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The Invention of Television ‫‏‬
Student's name:
Ahmed masoud Al Reyami H00134790
Fahad Ahmed H00247616
Abdullah yaqoob
Mrs.: Julie Richards
The Invention of Television
When you ask the question––who invented television, you may get a few different answers!
Television was not invented by a single inventor, instead many people working together and alone
over the years, contributed to the evolution of television. * In Sorbonne, France1922, Edwin Belin,
an Englishman, who held the patent for the transmission of photographs by wire as well as fiber
optics and radar, demonstrated a mechanical scanning device that was an early precursor to modern
television. * John Logie ... Show more content on ...
I choose to write about the television invention because arguing that television is educational and
entertaining has been overused. The most important quality of television has been overlooked, the
ability to change a person's thinking strategy. To categorize everything on television into either
Good or Bad is wrong. To inspire hope into the viewer is a gift. The ability to help others visualize a
positive concept or idea is a blessing.
I believes that the entertainment television has a big and clear effect on real world health by the
various programs which offers a wide range of knowledge and information in this sector, for
example Dr. Oz Show, and its impact on viewers' perceptions of issues such as the quality of
managed care, the rights of patients under current law, whether insurance companies are providing
sufficient coverage, and end–of–life decisions. Related work suggests, too, that TV viewers may
well mix what they see on news and entertainment together
In conclusion, the television is a great technological achievement that has the characteristics of a
person, some shows are funny, powerful and inspiring; others are just not worth watching. Although
television has a bad reputation, it really is a wonderful tool, bringing into our living room a whole
other world.
References * (2012, January 9). Report and research. Retrieved from ( *
John Logie Baird:
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The Invention of Television and Its Effects on Society
People in today's society live a daily life that a basic person could map out. They go to work, come
home and make dinner, and sit down and watch some television. For kids it would be to come home
from school, and watch television. Television has become a major power in our culture. It is our way
to watch the news, hear the weather forecast, and to sit down and relax watching our favorite show
or movie. But is the television really that good for our society? In 1884 the first ideas of the
television came to an inventor by the name of Paul Nipkow. It was called the scanning disk and was
patented by him in 1884. It worked by having a large disk spin in front of an object, while the
photoelectric cell that worked it would take in the changes ... Show more content on
This led to a battle between the powers for the patent on the television. Farnsworth knew that he
couldn't license his own inventions at the time because the patent war was in court. Farnsworth
himself couldn't even keep his own working area stable. During the patent battle he fired his fellow
lab workers and rehired them many times. This was due not only to financial troubles, but of his
lack of confidence in his control in the company.
RCA in the meantime had begun their investment in the idea of the television. Before 1939 the
Radio Corporation of America had dumped over ten million dollars into the development of the
television. At the 1939 World's Fair in New York, Sarnoff spoke on behalf of RCA and said that they
would launch commercial television. This was an understatement for the time though as the Radio
Corporation of America's camera was not yet ready, and the corporation had yet to own a patent on
the television. RCA later in 1939 had to pay patent royalties to Farnsworth's company, which made
Farnsworth part of the television scene. But Farnsworth now realized that the situation was out of
his hands and into businessmen's hands. He sold off his company after World War II.
In today's world television has taken a very dominant role in our lives. One could look at the
average American's viewing habits as follows. A person wakes up and turns on the television to see
the morning weather and how their stocks fared. The individual proceeds to go to work,
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The History of Television Essay
Many Americans today go home and flip on the television, but many do not take the time to think
about the complexity of this great invention that is common to us. Nearly sixty years ago television
barely existed and was not thought to be used as a broad communicator like it is used in today's
generation. Through its starting, stopping, then restarting in the 1940's, television took off and
expanded greatly in just a few short decades and had great technological breakthroughs to allow it a
widespread range of uses. Though technologies existed in the forties, the great advancement and
possibility that television would have, were not yet explored. Just as the radio, television was a
process being experimented with, worked, and transformed ... Show more content on ...
America as a whole was still on edge of this new breakthrough, much like the decades before when
they first experienced the radio. David Sarnoff, under employment at RCA, an invested radio
company who took great interest in the television realm, thought to change the perception of how
many people viewed television. Instead of making it just for informational guidance, he wanted to
make it a part of every day life for Americans. With the help of his company he developed tubes,
lenses, cameras, and other new tools in technology that later led to the great development we have
today. At the end of the decade RCA had more than 3 experimental versions of television sets with
color. By the end of the 40's the television industry had been well established. In 1947, President
Harry Truman delivered his state of the union address and the baseball World Series were both
televised. There were three major networks in America that had successful lineups. NBC, CBS, and
DuMont were the most successful. Both CBS and NBC networks began a nightly fifteen–minute
segment newscast. In 1949, the price of TV sets went down, leading to Americans purchasing
100,00 sets per week. Growing away from their once reservation of television, many Americans
were starting to see the value of television between its use of communication and the use of
generating a profit from it. "The high demand for television sets grew to a mandate of television
programs in
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Color Television In The 1950's
Color Television
First, I would like to define what color television is and then give some background history. Color
television is a television transmission technology that includes information on the color of the
picture, so the video image can be displayed in color on the television set. There was time when
television wasn't what it is today. Before many of us were born, the earliest television technology,
which was the monochrome or black and white television. The black and white sets displayed
images of grey and the monochrome sets showed rapid colors of red, green and blue which together
showed images of color. Many of the T.V.'s were floor models or tabletop bulky sets. Television was
upgraded from the black and white screen to color in the 60's and 70's. The invention of color
television and its standards are an important part of television history.
Second, I will explain how color television had an impact in the 1950's. Television struggled to
become available world–wide during the early 50's. Even in the 40's there were only 3 ... Show more
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The major change in television happened when AT&T installed cables from coast to coast, which
allowed for the transmission of signals, resulting in thousands of calls being made as well as T.V.
signals to view many shows that we all love today. People heard and viewed events all at the same
time. They could experience and react together when events or tragedies happened. Any cultural
differences no longer existed since shows weren't only in black and white. Many different cultures
were able to learn about each other through shows or documentaries. During the late 60's,
household's that had televisions rose tremendously. These opened doors for a wider variety of shows
such as comedies, cartoons, westerns, talk–shows, elections just to name a few. Also this opened
doors for many actors and actresses that we watch and follow
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The Implications Of Modern Technology : The Use Of Television
Television is an electronic system that allows remote transmission. The etymology of the word
indicates precisely its content, since it comes from the Greek prefix tele, which means "far", and
from the Latin verb videre, which means "to see". Television, one of the most admirable inventions
of modern technology, is a powerful means of communication. Used with straight and high criteria,
put at the service of ethical standards that serve as foundations to our civilization. The possibilities
offered by television make it an incomparable instrument for propagating high cultural values and
spreading knowledge. The radio had given humanity a special ear that allowed it to know,
practically the second, the events that occurred in the most distant places.
The first practical television system was devised in 1884, by the German researcher Paul Nipkow,
long before the electronic devices currently used appeared. The inventor used a disk that contained a
series of holes arranged in a spiral, and between the disk and the image object of the transmission
placed a powerful reflector, placed so that only the light that passed through a hole could give on the
At first, the televisions broadcast in black and white but it was the Mexican engineer Guillermo
González Camarena who invented color television in 1940, although the widespread use of color
television was until the seventies.
The first public television broadcasts were made by the BBC in England in 1927 and the CBS and
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Good Things that Came out fo the Great Depression
From 1929 to the early 1940s, America was hit hard by the Great Depression. The economy
plummeted to rock bottom. It affected millions of lives throughout the country, even the rich. It
caused families to use shabby clothes again and again, instead of buying new apparel and wasting
money. People cut back on spending and where they spent it. Then, WWII affected the economy by
putting it back on track. Along with it, was the Manhattan Project, which greatly affected the U.S.
The Manhattan Project (America's nuclear bomb,) was used in Hiroshima, Japan, during WWII. The
US was greatly feared by Japan and other countries then. The Manhattan Project also created the
Hydrogen bomb, which was never used but alarmed the American and Soviet Union public. These
were not the only events that greatly affected America. Throughout the years 1945 to 1980, many
events affected US society, such as John F. Kennedy's Inauguration Address in 1961, Elvis Presley,
and color television. John F. Kennedy was born on the 29th of May, in the year 1917. He was also
known as "Jack". As a young child, he often got sick. He did not pressure himself to do school
related work, unless it appealed to him. Even in college, he only did work unless it appealed to him.
Finally, in his last year in college, he got himself together and started taking school seriously. After
graduating from college, he went into the army. His brother, Joseph Kennedy went into the navy.
While he was in the army, unfortunately,
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A History of Product Placement in Film and Television
A History of Product Placement in Film and Television
Peter Rush Product placement in the marketing world has become more and more evident in the past
few decades. More specifically, product placement in the movie industry has been one of the most
successful ways to advertise products. Oftentimes, products are associated with a film, or vice versa.
Such is the case with Reese's Pieces candies and Stephen Spielberg's film, "E.T". While it is a very
expensive way of companies to advertise their brands, it is one that pays off immensely if executed
properly. Although it seems as if product placement in film and television is a relatively new way of
marketing products to the public, it has been around as early as the late ... Show more content on ...
But although some of the Edison films were obvious offers of products and services, product
placements as subtle efforts to influence audience attitude and behavior became a specialty of
Edison's. His catalog listed hundreds of travelogues, such as trips to the Far West, Niagara Falls, and
Hawaii, along with dozens of railroad films. The business of product placement had begun. In the
United States, cinematic art and business intertwined in the 1910s and 1920s as manufacturers and
government–distributed advertising films that combined drama and commerce to the small–town
circuit. Producers of these films included International Harvester, the U.S. Department of
Agriculture, and the YMCA. From 1914 to 1921, Ford Motor Company created a series of
newsreels titled Ford Animated Weekly and Ford Educational Weekly. A typical serial included
Model T races and news footage that sometimes incorporated Henry Ford meeting with government
officials. These advertising films were distributed at low cost to exhibitors and found an early
approval in small towns, with Ford claiming a viewership of 3 million per week (Journal of
Broadcasting and Electronic Media, 2006). Not only did the product placement within the movie
help to reimburse both parties of the agreement, but the American films initiated a worldwide trade
in American products as well.
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Disadvantages Of Technology
Have you ever wondered what STEM stands for? Well, if your curious, it means science,
technology, engineering, and mathematics. Wondering what these words mean? OK well, Science is
were the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and
behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment. Science is used for
many things like discovering lots of different things, finding new sicknesses, and curing cancer.
Technology, the application of scientific knowledge for practical, especially in industry. You use
technology for many different things. You can use it for launching rockets into outer space! Keep
your home safe and make sure no robbers or intruders break into your house. Without technology,
this planet would be a little off, we couldn't send Neil Armstrong to the moon, or let Michael
Jackson and the Jackson 5 sing their awesome music. Technology helps use in our everyday social
lives, sure technology can be bad in ways, for example texting someone while driving a car or
different vechical. You don't want to ever over use technology! According to Junior Thorpe "For
decades, studies of indicated that spending significant time parked in front of a screen–whether it's a
TV, computer or tablet–lowers cardiovascular health outcomes and increases mortality risk. And the
unfortunate thing about this that exercising doesn't do anything to help." But at certain times using
phones and other technology can really help, you can call the doctor's office when you're sick so you
know what sickness you have. You can call or text friends and family when they are sick or need a
little help and stay in touch with them. Engineering, the branch of science and technology concerned
with the design, building, and use of engines, machines, and structures work done by, or the
occupation of, an engineer. Engineering really helps in our everyday lives because without
engineering we wouldn't have homes, schools, offices, fire stations, or ice cream shops! But most
important we wouldn't be able to drive to ours friends birthday parties or go to family reunions.
Engineering helps use fly to fun places like Hawaii, Washington, Tokyo, and
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White Television History
The transition from radio to black and white television enlightened people since they were able to
get live footage of events "Although television was first regarded by many as "radio with pictures,"
public reaction to the arrival of TV was strikingly different from that afforded the advent of radio"
(Thompson). Television start was in 1948 to 1959 which was termed The Golden Age due to the fact
that there was advances in technology and was considered a period of higher quality "Until the fall
of 1948, regularly scheduled programming on the four networks–the American Broadcasting
Company (ABC), the Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS; later CBS Corporation), the National
Broadcasting Co. (NBC), and the DuMont Television Network, which folded in 1955–was scarce"
(Thompson). During this period there was both ... Show more content on ...
People were able to become involved in the presidential process since they were able to watch
presidential debates on television "In addition, the presidential election campaign of 1952 suggested
that TV might also become the dominant form of political discourse" (Thompson). Around this same
time television was improving and in 1954 the first color television set was sold. Television were
formally sold as sets that came with an antenna and knobs to change the channels or raise the
volume. This time was one of innovation and there was no stopping what was to come
"Nevertheless, the 'age of television' took off in the 1950s, using by and large the same technology
worldwide, although its take–up varied geographically according to the affordability of sets"
(Chapman and Kinsey 25). As television was being altered to improve so was the way news was
presented to the
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A Research About The History Of Television Essay
Television History
Marwa Mekdashi
California State University, Long Beach
October 3, 2016
This study is an in depth research about the history of television. Many people know the history of
the lightbulb and who created; however, many people like myself have little to no knowledge about
the creator of the television, when it was created, and the purpose of it. This paper will discuss the
history of TV, manufacturing companies behind this magical device, consumer profile on the users
of it, global application, marketing strategies used to sell the product, and future predicaments on the
technological advances in the upcoming years.
Keywords: Television, consumers, device, technology, history, marketing, manufacture, product,
worldwide, and future.
My topic of choice is the television. I chose to write about it because it is the only technological
device my family does not use. Although we have a television, it is never on because other
companies like Netflix and news sites on the internet are taking over people's interest considering it
is much more portable. I thought it would be interesting to learn about the history of TV and the
future of it. I have witnessed how television screens went flat. If you enter any home in today's day
and age you can see that nobody owns a tube style television or CRT. It is interesting to see
consumers racing to receive the latest technological devices. What is more interesting is the way
companies market to
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Wsjs Television History
WSJS is an amazing radio station that started in the early 1930's in Winston Salem, North Carolina.
Owen Moon was the idea behind WSJS. Moon was the proud owner of the two cities newspaper
"The Winston Salem Journal" and its afternoon sister "The Twin City Sentinel". The station made its
official broadcast on Good Friday, April 17,1930. The station did not broadcast the next day, but at
dawn on Easter Sunday, it broadcast the Easter Sunrise Service from God's Acre in Old Salem. That
broadcast has continued every year since, and is believed to be the longest continuously aired
special program in radio history.Since the early days WSJS has done a lot for the community of
Winston Salem, by playing a wide range of music and talk so conversation about what can be done
to help the community of Winston Salem. ... Show more content on ...
The first broadcast of the on the new network was the first game of the World Series between the
New York Yankees and the Brooklyn Dodgers. However even though the television partnership was
going fantastic with NBC the FCC made the decision that tv stations could not own the cable
systems in the market. Gordon Gray the media general was then forced to sell WSJS TV in 1972 to
Multimedia inc who remained the station WXII–TV.
In my opinion WSJS has done what its suppose to do by giving back to the community every
thanksgiving with food drives to feed the hungry and unprivileged citizens of Winston Salem.The
station provides families with hot meals and cold drinks during the Thanksgiving holiday and also
gives out toiletries. i feel like this a good way for WSJS to connect with a different audiences all
over Winston
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Technology Changed Technology
Technology has changed greatly in the last 100 years. To help me understand how technology has
changed, I interviewed my grandmother about the changes in her lifetime. Throughout her life, she
has witnessed many technological changes around the world. One change that has occurred in her
lifetime is the color TV. When she was born, color TVs existed, however, none of the channels
broadcasted in color. It was until she was in her 20s when stations began to transition into color
television. She also told me that when she was younger, they would find out the news through
newspapers a day or two after the event occurred. However, today we can hit a button on our phones
and we'll receive notifications moments after an event has occurred. Lastly, she told me about the
first cell phones. She said that the first cell phones were called "Brick Phones" because they were
the size of brick. However, cell phones today are much smaller, and can fit into your pocket. After
talking to her about some changes in her life, I asked her how she felt about changes in technology.
She said, "I'm all for progress in technology. However, sometimes it can be very scary because it
feels like it's of of your control. For example with computers, they can have security safeguards, but
hackers keep getting smarter and can access our computer easily. I do though like the progress with
regards to safer cars, better appliances, and especially better medical technology for our health
care." Based
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Social Media And Its Impact On Society Essay
Take a minute to think about the world today. Everyone, surrounded by different social media sites:
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and more, is being influenced one way or another and some
without even realizing it. Throughout my lifetime I have seen a gradual increase in the amount of
social media sites, the use of magazines, and the audiences of television shows and movies. All are
experiencing a steady growth that is inflicting a negative outcome on society. With so many
different influences from one form of media to the next, it is difficult to control what sites are
posting as well as realizing what they are capable of doing to the human race, specifically to all the
women in today's society. From newspapers, magazines, and electronics, society surrounds itself in
a web of negativity and traps the human mind into thinking this is the way we are supposed to live.
In 1928, the first television broadcast came out. Then in 1991, the world wide population was
exposed to the newest and greatest invention of mankind, the internet (The Next Web). Newspapers
and magazines are the oldest forms of media yet are still prevalent in the world today. In history,
newspapers were used solely to inform readers on what important news was occurring in the world
during that time as well as give information about job openings, businesses and weather. Magazines
were not as popular but still were used by many over the years. As time went on, there was a gradual
increase in the usage
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Symbolism In The Truman Show
Truman Burbank is the star of a favored reality television show called "The Truman Show." The
show is a live feed of Truman's life. Cameras continue to roll 24 hours a day, seven days a week,
commercial free. The whole world tunes in to watch and over the years has developed a connection
with Truman. However, Truman Burbank has no idea. He believes he lives in the town of Seahaven,
a staged set on which he has remained his whole life. In " The Truman Show," Writer Andrew
Niccol illustrates the theme of perception versus reality through the use of dramatic irony, pathos,
and symbolism. Andrew Niccol's use of dramatic irony gives us an inside look on the life of Truman
and how his whole existence is a lie. Imagine if your entire family, ... Show more content on ...
At the beginning of the movie, it was stated that Truman was the very first child ever to be adopted
by a corporation, even going as far as saying that he was born on live television. This brings out lots
of emotion and opinions about the show. Viewers feel lots of sympathy for Truman because nothing
in his life has ever been his own other than his reactions. That is what Christoff said made the show
work, "We've become bored with watching actors give us phony emotions. We're tired of
pyrotechnics and special effects. While the world he inhabits is in some respects counterfeit, there's
nothing fake about Truman himself. No scripts, no cue cards...It isn't always Shakespeare, but it's
genuine. It's a life" (The Truman Show).
Niccol uses Truman Burbank's fear of water as a form of symbolism for Truman's isolation, not only
the physical seclusion of the dome from the outside world but also his feeling of solitude from his
friends and family in the world he thought was real. He, rightfully so, begins to feel like the whole
world is against him and this makes him feel alone. In contrast, Sylvia began to symbolize truth. She
was Truman's light at the end of the tunnel. She was the only real encounter in Truman's life, and
this was huge because she was what motivated him to gather up the courage to search for the truth.
His goal became to ultimately find Sylvia and run away with her to Fiji. This represents his
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Digital Television Conversion Essay example
Digital Television Conversion If you are not connected to cable TV or have a non–digital television,
be prepared to either throw it out or convert it into a fish tank. With the increase in technology, the
television medium is becoming a more advanced system and is incorporating new standards for their
networks and customers. Digital cable is more popular than ever and is being used to launch new
capabilities in a couple of years. On February 17th, 2009 all over–the–air television stations are
converting to a digital signal. This means televisions that are analog and only receive over–the–air
broadcasts will become useless. The reason for this change is so that the analog spectrum may be
freed up for broadband and other emergency ... Show more content on ...
The converters will be offered at an estimated price of $50.00, but Senator John Ensign believes that
"we can have some kind of a program, though [he's] not sure what it will look like, for those low–
income people who say they need a subsidy" ( This will help relieve some of
the money constraints most citizens are concerned about when faced with this radical change in
technology. They do not want to pay more in order to receive their television shows believing it is
unfair to them since they already pay a high amount. They are also concerned because since it is a
government issued change, they do not believe it is fair to charge the public for something they have
no control over.
Although many people will have to either buy a new set or buy a digital box, not all televisions will
require a converter. Many companies are saying that "Cable customers should see no disruption in
service... if their technicians are permitted to use a method called down–conversion"
( In this process, the companies rewire the signal making the conversion
occur along the cable wires instead of in each individual home. This will relieve tension on the
consumer's end and enable the cable companies to keep their customers happy.
The deadline for this conversion to digital technology has been pushed back multiple times due to
scheduliing inabilities, concerns about the change and technological
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The Roles Of Latinas On Television
The main purpose of this paper was to research the roles of Latinas in television. More specifically,
how Latinas are represented within the television industry. The study consisted of a content analysis
of three television programs from the years 2015–2017. A procedure was employed and seven
characters were selected. The categories that were used in the study were based on the character's
ethnicity and gender, but the variables were developed based on previous research. The results have
revealed that there's a slight change, however, Latinas continue to be underrepresented and negative
The representation of Latinas in Television is far from mirroring the presence of Latinos in the
United States. ... Show more content on ...
The two theories that the researcher will look at that fit into this research are Cultivation theory and
Agenda–setting theory.
Cultivation Theory
Many people might say that prime–time network programming is responsible for the way people
perceive the different situations in the real world. The theory the researcher will discuss "began as a
way to test the impact that all this television viewing had on viewers" (West & Turner p. 421). In the
late 1960s, George Gerbner developed the Cultivation Theory which later on evolved over time
through the use of mass media. Through this theory is a television based theory, its assumptions and
processes can be applied to the representation of Latinas in the media.
Cultivation Theory is being used not just in the United States, but all around the world. This theory
just like other theories is applied daily because society is constantly watching television to educate
themselves on what's happening around the world. One of the reasons why this theory can be
applied by anyone, it's because "It asks people to assess their own media use alongside the socially
constructed reality of the world they inhabit" (West & Turner p. 435). According to George Gerbner,
cultivation theory says that as time passes more people in the real world of television are easier to
believe that social reality resembles the
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History Of Television And The Nba
Zachary Scanlon
Jerry Chandler
20 November 2015
COMM 201
The History of Television and the NBA
The National Basketball Association, or NBA has grown up over the last few decades. Once on the
verge of collapse, and unwanted by television, the NBA has rebounded to become quite possibly the
most popular league in the nation. It was through television that the league finally established itself
as a worthy opponent to Major League Baseball and the National Football League. The NBA got its
first television exposure during the 1953–54 season on the long–since folded DuMont network. At
that time, baseball was still the national pastime, and pro football was beginning to take the spotlight
as the favorite sport. Even college basketball was ... Show more content on ...
The savior for the NBA emerged in the form of Danny Biasone, who instituted the 24–second shot
clock that most agree, saved the league. The 1954–55 seasons was the first played with the shot
clock, and the results were a more wide open style of play far more attractive to television viewers.
The NBA has been selected for this study to determine how television coverage changed mass
media coverage of basketball and the way the viewers perceived the game.
Perhaps no sport was more influenced by the advent of television than professional basketball. From
the earliest days of television, NBA officials realized the power of the medium and they realized that
any chances they had for success were directly linked to their survival on television. Players and
coaches alike were concerned with the way their game was presented on television, even during the
league 's first decade on television. This made it clear that everyone in the NBA knew that league
success was directly related to television. NBA officials also knew that in order to appeal to viewers,
they would have to implement rules that would make the NBA product more viewer–friendly. In the
early 1950s, the NBA suffered from the perception that it was a slow–paced game. This was due to
the fact that in those days, if a team had the lead into the fourth quarter, it would "freeze the ball"
and turn the game into a tedious foul–shooting exhibition. This style of play threatened the NBA 's
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Black Entertainment Television History
Black Entertainment Television The only national channel targeted for the black audience, Black
Entertainment Television (BET), was launched in 1980 (Jones 477). The broadcasted channel shows
public affairs, relations, struggles, life lessons in dramas, comical and musical programs that give
African American characters and themes life, which is not usually broadcasted enough on any other
networks. The black audience preferred to watch television shows that featured and enhance black
characters, performers, and the themes that emphasized black experiences. Studies of black's
readership of white and black newspapers in New York, that found that blacks were skeptical of the
white press coverage of black activities (Jones 479). This resulted ... Show more content on ...
Johnson came to the Bush admiration's attention when it needed him most (Chait 30). It was said to
not have a good outcome, by The Wall Street Journal a week after it was placed in newspaper ads
because the black community would have an increased tax that they did not desire to pay for.
Johnson played the race card. He gathered a collection of black business leaders and demanded an
end to the estate tax (Chait 30). Johnson went through every step there was to ensure that he could
give blacks this self–inspired cable network, without making them give up anymore than they
already had. After putting up 15,000 dollars of his own money , Johnson then got a deal from TCI, a
Denver–based cable giant , who put forth half a million dollars to acquire the minority share of BET.
Johnson wondered, how much good will we get from making a major attempt to provide
programming of interest to the minority community, and he reaped a windfall from it. BET began
broadcasting a 2 hours per week, and an old movie on some Friday nights. It took over 4 years to
expand to 24–hour broadcasting, and its main criterion still seems to be finding ways to fill airtime
at no cost (Chait 31). The business began to come. BET was relied heavily on music videos, which
studios provided to the network for free promotion of their albums, which as of 2 years ago counted
as half of BET's televise
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The Impact Of Modern Television On Contemporary Culture Essay
Recent and historical events throughout television history have demanded a redefinition of the
medium in contemporary culture. Throughout its history television has predominantly relied upon
industry practices established early in the 1960s, however, the turn of the century has produced such
divergence from these practices that some scholars are defining it as an entirely new era of
television. Lotz, for example, employs the term 'post–network', an indication of televisions
separation from earlier dominant network practices (9). For the most part, Lotz and scholars alike
agree that this transition has stemmed from changes in the industrial norms of producing, financing,
and distributing television, as well new introductions to the industry such as the arrival of digital
technologies. This essay will agree with these scholars, arguing that significant changes to the
Western television industry has resulted in a new, distinctive era of television culture.
First and foremost, Lotz provides valuable insight into the distinguishable eras of television
development. The resulting three eras are defined as the 'network' era, 'multi–channel transition' and
'post–network' era (7). Each developing upon the last, the industrial changes which occurred in the
earlier eras had direct effects on the formation of the current 'post–network' era.
The 'network era', which spanned roughly from the early 1950s to the mid–1980s, governed industry
operations and created a television experience
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African American Television History
A New Era in Television for African–Americans
Television was invented in 1939; and the majority of television shows from 1939 to the 1960's
African–Americans were portrayed as servants, clowns or maids always in a negative light. These
characters begin to change during the 1970's when black sitcoms became reality based. Even though
African–Americans are still portrayed negatively on television, there has been some improvement
from the stereotypical images.
The Jeffersons first aired on CBS in 1975 to 1985. The Jeffersons was a spin–off from All in the
Family which first aired in 1971 to 1976 and was considered to have brought reality television in
prime time, Archie Bunker, who was the main character was a very loud, not conservative, and an ...
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The Jeffersons was not just a sitcom for African–Americans, the show touched on a number of
topics alcoholism, racism, suicide, gun control and adult illiteracy. The show taught America and
African–Americans that through hard work, perseverance anyone can reach and achieve what is
considered the American dream.
Presently The Jeffersons can be seen in syndication on TV land; TV One, Encore Black, and Netflix
just to name a few. This show opened the door for so many other African–American sitcoms in no
particular order Martin, Fresh Prince of Bel–Air, The Cosby Show, Living Single, and A Different
World all of these sitcoms showed African–Americans in a positive way and in different
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The History of Television Essay
History of television and its influence on people lives. How did television revolutionize the world?
TV, more commonly known as 'television' is one of the greatest inventions of the 20th century. In
ancient Greek tèle means 'far', and in Latin visio means sight. From my perspective and many
people of the world television has changed the way we live. Television has brought many amazing
things, however nothing is perfect.
Television sets were commercially available since the late 1920s but in very small quantities. Since
then television had become a bit more common in houses or business institutions because of it's
purposes. Which are entertainment, and news. In the 1950s, television shaped public opinion among
citizens. After the ... Show more content on ...
It was a breakthrough because it was the first one that would properly work. He demonstrated this
by using a Nipkow disk, the disk was segregated into three sections, where each of those sections
consisted of a spiral system with holes and them being covered by green, blue and red filter. As the
disk would rotate, it would scan an image in all three colors, using all three systems with each turn
of the disk this would generate a full colored image.
Early electronic television Around 1930, it was seen that mechanical television would never be able
to produce a proper quality which could be used for commercials and other programs. An electronic
television needs a picture tube this allowed to display the picture and an electronic camera tube was
needed in order to capture the image. Philo Farnsworth, produced images on his image dissector
camera tube in 1927. However, the image dissector required too much light to be practical for
One of the first electronic television broadcasting began in England in 1936. This was used for
several years as BBC broadcasted 30 line mechanical television, by using the Baird system. As
stated above the Baird system used a mechanical camera for filmed programming, and Farnsworth
image dissector cameras for live programming. After testing out both system it was an obvious
decision for BBC to use the all – electronic.
In the united states, they realized the true potential of television. RCA introduced
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Television and the Humanities: Looking at Television...
Television and the Humanities
Lisa Chandler
DeVry College of New York
Television and the Humanities
Many inventions throughout history have made their mark on contemporary American society, but
none so much so as television. According to Mitchell Stephens in his article entitled History of
Television, "Before 1947, the number of U.S. homes with television sets could be measured in the
thousands. By the late 1990's, 98 percent of U.S. homes had at least one television set, and those sets
were on for an average of more than seven hours a day." As the quality of the image improved over
the years, so have the number of televisions in American homes. According to an article in TIME
magazine in 2009, "The first ... Show more content on ...
TV could break the monotonous rush to formula that denoted the evolution of motion pictures and
radio. The newest medium should look to the legitimate theater and the performing arts. Mindlessly
mimicking radio and film would not succeed. Economically secure and better educated, the postwar
consumer would have higher expectations for television. The second body of decision makers
imagined a different audience–and a much more imitative medium. They gambled on continuity
rather than change. Television's acceptance depended on its capacity to re–create, for the small
screen, entertainment that consumers had enjoyed on the radio and at their neighborhood movie
theaters. In perhaps the greatest irony in the history of TV, the more creative response to the
challenge of television was the less successful. By the late 1950's, the second or more risk averse of
these two groups had won the argument. (pg.3)
The 60s and 70s
By the 1960's a different type of program was being watched as the audience seemed to prefer the
drama and/or the comedy. Some of the very popular comedies we can all remember from this time
period, and still watch today in re–runs, are the hugely successful I Love Lucy, and The
Honeymooners. (Stephens, n.d.). "In the late 1970's, three commercial networks essentially
dominated the medium and gave little license to creativity" (Baughman, 2007). The 1970's was a
vibrant time for the black race on
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The Evolution of Tv
The Evolution of Television
Television is one of the most valuable contributions of the scientists in the last century. The world 's
first real television picture was produced by a Scottish inventor called John Logie Baird in 19251. It
was nearly a hundred years to the first television appears, television has evolved a lot in appearances
and functions. Darwin's theory suggests that the variation among living organisms and the evolution
of a species is caused by the theory of natural selection. As a non–living organism, the development
of television is similar to the evolution of living species which obeying the Darwin's theory of
Evolution. This theory suggests that there are five characteristics in every biological life ... Show
more content on ...
1946––– Bardeen, Brattain and Shockley successfully invented the transistor at Bell Labs2.
1946––– The first TV broadcasting using coaxial cable is transmitted from New York to Washington
1948––– Television was bought into rural areas in Pennsylvania by introducing the cable TV4.
1951––– The FCC approved the CBS's color transmission system as the US color television
1952––– The cable television system began in US2.
1953––– The color television system approved in 1951 was reversed by FCC and approved the
RCA/NTSC color system to replace2.
1954––– The first national color broadcast was launched in US2.
1955––– Eugene Polley invented the first remote control to control the television with light2.
1956–––The world's first all–color television station is established in Chicago called WNBQ 2.
1960––– Broadcast of the first split screen in the Nixon–Kennedy debates4.
1961––– The first telecommunications satellite was launched by NASA to transmit the radio
1968––– US space capsule Apollo 7 sent the first live network transmission of television images.
1972––– The first transmission of space television signal is received by the color TV2
1973––– There is regular television broadcasting service in 96 countries2.
Phylogeny of television
Although television is a non–living organism, its evolution process can be also represented as a
Variations among television
The variations of different
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Black Entertainment Television History
BET (Black Entertainment Television) has been providing African American–centric programming
to audiences for more than 35 years. The channel's programming was meant to be in a magazine–
like format, presenting both news and entertainment shows. Today, it is one of the top entertainment
channels in the United States. Here are six facts about BET, its programming and its history.
Number Six: BET Is the First Black–Owned Network
When Robert L. Johnson started BET in 1980, he became the first black owner of a television
network. Black Entertainment Television also became the first black–owned company to be publicly
traded. His run ended in 2001 when he gave up majority ownership of the station to Viacom.
Number Five: They Had the Longest Continually Running Show in Cable History ... Show more
content on ...
Since 1998, they have been showing a religious programming block called BET Inspiration. The
programming is Christian–themed, focusing on news and profiles of clergymen.
Number Two: They Have Their Own Music Festival
In 2013, the channel launched the BET Experience, bringing together the best in hip–hop and RnB
music and comedy for a four–day music and lifestyle festival. Taking place at LA Live, the festival
also features a free "fan fest," a celebrity basketball game, lectures, interactive exhibits and
giveaways. The festival culminates with the BET Awards.
Number One: BET Used to Have a Movie Channel
Black Entertainment Television had a deal with premium movie channel Starz in 1998 to sponsor
their own movie channel. BET Movies was created to present African American–centered movies.
The deal ended in 2001 when the channel was purchased by Viacom. Thank you for reading our list
of six facts you didn't know about BET. We hope you enjoyed
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Historical Events Throughout Television History Essay
MDIA 202 Television Studies
Faith Holloway
Assignment One: Institutional Essay
Recent and historical events throughout television history have demanded a redefinition of the
medium in contemporary culture. Throughout its history television has predominantly relied upon
industry practices established early in the 1960s, however, the turn of the century has produced such
divergence from these practices that some scholars are defining it as an entirely new era of
television. Lotz, for example, employs the term 'post–network', an indication of televisions
separation from earlier dominant network practices (9). For the most part, Lotz and scholars alike
agree that this transition has stemmed from changes in the industrial norms of producing, financing,
and distributing television, as well new introductions to the industry such as the arrival of digital
technologies. This essay will agree with these scholars, arguing that significant changes to the
Western television industry has resulted in a new, distinctive era of television culture.
First and foremost, Lotz provides valuable insight into the distinguishable eras of television
development. The resulting three eras are defined as the 'network' era, 'multi–channel transition' and
'post–network' era (7). Each developing upon the last, the industrial changes which occurred in the
earlier eras had direct effects on the formation of the current 'post–network' era.
The 'network era', which spanned roughly from the early
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Premarital Sex Among the Teens of Today
TOPIC: The Effects of Television to the Youth of the New Generation
I Background History of Television
II Children Between the Television
A. Reasons Why Children Watch Television
1. Viewing to Learn
2. TV People as Companions
3. Overcoming Boredom
4. Improving on Bad Moods
II Effects on the Sensory Development to the Youth
A. Sight
B. Hearing
C. Sense of Wonder
III Bad Effects of Watching Television to the Youth
A. Violence
B. Obesity
C. TV Influence Aggressive Behaviour
1. Arousal
2. Disinheriting
3. Imitation
4. Desensitisation
I Good Effects of Watching Television to the Youth
B. TV Encourage Good Behaviour
1. Catharsis
A. An Excellent Educator
B. Good Form of Entertainment
1. A Source of Enjoyment
2. A ... Show more content on ...
1907 Early Electronic Systems – Campbell Swinton and Boris Rosing suggest using cathode ray
tubes to transmit images. Independent of
Olaivar 6 each other, they both develop electronic scanning methods of reproducing images.
1923 – Vladimir Zworkin patents his iconscope a TV camera tube based on Campbell Swinton 's
ideas. The iconscope, which he called an electric eye becomes the cornerstone for further television
development. Zworkin later develops the kinescope for picture display (aka the reciever).
1924/25 First Moving Silhouette Images – American Charles Jenkins and John Baird from Scotland,
each demonstrate the mechanical transmissions of images over wire circuits. John Baird becomes
the first person to transmit moving silhouette images using a mechanical system based on Nipkow 's
disk. Charles Jenkin built his Radiovisor and 1931 and sold it as a kit for consumers to put together.
1926 30 Lines of Resolution – John Baird operates a television system with 30 lines of resolution
system running at 5 frames per second.
1927 – Bell Telephone and the U.S. Department of Commerce conduct the first long distance use of
television that took place between Washington D.C. and New York City on April 9th. Secretary of
Commerce Herbert Hoover commented, "Today we have, in a sense, the transmission of sight for
the first time in the world 's history. Human genius has now destroyed the
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The History Of Community Television In Colombia
From illegal consumers to legal producers of community. Community TV in Colombia 1997–2007.
Big satellite dishes cover the roofs of several community centers in city neighborhoods and towns in
Colombia. Their visibility is a monument of a moment in history in which these devices accelerated
the access to international media contents, years before the privatization of television distribution in
the country. Images, ideas and practices that surrounded the introduction of these devices lead to a
range of larger questions regarding social aspirations and distinctions attached to technology. As
satellite dishes were adapted and adopted across the country, political and economic changes in the
government made the infrastructures created by the ... Show more content on ...
In Agreement 006 of 1996, the Colombian National Television Authority also established a set of
prohibitions to community television which include signal radio diffusion, service
commercialization, reception and distribution of codified signals. However, a year later, the National
Authority started to refer to community television as non–profit community television, in which it
demanded from Community television to produce contents for keeping their status.
Through these legal changes, I explore emerging ideas of participation and community that turned
these infrastructures into hubs for production. Under these circumstances, community television has
turned into a small–scale cultural industry for producing of local content, supported by the idea that
these projects empower local sense of communities. By following some of the democratic changes
introduced in the 1991 constitution, and the free market policies on this decade, I will consider how
community projects joined discourses of self–sustainability and accountability as a condition for an
emergent techno–communitarianism, rooted in the infrastructures of satellite dishes from the 1980s
(Hay, 2007).
Leaking and controlling: Simultaneous operations of muckraking within a neoliberal society
Whether defined as watchdog, as muckraking, as the Fourth Estate, or as a counterbalance to power,
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Television And Its Impact On The World War II
In 1926 John Logie Baird transmitted his first image with his new mechanical television. As the
4"x2" image of his business partner illuminated his face, Baird was completely unaware of the
influence this new medium would have on the opinions and attitudes of the people of the world.
Television represented a new opportunity to bring not only audio like radio but to place an image in
every home. Along with the work of many other inventors television was soon to become a viable
medium of entertainment and news but it did face many setbacks. At first television was a novelty,
completely overshadowed by the established medium of radio. Before World War II very few homes
contained a television and broadcasters mostly aired 15 minute segments and were limited in
technology. Then on September 1, 1939 Hitler and Germany invaded Poland and the world plunged
into World War II. The FCC issued a ban on the construction of television equipment causing the
growth of television to stagnate. At the end of the war economic prosperity and a rising middle class
opened the door for a new rise in the purchase of goods. One such good was the television. In 1947
only a few thousand homes owned a television. By 1950 six million homes contained a television,
and in 1960 around 60 million homes contained a television. During this period a new war was
being waged: the Cold War. In this battle between United States and the Soviet Union ideals
propaganda was the main way to grow support for their cause
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Effect of Television Research
1. Introduction 4
1.1 History 5
1.1.1 1935 – 1941 5
1.1.2 World War–II 6
1.1.3 1946 – 1949 6
1.1.4 1950– 1959 7
1.1.5 1960 – 2000 8
1.2 The History of Color Television 8
1.3 The Inventor of Television 10
1.4 The Definition of Television 12
1.5 Current Issues 13
Positive and Negative Effects of Television 13
1.5.1 Positive Effects of Television on Children 13
Television as education 13
Moderation 13
Family bonding through television 13
Educational programs 14
Amusement 14
Catalyst for reading 14
Wonder 14
Introduces new cultures 15
Bridge to conversations 15
Other positive effects 15
1.5.1 Negative Effects of Television on Children 16
Violence 16
Passivity 16 ... Show more content on ...
A few countries began broadcasting, most experimentally, with limited numbers of television–sets in
the hands of the public. (Television History – The First 75 Years)
Figure 1: Scanning Disk Television Set (closed–open)
World War–II
According to (Television History – The First 75 Years), "World War–II halted nearly all television
broadcasting worldwide. There are some notable exceptions which will be covered here in this
special section."
The time period after World War–II is considered the last and final birth of television. Families had
accumulated savings during the war years to purchase homes, cars and other luxuries denied them
during the war. Television sets were soon added to the 'must have' list. The explosion of sets into the
American marketplace occurred in 1948–1949. A few years later, the post–war sales boom for
England followed. (Television History – The First 75 Years)
During this period was an exciting and flower time period for television. In the USA, B&W
television exploded onto the scene at the beginning of the decade, mid–decade saw electronic color
television and remote controls launched, and at the end of the decade the public witnessed some
interesting styling changes and the introduction of transistorized television. The child was becoming
an adolescent. (Television History – The First 75 Years)
The developments of television keep on rising as the time passed by. Nowadays, we can see the
improvements and
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Television : The History And Development Of Television
What is a television? Television is a system for transmitting visual images and sound that are
reproduced on screens, chiefly to broadcast programs for entertainment, information, and education.
Television has been around for a long time even before I was born, it was first called, 'seeing by
wireless'. It has been used for over 80 years and was considered as an extension of radio. Television
has evolved from the past to the present, some examples of that is the size of t.v. are increasing &
changing shapes, the type of transmitter network provided, and last of the visual images the
television transmit. But as we move forward into the next generations we see that 98% of U.S.
homes had at least 1 television set that were usually view for more than 7 hours a day. In the article
"History of Television" by, Mitchell Stephens claims that the first electronic television was first
successfully demonstrated in San Francisco on Sept 7, 1927 that the system was designed by a
highschool student named Philo Taylor Farnsworth. Philo Taylor farnsworth began to conceive a
system that would capture moving images in a form that could be coded onto radio waves and be
transformed back into picture on a screen. This invention was the direct ancestor for modern
As we move forward into understanding how our television came to be, I will inform you of its early
development of television, which RCA had a major role in. RCA stands for Radio Corporation of
America that obviously
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Factors that Shaped the Invention and Development of...
Factors that Shaped the Invention and Development of Television in the UK Up to 1939
In this essay I intend to discuss the factors that shaped the invention and development of television
in the UK up to 1939; these include the social, cultural, political and scientific factors that took
place as well as the many technological changes. I will then conclude by determining the most
important aspects of its development.
Technological developments ==========================
The essence of the television began in the early nineteenth century with the development of the
telephone and the telegraph. These communication devices can be seen as a more technical version
to the way Native American ... Show more content on ...
During the early 1930's a rivalry erupted between a new broadcasting company, EMI (Electrical and
Musical Industries Ltd) and Baird's company (Baird Television Ltd), and so the Selsdon Committee
was founded by the British Government to settle the dispute. This committee decided that it would
be the BBC who would regulate between broadcasters and would use a transmission scanning
system of 240 lines. In November 1936 regular television broadcasts began and with the more
efficient broadcasts of EMI (using scanning of 240 lines), as opposed to Baird Television Ltd (using
only scanning of 120 lines), EMI became the dominant leader of the two.
By the year 1938 five thousand television sets had been sold and in a period of one year this grew to
eighteen thousand. Still, on a national scale, this was only showing the small interest in purchasing a
television set and was due to the high price of manufacture as well as its high purchase price. The
weak transmissions were also initially accountable for the lack of interest as not many areas of the
U.K. were able to receive the signal– what was the point in purchasing a set when it couldn't be
watched anyway?
The television might have taken on an entirely different form. Akin to the telephone it could have
been used as a two–way device and showing images of both of its users at either
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The Impact Of Television And Its Impact On Society
Throughout the years, TV has impacted us in several ways. Yet, who knows where TV will be in our
years to come. As we continue to become more technologically advanced, the use of television will
soon be a game changer. As we take a look back on the history of TV, we first started off the
television industry with black and white pictures. Since it was an upbringing at the time, it was not
as clear and the pictures would appear pixelated. Although that seemed to change as devices such as
cameras and scanning systems seemed to progress over time. In 1936 John Logie Baird, an inventor
of amplified mechanical televisions, had first started off with 240 lines. Now, we live in a generation
where we've tremendously evolved in regards to our "high–definition" as 1080 is the norm. As we
move on from black and white, individuals were now introduced to color television. It made TV
more enjoyable and the quality continued to improve. Another advancement that developed
throughout the years would be "time–shifting." In other words, this was known as video tape
recorders. This device amazed individuals as they were able to record a show and watch it at a more
suitable time. However, DVDs soon took the place of VHS recorders as it became more convenient.
With all these technological improvements, the one that seemed to have a greatest impact on society
would be the introduction of digital television. The picture quality was more clear and made TV
worth watching. Also, people had
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Broadcasting has evolved over many years, and digital...
Broadcasting has evolved over many years, and digital technology is reshaping broadcasting in the
United States. As people discover new things and create new technologies, they become better and
greater. Over the years digital technology has made broadcasting a quicker and modernized process.
Whether it is recording with faster operational cameras or editing with easy and simple software.
Also, broadcasting has become a major gateway of entertainment and has been for years.
In the early developments of television had low quality images and low production value, but during
the 1920's, they where a great invention during that time frame and believed it was very valuable.
Many companies started experimenting with television and developing. ... Show more content on ...
Ending the 1940's, fifty television stations were on air and one hundred and twenty four were
authorized. Also, the FCC established a four–year freeze on a new television licenses.
In 1950, the Korean War slowed down the color television progress, the FCC announces mechanical
colored systems, and showed a negative response from stations and the public and there was
community antenna television and later in 1952 coaxial cable is installed in large cities, reducing
ghosting. The National System Committee (NTSC) explores color for the television in 1951. In
1952, the FCC lifted the TV freeze it established in 1948.
The 1950's has to be the most uprising period of the television. During that time period, there were
live dramatic series that were broadcasted. In 1952 there was a rampant growth in televisions sets
and in 1960; ninety percent of homes had TV's. The Public Broadcasting Act of 1967 authorizes the
Corporation for Public Broadcasting.
After the television phenomenon, video recorders for the TV were made. In 1956, videotaping was
demonstrated and in 1963, a home VTR cost nine hundred and ninety five dollars in the United
Cable news stations begin in 1980 to get general news out to the people. In 1981, music videos were
on cable and later nourished the television station MTV in 1984 and by 1987; over fifty percent of
homes had cable television to view.
Digital Television became evident in 1997 when the DVD was introduced and the FCC rules
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Why Television Is The Extension Of Human Senses Along With...
Introduction In this day and age, television is seen as the most useful technology in the world where
we get enough information, entertainment and knowledge. People believe that it is more preferable
to have a television rather than to watch a live play in the theatre due to the freedom of relaxation
and high level of participation. In this essay, Marshall McLuhan's technology is the extension of
human senses along with Walter Benjamin's reproduction of art would be analyzed. The main of this
essay is to analyze two theoretical concepts and compare them to one another in relation to
television and also how these two theoretical concepts would approach television as a technology.
Television is a machine with a screen, which is used for ... Show more content on ...
Then in 1906, Philo Taylor Farnsworth who was twenty–one years old at that time invented
electrical Television on September 7th, 1927. During that time, electrical television was still black
and white; later on colour television was first introduced in the United States in 1953. Television
moved from just news and silent films to soap operas, cartoons, music videos and other types of
informational and entertainment things which influences us positively and negatively.
Marshall McLuhan, who was a Canadian communication theorist, was very much interested in
technology and how it shapes the advanced modern society. His very famous theory was "the
medium is the message" which means that the resource used or mode through which they are
presenting shows the message, not really the content. This theory then leads to how technology is
seen as an extension to human senses. McLuhan stated, "Media have powerful effects on societies.
Moreover, media become extensions of ourselves; extensions of our human senses" (Laughey, 2010,
p. 33). Just like the way our eyes see, our nose smell, our skin feels and our other senses have their
function, McLuhan emphasis the fact that technology is the extension of our psychological, social
and intellectual (inner) senses. In relation to Television as a technology, McLuhan would agree that
technology is an extension to our human sense due to the fact that in recent days it is something that
is used everyday. Humans use
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Disney's Television History
In 1948, box–office revenues dropped 43 percent from their all–time high in 1946. Similarly, in
1947 90 million people would visit the theater weekly but it dropped to 40 million a week in 1957.
These changes were due to the invention of the television. By 1960, there were over 60 million TV
sets in homes across the United States. Disney was the first to make a deal with the American
Broadcast Company to air their TV shows weekly. By 19556, studio movies found their way onto
TV screens across America. But the studios had to find a way to make people go to the theater again.
The first idea was to make the screens bigger and the sound better. Studios would increase their
width–to–height ratio from 1.33:1 to 1.85:1 for flat prints and ... Show more content on ...
Since box–office numbers were so low, studios would start to defy the PCA's production codes and
release uncensored movies. In 1956, due to a large measure of success in a few mature movies, the
MPAA president Eric Johnston changed the code for the first time in twenty years. This change was
minor and only allowed the limited use of the words hell and damn. When the PCA started to lose
control over the film industries productions the MPAA hired Valenti to fix the box–office problems
and modernize the PCA. In 1966, six films were released with the new MPAA code that stated that
the films were for "Mature Audiences." The MGM submitted Blow–up to the PCA and was declined
a seal. MGM then released the movie through Premier Films, which was a subsidiary of MGM. The
movie was a success and the MPAA president Valenti changed the code to a new age–based rating
system. The invention of the TV and its widely–known success lead to many changes to the film
industry. It led to the creation of Disneyland, movies on televisions, a few changes in the PCA's
production codes, and different movie genres. Box–office numbers would rise with the gambles that
the studios took to create mature
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History of Television Essays
History of Television
Television has become a major industry all over the world, especially in the industrialized nations,
and a major medium of communication and source of home entertainment. Television is used in
many industries. A few examples are for surveillance in places inaccessible to or dangerous for
human beings, in science for tissue microscopy, and in education. Today you can find a television in
almost every home. This is why I decided to research the history of the television.
The first television devices were based on an 1884 invention called the scanning disk, patented by
Paul Nipkow. This device was a large disk with holes on it, which spun in front of an object while a
photoelectric cell recorded ... Show more content on ...
An anode finger was a pencil–sized tube with a small aperture at the top. Magnetic coils sprayed the
electrons emitted from the electrical image left to right and line–by–line onto the aperture, where
they became electric current. Both Zworykin's and Farnsworth's devices then transmitted the current
to a cathode–ray tube, which recreated the image by scanning it onto a fluorescent surface.
Farnsworth applied for a patent for his image dissector in 1927. The development of the television
system was plagued by lack of money and by challenges Farnsworth's patent from the giant Radio
Corporation of America (RCA). In 1934, the British communications company, British Gaumont,
bought a license from Farnsworth to make systems based on his designs. In 1939, the American
company RCA did the same. Both companies had been developing television systems of their own
and recognized Farnsworth as a competitor. World War II interrupted the development of the
television. When television broadcasts became a regular occurrence after the war in 1945,
Farnsworth was not involved. Instead he decided to devote his time to trying to perfect the devices
he had designed.
David Sarnoff, Vice President of the Radio Corporation of America, later hired Vladimir Zworykin
to ensure that RCA would control television technology. Farnsworth's business manager ended up
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Changes And Problems Of The History Of Television Advertising
Examine changes and problems in the history of television advertising.
Advertising – which can be reduced to 'ad' – is classically used to sell a product or service. The very
first ad was aired July 1st 1942 in the USA; in the UK the first ad was aired September 22nd 1955
on ITV. In many countries political campaigns exist and are essential but in contrast countries such
as Norway and France control or ban such political campaigns. The two core tasks of advertising are
to meet broadcast standards and to air an advert to the appropriate audience. This essay will examine
television advertising and the problems and changes they have encountered over time, it will look at
the social issues advertisers face and explore the solutions and falls throughout the history of
Ads can be seen as ironic in a sense that they are self–referential which helps the ads protect them.
For instance: Adverts cannot be seen as a lie because they acknowledge truth about themselves; ads
cannot manipulate as they boast about their manipulation; and ads cannot be objects to adverts as
they admit their being and take themselves lightly.
In addition, ads are also self–referential because in accord with ads is the increase blending of ads
and culture. In result of this, the industry creates adverts which appear to enhance our lives. With
this; adverts seemingly appear to be an encouraging attribute that what could be considered
Moreover, ads can be related to cynicism. For
... Get more on ...
The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Digitalization Of...
Merits of Digitization:
The advantages of digital switchover which emanated from the huge potentials inherent in digital
technology are numerous. The change to digital broadcasting was opted for because the analogue
system has reached its carrying capacity but, broadcasting is still developing. Digital technology has
grown rapidly since the current broadcasting system was established. Programming sources have
increased and digital technology has advanced giving us the ability to expand broadcasting
Saves in spectrum, high quality audio and video, greater variety, wide range of choices of
programmes for customers, interactive programming, huge revenue potentials and employment
opportunities are few examples of the dividend of ... Show more content on ...
Gbam was quick to add that, the opportunities which the new media technologies (and by extension
digitization) offer as well as the challenges they pose on broadcasting are utilized and maximized for
the optimum use of the citizens. Meaning that, they must be used positively and productively for the
interest of the society and not negatively as tools for the destruction of humanity through spreading
of hate speeches, divisive tendencies, dangerous messages, fake news etc.
Also, at the Quincy parley with Gates Air in the USA, the Minister for Information Lai Mohammed
reveals the potentials of Digitization to Nigeria. He said: ''the DSO is very important to this
administration, because of the limitless potentials that it represents. For us as a government, DSO
goes beyond just receiving digital transmission but an avenue to create jobs and ignite the huge
creative potentials of our youths. It is also a solution to some of the intractable problems affecting
the creative industry including piracy and
... Get more on ...
First Peanuts Research Paper
The first "Peanuts" comic strip, created by Charles M Schulz, was introduced on October 2, 1950.
The comic was printed in seven newspapers that Sunday morning and featured characters such as
Charlie Brown, Shermy, and Patty. While Snoopy was introduced early, he did not make an
appearance in the first comic strip. Several characters such as Lucy, Linus, and Woodstock did not
make appearances until years later. The original name for the comic strip was not Peanuts as we
know it as today, but instead it was called Lil' Folks. Even though the name "Peanuts" stuck, Charles
M. Schulz never liked the name himself. The comics were printed for 50 years in newspapers until
Schulz's death in 2000 due to complications from colon cancer. Even today, his comic is still one of
the most famous to have ever been created. 1951–First Color TV
In 1951, two companies, RCA and CBS, were competing to invent the first color television. Early on
, CBS seemed to be the winner due to RCA's ... Show more content on ...
In the week prior to December 5, London had been experiencing an intense cold spell so Londoners
and been burning more coal than usual which meant there was a lot of smoke in the atmosphere.
Then, on December 5, A thick fog rolled into London that mixed with all the smoke in the
atmosphere creating the thick smog that almost shut down the entire city for 4 days. It is estimated
that nearly 4,000 died in that short period from inhaling the smog. Dense urban areas with lots of
factories were generally affected worse than open rural areas. The smog was so thick that many
experienced breathing problems, cattle choked in their fields, and travel was disrupted for days. As a
result of this smog, legislation such as the Clean Air Act of 1956 was passed. Although London still
experiences small spells of smog here and there, nothing has ever come close to the smog of
... Get more on ...

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  • 1. Jksdjk The Invention of Television ‫‏‬ Student's name: Ahmed masoud Al Reyami H00134790 Fahad Ahmed H00247616 Abdullah yaqoob Mrs.: Julie Richards The Invention of Television ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– When you ask the question––who invented television, you may get a few different answers! Television was not invented by a single inventor, instead many people working together and alone over the years, contributed to the evolution of television. * In Sorbonne, France1922, Edwin Belin, an Englishman, who held the patent for the transmission of photographs by wire as well as fiber optics and radar, demonstrated a mechanical scanning device that was an early precursor to modern television. * John Logie ... Show more content on ... I choose to write about the television invention because arguing that television is educational and entertaining has been overused. The most important quality of television has been overlooked, the ability to change a person's thinking strategy. To categorize everything on television into either Good or Bad is wrong. To inspire hope into the viewer is a gift. The ability to help others visualize a positive concept or idea is a blessing. I believes that the entertainment television has a big and clear effect on real world health by the various programs which offers a wide range of knowledge and information in this sector, for example Dr. Oz Show, and its impact on viewers' perceptions of issues such as the quality of managed care, the rights of patients under current law, whether insurance companies are providing sufficient coverage, and end–of–life decisions. Related work suggests, too, that TV viewers may well mix what they see on news and entertainment together In conclusion, the television is a great technological achievement that has the characteristics of a person, some shows are funny, powerful and inspiring; others are just not worth watching. Although television has a bad reputation, it really is a wonderful tool, bringing into our living room a whole other world.
  • 2. References * (2012, January 9). Report and research. Retrieved from ( * John Logie Baird: ... Get more on ...
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  • 6. The Invention of Television and Its Effects on Society People in today's society live a daily life that a basic person could map out. They go to work, come home and make dinner, and sit down and watch some television. For kids it would be to come home from school, and watch television. Television has become a major power in our culture. It is our way to watch the news, hear the weather forecast, and to sit down and relax watching our favorite show or movie. But is the television really that good for our society? In 1884 the first ideas of the television came to an inventor by the name of Paul Nipkow. It was called the scanning disk and was patented by him in 1884. It worked by having a large disk spin in front of an object, while the photoelectric cell that worked it would take in the changes ... Show more content on ... This led to a battle between the powers for the patent on the television. Farnsworth knew that he couldn't license his own inventions at the time because the patent war was in court. Farnsworth himself couldn't even keep his own working area stable. During the patent battle he fired his fellow lab workers and rehired them many times. This was due not only to financial troubles, but of his lack of confidence in his control in the company. RCA in the meantime had begun their investment in the idea of the television. Before 1939 the Radio Corporation of America had dumped over ten million dollars into the development of the television. At the 1939 World's Fair in New York, Sarnoff spoke on behalf of RCA and said that they would launch commercial television. This was an understatement for the time though as the Radio Corporation of America's camera was not yet ready, and the corporation had yet to own a patent on the television. RCA later in 1939 had to pay patent royalties to Farnsworth's company, which made Farnsworth part of the television scene. But Farnsworth now realized that the situation was out of his hands and into businessmen's hands. He sold off his company after World War II. In today's world television has taken a very dominant role in our lives. One could look at the average American's viewing habits as follows. A person wakes up and turns on the television to see the morning weather and how their stocks fared. The individual proceeds to go to work, ... Get more on ...
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  • 10. The History of Television Essay Many Americans today go home and flip on the television, but many do not take the time to think about the complexity of this great invention that is common to us. Nearly sixty years ago television barely existed and was not thought to be used as a broad communicator like it is used in today's generation. Through its starting, stopping, then restarting in the 1940's, television took off and expanded greatly in just a few short decades and had great technological breakthroughs to allow it a widespread range of uses. Though technologies existed in the forties, the great advancement and possibility that television would have, were not yet explored. Just as the radio, television was a process being experimented with, worked, and transformed ... Show more content on ... America as a whole was still on edge of this new breakthrough, much like the decades before when they first experienced the radio. David Sarnoff, under employment at RCA, an invested radio company who took great interest in the television realm, thought to change the perception of how many people viewed television. Instead of making it just for informational guidance, he wanted to make it a part of every day life for Americans. With the help of his company he developed tubes, lenses, cameras, and other new tools in technology that later led to the great development we have today. At the end of the decade RCA had more than 3 experimental versions of television sets with color. By the end of the 40's the television industry had been well established. In 1947, President Harry Truman delivered his state of the union address and the baseball World Series were both televised. There were three major networks in America that had successful lineups. NBC, CBS, and DuMont were the most successful. Both CBS and NBC networks began a nightly fifteen–minute segment newscast. In 1949, the price of TV sets went down, leading to Americans purchasing 100,00 sets per week. Growing away from their once reservation of television, many Americans were starting to see the value of television between its use of communication and the use of generating a profit from it. "The high demand for television sets grew to a mandate of television programs in ... Get more on ...
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  • 14. Color Television In The 1950's Color Television First, I would like to define what color television is and then give some background history. Color television is a television transmission technology that includes information on the color of the picture, so the video image can be displayed in color on the television set. There was time when television wasn't what it is today. Before many of us were born, the earliest television technology, which was the monochrome or black and white television. The black and white sets displayed images of grey and the monochrome sets showed rapid colors of red, green and blue which together showed images of color. Many of the T.V.'s were floor models or tabletop bulky sets. Television was upgraded from the black and white screen to color in the 60's and 70's. The invention of color television and its standards are an important part of television history. Second, I will explain how color television had an impact in the 1950's. Television struggled to become available world–wide during the early 50's. Even in the 40's there were only 3 ... Show more content on ... The major change in television happened when AT&T installed cables from coast to coast, which allowed for the transmission of signals, resulting in thousands of calls being made as well as T.V. signals to view many shows that we all love today. People heard and viewed events all at the same time. They could experience and react together when events or tragedies happened. Any cultural differences no longer existed since shows weren't only in black and white. Many different cultures were able to learn about each other through shows or documentaries. During the late 60's, household's that had televisions rose tremendously. These opened doors for a wider variety of shows such as comedies, cartoons, westerns, talk–shows, elections just to name a few. Also this opened doors for many actors and actresses that we watch and follow ... Get more on ...
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  • 18. The Implications Of Modern Technology : The Use Of Television Television is an electronic system that allows remote transmission. The etymology of the word indicates precisely its content, since it comes from the Greek prefix tele, which means "far", and from the Latin verb videre, which means "to see". Television, one of the most admirable inventions of modern technology, is a powerful means of communication. Used with straight and high criteria, put at the service of ethical standards that serve as foundations to our civilization. The possibilities offered by television make it an incomparable instrument for propagating high cultural values and spreading knowledge. The radio had given humanity a special ear that allowed it to know, practically the second, the events that occurred in the most distant places. The first practical television system was devised in 1884, by the German researcher Paul Nipkow, long before the electronic devices currently used appeared. The inventor used a disk that contained a series of holes arranged in a spiral, and between the disk and the image object of the transmission placed a powerful reflector, placed so that only the light that passed through a hole could give on the image. At first, the televisions broadcast in black and white but it was the Mexican engineer Guillermo González Camarena who invented color television in 1940, although the widespread use of color television was until the seventies. The first public television broadcasts were made by the BBC in England in 1927 and the CBS and ... Get more on ...
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  • 22. Good Things that Came out fo the Great Depression From 1929 to the early 1940s, America was hit hard by the Great Depression. The economy plummeted to rock bottom. It affected millions of lives throughout the country, even the rich. It caused families to use shabby clothes again and again, instead of buying new apparel and wasting money. People cut back on spending and where they spent it. Then, WWII affected the economy by putting it back on track. Along with it, was the Manhattan Project, which greatly affected the U.S. The Manhattan Project (America's nuclear bomb,) was used in Hiroshima, Japan, during WWII. The US was greatly feared by Japan and other countries then. The Manhattan Project also created the Hydrogen bomb, which was never used but alarmed the American and Soviet Union public. These were not the only events that greatly affected America. Throughout the years 1945 to 1980, many events affected US society, such as John F. Kennedy's Inauguration Address in 1961, Elvis Presley, and color television. John F. Kennedy was born on the 29th of May, in the year 1917. He was also known as "Jack". As a young child, he often got sick. He did not pressure himself to do school related work, unless it appealed to him. Even in college, he only did work unless it appealed to him. Finally, in his last year in college, he got himself together and started taking school seriously. After graduating from college, he went into the army. His brother, Joseph Kennedy went into the navy. While he was in the army, unfortunately, ... Get more on ...
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  • 26. A History of Product Placement in Film and Television A History of Product Placement in Film and Television Peter Rush Product placement in the marketing world has become more and more evident in the past few decades. More specifically, product placement in the movie industry has been one of the most successful ways to advertise products. Oftentimes, products are associated with a film, or vice versa. Such is the case with Reese's Pieces candies and Stephen Spielberg's film, "E.T". While it is a very expensive way of companies to advertise their brands, it is one that pays off immensely if executed properly. Although it seems as if product placement in film and television is a relatively new way of marketing products to the public, it has been around as early as the late ... Show more content on ... But although some of the Edison films were obvious offers of products and services, product placements as subtle efforts to influence audience attitude and behavior became a specialty of Edison's. His catalog listed hundreds of travelogues, such as trips to the Far West, Niagara Falls, and Hawaii, along with dozens of railroad films. The business of product placement had begun. In the United States, cinematic art and business intertwined in the 1910s and 1920s as manufacturers and government–distributed advertising films that combined drama and commerce to the small–town circuit. Producers of these films included International Harvester, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the YMCA. From 1914 to 1921, Ford Motor Company created a series of newsreels titled Ford Animated Weekly and Ford Educational Weekly. A typical serial included Model T races and news footage that sometimes incorporated Henry Ford meeting with government officials. These advertising films were distributed at low cost to exhibitors and found an early approval in small towns, with Ford claiming a viewership of 3 million per week (Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, 2006). Not only did the product placement within the movie help to reimburse both parties of the agreement, but the American films initiated a worldwide trade in American products as well. ... Get more on ...
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  • 30. Disadvantages Of Technology Have you ever wondered what STEM stands for? Well, if your curious, it means science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Wondering what these words mean? OK well, Science is were the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment. Science is used for many things like discovering lots of different things, finding new sicknesses, and curing cancer. Technology, the application of scientific knowledge for practical, especially in industry. You use technology for many different things. You can use it for launching rockets into outer space! Keep your home safe and make sure no robbers or intruders break into your house. Without technology, this planet would be a little off, we couldn't send Neil Armstrong to the moon, or let Michael Jackson and the Jackson 5 sing their awesome music. Technology helps use in our everyday social lives, sure technology can be bad in ways, for example texting someone while driving a car or different vechical. You don't want to ever over use technology! According to Junior Thorpe "For decades, studies of indicated that spending significant time parked in front of a screen–whether it's a TV, computer or tablet–lowers cardiovascular health outcomes and increases mortality risk. And the unfortunate thing about this that exercising doesn't do anything to help." But at certain times using phones and other technology can really help, you can call the doctor's office when you're sick so you know what sickness you have. You can call or text friends and family when they are sick or need a little help and stay in touch with them. Engineering, the branch of science and technology concerned with the design, building, and use of engines, machines, and structures work done by, or the occupation of, an engineer. Engineering really helps in our everyday lives because without engineering we wouldn't have homes, schools, offices, fire stations, or ice cream shops! But most important we wouldn't be able to drive to ours friends birthday parties or go to family reunions. Engineering helps use fly to fun places like Hawaii, Washington, Tokyo, and ... Get more on ...
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  • 34. White Television History The transition from radio to black and white television enlightened people since they were able to get live footage of events "Although television was first regarded by many as "radio with pictures," public reaction to the arrival of TV was strikingly different from that afforded the advent of radio" (Thompson). Television start was in 1948 to 1959 which was termed The Golden Age due to the fact that there was advances in technology and was considered a period of higher quality "Until the fall of 1948, regularly scheduled programming on the four networks–the American Broadcasting Company (ABC), the Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS; later CBS Corporation), the National Broadcasting Co. (NBC), and the DuMont Television Network, which folded in 1955–was scarce" (Thompson). During this period there was both ... Show more content on ... People were able to become involved in the presidential process since they were able to watch presidential debates on television "In addition, the presidential election campaign of 1952 suggested that TV might also become the dominant form of political discourse" (Thompson). Around this same time television was improving and in 1954 the first color television set was sold. Television were formally sold as sets that came with an antenna and knobs to change the channels or raise the volume. This time was one of innovation and there was no stopping what was to come "Nevertheless, the 'age of television' took off in the 1950s, using by and large the same technology worldwide, although its take–up varied geographically according to the affordability of sets" (Chapman and Kinsey 25). As television was being altered to improve so was the way news was presented to the ... Get more on ...
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  • 38. A Research About The History Of Television Essay Television History Marwa Mekdashi California State University, Long Beach October 3, 2016 Abstract This study is an in depth research about the history of television. Many people know the history of the lightbulb and who created; however, many people like myself have little to no knowledge about the creator of the television, when it was created, and the purpose of it. This paper will discuss the history of TV, manufacturing companies behind this magical device, consumer profile on the users of it, global application, marketing strategies used to sell the product, and future predicaments on the technological advances in the upcoming years. Keywords: Television, consumers, device, technology, history, marketing, manufacture, product, worldwide, and future. My topic of choice is the television. I chose to write about it because it is the only technological device my family does not use. Although we have a television, it is never on because other companies like Netflix and news sites on the internet are taking over people's interest considering it is much more portable. I thought it would be interesting to learn about the history of TV and the future of it. I have witnessed how television screens went flat. If you enter any home in today's day and age you can see that nobody owns a tube style television or CRT. It is interesting to see consumers racing to receive the latest technological devices. What is more interesting is the way companies market to ... Get more on ...
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  • 42. Wsjs Television History WSJS is an amazing radio station that started in the early 1930's in Winston Salem, North Carolina. Owen Moon was the idea behind WSJS. Moon was the proud owner of the two cities newspaper "The Winston Salem Journal" and its afternoon sister "The Twin City Sentinel". The station made its official broadcast on Good Friday, April 17,1930. The station did not broadcast the next day, but at dawn on Easter Sunday, it broadcast the Easter Sunrise Service from God's Acre in Old Salem. That broadcast has continued every year since, and is believed to be the longest continuously aired special program in radio history.Since the early days WSJS has done a lot for the community of Winston Salem, by playing a wide range of music and talk so conversation about what can be done to help the community of Winston Salem. ... Show more content on ... The first broadcast of the on the new network was the first game of the World Series between the New York Yankees and the Brooklyn Dodgers. However even though the television partnership was going fantastic with NBC the FCC made the decision that tv stations could not own the cable systems in the market. Gordon Gray the media general was then forced to sell WSJS TV in 1972 to Multimedia inc who remained the station WXII–TV. In my opinion WSJS has done what its suppose to do by giving back to the community every thanksgiving with food drives to feed the hungry and unprivileged citizens of Winston Salem.The station provides families with hot meals and cold drinks during the Thanksgiving holiday and also gives out toiletries. i feel like this a good way for WSJS to connect with a different audiences all over Winston ... Get more on ...
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  • 46. Technology Changed Technology Technology has changed greatly in the last 100 years. To help me understand how technology has changed, I interviewed my grandmother about the changes in her lifetime. Throughout her life, she has witnessed many technological changes around the world. One change that has occurred in her lifetime is the color TV. When she was born, color TVs existed, however, none of the channels broadcasted in color. It was until she was in her 20s when stations began to transition into color television. She also told me that when she was younger, they would find out the news through newspapers a day or two after the event occurred. However, today we can hit a button on our phones and we'll receive notifications moments after an event has occurred. Lastly, she told me about the first cell phones. She said that the first cell phones were called "Brick Phones" because they were the size of brick. However, cell phones today are much smaller, and can fit into your pocket. After talking to her about some changes in her life, I asked her how she felt about changes in technology. She said, "I'm all for progress in technology. However, sometimes it can be very scary because it feels like it's of of your control. For example with computers, they can have security safeguards, but hackers keep getting smarter and can access our computer easily. I do though like the progress with regards to safer cars, better appliances, and especially better medical technology for our health care." Based ... Get more on ...
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  • 50. Social Media And Its Impact On Society Essay Take a minute to think about the world today. Everyone, surrounded by different social media sites: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and more, is being influenced one way or another and some without even realizing it. Throughout my lifetime I have seen a gradual increase in the amount of social media sites, the use of magazines, and the audiences of television shows and movies. All are experiencing a steady growth that is inflicting a negative outcome on society. With so many different influences from one form of media to the next, it is difficult to control what sites are posting as well as realizing what they are capable of doing to the human race, specifically to all the women in today's society. From newspapers, magazines, and electronics, society surrounds itself in a web of negativity and traps the human mind into thinking this is the way we are supposed to live. In 1928, the first television broadcast came out. Then in 1991, the world wide population was exposed to the newest and greatest invention of mankind, the internet (The Next Web). Newspapers and magazines are the oldest forms of media yet are still prevalent in the world today. In history, newspapers were used solely to inform readers on what important news was occurring in the world during that time as well as give information about job openings, businesses and weather. Magazines were not as popular but still were used by many over the years. As time went on, there was a gradual increase in the usage ... Get more on ...
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  • 54. Symbolism In The Truman Show Truman Burbank is the star of a favored reality television show called "The Truman Show." The show is a live feed of Truman's life. Cameras continue to roll 24 hours a day, seven days a week, commercial free. The whole world tunes in to watch and over the years has developed a connection with Truman. However, Truman Burbank has no idea. He believes he lives in the town of Seahaven, a staged set on which he has remained his whole life. In " The Truman Show," Writer Andrew Niccol illustrates the theme of perception versus reality through the use of dramatic irony, pathos, and symbolism. Andrew Niccol's use of dramatic irony gives us an inside look on the life of Truman and how his whole existence is a lie. Imagine if your entire family, ... Show more content on ... At the beginning of the movie, it was stated that Truman was the very first child ever to be adopted by a corporation, even going as far as saying that he was born on live television. This brings out lots of emotion and opinions about the show. Viewers feel lots of sympathy for Truman because nothing in his life has ever been his own other than his reactions. That is what Christoff said made the show work, "We've become bored with watching actors give us phony emotions. We're tired of pyrotechnics and special effects. While the world he inhabits is in some respects counterfeit, there's nothing fake about Truman himself. No scripts, no cue cards...It isn't always Shakespeare, but it's genuine. It's a life" (The Truman Show). Niccol uses Truman Burbank's fear of water as a form of symbolism for Truman's isolation, not only the physical seclusion of the dome from the outside world but also his feeling of solitude from his friends and family in the world he thought was real. He, rightfully so, begins to feel like the whole world is against him and this makes him feel alone. In contrast, Sylvia began to symbolize truth. She was Truman's light at the end of the tunnel. She was the only real encounter in Truman's life, and this was huge because she was what motivated him to gather up the courage to search for the truth. His goal became to ultimately find Sylvia and run away with her to Fiji. This represents his ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. Digital Television Conversion Essay example Digital Television Conversion If you are not connected to cable TV or have a non–digital television, be prepared to either throw it out or convert it into a fish tank. With the increase in technology, the television medium is becoming a more advanced system and is incorporating new standards for their networks and customers. Digital cable is more popular than ever and is being used to launch new capabilities in a couple of years. On February 17th, 2009 all over–the–air television stations are converting to a digital signal. This means televisions that are analog and only receive over–the–air broadcasts will become useless. The reason for this change is so that the analog spectrum may be freed up for broadband and other emergency ... Show more content on ... The converters will be offered at an estimated price of $50.00, but Senator John Ensign believes that "we can have some kind of a program, though [he's] not sure what it will look like, for those low– income people who say they need a subsidy" ( This will help relieve some of the money constraints most citizens are concerned about when faced with this radical change in technology. They do not want to pay more in order to receive their television shows believing it is unfair to them since they already pay a high amount. They are also concerned because since it is a government issued change, they do not believe it is fair to charge the public for something they have no control over. Although many people will have to either buy a new set or buy a digital box, not all televisions will require a converter. Many companies are saying that "Cable customers should see no disruption in service... if their technicians are permitted to use a method called down–conversion" ( In this process, the companies rewire the signal making the conversion occur along the cable wires instead of in each individual home. This will relieve tension on the consumer's end and enable the cable companies to keep their customers happy. The deadline for this conversion to digital technology has been pushed back multiple times due to scheduliing inabilities, concerns about the change and technological ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. The Roles Of Latinas On Television The main purpose of this paper was to research the roles of Latinas in television. More specifically, how Latinas are represented within the television industry. The study consisted of a content analysis of three television programs from the years 2015–2017. A procedure was employed and seven characters were selected. The categories that were used in the study were based on the character's ethnicity and gender, but the variables were developed based on previous research. The results have revealed that there's a slight change, however, Latinas continue to be underrepresented and negative stereotyped. Introduction The representation of Latinas in Television is far from mirroring the presence of Latinos in the United States. ... Show more content on ... The two theories that the researcher will look at that fit into this research are Cultivation theory and Agenda–setting theory. Cultivation Theory Many people might say that prime–time network programming is responsible for the way people perceive the different situations in the real world. The theory the researcher will discuss "began as a way to test the impact that all this television viewing had on viewers" (West & Turner p. 421). In the late 1960s, George Gerbner developed the Cultivation Theory which later on evolved over time through the use of mass media. Through this theory is a television based theory, its assumptions and processes can be applied to the representation of Latinas in the media. Cultivation Theory is being used not just in the United States, but all around the world. This theory just like other theories is applied daily because society is constantly watching television to educate themselves on what's happening around the world. One of the reasons why this theory can be applied by anyone, it's because "It asks people to assess their own media use alongside the socially constructed reality of the world they inhabit" (West & Turner p. 435). According to George Gerbner, cultivation theory says that as time passes more people in the real world of television are easier to believe that social reality resembles the ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. History Of Television And The Nba Zachary Scanlon Jerry Chandler 20 November 2015 COMM 201 The History of Television and the NBA The National Basketball Association, or NBA has grown up over the last few decades. Once on the verge of collapse, and unwanted by television, the NBA has rebounded to become quite possibly the most popular league in the nation. It was through television that the league finally established itself as a worthy opponent to Major League Baseball and the National Football League. The NBA got its first television exposure during the 1953–54 season on the long–since folded DuMont network. At that time, baseball was still the national pastime, and pro football was beginning to take the spotlight as the favorite sport. Even college basketball was ... Show more content on ... The savior for the NBA emerged in the form of Danny Biasone, who instituted the 24–second shot clock that most agree, saved the league. The 1954–55 seasons was the first played with the shot clock, and the results were a more wide open style of play far more attractive to television viewers. The NBA has been selected for this study to determine how television coverage changed mass media coverage of basketball and the way the viewers perceived the game. Perhaps no sport was more influenced by the advent of television than professional basketball. From the earliest days of television, NBA officials realized the power of the medium and they realized that any chances they had for success were directly linked to their survival on television. Players and coaches alike were concerned with the way their game was presented on television, even during the league 's first decade on television. This made it clear that everyone in the NBA knew that league success was directly related to television. NBA officials also knew that in order to appeal to viewers, they would have to implement rules that would make the NBA product more viewer–friendly. In the early 1950s, the NBA suffered from the perception that it was a slow–paced game. This was due to the fact that in those days, if a team had the lead into the fourth quarter, it would "freeze the ball" and turn the game into a tedious foul–shooting exhibition. This style of play threatened the NBA 's survival ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. Black Entertainment Television History Black Entertainment Television The only national channel targeted for the black audience, Black Entertainment Television (BET), was launched in 1980 (Jones 477). The broadcasted channel shows public affairs, relations, struggles, life lessons in dramas, comical and musical programs that give African American characters and themes life, which is not usually broadcasted enough on any other networks. The black audience preferred to watch television shows that featured and enhance black characters, performers, and the themes that emphasized black experiences. Studies of black's readership of white and black newspapers in New York, that found that blacks were skeptical of the white press coverage of black activities (Jones 479). This resulted ... Show more content on ... Johnson came to the Bush admiration's attention when it needed him most (Chait 30). It was said to not have a good outcome, by The Wall Street Journal a week after it was placed in newspaper ads because the black community would have an increased tax that they did not desire to pay for. Johnson played the race card. He gathered a collection of black business leaders and demanded an end to the estate tax (Chait 30). Johnson went through every step there was to ensure that he could give blacks this self–inspired cable network, without making them give up anymore than they already had. After putting up 15,000 dollars of his own money , Johnson then got a deal from TCI, a Denver–based cable giant , who put forth half a million dollars to acquire the minority share of BET. Johnson wondered, how much good will we get from making a major attempt to provide programming of interest to the minority community, and he reaped a windfall from it. BET began broadcasting a 2 hours per week, and an old movie on some Friday nights. It took over 4 years to expand to 24–hour broadcasting, and its main criterion still seems to be finding ways to fill airtime at no cost (Chait 31). The business began to come. BET was relied heavily on music videos, which studios provided to the network for free promotion of their albums, which as of 2 years ago counted as half of BET's televise ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. The Impact Of Modern Television On Contemporary Culture Essay Recent and historical events throughout television history have demanded a redefinition of the medium in contemporary culture. Throughout its history television has predominantly relied upon industry practices established early in the 1960s, however, the turn of the century has produced such divergence from these practices that some scholars are defining it as an entirely new era of television. Lotz, for example, employs the term 'post–network', an indication of televisions separation from earlier dominant network practices (9). For the most part, Lotz and scholars alike agree that this transition has stemmed from changes in the industrial norms of producing, financing, and distributing television, as well new introductions to the industry such as the arrival of digital technologies. This essay will agree with these scholars, arguing that significant changes to the Western television industry has resulted in a new, distinctive era of television culture. First and foremost, Lotz provides valuable insight into the distinguishable eras of television development. The resulting three eras are defined as the 'network' era, 'multi–channel transition' and 'post–network' era (7). Each developing upon the last, the industrial changes which occurred in the earlier eras had direct effects on the formation of the current 'post–network' era. The 'network era', which spanned roughly from the early 1950s to the mid–1980s, governed industry operations and created a television experience ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. African American Television History A New Era in Television for African–Americans Television was invented in 1939; and the majority of television shows from 1939 to the 1960's African–Americans were portrayed as servants, clowns or maids always in a negative light. These characters begin to change during the 1970's when black sitcoms became reality based. Even though African–Americans are still portrayed negatively on television, there has been some improvement from the stereotypical images. The Jeffersons first aired on CBS in 1975 to 1985. The Jeffersons was a spin–off from All in the Family which first aired in 1971 to 1976 and was considered to have brought reality television in prime time, Archie Bunker, who was the main character was a very loud, not conservative, and an ... Show more content on ... The Jeffersons was not just a sitcom for African–Americans, the show touched on a number of topics alcoholism, racism, suicide, gun control and adult illiteracy. The show taught America and African–Americans that through hard work, perseverance anyone can reach and achieve what is considered the American dream. Presently The Jeffersons can be seen in syndication on TV land; TV One, Encore Black, and Netflix just to name a few. This show opened the door for so many other African–American sitcoms in no particular order Martin, Fresh Prince of Bel–Air, The Cosby Show, Living Single, and A Different World all of these sitcoms showed African–Americans in a positive way and in different ... Get more on ...
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  • 82. The History of Television Essay History of television and its influence on people lives. How did television revolutionize the world? TV, more commonly known as 'television' is one of the greatest inventions of the 20th century. In ancient Greek tèle means 'far', and in Latin visio means sight. From my perspective and many people of the world television has changed the way we live. Television has brought many amazing things, however nothing is perfect. Television sets were commercially available since the late 1920s but in very small quantities. Since then television had become a bit more common in houses or business institutions because of it's purposes. Which are entertainment, and news. In the 1950s, television shaped public opinion among citizens. After the ... Show more content on ... It was a breakthrough because it was the first one that would properly work. He demonstrated this by using a Nipkow disk, the disk was segregated into three sections, where each of those sections consisted of a spiral system with holes and them being covered by green, blue and red filter. As the disk would rotate, it would scan an image in all three colors, using all three systems with each turn of the disk this would generate a full colored image. Early electronic television Around 1930, it was seen that mechanical television would never be able to produce a proper quality which could be used for commercials and other programs. An electronic television needs a picture tube this allowed to display the picture and an electronic camera tube was needed in order to capture the image. Philo Farnsworth, produced images on his image dissector camera tube in 1927. However, the image dissector required too much light to be practical for television. One of the first electronic television broadcasting began in England in 1936. This was used for several years as BBC broadcasted 30 line mechanical television, by using the Baird system. As stated above the Baird system used a mechanical camera for filmed programming, and Farnsworth image dissector cameras for live programming. After testing out both system it was an obvious decision for BBC to use the all – electronic. In the united states, they realized the true potential of television. RCA introduced ... Get more on ...
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  • 86. Television and the Humanities: Looking at Television... Television and the Humanities Lisa Chandler HUMN303 DeVry College of New York Television and the Humanities Introduction Many inventions throughout history have made their mark on contemporary American society, but none so much so as television. According to Mitchell Stephens in his article entitled History of Television, "Before 1947, the number of U.S. homes with television sets could be measured in the thousands. By the late 1990's, 98 percent of U.S. homes had at least one television set, and those sets were on for an average of more than seven hours a day." As the quality of the image improved over the years, so have the number of televisions in American homes. According to an article in TIME magazine in 2009, "The first ... Show more content on ... TV could break the monotonous rush to formula that denoted the evolution of motion pictures and radio. The newest medium should look to the legitimate theater and the performing arts. Mindlessly mimicking radio and film would not succeed. Economically secure and better educated, the postwar consumer would have higher expectations for television. The second body of decision makers imagined a different audience–and a much more imitative medium. They gambled on continuity rather than change. Television's acceptance depended on its capacity to re–create, for the small screen, entertainment that consumers had enjoyed on the radio and at their neighborhood movie theaters. In perhaps the greatest irony in the history of TV, the more creative response to the challenge of television was the less successful. By the late 1950's, the second or more risk averse of these two groups had won the argument. (pg.3) The 60s and 70s By the 1960's a different type of program was being watched as the audience seemed to prefer the drama and/or the comedy. Some of the very popular comedies we can all remember from this time period, and still watch today in re–runs, are the hugely successful I Love Lucy, and The Honeymooners. (Stephens, n.d.). "In the late 1970's, three commercial networks essentially dominated the medium and gave little license to creativity" (Baughman, 2007). The 1970's was a vibrant time for the black race on ... Get more on ...
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  • 90. The Evolution of Tv The Evolution of Television Introduction Television is one of the most valuable contributions of the scientists in the last century. The world 's first real television picture was produced by a Scottish inventor called John Logie Baird in 19251. It was nearly a hundred years to the first television appears, television has evolved a lot in appearances and functions. Darwin's theory suggests that the variation among living organisms and the evolution of a species is caused by the theory of natural selection. As a non–living organism, the development of television is similar to the evolution of living species which obeying the Darwin's theory of Evolution. This theory suggests that there are five characteristics in every biological life ... Show more content on ... 1946––– Bardeen, Brattain and Shockley successfully invented the transistor at Bell Labs2. 1946––– The first TV broadcasting using coaxial cable is transmitted from New York to Washington D.C. 1948––– Television was bought into rural areas in Pennsylvania by introducing the cable TV4. 1951––– The FCC approved the CBS's color transmission system as the US color television standard.2,4 1952––– The cable television system began in US2. 1953––– The color television system approved in 1951 was reversed by FCC and approved the RCA/NTSC color system to replace2. 1954––– The first national color broadcast was launched in US2. 1955––– Eugene Polley invented the first remote control to control the television with light2. 1956–––The world's first all–color television station is established in Chicago called WNBQ 2. 1960––– Broadcast of the first split screen in the Nixon–Kennedy debates4. 1961––– The first telecommunications satellite was launched by NASA to transmit the radio signals2. 1968––– US space capsule Apollo 7 sent the first live network transmission of television images. 1972––– The first transmission of space television signal is received by the color TV2 1973––– There is regular television broadcasting service in 96 countries2. Phylogeny of television Although television is a non–living organism, its evolution process can be also represented as a phylogeny. Variations among television The variations of different
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  • 95. Black Entertainment Television History BET (Black Entertainment Television) has been providing African American–centric programming to audiences for more than 35 years. The channel's programming was meant to be in a magazine– like format, presenting both news and entertainment shows. Today, it is one of the top entertainment channels in the United States. Here are six facts about BET, its programming and its history. Number Six: BET Is the First Black–Owned Network When Robert L. Johnson started BET in 1980, he became the first black owner of a television network. Black Entertainment Television also became the first black–owned company to be publicly traded. His run ended in 2001 when he gave up majority ownership of the station to Viacom. Number Five: They Had the Longest Continually Running Show in Cable History ... Show more content on ... Since 1998, they have been showing a religious programming block called BET Inspiration. The programming is Christian–themed, focusing on news and profiles of clergymen. Number Two: They Have Their Own Music Festival In 2013, the channel launched the BET Experience, bringing together the best in hip–hop and RnB music and comedy for a four–day music and lifestyle festival. Taking place at LA Live, the festival also features a free "fan fest," a celebrity basketball game, lectures, interactive exhibits and giveaways. The festival culminates with the BET Awards. Number One: BET Used to Have a Movie Channel Black Entertainment Television had a deal with premium movie channel Starz in 1998 to sponsor their own movie channel. BET Movies was created to present African American–centered movies. The deal ended in 2001 when the channel was purchased by Viacom. Thank you for reading our list of six facts you didn't know about BET. We hope you enjoyed ... Get more on ...
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  • 99. Historical Events Throughout Television History Essay MDIA 202 Television Studies Faith Holloway 300314105 Assignment One: Institutional Essay Recent and historical events throughout television history have demanded a redefinition of the medium in contemporary culture. Throughout its history television has predominantly relied upon industry practices established early in the 1960s, however, the turn of the century has produced such divergence from these practices that some scholars are defining it as an entirely new era of television. Lotz, for example, employs the term 'post–network', an indication of televisions separation from earlier dominant network practices (9). For the most part, Lotz and scholars alike agree that this transition has stemmed from changes in the industrial norms of producing, financing, and distributing television, as well new introductions to the industry such as the arrival of digital technologies. This essay will agree with these scholars, arguing that significant changes to the Western television industry has resulted in a new, distinctive era of television culture. First and foremost, Lotz provides valuable insight into the distinguishable eras of television development. The resulting three eras are defined as the 'network' era, 'multi–channel transition' and 'post–network' era (7). Each developing upon the last, the industrial changes which occurred in the earlier eras had direct effects on the formation of the current 'post–network' era. The 'network era', which spanned roughly from the early ... Get more on ...
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  • 103. Premarital Sex Among the Teens of Today TOPIC: The Effects of Television to the Youth of the New Generation I Background History of Television II Children Between the Television A. Reasons Why Children Watch Television 1. Viewing to Learn 2. TV People as Companions 3. Overcoming Boredom 4. Improving on Bad Moods II Effects on the Sensory Development to the Youth A. Sight B. Hearing C. Sense of Wonder III Bad Effects of Watching Television to the Youth A. Violence B. Obesity C. TV Influence Aggressive Behaviour 1. Arousal 2. Disinheriting 3. Imitation 4. Desensitisation I Good Effects of Watching Television to the Youth B. TV Encourage Good Behaviour 1. Catharsis A. An Excellent Educator B. Good Form of Entertainment 1. A Source of Enjoyment 2. A ... Show more content on ... 1907 Early Electronic Systems – Campbell Swinton and Boris Rosing suggest using cathode ray tubes to transmit images. Independent of Olaivar 6 each other, they both develop electronic scanning methods of reproducing images. 1923 – Vladimir Zworkin patents his iconscope a TV camera tube based on Campbell Swinton 's ideas. The iconscope, which he called an electric eye becomes the cornerstone for further television development. Zworkin later develops the kinescope for picture display (aka the reciever). 1924/25 First Moving Silhouette Images – American Charles Jenkins and John Baird from Scotland, each demonstrate the mechanical transmissions of images over wire circuits. John Baird becomes
  • 104. the first person to transmit moving silhouette images using a mechanical system based on Nipkow 's disk. Charles Jenkin built his Radiovisor and 1931 and sold it as a kit for consumers to put together. 1926 30 Lines of Resolution – John Baird operates a television system with 30 lines of resolution system running at 5 frames per second. 1927 – Bell Telephone and the U.S. Department of Commerce conduct the first long distance use of television that took place between Washington D.C. and New York City on April 9th. Secretary of Commerce Herbert Hoover commented, "Today we have, in a sense, the transmission of sight for the first time in the world 's history. Human genius has now destroyed the ... Get more on ...
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  • 108. The History Of Community Television In Colombia From illegal consumers to legal producers of community. Community TV in Colombia 1997–2007. Big satellite dishes cover the roofs of several community centers in city neighborhoods and towns in Colombia. Their visibility is a monument of a moment in history in which these devices accelerated the access to international media contents, years before the privatization of television distribution in the country. Images, ideas and practices that surrounded the introduction of these devices lead to a range of larger questions regarding social aspirations and distinctions attached to technology. As satellite dishes were adapted and adopted across the country, political and economic changes in the government made the infrastructures created by the ... Show more content on ... In Agreement 006 of 1996, the Colombian National Television Authority also established a set of prohibitions to community television which include signal radio diffusion, service commercialization, reception and distribution of codified signals. However, a year later, the National Authority started to refer to community television as non–profit community television, in which it demanded from Community television to produce contents for keeping their status. Through these legal changes, I explore emerging ideas of participation and community that turned these infrastructures into hubs for production. Under these circumstances, community television has turned into a small–scale cultural industry for producing of local content, supported by the idea that these projects empower local sense of communities. By following some of the democratic changes introduced in the 1991 constitution, and the free market policies on this decade, I will consider how community projects joined discourses of self–sustainability and accountability as a condition for an emergent techno–communitarianism, rooted in the infrastructures of satellite dishes from the 1980s (Hay, 2007). Leaking and controlling: Simultaneous operations of muckraking within a neoliberal society Whether defined as watchdog, as muckraking, as the Fourth Estate, or as a counterbalance to power, many ... Get more on ...
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  • 112. Television And Its Impact On The World War II In 1926 John Logie Baird transmitted his first image with his new mechanical television. As the 4"x2" image of his business partner illuminated his face, Baird was completely unaware of the influence this new medium would have on the opinions and attitudes of the people of the world. Television represented a new opportunity to bring not only audio like radio but to place an image in every home. Along with the work of many other inventors television was soon to become a viable medium of entertainment and news but it did face many setbacks. At first television was a novelty, completely overshadowed by the established medium of radio. Before World War II very few homes contained a television and broadcasters mostly aired 15 minute segments and were limited in technology. Then on September 1, 1939 Hitler and Germany invaded Poland and the world plunged into World War II. The FCC issued a ban on the construction of television equipment causing the growth of television to stagnate. At the end of the war economic prosperity and a rising middle class opened the door for a new rise in the purchase of goods. One such good was the television. In 1947 only a few thousand homes owned a television. By 1950 six million homes contained a television, and in 1960 around 60 million homes contained a television. During this period a new war was being waged: the Cold War. In this battle between United States and the Soviet Union ideals propaganda was the main way to grow support for their cause ... Get more on ...
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  • 116. Effect of Television Research TABLE OF CONTENT Contents 1. Introduction 4 1.1 History 5 1.1.1 1935 – 1941 5 1.1.2 World War–II 6 1.1.3 1946 – 1949 6 1.1.4 1950– 1959 7 1.1.5 1960 – 2000 8 1.2 The History of Color Television 8 1.3 The Inventor of Television 10 1.4 The Definition of Television 12 1.5 Current Issues 13 Positive and Negative Effects of Television 13 1.5.1 Positive Effects of Television on Children 13 Television as education 13 Moderation 13 Family bonding through television 13 Educational programs 14 Amusement 14 Catalyst for reading 14 Wonder 14 Introduces new cultures 15 Bridge to conversations 15 Other positive effects 15 1.5.1 Negative Effects of Television on Children 16 Violence 16 Passivity 16 ... Show more content on ... A few countries began broadcasting, most experimentally, with limited numbers of television–sets in the hands of the public. (Television History – The First 75 Years) [pic] Figure 1: Scanning Disk Television Set (closed–open)
  • 117. World War–II According to (Television History – The First 75 Years), "World War–II halted nearly all television broadcasting worldwide. There are some notable exceptions which will be covered here in this special section." The time period after World War–II is considered the last and final birth of television. Families had accumulated savings during the war years to purchase homes, cars and other luxuries denied them during the war. Television sets were soon added to the 'must have' list. The explosion of sets into the American marketplace occurred in 1948–1949. A few years later, the post–war sales boom for England followed. (Television History – The First 75 Years) During this period was an exciting and flower time period for television. In the USA, B&W television exploded onto the scene at the beginning of the decade, mid–decade saw electronic color television and remote controls launched, and at the end of the decade the public witnessed some interesting styling changes and the introduction of transistorized television. The child was becoming an adolescent. (Television History – The First 75 Years) The developments of television keep on rising as the time passed by. Nowadays, we can see the improvements and ... Get more on ...
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  • 121. Television : The History And Development Of Television What is a television? Television is a system for transmitting visual images and sound that are reproduced on screens, chiefly to broadcast programs for entertainment, information, and education. Television has been around for a long time even before I was born, it was first called, 'seeing by wireless'. It has been used for over 80 years and was considered as an extension of radio. Television has evolved from the past to the present, some examples of that is the size of t.v. are increasing & changing shapes, the type of transmitter network provided, and last of the visual images the television transmit. But as we move forward into the next generations we see that 98% of U.S. homes had at least 1 television set that were usually view for more than 7 hours a day. In the article "History of Television" by, Mitchell Stephens claims that the first electronic television was first successfully demonstrated in San Francisco on Sept 7, 1927 that the system was designed by a highschool student named Philo Taylor Farnsworth. Philo Taylor farnsworth began to conceive a system that would capture moving images in a form that could be coded onto radio waves and be transformed back into picture on a screen. This invention was the direct ancestor for modern television. As we move forward into understanding how our television came to be, I will inform you of its early development of television, which RCA had a major role in. RCA stands for Radio Corporation of America that obviously ... Get more on ...
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  • 125. Factors that Shaped the Invention and Development of... Factors that Shaped the Invention and Development of Television in the UK Up to 1939 In this essay I intend to discuss the factors that shaped the invention and development of television in the UK up to 1939; these include the social, cultural, political and scientific factors that took place as well as the many technological changes. I will then conclude by determining the most important aspects of its development. Technological developments ========================== The essence of the television began in the early nineteenth century with the development of the telephone and the telegraph. These communication devices can be seen as a more technical version to the way Native American ... Show more content on ... During the early 1930's a rivalry erupted between a new broadcasting company, EMI (Electrical and Musical Industries Ltd) and Baird's company (Baird Television Ltd), and so the Selsdon Committee was founded by the British Government to settle the dispute. This committee decided that it would be the BBC who would regulate between broadcasters and would use a transmission scanning system of 240 lines. In November 1936 regular television broadcasts began and with the more efficient broadcasts of EMI (using scanning of 240 lines), as opposed to Baird Television Ltd (using only scanning of 120 lines), EMI became the dominant leader of the two. By the year 1938 five thousand television sets had been sold and in a period of one year this grew to eighteen thousand. Still, on a national scale, this was only showing the small interest in purchasing a television set and was due to the high price of manufacture as well as its high purchase price. The weak transmissions were also initially accountable for the lack of interest as not many areas of the U.K. were able to receive the signal– what was the point in purchasing a set when it couldn't be watched anyway? The television might have taken on an entirely different form. Akin to the telephone it could have been used as a two–way device and showing images of both of its users at either ... Get more on ...
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  • 129. The Impact Of Television And Its Impact On Society Throughout the years, TV has impacted us in several ways. Yet, who knows where TV will be in our years to come. As we continue to become more technologically advanced, the use of television will soon be a game changer. As we take a look back on the history of TV, we first started off the television industry with black and white pictures. Since it was an upbringing at the time, it was not as clear and the pictures would appear pixelated. Although that seemed to change as devices such as cameras and scanning systems seemed to progress over time. In 1936 John Logie Baird, an inventor of amplified mechanical televisions, had first started off with 240 lines. Now, we live in a generation where we've tremendously evolved in regards to our "high–definition" as 1080 is the norm. As we move on from black and white, individuals were now introduced to color television. It made TV more enjoyable and the quality continued to improve. Another advancement that developed throughout the years would be "time–shifting." In other words, this was known as video tape recorders. This device amazed individuals as they were able to record a show and watch it at a more suitable time. However, DVDs soon took the place of VHS recorders as it became more convenient. With all these technological improvements, the one that seemed to have a greatest impact on society would be the introduction of digital television. The picture quality was more clear and made TV worth watching. Also, people had ... Get more on ...
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  • 133. Broadcasting has evolved over many years, and digital... Broadcasting has evolved over many years, and digital technology is reshaping broadcasting in the United States. As people discover new things and create new technologies, they become better and greater. Over the years digital technology has made broadcasting a quicker and modernized process. Whether it is recording with faster operational cameras or editing with easy and simple software. Also, broadcasting has become a major gateway of entertainment and has been for years. In the early developments of television had low quality images and low production value, but during the 1920's, they where a great invention during that time frame and believed it was very valuable. Many companies started experimenting with television and developing. ... Show more content on ... Ending the 1940's, fifty television stations were on air and one hundred and twenty four were authorized. Also, the FCC established a four–year freeze on a new television licenses. In 1950, the Korean War slowed down the color television progress, the FCC announces mechanical colored systems, and showed a negative response from stations and the public and there was community antenna television and later in 1952 coaxial cable is installed in large cities, reducing ghosting. The National System Committee (NTSC) explores color for the television in 1951. In 1952, the FCC lifted the TV freeze it established in 1948. The 1950's has to be the most uprising period of the television. During that time period, there were live dramatic series that were broadcasted. In 1952 there was a rampant growth in televisions sets and in 1960; ninety percent of homes had TV's. The Public Broadcasting Act of 1967 authorizes the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. After the television phenomenon, video recorders for the TV were made. In 1956, videotaping was demonstrated and in 1963, a home VTR cost nine hundred and ninety five dollars in the United States. Cable news stations begin in 1980 to get general news out to the people. In 1981, music videos were on cable and later nourished the television station MTV in 1984 and by 1987; over fifty percent of homes had cable television to view. Digital Television became evident in 1997 when the DVD was introduced and the FCC rules ... Get more on ...
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  • 137. Why Television Is The Extension Of Human Senses Along With... Introduction In this day and age, television is seen as the most useful technology in the world where we get enough information, entertainment and knowledge. People believe that it is more preferable to have a television rather than to watch a live play in the theatre due to the freedom of relaxation and high level of participation. In this essay, Marshall McLuhan's technology is the extension of human senses along with Walter Benjamin's reproduction of art would be analyzed. The main of this essay is to analyze two theoretical concepts and compare them to one another in relation to television and also how these two theoretical concepts would approach television as a technology. Television is a machine with a screen, which is used for ... Show more content on ... Then in 1906, Philo Taylor Farnsworth who was twenty–one years old at that time invented electrical Television on September 7th, 1927. During that time, electrical television was still black and white; later on colour television was first introduced in the United States in 1953. Television moved from just news and silent films to soap operas, cartoons, music videos and other types of informational and entertainment things which influences us positively and negatively. Theories Marshall McLuhan, who was a Canadian communication theorist, was very much interested in technology and how it shapes the advanced modern society. His very famous theory was "the medium is the message" which means that the resource used or mode through which they are presenting shows the message, not really the content. This theory then leads to how technology is seen as an extension to human senses. McLuhan stated, "Media have powerful effects on societies. Moreover, media become extensions of ourselves; extensions of our human senses" (Laughey, 2010, p. 33). Just like the way our eyes see, our nose smell, our skin feels and our other senses have their function, McLuhan emphasis the fact that technology is the extension of our psychological, social and intellectual (inner) senses. In relation to Television as a technology, McLuhan would agree that technology is an extension to our human sense due to the fact that in recent days it is something that is used everyday. Humans use ... Get more on ...
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  • 141. Disney's Television History In 1948, box–office revenues dropped 43 percent from their all–time high in 1946. Similarly, in 1947 90 million people would visit the theater weekly but it dropped to 40 million a week in 1957. These changes were due to the invention of the television. By 1960, there were over 60 million TV sets in homes across the United States. Disney was the first to make a deal with the American Broadcast Company to air their TV shows weekly. By 19556, studio movies found their way onto TV screens across America. But the studios had to find a way to make people go to the theater again. The first idea was to make the screens bigger and the sound better. Studios would increase their width–to–height ratio from 1.33:1 to 1.85:1 for flat prints and ... Show more content on ... Since box–office numbers were so low, studios would start to defy the PCA's production codes and release uncensored movies. In 1956, due to a large measure of success in a few mature movies, the MPAA president Eric Johnston changed the code for the first time in twenty years. This change was minor and only allowed the limited use of the words hell and damn. When the PCA started to lose control over the film industries productions the MPAA hired Valenti to fix the box–office problems and modernize the PCA. In 1966, six films were released with the new MPAA code that stated that the films were for "Mature Audiences." The MGM submitted Blow–up to the PCA and was declined a seal. MGM then released the movie through Premier Films, which was a subsidiary of MGM. The movie was a success and the MPAA president Valenti changed the code to a new age–based rating system. The invention of the TV and its widely–known success lead to many changes to the film industry. It led to the creation of Disneyland, movies on televisions, a few changes in the PCA's production codes, and different movie genres. Box–office numbers would rise with the gambles that the studios took to create mature ... Get more on ...
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  • 145. History of Television Essays History of Television Television has become a major industry all over the world, especially in the industrialized nations, and a major medium of communication and source of home entertainment. Television is used in many industries. A few examples are for surveillance in places inaccessible to or dangerous for human beings, in science for tissue microscopy, and in education. Today you can find a television in almost every home. This is why I decided to research the history of the television. The first television devices were based on an 1884 invention called the scanning disk, patented by Paul Nipkow. This device was a large disk with holes on it, which spun in front of an object while a photoelectric cell recorded ... Show more content on ... An anode finger was a pencil–sized tube with a small aperture at the top. Magnetic coils sprayed the electrons emitted from the electrical image left to right and line–by–line onto the aperture, where they became electric current. Both Zworykin's and Farnsworth's devices then transmitted the current to a cathode–ray tube, which recreated the image by scanning it onto a fluorescent surface. Farnsworth applied for a patent for his image dissector in 1927. The development of the television system was plagued by lack of money and by challenges Farnsworth's patent from the giant Radio Corporation of America (RCA). In 1934, the British communications company, British Gaumont, bought a license from Farnsworth to make systems based on his designs. In 1939, the American company RCA did the same. Both companies had been developing television systems of their own and recognized Farnsworth as a competitor. World War II interrupted the development of the television. When television broadcasts became a regular occurrence after the war in 1945, Farnsworth was not involved. Instead he decided to devote his time to trying to perfect the devices he had designed. David Sarnoff, Vice President of the Radio Corporation of America, later hired Vladimir Zworykin to ensure that RCA would control television technology. Farnsworth's business manager ended up selling ... Get more on ...
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  • 149. Changes And Problems Of The History Of Television Advertising Examine changes and problems in the history of television advertising. Advertising – which can be reduced to 'ad' – is classically used to sell a product or service. The very first ad was aired July 1st 1942 in the USA; in the UK the first ad was aired September 22nd 1955 on ITV. In many countries political campaigns exist and are essential but in contrast countries such as Norway and France control or ban such political campaigns. The two core tasks of advertising are to meet broadcast standards and to air an advert to the appropriate audience. This essay will examine television advertising and the problems and changes they have encountered over time, it will look at the social issues advertisers face and explore the solutions and falls throughout the history of advertising. Ads can be seen as ironic in a sense that they are self–referential which helps the ads protect them. For instance: Adverts cannot be seen as a lie because they acknowledge truth about themselves; ads cannot manipulate as they boast about their manipulation; and ads cannot be objects to adverts as they admit their being and take themselves lightly. In addition, ads are also self–referential because in accord with ads is the increase blending of ads and culture. In result of this, the industry creates adverts which appear to enhance our lives. With this; adverts seemingly appear to be an encouraging attribute that what could be considered interference. Moreover, ads can be related to cynicism. For ... Get more on ...
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  • 153. The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Digitalization Of... Merits of Digitization: The advantages of digital switchover which emanated from the huge potentials inherent in digital technology are numerous. The change to digital broadcasting was opted for because the analogue system has reached its carrying capacity but, broadcasting is still developing. Digital technology has grown rapidly since the current broadcasting system was established. Programming sources have increased and digital technology has advanced giving us the ability to expand broadcasting capabilities. Saves in spectrum, high quality audio and video, greater variety, wide range of choices of programmes for customers, interactive programming, huge revenue potentials and employment opportunities are few examples of the dividend of ... Show more content on ... Gbam was quick to add that, the opportunities which the new media technologies (and by extension digitization) offer as well as the challenges they pose on broadcasting are utilized and maximized for the optimum use of the citizens. Meaning that, they must be used positively and productively for the interest of the society and not negatively as tools for the destruction of humanity through spreading of hate speeches, divisive tendencies, dangerous messages, fake news etc. Also, at the Quincy parley with Gates Air in the USA, the Minister for Information Lai Mohammed reveals the potentials of Digitization to Nigeria. He said: ''the DSO is very important to this administration, because of the limitless potentials that it represents. For us as a government, DSO goes beyond just receiving digital transmission but an avenue to create jobs and ignite the huge creative potentials of our youths. It is also a solution to some of the intractable problems affecting the creative industry including piracy and ... Get more on ...
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  • 157. First Peanuts Research Paper The first "Peanuts" comic strip, created by Charles M Schulz, was introduced on October 2, 1950. The comic was printed in seven newspapers that Sunday morning and featured characters such as Charlie Brown, Shermy, and Patty. While Snoopy was introduced early, he did not make an appearance in the first comic strip. Several characters such as Lucy, Linus, and Woodstock did not make appearances until years later. The original name for the comic strip was not Peanuts as we know it as today, but instead it was called Lil' Folks. Even though the name "Peanuts" stuck, Charles M. Schulz never liked the name himself. The comics were printed for 50 years in newspapers until Schulz's death in 2000 due to complications from colon cancer. Even today, his comic is still one of the most famous to have ever been created. 1951–First Color TV In 1951, two companies, RCA and CBS, were competing to invent the first color television. Early on , CBS seemed to be the winner due to RCA's ... Show more content on ... In the week prior to December 5, London had been experiencing an intense cold spell so Londoners and been burning more coal than usual which meant there was a lot of smoke in the atmosphere. Then, on December 5, A thick fog rolled into London that mixed with all the smoke in the atmosphere creating the thick smog that almost shut down the entire city for 4 days. It is estimated that nearly 4,000 died in that short period from inhaling the smog. Dense urban areas with lots of factories were generally affected worse than open rural areas. The smog was so thick that many experienced breathing problems, cattle choked in their fields, and travel was disrupted for days. As a result of this smog, legislation such as the Clean Air Act of 1956 was passed. Although London still experiences small spells of smog here and there, nothing has ever come close to the smog of ... Get more on ...