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                           18 Eliot Rd., Lexington, MA 02421
                Tel: (781) 862-2385; Email:
Consultant and Museum Teacher, National Heritage Museum, Lexington, MA
(April 2007-present)
•   Teach museum programs related to all permanent and short-term exhibitions; development of
    U.S. history educational programming for grades 3-8 – program based on Massachusetts
    Department of Education curriculum standards, keystone exhibition “Sowing the Seeds of
    Liberty: Lexington and the American Revolution”, and public history/museum education best
    practices; interpreted exhibition on mid-century industrial design to course groups from the
    Rhode Island School of Design
•   Consulted for 2007 Summer Teacher Institute on integrating digital technology into education in
    the history classroom and in public history; presentation on web resources for interpreting and
    teaching the material culture of colonial America; presented related paper “Primary Sources
    Online: Using Digital Resources to Teach Colonial History in the Massachusetts Public Schools”
    at the New England Historical Association 2007 fall meeting; recommendations since
    implemented include new Education Department blog and a virtual discussion forum for
    Education Department staff
•   Contribution to National Heritage Museum Learning Blog on using primary sources to teach
    colonial history (; featured and
    expanded on on-site education program on the archaeology of colonial New England through
    the development of online material for elementary school teachers and classrooms
•   Participated in 2008 American Association of Museums Professional Education Webinar “The
    Digital Museum: Transforming the Future Now” with particular attention to online learning
    environments; transferred presented material through collaboration on Museum webinars on
    Masonic material culture and Masonic genealogy
•   Collaboration with curator on exhibition-related seminar for Education Department staff on the
    history and material culture of Massachusetts Freemasonry

Consulting Historian and Docent, Lexington Historical Society, Lexington, MA
(June 2007-present)
•   Nominated member of Reinterpretation Committee for Munroe Tavern, site of the first British
    headquarters in the Revolutionary War; collaborated on thorough reconceptualization of
    presentation and interpretation of historic house museum
•   Conducted original research in collaboration with curator in curatorial collection and archives to
    develop furnishing plan and interpretation of the ‘George Washington Room’ at Munroe Tavern
•   Conducting grant-funded archival research on the social economy of 18th-century Lexington
    using the family of Col. William Munroe as case study
•   Member of Collections Committee – collections management and collections-related public
•   Docent at Munroe Tavern and Buckman Tavern, for Lexington Walking Tour

Consulting Historian, Plate of Peas Productions (May-September 2008)
•   Consulted for media firm specializing in historical documentaries on a film about U.S. Army
    tactical deception against the German Army on the Western Front 1944-45 (“Ghost Army”);
    research at the National Archives and Records Administration, College Park, MD, using German-
    language military documents

Polly Kienle                                                                                        1
Research Associate, EU-Funded Project “Crime and Culture”, University of
Konstanz, Germany, Department of History and Sociology (January 2006-
August 2006)
•   Coordinated communications between 6 research teams in 6 different European countries; in
    addition, translation and editing of all publications in qualitative sociological study examining
    the cultural dimension of corruption

Co-Director, “Network for International Women Doctoral Candidates and Post-
Doctoral Scholars”, University of Konstanz, Germany (Spring 2003-August
•   Transformed Network from a small, grass-roots initiative to a well-respected, grant-funded
    group offering diverse and innovative programming to nearly 100 members
•   Organized international conference on women in academics (Sept. 2005); initiated “Work-in-
    Progress” workshop for women Ph.D. candidates combining interdisciplinary presentations with
    presentation, writing, and feedback skills; maintained advice center for international women
    scholars; created and held networking events, career development seminars, round-table
    discussions; launched scholarly writing workshop
•   Invited to contribute to internal planning for graduate professional development center for new
    University of Konstanz Graduate School (2005-06)
•   Created and conducted a prototypical cross-disciplinary workshop for network members,
    “Image and Text” involving art history, media studies, literature, and history (winter 2005-06)
•   Secured four consecutive grants from the University of Konstanz Women’s Center, two project
    grants from the University Committee for Curricular Affairs and Professional Development,
    start-up grant from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)

Instructor and Curriculum Developer, Department of History and Sociology,
University of Konstanz, Germany (1999-2005) – all courses of own design
Undergraduate Courses
• Introductory Seminar “The German-Polish Border in Historical Perspective” (spring term 2005) -
   Conducted grant-funded research on methodology for final project, State Certification in Higher
   Education Teaching
• Introductory Seminar “State, Society and Individual in Changing Times: Women and Men as
   Historical Protagonists from the End of the Russian Empire to Stalin’s Rule” (fall term 2003-
   2004; cross-listed under Gender Studies)- Funded by a curriculum grant from the University of
   Konstanz Women’s Center
• Introductory Seminar “Everyday Life of the Eastern Front in World War II”, with Prof. Dr. Bianka
   Pietrow-Ennker (Spring 2001)
Graduate and Professional Development Courses
• “Work-in-Progress” Interdisciplinary Workshops (November 2004 – January 2005, January 2006,
   August 2006) - For female doctoral candidates and post-doctoral scholars
• Project Course “What is Military History?” (spring term 2004)
• Seminar “Pre-War Stalinism: The Major Theoretical Approaches in Western Historical Research”
   (fall term 2001-02 – spring term 2003)
• English-language Seminar “Stalinism in the Soviet Union: New Directions in Western and Easter
   European Research” (collaboration with Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow,
   fall term 2001-02; - Spring term 2002)- Co-taught course, and supervised editing and publication
   of German and Russian student essays in anthology
• Seminar “Urban Culture and Sites of Memory in Eastern Central Europe”, with Prof. Dr. Bianka
   Pietrow-Ennker, Dr. Rainer Lindner, Dr. Christoph Mick (spring term 2002) - Project culminated
   in group trip to four Eastern European cities; study groups produced a travel reader in advance
• Reading Course “Current Topics in Modern German History in English and American Research”
   (Spring 1999)

Polly Kienle                                                                                       2
Translator and Editor, Academic                   Publications      and     Non-Governmental
Organizations (1996-2006)
•   For Chair for the Sociology of Culture, Religion, and Knowledge, University of Konstanz, Prof.
    Dr. Hans Georg Soeffner – Conference papers, journal articles, book chapters, grants into
    English; conference contribution anthology into German
•   Translation and editorial services, simultaneous interpreting for other historians and
    sociologists, University of Konstanz
•   For University of Konstanz (2005-06) – Translation of: successful grant proposal for German
    Research Foundation (DFG) program restructuring university academic departments; University
    homepage, International Office brochures, press information Public Relations Office,
    compilation of University’s official English-German glossary
•   Translation, editing, and simultaneous interpreting for EU-funded non-governmental
    organizations Lake Konstanz Foundation, Eco-Camping, Green Roofs

Trainer for English as a Foreign Language and German as a Foreign Language
at Sprachen & Wirtschaft Training, Meersburg, Germany (1998-2003)
•   Design and instruction of group, partner and individual courses based on individual needs of
    clients from beginner to proficiency levels; focus on Business English, Communication Skills and
    Cultural Competency; based in part on university coursework in social and historical linguistics
    (Konstanz degree in German Language and Literature)

PhD Candidate in German and Eastern European History, Department of
History and Sociology, University of Konstanz, Germany (2008)
PhD Thesis: Images of the Russian Enemy and Propaganda on the ’Eastern Front’. The 35th Infantry
Division between Ideological Principles and Combat Experience

State Certification in Theory and Practice of Higher Education Teaching, State
Center for Higher Education Teaching, Baden-Württemberg, Germany (spring
2004 – fall 2005)
•   Innovative optional university consortium certification program for instructors consisting of
    intensive compact seminars and application in practice
•   Completed three-year program in eighteen months; final project spurred history department to
    change evaluation practice
•   Final project: Analyzed standard evaluation practice in undergraduate history seminars using
    qualitative and quantitative methods, developed alternative model for student-instructor
    evaluation, incorporated and institutionalized use of student project posters in undergraduate
    history instruction (University of Konstanz, spring term 2005)

Magister Artium, University of Konstanz, Germany (with preliminary certification
for secondary school teaching – ‘erstes Staatsexamen’) (1998)
Major Subjects: History; German Language and Literature
Minor Subjects: Theory of Secondary Education; English Language and Literature
Masters’ Thesis in History: “The School System in the Soviet Occupation Zone, 1945-1949: From
Reconstruction to Building a State”, supervisor Prof. Dr. Ute Frevert
• Research Assistant for Prof. Dr. Ute Frevert, independent research in support of professor and
   translation of articles for publication (1994-1997)
• Baden-Württemberg Exchange Program with the University of Massachusetts at Amherst,
   Department of Germanic Languages and Literature (1993-94)

Preliminary Studies in Major Subject History, University of Konstanz, Germany
(Grundstudium) (1992-93)

Polly Kienle                                                                                      3
Preliminary Examination in History (Zwischenprüfung): July 1993; topic: The German Military in the
19th Century, examiner Prof. Dr. Ute Frevert

Studies in German Language and Literature as Guest Student (1991-92)
(coursework and Bryn Mawr degree equivalent to Preliminary Studies (Grundstudium) in
Major Subject German Language and Literature), University of Konstanz, Germany

German Academic Exchange (DAAD) Fellowship, University of Konstanz,
Germany (1989-1990)
Coursework in German Literature, French Literature, Literary Theory, language studies

A.B. Cum Laude with honors, Bryn Mawr College, Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania
Major Subjects: French Language and Literature; German Studies (May 1989)
Senior Thesis in German Studies: “The Reading Habits of the Working Class during the Weimar
Republic”, supervisor Prof. Jane Caplan
• Study Abroad, Avignon Summer Program in French Language and Literature (1988)

•   “Captivity and the Myth of Eastern Spaces: Gender, Space, and Genre in the Works of Edwin
    Erich Dwinger and Maria de Smeth”, in: Sibel Vurgun, ed., Gender and Space: A Transdisciplinary
    Collection, including Documentation of the 11th Workshop for Women in Research, Hans-Böckler
    Foundation (Düsseldorf: Hans-Böckler-Stiftung, 2005), pp. 227-271 (original in German)
•   ”Pre-War Stalinism: The Major Theoretical Approaches in Western Historical Research”, in: Polly
    Kienle and Olga Pavlenko (eds.), Stalinism in the Soviet Union. New Directions in Russian and
    Abroad. Proceedings of the Russian-German Student Research Seminar. Konstanz, Germany. July
    4-6th, 2002 (Moscow: Russian State University for the Humanities, 2006), pp. 13-34.
•   with Olga Pavlenko (eds.), Stalinism in the Soviet Union. New Directions in Russian and Abroad.
    Proceedings of the Russian-German Student Research Seminar. Konstanz, Germany. July 4-6th,
    2002 (Moscow: Russian State University for the Humanities, 2006).
•   “A Woman in the Wehrmacht Propaganda Organization: Maria de Smeth’s Struggle with the
    Soviet Union“, in: Ariadne 47 (Special Issue: “Beyond ’Natural Gender’? Masculinity and Peace,
    Femininity and War“) (original in German)
•   “Vernacular Commemoration: An Autobiographical Narrative of an American’s Experience as a
    POW in World War Two Germany (Review of: Dawn Trimble Bunyak, Our Last Mission: A World
    War II Prisoner in Germany (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 2003))”, appeared as H-NET
    Book         Review       for      H-German         September          2004,      http://www.h-
•   “How the Eastern Front Banished the Father: Youthful Rebellion against Traditional Authority
    and the German War of Annihilation in Eastern Europe”, paper presented at Rutgers University’s
    Department of Germanic Literature’s conference “Beyond Oedipus: Multidisciplinary
    Approaches to the Father”, April 2004,
•   “Wehrmacht Documents and Soldiers’ Letters in the Former ’Center for the Preservation of
    historical-documentary Collections’ at the Russian State Military Archives in Moscow“, in: Stefan
    Creuzberger and Rainer Lindner (eds.): Russian Archives and Historical Research: Legal
    Foundations – Work Conditions – Perspectives for Research (Frankfurt et al. 2003), pp. 243-254
    (original in German)

•   Recipient New England Museum Association Professional Development Scholarship for NEMA
    2008 Annual Conference (Fall 2008)

Polly Kienle                                                                                       4
•   Recipient 2008 Dan H. Fenn Jr./Lexington Minute Men Award for Lexington history for primary
    source research on Munroe Tavern at public and private archives (William Munroe tavern
    account books, ca. 1769-1793) (Spring 2008)
•   Awarded four consecutive grants, University of Konstanz Women’s Center, two project grants,
    University of Konstanz Committee for Curricular Affairs and Professional Development, and start-
    up grant from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) for Network for International
    Women Doctoral Candidates and Post-Doctoral Scholars, University of Konstanz, Germany
•   Awarded project grant, University of Konstanz Committee for Curricular Affairs and Professional
    Development for research on and seminar-based experimental teaching methodology towards
    State Certification in Higher Education Teaching (spring 2005)
•   DAAD Fellowship for the completion of doctoral project, University of Konstanz (July-Sept.
•   Doctoral Fellowship from the Hamburg Institute for Social Research, Germany (2003-2004)
•   Grant from Women’s Center, University of Konstanz, for Undergraduate Introductory Course
    “State, Society and Individual in Changing Times: Women and Men as Historical Protagonists
    from the End of the Russian Empire to Stalin’s Rule“ (Fall 2003)
•   University Society of the University of Konstanz PhD-Project Prize 2001 for archival research in
    Moscow and language study at the Russian State University of the Humanities, Moscow
    (January-March 2002)
•   State Graduate Fellowship, Baden-Württemberg, Germany (1999-2000, 2001-2002)
•   DAAD Fellowship for Postgraduate Studies, University of Konstanz, Germany (1989-1990)
•   German Prize, Bryn Mawr College, best essay in German Studies (1989)
•   Student Representative to faculty Curriculum Committee, Bryn Mawr College (elected position)
    (Fall 1988-Summer 1989)

•   English (native language), German (native fluency in speech and writing), French (fluency in
    speech and writing), Italian and Spanish (reading knowledge), Russian (basic knowledge)
•   Familiar with a range of productivity and presentation software, social networking tools, theory
    and practice of presenting curriculum content online and through digital formats

REFERENCES – Available upon request
•   Joanne Myers, Director of Education and Public Programs, National Heritage Museum,
    Lexington, MA
•   Susan Bennett, Executive Director, Lexington Historical Society, Lexington, MA
•   Deborah S. Bassett, former Curator, Lexington Historical Society, Lexington, MA
•   Thomas Nolden, Professor of Comparative Literature, Wellesley College, Wellesley, MA

                                                                AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST

Polly Kienle                                                                                      5

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  • 1. POLLY E. KIENLE 18 Eliot Rd., Lexington, MA 02421 Tel: (781) 862-2385; Email: _____________________________________________________________________ WORK EXPERIENCE Consultant and Museum Teacher, National Heritage Museum, Lexington, MA (April 2007-present) • Teach museum programs related to all permanent and short-term exhibitions; development of U.S. history educational programming for grades 3-8 – program based on Massachusetts Department of Education curriculum standards, keystone exhibition “Sowing the Seeds of Liberty: Lexington and the American Revolution”, and public history/museum education best practices; interpreted exhibition on mid-century industrial design to course groups from the Rhode Island School of Design • Consulted for 2007 Summer Teacher Institute on integrating digital technology into education in the history classroom and in public history; presentation on web resources for interpreting and teaching the material culture of colonial America; presented related paper “Primary Sources Online: Using Digital Resources to Teach Colonial History in the Massachusetts Public Schools” at the New England Historical Association 2007 fall meeting; recommendations since implemented include new Education Department blog and a virtual discussion forum for Education Department staff • Contribution to National Heritage Museum Learning Blog on using primary sources to teach colonial history (; featured and expanded on on-site education program on the archaeology of colonial New England through the development of online material for elementary school teachers and classrooms • Participated in 2008 American Association of Museums Professional Education Webinar “The Digital Museum: Transforming the Future Now” with particular attention to online learning environments; transferred presented material through collaboration on Museum webinars on Masonic material culture and Masonic genealogy • Collaboration with curator on exhibition-related seminar for Education Department staff on the history and material culture of Massachusetts Freemasonry Consulting Historian and Docent, Lexington Historical Society, Lexington, MA (June 2007-present) • Nominated member of Reinterpretation Committee for Munroe Tavern, site of the first British headquarters in the Revolutionary War; collaborated on thorough reconceptualization of presentation and interpretation of historic house museum • Conducted original research in collaboration with curator in curatorial collection and archives to develop furnishing plan and interpretation of the ‘George Washington Room’ at Munroe Tavern • Conducting grant-funded archival research on the social economy of 18th-century Lexington using the family of Col. William Munroe as case study • Member of Collections Committee – collections management and collections-related public programming • Docent at Munroe Tavern and Buckman Tavern, for Lexington Walking Tour Consulting Historian, Plate of Peas Productions (May-September 2008) • Consulted for media firm specializing in historical documentaries on a film about U.S. Army tactical deception against the German Army on the Western Front 1944-45 (“Ghost Army”); research at the National Archives and Records Administration, College Park, MD, using German- language military documents Polly Kienle 1
  • 2. Research Associate, EU-Funded Project “Crime and Culture”, University of Konstanz, Germany, Department of History and Sociology (January 2006- August 2006) • Coordinated communications between 6 research teams in 6 different European countries; in addition, translation and editing of all publications in qualitative sociological study examining the cultural dimension of corruption Co-Director, “Network for International Women Doctoral Candidates and Post- Doctoral Scholars”, University of Konstanz, Germany (Spring 2003-August 2006) • Transformed Network from a small, grass-roots initiative to a well-respected, grant-funded group offering diverse and innovative programming to nearly 100 members • Organized international conference on women in academics (Sept. 2005); initiated “Work-in- Progress” workshop for women Ph.D. candidates combining interdisciplinary presentations with presentation, writing, and feedback skills; maintained advice center for international women scholars; created and held networking events, career development seminars, round-table discussions; launched scholarly writing workshop • Invited to contribute to internal planning for graduate professional development center for new University of Konstanz Graduate School (2005-06) • Created and conducted a prototypical cross-disciplinary workshop for network members, “Image and Text” involving art history, media studies, literature, and history (winter 2005-06) • Secured four consecutive grants from the University of Konstanz Women’s Center, two project grants from the University Committee for Curricular Affairs and Professional Development, start-up grant from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Instructor and Curriculum Developer, Department of History and Sociology, University of Konstanz, Germany (1999-2005) – all courses of own design Undergraduate Courses • Introductory Seminar “The German-Polish Border in Historical Perspective” (spring term 2005) - Conducted grant-funded research on methodology for final project, State Certification in Higher Education Teaching • Introductory Seminar “State, Society and Individual in Changing Times: Women and Men as Historical Protagonists from the End of the Russian Empire to Stalin’s Rule” (fall term 2003- 2004; cross-listed under Gender Studies)- Funded by a curriculum grant from the University of Konstanz Women’s Center • Introductory Seminar “Everyday Life of the Eastern Front in World War II”, with Prof. Dr. Bianka Pietrow-Ennker (Spring 2001) Graduate and Professional Development Courses • “Work-in-Progress” Interdisciplinary Workshops (November 2004 – January 2005, January 2006, August 2006) - For female doctoral candidates and post-doctoral scholars • Project Course “What is Military History?” (spring term 2004) • Seminar “Pre-War Stalinism: The Major Theoretical Approaches in Western Historical Research” (fall term 2001-02 – spring term 2003) • English-language Seminar “Stalinism in the Soviet Union: New Directions in Western and Easter European Research” (collaboration with Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow, fall term 2001-02; - Spring term 2002)- Co-taught course, and supervised editing and publication of German and Russian student essays in anthology • Seminar “Urban Culture and Sites of Memory in Eastern Central Europe”, with Prof. Dr. Bianka Pietrow-Ennker, Dr. Rainer Lindner, Dr. Christoph Mick (spring term 2002) - Project culminated in group trip to four Eastern European cities; study groups produced a travel reader in advance • Reading Course “Current Topics in Modern German History in English and American Research” (Spring 1999) Polly Kienle 2
  • 3. Translator and Editor, Academic Publications and Non-Governmental Organizations (1996-2006) • For Chair for the Sociology of Culture, Religion, and Knowledge, University of Konstanz, Prof. Dr. Hans Georg Soeffner – Conference papers, journal articles, book chapters, grants into English; conference contribution anthology into German • Translation and editorial services, simultaneous interpreting for other historians and sociologists, University of Konstanz • For University of Konstanz (2005-06) – Translation of: successful grant proposal for German Research Foundation (DFG) program restructuring university academic departments; University homepage, International Office brochures, press information Public Relations Office, compilation of University’s official English-German glossary • Translation, editing, and simultaneous interpreting for EU-funded non-governmental organizations Lake Konstanz Foundation, Eco-Camping, Green Roofs Trainer for English as a Foreign Language and German as a Foreign Language at Sprachen & Wirtschaft Training, Meersburg, Germany (1998-2003) • Design and instruction of group, partner and individual courses based on individual needs of clients from beginner to proficiency levels; focus on Business English, Communication Skills and Cultural Competency; based in part on university coursework in social and historical linguistics (Konstanz degree in German Language and Literature) EDUCATION PhD Candidate in German and Eastern European History, Department of History and Sociology, University of Konstanz, Germany (2008) PhD Thesis: Images of the Russian Enemy and Propaganda on the ’Eastern Front’. The 35th Infantry Division between Ideological Principles and Combat Experience State Certification in Theory and Practice of Higher Education Teaching, State Center for Higher Education Teaching, Baden-Württemberg, Germany (spring 2004 – fall 2005) • Innovative optional university consortium certification program for instructors consisting of intensive compact seminars and application in practice • Completed three-year program in eighteen months; final project spurred history department to change evaluation practice • Final project: Analyzed standard evaluation practice in undergraduate history seminars using qualitative and quantitative methods, developed alternative model for student-instructor evaluation, incorporated and institutionalized use of student project posters in undergraduate history instruction (University of Konstanz, spring term 2005) Magister Artium, University of Konstanz, Germany (with preliminary certification for secondary school teaching – ‘erstes Staatsexamen’) (1998) Major Subjects: History; German Language and Literature Minor Subjects: Theory of Secondary Education; English Language and Literature Masters’ Thesis in History: “The School System in the Soviet Occupation Zone, 1945-1949: From Reconstruction to Building a State”, supervisor Prof. Dr. Ute Frevert • Research Assistant for Prof. Dr. Ute Frevert, independent research in support of professor and translation of articles for publication (1994-1997) • Baden-Württemberg Exchange Program with the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Department of Germanic Languages and Literature (1993-94) Preliminary Studies in Major Subject History, University of Konstanz, Germany (Grundstudium) (1992-93) Polly Kienle 3
  • 4. Preliminary Examination in History (Zwischenprüfung): July 1993; topic: The German Military in the 19th Century, examiner Prof. Dr. Ute Frevert Studies in German Language and Literature as Guest Student (1991-92) (coursework and Bryn Mawr degree equivalent to Preliminary Studies (Grundstudium) in Major Subject German Language and Literature), University of Konstanz, Germany German Academic Exchange (DAAD) Fellowship, University of Konstanz, Germany (1989-1990) Coursework in German Literature, French Literature, Literary Theory, language studies A.B. Cum Laude with honors, Bryn Mawr College, Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania Major Subjects: French Language and Literature; German Studies (May 1989) Senior Thesis in German Studies: “The Reading Habits of the Working Class during the Weimar Republic”, supervisor Prof. Jane Caplan • Study Abroad, Avignon Summer Program in French Language and Literature (1988) PUBLICATIONS • “Captivity and the Myth of Eastern Spaces: Gender, Space, and Genre in the Works of Edwin Erich Dwinger and Maria de Smeth”, in: Sibel Vurgun, ed., Gender and Space: A Transdisciplinary Collection, including Documentation of the 11th Workshop for Women in Research, Hans-Böckler Foundation (Düsseldorf: Hans-Böckler-Stiftung, 2005), pp. 227-271 (original in German) • ”Pre-War Stalinism: The Major Theoretical Approaches in Western Historical Research”, in: Polly Kienle and Olga Pavlenko (eds.), Stalinism in the Soviet Union. New Directions in Russian and Abroad. Proceedings of the Russian-German Student Research Seminar. Konstanz, Germany. July 4-6th, 2002 (Moscow: Russian State University for the Humanities, 2006), pp. 13-34. • with Olga Pavlenko (eds.), Stalinism in the Soviet Union. New Directions in Russian and Abroad. Proceedings of the Russian-German Student Research Seminar. Konstanz, Germany. July 4-6th, 2002 (Moscow: Russian State University for the Humanities, 2006). • “A Woman in the Wehrmacht Propaganda Organization: Maria de Smeth’s Struggle with the Soviet Union“, in: Ariadne 47 (Special Issue: “Beyond ’Natural Gender’? Masculinity and Peace, Femininity and War“) (original in German) • “Vernacular Commemoration: An Autobiographical Narrative of an American’s Experience as a POW in World War Two Germany (Review of: Dawn Trimble Bunyak, Our Last Mission: A World War II Prisoner in Germany (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 2003))”, appeared as H-NET Book Review for H-German September 2004, http://www.h- • “How the Eastern Front Banished the Father: Youthful Rebellion against Traditional Authority and the German War of Annihilation in Eastern Europe”, paper presented at Rutgers University’s Department of Germanic Literature’s conference “Beyond Oedipus: Multidisciplinary Approaches to the Father”, April 2004, • “Wehrmacht Documents and Soldiers’ Letters in the Former ’Center for the Preservation of historical-documentary Collections’ at the Russian State Military Archives in Moscow“, in: Stefan Creuzberger and Rainer Lindner (eds.): Russian Archives and Historical Research: Legal Foundations – Work Conditions – Perspectives for Research (Frankfurt et al. 2003), pp. 243-254 (original in German) GRANTS, FELLOWSHIPS AND AWARDS • Recipient New England Museum Association Professional Development Scholarship for NEMA 2008 Annual Conference (Fall 2008) Polly Kienle 4
  • 5. Recipient 2008 Dan H. Fenn Jr./Lexington Minute Men Award for Lexington history for primary source research on Munroe Tavern at public and private archives (William Munroe tavern account books, ca. 1769-1793) (Spring 2008) • Awarded four consecutive grants, University of Konstanz Women’s Center, two project grants, University of Konstanz Committee for Curricular Affairs and Professional Development, and start- up grant from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) for Network for International Women Doctoral Candidates and Post-Doctoral Scholars, University of Konstanz, Germany (2003-2006) • Awarded project grant, University of Konstanz Committee for Curricular Affairs and Professional Development for research on and seminar-based experimental teaching methodology towards State Certification in Higher Education Teaching (spring 2005) • DAAD Fellowship for the completion of doctoral project, University of Konstanz (July-Sept. 2006) • Doctoral Fellowship from the Hamburg Institute for Social Research, Germany (2003-2004) • Grant from Women’s Center, University of Konstanz, for Undergraduate Introductory Course “State, Society and Individual in Changing Times: Women and Men as Historical Protagonists from the End of the Russian Empire to Stalin’s Rule“ (Fall 2003) • University Society of the University of Konstanz PhD-Project Prize 2001 for archival research in Moscow and language study at the Russian State University of the Humanities, Moscow (January-March 2002) • State Graduate Fellowship, Baden-Württemberg, Germany (1999-2000, 2001-2002) • DAAD Fellowship for Postgraduate Studies, University of Konstanz, Germany (1989-1990) • German Prize, Bryn Mawr College, best essay in German Studies (1989) • Student Representative to faculty Curriculum Committee, Bryn Mawr College (elected position) (Fall 1988-Summer 1989) LANGUAGES & DIGITAL COMMUNICATION SKILLS • English (native language), German (native fluency in speech and writing), French (fluency in speech and writing), Italian and Spanish (reading knowledge), Russian (basic knowledge) • Familiar with a range of productivity and presentation software, social networking tools, theory and practice of presenting curriculum content online and through digital formats REFERENCES – Available upon request • Joanne Myers, Director of Education and Public Programs, National Heritage Museum, Lexington, MA • Susan Bennett, Executive Director, Lexington Historical Society, Lexington, MA • Deborah S. Bassett, former Curator, Lexington Historical Society, Lexington, MA • Thomas Nolden, Professor of Comparative Literature, Wellesley College, Wellesley, MA LIST OF WORKSHOPS AND SEMINARS PARTICIPATED IN AND PAPERS PRESENTED AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST Polly Kienle 5