction. people who are working with and uses of CAM In short the CAM processor can be used in templates today: a variety of roles wherever manipulation or validation of information content structures is • Developers who are working with handling required. XML transaction content A Real World CAM Scenario • Business analysts creating industry domain transaction standards The original implementation of CAM by • Engineers working on smart applications and British Telecomm (BT) in the UK is providing agent applications with XML transaction validation against hundreds of • Business process engineers defining trouble ticket message formats that BT workflow interactions receives daily. These trouble ticket formats
  • 6. Content Assembly Mechanism Executive Overview -6 used in the telecommunications industry are provide the basis for up to 50% of information XML messages using the xCBL syntax flowing in legacy EDI transactions. Industry approach and are highly complex XML groups define extensive code lists for the structures. The information carried in them is products and services used by their members. highly variable and differs according to the Yet the W3C XML schema system does not originators own telecommunications switches support code list definitions directly. Therefore and configuration details. The message CAM provides a key capability with its built-in details change frequently every three to four lookup () functionality. months as new services and products are introduced and provisioned in response to Industry initiatives today have created demands from highly dynamic and technology dictionaries of their nouns (elements) and driven markets within the industry. verbs and labelled them with reference codes. They have also provided classifications and Managing these structures and formats taxonomies for these as in the case of UDEF takes significant manpower and especially to particularly. By allowing these industry groups detect when solution partners have made to load their dictionaries into XML instances in changes to their transactions and details a registry the CAM approach unlocks the without first notifying the systems connected to potential of these dictionaries to effect them. This may also happen inadvertently significant improvements in interoperability of when new devices are installed in the field and information in those industries. they start producing new trouble ticket reports automatically. Providing the means to assemble consistent Being able to direct and manage this transactions from pre-defined libraries of implementation space using the XML scripts in structure components and also to create the CAM templates significantly reduces this libraries of business process definitions that maintenance burden and also allows changes can be context driven are key functionality that to be implemented rapidly and easily. CAM delivers. Partners can also begin to become involved in the process themselves by By linking a CAM processor service to the managing and maintaining the CAM template registry these industry groups can then allow definitions that relate to their own production members to validate XML transactions against systems and configurations. They can then the standard definitions in their registries or share those templates with their partners when download CAM templates and associated changes are about to be placed in production. business process definitions that they can use directly in their own systems. How Does CAM Work With or Compliment By combining CAM technology with a Other Semantic Definition Initiatives (UDEF, registry in this way provides the foundation for UBL, OAG, RosettaNet, HL7, STEP, eprXML) even more sophisticated semantics in the The CAM technology has been designed future. Taxonomies and ontologies are fundamentally to leverage dictionaries of noun emerging as ways for machines to understand definitions and libraries of transaction formats more about knowledge in a way that today only built from industry initiatives. By providing the humans are able to. Registries can provide content reference section in the CAM template ontology and taxonomy driven search results. the processor is able to automatically retrieve This allows agent software and human semantics from industry registries about researchers to more effectively locate business individual elements in a XML transaction. This transaction processes, such as CAM allows consistent definitions to be deployed templates, and determine if they are suitable across a set of industry business transactions. for the task they need. It also includes the ability to version and sub- version definitions. This is especially important for the processing of code lists. Code lists
  • 7. Content Assembly Mechanism Executive Overview -7 Enhancing the work of industry groups is a Contacts and Additional Information significant benefit that CAM technology The CAM technology is a product of the delivers today. OASIS Business Content Assembly CAM can also be used in tandem with Mechanism Technical Committee. More UML. UML does have a production rules details can be found from the specifications system that can be used to output XML from and documents that the committee has UML diagrams and it is anticipated that this produced. These include the latest CAM can allow UML models to output partially specification, presentations introducing CAM, complete CAM templates that can then be and examples of CAM templates. These and hand-edited in XML to complete a full other documents can be obtained through the information model. OASIS website at: Perhaps one of the most exciting potential For more information on how to participate uses for CAM is with the emerging OASIS in CAM activities, please see the membership work on EPR (Electronic Process) links from the main OASIS web site or the specifications for service oriented CAM TC area directly. applications2. Since these are required to be fully model driven, having the CAM templates able to resolve dynamically through context parameters the information exchange formats Content Assembly allows designers of eprAPL (EPR Application) Mechanism Technical solutions a rapid and consistent way of Committee implementing these. Chair: David Webber – Summary Reviewing what CAM represents and the opportunities it opens up we find a range of use cases; from sophisticated discreet tasks as part of specific architectures such as ebXML business processes or Service Oriented Architectures environments, to simple local document verification as a standalone business tool. The value of the CAM approach is in managing context and business rules directly and tying these to consistent information semantics. The lesson learned is that consistent information exchanges must include context management. The result from this will be to transform the ability of industry to deploy successful and interoperable eBusiness information exchanges simply and quickly. 2 For more information on the EPR work and the eprXML and eprAPL components – please see the OASIS BCM TC area at