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Topics For A Satire Essay
Crafting an essay on the subject of "Topics for a Satire Essay" can be both a challenging and
intriguing endeavor. The difficulty lies not only in the need for a comprehensive understanding
of satire but also in the selection of appropriate topics that strike a delicate balance between
humor and critique. Satire demands a keen awareness of social issues, a sharp wit, and the ability
to convey a message in a way that prompts reflection while eliciting laughter.
The challenge begins with the task of identifying suitable subjects that lend themselves well to
satirical treatment. It requires a deep dive into current events, societal norms, and cultural
phenomena to pinpoint areas ripe for satire. Moreover, the writer must possess the skill to
navigate the fine line between humor and offense, ensuring that the satire is not misconstrued as
The writing process itself is no less demanding. Crafting clever and humorous prose while
maintaining a coherent and persuasive argument demands a unique set of writing skills. The
essay should be a well-orchestrated piece that not only entertains but also conveys a thoughtful
message, making the reader reflect on the underlying issues.
Furthermore, addressing the potential diverse perspectives and sensitivities of the audience adds
an additional layer of complexity. Satirical writing often treads on controversial ground, and
striking the right tone becomes crucial to avoid alienating readers.
In conclusion, writing an essay on "Topics for a Satire Essay" requires a blend of creativity,
critical thinking, and a nuanced understanding of societal dynamics. It's a challenging task that
demands a delicate touch to effectively marry humor with insightful commentary. If the
complexity of such an endeavor feels overwhelming, remember that assistance is available.
Similar essays and a plethora of other writing services can be conveniently accessed on platforms
like, where professionals stand ready to lend their expertise and help navigate
the intricate landscape of satirical writing.
Topics For A Satire EssayTopics For A Satire Essay
Hiv Virus Research Paper
The worst viruses in the world seem to appear out of nowhere and spread like
wildfire, infecting hundreds of thousands of people before researchers can even
get a toehold on what it is that is killing people. Viruses are not alive, but saying
they are makes it seem like it is possible to stop them. They do not rely on any
energy or food source, and only need living cells to thrive and reproduce, therefore
anything that can kill a virus also has to kill the host, which is what makes them
frightening. HIV, or Human Immunodeficiency Virus, is a virus that had a massive
outbreak in America in the early 1980s, and has since killed up to 37 million people
that have progressed to the final stage, or AIDS. (Acquired Immunodeficiency
Syndrome) HIV... Show more content on ...
After further research, they found that the chimps ate two smaller species of
monkeys that had two different strains of SIV, allowing the virus to transmit into
the chimps. Because the smaller monkeys were infected with two different strains
of SIV, it was inevitable that the chimps would be infected with both kinds, and in
some cases even developed mutated versions of the two combined. When these
strains mutated, they became capable to infect humans, and this mutation became
known as HIV. Humans in the area that the infected chimps lived in hunted the
chimps for food, and so HIV was brought into the human population. In most cases,
the infected human s immune system fought off HIV, but sometimes it stayed and
became a parasite in the new host, making this host HIV 1. More than one HIV 1
people exist because more than one person contracted it from the monkeys, and so
the strain in each HIV 1 was different. HIV is classified into four substrains; M, N,
O, and P. Strain M is the responsible for most AIDS deaths. (Origin story from Right now, 36.7 million people globally are living with HIV,
( and 2.1 in 100,000 people will die from AIDS. ( In
The Hot Zone, the Ebola origins are said to be in either fruit bats or primates at a
cave in Africa known as Kitum Cave. In 1976, the poor man, Monet, went into that
cave and inevitably contracted it, starting an outbreak to be followed by countless
more. However, though it would be easier to just assume that we could follow the
trail of that outbreak, that is not the case. That was just the outbreak of one out of 5
Ebola strains known as Ebola Zaire, the most deadly out of the filovirus strains with a
90% fatality rate. ( A completely different outbreak began also in 1976
in Sudan when a hospital transmitted the disease from one infected patient to many
How We Waste Power and Carbon Dioxide
Did you know that lighting a typical office overnight wastes enough energy to heat
water for one thousand cups of tea (Climate This is only one of many
examples of how we waste power and Carbon dioxide. Almost everything we do
releases carbon dioxide emissions, and in different amounts. We can save money
and CO2 by reducing our carbon footprints, which is the total quantity of greenhouse
gases that someone produces. Although we don t think about them very often, a
carbon footprint is part of everyone s life because it s measured on things we use,
our actions create and waste CO2, and several people have worked to find energy
saving ways to reduce them and help the environment.
A carbon footprint is measured by using several different variables about someone s
lifestyle. It s important to note that depending on where someone may live influences
their impact on their carbon footprint. Just as Stephanie Pappas mentioned; In
California, for example, electricity generation is relatively climate friendly, so
focusing on vehicular emissions has a greater impact . Using an online calculator can
show anyone how much CO2 they use on average, by answering the questions
provided. Inevitably, in going about our daily lives commuting, sheltering our
families, eating each of us contributes to the greenhouse gas emissions that are
causing climate change ( Basically, determining your carbon footprint is
a great first step to better understanding what uses
Essay On Ghost In Macbeth
A Ghost for Macbeth Many critics of William Shakespeare s play, Macbeth, have
argued no to use an actor for the part of Banquo s ghost in Act III, scene IV of the
tragedy. The ghost of Banquo should be filled by an actor to make the scene
clearer, add detail, and add a powerful effect on the audience The audience member
should be able to picture what is going on in the scene, as well as inside the thoughts
behind the actions of Macbeth. Macbeth is the only character on stage that can see the
Ghostof Banquo. It is important for the audience to know what is happening, and
without a ghost on stage the scene would make no sense. When Macbeth says, ...
Approach thou like the rugged Russian bear... or be alive again, and dare me to the
Should Children Learn Gun Safety
Gun Safety Course: Why Children Should Learn Firearm Safety
According to the Washington Post, American children are nine times more likely to
die from a gun accident compared to children in other countries. Gun safety is a hot
topic that is constantly debated in the media between the differing viewpoints.
However, raising gun safety awareness among children is something that every parent
and responsible citizen can agree upon. Here are three reasons why children should
learn firearm safety. of children
are the most devastating effect of our gun culture the nra has no idea what to say
about them/
Education is Important
According to the National Rifle Association (NRA), gun safety is important as
teaching children about fire drills and stranger danger. The NRA is a staunch
supporter of the right to bear arms, but they recognize the critical importance of
educating children about gun safety. The NRA, together with educators, safety
officials and law enforcement officers, has created the Eddie Eagle Gunsafe
Program. The star of the program is a kid friendly Eagle mascot, together with
friends, who use creative ways to raise gun awareness. The purpose is to educate
young children about what they ... Show more content on ...
For example, children who live in states with more guns are statistically more likely
to die from unintentional firearm deaths or suicide. In fact, child suicide rates are
higher are among non suicidal children who have access to guns. Other research has
revealed that over one third of parents erroneously believe that their children have
never handled a gun before. Many parents even believe that it is offensive to ask
other parents regarding firearms in their home. Finally, it has been found that when
teens handle guns without adult supervision, there is also drinking
Analysis Of The Poem The Roses By William Faulkner
Save The Roses
In the short story A Rose for Emily , William Faulkner uses the rose as a symbol for
Emily and how she lived her life. Like humans, roses live a beautiful life and then
die when it s their time. While people like to save roses because they possess
sentimental value, Mrs. Emily tried to save her loved ones who passed away.
Some thought maybe she was just a woman you would give a rose. Which ever
reason, the way Mrs. Emily was raised gives reason for her weird and sickening
actions. Regardless of if she had a good excuse or not, Mrs. Emily s actions would
have never been allowed or overlooked in this day in age. In our society we carry
with us many different options, religions, friends, families, personalities and even
jobs that wouldn t allow these things to happen. All of the events in this short story
make me wonder What If this happened around my home, in my neighborhood ,
wouldn t everyone would be applied? There are so many people like Emily around
the world and the only reason we are aware of them is because people stepped up
and stopped looking the other way. Mrs. Emily Grierson, is definitely seen as a
strange character in any reader s opinion and a character analysis of Emily would
definitely go in countless directions. In the story the reader witnesses Mrs. Emily
having a hard time dealing with several of life s hardships. Emily s own self
depression, anxiety and her disconnection from the community is what brings most of
the events to
Non Violence Quotes
I intend on believing non violent acts of retreat justifying righteous strategies; which
persuades society to create a common bond. Therefore, by resisting towards your
opponent your able to present a spiritual conscious mind. In this case it inspires others
to join the event. If your able to kill them with kindness it usually exceeds their
limitation of source to continue on. As Martin Luther King has speak on his behalf
We are out to defeat injustice and not white persons who may be unjust. As Martin
Luther King stated to gain the perceptions of others you must mentally break down
your opponent by showing them you can bypass all of their malicious acts. His quote
says that their not aiming for the potential threat, but to eliminate the rights to
permanently ending the hatred. For instance, if there is violence towards others, then
the wage... Show more content on ...
He was a messiah for the tortured and oppressed humanity. Ghandi is a spirit of
non violence, peace and love. One of his famous quotes An eye for eye only ends
up making the whole world blind. This quote creates an intense consequence to
show others that the path you seek will not purposely be beneficial. But instead by
doing this is leads to the destruction of both. Strength does not come from physical
capacity. It comes from an indomitable will. Muscle mass cannot equal the power
of a person who has steeled themselves to accomplishing a goal. The power of the
will and determination to achieve whatever is necessary.His vision enlighten others
due to his resourceful thoughts and techniques; being able to view a perspective of
having the possibilities for change in oneself and in others, and having the power to
act on those possibilities. Which allows us to developes a sense of safety and
acceptance of our anger with each other that guides our emotional energies towards
constructive, effective
Synaesthesia Essay
Nature is a temple where living pillars
Let escape sometimes confused words;
Man traverses it through forests of symbols
That observe him with familiar glances.
Like long echoes that intermingle from afar
In a dark and profound unity,
Vast like the night and like the light,
The perfumes, the colours and the sounds respond.
There are perfumes fresh like the skin of infants
Sweet like oboes, green like prairies,
And others corrupted, rich and triumphant
That have the expanse of infinite things,
Like ambergris, musk, balsam and incense,
Which sing the ecstasies of the mind and senses.
Charles Baudelaire (1821 1867)
What is Synaesthesia
A subjective sensation ... Show more content on ...
eg. A certain word produces a sensation of colour, or they can be bi directional, eg.
Not only is the latter true but also a colour can produce the sensation of sound. Some
examples of two sensory synaesthesia are:
Coloured Hearing where sound evokes a sensation of colour. It has been recorded
that an opera is like experiencing a painting. Sometimes each musical instrument has
its own colour. An example of bi directional in this type of synaesthesia would be
where the changing of a traffic light evoked a bell like sound.
Coloured Olfaction where smell evokes the sensation of colour. For example the
smell of garlic may be perceived as a blaze of orange.
Coloured Gustation where taste evokes the perception of colour.
Something salty may be experienced as red, something sweet as bluish/purple. Tactile
Gustation where the taste of something is experienced as shape. Grapefruit may be a
twisted triangle, other citrus fruits may have similar triangular qualities an orange
may be an equilateral triangle. Multiple Sensory Synaesthesia
This is when three or more of the senses are crossed, and contains the most common
form of synaesthesia. Some examples of this type of synaesthesia are:
Coloured Numbers the experience of numbers that have their own colour. eg. 1 could
be black, 2
Summary Of Barbara Ehrenreich s Nickel And Dimed
Nickel and Dimed, a memoir by Barbara Ehrenreich, is about the millions of
Americans working full time on a low wage budget trying support themselves.
Ehrenreich soon discovers that even a low paying job requires mental and
physical effort. and one paying job is not enough, you need at least two. The
Quote The American Dream has run out of gas. The car has stopped. It no longer
supplies the world with its images its dreams, its fantasies. No more. It s over. by
J.G Ballard can relate to the book Nickel and Dimed. This quote means everyone s
dream of a perfect house and going on vacation or even having money in this world
is over. Still, it s a shock to realize that trailer trash has become, for me, a
demographic category to aspire
Empathy In Nursing
Empathy is a respectful understanding of what others are experiencing. Instead of
offering empathy, we often have a strong urge to give advice or reassurance and to
explain our own position or feeling. Empathy, however, calls upon us to empty our
mind and listen to others with our whole being, said by Marshall Rosenberg. As a
nurse it is a part of your duties to incorporate empathyin the patient care. Nurses care
for multiple patients and need to tend to each individual s needs in order to improve
the quality of care. Empathy is an essential intellectual trait that opposes intellectual
narrow mindedness. Intellectual empathy is essential in understanding the patients,
being able to communicate with the patients, and being able to provide
The Osi Reference Model Developed By Iso
The OSI reference model is a seven layer abstract model developed by ISO in
1984. It describes the standards for inter computer communication that is how data
flows from one computer on a network through wires, cable and routers to another
computer in another network. Each layer provides a framework to explain specific
functionalities and the interactions between network components where the upper
layers ( Application, Presentation, Session )mostly work at the software level and
the lower layers(Transport, Network, Data Link and Physical) in the hardware and
firmware levels. We will use data unit flow within the CCU network to illustrate at
each layer the association between devices and software and also the interactions
of components between the layers. Layer 1 The Physical Layer The OSI Physical
layer defines electrical, physical and procedural specifications for devices and
medium ( cables, connectors, hubs, repeaters, network interfaces cards )
responsible to transport across the network the bit stream of data. At this layer,
Data Units are called bits: Frames from the Data Link layer are encoded in a series
of electrical impulse, light or radio signal and transmitted through a media (copper,
fiber or wireless) across the network to the receiving node. It is also the job of the
Physical layer to retrieve these individual signals from the media, restore them to
their bit representations, and pass the bits up to the Data Link layer as a complete
frame. CCU
Remeber the Titans
Remember the Titans
Leadership in Organizations
12th December of 2013
Miguel Nogueira Rodrigues
Remember the Titans is a film that tells the story about a period of history in the
United States, when the differences between black and white people were much
assumed. The black people wanted to feel respected and not discriminated by the
whites, and because of that they wanted the same rights as the others.
In this story, for the first time, all people could attend the same high school, and this
change created many problems between students and their families.
The Titans were a football team, but they were always losing the games, and win the
championship was unreachable for them. So, the school board decide to get a ... Show
more content on ...
When the racial problems didn t seem to disappear he didn t give up and always
have the self confident, even being black to demonstrate his position.
2. What are the main character s leadership strengths (if any) and why? What are the
main character s leadership weaknesses (if any) and why?
In my opinion, coach Boone had many leadership strengths: He had his goal to
make the team a winning team, and to do that he knew he would have to overcome
many obstacles, to make the players a real team and a group of players.
To do that, he needed the capacity to motivate the team, to push them harder to
achieve the goals, to make them expect more from themselves and their teammates.
For me, one of the best moments that showed coach Boone was a very good leader
was when he Boone woke up all the players in the evening and made them run with
him. He didn t just order them to do something he knew was difficult. He did it with
them. He had self sacrificed for the team. Coach Yoast, went to tell him that he was
pushing them too hard, but Boone knew exactly what he was doing. When he
stopped the running, and gave the speech about the differences and what that had as
result, I think that speech changed the attitude between the players. That speech
inspired them to want to be more, to want to grow as a group. And in the next game,
after the Capitan of the team took the first step, they finally started to be a united
Another leadership strength that coach
Primates And Evolution Of Primates
Primates and Evolution
Primates are animals and to be precise mammals. Primates have a very diverse group
and this
means that not all species share the same suit of traits. They have various
characteristics such as
hands that can grasp things, large brains, and a high degree of learned rather than
behavior, and other numerous traits. Humans are also considered to be primates. The
Primate is divided into two main suborders and these are the Strepsirhini and
Strepsirhni includes primates such as lemurs, lorises, and galagoes. On the other hand,
Haplorhini include primates like monkeys, tarsiers, apes, and humans.
The Social Behavior and Structure of Primates
Humans are products of the same evolutionary forces that have produced other
species and they
can be expected to exhibit the same behavioral patterns seen in other primates. Even
though most
aspects of cultural and social life are uniquely human, the same has been found to be
to other non human primates. The only difference between human and non human
primates is
that humans have increased brain size as well as learning capacities and this makes
them express
many characteristics to a greater degree and culture as well as social life is one of
characteristics. Cultural and social behavior is not learned and not genetically
acquired or
determined even though sometimes it the capacity to learn something is genetically
Correctional Facilities For Inmates And Staff
In the upcoming material there will be several statistics and pertinent information to
help clarify (Life in Correctional Facilities for Inmates and Staff). Individual
information for each facet, completed by compiling comparisons of the concluded
information. When we think of incarceration, we automatically think about people
sentenced to prison. Perhaps we think of those in jail awaiting trial or serving a
shorter sentence. When we think of re entry we immediately think about sentenced or
otherwise incarcerated persons being released from incarceration to home. It seems
we rarely think about persons working in the prisons/jails. These are the people who
enter and out of the facilities daily and often times their time inside is much... Show
more content on ...
Thirty four percent of the officers who responded to the survey reported suffering
from symptoms of PTSD, such as repeated flashbacks of traumatic incidents,
hypervigilance, insomnia, suicidal thoughts, and alienation. Only fourteen percent of
military veterans report suffering the same symptoms. Correctional officer suicide
rates are thirty nine percent higher than all other professions combined, according
to the national study. In the study it was revealed that most officers avoid a PTSD
diagnosis because they re afraid of negative repercussions on their careers. They
believe they ll be put through a fit for duty test with a licensed psychologist and be
decertified. Research shows that hyper violent environment has serious repercussions
on the mental and physical state of an officer. Shift work is another key factor with
corrections officers and their families. Not having dinner together and parents
sleeping while their children get ready for school. Shift work has been proven to
disrupt the circadian rhythm, or the internal clock that controls sleep and nausea. The
combination of sleep loss disrupted circadian rhythm, eating, and digestive problems
tends to result in irritability and depression, which will possibly have a negative
impact on family interaction.
When we associate the term incarceration
Hamlet And Revenge In Hamlet
Hamlet has lived through plenty of ups and downs throughout his childhood. He has
been lost and confused within himself, but knew he wanted one thing, which was
revenge on his fathers killer, Claudius. His passion of hate developed for Claudius as
he married Hamlets mother shortly after the king s death. Hamletcould not decide on
the perfect decision for himself, his motherand father as well as the best way to
follow through with the best consequence for Claudius that would impress his
father. His everyday life, along with his love life, left him with an empty heart,
which slowed the process of the revenge down. Hamlet never expected to be
captured and kidnapped by pirates, as he was sent overseas as a young man. His
inside thoughts were attacking and overwhelming Him, leaving him depressed and
anxious. Hamlet s life has been leading him to negative thoughts that he cannot
process or act accordingly to, due to the excessive amount of issues and options
involved in his life at a young age, him being overwhelmed lead him to delaying the
process of avenging his fathers killer.
Hamlet really wanted the revenge on Claudius but was really on the fence of what
to actually do to follow through with then plan. Claudius was brave to feel so free,
as Hamlet had opportunities to take advantage of him and had plenty of hate
towards him for more than one reason. The action Hamlet may want and outcome of
it, may be completely different as to what his father would do or like him to do.
Cognitive And Perceptual Development Of Children
Developmental Motor Skills in Children
Children acquire most of their motor skills from school, which is where they spend
most of their time growing up. School settings can enhance motor development in
children through play using toys available to them, however, some school
environments can also inhibit motor performance. Children have the opportunity to
improve and learn new skills from manipulating different objects as well as can
practice intertrial variability from playing with others. In order to better understand
the concept of motor development in children, a naturalistic observation can be
performed. Depending on the environment, certain motor skills can be refined, while
others can be repressed. Haywood and Getchell (2014) suggest ... Show more content
on ...
For the preschool aged children, they walked and ran around the room with ease.
The preschoolers also walked up and down the stairs with ease, only needing to
descend the stairs with two feet for each step when preoccupied with an object in her
hand. These children also participated in manipulative fine motor skills while making
arts and crafts. Although there were no differences observed between boys and girls
during observation, KokЕЎtejn, MusГЎlek, Tufano (2017) conducted a study
comparing gender differences in fundamental motor skills at the preschool age.
Researchers found that compared to the boys, girls had greater total test scores, fine
motor skill scores and balance scores.
Physical Environment
The physical environment in the Sparrow toddler classroom was more facilitatory
than inhibitory. The environmental constraints included furniture scaling and
carpeted area to prevent injury when falling. The furniture including tables, chairs,
couches, and bookshelves were all on a smaller scale which offered affordance to the
children as they could see and reach for things that they wanted. However, inhibitory
environmental constraints includes the crowdedness of the furniture and toys in the
room which increases the likelihood that a toddler could fall. In one instance, some
chairs were stacked next to a wall and a little boy attempted to climb he almost
immediately fell and hurt his head. A case like this could hinder the development of
Short Story Monologue
She had never hurt anyone. Ever. She was young. She was innocent. She didn t
even know them. She had never seen them. She never saw their face. She never
saw it coming. I ll tell it to you straight. I won t lie. I won t exaggerate or or put
anything to the extreme. In fact, I might just tone it down. The fear in your eyes is
almost tangible. I didn t die. If I did, the killer was pretty good, because I didn t feel
pain, or feel my heart stop, or even remember sucking in my last breath. I m here
now, wherever this is. I ll tell you a story. I was little. I won t give an age, because
that will make it too real. I lived with my parents. I had no brothers or sisters. I was
an only child. I had never known hunger, or pain, or sadness. No one... Show more
content on ...
I watched them go to my front door. I waited. They waited. I didn t dare do
anything. They had trespassed, but they hadn t gone in my house, they hadn t
damaged the property, or done anything illegal that I could think of. So I waited. It
was midnight when I finally moved to check the time. I didn t make any noise, just
glanced down at my watch. That one silent movment and Ace swiveled around.
My heart stopped. My breathe stopped. My blood stopped. If the world and time
could have stopped, it would too. Their every colored eyes darted across yard, not
just looking, but seeing, which I can assure is very different. I didn t move, I didn
t even move my eyes. I couldn t move, because I knew if I did, I would die.
Suddenly, Ace s lips curved into a smile as their eyes settled onto mine. I feared my
thinking was to loud. London... The entire world was dark and silent except for
us. Somehow I knew that everyone was gone. I didn t know where, or how, or
what happened, but I knew they were gone. London... Ace s voice was musically
dull and pretty horrible. I didn t do anything, even as my vision darkened, and my
lungs screamed for air, I didn t dare breathe when I was making eye contact with
Ace. They turned around and opened the front door. I blinked. BAM! Ace was
standing over me, smiling in a way that almost made me scream in fear. London... I
sucked in air and then the world was as it should be. Suddenly cars were driving,
people talking in the
Morality In The Film Do The Right Thing
The title itself Do The Right Thing is oxymoronic because nobody in the film does
the right thing. This can be said about even now. The people in the film thought that
by burning down the pizzeria a change would happen, just like now how the rioters
in Chicago and St. Louis. In the film you get a sense of familiarity because the
scenery you see in the filmis the same as what you see around you. Bed Stuy
represent all of the black neighborhoods in America that are middle class or poor.
The movie show the characters as contradictory human beings. Sal owns a pizzeria
pizza in a majority African American neighborhood, but utters racial slurs to Radio
Raheem and Buggin. Sal proved that Malcolm X s Theory that white people can
still be allies to black people but inherently racist and still have the mindset that they
are more superior to black people. Did Sal s pizzeria symbolize the lingering white
supremacy in Bed Stuy? I believed that Sal s pizzeria symbolized the beginning
gentrification of the predominantly ... Show more content on ...
We go for separation. Separation is when you have your own. You control your
own economy; you control your own politics; you control your own society; you
control your own everything. You have yours and you control yours; we have ours
and we control ours. Malcolm X But we as African American didn t own our own
politics, economy or even a piece of society and we still don t. For an example in
Bed Stuy the only businesses we saw were owned by Sal and a Korean couple. I
see connections between the Korean stores/Pizzeria in Mookie s neighborhood and
the black neighborhoods in Cleveland and the Jewish run store in Malcolm X s
neighborhood. In the majority black neighborhood in Cleveland you rarely see stores
own or run by African Americans but by Middle Easterners and South Indians. The
same with Malcolm X, in his Autobiography he expressed his disdain of how Jewish
businessman owned businesses in the African American
The Decision Of Diesel And Gas Motors
At the point when Land Rover outlined its exceptionally fruitful Range Rover
Evoque premium minimized SUV in 2007 2008, it made 3 entryway car and 5
entryway adaptations. Be that as it may, a convertible was not on the option body
style list.
So when the organization s Board chose in 2011 that such an apparently far fetched
alternative ought to be included, it was a genuine test for the organization s
originators and architects.
Despite the fact that the auto just looks as though the rooftop has been slashed off the
Coupe, it wasn t exactly that straightforward! said Andy Wheel, Land Rover s Chief
Exterior Designer.
It must be built to meet Land Rover s abnormal state of auxiliary unbending nature
and torsional solidness prerequisites and to give the same wide broadness of off road
ability of metal rooftop Evoques. Albeit no particular figures have been discharged,
Land Rover expresses that the convertible has just a 15% diminishment in body
solidness contrasted with that of the roadster.
A decision of diesel and gas motors with up to 177 kW (237 hp) and a best EU joined
fuel utilization of 5.1 L/100 km (46.1 mpg) and CO2 outflows of 149 g/km are
In a worldwide SUV market gauge to develop by somewhere in the range of 20%
throughout the following five years, the Evoque convertible will possess an
uncommon specialty, Land Rover figuring its Z fold fabric rooftop is the longest and
most stretched out as of now fitted to any generation auto at a
Sample Case Management Personal Statement
Attn: Graduate Admissions Committee
I am applying to your master s graduate program in behavioral analysis for the fall
of 2016. After completing my undergraduate degree in psychology from University
of Memphis. Since 2010 I ve worked in several capacities within the behavioral
health system. December of 2010 I began working for Case Management Inc. where
I filled in as a Residential Technician at the Peabody House. In an emergency housing
unit for HIV/AIDS positive clients I advocated resources and provided crisis
intervention for six years. Within this capacity a handled an array of responsibilities,
including but not limited to: substance abuse rehabilitation assistance, composing
/receiving resident activity reports, overseeing nightly resident activity, establishing
treatment programs and training new PRN staff. I remained in this capacity until it
became a conflict of interest to my newest employer. June of 2013 I began working
as a Community Counselor for Lakeside Behavioral Health. In this role, until
February 2016. In this role I ... Show more content on ...
I ve always prided myself on my skills of observation and to have a career where
my observation skills can be refined and used in a professional setting is an ideal
situation. Include the fact that I have always wanted to work in the private prison
sector. Seeing that Saint Joseph s University host it s program within its criminal
justice department, makes SJU number one on my list of schools to attend. Within
the criminal justice field I would like to perform behavioral analysis in the prison
system. Through reading and research I believe behavior modification is key to
rehabilitation. Building constructive environments, avoiding the counter control of
applied behavior analysis, as well priming inmates for a life outside of prison with
the necessary skills both socially and professionally are key factors that should be the
point of
Investigating The Failure Rates And Mean Time On
The study aims to determine the failure rates and mean time to repair statistics in
relation to the medical equipment in order to make correlations between the
probabilities of harm to patients in a sudden failure of the equipment. To determine
whether there is another or alternative way of equipment maintenance management
strategies from the relevant industry experience and to check if they have the
potential to improve the availability of hospital equipment in critical conditions and
to reduce the harm to patients by using the equipment s in proper conditions by not
playing with their lives.
This study was conducted by examining the maintenance management strategies of
critical hospital; equipment s or ... Show more content on ...
The research was conducted by conducting a survey. The survey was designed in
such a way that every hospital had to answer the questions in the survey. Every
hospital had been given six to eight copies of the questionnaire depending on the
involvement of the hospital departments and the type of equipment s available for the
survey and the maintenance strategies followed.
After completing the questionnaires, approval was required from the hospital head
who is responsible for every activity taking place in his hospital. The main study of
this experiment is to check the non availability of the equipment or failure, which
would risk the patient s life in danger. The rules and regulations or criteria for
conducting the research on the criticality of the equipment is the risk of failure or
breakdown of the equipment when it is used on a patient, the average time used for
a patient, average number of patients used or serviced by the equipment, operational
life of the equipment and the availability of alternative equipment in case of failure
or malfunction at critical times. There are around 6782 devices were examined
during the process. We have taken only 5 equipment s for the study in this paper.
In the pilot project we have considered only 5 hospitals and five types of critical
hospital equipment were examined and that had a non availability of high risk level.
The equipment s are kidney dialysis, cardiac catheterization
Fracking Outline Essay
Natalia Nelson
Environmental Studies
Section: Friday @ 2:00 with Jason Linn
Fracking: The Invention of the Century or Destructive New Technology?
Introduction: Possible quote someone who supports the processs.
Possible story: some analogy of something that was a good, necessary idea but just
put off the inevitable and had a negative affect than fix it.
Need for energy, how new ideas are necessary
But is fracking really the best option?
Public eye, people here about fracking a lot. But is it really a QUOTE AGAIN , or
something completely different entirely?
Thesis: Hydraulic fracturing is not the energy solution to the future (Johnson).
Through an in depth look at the current energy crisis, a detailed study of ... Show
more content on ...
Natural gas (methane) or oil flows out of the cracks and up to surface 3.
Hydrocarbons 4. Methane gas III. Environmental Effects: (Fry) b. Legal issues: vi.
2005 Congress passed bill exempting companies using fracking from laws under
Environmental Protection Act vii. laws violated include: Clean Air Act, Clean Water,
Safe Drinking Water Actviii. Why would fracking need to be exempt from these
laws unless it was unsafe? c. Drinking water contamination ix. Six states in 2006
documented contaminated drinking water as direct result of fracking x. Water out of
taps dirty xi. Unsafe to drink xii. Fire out of faucet alit Today s methods make gas
drilling a filthy business. You know it s bad when nearby residents can light the water
coming out of their tap on fire (Schweiger). d. Increase of small earthquakes xiii. Cite
specific example e. Chemicals in fluid: (Stevens) xiv. Include methanol, tetramethyl
ammonium chloride, potassium hydroide, ammonium, ethylene glycol, ammonium
persulfate xv. Or, more commonly: methane gas, ammonia, arsenic, chloromethane,
iron, manganese, t butyl alcohol, toluene. (Bradford County) xvi. Discuss individual
effects of these (or maybe in health section) xvii. Some companies use of chemicals
are regulated while others are
Market Entry Strategy
This plan seeks to investigate the viability of establishing Virgin Mobile in Nigeria,
then launch upon conviction that the environment is conducive and how we will get
our mapped out target to use our services. For purpose of analysing the business
environment, PESTEL and SWOT analysis was used and the focus was basically on
the telecommunication industry.
PESTEL demonstrated that the environment is conducive for our company and
products though there are a couple social unrests such as bombing but the Nigerian
government is doing all it can to stop the situation. Nigeria is a developing country
and so to continue to increase the rate of development, the government has removed
all stringent restrictions on foreign ... Show more content on ...
1.2PESTEL Analysis
Political/legal factors: there are no restrictions on the level of foreign investment
(shareholding/domiciled enterprise) as repealed by Decree No. 7 of 1995 Nigeria
Enterprise promotion Decree in Nigeria except in production of Ammunition and
production of and dealing with narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances.
Companies can move money in and out of the country for Business purpose but must
be through an authorised agent i.e. solicitor (HB Bill 117 (n. d.).
Intending foreign owned companies must get Business permit, expatriate quota and
fulfil all other incorporation conditions required by CAC as well as fulfil all licencing
conditions stipulated by Nigerian Communications Commission through its 2003 Act.
The Nigerian communications commission (NCC) recently banned all promotions
and lotteries by telecommunications operators. The promotion include free minutes to
call at specific times and on net calls offered at lower tariffs below to prevailing inter
connect rates which causes congestion in network as subscribers taking advantage of
the promotion tries to use up the minutes within the time given (NCC 2012). The
commission also requires that all telecommunication companies
The Selfish Linda Loman in Arthur Miller s Death of a...
The Selfish Linda Loman in Arthur Miller s Death of a Salesman
Linda, a character from Arthur Miller s Death of a Salesman is a selfish housewife.
She pretends to care about her husband, but in reality, prefers that he kill himself so
that she can live an easier life.
Linda is given nothing but motive for wanting her husband, Willy, to die because of
the ways he mistreats her. For example, during a family conversation in Act I, Linda,
trying to put in a few words, says, Maybe things are beginning to change , with Willy
coming in right after her, (wildly enthused, to Linda)Stop interrupting!... (1187)
Linda, trying desperately to be a part of the conversation, is constantly denied her
voice. Always under Willy s control,... Show more content on ...
Their whole marriage has been a lie and Linda strives for a moment of peace. Too
scared to reveal the truth, Linda holds her motives in and allows Willy to trip until he
Along with her motives, Linda attempts to keep any voice of reason away from
Willy, showing that her selfish desire of her well being is more important than his.
In a discussion with her boys in Act I, Linda says, I m I m ashamed to. How can I
mention it to him? Every day I go down and take away that little rubber pipe. But,
when he comes home, I put it back where it was. How can I insult him like that?
(1184) Linda claims that acknowledging the truth about Willy s possible attempt to
kill himself is an insult. But, in order to develop a solution to any preoblem, one must
start with the truth. Linda merely wants to accommodate Willy s mental problems
rather than get rid of them, causing him to stay in his troubled state of mind. In
another conversation in Act II, Linda tries to push Biff away from speaking with his
Linda: You re not going near him. Get out of this house!
Biff: (with absolute assurance, determination) No. We re going to have an abrupt
conversation, him and me.
Linda: You re not talking to him. (1221)
Linda does not want Biff talking to Willy in fear that her indisposed attemp to keep
Willy in his troubled state of mind will be unraveled. But in reality, Willy needs to
hear the truth rather than the promotion of a dead end dream. Linda,
Hinduism Essay examples
Hinduism is the religion followed by the people of South Asia, mainly in India
though. The term HInduism actually means what the Indians do and was applied to
these people by Islamic Invaders. Hinduism is actually a mix of several differents
ideals from different religions. Parts of it draw on the Vedic religion of the Aryan
tribes from the north, some from the Dravidian civilization to the south, along with
ideas from Buddhism. From the Dravidians came the beilief of intense devotion to
the gods and the rituals for fertility and other such things. It is not known yet how the
Vedic religion manifested into Hinduism. As in all civilizations of the time, the priests
held high power and stature in society, but ... Show more content on
This deity would then bring violence and destruction to the world. This ideal of
women and of fertility is almostly directly to the beiliefs of the Dravidians. There
are also many, many other gods besides these three main ones. That s one of the
distinguishing factors of Hinduism, the amount and the variety of gods that were
used to explain events in life and life itself. Even with all of these gods out there,
worshipers were to devote most of their worship at one specific deity. This did not
mean that the other gods would strike back for not being worshipped, for each was
worshipped by at least one person. This sense of unity amongst the gods and the
people is brought out buy certain texts, such as the Bhagad Gita. The purpose in life
was to praise your deity to the best of your ability so as to get the god s favor.
Religious duties were not only based on class, but also on gender and on age. The
center of worship for these gods was the temple, some being simple and others
being extremely elegant. Many of these temples had a beautiful statue of their deity.
This statue was there for the diety to possess so that they could be worshipped by
the people even more. To worship their deity, some would take part in puja, which
was a service to the deity that involved bathing, clothing, or feeding the statue. Some
people were even blessed enought to see their god, even if just for an instance. They
Detailed Summary on Greek Mythology by Edith Hamilton
Part I В– Section I
The Greeks believed that the Earth was here before the gods; the gods did not create
the universe, instead the universe made the gods. So the heaven and earth were the
first parents, after them came the titans, and following them came the gods and
goddesses. The titans were known to be big and of great strength. The one titan who
over ruled the rest was Cornus, also known as Saturn. He reigned until Zeus his son
dethroned him. Zeus was amongst the twelve Olympians, the other eleven included
his two brothers: Poseidon, and Hades, their sister: Hestia, Hera, Ares, Athena,
Apollo, Aphrodite, Hermes, Artemis, And Hephaestus. Much of the myths that
include these characters have been set up in the ... Show more content on ...
And it was curiosity that led her to open a boxful of plagues and dangerous
substances that each god had placed in it, but had told her not to open. Moreover,
one last account, tells us that Zeus sent a great deluge over the Earth because the men
grew wicked
Part II, Sections I II
Psyche was the youngest of three daughters born to a king. Between the three of
them, she surpassed both her sisters in beauty. Psyche was even compared to
Venus. Many things that once belonged to the goddess were given to her a simple
mortal. Venus was mad, and sent her son, cupid to make her fall for the ugliest,
most despicable creature on earth; but before he could do that, he fell in love with
her. Cupid had told Apollo the situation, and when Psyche s father went to go seek
the oracle because no husband was found for his beautiful daughter, Apollo told
him that she had to wait on a hilltop and, there a winged serpent would make her
his. So she wept and with sorrow she waited at the top of the hill, while doing so,
she felt like she was suspended from the land and taken to a beautiful garden.
When she woke up the next day, she heard voiced that spoke to her, yet she saw no
one, the voices led her to a beautiful palace, and told her it was all hers. There her
unseen husband dwelt. One day he warned her about her sisters and how she should
be kept unseen
William Gibson s The Miracle Worker
In the book The Miracle Worker by William Gibson, Gibson utilizes diverse dramatic
technique, props and finger spelling in order to represent the internal and external
conflicts between Helen Keller, and Annie Sullivan throughout the play. Annie, the
miracle worker who used to be blind has an external conflict with Helen, who is
blind, deaf, and partly mute. However, throughout the act, the relationship starts to
build and develops to a happy ending. Annie, who lost her loving brother Jimmie,
suffers from flashbacks which she cannot easily overcome the tragic memories.
However, throughout the book, Annie starts to overcome the bad memories by the
interaction with Helen. In act 1, the external conflict between Helen and Annie is
significantly... Show more content on ...
Annie! Annie, don t let them take me Annie!...But this voice is real, in the present,
and Annie comes up out of her horror, clearing her head with a final shake (22).
This depicts Annie s painful memories about her dead brother Jimmie on the past.
It is inferable that Jimmie was taken from some stranger and this was a very
horrible event for Annie since the bad memory even comes out in her dream.
Addition to that it is also inferable that Annie regrets herself for not saving her
brother no matter how bad her condition was also. The memory of the tragic past
remains to be her inner conflict. I crawled in her like a drowned rat, I thought I
died when Jimmie died, that I d Never again come alive. (20). This quote is another
example of Annie s tragic memory of the moment when Jimmie died but she got to
continue with her living. For Annie, this memory of her loving brother dead will be
never be forgotten in her life. This inner conflict which Annie will carry through her
whole life leads her to be more perseverance and caring characteristics when
educating Helen to communicate. In act 2, Annie continues with her inner conflict of
flashback of her brother Jimmie, but she now gets stronger to overcome the past
experience. You said we ll be together, forever and ever and ever...Goodbye
Annie...Annie. It hurts, to be dead. Forever. (68 69). This creates an inner
Correctional Facilities In The US
As the United States is confronted with the fallout of mass incarceration, the need
for competent correctional personnel to ensure public safety and see that other staff
and inmates are safe is of great concern. The prison administration staff is
composed of employees who perform a public service of high risk and importance for
safeguarding the civil society. However, the roles of prisonfacilities have drastically
changed over the years and they are now no longer regarded as mere custodial
institutions. The natures of these institutions have thus shifted from custody to
training, education and the rehabilitation of prisoners. The new prison administration
is expected to perform medium complexity activities that involve planning, organizing
Harley Davidson Marketing Strategy
Table of Contents
1. Executive Summary.....................................................................2
2. Situational Analysis
a) Strengths...................................................................3
b) Weaknesses.............................................................3
c) Opportunities...........................................................4
d) Threats......................................................................4
3. Analysis of Harley Davidson Case Study...................................5
4. Recommendations......................................................................6
5. References....................................................................................8
1. Executive Summary
Harley Davidson is an American motorcycle company founded in 1903 by William
S. Harley and Arthur Davidson. In the following 108 years of business, the Harley
Davidson business has endured the peaks and troughs of economies to be recognised
as an iconic brand in the ... Show more content on ...
Although the USA market is very strong for Harley Davidson, they are making slow
progress in gaining market share in the international market. The customer loyalty
that Harley Davidson enjoys in the USA is challenged internationally by rival heavy
weight manufacturers such as BMW, Triumph, Honda and Kawasaki. Internationally,
Europe has the largest demand for heavy weight motorcycles; in which Harley
Davidson has only managed to acquire less than 13% of this lucrative market (HD,
One of Harley Davidson biggest opportunities is intrinsically linked to its major
weakness. Internationally there is a large bit of a very big pie that Harley Davidson
has not managed to attain. Although Harley Davidson has less than 13% of the heavy
weight motorcycle sales in Europe, they manage to hold the number 2 ranking in this
market. This ranking indicates that no one competitor owns the heavy weight market
in Europe and suggests that the customer loyalty amongst the competitors is far from
what Harley Davidson enjoys in the USA.
Having achieved the number one ranking for sales to women, Harley Davidson still
have a large potential customer base in attracting more women riders. Since 2007
Harley Davidson has doubled its marketing spend and released bikes more suited to
women riders, who now account for 12% of Harley
Persuasive Essay On Car Seat Safety
Many parents lack education on, or do not fully know, proper car seat use and the
consequences of improper car seat safety implementation. Car seat safety is
important for children as they face increase risk of injury at certain ages or physical
The Recommendations According to the National Highway Traffic Safety
Administration (n.d.), there are distinct types of car seats that should be used for
recommended ages. The recommendations state that parents should also check the
seat s label to ensure that the child meets its height and weight limits (NHTSA,
n.d.). Children under the age of one should always use a rear facing seat placed in
the back seat of the vehicle (NHTSA, n.d.). These are used for small children due
to their weak head, neck, and spine, for which a rear facing car seat will provide
increased protection (NHTSA, n.d.). After the age of one and reaching the listed
height and weight limits, children may move to a forward facing car seat
(NHTSA, n.d.). This seat is still positioned in the back of the car and anchored with
the seatbelt (NHTSA, n.d.). Forward facing car seats use a harness that distributes
impact across the child s body and utilize a tether that limits head movement. Again,
once meeting the forward facing car seats limits, recommended only at the age of
four, children may move to a forward facing booster seat, still placed in the back seat
(NHTSA, n.d.). Booster seats proved extra height to the child so that the seat belt is
positioned properly over the child s strongest areas (NHTSA, n.d.). Children
should be kept in the booster seat as long as possible, no earlier than the age of
eight. Using the booster seat as long as possible will help ensure that the child
properly fits a seat belt (NHTSA, n.d.). When determining if seat belt positioning is
correct for the child, ensure the lap belt is positioned across the thighs, not the
stomach, and that the shoulder belt crosses the shoulder and chest, not the neck or
face (NHTSA, n.d.). The intention of seat belts and safety car seats is to distribute
any impacts from an accident across the strongest parts of the body. Failure to follow
these recommendations could result in critical injury, such as a severe spinal injury in
What Is The Theme Of Motherism In The Color Purple
Victims of a triple jeopardy of classism, sexism and racism, they are trampled upon
at the bottom of the food chain. Yet, giving life to those that take their sustenance
and essences, they are left with the burden and oppression to carry. The idea of
labelling a woman as a black mother perpetuates an ideology that blackness is not
encompassed in mothering. The black woman never granted the opportunity, during
or after slavery, to access the white privilege of motherhood. Thus, she cannot attain
the white definition of motherhood. Alice Walker with her writing would see no
problem with the removal of the black woman from an apparent white ideal of
motherhood. Womanism, then would stand in solidarity for the misunderstood bad
mothers/ black ... Show more content on ...
They are willing to sacrifice their mental state. In her work Black Women Image
Makers Mary Helen Washington epitomizes the black women as suffering from the
triple bias of race class and gender but whose main goal is to keep their children and
that of their family safe. Sethe must muster up the strength after her milk is taken
and she is beaten to get to her children that are waiting on the other side of the river.
Celie must subject her body to the incestuous act of Pa to save Nettie. Yet, these two
women are dispossessed, the dispossession does not stop their maternal instinct as
mothers to protect by all measures
Strengths And Weaknesses Of Quantitative Essay
Quantitative research involves the usage of statistical techniques for analysis that,
test a theory based on the enquiry of an identified problem. It can mostly be measured
in numbers and believes in generalizing its result, i.e. extrapolating. Its main goal is
to determine whether the predictive generalizations, hold true or not. Quantitative
researchalso aims at predicting, explaining and understanding some phenomena, by
focusing on a cause and effect relationship between the variables involved in the
research. It also follows the positivistic paradigm developed in the mid nineteenth
century, which aimed at using the natural sciences as a way of generating knowledge
in the social sciences research.
Experiments, such as true, quasi, field and lab along with correlational studies are
some of the methods that fall under quantitative research. The research in quantitative
methods is generally operationalized and involves ... Show more content on ...
The precise structures and objective nature, in itself, is a cause of the various
limitations of this method of research. These weaknesses are:
1)Applicable only to quantifiable phenomena
Since all the research is objective and structured in nature, it can only be done on
concepts that can be given a quantitative value. For example: if we consider the
aspect of love, we cannot find a way to describe the amount of love in numbers or
statistics. Thus, quantitative research methods are not relevant beyond the lines of
quantifiable phenomena.
2)Difficulty in studying processes or dynamic phenomena
In this research methodology, we are only limited to analysis on the basis of
numeric coding and thus, entities like processes, for example: going through a
developmental phase of life, cannot be accounted for. Such processes have relevance
beyond the reach of numbers and cannot be explained by the same.
3)Problem in controlling
Themes In The Day Of The Locust
Hollywood is putting on an act in more than just the movie business in Nathanael
West s novel The Day of The Locust. Things that are apparent can actually be
deceptive and taking closer look at some of these will reveal truths hidden inside
Hollywood. There are signs losing their intended meaning throughout the noveland
are used to represent, or perform as, something entirely different and maybe even
something ironic. There are many examples of false representation in the characters,
inanimate objects, and overall themes in the novel and the main character, Tod
Hackett, may be the only one to take notice. The ability to separate living and acting
is lost in the feigned glamour of Hollywood. Perhaps the first and most glaring
example of a performance, by people, happens in the first chapter. Readers are
introduced to the setting and right away, the omniscient third person narrator points
out the Hollywood residents choice of clothing. None of the people that are
surrounding and walking by... Show more content on ...
Their sweaters, knickers, slacks, blue flannel jackets with brass buttons were fancy
dress. The fat lady in the yachting cap was going shopping, not boating; the man in
the Norfolk jacket and Tyrolean hat was returning, not from a mountain, but an
insurance office; and the girl in slacks and sneaks with a bandanna around her head
had just left a switchboard, not a tennis court, (Chapter 1).
In the next paragraph, these people who are pretending to be something that they
re not are described as masquerades by the author. The people of Hollywood may
not even take a second look at anyone dressed this way, but Tod has a different
perspective. He takes notice right away; it could be because he has a preconceived
expectation of Hollywood. Or it could be because he has the perspective of someone
from another part of the country. From the beginning, the fallacy that is Hollywood
is laid out
Community Mental Health For Children With Problem...
Ryan is in home based services at Community Mental Health which means that Ryan s
therapist will come to his home and school for therapy treatment. In additional to the
home based services the therapist used the Parent Management Training Oregon
(PMTO) model. PMTO is a prevention and treatment method for children with
problem behaviors (SigmarsdГіttir GuГ°mundsdГіttir, 2013). PMTO is an evidence
based practice and has many strong studies completed to reflect the strengths of the
treatment. Solhom, Ogden, and Jakobsen (2014), report that their clinical outcomes
were successfully met by using the robust PMTO treatment intervention, meaning
that their clients were able to form a stronger attachment between the children and
parents as well as an improvement in behaviors with the children. Another study
completed by Wachlarowicz, Snyder, Low, Forgatch, and DeGarmo (2012) on the
benefits of PMTO with antisocial parents related a growth in positive parentingand a
decrease in coercive parenting. Their findings supported the effectiveness of PMTO
as a preventive intervention for child conduct problems. PMTO is not only beneficial
for the children s behavioral success, but also the success building for the parents.
PMTO works by the therapist coaching and supporting parents to treat their children s
behavior problems. SigmarsdГіttir and GuГ°mundsdГіttir (2013) believes that family
interactions that are characterized by escalating negative interactions contribute to
coercive patterns
Kendrick Lamar s To Pimp A Butterfly
Kendrick Lamar Wins Best Rap Album for To Pimp a Butterfly at the Grammy
Awards 2016 Is Already Sweeping the Night! Kendrick Lamar and his works were
prominent at the 58th Grammy Awards, as he was a part of 5 Grammy Awards.
Lamar s greatest accomplishment was winning the Best Rap Album category, as he
was awarded this for To Pimp a Butterfly. Songs off of the album To Pimp a
Butterfly were awarded as well, as his songs Alright and These Walls earned a
combined three Grammy awards. By gaining these awards, Lamar added
accomplishments to his already successful career. This article relates to Invisible
Man because of the messages and themes discussed on the album To Pimp a
Butterfly. While Lamar s work is primarily hip hop, it contains... Show more content
on ...
Charlotte was supposed to host the All Star Game during the 2017 season, but
limitations on the bathroom rights for transgender individuals caused the league
to move the game to New Orleans. While Silver would love to host the game in
Charlotte, he does not plan on having the game playing in North Carolina until this
law is repealed. Silver also discussed travel bans created by President Trump, as the
NBA contains many international players. This article relates to the Invisible Man
because it discusses looking past differences to create unity. A major theme of
Invisible Man is individuality and being the unique individual a person is. An
example of this is shown when the narrator eats yams, as he does not allow society
and its views of him eating yams to impact his decisions. Likewise, the NBA looks
for individuality and uniqueness from fans of the league and players in the league.
Likewise, Commissioner Silver s discussion of returning to Charlotte reflects the
change in a society s views, which is similar to the change in society the narrator is
Eulogy For Mother
I wanted to do this interview on my mom. That s because I look up to my mom,
she means the world to me. She has helped me grow up a lot over these last few
years, I can t ever thank her enough for putting up with me.Today you will learn a
little about the woman who means so much to me. Her name is Kamilla Marie
Colgan she is 34, and her birthday is on September 30th. I look just like my mom
but I m shorter than her and we have a few different features but we re a lot alike.
My mom has short, light brown hair, also the most gorgeous amber colour eyes I
have seen. There is something my mom told me once that I will never forget. She
said, You have a big heart. When you love someone you love them with all of your
heart; but when you hurt you hurt deep because you put... Show more content on ...
She told me, When I was in middle school. That was because I wanted a better life
than my mom had. I didn t want to struggle like she did. It took some work of
course but my mom did it. Now she is making more than her mom is and she never
went to college. My next question was when she started to grow up. I still haven t. I
have grown up some like when I graduated high school and I married your dad, also
when I had kids, she told me. She had started changing her choices when she had
us. Weather they be good or bad. My mom has done a lot of growing up these last
few years. There has been trial and error but she had us, because that s what we do
is be there for each other. I then asked her what made her grow up. It was having
you, she said, because even when I was married I didn t pay the bills. That was
because my dad was in the Navy and after they got married they went to Guam.
Being in the Navy they didn t have to pay
Statement of Purpose for an Education in Mechanical...
The purpose of this report is to design my process to become a World Class
Engineering student. This will help me become a better engineering student and In
this report I will discuss my goals and plans to become a better engineering student.
My goal is to earn a bachelor s degree in Mechanical Engineering and then find a
career as a mechanical engineer. In order to achieve my goals I will have to have a
plan and then work hard to stay on track in order to be successful engineering
student. I will also have to continuously revaluate and update my plans and goals
every quarter and then make the necessary adjustments as my goals, plans, and
progress changes.
Goal Setting
The first step towards designing my process to become a World Class engineering
student is defining your goals. So the first thing that I would have to do is to
determine my most important goals as an engineering student. My main goal would
have to be graduating from Cal Poly Pomona with a bachelor s degree in Mechanical
Engineering. I plan on graduating next year. One of my other goals is to also
improve my GPA. Another goal would have to be finding internships and/or joining
engineering clubs. Engineering clubs and internships would make it significantly
improve my chances at finding the jobs I want after graduation. Currently, I have not
been able to spend much time searching for internships. I should have started looking
for internships and joining clubs already. A world class
The Laboratory
In The Laboratory, the courtesan chooses poison as her murder weapon. Poison is
often the weapon of choice for female killers. It requires little or no physical strength
to administer, and can be done secretly. It also leaves little evidence thus making it
difficult to detect the culprit. We believe the act of murderis because of another
woman that her lover is with and she feels physically inferior to her rival. We know
this because she starts saying What a drop! She s not little, no minion like me. The
murderer is also fascinated and excited about the poison and power of the poison,
she says And yonder soft phial, the exquisite blue sure to taste sweetly She thinks
that her rival who she is out to kill will think nothing of it and... Show more content
on ...
He then makes sure that there is no evidence to how she died, so he untangles her
hair from her neck and then says Her head, which droops upon it still: the smiling
rosy little head, so glad it has its utmost will, that all it scorned at once is fled and
I, it s love, am gained instead. This is saying that he s glad she is dead and all her
other lovers cannot place their hands on her anymore as he has gained her love for
as long as he lives. The character s motives for murder really is jealousy and he s
greedy and wants her for himself, he almost seems a little insane because at the
end of the poem he says And thus we sit together now, and all night long we have
not stirred and yet god has not said a word So he just sits with this dead woman all
night and he believes strongly that god does not mind what he has done and
understands his motives for the murder of this innocent woman. Finally Browning
uses pathetic fallacy to reflect the mood, at the start of the poem he says The rain
set early in tonight, the sullen wind was soon awake, it tore the elm tops down for
spite and did its worst to vex the lave . This is showing us that the weather was
miserable and gloomy and the it was ripping leaves off and upsetting lakes.
So the murders in the poems are completely different to each other, but they almost
both show
Career And Transition Into College
Success is what the majority of every college student hopes and aims for throughout
their entire college career. College success and education often determines how the
rest of a student s life will be. Therefore, there is an immense amount of pressure
involved when it comes to going to college and students tend to get extremely
overwhelmed. In order to have a successful career and transition into college, one
must maintain a healthy state of mental health. Mental health can be negative or
positive and there are numerous amounts of ways to help students with their
mental health overall. Mental health is the state of mind an individual has and it
involves ones physical health and emotions. Mental health in college is
immensely important, yet extremely hard to maintain. Transitioning into college
involves leaving families and friends behind, receiving more homework, living in a
new area and living space with someone else, trying to balance school, work and a
social life, and trying to find time to just relax and take a break. For some, the
transition into college is simple and easy to do. For others, the transition into
college can be scary and hard to cope with. Physically, college students either gain
more weight, due to the amount of food available, or they lose too much weight,
due to stress or just not enough time in the day to take a break. Also, college
students tend to not have as much time as they used to for exercise which can prove
to be unhealthy and can add to
Compare And Contrast Crazy Horse And Little Bighorn
Crazy Horse and Custer Comparison As being two revered warriors from
completely opposite sides, General Armstrong Custer and Crazy Horse held very
similar characteristics that ultimately made them tick. After doing some deep
research on these two men it was almost complete fate that they met on the
battlefield of Little Bighorn. To what I say that their lives were destined to go the
way they did, so they would fight face to face. As for the paper goes these two men
were brought up with completely different family scenarios that led them to the great
warriors that they ended up being. George Armstrong Custerwas born December 5,
1839 in New Rumley, Ohio to Emanuel and Maria Custer. According to an article
written by Jeffry Wert of History.Net, Custer was given the nickname Autie by his
mother on top of other like Hard Ass and Iron Butt . Autie was almost or was fully
worshipped by his other sibling and especially was spoiled by his parents at a very
young age. This mindset was driven deep into Autie s mind that he could probably
get away with anything that he did bad or great. Wert goes on by saying that Autie
was bright but was a bad boy in school , just because he wasn t willing to put the
work in, in the classroom. Eventually Custer wanted to join the army mainly this
being the only place in life that interested him, in June 1857 Custer enrolled into
West Point, but this went as well as his schooling in his younger years. In his full four
Benefits Of A Successful Company
Benefits One of the most important components of a successful company is to keep
employees engage, happy, and provide them with incentives to maximize their
productivity. In today s society, there are several ways to accomplish this; however,
offering employees benefits beyond the legal requirements tends to be beneficial to
the employees as well as the management team. According to Meier (n.d.), the
positive side to employee benefits....offer the right benefit, and your business may
just jump start its growth. Give employees the benefits they value, and they ll be
more satisfied, miss fewer workdays, be less likely to quit, and have higher
commitment to meeting the company s goals (p. 1). Hence, Whole Food Market is
amongst the top 150 companies who has mastered the concept of leveraging its
benefits package to recruit and retain its team members. This top employer prides
themselves on believing that benefits to its team members is more than supporting
their core values, but the right to do for members. In addition, the benefit package is
created with the members in mind that encourages input, empowerment, creativity,
collaboration, and a fair and equal work environment. Whole Food benefits packages
includes Health plan, life insurance, generous store discount, life Insurance,
retirement savings plan, vacation and sick paid leave, leave of Absence, team
members stock option plan and emergency funds, and of course a competitive
compensation plan. Internal
Essay about ECET 110
44. Why do you never apply an ohmmeter to a live network? (Boylestad 98)
Boylestad, Robert L. Introductory Circuit Analysis, VitalSource for DeVry
University, 12th Edition. Pearson Learning Solutions, 11/2012. VitalBook file.
Answer: It will be an inaccurate measurement because there is already a current
flowing inside of it. An ohmmeter measures the current from the voltage that s been
being put out. So by applying an ohmmeter to a live network it will have an confusion
between the live network and an ohmmeter voltage.
1.What is the voltage across a 220О© resistor if the current through it is 5.6 ... Show
more content on ...
Which will have the least?
b.Which resistor will have the most impact on the total resistance and the resulting
current? Find the total resistance and the current.
c.Find the voltage across each element and review your response to part (a).
FIG. 5.93 Problem 9.
(Boylestad 178)
Boylestad, Robert L. Introductory Circuit Analysis, VitalSource for DeVry
University, 12th Edition. Pearson Learning Solutions, 11/2012. VitalBook file.
Answer: A) will have the most voltage. B) will have the most impact. C) Problem 9 C)
Problem 9C)
13.For the circuit in Fig. 5.97, constructed of standard value resistors:
a.Find the total resistance, current, and voltage across each element.
b.Find the power delivered to each resistor.
c.Calculate the total power delivered to all the resistors.
d.Find the power delivered by the source.
e.How does the power delivered by the source compare to that delivered to all the
f.Which resistor received the most power? Why?
g.What happened to all the power delivered to the resistors?
h.If the resistors are available with wattage ratings of 1/2 W, 1 W, 2 W, and 5 W,
what minimum wattage rating can be used for each resistor?
FIG. 5.97 Problem 13.
(Boylestad 179 180)
Boylestad, Robert L. Introductory Circuit Analysis, VitalSource
Marshals Research Paper
Over the course of the United States history, there have been numerous Federal Law
enforcement agencies that have protected and enforced laws within the United States.
The Federal Borough of Investigation (FIB), Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA),
Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms (ATF) agency all play a crucial role in a well ran Nation.
There are many other Federal agencies that protect the nation as well. The
Transportation Security Agency (TSA) and customs and immigrations department are
just a few of many who protect the critical infrastructure of the United States. It s hard
to believe that there was one agency, the first federal agency, had the duty of all
these agencies and more. The US Marshals laid the foundation for the security of our
... Show more content on ...
The west had small towns popping up everywhere and with little to no law, the
Marshals were called in to police the Wild West .
The Marshals duties really didn t with the exception of serving a lot more warrants
and the hunting of outlaws. Some of the famous outlaws hunted by the Marshals
include Billy the Kid, Jessie James, and Butch Cassidy. Marshals such as Wyatt
Earp, Wild Bill Hickok and Pat Garret were perhaps just as famous or infamous as the
outlaws themselves. After many outlaw and Marshal deaths, the wild west calmed
down and the Marshals moved into a new century that brought civil unrest.
The 1900 s began with a steel, steel for railroads that is. With the expansion of
America west, railroads became the main source of travel. With no one to protect the
railroads from robbers, and natives, the US Marshals found themselves guarding
Americas interest. 1917 brought the first World War and the Marshals found them
selves with new taskings from the justice department. They protected ports and
industries that were crucial to the success of America in the war.
Due to the development of multiple federal agencies such as the FBI, the Marshals
fell silent until the 1960 s. The 1960 s was the start of the civil rights movement in
America. With all of the unrest, the Marshals found themselves protecting equality
and integration of races. In the late 60 s the Department of Justice finally saw that the
Marshals were a key asset within the department and
Patient Satisfaction After Surgical Procedures
Consumer Reports conducted the study, in the article, in an attempt to identify what
hospitals offer the best quality of service, including how safe hospitals are ranked
after surgical procedures. Overall surgery ratings for 27 types of surgeries are
identified in the article, based on a percentage of Medicare patients that die in
hospitals or have their stay in the hospitalextended beyond the original length
expected. The medical based rating were developed statistically working with a
health care consulting firm that specialized in analyzing medical claims and
clinical records. The patient satisfaction information is based upon a survey of
millions of patients regarding recent hospital stays. The patient satisfaction survey
was completed with the Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers
and Systems, or HCAHPS. This survey rated overall patient experience based on
the average responses to two survey questions. The percentage of patients who said
they would definitely recommend the hospital; and the percentage of patients who
responded that the hospital received an overall rating of 9 or 10 on a scale of 0 to 10.
(Consumer Reports, 2013)
Understanding the Ratings Overall The ratings provided in the article are for 2,463
of the United States acute care or critical care type hospitals and the focus is
Medicare type in patient services, and implies that the same care received by other
patients not insured by Medicare at these hospitals. The ratings are
Essay On Ethical Issues In Iron Man
In 2008, the film Iron Man was released. The film follows Tony Stark, a wealthy
businessman and engineer who transforms himself from a military arms supplier
into a super hero, Iron Man, by building himself a mechanical suit. Throughout the
film, Tony Stark makes several ethical decisions that impact the lives of many. The
film opens with Tony Stark visiting Afghanistan to demonstrate his weapons
capabilities. After a successful demonstration, he is ambushed and injured, and
captured by local terrorists who demand that he build the weapons system that he
had just previously just demonstrated. He refuses however, after being tortured and
seeing the life of the doctor who saved his life being threatened, he lies to his
captors and says that he will consent to building the weapons system. He instead
takes up the project of building a mechanical suit to help him and the doctor
escape. Here we arrive at his first major ethical decision. Lying to terrorists may
seem like an easy decision, however in this case it puts the life of another
individual at risk. If caught he and the man who saved his life will be killed. He
completes the suit and manages to escape. As he returns to the United States, he
immediately calls a press conference where he informs the press that his company
will no longer produce weapons. This is another major ethical decision made by
Tony Stark. This decision was made to prevent loss of innocent life and to keep the
weapons out of the hands of terrorists.
Korsgaard takes Kant s Formula of Universal Law to mean the following: [one
should] never...act on a maxim that [one] could not at the same time will to be a
universal law. For Korsgaard, it is impossible to will that a maxim be universally
followed when the goal of that action would become unreachable if everyone
practiced that action. For example, if everyone cheated at poker in order to win
money, then no one would play poker and the goal of cheating would be made
unreachable. From this interpretation, Korsgaard arrives at the test question for
whether an action is right. The test question is Could this action be the universal
method of achieving this purpose? If the answer is no, then that action would
undercut its own goal if it were
Risk Management Decisions Made By Officers
Risk management is an important aspect to firefighting to ensure those risking their
lives to save others are not placed in unnecessary danger. Firefighters place trust in
their officers to ensure the best plan of action is being taken. Risk management
decisions made by officers can have positive influence on an outcome, when those
decisions are formulated through experience and complete understanding of the
situation. Firefighters take on dangerous careers and deserve the utmost certainty
from their officers.
According to Everyone Goes Home Fire command must carefully measure and
control risks to save valuable property that can be saved. Every life is valuable
whether that be the victim to be saved or the firefighter there to save. A fireground
must be evaluated properly before rushing in. When a fire becomes out of saving
measures, firefighters should not be put at risk to save a lost cause. If there can be no
good outcome, then there is no need to make the situation worse by sending a team
in on a failed mission. Officers must take into account that every life is valuable, no
matter the person or circumstance. The best outcome will always be that with the
most people alive. Firefighting is a life saving commitment, but risk management
puts into perspective that the firefighters have their own lives to protect as well.
Officers can make better decisions through continuous learning and training to
enhance skills. Though officers hold high command, they must be able to
Strategic Management
Table of Contents Step 1: Identify the Firm s Existing Vision, Mission, Objectives,
and Strategies2 1.1 Dell s Vision2 1.2 Dell s Mission2 1.3 Dell s Objectives2 1.4
Dell s Strategies2 Step 2: Develop Vision and Mission Statements for the
Organization2 2.1 Dell s Proposed Vision2 2.2 Dell s Proposed Mission3 Step 3:
Identify the Organization s External Opportunities and Threats3 3.1 Opportunities3
3.2 Threats5 Step 4: Construct a Competitive Profile Matrix (CPM)7 Step 5:
Construct an External Factor Evaluation (EFE) Matrix8 Step 6: Identify the
Organization s Internal Strengths and Weaknesses9 Step 7: Construct an Internal
Factor Evaluation (IFE) Matrix10 Step 8: Prepare a... Show more content on ...
We must continue to grow responsibly protecting our natural resources and
practicing sustainability in all its form and improve the communities where we
live and work through our financial and volunteer efforts. 2.2 Dell s Proposed
Mission In order to meet all our stakeholder needs, Dell aims at been the most
successful organization in the world by offering the highest possible quality of
products and services which will be competitively prices and produced and
delivered by application of the latest technologies. Step 3: Identify the Organization s
External Opportunities and Threats Dell s External Factors: 3.1 Opportunities 1.
Expand services and enterprise solution divisions Dell plans to consolidate the
Public and Large Enterprise business units into a single organization the change
allows Dell to focus on providing IT services such as cloud, security and
infrastructure, and solutions such as servers, networking and storage to its customers
in addition to computer hardware. This integration is the most profitable Dell s
business at the moment. 2. Obtain more patents through acquisitions If Dell wants to
diversify, it needs new technology patents and new ideas. Dell hasn t properly
established its R amp;D facilities to discover new technologies and patents, so the
only feasible
Jesus Should Live A Hidden Life
If the Holy Spirit asked you to step away from your public platform of ministry and
into a hidden life before God alone, would you do it? If you agreed to live the
hidden life for a period of time and then were later presented with the option of
regaining the spotlight in ministry, which lifestyle would you choose? Rees Howells
was faced with these very decisions while his ministry was thriving. As Rees Howells
grew in his relationship with Jesus, Rees began to remove his cap when he prayed
because he consistently felt the overwhelming presence of the Holy Spiritwith him.
In Wales during this time, however, everyone was expected to wear a hat or some
sort of head covering outside. Because Rees often did not wear a hat outdoors, the
townspeople... Show more content on ...
Just as Rees had lived away from the spotlight for a time, the majority of Jesus life
was not lived before people; His public ministry lasted only for three years of His
life. Jesus spent the majority of His life in secret, living before the Father just as
Rees had done. Additionally, in the same manner that Rees brought others needs
before the Throne, Jesus also represents us before our Father as our Intercessor.
The second reason that Rees should have continued to live a hidden life is that he
spent more time with Jesus. When Rees had decided to continue living in the secret
place, the Holy Spirit invited him to spend his entire days sitting in God s presence
and talking with Him. Because Rees devoted his days to the Lord, he experienced
such sweet fellowship with Him. By continually worshipping and growing in his
faith, Rees made the most of his time and spent it well.
The third reason that Rees should have continued his hidden lifestyle is that he was
set apart. Making the decision to continue living a hidden life is not what most
would have decided to do; it is not in our nature. Because Rees decided to continue
this lifestyle, some thought that he was foolish. Rees s walk of faith would not and
should not look like anyone else s; therefore, he should not compare his life with
Douglass Parker V. Sony Pictures Entertainment Case Study
Douglas Parker v.s Sony Pictures Entertainment The plaintiff Douglas Parker lost
his job with defendant Sony Pictures Entertainment, Inc. ( SPE ) after a workplace
injury led him to take a medical leave of absence. Parker took an extended medical
leave as a result of a back injury in March 1995. SPE s period of guaranteed leave
expired in September 1995, and SPE terminated Parker on September 15 when he
failed to return to work after the expiration of his leave. Just before Parker s leave
period expired, the medical reports submitted in support of Parker s temporary
disability benefits from SPE stated that he was not able to return to work. About a
month later the reports became ambiguous. Parker would have been able to return to
his job
Cis 210 Week 2 Assignment 1
To purchase this visit following link 210
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CIS210 Assignment 1: Inventory Management Systems
Your sister owns a small clothing store. During a conversation at a family dinner, she
mentions her frustration with having to manually track and reorder high demand
items. She would like an automated system but has a very small budget.
Write a 4 5 page paper in which you create a plan for a low cost automated inventory
system in which you: 1. Describe all the necessary equipment.
2. Explain the costs involved in the creation of the system.
3. Describe the ongoing maintenance that ... Show more content on ...
To purchase this visit following link 210
week 2 assignment 1/ Contact us at:
CIS210 Assignment 1: Inventory Management Systems
Your sister owns a small clothing store. During a conversation at a family dinner, she
mentions her frustration with having to manually track and reorder high demand
items. She would like an automated system but has a very small budget.
Write a 4 5 page paper in which you create a plan for a low cost automated inventory
system in which you: 1. Describe all the necessary equipment.
2. Explain the costs involved in the creation of the system.
3. Describe the ongoing maintenance that will be required.
4. Provide a workflow diagram in Visio or equivalent software to illustrate how the
system will work.
Activity Mode aims to provide quality study notes and tutorials to the students of CIS
210 Week 2 Assignment 1 Strayer Latest in order to ace their studies.
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week 2 assignment 1/ Contact us at:
CIS210 Assignment 1: Inventory Management Systems
Your sister owns a small clothing store. During a conversation at a family dinner, she
mentions her frustration with having to manually track and
Conventions In A Christmas Carol
Explain how Charles Dickens uses the conventions of a ghost story to create a dark
and suspense filled tale in A Christmas Carol
Recently we a have been reading A Christmas Carol which was written by Charles
Dickens in 1843. The book is about a man named Ebenezer Scrooge who is cold
hearted accountant in London who hates everyone, especially children. Scrooge
hates poor people and refuses to give any money to help them. He gets visited by
three ghosts who teach him to care about people and to not be so tight with his
money. The story starts off with Scrooges deceased partner Jacob Marley appearing to
him on Christmas Eve and warning him that if he does not change his ways when he
dies he will spend the rest of eternity as a ghost roaming the Earth with tons of chains
dragging him down. Marley also warns Scrooge of the three ghosts that would appear
to him over the next three nights. The ghosts appear to him and show him his
Christmas past, present and future which convinces him to become a nice and
charitable person. ... Show more content on ...
The author writes The bells ceased as they had begun, together. They were
succeeded by a clanking noise deep down below as if some person were dragging a
heavy chain over the casks in the wine merchants cellar. In ghost stories they often
use noises that are unexplainable and that you can t tell where the noise is coming
from. This gives a mysterious and suspenseful effect. The words clanking and
dragging makes the story sound gritty and unpleasant. This makes the story a dark
and suspense filled
Iron Triangle Case Study
20. Name at least two peaceful martyrs who helped spark the Arab Spring.
Two peaceful martyrs who helped spark the Arab Spring were Mohamed Bouazizi
and Wael Ghonim.
21. What happened on January 25, 2011?
January 25, 2011 was the start of the Egyptian Revolution. Men and women
gathered in Tahrir Square to hold a demonstration against President Mubarak s
regime to which there was a lot of political repression and economic and social
stagnation that was associated with it. This left many of the Egyptian people to be
very upset and eventually led to the gathering of people of Tahrir Square.
22. What is Ecology Peace? (pg.10)
The ecology of peace is the framework that is focused on the interdependencies that
connect the separate elements ... Show more content on ...
Give an example of a nation using soft power.
An example of a nation that is using soft power is the United Kingdom. One of the
ways in which the U.K. exerts soft power through the British Broadcasting Center
(BBC). It is a program that is owned by the British government and exports British
culture and makes other states aware of internal matters as well as influencing
coverage of international matters. The BBC is one of the most well respected and
trusted news sources in the world.
37. Where did the model of peacemaking circles and restorative justice originate?
The model of peacemaking circles and restorative justice originated from Martin
Luther King Jr. during the Civil Rights Movement.
BONUS QUESTION: who was Oscar Lopez? Why should we care about him?
Oscar Lopez is a Puerto Rican nationalist who has been in prison for a crime that he
did not commit for 35 years. We should care about him because he has wrongfully
been imprisoned and there is no movements for that to change despite efforts made
by protestors and people in the
The Bronze Horseman Analysis
In lines 145 163 of Pushkin s The Bronze Horseman, the main character, Eugene,
conjures up his ideal lifestyle while a storm rages outside. Upon first glance, it
seems that Eugene s daydreaming is trivial because his desires are plain and
lacking in ambition. However, it is important because it projects Eugene as the
common man, shows his initial sane condition, which greatly contrasts with his
later insane one, as well as, sets up a contrast between Eugene s and Peter the Great
s characters and ambitions. Through his dreams, Eugene is projected as the
common man. When he fantasizes about his future, Eugene imagines that he will
live a peaceful life consisting of a humble refuge...Parasha...and [some] children
(Lines 150 155). Eugene s enumeration of these desires signifies his simplicity and
his role as the everyman. The purpose of Eugene being portrayed in this light is to
have his character oppose Peter the Great s. Eugene s desires for a simple lifestyle
consisting of marriage, procreation, old age, then death, is the antithesis of Peter the
Great s grand aspirations. Standing outside the soon to be city of St. Petersburg,
Peter thinks from here we shall threaten the Swede, here a city shall be founded
(Lines 13 14). Clearly, Peter aspiring to build a city far surpasses Eugene s goal to
get married, in terms of ambition. Furthermore, the purpose of contrasting these two
is to highlight the cause and effect relationship between Peter s actions and Eugene s
Cajun Culture Essays
Nous sommes Acadiens. (We are Acadians.) Some outsiders see us as a quaint,
virtuous people, spending a great deal of time singing, dancing, praying, and
visiting? (Conrad, 1978, p.14). Others see us as independent and unsophisticated.
We see ourselves as fun loving, carefree, happy, proud people who have a great love
for our culture. The Acadians were French settlers of eastern Canada who were
exiled from their land in the 1750?s. The Acadians are known to have settled in the
southern bayou lands of Louisianaaround that time. The Acadiana people acquired
their nickname, ?Cajuns,? from those people who could not pronounce Acadians
correctly. Due to the opinion that Cajuns were ?different?, they lived close together
and became isolated... Show more content on ...
It was the primary pastime of families. The music was original and they were proud
of it. The Cajuns sang from the heart, and that is what made the music the best and
only one of its kind. They expressed their love, joy, pain, and grief through song.
Playing the accordion was an important accompaniment to their singing. This
instrument gave Cajun music its remarkable sound and beat. French songs sung by
the Cajuns many times reflected their language. Slang phrases such as ?oh yai yi?,
an expression of grief or pain, and ?Aaeeh? were shouted during the song when no
lyrics were sung. One particular phrase used most often in French love songs was
?oh, petite ch #233;rie?, which meant ?dear little girl.? A few French songs that
became well known around Acadiana in the 1920?s and 1930?s were ?J?ai Pass
#233; Devant ta Porte,? (I Passed in Front of Your Door), and ?Saute Crapaud,?
(Jump Frog). The most well known Cajun French song ever depicted is ?Jolie
Blonde? (Beautiful Blonde). It is popular not only in Acadiana but in many other
places outside of Acadiana, Louisiana, and the United States, even though many do
not understand the Cajun French language. The unique style and beat of Cajun music
will never be forgotten, nor will it ever die out. For these reasons and many more,
Cajun French music will always ?laissez le bon temps rouler? (let the good times
Housing played an important part in the Cajuns lives just as much as family

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Topics For A Satire Essay

  • 1. Topics For A Satire Essay Crafting an essay on the subject of "Topics for a Satire Essay" can be both a challenging and intriguing endeavor. The difficulty lies not only in the need for a comprehensive understanding of satire but also in the selection of appropriate topics that strike a delicate balance between humor and critique. Satire demands a keen awareness of social issues, a sharp wit, and the ability to convey a message in a way that prompts reflection while eliciting laughter. The challenge begins with the task of identifying suitable subjects that lend themselves well to satirical treatment. It requires a deep dive into current events, societal norms, and cultural phenomena to pinpoint areas ripe for satire. Moreover, the writer must possess the skill to navigate the fine line between humor and offense, ensuring that the satire is not misconstrued as mockery. The writing process itself is no less demanding. Crafting clever and humorous prose while maintaining a coherent and persuasive argument demands a unique set of writing skills. The essay should be a well-orchestrated piece that not only entertains but also conveys a thoughtful message, making the reader reflect on the underlying issues. Furthermore, addressing the potential diverse perspectives and sensitivities of the audience adds an additional layer of complexity. Satirical writing often treads on controversial ground, and striking the right tone becomes crucial to avoid alienating readers. In conclusion, writing an essay on "Topics for a Satire Essay" requires a blend of creativity, critical thinking, and a nuanced understanding of societal dynamics. It's a challenging task that demands a delicate touch to effectively marry humor with insightful commentary. If the complexity of such an endeavor feels overwhelming, remember that assistance is available. Similar essays and a plethora of other writing services can be conveniently accessed on platforms like, where professionals stand ready to lend their expertise and help navigate the intricate landscape of satirical writing. Topics For A Satire EssayTopics For A Satire Essay
  • 2. Hiv Virus Research Paper The worst viruses in the world seem to appear out of nowhere and spread like wildfire, infecting hundreds of thousands of people before researchers can even get a toehold on what it is that is killing people. Viruses are not alive, but saying they are makes it seem like it is possible to stop them. They do not rely on any energy or food source, and only need living cells to thrive and reproduce, therefore anything that can kill a virus also has to kill the host, which is what makes them frightening. HIV, or Human Immunodeficiency Virus, is a virus that had a massive outbreak in America in the early 1980s, and has since killed up to 37 million people that have progressed to the final stage, or AIDS. (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) HIV... Show more content on ... After further research, they found that the chimps ate two smaller species of monkeys that had two different strains of SIV, allowing the virus to transmit into the chimps. Because the smaller monkeys were infected with two different strains of SIV, it was inevitable that the chimps would be infected with both kinds, and in some cases even developed mutated versions of the two combined. When these strains mutated, they became capable to infect humans, and this mutation became known as HIV. Humans in the area that the infected chimps lived in hunted the chimps for food, and so HIV was brought into the human population. In most cases, the infected human s immune system fought off HIV, but sometimes it stayed and became a parasite in the new host, making this host HIV 1. More than one HIV 1 people exist because more than one person contracted it from the monkeys, and so the strain in each HIV 1 was different. HIV is classified into four substrains; M, N, O, and P. Strain M is the responsible for most AIDS deaths. (Origin story from Right now, 36.7 million people globally are living with HIV, ( and 2.1 in 100,000 people will die from AIDS. ( In The Hot Zone, the Ebola origins are said to be in either fruit bats or primates at a cave in Africa known as Kitum Cave. In 1976, the poor man, Monet, went into that cave and inevitably contracted it, starting an outbreak to be followed by countless more. However, though it would be easier to just assume that we could follow the trail of that outbreak, that is not the case. That was just the outbreak of one out of 5 Ebola strains known as Ebola Zaire, the most deadly out of the filovirus strains with a 90% fatality rate. ( A completely different outbreak began also in 1976 in Sudan when a hospital transmitted the disease from one infected patient to many
  • 3. How We Waste Power and Carbon Dioxide Did you know that lighting a typical office overnight wastes enough energy to heat water for one thousand cups of tea (Climate This is only one of many examples of how we waste power and Carbon dioxide. Almost everything we do releases carbon dioxide emissions, and in different amounts. We can save money and CO2 by reducing our carbon footprints, which is the total quantity of greenhouse gases that someone produces. Although we don t think about them very often, a carbon footprint is part of everyone s life because it s measured on things we use, our actions create and waste CO2, and several people have worked to find energy saving ways to reduce them and help the environment. A carbon footprint is measured by using several different variables about someone s lifestyle. It s important to note that depending on where someone may live influences their impact on their carbon footprint. Just as Stephanie Pappas mentioned; In California, for example, electricity generation is relatively climate friendly, so focusing on vehicular emissions has a greater impact . Using an online calculator can show anyone how much CO2 they use on average, by answering the questions provided. Inevitably, in going about our daily lives commuting, sheltering our families, eating each of us contributes to the greenhouse gas emissions that are causing climate change ( Basically, determining your carbon footprint is a great first step to better understanding what uses
  • 4. Essay On Ghost In Macbeth A Ghost for Macbeth Many critics of William Shakespeare s play, Macbeth, have argued no to use an actor for the part of Banquo s ghost in Act III, scene IV of the tragedy. The ghost of Banquo should be filled by an actor to make the scene clearer, add detail, and add a powerful effect on the audience The audience member should be able to picture what is going on in the scene, as well as inside the thoughts behind the actions of Macbeth. Macbeth is the only character on stage that can see the Ghostof Banquo. It is important for the audience to know what is happening, and without a ghost on stage the scene would make no sense. When Macbeth says, ... Approach thou like the rugged Russian bear... or be alive again, and dare me to the
  • 5. Should Children Learn Gun Safety Gun Safety Course: Why Children Should Learn Firearm Safety According to the Washington Post, American children are nine times more likely to die from a gun accident compared to children in other countries. Gun safety is a hot topic that is constantly debated in the media between the differing viewpoints. However, raising gun safety awareness among children is something that every parent and responsible citizen can agree upon. Here are three reasons why children should learn firearm safety. of children are the most devastating effect of our gun culture the nra has no idea what to say about them/ Education is Important According to the National Rifle Association (NRA), gun safety is important as teaching children about fire drills and stranger danger. The NRA is a staunch supporter of the right to bear arms, but they recognize the critical importance of educating children about gun safety. The NRA, together with educators, safety officials and law enforcement officers, has created the Eddie Eagle Gunsafe Program. The star of the program is a kid friendly Eagle mascot, together with friends, who use creative ways to raise gun awareness. The purpose is to educate young children about what they ... Show more content on ... For example, children who live in states with more guns are statistically more likely to die from unintentional firearm deaths or suicide. In fact, child suicide rates are higher are among non suicidal children who have access to guns. Other research has revealed that over one third of parents erroneously believe that their children have never handled a gun before. Many parents even believe that it is offensive to ask other parents regarding firearms in their home. Finally, it has been found that when teens handle guns without adult supervision, there is also drinking
  • 6. Analysis Of The Poem The Roses By William Faulkner Save The Roses In the short story A Rose for Emily , William Faulkner uses the rose as a symbol for Emily and how she lived her life. Like humans, roses live a beautiful life and then die when it s their time. While people like to save roses because they possess sentimental value, Mrs. Emily tried to save her loved ones who passed away. Some thought maybe she was just a woman you would give a rose. Which ever reason, the way Mrs. Emily was raised gives reason for her weird and sickening actions. Regardless of if she had a good excuse or not, Mrs. Emily s actions would have never been allowed or overlooked in this day in age. In our society we carry with us many different options, religions, friends, families, personalities and even jobs that wouldn t allow these things to happen. All of the events in this short story make me wonder What If this happened around my home, in my neighborhood , wouldn t everyone would be applied? There are so many people like Emily around the world and the only reason we are aware of them is because people stepped up and stopped looking the other way. Mrs. Emily Grierson, is definitely seen as a strange character in any reader s opinion and a character analysis of Emily would definitely go in countless directions. In the story the reader witnesses Mrs. Emily having a hard time dealing with several of life s hardships. Emily s own self depression, anxiety and her disconnection from the community is what brings most of the events to
  • 7. Non Violence Quotes I intend on believing non violent acts of retreat justifying righteous strategies; which persuades society to create a common bond. Therefore, by resisting towards your opponent your able to present a spiritual conscious mind. In this case it inspires others to join the event. If your able to kill them with kindness it usually exceeds their limitation of source to continue on. As Martin Luther King has speak on his behalf We are out to defeat injustice and not white persons who may be unjust. As Martin Luther King stated to gain the perceptions of others you must mentally break down your opponent by showing them you can bypass all of their malicious acts. His quote says that their not aiming for the potential threat, but to eliminate the rights to permanently ending the hatred. For instance, if there is violence towards others, then the wage... Show more content on ... He was a messiah for the tortured and oppressed humanity. Ghandi is a spirit of non violence, peace and love. One of his famous quotes An eye for eye only ends up making the whole world blind. This quote creates an intense consequence to show others that the path you seek will not purposely be beneficial. But instead by doing this is leads to the destruction of both. Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will. Muscle mass cannot equal the power of a person who has steeled themselves to accomplishing a goal. The power of the will and determination to achieve whatever is necessary.His vision enlighten others due to his resourceful thoughts and techniques; being able to view a perspective of having the possibilities for change in oneself and in others, and having the power to act on those possibilities. Which allows us to developes a sense of safety and acceptance of our anger with each other that guides our emotional energies towards constructive, effective
  • 8. Synaesthesia Essay Synaesthesia Correspondences Nature is a temple where living pillars Let escape sometimes confused words; Man traverses it through forests of symbols That observe him with familiar glances. Like long echoes that intermingle from afar In a dark and profound unity, Vast like the night and like the light, The perfumes, the colours and the sounds respond. There are perfumes fresh like the skin of infants Sweet like oboes, green like prairies, And others corrupted, rich and triumphant That have the expanse of infinite things, Like ambergris, musk, balsam and incense, Which sing the ecstasies of the mind and senses. By Charles Baudelaire (1821 1867) Synaesthesia What is Synaesthesia A subjective sensation ... Show more content on ... eg. A certain word produces a sensation of colour, or they can be bi directional, eg. Not only is the latter true but also a colour can produce the sensation of sound. Some examples of two sensory synaesthesia are: Coloured Hearing where sound evokes a sensation of colour. It has been recorded that an opera is like experiencing a painting. Sometimes each musical instrument has its own colour. An example of bi directional in this type of synaesthesia would be where the changing of a traffic light evoked a bell like sound. Coloured Olfaction where smell evokes the sensation of colour. For example the smell of garlic may be perceived as a blaze of orange. Coloured Gustation where taste evokes the perception of colour. Something salty may be experienced as red, something sweet as bluish/purple. Tactile
  • 9. Gustation where the taste of something is experienced as shape. Grapefruit may be a twisted triangle, other citrus fruits may have similar triangular qualities an orange may be an equilateral triangle. Multiple Sensory Synaesthesia This is when three or more of the senses are crossed, and contains the most common form of synaesthesia. Some examples of this type of synaesthesia are: Coloured Numbers the experience of numbers that have their own colour. eg. 1 could be black, 2
  • 10. Summary Of Barbara Ehrenreich s Nickel And Dimed Nickel and Dimed, a memoir by Barbara Ehrenreich, is about the millions of Americans working full time on a low wage budget trying support themselves. Ehrenreich soon discovers that even a low paying job requires mental and physical effort. and one paying job is not enough, you need at least two. The Quote The American Dream has run out of gas. The car has stopped. It no longer supplies the world with its images its dreams, its fantasies. No more. It s over. by J.G Ballard can relate to the book Nickel and Dimed. This quote means everyone s dream of a perfect house and going on vacation or even having money in this world is over. Still, it s a shock to realize that trailer trash has become, for me, a demographic category to aspire
  • 11. Empathy In Nursing Empathy is a respectful understanding of what others are experiencing. Instead of offering empathy, we often have a strong urge to give advice or reassurance and to explain our own position or feeling. Empathy, however, calls upon us to empty our mind and listen to others with our whole being, said by Marshall Rosenberg. As a nurse it is a part of your duties to incorporate empathyin the patient care. Nurses care for multiple patients and need to tend to each individual s needs in order to improve the quality of care. Empathy is an essential intellectual trait that opposes intellectual narrow mindedness. Intellectual empathy is essential in understanding the patients, being able to communicate with the patients, and being able to provide
  • 12. The Osi Reference Model Developed By Iso The OSI reference model is a seven layer abstract model developed by ISO in 1984. It describes the standards for inter computer communication that is how data flows from one computer on a network through wires, cable and routers to another computer in another network. Each layer provides a framework to explain specific functionalities and the interactions between network components where the upper layers ( Application, Presentation, Session )mostly work at the software level and the lower layers(Transport, Network, Data Link and Physical) in the hardware and firmware levels. We will use data unit flow within the CCU network to illustrate at each layer the association between devices and software and also the interactions of components between the layers. Layer 1 The Physical Layer The OSI Physical layer defines electrical, physical and procedural specifications for devices and medium ( cables, connectors, hubs, repeaters, network interfaces cards ) responsible to transport across the network the bit stream of data. At this layer, Data Units are called bits: Frames from the Data Link layer are encoded in a series of electrical impulse, light or radio signal and transmitted through a media (copper, fiber or wireless) across the network to the receiving node. It is also the job of the Physical layer to retrieve these individual signals from the media, restore them to their bit representations, and pass the bits up to the Data Link layer as a complete frame. CCU
  • 13. Remeber the Titans Remember the Titans Leadership in Organizations 12th December of 2013 Miguel Nogueira Rodrigues 150110034 Remember the Titans is a film that tells the story about a period of history in the United States, when the differences between black and white people were much assumed. The black people wanted to feel respected and not discriminated by the whites, and because of that they wanted the same rights as the others. In this story, for the first time, all people could attend the same high school, and this change created many problems between students and their families. The Titans were a football team, but they were always losing the games, and win the championship was unreachable for them. So, the school board decide to get a ... Show more content on ... When the racial problems didn t seem to disappear he didn t give up and always have the self confident, even being black to demonstrate his position. 2. What are the main character s leadership strengths (if any) and why? What are the main character s leadership weaknesses (if any) and why? In my opinion, coach Boone had many leadership strengths: He had his goal to make the team a winning team, and to do that he knew he would have to overcome many obstacles, to make the players a real team and a group of players. To do that, he needed the capacity to motivate the team, to push them harder to achieve the goals, to make them expect more from themselves and their teammates. For me, one of the best moments that showed coach Boone was a very good leader was when he Boone woke up all the players in the evening and made them run with him. He didn t just order them to do something he knew was difficult. He did it with them. He had self sacrificed for the team. Coach Yoast, went to tell him that he was pushing them too hard, but Boone knew exactly what he was doing. When he stopped the running, and gave the speech about the differences and what that had as result, I think that speech changed the attitude between the players. That speech inspired them to want to be more, to want to grow as a group. And in the next game, after the Capitan of the team took the first step, they finally started to be a united team. Another leadership strength that coach
  • 14. Primates And Evolution Of Primates Name Professor Course Date Primates and Evolution Primates are animals and to be precise mammals. Primates have a very diverse group and this means that not all species share the same suit of traits. They have various characteristics such as hands that can grasp things, large brains, and a high degree of learned rather than innate behavior, and other numerous traits. Humans are also considered to be primates. The order Primate is divided into two main suborders and these are the Strepsirhini and Haplorhini. Strepsirhni includes primates such as lemurs, lorises, and galagoes. On the other hand, Haplorhini include primates like monkeys, tarsiers, apes, and humans. The Social Behavior and Structure of Primates Humans are products of the same evolutionary forces that have produced other species and they can be expected to exhibit the same behavioral patterns seen in other primates. Even though most aspects of cultural and social life are uniquely human, the same has been found to be happening to other non human primates. The only difference between human and non human primates is that humans have increased brain size as well as learning capacities and this makes
  • 15. them express many characteristics to a greater degree and culture as well as social life is one of those characteristics. Cultural and social behavior is not learned and not genetically acquired or determined even though sometimes it the capacity to learn something is genetically
  • 16. Correctional Facilities For Inmates And Staff In the upcoming material there will be several statistics and pertinent information to help clarify (Life in Correctional Facilities for Inmates and Staff). Individual information for each facet, completed by compiling comparisons of the concluded information. When we think of incarceration, we automatically think about people sentenced to prison. Perhaps we think of those in jail awaiting trial or serving a shorter sentence. When we think of re entry we immediately think about sentenced or otherwise incarcerated persons being released from incarceration to home. It seems we rarely think about persons working in the prisons/jails. These are the people who enter and out of the facilities daily and often times their time inside is much... Show more content on ... Thirty four percent of the officers who responded to the survey reported suffering from symptoms of PTSD, such as repeated flashbacks of traumatic incidents, hypervigilance, insomnia, suicidal thoughts, and alienation. Only fourteen percent of military veterans report suffering the same symptoms. Correctional officer suicide rates are thirty nine percent higher than all other professions combined, according to the national study. In the study it was revealed that most officers avoid a PTSD diagnosis because they re afraid of negative repercussions on their careers. They believe they ll be put through a fit for duty test with a licensed psychologist and be decertified. Research shows that hyper violent environment has serious repercussions on the mental and physical state of an officer. Shift work is another key factor with corrections officers and their families. Not having dinner together and parents sleeping while their children get ready for school. Shift work has been proven to disrupt the circadian rhythm, or the internal clock that controls sleep and nausea. The combination of sleep loss disrupted circadian rhythm, eating, and digestive problems tends to result in irritability and depression, which will possibly have a negative impact on family interaction. When we associate the term incarceration
  • 17. Hamlet And Revenge In Hamlet Hamlet has lived through plenty of ups and downs throughout his childhood. He has been lost and confused within himself, but knew he wanted one thing, which was revenge on his fathers killer, Claudius. His passion of hate developed for Claudius as he married Hamlets mother shortly after the king s death. Hamletcould not decide on the perfect decision for himself, his motherand father as well as the best way to follow through with the best consequence for Claudius that would impress his father. His everyday life, along with his love life, left him with an empty heart, which slowed the process of the revenge down. Hamlet never expected to be captured and kidnapped by pirates, as he was sent overseas as a young man. His inside thoughts were attacking and overwhelming Him, leaving him depressed and anxious. Hamlet s life has been leading him to negative thoughts that he cannot process or act accordingly to, due to the excessive amount of issues and options involved in his life at a young age, him being overwhelmed lead him to delaying the process of avenging his fathers killer. Hamlet really wanted the revenge on Claudius but was really on the fence of what to actually do to follow through with then plan. Claudius was brave to feel so free, as Hamlet had opportunities to take advantage of him and had plenty of hate towards him for more than one reason. The action Hamlet may want and outcome of it, may be completely different as to what his father would do or like him to do.
  • 18. Cognitive And Perceptual Development Of Children Developmental Motor Skills in Children Children acquire most of their motor skills from school, which is where they spend most of their time growing up. School settings can enhance motor development in children through play using toys available to them, however, some school environments can also inhibit motor performance. Children have the opportunity to improve and learn new skills from manipulating different objects as well as can practice intertrial variability from playing with others. In order to better understand the concept of motor development in children, a naturalistic observation can be performed. Depending on the environment, certain motor skills can be refined, while others can be repressed. Haywood and Getchell (2014) suggest ... Show more content on ... For the preschool aged children, they walked and ran around the room with ease. The preschoolers also walked up and down the stairs with ease, only needing to descend the stairs with two feet for each step when preoccupied with an object in her hand. These children also participated in manipulative fine motor skills while making arts and crafts. Although there were no differences observed between boys and girls during observation, KokЕЎtejn, MusГЎlek, Tufano (2017) conducted a study comparing gender differences in fundamental motor skills at the preschool age. Researchers found that compared to the boys, girls had greater total test scores, fine motor skill scores and balance scores. Physical Environment The physical environment in the Sparrow toddler classroom was more facilitatory than inhibitory. The environmental constraints included furniture scaling and carpeted area to prevent injury when falling. The furniture including tables, chairs, couches, and bookshelves were all on a smaller scale which offered affordance to the children as they could see and reach for things that they wanted. However, inhibitory environmental constraints includes the crowdedness of the furniture and toys in the room which increases the likelihood that a toddler could fall. In one instance, some chairs were stacked next to a wall and a little boy attempted to climb he almost immediately fell and hurt his head. A case like this could hinder the development of motor
  • 19. Short Story Monologue She had never hurt anyone. Ever. She was young. She was innocent. She didn t even know them. She had never seen them. She never saw their face. She never saw it coming. I ll tell it to you straight. I won t lie. I won t exaggerate or or put anything to the extreme. In fact, I might just tone it down. The fear in your eyes is almost tangible. I didn t die. If I did, the killer was pretty good, because I didn t feel pain, or feel my heart stop, or even remember sucking in my last breath. I m here now, wherever this is. I ll tell you a story. I was little. I won t give an age, because that will make it too real. I lived with my parents. I had no brothers or sisters. I was an only child. I had never known hunger, or pain, or sadness. No one... Show more content on ... I watched them go to my front door. I waited. They waited. I didn t dare do anything. They had trespassed, but they hadn t gone in my house, they hadn t damaged the property, or done anything illegal that I could think of. So I waited. It was midnight when I finally moved to check the time. I didn t make any noise, just glanced down at my watch. That one silent movment and Ace swiveled around. My heart stopped. My breathe stopped. My blood stopped. If the world and time could have stopped, it would too. Their every colored eyes darted across yard, not just looking, but seeing, which I can assure is very different. I didn t move, I didn t even move my eyes. I couldn t move, because I knew if I did, I would die. Suddenly, Ace s lips curved into a smile as their eyes settled onto mine. I feared my thinking was to loud. London... The entire world was dark and silent except for us. Somehow I knew that everyone was gone. I didn t know where, or how, or what happened, but I knew they were gone. London... Ace s voice was musically dull and pretty horrible. I didn t do anything, even as my vision darkened, and my lungs screamed for air, I didn t dare breathe when I was making eye contact with Ace. They turned around and opened the front door. I blinked. BAM! Ace was standing over me, smiling in a way that almost made me scream in fear. London... I sucked in air and then the world was as it should be. Suddenly cars were driving, people talking in the
  • 20. Morality In The Film Do The Right Thing The title itself Do The Right Thing is oxymoronic because nobody in the film does the right thing. This can be said about even now. The people in the film thought that by burning down the pizzeria a change would happen, just like now how the rioters in Chicago and St. Louis. In the film you get a sense of familiarity because the scenery you see in the filmis the same as what you see around you. Bed Stuy represent all of the black neighborhoods in America that are middle class or poor. The movie show the characters as contradictory human beings. Sal owns a pizzeria pizza in a majority African American neighborhood, but utters racial slurs to Radio Raheem and Buggin. Sal proved that Malcolm X s Theory that white people can still be allies to black people but inherently racist and still have the mindset that they are more superior to black people. Did Sal s pizzeria symbolize the lingering white supremacy in Bed Stuy? I believed that Sal s pizzeria symbolized the beginning gentrification of the predominantly ... Show more content on ... We go for separation. Separation is when you have your own. You control your own economy; you control your own politics; you control your own society; you control your own everything. You have yours and you control yours; we have ours and we control ours. Malcolm X But we as African American didn t own our own politics, economy or even a piece of society and we still don t. For an example in Bed Stuy the only businesses we saw were owned by Sal and a Korean couple. I see connections between the Korean stores/Pizzeria in Mookie s neighborhood and the black neighborhoods in Cleveland and the Jewish run store in Malcolm X s neighborhood. In the majority black neighborhood in Cleveland you rarely see stores own or run by African Americans but by Middle Easterners and South Indians. The same with Malcolm X, in his Autobiography he expressed his disdain of how Jewish businessman owned businesses in the African American
  • 21. The Decision Of Diesel And Gas Motors At the point when Land Rover outlined its exceptionally fruitful Range Rover Evoque premium minimized SUV in 2007 2008, it made 3 entryway car and 5 entryway adaptations. Be that as it may, a convertible was not on the option body style list. So when the organization s Board chose in 2011 that such an apparently far fetched alternative ought to be included, it was a genuine test for the organization s originators and architects. Despite the fact that the auto just looks as though the rooftop has been slashed off the Coupe, it wasn t exactly that straightforward! said Andy Wheel, Land Rover s Chief Exterior Designer. It must be built to meet Land Rover s abnormal state of auxiliary unbending nature and torsional solidness prerequisites and to give the same wide broadness of off road ability of metal rooftop Evoques. Albeit no particular figures have been discharged, Land Rover expresses that the convertible has just a 15% diminishment in body solidness contrasted with that of the roadster. A decision of diesel and gas motors with up to 177 kW (237 hp) and a best EU joined fuel utilization of 5.1 L/100 km (46.1 mpg) and CO2 outflows of 149 g/km are advertised. In a worldwide SUV market gauge to develop by somewhere in the range of 20% throughout the following five years, the Evoque convertible will possess an uncommon specialty, Land Rover figuring its Z fold fabric rooftop is the longest and most stretched out as of now fitted to any generation auto at a
  • 22. Sample Case Management Personal Statement Attn: Graduate Admissions Committee I am applying to your master s graduate program in behavioral analysis for the fall of 2016. After completing my undergraduate degree in psychology from University of Memphis. Since 2010 I ve worked in several capacities within the behavioral health system. December of 2010 I began working for Case Management Inc. where I filled in as a Residential Technician at the Peabody House. In an emergency housing unit for HIV/AIDS positive clients I advocated resources and provided crisis intervention for six years. Within this capacity a handled an array of responsibilities, including but not limited to: substance abuse rehabilitation assistance, composing /receiving resident activity reports, overseeing nightly resident activity, establishing treatment programs and training new PRN staff. I remained in this capacity until it became a conflict of interest to my newest employer. June of 2013 I began working as a Community Counselor for Lakeside Behavioral Health. In this role, until February 2016. In this role I ... Show more content on ... I ve always prided myself on my skills of observation and to have a career where my observation skills can be refined and used in a professional setting is an ideal situation. Include the fact that I have always wanted to work in the private prison sector. Seeing that Saint Joseph s University host it s program within its criminal justice department, makes SJU number one on my list of schools to attend. Within the criminal justice field I would like to perform behavioral analysis in the prison system. Through reading and research I believe behavior modification is key to rehabilitation. Building constructive environments, avoiding the counter control of applied behavior analysis, as well priming inmates for a life outside of prison with the necessary skills both socially and professionally are key factors that should be the point of
  • 23. Investigating The Failure Rates And Mean Time On Repair... RESEARCH OBJECTIVE The study aims to determine the failure rates and mean time to repair statistics in relation to the medical equipment in order to make correlations between the probabilities of harm to patients in a sudden failure of the equipment. To determine whether there is another or alternative way of equipment maintenance management strategies from the relevant industry experience and to check if they have the potential to improve the availability of hospital equipment in critical conditions and to reduce the harm to patients by using the equipment s in proper conditions by not playing with their lives. METHODOLOGY This study was conducted by examining the maintenance management strategies of critical hospital; equipment s or ... Show more content on ... The research was conducted by conducting a survey. The survey was designed in such a way that every hospital had to answer the questions in the survey. Every hospital had been given six to eight copies of the questionnaire depending on the involvement of the hospital departments and the type of equipment s available for the survey and the maintenance strategies followed. After completing the questionnaires, approval was required from the hospital head who is responsible for every activity taking place in his hospital. The main study of this experiment is to check the non availability of the equipment or failure, which would risk the patient s life in danger. The rules and regulations or criteria for conducting the research on the criticality of the equipment is the risk of failure or breakdown of the equipment when it is used on a patient, the average time used for a patient, average number of patients used or serviced by the equipment, operational life of the equipment and the availability of alternative equipment in case of failure or malfunction at critical times. There are around 6782 devices were examined during the process. We have taken only 5 equipment s for the study in this paper. In the pilot project we have considered only 5 hospitals and five types of critical hospital equipment were examined and that had a non availability of high risk level. The equipment s are kidney dialysis, cardiac catheterization
  • 24. Fracking Outline Essay Natalia Nelson 6661318 Environmental Studies Section: Friday @ 2:00 with Jason Linn Fracking: The Invention of the Century or Destructive New Technology? Introduction: Possible quote someone who supports the processs. Possible story: some analogy of something that was a good, necessary idea but just put off the inevitable and had a negative affect than fix it. Need for energy, how new ideas are necessary But is fracking really the best option? Public eye, people here about fracking a lot. But is it really a QUOTE AGAIN , or something completely different entirely? Thesis: Hydraulic fracturing is not the energy solution to the future (Johnson). Through an in depth look at the current energy crisis, a detailed study of ... Show more content on ... Natural gas (methane) or oil flows out of the cracks and up to surface 3. Hydrocarbons 4. Methane gas III. Environmental Effects: (Fry) b. Legal issues: vi. 2005 Congress passed bill exempting companies using fracking from laws under Environmental Protection Act vii. laws violated include: Clean Air Act, Clean Water, Safe Drinking Water Actviii. Why would fracking need to be exempt from these laws unless it was unsafe? c. Drinking water contamination ix. Six states in 2006 documented contaminated drinking water as direct result of fracking x. Water out of taps dirty xi. Unsafe to drink xii. Fire out of faucet alit Today s methods make gas drilling a filthy business. You know it s bad when nearby residents can light the water coming out of their tap on fire (Schweiger). d. Increase of small earthquakes xiii. Cite specific example e. Chemicals in fluid: (Stevens) xiv. Include methanol, tetramethyl ammonium chloride, potassium hydroide, ammonium, ethylene glycol, ammonium persulfate xv. Or, more commonly: methane gas, ammonia, arsenic, chloromethane, iron, manganese, t butyl alcohol, toluene. (Bradford County) xvi. Discuss individual effects of these (or maybe in health section) xvii. Some companies use of chemicals are regulated while others are
  • 25. Market Entry Strategy EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This plan seeks to investigate the viability of establishing Virgin Mobile in Nigeria, then launch upon conviction that the environment is conducive and how we will get our mapped out target to use our services. For purpose of analysing the business environment, PESTEL and SWOT analysis was used and the focus was basically on the telecommunication industry. PESTEL demonstrated that the environment is conducive for our company and products though there are a couple social unrests such as bombing but the Nigerian government is doing all it can to stop the situation. Nigeria is a developing country and so to continue to increase the rate of development, the government has removed all stringent restrictions on foreign ... Show more content on ... 1.2PESTEL Analysis Political/legal factors: there are no restrictions on the level of foreign investment (shareholding/domiciled enterprise) as repealed by Decree No. 7 of 1995 Nigeria Enterprise promotion Decree in Nigeria except in production of Ammunition and production of and dealing with narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances. Companies can move money in and out of the country for Business purpose but must be through an authorised agent i.e. solicitor (HB Bill 117 (n. d.). Intending foreign owned companies must get Business permit, expatriate quota and fulfil all other incorporation conditions required by CAC as well as fulfil all licencing conditions stipulated by Nigerian Communications Commission through its 2003 Act. The Nigerian communications commission (NCC) recently banned all promotions and lotteries by telecommunications operators. The promotion include free minutes to call at specific times and on net calls offered at lower tariffs below to prevailing inter connect rates which causes congestion in network as subscribers taking advantage of the promotion tries to use up the minutes within the time given (NCC 2012). The commission also requires that all telecommunication companies
  • 26. The Selfish Linda Loman in Arthur Miller s Death of a... The Selfish Linda Loman in Arthur Miller s Death of a Salesman Linda, a character from Arthur Miller s Death of a Salesman is a selfish housewife. She pretends to care about her husband, but in reality, prefers that he kill himself so that she can live an easier life. Linda is given nothing but motive for wanting her husband, Willy, to die because of the ways he mistreats her. For example, during a family conversation in Act I, Linda, trying to put in a few words, says, Maybe things are beginning to change , with Willy coming in right after her, (wildly enthused, to Linda)Stop interrupting!... (1187) Linda, trying desperately to be a part of the conversation, is constantly denied her voice. Always under Willy s control,... Show more content on ... Their whole marriage has been a lie and Linda strives for a moment of peace. Too scared to reveal the truth, Linda holds her motives in and allows Willy to trip until he falls. Along with her motives, Linda attempts to keep any voice of reason away from Willy, showing that her selfish desire of her well being is more important than his. In a discussion with her boys in Act I, Linda says, I m I m ashamed to. How can I mention it to him? Every day I go down and take away that little rubber pipe. But, when he comes home, I put it back where it was. How can I insult him like that? (1184) Linda claims that acknowledging the truth about Willy s possible attempt to kill himself is an insult. But, in order to develop a solution to any preoblem, one must start with the truth. Linda merely wants to accommodate Willy s mental problems rather than get rid of them, causing him to stay in his troubled state of mind. In another conversation in Act II, Linda tries to push Biff away from speaking with his father: Linda: You re not going near him. Get out of this house! Biff: (with absolute assurance, determination) No. We re going to have an abrupt conversation, him and me. Linda: You re not talking to him. (1221) Linda does not want Biff talking to Willy in fear that her indisposed attemp to keep Willy in his troubled state of mind will be unraveled. But in reality, Willy needs to hear the truth rather than the promotion of a dead end dream. Linda,
  • 27. Hinduism Essay examples Hinduism Hinduism is the religion followed by the people of South Asia, mainly in India though. The term HInduism actually means what the Indians do and was applied to these people by Islamic Invaders. Hinduism is actually a mix of several differents ideals from different religions. Parts of it draw on the Vedic religion of the Aryan tribes from the north, some from the Dravidian civilization to the south, along with ideas from Buddhism. From the Dravidians came the beilief of intense devotion to the gods and the rituals for fertility and other such things. It is not known yet how the Vedic religion manifested into Hinduism. As in all civilizations of the time, the priests held high power and stature in society, but ... Show more content on ... This deity would then bring violence and destruction to the world. This ideal of women and of fertility is almostly directly to the beiliefs of the Dravidians. There are also many, many other gods besides these three main ones. That s one of the distinguishing factors of Hinduism, the amount and the variety of gods that were used to explain events in life and life itself. Even with all of these gods out there, worshipers were to devote most of their worship at one specific deity. This did not mean that the other gods would strike back for not being worshipped, for each was worshipped by at least one person. This sense of unity amongst the gods and the people is brought out buy certain texts, such as the Bhagad Gita. The purpose in life was to praise your deity to the best of your ability so as to get the god s favor. Religious duties were not only based on class, but also on gender and on age. The center of worship for these gods was the temple, some being simple and others being extremely elegant. Many of these temples had a beautiful statue of their deity. This statue was there for the diety to possess so that they could be worshipped by the people even more. To worship their deity, some would take part in puja, which was a service to the deity that involved bathing, clothing, or feeding the statue. Some people were even blessed enought to see their god, even if just for an instance. They called
  • 28. Detailed Summary on Greek Mythology by Edith Hamilton Essay ENTRY I Part I В– Section I I THE GODS The Greeks believed that the Earth was here before the gods; the gods did not create the universe, instead the universe made the gods. So the heaven and earth were the first parents, after them came the titans, and following them came the gods and goddesses. The titans were known to be big and of great strength. The one titan who over ruled the rest was Cornus, also known as Saturn. He reigned until Zeus his son dethroned him. Zeus was amongst the twelve Olympians, the other eleven included his two brothers: Poseidon, and Hades, their sister: Hestia, Hera, Ares, Athena, Apollo, Aphrodite, Hermes, Artemis, And Hephaestus. Much of the myths that include these characters have been set up in the ... Show more content on ... And it was curiosity that led her to open a boxful of plagues and dangerous substances that each god had placed in it, but had told her not to open. Moreover, one last account, tells us that Zeus sent a great deluge over the Earth because the men grew wicked ENTRY III Part II, Sections I II CUPID AND PSYCHE,8 BREIF TALES OF LOVERS Psyche was the youngest of three daughters born to a king. Between the three of them, she surpassed both her sisters in beauty. Psyche was even compared to Venus. Many things that once belonged to the goddess were given to her a simple mortal. Venus was mad, and sent her son, cupid to make her fall for the ugliest, most despicable creature on earth; but before he could do that, he fell in love with her. Cupid had told Apollo the situation, and when Psyche s father went to go seek the oracle because no husband was found for his beautiful daughter, Apollo told him that she had to wait on a hilltop and, there a winged serpent would make her his. So she wept and with sorrow she waited at the top of the hill, while doing so, she felt like she was suspended from the land and taken to a beautiful garden. When she woke up the next day, she heard voiced that spoke to her, yet she saw no one, the voices led her to a beautiful palace, and told her it was all hers. There her unseen husband dwelt. One day he warned her about her sisters and how she should be kept unseen
  • 29. William Gibson s The Miracle Worker In the book The Miracle Worker by William Gibson, Gibson utilizes diverse dramatic technique, props and finger spelling in order to represent the internal and external conflicts between Helen Keller, and Annie Sullivan throughout the play. Annie, the miracle worker who used to be blind has an external conflict with Helen, who is blind, deaf, and partly mute. However, throughout the act, the relationship starts to build and develops to a happy ending. Annie, who lost her loving brother Jimmie, suffers from flashbacks which she cannot easily overcome the tragic memories. However, throughout the book, Annie starts to overcome the bad memories by the interaction with Helen. In act 1, the external conflict between Helen and Annie is significantly... Show more content on ... Annie! Annie, don t let them take me Annie!...But this voice is real, in the present, and Annie comes up out of her horror, clearing her head with a final shake (22). This depicts Annie s painful memories about her dead brother Jimmie on the past. It is inferable that Jimmie was taken from some stranger and this was a very horrible event for Annie since the bad memory even comes out in her dream. Addition to that it is also inferable that Annie regrets herself for not saving her brother no matter how bad her condition was also. The memory of the tragic past remains to be her inner conflict. I crawled in her like a drowned rat, I thought I died when Jimmie died, that I d Never again come alive. (20). This quote is another example of Annie s tragic memory of the moment when Jimmie died but she got to continue with her living. For Annie, this memory of her loving brother dead will be never be forgotten in her life. This inner conflict which Annie will carry through her whole life leads her to be more perseverance and caring characteristics when educating Helen to communicate. In act 2, Annie continues with her inner conflict of flashback of her brother Jimmie, but she now gets stronger to overcome the past experience. You said we ll be together, forever and ever and ever...Goodbye Annie...Annie. It hurts, to be dead. Forever. (68 69). This creates an inner
  • 30. Correctional Facilities In The US As the United States is confronted with the fallout of mass incarceration, the need for competent correctional personnel to ensure public safety and see that other staff and inmates are safe is of great concern. The prison administration staff is composed of employees who perform a public service of high risk and importance for safeguarding the civil society. However, the roles of prisonfacilities have drastically changed over the years and they are now no longer regarded as mere custodial institutions. The natures of these institutions have thus shifted from custody to training, education and the rehabilitation of prisoners. The new prison administration is expected to perform medium complexity activities that involve planning, organizing
  • 31. Harley Davidson Marketing Strategy Table of Contents 1. Executive Summary.....................................................................2 2. Situational Analysis a) Strengths...................................................................3 b) Weaknesses.............................................................3 c) Opportunities...........................................................4 d) Threats......................................................................4 3. Analysis of Harley Davidson Case Study...................................5 4. Recommendations......................................................................6 5. References....................................................................................8 1. Executive Summary Harley Davidson is an American motorcycle company founded in 1903 by William S. Harley and Arthur Davidson. In the following 108 years of business, the Harley Davidson business has endured the peaks and troughs of economies to be recognised as an iconic brand in the ... Show more content on ... 2b.Weaknesses Although the USA market is very strong for Harley Davidson, they are making slow progress in gaining market share in the international market. The customer loyalty that Harley Davidson enjoys in the USA is challenged internationally by rival heavy weight manufacturers such as BMW, Triumph, Honda and Kawasaki. Internationally, Europe has the largest demand for heavy weight motorcycles; in which Harley Davidson has only managed to acquire less than 13% of this lucrative market (HD, 2011). 2c.Opportunities One of Harley Davidson biggest opportunities is intrinsically linked to its major weakness. Internationally there is a large bit of a very big pie that Harley Davidson has not managed to attain. Although Harley Davidson has less than 13% of the heavy weight motorcycle sales in Europe, they manage to hold the number 2 ranking in this market. This ranking indicates that no one competitor owns the heavy weight market in Europe and suggests that the customer loyalty amongst the competitors is far from what Harley Davidson enjoys in the USA. Having achieved the number one ranking for sales to women, Harley Davidson still have a large potential customer base in attracting more women riders. Since 2007 Harley Davidson has doubled its marketing spend and released bikes more suited to women riders, who now account for 12% of Harley
  • 32. Persuasive Essay On Car Seat Safety Many parents lack education on, or do not fully know, proper car seat use and the consequences of improper car seat safety implementation. Car seat safety is important for children as they face increase risk of injury at certain ages or physical size. The Recommendations According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (n.d.), there are distinct types of car seats that should be used for recommended ages. The recommendations state that parents should also check the seat s label to ensure that the child meets its height and weight limits (NHTSA, n.d.). Children under the age of one should always use a rear facing seat placed in the back seat of the vehicle (NHTSA, n.d.). These are used for small children due to their weak head, neck, and spine, for which a rear facing car seat will provide increased protection (NHTSA, n.d.). After the age of one and reaching the listed height and weight limits, children may move to a forward facing car seat (NHTSA, n.d.). This seat is still positioned in the back of the car and anchored with the seatbelt (NHTSA, n.d.). Forward facing car seats use a harness that distributes impact across the child s body and utilize a tether that limits head movement. Again, once meeting the forward facing car seats limits, recommended only at the age of four, children may move to a forward facing booster seat, still placed in the back seat (NHTSA, n.d.). Booster seats proved extra height to the child so that the seat belt is positioned properly over the child s strongest areas (NHTSA, n.d.). Children should be kept in the booster seat as long as possible, no earlier than the age of eight. Using the booster seat as long as possible will help ensure that the child properly fits a seat belt (NHTSA, n.d.). When determining if seat belt positioning is correct for the child, ensure the lap belt is positioned across the thighs, not the stomach, and that the shoulder belt crosses the shoulder and chest, not the neck or face (NHTSA, n.d.). The intention of seat belts and safety car seats is to distribute any impacts from an accident across the strongest parts of the body. Failure to follow these recommendations could result in critical injury, such as a severe spinal injury in an
  • 33. What Is The Theme Of Motherism In The Color Purple Victims of a triple jeopardy of classism, sexism and racism, they are trampled upon at the bottom of the food chain. Yet, giving life to those that take their sustenance and essences, they are left with the burden and oppression to carry. The idea of labelling a woman as a black mother perpetuates an ideology that blackness is not encompassed in mothering. The black woman never granted the opportunity, during or after slavery, to access the white privilege of motherhood. Thus, she cannot attain the white definition of motherhood. Alice Walker with her writing would see no problem with the removal of the black woman from an apparent white ideal of motherhood. Womanism, then would stand in solidarity for the misunderstood bad mothers/ black ... Show more content on ... They are willing to sacrifice their mental state. In her work Black Women Image Makers Mary Helen Washington epitomizes the black women as suffering from the triple bias of race class and gender but whose main goal is to keep their children and that of their family safe. Sethe must muster up the strength after her milk is taken and she is beaten to get to her children that are waiting on the other side of the river. Celie must subject her body to the incestuous act of Pa to save Nettie. Yet, these two women are dispossessed, the dispossession does not stop their maternal instinct as mothers to protect by all measures
  • 34. Strengths And Weaknesses Of Quantitative Essay Quantitative research involves the usage of statistical techniques for analysis that, test a theory based on the enquiry of an identified problem. It can mostly be measured in numbers and believes in generalizing its result, i.e. extrapolating. Its main goal is to determine whether the predictive generalizations, hold true or not. Quantitative researchalso aims at predicting, explaining and understanding some phenomena, by focusing on a cause and effect relationship between the variables involved in the research. It also follows the positivistic paradigm developed in the mid nineteenth century, which aimed at using the natural sciences as a way of generating knowledge in the social sciences research. Experiments, such as true, quasi, field and lab along with correlational studies are some of the methods that fall under quantitative research. The research in quantitative methods is generally operationalized and involves ... Show more content on ... The precise structures and objective nature, in itself, is a cause of the various limitations of this method of research. These weaknesses are: 1)Applicable only to quantifiable phenomena Since all the research is objective and structured in nature, it can only be done on concepts that can be given a quantitative value. For example: if we consider the aspect of love, we cannot find a way to describe the amount of love in numbers or statistics. Thus, quantitative research methods are not relevant beyond the lines of quantifiable phenomena. 2)Difficulty in studying processes or dynamic phenomena In this research methodology, we are only limited to analysis on the basis of numeric coding and thus, entities like processes, for example: going through a developmental phase of life, cannot be accounted for. Such processes have relevance beyond the reach of numbers and cannot be explained by the same. 3)Problem in controlling
  • 35. Themes In The Day Of The Locust Hollywood is putting on an act in more than just the movie business in Nathanael West s novel The Day of The Locust. Things that are apparent can actually be deceptive and taking closer look at some of these will reveal truths hidden inside Hollywood. There are signs losing their intended meaning throughout the noveland are used to represent, or perform as, something entirely different and maybe even something ironic. There are many examples of false representation in the characters, inanimate objects, and overall themes in the novel and the main character, Tod Hackett, may be the only one to take notice. The ability to separate living and acting is lost in the feigned glamour of Hollywood. Perhaps the first and most glaring example of a performance, by people, happens in the first chapter. Readers are introduced to the setting and right away, the omniscient third person narrator points out the Hollywood residents choice of clothing. None of the people that are surrounding and walking by... Show more content on ... Their sweaters, knickers, slacks, blue flannel jackets with brass buttons were fancy dress. The fat lady in the yachting cap was going shopping, not boating; the man in the Norfolk jacket and Tyrolean hat was returning, not from a mountain, but an insurance office; and the girl in slacks and sneaks with a bandanna around her head had just left a switchboard, not a tennis court, (Chapter 1). In the next paragraph, these people who are pretending to be something that they re not are described as masquerades by the author. The people of Hollywood may not even take a second look at anyone dressed this way, but Tod has a different perspective. He takes notice right away; it could be because he has a preconceived expectation of Hollywood. Or it could be because he has the perspective of someone from another part of the country. From the beginning, the fallacy that is Hollywood is laid out
  • 36. Community Mental Health For Children With Problem... Ryan is in home based services at Community Mental Health which means that Ryan s therapist will come to his home and school for therapy treatment. In additional to the home based services the therapist used the Parent Management Training Oregon (PMTO) model. PMTO is a prevention and treatment method for children with problem behaviors (SigmarsdГіttir GuГ°mundsdГіttir, 2013). PMTO is an evidence based practice and has many strong studies completed to reflect the strengths of the treatment. Solhom, Ogden, and Jakobsen (2014), report that their clinical outcomes were successfully met by using the robust PMTO treatment intervention, meaning that their clients were able to form a stronger attachment between the children and parents as well as an improvement in behaviors with the children. Another study completed by Wachlarowicz, Snyder, Low, Forgatch, and DeGarmo (2012) on the benefits of PMTO with antisocial parents related a growth in positive parentingand a decrease in coercive parenting. Their findings supported the effectiveness of PMTO as a preventive intervention for child conduct problems. PMTO is not only beneficial for the children s behavioral success, but also the success building for the parents. PMTO works by the therapist coaching and supporting parents to treat their children s behavior problems. SigmarsdГіttir and GuГ°mundsdГіttir (2013) believes that family interactions that are characterized by escalating negative interactions contribute to coercive patterns
  • 37. Kendrick Lamar s To Pimp A Butterfly Kendrick Lamar Wins Best Rap Album for To Pimp a Butterfly at the Grammy Awards 2016 Is Already Sweeping the Night! Kendrick Lamar and his works were prominent at the 58th Grammy Awards, as he was a part of 5 Grammy Awards. Lamar s greatest accomplishment was winning the Best Rap Album category, as he was awarded this for To Pimp a Butterfly. Songs off of the album To Pimp a Butterfly were awarded as well, as his songs Alright and These Walls earned a combined three Grammy awards. By gaining these awards, Lamar added accomplishments to his already successful career. This article relates to Invisible Man because of the messages and themes discussed on the album To Pimp a Butterfly. While Lamar s work is primarily hip hop, it contains... Show more content on ... Charlotte was supposed to host the All Star Game during the 2017 season, but limitations on the bathroom rights for transgender individuals caused the league to move the game to New Orleans. While Silver would love to host the game in Charlotte, he does not plan on having the game playing in North Carolina until this law is repealed. Silver also discussed travel bans created by President Trump, as the NBA contains many international players. This article relates to the Invisible Man because it discusses looking past differences to create unity. A major theme of Invisible Man is individuality and being the unique individual a person is. An example of this is shown when the narrator eats yams, as he does not allow society and its views of him eating yams to impact his decisions. Likewise, the NBA looks for individuality and uniqueness from fans of the league and players in the league. Likewise, Commissioner Silver s discussion of returning to Charlotte reflects the change in a society s views, which is similar to the change in society the narrator is hoping
  • 38. Eulogy For Mother I wanted to do this interview on my mom. That s because I look up to my mom, she means the world to me. She has helped me grow up a lot over these last few years, I can t ever thank her enough for putting up with me.Today you will learn a little about the woman who means so much to me. Her name is Kamilla Marie Colgan she is 34, and her birthday is on September 30th. I look just like my mom but I m shorter than her and we have a few different features but we re a lot alike. My mom has short, light brown hair, also the most gorgeous amber colour eyes I have seen. There is something my mom told me once that I will never forget. She said, You have a big heart. When you love someone you love them with all of your heart; but when you hurt you hurt deep because you put... Show more content on ... She told me, When I was in middle school. That was because I wanted a better life than my mom had. I didn t want to struggle like she did. It took some work of course but my mom did it. Now she is making more than her mom is and she never went to college. My next question was when she started to grow up. I still haven t. I have grown up some like when I graduated high school and I married your dad, also when I had kids, she told me. She had started changing her choices when she had us. Weather they be good or bad. My mom has done a lot of growing up these last few years. There has been trial and error but she had us, because that s what we do is be there for each other. I then asked her what made her grow up. It was having you, she said, because even when I was married I didn t pay the bills. That was because my dad was in the Navy and after they got married they went to Guam. Being in the Navy they didn t have to pay
  • 39. Statement of Purpose for an Education in Mechanical... Introduction The purpose of this report is to design my process to become a World Class Engineering student. This will help me become a better engineering student and In this report I will discuss my goals and plans to become a better engineering student. My goal is to earn a bachelor s degree in Mechanical Engineering and then find a career as a mechanical engineer. In order to achieve my goals I will have to have a plan and then work hard to stay on track in order to be successful engineering student. I will also have to continuously revaluate and update my plans and goals every quarter and then make the necessary adjustments as my goals, plans, and progress changes. Goal Setting The first step towards designing my process to become a World Class engineering student is defining your goals. So the first thing that I would have to do is to determine my most important goals as an engineering student. My main goal would have to be graduating from Cal Poly Pomona with a bachelor s degree in Mechanical Engineering. I plan on graduating next year. One of my other goals is to also improve my GPA. Another goal would have to be finding internships and/or joining engineering clubs. Engineering clubs and internships would make it significantly improve my chances at finding the jobs I want after graduation. Currently, I have not been able to spend much time searching for internships. I should have started looking for internships and joining clubs already. A world class
  • 40. The Laboratory In The Laboratory, the courtesan chooses poison as her murder weapon. Poison is often the weapon of choice for female killers. It requires little or no physical strength to administer, and can be done secretly. It also leaves little evidence thus making it difficult to detect the culprit. We believe the act of murderis because of another woman that her lover is with and she feels physically inferior to her rival. We know this because she starts saying What a drop! She s not little, no minion like me. The murderer is also fascinated and excited about the poison and power of the poison, she says And yonder soft phial, the exquisite blue sure to taste sweetly She thinks that her rival who she is out to kill will think nothing of it and... Show more content on ... He then makes sure that there is no evidence to how she died, so he untangles her hair from her neck and then says Her head, which droops upon it still: the smiling rosy little head, so glad it has its utmost will, that all it scorned at once is fled and I, it s love, am gained instead. This is saying that he s glad she is dead and all her other lovers cannot place their hands on her anymore as he has gained her love for as long as he lives. The character s motives for murder really is jealousy and he s greedy and wants her for himself, he almost seems a little insane because at the end of the poem he says And thus we sit together now, and all night long we have not stirred and yet god has not said a word So he just sits with this dead woman all night and he believes strongly that god does not mind what he has done and understands his motives for the murder of this innocent woman. Finally Browning uses pathetic fallacy to reflect the mood, at the start of the poem he says The rain set early in tonight, the sullen wind was soon awake, it tore the elm tops down for spite and did its worst to vex the lave . This is showing us that the weather was miserable and gloomy and the it was ripping leaves off and upsetting lakes. So the murders in the poems are completely different to each other, but they almost both show
  • 41. Career And Transition Into College Success is what the majority of every college student hopes and aims for throughout their entire college career. College success and education often determines how the rest of a student s life will be. Therefore, there is an immense amount of pressure involved when it comes to going to college and students tend to get extremely overwhelmed. In order to have a successful career and transition into college, one must maintain a healthy state of mental health. Mental health can be negative or positive and there are numerous amounts of ways to help students with their mental health overall. Mental health is the state of mind an individual has and it involves ones physical health and emotions. Mental health in college is immensely important, yet extremely hard to maintain. Transitioning into college involves leaving families and friends behind, receiving more homework, living in a new area and living space with someone else, trying to balance school, work and a social life, and trying to find time to just relax and take a break. For some, the transition into college is simple and easy to do. For others, the transition into college can be scary and hard to cope with. Physically, college students either gain more weight, due to the amount of food available, or they lose too much weight, due to stress or just not enough time in the day to take a break. Also, college students tend to not have as much time as they used to for exercise which can prove to be unhealthy and can add to
  • 42. Compare And Contrast Crazy Horse And Little Bighorn Crazy Horse and Custer Comparison As being two revered warriors from completely opposite sides, General Armstrong Custer and Crazy Horse held very similar characteristics that ultimately made them tick. After doing some deep research on these two men it was almost complete fate that they met on the battlefield of Little Bighorn. To what I say that their lives were destined to go the way they did, so they would fight face to face. As for the paper goes these two men were brought up with completely different family scenarios that led them to the great warriors that they ended up being. George Armstrong Custerwas born December 5, 1839 in New Rumley, Ohio to Emanuel and Maria Custer. According to an article written by Jeffry Wert of History.Net, Custer was given the nickname Autie by his mother on top of other like Hard Ass and Iron Butt . Autie was almost or was fully worshipped by his other sibling and especially was spoiled by his parents at a very young age. This mindset was driven deep into Autie s mind that he could probably get away with anything that he did bad or great. Wert goes on by saying that Autie was bright but was a bad boy in school , just because he wasn t willing to put the work in, in the classroom. Eventually Custer wanted to join the army mainly this being the only place in life that interested him, in June 1857 Custer enrolled into West Point, but this went as well as his schooling in his younger years. In his full four
  • 43. Benefits Of A Successful Company Benefits One of the most important components of a successful company is to keep employees engage, happy, and provide them with incentives to maximize their productivity. In today s society, there are several ways to accomplish this; however, offering employees benefits beyond the legal requirements tends to be beneficial to the employees as well as the management team. According to Meier (n.d.), the positive side to employee benefits....offer the right benefit, and your business may just jump start its growth. Give employees the benefits they value, and they ll be more satisfied, miss fewer workdays, be less likely to quit, and have higher commitment to meeting the company s goals (p. 1). Hence, Whole Food Market is amongst the top 150 companies who has mastered the concept of leveraging its benefits package to recruit and retain its team members. This top employer prides themselves on believing that benefits to its team members is more than supporting their core values, but the right to do for members. In addition, the benefit package is created with the members in mind that encourages input, empowerment, creativity, collaboration, and a fair and equal work environment. Whole Food benefits packages includes Health plan, life insurance, generous store discount, life Insurance, retirement savings plan, vacation and sick paid leave, leave of Absence, team members stock option plan and emergency funds, and of course a competitive compensation plan. Internal
  • 44. Essay about ECET 110 44. Why do you never apply an ohmmeter to a live network? (Boylestad 98) Boylestad, Robert L. Introductory Circuit Analysis, VitalSource for DeVry University, 12th Edition. Pearson Learning Solutions, 11/2012. VitalBook file. Answer: It will be an inaccurate measurement because there is already a current flowing inside of it. An ohmmeter measures the current from the voltage that s been being put out. So by applying an ohmmeter to a live network it will have an confusion between the live network and an ohmmeter voltage. Why_should_an_ohmmeter_never_be_used_on_an_energized_circuit 1.What is the voltage across a 220О© resistor if the current through it is 5.6 ... Show more content on ... Which will have the least? b.Which resistor will have the most impact on the total resistance and the resulting current? Find the total resistance and the current. c.Find the voltage across each element and review your response to part (a). FIG. 5.93 Problem 9. (Boylestad 178) Boylestad, Robert L. Introductory Circuit Analysis, VitalSource for DeVry University, 12th Edition. Pearson Learning Solutions, 11/2012. VitalBook file. Answer: A) will have the most voltage. B) will have the most impact. C) Problem 9 C) Problem 9C) 13.For the circuit in Fig. 5.97, constructed of standard value resistors: a.Find the total resistance, current, and voltage across each element. b.Find the power delivered to each resistor. c.Calculate the total power delivered to all the resistors. d.Find the power delivered by the source. e.How does the power delivered by the source compare to that delivered to all the resistors? f.Which resistor received the most power? Why? g.What happened to all the power delivered to the resistors? h.If the resistors are available with wattage ratings of 1/2 W, 1 W, 2 W, and 5 W, what minimum wattage rating can be used for each resistor? FIG. 5.97 Problem 13. (Boylestad 179 180) Boylestad, Robert L. Introductory Circuit Analysis, VitalSource
  • 45. Marshals Research Paper Over the course of the United States history, there have been numerous Federal Law enforcement agencies that have protected and enforced laws within the United States. The Federal Borough of Investigation (FIB), Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms (ATF) agency all play a crucial role in a well ran Nation. There are many other Federal agencies that protect the nation as well. The Transportation Security Agency (TSA) and customs and immigrations department are just a few of many who protect the critical infrastructure of the United States. It s hard to believe that there was one agency, the first federal agency, had the duty of all these agencies and more. The US Marshals laid the foundation for the security of our ... Show more content on ... The west had small towns popping up everywhere and with little to no law, the Marshals were called in to police the Wild West . The Marshals duties really didn t with the exception of serving a lot more warrants and the hunting of outlaws. Some of the famous outlaws hunted by the Marshals include Billy the Kid, Jessie James, and Butch Cassidy. Marshals such as Wyatt Earp, Wild Bill Hickok and Pat Garret were perhaps just as famous or infamous as the outlaws themselves. After many outlaw and Marshal deaths, the wild west calmed down and the Marshals moved into a new century that brought civil unrest. The 1900 s began with a steel, steel for railroads that is. With the expansion of America west, railroads became the main source of travel. With no one to protect the railroads from robbers, and natives, the US Marshals found themselves guarding Americas interest. 1917 brought the first World War and the Marshals found them selves with new taskings from the justice department. They protected ports and industries that were crucial to the success of America in the war. Due to the development of multiple federal agencies such as the FBI, the Marshals fell silent until the 1960 s. The 1960 s was the start of the civil rights movement in America. With all of the unrest, the Marshals found themselves protecting equality and integration of races. In the late 60 s the Department of Justice finally saw that the Marshals were a key asset within the department and
  • 46. Patient Satisfaction After Surgical Procedures Consumer Reports conducted the study, in the article, in an attempt to identify what hospitals offer the best quality of service, including how safe hospitals are ranked after surgical procedures. Overall surgery ratings for 27 types of surgeries are identified in the article, based on a percentage of Medicare patients that die in hospitals or have their stay in the hospitalextended beyond the original length expected. The medical based rating were developed statistically working with a health care consulting firm that specialized in analyzing medical claims and clinical records. The patient satisfaction information is based upon a survey of millions of patients regarding recent hospital stays. The patient satisfaction survey was completed with the Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems, or HCAHPS. This survey rated overall patient experience based on the average responses to two survey questions. The percentage of patients who said they would definitely recommend the hospital; and the percentage of patients who responded that the hospital received an overall rating of 9 or 10 on a scale of 0 to 10. (Consumer Reports, 2013) Understanding the Ratings Overall The ratings provided in the article are for 2,463 of the United States acute care or critical care type hospitals and the focus is Medicare type in patient services, and implies that the same care received by other patients not insured by Medicare at these hospitals. The ratings are
  • 47. Essay On Ethical Issues In Iron Man In 2008, the film Iron Man was released. The film follows Tony Stark, a wealthy businessman and engineer who transforms himself from a military arms supplier into a super hero, Iron Man, by building himself a mechanical suit. Throughout the film, Tony Stark makes several ethical decisions that impact the lives of many. The film opens with Tony Stark visiting Afghanistan to demonstrate his weapons capabilities. After a successful demonstration, he is ambushed and injured, and captured by local terrorists who demand that he build the weapons system that he had just previously just demonstrated. He refuses however, after being tortured and seeing the life of the doctor who saved his life being threatened, he lies to his captors and says that he will consent to building the weapons system. He instead takes up the project of building a mechanical suit to help him and the doctor escape. Here we arrive at his first major ethical decision. Lying to terrorists may seem like an easy decision, however in this case it puts the life of another individual at risk. If caught he and the man who saved his life will be killed. He completes the suit and manages to escape. As he returns to the United States, he immediately calls a press conference where he informs the press that his company will no longer produce weapons. This is another major ethical decision made by Tony Stark. This decision was made to prevent loss of innocent life and to keep the weapons out of the hands of terrorists.
  • 48. Korsgaard Korsgaard takes Kant s Formula of Universal Law to mean the following: [one should] never...act on a maxim that [one] could not at the same time will to be a universal law. For Korsgaard, it is impossible to will that a maxim be universally followed when the goal of that action would become unreachable if everyone practiced that action. For example, if everyone cheated at poker in order to win money, then no one would play poker and the goal of cheating would be made unreachable. From this interpretation, Korsgaard arrives at the test question for whether an action is right. The test question is Could this action be the universal method of achieving this purpose? If the answer is no, then that action would undercut its own goal if it were
  • 49. Risk Management Decisions Made By Officers Risk management is an important aspect to firefighting to ensure those risking their lives to save others are not placed in unnecessary danger. Firefighters place trust in their officers to ensure the best plan of action is being taken. Risk management decisions made by officers can have positive influence on an outcome, when those decisions are formulated through experience and complete understanding of the situation. Firefighters take on dangerous careers and deserve the utmost certainty from their officers. According to Everyone Goes Home Fire command must carefully measure and control risks to save valuable property that can be saved. Every life is valuable whether that be the victim to be saved or the firefighter there to save. A fireground must be evaluated properly before rushing in. When a fire becomes out of saving measures, firefighters should not be put at risk to save a lost cause. If there can be no good outcome, then there is no need to make the situation worse by sending a team in on a failed mission. Officers must take into account that every life is valuable, no matter the person or circumstance. The best outcome will always be that with the most people alive. Firefighting is a life saving commitment, but risk management puts into perspective that the firefighters have their own lives to protect as well. Officers can make better decisions through continuous learning and training to enhance skills. Though officers hold high command, they must be able to
  • 50. Strategic Management Table of Contents Step 1: Identify the Firm s Existing Vision, Mission, Objectives, and Strategies2 1.1 Dell s Vision2 1.2 Dell s Mission2 1.3 Dell s Objectives2 1.4 Dell s Strategies2 Step 2: Develop Vision and Mission Statements for the Organization2 2.1 Dell s Proposed Vision2 2.2 Dell s Proposed Mission3 Step 3: Identify the Organization s External Opportunities and Threats3 3.1 Opportunities3 3.2 Threats5 Step 4: Construct a Competitive Profile Matrix (CPM)7 Step 5: Construct an External Factor Evaluation (EFE) Matrix8 Step 6: Identify the Organization s Internal Strengths and Weaknesses9 Step 7: Construct an Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE) Matrix10 Step 8: Prepare a... Show more content on ... We must continue to grow responsibly protecting our natural resources and practicing sustainability in all its form and improve the communities where we live and work through our financial and volunteer efforts. 2.2 Dell s Proposed Mission In order to meet all our stakeholder needs, Dell aims at been the most successful organization in the world by offering the highest possible quality of products and services which will be competitively prices and produced and delivered by application of the latest technologies. Step 3: Identify the Organization s External Opportunities and Threats Dell s External Factors: 3.1 Opportunities 1. Expand services and enterprise solution divisions Dell plans to consolidate the Public and Large Enterprise business units into a single organization the change allows Dell to focus on providing IT services such as cloud, security and infrastructure, and solutions such as servers, networking and storage to its customers in addition to computer hardware. This integration is the most profitable Dell s business at the moment. 2. Obtain more patents through acquisitions If Dell wants to diversify, it needs new technology patents and new ideas. Dell hasn t properly established its R amp;D facilities to discover new technologies and patents, so the only feasible
  • 51. Jesus Should Live A Hidden Life If the Holy Spirit asked you to step away from your public platform of ministry and into a hidden life before God alone, would you do it? If you agreed to live the hidden life for a period of time and then were later presented with the option of regaining the spotlight in ministry, which lifestyle would you choose? Rees Howells was faced with these very decisions while his ministry was thriving. As Rees Howells grew in his relationship with Jesus, Rees began to remove his cap when he prayed because he consistently felt the overwhelming presence of the Holy Spiritwith him. In Wales during this time, however, everyone was expected to wear a hat or some sort of head covering outside. Because Rees often did not wear a hat outdoors, the townspeople... Show more content on ... Just as Rees had lived away from the spotlight for a time, the majority of Jesus life was not lived before people; His public ministry lasted only for three years of His life. Jesus spent the majority of His life in secret, living before the Father just as Rees had done. Additionally, in the same manner that Rees brought others needs before the Throne, Jesus also represents us before our Father as our Intercessor. The second reason that Rees should have continued to live a hidden life is that he spent more time with Jesus. When Rees had decided to continue living in the secret place, the Holy Spirit invited him to spend his entire days sitting in God s presence and talking with Him. Because Rees devoted his days to the Lord, he experienced such sweet fellowship with Him. By continually worshipping and growing in his faith, Rees made the most of his time and spent it well. The third reason that Rees should have continued his hidden lifestyle is that he was set apart. Making the decision to continue living a hidden life is not what most would have decided to do; it is not in our nature. Because Rees decided to continue this lifestyle, some thought that he was foolish. Rees s walk of faith would not and should not look like anyone else s; therefore, he should not compare his life with
  • 52. Douglass Parker V. Sony Pictures Entertainment Case Study Douglas Parker v.s Sony Pictures Entertainment The plaintiff Douglas Parker lost his job with defendant Sony Pictures Entertainment, Inc. ( SPE ) after a workplace injury led him to take a medical leave of absence. Parker took an extended medical leave as a result of a back injury in March 1995. SPE s period of guaranteed leave expired in September 1995, and SPE terminated Parker on September 15 when he failed to return to work after the expiration of his leave. Just before Parker s leave period expired, the medical reports submitted in support of Parker s temporary disability benefits from SPE stated that he was not able to return to work. About a month later the reports became ambiguous. Parker would have been able to return to his job
  • 53. Cis 210 Week 2 Assignment 1 CIS 210 WEEK 2 ASSIGNMENT 1 To purchase this visit following link 210 week 2 assignment 1/ Contact us at: SUPPORT@ACTIVITYMODE.COM CIS 210 WEEK 2 ASSIGNMENT 1 CIS210 Assignment 1: Inventory Management Systems Your sister owns a small clothing store. During a conversation at a family dinner, she mentions her frustration with having to manually track and reorder high demand items. She would like an automated system but has a very small budget. Write a 4 5 page paper in which you create a plan for a low cost automated inventory system in which you: 1. Describe all the necessary equipment. 2. Explain the costs involved in the creation of the system. 3. Describe the ongoing maintenance that ... Show more content on ... CIS 210 WEEK 2 ASSIGNMENT 1 To purchase this visit following link 210 week 2 assignment 1/ Contact us at: SUPPORT@ACTIVITYMODE.COM CIS 210 WEEK 2 ASSIGNMENT 1 CIS210 Assignment 1: Inventory Management Systems Your sister owns a small clothing store. During a conversation at a family dinner, she mentions her frustration with having to manually track and reorder high demand items. She would like an automated system but has a very small budget. Write a 4 5 page paper in which you create a plan for a low cost automated inventory system in which you: 1. Describe all the necessary equipment. 2. Explain the costs involved in the creation of the system. 3. Describe the ongoing maintenance that will be required. 4. Provide a workflow diagram in Visio or equivalent software to illustrate how the system will work. Activity Mode aims to provide quality study notes and tutorials to the students of CIS 210 Week 2 Assignment 1 Strayer Latest in order to ace their studies. CIS 210 WEEK 2 ASSIGNMENT 1 To purchase this visit following link 210 week 2 assignment 1/ Contact us at: SUPPORT@ACTIVITYMODE.COM CIS 210 WEEK 2 ASSIGNMENT 1 CIS210 Assignment 1: Inventory Management Systems Your sister owns a small clothing store. During a conversation at a family dinner, she mentions her frustration with having to manually track and
  • 54. Conventions In A Christmas Carol Explain how Charles Dickens uses the conventions of a ghost story to create a dark and suspense filled tale in A Christmas Carol Recently we a have been reading A Christmas Carol which was written by Charles Dickens in 1843. The book is about a man named Ebenezer Scrooge who is cold hearted accountant in London who hates everyone, especially children. Scrooge hates poor people and refuses to give any money to help them. He gets visited by three ghosts who teach him to care about people and to not be so tight with his money. The story starts off with Scrooges deceased partner Jacob Marley appearing to him on Christmas Eve and warning him that if he does not change his ways when he dies he will spend the rest of eternity as a ghost roaming the Earth with tons of chains dragging him down. Marley also warns Scrooge of the three ghosts that would appear to him over the next three nights. The ghosts appear to him and show him his Christmas past, present and future which convinces him to become a nice and charitable person. ... Show more content on ... The author writes The bells ceased as they had begun, together. They were succeeded by a clanking noise deep down below as if some person were dragging a heavy chain over the casks in the wine merchants cellar. In ghost stories they often use noises that are unexplainable and that you can t tell where the noise is coming from. This gives a mysterious and suspenseful effect. The words clanking and dragging makes the story sound gritty and unpleasant. This makes the story a dark and suspense filled
  • 55. Iron Triangle Case Study 20. Name at least two peaceful martyrs who helped spark the Arab Spring. Two peaceful martyrs who helped spark the Arab Spring were Mohamed Bouazizi and Wael Ghonim. 21. What happened on January 25, 2011? January 25, 2011 was the start of the Egyptian Revolution. Men and women gathered in Tahrir Square to hold a demonstration against President Mubarak s regime to which there was a lot of political repression and economic and social stagnation that was associated with it. This left many of the Egyptian people to be very upset and eventually led to the gathering of people of Tahrir Square. 22. What is Ecology Peace? (pg.10) The ecology of peace is the framework that is focused on the interdependencies that connect the separate elements ... Show more content on ... Give an example of a nation using soft power. An example of a nation that is using soft power is the United Kingdom. One of the ways in which the U.K. exerts soft power through the British Broadcasting Center (BBC). It is a program that is owned by the British government and exports British culture and makes other states aware of internal matters as well as influencing coverage of international matters. The BBC is one of the most well respected and trusted news sources in the world. 37. Where did the model of peacemaking circles and restorative justice originate? The model of peacemaking circles and restorative justice originated from Martin Luther King Jr. during the Civil Rights Movement. BONUS QUESTION: who was Oscar Lopez? Why should we care about him? Oscar Lopez is a Puerto Rican nationalist who has been in prison for a crime that he did not commit for 35 years. We should care about him because he has wrongfully been imprisoned and there is no movements for that to change despite efforts made by protestors and people in the
  • 56. The Bronze Horseman Analysis In lines 145 163 of Pushkin s The Bronze Horseman, the main character, Eugene, conjures up his ideal lifestyle while a storm rages outside. Upon first glance, it seems that Eugene s daydreaming is trivial because his desires are plain and lacking in ambition. However, it is important because it projects Eugene as the common man, shows his initial sane condition, which greatly contrasts with his later insane one, as well as, sets up a contrast between Eugene s and Peter the Great s characters and ambitions. Through his dreams, Eugene is projected as the common man. When he fantasizes about his future, Eugene imagines that he will live a peaceful life consisting of a humble refuge...Parasha...and [some] children (Lines 150 155). Eugene s enumeration of these desires signifies his simplicity and his role as the everyman. The purpose of Eugene being portrayed in this light is to have his character oppose Peter the Great s. Eugene s desires for a simple lifestyle consisting of marriage, procreation, old age, then death, is the antithesis of Peter the Great s grand aspirations. Standing outside the soon to be city of St. Petersburg, Peter thinks from here we shall threaten the Swede, here a city shall be founded (Lines 13 14). Clearly, Peter aspiring to build a city far surpasses Eugene s goal to get married, in terms of ambition. Furthermore, the purpose of contrasting these two is to highlight the cause and effect relationship between Peter s actions and Eugene s
  • 57. Cajun Culture Essays Nous sommes Acadiens. (We are Acadians.) Some outsiders see us as a quaint, virtuous people, spending a great deal of time singing, dancing, praying, and visiting? (Conrad, 1978, p.14). Others see us as independent and unsophisticated. We see ourselves as fun loving, carefree, happy, proud people who have a great love for our culture. The Acadians were French settlers of eastern Canada who were exiled from their land in the 1750?s. The Acadians are known to have settled in the southern bayou lands of Louisianaaround that time. The Acadiana people acquired their nickname, ?Cajuns,? from those people who could not pronounce Acadians correctly. Due to the opinion that Cajuns were ?different?, they lived close together and became isolated... Show more content on ... It was the primary pastime of families. The music was original and they were proud of it. The Cajuns sang from the heart, and that is what made the music the best and only one of its kind. They expressed their love, joy, pain, and grief through song. Playing the accordion was an important accompaniment to their singing. This instrument gave Cajun music its remarkable sound and beat. French songs sung by the Cajuns many times reflected their language. Slang phrases such as ?oh yai yi?, an expression of grief or pain, and ?Aaeeh? were shouted during the song when no lyrics were sung. One particular phrase used most often in French love songs was ?oh, petite ch #233;rie?, which meant ?dear little girl.? A few French songs that became well known around Acadiana in the 1920?s and 1930?s were ?J?ai Pass #233; Devant ta Porte,? (I Passed in Front of Your Door), and ?Saute Crapaud,? (Jump Frog). The most well known Cajun French song ever depicted is ?Jolie Blonde? (Beautiful Blonde). It is popular not only in Acadiana but in many other places outside of Acadiana, Louisiana, and the United States, even though many do not understand the Cajun French language. The unique style and beat of Cajun music will never be forgotten, nor will it ever die out. For these reasons and many more, Cajun French music will always ?laissez le bon temps rouler? (let the good times roll)! Housing played an important part in the Cajuns lives just as much as family