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(Tribhuvan University)
Date: 2023/05/21
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Tourism receipts worldwide are not expected to recover to 2019 levels until 2023. In
the first half of this year, tourist arrivals fell globally by more than 65 percent, with a near halt
since April—compared with 8 percent during the global financial crisis and 17 percent amid
the SARS epidemic of 2003, according to ongoing IMF research on tourism in a post-pandemic
world. Because of pandemic we faces the different struggles specially the business closed.
that’s why country’s economy decrease, at first many company need to reduce their employee.
When the pandemic strike many employees and unemployed start to be depended in the
In Tourism in a Post-Pandemic World (Aleksandra Babii and Sanaa Nadeem, 2021)
Tourism continues to be one of the sectors hit hardest by the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly
for countries in the Asia-Pacific region and Western Hemisphere. Governments in these
regions, and elsewhere, have taken measures to ease the economic shock to households and
businesses, but longer-term the industry will need to adapt to a post-pandemic “new normal.”
Resort Management and Reservation Systems nowadays are prevalent unlike manuals,
the use of technology makes everything possible. The system can make everything easy to
handle in attracting customers, using interactive websites, systems, and applications, a system
also helps businesses to keep up with modern technology. The developed project will benefit
not just the customers but also the business to flourish. A system where they can quickly assist
the customers with any inquiries, reservation details, etc. It can also help reduce the travel
expenses of the customers, and the long queues which make them wait and fatigued. Customers
who are interested in enjoyment require information about the services that a resort has to offer.
The details are also available on the website, it will give the customer a lot of information about
the resort management.
For instance, if a customer visits the resort they can see the available facilities, and they
are also free to interact with the employees and ask questions if needed. There are things needed
to consider such as businesses using different kinds of platforms or systems. We know that we
should provide evidence to make sure that the consumer can trust us because we used safety
standards and protocols to maintain the security of the business. Using a platform or a system,
the developers should specify the costs and time of creating it to make it more accessible and
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secure. The Resort Management and Reservation System will be using software for faster
accommodation in reserving. The system will generate messages for customer confirmation.
Customers can reserve at our website without putting them on hold, generating reservations in
their hands to book on their own without asking if there’s any availability on every public or
private event that they may encounter, so all of their answers will be answers on the website’s,
even the price.
In this study data is vital and need to be secured based on
“Republic Act No. 9593 an act declaring a national policy for tourism as an engine
of investment, employment, growth and national development, and strengthening the department of
tourism and its attached agencies to effectively and efficiently implement that policy, and appropriating
The Republic Act NO. 9593 focuses on ensuring the development of Philippine tourism
that is for and by the Filipino people, conserve and promote their heritage, national identity and
sense of unity.
In community many small business are not using the technology they still used the
manual process. In other hand there are some businesses that the target is modern generation,
they used different online platform to promote their business. A simple picture and videos
upload in different kinds of platform it’s a easy way for them to advertised their brand. Using
a system its helps more for their business to manage all the data and easy to handle their needs
in a fast way.
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Project Context
The project developers created a system entitled Resort Management and
Reservation System; it will provide better management and monitoring of the services in every
resort business, especially D’ Rock Resort. To accommodate those out-of-town guests who
want to remain and utilize the resort's services, the proponents planned to automate the business
procedures of the resort and implement the system. As a result, it aims to improve business
profitability, lower expenses, and speed up the resort's transaction processing. The resort will
now be able to serve those potential guests, especially during the high season.
Using websites for faster transactions to reserve on your desired time and date
is another step toward technological advancement. Customers don’t need to walk in and hold
in line for several hours. There is no problem in converting a paper-based transaction online;
it's just the system that will be used that will help the resort expand. Moreover, Gerard (2012)
stated that “The flexible online information structure was developed as a tool for the reservation
theory's two primary applications. Computer use is more efficient, accurate, and faster than a
manual or present lifestyle of operation. Using a computer has a vital role in our daily life and
the advantages of the devices we use.
Purpose and Description
The purpose of this project is to build a system called the Resort Management and
Reservation System that will help the management for a better and quick reservation, allowing
a broad range of customers not in just their area but in different locations. The amount of time
needed to handle business operations has been greatly reduced, and the Resort Management
and Reservation system will help the management to become more competitive by allowing
the D’ Rock resort in advertising online. Regarding the description for the website, the project
developers are using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP, for reservation and insights into the
services that the resort has to offer. For the application, project developers are using MIT App
Inventor for the sales of the days, weeks, months, and yearly statistics. It also includes the
customer's walk-in and online reservations and as a result, it summarizes the income of the
resort management. For the system, project developers are going to use Visual Basic.Net for
the information management of the customers. Project developers also have an RFID Scanner
and Card for the membership of the customer. Project developers will also use Hostinger for
Database, for the storage of customer information, and make the systems work online. The
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system also has a GSM Module for sms notification in administrator, employee’s, customer,
and in membership card
The general objective of the project developers is to develop a Resort
Management and Reservation System.
Specifically, the project is designed to:
1. Request services with the use of website.
2. Help the owner and employees easily and quickly assist with every customer inquiry,
monitoring and storing data in the database.
3. Add the customer membership card using RFID.
4. Send notification using GSM module to customer.
5. Recover account of employee and administrator in the system.
6. Able to print as a resort manual record.
7. Automatically summarize the profit.
8. For quick reservations using the resort website.
9. View information using an android application for admin.
Scope and Delimitation
The resort management and reservation system can accept reservations from the
customer, the system can send a SMS notification of the customers reservation for confirmation
and also the web-system has all the information that customers needed. The system has the
ability to modify customers data. The system can automatically compute the customer’s
transaction and can also view the total sales of the resort.
There are certain limitations to the project. The project’s payment is not automated and
needs a system admin to confirm and verify the payment. The system cannot operate offline. It
requires an internet connection. Also, the website cannot conduct online monetary transactions.
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Technical Background
The project developer created two diagrams for the admin and for the employee. In
terms of employee flowchart,they have(6) features such as login form, main page, reservation
form, walk-in form, reservation list, registration form for new membership. The function of
each features is the following:
login form for employee can access the input information from to customer. The reservation is
used for reserved customer with the using two devices which is the gsm module for notification
and the rfid for new membership. In reservation list is to show employee the status confirm by
the admin system of the resort. and the admin they have (7) features. The Three features are
show data of customer but the reservation list used the gsm module devices to confirm the
customer from website. For the maintenance of the resort is system can handle the situation of
the facility it can update status and add new facility. Also system can provide the automatically
compute of the sales profit.
In terms of application, we have two options which is log-in and register, if you are not
yet registered on the app, just click the Register and then after that you have to fill up the
information that are needed the Name, Address, Contact Number, Gender, Username and
Password. When you’re already done it will be directed in to the dashboard which will show
the rooms and cottages. But when you did not fill up all the information you will need to back
on the fill up information and fill up the blanks. If you already been register on the app you
don’t need to register again all you need is to “Log-in” which, is you need to put your Username
and Password and if it’s correct you automatically see the “Welcome Admin” and then you can
proceed to Dashboard, Rooms, and Cottages.
Also, in Website, it has four buttons which is Home, Contact, About and FAQ
(Frequency Ask Questions). If you click Home under of it is all has the same process, first is
to input the Guest Names, Contact and the Date. And the check if there’s available for the
Cottage, Rooms and Exclusives after that it has a decision for “Book Now”. If you want to
book you have to input all the information needed which is Guest Name, Contact, Kid, PWD,
Date Type, Cottage Type and lastly the Quantity. F you’re done it automatically direct on the
Database then Submitted and then End.
The Entity Relationship Diagram shows the entities and their relationship to one
another. When it comes to reservations there’s no reason for data redundancy and the ID of the
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customers are unique to prevent the duplication. The account table handles the username and
password of the administrator that will allow him/her to modify information about the
customer. The diagram also shows a one is to one showing link between tables that handles
data. For every reservation whether it's a walk-in or a new reservation the data that the admin
inserted will be automatically saved.
In the database the employee can fill up the customer information, when it’s done the
data will go to the new_reservation database. Once the customer wants to update the data it
will also go to the new_reservation database. when the customer wants to cancel the reservation
the status will change into cancel and goes to the new_reservation database. In the walk-in the
information will go to the walk in database. While the admin can modify all the information.
Then if successful the information goes to a new reservation database.
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In this chapter, various local and foreign literature, studies, and systems were reviewed
by the researcher to gain an understanding of existing research and other academic works
relevant to the area of the study, and thus, present a broader knowledge to the academic
community and at the same time, help the researcher intensify his knowledge in the field.
Based on Lagman (2018) A Hacienda Gracia Resort and system entitled Hotel's LAN-
Based Reservation System is a destination where people go to unwind or have fun while on
vacation. When we use this context, it alludes to locations, towns, or occasionally commercial
buildings run by a single firm. However, a hotel stands out as a business that offers short-term,
paid lodging. Since some hotels and resorts are totally automated they are still pursuing the
same goal, computer programmers were constantly creating new system applications to serve
the resort or hotel customers. To upgrade the Hacienda Gracia Resort and its system to Hotel's
reservation and billing system, the researchers presented a "LAN-Based Reservation with
Billing System." With the development of new technologies, human interaction has become
simple and hassle-free. For this reason, the majority of hotels and resorts choose to use
computerization in their operations.
Based on E. A. M. Generoso, and R. C. R. Ilagan, (2019) The assessment of resorts that
offer an online reservation system was the major focus of the investigation. Examining the
variables which influence resort guests' intentions to use the online reservation system is the
study's main objective. It seeks to determine the customer's profile with respect to age, gender,
how often you visit, how much education you have, and how often you use the internet. The
effectiveness, practicality, use, online reviews, experience, and satisfaction with the resort's
online reservation system are all evaluated in this study. Additionally, when the replies are
sorted by the profile variable, they can test for a significant difference. Lastly, based on the
findings of the investigation, suggest a course of action. The study evaluated resort reservations
made online using a descriptive methodology.
Based on May (2019) MDTI is one of the top tour and travel agencies. Due to the
Philippines' underdeveloped tourism industry. Providing consumers with high-quality services
and goods. And in order to provide excellent leadership in the business sector and to honestly
satisfy client needs, the company upholds its moral, professional, and ethical standards in all
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aspects of its operations. Customers will be able to use the system to seek online reservations.
When it comes to minimizing data redundancy, data inconsistency, and paper effort, the MDTI
reservation system is comparable to the proponents' suggested solution. Due to the speed at
which they can now complete their work, computers and the internet play major roles in their
everyday life. Through online reservations, customers could potentially save time and effort.
Mary (2017) Based on their studies, Online Information and Reservation for MBDream
Resort and Function Hall In their unpublished article titled "Online Information and
Reservation for MBDream Resort and Function Hall" they argue that the use of modern
information technology, which has so far been dominated by the use of internet websites and
online reservation systems, offers competitors an advantage over them. It is a potential
competitive advantage, however, can be turned into a genuine advantage if the websites have
a good design. As a result, the researchers investigated the system-related facts that might be
relevant to each development.
According to Jonathan (2019), The 21st-century trend in corporate organizations is
technological innovation. As e-commerce continues to advance, it is opening up new chances
for change, including in the socioeconomic sphere. The socioeconomic situation of a
community of fishermen in the Philippine province of Siquijor, as well as how the creation of
a marine sanctuary park gave local fishermen in the area new opportunities for employment
and contributed to the establishment of Guiwanon Spring Park Resort. The resort chose to
implement an e-commerce system in order to keep up with technological advancements
because it competes fiercely with other tourism-related businesses. In order to help the resort
reach a bigger online audience, the researcher develops the GSPR e-Booking System, an
interactive mobile-ready application. To further illustrate how an e-commerce solution has
produced a supplemental aid in the socio-economic development of the aforementioned
community, the author constructs a new, integrated business transformation framework by
building conceptual foundations from already existing practices. Then, this framework is
offered to encourage other emerging business groups to adopt better solutions for problems
brought on by the current technological environment.
Emman (2019), According to the resort owners who provide internet, customers are
quite delighted with this reservation process. Regarding the usefulness of online reservations,
they consistently receive favorable reviews. The goal of this study is to assess and analyze the
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resort's online reservation system so that it can be determined how widely used it is and what
value it offers from the viewpoint of the resort's visitors. Given that, this was picked. The
adoption of innovation and digital technologies by the hospitality sector. On their website, the
resort's owners provide information webpages for a resort. Website updates for the resort are
made depending on the resort's construction. Customers can search for the ideal lodging they
require on the internet. Additionally, they can quickly reserve their preferred room.
Rose (2021) Island resort industry's impact on the economy, society, and environment
looked at. Overall, it was determined that resort management procedures were "moderate
extent" in all categories. however, it also supports the notion that the neighborhood needs to be
Janobe, (2021) Apaya Beach Resort Online Reservation System. This system helps the
Resort Management to guide and provide their Guest an Online Platform. It’s also used to view
the resort and to look for the facilities they need. They can also book here whenever they want
as long as they have the technology, like a Laptop, Cellphone or Computer, and of course with
an internet connection. Using a system like this helps everyone to make their work easier and
takes less time. And it is also a user-friendly feature where you can have a smooth reservation
and less hassle for the users.
Aiman A., (2017) Rashid Beach Resort is a place where you can relax with your family
or friends. They also accept reservations for Birthday Parties, Wedding Reception, and other
events. It’s also capable of viewing their features and promotions that can highly recommend
their resort. This system can also solve their problem from the Manual reservation system
which is consuming their time, money, and effort. Rashid Beach Resort is not just focusing on
its social survey because it says that their Resort is not the same as other Big Resorts.
Emman (2019) The owner of the resort posted an update about their website, that’s why
clients can easily visit and look for the perfect accommodations that they need and they can
also book the room they want. According to the owner of the resort, they always get positive
feedback because of their reservation system. Resort Online Reservation: A Basis for Action
Plan, the Reason for this study is for customers to easy to use, hassle-free, and enough
information will be obtained during their planning process. It is also focused on investigating
the factors that affect the intention to use resorts' online reservation system. In recent years they
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encounter the growth of extremely impressive high speed by the use of technology. By using
the system, they also see and gather information like how many Frequency of internet use,
Frequency of Visits, Sex, Age, and other Percentage of Respondent's Profile.
Ocean Palms Beach Resort (2022) Ocean Palm Resort has a reservation system, where
anyone can reserve their rooms, even the disabled guest can also reserve accessible rooms
during the same hours and manners as individuals. Once the room has already been booked it
will automatically be blocked or removed from the reservation system. The specific accessible
guest room reserved is held only for reserving guests even if others make reservations. Their
website is digital marketing developed after parsing their particular guidelines and
continuously enhanced to make their technology more friendly-user.
Edificio G.M. Jovellanos, (2018) Aldric Vives, Department of Applied Economics,
University of the Balearic Islands, In hotel revenue management, pricing is a fundamental
strategic instrument (RM). For assessing resort hotels' own-price elasticities, as well as their
various seasonal demands across booking horizons, this study suggests a specific demand
function model. In order to estimate and analyze different elasticities that could be utilized by
RM departments to appropriately manage prices in the short run and build optimal pricing
strategies, the model is used for the online transient demand for two hotels in Majorca, a
popular, established mass tourism destination (over the medium and long run). The findings
indicate that the two hotels' own-price elasticities during the high season are completely
different, whereas demand is very inelastic at both hotels during the low season. Secondly,
typical price variances between seasons or hotels may occasionally be an incorrect pricing
strategy, such as the common early booking approach. A variety of hotels can readily use the
Khan (2021). The creation of a comparison-based hotel and resort reservation system
in Bangladesh Travelers and tourists have a wonderful opportunity to experience the world in
the twenty-first century now that almost everyone has a cell phone and can do almost anything
with it. Bangladesh has ten well-liked tourist destinations, but tragically, only two or three of
them are well-known abroad. Even though the other places have lovely landscapes and flora,
many are uneasy going there because it is less popular. The number of foreign visitors to
Bangladesh has increased during the last five years. As more people have had significant
disposable income during the past ten years, Bangladesh's tourists have.
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Yi-Man (2022) They study a Five-Star Resort Hotel in Taiwan. In order to reserve a
resort, both online and offline channels are required. Some guests are using traditional hotel
booking methods such as walk-ins, hotel phone calls, faxes, reservation centers, etc. Some
clients rely on online hotel booking resources like OTAs, the Internet, etc. Resorts are able to
offer rooms online and through direct distribution thanks to online booking facilities.
According to Hazbar, Mohanned, and Patwary, the Internet is a helpful tool for
customers and providers to utilize when making purchases and exchanging information in the
tourist sector. due to the numerous benefits provided to clients, Online reservations have
significantly increased over the past few decades thanks to convenience, easy price
comparison, and availability of up-to-date, reliable information. The goal of this innovative
sales strategy is to reach as many clients as possible, 24/7, regarding their location.
António (2019) A decision support system for automated machine learning to forecast
canceled resort reservations. Reservation cancellations have a negative effect on the production
of accurate projections, a crucial tool in the hotel sector. According to their study, utilizing
today's processing power and sophisticated machine learning techniques, it is possible to
construct models that foresee the probability of booking cancellations. However, the
effectiveness of these models has never been examined in the actual world. To fill this gap and
investigate how these models may be employed in a decision support system and their impact
on demand-management decisions, a prototype was developed and implemented in two hotels,
the prototype was based on an automated system, which led to two key research contributions.
Oretnom, (2022) Online Resort Management System. This application provides online
room reservations and a simple website for resorts. This application allows the guest to look
for more activities that the resort offers. It automatically updates the list and information by the
Management using the front end. There are two users which are the Admin and the Staff,
Admin can access and manage all about the application or system while the staff has only
limited access. It also had a printable date-wise reservation report.
Akramul Islam (2020) States that people today choose to go to various locations for
rest or entertainment. Due to the limited number of hotels and resorts that can accommodate
huge populations. For relaxation or recreation during a holiday, the majority of people will visit
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various tourist destinations; but, if a hotel or resort is full, they may find themselves in an
uncomfortable scenario. If the Resort has an online reservations system, it will be overcome.
For this reason, we believe that if we can offer our consumers a system for booking resorts and
checking their availability online, it will be easier and more useful from their point of view to
do so. Additionally, systems for booking resorts online, such as the "Resort Management
System," can assist people who would like to confirm their reservations prior to traveling to
reduce inconvenience when traveling. On the other hand, if the hotel management uses the
online "Resort Management System," they will be able to know which rooms are available and
respond to consumers quickly. Additionally, the Management is able to monitor the
Daily/Monthly Tourist Revenue and compare the Costs to determine its Net Income. The resort
administration may also provide customers an option to submit feedback, reviews, or ratings.
Bsc IT (2019) Resort Management System, This Resort Management System's primary
goal is to create and deploy a Reservation and Billing System designed to support management
with bookings, payments, and other necessary processes the key Check-in, check-out, and
reservation system operations that are functionally divided into several modules. Only a
registered user that logs in to the system can use it, and only the administrator can register a
customer for the system.
Motiur, (2021) Development of Resort Reservation System for Microcode’s
Information & Technologies. It is a system that gives less time than manual work. Also
provides the report of the resort reservation in all aspects and can avail the current status of
booking, rooms, etc. The main objective of the system is to automate the resort reservation
process like creating a visitor id, assigning tickets, and so on. And so the customer also can
reserve or cancel the reservation any time they want.
Nurul Amin, (2018) Resort Management System. This project is for users and admin, it has a
login system for the users where they can reserve and visit the rooms they want and other
facilities. Admin is for managing the resort reservation and for checking. This system is for
Online platforms only, making it easy for the guest to visit the page of the resort so that it can
less time for finding what they want in a resort. Keeping the information of a guest is very
important that’s why this system is perfect, unlike the manual or book list.
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Synthesis of the Review
The Resort Management and Reservation System. It helps the resort to have an easy
reservation and booking. It would benefit the resort to become more popular. According to
Hacienda Resort (2018) with the development of new technologies, it became more simple
and hassle-free for them to use a system. The majority of hotels and resorts use computerization
for their operation to make it accessible and innovative. The use of modern information
technology was have been dominated using interactive websites and online reservation
systems. MBDream states also that it offers other management to take advantage of its
attractiveness to exert customers. Providing an online platform for the customer might help
other businesses increase proficiency. In addition, Janobe (2021) A system that helps and
guides the business to its new pace to use an online platform in performing a convenient service
is a good step to help everyone and do the work easier and in less time. The 21st corporate
organization is focused on technological innovation, in order to keep up with technological
advancement other management cope with some inventions and ideas on how to transform
their business into new one. Jonathan (2020) states that to further illustrate how an e-commerce
solution has produced a supplemental aid in the socio-economic development of the
aforementioned community, the author constructs a new, integrated business transformation
framework by building conceptual foundations from already existing practices. Then, this
framework is offered to encourage other emerging business groups to adopt better solutions for
problems brought on by the current technology.
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This chapter represents the expected output and justification, operational framework,
requirement specification, system analysis, system design, system development and testing,
conceptual framework, and definition of terms of the research.
The expected final output of the project is a system that can give customers a secure
and fast way to reserve, an advantageous way for customers to reserve online using a website,
and a web application for admin. The system has two major functions, the employee can view,
delete, and update the customer's reservation. Also, employees can send messages using the
GSM Module to notify their reservation and add new memberships for RFID cards that accept
discounts. The admin can view the list of reservation details according to their time and date.
It also includes the acceptance of the reservation before sending a message. After reserving all
of the statuses will be updated and it will appear on the system and website to inform customers
about the facilities that are still available, the system can automate the computation for its profit
and it can print the monthly sales.
The admin is the only one who can use the application the function of the application
is to view the number of users, view the percentage status of cottages using a pie graph, and
view the number of customers who have a membership card. It will be more convenient for
them to use it when they are not in the office they are aware of the status of the resort. The
website will be used by the customers, it has information about the resort they can view rooms,
facilities, and cottages and then reserve their ideal type of room or cottage whether it's exclusive
or not and wait for the confirmation of their reservation via SMS.
The data from the system, android application, and website came from the customers.
After reserving their desired date and providing their accurate data. The customer will have
received a confirmation regarding the reservation, using the GSM module (Global System for
Mobile communication) the admin will send a confirmation message. Also, using RFID (Radio
Frequency Identification) card/ scanner will identify the customers' membership. By tapping
the card the system will display the information of the customers and the discount.
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Operational Framework
Figure 1.
Operational Framework showing the development of the resort management and
reservation system using the Agile Model.
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Project developers rely on the agile model s their operational framework. Agile means
quick or adaptable. The term “Agile process model” refers to a method of developing software
that is based on iterative development. Agile project management techniques divide work into
smaller iterations or parts without directly involving long-term planning. The projects
requirements and scope are established at the start of the development process. Plans for the
quantity, length, and scope of each iteration are spelled out in detail in advance.
On the first step, Planning; at this step developers brainstorm on what and how will a
system able to provide effectiveness.
Second step, Requirements gathering; here the developers specify the requirements
needed for the whole that will be processed during this step, and explain business opportunities
and plan the time and effort needed to build the project. Based on this data, the developers can
assess the technical and financial viability.
Third step, Design; when the developers identify the project, work with stakeholders to
define requirements. To demonstrate the functionality of new features and how they will
integrate with our current system, the developers also use a user flow diagram.
Fourth step, Development, when the developers already decide what is needed. The
developers start the project with the goal of releasing a functional product, designers and
developers get to work. The product has basic, minimal functionality and will go through
various stages of improvement.
Fifth step, Testing; at this stage, the developers inspect our product to search for a bugs.
Sixth or last step, Feedback/Review; is the final step before a product is released.
Through this, the developers receive feedback on the product and processes it.
The developers use this model because the developers can spot any flaws or mistakes
in the project right away.
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Requirement Specificaton
For user requirements, the user must have a computer set in the area to use the system,
the user should be an employee of the resort. The admin and employee are the only ones who
are allowed to use the system. And they must have common knowledge of computers. As an
administrator, one must learn how to manipulate data.
For software requirements of the system, the computer must be Windows 10 Operating
system and up to the latest version, and have at least 2GB RAM storage capacity. A Visual
Basic 2019 and above, an updated version of Google chrome, and a 4.4 KitKat android version
and above.
Hardware requirements of the system. A computer set for the system. An android phone
for the android application. A GSM (Global System for Mobile communication) for sending
confirmation messages to the customers and lastly, an RFID (Radio-Frequency Identification)
scanner/card for the membership of the customers.
System Analysis
The target system is the D’rock resort, the management does currently use manual. So,
the developers suggest that create a system which is design to evaluate and accept the
information of every customer. The developers ask several questions and recommend the
system, the first test is to know the environment of the system and its functions, giving a
information to evaluate what system can use and approve.
System Design
The fundamental features of this project are the following:
First is to improve and easily manage data from the customer. Second, is to upgrade the
management in collecting data from manual to having a system. Third, is to promote the resort
by having a website that would benefit the management and become more popular. And lastly,
is to lessen the workload of the employees and administrator of the resort.
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Conceptual Frameworks
Figure 2.
The Conceptual Framework, Development, and Validation of Resort Management and
Reservation System in D rock resort.
I. Development
1. Windows 10
Operating System &
2. Android OS
Version 4.4 KitKat
& Above.
3. MIT Inventor
4. Hostinger
5. Visual
1. Computer Set
2. Android Phone
3. GSM Module
4. RFID Scanner
Developed and
Validated Resort
Management and
Reservation System
a.) Planning determining
the objectives.
b.) Designing and
development of the
c.) Test and evaluation.
d.) Development of
e.) Determining the validity
of the develop project.
f.) Statistical analysis.
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A Conceptual framework showing the Development, and Validation of Resort
Management and Reservation System in D’ Rock resort.
The developers use the IPO diagram which stands for Input, Process, Output, and
Outcome. The input consists of Hardware, and Software that is used on the system.
In terms of software in the system, the system consists of the following software
requirements that should also have by the resort administrators. Windows 10 OS & Above,
Android OS Version 4.4 KitKat & above, MIT Inventor 2. XAMPP, Visual 2019, and
PHP. In terms of Hardware, the resort must have a computer set, an android phone, a GSM
module, and an RFID scanner/card.
The process consists of planning, determining the objectives of the system,
Designing, and development, Test and Evaluation, Development of validation questionnaire,
Determining the validity of the develop project and statistical treatment.
The output consists of the development and validation of the Resort
Management and Reservation System. Project validated by the validator's through answering
survey questionnaire.
The feedback consists of the recommendations and any side comments about
the developed system. Validators give some recommendation to enhance the system to make it
more functionable.
21 | P a g e
Crystal Report
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). Is the language used by the developer for styling the website.
Data Flow Diagram (DFD). It is the flow of data in the system and provides information
system operations through its entities.
Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD). This helps the developers organize the data in the
system by visualizing the relationship of every entity, diagram, and model of the system.
Flowchart. A visual representation that helps the system to process every data that flows in
each step, each shape has its own functions that will serve as a guide of the data flow.
GSM Module (Global System for Mobile communication). Used for sending messages for
customer confirmation.
Guna. The extension framework in Visual made system designing more easier.
Javascript. The language used for designing the website’s interface.
Hostinger. An online database used by developers for storing customers' information and for
hosting the management website.
HyperText Markup Language (HTML). The language used by the developers to construct
the website and its content.
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology) App Inventor. A website that project developers
used for creating web-based applications and android applications.
Radio Frequency Identification Reader (RFID) Scanner. It is used for reading the RFID
number card.
Radio Frequency Identification Card (RFID). The Resort Management and Reservation
System will have a membership card and is used for having the customer's discount.
Visual Basic.Net. A platform used to create the project.
Visual Studio. Software used to create websites using programming languages.
SMS (Short Message Service)
22 | P a g e
This chapter represents the research design, setting of the study, subject of the study,
sources of data, procedure of the study, and statistical treatment that defines the methodology
of the research.
Research Design
This project researchers and developers will utilize the developmental research design
through systematic study of the project design, development, and evaluation of all the
instructions and must meet all the needs of the resort. The projects developers based on the
given both physical and logical design, methods in development, and assessment.
The descriptive research design was used by the project developers as the approach to
the development system. The quantitative descriptive research method was used in this project.
This approach benefited the project developers by describing a population, data, and details
about the situation or phenomenon being examined.
23 | P a g e
Setting of the Study
The project is conducted at Colegio De Montalban from Jovil 3 take a walk for
approximately (9 minutes) equivalent to 700 meters to Jeafer Station, After that approximately
(27 minutes) equivalent to 2.1 km when you take a tricycle to Jeafer Station to Manila Hills,
Along Manila Hills approximately 800m equivalent to (9 minutes) if there is no traffic you can
spot the Primark in double L. Along 350 meters equivalent to (3 minutes) you arrive at your
destination which is the Colegio De Montalban.
Figure 3.Vicinity Map of Colegio de Montalban San Jose to San Isidro.
1 | P a g e
Subject of the Study
The project developers developed a Resort Management and Reservation System which
will improve its manual process into a system. The Resort Management and Reservation
System can accommodate customers' walk-in and online; the admin and the employee of the
resort has its only users they can view, add, update, and delete each piece of information that
they will receive online or walk-in. The customer can ask inquiries about information through
the website, and book a reservation through the website of the resort. By having this the resort
would benefit and gain its popularity and attract more customers.
Respondents of the Study
The respondents to this project development are IT expert validators who specialized in system
development. The project developers rely on their recommendations as the key to a successful project
development and also to identify the level of validity in relation to the variables of the established
system. The estimated and general weighted mean for each project component were determined using
the final judgment of IT expert validators, and rank accordingly. This validation was conducted in
Colegio de Montalban
Sources of Data
Various sources of information supported the development phase of the system these
sources helped the developers to construct ideas for the system. includes the following.
Electronic Source. The project developer gathers some ideas and information here.
Especially some examples and formats of the system designs for its environment also gained
some ideas here for literature and studies.
Validation Questionnaire. It includes questions about the project’s objectives in order
to collect responses from validators.
Direct Observation. The project developers observe what possible problems that may be
solved. D’rock Resort may have this cases are slow process of accepting reservation.
2 | P a g e
Related Literature, Studies and Systems. The project developers obtained this information
from thesis, articles and related systems and projects in order to provide another concept for
the project’s development, which serves as a guide for developers in order to achieve the
project's objectives.
Procedure of the Study
The procedure of the study will be divided into 3 categories, Development, Validation
of the project.
The following are under development.
Planning of the Project. The plan of this project is to gather information, gather the
requirements that are needed, Identify loopholes in the project and organize everyone's ideas.
Providing steps and instructions for everyone also identify1 the challenges and limitations of
the project. and overcome it.
Designing of the Project. The project developers created the structural, logical, and
physical design of the project in constructing it. In structural design, devices and materials are
arranged in positions that are appropriate and acceptable for the project's operation: In the
aspect of logical design, diagrams such as Flowchart, Entity Relationship Diagram, and Data
Flow Diagram are made to illustrate the project's function or flow. The project developers
created a 30 design of the project to visualize the actual output that is captivating and acceptable
in terms of physical design.
Project Proposal Approval. Developers decide and give their opinions regarding the
title of the entire project, there are several topics that we can choose from, but one of the best
choices that we can decide on is the "Resort Management and Reservation System". After
deciding which is the unique title, the developers defend it and went through many questions
regarding its uniqueness and use.
Development of the Project. it is a stage where the project is creating, designing,
evaluating its functions, testing, debugging, improving its components, and the deployment of
the project after accepting the required requirements and specifications.
3 | P a g e
Project Testing. In this stage, the project developers check the system if it meets the
required requirements along with bugs and errors it faced before implementation.
Validation of the Project. The project developers were validated by exhibiting the
developed and tested project to a panel of validators comprised of three IT specialists. The
developers analyzed and evaluated the three components of the produced project, which
comprised of purpose, usability, and durability. The validators were given a validation
questionnaire and were asked to grade each factor based on their assessment of the produced
project. The validation score is then computed. The validators feedback is given to the project
developers to enhance or improve the project.
Enhancing of the Project. After validation, the project developers enhanced the
initially developed project (which was merely a miniature) and turned it into a full-fledged
project. The developers returned to the procedures of project development (considered the risks
or problems of the project), project testing (ensuring that it in already generally functioning
well), and validation of the project (assessed and evaluated the final project by the validators).
The following are under Validation.
Statistical Treatment
The project developers intend to use the following tools:
Weighted Mean
It is used for objectives 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.
It is used to rank the level of validity of the project. Also, the project developers used
five-point scale to determine the validity of the project. Kindly refer to Appendix A.
4 | P a g e
Results and Discussion
This chapter presents the results and discussion of the validity of the developed project.
The findings of this project will provide the project developers with the information needed to
formulate the conclusion and it also contains the project's validation.
Level of Validity of the Developed Resort Management and Reservation System with Respect
to the Purposefulness
Table 1
Computed Weighted Mean of the Level of Validity of the Developed Resort
Management and Reservation System with Respect to the Purposefulness
1. 1. The project’s purpose is met. 3.75 Normal Level of
2. 2. The project is highly relevant in today’s
technology requirement.
3.50 High Level of
3. 3. The project is built according to its
intended design (refer to all the planned
3.25 Normal Level of
4. 4. The project’s aim of making life easier
is noticeable.
3.25 Normal Level of
5. 5. The project would help in improving
the difficulty of everyday living.
3 Normal Level of
WEIGHTED MEAN 3.4 Normal Level of Purposefulness
Table 1 illustrates the corresponding weighted mean of the Resort Management and
Reservation System, as well as its verbal interpretation based on the validator's perception of
the project's purpose. In regards to the table, there are five statements in the factor of
Purposefulness and the first rank shows that the project’s purpose is met with a mean of 3.75
and verbally interpreted as high level of purposefulness. The following three statements, the
project’s purpose is met, project is built according to its intended design (refer to all the planned
diagrams) and the project’s aim of making life easier is noticeable, are both ranked 3 with a
mean of 3.25, and both are interpreted normal level of purposefulness. The factor that the
project would help in improving the difficulty of everyday living has a mean of 3 and is ranked
5 | P a g e
as 5 with a verbal interpretation of normal level of purposefulness. The project's purpose has a
mean score of 3.35 and is classified as normal level of purposefulness.
It just means that the resort management helps a lot.
Level of Validity of the Developed Resort Management and Reservation System with Respect
to the Functionality
Table 2
Computed Weighted Mean of the Level of Validity of the Developed Resort
Management and Reservation System with Respect to the Functionality
1. 1. The project is admirable because of its
3.75 High Level of
2. 2. The project is capable of efficient data
3.5 High Level of
3. 3. The project can be marketed for local
3 Normal Level of
4. 4. The project can be introduced in the
country for its practical use.
3 Normal Level of
5. 5. The project’s intended use is highly
evident and shows a higher level of
2.75 Normal Level of
WEIGHTED MEAN 3.2 Normal Level of Functionality
Table 2 shows the corresponding weighted mean of the Resort Management and
Reservation System, as well as its verbal interpretation based on the validator's perception of
the project's function. In regards to the table, there are five statements in the factor of
functionality and the first rank shows that the project is admirable because of its design with a
mean of 3.75 and verbally interpreted as high level of functionality. And the second rank shows
that the project is capable of efficient data management with a mean of 3.50 and verbally
interpreted as normal level of functionality. The statements, the project can be marketed for
local use, and the project can be introduced in the country for its practical use got a ranked of
3.5 with a weighted mean of 3 and verbally interpreted as normal level of functionality. And
the statement, the project’s intended use is highly evident and shows a higher level of integrity
got a ranked of 5 with a mean of 2.75 and verbally interpreted as normal level of functionality.
6 | P a g e
In general, the weighted mean of the project’s functionality is 3.2 and interpreted as normal
level of functionality.
Level of Validity of the Developed Resort Management and Reservation System with Respect
to the Usability
Table 3
Computed Weighted Mean of the Level of Validity of the Developed Resort
Management and Reservation System with Respect to the Usability
1. 1. The project is easy to user to use and
become familiar with.
3.25 Normal Level of
2. 2. The project guarantees ease for users to
achieve its demonstrable operation.
3.25 Normal Level of
3. 3. The project guarantees ease of user
4 High Level of
4. 4. The project can be subsequently used
without losing its system integrity.
2.75 Normal Level of
5. 5. The project’s overall usability
impression makes it standout.
2.75 Normal Level of
WEIGHTED MEAN 3.2 Normal Level of Usability
Table 3 presents the validator’s assessment of the Developed Resort Management and
Reservation System in terms of usability that has a corresponding weighted mean and verbal
interpretation. In the table, there is one statement that ranked as 1 with a mean of 4 which is
the project guarantees ease of user interface. This statement is verbally interpreted as high level
of usability. The project is easy to user to use and become familiar with, and the project
guarantees ease for users to achieve its demonstrable operation got a ranked of 2.5 with a mean
of 3.25 this statement is verbally interpreted as normal level of usability. The statements, the
project can be subsequently used without losing its system integrity, and the project’s overall
usability impression makes it standout got a ranked of 4.5 with a mean of 2.75 is verbally
interpreted as normal level of usability. The five statements are verbally interpreted as Normal
Level of Usability. In general, the weighted mean of the project’s usability is 3.2 and interpreted
as normal level of usability.
7 | P a g e
For the qualitative component, some parts of a user testing session involved open-ended and
perception-based questions. Other answers were recorded as quantitative data. Results. It was
found that the respondents have numerous requirements for ease of use; more than 52% of
participants indicated that the key factors were content simplicity and understandable product
offerings through booking systems. Only about 18% of participants felt that the websites were
confusing, while about 12% experienced the booking process as frustrating. Conclusion. In
conclusion, it can be stated that booking systems were not easy to use, according to guidelines
provided in other research. These results provide Web developers, designers and hotel owners
with a clear understanding of the way in which website usability impacts on user satisfaction.
Level of Validity of the Developed Resort Management and Reservation System with Respect
to the Security
Table 4
Computed Weighted Mean of the Level of Validity of the Developed Resort
Management and Reservation System with Respect to the Security
1. 1. The project guarantees confidentiality,
integrity and availability of information.
3 Normal Level of
2. 2. The project assures protection of
information from unauthorized access,
use, disclosure, disruption, modification,
or destruction.
3 Normal Level of
3. 3. The project ensures that only authorized
users have access when required.
3 Normal Level of
4. 4. The project is cost effective and
guarantees value for money.
2.75 Normal Level of
5. 5. The project’s intended value ensures
the security of people, buildings,
hardware, software, data (electronic,
print, other), supplies, and the like, for the
advantage of the user.
3 Normal Level of
WEIGHTED MEAN 2.95 Normal Level of Security
The table 4 present the validator’s assessment of the Developed Resort Management
and Reservation System in terms of security that has a corresponding weighted mean and verbal
interpretation. In the table, there are four statement that ranked as 2.75 with a mean of 3 which
are the project guarantees confidentiality, integrity and availability of information, the project
8 | P a g e
assures protection of information from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption,
modification, or destruction, the project ensures that only authorized users have access when
required and the project’s intended value ensures the security of people, buildings, hardware,
software, data (electronic, print, other), supplies, and the like, for the advantage of the user.
This statements is verbally interpreted as normal level of security. The statement, the project
is cost effective and guarantees value for money got a ranked of 5 with a mean of 2.75 is
verbally interpreted as normal level of security. In general, the weighted mean of the project’s
security is 2.95 and interpreted as normal level of security.
Hotel and resort management frequently perceive the security department as a second, or third
priority, the security manager or director is seldom appointed to the Executive Management Team or
included in strategic decisions. Guest surveys, however, report that safety and security are essential to guest
satisfaction. From a liability perspective, the overwhelming number of negligence law suits filed in the
lodging industry base the litigation upon “negligence,”“lack of foreseeability” and “inadequate security”
which is a direct reflection upon the General Manager, who is ultimately always responsible for safety and
Level of Validity of the Developed Resort Management and Reservation System with Respect
to the Attractiveness (Aesthetics)
Table 5
Computed Weighted Mean of the Level of Validity of the Developed Resort
Management and Reservation System with Respect to the Attractiveness (Aesthetics)
1. 1. The project looks well-designed. 4 High Level of
2. 2. The project is made of quality and
polished materials.
3.25 Normal Level of
3. 3. The project is neat and free from
3 Normal Level of
4. 4. The project is worthy to be considered
as a college output – one that is well-
thought of.
3.25 Normal Level of
5. 5. The project is of local-class quality. 3.3 Normal Level of
WEIGHTED MEAN 3.35 Normal Level of Attractiveness
9 | P a g e
Table 5 shows the corresponding weighted mean of the Resort Management and
Reservation System, as well as its verbal interpretation based on the validator's perception of
the project's attractiveness. In regards to the table, there are five statements in the factor of
attractiveness and the first rank shows that the project looks well-designed with a mean of 4 is
verbally interpreted as high level of attractiveness. The statements, the project is made of
quality and polished materials, and the project is worthy to be considered as a college output –
one that is well-thought of, are both got a ranked of 3 with a mean of 3.25 and verbally
interpreted as normal level of attractiveness. While the statements, the project is neat and free
from disorder, and the project is of local-class quality got a ranked of 4 with a mean of 3 and
verbally interpreted as normal level of attractiveness. In general, the weighted mean of the
project’s attractiveness is 3.3 and interpreted as normal level of attractiveness.
According to Pike (2002), such attractiveness is a mental image that is formed on the
basis of the presence and/or availability of specific attributes at the resort or not. These
attributes of attractiveness represent the comparative advantage of the resort, which can be
turned into a competitive advantage – resulting in high levels of competitiveness and a
favourable market position for the resort (Vengesayi, 2003; Cakici & Harman, 2007; Das,
Mohapatra, Sharma & Sarkar, 2007; Kresic, 2007; Cheng-Fei et al., 2009; Chen et al., 2011).
General Level of Validity of the Developed Resort Management and Reservation System
Table 6
Computed General Weighted Mean of the Level of Validity of the Developed Resort
Management and Reservation System
Factors of Validity 𝒙
1.Purposefulness 3.4 Normal Level of
2.Functionality 3.2 Normal Level of
3. Usability 3.2 Normal Level of Usability 3.5
4. Security 2.95 Normal Level of Security 2.95
5. Attractiveness (Aesthetics) 3.35 Normal Level of
10 | P a g e
3.22 Normal Level of Validity
The table 6 shows the computed general weighted mean of the level of validity of the
Developed Resort Management and Reservation System. In consist of five factors which are
the purposefulness, functionality, usability, security, and attractiveness (aesthetics). The factor
attractiveness (aesthetics) ranked as 1 with a mean of 3.3 is verbally interpreted as normal level
of attractiveness. The factor purposefulness is ranked as 2 with a mean of 3.25 is verbally
interpreted as normal level of purposefulness. The factors functionality and usability are both
ranked as 3.5 with a mean of 3.2 are verbally interpreted as normal level of functionality and
normal level of usability. The factor security got a ranked of 5 with a mean of 2.95 is verbally
interpreted as normal level of security. The general weighted mean of the develop project is
3.18 and interpreted as normal level of validity.
In summary of all the factors of validity, the developed Resort Management and
Reservation System turned out that it is normal level of validity for the validators.
11 | P a g e
This chapter present the Conclusion, Recommendation of the developed Resort
Management and Reservation System.
The project developers determined that the general objectives had been met and that
the present problem experienced by the specific customer had been resolved. a level that was
normal level of validity in terms of purpose resort management and reservation system is
important to the project since it is primarily utilized to control all of the reservation that can
occur in a single date at the resort.
To facilitate transactions via the use of innovative user interfaces, a level of normal
level of functionality acceptable with regard to Function is satisfied. When reserve
transactions, gsm module send sms notification when reservation, reserved successfully.
Authorizing the administrator and employee to manage customer data, as well as
allowing customer to view their preferred services that will be supplied via a website, has been
accomplished and rated as normal level of usabilty and functionality. The website in the resort
management and reservation system was designed for customers to reserve.
The following are the recommendations by the project developers;
For Information Technology Students, it's a huge opportunity to conduct and create
a project to assess the traits and qualities that will improve for every one of them, as for the
devices and functions of the project it may also help them assist in creating and building the
existing project by coping with the current situation. They may improve it by adding new
functions and devices for project development improvement.
For Information Technology Instructors, may improve the security of the website by
adding an attachment for ID for verifying, and also informing the customer two days after
12 | P a g e
reservation they should provide payment or else the reservation will be canceled. In terms of
application, the fetching of the data should be exact on the database when reading the data and
viewing it on the device. Also, it should have a login and registration for its security.
For Institute of Computer Studies, as the capstone project becomes more complicated
and sophisticated, they may improve the Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
curriculum by allowing students more time to conduct research. They may have a space or an
area for the students that may enhance their skills in developing a capstone project. It may be
the student's training ground to boost their knowledge and confidence in their chosen field.
For Resorts Managers, they may use and adopt the Resort Management and
Reservation System. The managers of the resorts may use it to make fast transactions for
customers in making reservations, for customers may patronize it using their own devices, and
with the rapid growth of technology these days, you can reserve without putting it on hold.
Also, managers can view data and monitor customers on their devices.
For Future Project Developers, they may use other devices in improving their project,
using these as their references for their review of related literature studies or systems. They
may develop a similar project but reading and evaluating this project help them cope with
another enhancement of the proposed project. For the Website, they can create an online
transaction gateway for payment of the customers. They can also conclude the login and
registration of the customer for its security, and generate a data availability viewing if it's
available for a transaction or not they can also add a viewer for customers about their
reservations. For the application in a case, they want to include an app for their project, I
recommend displaying a graph either a pie or line graph depending on the data they want to
get, also they can change users and functions from admin to user and services. Managing the
services inside the resort like room cleaning and delivering food or drinks.
1 | P a g e
Development Gantt Chart
Figure 4
An Implementation Gantt Chart of the Developed Resort Management and Reservation System
2 | P a g e
The implementation plan will determine how long the project will be implemented to
the respective company. In the first day, orientation occurs and it is about discussing the details
of the developed project with the users. The project developers will tell the importance of the
project and how it will help and make a difference with the future users. The users will learn
to know the difference of the developed project from the other similar projects. Also, the users
will know how the project works and determine its safety features. The next stage is planning
where the project developers will observe the prospective area for placing the Resort
Management and Reservation System that is suitable for the future users. The project
developers will also find any provocative elements that can avoid from having double
reservation in one exact date. The planning is covered in 3 weeks of the implementation. The
next stage is installation and expected to be done in 2 weeks then everything that needs to be
installed will be installed in the other day. The developers will next tell the users how the
suggested solution actually works throughout the testing phase. The testing is important to
monitor the project if it is functioning well and without flaws. The suggested project's actual
function will be visible to the user. The function of each device attached to the system will also
be explained by the developers. If there are any changes during testing and found out in the
evaluation that the project developers need to change in the process of the system, there will
be troubleshooting if there are unexpected fault.
3 | P a g e
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  • 2. 2 | P a g e CHAPTER 1 THE PROJECT AND IT’S BACKGROUND Introduction Tourism receipts worldwide are not expected to recover to 2019 levels until 2023. In the first half of this year, tourist arrivals fell globally by more than 65 percent, with a near halt since April—compared with 8 percent during the global financial crisis and 17 percent amid the SARS epidemic of 2003, according to ongoing IMF research on tourism in a post-pandemic world. Because of pandemic we faces the different struggles specially the business closed. that’s why country’s economy decrease, at first many company need to reduce their employee. When the pandemic strike many employees and unemployed start to be depended in the government. In Tourism in a Post-Pandemic World (Aleksandra Babii and Sanaa Nadeem, 2021) Tourism continues to be one of the sectors hit hardest by the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly for countries in the Asia-Pacific region and Western Hemisphere. Governments in these regions, and elsewhere, have taken measures to ease the economic shock to households and businesses, but longer-term the industry will need to adapt to a post-pandemic “new normal.” Resort Management and Reservation Systems nowadays are prevalent unlike manuals, the use of technology makes everything possible. The system can make everything easy to handle in attracting customers, using interactive websites, systems, and applications, a system also helps businesses to keep up with modern technology. The developed project will benefit not just the customers but also the business to flourish. A system where they can quickly assist the customers with any inquiries, reservation details, etc. It can also help reduce the travel expenses of the customers, and the long queues which make them wait and fatigued. Customers who are interested in enjoyment require information about the services that a resort has to offer. The details are also available on the website, it will give the customer a lot of information about the resort management. For instance, if a customer visits the resort they can see the available facilities, and they are also free to interact with the employees and ask questions if needed. There are things needed to consider such as businesses using different kinds of platforms or systems. We know that we should provide evidence to make sure that the consumer can trust us because we used safety standards and protocols to maintain the security of the business. Using a platform or a system, the developers should specify the costs and time of creating it to make it more accessible and
  • 3. 3 | P a g e secure. The Resort Management and Reservation System will be using software for faster accommodation in reserving. The system will generate messages for customer confirmation. Customers can reserve at our website without putting them on hold, generating reservations in their hands to book on their own without asking if there’s any availability on every public or private event that they may encounter, so all of their answers will be answers on the website’s, even the price. In this study data is vital and need to be secured based on “Republic Act No. 9593 an act declaring a national policy for tourism as an engine of investment, employment, growth and national development, and strengthening the department of tourism and its attached agencies to effectively and efficiently implement that policy, and appropriating funds.” The Republic Act NO. 9593 focuses on ensuring the development of Philippine tourism that is for and by the Filipino people, conserve and promote their heritage, national identity and sense of unity. In community many small business are not using the technology they still used the manual process. In other hand there are some businesses that the target is modern generation, they used different online platform to promote their business. A simple picture and videos upload in different kinds of platform it’s a easy way for them to advertised their brand. Using a system its helps more for their business to manage all the data and easy to handle their needs in a fast way.
  • 4. 4 | P a g e Project Context The project developers created a system entitled Resort Management and Reservation System; it will provide better management and monitoring of the services in every resort business, especially D’ Rock Resort. To accommodate those out-of-town guests who want to remain and utilize the resort's services, the proponents planned to automate the business procedures of the resort and implement the system. As a result, it aims to improve business profitability, lower expenses, and speed up the resort's transaction processing. The resort will now be able to serve those potential guests, especially during the high season. Using websites for faster transactions to reserve on your desired time and date is another step toward technological advancement. Customers don’t need to walk in and hold in line for several hours. There is no problem in converting a paper-based transaction online; it's just the system that will be used that will help the resort expand. Moreover, Gerard (2012) stated that “The flexible online information structure was developed as a tool for the reservation theory's two primary applications. Computer use is more efficient, accurate, and faster than a manual or present lifestyle of operation. Using a computer has a vital role in our daily life and the advantages of the devices we use. Purpose and Description The purpose of this project is to build a system called the Resort Management and Reservation System that will help the management for a better and quick reservation, allowing a broad range of customers not in just their area but in different locations. The amount of time needed to handle business operations has been greatly reduced, and the Resort Management and Reservation system will help the management to become more competitive by allowing the D’ Rock resort in advertising online. Regarding the description for the website, the project developers are using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP, for reservation and insights into the services that the resort has to offer. For the application, project developers are using MIT App Inventor for the sales of the days, weeks, months, and yearly statistics. It also includes the customer's walk-in and online reservations and as a result, it summarizes the income of the resort management. For the system, project developers are going to use Visual Basic.Net for the information management of the customers. Project developers also have an RFID Scanner and Card for the membership of the customer. Project developers will also use Hostinger for Database, for the storage of customer information, and make the systems work online. The
  • 5. 5 | P a g e system also has a GSM Module for sms notification in administrator, employee’s, customer, and in membership card Objectives The general objective of the project developers is to develop a Resort Management and Reservation System. Specifically, the project is designed to: 1. Request services with the use of website. 2. Help the owner and employees easily and quickly assist with every customer inquiry, monitoring and storing data in the database. 3. Add the customer membership card using RFID. 4. Send notification using GSM module to customer. 5. Recover account of employee and administrator in the system. 6. Able to print as a resort manual record. 7. Automatically summarize the profit. 8. For quick reservations using the resort website. 9. View information using an android application for admin. Scope and Delimitation The resort management and reservation system can accept reservations from the customer, the system can send a SMS notification of the customers reservation for confirmation and also the web-system has all the information that customers needed. The system has the ability to modify customers data. The system can automatically compute the customer’s transaction and can also view the total sales of the resort. There are certain limitations to the project. The project’s payment is not automated and needs a system admin to confirm and verify the payment. The system cannot operate offline. It requires an internet connection. Also, the website cannot conduct online monetary transactions.
  • 6. 6 | P a g e Technical Background The project developer created two diagrams for the admin and for the employee. In terms of employee flowchart,they have(6) features such as login form, main page, reservation form, walk-in form, reservation list, registration form for new membership. The function of each features is the following: login form for employee can access the input information from to customer. The reservation is used for reserved customer with the using two devices which is the gsm module for notification and the rfid for new membership. In reservation list is to show employee the status confirm by the admin system of the resort. and the admin they have (7) features. The Three features are show data of customer but the reservation list used the gsm module devices to confirm the customer from website. For the maintenance of the resort is system can handle the situation of the facility it can update status and add new facility. Also system can provide the automatically compute of the sales profit. In terms of application, we have two options which is log-in and register, if you are not yet registered on the app, just click the Register and then after that you have to fill up the information that are needed the Name, Address, Contact Number, Gender, Username and Password. When you’re already done it will be directed in to the dashboard which will show the rooms and cottages. But when you did not fill up all the information you will need to back on the fill up information and fill up the blanks. If you already been register on the app you don’t need to register again all you need is to “Log-in” which, is you need to put your Username and Password and if it’s correct you automatically see the “Welcome Admin” and then you can proceed to Dashboard, Rooms, and Cottages. Also, in Website, it has four buttons which is Home, Contact, About and FAQ (Frequency Ask Questions). If you click Home under of it is all has the same process, first is to input the Guest Names, Contact and the Date. And the check if there’s available for the Cottage, Rooms and Exclusives after that it has a decision for “Book Now”. If you want to book you have to input all the information needed which is Guest Name, Contact, Kid, PWD, Date Type, Cottage Type and lastly the Quantity. F you’re done it automatically direct on the Database then Submitted and then End. The Entity Relationship Diagram shows the entities and their relationship to one another. When it comes to reservations there’s no reason for data redundancy and the ID of the
  • 7. 7 | P a g e customers are unique to prevent the duplication. The account table handles the username and password of the administrator that will allow him/her to modify information about the customer. The diagram also shows a one is to one showing link between tables that handles data. For every reservation whether it's a walk-in or a new reservation the data that the admin inserted will be automatically saved. In the database the employee can fill up the customer information, when it’s done the data will go to the new_reservation database. Once the customer wants to update the data it will also go to the new_reservation database. when the customer wants to cancel the reservation the status will change into cancel and goes to the new_reservation database. In the walk-in the information will go to the walk in database. While the admin can modify all the information. Then if successful the information goes to a new reservation database.
  • 8. 8 | P a g e CHAPTER 2 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE, STUDIES, AND SYSTEM In this chapter, various local and foreign literature, studies, and systems were reviewed by the researcher to gain an understanding of existing research and other academic works relevant to the area of the study, and thus, present a broader knowledge to the academic community and at the same time, help the researcher intensify his knowledge in the field. Based on Lagman (2018) A Hacienda Gracia Resort and system entitled Hotel's LAN- Based Reservation System is a destination where people go to unwind or have fun while on vacation. When we use this context, it alludes to locations, towns, or occasionally commercial buildings run by a single firm. However, a hotel stands out as a business that offers short-term, paid lodging. Since some hotels and resorts are totally automated they are still pursuing the same goal, computer programmers were constantly creating new system applications to serve the resort or hotel customers. To upgrade the Hacienda Gracia Resort and its system to Hotel's reservation and billing system, the researchers presented a "LAN-Based Reservation with Billing System." With the development of new technologies, human interaction has become simple and hassle-free. For this reason, the majority of hotels and resorts choose to use computerization in their operations. Based on E. A. M. Generoso, and R. C. R. Ilagan, (2019) The assessment of resorts that offer an online reservation system was the major focus of the investigation. Examining the variables which influence resort guests' intentions to use the online reservation system is the study's main objective. It seeks to determine the customer's profile with respect to age, gender, how often you visit, how much education you have, and how often you use the internet. The effectiveness, practicality, use, online reviews, experience, and satisfaction with the resort's online reservation system are all evaluated in this study. Additionally, when the replies are sorted by the profile variable, they can test for a significant difference. Lastly, based on the findings of the investigation, suggest a course of action. The study evaluated resort reservations made online using a descriptive methodology. Based on May (2019) MDTI is one of the top tour and travel agencies. Due to the Philippines' underdeveloped tourism industry. Providing consumers with high-quality services and goods. And in order to provide excellent leadership in the business sector and to honestly satisfy client needs, the company upholds its moral, professional, and ethical standards in all
  • 9. 9 | P a g e aspects of its operations. Customers will be able to use the system to seek online reservations. When it comes to minimizing data redundancy, data inconsistency, and paper effort, the MDTI reservation system is comparable to the proponents' suggested solution. Due to the speed at which they can now complete their work, computers and the internet play major roles in their everyday life. Through online reservations, customers could potentially save time and effort. Mary (2017) Based on their studies, Online Information and Reservation for MBDream Resort and Function Hall In their unpublished article titled "Online Information and Reservation for MBDream Resort and Function Hall" they argue that the use of modern information technology, which has so far been dominated by the use of internet websites and online reservation systems, offers competitors an advantage over them. It is a potential competitive advantage, however, can be turned into a genuine advantage if the websites have a good design. As a result, the researchers investigated the system-related facts that might be relevant to each development. According to Jonathan (2019), The 21st-century trend in corporate organizations is technological innovation. As e-commerce continues to advance, it is opening up new chances for change, including in the socioeconomic sphere. The socioeconomic situation of a community of fishermen in the Philippine province of Siquijor, as well as how the creation of a marine sanctuary park gave local fishermen in the area new opportunities for employment and contributed to the establishment of Guiwanon Spring Park Resort. The resort chose to implement an e-commerce system in order to keep up with technological advancements because it competes fiercely with other tourism-related businesses. In order to help the resort reach a bigger online audience, the researcher develops the GSPR e-Booking System, an interactive mobile-ready application. To further illustrate how an e-commerce solution has produced a supplemental aid in the socio-economic development of the aforementioned community, the author constructs a new, integrated business transformation framework by building conceptual foundations from already existing practices. Then, this framework is offered to encourage other emerging business groups to adopt better solutions for problems brought on by the current technological environment. Emman (2019), According to the resort owners who provide internet, customers are quite delighted with this reservation process. Regarding the usefulness of online reservations, they consistently receive favorable reviews. The goal of this study is to assess and analyze the
  • 10. 10 | P a g e resort's online reservation system so that it can be determined how widely used it is and what value it offers from the viewpoint of the resort's visitors. Given that, this was picked. The adoption of innovation and digital technologies by the hospitality sector. On their website, the resort's owners provide information webpages for a resort. Website updates for the resort are made depending on the resort's construction. Customers can search for the ideal lodging they require on the internet. Additionally, they can quickly reserve their preferred room. Rose (2021) Island resort industry's impact on the economy, society, and environment looked at. Overall, it was determined that resort management procedures were "moderate extent" in all categories. however, it also supports the notion that the neighborhood needs to be improved. Janobe, (2021) Apaya Beach Resort Online Reservation System. This system helps the Resort Management to guide and provide their Guest an Online Platform. It’s also used to view the resort and to look for the facilities they need. They can also book here whenever they want as long as they have the technology, like a Laptop, Cellphone or Computer, and of course with an internet connection. Using a system like this helps everyone to make their work easier and takes less time. And it is also a user-friendly feature where you can have a smooth reservation and less hassle for the users. Aiman A., (2017) Rashid Beach Resort is a place where you can relax with your family or friends. They also accept reservations for Birthday Parties, Wedding Reception, and other events. It’s also capable of viewing their features and promotions that can highly recommend their resort. This system can also solve their problem from the Manual reservation system which is consuming their time, money, and effort. Rashid Beach Resort is not just focusing on its social survey because it says that their Resort is not the same as other Big Resorts. Emman (2019) The owner of the resort posted an update about their website, that’s why clients can easily visit and look for the perfect accommodations that they need and they can also book the room they want. According to the owner of the resort, they always get positive feedback because of their reservation system. Resort Online Reservation: A Basis for Action Plan, the Reason for this study is for customers to easy to use, hassle-free, and enough information will be obtained during their planning process. It is also focused on investigating the factors that affect the intention to use resorts' online reservation system. In recent years they
  • 11. 11 | P a g e encounter the growth of extremely impressive high speed by the use of technology. By using the system, they also see and gather information like how many Frequency of internet use, Frequency of Visits, Sex, Age, and other Percentage of Respondent's Profile. Ocean Palms Beach Resort (2022) Ocean Palm Resort has a reservation system, where anyone can reserve their rooms, even the disabled guest can also reserve accessible rooms during the same hours and manners as individuals. Once the room has already been booked it will automatically be blocked or removed from the reservation system. The specific accessible guest room reserved is held only for reserving guests even if others make reservations. Their website is digital marketing developed after parsing their particular guidelines and continuously enhanced to make their technology more friendly-user. Edificio G.M. Jovellanos, (2018) Aldric Vives, Department of Applied Economics, University of the Balearic Islands, In hotel revenue management, pricing is a fundamental strategic instrument (RM). For assessing resort hotels' own-price elasticities, as well as their various seasonal demands across booking horizons, this study suggests a specific demand function model. In order to estimate and analyze different elasticities that could be utilized by RM departments to appropriately manage prices in the short run and build optimal pricing strategies, the model is used for the online transient demand for two hotels in Majorca, a popular, established mass tourism destination (over the medium and long run). The findings indicate that the two hotels' own-price elasticities during the high season are completely different, whereas demand is very inelastic at both hotels during the low season. Secondly, typical price variances between seasons or hotels may occasionally be an incorrect pricing strategy, such as the common early booking approach. A variety of hotels can readily use the model. Khan (2021). The creation of a comparison-based hotel and resort reservation system in Bangladesh Travelers and tourists have a wonderful opportunity to experience the world in the twenty-first century now that almost everyone has a cell phone and can do almost anything with it. Bangladesh has ten well-liked tourist destinations, but tragically, only two or three of them are well-known abroad. Even though the other places have lovely landscapes and flora, many are uneasy going there because it is less popular. The number of foreign visitors to Bangladesh has increased during the last five years. As more people have had significant disposable income during the past ten years, Bangladesh's tourists have.
  • 12. 12 | P a g e Yi-Man (2022) They study a Five-Star Resort Hotel in Taiwan. In order to reserve a resort, both online and offline channels are required. Some guests are using traditional hotel booking methods such as walk-ins, hotel phone calls, faxes, reservation centers, etc. Some clients rely on online hotel booking resources like OTAs, the Internet, etc. Resorts are able to offer rooms online and through direct distribution thanks to online booking facilities. According to Hazbar, Mohanned, and Patwary, the Internet is a helpful tool for customers and providers to utilize when making purchases and exchanging information in the tourist sector. due to the numerous benefits provided to clients, Online reservations have significantly increased over the past few decades thanks to convenience, easy price comparison, and availability of up-to-date, reliable information. The goal of this innovative sales strategy is to reach as many clients as possible, 24/7, regarding their location. António (2019) A decision support system for automated machine learning to forecast canceled resort reservations. Reservation cancellations have a negative effect on the production of accurate projections, a crucial tool in the hotel sector. According to their study, utilizing today's processing power and sophisticated machine learning techniques, it is possible to construct models that foresee the probability of booking cancellations. However, the effectiveness of these models has never been examined in the actual world. To fill this gap and investigate how these models may be employed in a decision support system and their impact on demand-management decisions, a prototype was developed and implemented in two hotels, the prototype was based on an automated system, which led to two key research contributions. Oretnom, (2022) Online Resort Management System. This application provides online room reservations and a simple website for resorts. This application allows the guest to look for more activities that the resort offers. It automatically updates the list and information by the Management using the front end. There are two users which are the Admin and the Staff, Admin can access and manage all about the application or system while the staff has only limited access. It also had a printable date-wise reservation report. Akramul Islam (2020) States that people today choose to go to various locations for rest or entertainment. Due to the limited number of hotels and resorts that can accommodate huge populations. For relaxation or recreation during a holiday, the majority of people will visit
  • 13. 13 | P a g e various tourist destinations; but, if a hotel or resort is full, they may find themselves in an uncomfortable scenario. If the Resort has an online reservations system, it will be overcome. For this reason, we believe that if we can offer our consumers a system for booking resorts and checking their availability online, it will be easier and more useful from their point of view to do so. Additionally, systems for booking resorts online, such as the "Resort Management System," can assist people who would like to confirm their reservations prior to traveling to reduce inconvenience when traveling. On the other hand, if the hotel management uses the online "Resort Management System," they will be able to know which rooms are available and respond to consumers quickly. Additionally, the Management is able to monitor the Daily/Monthly Tourist Revenue and compare the Costs to determine its Net Income. The resort administration may also provide customers an option to submit feedback, reviews, or ratings. Bsc IT (2019) Resort Management System, This Resort Management System's primary goal is to create and deploy a Reservation and Billing System designed to support management with bookings, payments, and other necessary processes the key Check-in, check-out, and reservation system operations that are functionally divided into several modules. Only a registered user that logs in to the system can use it, and only the administrator can register a customer for the system. Motiur, (2021) Development of Resort Reservation System for Microcode’s Information & Technologies. It is a system that gives less time than manual work. Also provides the report of the resort reservation in all aspects and can avail the current status of booking, rooms, etc. The main objective of the system is to automate the resort reservation process like creating a visitor id, assigning tickets, and so on. And so the customer also can reserve or cancel the reservation any time they want. Nurul Amin, (2018) Resort Management System. This project is for users and admin, it has a login system for the users where they can reserve and visit the rooms they want and other facilities. Admin is for managing the resort reservation and for checking. This system is for Online platforms only, making it easy for the guest to visit the page of the resort so that it can less time for finding what they want in a resort. Keeping the information of a guest is very important that’s why this system is perfect, unlike the manual or book list.
  • 14. 14 | P a g e Synthesis of the Review The Resort Management and Reservation System. It helps the resort to have an easy reservation and booking. It would benefit the resort to become more popular. According to Hacienda Resort (2018) with the development of new technologies, it became more simple and hassle-free for them to use a system. The majority of hotels and resorts use computerization for their operation to make it accessible and innovative. The use of modern information technology was have been dominated using interactive websites and online reservation systems. MBDream states also that it offers other management to take advantage of its attractiveness to exert customers. Providing an online platform for the customer might help other businesses increase proficiency. In addition, Janobe (2021) A system that helps and guides the business to its new pace to use an online platform in performing a convenient service is a good step to help everyone and do the work easier and in less time. The 21st corporate organization is focused on technological innovation, in order to keep up with technological advancement other management cope with some inventions and ideas on how to transform their business into new one. Jonathan (2020) states that to further illustrate how an e-commerce solution has produced a supplemental aid in the socio-economic development of the aforementioned community, the author constructs a new, integrated business transformation framework by building conceptual foundations from already existing practices. Then, this framework is offered to encourage other emerging business groups to adopt better solutions for problems brought on by the current technology.
  • 15. 15 | P a g e CHAPTER 3 EVALUATION DESIGN AND FRAMEWORK This chapter represents the expected output and justification, operational framework, requirement specification, system analysis, system design, system development and testing, conceptual framework, and definition of terms of the research. DISCUSSION OF EXPECTED OUTPUT AND JUSTIFICATION The expected final output of the project is a system that can give customers a secure and fast way to reserve, an advantageous way for customers to reserve online using a website, and a web application for admin. The system has two major functions, the employee can view, delete, and update the customer's reservation. Also, employees can send messages using the GSM Module to notify their reservation and add new memberships for RFID cards that accept discounts. The admin can view the list of reservation details according to their time and date. It also includes the acceptance of the reservation before sending a message. After reserving all of the statuses will be updated and it will appear on the system and website to inform customers about the facilities that are still available, the system can automate the computation for its profit and it can print the monthly sales. The admin is the only one who can use the application the function of the application is to view the number of users, view the percentage status of cottages using a pie graph, and view the number of customers who have a membership card. It will be more convenient for them to use it when they are not in the office they are aware of the status of the resort. The website will be used by the customers, it has information about the resort they can view rooms, facilities, and cottages and then reserve their ideal type of room or cottage whether it's exclusive or not and wait for the confirmation of their reservation via SMS. The data from the system, android application, and website came from the customers. After reserving their desired date and providing their accurate data. The customer will have received a confirmation regarding the reservation, using the GSM module (Global System for Mobile communication) the admin will send a confirmation message. Also, using RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) card/ scanner will identify the customers' membership. By tapping the card the system will display the information of the customers and the discount.
  • 16. 16 | P a g e Operational Framework Figure 1. Operational Framework showing the development of the resort management and reservation system using the Agile Model.
  • 17. 17 | P a g e Project developers rely on the agile model s their operational framework. Agile means quick or adaptable. The term “Agile process model” refers to a method of developing software that is based on iterative development. Agile project management techniques divide work into smaller iterations or parts without directly involving long-term planning. The projects requirements and scope are established at the start of the development process. Plans for the quantity, length, and scope of each iteration are spelled out in detail in advance. On the first step, Planning; at this step developers brainstorm on what and how will a system able to provide effectiveness. Second step, Requirements gathering; here the developers specify the requirements needed for the whole that will be processed during this step, and explain business opportunities and plan the time and effort needed to build the project. Based on this data, the developers can assess the technical and financial viability. Third step, Design; when the developers identify the project, work with stakeholders to define requirements. To demonstrate the functionality of new features and how they will integrate with our current system, the developers also use a user flow diagram. Fourth step, Development, when the developers already decide what is needed. The developers start the project with the goal of releasing a functional product, designers and developers get to work. The product has basic, minimal functionality and will go through various stages of improvement. Fifth step, Testing; at this stage, the developers inspect our product to search for a bugs. Sixth or last step, Feedback/Review; is the final step before a product is released. Through this, the developers receive feedback on the product and processes it. The developers use this model because the developers can spot any flaws or mistakes in the project right away.
  • 18. 18 | P a g e Requirement Specificaton For user requirements, the user must have a computer set in the area to use the system, the user should be an employee of the resort. The admin and employee are the only ones who are allowed to use the system. And they must have common knowledge of computers. As an administrator, one must learn how to manipulate data. For software requirements of the system, the computer must be Windows 10 Operating system and up to the latest version, and have at least 2GB RAM storage capacity. A Visual Basic 2019 and above, an updated version of Google chrome, and a 4.4 KitKat android version and above. Hardware requirements of the system. A computer set for the system. An android phone for the android application. A GSM (Global System for Mobile communication) for sending confirmation messages to the customers and lastly, an RFID (Radio-Frequency Identification) scanner/card for the membership of the customers. System Analysis The target system is the D’rock resort, the management does currently use manual. So, the developers suggest that create a system which is design to evaluate and accept the information of every customer. The developers ask several questions and recommend the system, the first test is to know the environment of the system and its functions, giving a information to evaluate what system can use and approve. System Design The fundamental features of this project are the following: First is to improve and easily manage data from the customer. Second, is to upgrade the management in collecting data from manual to having a system. Third, is to promote the resort by having a website that would benefit the management and become more popular. And lastly, is to lessen the workload of the employees and administrator of the resort.
  • 19. 19 | P a g e Conceptual Frameworks Figure 2. The Conceptual Framework, Development, and Validation of Resort Management and Reservation System in D rock resort. OUTPUT PROCESS INPUT I. Development a.) SOFTWARE 1. Windows 10 Operating System & Above. 2. Android OS Version 4.4 KitKat & Above. 3. MIT Inventor 4. Hostinger 5. Visual 2019 b.) HARDWARE 1. Computer Set 2. Android Phone 3. GSM Module 4. RFID Scanner Developed and Validated Resort Management and Reservation System a.) Planning determining the objectives. b.) Designing and development of the project. c.) Test and evaluation. d.) Development of Validation questionnaire. e.) Determining the validity of the develop project. f.) Statistical analysis. FEEDBACK
  • 20. 20 | P a g e A Conceptual framework showing the Development, and Validation of Resort Management and Reservation System in D’ Rock resort. The developers use the IPO diagram which stands for Input, Process, Output, and Outcome. The input consists of Hardware, and Software that is used on the system. In terms of software in the system, the system consists of the following software requirements that should also have by the resort administrators. Windows 10 OS & Above, Android OS Version 4.4 KitKat & above, MIT Inventor 2. XAMPP, Visual 2019, and PHP. In terms of Hardware, the resort must have a computer set, an android phone, a GSM module, and an RFID scanner/card. The process consists of planning, determining the objectives of the system, Designing, and development, Test and Evaluation, Development of validation questionnaire, Determining the validity of the develop project and statistical treatment. The output consists of the development and validation of the Resort Management and Reservation System. Project validated by the validator's through answering survey questionnaire. The feedback consists of the recommendations and any side comments about the developed system. Validators give some recommendation to enhance the system to make it more functionable.
  • 21. 21 | P a g e DEFINITION OF TERMS Crystal Report Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). Is the language used by the developer for styling the website. Data Flow Diagram (DFD). It is the flow of data in the system and provides information system operations through its entities. Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD). This helps the developers organize the data in the system by visualizing the relationship of every entity, diagram, and model of the system. Flowchart. A visual representation that helps the system to process every data that flows in each step, each shape has its own functions that will serve as a guide of the data flow. GSM Module (Global System for Mobile communication). Used for sending messages for customer confirmation. Guna. The extension framework in Visual made system designing more easier. Javascript. The language used for designing the website’s interface. Hostinger. An online database used by developers for storing customers' information and for hosting the management website. HyperText Markup Language (HTML). The language used by the developers to construct the website and its content. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) App Inventor. A website that project developers used for creating web-based applications and android applications. Radio Frequency Identification Reader (RFID) Scanner. It is used for reading the RFID number card. Radio Frequency Identification Card (RFID). The Resort Management and Reservation System will have a membership card and is used for having the customer's discount. Visual Basic.Net. A platform used to create the project. Visual Studio. Software used to create websites using programming languages. SMS (Short Message Service)
  • 22. 22 | P a g e CHAPTER 4 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY This chapter represents the research design, setting of the study, subject of the study, sources of data, procedure of the study, and statistical treatment that defines the methodology of the research. Research Design This project researchers and developers will utilize the developmental research design through systematic study of the project design, development, and evaluation of all the instructions and must meet all the needs of the resort. The projects developers based on the given both physical and logical design, methods in development, and assessment. The descriptive research design was used by the project developers as the approach to the development system. The quantitative descriptive research method was used in this project. This approach benefited the project developers by describing a population, data, and details about the situation or phenomenon being examined.
  • 23. 23 | P a g e Setting of the Study The project is conducted at Colegio De Montalban from Jovil 3 take a walk for approximately (9 minutes) equivalent to 700 meters to Jeafer Station, After that approximately (27 minutes) equivalent to 2.1 km when you take a tricycle to Jeafer Station to Manila Hills, Along Manila Hills approximately 800m equivalent to (9 minutes) if there is no traffic you can spot the Primark in double L. Along 350 meters equivalent to (3 minutes) you arrive at your destination which is the Colegio De Montalban. Figure 3.Vicinity Map of Colegio de Montalban San Jose to San Isidro.
  • 24. 1 | P a g e Subject of the Study The project developers developed a Resort Management and Reservation System which will improve its manual process into a system. The Resort Management and Reservation System can accommodate customers' walk-in and online; the admin and the employee of the resort has its only users they can view, add, update, and delete each piece of information that they will receive online or walk-in. The customer can ask inquiries about information through the website, and book a reservation through the website of the resort. By having this the resort would benefit and gain its popularity and attract more customers. Respondents of the Study The respondents to this project development are IT expert validators who specialized in system development. The project developers rely on their recommendations as the key to a successful project development and also to identify the level of validity in relation to the variables of the established system. The estimated and general weighted mean for each project component were determined using the final judgment of IT expert validators, and rank accordingly. This validation was conducted in Colegio de Montalban Sources of Data Various sources of information supported the development phase of the system these sources helped the developers to construct ideas for the system. includes the following. Electronic Source. The project developer gathers some ideas and information here. Especially some examples and formats of the system designs for its environment also gained some ideas here for literature and studies. Validation Questionnaire. It includes questions about the project’s objectives in order to collect responses from validators. Direct Observation. The project developers observe what possible problems that may be solved. D’rock Resort may have this cases are slow process of accepting reservation.
  • 25. 2 | P a g e Related Literature, Studies and Systems. The project developers obtained this information from thesis, articles and related systems and projects in order to provide another concept for the project’s development, which serves as a guide for developers in order to achieve the project's objectives. Procedure of the Study The procedure of the study will be divided into 3 categories, Development, Validation of the project. The following are under development. Planning of the Project. The plan of this project is to gather information, gather the requirements that are needed, Identify loopholes in the project and organize everyone's ideas. Providing steps and instructions for everyone also identify1 the challenges and limitations of the project. and overcome it. Designing of the Project. The project developers created the structural, logical, and physical design of the project in constructing it. In structural design, devices and materials are arranged in positions that are appropriate and acceptable for the project's operation: In the aspect of logical design, diagrams such as Flowchart, Entity Relationship Diagram, and Data Flow Diagram are made to illustrate the project's function or flow. The project developers created a 30 design of the project to visualize the actual output that is captivating and acceptable in terms of physical design. Project Proposal Approval. Developers decide and give their opinions regarding the title of the entire project, there are several topics that we can choose from, but one of the best choices that we can decide on is the "Resort Management and Reservation System". After deciding which is the unique title, the developers defend it and went through many questions regarding its uniqueness and use. Development of the Project. it is a stage where the project is creating, designing, evaluating its functions, testing, debugging, improving its components, and the deployment of the project after accepting the required requirements and specifications.
  • 26. 3 | P a g e Project Testing. In this stage, the project developers check the system if it meets the required requirements along with bugs and errors it faced before implementation. Validation of the Project. The project developers were validated by exhibiting the developed and tested project to a panel of validators comprised of three IT specialists. The developers analyzed and evaluated the three components of the produced project, which comprised of purpose, usability, and durability. The validators were given a validation questionnaire and were asked to grade each factor based on their assessment of the produced project. The validation score is then computed. The validators feedback is given to the project developers to enhance or improve the project. Enhancing of the Project. After validation, the project developers enhanced the initially developed project (which was merely a miniature) and turned it into a full-fledged project. The developers returned to the procedures of project development (considered the risks or problems of the project), project testing (ensuring that it in already generally functioning well), and validation of the project (assessed and evaluated the final project by the validators). The following are under Validation. Statistical Treatment The project developers intend to use the following tools: Weighted Mean It is used for objectives 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Ranking It is used to rank the level of validity of the project. Also, the project developers used five-point scale to determine the validity of the project. Kindly refer to Appendix A.
  • 27. 4 | P a g e CHAPTER 5 Results and Discussion This chapter presents the results and discussion of the validity of the developed project. The findings of this project will provide the project developers with the information needed to formulate the conclusion and it also contains the project's validation. Level of Validity of the Developed Resort Management and Reservation System with Respect to the Purposefulness Table 1 Computed Weighted Mean of the Level of Validity of the Developed Resort Management and Reservation System with Respect to the Purposefulness PURPOSEFULNESS 𝒙 ̅ VERBAL INTERPRETATIO N RANK 1. 1. The project’s purpose is met. 3.75 Normal Level of Purposefulness 1 2. 2. The project is highly relevant in today’s technology requirement. 3.50 High Level of Purposefulness 2 3. 3. The project is built according to its intended design (refer to all the planned diagrams). 3.25 Normal Level of Purposefulness 3.5 4. 4. The project’s aim of making life easier is noticeable. 3.25 Normal Level of Purposefulness 3.5 5. 5. The project would help in improving the difficulty of everyday living. 3 Normal Level of Purposefulness 5 WEIGHTED MEAN 3.4 Normal Level of Purposefulness Table 1 illustrates the corresponding weighted mean of the Resort Management and Reservation System, as well as its verbal interpretation based on the validator's perception of the project's purpose. In regards to the table, there are five statements in the factor of Purposefulness and the first rank shows that the project’s purpose is met with a mean of 3.75 and verbally interpreted as high level of purposefulness. The following three statements, the project’s purpose is met, project is built according to its intended design (refer to all the planned diagrams) and the project’s aim of making life easier is noticeable, are both ranked 3 with a mean of 3.25, and both are interpreted normal level of purposefulness. The factor that the project would help in improving the difficulty of everyday living has a mean of 3 and is ranked
  • 28. 5 | P a g e as 5 with a verbal interpretation of normal level of purposefulness. The project's purpose has a mean score of 3.35 and is classified as normal level of purposefulness. It just means that the resort management helps a lot. Level of Validity of the Developed Resort Management and Reservation System with Respect to the Functionality Table 2 Computed Weighted Mean of the Level of Validity of the Developed Resort Management and Reservation System with Respect to the Functionality FUNCTIONALITY 𝒙 ̅ VERBAL INTERPRETATIO N RANK 1. 1. The project is admirable because of its design. 3.75 High Level of Functionality 1 2. 2. The project is capable of efficient data management. 3.5 High Level of Functionality 2 3. 3. The project can be marketed for local use. 3 Normal Level of Functionality 3.5 4. 4. The project can be introduced in the country for its practical use. 3 Normal Level of Functionality 3.5 5. 5. The project’s intended use is highly evident and shows a higher level of integrity. 2.75 Normal Level of Functionality 5 WEIGHTED MEAN 3.2 Normal Level of Functionality Table 2 shows the corresponding weighted mean of the Resort Management and Reservation System, as well as its verbal interpretation based on the validator's perception of the project's function. In regards to the table, there are five statements in the factor of functionality and the first rank shows that the project is admirable because of its design with a mean of 3.75 and verbally interpreted as high level of functionality. And the second rank shows that the project is capable of efficient data management with a mean of 3.50 and verbally interpreted as normal level of functionality. The statements, the project can be marketed for local use, and the project can be introduced in the country for its practical use got a ranked of 3.5 with a weighted mean of 3 and verbally interpreted as normal level of functionality. And the statement, the project’s intended use is highly evident and shows a higher level of integrity got a ranked of 5 with a mean of 2.75 and verbally interpreted as normal level of functionality.
  • 29. 6 | P a g e In general, the weighted mean of the project’s functionality is 3.2 and interpreted as normal level of functionality. Level of Validity of the Developed Resort Management and Reservation System with Respect to the Usability Table 3 Computed Weighted Mean of the Level of Validity of the Developed Resort Management and Reservation System with Respect to the Usability USABILITY 𝒙 ̅ VERBAL INTERPRETATIO N RANK 1. 1. The project is easy to user to use and become familiar with. 3.25 Normal Level of Usability 2.5 2. 2. The project guarantees ease for users to achieve its demonstrable operation. 3.25 Normal Level of Usability 2.5 3. 3. The project guarantees ease of user interface. 4 High Level of Usability 1 4. 4. The project can be subsequently used without losing its system integrity. 2.75 Normal Level of Usability 4.5 5. 5. The project’s overall usability impression makes it standout. 2.75 Normal Level of Usability 4.5 WEIGHTED MEAN 3.2 Normal Level of Usability Table 3 presents the validator’s assessment of the Developed Resort Management and Reservation System in terms of usability that has a corresponding weighted mean and verbal interpretation. In the table, there is one statement that ranked as 1 with a mean of 4 which is the project guarantees ease of user interface. This statement is verbally interpreted as high level of usability. The project is easy to user to use and become familiar with, and the project guarantees ease for users to achieve its demonstrable operation got a ranked of 2.5 with a mean of 3.25 this statement is verbally interpreted as normal level of usability. The statements, the project can be subsequently used without losing its system integrity, and the project’s overall usability impression makes it standout got a ranked of 4.5 with a mean of 2.75 is verbally interpreted as normal level of usability. The five statements are verbally interpreted as Normal Level of Usability. In general, the weighted mean of the project’s usability is 3.2 and interpreted as normal level of usability.
  • 30. 7 | P a g e For the qualitative component, some parts of a user testing session involved open-ended and perception-based questions. Other answers were recorded as quantitative data. Results. It was found that the respondents have numerous requirements for ease of use; more than 52% of participants indicated that the key factors were content simplicity and understandable product offerings through booking systems. Only about 18% of participants felt that the websites were confusing, while about 12% experienced the booking process as frustrating. Conclusion. In conclusion, it can be stated that booking systems were not easy to use, according to guidelines provided in other research. These results provide Web developers, designers and hotel owners with a clear understanding of the way in which website usability impacts on user satisfaction. Level of Validity of the Developed Resort Management and Reservation System with Respect to the Security Table 4 Computed Weighted Mean of the Level of Validity of the Developed Resort Management and Reservation System with Respect to the Security SECURITY 𝒙 ̅ VERBAL INTERPRETATIO N RANK 1. 1. The project guarantees confidentiality, integrity and availability of information. 3 Normal Level of Security 2.25 2. 2. The project assures protection of information from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction. 3 Normal Level of Security 2.25 3. 3. The project ensures that only authorized users have access when required. 3 Normal Level of Security 2.25 4. 4. The project is cost effective and guarantees value for money. 2.75 Normal Level of Security 5 5. 5. The project’s intended value ensures the security of people, buildings, hardware, software, data (electronic, print, other), supplies, and the like, for the advantage of the user. 3 Normal Level of Security 2.25 WEIGHTED MEAN 2.95 Normal Level of Security The table 4 present the validator’s assessment of the Developed Resort Management and Reservation System in terms of security that has a corresponding weighted mean and verbal interpretation. In the table, there are four statement that ranked as 2.75 with a mean of 3 which are the project guarantees confidentiality, integrity and availability of information, the project
  • 31. 8 | P a g e assures protection of information from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction, the project ensures that only authorized users have access when required and the project’s intended value ensures the security of people, buildings, hardware, software, data (electronic, print, other), supplies, and the like, for the advantage of the user. This statements is verbally interpreted as normal level of security. The statement, the project is cost effective and guarantees value for money got a ranked of 5 with a mean of 2.75 is verbally interpreted as normal level of security. In general, the weighted mean of the project’s security is 2.95 and interpreted as normal level of security. Hotel and resort management frequently perceive the security department as a second, or third priority, the security manager or director is seldom appointed to the Executive Management Team or included in strategic decisions. Guest surveys, however, report that safety and security are essential to guest satisfaction. From a liability perspective, the overwhelming number of negligence law suits filed in the lodging industry base the litigation upon “negligence,”“lack of foreseeability” and “inadequate security” which is a direct reflection upon the General Manager, who is ultimately always responsible for safety and security. Level of Validity of the Developed Resort Management and Reservation System with Respect to the Attractiveness (Aesthetics) Table 5 Computed Weighted Mean of the Level of Validity of the Developed Resort Management and Reservation System with Respect to the Attractiveness (Aesthetics) ATTRACTIVENESS (AESTHETICS) 𝒙 ̅ VERBAL INTERPRETATIO N RANK 1. 1. The project looks well-designed. 4 High Level of Attractiveness 1 2. 2. The project is made of quality and polished materials. 3.25 Normal Level of Attractiveness 3 3. 3. The project is neat and free from disorder. 3 Normal Level of Attractiveness 4 4. 4. The project is worthy to be considered as a college output – one that is well- thought of. 3.25 Normal Level of Attractiveness 3 5. 5. The project is of local-class quality. 3.3 Normal Level of Attractiveness 2 WEIGHTED MEAN 3.35 Normal Level of Attractiveness
  • 32. 9 | P a g e Table 5 shows the corresponding weighted mean of the Resort Management and Reservation System, as well as its verbal interpretation based on the validator's perception of the project's attractiveness. In regards to the table, there are five statements in the factor of attractiveness and the first rank shows that the project looks well-designed with a mean of 4 is verbally interpreted as high level of attractiveness. The statements, the project is made of quality and polished materials, and the project is worthy to be considered as a college output – one that is well-thought of, are both got a ranked of 3 with a mean of 3.25 and verbally interpreted as normal level of attractiveness. While the statements, the project is neat and free from disorder, and the project is of local-class quality got a ranked of 4 with a mean of 3 and verbally interpreted as normal level of attractiveness. In general, the weighted mean of the project’s attractiveness is 3.3 and interpreted as normal level of attractiveness. According to Pike (2002), such attractiveness is a mental image that is formed on the basis of the presence and/or availability of specific attributes at the resort or not. These attributes of attractiveness represent the comparative advantage of the resort, which can be turned into a competitive advantage – resulting in high levels of competitiveness and a favourable market position for the resort (Vengesayi, 2003; Cakici & Harman, 2007; Das, Mohapatra, Sharma & Sarkar, 2007; Kresic, 2007; Cheng-Fei et al., 2009; Chen et al., 2011). General Level of Validity of the Developed Resort Management and Reservation System Table 6 Computed General Weighted Mean of the Level of Validity of the Developed Resort Management and Reservation System Factors of Validity 𝒙 ̅ VERBAL INTERPRETATION RANK 1.Purposefulness 3.4 Normal Level of Purposefulness 1 2.Functionality 3.2 Normal Level of Functionality 3.5 3. Usability 3.2 Normal Level of Usability 3.5 4. Security 2.95 Normal Level of Security 2.95 5. Attractiveness (Aesthetics) 3.35 Normal Level of Attractiveness 2
  • 33. 10 | P a g e GENERAL WEIGHTED MEAN 3.22 Normal Level of Validity The table 6 shows the computed general weighted mean of the level of validity of the Developed Resort Management and Reservation System. In consist of five factors which are the purposefulness, functionality, usability, security, and attractiveness (aesthetics). The factor attractiveness (aesthetics) ranked as 1 with a mean of 3.3 is verbally interpreted as normal level of attractiveness. The factor purposefulness is ranked as 2 with a mean of 3.25 is verbally interpreted as normal level of purposefulness. The factors functionality and usability are both ranked as 3.5 with a mean of 3.2 are verbally interpreted as normal level of functionality and normal level of usability. The factor security got a ranked of 5 with a mean of 2.95 is verbally interpreted as normal level of security. The general weighted mean of the develop project is 3.18 and interpreted as normal level of validity. In summary of all the factors of validity, the developed Resort Management and Reservation System turned out that it is normal level of validity for the validators.
  • 34. 11 | P a g e CHAPTER 6 CONCLUSION AND RECCOMENDATION This chapter present the Conclusion, Recommendation of the developed Resort Management and Reservation System. Conclusion The project developers determined that the general objectives had been met and that the present problem experienced by the specific customer had been resolved. a level that was normal level of validity in terms of purpose resort management and reservation system is important to the project since it is primarily utilized to control all of the reservation that can occur in a single date at the resort. To facilitate transactions via the use of innovative user interfaces, a level of normal level of functionality acceptable with regard to Function is satisfied. When reserve transactions, gsm module send sms notification when reservation, reserved successfully. Authorizing the administrator and employee to manage customer data, as well as allowing customer to view their preferred services that will be supplied via a website, has been accomplished and rated as normal level of usabilty and functionality. The website in the resort management and reservation system was designed for customers to reserve. Recommendation The following are the recommendations by the project developers; For Information Technology Students, it's a huge opportunity to conduct and create a project to assess the traits and qualities that will improve for every one of them, as for the devices and functions of the project it may also help them assist in creating and building the existing project by coping with the current situation. They may improve it by adding new functions and devices for project development improvement. For Information Technology Instructors, may improve the security of the website by adding an attachment for ID for verifying, and also informing the customer two days after
  • 35. 12 | P a g e reservation they should provide payment or else the reservation will be canceled. In terms of application, the fetching of the data should be exact on the database when reading the data and viewing it on the device. Also, it should have a login and registration for its security. For Institute of Computer Studies, as the capstone project becomes more complicated and sophisticated, they may improve the Bachelor of Science in Information Technology curriculum by allowing students more time to conduct research. They may have a space or an area for the students that may enhance their skills in developing a capstone project. It may be the student's training ground to boost their knowledge and confidence in their chosen field. For Resorts Managers, they may use and adopt the Resort Management and Reservation System. The managers of the resorts may use it to make fast transactions for customers in making reservations, for customers may patronize it using their own devices, and with the rapid growth of technology these days, you can reserve without putting it on hold. Also, managers can view data and monitor customers on their devices. For Future Project Developers, they may use other devices in improving their project, using these as their references for their review of related literature studies or systems. They may develop a similar project but reading and evaluating this project help them cope with another enhancement of the proposed project. For the Website, they can create an online transaction gateway for payment of the customers. They can also conclude the login and registration of the customer for its security, and generate a data availability viewing if it's available for a transaction or not they can also add a viewer for customers about their reservations. For the application in a case, they want to include an app for their project, I recommend displaying a graph either a pie or line graph depending on the data they want to get, also they can change users and functions from admin to user and services. Managing the services inside the resort like room cleaning and delivering food or drinks.
  • 36. 1 | P a g e Development Gantt Chart Figure 4 An Implementation Gantt Chart of the Developed Resort Management and Reservation System
  • 37. 2 | P a g e The implementation plan will determine how long the project will be implemented to the respective company. In the first day, orientation occurs and it is about discussing the details of the developed project with the users. The project developers will tell the importance of the project and how it will help and make a difference with the future users. The users will learn to know the difference of the developed project from the other similar projects. Also, the users will know how the project works and determine its safety features. The next stage is planning where the project developers will observe the prospective area for placing the Resort Management and Reservation System that is suitable for the future users. The project developers will also find any provocative elements that can avoid from having double reservation in one exact date. The planning is covered in 3 weeks of the implementation. The next stage is installation and expected to be done in 2 weeks then everything that needs to be installed will be installed in the other day. The developers will next tell the users how the suggested solution actually works throughout the testing phase. The testing is important to monitor the project if it is functioning well and without flaws. The suggested project's actual function will be visible to the user. The function of each device attached to the system will also be explained by the developers. If there are any changes during testing and found out in the evaluation that the project developers need to change in the process of the system, there will be troubleshooting if there are unexpected fault.
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