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Names Yevarouski, Valery (Евароўскі, Валерый)
Telephone +375 29 6973982 /+1 202-691-4277
Fax +375 17 2842925 /+1 202-691-4001
Nationality Republic of Belarus
Date of birth December 12, 1962
Web site; l
• Dates (from – to) Janury 25, 2016— May, 25, 2016
• Name and address of em-
The Kennan Institute of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Schol-
ars. Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center One Woodrow
Wilson Plaza 1300 Pennsylvania Ave. NW Washington, DC 20004-3027
• Type of business or sector Research
• Occupation or position held Fulbright Research Scholar
• Main activities and responsi-
The intellectual history of Belarus Research
• Dates (from – to) June, 2011— onwards
• Name and address of em-
Institute of Philosophy of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.
Surganova 1/2, 220072, Minsk, Belarus
• Type of business or sector Research
• Occupation or position held The Head of the Centre for the historiophilosophical and comparative re-
• Main activities and responsi-
The intellectual history of Belarus Research Project leader, Centre manage-
ment and administration
• Dates (from – to) June, 2011— onwards
Yevarouski, Valery
• Name and address of em-
Institute of Philosophy of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.
Surganova 1/2, 220072, Minsk, Belarus
• Type of business or sector Research
• Occupation or position held The Head of the Centre for the historiophilosophical and comparative re-
• Main activities and responsi-
The intellectual history of Belarus Research Project leader, Centre manage-
ment and administration
• Dates (from – to) June, 2008— June 2011
• Name and address of em-
Institute of Philosophy of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.
Surganova 1/2, 220072, Minsk, Belarus
• Type of business or sector Research
• Occupation or position held The Deputy Head of the Centre for the historiophilosophical and comparative
• Dates (from – to) April, 2004 —June, 2008
• Name and address of em-
Institute of Philosophy of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.
Surganova 1/2, 220072, Minsk, Belarus
• Type of business or sector Research
• Occupation or position held Head of the Department of the Belarusian Philosophical, Social and Political
• Main activities and responsi-
Supervising of the project “Belarusian Philosophical Heritage”. The manage-
ment of the Department.
• Dates (from – to) 2004 —onwards
• Name and address of em-
Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences of the Belarus State University
Marxa street 31, 220030, Minsk, Belarus
• Type of business or sector Education
• Occupation or position held Associate Professor
• Main activities and responsi-
Teaching of the Intellectual History of the Great Duchy of Lithuania (graduate
• Dates (from – to) 1987 — 1990
• Name and type of organisa-
tion providing education and
History of Philosophy Department of the Institute of Philosophy and Law of
the Academy of Sciences of Belarus
• Principal subjects/occupa-
skills covered
History of Philosophy
• Title of qualification
Candidate of the Philosophical Sciences (Ph.D. equivalent.)
• Dates (from – to) 1979 — 1985
• Name and type of organiza-
tion providing education and
Department of Philosophy of the Belarusian State University
• Principal subjects/occupa-
skills covered
History of Philosophy, Social Philosophy, Sociology
Yevarouski, Valery
• Title of qualification
Philosopher, the Instructor of Philosophy
• Level in national classifica-
Belarus, East Europe, Eurasia
Border Studies
Intellectual history of the East Europe
Methodology of History and Philosophy
English Polish German Russian
Reading skills excellent excellent good excellent
Writing skills good good basic excellent
Verbal skills good excellent basic excellent
I have been the research supervisor of the following projects:
 “ Philosophical heritage of Belarus as the factor of social and cultural sustainability” -- 2006 – 2010
– (State Scientific Program)
 “Role of intercultural interaction in the Weltanschauung’s formation of the Belarusian intelli-
gentsia in Prague (20th years of 20 century)” -- 2006-2008 -- (grant of the Belarusian Foundation
for Fundamental Research)
 The category of "national interest" in the Belarusian socio-philosophical and political thought --
2009-2011 -- (grant of the Belarusian Foundation for Fundamental Research)
 Philosophy in the national culture: a comparative analysis of historical and philosophical studies in
Belarus and Ukraine" -- (a joint project of the Institute of Philosophy of the National Academy of
Sciences of Belarus and the Institute of Philosophy of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine)
-- (grant of the Belarusian Foundation for Fundamental Research
Current research projects are being supervised by me
 Intellectual history of Belarus Research and Publishing Project ( coordinated by the Institute of
Philosophy of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus)
 Philosophical heritage of Belarus: preservation, studying, use in the formation of cultural educa-
tional and ideological values of the contemporary society – (State Scientific Program)
 Cognitive space of Eastern Europe: Historical Dynamics of the Centers of inculturations and the
cross-border cooperation -- (grant of the Belarusian Foundation for Fundamental Research)
 Certificate of Docent in Philosophy (Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Belarus,
February 11, 2009)
Yevarouski, Valery
 Diploma of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for the development of the fundamen-
tal methodology for the historio-philosophical research (March, 2011)
 Diploma of the Independent Academy of Creativity (Warsaw, Poland) for the contribution to the
theory of universalism (May, 2011)
1. Short-term Grant for research at the Kennan Institute for Advanced Russian Studies of the Wood-
row Wilson Center (September5 — October 5, 2000, Washington, DC, USA)
2. Grant for research at Open Society Archives (November 28— December, 1999, Budapest, Hungary)
3. Grant for the CRC Session “Change of Paradigms in Writing History” (CEU, Budapest, Hungary
March, 2007) Higher Education Support program of the Open Society Institute, Budapest
4. Grant for 2nd Annual Conference of the OSI-CEU Comparative History Project 17-19 April 2008,
Centre for Advanced Study Sofia, Higher Education Support program of the Open Society Institute,
5. Grant for the CRC Session “Medieval Studies” (CEU, Budapest, Hungary, October 15 – 22, 2010)
Higher Education Support program of the Open Society Institute, Budapest
6. Short-term grant of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences ( Vilnius, March 2011)
Евароўскі, В. Б. Нацыянальная філасофія Беларусі: тэорыя, архелогія. гісторыя, генеалогія, школа / В.
Б. Евароўскі . навук. рэд. Л. Ф. Яўменаў. - Мінск : Беларуская навука. 2014. - 559 с. ISBN 978-985-08-
У манаграфіі прапануецца тэарэтычная
рэканструкцыя працэсу інтэлектуальнага
развіцця Беларусі. Апісваецца агульная
метадалагічная праграма даследавання
нацыянальнай філасофіі, аналізуюцца яе вытокі.
выяўляюцца асноўныя перыяды, разгортваецца
генеалогія, а таксама гісторыя рэальных
дынамічна-тэмпаральных сістэм, якія спарадзілі
актуальную гістарычную свядомасць;
пракрэслена карціна развіцця беларускай
школы гісторыка- філасофскіх даследаванняў як
квінтэсэнцыі нацыянальнай філасофіі.
Прызначаецца спецыялістам у галінах філасофіі,
гісторыі кульіуры, культуралогіі, палітычных і
сацыяльных навук, а таксама ўсім, хто
неабыякавы да айчыннай інтэлектуальнай
Valery Yevarousk Natcy`ianal`naia fіlasofіia Bela-
rusі: te`ory`ia, arkhelogіia. gіstory`ia, genealogіia,
shkola – title translated -- National philosophy of
Belarus: Theory, arhelogy, . history, genealogy,
school ]/ Valery Yevarouski – Minsk: Belaruskaia
navuka. 2014 – 559 p
The monograph suggested theoretical reconstruc-
tion process of Belarusian intellectual develop-
ment. It describes the general methodological pro-
gram of national philosophy, analyzes its origins,
identifies major periods, unfolds genealogy and
history of real-temporal dynamic systems that
gave rise to actual historical thinking ; the mono-
graph draws the picture of the development of
Belarusian school of historical philosophical re-
search as the quintessence of the national philoso-
phy. The monograph is created for the experts in
the fields of philosophy, history, cultural, political
and social sciences, as well as for those who is in-
terested in the national intellectual heritage.
1. Conference of the European Alumni Association of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for
Scholars -- September 13-15, 2012, Athens, Greece
2. The First -- Fourth International Congresses of Belarusian Studies, Kaunas (Lithuania) – 2011 –2014
Yevarouski, Valery
3. Alexander von Humboldt Forum Science & Society in Modern Europe Dedicated to Millenium of
Lithuania and 50 Years of the Laser September 23-26, 2010, Vilnius, Lithuania
4. New Approaches to Comparative History in Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe, 2nd Annual
Conference of the OSI-CEU Comparative History Project, 17-19 April, 2008, Sofia, Bulgaria
5. The International Scientific Conference 500 metų filosofijai Lietuvoje / 500 Years of Philosophy in
Lithuania, September 27 -28, 2007, Vilnius, Lithuania.
6. Central European University, CRC History session on the Change of Paradigms in Writing History
5 –11 March, 2007, Budapst, Hungary.
7. Oriental Society of Australia Conference, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia 4th-7th Decem-
ber 2006
8. Identity: Self and Community, The Southern Humanities Council Annual Conference February 2-5,
2006, Asheville, NC, the USA
9. The new Europe and a frontier identity October 12 –15, 2005, (Białowieża, Poland)
Yevarouski, Valery
PUBLICATIONS 1. Nauchnaia shkola «Istoriia filosofskoi` my`sli Belarusi» // Dovgirdovskie chteniia II:
filosofskaia classika i sovremenny`e problemy` sotciokul`turnogo razvitiia: materialy`
mezhdunarodnoi` nauchnoi` konferentcii, g. Minsk, 11 noiabria 2011 g. – Minsk:
Pravo i e`konomika, 2012. – 1,5 p.l.
2. Belaruskae Adradzhe`nne u kamparaty`unai` eurapei`skai` perspekty`ve // Vesnіk
Bre`stskaga unіversіte`ta – Sery`ia 1 – Fіlasofіia, Palіtalogіia, Satcy`ialogіia – 2012 --
№2 – s. 5 – 12.
3. Duhovny`e traditcii Drevnei` Rusi kak predposy`lki stanovleniia srednevekovoi`
belorusskoi` filosofii // Vestneyk Polotckogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriia E.
Pedagogicheskie nauki. - 2012. - № 7. - S. 145-153.
4. Siare`dnevechnaia shtodzennastc` u Belarusі: gіstory`ka-fіlasofskaia re`kanstruktcy`ia
// Vesnіk Magіlyouskaga dziarzhaunaga unіversіteta іmia A.A. Kuliashova. – Sery`ia A
Gumanіtarny`ia navukі. – № 2. – 2012. – S.60-66.
5. Filosofskaia perspektiva antropogeneza // Nauka i innovatcii. – 2013. – № 12 (130). –
S. 8–13.
6. Іnte`lіgentcy`ia iak fenomen ushodneurapei`skai` satcy`iakul`turnai` prastory` / V. B.
Evarouskі // Vestcі Natcy`ianal`nai` akade`mіі navuk Belarusі. Sery`ia gumanіtarny`kh
navuk. — 2015. — № 2. — S. 17-23. [0,5 p.l.]
7. Siare`dniavechnaia Belarus` u іnte`lektual`nai` gіstory`і “e`kspansіі” Europy` / V.B.
Evarouskі // Vesnіk MDU іmia A.A. Kuliashova. Sery`ia A. Gumanіtarny`ia navukі
(gіstory`ia, fіlasofіia, fіlalogіia). — 2015. — №1 (45). — S. 43-48. [0,5 p.l.]
8. Struktura sіmvalіchnaga polia uzrastannia fіlasofskіkh vedau // Filosofiia i sotcial`ny`e
nauki. — 2014. — №3. — S. 4-7.
9. Metate`ory`ia natcy`ianal`nai` fіlasofіі Belarusі // Vesnik Bre`stckaga universite`ta.
Sery`ia 1. Fіlasofіia. Palіtalogіia. Satcy`ialogіia. — 2014. — №2. — C. 11 --18.
10. U poshukakh natcy`ianal`nai` ide`i / V. B Evarouskі . // Nauka i innovatcii. — 2014. —
№ 11. — s. 55-58.
11. Asvetnіtctva iak pachatak sekuliarnai` e`pokhі / V. B. Evarouskі; red. V. V. Starostenko
// Religiia i obshchestvo – 9: sbornik nauchny`kh statei`. — Mogilev: MGU imeni A.A.
Kuleshova, 2015. — S. 12-14.
12. Belarusian National Philosophy: an Attempt of the Genealogy of its Subject // Sen-
tentiae. — 2014. - T. 31. — №2. — P. 113-120.
13. Haukova shkola «Іstorіia fіlosofs`koy dumki Bіlorusі» (genealogіia radians`kogo
perіodu) / Valerіi` Єvorovs`kii` // Fіlosofs`ka dumka. — 2013. — №1. — S. 37-47.
14. Svіtlo Prosvіtneytctva u Bіlorusі / // Vіsnik Kiyvs`kogo Natcіonal`nogo Unіversitetu
menі Tarasa Shevchenka. — 2014. — 17-20.
15. R. Plečkaitis and Belarusian Tradition of Studies in the National History of Philosophy.
Problemos 2010, no. priedas (2010): 28-37.
16. Gistoryia filasofskai i gramadska-palitychnai dumki Belarusi : u shasci tamakh Tom 2:
Protarenesans i Adradjenne, : Minsk: Belaruskaia navuka, 2010. (Title translated -
History of philosophic, social and political thought of Belarus . In six volumes: The
Proto- Early- and High- Renaissance : Volume 2) (joint authorship) http://philoso-
17. Filozoficzna myśl Białorusi: granice poszukiwań.” Redakcja: Andrzej L. Zachariasz.
Sofia (Międzywydziałowy Instytut Filozofii UR) 8 (2008): 223-233.
18. "Searchings after the Cognitive Centre. (The Case Of Belarus)." Edited by Prof. Dr To-
mas Kačerauskas. Limes, (Technika) 3, no. 1 (2010).
19. Гісторыя філасофскай і грамадска-палітычнай думкі Беларусі. У 6 т. Т. 1. Эпоха
Сярэднявечча / В. Б. Евароўскі [і інш.]; рэд. кал.: В. Б. Евароўскі [і інш.]; Нац. акад.
навук Беларусі, Ін-т філасофіі. – Мінск: Беларус. навука, 2008. – 578 с. ISBN 978-
(Title translated - History of philosophic, social and political thought of Belarus . In six
volumes Meedieval Times: Volume 1) (joint authorship)
20. Rol' mezhkul'turnogo vzaimodeistviya v formirovanii mirovozzreniya belorusskoi
intelligentsii v Prage (20-e gody 20-go stoletiya) – (deposit manuscript, BelISA
15.07.2008.,No D200829, in co-authorship)
Yevarouski, Valery
21. Yevarouski Valery, The West and the Rest: the Belarusian Perspective The New
Europe: Uncertain identity and Borders, Białystok, 2007, P.147 – 160.
22. Himera "Evropa": belorusskaya perspektiva // Lichnost', tvorchestvo i sovremennost' :
sbornik nauchnyh trudov. Vyp. 10 / otv. red. D.D.Nevirko ; Sibirskii yuridicheskii
institut MVD Rossii. Krasnoyarsk : Sibirskii yuridicheskii institut MVD Rossii,
2007., P. 60 - 64.
23. East European Inventions of National Philosophies: Current Fashion and Historical
Experiences  500 Metų Filosofijai Lietuvoje, Tarptautinės Mokslinės Konferencijos
Medžiaga, Vilniaus Universiteto Leidykla, 2007, P. 41 – 47.
24. Kalkulacja czy medytacja  Wspólnotowość i Postawa Uniwersalistyczna Nr 5/2006-
2007, Warszawa, 2005 S. 24 − 32
25. Voproshat' ili ischislyat': Martin Haidegger i problema stolknoveniya myslitel'nyh
paradigm, Lichnost', tvorchestvo i sovremennost' : sbornik nauchnyh trudov. Vyp. 9 /
otv. red. D.D.Nevirko ; Sibirskii yuridicheskii institut MVD Rossii. - Krasnoyarsk :
Sibirskii yuridicheskii institut MVD Rossii, 2006, S. 249 -- 257.
26. The threshold of Eurasia: the Belarusian Experiences  Abstracts of the Oriental Soci-
ety of Australia Conference, Sydney, 4th-7th December 2006 --
27. Stanovlenie "politicheskogo" v strukture drevnerusskoi identichnosti  Problemy
slavyanovedeniya. Bryansk: Izd-vo BGU,2006.Vyp.8. S.17-26
28. Bezradna doraźność wieczności w złych ryzach samotności // Materiały VIII
Międzynarodowej Konferencji PTU Życie Pełne, Dobrze Urządzone A Kultura
Doraźności. Intelektualiści I Młoda Inteligencja W Europie Przemian Warszawa, 9-11
maja 2005 roku Wydawnictwo Polskiego Towarzystwa Uniwersalizmu Warszawa,
2005 rok
29. Kak nauchit' byt' istorikom filosofii? (Jak nauczyć bycia historykiem filozofii?)  Peda-
gogika twórczości i dialogu  Praca zbiorowa Warszawa 2006 S. 107 – 114.
30. Polish-Russian intellectual competition in 19th century Belarus and our search for a
self.  Words, Deeds and Values. The Intelligesias in Russia and Poland during the
Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries. HEd.byH Fiona Bjorling and Alexander Pereswet-
off-Morath. Lund,2006 [Slavica Ludensia.V.22]. P.47-63.
31. Era „przeklętych pytań" - filozofia „podziemia" i byt inteligencji pierwszej połowy
wieku dwudziestego // Wspólnotowość i Postawa Uniwersalistyczna Nr 4/2004-2005,
Warszawa, 2005 S 151 – 165.
32. Duhounaya spadchyna starazhytnai Rusі i stanaulenne belaruskai fіlasofіі. -
"Turauskіya chytannі": Materіaly Respublіkanskai navukova-praktychnai kanferentsyі
Gomel'. 2005 - S. 12-17.
33. U istokov religioznoi veroterpimosti  Voprosy svobody sovesti i religioznyh organi-
zatsii v Respublike Belarus': Sbornik dokumentov i materialov/Avt.-sost. Mn.: Iz-
datel'stvo "Chetyre chetverti", 2005. - 336 s. 280 -- 286.
34. Ideologicheskie traditsii Velikogo knyazhestva Litovskogo: predposylki i dostizheniya
 Ippokrena № 1, 2006
35. Magicheskoe iskusstvo filosofii // Tvorchasts' Fіlasofіya Mastatstva. Materyyaly
Mіzhnarodnai navukova-praktychnai kanferentsyі 18-20 krasavіka 2005 goda. S. 3 - 8
36. Interpretatsionnye modeli natsional'noi istorii filosofii //Materialy mezhdunarodnoi
nauchnoi konferentsii Tendentsii duhovnogo razvitiya sovremennogo obschestva. In-
stitut Filosofii NANB. Minsk 2004
37. The national paradigm of cultural heritage. How should we sheathe this Damocles
18-21, 2004
38. Osmyslenie. Prosveschenie. Revolyutsiya. Intelligentsiya v belorusskom i rossiiskom
obschestve serediny XIX - kontsa XX veka. (Istoricheskie uroki) // Materialy V
międzynarodowa konferencję PTU Individualizm, racjonalizm i universalism
jednoczącego się kontynentu. Warszawa 2002.
39. Svoboda i ratsionalizm kak predposylka synergii zniewolenia // Synergia Zniwolenia.
Warsaw, 2002 pp. 49— 58.
40. The Danube in Slavonic History  Biopolitics. The Bio-Enviroment Volume VI. BIO.
1998 Athens. pp. 66 — 69.
41. Filosofskaya Mysl' Kievskoi Rusi Tendentsii Stanovleniya, Minsk, Tecnologia, 1996.
February 8, 2016

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CV-january 2016

  • 1. CURRICULUM VITAE PERSONAL INFORMATION Names Yevarouski, Valery (Евароўскі, Валерый) Telephone +375 29 6973982 /+1 202-691-4277 Fax +375 17 2842925 /+1 202-691-4001 E-mail; Nationality Republic of Belarus Date of birth December 12, 1962 Web site; l WORK EXPERIENCE • Dates (from – to) Janury 25, 2016— May, 25, 2016 • Name and address of em- ployer The Kennan Institute of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Schol- ars. Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center One Woodrow Wilson Plaza 1300 Pennsylvania Ave. NW Washington, DC 20004-3027 • Type of business or sector Research • Occupation or position held Fulbright Research Scholar • Main activities and responsi- bilities The intellectual history of Belarus Research • Dates (from – to) June, 2011— onwards • Name and address of em- ployer Institute of Philosophy of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Surganova 1/2, 220072, Minsk, Belarus • Type of business or sector Research • Occupation or position held The Head of the Centre for the historiophilosophical and comparative re- searches • Main activities and responsi- bilities The intellectual history of Belarus Research Project leader, Centre manage- ment and administration • Dates (from – to) June, 2011— onwards
  • 2. Yevarouski, Valery 2 • Name and address of em- ployer Institute of Philosophy of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Surganova 1/2, 220072, Minsk, Belarus • Type of business or sector Research • Occupation or position held The Head of the Centre for the historiophilosophical and comparative re- searches • Main activities and responsi- bilities The intellectual history of Belarus Research Project leader, Centre manage- ment and administration • Dates (from – to) June, 2008— June 2011 • Name and address of em- ployer Institute of Philosophy of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Surganova 1/2, 220072, Minsk, Belarus • Type of business or sector Research • Occupation or position held The Deputy Head of the Centre for the historiophilosophical and comparative researches. • Dates (from – to) April, 2004 —June, 2008 • Name and address of em- ployer Institute of Philosophy of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Surganova 1/2, 220072, Minsk, Belarus • Type of business or sector Research • Occupation or position held Head of the Department of the Belarusian Philosophical, Social and Political Thought • Main activities and responsi- bilities Supervising of the project “Belarusian Philosophical Heritage”. The manage- ment of the Department. • Dates (from – to) 2004 —onwards • Name and address of em- ployer Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences of the Belarus State University Marxa street 31, 220030, Minsk, Belarus • Type of business or sector Education • Occupation or position held Associate Professor • Main activities and responsi- bilities Teaching of the Intellectual History of the Great Duchy of Lithuania (graduate level) EDUCATION AND TRAINING • Dates (from – to) 1987 — 1990 • Name and type of organisa- tion providing education and training History of Philosophy Department of the Institute of Philosophy and Law of the Academy of Sciences of Belarus • Principal subjects/occupa- tional skills covered History of Philosophy • Title of qualification awarded Candidate of the Philosophical Sciences (Ph.D. equivalent.) • Dates (from – to) 1979 — 1985 • Name and type of organiza- tion providing education and training Department of Philosophy of the Belarusian State University • Principal subjects/occupa- tional skills covered History of Philosophy, Social Philosophy, Sociology
  • 3. Yevarouski, Valery 3 • Title of qualification awarded Philosopher, the Instructor of Philosophy • Level in national classifica- tion M.A. EXPERTISE Belarus, East Europe, Eurasia Border Studies Intellectual history of the East Europe Methodology of History and Philosophy LANGUAGE SKILLS MOTHER TONGUE BELARUSIAN OTHER LANGUAGES English Polish German Russian Reading skills excellent excellent good excellent Writing skills good good basic excellent Verbal skills good excellent basic excellent RESEARCH PROJECTS I have been the research supervisor of the following projects:  “ Philosophical heritage of Belarus as the factor of social and cultural sustainability” -- 2006 – 2010 – (State Scientific Program)  “Role of intercultural interaction in the Weltanschauung’s formation of the Belarusian intelli- gentsia in Prague (20th years of 20 century)” -- 2006-2008 -- (grant of the Belarusian Foundation for Fundamental Research)  The category of "national interest" in the Belarusian socio-philosophical and political thought -- 2009-2011 -- (grant of the Belarusian Foundation for Fundamental Research)  Philosophy in the national culture: a comparative analysis of historical and philosophical studies in Belarus and Ukraine" -- (a joint project of the Institute of Philosophy of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus and the Institute of Philosophy of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine) -- (grant of the Belarusian Foundation for Fundamental Research Current research projects are being supervised by me  Intellectual history of Belarus Research and Publishing Project ( coordinated by the Institute of Philosophy of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus)  Philosophical heritage of Belarus: preservation, studying, use in the formation of cultural educa- tional and ideological values of the contemporary society – (State Scientific Program)  Cognitive space of Eastern Europe: Historical Dynamics of the Centers of inculturations and the cross-border cooperation -- (grant of the Belarusian Foundation for Fundamental Research) DIPLOMAS AND CERTIFICATES  Certificate of Docent in Philosophy (Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Belarus, February 11, 2009)
  • 4. Yevarouski, Valery 4  Diploma of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for the development of the fundamen- tal methodology for the historio-philosophical research (March, 2011)  Diploma of the Independent Academy of Creativity (Warsaw, Poland) for the contribution to the theory of universalism (May, 2011) GRANTS AND SCHOLARSHIPS 1. Short-term Grant for research at the Kennan Institute for Advanced Russian Studies of the Wood- row Wilson Center (September5 — October 5, 2000, Washington, DC, USA) 2. Grant for research at Open Society Archives (November 28— December, 1999, Budapest, Hungary) 3. Grant for the CRC Session “Change of Paradigms in Writing History” (CEU, Budapest, Hungary March, 2007) Higher Education Support program of the Open Society Institute, Budapest 4. Grant for 2nd Annual Conference of the OSI-CEU Comparative History Project 17-19 April 2008, Centre for Advanced Study Sofia, Higher Education Support program of the Open Society Institute, Budapest 5. Grant for the CRC Session “Medieval Studies” (CEU, Budapest, Hungary, October 15 – 22, 2010) Higher Education Support program of the Open Society Institute, Budapest 6. Short-term grant of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences ( Vilnius, March 2011) THE PRINCIPAL MONOGRAPH Евароўскі, В. Б. Нацыянальная філасофія Беларусі: тэорыя, архелогія. гісторыя, генеалогія, школа / В. Б. Евароўскі . навук. рэд. Л. Ф. Яўменаў. - Мінск : Беларуская навука. 2014. - 559 с. ISBN 978-985-08- 1763-1 У манаграфіі прапануецца тэарэтычная рэканструкцыя працэсу інтэлектуальнага развіцця Беларусі. Апісваецца агульная метадалагічная праграма даследавання нацыянальнай філасофіі, аналізуюцца яе вытокі. выяўляюцца асноўныя перыяды, разгортваецца генеалогія, а таксама гісторыя рэальных дынамічна-тэмпаральных сістэм, якія спарадзілі актуальную гістарычную свядомасць; пракрэслена карціна развіцця беларускай школы гісторыка- філасофскіх даследаванняў як квінтэсэнцыі нацыянальнай філасофіі. Прызначаецца спецыялістам у галінах філасофіі, гісторыі кульіуры, культуралогіі, палітычных і сацыяльных навук, а таксама ўсім, хто неабыякавы да айчыннай інтэлектуальнай спадчыны. Valery Yevarousk Natcy`ianal`naia fіlasofіia Bela- rusі: te`ory`ia, arkhelogіia. gіstory`ia, genealogіia, shkola – title translated -- National philosophy of Belarus: Theory, arhelogy, . history, genealogy, school ]/ Valery Yevarouski – Minsk: Belaruskaia navuka. 2014 – 559 p The monograph suggested theoretical reconstruc- tion process of Belarusian intellectual develop- ment. It describes the general methodological pro- gram of national philosophy, analyzes its origins, identifies major periods, unfolds genealogy and history of real-temporal dynamic systems that gave rise to actual historical thinking ; the mono- graph draws the picture of the development of Belarusian school of historical philosophical re- search as the quintessence of the national philoso- phy. The monograph is created for the experts in the fields of philosophy, history, cultural, political and social sciences, as well as for those who is in- terested in the national intellectual heritage. THE MOST IMPORTANT CONFERENCES AND WORKSHOPS 1. Conference of the European Alumni Association of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars -- September 13-15, 2012, Athens, Greece 2. The First -- Fourth International Congresses of Belarusian Studies, Kaunas (Lithuania) – 2011 –2014
  • 5. Yevarouski, Valery 5 3. Alexander von Humboldt Forum Science & Society in Modern Europe Dedicated to Millenium of Lithuania and 50 Years of the Laser September 23-26, 2010, Vilnius, Lithuania 4. New Approaches to Comparative History in Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe, 2nd Annual Conference of the OSI-CEU Comparative History Project, 17-19 April, 2008, Sofia, Bulgaria 5. The International Scientific Conference 500 metų filosofijai Lietuvoje / 500 Years of Philosophy in Lithuania, September 27 -28, 2007, Vilnius, Lithuania. 6. Central European University, CRC History session on the Change of Paradigms in Writing History 5 –11 March, 2007, Budapst, Hungary. 7. Oriental Society of Australia Conference, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia 4th-7th Decem- ber 2006 8. Identity: Self and Community, The Southern Humanities Council Annual Conference February 2-5, 2006, Asheville, NC, the USA 9. The new Europe and a frontier identity October 12 –15, 2005, (Białowieża, Poland)
  • 6. Yevarouski, Valery 6 PUBLICATIONS 1. Nauchnaia shkola «Istoriia filosofskoi` my`sli Belarusi» // Dovgirdovskie chteniia II: filosofskaia classika i sovremenny`e problemy` sotciokul`turnogo razvitiia: materialy` mezhdunarodnoi` nauchnoi` konferentcii, g. Minsk, 11 noiabria 2011 g. – Minsk: Pravo i e`konomika, 2012. – 1,5 p.l. 2. Belaruskae Adradzhe`nne u kamparaty`unai` eurapei`skai` perspekty`ve // Vesnіk Bre`stskaga unіversіte`ta – Sery`ia 1 – Fіlasofіia, Palіtalogіia, Satcy`ialogіia – 2012 -- №2 – s. 5 – 12. 3. Duhovny`e traditcii Drevnei` Rusi kak predposy`lki stanovleniia srednevekovoi` belorusskoi` filosofii // Vestneyk Polotckogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriia E. Pedagogicheskie nauki. - 2012. - № 7. - S. 145-153. 4. Siare`dnevechnaia shtodzennastc` u Belarusі: gіstory`ka-fіlasofskaia re`kanstruktcy`ia // Vesnіk Magіlyouskaga dziarzhaunaga unіversіteta іmia A.A. Kuliashova. – Sery`ia A Gumanіtarny`ia navukі. – № 2. – 2012. – S.60-66. 5. Filosofskaia perspektiva antropogeneza // Nauka i innovatcii. – 2013. – № 12 (130). – S. 8–13. 6. Іnte`lіgentcy`ia iak fenomen ushodneurapei`skai` satcy`iakul`turnai` prastory` / V. B. Evarouskі // Vestcі Natcy`ianal`nai` akade`mіі navuk Belarusі. Sery`ia gumanіtarny`kh navuk. — 2015. — № 2. — S. 17-23. [0,5 p.l.] 7. Siare`dniavechnaia Belarus` u іnte`lektual`nai` gіstory`і “e`kspansіі” Europy` / V.B. Evarouskі // Vesnіk MDU іmia A.A. Kuliashova. Sery`ia A. Gumanіtarny`ia navukі (gіstory`ia, fіlasofіia, fіlalogіia). — 2015. — №1 (45). — S. 43-48. [0,5 p.l.] 8. Struktura sіmvalіchnaga polia uzrastannia fіlasofskіkh vedau // Filosofiia i sotcial`ny`e nauki. — 2014. — №3. — S. 4-7. 9. Metate`ory`ia natcy`ianal`nai` fіlasofіі Belarusі // Vesnik Bre`stckaga universite`ta. Sery`ia 1. Fіlasofіia. Palіtalogіia. Satcy`ialogіia. — 2014. — №2. — C. 11 --18. 10. U poshukakh natcy`ianal`nai` ide`i / V. B Evarouskі . // Nauka i innovatcii. — 2014. — № 11. — s. 55-58. 11. Asvetnіtctva iak pachatak sekuliarnai` e`pokhі / V. B. Evarouskі; red. V. V. Starostenko // Religiia i obshchestvo – 9: sbornik nauchny`kh statei`. — Mogilev: MGU imeni A.A. Kuleshova, 2015. — S. 12-14. 12. Belarusian National Philosophy: an Attempt of the Genealogy of its Subject // Sen- tentiae. — 2014. - T. 31. — №2. — P. 113-120. 13. Haukova shkola «Іstorіia fіlosofs`koy dumki Bіlorusі» (genealogіia radians`kogo perіodu) / Valerіi` Єvorovs`kii` // Fіlosofs`ka dumka. — 2013. — №1. — S. 37-47. 14. Svіtlo Prosvіtneytctva u Bіlorusі / // Vіsnik Kiyvs`kogo Natcіonal`nogo Unіversitetu menі Tarasa Shevchenka. — 2014. — 17-20. 15. R. Plečkaitis and Belarusian Tradition of Studies in the National History of Philosophy. Problemos 2010, no. priedas (2010): 28-37. 16. Gistoryia filasofskai i gramadska-palitychnai dumki Belarusi : u shasci tamakh Tom 2: Protarenesans i Adradjenne, : Minsk: Belaruskaia navuka, 2010. (Title translated - History of philosophic, social and political thought of Belarus . In six volumes: The Proto- Early- and High- Renaissance : Volume 2) (joint authorship) http://philoso- gramadska-palitychnai-dumki-Belarusi----u-shasci-tamakh-Tom-2--Protarenesans-i- Adradjenne-----Minsk--Belaruskaia-navuka--2010-- 17. Filozoficzna myśl Białorusi: granice poszukiwań.” Redakcja: Andrzej L. Zachariasz. Sofia (Międzywydziałowy Instytut Filozofii UR) 8 (2008): 223-233. 18. "Searchings after the Cognitive Centre. (The Case Of Belarus)." Edited by Prof. Dr To- mas Kačerauskas. Limes, (Technika) 3, no. 1 (2010). 19. Гісторыя філасофскай і грамадска-палітычнай думкі Беларусі. У 6 т. Т. 1. Эпоха Сярэднявечча / В. Б. Евароўскі [і інш.]; рэд. кал.: В. Б. Евароўскі [і інш.]; Нац. акад. навук Беларусі, Ін-т філасофіі. – Мінск: Беларус. навука, 2008. – 578 с. ISBN 978- 985-08-0967-4 (Title translated - History of philosophic, social and political thought of Belarus . In six volumes Meedieval Times: Volume 1) (joint authorship) Philosophical-and-Socio-political-Thoughts-of-Belarus 20. Rol' mezhkul'turnogo vzaimodeistviya v formirovanii mirovozzreniya belorusskoi intelligentsii v Prage (20-e gody 20-go stoletiya) – (deposit manuscript, BelISA 15.07.2008.,No D200829, in co-authorship) HU
  • 7. Yevarouski, Valery 7 21. Yevarouski Valery, The West and the Rest: the Belarusian Perspective The New Europe: Uncertain identity and Borders, Białystok, 2007, P.147 – 160. 22. Himera "Evropa": belorusskaya perspektiva // Lichnost', tvorchestvo i sovremennost' : sbornik nauchnyh trudov. Vyp. 10 / otv. red. D.D.Nevirko ; Sibirskii yuridicheskii institut MVD Rossii. Krasnoyarsk : Sibirskii yuridicheskii institut MVD Rossii, 2007., P. 60 - 64. 23. East European Inventions of National Philosophies: Current Fashion and Historical Experiences 500 Metų Filosofijai Lietuvoje, Tarptautinės Mokslinės Konferencijos Medžiaga, Vilniaus Universiteto Leidykla, 2007, P. 41 – 47. HU 24. Kalkulacja czy medytacja Wspólnotowość i Postawa Uniwersalistyczna Nr 5/2006- 2007, Warszawa, 2005 S. 24 − 32 25. Voproshat' ili ischislyat': Martin Haidegger i problema stolknoveniya myslitel'nyh paradigm, Lichnost', tvorchestvo i sovremennost' : sbornik nauchnyh trudov. Vyp. 9 / otv. red. D.D.Nevirko ; Sibirskii yuridicheskii institut MVD Rossii. - Krasnoyarsk : Sibirskii yuridicheskii institut MVD Rossii, 2006, S. 249 -- 257. 26. The threshold of Eurasia: the Belarusian Experiences Abstracts of the Oriental Soci- ety of Australia Conference, Sydney, 4th-7th December 2006 -- HU 27. Stanovlenie "politicheskogo" v strukture drevnerusskoi identichnosti Problemy slavyanovedeniya. Bryansk: Izd-vo BGU,2006.Vyp.8. S.17-26 28. Bezradna doraźność wieczności w złych ryzach samotności // Materiały VIII Międzynarodowej Konferencji PTU Życie Pełne, Dobrze Urządzone A Kultura Doraźności. Intelektualiści I Młoda Inteligencja W Europie Przemian Warszawa, 9-11 maja 2005 roku Wydawnictwo Polskiego Towarzystwa Uniwersalizmu Warszawa, 2005 rok 29. Kak nauchit' byt' istorikom filosofii? (Jak nauczyć bycia historykiem filozofii?) Peda- gogika twórczości i dialogu Praca zbiorowa Warszawa 2006 S. 107 – 114. 30. Polish-Russian intellectual competition in 19th century Belarus and our search for a self. Words, Deeds and Values. The Intelligesias in Russia and Poland during the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries. HEd.byH Fiona Bjorling and Alexander Pereswet- off-Morath. Lund,2006 [Slavica Ludensia.V.22]. P.47-63. 31. Era „przeklętych pytań" - filozofia „podziemia" i byt inteligencji pierwszej połowy wieku dwudziestego // Wspólnotowość i Postawa Uniwersalistyczna Nr 4/2004-2005, Warszawa, 2005 S 151 – 165. 32. Duhounaya spadchyna starazhytnai Rusі i stanaulenne belaruskai fіlasofіі. - "Turauskіya chytannі": Materіaly Respublіkanskai navukova-praktychnai kanferentsyі Gomel'. 2005 - S. 12-17. 33. U istokov religioznoi veroterpimosti Voprosy svobody sovesti i religioznyh organi- zatsii v Respublike Belarus': Sbornik dokumentov i materialov/Avt.-sost. Mn.: Iz- datel'stvo "Chetyre chetverti", 2005. - 336 s. 280 -- 286. 34. Ideologicheskie traditsii Velikogo knyazhestva Litovskogo: predposylki i dostizheniya Ippokrena № 1, 2006 35. Magicheskoe iskusstvo filosofii // Tvorchasts' Fіlasofіya Mastatstva. Materyyaly Mіzhnarodnai navukova-praktychnai kanferentsyі 18-20 krasavіka 2005 goda. S. 3 - 8 36. Interpretatsionnye modeli natsional'noi istorii filosofii //Materialy mezhdunarodnoi nauchnoi konferentsii Tendentsii duhovnogo razvitiya sovremennogo obschestva. In- stitut Filosofii NANB. Minsk 2004 37. The national paradigm of cultural heritage. How should we sheathe this Damocles sword Conference Proceeding WARSAW SPECIAL CONVENTION OF THE ASN, JULY 18-21, 2004 38. Osmyslenie. Prosveschenie. Revolyutsiya. Intelligentsiya v belorusskom i rossiiskom obschestve serediny XIX - kontsa XX veka. (Istoricheskie uroki) // Materialy V międzynarodowa konferencję PTU Individualizm, racjonalizm i universalism jednoczącego się kontynentu. Warszawa 2002. 39. Svoboda i ratsionalizm kak predposylka synergii zniewolenia // Synergia Zniwolenia. Warsaw, 2002 pp. 49— 58. 40. The Danube in Slavonic History Biopolitics. The Bio-Enviroment Volume VI. BIO. 1998 Athens. pp. 66 — 69. 41. Filosofskaya Mysl' Kievskoi Rusi Tendentsii Stanovleniya, Minsk, Tecnologia, 1996. February 8, 2016