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Job Interview
Why Job Interview Fails
How To Answer
Communication For
Pre-Interview Preparation
Characteristics Of Job
Sample Questions And
Understanding the nature of interview process.
Knowing the characteristics of job interviews.
Identifying the pre-interview preparation techniques.
Understanding how to project a positive image during a job
Knowing alternative interview formats.
Knowing different types of interview questions and how to answer.
What is a Job Interview ?
A job interview is a pre-arranged and planned conversation
used for evaluating the suitability of a candidate for a
particular position.
A ​meeting in which an ​employer ​asks the ​person ​applying for
a ​job ​questions to see whether they would be the ​right ​person
to do that ​job.
A formal meeting at which someone is asked questions in
order to find out if they are suitable for a post of employment.
Key Point
Success in a job interview depends on;
Good Speaking Skills
Thorough Preparation
Using Interview Strategies
There are several factors responsible for making job
interviews more challenging;
Growing competition in the market.
Challenging demands of the job market.
Growing professionalism of the business world.
Increasing focus on the candidate’s personal qualities.
Changes in the interviewing techniques.
Characteristics Of The Job Interview
There are five aspects of Job Interviews;
Two-Way Interaction.
Pre-Interview Preparation Techniques;
Pre-Interview Preparation Techniques are;
Skills Assessment.
Company Analysis.
Job Analysis.
Subject Revision.
Developing Innerving File.
Identifying your background
Special Interests and Hobbies
Analyze Your Skills
Skills Assessment is the process of analyzing your skills
in terms of the skills required for the position you are
There are two types of skills;
◎ Learned Skills (marketing, driving, planning, management, public
speaking, administration, programming, consulting, foreign languages,
teaching, training, supervising, data processing, listening etc.)
◎ Intuitive Skills (leadership, team building, stamina, courage, creativity,
analysis, imagination, boldness, efficiency, motivating, patience, sincerity,
discretion, foresight etc.)
Research The Organization
Researching an organization involves gathering basic information about the
nature, operations, status, structure, growth rate and activities of the
There are many ways to research the organization. The first and the easiest is
visiting the web page of the organization.
The candidate must have basic information about the organization which are;
 Growth rate.
 Work culture.
 Major areas of operation.
 Products/services of the organization.
 Cooperate culture.
 Projects, services and products.
 Hierarchical structure of the organization.
 Financial standing and turnover of the organization.
 Recent developments of the company.
 Focus on the activities of the organization.
Job Analysis
Job analysis will provide you broad information about the
You should try to answer the following questions before
facing an interview;
 What does this job involves?
 What are the special duties?
 What are the challenges of this position?
 what are the skills and abilities needed for this job?
 What are the prospectus?
 What are the chances of career enhancement?
 What is the level of professional knowledge needed?
 What are the responsibilities associated with this job?
 How is this position different from similar positions at other organization?
 How will you rate yourself for this position?
 Why are you interested in this job?
In order to research the job, you may use several
available resources such as the internet, library, the
organizations public relations office, people working un
the organization, particularly alumni of your institution.
Revise Your Subject Knowledge
Revise your subject for clarity and confidence.
The interviewer may test your knowledge on a wide
range of topics related to burning social, political,
economic, scientific, engineering, environmental issues,
national and international affairs, controversial topics,
keys newsmaker and many more. As an educated
person, you are expected to be aware of such matters.
Therefore, reading newspaper, watching news on
television and visiting informative websites to brush up
your knowledge about recent developments in different
areas is essential.
Develop The Interview File
Preparing for an interview demands a professional
approach. Therefore, you should develop an interview
file that may contain the following papers and
 Interview Letter.
 Experience Certificates.
 References and testimonials.
 Certificate of merit.
 Copies of your resume.
 Your visiting cards
 Relevant papers that might be needed during the interview.
Preparation Steps
 Identify your Achievements. (Self Analysis)
 Keep your basic clear. (Company Analysis)
 Keep photocopies of essential papers. (Job Analysis)
 Visit the website of the organization you wanted to join. (Developing the
interview file)
 Relate your skills to the needs of the job. (Revision)
 Keep your credentials ready.
 Identify your special interests and hobbies.
 Brush up your general awareness.
 Keep your original degrees, certificates and transcript.
 Analyze your background.
 Find out the products or services of the organization.
 Analyze your career goals.
 Identify your accomplishments.
 List the skills necessary for the job.
 Make an index of all documents for easy reference and location.
 Find out the financial standing and turnover of the company.
 File the reference letter.
Types Of Interview Questions
There are seven types of interview questions;
§ Open
§ Closed
§ Probing
§ Reflective
§ Loaded
§ Hypothetical
§ Leading
Open Questions
An open question asks the candidate to “talk about”
something. Its main purpose is to encourage the
candidates to talk broadly about a topic or subject.
◎ Tell us something about your self.
◎ Talk about your interests and activities.
◎ Describe the most difficult situation that you recently faced.
◎ What are the advantages of a mixed economy.
◎ In your past job experience, tell me about a time when you stuck to company policy
to solve a problem when it might have been easier or more immediately effective not
◎ Give me an example of a time when communicating with a customer (or fellow
worker) was difficult.
◎ Give me an example of a time when communicating with a customer (or fellow
worker) was difficult. Give me an example of how you handled it.
◎ Can you give me an example of when you came up with a clever way of motivating
◎ Give me an example of a time when you got really motivated at work.
◎ What have been major obstacles which you have had to overcome on your most
recent (or current) job. How did you deal with them?
◎ What types of things have made you angry? How did you react to those situations?
◎ You have heard the expression, "being able to roll with the punches." Describe a time
when you had to do that.
◎ If you could be "supervisor-for-a-day" at your current (or most recent) position, what
changes would you make.
◎ Describe for me a time when you made a mistake that illustrates your need for
improvement in a certain area.
◎ Tell me about a time when you made a quick decision that you were proud of.
Closed Questions
Closed questions limit the scope of the response by
asking the candidate to provide specific information or
If you can answer a question with only a "yes" or "no" response,
then you are answering a close-ended type of question.
 Do you know data processing?
 Where did you receive your first professional training?
 What was your major subject in university?
 When did you complete your graduation?
 Are you feeling better today?
 May I use the bathroom?
 Is the prime rib a special tonight?
 Should I date him?
 Will you please do me a favour?
 Have you already completed your homework?
 Is that your final answer?
 Were you planning on becoming a fireman?
 Should I call her and sort things out?
 Might I be of service to you ladies this evening?
 Did that man walk by the house before?
 Can I help you with that?
 May I please have a bite of that pie?
 Would you like to go to the movies tonight?
 Will you be going to Grandmother's house for Christmas?
 Did Dad make the cake today?
 Is there a Mass being held at noon?
 Are you pregnant?
 Are you happy?
Probing Questions
The main purpose of a probing question is to probe more deeply
or ask for an explanation or clarification of a statement just made.
Probing question encourage the candidate to talk in greater depth
about a topic or subject.
◎ Tell me more about that.
◎ What led you to . . .
◎ What eventually happened?
◎ Looking back, what would you do differently now, if anything?
◎ Compare this to what others have done.
◎ What did your supervisor say / do?
◎ What was the outcome?
◎ What was the situation?
◎ Why did you do that?
◎ How did others see it?
◎ What kind of feedback did you get?
◎ Is this typical for you?
Reflective Questions
Reflective questions are asked to confirm the statements
given by the candidate. The purpose is to check that the
interviewers understands what the candidate has said.
o That means you want the public sector companies to
be totally privatized?
o Does that mean that you favor a total ban on any type
of violence in movies?
Loaded Questions
Loaded questions accesses the candidate’s response to
a sensitive issue. The main purpose of loaded question
is to judge the candidate’s ability to handle difficult and
sensitive situations.
◎ You are too short. Don’t you think this is going to ba a
handicap for you?
◎ Your G.P.A in the first semester of your engineering
is too low. How do you justify that?
Hypothetical Questions
A hypothetical question may involve a question
hypothetical situation. It may be asked to test the
possible reactions of the candidate to a certain situation.
o What would you do if you face a group of angry employees who
want to harm company vehicles because one of the worker has
been hurt by a company lorry?
o One of your staff has been involves in activities detrimental to
your organization. He has been doing this for money that he
needs for the treatment of his ailing mother. What would you
Leading Questions
A leading question is asked to obtain a desired
response. It leads a candidate to a particular answer.
 Don’t you think that our economy needs more
 Don’t you agree that your company is a market
leader in electronics products?
 Don’t you think that the British economy is too closed? (Open)
 Do you have any market marketing experience? (Loaded)
 Tell us something about the effect of globalization on America?
 Why did you leave your first job? (Leading)
 When did you work for TCS? (__________________)
 Tell us something about your achievements? (_______________)
 Do your poor grades reflect your casual attitude to studies? (_________)
 Do you think that religion and politics should not be mixed? (________)
 Do you support the idea of uniform civil code for Asians? (__________)
Answering Strategies
Seven factors that can improve the quality of answers
during a job interview are;
o Attentiveness
o Accuracy
o Brevity
o Focus
o Clarity
o Positive Attitude
o Logical Thinking
Mostly Asked Interview
Candidates should analyze commonly asked interview
questions so that an answering strategy may be devised
in advance.
What are your career objectives?
Why should we hire you?
Why do you want to join our company?
Tell us something about your interests and activities?
Tell us something about your work experience?
Tell us something about your academic achievements?
What according to you would be an ideal company to join?
Why are you interested in this job?
What are your strengths?
What are you doing right now?
Can you tell us something about your responsibilities at your present
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Are you a leader or a follower?
Are you interested in full time or part time?
Will you accept a lower position for the time being?
Projecting A Positive Image?
Dress Formally
Prepare your Personality
speak Carefully
Speak Clearly
Speak Confidently
Be Polite
Be Flexible
Be Tactful
Be Interested
Do Not Argue
"Career" is defined as;
An occupation or profession, especially one requiring
special training, followed as one's lifework.
A person's progress or general course of action through
life or through a phase of life, as in some profession or
What is it?
A career is the pursuit of a lifelong ambition or the general course of progression
towards lifelong goals.
Usually requires special learning that includes individualized components that develop
abilities beyond that which training is capable of.
Risk Taking
A career may not mean stability of work as it encourages one to take risks. The risks are
often internal and therefore planned.
Long Term
Varies depending on value to society or to some other entity. Non-monetary benefits
may be higher. Salary is more common.
Contribution to Society
May have high value as social change/progress may be possible.
“Job” is defined as
A piece of work, esp. a specific task done as part of the routine of
one's occupation or for an agreed price.
A post of employment; full-time or part-time position.
Anything a person is expected or obliged to do; duty;
responsibility. It usually is considered to pertain to remunerative
work (and sometimes also formal education).
What is it?
Job is an activity through which an individual can earn money. It is a regular activity in
exchange of payment.
Education or Special training may or may not be required.
Risk Taking
A job is “safe”, as stability of work and income is there. However shifting priorities,
especially in resource jobs, can abruptly change the demand and require relocation
which is an unstable factor. Risks may be completely external.
Short term
Varies by demand. More likely to be wage.
Contribution to Society
May actually have a negative impact when counterproductive social practices are
continued in the name of protecting jobs.
Externship V/s Internship
An externship is more practical, generally takes place
over a shorter period of time, and is sometimes similar to
a job shadowing program.
An internship is a work experience program that allows
beginners to have on-the-job training in a particular
industry; these programs usually last for several weeks
to a few months.
Leadership V/s Management
Leadership means "the ability of an individual to
influence, motivate, and enable others to contribute
toward the effectiveness and success of the
organizations of which they are members.“
Management comprises directing and controlling a
group of one or more people or entities for the purpose
of coordinating and harmonizing that group towards
accomplishing a goal.
CEO vs. President
In corporate management structures, the CEO (Chief
Executive Officer) is the highest ranking officer and
visionary, while the president is more responsible for
day-to-day management decisions and strategies. In
simple terms, the CEO makes a promise to the
company, setting a long-term vision. The president of
the company keeps that promise and manages the
company to make that vision a reality.
Chief Executive Officer
Highest ranking executive in a company.
Vision and strategy, financial management.
Reports To
Board of directors.
The public face of a company, macro decisions.
Duties Often heads the board of directors/reports to shareholders,
develop long-term strategy and vision for company, sales, interact
with local community.
Second tier, directly below CEO.
Day-to-day operations, implementing the strategy.
Reports To
CEO, board of directors.
Oriented more towards company employees, more micro
Report to board and CEO, implement policies and strategies into
the workforce, make the vision a reality.
Public Relation
Public relations (PR) is the way organisations,
companies and individuals communicate with the public
and media. A PR specialist communicates with the
target audience directly or indirectly through media with
an aim to create and maintain a positive image and
create a strong relationship with the audience. Examples
include press releases, newsletters, public appearances,
etc. as well as utilisation of the world wide web.
PR And World of Business
The world of business is characterised by fierce competition and
in order to win new customers and retain the existing ones, the
firms have to distinguish themselves from the competition. But
they also need to create and maintain a positive public image. A
PR specialist or firm helps them both create and maintain a good
reputation among both the media and the customers by
communicating in their behalf and presenting their products,
services and the overall operation in the best light possible. A
positive public image helps create a strong relationship with the
customers which in turn increases the sales.
PR Tools and Techniques
PR specialists and firms use a number of tools and techniques to
boost their clients’ public image and help them form a meaningful
relationship with the target audience. To achieve that, they use
tools such as news releases and statements for media,
newsletters, organisation and participation at public events
conferences, conventions, awards, etc.. PR specialists of course
also utilise the Internet tools such as social media networks and
blogs. Through the mentioned tools, PR specialists give the target
audience a better insight into their clients’ activities and
products/services as well as increase publicity.
Internal Vs External Public of Public Relations
Internal Vs External Public of Public Relations
Internal Public of Public Relations:
Internal Public of Public Relations includes Shareholders or Investors, Employees,
Suppliers, Distributors, Retailers/ Dealers and Other business associations:
Primary function of public relations is to facilitate positive and profitable relations
between an organization and its actual or potential audiences.
External Publics of Public Relations:
External Publics of Public Relations includes Consumers/Customers, Community,
Mass Media, Government, Financial Institutions, Action Groups and General Publics:
External communication covers how a provider interacts with those outside their
own organization. Internal PR is just as important and can make a huge difference
when it comes to your external efforts.
 Internal PR share key messages with all the members in organization.
 It recognition to people they receive awards.
 Internal Publics professionals keep the image of the company fly high.
 Internal Publics of an organisation looks into the goodwill of its collaborators
and maintain good relations.
 They take corrective actions when problems arises within the company.
 Secure internal buy-in from the executive management team.
 Manage the PR budget to ensure it is being used efficiently.
 Drive the PR strategy and make sure the company develops long-term
strategic plans that mesh with its overarching business goals.
 External Publics concentrate on issues pertaining the values, policies,
procedures and attitude of the company towards various groups of people in
society. (subject matter of external publics).
 External PR services proactively respond to editorial inquiries and requests
as appropriate and manage the process accordingly. Field interview
requests, coordinate and facilitate interviews, and develop briefing materials
to prepare key spokes people.
 Build relationships.
 Prepare PR tools like fact sheet of the organisation or company, its
background and its plans for the year.
 Enjoy news release success.
 Evaluates and consider the audience.
Importance OF Public Relation
The internal publics very important and
core group in an organisation that core
group which has very intimate
relationship and a stake in the
company. Company need to win their
loyalty, confidence, trust them and
provide them facilities.
The external publics of a company
consist of Consumers/Customers,
Community, Mass Media, Government,
Financial Institutions, Action Groups
and General Publics.
Internal and External Public Relation are very important
 Internal & External PR dependant on each other without one never grownup.
 Public relation consultant is also a part of marketing communication, which
involves in advertising and promotions in targeted markets with the help of
Job interview

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Job interview

  • 1. Job Interview Why Job Interview Fails How To Answer Communication For Employment Pre-Interview Preparation Techniques Characteristics Of Job Interview Sample Questions And Answers
  • 2. Objectives Understanding the nature of interview process. Knowing the characteristics of job interviews. Identifying the pre-interview preparation techniques. Understanding how to project a positive image during a job interview. Knowing alternative interview formats. Knowing different types of interview questions and how to answer.
  • 3. What is a Job Interview ? A job interview is a pre-arranged and planned conversation used for evaluating the suitability of a candidate for a particular position. OR A ​meeting in which an ​employer ​asks the ​person ​applying for a ​job ​questions to see whether they would be the ​right ​person to do that ​job. OR A formal meeting at which someone is asked questions in order to find out if they are suitable for a post of employment.
  • 4. Key Point Success in a job interview depends on; Knowledge Self-Confidence Good Speaking Skills Thorough Preparation Using Interview Strategies
  • 5. Challenging There are several factors responsible for making job interviews more challenging; Growing competition in the market. Challenging demands of the job market. Growing professionalism of the business world. Increasing focus on the candidate’s personal qualities. Changes in the interviewing techniques.
  • 6. Characteristics Of The Job Interview There are five aspects of Job Interviews; Planning. Purpose. Conversation. Two-Way Interaction. Informality.
  • 7. Pre-Interview Preparation Techniques; Pre-Interview Preparation Techniques are; Self-Analysis. Skills Assessment. Company Analysis. Job Analysis. Subject Revision. Developing Innerving File.
  • 9. Analyze Your Skills Skills Assessment is the process of analyzing your skills in terms of the skills required for the position you are seeking. There are two types of skills; ◎ Learned Skills (marketing, driving, planning, management, public speaking, administration, programming, consulting, foreign languages, teaching, training, supervising, data processing, listening etc.) ◎ Intuitive Skills (leadership, team building, stamina, courage, creativity, analysis, imagination, boldness, efficiency, motivating, patience, sincerity, discretion, foresight etc.)
  • 10. Research The Organization Researching an organization involves gathering basic information about the nature, operations, status, structure, growth rate and activities of the organization. There are many ways to research the organization. The first and the easiest is visiting the web page of the organization. The candidate must have basic information about the organization which are;  Growth rate.  Work culture.  Major areas of operation.  Products/services of the organization.  Cooperate culture.  Projects, services and products.  Hierarchical structure of the organization.  Financial standing and turnover of the organization.  Recent developments of the company.  Focus on the activities of the organization.
  • 11. Job Analysis Job analysis will provide you broad information about the position. You should try to answer the following questions before facing an interview;  What does this job involves?  What are the special duties?  What are the challenges of this position?  what are the skills and abilities needed for this job?  What are the prospectus?  What are the chances of career enhancement?  What is the level of professional knowledge needed?  What are the responsibilities associated with this job?  How is this position different from similar positions at other organization?  How will you rate yourself for this position?  Why are you interested in this job?
  • 12. In order to research the job, you may use several available resources such as the internet, library, the organizations public relations office, people working un the organization, particularly alumni of your institution.
  • 13. Revise Your Subject Knowledge Revise your subject for clarity and confidence. The interviewer may test your knowledge on a wide range of topics related to burning social, political, economic, scientific, engineering, environmental issues, national and international affairs, controversial topics, keys newsmaker and many more. As an educated person, you are expected to be aware of such matters. Therefore, reading newspaper, watching news on television and visiting informative websites to brush up your knowledge about recent developments in different areas is essential.
  • 14. Develop The Interview File Preparing for an interview demands a professional approach. Therefore, you should develop an interview file that may contain the following papers and documents;  Interview Letter.  Experience Certificates.  References and testimonials.  Certificate of merit.  Copies of your resume.  Your visiting cards  Relevant papers that might be needed during the interview.
  • 15. Preparation Steps  Identify your Achievements. (Self Analysis)  Keep your basic clear. (Company Analysis)  Keep photocopies of essential papers. (Job Analysis)  Visit the website of the organization you wanted to join. (Developing the interview file)  Relate your skills to the needs of the job. (Revision)  Keep your credentials ready.  Identify your special interests and hobbies.  Brush up your general awareness.  Keep your original degrees, certificates and transcript.  Analyze your background.  Find out the products or services of the organization.  Analyze your career goals.  Identify your accomplishments.  List the skills necessary for the job.  Make an index of all documents for easy reference and location.  Find out the financial standing and turnover of the company.  File the reference letter.
  • 16. Types Of Interview Questions There are seven types of interview questions; § Open § Closed § Probing § Reflective § Loaded § Hypothetical § Leading
  • 17. Open Questions An open question asks the candidate to “talk about” something. Its main purpose is to encourage the candidates to talk broadly about a topic or subject. Examples ◎ Tell us something about your self. ◎ Talk about your interests and activities. ◎ Describe the most difficult situation that you recently faced. ◎ What are the advantages of a mixed economy. ◎ In your past job experience, tell me about a time when you stuck to company policy to solve a problem when it might have been easier or more immediately effective not to. ◎ Give me an example of a time when communicating with a customer (or fellow worker) was difficult. ◎ Give me an example of a time when communicating with a customer (or fellow worker) was difficult. Give me an example of how you handled it.
  • 18. ……………Continued ◎ Can you give me an example of when you came up with a clever way of motivating someone? ◎ Give me an example of a time when you got really motivated at work. ◎ What have been major obstacles which you have had to overcome on your most recent (or current) job. How did you deal with them? ◎ What types of things have made you angry? How did you react to those situations? ◎ You have heard the expression, "being able to roll with the punches." Describe a time when you had to do that. ◎ If you could be "supervisor-for-a-day" at your current (or most recent) position, what changes would you make. ◎ Describe for me a time when you made a mistake that illustrates your need for improvement in a certain area. ◎ Tell me about a time when you made a quick decision that you were proud of.
  • 19. Closed Questions Closed questions limit the scope of the response by asking the candidate to provide specific information or facts. If you can answer a question with only a "yes" or "no" response, then you are answering a close-ended type of question. Examples  Do you know data processing?  Where did you receive your first professional training?  What was your major subject in university?  When did you complete your graduation?
  • 20. …………….Continued  Are you feeling better today?  May I use the bathroom?  Is the prime rib a special tonight?  Should I date him?  Will you please do me a favour?  Have you already completed your homework?  Is that your final answer?  Were you planning on becoming a fireman?  Should I call her and sort things out?  Might I be of service to you ladies this evening?  Did that man walk by the house before?  Can I help you with that?  May I please have a bite of that pie?  Would you like to go to the movies tonight?  Will you be going to Grandmother's house for Christmas?  Did Dad make the cake today?  Is there a Mass being held at noon?  Are you pregnant?  Are you happy?
  • 21. Probing Questions The main purpose of a probing question is to probe more deeply or ask for an explanation or clarification of a statement just made. Probing question encourage the candidate to talk in greater depth about a topic or subject. Examples ◎ Tell me more about that. ◎ What led you to . . . ◎ What eventually happened? ◎ Looking back, what would you do differently now, if anything? ◎ Compare this to what others have done. ◎ What did your supervisor say / do? ◎ What was the outcome? ◎ What was the situation? ◎ Why did you do that? ◎ How did others see it? ◎ What kind of feedback did you get? ◎ Is this typical for you?
  • 22. Reflective Questions Reflective questions are asked to confirm the statements given by the candidate. The purpose is to check that the interviewers understands what the candidate has said. Examples o That means you want the public sector companies to be totally privatized? o Does that mean that you favor a total ban on any type of violence in movies?
  • 23. Loaded Questions Loaded questions accesses the candidate’s response to a sensitive issue. The main purpose of loaded question is to judge the candidate’s ability to handle difficult and sensitive situations. Examples ◎ You are too short. Don’t you think this is going to ba a handicap for you? ◎ Your G.P.A in the first semester of your engineering is too low. How do you justify that?
  • 24. Hypothetical Questions A hypothetical question may involve a question hypothetical situation. It may be asked to test the possible reactions of the candidate to a certain situation. Examples o What would you do if you face a group of angry employees who want to harm company vehicles because one of the worker has been hurt by a company lorry? o One of your staff has been involves in activities detrimental to your organization. He has been doing this for money that he needs for the treatment of his ailing mother. What would you do?
  • 25. Leading Questions A leading question is asked to obtain a desired response. It leads a candidate to a particular answer. Examples  Don’t you think that our economy needs more privatization?  Don’t you agree that your company is a market leader in electronics products?
  • 26. Exercise  Don’t you think that the British economy is too closed? (Open)  Do you have any market marketing experience? (Loaded)  Tell us something about the effect of globalization on America? (Hypothetical)  Why did you leave your first job? (Leading)  When did you work for TCS? (__________________)  Tell us something about your achievements? (_______________)  Do your poor grades reflect your casual attitude to studies? (_________)  Do you think that religion and politics should not be mixed? (________)  Do you support the idea of uniform civil code for Asians? (__________)
  • 27. Answering Strategies Seven factors that can improve the quality of answers during a job interview are; o Attentiveness o Accuracy o Brevity o Focus o Clarity o Positive Attitude o Logical Thinking
  • 28.
  • 29. Mostly Asked Interview Questions Candidates should analyze commonly asked interview questions so that an answering strategy may be devised in advance.
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  • 47. What are your career objectives? Why should we hire you? Why do you want to join our company? Tell us something about your interests and activities? Tell us something about your work experience? Tell us something about your academic achievements? What according to you would be an ideal company to join? Why are you interested in this job? What are your strengths? What are you doing right now? Can you tell us something about your responsibilities at your present job? Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Are you a leader or a follower? Are you interested in full time or part time? Will you accept a lower position for the time being?
  • 48. Projecting A Positive Image? Dress Formally Prepare your Personality Relax speak Carefully Speak Clearly Speak Confidently Be Polite Be Flexible Be Tactful Be Interested Do Not Argue
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  • 50.
  • 51. CAREER "Career" is defined as; An occupation or profession, especially one requiring special training, followed as one's lifework. OR A person's progress or general course of action through life or through a phase of life, as in some profession or undertaking
  • 52. CAREER What is it? A career is the pursuit of a lifelong ambition or the general course of progression towards lifelong goals. Requirements Usually requires special learning that includes individualized components that develop abilities beyond that which training is capable of. Risk Taking A career may not mean stability of work as it encourages one to take risks. The risks are often internal and therefore planned. Time Long Term Income Varies depending on value to society or to some other entity. Non-monetary benefits may be higher. Salary is more common. Contribution to Society May have high value as social change/progress may be possible.
  • 53. JOB “Job” is defined as A piece of work, esp. a specific task done as part of the routine of one's occupation or for an agreed price. OR A post of employment; full-time or part-time position. OR Anything a person is expected or obliged to do; duty; responsibility. It usually is considered to pertain to remunerative work (and sometimes also formal education).
  • 54. …………..Continued What is it? Job is an activity through which an individual can earn money. It is a regular activity in exchange of payment. Requirements Education or Special training may or may not be required. Risk Taking A job is “safe”, as stability of work and income is there. However shifting priorities, especially in resource jobs, can abruptly change the demand and require relocation which is an unstable factor. Risks may be completely external. Time Short term Income Varies by demand. More likely to be wage. Contribution to Society May actually have a negative impact when counterproductive social practices are continued in the name of protecting jobs.
  • 55. Externship V/s Internship An externship is more practical, generally takes place over a shorter period of time, and is sometimes similar to a job shadowing program. An internship is a work experience program that allows beginners to have on-the-job training in a particular industry; these programs usually last for several weeks to a few months.
  • 56.
  • 57. Leadership V/s Management Leadership means "the ability of an individual to influence, motivate, and enable others to contribute toward the effectiveness and success of the organizations of which they are members.“ Management comprises directing and controlling a group of one or more people or entities for the purpose of coordinating and harmonizing that group towards accomplishing a goal.
  • 58. CEO vs. President In corporate management structures, the CEO (Chief Executive Officer) is the highest ranking officer and visionary, while the president is more responsible for day-to-day management decisions and strategies. In simple terms, the CEO makes a promise to the company, setting a long-term vision. The president of the company keeps that promise and manages the company to make that vision a reality.
  • 59. Chief Executive Officer Position Highest ranking executive in a company. Function Vision and strategy, financial management. Reports To Board of directors. Orientation The public face of a company, macro decisions. Corporate Duties Often heads the board of directors/reports to shareholders, develop long-term strategy and vision for company, sales, interact with local community.
  • 60. President Position Second tier, directly below CEO. Function Day-to-day operations, implementing the strategy. Reports To CEO, board of directors. Orientation Oriented more towards company employees, more micro decisions Cooperate Report to board and CEO, implement policies and strategies into the workforce, make the vision a reality.
  • 62. Public Relation Public relations (PR) is the way organisations, companies and individuals communicate with the public and media. A PR specialist communicates with the target audience directly or indirectly through media with an aim to create and maintain a positive image and create a strong relationship with the audience. Examples include press releases, newsletters, public appearances, etc. as well as utilisation of the world wide web.
  • 63. PR And World of Business The world of business is characterised by fierce competition and in order to win new customers and retain the existing ones, the firms have to distinguish themselves from the competition. But they also need to create and maintain a positive public image. A PR specialist or firm helps them both create and maintain a good reputation among both the media and the customers by communicating in their behalf and presenting their products, services and the overall operation in the best light possible. A positive public image helps create a strong relationship with the customers which in turn increases the sales.
  • 64. PR Tools and Techniques PR specialists and firms use a number of tools and techniques to boost their clients’ public image and help them form a meaningful relationship with the target audience. To achieve that, they use tools such as news releases and statements for media, newsletters, organisation and participation at public events conferences, conventions, awards, etc.. PR specialists of course also utilise the Internet tools such as social media networks and blogs. Through the mentioned tools, PR specialists give the target audience a better insight into their clients’ activities and products/services as well as increase publicity.
  • 65.
  • 66. Internal Vs External Public of Public Relations
  • 67. Internal Vs External Public of Public Relations Internal Public of Public Relations: Internal Public of Public Relations includes Shareholders or Investors, Employees, Suppliers, Distributors, Retailers/ Dealers and Other business associations: Primary function of public relations is to facilitate positive and profitable relations between an organization and its actual or potential audiences. External Publics of Public Relations: External Publics of Public Relations includes Consumers/Customers, Community, Mass Media, Government, Financial Institutions, Action Groups and General Publics: External communication covers how a provider interacts with those outside their own organization. Internal PR is just as important and can make a huge difference when it comes to your external efforts.
  • 68.  Internal PR share key messages with all the members in organization.  It recognition to people they receive awards.  Internal Publics professionals keep the image of the company fly high.  Internal Publics of an organisation looks into the goodwill of its collaborators and maintain good relations.  They take corrective actions when problems arises within the company.  Secure internal buy-in from the executive management team.  Manage the PR budget to ensure it is being used efficiently.  Drive the PR strategy and make sure the company develops long-term strategic plans that mesh with its overarching business goals.
  • 69.  External Publics concentrate on issues pertaining the values, policies, procedures and attitude of the company towards various groups of people in society. (subject matter of external publics).  External PR services proactively respond to editorial inquiries and requests as appropriate and manage the process accordingly. Field interview requests, coordinate and facilitate interviews, and develop briefing materials to prepare key spokes people.  Build relationships.  Prepare PR tools like fact sheet of the organisation or company, its background and its plans for the year.  Enjoy news release success.  Evaluates and consider the audience.
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  • 72. Importance OF Public Relation The internal publics very important and core group in an organisation that core group which has very intimate relationship and a stake in the company. Company need to win their loyalty, confidence, trust them and provide them facilities. The external publics of a company consist of Consumers/Customers, Community, Mass Media, Government, Financial Institutions, Action Groups and General Publics.
  • 73. Conclusion Internal and External Public Relation are very important  Internal & External PR dependant on each other without one never grownup.  Public relation consultant is also a part of marketing communication, which involves in advertising and promotions in targeted markets with the help of both.