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Human Geography
    Unit 1: Basic Concepts

Created by Daniel Eiland |

 Unit         Geographic
          The Five
What is a geography?
“Geography is the
systematic study of the
spatial patterns of all
phenomena on or near
the Earth’s surface.”
Geography is:

A scientific and descriptive study of
the Earth’s surface.
Geography is:

Interactions between people and
                their environment
Geography is:

       A study of spatial and local
Geography is:

What is the
     Of where?
What is the above a picture of? Why might it
   have been built the way that it was?
In this night picture of the earth, why are some areas brighter
    than others? How would it have looked 200 years ago?
Who are some important Geographers?
Aristotle (384 BCE – 322 BCE)

              I was the first person
              to demonstrate that
              the Earth was
Eratosthenes   (3rd   Century BCE)
                 I accurately calculated
                 the circumference of
                 the earth using
                 geometry and was the
                 first known person to
                 use the word
Claudius Ptolemy (CE 90 – CE 168)
                I wrote a book called
                Geography and
                designed the
                forerunner to
                longitude and
                latitude lines.
Abu Abd Allah Muhammad al-Idrisi al-Qurtubi al-Hasani al-Sabti

           Al Idrisi (1099–1165)

                               I’m an Arabic
                               geographer who
                               worked for the King of
                               Sicily to create an
                               representation of the
Abraham Ortelius (1527 – 1598)

                I designed the
                first modern
                atlas: Theatre
                of the World.
George Perkins Marsh (1801-1882)
                 I first described how
                 natural systems are
                 impacted by human
                 actions. I am considered
                 the first modern
Carl Sauer (1889-1975)
            In 1925, I argued that
            cultural landscapes, the
            interactions between
            people and their
            environment, should be
            the focus of geographic
How did the maps change between
 Eratosthenes and Ortelius? Why?
What fields of study exist in Human
What are W.D. Pattinson’s four
The Earth-Science Tradition
The Culture-Environment Tradition
The Locational Tradition
The Area-Analysis Tradition
What are the differences between
Human and Physical geography?
What characteristics of this image would
a human geographer notice? A physical
What characteristics of this image would
a human geographer notice? A physical
Human Geographers ask:

      Where are people located?
Human Geographers ask:

        What are people like?
Human Geographers ask:

   What are their interactions over space?
Human Geographers ask:

    What kind of landscapes do they build?
What kinds of data do geographers
Qualitative Data

                   Examines cultural or regional   Uses rigorous mathematical
                   geography.                      techniques to examine hard
                   Gathered through                numerical data.
                   observations, interviews, and
                   the interpretations of texts.

                                                                                Quantitative Data

              Facts and         Concepts that
              figures unique    are universally
              to a particular   applicable
              place or

Develop a qualitative, nomothetic question
    about the populace of our school.
Develop a quantitative, idiographic
question about the populace of our school.
What is cartography?
“Cartography is
the science of
making maps.”
What is a map-scale?
“A map-scale shows the
relationship of a feature’s size
on a map to its actual size on
Ratio or
       1:24,000                      1/100

        Graphic                    Written
         Scale                      scale

0|----------------|100km     1 inch equals one mile
Which would be a good scale for viewing a
classroom, a school, a parish, a country?

           A) 1in:1000miles
           C) 1in:100miles
           D) 1in:10feet
           E) 1in:100ft
What is resolution?
“Resolution is a map’s smallest
discernable unit. In other
words, it is the smallest item
you can see on a map.”
What is projection?
“Projection is the scientific
method of transferring
location on Earth’s surface to
a flat map.”


Mercator Projection

Size and Shape

     The standard map projection for
            nautical purposes.
Mollweide Projection

Shape and Angle

 Primarily used where accurate representation
     of area takes precedence over shape
Robinson Projection

                           in small

  Primarily used to create visually
appealing maps of the entire world.
Azimuthal Equidistant Projection

                   Shape and distance
                   as one gets farther
                    from the center.

Used when drawing Polar maps.
Fuller Projection

               Maintains the
              accurate shape
               and size but
Peters Projection

                           Retains the accurate
                          size of landmasses but
                              sacrifices shape.

Often seen as a politically driven map.
A)   B)

C)     D)
What is a reference map?
“A reference map
shows locations of
places and geographic
What is relative location?
“Relative location is the position
on Earth's surface relative to
other features.”
Where is Caddo Parish located
What is absolute location?
“Absolute location is a point
on the earth's surface
expressed by a coordinate
system such as latitude and
What is longitude?
“Longitude is the numbering
system that enumerates
meridians, arcs that are
drawn between the north
and south pole.”

        0° Longitude runs through
        Greenwich, England and is known
        as the Prime Meridian
What is latitude?
“Latitude is the numbering
system that enumerates
parallels, circles drawn around
the globe parallel to the
equator and at right angles to
the meridians.”

    0° Latitude is the equator.

    90° north latitude is the north

    90° south latitude is the south
What are time zones?
“A Time zone is a region on
Earth that has a uniform
standard time for
legal, commercial, and social
What is the international date line?
“The International Date Line is an
imaginary line on the surface of the
Earth, that runs from the north to
the south pole and demarcates one
calendar day from the next.”
A traveler crossing the
International Date Line
eastbound subtracts
one day, or 24 hours, so
that the calendar date
to the west of the line
is repeated.
What is a thematic map?
“A thematic map is a type
of map or chart especially
designed to show a
particular theme connected
with a specific geographic
Choropleth Maps
Uses differences in shading,      , or the
            placing of symbols.
Dot Maps

           Uses dots in a
                specific area.
           Each dot is a
              specific quantity.
Isoline Maps

Uses continuous lines joining
     points of the same value.
Mental Maps

     Shows an person’s internal
     perception of space.

   Expands or shrinks the area of
   locations to demonstrate different
   types of data.
The World Population

What does this map show you about the
         world’s population?
What is GIS?
“GIS or a Geographic
Information System is a
computer system that
stores, organizes, analyzes, and
displays geographic data.”
Identify the feature above.
Identify this feature above.
Identify this above feature.
For Your Consideration
Imagine that you are a researcher using GIS to
determine information. What is a question that
    you might be able to answer using the
           technologies available?
What is GPS?
“GPS or a Global Positioning
System determines the precise
position of something on Earth
through satellites, tracking
stations, and receivers.”
What is remote sensing?
“Remote sensing is the
acquisition of data about the
Earth’s surface from a satellite
orbiting the planet or from
other long distance methods.”
What is a geographic model?
“A Geographic Model is a
simplified way to explain
complex patterns, make
informed decisions and explain
future behaviors.”
Part 3: The Five Themes of Geography
Theme 1: Location
What is site and situation?
“Site is describing a location of
a place based on its physical
characteristics. Situation is the
location of a place relative to
other places.”
Describe your town or city only by
discussing its location relative to other
Describe your town or city only by
discussing its physical characteristics.
Is it Site or Situation?
Much of South Louisiana is made
      up of swamp-land.

A. Site
B. Situation
Baton Rouge is next to the
       Mississippi River.

A. Site
B. Situation
The first Woodlawn High School
   was built on a fault line.

A. Site
B. Situation
The new Woodlawn High School
  was built next to a church.

A. Site
B. Situation
What is a Toponym?
“A Toponym is the name of
something on the Earth.”
Theme 2: Region
What is a region?
“A region is an area of Earth
defined by one or more
distinctive characteristics.”
“The physical
features, economic
features, and cultural features
that make up a region are
called its cultural landscape.”
What types of regions are there?
Formal Regions

     Everyone shares in common one or
      more distinctive characteristics.
Formal Regions

    Borders are easy to track and slow to
Formal Regions

     Examples: Political regions and long
         lasting economic regions.
Functional Regions

        Organized around a central node.
Functional Regions

Tied to the point by transportation and communication
systems or by economic or functional associations.
Functional Regions

Examples: Subway Systems, Newspaper Distribution, Store
Perceptual Regions

A place that people believe exists as part of their
cultural identity.
Perceptual Regions

Informal and varies dependent on who is defining
Perceptual Regions

Examples: “The South” “The Country”
The next 10 slides ask you to
  identify if the region shown is
formal, functional, or vernacular.
The Corn Belt
A. Formal
B. Functional
C. Vernacular
The South
A. Formal
B. Functional
C. Vernacular
A. Formal
B. Functional
C. Vernacular
A county in Kentucky
A. Formal          Breckenridge
B. Functional
C. Vernacular
Eastern Kentucky
A. Formal
B. Functional
C. Vernacular
Eastern Kentucky
A. Formal
B. Functional
C. Vernacular
Chicagoland (Chicago and all the areas
         served by the city)
A. Formal
B. Functional
C. Vernacular
The Deep South
A. Formal
B. Functional
C. Vernacular
Theme 3: Movement
What is movement?
“Movement is the way that
people, products, information
and ideas move from one place
to another.”
Compare how long it would take you to get
  from school to the mall (6.2 Miles) using
    the following forms of transportation.
1) Walking (3.1 MPH)
2) Horse (15 MPH)
3) Car (45 MPH)
4) Helicopter (100 MPH)
How has the time it takes to travel
changed through the years? Why?
What is distance-decay?
“Distance Decay is the
lessening interaction between
places as the friction of
distance increases.”
What is friction-of-distance?
“Friction of Distance is the
effect of distance on
interaction between places.”
Distance-Decay Models for Stores
What is space-time compression?
“Space-Time Compression is
the reduction in time it takes
for something to reach another
place because of a change in




What determines the interaction between

  The nearness to important features.

    Directness of routes linking pairs of

The relative ease with which a destination may
       be reached from other locations.
What is the Gravity Model?
“The Gravity Model says that
the interaction between two
places is equal to the product
of the places’ population
divided by the square of their
distance apart.”
The Gravity Model
Insights from the Gravity Model

1) Larger cities have greater gravitational pull
than small ones.
2) Two large cities like Los Angeles and New York
can still pull on each other even with the
distance between them.
What is diffusion?
“Diffusion is the process by
which a characteristic spreads
across space from one place to
another over time.”
What is the a Cultural Hearth?
A hearth is the place
which an innovation or
cultural change
How do cultural elements diffuse?
Core: The “most pure” area
that possesses all cultural
traits used to define a region.

Domain: The area in which the
culture is dominant but less

Sphere: The zone of outer
influence where people with
the culture traits can even be a
minority in another region.
Relocation Diffusion: The diffusion of a
 characteristic as people move from
            place to place.
The rapid, widespread
diffusion of a characteristic
through the population.
Can you tell where the cholera outbreak
The spread of an idea
from persons or nodes
of authority or power to
other persons or places.
Stimulus Diffusion:
Spread of an idea after
reestablishing it after
initial failure.
For Your Consideration:

The next few slides will ask you to
 identify what type of diffusion is
          being discussed.
Fashion Trends from cities to
             surrounding areas.
A.   Contagious
B.   Hierarchical
C.   Stimulus
D.   Relocation
Christianity not being adopted by its
      initiating group (the Jews)
A.   Contagious
B.   Hierarchical
C.   Stimulus
D.   Relocation
The serving of Lamb Burgers at
            McDonalds in India
A.   Contagious
B.   Hierarchical
C.   Stimulus
D.   Relocation
When missionaries try to convert kings
    first to spread their religion.
A.   Contagious
B.   Hierarchical
C.   Stimulus
D.   Relocation
The spread of Islam from Mecca from
       individual to individual
A.   Contagious
B.   Hierarchical
C.   Stimulus
D.   Relocation
Italians teaching Americans to make
   pizza when they moved to North
A.   Contagious
B.   Hierarchical
C.   Stimulus
D.   Relocation
Theme 4: Place
“Place is an area that is defined
by everything in it.”
How do geographers analyze space?
How does the
                   big affect the

of the small are
                   Scale              How does the
                                     small affect the
   of the big?     Asks                    big?

                   of the big are
                     part of the
How does your perception of cancer rates change
when you look at a country and state level map?
What is distribution?

How many things are in one square unit of

   How closely are things related to one
           another in a space?

How are things arranged in a space?
How does this image
demonstrate the properties of
 density, concentration, and
Describe this classroom using the words
  density, concentration, and pattern.
Theme 5: Human/Environment Interaction
Interaction is how humans
modify, adapt to, and depend
on their environment. Cultural
Ecology is the study of human-
environment relationships.”
Environmental Determinism

                            How a           People have
                            physical        the ability to
                            environment     adjust to
                            causes social   their
                            development.    environment.

End of Unit 1

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Introto geography[1]

Editor's Notes

  1. Geography answers this question.
  2. Teachers: Have students identify which map is which.
  3. Teachers: Ask students to define relative location based on other areas.
  4. What do you notice about this map?
  5. CC Image Courtesy of robynejayon Flickr