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Informative Essay
Writing an informative essay may seem deceptively simple at first glance, but delving into the
task reveals its multifaceted nature and the challenges it presents. Crafting an essay that not only
imparts information but also engages and educates the reader requires a thoughtful approach.
One of the initial hurdles lies in the selection of a compelling and relevant topic. Finding a
subject that not only interests you but also has the potential to captivate your audience can be a
daunting task. The information you provide must be accurate, up-to-date, and thoroughly
researched. This demands a considerable investment of time in gathering data from reliable
sources, as a well-informed essay is the bedrock of any informative piece.
Structuring the essay is another intricate aspect. A coherent flow of ideas, logical organization,
and seamless transitions are essential to ensure that the reader can easily follow the information
presented. Striking the right balance between depth and simplicity is crucial; the essay should be
comprehensive enough to convey the necessary details but not overly complex to alienate the
Moreover, the art of citation and referencing adds another layer of complexity. Accurately
attributing information to its source is a meticulous task that requires attention to detail. Failure
to adhere to proper citation standards can compromise the integrity of the essay and potentially
lead to issues of plagiarism.
In addition, maintaining the reader's interest throughout the essay is a perpetual challenge.
Engaging introductions, informative body paragraphs, and a thought-provoking conclusion are
essential elements, and crafting them requires a keen understanding of the audience's
In conclusion, while writing an informative essay may seem straightforward on the surface, the
process is riddled with challenges that demand meticulous attention to detail, thorough research,
and adept writing skills. It's an intellectual endeavor that requires time, effort, and a deep
commitment to delivering accurate and engaging information.
For those who find themselves overwhelmed by the complexities of essay writing, it's worth
noting that there are resources available to provide assistance. Similar essays and a wealth of
academic support can be accessed through platforms like, offering a helping
hand to those navigating the intricate terrain of essay composition.
Informative Essay Informative Essay
Content Validity And Its Effects On The Research
5.3.Content validity
Haynes et al (1995) describe content validity as the degree of relevance from each
elements to their research instrument. In this research, content validity relates to the
relevance of the statements to the construct that build the model. Since the
questionnaire in this research is based on previous research from experts in this field
of study, the statements should have at least acceptable level of content validity.
5.4.Structural Equation Modelling
Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) is a common approach in behavioural sciences
to measure relationships between latent factors or theoretical constructs of observed
elements. This model is known as a mixture of factor analysis and regression or path
analysis and ... Show more content on ...
The next criteria requires the model to achieve very low value of chi square,
satisfactory indices (incremental fit index 0.9, goodness of fit index 0.9), low root
mean square residuals and high coefficient of determination. Lastly, the final criteria
requires the accomplishment of high individual item and composite reliabilities.
Before implementing model fit evaluation, Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) is
adopted in this research because according to Chiou in Wu et al. (2011), if the
number of sample did not exceed 200, then the model need to have ideal covariance
matrix coefficients. As shown on appendix 6 2, all factor loadings are between 0.26
and 0.98, all error variances are non negative and achieved statistically highly
significance level.
Model fit evaluation
For the model fit evaluation, the model has factor loading between 0.26 and 0.96,
positive error variances and also reached level of highly statistically significance.
Thus, passing the preliminary fit criteria. Meanwhile on the overall model fit
criteria, as can be seen in table , the proposed model is achieving almost all of the
ideal results. Only two indicators that the model didn t achieved, the goodness of fit
index (GFI) and Adjusted GFI (AGFI). However, the results are not too far from the
ideal results from each measurements and Hooper et al. (2008) mentioned
Femininity And Conformity
Conceptions of idealized and appropriate feminine qualities are majorly constructed
by the dominant patriarchal discourse that judges female behaviour with reference to
gender based social norms. Incarcerated within the patriarchal disciplinary system, the
female bodily act becomes a subject of highly structured regulations whose inspecting
gaze forces it to be infantilised or penalised. Living under the custody of their
offenders, women are the target of a manipulative process that strives to condition
them, training them to believe in its established qualities of femininity. Through a
systematic surveillance of their behaviours and thoughts, the oppressive controlling
system turn women into docile bodies which are emblematic of conformity and
submissiveness. [L]argely interpellated by... Show more content on ...
Deviation from the normative inflicts her with the label of a monster and thus
relegates her to a liminal space. Becker maintains that her misconduct which resist[s]
le propre in terms of femininity (172) brings devastation to the hegemonic discourse,
unveiling its laden ideological practices. Janet s transgressive and masculine
behaviours in Joanna Russ s The Female Man (1975) define her as a she monster who
challenges gender expectations. Her cross dressing, profane language and violent
demeanour make her define herself as male
Essay on How Luhrmann Portrays the Meeting of Romeo
How Luhrmann Portrays the Meeting of Romeo and Juliet In this essay, I will
denote and connote the hidden messages within Baz Luhrmanns modern day
version of Romeo and Juliet. I will explain what the messages mean, and what
things are the hidden messages. I will analyse the images and shots within the
party scene that Romeo and Juliet first meet in. In the opening shot, we hear
diagetec sound. This sound is a woman singing a love song. This indicates that
there is some hidden love story within the film in which is about to be revealed to
us. We see Romeo trying to shake off a drug in which he has just taken, we see him
in a very similar shot to one in which we see Juliet from during the first... Show more
content on ...
We can see that the fish tank actually acts as a barrier between the two of them. It
stops them from standing next to each other, from fully connecting. It symbolises
the walls between their two families, the war that keeps them apart, and eventually
ends in tragedy. During the party, we see many different costumes, the most
obvious being Romeo and Juliet s. They both show compatibility between the two
of them. Juliet is wearing an angel costume showing her innocence and purity.
Romeo is wearing a knight s costume, showing nobility and honour. Juliet s Mother
comes to get her to dance with a man called Paris; Paris wants her to marry him.
Her family think he would be a perfect match for her, but his costume definitely
says differently. He is wearing an astronaut s costume; this costume shows that he
is slightly out in space, away from the rest of the world, possibly even self centred.
Tibalt does not want Romeo in his families house at all, especially not in his family;
where as Romeo does not want violence! This shows more of Romeos nobility and
honour. It also illustrates more of the barrier between Romeo and Juliet. It shows the
side of their love that is forbidden. As
Benefits And Benefits Of Youth Sport Essay
Being involved with athletics at a young age is typically looked at as being a good
activity that gets children involved and gets them out for their 60 minutes of play a
day. Little do many people know, there are many benefits to youth sport than just a
child s daily exercise. Along with there being many positives and benefits to youth
sport, there are also negatives that can come about. Many of the benefits include
physical, psychological, intellectual, and social benefits. Some of the negatives that
can occur from youth sport are the possibilities of loss of self confidence, frustration,
burnout, and injuries. There are many ways to try and make sure that the youth reap
all of the benefits from sport at a youngage and there are certain elements that
coaches, parents, and teachers should take to maximize the befits of sport.
It is important for children to be involved in sport because active participation helps
children develop skills. Research shows that there are many physical benefits to youth
sport. Some of the developments that a child can make from participation in sport are
agility, coordination, endurance, flexibility, speed, and strength (Taskforce, 2013).
The research from Maximizing the Benefits of Youth Sport says that there are more
specific developments that children develop from sport. The specific developments
include: enhanced functioning and health of cardiorespiratory and muscular systems,
improved flexibility, mobility, and coordination, increased
Variations in the Experience of Depression
Gender Differences in Depression This focus elaborates the place of gender in
determining depression levels. It states that females experience twice as much
depression as men. This is as a result of social forces and cognitive behavioral
differences between women and men. The focus notes that women in communities
with distinct traditional gender roles tend to have higher stress levels than societies
where there are no major divides between gender roles. There are various factors
that cause women to have higher stress levels than men: First, girls experience more
childhood sexual violence than boys, secondly, in adulthood, women are at a higher
risk of being exposed to stressors such as poverty than men, thirdly, acceptance of
social roles hit hard on women; for example, girls worry about their body image and
how boys perceive them. Fourthly, social roles hinder women from pursuing their
dreams in many communities; lastly, women give high weight to interpersonal
relationships such that when the relationships do not work out for them they get
disappointed. The issue of women experiencing higher incidence of depression is
real. This is because of the natural differences that make women the weaker sex; this
makes them mores susceptible to depression. Moreover, gender disparities imminent
in some societies discriminate against women; this discrimination makes them more
prone to depression. However, with more and more societies getting civilized and
embracing gender equity, the
Negative Effects Of Violence In Hockey
Violence has always been an intrinsic element in contributing to the popularity of
men s professional hockey. However, violence in the game of hockey does not stem
from the individual themselves but from the influence of society. Throughout this
paper I argue that although violence in men s hockey appears to be systemic to the
players of the game, societal genderstereotypes and spectator expectations also
contribute towards inciting violencein the sport. From various scholarly articles, I
reveal that societal standards placed upon men in the professional hockey league
obligates them to maintain an image of masculinity, inevitably leading towards
violence on the rink. In addition, spectators generate violence in the sport through
placing most of their interests on the brutality between players, further increasing the
pressure for men to deliver under such expectations. I argue that ultimately an
incentive to change the violent nature of the hockey culture should be implemented.
Through educating younger players on the negative effects of violence in hockey at a
greater social context, long term change can eventually be established.
Present society has cultivated gender ideologies, such that the distinction between
masculinity and femininity has been defined through social construction. From birth
to childhood, gender norms are learned from what our parents teach us, what is
taught in school, and what is depicted in the media. In the sport of hockey, a majority
of these
Auburn Essay
Sixteen kilometres from new south wales capital city of Sydney, Auburn is one of the
most multicultural suburbs in Australia. Since the first form of settlement in 1806 to
the present thriving heart of multiculturalism, Auburn has been through drastic
changes over the years. On the 5th of February 1788, Governor Arthur Phillip and
John Hunter followed the course of the Parramatta River and eventually explored a
tributary which they named the Duck River, which now forms the western boundary
of Auburn.This is how Auburn was first discovered by British settlers. Settlement in
Auburn was quite slow back in the 1800 s but now Auburn is home to over 33 122
people according to the 2011 census. This essay will explore the effect time has had
on... Show more content on ...
In the past, obstacles such as the White Australia policy did not allow much
population growth in Auburn. Although European migrants and natural increase
contributed to population growth, they never seemed to be enough to create the
population present in today s Auburn. The slogan populate or perish although made
for fear of Australia s asian neighbours, had a point to make about Australia s low
population. Many obstacles such as the Depression also brought a halt to immigration
. Today Sydney as a whole is said to be overpopulated. As of the 30th June 2016
Auburn s estimated population is 37,373. This change in population is evident in
source A. In source A there are only four schoolboys at the railway station. Since
they are school boys the time the photo was taken would be either around 8.30am
or 3.00pm which are both peak hours and the station is empty disregarding the
time. Today at Auburn Railway station, the platforms are almost always packed.
This source clearly proves that Auburn has been through population growth or
change. Transport found in Auburn s past has transformed into more advanced
forms with a range of variety. In the past, transport was quite basic. The majority of
steam trains were only retired from regular service by the 1980s. The cars were
really just a little better than a horse with a cart. As for buses, there were only 15
motorised buses in the whole of Sydney in 1915. Nowadays there is not only a wide
range of different transportations
Informative Speech On Cohabitation
I.The first wedding I attended was Ken and Barbie s. I was just 6 years old. I ended
up being the officiant, the caterer, the wedding planner, and oftentimes, even served
as proxy for both bride and groom. I ve attended several weddings in the twenty
something years that have passed since then. And I m sorry to say that mine is not
one of them.
A.This is a quote by former Psychology Today intern Jen Kim who also happens to
be a woman who lived with her boyfriend hoping that someday they would get
B.However, Jen Kim, as many other women with a similar case, never did.
II.Cohabitation is often the reason behind which long relationships end, and it is not
an effective step before marriage.
(Transition: Let s start first ... Show more content on ...
The chances of becoming pregnant were higher among women younger than 20 and
women with less than a high school diploma.
B.Couples who live apart before marriage tend to be more satisfied with their
1.In addition, an article in the New York Times by clinical psychologist Meg Jay,
in a nationwide survey conducted in 2001 by the National Marriage Project, nearly
half of people in their 20 s agreed with the statement, You would only marry
someone if he or she agreed to live together with you first, so that you could find out
whether you really get along.
2.About two thirds said they believed that moving in together before marriage was a
good way to avoid divorce.
3.But that belief is contradicted by experience.
4.Couples who cohabit before marriage tend to be less satisfied with their marriages
and more likely to divorce than couples who do not. These negative outcomes are
called the cohabitation effect.
C.Couples who don t cohabit before marriage experience less behavioral problems.
1.According to Arron Chambers, lead minister of Journey Christian Church in
Greeley, Colorado, leadership consultant, and marriage coach, cohabitors report
higher levels of:
a.Depression (which is 3 times higher)
b.Dissatisfaction, instability, and poor
Criminal Trial Stages
List and define the stages of a criminal trial.
1. Arrested: The first step is a person may be arrested if the police have probable
cause that he or she did the crime. Meaning probable cause is reasonable suspicion
that someone has committed a crime. Moreover, police have a reason to suspect
them, because someone saw them commit the crime, there is evidence available, and
someone s testimony.
2. Accused sent to jail or released on bail: If a person is arrested and he does not pay
bail, he will have to go to jail or prison until his trial. This can last anywhere up to
one week, to a month depending on the court s docket. If a person pays out bail they
give the court the money, and when they show up for court they give that money back.
Child Pageants
In modern day society, people often tune into TLC s hit show Toddlers in Tiaras.
Most see it as a harmless pastime for the children, but child beauty pageants are far
from harmless. In recent years, child beauty pageants have become increasingly
popular all over the U.S, making it a 5 billion dollar industry. Almost 5,000 pageants
are held with 250,000 children participating with the majority of the contestants under
the age of twelve ( Child beauty Pageants ). Unfortunately, what most viewers do not
realize is that many contestants will suffer from sexual abuse and eating disorders by
the time they are teenagers. With that being said, beauty pageants have a negative
impact on female adolescents. First, child beauty pageants can have major... Show
more content on ...
As mentioned previously, child beauty queens are often found with makeup, and
outfits that are to seductive for young children. As well as this, children may also
be posed in semi sexulaized positions for photoshoots. Due to this, many child
predators are using that as an excuse, as Elizabeth Day writes, We do know that
predators or paedophiles continually tend to justify their interest in children by
saying children are sexual beings. That children are now given a channel to
become little Lolitas, to be portrayed as older, to almost become mini adults these
are all trends that give legitimacy to that kind of thinking (Day). Because of some
of the clothing that parents are allowing their children to wear, predictors are using
it as an excuse for their interest in young children. Unfortunately, in worst case
scenario, the public may end up with a case like Jonbenet Ramsey s. In an article,
Billy Reed mentions Jonbenet Ramsey, a six year old beauty queen who was found
sexually assaulted and murdered in the basement of her home in 1996 (Reed). Many
have claimed that her assault had a connection to the pageants. While it is a likely
possibility, the case remains closed to this day, so no one will know. Even while still
alive, Jonbenet did not have a childhood. She often participated in competitions that
forced children children to
Changes in Foreign Policies, Culture, and Domestic...
The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 changed the skyscape of New York City.
They also changed the political, economic, and cultural landscape of the United
States. September 11th showed Americans that not even the strongest military
country in the world can protect its citizens from terrorism. The changes in America
since 9/11 have not only impacted Americans but have impacted citizens of other
nations worldwide. This infamous day in history had the power to turn the world
upside down in only a matter of hours.
U.S. foreign policy, specifically our relationships with other countries, was
significantly changed after September 11th. After the terrorist attacks on this day of
2001, most nations were ready to accept ... Show more content on ...
These countries saw the war on terror as a multilateral effort, one requiring the
cooperation of many countries and the efforts of many agencies.
Instead, President Bush shunned offers of help from U.S. allies, with the exceptions
of Britain and Australia, in waging the Afghanistan war. In December 2001, President
Bush announced that the United States was withdrawing from the ABM Treaty. The
White House blocked international efforts to strengthen the biological Weapons
Convention, even though the anthrax attacks in the fall of 2001 demonstrated the
dangers of biological terrorism. President Bush announced his doctrine of preemption
that insisted on America s right to attack potential foes before they could harm the
U.S. He then waged war on Iraq, invoking this as a legitimate response to 9/11 and as
a preemptive strike on Weapons of Mass Destruction. When confronted with
objections from many other world powers, President Bush then supported the
invasion of Iraq on humanitarian grounds, freeing the Iraqi people from a brutal
In responding to the terrorism of 9/11, the United States has invoked a right to
unilateral action that undermines the international framework of cooperation and
law and shows a disdain for the rest of the world. Even before 9/11, the U.S.
outspent the next 15 countries for defense. The military budget was sharply increased
after 9/11 to
Early American Agriculture Dbq Essay
As the population of the young United States increased more and more people hungry
mouths were asking for food. Farmers had to keep up with new technology but there
were also many setbacks in government policy and economic conditions. In the period
of 1865 1900, there were many ways in which technology, government policy, and
economic conditions changed early American agriculture.
From 1870 to 1890 railroads were more widely spreading through the west and
everywhere else. This should effectively decrease the price for farmers to get his
crops to market. However, this gives the many different railroad companies the
opportunity to spike up prices. This got so bad in some states that government policy
was written to protect the farmers. ... Show more content on ...
In 1892 Mary E. Lease talks about the low prices in farming and how politicians
mislead them and tell them decreasing prices are from overproduction(Document
G). Even though Lease thought otherwise data at the time was contrary. Document
A shows this. For wheat as production increased price per bushel decreased, for
cotton for the most part as production increases the price per pound decreases, for
corn from 1870 1885 as production increased price decreased. 1900 in the outliner
because production increased and so did price. This is way in Document J farmers
are against the gold standard. Big cities were for the gold standard because it
helped with industrialization but farmers were against it for a plethora of reasons.
Their complaints were gold s inflexibility. When farmers brought their crop to
market in the fall, an inflexible currency would cause a shortage of money which
would drive down prices. Document H talks about the unpredictability of farming
and how this can affect prices of the product. And based on the price of the product
it depends how much food a family can keep for themselves. So not only is the
production of the product to sell unpredictable but so is the welfare of the family
Analysis, Driver, Expressive, And Amiable
Group members are classified into the following social styles: Analytical, Driver,
Expressive, and Amiable. (Griffith Dunham, 2015). Analytical is someone who is
picky about how things are done. They always want to be right no matter what.
The driver is someone who is determined to embrace new things, one who is tough,
and dominated. Expressive is someone who is enthusiastic and reacts to different
behaviors. Amiable is the one who is cooperative, dependable, and supportive in a
friendly manner. When people gather in a group it can be a good or a bad
experience. There are many personalities that can be in a group such as family,
school, or workplace. (Griffith Dunham, 2015). Working in groups with different
ideas, mindsets, cultures
T Rex Summary
The reading passage states that paleontologists intentionally split a fossilized bone of
a 70 million year old dinosaur, called T Rex, and discovered several substances that
might be the original tissue of the dinosaur, such as blood vessels, red blood cells, and
collagen. However, the lecturer casts doubt on it and provides conclusive evidence to
support his statement. First of all, the author of the reading posits that the scientists
detected numerous channels inside the bones and some spongy stuff in those
channels, which might be the remnants of the authentic blood vessels. The lecturer,
on the other hand, asserts that the soft materials cannot be the residues of the real
blood vessels and they might have left from other things, including
Essay on It s Time to Legalize Illegal Immigrants
It s Time to Legalize Illegal Immigrants
Look at the world around you. Is it anything like it was 100 years ago? How about
anything like it was 10 years ago? The world is changing at an alarming place.
When this country was first founded, land west of the Mississippi was considered
uncharted territory. It was seen as a whole new world. Nowadays, there is not a
place on the planet that we haven t been to. There are places on other planets that we
have been to. The world has shrunk due to technological advancement. The world is
globalizing. Some call it progress. They say that we are growing as a society and
that change in inherently good. However, one must look at the nature in which we
change. Is the world really becoming a ... Show more content on ...
Often times the very workers that make globalization possible are the ones being
mistreated and are being adversely affected by it. Steps must be taken to fix the
moral oversight of globalization. Specifically I would like to look at the use of
illegal immigrants to reduce the wages of workers. I want to look at the use of
unfair competition to put the workers, farm workers in particular, in a very
disadvantaged position. Steps can be taken to make the situation more just for all
parties, but it may take a change in Mexican American border policy.
The idea of globalization causing suffering is not a new idea. In fact, it is accepted
throughout the world. This is because people try to justify it. The common
argument is that this is the natural process for growth in countries. Europe went
through period of hardships during the Industrial Revolution, as did the United
States. So when other countries show similar signs, it is seen as a good thing.
People say that the county is developing and in time they will be a powerful
country like America or Britain. A nation can only grow if it goes through certain
stages, and those stages are inevitable, so we shouldn t worry about them. I don t
know about you, but I see some pretty big logical holes in this theory.
There are two major problems I see with this train of
Public Transportation In Orlando City
In the community I live which reviewing today, I can say the housing available in
this area are in demand, some buildings are old but well kept and maintenance
seems to be well provided, there are some old buildings, however, the city has taken
into improving the area so this building is demolished to create better looking ones
in the areas,however, none of them are converting or consider for future housing.
The few architectural development includes a long nice walking bridge behind the
Mall and the other ultra modern architectural building, have been empty for decades
and just now seems to be allocated to become a headquarters for Clear Channel. The
use and condition of public spaces are... Show more content on ...
Community safety in my community is taken seriously you can see the Altamonte
Police working at all times, their presence is definitely there when you need it. The
station is not only located in within the community but also as part of the safety one
station located inside the Mall to better serve, safety and response.
The fire ladders are well kept and are always ready to respond, I talk to some of the
firefighters in my way to clinically as early as 5:00 am and they seem ready for any
call, or situation that they might need to respond with urgency. My community
looks in good shape when we look for services, hospitals, transportation, libraries,
god schools, day care, hospitals, parks and recreation are well established;
however I think there is the lack of resources for our seniors, talking and trying to
help my neighbor I was surprised that a simple assistance like Meals on Wheels is
not provided in my area and for a senior without assistance to prepare meals or
transportation, it seems like a the flaw in the community that needs to be met for a
better service to our
Descriptive Essay On Summer And Winter
It s four o clock on a rainy, autumn, Monday afternoon. I ve chosen my location to
be my room in my apartment at 2224 Blowing Rock Rd. The window is always left
open due to my admiration for the regular sounds that occur outside my building.
This location makes me feel comfortable, calm, and upbeat. Not only did I
specifically pick out the place and time for this assignment I really aimed to write this
while the weatherwas accenting autumn, wet and windy. Nothing is more relaxing
than a nice cup of coffee in the comforts of your own bed while the windand rain
serenade you. The whole season of fall makes me feel warm and content. Thoreau
wrote The indescribable innocence and beneficence of Nature, of the sun and
wind and rain, of summer and winter, such health, such cheer, they afford forever!
And such sympathy have they ever with our race, that all nature would be affected,
and the suns brightness fade, and the winds would sigh humanely, and the clouds
rain tears, and the woods shed their leaves and put on mourning in midsummer, if
any man should ever for just a cause grieve (Solitude, 110). Within the room itself, I
can hear a few distinct sounds around me. A faint melody of jazz can be heard on a
radio in the corner. Music helps me focus on whatever work I have for the night.
Although I have turned the radio down in order to hear other sounds for this
assignment, I can still hear small claps of a beat and an upbeat squeak of some
kind of horn. Attached to my curtains are a string of old bells. The wind is picking
up today and every time it blows a small gust through my window the curtain moves
and the bells dance along it. They soundlike tiny cow bells. The wind has also picked
a fight with a small candle on one of my tables. I can hear the flickers of the flame
trying to stay lit as well as it possibly can. And of course, the most apparent sound
in the room is the tapping and clicking of my laptop keys as I write this. Outside of
my window, there are several different layers of sound all unique to each other. The
first layer come from the immediate parking lot in front and the whole apartment
complex itself. I can hear bustling neighbors all around; faint laughs, doors shutting,
Is Post Secondary Education Important
What do you want to be when you grow up? Where do you want to go to college?
What is your intended major? Ever since elementary school, we have all been
bombarded with these questions. Our lives have always been focused on thinking
about the future and what we can do to make our families proud. Now, the moment
has come where these decisions must be made. But why is post secondary education
so important? Most people would say that it gives one the fundamental knowledge
for a job. It is a necessity in the process of earning money needed to live a normal
life. To me, post secondary education is much more than just a stepping stone
towards money. As a music education major, I will have the responsibility to learn
how to play every band and orchestra
Analysis Of The Story The Little Girl
Cynthia was born on October 28, 1998: she has one older brother, afterwards a
younger brother, and then a sister came along. One may say the little girl was
lucky to be born to two parents who loved her very much to the point she was
spoiled with endless gifts. The little girl was a gift from the heavens, her parents
thought since she inherited their traits and did not have the typical Mexican, India
looks. She had smooth porcelain white skin with pink blush on her cheeks, she had
the most beautiful thickest and darkest hair, her eyes were big and round they
were chocolate brown. Her eyelashes were naturally curly and black. Even the
name place on her, Cynthia, meant the goddess of the moon, it was as though the
name was placed on her by faith. One may say this little girl was a beautiful,
gorgeous doll because she was treated like one. Her parents dressed her with the
most beautiful dresses and at a young age she learned how to walk in heels.
Everyone would stop and stare at this little girl to compliment her beauty, she even
received modeling jobs. She was treated as a PurГ©pecha princess in which
PurГ©pecha was an empire that was the rival of the Aztecs in Michocan, Mexico.
As the little girl grew older and began to understand more things, she realized soon
enough, that everyone liked her for her appearance not for who she is. But, she also
loved and adored the attention she was getting from everyone, so she played the part
of the doll. As a result, when the little girl
Vera Wang Advertising Analysis
Vera Wang is one of the most iconic designers in fashion today and this ad takes
advantage of her recognition. This image, most likely from a fashion magazine,
promotes Vera Wang s dress line. The advertisement uses three significant contrasts to
draw the buyer in. First, the model in the actual dress line. Second, the flourishing
background the models are put in. It makes you think about what the photographer
was trying to portray. Lastly, the display case made the models are standing in and
around. The modelin the front draws in the buyer, but the case is see through,
allowing the viewer to see the model standing on the back side and part of the
models arm to the left. The image suggests that someone who wears Vera Wang
have multiple styles and still feel good in whatever type of style that is.
The greenery background gives the ad an interesting contrast. This is a nature
setting, as implied by the grass and plants. Most of this background is not very
visible, as the models take up most of the advertisement. The brightness of the
plants suggest this photo was taken midday when the sun was at its peak. It was
taken with a shallow depth of field, meaning the background is blurred and the
main focus is on the objects in the front of the photo, The greenery is not very
green, but fades into the background. There are no animals in the trees in the back,
maybe suggesting this was taken in a place without a lot of wildlife, or the fact that
there s no resources for these
Character Analysis Of Whistling Vivaldi
The focal subject of Whistling Vivaldi is character, and, moreover, the distinctive
ways individuals react to each other s personalities. Amid his times of research into
social brain science, Claude Steele has considered a wide range of types of
character, including, race, sexual orientation, ethnicity, social introduction, class, and
age. One of the premises of his exploration is that individuals will definitely judge
each other on the premise of their personality. Moreover, Steele contends that each
one of a kind personality has a related generalization a sort of short hand for seeing
how individuals with that character will act. Stereotyping is, obviously, a typical type
of extremism. For instance, a math teacher who expect that a female understudywon t
be ready to comprehend the material is utilizing a sexist generalization that ladies
aren t great at math to judge the understudy s conduct. Steele indicates how
stereotyping, and the danger of being stereotyped, can apply an immense impact on
various individuals conduct.
Ostensibly Steele s most critical knowledge about stereotyping is that the
consciousness of generalizations (and especially the dread of being stereotyped) can
be more capable than an unequivocal instance of stereotyping. Quite a bit of Steele s
examination is revolved around the dread of being stereotyped or, put another route,
of satisfying a generalization, especially in a college setting. For instance, Steele and
his partners sorted out trials in which high contrast Stanford understudies were made
a request to take a troublesome test. Half of the understudies were informed that the
exam measured insight, while the other half were told the exam was an analytic test,
and not organized to gauge knowledge. Steele found that dark understudies who d
been informed that the exam measured knowledge did more awful than white
understudies who d gotten a similar data. In any case, dark understudies who d been
told the exam didn t quantify insight performed at an indistinguishable level from
their white partners. Steele translates his investigations to recommend that dark
understudies dread of affirming a contemptible generalization in particular, that dark
individuals are less wise than white
Rhetorical Analysis Of Chief Joseph s Speech
Chief Joseph, the 38 year old leader of the Nez Perces tribe, had little education yet
still traveled to the capital of the United States, Washington DC, to speak to
Congress. He spoke on behalf of his people about the treatment of American
natives, an issue that directly affected him and his fellow people at the time. Joseph
lived in a world where Indians were viewed as uncivilized savages, and were treated
as such by most people in the United States. These same people also supported
manifest destiny and did almost anything to get ahold of land in the west. Even if it
was not intentional, many natives were hurt and relocated by the rapidly spreading
United States. By traveling to DC to make his speech, Chief Joseph hoped that he
could persuade... Show more content on ...
He was very successful in asserting and proving that these rights are important to
not only Indians, but all of mankind. By pushing the point that good words do not
speak louder than actions he hopefully got some people to stand up and share their
true beliefs on the situation. His speech also helped inform Congress who found
out by listening to his speech, that even though they felt they were treating the
Indians fairly their attempts to get the Nez Perces, and others, land denied the
natives liberty, and there excuses for it did not help or dismiss the situation at all.
These mentioned points by Chief Joseph are good examples of how persuasion
can be utilized correctly yet they are not excellent as emotion and pathos seem to
be the most relied on technique with very little of ethos and logos. Nez Perces and
other tribes situations themselves works as great persuasive topics, yet sometimes
meaning is lost when these arguments are put into words or are being read. Even
through these setbacks, Chief Joseph s speech is still studied and interpreted
alongside I Have A Dream, by Martin Luther King Jr. today as a powerful examples
of what words can do. The early 21st century is already becoming a revolutionary
time with issues like gender inequality, race discrimination, and others finally
working towards solutions so Chief Joseph s
How And Tensile Strength Of A Concrete Mix Can Effect
Concrete Technology
How Adjustments to a Concrete Mix can Effect it s Properties
Module: NG1H118 Construction Materials 1
Year 2: HNC Civil Engineering.
University of South Wales
Author: Michael Eaves
Student No: 14569621
Date of Issue: 03/12/15
Word Count:
Aims of the Experiment4
Equipment and Materials5
The aim of this experiment was to test the workability and compressive strength of
three different batches of concrete, each containing different water to cement (W/C)
The experiment was conducted in two parts, where the workability was tested first by
conducting a slump test and a compaction test ... Show more content on ...
Portland Cement gained its name from its colour, as it matched the colour of Portland
stone. (Anon., 1999 2015).
The evolution of concrete has allowed us to create more workable concrete and as a
result allows better bonding due to the chemical reaction at a molecular level between
the water and cement. This reaction bonds the aggregate and acts much like a
bridging compound which binds the aggregate together.
Modern construction utilises properties of concrete and allows the creation of large
structures. In order to achieve this we must understand the expectations of concrete
and how it works.
Aims of the Experiment
The aim of this experiment was to understand the properties of fresh and cured
concrete, looking at the relationship between workability and compressive strength.
The workability of 3 concrete mix samples, each with different water to cement ratios
were tested by means of an in situ slump tests.
The purpose of the slump test is to initially give a quick solution to measure the
workability of a concrete mix and visually gain an approximation of how versatile
the mix will be during its application. This can also be used for checking for
consistency between several batches / pours.
Each of the samples were allowed to cure at different periods (7, 14 and 28 days) and
were subjected to compressive testing up to the point of
Iran-Iraq War Essay
Iran Iraq War
The eight year Iran Iraq War was, by the standards of international conflicts, a very
long one. It lasted longer than both World War I and World War II. In this conflict,
the two most powerful states in the Persian Gulf, Iran and Iraq, who were the world
s largest producers of petroleum, were locked in mortal combat and appeared intent
on destroying each other. The war began when Iraq invaded Iran, simultaneously
launching an invasion by air and land into Iranian territory on September 1980 and
ended with a United Nations brokered ceasefire in 1988. The causes of the war are
deeply rooted in the ideology and ambitions of the leaders of the countries to gain
and maintain control over internal and regional politics, as well ... Show more content
on ...
Moreover, what had formerly been the Imperial Iranian military was greatly
despoiled, with much of the officer corps fleeing the Islamic Revolution. Also
radical Marxists were still battling the religious fundamentalists in part of the
country. Because of all of the above factors, Iraq had a uniquely promising chance
to strike a devastating blow at its eastern neighbor, establishing Saddam as the pre
eminent leader in the Persian Gulf region and perhaps so discrediting the new
Iranian government as to bring about its ultimate downfall.Saddam also wanted to
put an end to religious propaganda directed against Iraq s secular regime by the
Islamic government of Iran, which had come to power in 1979 under Khomeini.
Khomeini, and during the Iranian Revolution, and most Iranian Muslims belonged
to the Shiite sect of Islam. Hussein feared that the propaganda would undermine the
loyalty of Iraqi Shiites, who comprised about 60 percent of his country s
population. On March 1980, Saddam received a pretext to engage in war when an
assassination attempt was made on Deputy Prime Minister Tariq Aziz, by Iranian
backed rebel group Al Dawaa, followed by the bombing on the funeral procession.
Saddam blamed the Iranians and attacked in September. Before declaring war
Saddam, in a statement addressed to the Iraqi parliament, on 17 September, stated
that The
Hardin Living On A Lifeboat Summary
To begin with, Hardin s essay Living on a Lifeboat expresses fear of over
population by comparing nations to life boats, since they both have limited
carrying capacities. For instance, Hardin asks the question, Would you fill a life
boat at its maximum capacity with another 100 people? Specifically, Hardin
mentions the loss of land and how we have been historically living on capital such
as stored petroleum and coal, and now we must depend on income alone (Hard
857). Basically, Hardin s core thesis is that we do not have moral obligations to the
poor. To break down Hardin s approach, he critiques multiple approaches to this
problem of ensuring economic will being for everyone. First, he mentions the
Marxist and Christian approaches which would lead to complete social justice, but
also complete catastrophe, since the lifeboat in his example would drown due to
overcapacity... Show more content on ...
858). By doing this, Hardin is postulating that collective economic growth and
safety are more desirable than an economy based on moral obligations and equality.
To support his claims, Hardin then moves on to the dangers of population growth.
Indeed, Hardin draws parallels between a lifeboat and high rates of population
growth, since the current population rise globally would make it difficult to provide
for everyone in the U.S or in poorer countries. To expand, Hardin is critiquing
globalism, since he finds it impossible for the U.S or developing nations to be the life
boat supporting nations with high population growth rates. According to Hardin,
there is simply not enough recourses and too much population growth to live
according to a Marxist or Christian ethic of equality. To expand, Hardin s main
critique of the Marxist Christian theory is that it does not take into account human
selfishness and cannot be sustainable to growing populations
The Evolution Of Social Classes In The Time Machine By
In H.G. Wells novel The Time Machine, the protagonist is an English scientist,
referred to as the Time Traveller throughout the novel. He designs a small time
machine and time travels to the year 802,701, where he loses his time machine. He
discovers two life forms: the Morlock and Eloi. He quickly forms his beliefs and
theories on their people and the evolution of them. These theories reflect those from
Charles Darwin s Origins of the Species, where Darwin discussed natural selection
and evolution. The repressed working class had evolved into the brutal, nocturnal
Morlocks, while the leisured classes evolved into the beautiful, yet purposeless Eloi.
The Time Traveller grows to realize that civilization s advancements weakened the
Eloi, making... Show more content on ...
As the Time Traveller theorizes, the working class has been pushed underground for
so long that it has evolved into a distinct, nocturnal species, while the upper class has
been above ground, spoiled with amenities that make them weak and dependent. The
Morlock s experience being underground has strengthened and taught them how to
keep themselves alive. For example, when they ran out of food, they discovered that
they could hunt the Eloi. The Time traveler finds that the Morlocks actually tend to
Eloi as if they were farm animals, with the obvious intention to use them as food. The
Morlock adapt to environment very well. This is yet another example of natural
selection, that being as the favorable traits are with the Morlocks, they are most
capable of surviving, thriving and maintaining the favorable
Physician Assistant Aspirations
Mark Twain once said, The two most important days in your life are the day you
were born and the day you figure out why. Personally, the second day came when I
discovered the physician assistant profession and subsequently the Master of
Physician Assistant program at MCPHS University. From then on all of my life
experiences as an EMT, shadowing, and working have fervently inspired me to
become the best possible physicianassistant I can be. In order to prepare myself for
my future as a physician assistant I have begun my tenure as an EMT. This endeavor
has been an exciting challenge not only providing health care experience but also
additional support to my future goal. For instance, as I have become versed in
interacting with and treating
The Reaction Of A Fischer Esterification Reaction
In this experiment, a Fischer Esterification reaction was performed with two
unknown compounds. The unknown compounds, Acid 2 and Alcohol D, were
identified by using the knowledge of the reaction that took place, and the identity
of the product that was synthesized. The identification of the product resulted from
analysis of IR and NMR spectra. For this experiment, Alcohol D and Acid 2 reacted
in the presence of concentrated sulfuric acid, resulting in a colorless solution with
brown layer on top. After washes with sodium bicarbonate and brine, the pale
yellow liquid product was dried and then distilled. Distillation resulted in two
colorless fractions, the second of which had a boiling point of 69 70 ЛљC. This
boiling point is unrealistic for any compound obtained in this experiment, so it
was not used in identifying the product. After distillation, both fractions were
spectroscopically analyzed. The IR and NMR spectra obtained for both fraction
were identical, meaning both fractions contained exactly the same substance. Both
fractions also smelled the same, like piГ±a colada, therefore confirming this
conclusion. This outcome also meant that the amount of product synthesized was
5.7393 g. For the identification of the product, IR, 13C NMR and 1H NMR spectra
were examined, and the product was found to be butyl propionate. In the IR
spectrum, RM 11 Bi, five key peaks are observed. These peaks are sp3 hybridized
carbons at 2961 cm 1 and 2877 cm 1, an ester at 1737 cm 1, a
The Ideal Method For Feeding Babies
Proven as the ideal method for feeding babies, nationwide 76% of new moms choose
to breastfeed and forgo formula feeding, but by three months post partum that
percentage has dropped drastically (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention s
(CDC) Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity 4). While breastfeedingis
proven to reduce the risk of diarrhea, pneumonia, obesity, type II diabetes, and
improve results on intelligence tests (World Health Organization) many new moms
abandon their goals of feeding babies for the recommended 2 years (World Health
Organization) because of the discrimination received while nursing in public. Being
viewed as a life choice, not a health choice, the general public ostracizes and alienates
these women, arguing that modesty is more important than a baby s right to eat. In
2012, a study performed by Lansinoh Breastfeeding found that while 79% of moms
know that breastfeeding is the best choice for a healthy baby (Lansinoh Laboratories
Inc., fig. 1), an unbelievable 40% say their biggest fear pertaining to breastfeeding is
nursing in public (Lansinoh Laboratories Inc.). Pleading that nursing a baby is
natural, multitudes of comments counter that argument, saying defecation, urination,
and even sexual intercourse is natural as well, but they aren t doing it in public. These
types of comments are disadvantageous to breastfeeding success rates and are
regulating women to restrooms, changing rooms, hot vehicles, and even homes, in
The Heard Museum Analysis
The Heard Museum conveys the life and culture of Native Americans in the
Southwest, with the help of pre Colombian to contemporary art and a variety of
traditional artifacts. Something that caught my eye was Rosie Yellowhair s
Emergency Story sandpainting. It depicts the Navajo creation story and how there
were five worlds and what made the people move from the first world to the next. I
thought that this was interesting because in class we talked about creation stories
about Native Americans and I found those intriguing. So, seeing this sandpainting and
knowing that its purpose was to tell its story of creation was astonishing because I ve
never seen a sandpanting that depicted a creation story. Another aspect of the
museum that
Tim O Brien s Captivating and Life-Changing Story The...
The Things They Carried is a short verisimilitude story. It was written by Tim O
Brien, who is a Vietnam veteran. He never dreamed it would have been such a
captivating and life changing story that it has become. Tim O Brien introduces us to
life during the Vietnam War. He captures the feelings of each soldier as they were in
the battle field. We are involved in their dreams, fears, and the ghosts that haunted
them. These were some of the things they carried. First LieutenantJimmy Cross
carried letters from a girl named Martha (O Brien, 1990). This is how we are
introduced to Cross. He is a young soldier that is responsible for his platoon. He is
only 22 years old. He carries his love for a young lady by the name of Martha. He also
... Show more content on ...
This was one less burden he had to carry, but the other 16 had this burden. He also
carried a ghost. Dave Jensen, we are introduced to him as a hygiene fanatic. He
carried a toothbrush, dental floss, and several hotel size bars of soap he d stolen
on R R in Sydney, Australia (O Brien, 1990). He also carried extra socks and foot
powder. Jensen also carried vitamins for night sight. He carried a rabbit s foot for
luck. He also carried a ghost. Ted Lavender was scared and carried many things to
keep himself calm. He carried tranquilizers and dope. He also carried extra
ammunitions because of his fear. Lavender ended up being the biggest weight that
the others had to carry. His death affected each of them in different ways. Rat
Kiley was the platoon medic. He carried comic books and a canvas satchel filled
with morphine and plasma and malaria tablets and surgical tape (O Brien, 1990).
He carried all the things that would be needed for combat injuries. There was
nothing he could do for Ted Lavender, except to pronounce him dead. He also
carried a ghost. Kiowa is introduced as a devout Baptist and as an Indian. He
carried his New Testament Bible that was given to him by his father. Kiowa also
carried his grandmother s distrust of the white man and his grandfather s old hunting
hatchet (O Brien, 1990). Kiowa also carried the vision of Ted Lavender being shot.
He repeated the moment in his mind endlessly. He carried the guilt of not being able
The Friar Epilogue
Around nine, the skies finally grew dark. Sometimes, as they sailed down the
coastline, Marci would spot a pale, feeble, pulse of lights from the buildings along
the coast. She watched the loom of lights along the coast, dipping above and below
the horizon and felt enchanted.
The night sky was fresh and starry. The wind held fresh. At midnight, when the boat
was logging six and a half knots in a gentle sea. She remained on deck enjoying a
juicy Mediterranean orange, before retiring to her berth.
The next day, the skipper and Marci chatted.
So, will we be stopping first in CadaquГ©s?
He grinned and said, Yes. I ve reserved a birth in the port, there,
I used to be fascinated with painters, so I hoped to spend, maybe a day there. They
say Salvador Dali built his home there.
Yes. And it will give you a sense of the... Show more content on ...
What is it? You horny, baby?
She laughed. VERY! But that s not it. Do you read poetry?
I was thinking about a poem by Chaucer. It s called The Friar s Tale.
He looked perplexed. Okay.
I was thinking how much that poem tells about those people I told you about that
murdered my husband.
His ears perked up. Why?
Because it talks about collusion and because there have been some more odd
Odd incidences?
Yes. I have a feeling sometimes that I m being followed. And there is a side of me
that believes this has something to do with Ava and Hooker.
Why don t you cancel the rest of your trip and come home, then? I don t like you so
far away, where I can t help you.
I ll be okay. We are on our way to Valencia. I ll be fine.
He said goodbye and hung up the phone. He was sure he was moving to Vegas,
very soon! And he went to the library that day and looked up the poem by Chaucer.
When he read the poem, he became frantic. He sensed she was realistic about her
feelings. The situation gave Miguel and uneasy feeling. Was there something more
she was not telling
A closer Look at Benny Morris One State, Two States
With an uncanny ability to convey his argument in a concise and precise manner,
Benny Morris s book One State, Two States quite comprehensively discredits the
belief that a so called One State solution may bring peace to the region between the
Mediterranean and the Jordan. As an academic and a professor of history at the Ben
Gurion University in Israel, one should be able to hold Morris s text in high regard
for his academic integrity. Unfortunately, it could be argued that to do so would be
a staunch mistake, as he strongly evokes subjectivity and bias in his narrative. With
a primary focus on the perspective of his own nation, Morris draws on a large
number of source material and quotes, but appears to have left strong Arab Palestinian
... Show more content on ...
The simple objective of Morris s book is to argue that Arab rejectionism is so
deeply entrenched in the psyche of Arabs, that only the most ignorant and unrealistic
of minds could believe that Palestinians would ever concede to a state consisting
merely of the Gaza and the West Bank. According to Morris, this is partly due to the
mutual exclusivity in the mindsets and value systems of the Israeli Jewish society
and that of the Palestinian Muslim Society. However, instead of placing blame for
the rejectionist sentiment on both Jews and Muslims alike, Morris appears to pin the
blame mostly on the latter s ability to compromise. He says, The idea of sharing
Palestine either through a division of the country into two states, one Jewish, the
Other Arab, or through a unitary binational entity, based on political party between
the two communities is alien to the Muslim Arab mindset (Morris, 2009, 188).
Morris structures his book in three, rather long chapters; beginning with a thorough
analysis of the One State solution, and how the idea has come to fruition in modern
times. He starts with Tony Judt s account, who wrote an article advocating for a
single state to be shared between the conflicting Israelis and Palestinians. According
to Morris, the Arab nationalists are the only blockade currently standing between the
creation of a pure Jewish nation, on what some believe to
Comparing Scholarships
Explain what each is, how one gets it, why it is different from the others and which
you would prefer to have and why. Scholarships: This type of aid can be given/won
by anyone. There are many different types of scholarships for different types of
people. You can apply and earn a scholarship because you have good grades, good
at a sport or other activity, you re a member of a certain church, or your parents
work for a certain company. Scholarships can also be determined by race or gender
and your decided major. Each scholarship requires different things, like an essay or
personal recommendations. Scholarships are different than the other two types
because you will never have to pay them back. I would prefer to have as many
scholarships as
Dualism Of Life After Death
Although, to some Dualism promotes the belief of immortality of the soul. Some
religions deny this belief, many believe that after death the soul will continue on. If
the soul is non contingent and the soul is part of the mind then the mind non
contingent. But yet the body is an disposable object, making them two separate
things. Also, if god existence is real then that is an example of what we may think of
as a higher being with a mindor soul, obviously because he expressed his feelings
and views of life itself. But, god was never in a physical form of a human but seen to
humans only mentally, a figment of there imagination or conscious. The afterlife,
existence of ones identity or consciousness after physical death is one of many beliefs
Machu Picchu History
Machu Picchu is the place to go if you are looking to get away. This ruin is located
in Peru between the Peruvian Andes and the Amazon Basin. It is known for it s
ancient Inca structures. The article Historic Sanctuary of Machu Picchu written by
UNESCO tells us what an accomplishment Machu Picchu was, Machu Picchu was
probably the most amazing urban creation of the IncaEmpire at its height. Its giant
walls, terraces and ramps seem as if they have been cut naturally in the continuous
rock escarpments. The natural setting, on the eastern slopes of the Andes,
encompasses the upper Amazon basin with its rich diversity of flora and fauna .
The ruin has thousand year old mysteries that are still unknown. The land is
protected by a buffer zone, keeping it safe for people to explore the sites. In this area
of Peruit has been known to see animals you might only view once in a lifetime.
There are many endangered animals living here, such as dwarf brockets and pampas
cats. You might also learn about Mr. Bingham.
... Show more content on ...
Machu Picchu has existed since the fifteenth century, where it had been owned by the
Inca until the sixteenth century. After the Spanish Conquest the Spaniards enquired
the land along with the structures. The land was later discovered by a Latin
American History student from Yale University. The student, Hiram Bingham was
searching for the lost ruins of the Vilcabamba, and in 1911 he came across what he
believed to be the ruins of that ancient Inca village. Duane Damon, the author of the
article The Stones of Machu Picchu wrote about what Bingham saw, The explorer
gaped in awe at a huge altar carved from the mountainside itself the intihuatana, or
hitching post of the sun. He marveled at El TorreГіn a graceful semicircular tower. A
pair of three sided temples with triple windows held him
Singularly Perturbed Problem Essay
section{Parameter Uniform} In the context of singularly perturbed problems posed
on non rectangular domains, the finite element method is a natural choice for many
researchers (e.g. cite{118}). However, in the context of singularly perturbed
convection diffusion problems, it is difficult to construct monotone methods on
highly anisotropic meshes, which are desirable when thin layers are present.
Moreover, energy norms or other norms based on the $L^2 $norm, are the natural
norms associated with variational methods. Error analysis in the pointwise norm is
not straightforward in a finite element framework, especially when one is dealing
with a problem that is not self adjoint. Given that their interest lies in parameter
uniform numerical... Show more content on ...
The presence of a convective term means that the data of the problem across the
entire domain has an influence on the outflow boundary layer, in contrast to reaction
diffusion problems where it is only the data local to a boundary that has an influence
on the boundary layer. Hegarty and O Riordan cite{115} constructed a parameter
uniform numerical methods for the singularly perturbed problem posed on a circular
domain. Asymptotic expansions for the solutions to such a problem have been
established in cite{120,121,122,123}. Analytical expressions for the exact solution,
in the case of constant data, are given in cite{123} as a Fourier series with
coefficients written in terms of modified Bessel functions. In cite{120,121,122}
sufficient compatibility conditions are identified so that the accuracy of the
asymptotic expansion can be estimated in the $L^2 $norm or in a suitably weighted
energy norm. These expansions are derived without recourse to a maximum principle.
The smooth case, where significant compatibility is assumed, is examined in
cite{120}; the non compatible case with a polynomial source term is studied in
cite{125} and for a more general source term in cite{122}. Based on these
asymptotic expansions, a numerical method is constructed in cite{124} for the
problem, which uses a quasi uniform mesh (which is, hence, not layer adapted). By
enriching the finite element subspace, with certain exponential boundary layer basis
American Red Cross Failure
Since 2010, the American Red Cross (ARC) annual expenditures on domestic
relief services have been between $250 million and $400 million with majority of
the donations coming from private donors. Additionally as of 2015, approximately
90% of the Red Cross workforce during disasters were comprised of volunteers.
2014 the Red Cross saw an enormous influx of expenditures as a result of Hurricane
Sandy. This national disasters tested the overall efficiency of the Red Cross
Operations since the Hurricane Katrinadebacle. One of the significant issues raised
by the society was the lagged response time of the ARC. One the reasons for this
delay was due to the uncertain of the responsibilities between the ARC and the
Federal Emergency ManagementAgency
Notes On The Rise Ra Out Of The Horizon
I chisel away at the limestone; I am writing on a tablet. It reads Rise Ra out of the
horizon . I was ordered by Pharaoh Khafre to make this tablet, it will be soon used
in a temple to honor the great god of the sun, Ra. Pharaoh Khafre worships Ra more
than any other Pharaoh we have had in the past. He is trying to ensure that there is
harmony between people and nature. He plans to build a great monument for us to
worship the god Rain. A great pyramid is in the works of being built as well, this
pyramid will be similar to his father Pharaoh Khufus and will be his final resting
place. I am a scribe, meaning I know how to read and write in our language. My job
is to inscribe temples, tablets or any other thing I am asked to. These letters I am
writing are called hieroglyphics and we only use them when we talk to or about
the gods, they are a religious alphabet we use to honor them. Our everyday writing
is called hieratics and it is mainly used for business, administration and keeping
records on papyrus, our form of paper, it is reed flattened out. I do enjoy my job; I
am not dragging limestone for distances or slaving away building pyramids or
temples for our pharaoh. You could say that I am of a higher social division. I am
not a criminal nor am I severely poor, these people are our slaves. They break their
backs doing hard manual labor for our Pharaoh. There is also a group of citizens that
voluntarily do hard labor, these are not extremely poor but are not rich either.
Holding Onto Reality
Holding Onto Reality
For me, Holding On to Reality, by , does just that: grabs on to the realest, most
relatable ideas about the Information Age, and refuses to let go. I have had a difficult
time talking and writing about Borgmann. For our class listserv responses, I felt like
I had nothing to comment on. In our class discussions, I had a hard time figuring out
what everyone was talking about. Borgmann s writing style (and diction and even
content) is clear and straightforward, and it leaves me at a loss for anything to
interpret or explicate. Borgmann writes sentences like Social critics and information
theorists are divided on whether information is the devil or the Second Coming and
Information through the power of ... Show more content on ...
For example, if I read Sylvia Plath s The Bell Jar, and bring to my reading my
personal understanding of fiction writing and my life experiences to date, I might
decide that Plath has created a brilliant work of fiction that should be meticulously
picked apart, diagrammed, dissected, and combed for meaning. But, if some other
woman read The Bell Jar, bringing to her reading a limited knowledge of fiction
writing, but a deeply personal understanding of depression, suicide, and mental
illness, she might decide that Plath s work is a misconstructed, misrepresentative, and
even offensive piece of literature. What the author creates is a guide, an outline, and
even an imagining; the reader may imagine or conceptualize the author s text in an
entirely different way. So, whether authors have definite intentions or not, it is
unrealistic that their texts will produce only one interpretation.
In Borgmann s conclusion, he presents an idea that I find central to our class and its
discussion of the role of the Internet and the Information Age in our lives. He writes,
Information is about to overflow and suffocate reality (213). With the invention or
development of new technological devices or advances every day, this suffocation
seems imminent. With the Palm Pilot, the DVD player, with cellular phones that
check e mail and computers that play movies, with all the newer technologies with
A Brief Note On Friedrich Ebert, The First President Of...
Groupings 1) Explain what each term meant/was, and when and where it was
significant (3 points). Friedrich Ebert: He was the first President of Germany a
renowned German Politician belonging to the Social Democratic Party in 1919
until he died in 1925. He became the leader of the Social Democratic Party after the
death of August Bebel, the then party leader passed on. BГ©la Kun: He was a
Revolutionary of the Hungarian Nation who championed the Hungarian Soviet
Republic in the year 1919. After the revolution, he moved to the Soviet Union where
to be was deployed as the Communist International Organization. Freikorps: These
were volunteer fighters and mercenaries that were based in Germany between the
18th and the 20th century that consisted of criminals, army renegades, and native
residents. They mainly fought against the Weimar republic and engaged in lethal
wars with the republican sympathizers and were later replaced by veterans of World
War 1 in 1933. Cheka: It was a Russian emergency committee formed in 1917 and
was the first to take over the Soviet State Security Organization. By around 1918,
many Chekas had been formed and were responsible for punishing, executing and
torturing state opposition. Fasci femminili: It was an Italian organization formed by
women who supported the Italian Fascist Party and its membership was mainly
composed of women. It was also known as the women league. Zhenotdel: It was a
department for Women in the Central Committee Secretariat of the
2013 Management and Strategy, Walmart case study
INTRODUCTION Wal Mart operates more than 11,000 retail units under 69
banners in 27 countries and e commerce websites in 10 countries. (Wal
They employ 2.2 million associates around the world; 1.3 million in the U.S. alone.
Wal Mart provides general merchandise: family apparel, health beauty aids,
household needs, electronics, toys, fabrics, crafts, lawn garden, jewelry and shoes.
Also, the company runs a pharmacy department, Tire Lube Express, and Photo
processing center as well (www.Wal When Sam Walton created Wal Mart
in 1962, he declared that three policy goals would define his business: respect for the
individual, service to ... Show more content on ...
(Dickenson, 2013)
Mart was launching a sweeping business sustainability strategy to dramatically
reduce the company s impact on the global environment and thus become the most
competitive and innovative company in the world. He argued that being a good
steward of the environment and being profitable are not mutually exclusive. They
are one and the same. Scott also committed Wal Mart to three aspirational goals: To
be supplied 100 percent by renewable energy, to create zero waste, and to sell
products that sustain our resources and the environment. To meet those goals, Wal
Mart would seek to transform its supply chain, in cooperation with suppliers and
environmental nonprofit organizations. In addition, Mr. Scott said that as the largest
buyer of manufactured goods in the world, Wal Mart has the power to encourage its
more than 60,000 suppliers to adopt environmentally conscious business practices.
Our most direct impact will be on our suppliers, he said. If we request that our
suppliers use packaging that has less waste or materials that can be recycled,
everybody who buys from that manufacturer will end up using that package. As an
example of how the company can encourage better packaging, Mr. Scott said he
would ensure prime
Big Bend Rocks
Geology of the Big Bend (Rocks)
The only types of rocks found in Big Bend National park are Sedimentary (N.P).
The specific names for these rocks are: limestones, shale and sandstones, clay,
Lava Flow, Conglomerate, Marl, and Cherty Limestone are found in this park
(N.P). These rocks were likely abundant throughout the park; when the area was
covered by a salty sea during the Cretaceous period (N.P). The way how these rocks
formed is by the results of pebbles being cemented together. Another way how the
rocks can form is by how the earliest layer of rock was deposited in a relatively deep
marine environment. After the next layer above the shale indicates that the rock is
deposited in a very shallow way, that s when the ocean water starts
Scarface, Directed by Brian De Palma Essay
Scarface, Directed by Brian De Palma
Tony Montana has taken just so much shit his whole life. He s been oppressed and
repressed and mocked and called a spic and turned on by his own country (Cuba)
that he s just not going to take any shit anymore. He ll shoot someone just for
pissing him off, which is almost admirable, or at the very least understandable. I m
not advocating violence; all I m saying is that we all have our limits and if someone
treated me the way Tony Montana had been treated his whole life if they spit on me,
and degraded me, and mocked me and doubted any power I might have, I might want
to prove them wrong.
Of course, it s a movie, and we know it well; Scarface with Al Pacino as the Cuban
immigrant turned drug lord ... Show more content on ...
I love that he sees himself so well endowed; it shows a moxie and an appealing
verve that today s sensitive men lack (or more accurately, feel they must keep under
wraps.) Tony s energy is violent, sexual, intense; he s all about conquest and triumph
and most of all, proving himself. A guy who knows that in this country, you gotta get
the money first That money is power and all flows from that.
When Elvira laughs and mocks at his tiger striped, tricked out Cadillac (read; his
interpretation of money versus what people who have money do), he goes and buys
a new car, bringing her along. She canpick the car. He s adapative, comprising, and
mostly, wooing. That he s willing to shake off the guido trappings he can then have
the ultimate American male accessory the beautiful and aloff womean who doesn t
give a shit, and as she says, doesn t fuck around with the help which is him, but not
matter. She will. The icier she is, the harder he tries. It s a little dance we see a lot
on our society and I wonder why we can t just say what we mean and mean what we
say and why we have to pretend we re not interested in the first place. But okay.
Her nose is packed with coke, she needs to relax more than a little and should be
doing Valium and Prozac and Ritalin instead of coke and she does look like she
needs to be fucked, especially by someone like Tony Montana. But what Elvira
Arson Investigation
While the arson that happen at 1029 Secluded Acres in Henderson, Nevada is an
ongoing investigation, there is still many issues that have not been resolved. The
issues like: the missing vehicle, stolen license plate, identification of the criminal
suspect and how the victim was killed are key things that require some sort of follow
up. I would start by followingup with Coroner J. Rickshaw to establish the victim s
identity. One way to do this would be to run a DNA test on the victim to try and
determine who he is. This will determine if we are looking for a white or black
male. Since both individuals at one point had access to the house. Also to confirm if
the individual who is dead is in fact Phoenix Trenton. If confirmed, we can run a...
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To include if he was dead prior to the fire or was the killers trying to cover up
evidence by burning the home. Also whether he was tied down. All these things
could help determine why the individual was killed. If he was tied by a specific rope,
we would be able to check any local store that sells that type of rope and review
video in order to try and determine who the killer is.
From interviewing the neighbors of the house where the crime was committed we
can establish that two males were living in the residents. If possible I would try
and looks for fingerprints to try and determine who the second male is. This way we
can question him on what happen in the residence. This could probably determine
who the killer is. Could also follow up with Plan B Properties to rule out if the
residence was rented under two different names. This could confirm who the two
individuals are.
A key piece of evidence is the missing Honda Pilot that could have been used as the
getaway vehicle. One of the neighbors stated that he thinks he has seen the Findlay
Honda logo on the license plate. We could start by searching for any local Findlay
Honda dealerships in Henderson. We can start by asking how many Honda Pilots
they have sold in the last two weeks. Another ways would be to ask if anyone by the
name Phoenix Trenton has purchased a vehicle
The Organizational Culture Affects The Organization
Intelligent, thoughtful people can form into organizations that are unproductive and
ineffective in relation to their stated missions. This happens often and frequently, and
there are many reasons why such a case can occur. This essay will discuss two
possible reasons for such ineffectiveness and lack of productivity. Firstly,
organizations may have an overall structurethat is not conducive to success in relation
to their mission. Secondly, the organizational culture affects the organization in such
a negative way that the mission becomes clouded in the eyes of many employees and
Organizations often fail because of a lack of balance in a structure that makes sense
for that particular organization. This can be illustrated one way by comparing the
images of organizations as machines and organisms. Organizations as machines
focus on hierarchical structure. Hierarchical structure works very well for some
types of organizations. Organizations that are focused on things like national
security, disease prevention, or food safety are able to flourish under the mechanical
structure. This is because these types of organisms need to focus on efficiency,
predictability, and stability. Specialized roles help these organizations to carry out
their mission most effectively. Those dealing with food monitoring and safety need
to be experts in very specific areas of that particular work. Armed services need
specialized roles for those who operate heavy machinery, use
A Review Of Adaptive Technique For Image Super
A Review of Adaptive Technique for Image Super resolution
Prof. S. P. Bhosale
Assistant Professor , Department of electronics,
Increase in resolution of image has been one driving factor in the development and
progress of the п¬Ѓelds related to the capture, processing and display of digital
images and video. Number of authors has carried out research on various
techniques on super resolution algorithms which are classified into two basic
categories: single frame super resolution and the more common multi frame super
resolution . Single frame super resolution is a very ill posed problem due to the lack
of any new additional information. Multi frame Super resolution on the other hand
presents more information in the form of Low Resolution (LR) frames that are
displaced from each other making it a more tractable problem. A related problem to
super Resolution (SR) techniques is image restoration, which is well established area
in image processing application. An other problem related to SR reconstruction is
image interpolation that has been used to increase the size of a single image.
Adaptive technique, super resolution technique, frequency domain method.
A demand for higher resolution is seen in many discipline including bio medical
imaging, satellite and astronomical imaging, chemical and military surveillance and
remote sensing. But the current state of image sensor
The Merits And Disadvantages Of The Four Spiritual Law
The Four Spiritual Laws are God s love, Man s sin, Christ s provision, and Our
responsibility. The first law, God s love, is teaching individuals that God loves
each and every individual that He sent His son, Jesus, to die on the cross for every
individual s sin (Word of Life Bible Institute). The second law, Man s sin, is teaching
individuals that if we do not accept Jesusinto our lives as our Savior, then we are
separated from God because He is sinless (Word of Life Bible Institute). The third
law, Christs provision, is teaching individuals that the only way to Heaven is
through Jesus Christ because He died on the cross for every individual (Word of
Life Bible Institute). The fourth law, our responsibility, is teaching individuals
that our responsibility is to individually accept Jesus as our Savior (Word of Life
Bible Institute). An advantage of the Four Spiritual Laws is if someone is
witnessing to another individual, the Four Spiritual Laws are the four main key
points to address when witnessing in a short period of time (Word of Life Bible
Institute). A disadvantage of the Four Spiritual Laws is that these laws only reach
people who acknowledge and know that basic principles of faith (Word of Life
Bible Institute). The Four Spiritual Laws are very purposeful when witnessing to
someone in a short period time and also can be individual s guide when trying to
figure out the key points in leading an individual to Christ.
Servant Evangelism Servant Evangelism is a method where Christians should reach
people with love, compassion, and service while having a kind heart, a generous
attitude, and an embracing smile (Methods of Evangelism, John Christy). If servant
evangelism is done with acceptable intentions, then individuals will begin to become
accepting of Christianity and perhaps want to learn more about Jesus (Methods of
Evangelism, John Christy). Some individuals believe that Christians are better than
everyone else, which is not true. An advantage to this type of evangelism is putting a
stop to the assumptions that Christians are above everyone else and continue being
involved by caring for people (Methods of Evangelism, John Christy). A disadvantage
to servant evangelism is when a Christian is
The Importance Of The Film Jaws
The film Jaws is deemed as one of the greatest movies of all time, it is not only a
movie, but it changed the movie industry due to its success. The success of Jaws is
a result of the mass of advertising the producers did. Jaws was the first film to have
a wide release , opening at the same time across the country and making it the highest
grossing filmat the time. The vast amount of detail the producers went into
advertising can be seen in the Jawsmovie poster. Through the vivid red title, the
unseen shark in the ocean s depth, the unwitting and vulnerable woman, the use of
prominent actors names, and the magnitude of the shark, the author uses a myriad of
textual and non textual techniques that create both suspense and excitement for the
First, the author places the title Jaws in the center of the page in bright red letters,
which causes the title to stand to the viewer because the red lettering is an
enormous contrast to the primarily blue and white image. The author uses the
placement and color of the title catch the eyes of the viewer. For example, when
looking at the image the viewer will notice the massive shark because of its size,
but the shark s color is similar to the color of the water, however, the red is a direct
contrast to the blue in the image making it stand out more than any other part of the
image. The author chooses red for the title not only to make it stand out but also to
imply the goriness of the film. Red is the color of blood and in
Textual Analysis Of Big Data By Edward Snowden
Many people have become so immersed in data, that they are unable to recognize
the data that they have been exposed to. For example, many college students either
watch tv or listen to music while completing homework. Students often time just see
this as background noise when in reality this is data that become stored in your
unconscious mind. The film Big Data gives a visual account of how much data
streaming has impacted society both negatively and positively through the use of
data analysis. Data has taken away the ability to remain anonymous and has also
sparked a decline in human interpersonal skills. However, Data also has allowed
humanity to collect new information providing new solutions to world issues. The
film Big Data is able to... Show more content on ...
Through the Big Data film, viewers are taught that data tracked through search
engines can be instrumental. The tracked data can be used to predict trends over
time. For example in the film, the researchers were able to track the number of
times that flu symptoms were searched. Then with this information, the researchers
were able to accurately predict the onset of a flu season prior to the Center for
Disease Control report. Additionally, this data can also be used to keep the
information up to date. For example, during the hurricane season, people used
Twitter to provide updates on where the damage occurred and give details on to
what degree property was damaged. Recently, the city of Tallahassee used twitter to
give updates on power outages that occurred during the most recent storm. On
Twitter, the city of Tallahassee released the areas affected by the storm and
approximated guess of how many people were without power. Data can be useful
because it helps to keep people informed and permits further analysis of everyday
tasks performed on the
Pushing Boundaries Of Privacy, Ethics And Personal
The Circle represents the story of pushing boundaries of privacy, ethics and
personal freedom. The main character of the movie is Mae Holland who gets an
opportunity to work for the world s largest technology and social media company
named Circle by the help of her friend Annie. Mae pushes boundaries of privacy,
ethics and personal freedom and agrees to be a part of an experiment where all her
personal activities and whatever she does can be seen by public because according
to the company s founder no one should be scared to share their information if they
are doing everything right. Also, going full transparent made Mae a celebrity where
she had millions of friends who would see her daily activities and support her or
discourage her. However,
Depression And Its Effects On Depression
Depression is a broad area because it has to do with the emotional state of a person.
It can either make you stronger or break you down to nothing. Many people don t
notice they re depressed because they re either in denial or can function regularly
with the condition. What is depression? Depression is a state of mind along with
feelings of loneliness, hopelessness, and or uncertainty in life. Depression can
trigger in so many areas in life such as: losing a child, employment, home or even
just a sudden change in one s life (Depression 2015). Thousands millions of
individuals claim relief from antidepressant treatment, and virtually any psychiatrist
will swear that antidepressants really have helped many of his or her depressed
patients (Depression 2015). Meanwhile, there are also many patients, equally
depressed, who obtain little or no benefit from antidepressants, and a large number of
carefully conducted studies that find little benefit in the active ingredients of these
pills, once placebo effects are factored out. (Depression, 2015). Placebo effect is
improvement in the condition of a patient that occurs in response to treatment but can
t be considered due to the specific treatment used. Some doctors prescribe
antidepressants to help minimize or cure a clinically depress person. Many therapist
study that antidepressant aren t a cure for depression. They believe if a person change
their habits along with mindset, they can overcome the many emotions
Romeo And Juliet Essay On Death
Throughout the play Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare shows Romeo s infatuation
with two things: death, and Juliet, one overpowering the other. Romeo is suicidal;
everything related to eternal rest peaks his interest. Juliet causes Romeo to die
which reveals that Juliet did what death itself could not. She helped Romeo forget
about the harsh realities of the world, whereas death allowed Romeo an option in
the end where he could be alongside his one and only true love. Whether it be in
hell or heaven, Romeo would have followed Juliet anywhere. Despite Romeo s
obsession with death, his constant references to Juliet suggests that it is not true.
From the first time Romeo lays his eyes on Juliet, he was entranced by her beauty
and falls in love... Show more content on ...
I am content, so thou wilt have it so/Come, death, and welcome! Juliet wills it so
(3.5.17 18 and 24). Romeo is content with dying if Juliet wills it so. This brings
light to the fact that Romeo does not worry about himself or about anything other
than Juliet when he is with her. When he goes to Mantua, Romeo quickly becomes
depressed. He complains that, heaven is here, where Juliet lives, and every cat and
dog and little mouse, every unworthy thing, live here in heaven and may look on
her, but Romeo may not (3.3.29 32). Romeo reveals that anywhere outside Verona
is a place of purgatory if the unworthiest of creatures are able to gaze upon Juliet s
beauty while he is stuck in Mantua. As a result, he believes that the banishment is
worse than dying as he is tortured by the fact that he may never be able to see her
again without the risk of being killed. The only way for Romeo to be together with
Juliet is through the means of dying. As Romeo heard of Juliet s deceasement, he
rushes to go to Verona despite the evident threat to his life, with poison, to kill
himself alongside Juliet. He kills himself just before Juliet woke up. Juliet then
kills herself so that they may be together in the afterlife regardless of if it is hell or
heaven. Suicide is considered an utmost sin in Christianity and by killing himself, he
rescinded his beliefs and religion to be with the one he loved. They both revoke their
religion in order to be with each other, neither of them caring
An Analysis Of Alfie Kohn s What Does It Mean You Be...
Journal 4 passive
In his essay What Does It Mean To Be Well Educated, Alfie Kohn challenges the
current standards that people consider crucial in order for a person to be considered
well educated and explores some interesting questions that help provide the reader
with a completely different understanding of education. At the beginning, Kohn
explains how people can argue about the purpose of education, but then fail to
realize and recognize whether or not education has truly been successful. Then,
Kohn provides the reader with an example of his wife, a successful physician who
completed her study for a doctoral dissertation in anthropology at Harvard, yet still
lacks some educational basics that people consider necessary factors to possess in
order for a person to fit in the defined (fit the definition of well educated) group of
well educated individuals (Kohn 231 232). After that, Kohn explores some
definitions that people set as essential measurements for determining whether or not a
person is well educated and explains why all these standard definitions fail to either
evaluate a person s knowledge or make a person knowledgeable. For example, many
people consider test scores, seat time, job skills, and memorization of facts as
indicators of well education. However, Kohn explains that sitting in class for a certain
amount of time, reducing schooling to vocational suit the demands of

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Informative Essay

  • 1. Informative Essay Writing an informative essay may seem deceptively simple at first glance, but delving into the task reveals its multifaceted nature and the challenges it presents. Crafting an essay that not only imparts information but also engages and educates the reader requires a thoughtful approach. One of the initial hurdles lies in the selection of a compelling and relevant topic. Finding a subject that not only interests you but also has the potential to captivate your audience can be a daunting task. The information you provide must be accurate, up-to-date, and thoroughly researched. This demands a considerable investment of time in gathering data from reliable sources, as a well-informed essay is the bedrock of any informative piece. Structuring the essay is another intricate aspect. A coherent flow of ideas, logical organization, and seamless transitions are essential to ensure that the reader can easily follow the information presented. Striking the right balance between depth and simplicity is crucial; the essay should be comprehensive enough to convey the necessary details but not overly complex to alienate the audience. Moreover, the art of citation and referencing adds another layer of complexity. Accurately attributing information to its source is a meticulous task that requires attention to detail. Failure to adhere to proper citation standards can compromise the integrity of the essay and potentially lead to issues of plagiarism. In addition, maintaining the reader's interest throughout the essay is a perpetual challenge. Engaging introductions, informative body paragraphs, and a thought-provoking conclusion are essential elements, and crafting them requires a keen understanding of the audience's expectations. In conclusion, while writing an informative essay may seem straightforward on the surface, the process is riddled with challenges that demand meticulous attention to detail, thorough research, and adept writing skills. It's an intellectual endeavor that requires time, effort, and a deep commitment to delivering accurate and engaging information. For those who find themselves overwhelmed by the complexities of essay writing, it's worth noting that there are resources available to provide assistance. Similar essays and a wealth of academic support can be accessed through platforms like, offering a helping hand to those navigating the intricate terrain of essay composition. Informative Essay Informative Essay
  • 2. Content Validity And Its Effects On The Research Instrument 5.3.Content validity Haynes et al (1995) describe content validity as the degree of relevance from each elements to their research instrument. In this research, content validity relates to the relevance of the statements to the construct that build the model. Since the questionnaire in this research is based on previous research from experts in this field of study, the statements should have at least acceptable level of content validity. 5.4.Structural Equation Modelling Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) is a common approach in behavioural sciences to measure relationships between latent factors or theoretical constructs of observed elements. This model is known as a mixture of factor analysis and regression or path analysis and ... Show more content on ... The next criteria requires the model to achieve very low value of chi square, satisfactory indices (incremental fit index 0.9, goodness of fit index 0.9), low root mean square residuals and high coefficient of determination. Lastly, the final criteria requires the accomplishment of high individual item and composite reliabilities. Before implementing model fit evaluation, Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) is adopted in this research because according to Chiou in Wu et al. (2011), if the number of sample did not exceed 200, then the model need to have ideal covariance matrix coefficients. As shown on appendix 6 2, all factor loadings are between 0.26 and 0.98, all error variances are non negative and achieved statistically highly significance level. Model fit evaluation For the model fit evaluation, the model has factor loading between 0.26 and 0.96, positive error variances and also reached level of highly statistically significance. Thus, passing the preliminary fit criteria. Meanwhile on the overall model fit criteria, as can be seen in table , the proposed model is achieving almost all of the ideal results. Only two indicators that the model didn t achieved, the goodness of fit index (GFI) and Adjusted GFI (AGFI). However, the results are not too far from the ideal results from each measurements and Hooper et al. (2008) mentioned
  • 3. Femininity And Conformity Conceptions of idealized and appropriate feminine qualities are majorly constructed by the dominant patriarchal discourse that judges female behaviour with reference to gender based social norms. Incarcerated within the patriarchal disciplinary system, the female bodily act becomes a subject of highly structured regulations whose inspecting gaze forces it to be infantilised or penalised. Living under the custody of their offenders, women are the target of a manipulative process that strives to condition them, training them to believe in its established qualities of femininity. Through a systematic surveillance of their behaviours and thoughts, the oppressive controlling system turn women into docile bodies which are emblematic of conformity and submissiveness. [L]argely interpellated by... Show more content on ... Deviation from the normative inflicts her with the label of a monster and thus relegates her to a liminal space. Becker maintains that her misconduct which resist[s] le propre in terms of femininity (172) brings devastation to the hegemonic discourse, unveiling its laden ideological practices. Janet s transgressive and masculine behaviours in Joanna Russ s The Female Man (1975) define her as a she monster who challenges gender expectations. Her cross dressing, profane language and violent demeanour make her define herself as male
  • 4. Essay on How Luhrmann Portrays the Meeting of Romeo and... How Luhrmann Portrays the Meeting of Romeo and Juliet In this essay, I will denote and connote the hidden messages within Baz Luhrmanns modern day version of Romeo and Juliet. I will explain what the messages mean, and what things are the hidden messages. I will analyse the images and shots within the party scene that Romeo and Juliet first meet in. In the opening shot, we hear diagetec sound. This sound is a woman singing a love song. This indicates that there is some hidden love story within the film in which is about to be revealed to us. We see Romeo trying to shake off a drug in which he has just taken, we see him in a very similar shot to one in which we see Juliet from during the first... Show more content on ... We can see that the fish tank actually acts as a barrier between the two of them. It stops them from standing next to each other, from fully connecting. It symbolises the walls between their two families, the war that keeps them apart, and eventually ends in tragedy. During the party, we see many different costumes, the most obvious being Romeo and Juliet s. They both show compatibility between the two of them. Juliet is wearing an angel costume showing her innocence and purity. Romeo is wearing a knight s costume, showing nobility and honour. Juliet s Mother comes to get her to dance with a man called Paris; Paris wants her to marry him. Her family think he would be a perfect match for her, but his costume definitely says differently. He is wearing an astronaut s costume; this costume shows that he is slightly out in space, away from the rest of the world, possibly even self centred. Tibalt does not want Romeo in his families house at all, especially not in his family; where as Romeo does not want violence! This shows more of Romeos nobility and honour. It also illustrates more of the barrier between Romeo and Juliet. It shows the side of their love that is forbidden. As
  • 5. Benefits And Benefits Of Youth Sport Essay Being involved with athletics at a young age is typically looked at as being a good activity that gets children involved and gets them out for their 60 minutes of play a day. Little do many people know, there are many benefits to youth sport than just a child s daily exercise. Along with there being many positives and benefits to youth sport, there are also negatives that can come about. Many of the benefits include physical, psychological, intellectual, and social benefits. Some of the negatives that can occur from youth sport are the possibilities of loss of self confidence, frustration, burnout, and injuries. There are many ways to try and make sure that the youth reap all of the benefits from sport at a youngage and there are certain elements that coaches, parents, and teachers should take to maximize the befits of sport. It is important for children to be involved in sport because active participation helps children develop skills. Research shows that there are many physical benefits to youth sport. Some of the developments that a child can make from participation in sport are agility, coordination, endurance, flexibility, speed, and strength (Taskforce, 2013). The research from Maximizing the Benefits of Youth Sport says that there are more specific developments that children develop from sport. The specific developments include: enhanced functioning and health of cardiorespiratory and muscular systems, improved flexibility, mobility, and coordination, increased
  • 6. Variations in the Experience of Depression Gender Differences in Depression This focus elaborates the place of gender in determining depression levels. It states that females experience twice as much depression as men. This is as a result of social forces and cognitive behavioral differences between women and men. The focus notes that women in communities with distinct traditional gender roles tend to have higher stress levels than societies where there are no major divides between gender roles. There are various factors that cause women to have higher stress levels than men: First, girls experience more childhood sexual violence than boys, secondly, in adulthood, women are at a higher risk of being exposed to stressors such as poverty than men, thirdly, acceptance of social roles hit hard on women; for example, girls worry about their body image and how boys perceive them. Fourthly, social roles hinder women from pursuing their dreams in many communities; lastly, women give high weight to interpersonal relationships such that when the relationships do not work out for them they get disappointed. The issue of women experiencing higher incidence of depression is real. This is because of the natural differences that make women the weaker sex; this makes them mores susceptible to depression. Moreover, gender disparities imminent in some societies discriminate against women; this discrimination makes them more prone to depression. However, with more and more societies getting civilized and embracing gender equity, the
  • 7. Negative Effects Of Violence In Hockey Violence has always been an intrinsic element in contributing to the popularity of men s professional hockey. However, violence in the game of hockey does not stem from the individual themselves but from the influence of society. Throughout this paper I argue that although violence in men s hockey appears to be systemic to the players of the game, societal genderstereotypes and spectator expectations also contribute towards inciting violencein the sport. From various scholarly articles, I reveal that societal standards placed upon men in the professional hockey league obligates them to maintain an image of masculinity, inevitably leading towards violence on the rink. In addition, spectators generate violence in the sport through placing most of their interests on the brutality between players, further increasing the pressure for men to deliver under such expectations. I argue that ultimately an incentive to change the violent nature of the hockey culture should be implemented. Through educating younger players on the negative effects of violence in hockey at a greater social context, long term change can eventually be established. Present society has cultivated gender ideologies, such that the distinction between masculinity and femininity has been defined through social construction. From birth to childhood, gender norms are learned from what our parents teach us, what is taught in school, and what is depicted in the media. In the sport of hockey, a majority of these
  • 8. Auburn Essay Sixteen kilometres from new south wales capital city of Sydney, Auburn is one of the most multicultural suburbs in Australia. Since the first form of settlement in 1806 to the present thriving heart of multiculturalism, Auburn has been through drastic changes over the years. On the 5th of February 1788, Governor Arthur Phillip and John Hunter followed the course of the Parramatta River and eventually explored a tributary which they named the Duck River, which now forms the western boundary of Auburn.This is how Auburn was first discovered by British settlers. Settlement in Auburn was quite slow back in the 1800 s but now Auburn is home to over 33 122 people according to the 2011 census. This essay will explore the effect time has had on... Show more content on ... In the past, obstacles such as the White Australia policy did not allow much population growth in Auburn. Although European migrants and natural increase contributed to population growth, they never seemed to be enough to create the population present in today s Auburn. The slogan populate or perish although made for fear of Australia s asian neighbours, had a point to make about Australia s low population. Many obstacles such as the Depression also brought a halt to immigration . Today Sydney as a whole is said to be overpopulated. As of the 30th June 2016 Auburn s estimated population is 37,373. This change in population is evident in source A. In source A there are only four schoolboys at the railway station. Since they are school boys the time the photo was taken would be either around 8.30am or 3.00pm which are both peak hours and the station is empty disregarding the time. Today at Auburn Railway station, the platforms are almost always packed. This source clearly proves that Auburn has been through population growth or change. Transport found in Auburn s past has transformed into more advanced forms with a range of variety. In the past, transport was quite basic. The majority of steam trains were only retired from regular service by the 1980s. The cars were really just a little better than a horse with a cart. As for buses, there were only 15 motorised buses in the whole of Sydney in 1915. Nowadays there is not only a wide range of different transportations
  • 9. Informative Speech On Cohabitation Attention: I.The first wedding I attended was Ken and Barbie s. I was just 6 years old. I ended up being the officiant, the caterer, the wedding planner, and oftentimes, even served as proxy for both bride and groom. I ve attended several weddings in the twenty something years that have passed since then. And I m sorry to say that mine is not one of them. A.This is a quote by former Psychology Today intern Jen Kim who also happens to be a woman who lived with her boyfriend hoping that someday they would get married. B.However, Jen Kim, as many other women with a similar case, never did. II.Cohabitation is often the reason behind which long relationships end, and it is not an effective step before marriage. (Transition: Let s start first ... Show more content on ... The chances of becoming pregnant were higher among women younger than 20 and women with less than a high school diploma. B.Couples who live apart before marriage tend to be more satisfied with their marriage. 1.In addition, an article in the New York Times by clinical psychologist Meg Jay, in a nationwide survey conducted in 2001 by the National Marriage Project, nearly half of people in their 20 s agreed with the statement, You would only marry someone if he or she agreed to live together with you first, so that you could find out whether you really get along. 2.About two thirds said they believed that moving in together before marriage was a good way to avoid divorce. 3.But that belief is contradicted by experience. 4.Couples who cohabit before marriage tend to be less satisfied with their marriages and more likely to divorce than couples who do not. These negative outcomes are called the cohabitation effect. C.Couples who don t cohabit before marriage experience less behavioral problems. 1.According to Arron Chambers, lead minister of Journey Christian Church in Greeley, Colorado, leadership consultant, and marriage coach, cohabitors report higher levels of: a.Depression (which is 3 times higher) b.Dissatisfaction, instability, and poor
  • 10. Criminal Trial Stages List and define the stages of a criminal trial. 1. Arrested: The first step is a person may be arrested if the police have probable cause that he or she did the crime. Meaning probable cause is reasonable suspicion that someone has committed a crime. Moreover, police have a reason to suspect them, because someone saw them commit the crime, there is evidence available, and someone s testimony. 2. Accused sent to jail or released on bail: If a person is arrested and he does not pay bail, he will have to go to jail or prison until his trial. This can last anywhere up to one week, to a month depending on the court s docket. If a person pays out bail they give the court the money, and when they show up for court they give that money back.
  • 11. Child Pageants In modern day society, people often tune into TLC s hit show Toddlers in Tiaras. Most see it as a harmless pastime for the children, but child beauty pageants are far from harmless. In recent years, child beauty pageants have become increasingly popular all over the U.S, making it a 5 billion dollar industry. Almost 5,000 pageants are held with 250,000 children participating with the majority of the contestants under the age of twelve ( Child beauty Pageants ). Unfortunately, what most viewers do not realize is that many contestants will suffer from sexual abuse and eating disorders by the time they are teenagers. With that being said, beauty pageants have a negative impact on female adolescents. First, child beauty pageants can have major... Show more content on ... As mentioned previously, child beauty queens are often found with makeup, and outfits that are to seductive for young children. As well as this, children may also be posed in semi sexulaized positions for photoshoots. Due to this, many child predators are using that as an excuse, as Elizabeth Day writes, We do know that predators or paedophiles continually tend to justify their interest in children by saying children are sexual beings. That children are now given a channel to become little Lolitas, to be portrayed as older, to almost become mini adults these are all trends that give legitimacy to that kind of thinking (Day). Because of some of the clothing that parents are allowing their children to wear, predictors are using it as an excuse for their interest in young children. Unfortunately, in worst case scenario, the public may end up with a case like Jonbenet Ramsey s. In an article, Billy Reed mentions Jonbenet Ramsey, a six year old beauty queen who was found sexually assaulted and murdered in the basement of her home in 1996 (Reed). Many have claimed that her assault had a connection to the pageants. While it is a likely possibility, the case remains closed to this day, so no one will know. Even while still alive, Jonbenet did not have a childhood. She often participated in competitions that forced children children to
  • 12. Changes in Foreign Policies, Culture, and Domestic... The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 changed the skyscape of New York City. They also changed the political, economic, and cultural landscape of the United States. September 11th showed Americans that not even the strongest military country in the world can protect its citizens from terrorism. The changes in America since 9/11 have not only impacted Americans but have impacted citizens of other nations worldwide. This infamous day in history had the power to turn the world upside down in only a matter of hours. U.S. foreign policy, specifically our relationships with other countries, was significantly changed after September 11th. After the terrorist attacks on this day of 2001, most nations were ready to accept ... Show more content on ... These countries saw the war on terror as a multilateral effort, one requiring the cooperation of many countries and the efforts of many agencies. Instead, President Bush shunned offers of help from U.S. allies, with the exceptions of Britain and Australia, in waging the Afghanistan war. In December 2001, President Bush announced that the United States was withdrawing from the ABM Treaty. The White House blocked international efforts to strengthen the biological Weapons Convention, even though the anthrax attacks in the fall of 2001 demonstrated the dangers of biological terrorism. President Bush announced his doctrine of preemption that insisted on America s right to attack potential foes before they could harm the U.S. He then waged war on Iraq, invoking this as a legitimate response to 9/11 and as a preemptive strike on Weapons of Mass Destruction. When confronted with objections from many other world powers, President Bush then supported the invasion of Iraq on humanitarian grounds, freeing the Iraqi people from a brutal dictator. In responding to the terrorism of 9/11, the United States has invoked a right to unilateral action that undermines the international framework of cooperation and law and shows a disdain for the rest of the world. Even before 9/11, the U.S. outspent the next 15 countries for defense. The military budget was sharply increased after 9/11 to
  • 13. Early American Agriculture Dbq Essay As the population of the young United States increased more and more people hungry mouths were asking for food. Farmers had to keep up with new technology but there were also many setbacks in government policy and economic conditions. In the period of 1865 1900, there were many ways in which technology, government policy, and economic conditions changed early American agriculture. From 1870 to 1890 railroads were more widely spreading through the west and everywhere else. This should effectively decrease the price for farmers to get his crops to market. However, this gives the many different railroad companies the opportunity to spike up prices. This got so bad in some states that government policy was written to protect the farmers. ... Show more content on ... In 1892 Mary E. Lease talks about the low prices in farming and how politicians mislead them and tell them decreasing prices are from overproduction(Document G). Even though Lease thought otherwise data at the time was contrary. Document A shows this. For wheat as production increased price per bushel decreased, for cotton for the most part as production increases the price per pound decreases, for corn from 1870 1885 as production increased price decreased. 1900 in the outliner because production increased and so did price. This is way in Document J farmers are against the gold standard. Big cities were for the gold standard because it helped with industrialization but farmers were against it for a plethora of reasons. Their complaints were gold s inflexibility. When farmers brought their crop to market in the fall, an inflexible currency would cause a shortage of money which would drive down prices. Document H talks about the unpredictability of farming and how this can affect prices of the product. And based on the price of the product it depends how much food a family can keep for themselves. So not only is the production of the product to sell unpredictable but so is the welfare of the family based
  • 14. Analysis, Driver, Expressive, And Amiable Group members are classified into the following social styles: Analytical, Driver, Expressive, and Amiable. (Griffith Dunham, 2015). Analytical is someone who is picky about how things are done. They always want to be right no matter what. The driver is someone who is determined to embrace new things, one who is tough, and dominated. Expressive is someone who is enthusiastic and reacts to different behaviors. Amiable is the one who is cooperative, dependable, and supportive in a friendly manner. When people gather in a group it can be a good or a bad experience. There are many personalities that can be in a group such as family, school, or workplace. (Griffith Dunham, 2015). Working in groups with different ideas, mindsets, cultures
  • 15. T Rex Summary The reading passage states that paleontologists intentionally split a fossilized bone of a 70 million year old dinosaur, called T Rex, and discovered several substances that might be the original tissue of the dinosaur, such as blood vessels, red blood cells, and collagen. However, the lecturer casts doubt on it and provides conclusive evidence to support his statement. First of all, the author of the reading posits that the scientists detected numerous channels inside the bones and some spongy stuff in those channels, which might be the remnants of the authentic blood vessels. The lecturer, on the other hand, asserts that the soft materials cannot be the residues of the real blood vessels and they might have left from other things, including
  • 16. Essay on It s Time to Legalize Illegal Immigrants It s Time to Legalize Illegal Immigrants Look at the world around you. Is it anything like it was 100 years ago? How about anything like it was 10 years ago? The world is changing at an alarming place. When this country was first founded, land west of the Mississippi was considered uncharted territory. It was seen as a whole new world. Nowadays, there is not a place on the planet that we haven t been to. There are places on other planets that we have been to. The world has shrunk due to technological advancement. The world is globalizing. Some call it progress. They say that we are growing as a society and that change in inherently good. However, one must look at the nature in which we change. Is the world really becoming a ... Show more content on ... Often times the very workers that make globalization possible are the ones being mistreated and are being adversely affected by it. Steps must be taken to fix the moral oversight of globalization. Specifically I would like to look at the use of illegal immigrants to reduce the wages of workers. I want to look at the use of unfair competition to put the workers, farm workers in particular, in a very disadvantaged position. Steps can be taken to make the situation more just for all parties, but it may take a change in Mexican American border policy. The idea of globalization causing suffering is not a new idea. In fact, it is accepted throughout the world. This is because people try to justify it. The common argument is that this is the natural process for growth in countries. Europe went through period of hardships during the Industrial Revolution, as did the United States. So when other countries show similar signs, it is seen as a good thing. People say that the county is developing and in time they will be a powerful country like America or Britain. A nation can only grow if it goes through certain stages, and those stages are inevitable, so we shouldn t worry about them. I don t know about you, but I see some pretty big logical holes in this theory. There are two major problems I see with this train of
  • 17. Public Transportation In Orlando City In the community I live which reviewing today, I can say the housing available in this area are in demand, some buildings are old but well kept and maintenance seems to be well provided, there are some old buildings, however, the city has taken into improving the area so this building is demolished to create better looking ones in the areas,however, none of them are converting or consider for future housing. The few architectural development includes a long nice walking bridge behind the Mall and the other ultra modern architectural building, have been empty for decades and just now seems to be allocated to become a headquarters for Clear Channel. The use and condition of public spaces are... Show more content on ... Community safety in my community is taken seriously you can see the Altamonte Police working at all times, their presence is definitely there when you need it. The station is not only located in within the community but also as part of the safety one station located inside the Mall to better serve, safety and response. The fire ladders are well kept and are always ready to respond, I talk to some of the firefighters in my way to clinically as early as 5:00 am and they seem ready for any call, or situation that they might need to respond with urgency. My community looks in good shape when we look for services, hospitals, transportation, libraries, god schools, day care, hospitals, parks and recreation are well established; however I think there is the lack of resources for our seniors, talking and trying to help my neighbor I was surprised that a simple assistance like Meals on Wheels is not provided in my area and for a senior without assistance to prepare meals or transportation, it seems like a the flaw in the community that needs to be met for a better service to our
  • 18. Descriptive Essay On Summer And Winter It s four o clock on a rainy, autumn, Monday afternoon. I ve chosen my location to be my room in my apartment at 2224 Blowing Rock Rd. The window is always left open due to my admiration for the regular sounds that occur outside my building. This location makes me feel comfortable, calm, and upbeat. Not only did I specifically pick out the place and time for this assignment I really aimed to write this while the weatherwas accenting autumn, wet and windy. Nothing is more relaxing than a nice cup of coffee in the comforts of your own bed while the windand rain serenade you. The whole season of fall makes me feel warm and content. Thoreau wrote The indescribable innocence and beneficence of Nature, of the sun and wind and rain, of summer and winter, such health, such cheer, they afford forever! And such sympathy have they ever with our race, that all nature would be affected, and the suns brightness fade, and the winds would sigh humanely, and the clouds rain tears, and the woods shed their leaves and put on mourning in midsummer, if any man should ever for just a cause grieve (Solitude, 110). Within the room itself, I can hear a few distinct sounds around me. A faint melody of jazz can be heard on a radio in the corner. Music helps me focus on whatever work I have for the night. Although I have turned the radio down in order to hear other sounds for this assignment, I can still hear small claps of a beat and an upbeat squeak of some kind of horn. Attached to my curtains are a string of old bells. The wind is picking up today and every time it blows a small gust through my window the curtain moves and the bells dance along it. They soundlike tiny cow bells. The wind has also picked a fight with a small candle on one of my tables. I can hear the flickers of the flame trying to stay lit as well as it possibly can. And of course, the most apparent sound in the room is the tapping and clicking of my laptop keys as I write this. Outside of my window, there are several different layers of sound all unique to each other. The first layer come from the immediate parking lot in front and the whole apartment complex itself. I can hear bustling neighbors all around; faint laughs, doors shutting, cars
  • 19. Is Post Secondary Education Important What do you want to be when you grow up? Where do you want to go to college? What is your intended major? Ever since elementary school, we have all been bombarded with these questions. Our lives have always been focused on thinking about the future and what we can do to make our families proud. Now, the moment has come where these decisions must be made. But why is post secondary education so important? Most people would say that it gives one the fundamental knowledge for a job. It is a necessity in the process of earning money needed to live a normal life. To me, post secondary education is much more than just a stepping stone towards money. As a music education major, I will have the responsibility to learn how to play every band and orchestra
  • 20. Analysis Of The Story The Little Girl Cynthia was born on October 28, 1998: she has one older brother, afterwards a younger brother, and then a sister came along. One may say the little girl was lucky to be born to two parents who loved her very much to the point she was spoiled with endless gifts. The little girl was a gift from the heavens, her parents thought since she inherited their traits and did not have the typical Mexican, India looks. She had smooth porcelain white skin with pink blush on her cheeks, she had the most beautiful thickest and darkest hair, her eyes were big and round they were chocolate brown. Her eyelashes were naturally curly and black. Even the name place on her, Cynthia, meant the goddess of the moon, it was as though the name was placed on her by faith. One may say this little girl was a beautiful, gorgeous doll because she was treated like one. Her parents dressed her with the most beautiful dresses and at a young age she learned how to walk in heels. Everyone would stop and stare at this little girl to compliment her beauty, she even received modeling jobs. She was treated as a PurГ©pecha princess in which PurГ©pecha was an empire that was the rival of the Aztecs in Michocan, Mexico. As the little girl grew older and began to understand more things, she realized soon enough, that everyone liked her for her appearance not for who she is. But, she also loved and adored the attention she was getting from everyone, so she played the part of the doll. As a result, when the little girl
  • 21. Vera Wang Advertising Analysis Vera Wang is one of the most iconic designers in fashion today and this ad takes advantage of her recognition. This image, most likely from a fashion magazine, promotes Vera Wang s dress line. The advertisement uses three significant contrasts to draw the buyer in. First, the model in the actual dress line. Second, the flourishing background the models are put in. It makes you think about what the photographer was trying to portray. Lastly, the display case made the models are standing in and around. The modelin the front draws in the buyer, but the case is see through, allowing the viewer to see the model standing on the back side and part of the models arm to the left. The image suggests that someone who wears Vera Wang can have multiple styles and still feel good in whatever type of style that is. The greenery background gives the ad an interesting contrast. This is a nature setting, as implied by the grass and plants. Most of this background is not very visible, as the models take up most of the advertisement. The brightness of the plants suggest this photo was taken midday when the sun was at its peak. It was taken with a shallow depth of field, meaning the background is blurred and the main focus is on the objects in the front of the photo, The greenery is not very green, but fades into the background. There are no animals in the trees in the back, maybe suggesting this was taken in a place without a lot of wildlife, or the fact that there s no resources for these
  • 22. Character Analysis Of Whistling Vivaldi The focal subject of Whistling Vivaldi is character, and, moreover, the distinctive ways individuals react to each other s personalities. Amid his times of research into social brain science, Claude Steele has considered a wide range of types of character, including, race, sexual orientation, ethnicity, social introduction, class, and age. One of the premises of his exploration is that individuals will definitely judge each other on the premise of their personality. Moreover, Steele contends that each one of a kind personality has a related generalization a sort of short hand for seeing how individuals with that character will act. Stereotyping is, obviously, a typical type of extremism. For instance, a math teacher who expect that a female understudywon t be ready to comprehend the material is utilizing a sexist generalization that ladies aren t great at math to judge the understudy s conduct. Steele indicates how stereotyping, and the danger of being stereotyped, can apply an immense impact on various individuals conduct. Ostensibly Steele s most critical knowledge about stereotyping is that the consciousness of generalizations (and especially the dread of being stereotyped) can be more capable than an unequivocal instance of stereotyping. Quite a bit of Steele s examination is revolved around the dread of being stereotyped or, put another route, of satisfying a generalization, especially in a college setting. For instance, Steele and his partners sorted out trials in which high contrast Stanford understudies were made a request to take a troublesome test. Half of the understudies were informed that the exam measured insight, while the other half were told the exam was an analytic test, and not organized to gauge knowledge. Steele found that dark understudies who d been informed that the exam measured knowledge did more awful than white understudies who d gotten a similar data. In any case, dark understudies who d been told the exam didn t quantify insight performed at an indistinguishable level from their white partners. Steele translates his investigations to recommend that dark understudies dread of affirming a contemptible generalization in particular, that dark individuals are less wise than white
  • 23. Rhetorical Analysis Of Chief Joseph s Speech Chief Joseph, the 38 year old leader of the Nez Perces tribe, had little education yet still traveled to the capital of the United States, Washington DC, to speak to Congress. He spoke on behalf of his people about the treatment of American natives, an issue that directly affected him and his fellow people at the time. Joseph lived in a world where Indians were viewed as uncivilized savages, and were treated as such by most people in the United States. These same people also supported manifest destiny and did almost anything to get ahold of land in the west. Even if it was not intentional, many natives were hurt and relocated by the rapidly spreading United States. By traveling to DC to make his speech, Chief Joseph hoped that he could persuade... Show more content on ... He was very successful in asserting and proving that these rights are important to not only Indians, but all of mankind. By pushing the point that good words do not speak louder than actions he hopefully got some people to stand up and share their true beliefs on the situation. His speech also helped inform Congress who found out by listening to his speech, that even though they felt they were treating the Indians fairly their attempts to get the Nez Perces, and others, land denied the natives liberty, and there excuses for it did not help or dismiss the situation at all. These mentioned points by Chief Joseph are good examples of how persuasion can be utilized correctly yet they are not excellent as emotion and pathos seem to be the most relied on technique with very little of ethos and logos. Nez Perces and other tribes situations themselves works as great persuasive topics, yet sometimes meaning is lost when these arguments are put into words or are being read. Even through these setbacks, Chief Joseph s speech is still studied and interpreted alongside I Have A Dream, by Martin Luther King Jr. today as a powerful examples of what words can do. The early 21st century is already becoming a revolutionary time with issues like gender inequality, race discrimination, and others finally working towards solutions so Chief Joseph s
  • 24. How And Tensile Strength Of A Concrete Mix Can Effect It... Concrete Technology How Adjustments to a Concrete Mix can Effect it s Properties Module: NG1H118 Construction Materials 1 Year 2: HNC Civil Engineering. University of South Wales Author: Michael Eaves Student No: 14569621 Date of Issue: 03/12/15 Word Count: Contents Abstract2 Introduction3 Aims of the Experiment4 Equipment and Materials5 Methodology6 Results8 Discussion10 Conclusion12 Bibliography13 Abstract The aim of this experiment was to test the workability and compressive strength of three different batches of concrete, each containing different water to cement (W/C) ratios. The experiment was conducted in two parts, where the workability was tested first by conducting a slump test and a compaction test ... Show more content on ... Portland Cement gained its name from its colour, as it matched the colour of Portland stone. (Anon., 1999 2015). The evolution of concrete has allowed us to create more workable concrete and as a result allows better bonding due to the chemical reaction at a molecular level between the water and cement. This reaction bonds the aggregate and acts much like a bridging compound which binds the aggregate together. Modern construction utilises properties of concrete and allows the creation of large structures. In order to achieve this we must understand the expectations of concrete and how it works. Aims of the Experiment
  • 25. The aim of this experiment was to understand the properties of fresh and cured concrete, looking at the relationship between workability and compressive strength. The workability of 3 concrete mix samples, each with different water to cement ratios were tested by means of an in situ slump tests. The purpose of the slump test is to initially give a quick solution to measure the workability of a concrete mix and visually gain an approximation of how versatile the mix will be during its application. This can also be used for checking for consistency between several batches / pours. Each of the samples were allowed to cure at different periods (7, 14 and 28 days) and were subjected to compressive testing up to the point of
  • 26. Iran-Iraq War Essay Iran Iraq War The eight year Iran Iraq War was, by the standards of international conflicts, a very long one. It lasted longer than both World War I and World War II. In this conflict, the two most powerful states in the Persian Gulf, Iran and Iraq, who were the world s largest producers of petroleum, were locked in mortal combat and appeared intent on destroying each other. The war began when Iraq invaded Iran, simultaneously launching an invasion by air and land into Iranian territory on September 1980 and ended with a United Nations brokered ceasefire in 1988. The causes of the war are deeply rooted in the ideology and ambitions of the leaders of the countries to gain and maintain control over internal and regional politics, as well ... Show more content on ... Moreover, what had formerly been the Imperial Iranian military was greatly despoiled, with much of the officer corps fleeing the Islamic Revolution. Also radical Marxists were still battling the religious fundamentalists in part of the country. Because of all of the above factors, Iraq had a uniquely promising chance to strike a devastating blow at its eastern neighbor, establishing Saddam as the pre eminent leader in the Persian Gulf region and perhaps so discrediting the new Iranian government as to bring about its ultimate downfall.Saddam also wanted to put an end to religious propaganda directed against Iraq s secular regime by the Islamic government of Iran, which had come to power in 1979 under Khomeini. Khomeini, and during the Iranian Revolution, and most Iranian Muslims belonged to the Shiite sect of Islam. Hussein feared that the propaganda would undermine the loyalty of Iraqi Shiites, who comprised about 60 percent of his country s population. On March 1980, Saddam received a pretext to engage in war when an assassination attempt was made on Deputy Prime Minister Tariq Aziz, by Iranian backed rebel group Al Dawaa, followed by the bombing on the funeral procession. Saddam blamed the Iranians and attacked in September. Before declaring war Saddam, in a statement addressed to the Iraqi parliament, on 17 September, stated that The
  • 27. Hardin Living On A Lifeboat Summary To begin with, Hardin s essay Living on a Lifeboat expresses fear of over population by comparing nations to life boats, since they both have limited carrying capacities. For instance, Hardin asks the question, Would you fill a life boat at its maximum capacity with another 100 people? Specifically, Hardin mentions the loss of land and how we have been historically living on capital such as stored petroleum and coal, and now we must depend on income alone (Hard 857). Basically, Hardin s core thesis is that we do not have moral obligations to the poor. To break down Hardin s approach, he critiques multiple approaches to this problem of ensuring economic will being for everyone. First, he mentions the Marxist and Christian approaches which would lead to complete social justice, but also complete catastrophe, since the lifeboat in his example would drown due to overcapacity... Show more content on ... 858). By doing this, Hardin is postulating that collective economic growth and safety are more desirable than an economy based on moral obligations and equality. To support his claims, Hardin then moves on to the dangers of population growth. Indeed, Hardin draws parallels between a lifeboat and high rates of population growth, since the current population rise globally would make it difficult to provide for everyone in the U.S or in poorer countries. To expand, Hardin is critiquing globalism, since he finds it impossible for the U.S or developing nations to be the life boat supporting nations with high population growth rates. According to Hardin, there is simply not enough recourses and too much population growth to live according to a Marxist or Christian ethic of equality. To expand, Hardin s main critique of the Marxist Christian theory is that it does not take into account human selfishness and cannot be sustainable to growing populations
  • 28. The Evolution Of Social Classes In The Time Machine By H.... In H.G. Wells novel The Time Machine, the protagonist is an English scientist, referred to as the Time Traveller throughout the novel. He designs a small time machine and time travels to the year 802,701, where he loses his time machine. He discovers two life forms: the Morlock and Eloi. He quickly forms his beliefs and theories on their people and the evolution of them. These theories reflect those from Charles Darwin s Origins of the Species, where Darwin discussed natural selection and evolution. The repressed working class had evolved into the brutal, nocturnal Morlocks, while the leisured classes evolved into the beautiful, yet purposeless Eloi. The Time Traveller grows to realize that civilization s advancements weakened the Eloi, making... Show more content on ... As the Time Traveller theorizes, the working class has been pushed underground for so long that it has evolved into a distinct, nocturnal species, while the upper class has been above ground, spoiled with amenities that make them weak and dependent. The Morlock s experience being underground has strengthened and taught them how to keep themselves alive. For example, when they ran out of food, they discovered that they could hunt the Eloi. The Time traveler finds that the Morlocks actually tend to Eloi as if they were farm animals, with the obvious intention to use them as food. The Morlock adapt to environment very well. This is yet another example of natural selection, that being as the favorable traits are with the Morlocks, they are most capable of surviving, thriving and maintaining the favorable
  • 29. Physician Assistant Aspirations Mark Twain once said, The two most important days in your life are the day you were born and the day you figure out why. Personally, the second day came when I discovered the physician assistant profession and subsequently the Master of Physician Assistant program at MCPHS University. From then on all of my life experiences as an EMT, shadowing, and working have fervently inspired me to become the best possible physicianassistant I can be. In order to prepare myself for my future as a physician assistant I have begun my tenure as an EMT. This endeavor has been an exciting challenge not only providing health care experience but also additional support to my future goal. For instance, as I have become versed in interacting with and treating
  • 30. The Reaction Of A Fischer Esterification Reaction In this experiment, a Fischer Esterification reaction was performed with two unknown compounds. The unknown compounds, Acid 2 and Alcohol D, were identified by using the knowledge of the reaction that took place, and the identity of the product that was synthesized. The identification of the product resulted from analysis of IR and NMR spectra. For this experiment, Alcohol D and Acid 2 reacted in the presence of concentrated sulfuric acid, resulting in a colorless solution with brown layer on top. After washes with sodium bicarbonate and brine, the pale yellow liquid product was dried and then distilled. Distillation resulted in two colorless fractions, the second of which had a boiling point of 69 70 ЛљC. This boiling point is unrealistic for any compound obtained in this experiment, so it was not used in identifying the product. After distillation, both fractions were spectroscopically analyzed. The IR and NMR spectra obtained for both fraction were identical, meaning both fractions contained exactly the same substance. Both fractions also smelled the same, like piГ±a colada, therefore confirming this conclusion. This outcome also meant that the amount of product synthesized was 5.7393 g. For the identification of the product, IR, 13C NMR and 1H NMR spectra were examined, and the product was found to be butyl propionate. In the IR spectrum, RM 11 Bi, five key peaks are observed. These peaks are sp3 hybridized carbons at 2961 cm 1 and 2877 cm 1, an ester at 1737 cm 1, a
  • 31. The Ideal Method For Feeding Babies Proven as the ideal method for feeding babies, nationwide 76% of new moms choose to breastfeed and forgo formula feeding, but by three months post partum that percentage has dropped drastically (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention s (CDC) Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity 4). While breastfeedingis proven to reduce the risk of diarrhea, pneumonia, obesity, type II diabetes, and improve results on intelligence tests (World Health Organization) many new moms abandon their goals of feeding babies for the recommended 2 years (World Health Organization) because of the discrimination received while nursing in public. Being viewed as a life choice, not a health choice, the general public ostracizes and alienates these women, arguing that modesty is more important than a baby s right to eat. In 2012, a study performed by Lansinoh Breastfeeding found that while 79% of moms know that breastfeeding is the best choice for a healthy baby (Lansinoh Laboratories Inc., fig. 1), an unbelievable 40% say their biggest fear pertaining to breastfeeding is nursing in public (Lansinoh Laboratories Inc.). Pleading that nursing a baby is natural, multitudes of comments counter that argument, saying defecation, urination, and even sexual intercourse is natural as well, but they aren t doing it in public. These types of comments are disadvantageous to breastfeeding success rates and are regulating women to restrooms, changing rooms, hot vehicles, and even homes, in
  • 32. The Heard Museum Analysis The Heard Museum conveys the life and culture of Native Americans in the Southwest, with the help of pre Colombian to contemporary art and a variety of traditional artifacts. Something that caught my eye was Rosie Yellowhair s Emergency Story sandpainting. It depicts the Navajo creation story and how there were five worlds and what made the people move from the first world to the next. I thought that this was interesting because in class we talked about creation stories about Native Americans and I found those intriguing. So, seeing this sandpainting and knowing that its purpose was to tell its story of creation was astonishing because I ve never seen a sandpanting that depicted a creation story. Another aspect of the museum that
  • 33. Tim O Brien s Captivating and Life-Changing Story The... The Things They Carried is a short verisimilitude story. It was written by Tim O Brien, who is a Vietnam veteran. He never dreamed it would have been such a captivating and life changing story that it has become. Tim O Brien introduces us to life during the Vietnam War. He captures the feelings of each soldier as they were in the battle field. We are involved in their dreams, fears, and the ghosts that haunted them. These were some of the things they carried. First LieutenantJimmy Cross carried letters from a girl named Martha (O Brien, 1990). This is how we are introduced to Cross. He is a young soldier that is responsible for his platoon. He is only 22 years old. He carries his love for a young lady by the name of Martha. He also ... Show more content on ... This was one less burden he had to carry, but the other 16 had this burden. He also carried a ghost. Dave Jensen, we are introduced to him as a hygiene fanatic. He carried a toothbrush, dental floss, and several hotel size bars of soap he d stolen on R R in Sydney, Australia (O Brien, 1990). He also carried extra socks and foot powder. Jensen also carried vitamins for night sight. He carried a rabbit s foot for luck. He also carried a ghost. Ted Lavender was scared and carried many things to keep himself calm. He carried tranquilizers and dope. He also carried extra ammunitions because of his fear. Lavender ended up being the biggest weight that the others had to carry. His death affected each of them in different ways. Rat Kiley was the platoon medic. He carried comic books and a canvas satchel filled with morphine and plasma and malaria tablets and surgical tape (O Brien, 1990). He carried all the things that would be needed for combat injuries. There was nothing he could do for Ted Lavender, except to pronounce him dead. He also carried a ghost. Kiowa is introduced as a devout Baptist and as an Indian. He carried his New Testament Bible that was given to him by his father. Kiowa also carried his grandmother s distrust of the white man and his grandfather s old hunting hatchet (O Brien, 1990). Kiowa also carried the vision of Ted Lavender being shot. He repeated the moment in his mind endlessly. He carried the guilt of not being able to
  • 34. The Friar Epilogue Around nine, the skies finally grew dark. Sometimes, as they sailed down the coastline, Marci would spot a pale, feeble, pulse of lights from the buildings along the coast. She watched the loom of lights along the coast, dipping above and below the horizon and felt enchanted. The night sky was fresh and starry. The wind held fresh. At midnight, when the boat was logging six and a half knots in a gentle sea. She remained on deck enjoying a juicy Mediterranean orange, before retiring to her berth. The next day, the skipper and Marci chatted. So, will we be stopping first in CadaquГ©s? He grinned and said, Yes. I ve reserved a birth in the port, there, I used to be fascinated with painters, so I hoped to spend, maybe a day there. They say Salvador Dali built his home there. Yes. And it will give you a sense of the... Show more content on ... What is it? You horny, baby? She laughed. VERY! But that s not it. Do you read poetry? Some. I was thinking about a poem by Chaucer. It s called The Friar s Tale. He looked perplexed. Okay. I was thinking how much that poem tells about those people I told you about that murdered my husband. His ears perked up. Why? Because it talks about collusion and because there have been some more odd incidences. Odd incidences? Yes. I have a feeling sometimes that I m being followed. And there is a side of me that believes this has something to do with Ava and Hooker. Why don t you cancel the rest of your trip and come home, then? I don t like you so far away, where I can t help you. I ll be okay. We are on our way to Valencia. I ll be fine. He said goodbye and hung up the phone. He was sure he was moving to Vegas, very soon! And he went to the library that day and looked up the poem by Chaucer. When he read the poem, he became frantic. He sensed she was realistic about her feelings. The situation gave Miguel and uneasy feeling. Was there something more she was not telling
  • 35. A closer Look at Benny Morris One State, Two States With an uncanny ability to convey his argument in a concise and precise manner, Benny Morris s book One State, Two States quite comprehensively discredits the belief that a so called One State solution may bring peace to the region between the Mediterranean and the Jordan. As an academic and a professor of history at the Ben Gurion University in Israel, one should be able to hold Morris s text in high regard for his academic integrity. Unfortunately, it could be argued that to do so would be a staunch mistake, as he strongly evokes subjectivity and bias in his narrative. With a primary focus on the perspective of his own nation, Morris draws on a large number of source material and quotes, but appears to have left strong Arab Palestinian ... Show more content on ... The simple objective of Morris s book is to argue that Arab rejectionism is so deeply entrenched in the psyche of Arabs, that only the most ignorant and unrealistic of minds could believe that Palestinians would ever concede to a state consisting merely of the Gaza and the West Bank. According to Morris, this is partly due to the mutual exclusivity in the mindsets and value systems of the Israeli Jewish society and that of the Palestinian Muslim Society. However, instead of placing blame for the rejectionist sentiment on both Jews and Muslims alike, Morris appears to pin the blame mostly on the latter s ability to compromise. He says, The idea of sharing Palestine either through a division of the country into two states, one Jewish, the Other Arab, or through a unitary binational entity, based on political party between the two communities is alien to the Muslim Arab mindset (Morris, 2009, 188). Morris structures his book in three, rather long chapters; beginning with a thorough analysis of the One State solution, and how the idea has come to fruition in modern times. He starts with Tony Judt s account, who wrote an article advocating for a single state to be shared between the conflicting Israelis and Palestinians. According to Morris, the Arab nationalists are the only blockade currently standing between the creation of a pure Jewish nation, on what some believe to
  • 36. Comparing Scholarships Explain what each is, how one gets it, why it is different from the others and which you would prefer to have and why. Scholarships: This type of aid can be given/won by anyone. There are many different types of scholarships for different types of people. You can apply and earn a scholarship because you have good grades, good at a sport or other activity, you re a member of a certain church, or your parents work for a certain company. Scholarships can also be determined by race or gender and your decided major. Each scholarship requires different things, like an essay or personal recommendations. Scholarships are different than the other two types because you will never have to pay them back. I would prefer to have as many scholarships as
  • 37. Dualism Of Life After Death Although, to some Dualism promotes the belief of immortality of the soul. Some religions deny this belief, many believe that after death the soul will continue on. If the soul is non contingent and the soul is part of the mind then the mind non contingent. But yet the body is an disposable object, making them two separate things. Also, if god existence is real then that is an example of what we may think of as a higher being with a mindor soul, obviously because he expressed his feelings and views of life itself. But, god was never in a physical form of a human but seen to humans only mentally, a figment of there imagination or conscious. The afterlife, existence of ones identity or consciousness after physical death is one of many beliefs
  • 38. Machu Picchu History Machu Picchu is the place to go if you are looking to get away. This ruin is located in Peru between the Peruvian Andes and the Amazon Basin. It is known for it s ancient Inca structures. The article Historic Sanctuary of Machu Picchu written by UNESCO tells us what an accomplishment Machu Picchu was, Machu Picchu was probably the most amazing urban creation of the IncaEmpire at its height. Its giant walls, terraces and ramps seem as if they have been cut naturally in the continuous rock escarpments. The natural setting, on the eastern slopes of the Andes, encompasses the upper Amazon basin with its rich diversity of flora and fauna . The ruin has thousand year old mysteries that are still unknown. The land is protected by a buffer zone, keeping it safe for people to explore the sites. In this area of Peruit has been known to see animals you might only view once in a lifetime. There are many endangered animals living here, such as dwarf brockets and pampas cats. You might also learn about Mr. Bingham. ... Show more content on ... Machu Picchu has existed since the fifteenth century, where it had been owned by the Inca until the sixteenth century. After the Spanish Conquest the Spaniards enquired the land along with the structures. The land was later discovered by a Latin American History student from Yale University. The student, Hiram Bingham was searching for the lost ruins of the Vilcabamba, and in 1911 he came across what he believed to be the ruins of that ancient Inca village. Duane Damon, the author of the article The Stones of Machu Picchu wrote about what Bingham saw, The explorer gaped in awe at a huge altar carved from the mountainside itself the intihuatana, or hitching post of the sun. He marveled at El TorreГіn a graceful semicircular tower. A pair of three sided temples with triple windows held him
  • 39. Singularly Perturbed Problem Essay section{Parameter Uniform} In the context of singularly perturbed problems posed on non rectangular domains, the finite element method is a natural choice for many researchers (e.g. cite{118}). However, in the context of singularly perturbed convection diffusion problems, it is difficult to construct monotone methods on highly anisotropic meshes, which are desirable when thin layers are present. Moreover, energy norms or other norms based on the $L^2 $norm, are the natural norms associated with variational methods. Error analysis in the pointwise norm is not straightforward in a finite element framework, especially when one is dealing with a problem that is not self adjoint. Given that their interest lies in parameter uniform numerical... Show more content on ... The presence of a convective term means that the data of the problem across the entire domain has an influence on the outflow boundary layer, in contrast to reaction diffusion problems where it is only the data local to a boundary that has an influence on the boundary layer. Hegarty and O Riordan cite{115} constructed a parameter uniform numerical methods for the singularly perturbed problem posed on a circular domain. Asymptotic expansions for the solutions to such a problem have been established in cite{120,121,122,123}. Analytical expressions for the exact solution, in the case of constant data, are given in cite{123} as a Fourier series with coefficients written in terms of modified Bessel functions. In cite{120,121,122} sufficient compatibility conditions are identified so that the accuracy of the asymptotic expansion can be estimated in the $L^2 $norm or in a suitably weighted energy norm. These expansions are derived without recourse to a maximum principle. The smooth case, where significant compatibility is assumed, is examined in cite{120}; the non compatible case with a polynomial source term is studied in cite{125} and for a more general source term in cite{122}. Based on these asymptotic expansions, a numerical method is constructed in cite{124} for the problem, which uses a quasi uniform mesh (which is, hence, not layer adapted). By enriching the finite element subspace, with certain exponential boundary layer basis
  • 40. American Red Cross Failure Since 2010, the American Red Cross (ARC) annual expenditures on domestic relief services have been between $250 million and $400 million with majority of the donations coming from private donors. Additionally as of 2015, approximately 90% of the Red Cross workforce during disasters were comprised of volunteers. 2014 the Red Cross saw an enormous influx of expenditures as a result of Hurricane Sandy. This national disasters tested the overall efficiency of the Red Cross Operations since the Hurricane Katrinadebacle. One of the significant issues raised by the society was the lagged response time of the ARC. One the reasons for this delay was due to the uncertain of the responsibilities between the ARC and the Federal Emergency ManagementAgency
  • 41. Notes On The Rise Ra Out Of The Horizon I chisel away at the limestone; I am writing on a tablet. It reads Rise Ra out of the horizon . I was ordered by Pharaoh Khafre to make this tablet, it will be soon used in a temple to honor the great god of the sun, Ra. Pharaoh Khafre worships Ra more than any other Pharaoh we have had in the past. He is trying to ensure that there is harmony between people and nature. He plans to build a great monument for us to worship the god Rain. A great pyramid is in the works of being built as well, this pyramid will be similar to his father Pharaoh Khufus and will be his final resting place. I am a scribe, meaning I know how to read and write in our language. My job is to inscribe temples, tablets or any other thing I am asked to. These letters I am writing are called hieroglyphics and we only use them when we talk to or about the gods, they are a religious alphabet we use to honor them. Our everyday writing is called hieratics and it is mainly used for business, administration and keeping records on papyrus, our form of paper, it is reed flattened out. I do enjoy my job; I am not dragging limestone for distances or slaving away building pyramids or temples for our pharaoh. You could say that I am of a higher social division. I am not a criminal nor am I severely poor, these people are our slaves. They break their backs doing hard manual labor for our Pharaoh. There is also a group of citizens that voluntarily do hard labor, these are not extremely poor but are not rich either.
  • 42. Holding Onto Reality Holding Onto Reality For me, Holding On to Reality, by , does just that: grabs on to the realest, most relatable ideas about the Information Age, and refuses to let go. I have had a difficult time talking and writing about Borgmann. For our class listserv responses, I felt like I had nothing to comment on. In our class discussions, I had a hard time figuring out what everyone was talking about. Borgmann s writing style (and diction and even content) is clear and straightforward, and it leaves me at a loss for anything to interpret or explicate. Borgmann writes sentences like Social critics and information theorists are divided on whether information is the devil or the Second Coming and Information through the power of ... Show more content on ... For example, if I read Sylvia Plath s The Bell Jar, and bring to my reading my personal understanding of fiction writing and my life experiences to date, I might decide that Plath has created a brilliant work of fiction that should be meticulously picked apart, diagrammed, dissected, and combed for meaning. But, if some other woman read The Bell Jar, bringing to her reading a limited knowledge of fiction writing, but a deeply personal understanding of depression, suicide, and mental illness, she might decide that Plath s work is a misconstructed, misrepresentative, and even offensive piece of literature. What the author creates is a guide, an outline, and even an imagining; the reader may imagine or conceptualize the author s text in an entirely different way. So, whether authors have definite intentions or not, it is unrealistic that their texts will produce only one interpretation. In Borgmann s conclusion, he presents an idea that I find central to our class and its discussion of the role of the Internet and the Information Age in our lives. He writes, Information is about to overflow and suffocate reality (213). With the invention or development of new technological devices or advances every day, this suffocation seems imminent. With the Palm Pilot, the DVD player, with cellular phones that check e mail and computers that play movies, with all the newer technologies with which
  • 43. A Brief Note On Friedrich Ebert, The First President Of... Groupings 1) Explain what each term meant/was, and when and where it was significant (3 points). Friedrich Ebert: He was the first President of Germany a renowned German Politician belonging to the Social Democratic Party in 1919 until he died in 1925. He became the leader of the Social Democratic Party after the death of August Bebel, the then party leader passed on. BГ©la Kun: He was a Revolutionary of the Hungarian Nation who championed the Hungarian Soviet Republic in the year 1919. After the revolution, he moved to the Soviet Union where to be was deployed as the Communist International Organization. Freikorps: These were volunteer fighters and mercenaries that were based in Germany between the 18th and the 20th century that consisted of criminals, army renegades, and native residents. They mainly fought against the Weimar republic and engaged in lethal wars with the republican sympathizers and were later replaced by veterans of World War 1 in 1933. Cheka: It was a Russian emergency committee formed in 1917 and was the first to take over the Soviet State Security Organization. By around 1918, many Chekas had been formed and were responsible for punishing, executing and torturing state opposition. Fasci femminili: It was an Italian organization formed by women who supported the Italian Fascist Party and its membership was mainly composed of women. It was also known as the women league. Zhenotdel: It was a department for Women in the Central Committee Secretariat of the
  • 44. 2013 Management and Strategy, Walmart case study WAL MART S CURRENT STRATEGY INTRODUCTION Wal Mart operates more than 11,000 retail units under 69 banners in 27 countries and e commerce websites in 10 countries. (Wal They employ 2.2 million associates around the world; 1.3 million in the U.S. alone. Wal Mart provides general merchandise: family apparel, health beauty aids, household needs, electronics, toys, fabrics, crafts, lawn garden, jewelry and shoes. Also, the company runs a pharmacy department, Tire Lube Express, and Photo processing center as well (www.Wal When Sam Walton created Wal Mart in 1962, he declared that three policy goals would define his business: respect for the individual, service to ... Show more content on ... (Dickenson, 2013) WAL MART CEO LEE SCOTTPRIORITIES CEO Lee Scott announced that Wal Mart was launching a sweeping business sustainability strategy to dramatically reduce the company s impact on the global environment and thus become the most competitive and innovative company in the world. He argued that being a good steward of the environment and being profitable are not mutually exclusive. They are one and the same. Scott also committed Wal Mart to three aspirational goals: To be supplied 100 percent by renewable energy, to create zero waste, and to sell products that sustain our resources and the environment. To meet those goals, Wal Mart would seek to transform its supply chain, in cooperation with suppliers and environmental nonprofit organizations. In addition, Mr. Scott said that as the largest buyer of manufactured goods in the world, Wal Mart has the power to encourage its more than 60,000 suppliers to adopt environmentally conscious business practices. Our most direct impact will be on our suppliers, he said. If we request that our suppliers use packaging that has less waste or materials that can be recycled, everybody who buys from that manufacturer will end up using that package. As an example of how the company can encourage better packaging, Mr. Scott said he would ensure prime
  • 45. Big Bend Rocks Geology of the Big Bend (Rocks) The only types of rocks found in Big Bend National park are Sedimentary (N.P). The specific names for these rocks are: limestones, shale and sandstones, clay, Lava Flow, Conglomerate, Marl, and Cherty Limestone are found in this park (N.P). These rocks were likely abundant throughout the park; when the area was covered by a salty sea during the Cretaceous period (N.P). The way how these rocks formed is by the results of pebbles being cemented together. Another way how the rocks can form is by how the earliest layer of rock was deposited in a relatively deep marine environment. After the next layer above the shale indicates that the rock is deposited in a very shallow way, that s when the ocean water starts
  • 46. Scarface, Directed by Brian De Palma Essay Scarface, Directed by Brian De Palma Tony Montana has taken just so much shit his whole life. He s been oppressed and repressed and mocked and called a spic and turned on by his own country (Cuba) that he s just not going to take any shit anymore. He ll shoot someone just for pissing him off, which is almost admirable, or at the very least understandable. I m not advocating violence; all I m saying is that we all have our limits and if someone treated me the way Tony Montana had been treated his whole life if they spit on me, and degraded me, and mocked me and doubted any power I might have, I might want to prove them wrong. Of course, it s a movie, and we know it well; Scarface with Al Pacino as the Cuban immigrant turned drug lord ... Show more content on ... I love that he sees himself so well endowed; it shows a moxie and an appealing verve that today s sensitive men lack (or more accurately, feel they must keep under wraps.) Tony s energy is violent, sexual, intense; he s all about conquest and triumph and most of all, proving himself. A guy who knows that in this country, you gotta get the money first That money is power and all flows from that. When Elvira laughs and mocks at his tiger striped, tricked out Cadillac (read; his interpretation of money versus what people who have money do), he goes and buys a new car, bringing her along. She canpick the car. He s adapative, comprising, and mostly, wooing. That he s willing to shake off the guido trappings he can then have the ultimate American male accessory the beautiful and aloff womean who doesn t give a shit, and as she says, doesn t fuck around with the help which is him, but not matter. She will. The icier she is, the harder he tries. It s a little dance we see a lot on our society and I wonder why we can t just say what we mean and mean what we say and why we have to pretend we re not interested in the first place. But okay. Her nose is packed with coke, she needs to relax more than a little and should be doing Valium and Prozac and Ritalin instead of coke and she does look like she needs to be fucked, especially by someone like Tony Montana. But what Elvira
  • 47. Arson Investigation While the arson that happen at 1029 Secluded Acres in Henderson, Nevada is an ongoing investigation, there is still many issues that have not been resolved. The issues like: the missing vehicle, stolen license plate, identification of the criminal suspect and how the victim was killed are key things that require some sort of follow up. I would start by followingup with Coroner J. Rickshaw to establish the victim s identity. One way to do this would be to run a DNA test on the victim to try and determine who he is. This will determine if we are looking for a white or black male. Since both individuals at one point had access to the house. Also to confirm if the individual who is dead is in fact Phoenix Trenton. If confirmed, we can run a... Show more content on ... To include if he was dead prior to the fire or was the killers trying to cover up evidence by burning the home. Also whether he was tied down. All these things could help determine why the individual was killed. If he was tied by a specific rope, we would be able to check any local store that sells that type of rope and review video in order to try and determine who the killer is. From interviewing the neighbors of the house where the crime was committed we can establish that two males were living in the residents. If possible I would try and looks for fingerprints to try and determine who the second male is. This way we can question him on what happen in the residence. This could probably determine who the killer is. Could also follow up with Plan B Properties to rule out if the residence was rented under two different names. This could confirm who the two individuals are. A key piece of evidence is the missing Honda Pilot that could have been used as the getaway vehicle. One of the neighbors stated that he thinks he has seen the Findlay Honda logo on the license plate. We could start by searching for any local Findlay Honda dealerships in Henderson. We can start by asking how many Honda Pilots they have sold in the last two weeks. Another ways would be to ask if anyone by the name Phoenix Trenton has purchased a vehicle
  • 48. The Organizational Culture Affects The Organization Intelligent, thoughtful people can form into organizations that are unproductive and ineffective in relation to their stated missions. This happens often and frequently, and there are many reasons why such a case can occur. This essay will discuss two possible reasons for such ineffectiveness and lack of productivity. Firstly, organizations may have an overall structurethat is not conducive to success in relation to their mission. Secondly, the organizational culture affects the organization in such a negative way that the mission becomes clouded in the eyes of many employees and managers. Organizations often fail because of a lack of balance in a structure that makes sense for that particular organization. This can be illustrated one way by comparing the images of organizations as machines and organisms. Organizations as machines focus on hierarchical structure. Hierarchical structure works very well for some types of organizations. Organizations that are focused on things like national security, disease prevention, or food safety are able to flourish under the mechanical structure. This is because these types of organisms need to focus on efficiency, predictability, and stability. Specialized roles help these organizations to carry out their mission most effectively. Those dealing with food monitoring and safety need to be experts in very specific areas of that particular work. Armed services need specialized roles for those who operate heavy machinery, use
  • 49. A Review Of Adaptive Technique For Image Super Resolution A Review of Adaptive Technique for Image Super resolution Prof. S. P. Bhosale Assistant Professor , Department of electronics, A.I.S.S.M.S COE, Pune, India ABSTRACT Increase in resolution of image has been one driving factor in the development and progress of the п¬Ѓelds related to the capture, processing and display of digital images and video. Number of authors has carried out research on various techniques on super resolution algorithms which are classified into two basic categories: single frame super resolution and the more common multi frame super resolution . Single frame super resolution is a very ill posed problem due to the lack of any new additional information. Multi frame Super resolution on the other hand presents more information in the form of Low Resolution (LR) frames that are displaced from each other making it a more tractable problem. A related problem to super Resolution (SR) techniques is image restoration, which is well established area in image processing application. An other problem related to SR reconstruction is image interpolation that has been used to increase the size of a single image. Keywords Adaptive technique, super resolution technique, frequency domain method. 1.INTRODUCTION A demand for higher resolution is seen in many discipline including bio medical imaging, satellite and astronomical imaging, chemical and military surveillance and remote sensing. But the current state of image sensor
  • 50. The Merits And Disadvantages Of The Four Spiritual Law The Four Spiritual Laws are God s love, Man s sin, Christ s provision, and Our responsibility. The first law, God s love, is teaching individuals that God loves each and every individual that He sent His son, Jesus, to die on the cross for every individual s sin (Word of Life Bible Institute). The second law, Man s sin, is teaching individuals that if we do not accept Jesusinto our lives as our Savior, then we are separated from God because He is sinless (Word of Life Bible Institute). The third law, Christs provision, is teaching individuals that the only way to Heaven is through Jesus Christ because He died on the cross for every individual (Word of Life Bible Institute). The fourth law, our responsibility, is teaching individuals that our responsibility is to individually accept Jesus as our Savior (Word of Life Bible Institute). An advantage of the Four Spiritual Laws is if someone is witnessing to another individual, the Four Spiritual Laws are the four main key points to address when witnessing in a short period of time (Word of Life Bible Institute). A disadvantage of the Four Spiritual Laws is that these laws only reach people who acknowledge and know that basic principles of faith (Word of Life Bible Institute). The Four Spiritual Laws are very purposeful when witnessing to someone in a short period time and also can be individual s guide when trying to figure out the key points in leading an individual to Christ. Servant Evangelism Servant Evangelism is a method where Christians should reach people with love, compassion, and service while having a kind heart, a generous attitude, and an embracing smile (Methods of Evangelism, John Christy). If servant evangelism is done with acceptable intentions, then individuals will begin to become accepting of Christianity and perhaps want to learn more about Jesus (Methods of Evangelism, John Christy). Some individuals believe that Christians are better than everyone else, which is not true. An advantage to this type of evangelism is putting a stop to the assumptions that Christians are above everyone else and continue being involved by caring for people (Methods of Evangelism, John Christy). A disadvantage to servant evangelism is when a Christian is
  • 51. The Importance Of The Film Jaws The film Jaws is deemed as one of the greatest movies of all time, it is not only a movie, but it changed the movie industry due to its success. The success of Jaws is a result of the mass of advertising the producers did. Jaws was the first film to have a wide release , opening at the same time across the country and making it the highest grossing filmat the time. The vast amount of detail the producers went into advertising can be seen in the Jawsmovie poster. Through the vivid red title, the unseen shark in the ocean s depth, the unwitting and vulnerable woman, the use of prominent actors names, and the magnitude of the shark, the author uses a myriad of textual and non textual techniques that create both suspense and excitement for the film. First, the author places the title Jaws in the center of the page in bright red letters, which causes the title to stand to the viewer because the red lettering is an enormous contrast to the primarily blue and white image. The author uses the placement and color of the title catch the eyes of the viewer. For example, when looking at the image the viewer will notice the massive shark because of its size, but the shark s color is similar to the color of the water, however, the red is a direct contrast to the blue in the image making it stand out more than any other part of the image. The author chooses red for the title not only to make it stand out but also to imply the goriness of the film. Red is the color of blood and in
  • 52. Textual Analysis Of Big Data By Edward Snowden Many people have become so immersed in data, that they are unable to recognize the data that they have been exposed to. For example, many college students either watch tv or listen to music while completing homework. Students often time just see this as background noise when in reality this is data that become stored in your unconscious mind. The film Big Data gives a visual account of how much data streaming has impacted society both negatively and positively through the use of data analysis. Data has taken away the ability to remain anonymous and has also sparked a decline in human interpersonal skills. However, Data also has allowed humanity to collect new information providing new solutions to world issues. The film Big Data is able to... Show more content on ... Through the Big Data film, viewers are taught that data tracked through search engines can be instrumental. The tracked data can be used to predict trends over time. For example in the film, the researchers were able to track the number of times that flu symptoms were searched. Then with this information, the researchers were able to accurately predict the onset of a flu season prior to the Center for Disease Control report. Additionally, this data can also be used to keep the information up to date. For example, during the hurricane season, people used Twitter to provide updates on where the damage occurred and give details on to what degree property was damaged. Recently, the city of Tallahassee used twitter to give updates on power outages that occurred during the most recent storm. On Twitter, the city of Tallahassee released the areas affected by the storm and approximated guess of how many people were without power. Data can be useful because it helps to keep people informed and permits further analysis of everyday tasks performed on the
  • 53. Pushing Boundaries Of Privacy, Ethics And Personal Freedom The Circle represents the story of pushing boundaries of privacy, ethics and personal freedom. The main character of the movie is Mae Holland who gets an opportunity to work for the world s largest technology and social media company named Circle by the help of her friend Annie. Mae pushes boundaries of privacy, ethics and personal freedom and agrees to be a part of an experiment where all her personal activities and whatever she does can be seen by public because according to the company s founder no one should be scared to share their information if they are doing everything right. Also, going full transparent made Mae a celebrity where she had millions of friends who would see her daily activities and support her or discourage her. However,
  • 54. Depression And Its Effects On Depression Depression is a broad area because it has to do with the emotional state of a person. It can either make you stronger or break you down to nothing. Many people don t notice they re depressed because they re either in denial or can function regularly with the condition. What is depression? Depression is a state of mind along with feelings of loneliness, hopelessness, and or uncertainty in life. Depression can trigger in so many areas in life such as: losing a child, employment, home or even just a sudden change in one s life (Depression 2015). Thousands millions of individuals claim relief from antidepressant treatment, and virtually any psychiatrist will swear that antidepressants really have helped many of his or her depressed patients (Depression 2015). Meanwhile, there are also many patients, equally depressed, who obtain little or no benefit from antidepressants, and a large number of carefully conducted studies that find little benefit in the active ingredients of these pills, once placebo effects are factored out. (Depression, 2015). Placebo effect is improvement in the condition of a patient that occurs in response to treatment but can t be considered due to the specific treatment used. Some doctors prescribe antidepressants to help minimize or cure a clinically depress person. Many therapist study that antidepressant aren t a cure for depression. They believe if a person change their habits along with mindset, they can overcome the many emotions
  • 55. Romeo And Juliet Essay On Death Throughout the play Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare shows Romeo s infatuation with two things: death, and Juliet, one overpowering the other. Romeo is suicidal; everything related to eternal rest peaks his interest. Juliet causes Romeo to die which reveals that Juliet did what death itself could not. She helped Romeo forget about the harsh realities of the world, whereas death allowed Romeo an option in the end where he could be alongside his one and only true love. Whether it be in hell or heaven, Romeo would have followed Juliet anywhere. Despite Romeo s obsession with death, his constant references to Juliet suggests that it is not true. From the first time Romeo lays his eyes on Juliet, he was entranced by her beauty and falls in love... Show more content on ... I am content, so thou wilt have it so/Come, death, and welcome! Juliet wills it so (3.5.17 18 and 24). Romeo is content with dying if Juliet wills it so. This brings light to the fact that Romeo does not worry about himself or about anything other than Juliet when he is with her. When he goes to Mantua, Romeo quickly becomes depressed. He complains that, heaven is here, where Juliet lives, and every cat and dog and little mouse, every unworthy thing, live here in heaven and may look on her, but Romeo may not (3.3.29 32). Romeo reveals that anywhere outside Verona is a place of purgatory if the unworthiest of creatures are able to gaze upon Juliet s beauty while he is stuck in Mantua. As a result, he believes that the banishment is worse than dying as he is tortured by the fact that he may never be able to see her again without the risk of being killed. The only way for Romeo to be together with Juliet is through the means of dying. As Romeo heard of Juliet s deceasement, he rushes to go to Verona despite the evident threat to his life, with poison, to kill himself alongside Juliet. He kills himself just before Juliet woke up. Juliet then kills herself so that they may be together in the afterlife regardless of if it is hell or heaven. Suicide is considered an utmost sin in Christianity and by killing himself, he rescinded his beliefs and religion to be with the one he loved. They both revoke their religion in order to be with each other, neither of them caring
  • 56. An Analysis Of Alfie Kohn s What Does It Mean You Be... Journal 4 passive In his essay What Does It Mean To Be Well Educated, Alfie Kohn challenges the current standards that people consider crucial in order for a person to be considered well educated and explores some interesting questions that help provide the reader with a completely different understanding of education. At the beginning, Kohn explains how people can argue about the purpose of education, but then fail to realize and recognize whether or not education has truly been successful. Then, Kohn provides the reader with an example of his wife, a successful physician who completed her study for a doctoral dissertation in anthropology at Harvard, yet still lacks some educational basics that people consider necessary factors to possess in order for a person to fit in the defined (fit the definition of well educated) group of well educated individuals (Kohn 231 232). After that, Kohn explores some definitions that people set as essential measurements for determining whether or not a person is well educated and explains why all these standard definitions fail to either evaluate a person s knowledge or make a person knowledgeable. For example, many people consider test scores, seat time, job skills, and memorization of facts as indicators of well education. However, Kohn explains that sitting in class for a certain amount of time, reducing schooling to vocational suit the demands of employers,