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Informative Speech Essay
Writing an essay on the topic of an "Informative Speech Essay" can be both challenging and
rewarding. On one hand, the task involves researching and gathering relevant information to
provide a comprehensive understanding of the chosen subject. This requires time and effort to
sift through various sources, ensuring accuracy and reliability.
Crafting an informative speech essay also demands effective organization and structure. The
information needs to be presented logically, with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion.
Ensuring a smooth flow of ideas and maintaining the reader's interest throughout the essay is
Moreover, it's essential to strike a balance between providing enough detail to educate the reader
and avoiding overwhelming them with excessive information. Finding the right tone and style to
convey the message in an engaging and accessible manner adds an additional layer of complexity.
Additionally, choosing a compelling and relevant topic is a critical aspect of the essay. It requires
careful consideration of the audience's interests and the significance of the subject matter.
In conclusion, while writing an informative speech essay may present challenges, the process
also offers an opportunity for personal growth and the development of valuable research and
communication skills. As with any writing task, it's important to approach it with dedication,
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Informative Speech Essay Informative Speech Essay
Steve Jobs As A Technopreneure
Q1. What are the factors that contributed to the success and failure of Steve Jobs as a
Factors are those things that influence a person in his field of work, studies and his
way of living and life. Steve Jobs is called the Silicon Valley Pioneer and the author
of unique leadership and idea. Steve has come really close in achieving his goal,
managing to make a name for him in all of the business and technological world.
So what did it take him to get to the top?
Factors that contributed to his success:
1.Passion: Steve worked in his father s workbench. He knew from the beginning that
his future is in creating new things but he did not know what those things were.
When he met Wozniak, then he got to know that those things... Show more content
on ...
Charisma: Steve Jobs had the charm and ability to convince people. He had the power
to convince the investors to have their partnership with him to make a great business
production and he also convinced them that they need his products.
9.Vision: He had an open mind and the ability to put new twists in old techniques.
His this ability makes him different from his competitors. Jobs vision was
incorporated/included into every aspect of company s strategy.
10.Cleverness: If Steve Jobs was not clever, he would have not think innovative ideas
to make amazing products that had changed people s life, hence making it better.
11.Motivation: He had a great self motivation. Steve Jobs did not want to stay
boring and dull or regular. He wanted a change. He did not only want to change his
country, he wanted to make a universal change. He wanted a revolution. A change
was not enough for him; he wanted to create a completely new awareness.
12.Competiveness: If we do business, we produce a product that is competitive and
attractive and cheap just like Steve Jobs do.
Jobs become arrogant when his business was progressed. He did not really care that
his best friend Bill Gates become his best enemy as they both wanted to manage and
own the Apple
The Battle Of The War
Wednesday, September 8, 1918
6 Feet Underground but Still Alive
By Adona Umeri Soldiers lined up at the Italian front in the trenches prepared to
take charge towards their enemies (from google images) During this difficult time
at war, soldiers have had to spend the last four years of their lives in between
narrow walls called trenches. Not only do these soldiers face the extremities of
battles, but they also have to survive in these narrow spaces. For these courageous
men, living in these trenches meant living in fear. As the warhas been mentioned that
it is coming to an end, soldiers still have to keep up with their daily routines in the
trenches to survive.
There are many difficulties as to living in trenches. Firstly, ... Show more content on ...
Other problems that occur are lice infestation, trench fever, trench mouth, trench foot,
and shell shock. Lice spreads into soldier s clothing and within a few hours, their
eggs hatch. Therefore, many soldiers shave their head to avoid lice. A photograph
of Italian soldiers on the Albanian Front shaving each other s heads to prevent lice
infestation (from google images). This year, lice have been recognized to be the
main cause of Trench Fever, a disease that consists of severe pain and high fevers.
Another medical condition called trench foot is a fungal infection of the feet. I
viewed a soldier who stood in cold, wet conditions that infected his feet. The
conditions can include water levels up to waist height or very cold weather that can
cause frostbite. Some cases resulted in amputation of the feet. I didn t observe this
since conditions are more stable now than they were four years ago. Trench mouth
comes from the improper care of gums, which affect soldiers because of their
unsanitary environments. Lastly, shell shock, an illness soldiers have is caused by
the stress of battles. More issues include those that are war related, which will be
discussed later on.
The daily life of a soldier consists of being awoken by the officers or sergeants to
prepare for attacks that occur at dawn. They stand to and guard the trenches. This
routine is named the morning hate . Firing weapons calm the nerves of the soldiers.
The soldiers who
Prevention Of The Polio Vaccine
Immunization: During today s visit Max needs 4 immunizations, such as: Dtap,
Polio, Hep A, and Varicella. Dtap and Polio is part of Maxe s primary immunization.
First, I would ask mom if she would like her son to receive 4 mentioned above
vaccines (consent needed). If mom agreed to vaccination, I would verify if her son
didn t have any of the following symptoms after receiving last Dtap: a brain or
nervous system disease within 7 days, non stop crying for 3h or more, a seizure or
collapse, and fever over 105F. For the Polio vaccineI would verify if Max is allergic
to the antibiotic neomycin, streptomycin, or polymyxin B ( Yours child s , 2015).
For varicella vaccine, I would verify if Max has an allergy to gelatin or neomycin
antibiotic ( Chickenpox , 2008). With Hepatitis A, Max wouldn t get this vaccine
if he was allergic to latex ( Hepatitis A , 2011). Copy of vaccine information
statements, available also on CDC website, would be provided to mom. I would
also educate mom that every vaccine, like medication, has side effects. She can
expect to see redness, tenderness or swelling where the shot was given or mild
fever. Max can be a little bit more fussy, tired, has poor appetite, or he can vomit after
receiving vaccination. These symptoms are normal after vaccination for 1 2 days (
Yours child s , 2015). If mom has any questions or concerns related to vaccination,
she should call the office.
No diagnostic tests at this time.
Medication: If Max needs Tylenol or
Examples Of Canto In Dante s Inferno
This canto was the voice of truth. Throughout this part of the Inferno, Virgil was the
one who composed most of the conversation. On a larger picture, over the course of
this perilous journey, Virgil represented the idea of truth of rationality. He showed no
compassion towards the sinners, including at other sections of Hell. He saw the true
nature of the sins and those who committed them. In contrary, Dante the Pilgrim was
the absolute opposite. He felt pity and sorry for the punished souls. In Inferno, he was
the epitome of emotional judgments and compassionate mind. In the text, there
were several occasion when Dante expressed his pity for the sinners. For example,
in Canto V, his sorrow for the wrongful couple, Francesca and Paolo, was so great
that he went into unconsciousness, ...And all the while/ the one of the two spirits
spoke these words, / the other wept, in such a way that pity/ blurred my senses; I
swooned as though to die, / and fell to Hell s floor, as a body, dead, falls. (Alighieri
V.138 142).... Show more content on ...
At the sight of the deformed souls, Dante the Pilgrim wept for them (Alighieri XX.25
26). Previous to this canto, Virgil had disagreed with this reaction of Dante; again,
he saw the divinity of the punishments, which was also the idea of contrapasso
aforementioned. In this canto, Virgil seemed to be more explicit and
straightforward in his response to Dante. He criticized the Pilgrim, So you are still
like all the other fools? / In this place piety lives and pity is dead, (Alighieri XX.27
28). Virgil clearly stated the core principle of Hell: every sin is investigated
thoroughly and a matching punishment will be given; therefore, there is no need to
lament on those souls. Furthermore, the idea of truth and rationality correlated with
the theme of this Bolgia. Both surrounded the distinction between a fact and a
Joran Van Der Sloot s Murder
Natalee Holloway was an eighteen year old girl from Mountain Brook,Alabama
who suddenly went missing in Aruba on a graduation trip on May 30, 2005. Joran
Van der Sloot being accused for the murder of Natalee Holloway is not an example
of a witch hunt because there is no mass hysteria and, there s only one man that has
been accused. Also the only reason Van der Sloot is being accused is because he s
a possible suspect, he was responsible for the murder of a young woman named
Stephany Flores Ramirez on May 30, 2010 and he was at the bar where Holloway
went missing back in 2005. The main reason Joran van der Sloot is a possible
suspect is because he was remembered to have been at the bar that night by Natalee s
old classmates. Also one month
Little Clay Cart
Women have always been treated lesser than men and by looking at other cultures
we see that woman have little or no power compared to men. Men have always been
seen as the dominant gender. Countries such as Afghanistan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia,
Somalia, Nepal, and many other countries, women are treated less than men. Some
of these countries won t let women get an education, and those who do choose to
find education will likely get kidnaped or raped. In other countries, women who don
t get married young get sold to human traffickers. And in most of these countries,
pregnant women don t have the proper healthcare to deliver a baby which spikes the
death rate for women and infants. As for men, they don t need to worry about this
since men are... Show more content on ...
Some men feel very insecure and tend to have a very low self esteem when having
a larger than average body size, although most men won t go to the extreme to try to
make themselves thinner, more attractive, or more muscular. Men usually don t do
things women normally do to slim down, the reason for that is men don t over think
things, they keep focus on one thing, while women pick up every detail and have an
open visual on
Research Paper On Kevin Durant
A person that Interest me is Kevin Durant. He is one of the best basketball players
on the golden state warriors team. He s 29 years old and is 6 9. I don t know him
much but I want to get to know him better, here is a couple facts about him: he as
born on September 29, 1988, he went to University of Texas at Austin, and one other
thing I know about him is his full name it s Kevin Wayne Durant. One other thing I
know about him is that he played for the Thunders for Oklahoma City, then switched
to the Golden State Warriors. Some things I don t know about him is that where he
lived when he was little , what he did or wanted to become when he was little. I don
t know for sure who his mom was or how many siblings he has. Now these things I
Thaler And Sunstein s Nudge Analysis
Thaler and Sunstein s Nudge: An Analysis In 2008, an economist from Chicago
and a Harvard law professor came together to develop an incredibly fascinating
award winning book that utilizes both behavioral economics and psychology
research to explain nudges in economics. Nudge: Improving Decisions About Health,
Wealth, and Happiness, written by Richard H. Thaler and Cass R. Sunstein,
describes nudges as items that are capable of influencing individuals decisions after
the utilization of indirect suggestions and positive reinforcement. These nudges have
the ability to achieve compliance (that is not forced, mind you) of individuals in
nearly every context. While I have yet to have had the pleasure to read the entire
book, I have a far... Show more content on ...
Anchoring is described as starting the decision making process at a point that you
know or are familiar with, the anchor, and then adjusting in whichever direction
you believe to be correct (Thaler and Sunstein 23). The second heuristic,
availability, is an assessment of risk based on how quickly an individual can think
of examples of a given threat (Thaler and Sunstein 25). The third and final heuristic
is representativeness, which is described as the similarity heuristic . People will
often employ stereotypes when asked how similar object A is to object B, and this
heuristic is used because it is typically effective (Thaler and Sunstein 26). I d like to
go more in depth on the first heuristic, anchoring, due to the fact that it is heavily
rooted in psychology priming the brain, specifically. Thaler and Sunstein illustrate an
experiment in which college students were asked two different questions the first
asking about their personal happiness and the second asking how often the individual
was dating (Thaler and Sunstein 24). The correlation had a drastic increase when the
dating question was asked initially priming the brain to associate one s love life with
happiness. The dating question gives an individual a starting point for the thought
process, which gives the interviewer more
Essay On Ozymandias
Current pop culture has been influenced by great works of literary merit for as
long as we can remember. Ozymandias, being the astounding poem it is, evidently
had a lot to give to producers, writers, and musicians hundreds of years after its
release. Percy Shelley produced various ideas to take from the poem; from whom the
poem was about to when the poem was written. Each influenced piece of pop culture
uses Ozymandiasin completely different ways; making Ozymandias an incredibly
versatile poem.
Breaking bad, a hit television series was greatly influenced by Ozymandias. So much
so, they created an episode named Ozymandias, and it came complete with the star of
the show reciting the poem himself. It starts off with connections right off the bat,
showing the main character in the act that started it all, the first time he made meth
with his accomplice. We relive the memory, just as... Show more content on ...
The artist is in control of what we see; the artist is capturing his legacy. He is
bringing it forth. The breaking bad episode also leaves us with a connection to this.
Will there be someone to take over Walter White s place?
Ozymandias was also a character created in the well known Watchmen comic books.
He was not a regular superhero, however. Adrian Alexander Veidt was not blessed
with uncanny supernatural powers that allowed him to fly or gave him the strength
of 10 body builders. Instead his creators, Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons, gave him a
rough background and the title of the Smartest Man in the World. How Adrian Veidt
made himself into Ozymandias leads us straight into the history of the great Pharaoh
Veidt, being a diehard fan of Alexander the Great, gave his parent s fortune to
charity to prove he can make his own wealth and followed his icon s path. Leading
him to Egypt where he learned about the wondrous Pharaoh, Ramses
What Americanism Mean To Me
Americanism. According to the dictionary it means a characteristic feature of
English as used in the United States. To me it means a lot more than that. It means
three main things to me like freedom, all of our needs are. When I hear the word
freedom, I think about freedom of speech and the freedom of choice. In America,
we have the freedom of speech. We can say what we want to say anytime we want
to say it. The power of speech is often abused. People in America often do not realize
how lucky they are to. Another thing that I think Americanism means is freedom of
choice. From the time children are born and until they go off on their own, the parent
or guardian tries to choose what is best for the child. Children choose their own
destiny while
Historical Background Of Health Care Essay
Historical Background
Health care in Canada is delivered through a publicly funded health care system
called Medicare, which is a universal coverage, single payer plan for all Canadians
and legal residents. This health insurance pays up to 70% of all medicals costs
excluding dental, eye care and medications, which is covered by private sectors. The
current health care policy is guided by the provisions of the Canada Health Act 1984.
Approximately 99% of physicians service costs and 90% of hospital care are
covered by publicly funded program. Historically, Canada s health system was dated
back to 1867 when the British North American Act was passed, which gave federal
government the responsibility to take care of marine hospitals and quarantine. As for
the provinces, its responsibility is to manage the local hospitals, asylums, charities
and other charitable organizations. To compare with the United States of America,
the American government does not have a single payer program, which results in a
somewhat less efficient healthcare system. Health care facilities are largely owned
and operated by private sector businesses. 58% of US community hospitals are non
profit, 21% are government owned, and 21% are for profit.
Major reforms
On September 1st of 1919 in Canada, the Federal Department of Health was created.
Prior to that, this department was under the supervision of Federal Department of
Agriculture. In the beginning of 1920s, the first of few municipal hospitals were
Essay On Signs Of A Hidden Mice Infestation
Signs Your Home Is Infested With Mice And How An Inspection Helps Get Rid Of
Them You can have an infestation of mice in your home and never see one of the
creatures darting around, but they will leave clues. If you do see the mice,
especially during the daytime, that could indicate you have a particularly bad
infestation. Whether you ve seen mice or not, you should take steps to eliminate
them since they are unsanitary pests. Start with an inspection by a rodent
professional. Here s when to suspect you have a mouse problem and why having a
professional inspection is important. Signs Of A Hidden Mice Infestation Mice are
usually most active at night when activity in your home has settled down. When
your home is otherwise quiet, you may hear their claws scraping inside the walls as
they scurry around. They might make chirping or squeaking noises. You can even
hear them gnawing on wood or other objects. Noises may come from the attic,
behind walls, inside the cupboards, or behind the refrigerator. If the mice are
particularly active, you may hear them knock things off shelves and tables as they
hunt for food. Besides unusual sounds, bad odors are another indicator of a mice
infestation. You... Show more content on ...
This is vital because their entry points must be sealed or the mice will keep
coming back. Another part of the inspection is to look for mice droppings and signs
of damage. This helps the inspector determine if the rodent is a mouse or rat and
how many animals could be present. The inspection will include walking around the
perimeter of your home looking for signs of activity where the mice enter as well as
inspecting the inside of your home in secluded areas such as inside cabinets and in
the attic. With all the information gained during an inspection, the pest control
company can devise an effective means of eliminating the mice from your
Birch Paper
CMA 302 Tutorial Case Study: Final Draft Birch Paper Company 1. Background
Birch Paper Company is a medium sized partly integrated company that produces
Kraft papers and paperboard. There are four producing divisions and one timberland
division which supplies part of the company s pulp requirements. The divisions are
Northern Division Southern Division Thompson Division Division 4 Timberland
Each division is operating independently with its own division manager. Also, each
division s performance had been judged on its profit and return on investment (ROI).
The company policy of decentralizing responsibility and authority for all... Show
more content on ...
The Northern Division received 3 different bids: $480 Thompson Division $430
West Paper Company $432 Eire Papers, Ltd [Calculation] Thompson Division tota
Costs to Birch Paper = $288, being $400 made up of $280 for materials (linerboard
and corrugating medium) and $120 for other costs. However because Thompson
sources its materials from Southern division who make a $112 profit on materials,
the total Cost to Birch Paper Company is materials $168 + other cost $120 = $288
West Paper Company Costs = $430 Eire Papers, Ltd Costs to Birch Paper Company
= $391 that being $432 less sourcing profits from Southern Division ($90 x 40%) =
$36 and Thompson Division Contribution $5 = $391 Although the West Paper
Company looks at first to be the best choice, the truth is to be the Thompson
Division as it has the lowest cost if we assume that all transfer prices within the
company were calculated at costs. The lowest costs that associated within the
company would make Birch Paper Company to earn the highest profits and
revenues. [pic] Should Mr Kenton accept this bid? Why or why not? Mr Kenton
has two options, 1 To accept the lowest bid of $430 from West Paper. By doing so
would result in the best interests for the Northern Division as it would gain the most
profits .
Compare And Contrast The United States Vs The Congo
United States Versus the Congo
Do you ever think about how lucky you are? You should. You live in one of many
countries that cares for its citizens. Living in America you have opportunities that
other countries will never have. For example, there are many third world countries
that struggle daily to keep multiple citizens alive. These citizens have to fight for
their lives and sometimes never get any form of medical help. Whereas in America
we have many different resources that allow us to be a strong world power, if we
lost citizens by the hundreds weekly we would be a country in need. Many countries
in Africa are considered third world countries because they are overpopulated and
under developed.
The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), located in Central Africa, struggles
daily because the government fails. The country has been in civil conflicts for
nearly a decade, this however is not the main health hazard. In the 16th and 17th
centuries, the Congo was a popular location for slave trade, while foreign powers
intruded they also exposed the area to their diseases that have remained for centuries.
These diseases have developed ... Show more content on ...
For example, HIV/AIDS are a big threat in both countries, along with poliomyelitis
(polio), and different strains of influenza. The United States again has better medical
resources to fight these diseases, unlike the DRC, who can only succumb to these
diseases. A lot of these diseases can be prevented by vaccinations. The medical
organizations in both the United States and the Democratic Republic of the Congo,
are spreading awareness for the need of vaccinations. These vaccines, allow your
body to fight off deadly diseases, but being vaccinated is very important. They allow
you to continue your daily life. These vaccines however do not help those who are
already infected by the
The Byrds History
The Byrds was a rock band that started in 1964 in Los Angeles, California. The
band originally started out as a trio, named, The Jet Set, with Roger McGuinn,
David Crosby, and Gene Clark. They eventually changed their name to, The Byrds,
with 11 members in their band. The members were: Roger McGuinn, David
Crosby, Gene Clark, Gram Parsons, Chris Hillman, Michael Clarke, Clarence
White, Gene Parsons, Skip Battin, John York, and John Guerin. They were going to
call their band, The Birds, but in England, it is slang for girls, and they didn t want
to be called, The Girls, so McGuinn came up with, The Byrds. The band was active
from 1964 to 1973, 1989 to 1991, and 2000. The Byrds is one of the most influential
bands in the 60s. Roger... Show more content on ...
His birth name was Clyde. Skip joined the Byrds in 1970 played the bass guitar up
for the Byrds, up until 1973, when McGuinn decided that his abilities as a bassist
was no longer needed. Skip was also the replacement for John York. He dies on
July 6, 2003, in Salem, Oregon, of Alzheimers disease. John York was born on
August 3, 1946, in White Plains, New York. John join the Byrds in 1968 and was
the bass guitar replacement for Hillman. In 1969, John was asked to leave the
band and was replaced by Skip. John Guerin was born on October 31, 1939, in
Hawaii. He was only in the band for 7 months, when he decided to leave the band
to return to studio work. He wasn t considered an official member of the band. He
died on January 5, 2004, in West Hills, California. Most, almost all the members in
the band also sang, along with their other role in the band. In the song, Turn! Turn!
Turn! the lyrics tells us that theres a time for everything to happen. This song
actually comes from Ecclesiastes 3:1 8. When they composed this song, they
literally just took most of the verses from Ecclesiastes and made it into a song.
This is actually I song that I enjoy and it sounds pretty good. I think it is pretty cool
how they arranged the song, because if you look at the last line of each verse, it is:
weep, together, embracing, and peace. You weep together, then you embrace each
other for comfort, and then there is
Farm To Fork Research Paper
Farm to Fork: Tradition Made Fresh
One of the emerging and ever growing trends in many of today s restaurant scene
has chefs utilizing local farms to gather the freshest ingredients that are available,
with specific focus on what is locally grown. According to a recent issue of Bon
Appetite Magazine, many of the Hot 10 Restaurants in the US utilize local organic
gardens and base their nightly menus on what is in season, humanely raised, and
often times sustainably grown. Chefs are creating menus that change with the
season; some even change offerings daily to highlight produce picked in a garden at
9am to be served with fish caught that same day. In the quest to find the new,
restaurants are embracing local, seasonal dishes so fresh you can taste each
individual herb and spice. This growing trend is taking hold in places from fine
dining restaurants to your neighborhood, casual dining spot.
Why is it important?
The Farm to Table Movement celebrates local ingredients from local farmers that
come directly from the field to your table. The logic behind the movement is fairly
simple. The fresher the ingredients, the better the food will taste and the more
nutritious the meal. Using local farms is more sustainable and better for the
environment because the less travel time to transport the food means less ... Show
more content on ...
Instead, we recommend that you visit your local farmers market. You can find one
for almost every day of the week in most major cities, especially in Miami and New
York. Support and order from CSA farms (Community Supported Agriculture) to
get vegetables that can be regularly picked up at a central location near your home or
workplace and in some cases, even delivered directly to your front door! If you are
really serious or are looking for a new hobby, you can grow your own, using compost
and a little sweat
Italian Piano Research Paper
Two types of stringed keyboard instrument were available to the household or court
musician from the 16th century to the middle of the 18th: the harpsichord and its
near relations, the spinet and virginal; and the clavichord. In the harpsichord
family the string is plucked by a small plectrum, originally of quill. The variety of
sound from these plucked instruments is achieved not primarily by finger pressure,
but more subtly by phrasing and articulation. Variety of tonal color can be obtained,
on a harpsichord by judicious choice of registration. The harpsichord was used both
for solo performance and accompanying in chamber groups and in larger ensembles
of the period. It typically had two sets of strings per key, tuned either to the same
pitch or with one set sounding an octave higher (a 4 register). The registers were
controlled by hand stops above the keyboard. Two manuals (keyboards) were to be
found on certain larger instruments, which usually featured three sets of strings.
Found from the beginning of the 16th century, the Italian harpsichords were lightly...
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Flemish instruments were more solidly constructed than the Italian, invariably with
the basic two sets of strings (either one 8 and a 4 or both at 8 pitch). Two manuals
were common, though the upper manual was originally used for transposing; only in
the second half of the 17th century was the additional manual used for contrast of
tone with the ability to couple the registers of both manuals for a fuller sound. The
Flemish often painted their instruments, decorative lids and soundboards being
common features. French instruments developed from the Flemish design. Many so
called French harpsichords were in fact Flemish in origin, rebuilt by French makers
who increased the compass in both treble and
John Locke Colonization Of Space
As the twenty first progresses, mankind has made milestones in technological
advances. With these advances make in idea of space colonization possible in the
near future. With the growing population and the resources of earth becoming more
and more scarce, the colonization of another planet in space may be needed. In the
movie Interstellar, a man is is told that the NASA is planning to initiate the plan of
colonization of space due to the desolation of the Earth. Therefore, that man is sent
on a mission to find a suitable planet to inhabit. Say we do come to the conclusion
that is beneficial to the human race to colonize another planet; the question of its
ethics must be asked and what issues may come with this new venture. In this essay...
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Terraforming in the literal sense is Earth shaping. It is making a location that is
inhabitable for humans, altered to fit the characteristics of Earth and to be optimal
for human habitation. For Example, what if the the Mars rover found microbial life
on mars that has been unnoticed for years? Those little life forms thrive only in the
natural environment, so, what would happen if humans go in and alter their
environment. We would be killing their chance to ever evolve into anything greater.
As Charles Darwin theorized that all organism on Earth had a Universal Common
Ancestor , just as Mars would have had. What would have given us the right to stop
the development of these life forms? Easy answer. We have no right to take away the
future of a life
The Successes and Failures of the Treaty of Versailles in...
The Successes and Failures of the Treaty of Versailles in Addressing the Causes of
Conflict and Restoring Peace and Normality
To evaluate the successes and failures of the Treaty of Versailles, we need to address
the terms of the Treaty as well as to inspect the consequences. The First World War
had exposed Germany as a strong and aggressive power, and was viewed as a threat
to peace by the victorious powers, so the terms of the Treaty of Versailles, which was
designed to address the causes of conflict as well as restoring peace and normality,
although including other peace measures, focused on harnessing and restricting
Germany s power so that they would never again be strong enough to become a ...
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It also created a feeling of increased international understanding and therefore
security, allowing 15 major powers to sign the Kellog Briand Pact, which stated
that the participating nations would reject war as an instrument of national policy
. On the other hand, the League was not successful in stopping conflict altogether.
For example, despite the League s efforts, they could not stop Poland from
annexing Vilna or Italy from occupying Corfu in 1923. And it was difficult for the
permanent members of the League to put aside their self interest to act as a whole
to preserve peace and normality. The problem was that there was no enforcing
power, and the members did not always agree. Evidence of this was the complete
failure to adhere to the Geneva Protocol, which was designed to unite all league
members as a collective military power in case of unprovoked aggression. Although
France showed strong support for this, Britain vetoed it arguing that this would
involve Britain in all conflicts, big and small. This created a problem in enforcing the
peace settlement. Additionally, the League failed to establish a World Disarmament
scheme, rejected because of national self interest from its members. Eventually
Germany left the League of Nations because she did not receive equal
The Battle At Fort Sumter
Natalie Lockman
Professor Campbell
English 112
The Battle at Fort Sumter Being raised in the south, there are somethings that life
teaches a person; you always hold the door, acknowledge someone as they pass you
by, and always say ya ll . The southern culture is something that sites in its own niche
of history and drags the past into the future. In A Rose for Emily by William Faulkner,
the reader gets a taste of the south and the way of southern living through an
outside view of Emily Grierson s life in a strange series of events. Falkner s
character, Emily, symbolizes the conflict of the past and the future in southern
heritage though the events of her life. The first instance in Emily s life that
symbolizes the conflict of the past and future in the south is her refusal to pay
taxes. The story itself is set in a small, southern town, post civil war which only
adds to Emily s symbolism. This is because the south after the civil war was on a
path of major transformation. The start of the conflict is when the new generation
of the towns people send Emily a tax notice her response was, I have no taxes in
Jefferson. Colonel Sartoris explained it to me. Perhaps one of you can gain access
to the city records and satisfy yourselves. (Falkner 157). Later on in the passage,
(Colonel Sartoris had been dead almost ten years.) (Falkner 157). Here the reader
learns that Emily does not understand how the town has changed outside of her home.
The new generation that confronts
Art Museum Of Fort Worth Texas
This influence and style continued at the Kimbell Art Museum in Fort Worth Texas.
Louis Kahn is a modern architect that designed the Kimbell Art Museum. Kahn
emerged from the Beaux Arts movement but became one of the foremost American
Modernist architects of the 1950 s and 60 s (Kimball, 1990). Kahn created a building
for the Kimbell Art Museumthat also complimented the art and did not distract the
viewer (Kimball, 1990). He was commissioned to design the Kimbell Art Museum
from 1966 1972). Kahn s museums are individual to the point of idiosyncrasy, yet
they remain transparent to the works of the art they house (Kimball, 1990). The Yale
University Art Gallery, designed by Kahn, has an intimate studio feel as employed at
the Museum of Modern Art(Binns, 2004 p. 17). Kahn also utilized similar materials
that Goodwin and Stone incorporated. The Yale University Art Gallery is made of
large pieces of glass and steel (Binns, 2004, p. 17). Many of the materials used at
Kahn s three museums are glass, steel, concrete, and brick (Eliasoph, 2009, p.
317). During the 2005 remodeling, the team attempts at restoring much of Kahn s
original design elements at it considers it a very important part of architectural
history (Binns, 2004, p. 17). As a modernist, Kahn also used flexible gallery walls
at the Kimbell Art Museum. Kahn s innovative pogo wall panels are also being re
introduced for the display of artwork (Eliasoph, 2009, 317). The walls did not have
Destructive Zero Defect
Throughout history, the U.S. military has enjoyed a reputation of being one of the
most respected and reliable organizations in the United States. Although the military
continues to make every effort to achieve excellence, the very real threat of
drawdowns and budget cuts have constrained and forced leaders to change the way
they conduct business. Even though the objective remains to be building a stronger
and superior force, the latest changes to policy have ushered in a destructive zero
defect attitude within its ranks. This is not the first time the military has gone
through this process. In the late 1990s, it was decided that the large, post Cold war
Army was too expensive and unwieldy, so changes were made to force out those
deemed unfit
First Crusader Success Essay
Assess the Reasons for the success of the First Crusade The success of the first
crusade was due to both Byzantine and Islamic factors. Pope Urban II s passionate
call for arms at the Council of Clermont, the extreme faith and dedication exerted by
the crusaders and the disunity between the Muslim leaders enabled the crusaders to
attack when the Islamic kingdom was weak, enabling them to capture the most
sought after city, Jerusalem. A key defining factor was the disunity amongst the
Muslim states. After the death of Malik Shah, local warlords seized the opportunity
to build up their own power bases. This therefore meant that the Muslim world was in
complete chaos and the lands in which the crusaders would have to march through
were very... Show more content on ...
Pope Urban s passionate call to arms, whether rich or poor, created a huge influx of
people from all walks of life. As Christian ideology within the period was dominated
by the belief in heaven and hell, the notion that embarking on a crusade, and
completing the crusade, evoked a sense of unity and determination which proved key
in the crusade, especially during arduous times. During the gruelling 7 month
capture of Antioch, the crusaders were then besieged by Kerbogha s forces. The
crusaders were both tired, starving and thirsty however they still fought throughout
the night to keep Kerbogha s forces out. The motivation was further increased by
the claim that Peter Bartholomew had found The Holy Lance. Though Kerbogha s
army was one of the most powerful in the Sunni Caliphate, the motivation from the
crusaders, who believed that the lance was a sign from God, motivated them to fight
on. The crusaders easily could have deserted but, due to the strength of their faith,
they defeated Kerbogha s forces on the 28th June. It was their faith which
encouraged the Crusaders to go forth and to face the enemy head on instead of
giving up. It is widely believed that the undoubted faith which made the crusaders
embark on their journey is one of the key factors which carried them to
Renewable Energy And The Global Warming
The Earth is dying at an extreme rate and will continue to do so unless we switch
to renewable energy, to help fight and prevent the effects of using fossil fuels.
Many people will say that we need to switch to renewable energy and that our
planet is suffering from global warming, while others will say that global climate
change is a natural occurring event that does not to be worried about. Many people
in the modern generation have grown up with a big emphasis on how we need to
change our daily habits in order to protect the world and preserve the life on it.
The reason as to why many people will say this, is because for about the last fifty
years scientist have been saying that we need to cut back on our fossil fuels and use
more... Show more content on ...
The hope is that when that time comes, the people of that era are advanced enough
to be able to provide for themselves without the need of the same resources that we
need everyday. An important question to ask ourselves, is what if the people don t
have the technology and need the resources we use everyday, but they won t have
as much or any if we continue to destroy our planet. The fact that we know our
fossil fuels are limited and yet we still use them is crazy, in greenhouse living one
article states that Whether you believe that there are hundreds of years or just a
few decades left of this resource, the fact remains that it is a finite resource. At
some point, fossil fuels are going to either be gone or they are going to become too
expensive to realistically use. (Epstein ) This quote summarizes the overall issue
with the use of fossil fuels and that is that they will run out. The question for that is,
are we ready for when that day comes and we have to make the change from fossil
fuels to renewable energy. As of right now, we have fossil fuels and don t have to
switch to renewable energy, but when the day comes, that the oil drilling stops
producing and the coal minds are empty is the day we will have to sit back and say
are we ready for this.
The education system is one that can help lead the way in many different ways and
one of them is setting an example of how things are in the modern way. The reason as
to why education systems
Context Aware Technology In Health Care Essay
Healthcare is becoming a global issue while the world s population is expanding and
standard of living is rising. In 2011, according to United Nations Development
Programme s Human Development Index, Australia ranked second (Boslaugh, 2013).
Despite the overall good status of health, the improvement in healthcare is necessary
because the world witnessed a dramatic growth in the aging population as well as the
outbreak of the pandemics in the recent centuries. Not only that, these trends will
continue in the coming years. While the pressure on healthcare and social welfare
systems is growing, a variety of possible solutions have been proposed to improve the
healthcare quality. In a number of solutions, context aware technology is a research...
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In another research, Preuveneers, Berbers Joosen (2013) stated the main factor
which makes individual feel completely being in control is good techniques of data
visualization. The approach and methods used by these authors are gathering data
day by day to filter for similar situations and scenarios of the past. Based on that, the
system can provide a suggestion for the diabetes patients to choose their insulin
dosage. Clearly, each strategy is suitable in difference situations but in general
context aware technology can be used to offer support for the decision making by the
ability of collecting data automatically. Without doubt, with the information overload
today, using context aware technology to support for decision making will outbreak
in near future not only in healthcare area but also in other fields such as business,
sports or even military. Most of the literature has focused on remote patient
monitoring. This is becoming vital in healthcare quality in recent years because of
the benefits that it brings. Preuveneers and Berbers (2008, p.177) highlight that a
context awareness application based on the native mobile frameworks can offer
support to individuals who suffer diabetes to make better choices or to manage their
health independently. As a result, these advantages may lead to a more pleasant life
for patients. The positive
Sexual Content As A Man Or A Woman
Introduction Critics decry the perverseness of television. They claim that the
abundance of sexual content is poisoning their minds. Unfortunately, when it comes
to backing up these claims, they are hard pressed to actually find evidence to back
this up. Sexual content will be searched within the parameters of sitcoms. This paper
will be specifically focusing on sexual content when it is portrayed in a comedy.
Comedies are unique from dramas because they portray things in a funny light.
They can still deal with serious topics, but they go about things in a different
manner. Topics are played for a comedic effect, and when they revolve around
things that are sexual in nature, people are worried that they are encouraging that
specifically. The research will be exploring whether the subject of these sexual jokes
are a man or a woman. There are comedic sexual references to both males and
females being made by both males and females.
Sexual content on television needs to have a definition. It cannot merely be defined
according to one s own comfort and thinking in regards to sex. Kunkel, Eyal, and
Finnerty (2005) describe sexual content as any depiction of sexual activity, sexually
suggestive behaviour, or talk about sexuality or sexual activity . This is a common
definition that is held to by many people, but some view sex as having more to do
with culture. Buckingham, Willett, Bragg and Russell (2010) argue that sex might
have more to do with cultural values and
The Cover Of Long Division
The cover of Long Division, by Kiese Laymon, pictures a rusted, broken chain. This
symbol, along with the setting of the book suggests the strong history of slavery in
the South. That unfortunate history carries with it the idea of otherness an idea of
being valued and devalued based on skin color an idea central to Laymon s story.
Long Division shows throughout three time periods that while the African American
race progresses, it never arrives at full equality. In each time period 1964, 1985, and
2013 the African American characters find the threat of racial discrimination and
Looking into the book chronologically, Laymon allows 1985 City to travel to 1964
during the heat of segregation. City experienced firsthand the ... Show more content
on ...
Since he is from 1985, it reveals that race relations have progressed positively since.
In 1964, they are hunted and haunted by the Ku Klux Klan, who hope to preserve
segregation and stop the activists who have come to Mississippi. He didn t seem very
concerned with the threat the Klan posed. At the time he was actually more
concerned with Shalaya liking Evan than anything else.
Well, I know that you can t travel through time with a girl and save folks from the
Klan and not kiss them unless you re slightly deformed or unless you smell like
death. And even then, there s still gonna be some serious grinding going on. Serious
grinding. (136)
This shows, once again, that City, having grown up only twenty years later was one
hundred years removed from severity of the situation involving the Klan. He didn t
know to be afraid of it because he had never personally experienced the threat that the
group posed.
2013 proves to have progressed, but there is still hopelessness in the air. 2013 City
competes in a post spelling bee age competition called Can You Use That Word in a
Sentence. The book begins with the events leading up to and during this competition.
Early in the book, Laymon shows the reader that these characters are up against
something much older, much more powerful, and much more disheartening than the
group of adolescents they were to compete against. Lavander sarcastically explains
this theme:
African Americans are generally a
Disadvantages Of Japanese Education
According to WEF, Japanese education contains as a top 11 school systems in the
world. they say the system of compulsory education in Japan, and the cognitive skills
for literacy, science and math is excellent.In fact, japan is one of the top performing
for paper tests.
However, students are not compelled to go to high school but most of students pass
the school entrance exam and participate in high school. In this essay I ll focus on
this statement and few other advantages and disadvantages of japanese educational
systems to determine whether japanese education is benefit or not.
First, I will show you many kinds of advantages of japanese education.As I
mentioned earlier, Japanese school system has 9 years of compulsory education.
However, from high school, students have to pass the high school entrance exam to
enter the school. High school is not compulsory. Despite that, ... Show more content
on ...
As I told before, Japanese cognitive skills ranks as one of the top high level quality.
Cognitive skills are the base of study. If you are good at cognitive skills, it will be
more easier to approach something use non cognitive skills.In other word, only
having cognitive skills is not good, but cognitive skills help you to get non
cognitive skills, and it support you a lot in some situation as school, and at a work
office where you work in the future.
In addition, the indulgement what is the feature of japanese students also can be a
benefit on education.The trend of japanese students seem to depend on their mothers
or teachers.Because of this, the support of the people around the students make
students with less stress.Less stress leads students to keep the children s brain from
getting confused.
This allow students to grow their cognitive skills and non cognitive skills. Such as
concentration and self control.This makes children to cope with something difficult.
The biggest benefit of japanese education is Homeroom
Using Information Communication And Technology
A new methods to acquire the English language is WhatsApp program via the
smartphone, where I m going to search how to use this program to learn English
language by the teacher and how arrival the idea to the student. :Introduction The
world of technology and communication has changed quickly during this millennium
time in history. We cannot avoid that and actually, we will be falling behind if we do
not follow it. Information Communication and Technology has become the big part to
bring the world into a more modern and develop. Information Communication and
Technology has also shaped the world to be more energetic/changing than ever
before. The world of education gets the effect of the fast changes of Information
Communication and Technology. Education now has to change a little and get better
with the Information Communication and Technology, if not, then there will create
gaps within education and the (community of people/all good people in the world).
The education world now is also getting more improve by using Information
Communication and Technology. In an included world, where all of us live
nowadays, different interactions exist between the countries and it has been
necessary to establish a common language between these which serves us to
communicate, since it is calculated that in the world more than five thousand
different languages are spoken and it would be impossible to communicate if each
one spoke his own language. The language that across the years has
Discussing the Role of Middle Management
Discussing the Role of Middle Management
During the 1980s and 1990s, in our increasingly global marketplace, downsizing and
re engineering became a common practice in business, eliminating much of the need
for middle managers, cutting costs, speeding up decisions, and flattening
organizational hierarchies worldwide. Middle managers began to be seen as
unnecessary costs, easily replaced by displacing responsibility downward to their
subordinates, and uncooperative, even having a negative impact on change.
While middle managers still exist today, they must still deal with the general notion
that their responsibilities could be displaced even though they are often among the
more experienced and knowledgeable employees in a department ... Show more
content on ...
As a change intermediary, middle managers play an important role between the
strategic plan being passed down from higher level management, and the operation
core, where the change is manifested.
Microdynamics of Inclusion
The structure and quality of communication systems in organizations is directly
related to overall organizational cohesiveness. In Westley s article Middle Managers
and Strategy: Microdynamics of Inclusion, the author discusses the role of middle
management in strategic processes. As in the previous article, the author discusses the
inherent discontent among middle managers when they feel about they are being
excluded from the organization s strategic processes. When a middle manager feels
excluded, there are many negative side effects however, the exclusion of middle
managers from strategic conversation is inevitable, and inclusion does not guarantee
satisfaction. In top down management systems, which have bottom up flows of
communication, middle managers are capable of controlling the upward flow of
information and expressing the opinions of lower management up to top
management. In this way, middle managers have some influence in strategic
conversation, and with proper
Metastasio Opera Buffa
Eighteenth century Europe was a time of great intellectual change. The old scholastic
thought began to be changed out with the new Descartian cogito ergo sum. This shift
of intellectual thought did not just restrict itself to the philosophers it permeated all
of western culture. During the beginning of the eighteenth century, European opera
began to shift into a new soundscape.
A split occurred in opera between Opera Seria and Opera Buffa mainly as a result of
the Arcadian Academy. This literary movement sought to return Italian poetry to its
former glory, and by former glory they meant the ancient Greek s former glory. This
movement focused prominently on opera libretti. One such librettist was Piertro
Metastasio. Metastasio ... Show more content on ...
The Enlightenment was a time where western intellectual thought shifted from the
world towards the human person. This shift was sparked by Descartes philosophy
which can be summarised by his words, cogito ergo sum or I think therefore I am.
With this shift man [became] the measure of all things. This lead to the development
of Secular Humanism. When Secular Humanism is applied to opera there is less of
an emphasis on the music which is something that points beyond humans and there
becomes an emphasis on the plot. Opera Seria is the product of this Enlightenment
thinking. Opera Seria is distinguished by its incredible emphasis on the plot over the
music. This new style of opera sought to rid opera of extraneous plot points into
order to make the plot extremely concise. This was all a result of the Enlightenment
focus on the human person as opposed to the
Calamity In Yann Martel s Life Of Pi
Calamity can make an individual question the meaning of life and its continuity.
Roles of prey and predator are interchangeable in dreadful circumstances; when
survival instincts come through. During an accident, our priorities might shift from
saving our loved ones to saving ourselves. We might be forced to surrender our
values, philosophies and cultural ideologies in situations where the probability of
mortality is high. In Life of Pi, Yann Martelportrays the protagonist, Piscine Molitor
Patel, Pi as a person whose belief in god drives him to humanize the dark struggles
he faces during his time on the boat. The art of storytelling makes Pi, materialize his
savage side and mold it into a companion he recognizes as Richard Parker; to satisfy
... Show more content on ...
This part of Pi s personality is the one who finds it difficult to see his mother die in
the hands of the cook, so driven by revenge and survival instinct he kills him.
Initially Pi is scared of Richard Parker who was hidden under the strong tarp of Pi s
kindness, he was terrified of revealing it on the boat. Could he burst through the
tarpaulin, I wondered. Fear and reason fought over the answer. Fear said Yes. He
was a fierce, 450 pound carnivore. Each of his claws was as sharp as a knife.
Reason said No. The tarpaulin was sturdy canvas, not a Japanese paper wall. I had
landed upon it from a height. Richard Parker could shred it with his claws with a
little time and effort, but he couldn t pop through like a jack in the box. And he
had not seen me. Since he had not seen me, he had no reason to claw his way
through. ( Martel 108). Pi specifically exclaims how he never thought he would
descend to a point where, savagery is all he has to live. He feels like a part of him
has died, now that he has committed such acts and let Richard Parker take over,
This was the terrible cost of Richard Parker. He gave me a life, my own, but at the
expense of taking one... Something in me died then that has never come back to life
(Martel 255). Finally, it is revealed that the part of Pi that kept him alive during his
days in
Principles Of The Immaculate Conception
Immaculate Conception
Raphaella Henson Vendrell
Ms.O Connor
P5 Orange
I have upheld the intent and principles of the Paul VI Academic Honor Code while
completing this assignment.
The Immaculate Conception is Mary s birth without stain of original sin. The word
Immaculate itself means without stain . Mary was protected by God s grace. From
the moment she was born, she was in a state of sanctifying grace and free from the
corrupt effects from original sin. The angel Gabriel said Hail, full of grace, the
Lord is with you (Luke 1:28). This meaning that Mary was born with the gifts of
grace by God. She is also preserved by original sin and the Lord is guiding her and
she is protected by God. According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the
Father blessed Mary more than anyone else he has created. He chose Mary to be
the basis of the world and to be holy and not blamed for the faults of the world. The
splendor of an entirely unique holiness by which Mary is enriched from the first
instant of her conception comes wholly from Christ. She is redeemed, in a more
exalted fashion, by reason of the merits of her Son (CCC,492). This meaning that
Mary was saved in superior fashion and it was because she was going to be the
mother of our savior Jesus Christ. Mary is also filled with holiness which she first
was blessed with from God when she was born. The Blessed Virgin Marywas the
second person to be created and born immaculate. Eve was the first person
Visual Observation
Although the little girl in this picture is very cute, I did make some observations
right off the bat. The first three things that I observe in this picture is that the little
girls finger is in her nose, it looks like an older type of picture, and it seems that she
is getting a professional picture taken. Her finger in her nose demonstrates that she
is a young child and she is most likely trying to be funny or she is getting bored
with sitting there. She looks like she is about kindergarten age so it does not seem
untypical for her finger to be in her nose. I notice it seems to be an older picture.
Things that make me think this is even though it is in color it is in a shade of pink.
When I say this, I mean that there isn t much difference
Mise-En-Scene, Editing And Cinematographic Elements In
The Godfather , a crime noir film produced in 1972, is about an aged patriarch of a
famous mafia dynasty that transfers control of his business to his disinclined son.
It was directed by Francis Ford Cappola and stars actors such as Al Pacino and
Marlon Brando. The film s numerous achievements, specifically in the opening
sequence, stem from the exemplary utilization and integration of misГ© en scene,
editing, and cinematographic elements. Mise en scene is a key element in the
representation of a character. For example, the film begins with a slow jazz
soundtrack, a characteristic of thriller films during the 1970 s. Then a plain black
background streches across the screen, setting the stage for what is about to appear
in front of us. Black... Show more content on ...
This scene is edited with a very slow pace that creates a sense of calm and suggests
the control that Don Corleone has over the situation. The sequence begins with a
close up on Amerigo Bonasera as he stares in the camera while it zooms out, telling
the audience about his daughter s rape. William Reynolds and Peter Zinner, the
lead editors of the film, used this shot, that spans the next three minutes of the film,
to add a sense of insecurity and rising tension. It also is used to reveal Bonasera is
talking to a mysterious figure disguised by the shadows and that three other men are
present, but without giving the setting of the scene or who these men are. Then,
they break the three minute shot by giving the audience their first glance at the
mysterious figure in the shadows. They cut to a medium shot of Don Corleone, the
leader of this organized crime dynasty, finally revealing this shadowy figure to the
audience, relieving them of some tension. The camera shifts location again in order
to reveal the scene, something like an establishing shot. Here, they reveal four male
characters, all dressed in suits, and the only lights coming from the slats in the
blinds and the sole artificial light on the right side of the room. Don Corleone is also
placed in the center of this shot with every other character facing him, giving him a
sense of power. Next, they cut to a medium shot of the godfather sitting
Joy Luck Club Meaning
The song Keep Me in Your Heart , as sung by Warren Zevon, would add so much to
the scene in The Joy Luck Club (Amy Tan 1), as it matches perfectly with the
depressing, morbid mood the scene is trying to portray, and also because it sheds
some light into the motive of Suyuan s actions through its poetic and thoughtful
lyrics. This song was picked first because I believe it would perfectly introduce the
reader/audience to the book and allow them to connect with more than just the
text. Firstly, the song portrays emotions of longing and broken heartedness
through its sad and slow tempo and its depressingly perfect lyrics. The lyrics Keep
me in your heart for a while//If I leave you it doesn t mean I love you any less
(Warren Zevon 1) just show exactly how emotional this song is, as the singer here
clearly feels longing for someone, just as Suyuan feels longing for her lost home and,
most importantly, the babies she lost. Just the... Show more content on ...
Although the song speaks of the singer s significant other, the poetic lyrics are still
universal. Along the path, Suyuan made sacrifices, but the most significant of
them was leaving her two babies (revealed by Your father is not my first husband.
You are not those babies. [Amy Tan 3]) behind in hopes that they would survive.
The lyrics Sometimes when you re doin simple things around the house//Maybe
you ll think of me and smile (Warren Zevon 2) can definitely be applied to the
emotions Suyuan is going through, as she feels horrible for leaving behind her
babies, but she sure hopes and has the longing that Maybe [they ll] think of me and
smile (Warren Zevon 3). The lyrics Keep me in your heart for a while (Warren
Zevon 3) also complement how Suyuan feels loss for her daughters but only hopes
that they won t ever forget about their true mother (no matter how small they
The analysis and application of the balance sheet
The analysis and application of the balance sheet Kuang xin Financial accounting is
one of the most popular major in the world. In the study of accounting, people must
know and use expertly the three accounting statement, balance sheets, cash flow, and
income statement. It is the most basic and useful skill in one s career of accounting.
But in the four basic financial statement, the balance sheetor called statement of
financial position is the only one which describe a single point in time of a business
calendar year. In financial accounting, a balance sheet or statement of financial
position is a summary of the financial balances of a sole proprietorship, a business
partnership, a... Show more content on ...
Contingent liabilities such as warranties are noted in the footnotes to the balance
sheet. The small business s equity is the difference between total assets and total
liabilities. [Small Business Administration]
There are anther type of balance sheet is US small business balance sheet. It is a
small business balance sheet lists current assets such as cash, accounts receivable, and
inventory, fixed assets such as land, buildings, and equipment, intangible assets such
as patents, and liabilities such as accounts payable, accrued expenses, and long term
debt. Contingent liabilities such as warranties are noted in the footnotes to the
balance sheet. The small business s equity is the difference between total assets and
total liabilities.
Guidelines for balance sheets of public business entities are given by the International
Accounting Standards Board and numerous country specific organizations/companys.
Balance sheet account names and usage depend on the organization s country and the
type of organization. Government organizations do not generally follow standards
established for individuals or businesses. [Personal balance] If applicable to the
business, summary values for the following items should be included in the balance
sheet:[16] Assets are all the things the
Ken Nwadike Biography
Mahatma Ghandi once said We must become the change we wish to see in the
world. Ken E. Nwadike, Jr. recognized the value of these words early and
transformed his life from homeless teen, to successful businessman, to
compassionate peace maker. You probably wouldn t know him by name, but if you
watch the news, you might just recognize him as the African American guy with
the Free Hugs sign who always seems to be standing in the middle of the fray
during violent protests. I first became aware of him when I was watching coverage
of the protests in Charlotte, NC last fall in response to the police shooting of Keith
Lamont Scott. Amidst the dark chaos of the destructive rioting, Nwadike stood out
like a ray of sunshine as he tried to bridge the divide between protestors and police
officers by promoting mutual respect and understanding. I am inspired by his story
and his mission of... Show more content on ...
Nwadike was born in San Diego, California in 1981. As a homeless teen, he turned
to running as an outlet. His talent for the sport earned him a scholarship to college
for track and field and a spot on the Nike Farm training team for Olympic hopefuls.
In 2010, he launched Superhero Events , a business which promotes, manages and
consults on race events. After the Boston Marathon bombings of 2013 he felt
compelled do something to respond to the senseless violence. His solution was to
show up at the Marathon the following year and spread love instead of hate by
offering free hugs to runners at the finish line. Much to his surprise he was well
received and The Free Hugs Project was born. The project picked up momentum
on social media and in 2016 exploded in popularity as Mr. Nwadike made major
news headlines for his peace keeping efforts and de escalating violence during
protests, riots and political rallies. His project has since grown into a peace
movement that touches people across the United States and encompasses videos,
motivational speaking, and social
My Proposed Plan For Life
Holley Lentner Events My Proposed Plan for Life in College While attending the
University of North Florida for my first semester, I have learned several new
things about myself, like empathy, through classes like Honors Colloquium. This
class, in particular, has provided me with experiences that will aid me further
along in life, like our service projects. Additionally, through the assignments of this
course I have come to realize the skills and abilities that are in need improvement
in order for me to be successful at the occupation I intend to pursue. My aspiration
in life is to earn an honest living by providing health care to those in need of such
attention. With this career path, I believe that I will have both an exciting and
rewarding occupation. Helping those in need by promoting health and preventing
disease is something that I found interesting ever since I was little. For when I was
younger, I was in the hospital quite often for countless reasons, and knowing that I
was going to be perfectly okay lead my impressionable self to gain the utmost
respect for those in the healthcare business and eventually lead me to pursue a
career in the field. Ultimately, I feel that this profession will allow for me to
contribute to society and in doing so, I remain confident that I will learn a great
deal from an occupation in health care. For a great man once said, Far and away the
best prize that life has to offer is the chance to work hard at work worth doing
Sexuality In Wonder Woman
Gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, queer. Sexuality, and how people identify. Our
sexualities are who we are and in this society we are often hiding this aspect of us
because we are worried how we will be viewed if we are open about it. The media
in today s society tries to hide it away and act as if it does not exist. This is exactly
the case from the recent Warner Brothers movie Wonder Woman. Sexuality is
hardly shown in the movie Wonder Woman, but is very prevalent in the comics.
Wonder Woman the movie should not hide the sexual aspects that the comics
show because in the comics she shows it is okay to be sexual, and to be proud of
your sexuality. Wonder Woman has been a hero who stands for who she is, this is
shown, but the film hides her ties to bondage, a part of who she is. Her authors
found a sanctity in bondage, and gave this belief to her. As Irene Javors states,
Maston and Peter conveyed their unique notions of liberation through bondage
(Javors 1), her two authors, Harry Peter and William Marston both found liberation
in bondage, a freeing sense in being helpless. This concept stems from the belief of
freeing yourself by letting someone else take control, associated with the concept
of submission. This concept is shown greatly in the comic via Wonder Woman
herself. She, in one comic says On Paradise Island where we play many binding
games, this is considered the safest method of tying a girls arms By saying this, the
reader gains information on Wonder Woman s background. She grew up on an all
female island and her comment stated above explains that they practiced bondage
ties. She knew what the safest way to tie someone s arms behind their back using
rope, a common form of bondage in society. Another example of bondage in the
comics is when she states That Velma is a clever girl I ought to bind her hand and
foot! But if I m gone long, tight bonds might make her uncomfortable . Diana knows
that if someone is in a bondage tie for too long that they will get uncomfortable.
While yes that can be seen as common knowledge, she says it in a manner that she
knows first hand it can be uncomfortable. With three easily found examples in the
comics about Wonder Woman s ties to bondage, it raises the
Reflective Essay On Journalism
I chose journalism as my elective for this year because I wanted to continue the
journalism career that I began in middle school since it allowed me to write about
topics that grasped my interest and passion aside from writing required essays in a
classroom setting. In addition, I believed that this course would allow me to improve
my writingskills by learning the grammatical, ethical, and organizational concepts
relating to journalismsuch as the code of ethics, the inverted pyramid, and the
editorial hierarchy. I also hoped for the course to help me with responsibility and
time management since I knew I would have to write articles and have other loads
of works from other classes. Not to mention, journalism has allowed me to be
motivated to write a good article not for the grade, but for the sole purpose to make
the article right. In middle school journalism was an extracurricular activity and this
year I was graded on my personal interests, my time management, and my writing
quality rather than on the actual learning of a subject. This course has challenged
me to write outstanding pieces of work based on my time management and
motivation as well as without many guidelines and structure given. It had also made
me a lot more confident since it requires interaction outside of class to acquire
sources for articles. Thus, through reporting I able to establish a rapport with people
and build a network. Overall, this course had helped me become a people person,
Leadership Theory Vs. Transactional Leadership
Leadership and the study of it date back to the beginning of civilization and interest
in the field remains high. Leadership theory has historically evolved from its early
focus on Great Man (Lincoln, Caesar, Churchill and Gandhi) and trait theory to the
modern studies of leadership effectiveness approaches. Several theories have been
framed to explain leadership effectiveness.
The two of the most popular leadership theories are Transformational and
Transactional leadership types. Even though most authors agree that Transactional
and Transformational leadership are different in theory and practice, many authors
believe that transformational leadership significantly supplements transactional
leadership, resulting in higher levels of individual, team, and organizational
performance (Bass Avolio, 1994). Other authors believe that Transactional leadership
is a subset of transformational leadership (Weihrich et al, 2008).
The objective of this critique paper is to provide analysis of the two leadership styles,
comparing, contrasting them and outlining weaknesses of each method, illustrating
them with personal experience examples where applicable.
Transactional Leadership also known as conventional leadership or simply
management is a concept that was first explored in the socio economic context by
Weber (1947) and subsequently adopted by other researchers. This leadership style
focuses on the principles of exchange between the managers and employees who take
Assignment On The Pigman
The Pigman Assignment
Provide a brief intro in which you identify the character whose life became brighter
once the Pigman entered it:
According to the text, John s life became brighter once the pigman entered it. This is
because in the beginning of the book, John is the kind of person who played pranks
on people, such as the Pigman, and drank alcohol or smoked all day. But as things
develop John discovers that Mr. Pignati is so incredibly nice and genuine and
trusting that John finds it hard to trick the Pigman without feeling guilty. Finally by
the end of the book, John finally gets a job, and for the time, in a long time, John is
unselfish again.
Establish that your character had a poor relationship with his or her parents (provide
text details!)
John finds in the Pigman something so much needed by him and so denied by his
own parents that he finds it hard not to change.This is because John does not get
along with his parents, especially his father, who he calls the Bore. One major
source of friction between John and his dad is John s dream of becoming an actor.
When John tries to tell his father that he doesn t want to wear a suit and carry an
attachГ© case, and repeatedly says, I want to be me, his dad ignores and
discourages his dreams, and says to him Thank God Kenneth isn t a lunatic (7).
(Kenneth, John s brother, works with his father at the Coffee Exchange, and his
parents consider him nothing short of perfectly.) Also, John s mother is, he tells us, a
Deontological Ethics Kant
Deontological Ethics and Immanuel Kant Kant s theory of ethics was named
deontological theory by Jeremy Bentham. Immanuel Kant was a German
philosopher in 18th century. Kant is a father of the modern philosophy. He
believed that all philosophers should address two main questions. First one is
What can I know? Second is, What should I do? Personal autonomy what restricted
by Moral Law is a base of Kant s ethical theory. Kant was influenced by the Stoics
and as a result his theory focused on what is right thing to do. Sometimes right
things are valuable by this theory because we all have duties and obligations
between each other according to Kant. All actions should be done with good will,
moral duty and maximus. Good will means always do what is right. Moral duty is
behavior what everyone respects and it applies to everyone, everywhere and
always. Maximus is a reason for any action. To find out what is a right thing to do,
Kant used a two step verification system through first and second version of
Categorical Imperative. Everything that passes both systems is right to do. Basically,
for the first form person should form maximus and universalize it. For a second form,
person needs to check that everyone was treated with respect to their autonomy....
Show more content on ...
By this theory everyone has personal autonomy and all people are equally
important. For example, you cannot kill one person because it will lead to
happiness of thousand people and angry mob want to do it. Additionally,
consequences are not very important if you are doing the right thing. For example,
if doctor tried to save someone s life and he failed it does not mean that he needs to
be judged as a killer. Also, this theory has good verification system of what is right
and wrong. Finally, all people are equal and should be treated with respect and cannot
be used by

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Informative Speech Essay.pdf

  • 1. Informative Speech Essay Writing an essay on the topic of an "Informative Speech Essay" can be both challenging and rewarding. On one hand, the task involves researching and gathering relevant information to provide a comprehensive understanding of the chosen subject. This requires time and effort to sift through various sources, ensuring accuracy and reliability. Crafting an informative speech essay also demands effective organization and structure. The information needs to be presented logically, with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. Ensuring a smooth flow of ideas and maintaining the reader's interest throughout the essay is crucial. Moreover, it's essential to strike a balance between providing enough detail to educate the reader and avoiding overwhelming them with excessive information. Finding the right tone and style to convey the message in an engaging and accessible manner adds an additional layer of complexity. Additionally, choosing a compelling and relevant topic is a critical aspect of the essay. It requires careful consideration of the audience's interests and the significance of the subject matter. In conclusion, while writing an informative speech essay may present challenges, the process also offers an opportunity for personal growth and the development of valuable research and communication skills. As with any writing task, it's important to approach it with dedication, creativity, and a commitment to delivering a well-crafted piece of work. If you find yourself in need of assistance or if similar essays are required, you can explore additional resources. Platforms like offer a range of services where you can order essays and get professional support for your academic endeavors. Informative Speech Essay Informative Speech Essay
  • 2. Steve Jobs As A Technopreneure Q1. What are the factors that contributed to the success and failure of Steve Jobs as a technopreneure? Factors are those things that influence a person in his field of work, studies and his way of living and life. Steve Jobs is called the Silicon Valley Pioneer and the author of unique leadership and idea. Steve has come really close in achieving his goal, managing to make a name for him in all of the business and technological world. So what did it take him to get to the top? Factors that contributed to his success: 1.Passion: Steve worked in his father s workbench. He knew from the beginning that his future is in creating new things but he did not know what those things were. When he met Wozniak, then he got to know that those things... Show more content on ... Charisma: Steve Jobs had the charm and ability to convince people. He had the power to convince the investors to have their partnership with him to make a great business production and he also convinced them that they need his products. 9.Vision: He had an open mind and the ability to put new twists in old techniques. His this ability makes him different from his competitors. Jobs vision was incorporated/included into every aspect of company s strategy. 10.Cleverness: If Steve Jobs was not clever, he would have not think innovative ideas to make amazing products that had changed people s life, hence making it better. 11.Motivation: He had a great self motivation. Steve Jobs did not want to stay boring and dull or regular. He wanted a change. He did not only want to change his country, he wanted to make a universal change. He wanted a revolution. A change was not enough for him; he wanted to create a completely new awareness. 12.Competiveness: If we do business, we produce a product that is competitive and attractive and cheap just like Steve Jobs do. Jobs become arrogant when his business was progressed. He did not really care that his best friend Bill Gates become his best enemy as they both wanted to manage and own the Apple
  • 3. The Battle Of The War PRESS HERALD Wednesday, September 8, 1918 6 Feet Underground but Still Alive By Adona Umeri Soldiers lined up at the Italian front in the trenches prepared to take charge towards their enemies (from google images) During this difficult time at war, soldiers have had to spend the last four years of their lives in between narrow walls called trenches. Not only do these soldiers face the extremities of battles, but they also have to survive in these narrow spaces. For these courageous men, living in these trenches meant living in fear. As the warhas been mentioned that it is coming to an end, soldiers still have to keep up with their daily routines in the trenches to survive. There are many difficulties as to living in trenches. Firstly, ... Show more content on ... Other problems that occur are lice infestation, trench fever, trench mouth, trench foot, and shell shock. Lice spreads into soldier s clothing and within a few hours, their eggs hatch. Therefore, many soldiers shave their head to avoid lice. A photograph of Italian soldiers on the Albanian Front shaving each other s heads to prevent lice infestation (from google images). This year, lice have been recognized to be the main cause of Trench Fever, a disease that consists of severe pain and high fevers. Another medical condition called trench foot is a fungal infection of the feet. I viewed a soldier who stood in cold, wet conditions that infected his feet. The conditions can include water levels up to waist height or very cold weather that can cause frostbite. Some cases resulted in amputation of the feet. I didn t observe this since conditions are more stable now than they were four years ago. Trench mouth comes from the improper care of gums, which affect soldiers because of their unsanitary environments. Lastly, shell shock, an illness soldiers have is caused by the stress of battles. More issues include those that are war related, which will be discussed later on. The daily life of a soldier consists of being awoken by the officers or sergeants to prepare for attacks that occur at dawn. They stand to and guard the trenches. This routine is named the morning hate . Firing weapons calm the nerves of the soldiers. The soldiers who
  • 4. Prevention Of The Polio Vaccine Immunization: During today s visit Max needs 4 immunizations, such as: Dtap, Polio, Hep A, and Varicella. Dtap and Polio is part of Maxe s primary immunization. First, I would ask mom if she would like her son to receive 4 mentioned above vaccines (consent needed). If mom agreed to vaccination, I would verify if her son didn t have any of the following symptoms after receiving last Dtap: a brain or nervous system disease within 7 days, non stop crying for 3h or more, a seizure or collapse, and fever over 105F. For the Polio vaccineI would verify if Max is allergic to the antibiotic neomycin, streptomycin, or polymyxin B ( Yours child s , 2015). For varicella vaccine, I would verify if Max has an allergy to gelatin or neomycin antibiotic ( Chickenpox , 2008). With Hepatitis A, Max wouldn t get this vaccine if he was allergic to latex ( Hepatitis A , 2011). Copy of vaccine information statements, available also on CDC website, would be provided to mom. I would also educate mom that every vaccine, like medication, has side effects. She can expect to see redness, tenderness or swelling where the shot was given or mild fever. Max can be a little bit more fussy, tired, has poor appetite, or he can vomit after receiving vaccination. These symptoms are normal after vaccination for 1 2 days ( Yours child s , 2015). If mom has any questions or concerns related to vaccination, she should call the office. No diagnostic tests at this time. Medication: If Max needs Tylenol or
  • 5. Examples Of Canto In Dante s Inferno This canto was the voice of truth. Throughout this part of the Inferno, Virgil was the one who composed most of the conversation. On a larger picture, over the course of this perilous journey, Virgil represented the idea of truth of rationality. He showed no compassion towards the sinners, including at other sections of Hell. He saw the true nature of the sins and those who committed them. In contrary, Dante the Pilgrim was the absolute opposite. He felt pity and sorry for the punished souls. In Inferno, he was the epitome of emotional judgments and compassionate mind. In the text, there were several occasion when Dante expressed his pity for the sinners. For example, in Canto V, his sorrow for the wrongful couple, Francesca and Paolo, was so great that he went into unconsciousness, ...And all the while/ the one of the two spirits spoke these words, / the other wept, in such a way that pity/ blurred my senses; I swooned as though to die, / and fell to Hell s floor, as a body, dead, falls. (Alighieri V.138 142).... Show more content on ... At the sight of the deformed souls, Dante the Pilgrim wept for them (Alighieri XX.25 26). Previous to this canto, Virgil had disagreed with this reaction of Dante; again, he saw the divinity of the punishments, which was also the idea of contrapasso aforementioned. In this canto, Virgil seemed to be more explicit and straightforward in his response to Dante. He criticized the Pilgrim, So you are still like all the other fools? / In this place piety lives and pity is dead, (Alighieri XX.27 28). Virgil clearly stated the core principle of Hell: every sin is investigated thoroughly and a matching punishment will be given; therefore, there is no need to lament on those souls. Furthermore, the idea of truth and rationality correlated with the theme of this Bolgia. Both surrounded the distinction between a fact and a
  • 6. Joran Van Der Sloot s Murder Natalee Holloway was an eighteen year old girl from Mountain Brook,Alabama who suddenly went missing in Aruba on a graduation trip on May 30, 2005. Joran Van der Sloot being accused for the murder of Natalee Holloway is not an example of a witch hunt because there is no mass hysteria and, there s only one man that has been accused. Also the only reason Van der Sloot is being accused is because he s a possible suspect, he was responsible for the murder of a young woman named Stephany Flores Ramirez on May 30, 2010 and he was at the bar where Holloway went missing back in 2005. The main reason Joran van der Sloot is a possible suspect is because he was remembered to have been at the bar that night by Natalee s old classmates. Also one month
  • 7. Little Clay Cart Women have always been treated lesser than men and by looking at other cultures we see that woman have little or no power compared to men. Men have always been seen as the dominant gender. Countries such as Afghanistan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Nepal, and many other countries, women are treated less than men. Some of these countries won t let women get an education, and those who do choose to find education will likely get kidnaped or raped. In other countries, women who don t get married young get sold to human traffickers. And in most of these countries, pregnant women don t have the proper healthcare to deliver a baby which spikes the death rate for women and infants. As for men, they don t need to worry about this since men are... Show more content on ... Some men feel very insecure and tend to have a very low self esteem when having a larger than average body size, although most men won t go to the extreme to try to make themselves thinner, more attractive, or more muscular. Men usually don t do things women normally do to slim down, the reason for that is men don t over think things, they keep focus on one thing, while women pick up every detail and have an open visual on
  • 8. Research Paper On Kevin Durant A person that Interest me is Kevin Durant. He is one of the best basketball players on the golden state warriors team. He s 29 years old and is 6 9. I don t know him much but I want to get to know him better, here is a couple facts about him: he as born on September 29, 1988, he went to University of Texas at Austin, and one other thing I know about him is his full name it s Kevin Wayne Durant. One other thing I know about him is that he played for the Thunders for Oklahoma City, then switched to the Golden State Warriors. Some things I don t know about him is that where he lived when he was little , what he did or wanted to become when he was little. I don t know for sure who his mom was or how many siblings he has. Now these things I would
  • 9. Thaler And Sunstein s Nudge Analysis Thaler and Sunstein s Nudge: An Analysis In 2008, an economist from Chicago and a Harvard law professor came together to develop an incredibly fascinating award winning book that utilizes both behavioral economics and psychology research to explain nudges in economics. Nudge: Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth, and Happiness, written by Richard H. Thaler and Cass R. Sunstein, describes nudges as items that are capable of influencing individuals decisions after the utilization of indirect suggestions and positive reinforcement. These nudges have the ability to achieve compliance (that is not forced, mind you) of individuals in nearly every context. While I have yet to have had the pleasure to read the entire book, I have a far... Show more content on ... Anchoring is described as starting the decision making process at a point that you know or are familiar with, the anchor, and then adjusting in whichever direction you believe to be correct (Thaler and Sunstein 23). The second heuristic, availability, is an assessment of risk based on how quickly an individual can think of examples of a given threat (Thaler and Sunstein 25). The third and final heuristic is representativeness, which is described as the similarity heuristic . People will often employ stereotypes when asked how similar object A is to object B, and this heuristic is used because it is typically effective (Thaler and Sunstein 26). I d like to go more in depth on the first heuristic, anchoring, due to the fact that it is heavily rooted in psychology priming the brain, specifically. Thaler and Sunstein illustrate an experiment in which college students were asked two different questions the first asking about their personal happiness and the second asking how often the individual was dating (Thaler and Sunstein 24). The correlation had a drastic increase when the dating question was asked initially priming the brain to associate one s love life with happiness. The dating question gives an individual a starting point for the thought process, which gives the interviewer more
  • 10. Essay On Ozymandias Current pop culture has been influenced by great works of literary merit for as long as we can remember. Ozymandias, being the astounding poem it is, evidently had a lot to give to producers, writers, and musicians hundreds of years after its release. Percy Shelley produced various ideas to take from the poem; from whom the poem was about to when the poem was written. Each influenced piece of pop culture uses Ozymandiasin completely different ways; making Ozymandias an incredibly versatile poem. Breaking bad, a hit television series was greatly influenced by Ozymandias. So much so, they created an episode named Ozymandias, and it came complete with the star of the show reciting the poem himself. It starts off with connections right off the bat, showing the main character in the act that started it all, the first time he made meth with his accomplice. We relive the memory, just as... Show more content on ... The artist is in control of what we see; the artist is capturing his legacy. He is bringing it forth. The breaking bad episode also leaves us with a connection to this. Will there be someone to take over Walter White s place? Ozymandias was also a character created in the well known Watchmen comic books. He was not a regular superhero, however. Adrian Alexander Veidt was not blessed with uncanny supernatural powers that allowed him to fly or gave him the strength of 10 body builders. Instead his creators, Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons, gave him a rough background and the title of the Smartest Man in the World. How Adrian Veidt made himself into Ozymandias leads us straight into the history of the great Pharaoh himself. Veidt, being a diehard fan of Alexander the Great, gave his parent s fortune to charity to prove he can make his own wealth and followed his icon s path. Leading him to Egypt where he learned about the wondrous Pharaoh, Ramses
  • 11. What Americanism Mean To Me Americanism. According to the dictionary it means a characteristic feature of English as used in the United States. To me it means a lot more than that. It means three main things to me like freedom, all of our needs are. When I hear the word freedom, I think about freedom of speech and the freedom of choice. In America, we have the freedom of speech. We can say what we want to say anytime we want to say it. The power of speech is often abused. People in America often do not realize how lucky they are to. Another thing that I think Americanism means is freedom of choice. From the time children are born and until they go off on their own, the parent or guardian tries to choose what is best for the child. Children choose their own destiny while
  • 12. Historical Background Of Health Care Essay Historical Background Health care in Canada is delivered through a publicly funded health care system called Medicare, which is a universal coverage, single payer plan for all Canadians and legal residents. This health insurance pays up to 70% of all medicals costs excluding dental, eye care and medications, which is covered by private sectors. The current health care policy is guided by the provisions of the Canada Health Act 1984. Approximately 99% of physicians service costs and 90% of hospital care are covered by publicly funded program. Historically, Canada s health system was dated back to 1867 when the British North American Act was passed, which gave federal government the responsibility to take care of marine hospitals and quarantine. As for the provinces, its responsibility is to manage the local hospitals, asylums, charities and other charitable organizations. To compare with the United States of America, the American government does not have a single payer program, which results in a somewhat less efficient healthcare system. Health care facilities are largely owned and operated by private sector businesses. 58% of US community hospitals are non profit, 21% are government owned, and 21% are for profit. Major reforms On September 1st of 1919 in Canada, the Federal Department of Health was created. Prior to that, this department was under the supervision of Federal Department of Agriculture. In the beginning of 1920s, the first of few municipal hospitals were
  • 13. Essay On Signs Of A Hidden Mice Infestation Signs Your Home Is Infested With Mice And How An Inspection Helps Get Rid Of Them You can have an infestation of mice in your home and never see one of the creatures darting around, but they will leave clues. If you do see the mice, especially during the daytime, that could indicate you have a particularly bad infestation. Whether you ve seen mice or not, you should take steps to eliminate them since they are unsanitary pests. Start with an inspection by a rodent professional. Here s when to suspect you have a mouse problem and why having a professional inspection is important. Signs Of A Hidden Mice Infestation Mice are usually most active at night when activity in your home has settled down. When your home is otherwise quiet, you may hear their claws scraping inside the walls as they scurry around. They might make chirping or squeaking noises. You can even hear them gnawing on wood or other objects. Noises may come from the attic, behind walls, inside the cupboards, or behind the refrigerator. If the mice are particularly active, you may hear them knock things off shelves and tables as they hunt for food. Besides unusual sounds, bad odors are another indicator of a mice infestation. You... Show more content on ... This is vital because their entry points must be sealed or the mice will keep coming back. Another part of the inspection is to look for mice droppings and signs of damage. This helps the inspector determine if the rodent is a mouse or rat and how many animals could be present. The inspection will include walking around the perimeter of your home looking for signs of activity where the mice enter as well as inspecting the inside of your home in secluded areas such as inside cabinets and in the attic. With all the information gained during an inspection, the pest control company can devise an effective means of eliminating the mice from your
  • 14. Birch Paper CMA 302 Tutorial Case Study: Final Draft Birch Paper Company 1. Background Birch Paper Company is a medium sized partly integrated company that produces Kraft papers and paperboard. There are four producing divisions and one timberland division which supplies part of the company s pulp requirements. The divisions are Northern Division Southern Division Thompson Division Division 4 Timberland Each division is operating independently with its own division manager. Also, each division s performance had been judged on its profit and return on investment (ROI). The company policy of decentralizing responsibility and authority for all... Show more content on ... The Northern Division received 3 different bids: $480 Thompson Division $430 West Paper Company $432 Eire Papers, Ltd [Calculation] Thompson Division tota Costs to Birch Paper = $288, being $400 made up of $280 for materials (linerboard and corrugating medium) and $120 for other costs. However because Thompson sources its materials from Southern division who make a $112 profit on materials, the total Cost to Birch Paper Company is materials $168 + other cost $120 = $288 West Paper Company Costs = $430 Eire Papers, Ltd Costs to Birch Paper Company = $391 that being $432 less sourcing profits from Southern Division ($90 x 40%) = $36 and Thompson Division Contribution $5 = $391 Although the West Paper Company looks at first to be the best choice, the truth is to be the Thompson Division as it has the lowest cost if we assume that all transfer prices within the company were calculated at costs. The lowest costs that associated within the company would make Birch Paper Company to earn the highest profits and revenues. [pic] Should Mr Kenton accept this bid? Why or why not? Mr Kenton has two options, 1 To accept the lowest bid of $430 from West Paper. By doing so would result in the best interests for the Northern Division as it would gain the most profits .
  • 15. Compare And Contrast The United States Vs The Congo United States Versus the Congo Do you ever think about how lucky you are? You should. You live in one of many countries that cares for its citizens. Living in America you have opportunities that other countries will never have. For example, there are many third world countries that struggle daily to keep multiple citizens alive. These citizens have to fight for their lives and sometimes never get any form of medical help. Whereas in America we have many different resources that allow us to be a strong world power, if we lost citizens by the hundreds weekly we would be a country in need. Many countries in Africa are considered third world countries because they are overpopulated and under developed. The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), located in Central Africa, struggles daily because the government fails. The country has been in civil conflicts for nearly a decade, this however is not the main health hazard. In the 16th and 17th centuries, the Congo was a popular location for slave trade, while foreign powers intruded they also exposed the area to their diseases that have remained for centuries. These diseases have developed ... Show more content on ... For example, HIV/AIDS are a big threat in both countries, along with poliomyelitis (polio), and different strains of influenza. The United States again has better medical resources to fight these diseases, unlike the DRC, who can only succumb to these diseases. A lot of these diseases can be prevented by vaccinations. The medical organizations in both the United States and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, are spreading awareness for the need of vaccinations. These vaccines, allow your body to fight off deadly diseases, but being vaccinated is very important. They allow you to continue your daily life. These vaccines however do not help those who are already infected by the
  • 16. The Byrds History The Byrds was a rock band that started in 1964 in Los Angeles, California. The band originally started out as a trio, named, The Jet Set, with Roger McGuinn, David Crosby, and Gene Clark. They eventually changed their name to, The Byrds, with 11 members in their band. The members were: Roger McGuinn, David Crosby, Gene Clark, Gram Parsons, Chris Hillman, Michael Clarke, Clarence White, Gene Parsons, Skip Battin, John York, and John Guerin. They were going to call their band, The Birds, but in England, it is slang for girls, and they didn t want to be called, The Girls, so McGuinn came up with, The Byrds. The band was active from 1964 to 1973, 1989 to 1991, and 2000. The Byrds is one of the most influential bands in the 60s. Roger... Show more content on ... His birth name was Clyde. Skip joined the Byrds in 1970 played the bass guitar up for the Byrds, up until 1973, when McGuinn decided that his abilities as a bassist was no longer needed. Skip was also the replacement for John York. He dies on July 6, 2003, in Salem, Oregon, of Alzheimers disease. John York was born on August 3, 1946, in White Plains, New York. John join the Byrds in 1968 and was the bass guitar replacement for Hillman. In 1969, John was asked to leave the band and was replaced by Skip. John Guerin was born on October 31, 1939, in Hawaii. He was only in the band for 7 months, when he decided to leave the band to return to studio work. He wasn t considered an official member of the band. He died on January 5, 2004, in West Hills, California. Most, almost all the members in the band also sang, along with their other role in the band. In the song, Turn! Turn! Turn! the lyrics tells us that theres a time for everything to happen. This song actually comes from Ecclesiastes 3:1 8. When they composed this song, they literally just took most of the verses from Ecclesiastes and made it into a song. This is actually I song that I enjoy and it sounds pretty good. I think it is pretty cool how they arranged the song, because if you look at the last line of each verse, it is: weep, together, embracing, and peace. You weep together, then you embrace each other for comfort, and then there is
  • 17. Farm To Fork Research Paper Farm to Fork: Tradition Made Fresh One of the emerging and ever growing trends in many of today s restaurant scene has chefs utilizing local farms to gather the freshest ingredients that are available, with specific focus on what is locally grown. According to a recent issue of Bon Appetite Magazine, many of the Hot 10 Restaurants in the US utilize local organic gardens and base their nightly menus on what is in season, humanely raised, and often times sustainably grown. Chefs are creating menus that change with the season; some even change offerings daily to highlight produce picked in a garden at 9am to be served with fish caught that same day. In the quest to find the new, restaurants are embracing local, seasonal dishes so fresh you can taste each individual herb and spice. This growing trend is taking hold in places from fine dining restaurants to your neighborhood, casual dining spot. Why is it important? The Farm to Table Movement celebrates local ingredients from local farmers that come directly from the field to your table. The logic behind the movement is fairly simple. The fresher the ingredients, the better the food will taste and the more nutritious the meal. Using local farms is more sustainable and better for the environment because the less travel time to transport the food means less ... Show more content on ... Instead, we recommend that you visit your local farmers market. You can find one for almost every day of the week in most major cities, especially in Miami and New York. Support and order from CSA farms (Community Supported Agriculture) to get vegetables that can be regularly picked up at a central location near your home or workplace and in some cases, even delivered directly to your front door! If you are really serious or are looking for a new hobby, you can grow your own, using compost and a little sweat
  • 18. Italian Piano Research Paper Two types of stringed keyboard instrument were available to the household or court musician from the 16th century to the middle of the 18th: the harpsichord and its near relations, the spinet and virginal; and the clavichord. In the harpsichord family the string is plucked by a small plectrum, originally of quill. The variety of sound from these plucked instruments is achieved not primarily by finger pressure, but more subtly by phrasing and articulation. Variety of tonal color can be obtained, on a harpsichord by judicious choice of registration. The harpsichord was used both for solo performance and accompanying in chamber groups and in larger ensembles of the period. It typically had two sets of strings per key, tuned either to the same pitch or with one set sounding an octave higher (a 4 register). The registers were controlled by hand stops above the keyboard. Two manuals (keyboards) were to be found on certain larger instruments, which usually featured three sets of strings. Found from the beginning of the 16th century, the Italian harpsichords were lightly... Show more content on ... Flemish instruments were more solidly constructed than the Italian, invariably with the basic two sets of strings (either one 8 and a 4 or both at 8 pitch). Two manuals were common, though the upper manual was originally used for transposing; only in the second half of the 17th century was the additional manual used for contrast of tone with the ability to couple the registers of both manuals for a fuller sound. The Flemish often painted their instruments, decorative lids and soundboards being common features. French instruments developed from the Flemish design. Many so called French harpsichords were in fact Flemish in origin, rebuilt by French makers who increased the compass in both treble and
  • 19. John Locke Colonization Of Space As the twenty first progresses, mankind has made milestones in technological advances. With these advances make in idea of space colonization possible in the near future. With the growing population and the resources of earth becoming more and more scarce, the colonization of another planet in space may be needed. In the movie Interstellar, a man is is told that the NASA is planning to initiate the plan of colonization of space due to the desolation of the Earth. Therefore, that man is sent on a mission to find a suitable planet to inhabit. Say we do come to the conclusion that is beneficial to the human race to colonize another planet; the question of its ethics must be asked and what issues may come with this new venture. In this essay... Show more content on ... Terraforming in the literal sense is Earth shaping. It is making a location that is inhabitable for humans, altered to fit the characteristics of Earth and to be optimal for human habitation. For Example, what if the the Mars rover found microbial life on mars that has been unnoticed for years? Those little life forms thrive only in the natural environment, so, what would happen if humans go in and alter their environment. We would be killing their chance to ever evolve into anything greater. As Charles Darwin theorized that all organism on Earth had a Universal Common Ancestor , just as Mars would have had. What would have given us the right to stop the development of these life forms? Easy answer. We have no right to take away the future of a life
  • 20. The Successes and Failures of the Treaty of Versailles in... The Successes and Failures of the Treaty of Versailles in Addressing the Causes of Conflict and Restoring Peace and Normality To evaluate the successes and failures of the Treaty of Versailles, we need to address the terms of the Treaty as well as to inspect the consequences. The First World War had exposed Germany as a strong and aggressive power, and was viewed as a threat to peace by the victorious powers, so the terms of the Treaty of Versailles, which was designed to address the causes of conflict as well as restoring peace and normality, although including other peace measures, focused on harnessing and restricting Germany s power so that they would never again be strong enough to become a ... Show more content on ... It also created a feeling of increased international understanding and therefore security, allowing 15 major powers to sign the Kellog Briand Pact, which stated that the participating nations would reject war as an instrument of national policy . On the other hand, the League was not successful in stopping conflict altogether. For example, despite the League s efforts, they could not stop Poland from annexing Vilna or Italy from occupying Corfu in 1923. And it was difficult for the permanent members of the League to put aside their self interest to act as a whole to preserve peace and normality. The problem was that there was no enforcing power, and the members did not always agree. Evidence of this was the complete failure to adhere to the Geneva Protocol, which was designed to unite all league members as a collective military power in case of unprovoked aggression. Although France showed strong support for this, Britain vetoed it arguing that this would involve Britain in all conflicts, big and small. This created a problem in enforcing the peace settlement. Additionally, the League failed to establish a World Disarmament scheme, rejected because of national self interest from its members. Eventually Germany left the League of Nations because she did not receive equal
  • 21. The Battle At Fort Sumter Natalie Lockman Professor Campbell English 112 The Battle at Fort Sumter Being raised in the south, there are somethings that life teaches a person; you always hold the door, acknowledge someone as they pass you by, and always say ya ll . The southern culture is something that sites in its own niche of history and drags the past into the future. In A Rose for Emily by William Faulkner, the reader gets a taste of the south and the way of southern living through an outside view of Emily Grierson s life in a strange series of events. Falkner s character, Emily, symbolizes the conflict of the past and the future in southern heritage though the events of her life. The first instance in Emily s life that symbolizes the conflict of the past and future in the south is her refusal to pay taxes. The story itself is set in a small, southern town, post civil war which only adds to Emily s symbolism. This is because the south after the civil war was on a path of major transformation. The start of the conflict is when the new generation of the towns people send Emily a tax notice her response was, I have no taxes in Jefferson. Colonel Sartoris explained it to me. Perhaps one of you can gain access to the city records and satisfy yourselves. (Falkner 157). Later on in the passage, (Colonel Sartoris had been dead almost ten years.) (Falkner 157). Here the reader learns that Emily does not understand how the town has changed outside of her home. The new generation that confronts
  • 22. Art Museum Of Fort Worth Texas This influence and style continued at the Kimbell Art Museum in Fort Worth Texas. Louis Kahn is a modern architect that designed the Kimbell Art Museum. Kahn emerged from the Beaux Arts movement but became one of the foremost American Modernist architects of the 1950 s and 60 s (Kimball, 1990). Kahn created a building for the Kimbell Art Museumthat also complimented the art and did not distract the viewer (Kimball, 1990). He was commissioned to design the Kimbell Art Museum from 1966 1972). Kahn s museums are individual to the point of idiosyncrasy, yet they remain transparent to the works of the art they house (Kimball, 1990). The Yale University Art Gallery, designed by Kahn, has an intimate studio feel as employed at the Museum of Modern Art(Binns, 2004 p. 17). Kahn also utilized similar materials that Goodwin and Stone incorporated. The Yale University Art Gallery is made of large pieces of glass and steel (Binns, 2004, p. 17). Many of the materials used at Kahn s three museums are glass, steel, concrete, and brick (Eliasoph, 2009, p. 317). During the 2005 remodeling, the team attempts at restoring much of Kahn s original design elements at it considers it a very important part of architectural history (Binns, 2004, p. 17). As a modernist, Kahn also used flexible gallery walls at the Kimbell Art Museum. Kahn s innovative pogo wall panels are also being re introduced for the display of artwork (Eliasoph, 2009, 317). The walls did not have any
  • 23. Destructive Zero Defect Throughout history, the U.S. military has enjoyed a reputation of being one of the most respected and reliable organizations in the United States. Although the military continues to make every effort to achieve excellence, the very real threat of drawdowns and budget cuts have constrained and forced leaders to change the way they conduct business. Even though the objective remains to be building a stronger and superior force, the latest changes to policy have ushered in a destructive zero defect attitude within its ranks. This is not the first time the military has gone through this process. In the late 1990s, it was decided that the large, post Cold war Army was too expensive and unwieldy, so changes were made to force out those deemed unfit
  • 24. First Crusader Success Essay Assess the Reasons for the success of the First Crusade The success of the first crusade was due to both Byzantine and Islamic factors. Pope Urban II s passionate call for arms at the Council of Clermont, the extreme faith and dedication exerted by the crusaders and the disunity between the Muslim leaders enabled the crusaders to attack when the Islamic kingdom was weak, enabling them to capture the most sought after city, Jerusalem. A key defining factor was the disunity amongst the Muslim states. After the death of Malik Shah, local warlords seized the opportunity to build up their own power bases. This therefore meant that the Muslim world was in complete chaos and the lands in which the crusaders would have to march through were very... Show more content on ... Pope Urban s passionate call to arms, whether rich or poor, created a huge influx of people from all walks of life. As Christian ideology within the period was dominated by the belief in heaven and hell, the notion that embarking on a crusade, and completing the crusade, evoked a sense of unity and determination which proved key in the crusade, especially during arduous times. During the gruelling 7 month capture of Antioch, the crusaders were then besieged by Kerbogha s forces. The crusaders were both tired, starving and thirsty however they still fought throughout the night to keep Kerbogha s forces out. The motivation was further increased by the claim that Peter Bartholomew had found The Holy Lance. Though Kerbogha s army was one of the most powerful in the Sunni Caliphate, the motivation from the crusaders, who believed that the lance was a sign from God, motivated them to fight on. The crusaders easily could have deserted but, due to the strength of their faith, they defeated Kerbogha s forces on the 28th June. It was their faith which encouraged the Crusaders to go forth and to face the enemy head on instead of giving up. It is widely believed that the undoubted faith which made the crusaders embark on their journey is one of the key factors which carried them to
  • 25. Renewable Energy And The Global Warming The Earth is dying at an extreme rate and will continue to do so unless we switch to renewable energy, to help fight and prevent the effects of using fossil fuels. Many people will say that we need to switch to renewable energy and that our planet is suffering from global warming, while others will say that global climate change is a natural occurring event that does not to be worried about. Many people in the modern generation have grown up with a big emphasis on how we need to change our daily habits in order to protect the world and preserve the life on it. The reason as to why many people will say this, is because for about the last fifty years scientist have been saying that we need to cut back on our fossil fuels and use more... Show more content on ... The hope is that when that time comes, the people of that era are advanced enough to be able to provide for themselves without the need of the same resources that we need everyday. An important question to ask ourselves, is what if the people don t have the technology and need the resources we use everyday, but they won t have as much or any if we continue to destroy our planet. The fact that we know our fossil fuels are limited and yet we still use them is crazy, in greenhouse living one article states that Whether you believe that there are hundreds of years or just a few decades left of this resource, the fact remains that it is a finite resource. At some point, fossil fuels are going to either be gone or they are going to become too expensive to realistically use. (Epstein ) This quote summarizes the overall issue with the use of fossil fuels and that is that they will run out. The question for that is, are we ready for when that day comes and we have to make the change from fossil fuels to renewable energy. As of right now, we have fossil fuels and don t have to switch to renewable energy, but when the day comes, that the oil drilling stops producing and the coal minds are empty is the day we will have to sit back and say are we ready for this. The education system is one that can help lead the way in many different ways and one of them is setting an example of how things are in the modern way. The reason as to why education systems
  • 26. Context Aware Technology In Health Care Essay Healthcare is becoming a global issue while the world s population is expanding and standard of living is rising. In 2011, according to United Nations Development Programme s Human Development Index, Australia ranked second (Boslaugh, 2013). Despite the overall good status of health, the improvement in healthcare is necessary because the world witnessed a dramatic growth in the aging population as well as the outbreak of the pandemics in the recent centuries. Not only that, these trends will continue in the coming years. While the pressure on healthcare and social welfare systems is growing, a variety of possible solutions have been proposed to improve the healthcare quality. In a number of solutions, context aware technology is a research... Show more content on ... In another research, Preuveneers, Berbers Joosen (2013) stated the main factor which makes individual feel completely being in control is good techniques of data visualization. The approach and methods used by these authors are gathering data day by day to filter for similar situations and scenarios of the past. Based on that, the system can provide a suggestion for the diabetes patients to choose their insulin dosage. Clearly, each strategy is suitable in difference situations but in general context aware technology can be used to offer support for the decision making by the ability of collecting data automatically. Without doubt, with the information overload today, using context aware technology to support for decision making will outbreak in near future not only in healthcare area but also in other fields such as business, sports or even military. Most of the literature has focused on remote patient monitoring. This is becoming vital in healthcare quality in recent years because of the benefits that it brings. Preuveneers and Berbers (2008, p.177) highlight that a context awareness application based on the native mobile frameworks can offer support to individuals who suffer diabetes to make better choices or to manage their health independently. As a result, these advantages may lead to a more pleasant life for patients. The positive
  • 27. Sexual Content As A Man Or A Woman Introduction Critics decry the perverseness of television. They claim that the abundance of sexual content is poisoning their minds. Unfortunately, when it comes to backing up these claims, they are hard pressed to actually find evidence to back this up. Sexual content will be searched within the parameters of sitcoms. This paper will be specifically focusing on sexual content when it is portrayed in a comedy. Comedies are unique from dramas because they portray things in a funny light. They can still deal with serious topics, but they go about things in a different manner. Topics are played for a comedic effect, and when they revolve around things that are sexual in nature, people are worried that they are encouraging that specifically. The research will be exploring whether the subject of these sexual jokes are a man or a woman. There are comedic sexual references to both males and females being made by both males and females. Research Sexual content on television needs to have a definition. It cannot merely be defined according to one s own comfort and thinking in regards to sex. Kunkel, Eyal, and Finnerty (2005) describe sexual content as any depiction of sexual activity, sexually suggestive behaviour, or talk about sexuality or sexual activity . This is a common definition that is held to by many people, but some view sex as having more to do with culture. Buckingham, Willett, Bragg and Russell (2010) argue that sex might have more to do with cultural values and
  • 28. The Cover Of Long Division The cover of Long Division, by Kiese Laymon, pictures a rusted, broken chain. This symbol, along with the setting of the book suggests the strong history of slavery in the South. That unfortunate history carries with it the idea of otherness an idea of being valued and devalued based on skin color an idea central to Laymon s story. Long Division shows throughout three time periods that while the African American race progresses, it never arrives at full equality. In each time period 1964, 1985, and 2013 the African American characters find the threat of racial discrimination and violence. Looking into the book chronologically, Laymon allows 1985 City to travel to 1964 during the heat of segregation. City experienced firsthand the ... Show more content on ... Since he is from 1985, it reveals that race relations have progressed positively since. In 1964, they are hunted and haunted by the Ku Klux Klan, who hope to preserve segregation and stop the activists who have come to Mississippi. He didn t seem very concerned with the threat the Klan posed. At the time he was actually more concerned with Shalaya liking Evan than anything else. Well, I know that you can t travel through time with a girl and save folks from the Klan and not kiss them unless you re slightly deformed or unless you smell like death. And even then, there s still gonna be some serious grinding going on. Serious grinding. (136) This shows, once again, that City, having grown up only twenty years later was one hundred years removed from severity of the situation involving the Klan. He didn t know to be afraid of it because he had never personally experienced the threat that the group posed. 2013 proves to have progressed, but there is still hopelessness in the air. 2013 City competes in a post spelling bee age competition called Can You Use That Word in a Sentence. The book begins with the events leading up to and during this competition. Early in the book, Laymon shows the reader that these characters are up against something much older, much more powerful, and much more disheartening than the group of adolescents they were to compete against. Lavander sarcastically explains this theme: African Americans are generally a
  • 29. Disadvantages Of Japanese Education According to WEF, Japanese education contains as a top 11 school systems in the world. they say the system of compulsory education in Japan, and the cognitive skills for literacy, science and math is excellent.In fact, japan is one of the top performing for paper tests. However, students are not compelled to go to high school but most of students pass the school entrance exam and participate in high school. In this essay I ll focus on this statement and few other advantages and disadvantages of japanese educational systems to determine whether japanese education is benefit or not. First, I will show you many kinds of advantages of japanese education.As I mentioned earlier, Japanese school system has 9 years of compulsory education. However, from high school, students have to pass the high school entrance exam to enter the school. High school is not compulsory. Despite that, ... Show more content on ... As I told before, Japanese cognitive skills ranks as one of the top high level quality. Cognitive skills are the base of study. If you are good at cognitive skills, it will be more easier to approach something use non cognitive skills.In other word, only having cognitive skills is not good, but cognitive skills help you to get non cognitive skills, and it support you a lot in some situation as school, and at a work office where you work in the future. In addition, the indulgement what is the feature of japanese students also can be a benefit on education.The trend of japanese students seem to depend on their mothers or teachers.Because of this, the support of the people around the students make students with less stress.Less stress leads students to keep the children s brain from getting confused. This allow students to grow their cognitive skills and non cognitive skills. Such as concentration and self control.This makes children to cope with something difficult. The biggest benefit of japanese education is Homeroom
  • 30. Using Information Communication And Technology A new methods to acquire the English language is WhatsApp program via the smartphone, where I m going to search how to use this program to learn English language by the teacher and how arrival the idea to the student. :Introduction The world of technology and communication has changed quickly during this millennium time in history. We cannot avoid that and actually, we will be falling behind if we do not follow it. Information Communication and Technology has become the big part to bring the world into a more modern and develop. Information Communication and Technology has also shaped the world to be more energetic/changing than ever before. The world of education gets the effect of the fast changes of Information Communication and Technology. Education now has to change a little and get better with the Information Communication and Technology, if not, then there will create gaps within education and the (community of people/all good people in the world). The education world now is also getting more improve by using Information Communication and Technology. In an included world, where all of us live nowadays, different interactions exist between the countries and it has been necessary to establish a common language between these which serves us to communicate, since it is calculated that in the world more than five thousand different languages are spoken and it would be impossible to communicate if each one spoke his own language. The language that across the years has
  • 31. Discussing the Role of Middle Management Discussing the Role of Middle Management During the 1980s and 1990s, in our increasingly global marketplace, downsizing and re engineering became a common practice in business, eliminating much of the need for middle managers, cutting costs, speeding up decisions, and flattening organizational hierarchies worldwide. Middle managers began to be seen as unnecessary costs, easily replaced by displacing responsibility downward to their subordinates, and uncooperative, even having a negative impact on change. While middle managers still exist today, they must still deal with the general notion that their responsibilities could be displaced even though they are often among the more experienced and knowledgeable employees in a department ... Show more content on ... As a change intermediary, middle managers play an important role between the strategic plan being passed down from higher level management, and the operation core, where the change is manifested. Microdynamics of Inclusion The structure and quality of communication systems in organizations is directly related to overall organizational cohesiveness. In Westley s article Middle Managers and Strategy: Microdynamics of Inclusion, the author discusses the role of middle management in strategic processes. As in the previous article, the author discusses the inherent discontent among middle managers when they feel about they are being excluded from the organization s strategic processes. When a middle manager feels excluded, there are many negative side effects however, the exclusion of middle managers from strategic conversation is inevitable, and inclusion does not guarantee satisfaction. In top down management systems, which have bottom up flows of communication, middle managers are capable of controlling the upward flow of information and expressing the opinions of lower management up to top management. In this way, middle managers have some influence in strategic conversation, and with proper
  • 32. Metastasio Opera Buffa Eighteenth century Europe was a time of great intellectual change. The old scholastic thought began to be changed out with the new Descartian cogito ergo sum. This shift of intellectual thought did not just restrict itself to the philosophers it permeated all of western culture. During the beginning of the eighteenth century, European opera began to shift into a new soundscape. A split occurred in opera between Opera Seria and Opera Buffa mainly as a result of the Arcadian Academy. This literary movement sought to return Italian poetry to its former glory, and by former glory they meant the ancient Greek s former glory. This movement focused prominently on opera libretti. One such librettist was Piertro Metastasio. Metastasio ... Show more content on ... The Enlightenment was a time where western intellectual thought shifted from the world towards the human person. This shift was sparked by Descartes philosophy which can be summarised by his words, cogito ergo sum or I think therefore I am. With this shift man [became] the measure of all things. This lead to the development of Secular Humanism. When Secular Humanism is applied to opera there is less of an emphasis on the music which is something that points beyond humans and there becomes an emphasis on the plot. Opera Seria is the product of this Enlightenment thinking. Opera Seria is distinguished by its incredible emphasis on the plot over the music. This new style of opera sought to rid opera of extraneous plot points into order to make the plot extremely concise. This was all a result of the Enlightenment focus on the human person as opposed to the
  • 33. Calamity In Yann Martel s Life Of Pi Calamity can make an individual question the meaning of life and its continuity. Roles of prey and predator are interchangeable in dreadful circumstances; when survival instincts come through. During an accident, our priorities might shift from saving our loved ones to saving ourselves. We might be forced to surrender our values, philosophies and cultural ideologies in situations where the probability of mortality is high. In Life of Pi, Yann Martelportrays the protagonist, Piscine Molitor Patel, Pi as a person whose belief in god drives him to humanize the dark struggles he faces during his time on the boat. The art of storytelling makes Pi, materialize his savage side and mold it into a companion he recognizes as Richard Parker; to satisfy ... Show more content on ... This part of Pi s personality is the one who finds it difficult to see his mother die in the hands of the cook, so driven by revenge and survival instinct he kills him. Initially Pi is scared of Richard Parker who was hidden under the strong tarp of Pi s kindness, he was terrified of revealing it on the boat. Could he burst through the tarpaulin, I wondered. Fear and reason fought over the answer. Fear said Yes. He was a fierce, 450 pound carnivore. Each of his claws was as sharp as a knife. Reason said No. The tarpaulin was sturdy canvas, not a Japanese paper wall. I had landed upon it from a height. Richard Parker could shred it with his claws with a little time and effort, but he couldn t pop through like a jack in the box. And he had not seen me. Since he had not seen me, he had no reason to claw his way through. ( Martel 108). Pi specifically exclaims how he never thought he would descend to a point where, savagery is all he has to live. He feels like a part of him has died, now that he has committed such acts and let Richard Parker take over, This was the terrible cost of Richard Parker. He gave me a life, my own, but at the expense of taking one... Something in me died then that has never come back to life (Martel 255). Finally, it is revealed that the part of Pi that kept him alive during his days in
  • 34. Principles Of The Immaculate Conception Immaculate Conception Raphaella Henson Vendrell Ms.O Connor P5 Orange I have upheld the intent and principles of the Paul VI Academic Honor Code while completing this assignment. The Immaculate Conception is Mary s birth without stain of original sin. The word Immaculate itself means without stain . Mary was protected by God s grace. From the moment she was born, she was in a state of sanctifying grace and free from the corrupt effects from original sin. The angel Gabriel said Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with you (Luke 1:28). This meaning that Mary was born with the gifts of grace by God. She is also preserved by original sin and the Lord is guiding her and she is protected by God. According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the Father blessed Mary more than anyone else he has created. He chose Mary to be the basis of the world and to be holy and not blamed for the faults of the world. The splendor of an entirely unique holiness by which Mary is enriched from the first instant of her conception comes wholly from Christ. She is redeemed, in a more exalted fashion, by reason of the merits of her Son (CCC,492). This meaning that Mary was saved in superior fashion and it was because she was going to be the mother of our savior Jesus Christ. Mary is also filled with holiness which she first was blessed with from God when she was born. The Blessed Virgin Marywas the second person to be created and born immaculate. Eve was the first person
  • 35. Visual Observation Although the little girl in this picture is very cute, I did make some observations right off the bat. The first three things that I observe in this picture is that the little girls finger is in her nose, it looks like an older type of picture, and it seems that she is getting a professional picture taken. Her finger in her nose demonstrates that she is a young child and she is most likely trying to be funny or she is getting bored with sitting there. She looks like she is about kindergarten age so it does not seem untypical for her finger to be in her nose. I notice it seems to be an older picture. Things that make me think this is even though it is in color it is in a shade of pink. When I say this, I mean that there isn t much difference
  • 36. Mise-En-Scene, Editing And Cinematographic Elements In The... The Godfather , a crime noir film produced in 1972, is about an aged patriarch of a famous mafia dynasty that transfers control of his business to his disinclined son. It was directed by Francis Ford Cappola and stars actors such as Al Pacino and Marlon Brando. The film s numerous achievements, specifically in the opening sequence, stem from the exemplary utilization and integration of misГ© en scene, editing, and cinematographic elements. Mise en scene is a key element in the representation of a character. For example, the film begins with a slow jazz soundtrack, a characteristic of thriller films during the 1970 s. Then a plain black background streches across the screen, setting the stage for what is about to appear in front of us. Black... Show more content on ... This scene is edited with a very slow pace that creates a sense of calm and suggests the control that Don Corleone has over the situation. The sequence begins with a close up on Amerigo Bonasera as he stares in the camera while it zooms out, telling the audience about his daughter s rape. William Reynolds and Peter Zinner, the lead editors of the film, used this shot, that spans the next three minutes of the film, to add a sense of insecurity and rising tension. It also is used to reveal Bonasera is talking to a mysterious figure disguised by the shadows and that three other men are present, but without giving the setting of the scene or who these men are. Then, they break the three minute shot by giving the audience their first glance at the mysterious figure in the shadows. They cut to a medium shot of Don Corleone, the leader of this organized crime dynasty, finally revealing this shadowy figure to the audience, relieving them of some tension. The camera shifts location again in order to reveal the scene, something like an establishing shot. Here, they reveal four male characters, all dressed in suits, and the only lights coming from the slats in the blinds and the sole artificial light on the right side of the room. Don Corleone is also placed in the center of this shot with every other character facing him, giving him a sense of power. Next, they cut to a medium shot of the godfather sitting
  • 37. Joy Luck Club Meaning The song Keep Me in Your Heart , as sung by Warren Zevon, would add so much to the scene in The Joy Luck Club (Amy Tan 1), as it matches perfectly with the depressing, morbid mood the scene is trying to portray, and also because it sheds some light into the motive of Suyuan s actions through its poetic and thoughtful lyrics. This song was picked first because I believe it would perfectly introduce the reader/audience to the book and allow them to connect with more than just the text. Firstly, the song portrays emotions of longing and broken heartedness through its sad and slow tempo and its depressingly perfect lyrics. The lyrics Keep me in your heart for a while//If I leave you it doesn t mean I love you any less (Warren Zevon 1) just show exactly how emotional this song is, as the singer here clearly feels longing for someone, just as Suyuan feels longing for her lost home and, most importantly, the babies she lost. Just the... Show more content on ... Although the song speaks of the singer s significant other, the poetic lyrics are still universal. Along the path, Suyuan made sacrifices, but the most significant of them was leaving her two babies (revealed by Your father is not my first husband. You are not those babies. [Amy Tan 3]) behind in hopes that they would survive. The lyrics Sometimes when you re doin simple things around the house//Maybe you ll think of me and smile (Warren Zevon 2) can definitely be applied to the emotions Suyuan is going through, as she feels horrible for leaving behind her babies, but she sure hopes and has the longing that Maybe [they ll] think of me and smile (Warren Zevon 3). The lyrics Keep me in your heart for a while (Warren Zevon 3) also complement how Suyuan feels loss for her daughters but only hopes that they won t ever forget about their true mother (no matter how small they
  • 38. The analysis and application of the balance sheet The analysis and application of the balance sheet Kuang xin Financial accounting is one of the most popular major in the world. In the study of accounting, people must know and use expertly the three accounting statement, balance sheets, cash flow, and income statement. It is the most basic and useful skill in one s career of accounting. But in the four basic financial statement, the balance sheetor called statement of financial position is the only one which describe a single point in time of a business calendar year. In financial accounting, a balance sheet or statement of financial position is a summary of the financial balances of a sole proprietorship, a business partnership, a... Show more content on ... Contingent liabilities such as warranties are noted in the footnotes to the balance sheet. The small business s equity is the difference between total assets and total liabilities. [Small Business Administration] There are anther type of balance sheet is US small business balance sheet. It is a small business balance sheet lists current assets such as cash, accounts receivable, and inventory, fixed assets such as land, buildings, and equipment, intangible assets such as patents, and liabilities such as accounts payable, accrued expenses, and long term debt. Contingent liabilities such as warranties are noted in the footnotes to the balance sheet. The small business s equity is the difference between total assets and total liabilities. Guidelines for balance sheets of public business entities are given by the International Accounting Standards Board and numerous country specific organizations/companys. Balance sheet account names and usage depend on the organization s country and the type of organization. Government organizations do not generally follow standards established for individuals or businesses. [Personal balance] If applicable to the business, summary values for the following items should be included in the balance sheet:[16] Assets are all the things the
  • 39. Ken Nwadike Biography Mahatma Ghandi once said We must become the change we wish to see in the world. Ken E. Nwadike, Jr. recognized the value of these words early and transformed his life from homeless teen, to successful businessman, to compassionate peace maker. You probably wouldn t know him by name, but if you watch the news, you might just recognize him as the African American guy with the Free Hugs sign who always seems to be standing in the middle of the fray during violent protests. I first became aware of him when I was watching coverage of the protests in Charlotte, NC last fall in response to the police shooting of Keith Lamont Scott. Amidst the dark chaos of the destructive rioting, Nwadike stood out like a ray of sunshine as he tried to bridge the divide between protestors and police officers by promoting mutual respect and understanding. I am inspired by his story and his mission of... Show more content on ... Nwadike was born in San Diego, California in 1981. As a homeless teen, he turned to running as an outlet. His talent for the sport earned him a scholarship to college for track and field and a spot on the Nike Farm training team for Olympic hopefuls. In 2010, he launched Superhero Events , a business which promotes, manages and consults on race events. After the Boston Marathon bombings of 2013 he felt compelled do something to respond to the senseless violence. His solution was to show up at the Marathon the following year and spread love instead of hate by offering free hugs to runners at the finish line. Much to his surprise he was well received and The Free Hugs Project was born. The project picked up momentum on social media and in 2016 exploded in popularity as Mr. Nwadike made major news headlines for his peace keeping efforts and de escalating violence during protests, riots and political rallies. His project has since grown into a peace movement that touches people across the United States and encompasses videos, motivational speaking, and social
  • 40. My Proposed Plan For Life Holley Lentner Events My Proposed Plan for Life in College While attending the University of North Florida for my first semester, I have learned several new things about myself, like empathy, through classes like Honors Colloquium. This class, in particular, has provided me with experiences that will aid me further along in life, like our service projects. Additionally, through the assignments of this course I have come to realize the skills and abilities that are in need improvement in order for me to be successful at the occupation I intend to pursue. My aspiration in life is to earn an honest living by providing health care to those in need of such attention. With this career path, I believe that I will have both an exciting and rewarding occupation. Helping those in need by promoting health and preventing disease is something that I found interesting ever since I was little. For when I was younger, I was in the hospital quite often for countless reasons, and knowing that I was going to be perfectly okay lead my impressionable self to gain the utmost respect for those in the healthcare business and eventually lead me to pursue a career in the field. Ultimately, I feel that this profession will allow for me to contribute to society and in doing so, I remain confident that I will learn a great deal from an occupation in health care. For a great man once said, Far and away the best prize that life has to offer is the chance to work hard at work worth doing (Theodore
  • 41. Sexuality In Wonder Woman Gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, queer. Sexuality, and how people identify. Our sexualities are who we are and in this society we are often hiding this aspect of us because we are worried how we will be viewed if we are open about it. The media in today s society tries to hide it away and act as if it does not exist. This is exactly the case from the recent Warner Brothers movie Wonder Woman. Sexuality is hardly shown in the movie Wonder Woman, but is very prevalent in the comics. Wonder Woman the movie should not hide the sexual aspects that the comics show because in the comics she shows it is okay to be sexual, and to be proud of your sexuality. Wonder Woman has been a hero who stands for who she is, this is shown, but the film hides her ties to bondage, a part of who she is. Her authors found a sanctity in bondage, and gave this belief to her. As Irene Javors states, Maston and Peter conveyed their unique notions of liberation through bondage (Javors 1), her two authors, Harry Peter and William Marston both found liberation in bondage, a freeing sense in being helpless. This concept stems from the belief of freeing yourself by letting someone else take control, associated with the concept of submission. This concept is shown greatly in the comic via Wonder Woman herself. She, in one comic says On Paradise Island where we play many binding games, this is considered the safest method of tying a girls arms By saying this, the reader gains information on Wonder Woman s background. She grew up on an all female island and her comment stated above explains that they practiced bondage ties. She knew what the safest way to tie someone s arms behind their back using rope, a common form of bondage in society. Another example of bondage in the comics is when she states That Velma is a clever girl I ought to bind her hand and foot! But if I m gone long, tight bonds might make her uncomfortable . Diana knows that if someone is in a bondage tie for too long that they will get uncomfortable. While yes that can be seen as common knowledge, she says it in a manner that she knows first hand it can be uncomfortable. With three easily found examples in the comics about Wonder Woman s ties to bondage, it raises the
  • 42. Reflective Essay On Journalism I chose journalism as my elective for this year because I wanted to continue the journalism career that I began in middle school since it allowed me to write about topics that grasped my interest and passion aside from writing required essays in a classroom setting. In addition, I believed that this course would allow me to improve my writingskills by learning the grammatical, ethical, and organizational concepts relating to journalismsuch as the code of ethics, the inverted pyramid, and the editorial hierarchy. I also hoped for the course to help me with responsibility and time management since I knew I would have to write articles and have other loads of works from other classes. Not to mention, journalism has allowed me to be motivated to write a good article not for the grade, but for the sole purpose to make the article right. In middle school journalism was an extracurricular activity and this year I was graded on my personal interests, my time management, and my writing quality rather than on the actual learning of a subject. This course has challenged me to write outstanding pieces of work based on my time management and motivation as well as without many guidelines and structure given. It had also made me a lot more confident since it requires interaction outside of class to acquire sources for articles. Thus, through reporting I able to establish a rapport with people and build a network. Overall, this course had helped me become a people person, challenge
  • 43. Leadership Theory Vs. Transactional Leadership Introduction: Leadership and the study of it date back to the beginning of civilization and interest in the field remains high. Leadership theory has historically evolved from its early focus on Great Man (Lincoln, Caesar, Churchill and Gandhi) and trait theory to the modern studies of leadership effectiveness approaches. Several theories have been framed to explain leadership effectiveness. The two of the most popular leadership theories are Transformational and Transactional leadership types. Even though most authors agree that Transactional and Transformational leadership are different in theory and practice, many authors believe that transformational leadership significantly supplements transactional leadership, resulting in higher levels of individual, team, and organizational performance (Bass Avolio, 1994). Other authors believe that Transactional leadership is a subset of transformational leadership (Weihrich et al, 2008). The objective of this critique paper is to provide analysis of the two leadership styles, comparing, contrasting them and outlining weaknesses of each method, illustrating them with personal experience examples where applicable. Transactional Leadership also known as conventional leadership or simply management is a concept that was first explored in the socio economic context by Weber (1947) and subsequently adopted by other researchers. This leadership style focuses on the principles of exchange between the managers and employees who take
  • 44. Assignment On The Pigman The Pigman Assignment Provide a brief intro in which you identify the character whose life became brighter once the Pigman entered it: According to the text, John s life became brighter once the pigman entered it. This is because in the beginning of the book, John is the kind of person who played pranks on people, such as the Pigman, and drank alcohol or smoked all day. But as things develop John discovers that Mr. Pignati is so incredibly nice and genuine and trusting that John finds it hard to trick the Pigman without feeling guilty. Finally by the end of the book, John finally gets a job, and for the time, in a long time, John is unselfish again. Establish that your character had a poor relationship with his or her parents (provide text details!) John finds in the Pigman something so much needed by him and so denied by his own parents that he finds it hard not to change.This is because John does not get along with his parents, especially his father, who he calls the Bore. One major source of friction between John and his dad is John s dream of becoming an actor. When John tries to tell his father that he doesn t want to wear a suit and carry an attachГ© case, and repeatedly says, I want to be me, his dad ignores and discourages his dreams, and says to him Thank God Kenneth isn t a lunatic (7). (Kenneth, John s brother, works with his father at the Coffee Exchange, and his parents consider him nothing short of perfectly.) Also, John s mother is, he tells us, a
  • 45. Deontological Ethics Kant Deontological Ethics and Immanuel Kant Kant s theory of ethics was named deontological theory by Jeremy Bentham. Immanuel Kant was a German philosopher in 18th century. Kant is a father of the modern philosophy. He believed that all philosophers should address two main questions. First one is What can I know? Second is, What should I do? Personal autonomy what restricted by Moral Law is a base of Kant s ethical theory. Kant was influenced by the Stoics and as a result his theory focused on what is right thing to do. Sometimes right things are valuable by this theory because we all have duties and obligations between each other according to Kant. All actions should be done with good will, moral duty and maximus. Good will means always do what is right. Moral duty is behavior what everyone respects and it applies to everyone, everywhere and always. Maximus is a reason for any action. To find out what is a right thing to do, Kant used a two step verification system through first and second version of Categorical Imperative. Everything that passes both systems is right to do. Basically, for the first form person should form maximus and universalize it. For a second form, person needs to check that everyone was treated with respect to their autonomy.... Show more content on ... By this theory everyone has personal autonomy and all people are equally important. For example, you cannot kill one person because it will lead to happiness of thousand people and angry mob want to do it. Additionally, consequences are not very important if you are doing the right thing. For example, if doctor tried to save someone s life and he failed it does not mean that he needs to be judged as a killer. Also, this theory has good verification system of what is right and wrong. Finally, all people are equal and should be treated with respect and cannot be used by