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In Section 1 on the Data page, complete each column of the
spreadsheet to arrive at the desired calculations. Use Excel
formulas to demonstrate that you can perform the calculations
in Excel. Remember, a cell address is the combination of a
column and a row. For example, C11 refers to Column C, Row
11 in a spreadsheet.
Reminder: Occasionally in Excel, you will create an
unintentional circular reference. This means that within a
formula in a cell, you directly or indirectly referred to (back to)
the cell. For example, while entering a formula in A3, you enter
=A1+A2+A3. This is not correct and will result in an error.
Excel allows you to remove or allow these references.
Hint: Another helpful feature in Excel is Paste Special.
Mastering this feature allows you to copy and paste all elements
of a cell, or just select elements like the formula, the value or
the formatting.
"Names" are a way to define cells and ranges in your
spreadsheet and can be used in formulas. For review and
refresh, see the resources for Create Complex Formulas and
Work with Functions.
Ready to Begin?
1. To calculate
hourly rate, you will use the annual hourly rate already
computed in Excel, which is 2080. This is the number most
often used in annual salary calculations based on full time, 40
hours per week, 52 weeks per year. In E11 (or the first cell in
Hrly Rate column), create a formula that calculates the
hourly rate for each employee by referencing the employee’s
salary in Column D, divided by the value of annual hours, 2080.
To do this, you will create a simple formula:
=D11/2080. Complete the calculations for the remainder
of Column E. If you don’t want to do this cell by cell, you can
create a new formula that will let you use that same formula all
the way to the end of the column. It would look like this:
2. In Column F, calculate the
number of years worked for each employee by creating
a formula that incorporates the date in cell F9 and demonstrates
your understanding of relative and absolute cells in Excel. For
this, you will need a formula that can compute absolute values
to determine years of service. You could do this longhand, but it
would take a long time. So, try the
YEARFRAC formula, which computes the number of
years (and even rounds). Once you start the formula in Excel,
the element will appear to guide you. You need to know the
“ending” date (F9) and the hiring date (B11). The formula looks
like this:
=YEARFRAC($F$9,B11), and the $ will repeat the
formula calculation down the column as before if you grab the
edge of the cell and drag it to the bottom of the column.
3. To determine if an employee is
vested or not In Column I, use an
IF statement to flag with a "Yes" any employees who
have been employed 10 years or more. Here is how an IF
statement works:
=IF(X is greater (or less than) Y, “Answer”, IF not,
“Answer”). To create this as a formula, it would look like this:
=IF(F11>=10,"Yes","No"). You can drag this formula
down the column, or highlight the starting cell, hold down the
Shift key, and zip down to cell 382 and release, and the whole
column should compute properly.
4. Using the
VLookup function, use the
Region Key located at F417:G420 to fill in the cells in
Column N to identify the
region in which the employee is located based on the
state listed in Column M. (If this function is new to you— hang
in there—this one is worth it.
VLOOKUP requires that you tell Excel where to look for the
=VLOOKUP(Cell value to look up, From:To, Position,
Alternate answer?) Go to the data first:
Snip is used by courtesy of Microsoft.
You will devise a formula that will match the state to a region
(in position 2). We will use the $ function to enable a repeat of
the formula down the column.
You are now ready to move into Section 2 to prepare the data
for future analysis, to include simple statistical analyses and
charts and graphs to present the data. To start, begin by
presenting categories of data in summary tables and counting
them, totaling them, and calculating percentages. This basic
analysis helps you begin to describe patterns in the data and
starts to form the story of the workforce.
Complete each table in Section 2. Use the Countif Function to
count each item in each table. Use the Sum Function to total the
tables when required. Calculate percentages for each table as
required. Format cells appropriately. Remember to make smart
use of reference cells in formulas (avoid typing in numbers or
text into formulas—point to other cells) and use mixed and
fixed cell references to make copying formulas easier/faster.
Your supervisor will look for this!
Used with permission from Microsoft.
Step 3
You’ve summarized the data. Next, you will employ
descriptive or summary statistics to analyze the
workforce. Your summary tables described "how many?" Now
you will
calculate mean, median, and mode for the categories of
data, and derive the deviation, variance, and dispersion, and
distribution. This is where it gets interesting.
You will be working in Section 3 of the Data tab in the
spreadsheet to complete the descriptive statistics for the five
categories (salary, hourly rate, years of service, education, and
age). Using Excel formulas, complete the table.
After you have used Excel formulas to find this information,
you will next use the Toolpak to find your summary statistics.
Step 4
Your data set is now built. You will use the same functions to
descriptive analysis using the Analysis Toolpak. This is
a handy feature to know. Remember that there may be some
minor differences in the answers depending on the version you
You should now have Tab 2: Excel Summary Stats complete.
Next, you'll create charts and a histogram for Tabs 3 and 4.
Step 5
Where would we be without the ability to view data in charts? It
is sometimes easier to grasp the context of data if we can see it
captured in an image. You will
work with data to create charts, adding a tab for charts
and another for a histogram.
In this step, you will build Tab 3: Graphs—Charts and Tab 4:
Histogram. After you complete these tabs, you'll be ready to
sort the data. It is often helpful to view and interpret analytical
results when they are presented visually. Graphs and charts help
readers digest and interpret information quickly, consistent with
the familiar adage "a picture is worth a thousand words." Let’s
see what we can see in your data analysis.
Create the following graphs in your workbook on a separate tab
named Graphs_Charts:
1. Create separate pie charts that show percentages of
employees by (1) gender, (2) education level, and (3) marital
status. Explore pie chart formats.
2. Create separate bar charts that show the (1) number of
employees by race and (2) the number of employee per state.
3. Create a line graph for the sales summary provided.
4. Create a histogram that shows the number of employees in
incremental salary ranges of $10,000. Here, you want to show
how many employees are making $0–$20,000; $20,001–
$30,000; $30,001–$40,000; and so forth, up to the highest
salary range. This involves counting how many employees are
in each "salary bucket" to create a frequency distribution table
and histogram. Histograms seem hard, but mastering how to
visualize the frequency of events is helpful for analysis.
Used with permission from Microsoft.
Note: Your Excel spreadsheet template has the upper limit and
labels already identified. Complete the table and histogram by
engaging the Data Analysis Toolpak. Place the output on a new
worksheet and label it Histogram.
Step 6
You've accomplished a lot with your data set, summary stats,
charts, and histograms. Another skill you'll need is sorting data
in an Excel worksheet for reporting purposes. You’ll
copy and sort the data. This is a useful skill that applies
to any use of Excel.
In this step, you will create Tab 5: Sorted Data. When you're
finished, you'll be ready to conduct your quantitative analysis.
Here is an example of a sorted spreadsheet:
Many times we want to sort data on an Excel worksheet for
reporting purposes. Let’s see what other perspectives the
functions of sorting and subtotaling yield.
1. Begin by following the steps in the “How to Copy Excel 2010
Sheet to Another Sheet” provided below. This will allow you to
retain your work for Steps 2 through 7. Place the sheet at the
end of the workbook and title the tab "Sorted Data."
2. Delete all rows containing Section 2 and Section 3 work. Be
sure to leave the section in cells F417:I422, as this section is
referenced for the Vlookup function populating the region;
otherwise, you will get a #N/A or #REF! Error in the column for
3. Apply the ability to sort data on each column of the
spreadsheet, so that you can sort by employee #, hire date, role,
4. Experiment with the filter funnel, sorting the data by various
columns. For example, try sorting by employee number from
smallest to largest. Try sorting by role in ascending order (A-
5. Sort the spreadsheet by region.
6. Employ the subtotal feature to subtotal the salary for each
region, with a grand total for the company.
7. Format the entire spreadsheet to print, so that the columns fit
on the pages, and Row 1 repeats on each page.
Step 7
In this step, your hard work bears fruit. What does it all mean?
Think back to your boss's reasons for tasking you with this
project. Use your powers of analysis to determine what the data
may be telling you. Apply your quantitative reasoning skills by
answering the questions provided in the resource and writing a
short essay.
After you answer the questions, your short essay should include
· a one-paragraph narrative summary of your findings,
describing patterns of interest;
· an explanation of the potential relevance of such patterns; and
· a description of how you would investigate further to
determine if your results could be perceived as good or bad for
the company.
You will prepare your responses in your workbook on the tab
labeled QR/Questions and Answers. Type in your answers to the
questions and your final essay in the textbox. Then move
the QR/Questions and Answers tab to the first tab position (to
the left of the Data tab) when you have finished.
Good luck! In the next step, you'll submit your workbook and
What it should contain in the end
You’re now ready to submit your workbook and analysis.
Review the requirements for the final deliverable to be sure you
Excel Workbook with Six Tabs
· Tab 1: Data—completed data sheet (Steps 1–6 above)
· Tab 2: Excel Summary Stats (Step 6)
· Tab 3: Graphs—Charts (Step 7)
· Tab 4: Histogram (Step 7)
· Tab 5: Sorted Data (Step 8)
· Quantitative Reasoning (Step 9; see detail below and move to
first position upon completion.)
Answers to Questions and Short Essay
You will put your answers to the questions and final essay in
this workbook on the tab labeled QR/Questions and Answers.
When you have completed this work, please move this tab to the
first position.
Make sure the following tabs are included in your final
· Quantitative QR/Questions and Answers
· Data
· Excel Summary Stats
· Graphs–Charts
· Histogram
· Sorted Data
Format to Be Printed
Format this workbook so that all the spreadsheets can be
Rokeach Values Survey
Developed by Milton Rokeach in 1973, the purpose of the
Rokeach Values Survey is to classify human values and help
individuals better understand what is important to them. Values
themselves are not seen, instead one can see the behaviors
associated with what people value.
There are two types of values in this survey:
Terminal Values: Terminal values represent desired end
states. Something a person would like to achieve in their own
lifetime. Examples would be true friendship, mature love,
national security, world peace, salvation, a comfortable life.
Terminal values are achievable items.
Instrumental Values: Instrumental values represent
“modes of behavior.” In other words, they are means of
achieving your terminal values. (Think of these values as
instruments by which you accomplish your terminal values).
Examples include ambition, love, self-control, politeness,
honesty, independence. The focus of instrumental values is on
acting in a manner to achieve the value.
Complete a Rokeach Values Survey for yourself by ranking the
Rokeach Values listed in the table below in order of importance.
Focus on only one set of values at a time.
Ranking Terminal Values: Begin by focusing only on
the list of terminal values. Select the value that is most
important to you. As you go through the list of terminal values,
rank each value from most to least importance for you with 1
being most important and 18 being least important to you. Work
through the list of terminal values until all terminal values are
assigned a ranking.
Ranking Instrumental Values: When you have finished
ranking your terminal values, proceed to the list of instrumental
values, and rank each in the same way as your terminal values
with a ranking of 1 for the most important instrumental value,
and 18 for the least important instrumental value.
Once you have completed ranking all 18 terminal values and all
18 instrumental values, make sure to make note of both your top
values in each category. You will submit a copy of the
completed survey to the assignment dropbox.
Rokeach Values Survey
Terminal Values
Instrumental Values
A World at Peace (Free of War and Conflict)
Ambitious (Hard-Working, Aspiring)
Family Security (Taking Care of Loved Ones)
Broadminded (Open-Minded)
Freedom (Independence, Free Choice)
Capable (Competent, Effective)
Equality (Brotherhood, Equal Opportunity for All)
Cheerful (Lighthearted, Joyful)
Self-Respect (Self-Esteem)
Clean (Neat, Tidy)
Happiness (Contentedness)
Courageous (Standing Up for Your Beliefs)
Wisdom (A Mature Understanding of Life)
Forgiving (Willing to Pardon Others)
National Security (Protection From Attack)
Helpful (Working for The Welfare of Others)
Salvation (Saved, Eternal Life)
Honest (Sincere, Truthful)
True Friendship (Close Companionship)
Imaginative (Daring, Creative)
A Sense of Accomplishment (A Lasting Contribution)
Independent (Self-Reliant, Self Sufficient)
Inner Harmony (Freedom From Inner Conflict)
Intellectual (Intelligent, Reflective)
A Comfortable Life (A Prosperous Life)
Logical (Consistent, Rational)
Mature Love (Sexual and Spiritual Intimacy)
Loving (Affectionate, Tender)
A World of Beauty (Beauty of Nature and the Arts)
Obedient (Dutiful, Respectful)
Pleasure (An Enjoyable Leisurely Life)
Polite (Courteous, Well-Mannered)
Social Recognition (Respect, Admiration)
Responsible (Dependable, Reliable)
An Exciting Life (A Stimulating Active Life)
Self-Controlled (Restrained, Self-Discipline)
This resource was adapted from
The Nature of Human Values, by Milton Rokeach,
published by The Free Press (1973). Copyright 1973 by The
Free Press, a division of Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc.
Personal Model of Leadership
Throughout this course, you will create a personal model of
leadership based on your research and reflections on what you
learn during the 15 weeks.
What is a personal model of leadership?
Leadership is an important dimension of personal growth and
development. Developing leadership qualities is a complex
process that involves much more than simply selecting an
appealing leadership model or participating in leadership
training. Creating a satisfying personal model of leadership,
which reflects one’s values and beliefs and impacts how one
affects organizations, communities, and society, is a lifelong
What approach should I take to complete my personal
leadership model?
Building a personal leadership model can be approached from
both a systematic and holistic perspective. It also requires
creativity, passion, and a framework that leaders can use as they
explore various models of leadership over their lifetimes. The
process of creating a personal model involves continuously
exploring and analyzing various leadership models. You will
find certain elements of these models appealing and might
choose to integrate them into your own model. Others you will
not want to include. It is important to weigh the elements
against your own system of values and beliefs and select the
ones that will most enrich your own model and the lives of
those whom you lead.
What do I use to develop my personal model of leadership?
As you explore various leadership models, utilize the table
provided below to breakdown, select, and record their appealing
elements. You will complete the table as you move through the
process of developing your leadership model throughout the
course. This table will serve as a starting point or outline as you
think through your personal model of leadership and write your
How do I develop my personal model of leadership?
Creating a leadership model involves the following:
1. Select the basic values that will provide the foundation and
identify the leadership behaviors that will result from those
values. As you select values for your own model, link each one
you choose to one of these following four perspectives:
a. Values that guide you from an individual or “I” perspective.
b. Values that guide you from an interpersonal perspective.
c. Values that guide you from an organizational perspective.
d. Values that guide you from a societal perspective.
2. Identify a clear approach for creating a sense of meaning and
purpose, including contributing to society. You will consider
why the values you selected are meaningful and how you can
utilize them to contribute to the greater good. Also, identify the
impact of one’s contributions to self, others, organizations, and
society. You will consider how the behaviors that result from
your foundation of values impact the world around you in a
positive and meaningful way.
Two Parts to Creating Your Personal Model of Leadership
You will write your personal model of leadership in two parts.
You will submit Part 1 in Topic 5 and receive feedback from
your instructor. You will write Part 2 in Topic 8 and combine it
with Part 1 and your instructor feedback to create one integrated
personal model of leadership (1,250-1,500 words). The 2 parts
involved in creating your personal model of leadership are as
Part 1:
Select the basic values that will provide the foundation of your
model and discuss the leadership behaviors that will result from
those values. Be sure to select values from each of the
following four levels: individual, interpersonal, organizational,
and societal. You will complete the “Rokeach Values Survey” to
assist you in selecting your values.
Part 2:
Identify how your personal model of leadership helps you to
create a sense of meaning and purpose for yourself, others,
organizations, and society. Then, identify the impact of your
contributions to self, others, organizations, and society.
Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found
in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a grading rubric. Instructors will be using
the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should
review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become
familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for
successful completion of the assignment
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.
Is there an example that I may follow to craft my leadership
Below are definitions and an example you can follow as you use
the provided table to think through and develop your own
personal model of leadership.
Values and beliefs: A value or belief describes something that is
important to you. It fits into the sentence: “I value…” Examples
include integrity, respect, trust, high performance, making an
impact, and a clean environment.
Behaviors and action: A behavior describes the visible actions
that demonstrate (or are based on) a value. For example, if you
believe in “trust” as a value, then the behavior may be, “I
always keep private information shared with me in confidence
to myself.”
Clear approach for creating meaning and purpose: This is the
sense of meaning or purpose that you focus on based on your
values. So if you value protecting the environment, you might
outline your approach for contributing to an organization that
protects wildlife.
Impact: Impact is attaining positive results or improvements in
your area of focus. So if you are working in a wildlife
organization, it could be saving the lives of wildlife or
protecting a particular ecosystem.
Example Table
Personal Model of Leadership
Behaviors and Actions
Meaning and Purpose
I follow through with my commitments.
I want to be recognized for my integrity.
I feel good about my actions and behaviors.
I listen to others with the intent to understand their meaning and
People on my team treat each other with respect
I have a high-performing team that meets or exceeds goals.
High Performance
I encourage my team to regularly meet or exceed its goals.
I define measurable results in a balanced scorecard.
My team measurably impacts the organization’s business
Protecting the Environment
I am an active member in an environmental group/organization.
I improve the lives of wild animals in Arizona by volunteering
monthly in an environmental group.
Our group saves animals’ lives and preserves ecosystems.
Below is a blank table for your use. Copy and paste it into your
own document and begin completing it as you start examining a
variety of leadership models. Add to it as you are exposed to
more leadership qualities that appeal to you and utilize your
completed table to draft your own personal leadership model.
Personal Model of Leadership
Meaning and Purpose
Value 1
Value 2
Value 3
Value 4
© 2014. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.
QR Questions_Responses
Apply Quantitative Reasoning
Now that you have completed your analysis, think about the
patterns you have seen in the workforce.
In this final section, you will answer five questions and write a
short essay.
1. From the created histogram, it appears that a large share of
employees have a salary between $61,000–$110,000 or
$131,000–$170,000. This may indicate a reasonable promotion
rate for new and seasoned employees. Is this distribution
unimodal or bimodal? Please explain.
2. The line chart, as detailed in your "Graph Charts" Excel
spreadsheet, shows sales generally increasing over the years,
although sales in the first two years were notably lower.
Assuming that the sales are linear, please use the Forecast tool
to find projected sales for 2020 thru 2024. Hint: An easy way to
do this is to highlight the sales from the data page and apply the
Forecast tool to this data or use the forecast function in excel.
You will generate a chart on a new sheet with projected sales;
rename this sheet "Projected Sales".
3. The standard deviation provides insight into the distribution
of values around the mean. If the standard deviation is small, in
general, the more narrow the range between the lowest and
highest value. That is, values will cluster close to the mean.
From your descriptive statistics, describe your standard
deviations of Salary, Hryly Rate, Yrs Worked, Education, and
Age. What does this tell you about the variables?
4. The company has a keen interest in the educational, race, and
gender makeup of its workforce. Its emphasis is on a diverse,
dynamic workforce. From your "Graph Charts" spreadsheet,
describe your pie chart findings for these characteristics of the
workforce. Describe how you would determine if the company
was meeting expectations on these characteristics.
5. The company is conducting an analysis on how many
positions to create to keep up with demand. Specifically, it
wants to know an estimate of the number of positions per job
title. From your Excel chart, identify the mode of the job title
distribution. Describe your findings.
Now that you have done all the work with data, you will write a
short three- to four-paragraph summary of your analysis. This is
important. While you have done a wonderful job with your
analysis, you can never assume that the end user will be able to
interpret the data the way it should be understood. Supporting
narrative is helpful. Never simply provide a "raw data" dump.
Instead, seek to provide information!
Structure your essay like this:
a. Write a one-paragraph narrative summary of your findings,
describing patterns of interest.
b. Provide an explanation of the potential relevance of such
c. Provide a description of how you would investigate further to
determine if your results are "good or bad" for the company.
Prepare your response in this workbook. (Simply expand this
text box to accommodate your essay and other answers, or you
can copy and paste from another document.)
DATAWorkforce Profile AnalysisSection 1: Complete all
Columns in Data SetFormat for:
Windows User: Format cells in column according to indicated
EndingVested Yr12/31/1910Emp #Hire DateRoleSalaryHrly
RateYrs of
Cyber Investigator$92,2671935311IL40047/13/02Cyber
Mgr$151,1741638311PA40278/19/06Sr Cyber
Staff$57,7271651311IL403110/20/13Cyber Software
Staff$99,7861431122PA40602/1/12Sr Cyber
Analyst$144,5711636412PA406710/29/12Malware Reverse
Analyst$114,7211451311PA40887/18/17Public and Business
Office Team$108,3421634321IL408910/16/16Cyber Software
1PA41065/7/17Public and Business Office
Analyst$86,3841626312IL41208/30/13Sr Cyber
Analyst$87,0561641311IL414412/4/17Sr Cyber
Analyst$151,5231641111NE41557/16/01Public and Business
Office Team$89,5221968311NE41639/11/14Cyber
321PA417511/29/11Cyber Software
Analyst$135,5331428311IL41773/26/12Sr Cyber
Staff$65,1261638111NE41863/9/18Sr Public and Business
Office Team Mgr$172,2911657111IL41894/24/11Physical
12NE419310/27/15Sr Cyber
Staff$61,3831426311IL42124/4/19Public and Business Office
Analyst$164,0331654311PA42217/10/11Malware reverse
Staff$95,9571641321IL42386/24/18Malware Reverse
Analyst$105,0691621112IL42498/17/07Sr Cyber
Analyst$97,8851628111PA425311/18/13Malware reverse
Analyst$81,0421630312NE42718/5/11Sr Cyber
Analyst$108,8661627121PA430111/7/13Sr Forensics
43031/19/18Cyber Software
Engineer$113,2461934211PA43046/1/06Cyber Software
Analyst$78,0151631311PA43078/27/07Sr Cyber
Analyst$98,7711959111IL431610/7/17Sr Cyber
Analyst$63,9331934312IL43246/4/11Public and Business
Office Team$87,4091458411IL43265/3/12Cyber
Analyst$65,9551439311NE43271/29/12Malware Reverse
Analyst$91,5071953311PA433412/28/10Cyber Software
Analyst$156,7501638411PA434312/29/17Public and Business
Office Team$96,3271640411NE43457/4/13Forensics
311NE43527/4/16Cyber Software
Analyst$150,2631253211NE435911/26/06Sr Cyber
Analyst$151,5231656111IL43807/1/17Cyber Software
Analyst$112,2231644311IL43824/29/12Public and Business
Office Team Mgr$79,5911247311PA438312/16/09Eng
Mgr$175,9161444311NE43859/25/08Malware Reverse
L43878/20/15Public and Business Office
Team$91,4441961411PA438810/16/14Public and Business
Analyst$89,1971421312NE43951/4/18Public and Business
NE44059/27/12Cyber Software
Engineer$54,0801944212NE44066/10/13Sr Cyber
Analyst$68,2221929312PA44119/25/14Cyber Software
Analyst$102,6411429111NE44242/23/16Sr Public and Business
Office Team Mgr$107,1531651321NE44282/6/10Cyber
Staff$68,6471450311NE44356/17/17Public and Business Office
Analyst$69,6561657111NE44407/21/14Public and Business
Office Team$111,7941945112NE44418/5/12Cyber
311NE445510/17/08Cyber Software
Analyst$102,9131625122IL445812/15/06Sr Cyber
Analyst$115,5801654111IL446011/28/18Public and Business
Office Team$154,1221435312PA446111/16/05Cyber
1PA44681/10/17Sr Cyber
635121NE44715/15/18Cyber Software
Analyst$83,0751638312NE44903/11/13Cyber Software
636421PA449812/4/11Malware Reverse
E452212/10/15Sr Cyber
Analyst$75,2611243311IL457210/6/10Sr Cyber
Analyst$70,3581455311PA45911/4/16Sr Forensics
Analyst$78,5291644111PA459511/29/09Sr Cyber
Analyst$158,0661628411IL45987/20/01Sr Cyber
Staff$87,4071451111NE46186/13/11Cyber Software
Engineer$76,0311942311NE46199/30/12Cyber Software
Engineer$83,4241644321IL46204/29/11Malware Reverse
Analyst$81,7301627321IL46268/19/14Malware Reverse
34111IL46367/7/04Sr Cyber
Investigator$75,2931657321PA46393/12/13Sr Cyber
Analyst$91,1311930311IL465612/29/17Cyber Software
Security$43,3671629312NE46711/13/15Cyber Software
Security$43,3671633311IL46806/18/09Sr Cyber
Investigator$84,7131639411PA46835/6/11Sr Cyber
Investigator$58,2941940411NE46878/25/18Malware Reverse
Staff$75,2701935311PA47243/8/15Sr Public and Business
Office Team Mgr$103,3491456312PA47261/4/05Sr Cyber
Analyst$90,5991650111IL47453/14/17Cyber Software
Analyst$75,6121631311PA475710/15/14Cyber Software
Engineer$112,9941638311PA475910/11/13Malware Reverse
21IL47685/3/13Public and Business Office
Staff$62,7471952311IL47824/6/19Sr Cyber
Analyst$154,1221933112IL47845/12/12Cyber Software
Staff$141,1101636311IL47927/11/03Malware Reverse
11PA481812/29/16Cyber Software
Analyst$69,7771943311NE48238/14/03Sr Cyber
Security$64,7971445321PA48308/3/17Malware Reverse
Security$61,1211644311NE48427/11/04Cyber Software
Engineer$60,8021659311PA48436/23/16Malware Reverse
Analyst$149,4661930311PA48554/2/15Public and Business
Office Team$96,3381642321PA48579/2/14Eng
Analyst$81,2761444311IL48837/31/11Sr Forensics
Assurance$139,5151652121NE49055/12/18Cyber Software
Analyst$50,4211626322NE49115/29/06Sr Cyber
Analyst$161,8671626312IL49322/2/14Malware Reverse
Engineer$128,9431449311PA494312/5/17Sr Cyber
Security$74,5121424121NE49924/20/15Malware Reverse
Analyst$75,9691437312ILSection 2: Complete Summary Tables
for GraphingSales Summary
Mgr2Female2012$155,740,613Cyber Software
Level#%2016$154,750,829IT Mgr12HS2017$158,253,462IT
98Logistics Mgr19Masters+2020Malware Reverse
Security2023Public and Business Office TeamMarital
Status#%2024Public and Business Office Team
Mgr1MarriedQuality Assurance2SingleSr Cyber
AnalystTOTALSr Cyber InvestigatorSr Forensics MgrSr Public
and Business Office Team MgrRegion
PlainsTOTALSection 3: Complete Descriptive StatisticsBe sure
to include the correct units where applicable for the summary
statistics belowDescriptive StatisticsSalaryHrly RateYrs of
SvcEdAgeFrequency Table by Salary RangesMeanBin Range /
Upper LimitLabelMedian20000Up to 20Graph on next
TabMode3000021-30Std Deviation4000031-
70Max -8000071-80Min =9000081-90Range10000091-

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  • 1. In Section 1 on the Data page, complete each column of the spreadsheet to arrive at the desired calculations. Use Excel formulas to demonstrate that you can perform the calculations in Excel. Remember, a cell address is the combination of a column and a row. For example, C11 refers to Column C, Row 11 in a spreadsheet. Reminder: Occasionally in Excel, you will create an unintentional circular reference. This means that within a formula in a cell, you directly or indirectly referred to (back to) the cell. For example, while entering a formula in A3, you enter =A1+A2+A3. This is not correct and will result in an error. Excel allows you to remove or allow these references. Hint: Another helpful feature in Excel is Paste Special. Mastering this feature allows you to copy and paste all elements of a cell, or just select elements like the formula, the value or the formatting. "Names" are a way to define cells and ranges in your spreadsheet and can be used in formulas. For review and refresh, see the resources for Create Complex Formulas and Work with Functions. Ready to Begin? 1. To calculate hourly rate, you will use the annual hourly rate already computed in Excel, which is 2080. This is the number most often used in annual salary calculations based on full time, 40 hours per week, 52 weeks per year. In E11 (or the first cell in the Hrly Rate column), create a formula that calculates the hourly rate for each employee by referencing the employee’s salary in Column D, divided by the value of annual hours, 2080. To do this, you will create a simple formula: =D11/2080. Complete the calculations for the remainder of Column E. If you don’t want to do this cell by cell, you can create a new formula that will let you use that same formula all
  • 2. the way to the end of the column. It would look like this: =$D$11:$D$382/2080. 2. In Column F, calculate the number of years worked for each employee by creating a formula that incorporates the date in cell F9 and demonstrates your understanding of relative and absolute cells in Excel. For this, you will need a formula that can compute absolute values to determine years of service. You could do this longhand, but it would take a long time. So, try the YEARFRAC formula, which computes the number of years (and even rounds). Once you start the formula in Excel, the element will appear to guide you. You need to know the “ending” date (F9) and the hiring date (B11). The formula looks like this: =YEARFRAC($F$9,B11), and the $ will repeat the formula calculation down the column as before if you grab the edge of the cell and drag it to the bottom of the column. 3. To determine if an employee is vested or not In Column I, use an IF statement to flag with a "Yes" any employees who have been employed 10 years or more. Here is how an IF statement works: =IF(X is greater (or less than) Y, “Answer”, IF not, “Answer”). To create this as a formula, it would look like this: =IF(F11>=10,"Yes","No"). You can drag this formula down the column, or highlight the starting cell, hold down the Shift key, and zip down to cell 382 and release, and the whole column should compute properly. 4. Using the VLookup function, use the Region Key located at F417:G420 to fill in the cells in Column N to identify the region in which the employee is located based on the
  • 3. state listed in Column M. (If this function is new to you— hang in there—this one is worth it. VLOOKUP requires that you tell Excel where to look for the information. =VLOOKUP(Cell value to look up, From:To, Position, Alternate answer?) Go to the data first: Snip is used by courtesy of Microsoft. You will devise a formula that will match the state to a region (in position 2). We will use the $ function to enable a repeat of the formula down the column. =VLOOKUP(M11,$F$417:$G$420,2,FALSE). STEP 2 You are now ready to move into Section 2 to prepare the data for future analysis, to include simple statistical analyses and charts and graphs to present the data. To start, begin by presenting categories of data in summary tables and counting them, totaling them, and calculating percentages. This basic analysis helps you begin to describe patterns in the data and starts to form the story of the workforce. Complete each table in Section 2. Use the Countif Function to count each item in each table. Use the Sum Function to total the tables when required. Calculate percentages for each table as required. Format cells appropriately. Remember to make smart use of reference cells in formulas (avoid typing in numbers or text into formulas—point to other cells) and use mixed and fixed cell references to make copying formulas easier/faster. Your supervisor will look for this! Used with permission from Microsoft. Step 3
  • 4. You’ve summarized the data. Next, you will employ descriptive or summary statistics to analyze the workforce. Your summary tables described "how many?" Now you will calculate mean, median, and mode for the categories of data, and derive the deviation, variance, and dispersion, and distribution. This is where it gets interesting. You will be working in Section 3 of the Data tab in the spreadsheet to complete the descriptive statistics for the five categories (salary, hourly rate, years of service, education, and age). Using Excel formulas, complete the table. After you have used Excel formulas to find this information, you will next use the Toolpak to find your summary statistics. Step 4 Your data set is now built. You will use the same functions to perform descriptive analysis using the Analysis Toolpak. This is a handy feature to know. Remember that there may be some minor differences in the answers depending on the version you use. You should now have Tab 2: Excel Summary Stats complete. Next, you'll create charts and a histogram for Tabs 3 and 4. Step 5 Where would we be without the ability to view data in charts? It is sometimes easier to grasp the context of data if we can see it captured in an image. You will work with data to create charts, adding a tab for charts and another for a histogram.
  • 5. In this step, you will build Tab 3: Graphs—Charts and Tab 4: Histogram. After you complete these tabs, you'll be ready to sort the data. It is often helpful to view and interpret analytical results when they are presented visually. Graphs and charts help readers digest and interpret information quickly, consistent with the familiar adage "a picture is worth a thousand words." Let’s see what we can see in your data analysis. Create the following graphs in your workbook on a separate tab named Graphs_Charts: 1. Create separate pie charts that show percentages of employees by (1) gender, (2) education level, and (3) marital status. Explore pie chart formats. 2. Create separate bar charts that show the (1) number of employees by race and (2) the number of employee per state. 3. Create a line graph for the sales summary provided. 4. Create a histogram that shows the number of employees in incremental salary ranges of $10,000. Here, you want to show how many employees are making $0–$20,000; $20,001– $30,000; $30,001–$40,000; and so forth, up to the highest salary range. This involves counting how many employees are in each "salary bucket" to create a frequency distribution table and histogram. Histograms seem hard, but mastering how to visualize the frequency of events is helpful for analysis. Used with permission from Microsoft. Note: Your Excel spreadsheet template has the upper limit and labels already identified. Complete the table and histogram by engaging the Data Analysis Toolpak. Place the output on a new worksheet and label it Histogram. Step 6 You've accomplished a lot with your data set, summary stats, charts, and histograms. Another skill you'll need is sorting data in an Excel worksheet for reporting purposes. You’ll copy and sort the data. This is a useful skill that applies
  • 6. to any use of Excel. In this step, you will create Tab 5: Sorted Data. When you're finished, you'll be ready to conduct your quantitative analysis. Here is an example of a sorted spreadsheet: Many times we want to sort data on an Excel worksheet for reporting purposes. Let’s see what other perspectives the functions of sorting and subtotaling yield. 1. Begin by following the steps in the “How to Copy Excel 2010 Sheet to Another Sheet” provided below. This will allow you to retain your work for Steps 2 through 7. Place the sheet at the end of the workbook and title the tab "Sorted Data." 2. Delete all rows containing Section 2 and Section 3 work. Be sure to leave the section in cells F417:I422, as this section is referenced for the Vlookup function populating the region; otherwise, you will get a #N/A or #REF! Error in the column for region. 3. Apply the ability to sort data on each column of the spreadsheet, so that you can sort by employee #, hire date, role, etc. 4. Experiment with the filter funnel, sorting the data by various columns. For example, try sorting by employee number from smallest to largest. Try sorting by role in ascending order (A- Z). 5. Sort the spreadsheet by region. 6. Employ the subtotal feature to subtotal the salary for each region, with a grand total for the company. 7. Format the entire spreadsheet to print, so that the columns fit on the pages, and Row 1 repeats on each page. Step 7 In this step, your hard work bears fruit. What does it all mean? Think back to your boss's reasons for tasking you with this project. Use your powers of analysis to determine what the data may be telling you. Apply your quantitative reasoning skills by
  • 7. answering the questions provided in the resource and writing a short essay. After you answer the questions, your short essay should include · a one-paragraph narrative summary of your findings, describing patterns of interest; · an explanation of the potential relevance of such patterns; and · a description of how you would investigate further to determine if your results could be perceived as good or bad for the company. You will prepare your responses in your workbook on the tab labeled QR/Questions and Answers. Type in your answers to the questions and your final essay in the textbox. Then move the QR/Questions and Answers tab to the first tab position (to the left of the Data tab) when you have finished. Good luck! In the next step, you'll submit your workbook and analysis. What it should contain in the end You’re now ready to submit your workbook and analysis. Review the requirements for the final deliverable to be sure you have: 1. Excel Workbook with Six Tabs · Tab 1: Data—completed data sheet (Steps 1–6 above) · Tab 2: Excel Summary Stats (Step 6) · Tab 3: Graphs—Charts (Step 7) · Tab 4: Histogram (Step 7) · Tab 5: Sorted Data (Step 8) · Quantitative Reasoning (Step 9; see detail below and move to first position upon completion.) 2. Answers to Questions and Short Essay You will put your answers to the questions and final essay in this workbook on the tab labeled QR/Questions and Answers.
  • 8. When you have completed this work, please move this tab to the first position. Make sure the following tabs are included in your final workbook: · Quantitative QR/Questions and Answers · Data · Excel Summary Stats · Graphs–Charts · Histogram · Sorted Data 3. Format to Be Printed Format this workbook so that all the spreadsheets can be printed. image3.png image4.png image1.png image2.png Rokeach Values Survey Developed by Milton Rokeach in 1973, the purpose of the Rokeach Values Survey is to classify human values and help individuals better understand what is important to them. Values themselves are not seen, instead one can see the behaviors associated with what people value. There are two types of values in this survey: · Terminal Values: Terminal values represent desired end states. Something a person would like to achieve in their own
  • 9. lifetime. Examples would be true friendship, mature love, national security, world peace, salvation, a comfortable life. Terminal values are achievable items. · Instrumental Values: Instrumental values represent “modes of behavior.” In other words, they are means of achieving your terminal values. (Think of these values as instruments by which you accomplish your terminal values). Examples include ambition, love, self-control, politeness, honesty, independence. The focus of instrumental values is on acting in a manner to achieve the value. Complete a Rokeach Values Survey for yourself by ranking the Rokeach Values listed in the table below in order of importance. Focus on only one set of values at a time. · Ranking Terminal Values: Begin by focusing only on the list of terminal values. Select the value that is most important to you. As you go through the list of terminal values, rank each value from most to least importance for you with 1 being most important and 18 being least important to you. Work through the list of terminal values until all terminal values are assigned a ranking. · Ranking Instrumental Values: When you have finished ranking your terminal values, proceed to the list of instrumental values, and rank each in the same way as your terminal values with a ranking of 1 for the most important instrumental value, and 18 for the least important instrumental value. Once you have completed ranking all 18 terminal values and all 18 instrumental values, make sure to make note of both your top values in each category. You will submit a copy of the completed survey to the assignment dropbox.
  • 10. Rokeach Values Survey Terminal Values Rank Instrumental Values Rank A World at Peace (Free of War and Conflict) 3 Ambitious (Hard-Working, Aspiring) 1 Family Security (Taking Care of Loved Ones) 5 Broadminded (Open-Minded) 16 Freedom (Independence, Free Choice) 10 Capable (Competent, Effective) 8 Equality (Brotherhood, Equal Opportunity for All) 4 Cheerful (Lighthearted, Joyful) 18 Self-Respect (Self-Esteem) 11 Clean (Neat, Tidy) 10 Happiness (Contentedness) 13 Courageous (Standing Up for Your Beliefs) 15 Wisdom (A Mature Understanding of Life) 12 Forgiving (Willing to Pardon Others) 14 National Security (Protection From Attack)
  • 11. 6 Helpful (Working for The Welfare of Others) 6 Salvation (Saved, Eternal Life) 2 Honest (Sincere, Truthful) 4 True Friendship (Close Companionship) 18 Imaginative (Daring, Creative) 11 A Sense of Accomplishment (A Lasting Contribution) 9 Independent (Self-Reliant, Self Sufficient) 5 Inner Harmony (Freedom From Inner Conflict) 16 Intellectual (Intelligent, Reflective) 13 A Comfortable Life (A Prosperous Life) 1 Logical (Consistent, Rational) 9 Mature Love (Sexual and Spiritual Intimacy) 8 Loving (Affectionate, Tender) 7 A World of Beauty (Beauty of Nature and the Arts) 15 Obedient (Dutiful, Respectful) 12 Pleasure (An Enjoyable Leisurely Life) 14 Polite (Courteous, Well-Mannered) 17 Social Recognition (Respect, Admiration)
  • 12. 7 Responsible (Dependable, Reliable) 3 An Exciting Life (A Stimulating Active Life) 17 Self-Controlled (Restrained, Self-Discipline) 2 This resource was adapted from The Nature of Human Values, by Milton Rokeach, published by The Free Press (1973). Copyright 1973 by The Free Press, a division of Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc. 2 2 image1.jpg Personal Model of Leadership
  • 13. -Instructions- Throughout this course, you will create a personal model of leadership based on your research and reflections on what you learn during the 15 weeks. What is a personal model of leadership? Leadership is an important dimension of personal growth and development. Developing leadership qualities is a complex process that involves much more than simply selecting an appealing leadership model or participating in leadership training. Creating a satisfying personal model of leadership, which reflects one’s values and beliefs and impacts how one affects organizations, communities, and society, is a lifelong process. What approach should I take to complete my personal leadership model? Building a personal leadership model can be approached from both a systematic and holistic perspective. It also requires creativity, passion, and a framework that leaders can use as they explore various models of leadership over their lifetimes. The process of creating a personal model involves continuously exploring and analyzing various leadership models. You will find certain elements of these models appealing and might choose to integrate them into your own model. Others you will not want to include. It is important to weigh the elements against your own system of values and beliefs and select the ones that will most enrich your own model and the lives of those whom you lead. What do I use to develop my personal model of leadership? As you explore various leadership models, utilize the table provided below to breakdown, select, and record their appealing elements. You will complete the table as you move through the process of developing your leadership model throughout the
  • 14. course. This table will serve as a starting point or outline as you think through your personal model of leadership and write your paper. How do I develop my personal model of leadership? Creating a leadership model involves the following: 1. Select the basic values that will provide the foundation and identify the leadership behaviors that will result from those values. As you select values for your own model, link each one you choose to one of these following four perspectives: a. Values that guide you from an individual or “I” perspective. b. Values that guide you from an interpersonal perspective. c. Values that guide you from an organizational perspective. d. Values that guide you from a societal perspective. 2. Identify a clear approach for creating a sense of meaning and purpose, including contributing to society. You will consider why the values you selected are meaningful and how you can utilize them to contribute to the greater good. Also, identify the impact of one’s contributions to self, others, organizations, and society. You will consider how the behaviors that result from your foundation of values impact the world around you in a positive and meaningful way. Two Parts to Creating Your Personal Model of Leadership You will write your personal model of leadership in two parts. You will submit Part 1 in Topic 5 and receive feedback from your instructor. You will write Part 2 in Topic 8 and combine it with Part 1 and your instructor feedback to create one integrated personal model of leadership (1,250-1,500 words). The 2 parts involved in creating your personal model of leadership are as follows: Part 1:
  • 15. Select the basic values that will provide the foundation of your model and discuss the leadership behaviors that will result from those values. Be sure to select values from each of the following four levels: individual, interpersonal, organizational, and societal. You will complete the “Rokeach Values Survey” to assist you in selecting your values. Part 2: Identify how your personal model of leadership helps you to create a sense of meaning and purpose for yourself, others, organizations, and society. Then, identify the impact of your contributions to self, others, organizations, and society. Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required. This assignment uses a grading rubric. Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Is there an example that I may follow to craft my leadership model? Below are definitions and an example you can follow as you use the provided table to think through and develop your own personal model of leadership. Definitions Values and beliefs: A value or belief describes something that is important to you. It fits into the sentence: “I value…” Examples include integrity, respect, trust, high performance, making an impact, and a clean environment. Behaviors and action: A behavior describes the visible actions
  • 16. that demonstrate (or are based on) a value. For example, if you believe in “trust” as a value, then the behavior may be, “I always keep private information shared with me in confidence to myself.” Clear approach for creating meaning and purpose: This is the sense of meaning or purpose that you focus on based on your values. So if you value protecting the environment, you might outline your approach for contributing to an organization that protects wildlife. Impact: Impact is attaining positive results or improvements in your area of focus. So if you are working in a wildlife organization, it could be saving the lives of wildlife or protecting a particular ecosystem. Example Table Personal Model of Leadership Values Level Behaviors and Actions Meaning and Purpose Impact Integrity Individual I follow through with my commitments. I want to be recognized for my integrity. I feel good about my actions and behaviors.
  • 17. Respect Interpersonal I listen to others with the intent to understand their meaning and feelings. People on my team treat each other with respect I have a high-performing team that meets or exceeds goals. High Performance Organizational I encourage my team to regularly meet or exceed its goals. I define measurable results in a balanced scorecard. My team measurably impacts the organization’s business results. Protecting the Environment Societal I am an active member in an environmental group/organization. I improve the lives of wild animals in Arizona by volunteering monthly in an environmental group. Our group saves animals’ lives and preserves ecosystems. Below is a blank table for your use. Copy and paste it into your own document and begin completing it as you start examining a variety of leadership models. Add to it as you are exposed to more leadership qualities that appeal to you and utilize your completed table to draft your own personal leadership model. Personal Model of Leadership Value Level Behaviors Meaning and Purpose Impact
  • 18. Value 1 Value 2 Value 3 Value 4 © 2014. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.
  • 19. image1.jpeg QR Questions_Responses Apply Quantitative Reasoning Now that you have completed your analysis, think about the patterns you have seen in the workforce. In this final section, you will answer five questions and write a short essay. 1. From the created histogram, it appears that a large share of employees have a salary between $61,000–$110,000 or $131,000–$170,000. This may indicate a reasonable promotion rate for new and seasoned employees. Is this distribution unimodal or bimodal? Please explain. 2. The line chart, as detailed in your "Graph Charts" Excel spreadsheet, shows sales generally increasing over the years, although sales in the first two years were notably lower. Assuming that the sales are linear, please use the Forecast tool to find projected sales for 2020 thru 2024. Hint: An easy way to do this is to highlight the sales from the data page and apply the Forecast tool to this data or use the forecast function in excel. You will generate a chart on a new sheet with projected sales; rename this sheet "Projected Sales". 3. The standard deviation provides insight into the distribution of values around the mean. If the standard deviation is small, in general, the more narrow the range between the lowest and highest value. That is, values will cluster close to the mean. From your descriptive statistics, describe your standard deviations of Salary, Hryly Rate, Yrs Worked, Education, and Age. What does this tell you about the variables? 4. The company has a keen interest in the educational, race, and gender makeup of its workforce. Its emphasis is on a diverse, dynamic workforce. From your "Graph Charts" spreadsheet, describe your pie chart findings for these characteristics of the workforce. Describe how you would determine if the company
  • 20. was meeting expectations on these characteristics. 5. The company is conducting an analysis on how many positions to create to keep up with demand. Specifically, it wants to know an estimate of the number of positions per job title. From your Excel chart, identify the mode of the job title distribution. Describe your findings. FINAL ESSAY: Now that you have done all the work with data, you will write a short three- to four-paragraph summary of your analysis. This is important. While you have done a wonderful job with your analysis, you can never assume that the end user will be able to interpret the data the way it should be understood. Supporting narrative is helpful. Never simply provide a "raw data" dump. Instead, seek to provide information! Structure your essay like this: a. Write a one-paragraph narrative summary of your findings, describing patterns of interest. b. Provide an explanation of the potential relevance of such patterns. c. Provide a description of how you would investigate further to determine if your results are "good or bad" for the company. Prepare your response in this workbook. (Simply expand this text box to accommodate your essay and other answers, or you can copy and paste from another document.) DATAWorkforce Profile AnalysisSection 1: Complete all Columns in Data SetFormat for: Windows User: Format cells in column according to indicated format. NumberDateGeneralCurrencyCurrencyNumberGeneralNumberG
  • 21. eneralNumberNumberNumberTextGeneralmm/dd/yyYear EndingVested Yr12/31/1910Emp #Hire DateRoleSalaryHrly RateYrs of SvcEdAgeVestedRaceGenderStatusStateRegion40004/23/15Sr Cyber Investigator$92,2671935311IL40047/13/02Cyber Analyst$111,8011660311IL401011/25/18Forensics Analyst$90,6881623122PA40121/26/10Cyber Analyst$95,9851443111NE401312/29/11Cyber Analyst$100,5201944311IL401410/2/11Forensics Analyst$125,1561931111IL40151/1/12Cyber Analyst$78,4751640312PA40205/9/11Cyber Analyst$93,5181439111PA40225/27/04Cyber Analyst$69,5291653311PA40232/6/14Advertising$128,3841628 122NE402512/12/14Cyber Mgr$151,1741638311PA40278/19/06Sr Cyber Investigator$71,9141651111NE40296/5/11Cyber Analyst$152,4461436412IL40307/10/11IT Staff$57,7271651311IL403110/20/13Cyber Software Engineer$78,8691639311PA40345/21/06IT Staff$90,9301945311PA40379/13/13Forensics Analyst$67,8661425312PA40384/14/12Cyber Analyst$64,5801640111PA40395/30/13Cyber Analyst$91,7711630312PA404412/3/15Cyber Analyst$59,2191435312NE40456/7/16Physical Security$32,3671225322NE40469/4/06Cyber Analyst$115,9741654111PA40556/17/18IT Staff$99,7861431122PA40602/1/12Sr Cyber Investigator$73,6501942311IL40612/28/12Cyber Analyst$154,9331634312PA40641/18/16Cyber Analyst$144,5711636412PA406710/29/12Malware Reverse Engineer$124,9961649212PA40687/15/03Cyber Analyst$145,7761659311IL40704/4/17Forensics Analyst$80,1911628111PA407510/2/16Forensics Analyst$75,0531425312IL40787/15/09Cyber Analyst$83,8511651111PA40827/2/15Cyber Analyst$82,4111637311IL40869/18/07Cyber
  • 22. Analyst$114,7211451311PA40887/18/17Public and Business Office Team$108,3421634321IL408910/16/16Cyber Software Engineer$81,0501636311PA409011/15/15Cyber Analyst$87,6411433412IL40927/7/08Forensics Analyst$98,9431636311PA40938/25/10Cyber Analyst$93,9361947312NE409512/31/04Cyber Analyst$133,6781652311PA40972/26/07Cyber Analyst$162,7311653112IL41047/21/08Logistics$71,690165132 1PA41065/7/17Public and Business Office Team$150,2631657311IL410711/5/13Cyber Analyst$78,3341934311PA41188/13/17IT Mgr$154,9331624311IL41198/31/16Cyber Analyst$86,3841626312IL41208/30/13Sr Cyber Investigator$127,1901634311IL41218/31/11Cyber Analyst$148,1111636211NE41228/4/14Cyber Analyst$86,1471639211IL412612/24/16Cyber Analyst$60,6411634411NE41285/16/03Cyber Analyst$126,4261456311PA41335/29/12Forensics Analyst$119,1651631411PA41346/30/17Acctg/Fin$98,0071928 112PA41352/24/16Forensics Analyst$76,9561626312NE41371/14/09Cyber Analyst$98,6341652311NE41392/20/14Cyber Analyst$87,0561641311IL414412/4/17Sr Cyber Investigator$96,0621631421IL414612/4/11Cyber Analyst$104,9611641111PA41479/30/17Cyber Analyst$122,3521628322IL41509/6/17Physical Security$33,3671222111IL41527/19/12Cyber Analyst$151,5231641111NE41557/16/01Public and Business Office Team$89,5221968311NE41639/11/14Cyber Analyst$74,4191438111IL41678/26/05Cyber Analyst$111,5361651111NE41693/14/14Acctg/Fin$65,1001440 321PA417511/29/11Cyber Software Engineer$162,7311654311NE417611/23/17Cyber Analyst$135,5331428311IL41773/26/12Sr Cyber Investigator$82,5151639112PA41817/15/03Cyber Analyst$123,3911259311IL418310/29/14IT
  • 23. Staff$65,1261638111NE41863/9/18Sr Public and Business Office Team Mgr$172,2911657111IL41894/24/11Physical Security$53,6691442121PA41917/11/04Acctg/Fin$71,02616493 12NE419310/27/15Sr Cyber Investigator$125,0041632121PA41986/5/17Forensics Analyst$73,4471427312IL41997/16/12Cyber Analyst$151,1741638311NE420412/14/13Cyber Analyst$61,2121443111IL420511/26/14Cyber Analyst$106,6401440421IL42076/22/14Cyber Analyst$91,2051437311NE42082/15/16IT Staff$61,3831426311IL42124/4/19Public and Business Office Team$61,0681637311NE42145/9/13Advertising$145,776193032 2IL421811/30/06Cyber Analyst$99,1301450311IL42209/17/06Cyber Analyst$164,0331654311PA42217/10/11Malware reverse engineer$74,0001940322IL42258/1/04Quality Assurance$63,1251654311PA42324/9/13Cyber Analyst$86,7871634121IL423711/2/14IT Staff$95,9571641321IL42386/24/18Malware Reverse Engineer$101,3861627112PA42391/6/17Investigator$78,985163 3312IL424711/23/19Forensics Analyst$105,0691621112IL42498/17/07Sr Cyber Investigator$107,4961643111PA42523/23/16Forensics Analyst$97,8851628111PA425311/18/13Malware reverse engineer$86,3771440112IL42577/11/03Cyber Mgr$104,2201951321PA42581/24/13Cyber Analyst$58,5401444111IL42599/4/04Forensics Analyst$106,2671640311PA42609/19/15Cyber Analyst$88,7431427312IL42656/24/13Cyber Analyst$81,0421630312NE42718/5/11Sr Cyber Investigator$72,2131641311PA42727/18/14Admin$78,8731236 122PA427412/8/14Cyber Analyst$87,0921630311NE42789/6/10Cyber Analyst$90,1531440411NE427911/3/17Investigator$95,2201931 211IL428412/16/10Forensics Analyst$143,0631436111PA42853/30/11Cyber
  • 24. Analyst$80,9091640111IL42872/5/14Cyber Analyst$63,7771435312PA429112/25/15Cyber Analyst$66,9381639311IL429612/9/07Cyber Analyst$150,8681653211NE42988/28/07Logistics$83,29416493 12PA42996/1/11Cyber Analyst$76,1581638411NE43007/10/18Cyber Analyst$108,8661627121PA430111/7/13Sr Forensics Mgr$96,5821940111NE43023/8/17Marketing$87,5191637321IL 43031/19/18Cyber Software Engineer$113,2461934211PA43046/1/06Cyber Software Engineer$81,7791651311NE43057/27/16Cyber Analyst$78,0151631311PA43078/27/07Sr Cyber Investigator$73,8071646312IL43101/21/11Cyber Analyst$108,3261941311PA431112/13/15Cyber Analyst$92,8471631311IL431311/11/10Physical Security$39,8081646111PA431412/28/05Cyber Analyst$98,7711959111IL431610/7/17Sr Cyber Analyst$149,4661631411IL431912/3/13Forensics Analyst$63,9331934312IL43246/4/11Public and Business Office Team$87,4091458411IL43265/3/12Cyber Analyst$65,9551439311NE43271/29/12Malware Reverse Engineer$68,2261654311PA43296/21/10Cyber Analyst$119,5371947412PA433010/14/15Cyber Analyst$94,0381630112NE43329/28/04Cyber Analyst$91,5071953311PA433412/28/10Cyber Software Engineer$103,7361956311PA433710/11/15Logistics Mgr$64,2001653111IL43427/13/11Cyber Analyst$156,7501638411PA434312/29/17Public and Business Office Team$96,3271640411NE43457/4/13Forensics Analyst$87,4801626111NE43469/4/06Investigator$100,3141651 311NE43527/4/16Cyber Software Engineer$50,3771231211PA43547/17/02Acctg/Fin$68,0561462 111NE43554/1/07Cyber Analyst$150,2631253211NE435911/26/06Sr Cyber Investigator$76,8641953311NE43616/10/11Forensics Analyst$87,6011630411IL43682/24/18Cyber
  • 25. Mgr$79,0631440321IL43698/31/05Cyber Analyst$156,7501651312NE43772/12/08Cyber Analyst$151,5231656111IL43807/1/17Cyber Software Engineer$104,7931425321NE438112/29/11Cyber Analyst$112,2231644311IL43824/29/12Public and Business Office Team Mgr$79,5911247311PA438312/16/09Eng Mgr$175,9161444311NE43859/25/08Malware Reverse Engineer$74,0391949312IL43867/19/08COO$154,9331943312I L43878/20/15Public and Business Office Team$91,4441961411PA438810/16/14Public and Business Office Team$119,1561641311PA43939/2/15Admin$108,0581637412IL 43945/6/18Forensics Analyst$89,1971421312NE43951/4/18Public and Business Office Team$71,6971432311PA439612/10/12Advertising$101,3411439 322PA43975/20/13Cyber Analyst$84,1751637311PA44018/25/03IT Staff$76,3051655111PA440212/7/18Acctg/Fin$152,0301625321 NE44059/27/12Cyber Software Engineer$54,0801944212NE44066/10/13Sr Cyber Investigator$116,0751937112IL440711/20/08Cyber Analyst$73,0051443311PA44095/1/12Cyber Analyst$112,4021441211IL44106/20/15Cyber Analyst$68,2221929312PA44119/25/14Cyber Software Engineer$95,1281942321IL441312/21/16IT Staff$95,6221936211PA44187/11/04CEO$239,3151958311PA4 41912/17/06Cyber Analyst$70,2371657211PA44212/12/15Logistics$64,201163431 1IL44236/20/15Cyber Analyst$102,6411429111NE44242/23/16Sr Public and Business Office Team Mgr$107,1531651321NE44282/6/10Cyber Analyst$73,6401645311PA44291/28/10IT Staff$68,6471450311NE44356/17/17Public and Business Office Team$141,1101637121IL443610/5/04Controller$71,727195032 1IL443811/18/09Forensics
  • 26. Analyst$54,0601632322IL44392/2/04Cyber Analyst$69,6561657111NE44407/21/14Public and Business Office Team$111,7941945112NE44418/5/12Cyber Analyst$80,1981637111IL444211/10/11Physical Security$72,5361439121IL44501/12/06Investigator$90,7941639 311NE445510/17/08Cyber Software Engineer$152,4461654311NE44578/13/17Cyber Analyst$102,9131625122IL445812/15/06Sr Cyber Investigator$156,7501661112NE44595/22/09Cyber Analyst$115,5801654111IL446011/28/18Public and Business Office Team$154,1221435312PA446111/16/05Cyber Analyst$75,0741958111PA446510/13/13Cyber Analyst$83,3671637112PA44666/2/07Cyber Analyst$94,8761648311PA44678/11/14Logistics$43,367163832 1PA44681/10/17Sr Cyber Investigator$163,0451633111IL44705/17/15Acctg/Fin$66,5281 635121NE44715/15/18Cyber Software Engineer$164,0331430311IL44722/15/11Cyber Analyst$74,3811646311NE44749/26/13Forensics Analyst$113,0231628312IL447512/12/12Acctg/Fin$75,4151248 311NE44793/16/11Cyber Analyst$68,3751640112NE44801/4/14Forensics Analyst$101,7091624411NE44827/20/01Cyber Mgr$77,2471448421IL44844/18/18Quality Assurance$111,4241635311NE44893/28/14Cyber Analyst$83,0751638312NE44903/11/13Cyber Software Engineer$100,5711642221NE449710/28/12Investigator$68,0121 636421PA449812/4/11Malware Reverse Engineer$82,3191940311NE450012/5/13IT Mgr$113,0561956311PA45078/11/16Physical Security$55,5421430221IL45132/19/12Cyber Analyst$103,7211446311NE45156/13/09Cyber Analyst$89,1651949321PA45177/27/08Cyber Analyst$140,8651949112NE45195/29/18Forensics Analyst$128,9011426312NE45204/11/04CIO$179,1951950311N E452212/10/15Sr Cyber
  • 27. Investigator$85,4421938121IL45305/1/17Physical Security$72,9461424122PA45322/10/16Physical Security$43,3671634311IL45356/14/06Cyber Analyst$110,7081655311IL454112/2/09Eng Mgr$170,9541249312PA454310/20/12Cyber Analyst$148,1111433311PA45448/15/18Forensics Analyst$69,9351622112NE45541/22/18Physical Security$43,9621222322IL45581/31/11Cyber Analyst$85,2561641311PA45633/16/16IT Staff$62,3191628311PA456411/23/12Advertising$88,63916343 12NE45656/13/04Cyber Analyst$79,5841455311IL45669/28/01Cyber Analyst$87,5171457311IL456711/6/07IT Staff$71,7471646211PA45717/12/11Cyber Analyst$75,2611243311IL457210/6/10Sr Cyber Investigator$92,0791940311NE457610/30/10Cyber Analyst$92,9311651311IL45807/16/01Cyber Analyst$186,6701660112PA45876/24/08Cyber Analyst$76,4991446111PA45897/11/03Cyber Analyst$70,3581455311PA45911/4/16Sr Forensics Mgr$109,1281648311IL459210/6/09Investigator$133,13816333 21IL45931/20/12Cyber Analyst$86,5971444111PA45945/3/14Cyber Analyst$78,5291644111PA459511/29/09Sr Cyber Investigator$96,5661946311PA459712/17/15Cyber Analyst$158,0661628411IL45987/20/01Sr Cyber Investigator$81,2871665311PA460411/10/11Forensics Analyst$71,6711631111PA46117/17/02Investigator$132,142145 3311NE46123/17/16Cyber Mgr$111,1961636411NE46179/20/06IT Staff$87,4071451111NE46186/13/11Cyber Software Engineer$76,0311942311NE46199/30/12Cyber Software Engineer$83,4241644321IL46204/29/11Malware Reverse Engineer$178,4561634311NE462112/1/18Cyber Analyst$81,7301627321IL46268/19/14Malware Reverse Engineer$55,7201634312IL463010/13/07Investigator$61,77916
  • 28. 34111IL46367/7/04Sr Cyber Investigator$75,2931657321PA46393/12/13Sr Cyber Investigator$152,4461637311PA46487/7/17Marketing$115,9661 642321PA46539/13/12Forensics Analyst$91,1311930311IL465612/29/17Cyber Software Engineer$151,1741640321PA46609/9/12Forensics Analyst$120,9861929411IL46618/29/15Cyber Analyst$117,0621627311PA46658/16/13Cyber Analyst$115,2831437111IL46685/21/13Physical Security$43,3671629312NE46711/13/15Cyber Software Engineer$105,6371944311PA46758/10/13Quality Assurance$101,3601640311IL467711/11/14Physical Security$43,3671633311IL46806/18/09Sr Cyber Investigator$84,7131639411PA46835/6/11Sr Cyber Investigator$58,2941940411NE46878/25/18Malware Reverse Engineer$87,5831439212IL46906/27/12Cyber Analyst$82,4711639312PA469310/2/15Physical Security$75,9201430321PA469411/16/15Cyber Analyst$101,0161635412PA46951/31/15Cyber Analyst$88,7431933222IL46968/26/17Cyber Analyst$128,8251625312PA469910/8/10Cyber Analyst$79,5421650311NE470010/7/14Cyber Mgr$63,9461942321PA47058/21/13IT Staff$80,0451443111PA470910/4/12Forensics Analyst$143,0631631112NE47122/25/14Cyber Analyst$97,3231434121PA47132/13/14Physical Security$86,6661227112PA47148/24/15Forensics Analyst$94,7001435112NE471712/19/09Cyber Analyst$82,6011941111PA47199/1/06Cyber Analyst$98,2341658311PA472310/8/11IT Staff$75,2701935311PA47243/8/15Sr Public and Business Office Team Mgr$103,3491456312PA47261/4/05Sr Cyber Investigator$134,8471655111PA47279/7/12CFO$122,39116484 12IL47308/31/04Acctg/Fin$107,5301442322NE473110/12/12Cy ber Analyst$83,4301638311PA47338/9/12Acctg/Fin$80,666164431
  • 29. 1PA473410/21/16Admin$87,0471425322PA474011/1/16Quality Assurance$77,4951645322IL47424/21/08Cyber Analyst$90,5991650111IL47453/14/17Cyber Software Engineer$75,1441628122NE474610/4/12Cyber Analyst$84,6791935311PA474810/19/12Forensics Analyst$75,6121631311PA475710/15/14Cyber Software Engineer$112,9941638311PA475910/11/13Malware Reverse Engineer$67,6241637321NE47611/17/15Cyber Analyst$162,7311632111PA47669/23/15Logistics$84,07619363 21IL47685/3/13Public and Business Office Team$114,2511444221PA47699/15/14IT Staff$71,3111437311NE477112/1/13Marketing$159,215194011 1IL47756/24/13Acctg/Fin$162,0301438212NE47808/2/02IT Staff$62,7471952311IL47824/6/19Sr Cyber Analyst$154,1221933112IL47845/12/12Cyber Software Engineer$102,2381645311PA47868/6/11Forensics Analyst$154,9331631111NE47906/11/13IT Staff$141,1101636311IL47927/11/03Malware Reverse Engineer$131,6981463311PA47945/3/13Physical Security$67,9871634321PA47989/22/13Cyber Analyst$119,2851628312NE480310/29/11Cyber Analyst$52,0641434311NE48065/4/11Forensics Analyst$116,2081632111NE480911/6/10Forensics Analyst$99,1351435311IL48114/22/10Cyber Analyst$74,8141942211IL48136/20/08Cyber Analyst$127,8901247311PA48177/4/17Acctg/Fin$84,27016303 11PA481812/29/16Cyber Software Engineer$64,4581629222PA482012/14/13Cyber Analyst$69,7771943311NE48238/14/03Sr Cyber Investigator$72,0051961121PA48245/17/10Cyber Analyst$148,1111639311NE48259/5/16Forensics Analyst$78,9001226312PA48261/7/12Physical Security$64,7971445321PA48308/3/17Malware Reverse Engineer$91,7481636312NE483111/23/08Cyber Analyst$100,6321647311NE48344/24/19Cyber Mgr$100,1981634121IL48372/6/14Forensics
  • 30. Analyst$62,8361642311NE48402/1/14Cyber Analyst$87,0541434211IL48411/8/13Physical Security$61,1211644311NE48427/11/04Cyber Software Engineer$60,8021659311PA48436/23/16Malware Reverse Engineer$86,1991627422IL48455/23/11Cyber Analyst$149,4661642311PA484610/10/13Physical Security$87,9431229111PA485411/8/14Cyber Analyst$149,4661930311PA48554/2/15Public and Business Office Team$96,3381642321PA48579/2/14Eng Mgr$172,2911652311NE48605/5/06Cyber Analyst$75,1791449122PA48641/26/18IT Staff$69,6651624221PA48721/19/12Cyber Analyst$68,7621643421IL48761/11/17Cyber Analyst$139,3771627312IL48797/13/02Advertising$106,60016 60311PA48809/13/11Forensics Analyst$95,6621431121PA48823/30/11Cyber Analyst$81,2761444311IL48837/31/11Sr Forensics Mgr$131,5801441311PA48858/25/02Advertising$144,57116393 11IL489710/24/07Marketing$108,6041947321PA49016/12/11Ac ctg/Fin$154,1221249322PA49029/5/11Cyber Analyst$82,0161644311IL490412/19/13Quality Assurance$139,5151652121NE49055/12/18Cyber Software Engineer$140,8651430312NE490611/20/10Cyber Mgr$186,9251639111IL49072/6/19Forensics Analyst$50,4211626322NE49115/29/06Sr Cyber Investigator$92,0761447211IL49136/13/17Cyber Analyst$71,8511425412IL491510/25/11Cyber Analyst$132,2301931111IL49185/15/11Cyber Analyst$143,0051936311PA49191/29/13Cyber Analyst$125,3671635312IL49319/1/16Cyber Analyst$161,8671626312IL49322/2/14Malware Reverse Engineer$128,9431449311PA494312/5/17Sr Cyber Investigator$77,4431633311NE49446/17/17Cyber Analyst$143,0051425422IL494510/13/05Cyber Analyst$61,9021652312NE49462/21/15Forensics Analyst$72,3521629412PA49476/21/13Cyber
  • 31. Analyst$121,4551640111PA495010/18/17Cyber Analyst$118,9971425111PA49531/5/16Forensics Analyst$114,8541426312PA49573/2/09Cyber Analyst$110,8771950311PA49587/17/13Forensics Analyst$162,0301231412IL49604/10/13Cyber Analyst$84,2751641311PA49611/25/05Cyber Analyst$117,2141654211PA496410/21/10Cyber Analyst$83,9111648311NE49652/27/12Cyber Analyst$163,0451650111PA49711/24/04Marketing$76,7021448 321NE49727/27/07Forensics Analyst$151,5231634312PA49812/2/10Cyber Analyst$117,6921443112IL49821/19/18Physical Security$74,5121424121NE49924/20/15Malware Reverse Engineer$99,8211236322IL49989/25/10Cyber Analyst$75,9691437312ILSection 2: Complete Summary Tables for GraphingSales Summary (Provided)Roles##%YrSalesAcctg/Fin1African- Am2003$1,656,872Admin2Asian2004$47,830,245Advertising3 Caucasian2005$84,088,009CEO4Hispanic2006$130,427,572CF OTOTAL2007$146,938,882CIO2008$139,117,818Controller200 9$143,547,199COOGender#%2010$144,834,875Cyber Analyst1Male2011$149,578,842Cyber Mgr2Female2012$155,740,613Cyber Software EngineerTOTAL2013$144,759,828Eng Mgr2014$156,714,301Forensics Analyst2015$150,201,379InvestigatorEducation Level#%2016$154,750,829IT Mgr12HS2017$158,253,462IT Staff14AA2018$156,494,223Logistics16BA/BS2019$165,800,4 98Logistics Mgr19Masters+2020Malware Reverse EngineerTOTAL2021Marketing2022Physical Security2023Public and Business Office TeamMarital Status#%2024Public and Business Office Team Mgr1MarriedQuality Assurance2SingleSr Cyber AnalystTOTALSr Cyber InvestigatorSr Forensics MgrSr Public and Business Office Team MgrRegion KeyTOTALStateRegion#%PANortheastILMidwestNEC-
  • 32. PlainsTOTALSection 3: Complete Descriptive StatisticsBe sure to include the correct units where applicable for the summary statistics belowDescriptive StatisticsSalaryHrly RateYrs of SvcEdAgeFrequency Table by Salary RangesMeanBin Range / Upper LimitLabelMedian20000Up to 20Graph on next TabMode3000021-30Std Deviation4000031- 40Variance5000041-50Kurtosis6000051-60Skewness7000061- 70Max -8000071-80Min =9000081-90Range10000091- 100Sum110000101-110Count120000111-120130000121- 130140000131-140150000141-150160000151-160170000161- 170180000171-180190000181-190200000191-200200+