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Raymond Phan – Ph.D. Candidate
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
 Distributed Multimedia Computing Research Lab
                     EPH 408
         Some slides were taken from Prof. R. A. Peters PPT slides:
Topics Covered in this Presentation
 1st Hour: 6:10 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
  Introduction to Digital Images and in MATLAB
   Quick intro to myself
   What is MATLAB?
   Where to get MATLAB and how to run
   Basic I/O  Reading and writing images
   Accessing pixels and groups of pixels
   Resizing Images
   Rotating Images
   …break for 10 minutes!
Topics Covered in this Presentation
 2nd Hour: 7:10 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
 Operations on Digital Images
   Simple contrast and brightness enhancing
   Intro to image histograms
   Advanced enhancing using image histograms
   Intro to convolution in images
   Blurring / Smoothing images
   Edge detection
   Sharpening images
   …break for 10 minutes!
Topics Covered in this Presentation
 3rd Hour: 8:10 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
 Applications of Image Processing
   Segmenting simple objects
   Noise Filtering
   Simple image stitching using template matching
   For a more comprehensive MATLAB tutorial, check:
   You can access the slides, images and code at:
Topics Covered in this Presentation
 1st Hour: 6:10 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
  Introduction to Digital Images and in MATLAB
   Quick intro to myself
   What is MATLAB and where do I get it / find it?
   Intro to Digital Images
   Basic I/O  Reading and writing images
   Accessing pixels and groups of pixels
   Resizing Images
   Rotating Images
   …break for 10 minutes!
Introduction of Myself
 Started in 2002 in the B.Eng. – Computer Engineering
   Program only started at this time  Relatively new
   Graduated in 2006
 Started my M.A.Sc. in 2006 – ELCE
    Finished in 2008
    Winner – Ryerson Gold Medal (2008 – SGS)
 Started my Ph.D. in 2008 – ELCE
    Will finish before my back gives out
    Currently a 4th year Ph.D. Candidate
    2010 NSERC Vanier Canada Graduate Scholar
Introduction of Myself (2)
 Research Interests
    Digital Image Processing, Signal Processing,
     Multimedia, Computer Vision, Stereo Vision, 3DTV, etc.
 M.A.Sc. Thesis – Content-Based Image Retrieval
   Featured in the Toronto Star (January 4th, 2008)
   Searching for images using actual images, rather than
 Current Ph.D. Thesis – Faster and more accurate 2D to
  3D conversion
Topics Covered in this Presentation
 1st Hour: 6:10 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
  Introduction to Digital Images and in MATLAB
   Quick intro to myself
   What is MATLAB and where do I get it / find it?
   Intro to Digital Images
   Basic I/O  Reading and writing images
   Accessing pixels and groups of pixels
   Resizing Images
   Rotating Images
   …break for 10 minutes!
What is MATLAB?
 MATLAB  Stands for MATrix LABoratory
 Created by Cleve Moler @ Stanford U. in 1970
    Why? Makes linear algebra, numerical analysis and
     optimization a lot easier
 MATLAB is a dynamically typed language
    Means that you do not have to declare any variables
    All you need to do is initialize them and they are created
 MATLAB treats all variables as matrices
    Scalar – 1 x 1 matrix. Vector – 1 x N or N x 1 matrix
    Why? Makes calculations a lot faster (will see later)
What is MATLAB? (2)
 How can I get and/or use MATLAB?  3 ways:
   1) Find it on any of the ELCE departmental computers
       Log in to your account, go to Applications  Math 
        MATLAB R2010b
   2) Use any Ryerson computer on to the ACS network
     Log in with your Matrix ID and Password, then go to Start 
      MATLAB R2010b
   3) Install it on your own laptop
     Go to for more details
     You must be on the Ryerson network to sign up for an account
     After, you can download MATLAB from anywhere

 MATLAB uses the Image Processing Toolbox (IPT)
   Should already be installed with MATLAB!
Topics Covered in this Presentation
 1st Hour: 6:10 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
  Introduction to Digital Images and in MATLAB
   Quick intro to myself
   What is MATLAB and where do I get it / find it?
   Intro to Digital Images
   Basic I/O  Reading and writing images
   Accessing pixels and groups of pixels
   Resizing Images
   Rotating Images
   …break for 10 minutes!
Intro to Digital Images
                     Color images have 3 values per pixel;
Digital Image        monochrome / grayscale images = 1

a grid of squares,
each of which
contains a single

each square is
called a pixel (or
picture element)
Intro to Digital Images – (2)
 A digital image, I, is a mapping from a 2D grid of
    uniformly spaced discrete points, {p = (r,c)}, into a set
    of positive integer values, {I( p)}, or a set of vector
    values, e.g., {[R G B]T(p)}.
   Each column location of each row in I has a value
   The pair (p, I(p)) is a “pixel” (for picture element)
   p = (r,c) pixel location indexed by row r & column c
   I(p) = I(r,c)  Value of the pixel at location p
   If I(p) is a single number  I is monochrome (B&W)
   If I(p) is a 3 element vector  I is a colour (RGB) image
Intro to Digital Images – (3)
 Monochromatic Case:
    We call the values at each pixel intensities
    Smaller intensities denote a darker pixel
    Bigger intensities denote a lighter pixel
 Colour Case:
    Think of a colour image as a 3D matrix  First layer is
     red, second layer is green, third layer is blue
    Why RGB? Trichromacy theory  All colours found in
     nature can naturally be decomposed into Red, Green
     and Blue  This is basically how CCD cameras work!
    The three element vector tells you how much red, green
     and blue the pixel is compromised of (i.e. [R G B]T = [0
     255 0]  No red, no blue, all green
Intro to Digital Images – (4)
                         Pixel : [ p, I(p)]

                               p = (r, c )                       red  12 
Pixel Location: p = (r , c)
                                 = (row # , col # )   I ( p ) = green  = 43
                                                                        
Pixel Value: I(p) = I(r , c)     = (272, 277)                    blue  61
                                                                        
Intro to Digital Images – (5)
 How do digital cameras take images (very basic)?
   Uses sampling and quantization
 What we see now through our eyes is continuous
   There is essentially an infinite amount of points that
    comprise our field of view (FoV)
   Not good, because we want to store this information!
 We first need to sample the FoV  Transfer the FoV to
  a rectangular grid, and grab the colour in each location
  of the grid
Intro to Digital Images – (5)
            Sampling and Quantization
             pixel grid   column index
row index

            real image         sampled   quantized   sampled &
Intro to Digital Images – (6)
 We’re not done yet! There are also an infinite number
 of possible colours
   We will now need to quantize the colours
   Quantizing will reduce the total number of colours to a
    smaller amount
   Key  Quantize accurately so that we can’t tell much
    difference between the original image and the quantized
 A digital image is essentially taking our FoV and
 performing a sampling and quantization
   Values are now discrete and positive
Intro to Digital Images – (6)
            Sampling and Quantization
             pixel grid   column index
row index

            real image         sampled   quantized   sampled &
Intro to Digital Images – (7)
 Digital images store their intensities / colour values as
  discrete and positive values
 Usually, digital images need 8 bits for B & W and 24-
  bits for colour (8 bits for each primary colour)
   B & W – 0 for Black and 255 for White  All integers
   Colour – 0 to 255 for Red, Green and Blue  All integers
   Note: We can consider a colour image as three 2D images
 Without compression, files would be very large!
 Compression algorithms (PNG, JPEG, etc.) eliminate
  extra information to reduce the size of the image
Topics Covered in this Presentation
 1st Hour: 6:10 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
  Introduction to Digital Images and in MATLAB
   Quick intro to myself
   What is MATLAB and where do I get it / find it?
   Intro to Digital Images
   Basic I/O  Reading and writing images
   Accessing pixels and groups of pixels
   Resizing Images
   Rotating Images
   …break for 10 minutes!
R/W Images in MATLAB
 So we have an image file… how do I access the info?
 Open up MATLAB and change working directory to
  where image is stored
 Use the imread() function
   im = imread(‘name_of_image.ext’)
   Use single quotes, and type in the full name of the image
    with its extension (.bmp, .jpg, etc.)
   im will contain a 2D matrix (rows x cols) of B&W values
    or a 3D matrix (rows x cols x 3) of colour values
   Matrix corresponds to each pixel in the digital image for
    B & W, or a colour component of a pixel in colour
R/W Images in MATLAB – (2)
 How do I access a pixel in MATLAB  B&W case?
   pix = im(row,col);
       row & col: Row & column of the pixel to access
       pix contains the intensity value
       Access elements in an array by round braces, not square!
   For you C buffs  Indexing starts at 1, not 0!
 How do I access a pixel in MATLAB  Colour case?
   pix = im(row,col,1);  Red colour value
   pix = im(row,col,2);  Green colour value
   pix = im(row,col,3);  Blue colour value
   3rd argument  3rd dimension of matrix
   Only grabs one colour value at a time!
R/W Images in MATLAB – (3)
 How can I get the RGB pixel entirely? Use the :
   pix = im(row,col,:);
   : means to grab all values of one dimension
   However, this will give you a 1 x 1 x 3 matrix… we just
    want an array! Call the squeeze() command
   pix = squeeze(im(row,col,:));
   Now a 3 x 1 vector. To access R, G and B values, do:
   red = pix(1)  Red, gr = pix(2)  Green,
    blue = pix(3)  Blue
R/W Images in MATLAB – (4)
 So I know how to get pixels; how can I modify them in
 the image?
   Easy! Just go backwards
   For a B & W Image do:
    im(row,col) = pix;
   For a colour image, do either:
    im(row,col,1) = red;
    im(row,col,2) = green;
    im(row,col,3) = blue; or
    im(row,col,:) = [red; green; blue] or
    im(row,col,:) = rgb; %rgb - 3 x 1 vector
R/W Images in MATLAB – (5)
 How do I access a subset of the image?
   How do I grab a portion of the image and store it into
    another variable?
 Do the following for monochromatic images:
  im2 = im(row1:row2,col1:col2);
 Do the following for colour images:
  im2 = im(row1:row2,col1:col2,:);
 This will grab a rectangular region between rows 1 and
  2, and columns 1 and 2
 e.g., if I wanted to get rows 17 – 31, and columns 32 – 45
  for colour, do: im2 = im(17:31,32:45,:);
R/W Images in MATLAB – (6)
 So I know how to get pixels; how can I display images?
 Use the imshow() command
    imshow(im);  im: Image loaded into MATLAB
    Shows a new window with the image in it
 If you do: imshow(im,[])
    For monochromatic: Smallest intensity becomes 0 and
     largest intensity becomes 255 for display
    For colour: Apply the above for each colour channel
 Every time you use imshow, the image you want to
 display is put in the same window… so what do you do?
R/W Images in MATLAB – (7)
 Use figure command to create a new blank window
   Then, run the imshow command to display the image
    on the other window
 We can also do:
   imshow(im(:,:,1));  Shows red channel
   imshow(im(:,:,2));  Shows green channel
   imshow(im(:,:,3));  Shows blue channel
 (:,:,1) means grab all of the rows and columns for the
  first layer (i.e. red), etc.
R/W Images in MATLAB – (8)
 When showing the red channel:
    Darker pixels mean there isn’t much red in that pixel
    Lighter pixels mean there is a lot of red in that pixel
 Same applies for green and blue!
 How do I save images to disk? Use imwrite()
    imwrite(im, ‘name_of_image.ext’, ‘EXT’);
    im  image to write to disk
    name_of_image.ext  Name of the image
    ‘EXT’  Extension of the file (‘JPG’, ‘BMP’, ‘PNG’, etc.)
Demo Time #1!
             Reading in Images
              Accessing Pixels
           Changing Image Pixels
            Obtaining a Subset
Display Images  Monochromatic and Colour
   Displaying Colour Channels Separately
           Writing Images to File
Topics Covered in this Presentation
 1st Hour: 6:10 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
  Introduction to Digital Images and in MATLAB
   Quick intro to myself
   What is MATLAB and where do I get it / find it?
   Intro to Digital Images
   Basic I/O  Reading and writing images
   Accessing pixels and groups of pixels
   Resizing Images
   Rotating Images
   …break for 10 minutes!
Resizing Images
 One common thing that many people do is resize
   i.e. Make an image bigger from a smaller image, or make
    an image smaller from a larger image
 How do we resize images in MATLAB? Use the
  imresize command  How do we use it?
out = imresize(im, scale, ‘method’); or
out = imresize(im, [r c], ‘method’);
 For both methods  im is the image we want to resize,
  and out is the resized image
Resizing Images – (2)
 Let’s look at the first method:
  out = imresize(im, scale, ‘method’);
 scale takes each of the dimensions of the image (# of
  rows and columns), and multiplies by this much to
  determine the output
   e.g. If we have an image that is 20 rows x 40 columns:
   If scale = 2, the output  40 rows x 80 columns
   If scale = 0.5, the output  10 rows x 20 columns
 method determines the type of interpolation when
  resizing  Important when making an image bigger
Resizing Images – (3)
 When we are making an image bigger, we are trying to
  create an image with a lack of information present
 There are three main types of interpolation
   Nearest Neighbour  method = ‘nearest’
       Uses the best pixels that are near the original pixels and fills in
        missing information
   Bilinear Interpolation  method = ‘bilinear’
       Uses linear interpolation in 2D to fill in missing information
   Bicubic Interpolation  method = ‘bicubic’
       Uses cubic interpolation in 2D to fill in missing information
 Usually, bicubic is known to have the best accuracy
Resizing Images – (4)
 Now, let’s take a look at the second method for resizing
out = imresize(im, [r c], ‘method’);
 This routine will resize the image to any desired
  dimensions you want
   You can customize how many rows and columns the
    final image will have
 Example: To resize a 130 rows x 180 columns image to
 65 rows x 90 columns, with bilinear interpolation, do:
out = imresize(im, [65 90], ‘bilinear’);
   We can also do!
  out = imresize(im, 0.5, ‘bilinear’);
Rotating Images
 Suppose we want to rotate an image  How?
out = imrotate(im, angle, ‘method’);
 im: The image we want to rotate
 angle: How much we want to rotate the image
   Angle is in degrees! Positive angle denotes counter-
    clockwise rotation, and negative angle is clockwise
 When rotating, there will inevitably be some missing
  information  method is like before with resizing
 out: The rotated image
 Example: Let’s rotate CCW by 45 degrees by bilinear:
out = imrotate(im, 45, ‘bilinear’);
Demo Time #2!
   Enlarging Images
   Shrinking Images
   Rotating Images
Topics Covered in this Presentation
 2nd Hour: 7:10 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
 Operations on Digital Images
   Simple contrast and brightness enhancing
   Intro to image histograms
   Advanced enhancing using image histograms
   Intro to convolution in images
   Blurring / Smoothing images
   Edge detection
   Sharpening images
   …break for 10 minutes!
Cont. & Brig. Enhancement
 First real application  Brightness enhancement
    How do we increase /decrease brightness of an image?
    1 way: Just add or subtract a brightness to every pixel
    How? im2 = im + c; or
     im2 = im – c;  c is any constant (0 – 255)
        Takes c and add / subtract to every pixel in the image
        Adding / subtracting makes the image brighter / darker
        Round off occurs if out of range (i.e. set to 255 if > 255/set to 0 if < 0)
 What about another way?
   We can also scale the image by a constant
   Do: im2 = c*im;
        If c > 1, increasing brightness
        If c < 1, decreasing brightness
Cont. & Brig. Enhancement (2)
 So we covered brightness… what about contrast?
 Contrast  How well you can see the objects from the
 When performing brightness enhancing, you’ll notice
  that it looks “white washed out”  Poor contrast
 We can do a contrast enhancement to make objects
  look better, leaving background relatively unaffected
 How? Use the power law  s = rγ
   r is the input pixel intensity / colour and s is the output
    intensity / colour
Cont. & Brig. Enhancement (3)
 For each pixel, apply this equation to each of the
  intensities / colours
   For colour images,
    apply to each channel
 Exponent γ determines
  how dark or light the
  output is
   γ > 1  Make darker
   γ < 1  Make lighter
Cont. & Brig. Enhancement (4)
 How do we apply the power law in MATLAB?
   Use imadjust
out = imadjust(im, [], [], gamma);
 im: Input image to contrast adjust
 Ignore 2nd and 3rd parameters  Beyond the scope of
  our talk
 gamma: The γ exponent that we’ve seen earlier
 out: The contrast adjusted image
 Example use: If γ = 1.4, we do:
out = imadjust(im, [], [], 1.4);
Demo Time #3!
Contrast and Brightness Enhancement
Topics Covered in this Presentation
 2nd Hour: 7:10 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
 Operations on Digital Images
   Simple contrast and brightness enhancing
   Intro to image histograms
   Advanced enhancing using image histograms
   Intro to convolution in images
   Blurring / Smoothing images
   Edge detection
   Sharpening images
   …break for 10 minutes!
Intro to Image Histograms
 We can perform more advanced image enhancement
  using histograms
 Before we cover this… we should probably cover what
  histograms are! So, what’s a histogram?
   It measures the frequency, or how often, something
   Let’s look at a grayscale image for now
   Expressed as H(x) = q, x is an intensity- [0,255] for 8 bits
   This tells us that we see the intensity value of x for a
    total of q times
Intro to Image Histograms – (2)
 Example: Let’s take a look at an grayscale image

 There are ~1500 pixels with a gray level of around 10
 There are ~1200 pixels with a gray of around 170, etc.
Intro to Image Histograms – (3)
 How do we create histograms in MATLAB?
   imhist(im); %im is read in by imread
   Assuming im is a grayscale image
   If we want this to work with colour images, we will have
    to display the histogram of each colour channel by itself
   imhist(im(:,:,1)); % histogram for red
   imhist(im(:,:,2)); % histogram for green
   imhist(im(:,:,3)); % histogram for blue
   The (:,:,1) means that we should grab every row and
    column from the red channel, etc.
Intro to Image Histograms – (4)
 Grabbing all of the pixels in any channel will produce a
  grayscale image, which can be used for imhist
 We can also call the histogram function by:
  h = imhist(im);
 Will create a 256 element array, where the (i+1)’th element
  contains how often we see the grayscale i.
 Histograms give us a good insight on image contrast
    If the histogram has too many values towards the left
      Image is too dark
    If the histogram has too many values towards the right
      Image is too bright
    If the histogram has too many values in the middle
      Image looks very washed out
Advanced Enhancement – (1)
 Above cases are when the image has bad contrast
 A good image should have good contrast
    i.e. The histogram should have an equal number of
     pixels over the entire histogram (a flat histogram)
 If an image has bad contrast, we can try to correct it by
  doing histogram equalization
   Tries to make the image’s histogram as flat as possible
    for good contrast  Stretches the histogram out
   For you probability nerds  If you divide each
    histogram entry by the total number of entries, this
    forms a Probability Density Function (PDF)
Advanced Enhancement – (2)
   Histogram equalization seeks to modify the PDF so that
    all possible events (pixels) are equally likely to occur
 How do we perform histogram equalization?
  out = histeq(im); %im given by imread
 What about for colour images?
   You will have to perform histogram equalization on each
    channel individually, then merge together
  r = im(:,:,1); g = im(:,:,2); b = im(:,:,3);
  out(:,:,1) = histeq(r);
  out(:,:,2) = histeq(g);
  out(:,:,3) = histeq(b);
Demo Time #4!
 Displaying and Calculating Histograms
Contrast and Brightness Enhancement by
Topics Covered in this Presentation
 2nd Hour: 7:10 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
 Operations on Digital Images
   Simple contrast and brightness enhancing
   Intro to image histograms
   Advanced enhancing using image histograms
   Intro to convolution in images
   Blurring / Smoothing images
   Edge detection
   Sharpening images
   …break for 10 minutes!
Intro to Convolution
 Before we proceed, we need to understand what
  convolution is for a digital image
    Probably learned in ELE/BME 532, ELE 792, etc…. Bleck!
    But! Actually very simple when dealing with 2D images
 Preliminaries:
    First, we need to create an N x N matrix called a mask
    The numbers inside the mask will help us control the
     kind of operation we’re doing
    Different #s allow us to blur, sharpen, find edges, etc.
    We need to master convolution first, and the rest is easy!
Intro to Convolution – (2)
 Steps:
    1) For each pixel (r,c) in our image, extract a N x N subset
     of pixels, where the centre is at (r,c)
    Example: 9 x 9 subsets shown below @ various locations
Intro to Convolution – (3)
 Another example: Let’s grab a 3 x 3 subset, located at
 (r,c) = (6,4)
   Pixels are a, b,
    … g, and centre
    is e

 2) Take each pixel in the subset, and do a point-by-
 point multiplication with the corresponding location
 in the mask
Intro to Convolution – (4)
 Example: Our 3 x 3 subset has pixels:
                       a   b   c
                   G = d
                           e   f
                           h   i

 Our mask has the following quantities

                       z   y   x
                   H = w
                           v   u
                           s   r
Intro to Convolution – (5)
 When we do a point by point multiplication, we will
  now have 9 numbers:
   a*z, b*y, c*x, d*w, e*v, f*u, g*t, h*s, i*r
 3) Create an output image and:
    a) Add up all of these values
    b) Store the output at (r,c) (i.e. the same row and
     column location as the input image) in the output image
 Example:
  out = a*z + b*y + c*x + d*w + e*v + f*u + g*t + h*s + i*r,
  then store out into (r,c) of the output image
Intro to Convolution – (6)
 Essentially, convolution is a weighted sum of pixels
  from the input image within the subset
    Weighted by the numbers in your mask
 Each pixel in the output image is this weighted sum
    Do this for each location of the input image and assign
     to same location in the output image
 What about for colour!?
    Do convolution on each channel separately
 Note: If the output value is floating point (decimal),
  we must round in order to make this an 8-bit number
 Here’s one more example to be sure you understand…
Intro to Convolution – (7)
Intro to Convolution – (7)
Intro to Convolution – (7)
Topics Covered in this Presentation
 2nd Hour: 7:10 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
 Operations on Digital Images
   Simple contrast and brightness enhancing
   Intro to image histograms
   Advanced enhancing using image histograms
   Intro to convolution in images
   Blurring / Smoothing images
   Edge detection
   Sharpening images
   …break for 10 minutes!
Blur / Smooth Images
 So now what? Let’s try blurring/smoothing images
 Blurring? Think of a camera that is out of focus
 Why should we blur? Minimize sensor noise
 Noise  High Frequency
   When we blur, we are essentially low-pass filtering,
    eliminating high frequency content
   High frequency content  Edges
   By getting rid of the edges, we blur the image
 How do we blur an image? Try an averaging filter
Blur / Smooth Images – (2)
 Averaging? 1st, create an output image to store results
    1) For each pixel (r,c) in the image, look at a N x N
     neighbourhood / subset of pixels that surround (r,c)
    2) Add up all pixel values in the neighbourhood and
     divide by N2 (number of pixels in neighbourhood)
    3) Take this new value and store it into same (r,c)
 Notes:
    This works for B & W images
    What about for colour images?
Blur / Smooth Images – (3)
 Remember, colour image can be seen as a 3D matrix
 3D matrix  2D matrices with layers
    1st layer  Red values
    2nd layer  Green values
    3rd layer  Blue values
 So, we can blur each layer independently, and use the
  RGB values after the blurring of each colour layer
 The bigger the neighbourhood, the more the blurring
 How can we efficiently implement this?
Blur / Smooth Images – (4)
 Create a mask for convolution to efficiently do this
 Mask: Same size as desired subset / neighbourhood
 Mask will contain numbers used to generate our result
 Examples:                               1
                                                  1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1
                         1   1   1   1           1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1
                         1   1   1   1   1      1                               1
        1 1 1       1 
                          1   1   1   1   1          1   1   1   1   1   1   1    
      1              25 1                
         1 1 1              1   1   1   1   1 
                                                   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1
      9 1 1 1                                   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1
                       1
                             1   1   1   1
                                              81 1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1
                                                                                   
                                                  1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1
  3 x 3 Averaging   5 x 5 Averaging               1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1
                                                  1                               1
       Mask              Mask                                                      
                                                       1   1   1   1   1   1   1

                                               9 x 9 Averaging
Blur / Smooth Images – (5)
 These masks make sense. Why?
    Let’s look at the 3 x 3 case:
    Example: Suppose our 3 x 3 neighbourhood is:
                        1   2    3
                    G = 4
                            5    6
                            8    9
    Our 3 x 3 averaging mask is:
                            1         1   1
                   1 1 1  9         9   9
              H = 1 1 1 = 
                 1            1        1
                 9       9          9   9
                   1 1 1  1
                                     1   1
                                      9   9
Blur / Smooth Images – (6)
 The output should be:
  out = (1)(1/9) + (2)(1/9) + (3)(1/9) + (4)(1/9) + (5)(1/9) +
  (6)(1/9) + (7)(1/9) + (8)(1/9) + (9)(1/9)
  out = (1/9)(1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9)
  out = (1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9) / 9
 … isn’t this exactly the same thing as averaging!?
 You are essentially adding up all of the pixels in the
  neighbourhood, and dividing them by the total
  number of pixels (9)
 Note: If we get a decimal number, we round to be sure
  that we have an integer number
Blur / Smooth Images – (7)
 Understanding was the hard part!
 In MATLAB, this is very easy!
 First, we need to create the mask
    We do this by calling fspecial()
     mask = fspecial(‘average’, N);
    mask contains the averaging mask to use
    First parameter specifies we want an averaging mask
    N specifies the size of the mask  Bigger the N, more
     blurring we get
Blur / Smooth Images – (8)
 Next, call a command that will perform this multiply
 and sum command for each pixel in the image
   Use the imfilter() command
  out = imfilter(im, mask);
   out: output image (this case  averaged output)
   im contains the image we want to blur
   mask: Convolution mask to use (this case  averaging)
 Nice little note  imfilter() works on both
 grayscale and colour images
   For colour, this automatically performs convolution on
    each channel individually and combines after
Blur / Smooth Images – (9)
 imfilter() performs image filtering using masks
    Essentially convolution
 Filtering  Produce an output image that changes the
  frequency content of the image
   Blurring, Sharpening, Detecting Edges, etc.
 Why are masks important?
   You change the size of the mask, and values in the mask
    and you get different results!
   Essentially how most filters in Adobe Photoshop and
    GIMP work
Demo Time #5!
 Blurring / Smoothing Images
Topics Covered in this Presentation
 2nd Hour: 7:10 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
 Operations on Digital Images
   Simple contrast and brightness enhancing
   Intro to image histograms
   Advanced enhancing using image histograms
   Intro to convolution in images
   Blurring / Smoothing images
   Edge detection
   Sharpening images
   …break for 10 minutes!
Edge Detection
 Next? Edge detection… what is an edge?
 Edges are sudden discontinuities appearing in images
    A.K.A. sudden jumps in intensity or colour in images
 How can we detect edges? Very simple: Think Calc.
    Find the derivative of each point in the image
    When slope is very high, that means you found an edge
 But, derivative is only for 1D signals… what about 2D!?
 You must take the gradient  Derivative in both the x
  and y directions
 You combine both of these directions to create your
  final derivative function
Edge Detection – (2)
 How do I take the derivative? We perform convolution, but
  with a different mask  Corresponds to discrete
  approximation of the derivative
 Two possible masks we can use:
          1   1   1            1    2    1
          0   0   0
                                      0    0 
                     
          − 1 − 1 − 1          − 1 − 2
                                           − 1
                     
      Prewitt 3 x3 Mask      Sobel 3 x 3 Mask
 These masks detect changes in the horizontal direction
 If there are no changes, then weighted sum of the pixels in 3
  x 3 neighbourhood should have same value  Gradient = 0
Edge Detection – (3)
 Prewitt Mask  Normal derivative
 Sobel Mask  Puts more weight on the central pixels
 How does this detect horizontal changes?
   When using the mask, if there is a change, there is a
    huge change above the zero line, and below the zero line
   So when performing correlation, it can detect horizontal
 How do we detect vertical changes?
   Take the transpose of each mask!
   Tranpose  Interchange rows & columns of the mask
Edge Detection – (4)
 How do we combine the horizontal and vertical
 gradient information?
   Remember from Vector Calculus:
                         ∂G   ∂G 

                | ∇G |=      +
                                 ∂y 
                         ∂x       
   So, we take the horizontal gradient image, and square
    each term, and do the same for the vertical gradient
   Now, add both images, and square root them  This is
    our output image
Edge Detection – (5)
 How do we do this in MATLAB?
   1) Create our Prewitt or Sobel Horizontal Masks:
    mask = fspecial(‘prewitt’); or
    mask = fspecial(‘sobel’);
   2) Get the Vertical Mask:
    mask2 = mask’;  ‘ transposes a matrix
   3) Convolve with each mask separately
    dX = imfilter(im, mask);
    dY = imfilter(im, mask2);
   4)Find the overall magnitude
    mag = sqrt(double(dX).^(2) +
Edge Detection – (6)
 Note: We must cast images to double for sqrt() func.
 Now, we’ve found the overall gradient… how do we find
  an actual edge? Threshold the image
 What do we mean by threshold?
   Values greater than a threshold is an edge (white)
   Values less than the threshold are not edges (black)
 How do we detect edges in MATLAB? Very easy!
  I = edge(im, ‘sobel’); or
  I = edge(im, ‘prewitt’);
 So, we can pretty much ignore the previous slide, but I
  put that in there so you can see where it comes from
Edge Detection – (7)
 You can also call the routines this way:
  I = edge(im, ‘sobel’, thresh); or
  I = edge(im, ‘prewitt’, thresh);
   I specifies edges found in input (B & W image)
   im is the input image with edges to be found
   Second parameter specifies method of finding edges
   thresh determines threshold for finding edges
   If not specified, threshold will be found automatically
 How do we use the thresh variable?
   Choose an intensity (e.g. 128)
   Any gradient value > 128 will be labeled white
Edge Detection – (8)
   Any gradient value < 128 is labelled black
   thresh is between [0,1], so take your threshold and
    divide by 255 to use
    i.e. I = edge(im, ‘prewitt’, 128/255);
 Output image will give you a black and white image 
 White is an edge, black is not an edge
   Only works for B & W images. To find edges for colour
    images, convert the colour image to a B & W image
   Use gray = rgb2gray(im);
   rgb2gray converts a colour image into B & W by
    doing: I = (R + G + B) / 3  Each colour pixel is the
    average of the red, green and blue components
Edge Detection – (9)
 Sidenote: Here’s another way of finding the gradient
   Unsharp Masking
 Probably heard this terminology in CSI? So what’s
  unsharp masking?
 Let’s go back to Signals and Systems
   Suppose we perform a low-pass filtering of an image 
    Get a blurred version
   If we take the original image, and subtract its blurred
    version, what are we doing? Removing all low frequency
    components, so what’s left? High frequency!
Edge Detection – (10)
 High frequencies are essentially edge information
   Edges are sudden jumps  Essentially high frequency
 How do we perform unsharp masking?
   1) Blur the image  Try using the following mask:
    mask = fspecial(‘average’, 5); %5x5
   So… we blur! im_blur = imfilter(im,mask);
   2) Subtract the original image from the blurred
    im_unsharp = im – im_blur;
 Now, why are edges useful? We can use them to
 sharpen images  Will take a look after this demo
Demo Time #6!
   Edge Detection in Images
 Calculating an Unsharp Mask
Topics Covered in this Presentation
 2nd Hour: 7:10 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
 Operations on Digital Images
   Simple contrast and brightness enhancing
   Intro to image histograms
   Advanced enhancing using image histograms
   Intro to convolution in images
   Blurring / Smoothing images
   Edge detection
   Sharpening images
   …break for 10 minutes!
Image Sharpening
 Last image enhancing topic  Image Sharpening
 What is image sharpening? Make the image look
  “clearer”, “sharper”, make the details “pop out more”
 How do we do this?
   Edges are the “detail” behind the image
   Edges are high frequency
 How do we make images sharper?
   Find overall magnitude of the gradient for the image
   Add these values on top of the original image
   Result? Increase the visibility of the edges  Sharper
Image Sharpening – (2)
  Use imfilter with unsharp masking
  mask = fspecial(‘unsharp’);
  The above syntax creates an unsharp mask in such a way
   where when you convolve, it will automatically subtract
   the image with a blurred version of itself and add the
   original image on top
  Good for both x and y direction changes
  How?
   mask = fspecial(‘unsharp’);
   sharp = imfilter(im, mask);
  This will perform the detection of abrupt changes, and
   adding them on top of the image all in one go.
Demo Time #7!
 Image Sharpening in Images
Topics Covered in this Presentation
 3rd Hour: 8:10 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
 Applications of Image Processing
   Segmenting simple objects
   Noise Filtering
   Simple image stitching using template matching
Segmentation via Thresholding
 There are times when we want to separate objects (the
    things we want) from the background  Segmentation
   To make this easier, we convert to a B & W image first if the
    image is in colour. Else just leave it alone
   After conversion, most of the time the intensities of the
    objects are distinctly different from background
   We can write code to save the pixels that match these
    intensities, and disregard the rest
   Pixels that match  Set to white, else set to black
   Output image will be binary  White belonging to object,
    and black belonging to background
     We can use this to mask out the background pixels
Segmentation via Thresholding (2)
 What do we do?
   Take a look at the histogram, and see which pixels are
    predominantly belonging to the object, and of the
   We threshold the image using this information
   We then use this threshold map to figure out what pixels
    we want to keep, and what we want to disregard
Demo Time #8!
Object Segmentation via Thresholding
Topics Covered in this Presentation
 3rd Hour: 8:10 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
 Applications of Image Processing
   Segmenting simple objects
   Noise Filtering
   Simple image stitching using template matching
Noise Filtering
 A common task in image processing is to eliminate or
  reduce image noise from an image
 Image Noise: Pixels in an image that are corrupted
   Pixels could be corrupted in the acquisition process, or
    in transmitting, etc.
 How do we reduce image noise?
   Think in the frequency domain  Noise is essentially
    high-frequency information
   If we blur the image, we would eliminate the noise, but
    the quality would reduce  blurring details
Noise Filtering – (2)
 We can generate artificial noise and add these to
   Purpose is for research  Design good filters by
    recreating the noise we would encounter in practice
 How do we generate artificial noise? Use imnoise
   We will be concerned with two ways of generating noise
out = imnoise(im, ‘gaussian’, mean, var);
out = imnoise(im, ‘salt & pepper’, prob);
 First method generates Gaussian-based noise
   Usually encountered in transmitting process
Noise Filtering – (3)
 Second method generates “salt & pepper” based noise
    Also known as impulsive noise
    Called this way, because for monochromatic images, it
     literally looks like someone took salt (white pixels) and
     pepper (black pixels) and shook it over the image
    For colour images, specks of pure red, green and blue
     pixels appear
 We can use blurring to get rid of Gaussian noise, but
  for impulsive noise, we need to use median filtering
    What’s median filtering? Like convolution, but we’re not
     doing a weighted sum
Noise Filtering – (4)
 For each pixel (r,c) in the image, extract an M x N
  subset of pixels centered at (r,c)
 Sort these pixels in ascending order, and grab the
  median value
   The output image at (r,c) is this value
 How do we perform median filtering in MATLAB?
out = medfilt2(im, [M N]);
Topics Covered in this Presentation
 3rd Hour: 8:10 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
 Applications of Image Processing
   Segmenting simple objects
   Noise Filtering
   Simple image stitching using template matching
Demo Time #9!
  Noise Filtering in Images
Template Matching
 Template matching is using a small test image, which
 we’ll call a patch
   Objective is to automatically find the location of where
    this patch is in the entire image
   Useful in a variety of applications: Image Retrieval, Eye
    Detection, etc.
 What I’ll show you today is to do some basic image
   We will have two images of the same scene, that have
    been taken at slightly different perspectives  Only
    horizontal shifting is concentrated on here
Template Matching – (2)
 What’s the best way to do template matching?
   1) For each pixel (r,c) in the image, extract a subset that
    is the same size as the template with its centre at (r,c)
   2) Perform a cross-correlation between the patch and
    this subset
   3) Take this value and assign it to location (r,c) for the
   4) The best location of where the template is, is where
    the maximum cross-correlation is
 We can perform (1) to (3) by doing:
C = normxcorr2(template, im);
Template Matching – (3)
 Output is a correlation map
   To find the row and column co-ordinates of where the
    template best matches, do the following:
  [row col] = find(C == max(C(:)));
 So, how do we do image stitching?
    1) Extract a region in either image that is common
     between both  Template
    2) Find the co-ordinates of where this template is in
     both images
    3) Determine how much vertical and horizontal
     displacement there is between the two images
Template Matching – (4)
   4) Create an output image with dimensions that
    encapsulate both images together
   5) Place one image on the left, then place the other
    image by displacing it over by the horizontal and vertical
 OK… let’s do some code!
Demo Time #10!
   Simple Image Stitching
 MATLAB is a great tool for digital image processing
 Very easy to use
 This is not an exhaustive tutorial! There are many
  more things you can do with MATLAB
 For more image processing demos, check out:
   Lots of cool image processing stuff you can find here
 For a more comprehensive MATLAB tutorial, check:
 You can access the slides, images and code at:

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Introduction to Digital Image Processing Using MATLAB

  • 1. Raymond Phan – Ph.D. Candidate Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Distributed Multimedia Computing Research Lab EPH 408 Some slides were taken from Prof. R. A. Peters PPT slides:
  • 2. Topics Covered in this Presentation  1st Hour: 6:10 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Introduction to Digital Images and in MATLAB  Quick intro to myself  What is MATLAB?  Where to get MATLAB and how to run  Basic I/O  Reading and writing images  Accessing pixels and groups of pixels  Resizing Images  Rotating Images  …break for 10 minutes!
  • 3. Topics Covered in this Presentation  2nd Hour: 7:10 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Operations on Digital Images  Simple contrast and brightness enhancing  Intro to image histograms  Advanced enhancing using image histograms  Intro to convolution in images  Blurring / Smoothing images  Edge detection  Sharpening images  …break for 10 minutes!
  • 4. Topics Covered in this Presentation  3rd Hour: 8:10 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Applications of Image Processing  Segmenting simple objects  Noise Filtering  Simple image stitching using template matching  NOTE!  For a more comprehensive MATLAB tutorial, check:  You can access the slides, images and code at:
  • 5. Topics Covered in this Presentation  1st Hour: 6:10 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Introduction to Digital Images and in MATLAB  Quick intro to myself  What is MATLAB and where do I get it / find it?  Intro to Digital Images  Basic I/O  Reading and writing images  Accessing pixels and groups of pixels  Resizing Images  Rotating Images  …break for 10 minutes!
  • 6. Introduction of Myself  Started in 2002 in the B.Eng. – Computer Engineering program  Program only started at this time  Relatively new  Graduated in 2006  Started my M.A.Sc. in 2006 – ELCE  Finished in 2008  Winner – Ryerson Gold Medal (2008 – SGS)  Started my Ph.D. in 2008 – ELCE  Will finish before my back gives out  Currently a 4th year Ph.D. Candidate  2010 NSERC Vanier Canada Graduate Scholar
  • 7. Introduction of Myself (2)  Research Interests  Digital Image Processing, Signal Processing, Multimedia, Computer Vision, Stereo Vision, 3DTV, etc.  M.A.Sc. Thesis – Content-Based Image Retrieval System  Featured in the Toronto Star (January 4th, 2008)  Searching for images using actual images, rather than keywords  Current Ph.D. Thesis – Faster and more accurate 2D to 3D conversion
  • 8. Topics Covered in this Presentation  1st Hour: 6:10 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Introduction to Digital Images and in MATLAB  Quick intro to myself  What is MATLAB and where do I get it / find it?  Intro to Digital Images  Basic I/O  Reading and writing images  Accessing pixels and groups of pixels  Resizing Images  Rotating Images  …break for 10 minutes!
  • 9. What is MATLAB?  MATLAB  Stands for MATrix LABoratory  Created by Cleve Moler @ Stanford U. in 1970  Why? Makes linear algebra, numerical analysis and optimization a lot easier  MATLAB is a dynamically typed language  Means that you do not have to declare any variables  All you need to do is initialize them and they are created  MATLAB treats all variables as matrices  Scalar – 1 x 1 matrix. Vector – 1 x N or N x 1 matrix  Why? Makes calculations a lot faster (will see later)
  • 10. What is MATLAB? (2)  How can I get and/or use MATLAB?  3 ways:  1) Find it on any of the ELCE departmental computers  Log in to your account, go to Applications  Math  MATLAB R2010b  2) Use any Ryerson computer on to the ACS network  Log in with your Matrix ID and Password, then go to Start  MATLAB R2010b  3) Install it on your own laptop  Go to for more details  You must be on the Ryerson network to sign up for an account  After, you can download MATLAB from anywhere  MATLAB uses the Image Processing Toolbox (IPT)  Should already be installed with MATLAB!
  • 11. Topics Covered in this Presentation  1st Hour: 6:10 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Introduction to Digital Images and in MATLAB  Quick intro to myself  What is MATLAB and where do I get it / find it?  Intro to Digital Images  Basic I/O  Reading and writing images  Accessing pixels and groups of pixels  Resizing Images  Rotating Images  …break for 10 minutes!
  • 12. Intro to Digital Images Color images have 3 values per pixel; Digital Image monochrome / grayscale images = 1 value/pixel. a grid of squares, each of which contains a single color each square is called a pixel (or picture element)
  • 13. Intro to Digital Images – (2) Pixels  A digital image, I, is a mapping from a 2D grid of uniformly spaced discrete points, {p = (r,c)}, into a set of positive integer values, {I( p)}, or a set of vector values, e.g., {[R G B]T(p)}.  Each column location of each row in I has a value  The pair (p, I(p)) is a “pixel” (for picture element)  p = (r,c) pixel location indexed by row r & column c  I(p) = I(r,c)  Value of the pixel at location p  If I(p) is a single number  I is monochrome (B&W)  If I(p) is a 3 element vector  I is a colour (RGB) image
  • 14. Intro to Digital Images – (3)  Monochromatic Case:  We call the values at each pixel intensities  Smaller intensities denote a darker pixel  Bigger intensities denote a lighter pixel  Colour Case:  Think of a colour image as a 3D matrix  First layer is red, second layer is green, third layer is blue  Why RGB? Trichromacy theory  All colours found in nature can naturally be decomposed into Red, Green and Blue  This is basically how CCD cameras work!  The three element vector tells you how much red, green and blue the pixel is compromised of (i.e. [R G B]T = [0 255 0]  No red, no blue, all green
  • 15. Intro to Digital Images – (4) Pixel : [ p, I(p)] p = (r, c )  red  12  Pixel Location: p = (r , c) = (row # , col # ) I ( p ) = green  = 43     Pixel Value: I(p) = I(r , c) = (272, 277)  blue  61    
  • 16. Intro to Digital Images – (5)  How do digital cameras take images (very basic)?  Uses sampling and quantization  What we see now through our eyes is continuous  There is essentially an infinite amount of points that comprise our field of view (FoV)  Not good, because we want to store this information!  We first need to sample the FoV  Transfer the FoV to a rectangular grid, and grab the colour in each location of the grid
  • 17. Intro to Digital Images – (5) Sampling and Quantization pixel grid column index row index real image sampled quantized sampled & quantized
  • 18. Intro to Digital Images – (6)  We’re not done yet! There are also an infinite number of possible colours  We will now need to quantize the colours  Quantizing will reduce the total number of colours to a smaller amount  Key  Quantize accurately so that we can’t tell much difference between the original image and the quantized one  A digital image is essentially taking our FoV and performing a sampling and quantization  Values are now discrete and positive
  • 19. Intro to Digital Images – (6) Sampling and Quantization pixel grid column index row index real image sampled quantized sampled & quantized
  • 20. Intro to Digital Images – (7)  Digital images store their intensities / colour values as discrete and positive values  Usually, digital images need 8 bits for B & W and 24- bits for colour (8 bits for each primary colour)  B & W – 0 for Black and 255 for White  All integers  Colour – 0 to 255 for Red, Green and Blue  All integers  Note: We can consider a colour image as three 2D images  Without compression, files would be very large!  Compression algorithms (PNG, JPEG, etc.) eliminate extra information to reduce the size of the image
  • 21. Topics Covered in this Presentation  1st Hour: 6:10 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Introduction to Digital Images and in MATLAB  Quick intro to myself  What is MATLAB and where do I get it / find it?  Intro to Digital Images  Basic I/O  Reading and writing images  Accessing pixels and groups of pixels  Resizing Images  Rotating Images  …break for 10 minutes!
  • 22. R/W Images in MATLAB  So we have an image file… how do I access the info?  Open up MATLAB and change working directory to where image is stored  Use the imread() function  im = imread(‘name_of_image.ext’)  Use single quotes, and type in the full name of the image with its extension (.bmp, .jpg, etc.)  im will contain a 2D matrix (rows x cols) of B&W values or a 3D matrix (rows x cols x 3) of colour values  Matrix corresponds to each pixel in the digital image for B & W, or a colour component of a pixel in colour
  • 23. R/W Images in MATLAB – (2)  How do I access a pixel in MATLAB  B&W case?  pix = im(row,col);  row & col: Row & column of the pixel to access  pix contains the intensity value  Access elements in an array by round braces, not square!  For you C buffs  Indexing starts at 1, not 0!  How do I access a pixel in MATLAB  Colour case?  pix = im(row,col,1);  Red colour value  pix = im(row,col,2);  Green colour value  pix = im(row,col,3);  Blue colour value  3rd argument  3rd dimension of matrix  Only grabs one colour value at a time!
  • 24. R/W Images in MATLAB – (3)  How can I get the RGB pixel entirely? Use the : command  pix = im(row,col,:);  : means to grab all values of one dimension  However, this will give you a 1 x 1 x 3 matrix… we just want an array! Call the squeeze() command  pix = squeeze(im(row,col,:));  Now a 3 x 1 vector. To access R, G and B values, do:  red = pix(1)  Red, gr = pix(2)  Green, blue = pix(3)  Blue
  • 25. R/W Images in MATLAB – (4)  So I know how to get pixels; how can I modify them in the image?  Easy! Just go backwards  For a B & W Image do: im(row,col) = pix;  For a colour image, do either: im(row,col,1) = red; im(row,col,2) = green; im(row,col,3) = blue; or im(row,col,:) = [red; green; blue] or im(row,col,:) = rgb; %rgb - 3 x 1 vector
  • 26. R/W Images in MATLAB – (5)  How do I access a subset of the image?  How do I grab a portion of the image and store it into another variable?  Do the following for monochromatic images: im2 = im(row1:row2,col1:col2);  Do the following for colour images: im2 = im(row1:row2,col1:col2,:);  This will grab a rectangular region between rows 1 and 2, and columns 1 and 2  e.g., if I wanted to get rows 17 – 31, and columns 32 – 45 for colour, do: im2 = im(17:31,32:45,:);
  • 27. R/W Images in MATLAB – (6)  So I know how to get pixels; how can I display images?  Use the imshow() command  imshow(im);  im: Image loaded into MATLAB  Shows a new window with the image in it  If you do: imshow(im,[])  For monochromatic: Smallest intensity becomes 0 and largest intensity becomes 255 for display  For colour: Apply the above for each colour channel  Every time you use imshow, the image you want to display is put in the same window… so what do you do?
  • 28. R/W Images in MATLAB – (7)  Use figure command to create a new blank window  Then, run the imshow command to display the image on the other window  We can also do:  imshow(im(:,:,1));  Shows red channel  imshow(im(:,:,2));  Shows green channel  imshow(im(:,:,3));  Shows blue channel  (:,:,1) means grab all of the rows and columns for the first layer (i.e. red), etc.
  • 29. R/W Images in MATLAB – (8)  When showing the red channel:  Darker pixels mean there isn’t much red in that pixel  Lighter pixels mean there is a lot of red in that pixel  Same applies for green and blue!  How do I save images to disk? Use imwrite()  imwrite(im, ‘name_of_image.ext’, ‘EXT’);  im  image to write to disk  name_of_image.ext  Name of the image  ‘EXT’  Extension of the file (‘JPG’, ‘BMP’, ‘PNG’, etc.)
  • 30. Demo Time #1! Reading in Images Accessing Pixels Changing Image Pixels Obtaining a Subset Display Images  Monochromatic and Colour Displaying Colour Channels Separately Writing Images to File
  • 31. Topics Covered in this Presentation  1st Hour: 6:10 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Introduction to Digital Images and in MATLAB  Quick intro to myself  What is MATLAB and where do I get it / find it?  Intro to Digital Images  Basic I/O  Reading and writing images  Accessing pixels and groups of pixels  Resizing Images  Rotating Images  …break for 10 minutes!
  • 32. Resizing Images  One common thing that many people do is resize images  i.e. Make an image bigger from a smaller image, or make an image smaller from a larger image  How do we resize images in MATLAB? Use the imresize command  How do we use it? out = imresize(im, scale, ‘method’); or out = imresize(im, [r c], ‘method’);  For both methods  im is the image we want to resize, and out is the resized image
  • 33. Resizing Images – (2)  Let’s look at the first method: out = imresize(im, scale, ‘method’);  scale takes each of the dimensions of the image (# of rows and columns), and multiplies by this much to determine the output  e.g. If we have an image that is 20 rows x 40 columns:  If scale = 2, the output  40 rows x 80 columns  If scale = 0.5, the output  10 rows x 20 columns  method determines the type of interpolation when resizing  Important when making an image bigger
  • 34. Resizing Images – (3)  When we are making an image bigger, we are trying to create an image with a lack of information present  There are three main types of interpolation  Nearest Neighbour  method = ‘nearest’  Uses the best pixels that are near the original pixels and fills in missing information  Bilinear Interpolation  method = ‘bilinear’  Uses linear interpolation in 2D to fill in missing information  Bicubic Interpolation  method = ‘bicubic’  Uses cubic interpolation in 2D to fill in missing information  Usually, bicubic is known to have the best accuracy
  • 35. Resizing Images – (4)  Now, let’s take a look at the second method for resizing out = imresize(im, [r c], ‘method’);  This routine will resize the image to any desired dimensions you want  You can customize how many rows and columns the final image will have  Example: To resize a 130 rows x 180 columns image to 65 rows x 90 columns, with bilinear interpolation, do: out = imresize(im, [65 90], ‘bilinear’);  We can also do! out = imresize(im, 0.5, ‘bilinear’);
  • 36. Rotating Images  Suppose we want to rotate an image  How? out = imrotate(im, angle, ‘method’);  im: The image we want to rotate  angle: How much we want to rotate the image  Angle is in degrees! Positive angle denotes counter- clockwise rotation, and negative angle is clockwise  When rotating, there will inevitably be some missing information  method is like before with resizing  out: The rotated image  Example: Let’s rotate CCW by 45 degrees by bilinear: out = imrotate(im, 45, ‘bilinear’);
  • 37. Demo Time #2! Enlarging Images Shrinking Images Rotating Images
  • 38. Topics Covered in this Presentation  2nd Hour: 7:10 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Operations on Digital Images  Simple contrast and brightness enhancing  Intro to image histograms  Advanced enhancing using image histograms  Intro to convolution in images  Blurring / Smoothing images  Edge detection  Sharpening images  …break for 10 minutes!
  • 39. Cont. & Brig. Enhancement  First real application  Brightness enhancement  How do we increase /decrease brightness of an image?  1 way: Just add or subtract a brightness to every pixel  How? im2 = im + c; or im2 = im – c;  c is any constant (0 – 255)  Takes c and add / subtract to every pixel in the image  Adding / subtracting makes the image brighter / darker  Round off occurs if out of range (i.e. set to 255 if > 255/set to 0 if < 0)  What about another way?  We can also scale the image by a constant  Do: im2 = c*im;  If c > 1, increasing brightness  If c < 1, decreasing brightness
  • 40. Cont. & Brig. Enhancement (2)  So we covered brightness… what about contrast?  Contrast  How well you can see the objects from the background  When performing brightness enhancing, you’ll notice that it looks “white washed out”  Poor contrast  We can do a contrast enhancement to make objects look better, leaving background relatively unaffected  How? Use the power law  s = rγ  r is the input pixel intensity / colour and s is the output intensity / colour
  • 41. Cont. & Brig. Enhancement (3)  For each pixel, apply this equation to each of the intensities / colours  For colour images, apply to each channel separately  Exponent γ determines how dark or light the output is  γ > 1  Make darker  γ < 1  Make lighter
  • 42. Cont. & Brig. Enhancement (4)  How do we apply the power law in MATLAB?  Use imadjust out = imadjust(im, [], [], gamma);  im: Input image to contrast adjust  Ignore 2nd and 3rd parameters  Beyond the scope of our talk  gamma: The γ exponent that we’ve seen earlier  out: The contrast adjusted image  Example use: If γ = 1.4, we do: out = imadjust(im, [], [], 1.4);
  • 43. Demo Time #3! Contrast and Brightness Enhancement
  • 44. Topics Covered in this Presentation  2nd Hour: 7:10 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Operations on Digital Images  Simple contrast and brightness enhancing  Intro to image histograms  Advanced enhancing using image histograms  Intro to convolution in images  Blurring / Smoothing images  Edge detection  Sharpening images  …break for 10 minutes!
  • 45. Intro to Image Histograms  We can perform more advanced image enhancement using histograms  Before we cover this… we should probably cover what histograms are! So, what’s a histogram?  It measures the frequency, or how often, something occurs  Let’s look at a grayscale image for now  Expressed as H(x) = q, x is an intensity- [0,255] for 8 bits  This tells us that we see the intensity value of x for a total of q times
  • 46. Intro to Image Histograms – (2)  Example: Let’s take a look at an grayscale image  There are ~1500 pixels with a gray level of around 10  There are ~1200 pixels with a gray of around 170, etc.
  • 47. Intro to Image Histograms – (3)  How do we create histograms in MATLAB?  imhist(im); %im is read in by imread  Assuming im is a grayscale image  If we want this to work with colour images, we will have to display the histogram of each colour channel by itself  imhist(im(:,:,1)); % histogram for red  imhist(im(:,:,2)); % histogram for green  imhist(im(:,:,3)); % histogram for blue  The (:,:,1) means that we should grab every row and column from the red channel, etc.
  • 48. Intro to Image Histograms – (4)  Grabbing all of the pixels in any channel will produce a grayscale image, which can be used for imhist  We can also call the histogram function by: h = imhist(im);  Will create a 256 element array, where the (i+1)’th element contains how often we see the grayscale i.  Histograms give us a good insight on image contrast  If the histogram has too many values towards the left  Image is too dark  If the histogram has too many values towards the right  Image is too bright  If the histogram has too many values in the middle  Image looks very washed out
  • 49. Advanced Enhancement – (1)  Above cases are when the image has bad contrast  A good image should have good contrast  i.e. The histogram should have an equal number of pixels over the entire histogram (a flat histogram)  If an image has bad contrast, we can try to correct it by doing histogram equalization  Tries to make the image’s histogram as flat as possible for good contrast  Stretches the histogram out  For you probability nerds  If you divide each histogram entry by the total number of entries, this forms a Probability Density Function (PDF)
  • 50. Advanced Enhancement – (2)  Histogram equalization seeks to modify the PDF so that all possible events (pixels) are equally likely to occur  How do we perform histogram equalization? out = histeq(im); %im given by imread  What about for colour images?  You will have to perform histogram equalization on each channel individually, then merge together r = im(:,:,1); g = im(:,:,2); b = im(:,:,3); out(:,:,1) = histeq(r); out(:,:,2) = histeq(g); out(:,:,3) = histeq(b);
  • 51. Demo Time #4! Displaying and Calculating Histograms Contrast and Brightness Enhancement by Histograms
  • 52. Topics Covered in this Presentation  2nd Hour: 7:10 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Operations on Digital Images  Simple contrast and brightness enhancing  Intro to image histograms  Advanced enhancing using image histograms  Intro to convolution in images  Blurring / Smoothing images  Edge detection  Sharpening images  …break for 10 minutes!
  • 53. Intro to Convolution  Before we proceed, we need to understand what convolution is for a digital image  Probably learned in ELE/BME 532, ELE 792, etc…. Bleck!  But! Actually very simple when dealing with 2D images  Preliminaries:  First, we need to create an N x N matrix called a mask  The numbers inside the mask will help us control the kind of operation we’re doing  Different #s allow us to blur, sharpen, find edges, etc.  We need to master convolution first, and the rest is easy!
  • 54. Intro to Convolution – (2)  Steps:  1) For each pixel (r,c) in our image, extract a N x N subset of pixels, where the centre is at (r,c)  Example: 9 x 9 subsets shown below @ various locations
  • 55. Intro to Convolution – (3)  Another example: Let’s grab a 3 x 3 subset, located at (r,c) = (6,4)  Pixels are a, b, … g, and centre is e  2) Take each pixel in the subset, and do a point-by- point multiplication with the corresponding location in the mask
  • 56. Intro to Convolution – (4)  Example: Our 3 x 3 subset has pixels: a b c G = d  e f  g  h i   Our mask has the following quantities z y x H = w  v u  t  s r 
  • 57. Intro to Convolution – (5)  When we do a point by point multiplication, we will now have 9 numbers:  a*z, b*y, c*x, d*w, e*v, f*u, g*t, h*s, i*r  3) Create an output image and:  a) Add up all of these values  b) Store the output at (r,c) (i.e. the same row and column location as the input image) in the output image  Example: out = a*z + b*y + c*x + d*w + e*v + f*u + g*t + h*s + i*r, then store out into (r,c) of the output image
  • 58. Intro to Convolution – (6)  Essentially, convolution is a weighted sum of pixels from the input image within the subset  Weighted by the numbers in your mask  Each pixel in the output image is this weighted sum  Do this for each location of the input image and assign to same location in the output image  What about for colour!?  Do convolution on each channel separately  Note: If the output value is floating point (decimal), we must round in order to make this an 8-bit number  Here’s one more example to be sure you understand…
  • 62. Topics Covered in this Presentation  2nd Hour: 7:10 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Operations on Digital Images  Simple contrast and brightness enhancing  Intro to image histograms  Advanced enhancing using image histograms  Intro to convolution in images  Blurring / Smoothing images  Edge detection  Sharpening images  …break for 10 minutes!
  • 63. Blur / Smooth Images  So now what? Let’s try blurring/smoothing images  Blurring? Think of a camera that is out of focus  Why should we blur? Minimize sensor noise  Noise  High Frequency  When we blur, we are essentially low-pass filtering, eliminating high frequency content  High frequency content  Edges  By getting rid of the edges, we blur the image  How do we blur an image? Try an averaging filter
  • 64. Blur / Smooth Images – (2)  Averaging? 1st, create an output image to store results  1) For each pixel (r,c) in the image, look at a N x N neighbourhood / subset of pixels that surround (r,c)  2) Add up all pixel values in the neighbourhood and divide by N2 (number of pixels in neighbourhood)  3) Take this new value and store it into same (r,c) location  Notes:  This works for B & W images  What about for colour images?
  • 65. Blur / Smooth Images – (3)  Remember, colour image can be seen as a 3D matrix  3D matrix  2D matrices with layers  1st layer  Red values  2nd layer  Green values  3rd layer  Blue values  So, we can blur each layer independently, and use the RGB values after the blurring of each colour layer  The bigger the neighbourhood, the more the blurring  How can we efficiently implement this?
  • 66. Blur / Smooth Images – (4)  Create a mask for convolution to efficiently do this  Mask: Same size as desired subset / neighbourhood  Mask will contain numbers used to generate our result  Examples: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1  1 1 1 1 1  1 1 1 1 1 1 1  1 25 1  1 1 1  1 1 1 1 1  1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1   1  1 1 1 1  81 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1   1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 x 3 Averaging 5 x 5 Averaging 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Mask Mask   1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 x 9 Averaging Mask
  • 67. Blur / Smooth Images – (5)  These masks make sense. Why?  Let’s look at the 3 x 3 case:  Example: Suppose our 3 x 3 neighbourhood is: 1 2 3 G = 4  5 6  7  8 9  Our 3 x 3 averaging mask is: 1 1 1  1 1 1  9 9 9 1 H = 1 1 1 =  1 1 1  9  9 9 9 1 1 1  1   1 1 9  9 9 
  • 68. Blur / Smooth Images – (6)  The output should be: out = (1)(1/9) + (2)(1/9) + (3)(1/9) + (4)(1/9) + (5)(1/9) + (6)(1/9) + (7)(1/9) + (8)(1/9) + (9)(1/9) out = (1/9)(1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9) out = (1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9) / 9  … isn’t this exactly the same thing as averaging!?  You are essentially adding up all of the pixels in the neighbourhood, and dividing them by the total number of pixels (9)  Note: If we get a decimal number, we round to be sure that we have an integer number
  • 69. Blur / Smooth Images – (7)  Understanding was the hard part!  In MATLAB, this is very easy!  First, we need to create the mask  We do this by calling fspecial() mask = fspecial(‘average’, N);  mask contains the averaging mask to use  First parameter specifies we want an averaging mask  N specifies the size of the mask  Bigger the N, more blurring we get
  • 70. Blur / Smooth Images – (8)  Next, call a command that will perform this multiply and sum command for each pixel in the image  Use the imfilter() command out = imfilter(im, mask);  out: output image (this case  averaged output)  im contains the image we want to blur  mask: Convolution mask to use (this case  averaging)  Nice little note  imfilter() works on both grayscale and colour images  For colour, this automatically performs convolution on each channel individually and combines after
  • 71. Blur / Smooth Images – (9)  imfilter() performs image filtering using masks  Essentially convolution  Filtering  Produce an output image that changes the frequency content of the image  Blurring, Sharpening, Detecting Edges, etc.  Why are masks important?  You change the size of the mask, and values in the mask and you get different results!  Essentially how most filters in Adobe Photoshop and GIMP work
  • 72. Demo Time #5! Blurring / Smoothing Images
  • 73. Topics Covered in this Presentation  2nd Hour: 7:10 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Operations on Digital Images  Simple contrast and brightness enhancing  Intro to image histograms  Advanced enhancing using image histograms  Intro to convolution in images  Blurring / Smoothing images  Edge detection  Sharpening images  …break for 10 minutes!
  • 74. Edge Detection  Next? Edge detection… what is an edge?  Edges are sudden discontinuities appearing in images  A.K.A. sudden jumps in intensity or colour in images  How can we detect edges? Very simple: Think Calc.  Find the derivative of each point in the image  When slope is very high, that means you found an edge  But, derivative is only for 1D signals… what about 2D!?  You must take the gradient  Derivative in both the x and y directions  You combine both of these directions to create your final derivative function
  • 75. Edge Detection – (2)  How do I take the derivative? We perform convolution, but with a different mask  Corresponds to discrete approximation of the derivative  Two possible masks we can use: 1 1 1 1 2 1 0 0 0 0  0 0    − 1 − 1 − 1 − 1 − 2  − 1    Prewitt 3 x3 Mask Sobel 3 x 3 Mask  These masks detect changes in the horizontal direction  If there are no changes, then weighted sum of the pixels in 3 x 3 neighbourhood should have same value  Gradient = 0
  • 76. Edge Detection – (3)  Prewitt Mask  Normal derivative  Sobel Mask  Puts more weight on the central pixels  How does this detect horizontal changes?  When using the mask, if there is a change, there is a huge change above the zero line, and below the zero line  So when performing correlation, it can detect horizontal changes  How do we detect vertical changes?  Take the transpose of each mask!  Tranpose  Interchange rows & columns of the mask
  • 77. Edge Detection – (4)  How do we combine the horizontal and vertical gradient information?  Remember from Vector Calculus: 2  ∂G   ∂G  2 | ∇G |=   +  ∂y    ∂x     So, we take the horizontal gradient image, and square each term, and do the same for the vertical gradient image  Now, add both images, and square root them  This is our output image
  • 78. Edge Detection – (5)  How do we do this in MATLAB?  1) Create our Prewitt or Sobel Horizontal Masks: mask = fspecial(‘prewitt’); or mask = fspecial(‘sobel’);  2) Get the Vertical Mask: mask2 = mask’;  ‘ transposes a matrix  3) Convolve with each mask separately dX = imfilter(im, mask); dY = imfilter(im, mask2);  4)Find the overall magnitude mag = sqrt(double(dX).^(2) + double(dY).^(2));
  • 79. Edge Detection – (6)  Note: We must cast images to double for sqrt() func.  Now, we’ve found the overall gradient… how do we find an actual edge? Threshold the image  What do we mean by threshold?  Values greater than a threshold is an edge (white)  Values less than the threshold are not edges (black)  How do we detect edges in MATLAB? Very easy! I = edge(im, ‘sobel’); or I = edge(im, ‘prewitt’);  So, we can pretty much ignore the previous slide, but I put that in there so you can see where it comes from
  • 80. Edge Detection – (7)  You can also call the routines this way: I = edge(im, ‘sobel’, thresh); or I = edge(im, ‘prewitt’, thresh);  I specifies edges found in input (B & W image)  im is the input image with edges to be found  Second parameter specifies method of finding edges  thresh determines threshold for finding edges  If not specified, threshold will be found automatically  How do we use the thresh variable?  Choose an intensity (e.g. 128)  Any gradient value > 128 will be labeled white
  • 81. Edge Detection – (8)  Any gradient value < 128 is labelled black  thresh is between [0,1], so take your threshold and divide by 255 to use i.e. I = edge(im, ‘prewitt’, 128/255);  Output image will give you a black and white image  White is an edge, black is not an edge  Only works for B & W images. To find edges for colour images, convert the colour image to a B & W image  Use gray = rgb2gray(im);  rgb2gray converts a colour image into B & W by doing: I = (R + G + B) / 3  Each colour pixel is the average of the red, green and blue components
  • 82. Edge Detection – (9)  Sidenote: Here’s another way of finding the gradient  Unsharp Masking  Probably heard this terminology in CSI? So what’s unsharp masking?  Let’s go back to Signals and Systems  Suppose we perform a low-pass filtering of an image  Get a blurred version  If we take the original image, and subtract its blurred version, what are we doing? Removing all low frequency components, so what’s left? High frequency!
  • 83. Edge Detection – (10)  High frequencies are essentially edge information  Edges are sudden jumps  Essentially high frequency  How do we perform unsharp masking?  1) Blur the image  Try using the following mask: mask = fspecial(‘average’, 5); %5x5  So… we blur! im_blur = imfilter(im,mask);  2) Subtract the original image from the blurred im_unsharp = im – im_blur;  Now, why are edges useful? We can use them to sharpen images  Will take a look after this demo
  • 84. Demo Time #6! Edge Detection in Images Calculating an Unsharp Mask
  • 85. Topics Covered in this Presentation  2nd Hour: 7:10 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Operations on Digital Images  Simple contrast and brightness enhancing  Intro to image histograms  Advanced enhancing using image histograms  Intro to convolution in images  Blurring / Smoothing images  Edge detection  Sharpening images  …break for 10 minutes!
  • 86. Image Sharpening  Last image enhancing topic  Image Sharpening  What is image sharpening? Make the image look “clearer”, “sharper”, make the details “pop out more”  How do we do this?  Edges are the “detail” behind the image  Edges are high frequency  How do we make images sharper?  Find overall magnitude of the gradient for the image  Add these values on top of the original image  Result? Increase the visibility of the edges  Sharper
  • 87. Image Sharpening – (2)  Use imfilter with unsharp masking  mask = fspecial(‘unsharp’);  The above syntax creates an unsharp mask in such a way where when you convolve, it will automatically subtract the image with a blurred version of itself and add the original image on top  Good for both x and y direction changes  How? mask = fspecial(‘unsharp’); sharp = imfilter(im, mask);  This will perform the detection of abrupt changes, and adding them on top of the image all in one go.
  • 88. Demo Time #7! Image Sharpening in Images
  • 89. Topics Covered in this Presentation  3rd Hour: 8:10 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Applications of Image Processing  Segmenting simple objects  Noise Filtering  Simple image stitching using template matching
  • 90. Segmentation via Thresholding  There are times when we want to separate objects (the things we want) from the background  Segmentation  To make this easier, we convert to a B & W image first if the image is in colour. Else just leave it alone  After conversion, most of the time the intensities of the objects are distinctly different from background  We can write code to save the pixels that match these intensities, and disregard the rest  Pixels that match  Set to white, else set to black  Output image will be binary  White belonging to object, and black belonging to background  We can use this to mask out the background pixels
  • 91. Segmentation via Thresholding (2)  What do we do?  Take a look at the histogram, and see which pixels are predominantly belonging to the object, and of the background  We threshold the image using this information  We then use this threshold map to figure out what pixels we want to keep, and what we want to disregard
  • 92. Demo Time #8! Object Segmentation via Thresholding
  • 93. Topics Covered in this Presentation  3rd Hour: 8:10 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Applications of Image Processing  Segmenting simple objects  Noise Filtering  Simple image stitching using template matching
  • 94. Noise Filtering  A common task in image processing is to eliminate or reduce image noise from an image  Image Noise: Pixels in an image that are corrupted undesirably  Pixels could be corrupted in the acquisition process, or in transmitting, etc.  How do we reduce image noise?  Think in the frequency domain  Noise is essentially high-frequency information  If we blur the image, we would eliminate the noise, but the quality would reduce  blurring details
  • 95. Noise Filtering – (2)  We can generate artificial noise and add these to images  Purpose is for research  Design good filters by recreating the noise we would encounter in practice  How do we generate artificial noise? Use imnoise  We will be concerned with two ways of generating noise out = imnoise(im, ‘gaussian’, mean, var); out = imnoise(im, ‘salt & pepper’, prob);  First method generates Gaussian-based noise  Usually encountered in transmitting process
  • 96. Noise Filtering – (3)  Second method generates “salt & pepper” based noise  Also known as impulsive noise  Called this way, because for monochromatic images, it literally looks like someone took salt (white pixels) and pepper (black pixels) and shook it over the image  For colour images, specks of pure red, green and blue pixels appear  We can use blurring to get rid of Gaussian noise, but for impulsive noise, we need to use median filtering  What’s median filtering? Like convolution, but we’re not doing a weighted sum
  • 97. Noise Filtering – (4)  For each pixel (r,c) in the image, extract an M x N subset of pixels centered at (r,c)  Sort these pixels in ascending order, and grab the median value  The output image at (r,c) is this value  How do we perform median filtering in MATLAB? out = medfilt2(im, [M N]);
  • 98. Topics Covered in this Presentation  3rd Hour: 8:10 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Applications of Image Processing  Segmenting simple objects  Noise Filtering  Simple image stitching using template matching
  • 99. Demo Time #9! Noise Filtering in Images
  • 100. Template Matching  Template matching is using a small test image, which we’ll call a patch  Objective is to automatically find the location of where this patch is in the entire image  Useful in a variety of applications: Image Retrieval, Eye Detection, etc.  What I’ll show you today is to do some basic image stitching  We will have two images of the same scene, that have been taken at slightly different perspectives  Only horizontal shifting is concentrated on here
  • 101. Template Matching – (2)  What’s the best way to do template matching?  1) For each pixel (r,c) in the image, extract a subset that is the same size as the template with its centre at (r,c)  2) Perform a cross-correlation between the patch and this subset  3) Take this value and assign it to location (r,c) for the output  4) The best location of where the template is, is where the maximum cross-correlation is  We can perform (1) to (3) by doing: C = normxcorr2(template, im);
  • 102. Template Matching – (3)  Output is a correlation map  To find the row and column co-ordinates of where the template best matches, do the following: [row col] = find(C == max(C(:)));  So, how do we do image stitching?  1) Extract a region in either image that is common between both  Template  2) Find the co-ordinates of where this template is in both images  3) Determine how much vertical and horizontal displacement there is between the two images
  • 103. Template Matching – (4)  4) Create an output image with dimensions that encapsulate both images together  5) Place one image on the left, then place the other image by displacing it over by the horizontal and vertical shift  OK… let’s do some code!
  • 104. Demo Time #10! Simple Image Stitching
  • 105. Conclusion  MATLAB is a great tool for digital image processing  Very easy to use  This is not an exhaustive tutorial! There are many more things you can do with MATLAB  For more image processing demos, check out:  Lots of cool image processing stuff you can find here  For a more comprehensive MATLAB tutorial, check:  You can access the slides, images and code at: