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Interactive Music II
東京藝術大学芸術情報センター (AMC)
田所 淳
‣ 課題 :
‣ SuperCollider、またはSuperColliderとProcessingを連携して
‣ 音、または音と連動した映像
‣ テーマは自由
‣ 時間: 30分以内であれば、自由

‣ 次週(1月23日)の授業で発表してください
SuperCollider client for Processing
‣ ProcessingとSuperColliderの連携には、SuperCollider client
for Processingが便利
‣ OSCp5よりも簡単に、SuperColliderとProcessingの連携が可
SuperCollider client for Processing
‣ SuperCollider側: 「test_inst」を定義
arg freq=440, length=1.0, amp=0.5;
var env, out;
env = Env.perc(0.01, length);
out =[freq,freq*1.001])
*, doneAction:2) * amp;, out);
SuperCollider client for Processing
‣ Processing側: クリックで音が鳴るように
import supercollider.*;
import oscP5.*;


Synth synth;


void setup () {
size(600, 400);


void draw() {


void mouseReleased() {
synth = new Synth("test_inst");
synth.set("amp", 0.5);
synth.set("freq", map(mouseY, height, 0, 20, 8000));
SuperCollider client for Processing
‣ たとえば、ここに円が拡がるアニメーションをつけてみる
SuperCollider client for Processing
‣ Processing側:
import supercollider.*;
import oscP5.*;


Synth synth;
int NUM = 100;
float[] radius = new float[NUM];
PVector[] pos = new PVector[NUM];
int counter = 0;


void setup () {
size(800, 600);
stroke(31, 127, 255);
for (int i = 0; i < NUM; i++) {
radius[i] = 0;
pos[i] = new PVector(width*2, width*2);
SuperCollider client for Processing
‣ Processing側:
void draw() {
for (int i = 0; i < NUM; i++) {
ellipse(pos[i].x, pos[i].y, radius[i], radius[i]);
radius[i] += 1;
if(radius[i] > width*1.5){
radius[i] = 0;
pos[i].x = width*2;
pos[i].y = width*2;


void mouseReleased() {
synth = new Synth("test_inst");
synth.set("amp", 0.5);
synth.set("freq", map(mouseY, height, 0, 20, 8000));
int n = counter % NUM;
radius[n] = 0;
pos[n].x = mouseX;
pos[n].y = mouseY;
SuperCollider client for Processing
‣ 完成!!
SuperCollider client for Processing
‣ SuperColliderの楽器はそのままで、さらに別の例
SuperCollider client for Processing
‣ Processing側:
import supercollider.*;
import oscP5.*;


int NUM = 400; //配列の数
PVector[] location = new PVector[NUM];
PVector[] velocity = new PVector[NUM];
color[] col = new color[NUM];
float[] diameter = new float[NUM];


void setup() {
size(640, 480); //640x480pixelの画面を生成
frameRate(60); //フレームレート
for (int i = 0; i < NUM; i++) { //配列の数だけ繰り返し
location[i] = new PVector(random(width), random(height));
velocity[i] = new PVector(random(-4, 4), random(-4, 4));
col[i] = color(random(255), random(255), random(255), 127);



diameter[i] = random(3, 40);
SuperCollider client for Processing
‣ Processing側:
void draw() {
background(15); //背景を描画
for (int i = 0; i < NUM; i++) {
fill(col[i]); //色を指定
ellipse(location[i].x, location[i].y, diameter[i], diameter[i]);
if ((location[i].x > width) || (location[i].x < 0)) {
velocity[i].x *= -1; //X方向のスピドを反転
playSynth(location[i].x, location[i].y);


if ((location[i].y > height) || (location[i].y < 0)) {
velocity[i].y *= -1; //Y方向のスピードを反転




playSynth(location[i].x, location[i].y);


void playSynth(float x, float y) {
Synth synth = new Synth("test_inst");
synth.set("amp", 0.1);
synth.set("freq", map(x, height, 0, 20, 8000));
SuperCollider client for Processing
‣ Processing側:

void playSynth(float x, float y) {
Synth synth = new Synth("test_inst");
synth.set("amp", 0.1);
synth.set("freq", map(x, height, 0, 20, 8000));

SuperCollider client for Processing
‣ ボールのバウンドに反応
SuperCollider client for Processing
‣ Processing側:
import supercollider.*;
import oscP5.*;


Synth synth;
int NUM = 100;
float[] radius = new float[NUM];
PVector[] pos = new PVector[NUM];
int counter = 0;


void setup () {
size(800, 600);
stroke(31, 127, 255);
for (int i = 0; i < NUM; i++) {
radius[i] = 0;
pos[i] = new PVector(width*2, width*2);
SuperCollider client for Processing
‣ 拡がる四角形と、FM
SuperCollider client for Processing
‣ 拡がる四角形と、FM - Processing側:
import supercollider.*;
import oscP5.*;


int NUM = 100;
int count = 0;


PVector pos[] = new PVector[NUM];
float size[] = new float[NUM];
Synth fm[] = new Synth[NUM];


void setup() {
size(640, 480);
for (int i = 0; i < NUM; i++) {
pos[i] = new PVector(width*2, height*2);
size[i] = 0;
SuperCollider client for Processing
‣ 拡がる四角形と、FM - Processing側:
void draw() {
stroke(255, 127);
for (int i = 0; i < NUM; i++) {
rect(pos[i].x, pos[i].y, size[i], size[i]);
if (size[i] > 0) {
size[i] += 1;
fm[i].set("index", size[i]);
if (size[i] > width/4) {
size[i] = 1;
SuperCollider client for Processing
‣ 拡がる四角形と、FM - Processing側:
void mouseReleased() {
int n = count % NUM;
pos[n].x = mouseX;
pos[n].y = mouseY;
size[n] = 1;
fm[n] = new Synth("fm1");
fm[n].set("amp", 0.2);
fm[n].set("freq", map(mouseY, height, 0, 40, 800));
fm[n].set("pan", map(mouseX, 0, width, -1.0, 1.0));
fm[n].set("modPartial", map(mouseY, 0, height, 1.0, 20.0));
fm[n].set("index", 0.0);
SuperCollider client for Processing
‣ 拡がる四角形と、FM - SuperCollider側:
SynthDef("fm1", { arg freq = 440, detune = 2, carPartial = 1, modPartial = 1, index = 3,
mul = 0.2, pan=0.0, amp=0.5;
var mod, car;
mod =
[freq, freq+detune] * modPartial,
freq * index *
car = * carPartial) + mod, 0, mul), pan, amp);, car);
SuperCollider client for Processing
‣ 左右に動く帯と、持続音
SuperCollider client for Processing
‣ 左右に動く帯と、持続音 - Processing側:
import supercollider.*;
import oscP5.*;


int BAR_NUM = 100;
int count = 0;




x = new float[BAR_NUM];
xSpeed = new float[BAR_NUM];
bWidth = new float[BAR_NUM];
bColor = new color[BAR_NUM];

void setup() {
size(640, 480);
colorMode(HSB, 360, 100, 100, 100);
for (int i=0; i<BAR_NUM; i++) {
x[i] = width * 2;
xSpeed[i] = random(-4, 4);
bWidth[i] = 0;
bColor[i] = color(random(360), random(90, 100), random(50, 100), 20);
Synth synth = new Synth("fx");
SuperCollider client for Processing
‣ 左右に動く帯と、持続音 - Processing側:
void draw() {
for (int i=0; i<BAR_NUM; i++) {
rect(x[i], 0, bWidth[i], height);
x[i] += xSpeed[i];
if (x[i] > width || x[i] < -bWidth[i]) {
xSpeed[i] *= -1;


void mouseReleased() {
int n = int(random(1, 12));
x[count] = mouseX;
bWidth[count] = n * 40;
Synth synth = new Synth("mySaw");
synth.set("n", n);
synth.set("gate", 1);
SuperCollider client for Processing
‣ 左右に動く帯と、持続音 - SuperCollider側:

SynthDef("mySaw", {
arg fadeTime = 10, n = 0, rq = 0.3, detune = 0.001, base = 20, ratio = 1.5, harm = 1.5,
amp = 0.2, gate=0;
var lfo, env, out;
env =[0,1], [fadeTime], 'sine'));
lfo =, 0.05), 0, 100, 600);
out =[base+detune.rand, base+detune.rand] * (ratio ** n)) * amp
+[base*harm+detune.rand, base*harm+detune.rand] * (ratio ** n)) * amp;
out = out * env;
out =, lfo * (1.5 ** n), rq).clip2 * 0.5;
out = out *, gate, doneAction: 2);, out);


SynthDef("fx", {
arg lpf=440, rq=0.5, amp=0.8;
var in, out;
in =, 2);{ in =, 0.1,[rrand(0.0, 0.1),rrand(0.0, 0.1)],
0.01,0.06), 4.0) });
out = * amp;, out);
SuperCollider client for Processing
‣ 課題の方向性
‣ シンプルなアニメーションと、簡単な楽器
‣ 組合せて、足しあわせることで、面白い結果を

‣ 残り時間は、質問受付にします!

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Interactive Music II ProcessingとSuperColliderの連携 -2

  • 2. 最終課題 ‣ 課題 : ‣ SuperCollider、またはSuperColliderとProcessingを連携して 表現する ‣ 音、または音と連動した映像 ‣ テーマは自由 ‣ 時間: 30分以内であれば、自由 ! ‣ 次週(1月23日)の授業で発表してください
  • 4. SuperCollider client for Processing ‣ ProcessingとSuperColliderの連携には、SuperCollider client for Processingが便利 ‣ OSCp5よりも簡単に、SuperColliderとProcessingの連携が可 能となる
  • 5. SuperCollider client for Processing ‣ SuperCollider側: 「test_inst」を定義 SynthDef("test_inst",{ arg freq=440, length=1.0, amp=0.5; var env, out; env = Env.perc(0.01, length); out =[freq,freq*1.001]) *, doneAction:2) * amp;, out); }).store;
  • 6. SuperCollider client for Processing ‣ Processing側: クリックで音が鳴るように import supercollider.*; import oscP5.*; ! Synth synth; ! void setup () { size(600, 400); } ! void draw() { background(0); } ! //マウスクリックに反応 void mouseReleased() { //新規に楽器を定義(まだ生成はされず) synth = new Synth("test_inst"); //引数を設定 synth.set("amp", 0.5); synth.set("freq", map(mouseY, height, 0, 20, 8000)); //楽器を生成 synth.create(); }
  • 7. SuperCollider client for Processing ‣ たとえば、ここに円が拡がるアニメーションをつけてみる
  • 8. SuperCollider client for Processing ‣ Processing側: import supercollider.*; import oscP5.*; ! Synth synth; int NUM = 100; float[] radius = new float[NUM]; PVector[] pos = new PVector[NUM]; int counter = 0; ! void setup () { size(800, 600); frameRate(60); noFill(); stroke(31, 127, 255); strokeWeight(3); for (int i = 0; i < NUM; i++) { radius[i] = 0; pos[i] = new PVector(width*2, width*2); } }
  • 9. SuperCollider client for Processing ‣ Processing側: void draw() { background(0); for (int i = 0; i < NUM; i++) { ellipse(pos[i].x, pos[i].y, radius[i], radius[i]); radius[i] += 1; if(radius[i] > width*1.5){ radius[i] = 0; pos[i].x = width*2; pos[i].y = width*2; } } } ! void mouseReleased() { synth = new Synth("test_inst"); synth.set("amp", 0.5); synth.set("freq", map(mouseY, height, 0, 20, 8000)); synth.create(); int n = counter % NUM; radius[n] = 0; pos[n].x = mouseX; pos[n].y = mouseY; counter++; }
  • 10. SuperCollider client for Processing ‣ 完成!!
  • 11. SuperCollider client for Processing ‣ SuperColliderの楽器はそのままで、さらに別の例
  • 12. SuperCollider client for Processing ‣ Processing側: import supercollider.*; import oscP5.*; ! int NUM = 400; //配列の数 //位置のベクトルの配列 PVector[] location = new PVector[NUM]; //速度のベクトルの配列 PVector[] velocity = new PVector[NUM]; //塗りの色の配列 color[] col = new color[NUM]; //円の大きさ(直径)の配列 float[] diameter = new float[NUM]; ! void setup() { size(640, 480); //640x480pixelの画面を生成 frameRate(60); //フレームレート noStroke(); for (int i = 0; i < NUM; i++) { //配列の数だけ繰り返し //位置のベクトルの初期設定 location[i] = new PVector(random(width), random(height)); //速度のベクトルの初期設定 velocity[i] = new PVector(random(-4, 4), random(-4, 4)); //色の初期設定 col[i] = color(random(255), random(255), random(255), 127); //大きさの初期設定 } } diameter[i] = random(3, 40);
  • 13. SuperCollider client for Processing ‣ Processing側: void draw() { background(15); //背景を描画 //配列の数だけ繰り返し for (int i = 0; i < NUM; i++) { fill(col[i]); //色を指定 //指定した位置に円を描画 ellipse(location[i].x, location[i].y, diameter[i], diameter[i]); //位置のベクトルに速度のベクトルを加算、次の位置になる location[i].add(velocity[i]); //もし画面の左端、または右端に到達したら if ((location[i].x > width) || (location[i].x < 0)) { velocity[i].x *= -1; //X方向のスピドを反転 playSynth(location[i].x, location[i].y); } //もし画面の下端、または上端に到達したら if ((location[i].y > height) || (location[i].y < 0)) { velocity[i].y *= -1; //Y方向のスピードを反転 } } } playSynth(location[i].x, location[i].y); ! void playSynth(float x, float y) { //新規に楽器を定義(まだ生成はされず) Synth synth = new Synth("test_inst"); //引数を設定 synth.set("amp", 0.1); synth.set("freq", map(x, height, 0, 20, 8000)); //楽器を生成
  • 14. SuperCollider client for Processing ‣ Processing側: ! void playSynth(float x, float y) { //新規に楽器を定義(まだ生成はされず) Synth synth = new Synth("test_inst"); //引数を設定 synth.set("amp", 0.1); synth.set("freq", map(x, height, 0, 20, 8000)); //楽器を生成 } synth.create();
  • 15. SuperCollider client for Processing ‣ ボールのバウンドに反応
  • 16. SuperCollider client for Processing ‣ Processing側: import supercollider.*; import oscP5.*; ! Synth synth; int NUM = 100; float[] radius = new float[NUM]; PVector[] pos = new PVector[NUM]; int counter = 0; ! void setup () { size(800, 600); frameRate(60); noFill(); stroke(31, 127, 255); strokeWeight(3); for (int i = 0; i < NUM; i++) { radius[i] = 0; pos[i] = new PVector(width*2, width*2); } }
  • 18. SuperCollider client for Processing ‣ 拡がる四角形と、FM
  • 19. SuperCollider client for Processing ‣ 拡がる四角形と、FM - Processing側: import supercollider.*; import oscP5.*; ! int NUM = 100; int count = 0; ! PVector pos[] = new PVector[NUM]; float size[] = new float[NUM]; Synth fm[] = new Synth[NUM]; ! void setup() { size(640, 480); frameRate(60); for (int i = 0; i < NUM; i++) { pos[i] = new PVector(width*2, height*2); size[i] = 0; } rectMode(CENTER); }
  • 20. SuperCollider client for Processing ‣ 拡がる四角形と、FM - Processing側: void draw() { background(0); stroke(255, 127); noFill(); strokeWeight(3); for (int i = 0; i < NUM; i++) { rect(pos[i].x, pos[i].y, size[i], size[i]); if (size[i] > 0) { size[i] += 1; fm[i].set("index", size[i]); } if (size[i] > width/4) { size[i] = 1; } } }
  • 21. SuperCollider client for Processing ‣ 拡がる四角形と、FM - Processing側: void mouseReleased() { int n = count % NUM; pos[n].x = mouseX; pos[n].y = mouseY; size[n] = 1; count++; fm[n] = new Synth("fm1"); fm[n].set("amp", 0.2); fm[n].set("freq", map(mouseY, height, 0, 40, 800)); fm[n].set("pan", map(mouseX, 0, width, -1.0, 1.0)); fm[n].set("modPartial", map(mouseY, 0, height, 1.0, 20.0)); fm[n].set("index", 0.0); fm[n].create(); }
  • 22. SuperCollider client for Processing ‣ 拡がる四角形と、FM - SuperCollider側: //FM SynthDef("fm1", { arg freq = 440, detune = 2, carPartial = 1, modPartial = 1, index = 3, mul = 0.2, pan=0.0, amp=0.5; var mod, car; mod = [freq, freq+detune] * modPartial, 0, freq * index * ); car = * carPartial) + mod, 0, mul), pan, amp);, car); }).add;
  • 23. SuperCollider client for Processing ‣ 左右に動く帯と、持続音
  • 24. SuperCollider client for Processing ‣ 左右に動く帯と、持続音 - Processing側: import supercollider.*; import oscP5.*; ! int BAR_NUM = 100; int count = 0; ! float[] float[] float[] color[] ! x = new float[BAR_NUM]; xSpeed = new float[BAR_NUM]; bWidth = new float[BAR_NUM]; bColor = new color[BAR_NUM]; void setup() { size(640, 480); frameRate(30); colorMode(HSB, 360, 100, 100, 100); noStroke(); for (int i=0; i<BAR_NUM; i++) { x[i] = width * 2; xSpeed[i] = random(-4, 4); bWidth[i] = 0; bColor[i] = color(random(360), random(90, 100), random(50, 100), 20); } //FX Synth synth = new Synth("fx"); synth.create(); }
  • 25. SuperCollider client for Processing ‣ 左右に動く帯と、持続音 - Processing側: void draw() { background(0); for (int i=0; i<BAR_NUM; i++) { fill(bColor[i]); rect(x[i], 0, bWidth[i], height); x[i] += xSpeed[i]; if (x[i] > width || x[i] < -bWidth[i]) { xSpeed[i] *= -1; } } } ! void mouseReleased() { int n = int(random(1, 12)); x[count] = mouseX; bWidth[count] = n * 40; count++; Synth synth = new Synth("mySaw"); synth.set("n", n); synth.set("gate", 1); synth.create(); }
  • 26. SuperCollider client for Processing ‣ 左右に動く帯と、持続音 - SuperCollider側: ! SynthDef("mySaw", { arg fadeTime = 10, n = 0, rq = 0.3, detune = 0.001, base = 20, ratio = 1.5, harm = 1.5, amp = 0.2, gate=0; var lfo, env, out; env =[0,1], [fadeTime], 'sine')); lfo =, 0.05), 0, 100, 600); out =[base+detune.rand, base+detune.rand] * (ratio ** n)) * amp +[base*harm+detune.rand, base*harm+detune.rand] * (ratio ** n)) * amp; out = out * env; out =, lfo * (1.5 ** n), rq).clip2 * 0.5; out = out *, gate, doneAction: 2);, out); }).store; ! //エフェクト SynthDef("fx", { arg lpf=440, rq=0.5, amp=0.8; var in, out; in =, 2);{ in =, 0.1,[rrand(0.0, 0.1),rrand(0.0, 0.1)], 0.01,0.06), 4.0) }); out = * amp;, out); }).store;
  • 27. SuperCollider client for Processing ‣ 課題の方向性 ‣ シンプルなアニメーションと、簡単な楽器 ‣ 組合せて、足しあわせることで、面白い結果を ! ‣ 残り時間は、質問受付にします!