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Introducing Open Business
90:10 Group: Your Open Business Partner
Open Business Program
Our framework for change

• We adapt organisations to the needs of a rapidly changing world;
  one which demands ever greater connectedness, openness and
  meaningful relationships with customers.

• Too often the seismic shift we are experiencing is being dealt with
  on an issue-by-issue basis. Reactive piece-meal tactics create a
  permanent state of panic-ridden catch-up. Learnings are lost in
  silos, failures are swept under carpets.

• We believe there is an holistic strategic solution which provides a
  framework for change, leap-frogging the tick-box exercise of simple
  implementation of social technologies. It makes organisations
  future-ready like never before.

• That solution is our Open Business Program.

01/08/2012                                                              2

1.   Introducing the Open Economy (Slides 4-15)
2.   Defining Open Business and its Principles: (Slides 16-28)
3.   How does your organisation measure up? (Slides 29-32)
4.   Starting your journey : (Slides 33-42)
5.   Why partner with us: (Slides 43-47)

01/08/2012                                                       3
The Open Economy & Open Business

• Social media has shown people are willing to engage with brands;
  share, discuss, create and offer ideas
• It has given birth to new platforms dedicated to opening innovation
  to the crowd
• Most believe this can deliver value across the whole organisation
  from marketing to product and service innovation
• But few know how to move beyond experimentation to scale into
  business transformation
• As big firms struggle to overcome their legacy issues market forces
  become more open, connected, and social
• This means big disruptions and challenges to them and their
• We call this environment The Open Economy and our framework
  for response to it is Open Business.

The Open Data Movement
We now expect data to be shared and open

                                Companies such as Facebook
                                are valued on the data of its
                                users – who trade it in return
                                for utility

                                                                 API: The idea of
                                                                 organisations making
                                                                 their data easily
                                                                 accessible to outsource
                                                                 and derisk innovation or
                                                                 offer for public good

                            Hacktivism at its roots is about
                            exposing hidden truths; be that
                            how poorly companies protect
                            your data or the secret
                            dealings of super powers and
                            shady corporations.

Open Capital
The democratisation of capital means increased competition

   • There are more than 450 crowd-funding platforms around the world
   • With 5 white-label crowd-funding platforms introduced this year
   • To date $1.5 billion dollars has funded more than 1 million projects
   • 55% in Europe, 44% in the US and 1% in other regions
   • The average crowd-funding project takes 10 weeks from beginning-to-end

Open Innovation Scaled
Co-creation is being applied across all business innovation gates

Open Innovation has existed since the 1960s, a term
promoted by Henry Chesbrough, but with the recent
advent of affordable and widely used collaborative
technologies, it can be applied at scale.

There are now hundreds of co-creation and idea
crowd-sourcing platforms and case-studies across
almost every sector from FMCG to Automotive. With
brands like Proctor & Gamble driving 60% of all
innovation from partnerships outside their
Networked Human Capital
An increasingly virtual workforce crowd-sources solutions

The Open Economy
The new market reality

                                       The Open Economy

   Open Data                                        Open Innovation         Open Capital
   Movement                                             Scaled             (Crowdfunding)

             Powered by: Social   Media + Internet Culture of Openness x People

Untangling the buzzwords
Open Business is the structured application of the strands of Open Economics

    Crowd-sourcing          Open Data        Crowd-funding              Co-Creation


                               Open Business

Market Forces are now; Connected, Open & Lean
Becoming an Open Business is not optional just a matter of time

             Tomorrow’s                 Customers                   Activists

             Barrier to entry         Almost every                Organisations like
             for competition          purchase cycle              Greanpeace see
             has never been           now involves a              themselves as a
             lower. Crowd-            Google Search or            platform for their
             funding and              Community                   advocates to lead
             white-label API          Reach-out in both           change. Activist
             tech dominate.           B2B and B2C                 attacks have
                                                                  increased YOY.

Open Business
For communication, product & service innovation

• We think of social media as a door to
  the outside world.
• A door to; listen, ask, connect and
  create with people outside both
  partners, customers and experts.
• All for the purpose of competitive
  advantage in marketing, service and
  product innovation.
• Over the last 3 years we have
  developed a frame-work to deliver
  open business at an Enterprise level
  for blue-chip companies
Closed businesses can’t compete
Open equals a better fit with the networked world

• Many of the success stories of the 21st Century are built on
  multiple Open Business Principles. Google, Apple and Amazon are
  among the more famous.
• According to IBM’s CEO survey in May 2012, companies that
  outperform their sector are 30% more likely to identify ‘Openness’
  as a key factor in their success with particular benefits for
  collaboration and innovation.
• Businesses starting today build on the Principles of Open Business
  from the word go. They do so because the principles are self-
  evident to those growing up in a networked world.
• They know they are simply the most effective way of taking greatest
  advantage of the world as it exists today.
• This places them at significant competitive advantage over those
  who are not seeking to apply the principles for legacy or other

Challenges of the Open Economy
 Issues for today’s corporations to address to survive

                                     Corporate                    Declining &                 Exponential Data
   Glocal Needs
                                     Citizenship                 Migrating Trust                   Sets

The combination of              It is no longer acceptable to   Trust in large media          More and more data is
Globalisation in an internet    just make a donation to         companies and brands is in    available for companies to
age requires multinationals     charity or speak of good        decline. It is migrating to   mine - and make sense of.
to be consistent globally but   intentions through your CSR     peers but in a complex and    From big data, to real-time
reflect local cultural          department. Our                 ever shifting way. The days   and behavioural data from
nuances in a real-time way.     connectedness means you         of control advertising or     mobile, social and other
This challenges traditional     can’t just say, you have to     clever PR are over.           new sources. The desire to
organisational structures       do. If you want to be part of                                 simplify the complexity is
and requires a breaking         the online community you                                      increasingly difficult to
down of silos and market        are expected to actively                                      resist. But this reductionism
divisions.                      participate in the world                                      risks destroying the true
                                around you as a good citizen                                  value.

People / System                                                       Influence                        Insight

 01/08/2012                                                                                                             14
Minimum demanded in an Open Economy
New entrants are emerging with these attributes as their default

1.    Transparency
2.    Openness
3.    Connectedness
4.    Purpose

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Open Business Definition:
Making partners of customers

• An Open Business is one
  which uses its available
  resources to;
   -Discover people who share its
   -Brings them together to
   realise that Purpose.
• It is designed from the
  outset to scale through
• It makes partners of
10 Principles
Of Open Business

1. Purpose
2. Open Capital
3. Networked Organisation
4. Sharability
5. Connectedness
6. Open Innovation
7. Open Data
8. Transparency
9. Member-Led
10. Trust

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Applying the Principles in general offers...

• Better market and customer knowledge
• Better fit with customer need,
• Accelerated more successful innovation,
• Evidence-based decision making
• New access to capital,
• More effective knowledge management
• Improved internal and external collaboration and idea generation
• Lower (distributed) risk through networks of partners,
• A greater sense of doing business that benefits the society in which you
• A greater sense of customer and employee ‘ownership’ through the
  democratisation of business
• Raised levels of trust – and customer and employee loyalty and
  satisfaction which derives from this
• More attraction and retention for the right talent and customers.

                                Applying them in particular delivers >>>
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1. Purpose
The market for something to believe in is infinite – Hugh MacLeod

    Purpose is the why, it is the belief which all
    your stakeholders share and to which all
    your organisations actions are aligned
    without compromise. Your products /
    services are proof of that shared purpose.
•   Organisations driven by purpose outperform the
    general market 15:1 and comparison companies
•   They deliver greater retention of staff and
•   They achieve greater advocacy and therefore rely
    less on interruptive marketing
•   They become as important to people’s lives as a
    cause-based organisation. Relationships go
    beyond the transactional
•   More resilient in an economic down-turn
•   They have greater ability to enter new markets as
    they are not defined by their products but by
    their beliefs
2. Open Capital
Lowering the risk of testing new markets

      Using crowd-funding platforms or
      principles to raise capital through micro-

•     Lowers cost of innovation and marketing
•     De-risks innovation; delivers proof of concept
      and pre-qualifies markets
•     Generates pre-sales and order book
•     Primes advocate platform pre-launch
•     Opens the innovation process early
•     Democratises innovation
•     Enables the scaling of niche innovation
3. Networked Organisation
Distributing the risk of doing business

    The organisation functions as a platform
    connecting internal networks to the
    external for a common purpose

•   Links people and teams across conventional
    boundaries (e.g. departments and
•   Enables pragmatic scaling with a more
    flexible workforce
•   Allows greater capacity efficiently
•   Closer to market and customer
•   Maximises the knowledge potential and flow
    of an enterprise;
•   Minimises threat of disruption; a network
    has greater resilience, responsiveness and
4. Sharability
Sharing the value of what you know

    Packaging knowledge for easy and open
    sharing both internally and externally
•   Taps into peer-to-peer distribution networks
    reducing cost to market and of targeting
•   Raises thought-leadership profile
•   Breaks down internal silos and external /
    internal barriers
•   Encourages the repurposing of information
•   Delivers lateral thinking and new perspectives
•   Value exchange reinforces connections and
•   Allows cost and time efficiencies, reduces
•   Ensures an organisation learns collectively and
    more quickly
•   Improves the spread of internal best practice
5. Connectedness
Leveraging the power of your people

    Connecting all employees internally to
    one another and externally through
    open social media
•   Demonstrates openness and accountability
    improving customer satisfaction
•   Increases the opportunity for serendipity
    and innovation
•   Humanises your company making business
•   Allows employees to; grow, build and
    manage relationships with customers and
    partners more easily - improving retention
•   Connects organisations to their employees’
    networks scaling their collective reach
•   Enables for two-way flow of information
    and intelligence improving market
6. Open Innovation
Making better fits, more efficiently, to market needs

    Innovating with partners by sharing
    risk and reward in the development of
    products, services and marketing

•   Distributes the risk of innovating
•   Reduces the risk that the innovation’s
    won’t fit the needs of its intended market
•   Develops customer ownership of the
    innovation pre-launch
•   Allows for external ideas to be surfaced
    early on in the process
•   Scales idea generation and development
    with greater efficiencies
7. Open Data
Ensuring your data is available for reapplication by outside the organisation

    Making your data freely available
    to those outside your organisation
    who can make best use of it

•   Externalises and scales R&D while
    reducing cost to innovate and market
•   Allows for crowd-sourced innovation
    and the repurposing of your data to
    deliver value in unimagined ways
•   Gives birth to new economies and
•   Distributes the management of the
    exponential growth in data-sets
•   Distributes the risk and reward of data
8. Transparency
Building trust and affinity

    Decisions, and the criteria on which
    they are based, are shared openly

•   Ensures the organisation makes decisions
    consistent with its purpose and in line
    with its declared beliefs
•   Incrementally improves the performance
    of the business through crowd checks and
•   Attracts the right employees, partners and
•   Softens unpopular decisions by being
    honest and open about the rationale
•   The act of open decision making builds
    affinity and trust
•   Corrects imbalances creating a fairer
9. Member Led
Being a better fit with the networked world

    Your organisation is structured
    around the formal cooperation of
    employees, customers and partners
    for their mutual
    social, economic, and cultural
•   A more cooperative model is a better fit
    with the networked world based upon
    community values
•   Creates a shared sense of ownership and
    responsibility – of belonging
•   Views customers as equal stakeholders
•   As loyalty to brands and large
    organisations decline, member-led
    companies offer a reason to continue
•   Provides a feeling of being able to
    influence to feel valued
•   Removes the tension between employee
    and employer (unions and shareholders)
10. Trust
Trust is essential for Open Business

    Mutually assured reliance on the
    character, ability, strength, or truth of
    the partnership
•   Partnership, the paradigm of open
    business, requires it
•   More resilient relationships with
•   Trust in corporations and advertising is
    decreasing year-on-year (Endleman Trust
    Survey) so to excel in it offers a distinct
•   Increases brand equity. A significant
    element of shareholder value
•   Inspires the default selection of your
    offering in competitive environments
•   Builds an emotional connection with a
    customer, partner and employee lowering
    the cost of acquisition and retention
How do you measure up?
Benchmark your organisation

• We believe the 10 principles of Open Business are a
  benchmark against which the performance of any
  organisation could and should be judged.
• For each we offer ‘Goal State’ as the ideal outcome (a
  perfect outcome) of our strategy consulting work with
• In the following slides we also describe the ‘Worst Case’
  position – to enable you to quickly benchmark your
  organisation’s progress towards each of the Goal States
  so far, and against which we can measure your progress
  in the future.

01/08/2012                                                    29
Score out of 5

•   1. Purpose:                                            ‘big capital’ – VCs, institutional shareholders –
•   Goal State (Scores 5/5): You have a clear ‘Why’ of     concentrating power over the organisation and its
    the organisation – why it exists (what is it about     aims in those institutions.
    the world you are trying to put right/fix etc).
    Everyone who knows of you knows of your                3. Networked organisation
    purpose.                                           •   Goal state (Scores 5/5): No more than 1 in 10 in
    100% of your actions are aligned with and express      your organisation’s ecosystem are employees – the
    that purpose.                                          rest partner with you from outside the
•   Worst Case: (Scores 1/5) The number one reason         organisation. Your staff act as an enabling platform
    your business exists is to make money. Mission         for participation from outside the org.
    statements simply enshrine the requirement to      •   Worst Case (Score 1/5) You employ staff to fulfil
    deliver shareholder value.                             every function of the enterprise.

•   2. Open capital:
    Goal State (Scores 5/5): The organisation is 100%
•   Worst Case (Scores 1/5): All funding comes from

01/08/2012                                                                                                  30
Score out of 5

    4. Sharability:                                      •   Worst Case (Scores 1/5) Social media is actively
•   Goal State (Score 5/5) Knowledge/thought                 discouraged during working hours. Internal comms
    leadership in all formats is created in such a way       are one-way broadcasts from the centre and kept
    that it can be easily and readily published              strictly internal.
    openly, and shared. Share functions are built into
    each document/asset. Creative commons is the         •   6. Open Innovation:
    default.                                             •   Goal State (Scores 5/5) 100% of developments in
•   Worst Case (Scores 1/5) Knowledge created in the         service, product or comms design are made in
    organisation stays within the organisation.              collaboration with people outside the org in an
    Anything published outside is done so with               organisationally-appropriate co-creation process.
    extensive copyright protections in place.            •   Worst Case (Score 1/5) All developments are made
                                                             in secret and internally.
    5. Connectedness:
•   Goal State (Scores 5/5) All employees are using
    open social media daily for external connection
    and applying it to make best use of the
    synchronous/asynchrynous opportunities of the
    global web. Internal/external comms are rarely

01/08/2012                                                                                                 31
Score out of 5

7. Open data:                                               9. Member led:
•   Goal State (Scores 5/5) Any data generated or       •   Goal State (Scores 5/5) 100% of all key decisions
    collected by the organisation is made publicly          (within legal constraints) are made by and with
    available where there is a possibility that sharing     those charged with implementing them in
    this data can create additional public good. Eg         collaboration with partner-customers (members)
    apis. All data is searchable internally and             and/or wider supporters of the organisation.
    externally.                                         •   Worst Case (Score 1/5) All key decisions are made
•   Worst Case (Score 1/5) Data is jealously guarded        at board level and imposed downwards on those
    and kept secret. Competitive advantage is believed      charged with implementing them. Stakeholders
    to reside in ownership rather than collaboration.       and customers are considered only in the context
                                                            of what can be gained from them.
    8. Transparency:
•   Goal State: (Scores 5/5) Decision making is done •      10. Trust:
    openly, with the process exposed to all             •   Goal State (Scores 5/5). Stakeholders, partner-
    employees, stakeholders and anyone wishing to           customers (members), employees have 100% trust
    hold the org to account. Board meetings (within         in your organisation’s mission and motives as
    legal constraints) are open to all and offered as a     measured in 360-degree surveys. 90% of new
    webcast/webinar.                                        business is generated by peer recommendation.
•   Worst Case (Scores 1/5) Decisions are made          •   Worst Case (Scores 1/5). Trust levels are measured
    behind closed doors without explanation. Records        at sub 10%. 90% of new business is generated
    are shared only as required by law.                     through marketing spend
What next? You are invited
We are looking for pioneers to partner with on a journey of strategic change

• We have been working
  directly with blue-chip
  brands for the last 3 years.
• Now we are looking for
  pioneering teams to partner
  with us to realise Open
  Business through the
  unique frame-work of
  projects and work-streams
  we have developed.
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Open Business Packages
              Pragmatic approach to change

                     Initial Learning/Program preparation                                         Change Program

                   Open Business                       Mentoring                                       Customer
                    Masterclass                 (Total 11 days per person, over
                                                                                                       Open Day
                   (With up to 10 seats)                3mth program)

                                                                              Program Committed
              We help you prepare your teams, identify
              sectors/divisions most at risk of disruption, and
              engages them in a clearly defined yet flexible Open
              Business program.
                                                                                                   Open Business
                                                                                                  Council Program
                                                                                                   (Annual fee per Client)
Open Biz
Open Business Masterclass                                                               Masterclass
What’s changed and understanding the impact on your business

An exploratory internal masterclass led by one of the Co-founders of 90:10 Group –
an Open Business consultancy with 3+ years of focused experience. Up to 10 client
staff can join us to explore the practical application of Open Business including:
-Open Business principles and practices
-Key trends explained: co-creation, netnography, crowd-sourcing
-Market segmentation and consultancy process
-The Open Business customer road map
-Products and services to move your client along the journey from entry level to
-People/Skills required to deliver Open Business
-Case studies to bring the day to life
1 day on-site senior consultancy in advance, to tailor requirements based on level of
knowledge of participants and intended goal state.
Collateral developed based on this tailoring – bespoke slide decks, take-away
materials for circulation.

•   Engage your staff with the new business reality and its impact on clients
•   Learn how to contextualise and internally pitch Open Business trends
•   Untangle buzzwords and understand their application at an Enterprise /
    systemic level
•   Empower digital leads / change agents
•   Hear real world cases of from actual practitioners
•   Begin your Open Business journey
Open Biz
     Open Business Masterclass Timeline                                                   Masterclass
     What’s changed and understanding the impact on your business

   Inputs:                                                                                      Outputs:
                                                                                                 Open Business
                                                                                                 Principles to apply
                                                                                   OB Skill s    Roadmap built from
                                                                                   & Gap         initial gap analysis
                                                                                                 Gaps in Skills &
                                                               OB Change Roadmap                 Competencies
                 Creation                    Market                                              identified
                                                                                                 Day documented
  Needs                        OB Trends &
Consultation                                                                                     and draw up in
                               Principles                                                        highly sharable
                                                                                                 social format

    Preparation                                 Workshop Session                                 Post-Support
       ( 1 Day)                                              (1 Day)                             Available

     01/08/2012                                                                                               36
Open Biz
Open Business Mentoring                                     Mentoring
Managing and supporting change leadership

Change needs leaders to drive the agenda and inspire
others. But leading change is a lonely job and especially
challenging in a new and evolving space. We aim to
provide your Open Business change agents with the
one-to-one support of
communicating, learning, championing and delivering
the new reality including understanding the practical
and cultural barriers to adoption. This is with a 90:10
Group founder and is billed at a retained daily rate.

• Engage your staff with the new business reality
• Learn how to contextualise and communicate
• Untangle buzzwords and understand their
  application at an Enterprise / systemic level
• Empower digital leads / change agents
• Hear real world cases of from actual practioners
Open Biz £8kpm
   Open Business Mentoring                                                                               Mentoring
   What’s changed and understanding the impact to clients

  Inputs:                                                                                                    Outputs:
                                                                                                              Dept position on
                                                                                                              Open Business

                                                                                 Opportunity /    Project     Integration into
                                                                                 Threat           Planning    company culture
                                                              Partner , New
                                                              Hire Selection &                                Develop processes
                                               Skills Gap                                                     and delivery
            Research Primers                   Analysis                                                       capability
Needs Gap                      Understanding                                                                  Begin a change
 Analysis                                                                                                     program

  Orientation                                               1-1 Mentoring                                     Post-Support
     ( 1 Day)                                                 (3 Month)                                       Available

   01/08/2012                                                                                                             38
Open Day: Events without walls                                      Open Day
A social media powered open day

•   Invite up to 5 of your employees to ask the crowd their most
    pressing questions and have them answered in a rich and fun
•   Each external party comes connected to a network of a
    minimum of 1,000 people giving a combined network reach
    of 10,000 people
•   At select points we let them use their preferred social media
    channel to open up the day to their followers and fans
•   We can use this as an opportunity to scale debate and
    opinion, quantify and sense-check conclusions
•   Learn why being open is inspiring
•   Deepen brand affinity
•   Build & strengthen relationships with key people
•   Develop loyalty and understanding
•   Ask questions and give answers
•   Discover new habits, trends and needs.

   Open Days Timeline                                                                                                Open Day
   A social media powered open day

  Inputs:                                                                                                                Outputs:
                                                                                        3. Influencer Check:
                                                                                                                           Surfaces & colours
                                                                                        -Google Chat with                  key issues
                                                             2. Network                 influencers to gauge their
                                                             Reach-Out:                 feed-back & opinions
                                                                                        -Refine and co-create
                                                                                                                           Co-created possible
                                                             -Open doors for            conclusions to their
                 Recruitment of                                                                                            solutions
                                                             ideation, sense-check      opinion
                                  1. Group Storming;         and colouring
                                                             -Prioritisation crowd-                                        Instant Crowd
                                  -Why I care?               sourced                                                       feedback & shared
         Discovery                                           -Client filters (openly)
                                  -The problem with X is..
                                  -How can X be better?
  Needs                                                                                                                    Socially sharable
Consultation                                                                                                               concepts (internal &
                                                                                                                           external) - ezine

          Preparation                                           Session
               (4 Day)                                            (1 Day)

   01/08/2012                                                                                                                           40
Open Biz
Open Business Council                                                 Program
Working in partnership to realise transformation & change

•   We partner with you to install a virtual Open Business Council
    charged with putting in place; the people, process, connections
    and ecosystem to become an Open Business benchmarking
    against the 10 Principles.
•   We audit you across 8 work-streams at each step 90:10 provide
    mentoring, support and leadership
•   Lead business transformation
•   Future proof against digital disruptions
•   Allow your dept to become more innovative, efficient and open
•   Extend your reach into communities of external stakeholders
    building trust and loyalty
•   Broaden connectivity across depts
•   Build a system to workflow external data real-time for business
•   Build crowd-sourcing, co-creation, open data, open innovation
    and netnography into the daily DNA of your business
Open Biz
  Open Business Council                                               Program
  Program 8 Principles Mapped

                                                                            Greater levels of trust ,
                                       Relationships                        satisfaction & retention

                                                                            Realise Open Business
Inputs:                                                                     transformation

Open Business                          Technology                           Better market and
Immersion Session                                                           customer knowledge

Open Day (Cultural                                                          Better fit with
On-boarding)                                                                customer need
                       Transparency   1. Organisation   Information
Open Business                                                               Accelerated and
Audit (Internal &                     2. Strategy                           successful innovation
External)                             3. Culture
                                                                             Evidence based
Gap Analysis +                                                               decision making
Prioritisation                                                               More effective
Council Elected &                                                            management
Stream Ownership                          Process
Delegated                                                                    A greater sense of
                                                                             doing business of
                                                                             benefit to society

  01/08/2012                                                                              42
Not Gurus but practitioners
While the rest of the world has been creating Facebook pages..

      £3.5 million in consulting fees over 3 years
      Over 20 projects for 15 blue-chip brands
      (References available on request)

Helping you
90:10 Group’s co-founder: David Cushman

                 David Cushman
                 Co-Founder of Open Business Consultancy 90:10 Group.
                 Former Director of Social Media at Brando Social
                 Former Digital Development Director at Bauer Media.
                 Founding member of the Open Business Council.

                 25 years in business, 13 years in digital business, 5 Years in
                 Social Media, 3 years in Open Business.

                 Global thought-leader: Keynote at
                 CeBit, Hannover, 2012, permanent member of the Financial
                 Times Judgment Call panel, author The Power of the Network.
                 Practical experience in delivering Open Business with
                 Tesco, Bupa, First Capital Connect, Honda Europe, Rolex,
                 The Co-operative etc.
Helping you
90:10 Group’s co-founder: Jamie Burke

                 Jamie Burke
                 Co-Founder of Open Business Consultancy 90:10 Group.
                 Led product and market development across EMEA recruiting
                 and developing teams to deliver revenues of £3.5m in less than
                 three years. Founding member of the Open Business Council.

                 12 years in business, 10 years in digital business, 5 Years in
                 Social Media, 3 years in Open Business.

                 Global thought-leader: Respected blogger and regular speaker
                 at events across Europe.
                 Practical experience in delivering Open Business with Hermes,
                 Citrix, Durex, Carlson Wagonlit Travel, Mastercard, Microsoft
                 Advertising, Honda Europe, Tesco etc
2010-2012, Pioneering Open Business
            PAN- EURO
 2010       LAUNCH                                                  2012          THROUGH

        Contracted to help                      Contracted to help                We have been
        Honda Europe open                       CWT design and roll               engaged by a
        comms and workflow                      out Social Enterprise             number of Coops to
        consumer engagement                     model globally across             realise a truly
        and social media data                   key depts.                        member-led
        flow.                                                                     networked
                         Q2                                    Q3                               Q2

        Contracted to co-create                 Contracted to help              We have been engaged
        a consumer vertical                     Hermes operationalise           by Mastercard Europe to
        community to inform;                    customer service and            realise their becoming
        store-buying, drive new                 PR in social media              an Open / Social
        sales and retention                                                     business by 2016

 Q3                                      Q2                                Q3

        Netnography project for               Contracted to help Bupa
        brand realignment                     and agencies Co-Launch;
        based upon community                  develop and market a new
        needs and perceptions                 service offering based on
                                              community profiling

                                  2011             TO MENA
For next steps:

    David Cushman
    Co-Founder & Managing Director
    90:10 Group
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Introducing The Open Business Program

  • 1. Introducing Open Business 90:10 Group: Your Open Business Partner
  • 2. Open Business Program Our framework for change • We adapt organisations to the needs of a rapidly changing world; one which demands ever greater connectedness, openness and meaningful relationships with customers. • Too often the seismic shift we are experiencing is being dealt with on an issue-by-issue basis. Reactive piece-meal tactics create a permanent state of panic-ridden catch-up. Learnings are lost in silos, failures are swept under carpets. • We believe there is an holistic strategic solution which provides a framework for change, leap-frogging the tick-box exercise of simple implementation of social technologies. It makes organisations future-ready like never before. • That solution is our Open Business Program. 01/08/2012 2
  • 3. Contents 1. Introducing the Open Economy (Slides 4-15) 2. Defining Open Business and its Principles: (Slides 16-28) 3. How does your organisation measure up? (Slides 29-32) 4. Starting your journey : (Slides 33-42) 5. Why partner with us: (Slides 43-47) 01/08/2012 3
  • 4. Introduction The Open Economy & Open Business • Social media has shown people are willing to engage with brands; share, discuss, create and offer ideas • It has given birth to new platforms dedicated to opening innovation to the crowd • Most believe this can deliver value across the whole organisation from marketing to product and service innovation • But few know how to move beyond experimentation to scale into business transformation • As big firms struggle to overcome their legacy issues market forces become more open, connected, and social • This means big disruptions and challenges to them and their agencies • We call this environment The Open Economy and our framework for response to it is Open Business. 01/08/2012
  • 5. The Open Data Movement We now expect data to be shared and open Companies such as Facebook are valued on the data of its users – who trade it in return for utility API: The idea of organisations making their data easily accessible to outsource and derisk innovation or offer for public good Hacktivism at its roots is about exposing hidden truths; be that how poorly companies protect your data or the secret dealings of super powers and shady corporations. 01/08/2012
  • 6. Open Capital The democratisation of capital means increased competition • There are more than 450 crowd-funding platforms around the world • With 5 white-label crowd-funding platforms introduced this year • To date $1.5 billion dollars has funded more than 1 million projects • 55% in Europe, 44% in the US and 1% in other regions • The average crowd-funding project takes 10 weeks from beginning-to-end 01/08/2012
  • 7. Open Innovation Scaled Co-creation is being applied across all business innovation gates Open Innovation has existed since the 1960s, a term promoted by Henry Chesbrough, but with the recent advent of affordable and widely used collaborative technologies, it can be applied at scale. There are now hundreds of co-creation and idea crowd-sourcing platforms and case-studies across almost every sector from FMCG to Automotive. With brands like Proctor & Gamble driving 60% of all innovation from partnerships outside their organisation.
  • 8. Networked Human Capital An increasingly virtual workforce crowd-sources solutions 01/08/2012
  • 9. The Open Economy The new market reality The Open Economy Open Open Data Open Innovation Open Capital Organisation Movement Scaled (Crowdfunding) (Crowdsourcing) Powered by: Social Media + Internet Culture of Openness x People 01/08/2012
  • 10. Untangling the buzzwords Open Business is the structured application of the strands of Open Economics Crowd-sourcing Open Data Crowd-funding Co-Creation Netnography Open Business 01/08/2012
  • 11. Market Forces are now; Connected, Open & Lean Becoming an Open Business is not optional just a matter of time Tomorrow’s Customers Activists Competition Barrier to entry Almost every Organisations like for competition purchase cycle Greanpeace see has never been now involves a themselves as a lower. Crowd- Google Search or platform for their funding and Community advocates to lead white-label API Reach-out in both change. Activist tech dominate. B2B and B2C attacks have increased YOY. 01/08/2012
  • 12. Open Business For communication, product & service innovation • We think of social media as a door to the outside world. • A door to; listen, ask, connect and create with people outside both partners, customers and experts. • All for the purpose of competitive advantage in marketing, service and product innovation. • Over the last 3 years we have developed a frame-work to deliver open business at an Enterprise level for blue-chip companies
  • 13. Closed businesses can’t compete Open equals a better fit with the networked world • Many of the success stories of the 21st Century are built on multiple Open Business Principles. Google, Apple and Amazon are among the more famous. • According to IBM’s CEO survey in May 2012, companies that outperform their sector are 30% more likely to identify ‘Openness’ as a key factor in their success with particular benefits for collaboration and innovation. • Businesses starting today build on the Principles of Open Business from the word go. They do so because the principles are self- evident to those growing up in a networked world. • They know they are simply the most effective way of taking greatest advantage of the world as it exists today. • This places them at significant competitive advantage over those who are not seeking to apply the principles for legacy or other reasons. 01/08/2012
  • 14. Challenges of the Open Economy Issues for today’s corporations to address to survive Corporate Declining & Exponential Data Glocal Needs Citizenship Migrating Trust Sets The combination of It is no longer acceptable to Trust in large media More and more data is Globalisation in an internet just make a donation to companies and brands is in available for companies to age requires multinationals charity or speak of good decline. It is migrating to mine - and make sense of. to be consistent globally but intentions through your CSR peers but in a complex and From big data, to real-time reflect local cultural department. Our ever shifting way. The days and behavioural data from nuances in a real-time way. connectedness means you of control advertising or mobile, social and other This challenges traditional can’t just say, you have to clever PR are over. new sources. The desire to organisational structures do. If you want to be part of simplify the complexity is and requires a breaking the online community you increasingly difficult to down of silos and market are expected to actively resist. But this reductionism divisions. participate in the world risks destroying the true around you as a good citizen value. Community People / System Influence Insight Culture 01/08/2012 14
  • 15. Minimum demanded in an Open Economy New entrants are emerging with these attributes as their default 1. Transparency 2. Openness 3. Connectedness 4. Purpose 01/08/2012 15
  • 16. Open Business Definition: Making partners of customers • An Open Business is one which uses its available resources to; -Discover people who share its Purpose -Brings them together to realise that Purpose. • It is designed from the outset to scale through participation. • It makes partners of customers.
  • 17. 10 Principles Of Open Business 1. Purpose 2. Open Capital 3. Networked Organisation 4. Sharability 5. Connectedness 6. Open Innovation 7. Open Data 8. Transparency 9. Member-Led 10. Trust 01/08/2012 17
  • 18. Applying the Principles in general offers... • Better market and customer knowledge • Better fit with customer need, • Accelerated more successful innovation, • Evidence-based decision making • New access to capital, • More effective knowledge management • Improved internal and external collaboration and idea generation • Lower (distributed) risk through networks of partners, • A greater sense of doing business that benefits the society in which you operate • A greater sense of customer and employee ‘ownership’ through the democratisation of business • Raised levels of trust – and customer and employee loyalty and satisfaction which derives from this • More attraction and retention for the right talent and customers. Applying them in particular delivers >>> 01/08/2012 18
  • 19. 1. Purpose The market for something to believe in is infinite – Hugh MacLeod Purpose is the why, it is the belief which all your stakeholders share and to which all your organisations actions are aligned without compromise. Your products / services are proof of that shared purpose. • Organisations driven by purpose outperform the general market 15:1 and comparison companies 6:1. • They deliver greater retention of staff and customers • They achieve greater advocacy and therefore rely less on interruptive marketing • They become as important to people’s lives as a cause-based organisation. Relationships go beyond the transactional • More resilient in an economic down-turn • They have greater ability to enter new markets as they are not defined by their products but by their beliefs
  • 20. 2. Open Capital Lowering the risk of testing new markets Using crowd-funding platforms or principles to raise capital through micro- investments • Lowers cost of innovation and marketing • De-risks innovation; delivers proof of concept and pre-qualifies markets • Generates pre-sales and order book • Primes advocate platform pre-launch • Opens the innovation process early • Democratises innovation • Enables the scaling of niche innovation
  • 21. 3. Networked Organisation Distributing the risk of doing business The organisation functions as a platform connecting internal networks to the external for a common purpose • Links people and teams across conventional boundaries (e.g. departments and geographies) • Enables pragmatic scaling with a more flexible workforce • Allows greater capacity efficiently • Closer to market and customer • Maximises the knowledge potential and flow of an enterprise; • Minimises threat of disruption; a network has greater resilience, responsiveness and adaptiveness.
  • 22. 4. Sharability Sharing the value of what you know Packaging knowledge for easy and open sharing both internally and externally • Taps into peer-to-peer distribution networks reducing cost to market and of targeting • Raises thought-leadership profile • Breaks down internal silos and external / internal barriers • Encourages the repurposing of information • Delivers lateral thinking and new perspectives • Value exchange reinforces connections and relationships • Allows cost and time efficiencies, reduces duplication • Ensures an organisation learns collectively and more quickly • Improves the spread of internal best practice
  • 23. 5. Connectedness Leveraging the power of your people Connecting all employees internally to one another and externally through open social media • Demonstrates openness and accountability improving customer satisfaction • Increases the opportunity for serendipity and innovation • Humanises your company making business personal • Allows employees to; grow, build and manage relationships with customers and partners more easily - improving retention • Connects organisations to their employees’ networks scaling their collective reach • Enables for two-way flow of information and intelligence improving market knowledge
  • 24. 6. Open Innovation Making better fits, more efficiently, to market needs Innovating with partners by sharing risk and reward in the development of products, services and marketing • Distributes the risk of innovating • Reduces the risk that the innovation’s won’t fit the needs of its intended market • Develops customer ownership of the innovation pre-launch • Allows for external ideas to be surfaced early on in the process • Scales idea generation and development with greater efficiencies
  • 25. 7. Open Data Ensuring your data is available for reapplication by outside the organisation Making your data freely available to those outside your organisation who can make best use of it • Externalises and scales R&D while reducing cost to innovate and market • Allows for crowd-sourced innovation and the repurposing of your data to deliver value in unimagined ways • Gives birth to new economies and innovations • Distributes the management of the exponential growth in data-sets • Distributes the risk and reward of data innovations
  • 26. 8. Transparency Building trust and affinity Decisions, and the criteria on which they are based, are shared openly • Ensures the organisation makes decisions consistent with its purpose and in line with its declared beliefs • Incrementally improves the performance of the business through crowd checks and balances • Attracts the right employees, partners and customers • Softens unpopular decisions by being honest and open about the rationale • The act of open decision making builds affinity and trust • Corrects imbalances creating a fairer workplace
  • 27. 9. Member Led Being a better fit with the networked world Your organisation is structured around the formal cooperation of employees, customers and partners for their mutual social, economic, and cultural benefit • A more cooperative model is a better fit with the networked world based upon community values • Creates a shared sense of ownership and responsibility – of belonging • Views customers as equal stakeholders • As loyalty to brands and large organisations decline, member-led companies offer a reason to continue relationships • Provides a feeling of being able to influence to feel valued • Removes the tension between employee and employer (unions and shareholders)
  • 28. 10. Trust Trust is essential for Open Business Mutually assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of the partnership • Partnership, the paradigm of open business, requires it • More resilient relationships with stakeholders • Trust in corporations and advertising is decreasing year-on-year (Endleman Trust Survey) so to excel in it offers a distinct advantage • Increases brand equity. A significant element of shareholder value • Inspires the default selection of your offering in competitive environments • Builds an emotional connection with a customer, partner and employee lowering the cost of acquisition and retention
  • 29. How do you measure up? Benchmark your organisation • We believe the 10 principles of Open Business are a benchmark against which the performance of any organisation could and should be judged. • For each we offer ‘Goal State’ as the ideal outcome (a perfect outcome) of our strategy consulting work with clients. • In the following slides we also describe the ‘Worst Case’ position – to enable you to quickly benchmark your organisation’s progress towards each of the Goal States so far, and against which we can measure your progress in the future. 01/08/2012 29
  • 30. Score out of 5 • 1. Purpose: ‘big capital’ – VCs, institutional shareholders – • Goal State (Scores 5/5): You have a clear ‘Why’ of concentrating power over the organisation and its the organisation – why it exists (what is it about aims in those institutions. the world you are trying to put right/fix etc). Everyone who knows of you knows of your 3. Networked organisation purpose. • Goal state (Scores 5/5): No more than 1 in 10 in 100% of your actions are aligned with and express your organisation’s ecosystem are employees – the that purpose. rest partner with you from outside the • Worst Case: (Scores 1/5) The number one reason organisation. Your staff act as an enabling platform your business exists is to make money. Mission for participation from outside the org. statements simply enshrine the requirement to • Worst Case (Score 1/5) You employ staff to fulfil deliver shareholder value. every function of the enterprise. • 2. Open capital: Goal State (Scores 5/5): The organisation is 100% crowd-funded • Worst Case (Scores 1/5): All funding comes from 01/08/2012 30
  • 31. Score out of 5 4. Sharability: • Worst Case (Scores 1/5) Social media is actively • Goal State (Score 5/5) Knowledge/thought discouraged during working hours. Internal comms leadership in all formats is created in such a way are one-way broadcasts from the centre and kept that it can be easily and readily published strictly internal. openly, and shared. Share functions are built into each document/asset. Creative commons is the • 6. Open Innovation: default. • Goal State (Scores 5/5) 100% of developments in • Worst Case (Scores 1/5) Knowledge created in the service, product or comms design are made in organisation stays within the organisation. collaboration with people outside the org in an Anything published outside is done so with organisationally-appropriate co-creation process. extensive copyright protections in place. • Worst Case (Score 1/5) All developments are made in secret and internally. 5. Connectedness: • Goal State (Scores 5/5) All employees are using open social media daily for external connection and applying it to make best use of the synchronous/asynchrynous opportunities of the global web. Internal/external comms are rarely distinguished. 01/08/2012 31
  • 32. Score out of 5 7. Open data: 9. Member led: • Goal State (Scores 5/5) Any data generated or • Goal State (Scores 5/5) 100% of all key decisions collected by the organisation is made publicly (within legal constraints) are made by and with available where there is a possibility that sharing those charged with implementing them in this data can create additional public good. Eg collaboration with partner-customers (members) apis. All data is searchable internally and and/or wider supporters of the organisation. externally. • Worst Case (Score 1/5) All key decisions are made • Worst Case (Score 1/5) Data is jealously guarded at board level and imposed downwards on those and kept secret. Competitive advantage is believed charged with implementing them. Stakeholders to reside in ownership rather than collaboration. and customers are considered only in the context of what can be gained from them. 8. Transparency: • Goal State: (Scores 5/5) Decision making is done • 10. Trust: openly, with the process exposed to all • Goal State (Scores 5/5). Stakeholders, partner- employees, stakeholders and anyone wishing to customers (members), employees have 100% trust hold the org to account. Board meetings (within in your organisation’s mission and motives as legal constraints) are open to all and offered as a measured in 360-degree surveys. 90% of new webcast/webinar. business is generated by peer recommendation. • Worst Case (Scores 1/5) Decisions are made • Worst Case (Scores 1/5). Trust levels are measured behind closed doors without explanation. Records at sub 10%. 90% of new business is generated are shared only as required by law. through marketing spend 32
  • 33. What next? You are invited We are looking for pioneers to partner with on a journey of strategic change • We have been working directly with blue-chip brands for the last 3 years. • Now we are looking for pioneering teams to partner with us to realise Open Business through the unique frame-work of projects and work-streams we have developed. 01/08/2012 33
  • 34. Open Business Packages Pragmatic approach to change Initial Learning/Program preparation Change Program Exploratory Open Business Mentoring Customer Masterclass (Total 11 days per person, over Open Day (With up to 10 seats) 3mth program) Program Committed We help you prepare your teams, identify sectors/divisions most at risk of disruption, and engages them in a clearly defined yet flexible Open Business program. Open Business Council Program (Annual fee per Client)
  • 35. Open Biz Open Business Masterclass Masterclass What’s changed and understanding the impact on your business What An exploratory internal masterclass led by one of the Co-founders of 90:10 Group – an Open Business consultancy with 3+ years of focused experience. Up to 10 client staff can join us to explore the practical application of Open Business including: -Open Business principles and practices -Key trends explained: co-creation, netnography, crowd-sourcing -Market segmentation and consultancy process -The Open Business customer road map -Products and services to move your client along the journey from entry level to excellence -People/Skills required to deliver Open Business -Case studies to bring the day to life 1 day on-site senior consultancy in advance, to tailor requirements based on level of knowledge of participants and intended goal state. Collateral developed based on this tailoring – bespoke slide decks, take-away materials for circulation. Why? • Engage your staff with the new business reality and its impact on clients • Learn how to contextualise and internally pitch Open Business trends • Untangle buzzwords and understand their application at an Enterprise / systemic level • Empower digital leads / change agents • Hear real world cases of from actual practitioners • Begin your Open Business journey
  • 36. Open Biz Open Business Masterclass Timeline Masterclass What’s changed and understanding the impact on your business Inputs: Outputs: Open Business Principles to apply today OB Skill s Roadmap built from & Gap initial gap analysis Analysis Gaps in Skills & OB Change Roadmap Competencies Documentation Creation Market identified Understanding Day documented Needs OB Trends & Consultation and draw up in Principles highly sharable social format Preparation Workshop Session Post-Support ( 1 Day) (1 Day) Available 01/08/2012 36
  • 37. Open Biz Open Business Mentoring Mentoring Managing and supporting change leadership What Change needs leaders to drive the agenda and inspire others. But leading change is a lonely job and especially challenging in a new and evolving space. We aim to provide your Open Business change agents with the one-to-one support of communicating, learning, championing and delivering the new reality including understanding the practical and cultural barriers to adoption. This is with a 90:10 Group founder and is billed at a retained daily rate. Why? • Engage your staff with the new business reality • Learn how to contextualise and communicate trends • Untangle buzzwords and understand their application at an Enterprise / systemic level • Empower digital leads / change agents • Hear real world cases of from actual practioners
  • 38. Open Biz £8kpm Open Business Mentoring Mentoring What’s changed and understanding the impact to clients Inputs: Outputs: Dept position on Open Business Opportunity / Project Integration into Threat Planning company culture Identification Partner , New Hire Selection & Develop processes Skills Gap and delivery Engagement Research Primers Analysis capability Market Needs Gap Understanding Begin a change Analysis program Orientation 1-1 Mentoring Post-Support ( 1 Day) (3 Month) Available 01/08/2012 38
  • 39. Customer Open Day: Events without walls Open Day A social media powered open day What • Invite up to 5 of your employees to ask the crowd their most pressing questions and have them answered in a rich and fun way. • Each external party comes connected to a network of a minimum of 1,000 people giving a combined network reach of 10,000 people • At select points we let them use their preferred social media channel to open up the day to their followers and fans • We can use this as an opportunity to scale debate and opinion, quantify and sense-check conclusions Why? • Learn why being open is inspiring • Deepen brand affinity • Build & strengthen relationships with key people • Develop loyalty and understanding • Ask questions and give answers • Discover new habits, trends and needs. 01/08/2012
  • 40. Customer Open Days Timeline Open Day A social media powered open day Inputs: Outputs: 3. Influencer Check: Surfaces & colours -Google Chat with key issues 2. Network influencers to gauge their Reach-Out: feed-back & opinions -Refine and co-create Co-created possible -Open doors for conclusions to their Recruitment of solutions ideation, sense-check opinion invitees 1. Group Storming; and colouring -Prioritisation crowd- Instant Crowd Invitee -Why I care? sourced feedback & shared Discovery -Client filters (openly) -The problem with X is.. -How can X be better? Needs Socially sharable Consultation concepts (internal & external) - ezine Preparation Session (4 Day) (1 Day) 01/08/2012 40
  • 41. Open Biz Open Business Council Program Working in partnership to realise transformation & change What • We partner with you to install a virtual Open Business Council charged with putting in place; the people, process, connections and ecosystem to become an Open Business benchmarking against the 10 Principles. • We audit you across 8 work-streams at each step 90:10 provide mentoring, support and leadership Why? • Lead business transformation • Future proof against digital disruptions • Allow your dept to become more innovative, efficient and open • Extend your reach into communities of external stakeholders building trust and loyalty • Broaden connectivity across depts • Build a system to workflow external data real-time for business planning • Build crowd-sourcing, co-creation, open data, open innovation and netnography into the daily DNA of your business Workstreams:
  • 42. Open Biz Open Business Council Program Program 8 Principles Mapped Outputs: Greater levels of trust , Relationships satisfaction & retention Realise Open Business Inputs: transformation Open Business Technology Better market and Immersion Session customer knowledge Open Day (Cultural Better fit with On-boarding) customer need Transparency 1. Organisation Information Open Business Accelerated and Audit (Internal & 2. Strategy successful innovation External) 3. Culture Evidence based Gap Analysis + decision making Work-stream Prioritisation More effective knowledge Council Elected & management Stream Ownership Process Delegated A greater sense of doing business of benefit to society 01/08/2012 42
  • 43. Not Gurus but practitioners While the rest of the world has been creating Facebook pages.. £3.5 million in consulting fees over 3 years Over 20 projects for 15 blue-chip brands (References available on request) 01/08/2012
  • 44. Helping you 90:10 Group’s co-founder: David Cushman David Cushman Co-Founder of Open Business Consultancy 90:10 Group. Former Director of Social Media at Brando Social Former Digital Development Director at Bauer Media. Founding member of the Open Business Council. 25 years in business, 13 years in digital business, 5 Years in Social Media, 3 years in Open Business. Global thought-leader: Keynote at CeBit, Hannover, 2012, permanent member of the Financial Times Judgment Call panel, author The Power of the Network. Practical experience in delivering Open Business with Tesco, Bupa, First Capital Connect, Honda Europe, Rolex, The Co-operative etc.
  • 45. Helping you 90:10 Group’s co-founder: Jamie Burke Jamie Burke Co-Founder of Open Business Consultancy 90:10 Group. Led product and market development across EMEA recruiting and developing teams to deliver revenues of £3.5m in less than three years. Founding member of the Open Business Council. 12 years in business, 10 years in digital business, 5 Years in Social Media, 3 years in Open Business. Global thought-leader: Respected blogger and regular speaker at events across Europe. Practical experience in delivering Open Business with Hermes, Citrix, Durex, Carlson Wagonlit Travel, Mastercard, Microsoft Advertising, Honda Europe, Tesco etc
  • 46. 2010-2012, Pioneering Open Business SCALES PAN- EURO 2010 LAUNCH 2012 THROUGH PARTNERSHIP Contracted to help Contracted to help We have been Honda Europe open CWT design and roll engaged by a comms and workflow out Social Enterprise number of Coops to consumer engagement model globally across realise a truly and social media data key depts. member-led flow. networked organisation. Q2 Q3 Q2 Contracted to co-create Contracted to help We have been engaged a consumer vertical Hermes operationalise by Mastercard Europe to community to inform; customer service and realise their becoming store-buying, drive new PR in social media an Open / Social sales and retention business by 2016 Q3 Q2 Q3 Netnography project for Contracted to help Bupa brand realignment and agencies Co-Launch; based upon community develop and market a new needs and perceptions service offering based on community profiling EXPANDS 2011 TO MENA
  • 47. For next steps: David Cushman Co-Founder & Managing Director 90:10 Group London E. | M. +44 (0)7736 353590 | W. | August 2012 Skype: david.cushman | My Blog | My Tweets | LinkedIn | My book: The Power of The Network 01/08/2012 47