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Imaging Diseases of Spleen
Presenter: Abel Girma (MD, Radiology
Resident )
Moderator: Abdi Alemayehu (MD, Radiologist )
Augest 2022
Imaging Modalities
Splenic Lesions
The spleen is the largest ductless gland and the largest single lymphatic
organ in the body. It is mesodermal in origin.
has been considered a “forgotten organ,”
 CT and US remain the major techniques used to image the splenic
 With new techniques MR plays an increasing role.
 Technetium sulfur colloid radionuclide scanning images both the liver and
the spleen and can be used to confirm the presence of functioning
splenic tissue, which is important in the diagnosis of selenosis.
Computed Tomography (CT)
 Intravenous contrast should be used to image the spleen.
 Multiphase imaging is appropriate in most settings.
 If the primary concern is for vascular disease, early arterial imaging can be
used. In the nonemergency setting,
 Oral contrast may help delineate primary splenic disease from adjacent gastric,
small bowel, or colonic disease.
Single phase imaging should be performed in the portal venous phase
Inhomogeneous Splenic
Present in CT, MRI, or ultrasound
There are 3 general patterns of enhancement :
• Arciform: alternating bands of low and high density which may look like rings or
zebra stripes
• focal: single area of low density
• diffuse: mottled appearance
These three different patterns are primarily due to splenic enlargement, age of the
patient and contrast injection rate
• The diagnosis of splenic enlargement on imaging studies is usually made
• The normal spleen size for any individual is substantially influenced by
demographic factors, sex, and body habitus;
• Findings that suggest splenomegaly are
• (1) Any spleen dimension greater than 13 cm,
• (2) Inferior spleen tip extending more caudally than the inferior liver tip, or
• (3) Inferior spleen tip extending below the lower pole of the left kidney.
• Complications of splenomegaly include hypersplenism and spontaneous splenic
Most do not produce a change in spleen density, so differentiation
is based upon associated imaging findings or on clinical
Splenomegaly. Coronal T2WI of a patient with
cirrhosis shows the spleen (S) to be enlarged
measuring 20 cm in length. The spleen is
larger than the liver (L) and extends
into the central abdomen.
Liver cirrhosis with splenomegaly
O'Reilly R. Splenomegaly in 2,505 Patients in a Large University Medical Center from
1913 to 1995. 1913 to 1962:
Defined Variably including….
• spleen is 5 standard deviations above the mean normal volume
• heavier than 1.0 kg or 1.5 kg ,
• >14.5 cm true craniocaudal measurement on coronal CT,
• >18 cm on clinical exam , or at/below the umbilicus, extending into the pelvis and/or across the
Prassopoulos P, Daskalogiannaki M, Raissaki M, Hatjidakis A, Gourtsoyiannis N. Determination of Normal
Splenic Volume on Computed Tomography in Relation to Age, Gender and Body Habitus. Eur Radiol. 1997;
Small or shrunken Spleen
44-year-old woman with sickle
cell disease and a small calcified “shrunken”
spleen (arrow)
can occur in various shapes and forms and can occur from a
myriad of etiological factors.
Splenic Lesions
• the exact differential diagnoses for splenic lesions are important for
selection of appropriate strategies
• It often is difficult to differentiate benign splenic lesions from
malignant tumors for the following reasons:
Splenic Lesions cont…
(a) the radiologic features of many splenic lesions overlap,
(b) splenic lesions tend to manifest with vague clinical symptoms,
(c) abnormalities and primary tumors of the spleen are
uncommonly encountered in daily clinical practice.
Splenic Lesions Continued
Other clinical features, pathologic findings, and specific radiologic findings such as margin
and multiplicity are also helpful in differentiating various splenic lesions;
1. the nature of the lesion and
2. the degree of lesion enhancement after contrast material
key elements for narrowing the range of the differential diagnosis.
Simple Splenic Cysts
Complications are rare and include hemorrhage, rupture and infection
The pathogenesis is unclear, with support for the theories of
• congenital mesothelial invagination,
• endodermal inclusion, and
• Acquired subclinical trauma with mesothelial displacement
Simple Splenic Cyst on Ultrasound
Usually shows an anechoic to
hypoechoic well defined
intrasplenic lesion.
Internal echoes may be present
due to debris.
Their margin may be echogenic
with distal shadowing due to
Splenic Cyst on CT scan
Typically shows a hypoattenuating
relatively well-defined intrasplenic lesion.
The wall is thin and has a sharp
demarcation to the splenic parenchyma.
There is no rim or internal enhancement.
Epithelial cyst in a 28-year-old woman with left upper quadrant pain.
On an axial T2-weighted image, the cyst is well circumscribed and thin walled (arrow) with
homogeneous hyperintensity (*)
• acquired cystic lesions not delineated by a true epithelial
• thought to account for 80% of benign non-parasitic cysts
of the spleen
• Immunohistochemistry for pancytokeratin can be
performed to confirm the absence of an epithelial lining.
Splenic peliosis
Peliosis is an important condition to be aware of because rupture of the blood-filled cysts on the spleen
surface can lead to hemorrhagic peritonitis and ultimately be fatal.
• Peliosis is an unusual benign disorder characterized by the presence of irregular cystic blood-filled
• Fewer than 100 cases have been described in the literature.
• Documented causal associations include the oral contraceptive pill, anabolic steroids, advanced
tuberculosis and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
Peliosis Continued
Ultrasound appearances include an echogenic mass
with numerous poorly defined foci of varying
The larger lesions demonstrate moderate posterior
acoustic enhancement.
On non-contrast-enhanced CT images:
the appearances are of a hypoattenuating,
multiloculated lesion with well-defined septa.
On contrast-enhanced CT images, the lesion
demonstrates significant enhancement with loss of
Parasitic (Echinococcal) Cyst
The reported prevalence ranges from 0.9% to 8%.
Splenic echinococcal cysts develop through systemic dissemination or
intraperitoneal spread of a ruptured hepatic echinococcal cyst.
Patients can present with no symptoms, abdominal pain, splenomegaly, or fever
Imaging findings are similar to those of hepatic hydatid disease and range from purely cystic lesions to a
completely solid appearance
Large cystic splenic lesion with peripheral
wall calcifications and multiple internal
smaller daughter cysts
Second image shows distortion of the multilocular cyst (∗) due to expansile
heterogeneous hyperattenuating blood products (arrow) within and around the
spleen, consistent with rupture
Splenic abscesses can be bacterial, mycobacterial, or
fungal and
• hematogenous seeding,
• direct extension,
• sequelae of trauma, or
• prior infarcts.
The subacute or chronic inflammatory infiltrate can be seen as a hypointense rim around these lesions
with all MRI sequences, corresponding to iron-loaded macrophages
Acute micro abscesses are not associated with avid rim enhancement, presumably owing to
inability of the neutropenic patients to mount a robust inflammatory response;
• Abscesses appear as single or multiple low-density masses with ill-defined
thick walls. US commonly demonstrates internal echoes caused by
inflammatory debris.
• On unenhanced CT images, splenic abscesses are spherical or lobulated
hypodense lesions, which rarely contain gas.
• They may contain gas or demonstrate air fluid levels.
• Perisplenic fluid collections and left pleural effusions are common.
• Image-guided aspiration confirms the diagnosis.
• Treatment is by catheter drainage or splenectomy.
Infections Con’t
On gray-scale
ultrasonography, a
heterogeneous low-echoic
lesion in the inferior
aspect of the spleen
(arrowheads) is seen.
contrast enhanced
transverse CT image, an
ill-defined low-attenuating
lesion is noted in the
Axial contrast-enhanced CT in a 66-year-
old man with splenomegaly and a 10-cm
splenic abscess with air/fluid level (arrow)
caused by gas-forming organisms.
Splenic abscess in a 35-year-old male.
Contrast enhanced transverse CT image
shows a thick-walled cystic lesion with
internal septa in the spleen (arrow). Note
layered enhancement of the
cyst wall and reactive ascites.
Fungal infections
• Are also more common in the immunocompromised population and large fungal abscesses may have a
target appearance which relates to their structure:
(1) a central nidus of necrotic hyphae, hypoechoic at US and hypodense at CT;
(2) a concentric band of viable fungal elements, hyperechoic at US and hyperdense at
CT; an
(3) a surrounding circular area of inflammation, hypoechoic at US and hypodense at
• The peripheral area of inflammation may demonstrate enhancement on CT or MR after
contrast administration.
Infections Con’t
C. Contrast-enhanced
CT shows numerous,
hypodense nodular
lesions throughout the
liver and spleen.
Disseminated Candida infection in a patient with acute myelogenous
A. Transverse ultrasound
image shows
multiple, small,
hypoechoic lesions in the
splenic parenchyma.
B. a high-frequency (5-
12 MHz) linear
demonstrates a small,
hypoechoic nodule
with a central
echogenic nidus.
An immunocompromised
patient with ‘target’-type fungal abscesses (arrowheads).
Fungal abscess in a 20-year-old female. On CECT image, innumerable low-
attenuating lesions are detected
in the spleen. Several peripherally enhancing low-attenuating nodular lesions
are also seen in the liver (arrowheads).
Splenic TB
• Splenic involvement is common in patients with disseminated TB.
• It is usually widely distributed in a fine military pattern and TB lesions may appear
on CT as tiny low density foci scattered throughout the whole spleen.
• On ultrasound they may present with numerous increased
echo-reflectivity foci creating a ‘bright spleen’ or ‘pepper pot’
pattern which may persist after treatment.
Infections Con’t
• Splenic TB may also present with larger focal lesions as
pseudotumor or tuberculomas and this may occur without overt
pulmonary or gastrointestinal tract involvement.
• Splenomegaly with multiple nodules(1–3 cm in size),
hypoechoic at US and hypodense at CT, scattered throughout
the spleen.
• Large chronic tuberculoma lesions often calcify.
Splenic TB
• When the nodules or granulomas heal, they can be become calcified and
appear as small, scattered, discrete, bright echogenic lesions with
posterior shadowing in an otherwise normal spleen.
• These probably are the most frequently encountered nodular splenic
Splenic TB
coronal extended–field of view images in a young AIDS
patient with active miliary TB. Numerous tiny
hypoechoic nodules are present throughout the
enlarged spleen.
Miliary Tuberculosis of the Spleen.
(A) Coronal and (B) high-resolution linear array ultrasound images show multiple
tiny echogenic foci of tuberculous granulomata in this patient with active
Axial (A) and coronal (B) contrast-enhanced CT in a 53-year-old man with tuberculosis
and mild splenomegaly and multiple hypodense
tuberculous splenic lesions.
Disseminated miliary
Contrastenhanced CT demonstrates
multiple hypodense nodules. Notice the
associated para-aortic and retrocrural
hypodense lymphadenopathy (arrow).
Calcified tuberculosis in a 33-year-old female. (a) Grayscale
ultrasound image shows dense hyperechoic lesions in the spleen
(arrowheads). (b) Contrast-enhanced transverse CT image shows
dense calcified lesions in the spleen (arrows).
Long-standing tuberculomas of caseation necrosis turn to
calcified granulomas
Splenic artery calcification
Pneumocystis jiroveci
pneumonia. Longitudinal
ultrasound image
demonstrates multiple,
punctate calcifications after
successful treatment.
Microabscesses in the Spleen. Multiple lucent
defects of varying size in the spleen (S) of this
patient with AIDS are attributable to
Pneumocystis jiroveci
infection.(Both CT)
Multiple splenic nodular lesions
• multiple small defects in the spleen, usually 5 to 10 mm
but up to 20- 30 mm, in size.
• are present in about 10% of patients with portal hypertension.
• These are deposits of hemosiderin and calcium due to
microhemorrhage followed by fibroblastic reaction.
• Multiple tiny echogenic foci without acoustic shadowing.
• and are seen at MR as tiny foci of low signal intensity on both T1w and
T2w images.
• They do not enhance.
Gamna-Gandy bodies
On ultrasound (A) multiple increased echo-reflectivity lesions caused
by small focal hemorrhages arising in portal venous
hypertensions (Gandy-Gamna bodies). They are often not
well visualised on CT (B) unless they calcify and are also
overlooked on spin-echo-based T2w imaging (C) but ‘bloom’ owing to
their susceptibility effect on gradient-echo imaging (D).
Gamna-Gandy body in a 58-year-old female with liver
cirrhosis. (a–c) In-phase (a), opposed-phase (b), and T2-
weighted (c) MR images show disseminated dark signal
intensity lesions in the spleen according to the
hemosiderin deposition in the spleen.
Lymphangiomas are rare malformations of splenic lymphatic channels
characterized by anastomosing, dilated, thin-walled, fluid-filled cystic
structures, similar to hemangiomas.
Most occur in the pediatric population and are considered to reflect
abnormal congenital development .
An alternative hypothesis suggests that lymphangiomas reflect telangiectasia
of lymphatic channels obstructed by hemorrhage or inflammation
The clinical manifestation depends on the size; most are incidental and asymptomatic.
However, large or multifocal lymphangiomas can result in splenomegaly, left upper quadrant
pain, and nausea
(C) US image along the long axis of the spleen shows multiple unilocular or multilocular anechoic or hypoechoic
spaces (arrows) of various sizes. (D) Coronal contrast-enhanced CT image shows enlargement of the spleen with
numerous well-circumscribed, thin-walled, unilocular or multilocular hypoattenuating lesions (arrows) of various
sizes without enhancement.
• Hemangioma is the most common primary neoplasm of the spleen, found in
14% of patients on autopsy series.
• Microscopically, it consists of blood-filled space lined by endothelium.
• The size of the blood-filled space can be various which manifest from large
(cavernous hemangioma) to very small (capillary hemangioma), although,
cavernous hemangioma is more common.
• Capillary hemangiomas tend to manifest as solid masses, whereas
cavernous hemangiomas are often accompanied with cystic components.
Imaging Features
Hemangioma in Two Patients. (A) Small (1.4-cm), well-
defined, rounded, echogenic lesion (arrow) is similar to
the typical liver hemangiomas. (B) Coronal ultrasound
scan shows multiple echogenic splenic hemangiomas of
different sizes in the spleen. Note the calcified splenic
artery adjacent to the vein.
Sagittal US in a 36-year-old
woman with a 3.5-cm
hyperechoic splenic mass
(arrows) representing a
Incidentally found splenic mass in a 39-year-old male. (a)
NECT image shows an iso-attenuating focal splenic lesion compared to
the adjacent spleen, Portal venous (b) and delayed phase (c)
transverse CT images show a well-defined mass with
progressive homogeneous enhancement
Cavernous hemangioma in a 69-year-old male. (a)
Noncontrast transverse CT image shows a multiloculated
low-attenuating lesion in the spleen. (b) On portal venous
phase transverse CT image, the multiloculated cystic lesion
does not show any enhancement except internal septation
Hemangioma Spleen. Postcontrast CT shows this splenic hemangioma
(arrow) to be an inhomogeneous, minimally enhancing, lobulated, low-
attenuation mass.
• Lymphoma is the most common malignant tumor
involving the spleen.
• Secondary splenic involvement is common in many
lymphomas, whereas primary splenic lymphoma is relatively
• Spleen size alone is not a reliable sign of
lymphomatous involvement.
• Up to a third of patients with splenomegaly have no
evidence of splenic lymphoma at histological examination. In
addition, up to a third of patients with lymphoma of any kind have
histological involvement of the spleen without splenomegaly.
Lymphoma Cont
• Patterns of involvement that are visible on imaging studies
• Normal appearing spleen
• Diffuse splenomegaly,
• Multiple masses of varying size,
• Miliary nodules resembling micro abscesses,
• Large solitary mass, and
• Direct invasion from adjacent lymphomatous
• Adenopathy is frequently evident elsewhere in the
abdomen when the spleen is involved with lymphoma.
• Lymphoma is a common predisposing condition for
splenic infarction.
• Splenic lymphomas may present at US with three different patterns:
• (1) diffusely heterogeneous with disruption of the normal splenic
ultrasound appearance;
• (2) small, nodular, hypoechoic lesions; and
• (3) large, focal, hypoechoic lesions that may be cyst like.
• Cyst-like lesions may be markedly hypoechoic and resemble simple cysts;
however, they lack posterior acoustic enhancement. A cystic appearance
may also be due to necrosis.
Lymphoma Cont
Patterns of Lymphoma in Different Patients. (A) Numerous small nodules
resulting from T-cell lymphoma in an enlarged spleen. (B) Multiple solid nodules in a
patient with follicular lymphoma. (C) Bulky solid mass in a patient with non-Hodgkin
lymphoma. (D) Large, poorly deined mass caused by B-cell lymphoma replacing the
spleen and extending beyond the normal contour..
Lymphoma may also
involve the spleen
diffusely without focal
• CT is unreliable in the diagnosis of splenic lymphoma because a normal-
appearing spleen may still contain tumour cells.
• CT is only 65% sensitive in demonstrating splenic involvement with
• Demonstration of splenic hilum adenopathy and focal splenic enhancing defects, in
addition to splenomegaly, are more reliable CT indicators of lymphomatous
Lymphoma Cont
• At MR, areas of lymphoma involvement appear as slightly hypointense foci on T1w and
hyperintense foci on T2w images.
• In similar fashion to CT, MR imaging cannot reliably depict
infiltrative lymphoma, because both normal spleen and lymphomatous infiltrated
spleen may have similar T1w and T2w signal intensity.
A 72-year-old female with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma.
Splenomegaly with diffuse low attenuation is noted both on
arterial (left) and portal (right) phase CT images. There is
no discernible focal lesion in the spleen
Hodgkin’s lymphoma in a 42-year-old man. A. The sagittal
sonogram reveals an enlarged spleen containing multiple
ill-defined, hypoechoic lesions. B. The CT scan of
the upper abdomen demonstrates multiple low-density
Axial contrast-enhanced CT in a 66-year-old woman with
almost complete splenic replacement by a
primary lymphomatous mass (arrows). There is an
incidental hemangioma in the liver (small arrow).
• Angiosarcoma is very rare but is still the second
most common malignancy arising in the spleen.
• The tumor is aggressive, usually presenting with
widespread metastases, especially to the liver.
• poor prognosis.
Imaging features
Angiosarcoma. Transverse image shows multiple poorly
defined hypoechoic lesions. Other sonographic findings
include a heterogeneous echotexture, complex masses,
and splenomegaly.
Splenic angiosarcoma in a 33-year-old female. Dynamic
contrast-enhanced CT images demonstrate
a heterogeneously
enhancing mass-like lesion replacing nearly whole
portion of the enlarged spleen
Splenic angiosarcoma. A heterogeneously enhancing mass
expands the spleen on CT (A) arterial phase, (B) portal phase and
equilibrates on the delayed phase (C)….hemagioma like… FDG PET-
CT demonstrates the associated increased metabolic activity (D).
Angiosarcoma Spleen. Axial T2WI shows nearly complete replacement of the
parenchyma of the spleen (S) with numerous heterogeneous high-signal nodules of
various sizes. Pathology confirmed nearly complete involvement of the spleen with
• Splenic metastases are relatively uncommon.
• Melanoma metastases account for 50% of all cases; the
remaining 50% are mainly due to adenocarcinoma of breast, lung,
colon, ovary, endometrium, and prostate.
• Melanoma metastases commonly appear cystic.
• At US, metastatic lesions are mainly reduced echo
reflectivity, although increased echo-reflectivity lesions
can occur.
• CT-Metastases appear as single or multiple low-density
masses. The CT features of a cystic splenic
metastasis can be identical to those of a benign
Splenic Metastases
Portal phase CT in two different patients
(A, B) with splenic melanoma
metastases demonstrates relatively non-
specific multiple low attenuation lesions
within the spleen.
Hyperechoic splenic metastasis
from melanoma. Ultrasound
demonstrates multiple hyperechoic masses
the spleen.
angiomatoid nodular
Splenic Vascular Disorders
Splenic Infarction
• Infarction is produced by occlusion of the main or branch splenic arteries….w/c
are end arteries.
• Venous infarction also occurs in portal venous hypertension or splenic vein
• Splenomegaly, especially when caused by lymphoma, is a predisposing
• Infarcts classically appear as wedge-shaped defects in the splenic
• However, multiple infarcts may fuse, and the wedge shape may be lost.
• The key finding is extension of the abnormal parenchymal zone to an
intact splenic capsule.
• The imaging appearance depends on the time after onset.
Splenic Infarct. Triangular hypoechoic infarct
(arrow) in the superior aspect of the spleen
extends to the splenic capsule.
Splenic Infarct. (A) Coronal image shows a well-
defined hypoechoic central area reaching the
splenic capsule medial and lateral in a patient
with splenomegaly. (B) Corresponding CT scan
after intravenous contrast demonstrates the
wedge-shaped nonenhancing area in keeping
with an infarct.
Axial contrast-enhanced CT in an
83-year-old woman with peripheral
hypoattenuating nonenhancing
splenic defects (arrows) caused
by infarcts.
Splenic Infarction. Postcontrast CT in a
patient with CLL shows multiple infarctions
(I) within the spleen (S). Note how each
lesion extends to the splenic
Chronic splenic infarct. Contrast-enhanced CT
demonstrates a classic wedge-shaped, peripherally
nonenhancing, hypodense area. The base of the infarct is
at the splenic capsule, and the apex points toward the
hilum. Some volume loss and capsular
retraction indicate a chronic infarct.
Splenic Artery Aneurysm
Predisposing factors for aneurysm formation include
Medial degeneration, fibromuscular dysplasia, portal hypertension,
and pregnancy.
Trauma, pancreatitis, and infection can lead o the formation of
The timing and cut-off size for treating splenic artery aneurysms are controversial,
although aneurysms are generally treated when the size exceeds 2–3 cm
a peripherally calcified splenic artery aneurysm (arrow) which is
markedly enhancing in the arterial phase involving the splenic
1. Algorithmic Approach to the Splenic Lesion Based on RadiologicPathologic Correlation,
RadioGraphics 2022; 42:683–701
2. Cross-Sectional Imaging of the Abdomen and Pelvis, A Practical Algorithmic Approach /
Khaled M. Elsayes, 2015
4. Carol Rumack, diagnostic ultrasound 5th Edition
5. Cross-sectional Imaging of Splenic Lesions, Radiographics 2018.
6. Requisites GI imaging , 4th edition

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Imaging ofsplenic diseases [Autosaved].pptx

  • 1. Imaging Diseases of Spleen ADAMA COMPREHENSIVE SPECIALIZED HOSPITAL MEDICAL COLLEGE DEPARTMENT OF RADIOLOGY Presenter: Abel Girma (MD, Radiology Resident ) Moderator: Abdi Alemayehu (MD, Radiologist ) Augest 2022
  • 3. INTRODUCTION The spleen is the largest ductless gland and the largest single lymphatic organ in the body. It is mesodermal in origin. has been considered a “forgotten organ,”
  • 4. IMAGING MODALITIES  CT and US remain the major techniques used to image the splenic parenchyma  With new techniques MR plays an increasing role.  Technetium sulfur colloid radionuclide scanning images both the liver and the spleen and can be used to confirm the presence of functioning splenic tissue, which is important in the diagnosis of selenosis.
  • 5. Computed Tomography (CT)  Intravenous contrast should be used to image the spleen.  Multiphase imaging is appropriate in most settings.  If the primary concern is for vascular disease, early arterial imaging can be used. In the nonemergency setting,  Oral contrast may help delineate primary splenic disease from adjacent gastric, small bowel, or colonic disease. Single phase imaging should be performed in the portal venous phase
  • 6. Inhomogeneous Splenic Enhancement Present in CT, MRI, or ultrasound imaging There are 3 general patterns of enhancement : • Arciform: alternating bands of low and high density which may look like rings or zebra stripes • focal: single area of low density • diffuse: mottled appearance These three different patterns are primarily due to splenic enlargement, age of the patient and contrast injection rate
  • 7.
  • 8. • The diagnosis of splenic enlargement on imaging studies is usually made subjectively. • The normal spleen size for any individual is substantially influenced by demographic factors, sex, and body habitus; • Findings that suggest splenomegaly are • (1) Any spleen dimension greater than 13 cm, • (2) Inferior spleen tip extending more caudally than the inferior liver tip, or • (3) Inferior spleen tip extending below the lower pole of the left kidney. • Complications of splenomegaly include hypersplenism and spontaneous splenic rupture Splenomegaly
  • 9. Most do not produce a change in spleen density, so differentiation is based upon associated imaging findings or on clinical evaluation.
  • 10. Splenomegaly. Coronal T2WI of a patient with cirrhosis shows the spleen (S) to be enlarged measuring 20 cm in length. The spleen is larger than the liver (L) and extends into the central abdomen. Liver cirrhosis with splenomegaly
  • 11. MASSIVE SPLENOMEGALY O'Reilly R. Splenomegaly in 2,505 Patients in a Large University Medical Center from 1913 to 1995. 1913 to 1962: Defined Variably including…. • spleen is 5 standard deviations above the mean normal volume • heavier than 1.0 kg or 1.5 kg , • >14.5 cm true craniocaudal measurement on coronal CT, • >18 cm on clinical exam , or at/below the umbilicus, extending into the pelvis and/or across the midline Prassopoulos P, Daskalogiannaki M, Raissaki M, Hatjidakis A, Gourtsoyiannis N. Determination of Normal Splenic Volume on Computed Tomography in Relation to Age, Gender and Body Habitus. Eur Radiol. 1997;
  • 12. Small or shrunken Spleen Causes 44-year-old woman with sickle cell disease and a small calcified “shrunken” spleen (arrow)
  • 13. SPLENIC CALCIFICATION CAUSES can occur in various shapes and forms and can occur from a myriad of etiological factors.
  • 15. • the exact differential diagnoses for splenic lesions are important for selection of appropriate strategies • It often is difficult to differentiate benign splenic lesions from malignant tumors for the following reasons: Splenic Lesions cont… (a) the radiologic features of many splenic lesions overlap, (b) splenic lesions tend to manifest with vague clinical symptoms, and (c) abnormalities and primary tumors of the spleen are uncommonly encountered in daily clinical practice.
  • 16. Splenic Lesions Continued Other clinical features, pathologic findings, and specific radiologic findings such as margin and multiplicity are also helpful in differentiating various splenic lesions; 1. the nature of the lesion and 2. the degree of lesion enhancement after contrast material injection key elements for narrowing the range of the differential diagnosis.
  • 17.
  • 20.
  • 21. Simple Splenic Cysts Complications are rare and include hemorrhage, rupture and infection The pathogenesis is unclear, with support for the theories of • congenital mesothelial invagination, • endodermal inclusion, and • Acquired subclinical trauma with mesothelial displacement
  • 22. Simple Splenic Cyst on Ultrasound Usually shows an anechoic to hypoechoic well defined intrasplenic lesion. Internal echoes may be present due to debris. Their margin may be echogenic with distal shadowing due to calcifications
  • 23. Splenic Cyst on CT scan Typically shows a hypoattenuating relatively well-defined intrasplenic lesion. The wall is thin and has a sharp demarcation to the splenic parenchyma. There is no rim or internal enhancement.
  • 24. Epithelial cyst in a 28-year-old woman with left upper quadrant pain. On an axial T2-weighted image, the cyst is well circumscribed and thin walled (arrow) with homogeneous hyperintensity (*)
  • 25. PSEUDOCYSTS • acquired cystic lesions not delineated by a true epithelial wall. • thought to account for 80% of benign non-parasitic cysts of the spleen • Immunohistochemistry for pancytokeratin can be performed to confirm the absence of an epithelial lining.
  • 27.
  • 28. Splenic peliosis Peliosis is an important condition to be aware of because rupture of the blood-filled cysts on the spleen surface can lead to hemorrhagic peritonitis and ultimately be fatal. • Peliosis is an unusual benign disorder characterized by the presence of irregular cystic blood-filled cavities. • Fewer than 100 cases have been described in the literature. • Documented causal associations include the oral contraceptive pill, anabolic steroids, advanced tuberculosis and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
  • 29. Peliosis Continued Ultrasound appearances include an echogenic mass with numerous poorly defined foci of varying hypoechogenicity. The larger lesions demonstrate moderate posterior acoustic enhancement. On non-contrast-enhanced CT images: the appearances are of a hypoattenuating, multiloculated lesion with well-defined septa. On contrast-enhanced CT images, the lesion demonstrates significant enhancement with loss of definition
  • 30. Parasitic (Echinococcal) Cyst The reported prevalence ranges from 0.9% to 8%. Splenic echinococcal cysts develop through systemic dissemination or intraperitoneal spread of a ruptured hepatic echinococcal cyst. Patients can present with no symptoms, abdominal pain, splenomegaly, or fever Imaging findings are similar to those of hepatic hydatid disease and range from purely cystic lesions to a completely solid appearance
  • 31. Large cystic splenic lesion with peripheral wall calcifications and multiple internal smaller daughter cysts
  • 32. Second image shows distortion of the multilocular cyst (∗) due to expansile heterogeneous hyperattenuating blood products (arrow) within and around the spleen, consistent with rupture
  • 33.
  • 34.
  • 35. Infections Splenic abscesses can be bacterial, mycobacterial, or fungal and • hematogenous seeding, • direct extension, • sequelae of trauma, or • prior infarcts. The subacute or chronic inflammatory infiltrate can be seen as a hypointense rim around these lesions with all MRI sequences, corresponding to iron-loaded macrophages Acute micro abscesses are not associated with avid rim enhancement, presumably owing to inability of the neutropenic patients to mount a robust inflammatory response;
  • 36. • Abscesses appear as single or multiple low-density masses with ill-defined thick walls. US commonly demonstrates internal echoes caused by inflammatory debris. • On unenhanced CT images, splenic abscesses are spherical or lobulated hypodense lesions, which rarely contain gas. • They may contain gas or demonstrate air fluid levels. • Perisplenic fluid collections and left pleural effusions are common. • Image-guided aspiration confirms the diagnosis. • Treatment is by catheter drainage or splenectomy. Infections Con’t
  • 37. On gray-scale ultrasonography, a heterogeneous low-echoic lesion in the inferior aspect of the spleen (arrowheads) is seen. On contrast enhanced transverse CT image, an ill-defined low-attenuating lesion is noted in the spleen.
  • 38.
  • 39. Axial contrast-enhanced CT in a 66-year- old man with splenomegaly and a 10-cm splenic abscess with air/fluid level (arrow) caused by gas-forming organisms. Splenic abscess in a 35-year-old male. Contrast enhanced transverse CT image shows a thick-walled cystic lesion with internal septa in the spleen (arrow). Note layered enhancement of the cyst wall and reactive ascites.
  • 40. Fungal infections • Are also more common in the immunocompromised population and large fungal abscesses may have a target appearance which relates to their structure: (1) a central nidus of necrotic hyphae, hypoechoic at US and hypodense at CT; (2) a concentric band of viable fungal elements, hyperechoic at US and hyperdense at CT; an (3) a surrounding circular area of inflammation, hypoechoic at US and hypodense at CT. • The peripheral area of inflammation may demonstrate enhancement on CT or MR after contrast administration. Infections Con’t
  • 41. C. Contrast-enhanced CT shows numerous, subcentimeter, hypodense nodular lesions throughout the liver and spleen. Disseminated Candida infection in a patient with acute myelogenous leukemia A. Transverse ultrasound image shows multiple, small, hypoechoic lesions in the splenic parenchyma. B. a high-frequency (5- 12 MHz) linear transducer demonstrates a small, hypoechoic nodule with a central echogenic nidus.
  • 42. An immunocompromised patient with ‘target’-type fungal abscesses (arrowheads).
  • 43. Fungal abscess in a 20-year-old female. On CECT image, innumerable low- attenuating lesions are detected in the spleen. Several peripherally enhancing low-attenuating nodular lesions are also seen in the liver (arrowheads).
  • 44. Splenic TB • Splenic involvement is common in patients with disseminated TB. • It is usually widely distributed in a fine military pattern and TB lesions may appear on CT as tiny low density foci scattered throughout the whole spleen. • On ultrasound they may present with numerous increased echo-reflectivity foci creating a ‘bright spleen’ or ‘pepper pot’ pattern which may persist after treatment. Infections Con’t
  • 45. • Splenic TB may also present with larger focal lesions as pseudotumor or tuberculomas and this may occur without overt pulmonary or gastrointestinal tract involvement. • Splenomegaly with multiple nodules(1–3 cm in size), hypoechoic at US and hypodense at CT, scattered throughout the spleen. • Large chronic tuberculoma lesions often calcify. Splenic TB
  • 46. • When the nodules or granulomas heal, they can be become calcified and appear as small, scattered, discrete, bright echogenic lesions with posterior shadowing in an otherwise normal spleen. • These probably are the most frequently encountered nodular splenic lesions. Splenic TB
  • 47. coronal extended–field of view images in a young AIDS patient with active miliary TB. Numerous tiny hypoechoic nodules are present throughout the enlarged spleen.
  • 48. Miliary Tuberculosis of the Spleen. (A) Coronal and (B) high-resolution linear array ultrasound images show multiple tiny echogenic foci of tuberculous granulomata in this patient with active tuberculosis.
  • 49. Axial (A) and coronal (B) contrast-enhanced CT in a 53-year-old man with tuberculosis and mild splenomegaly and multiple hypodense tuberculous splenic lesions. Disseminated miliary tuberculosis. Contrastenhanced CT demonstrates multiple hypodense nodules. Notice the associated para-aortic and retrocrural hypodense lymphadenopathy (arrow).
  • 50. Calcified tuberculosis in a 33-year-old female. (a) Grayscale ultrasound image shows dense hyperechoic lesions in the spleen (arrowheads). (b) Contrast-enhanced transverse CT image shows dense calcified lesions in the spleen (arrows). Long-standing tuberculomas of caseation necrosis turn to calcified granulomas Splenic artery calcification
  • 51. Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia. Longitudinal ultrasound image demonstrates multiple, punctate calcifications after successful treatment. Microabscesses in the Spleen. Multiple lucent defects of varying size in the spleen (S) of this patient with AIDS are attributable to Pneumocystis jiroveci infection.(Both CT)
  • 52. Multiple splenic nodular lesions • multiple small defects in the spleen, usually 5 to 10 mm but up to 20- 30 mm, in size.
  • 53. • are present in about 10% of patients with portal hypertension. • These are deposits of hemosiderin and calcium due to microhemorrhage followed by fibroblastic reaction. • Multiple tiny echogenic foci without acoustic shadowing. • and are seen at MR as tiny foci of low signal intensity on both T1w and T2w images. • They do not enhance. Gamna-Gandy bodies
  • 54. On ultrasound (A) multiple increased echo-reflectivity lesions caused by small focal hemorrhages arising in portal venous hypertensions (Gandy-Gamna bodies). They are often not well visualised on CT (B) unless they calcify and are also overlooked on spin-echo-based T2w imaging (C) but ‘bloom’ owing to their susceptibility effect on gradient-echo imaging (D).
  • 55. Gamna-Gandy body in a 58-year-old female with liver cirrhosis. (a–c) In-phase (a), opposed-phase (b), and T2- weighted (c) MR images show disseminated dark signal intensity lesions in the spleen according to the hemosiderin deposition in the spleen.
  • 56. LYMPANGIOMA Lymphangiomas are rare malformations of splenic lymphatic channels characterized by anastomosing, dilated, thin-walled, fluid-filled cystic structures, similar to hemangiomas. Most occur in the pediatric population and are considered to reflect abnormal congenital development . An alternative hypothesis suggests that lymphangiomas reflect telangiectasia of lymphatic channels obstructed by hemorrhage or inflammation The clinical manifestation depends on the size; most are incidental and asymptomatic. However, large or multifocal lymphangiomas can result in splenomegaly, left upper quadrant pain, and nausea
  • 58. (C) US image along the long axis of the spleen shows multiple unilocular or multilocular anechoic or hypoechoic spaces (arrows) of various sizes. (D) Coronal contrast-enhanced CT image shows enlargement of the spleen with numerous well-circumscribed, thin-walled, unilocular or multilocular hypoattenuating lesions (arrows) of various sizes without enhancement.
  • 60. Hemangioma • Hemangioma is the most common primary neoplasm of the spleen, found in 14% of patients on autopsy series. • Microscopically, it consists of blood-filled space lined by endothelium. • The size of the blood-filled space can be various which manifest from large (cavernous hemangioma) to very small (capillary hemangioma), although, cavernous hemangioma is more common. • Capillary hemangiomas tend to manifest as solid masses, whereas cavernous hemangiomas are often accompanied with cystic components.
  • 62.
  • 63. Hemangioma in Two Patients. (A) Small (1.4-cm), well- defined, rounded, echogenic lesion (arrow) is similar to the typical liver hemangiomas. (B) Coronal ultrasound scan shows multiple echogenic splenic hemangiomas of different sizes in the spleen. Note the calcified splenic artery adjacent to the vein.
  • 64. Sagittal US in a 36-year-old woman with a 3.5-cm hyperechoic splenic mass (arrows) representing a hemangioma.
  • 65. Incidentally found splenic mass in a 39-year-old male. (a) NECT image shows an iso-attenuating focal splenic lesion compared to the adjacent spleen, Portal venous (b) and delayed phase (c) transverse CT images show a well-defined mass with progressive homogeneous enhancement
  • 66. Cavernous hemangioma in a 69-year-old male. (a) Noncontrast transverse CT image shows a multiloculated low-attenuating lesion in the spleen. (b) On portal venous phase transverse CT image, the multiloculated cystic lesion does not show any enhancement except internal septation (arrowheads).
  • 67. Hemangioma Spleen. Postcontrast CT shows this splenic hemangioma (arrow) to be an inhomogeneous, minimally enhancing, lobulated, low- attenuation mass.
  • 68. • Lymphoma is the most common malignant tumor involving the spleen. • Secondary splenic involvement is common in many lymphomas, whereas primary splenic lymphoma is relatively uncommon. • Spleen size alone is not a reliable sign of lymphomatous involvement. • Up to a third of patients with splenomegaly have no evidence of splenic lymphoma at histological examination. In addition, up to a third of patients with lymphoma of any kind have histological involvement of the spleen without splenomegaly. Lymphoma
  • 69. Lymphoma Cont • Patterns of involvement that are visible on imaging studies include • Normal appearing spleen • Diffuse splenomegaly, • Multiple masses of varying size, • Miliary nodules resembling micro abscesses, • Large solitary mass, and • Direct invasion from adjacent lymphomatous nodes. • Adenopathy is frequently evident elsewhere in the abdomen when the spleen is involved with lymphoma. • Lymphoma is a common predisposing condition for splenic infarction.
  • 70. • Splenic lymphomas may present at US with three different patterns: • (1) diffusely heterogeneous with disruption of the normal splenic ultrasound appearance; • (2) small, nodular, hypoechoic lesions; and • (3) large, focal, hypoechoic lesions that may be cyst like. • Cyst-like lesions may be markedly hypoechoic and resemble simple cysts; however, they lack posterior acoustic enhancement. A cystic appearance may also be due to necrosis. Lymphoma Cont
  • 71. Patterns of Lymphoma in Different Patients. (A) Numerous small nodules resulting from T-cell lymphoma in an enlarged spleen. (B) Multiple solid nodules in a patient with follicular lymphoma. (C) Bulky solid mass in a patient with non-Hodgkin lymphoma. (D) Large, poorly deined mass caused by B-cell lymphoma replacing the spleen and extending beyond the normal contour.. Lymphoma may also involve the spleen diffusely without focal abnormalities
  • 72. • CT is unreliable in the diagnosis of splenic lymphoma because a normal- appearing spleen may still contain tumour cells. • CT is only 65% sensitive in demonstrating splenic involvement with lymphoma. • Demonstration of splenic hilum adenopathy and focal splenic enhancing defects, in addition to splenomegaly, are more reliable CT indicators of lymphomatous involvement. Lymphoma Cont • At MR, areas of lymphoma involvement appear as slightly hypointense foci on T1w and hyperintense foci on T2w images. • In similar fashion to CT, MR imaging cannot reliably depict infiltrative lymphoma, because both normal spleen and lymphomatous infiltrated spleen may have similar T1w and T2w signal intensity.
  • 73. A 72-year-old female with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. Splenomegaly with diffuse low attenuation is noted both on arterial (left) and portal (right) phase CT images. There is no discernible focal lesion in the spleen
  • 74. Hodgkin’s lymphoma in a 42-year-old man. A. The sagittal sonogram reveals an enlarged spleen containing multiple ill-defined, hypoechoic lesions. B. The CT scan of the upper abdomen demonstrates multiple low-density masses.
  • 75. Axial contrast-enhanced CT in a 66-year-old woman with almost complete splenic replacement by a primary lymphomatous mass (arrows). There is an incidental hemangioma in the liver (small arrow).
  • 76. • Angiosarcoma is very rare but is still the second most common malignancy arising in the spleen. • The tumor is aggressive, usually presenting with widespread metastases, especially to the liver. • poor prognosis. Angiosarcoma
  • 78. Angiosarcoma. Transverse image shows multiple poorly defined hypoechoic lesions. Other sonographic findings include a heterogeneous echotexture, complex masses, and splenomegaly.
  • 79. Splenic angiosarcoma in a 33-year-old female. Dynamic contrast-enhanced CT images demonstrate a heterogeneously enhancing mass-like lesion replacing nearly whole portion of the enlarged spleen
  • 80. Splenic angiosarcoma. A heterogeneously enhancing mass expands the spleen on CT (A) arterial phase, (B) portal phase and equilibrates on the delayed phase (C)….hemagioma like… FDG PET- CT demonstrates the associated increased metabolic activity (D).
  • 81. Angiosarcoma Spleen. Axial T2WI shows nearly complete replacement of the parenchyma of the spleen (S) with numerous heterogeneous high-signal nodules of various sizes. Pathology confirmed nearly complete involvement of the spleen with angiosarcoma.
  • 82. • Splenic metastases are relatively uncommon. • Melanoma metastases account for 50% of all cases; the remaining 50% are mainly due to adenocarcinoma of breast, lung, colon, ovary, endometrium, and prostate. • Melanoma metastases commonly appear cystic. • At US, metastatic lesions are mainly reduced echo reflectivity, although increased echo-reflectivity lesions can occur. • CT-Metastases appear as single or multiple low-density masses. The CT features of a cystic splenic metastasis can be identical to those of a benign cyst. Splenic Metastases
  • 83.
  • 84. Portal phase CT in two different patients (A, B) with splenic melanoma metastases demonstrates relatively non- specific multiple low attenuation lesions within the spleen. Hyperechoic splenic metastasis from melanoma. Ultrasound demonstrates multiple hyperechoic masses throughout the spleen.
  • 87.
  • 88.
  • 89.
  • 91. Splenic Infarction • Infarction is produced by occlusion of the main or branch splenic arteries….w/c are end arteries. • Venous infarction also occurs in portal venous hypertension or splenic vein occlusion. • Splenomegaly, especially when caused by lymphoma, is a predisposing condition. • Infarcts classically appear as wedge-shaped defects in the splenic parenchyma. • However, multiple infarcts may fuse, and the wedge shape may be lost. • The key finding is extension of the abnormal parenchymal zone to an intact splenic capsule. • The imaging appearance depends on the time after onset.
  • 92.
  • 93. Splenic Infarct. Triangular hypoechoic infarct (arrow) in the superior aspect of the spleen extends to the splenic capsule.
  • 94. Splenic Infarct. (A) Coronal image shows a well- defined hypoechoic central area reaching the splenic capsule medial and lateral in a patient with splenomegaly. (B) Corresponding CT scan after intravenous contrast demonstrates the wedge-shaped nonenhancing area in keeping with an infarct.
  • 95. Axial contrast-enhanced CT in an 83-year-old woman with peripheral hypoattenuating nonenhancing splenic defects (arrows) caused by infarcts. Splenic Infarction. Postcontrast CT in a patient with CLL shows multiple infarctions (I) within the spleen (S). Note how each lesion extends to the splenic capsule.
  • 96. Chronic splenic infarct. Contrast-enhanced CT demonstrates a classic wedge-shaped, peripherally nonenhancing, hypodense area. The base of the infarct is at the splenic capsule, and the apex points toward the hilum. Some volume loss and capsular retraction indicate a chronic infarct.
  • 97. Splenic Artery Aneurysm Predisposing factors for aneurysm formation include Medial degeneration, fibromuscular dysplasia, portal hypertension, and pregnancy. Trauma, pancreatitis, and infection can lead o the formation of pseudoaneurysms. The timing and cut-off size for treating splenic artery aneurysms are controversial, although aneurysms are generally treated when the size exceeds 2–3 cm
  • 98. a peripherally calcified splenic artery aneurysm (arrow) which is markedly enhancing in the arterial phase involving the splenic artery
  • 99. References: 1. Algorithmic Approach to the Splenic Lesion Based on RadiologicPathologic Correlation, RadioGraphics 2022; 42:683–701 2. Cross-Sectional Imaging of the Abdomen and Pelvis, A Practical Algorithmic Approach / Khaled M. Elsayes, 2015 3. 4. Carol Rumack, diagnostic ultrasound 5th Edition 5. Cross-sectional Imaging of Splenic Lesions, Radiographics 2018. 6. Requisites GI imaging , 4th edition

Editor's Notes

  1. even though it is included and well demonstrated on abdominal images obtained with various imaging modalities.
  2. Oral contrast is not necessary in the trauma setting; indeed, the delay involved and the possible obscuration of blood products explain why oral contrast may not be used.
  3. Zebra spleen, also referred to as psychedelic spleen, tigroid splenic enhancement or more correctly inhomogeneous splenic enhancement, arciform or arcuate Ultrasound in non contrast
  4. ment for adequate amounts of white pulp to generate over time to produce differential flow patterns within the spleen. In adults, several other factors affect the presence of heterogeneous splenic enhancement, such as the presence of liver disease, portal vein thrombosis, and congestive heart failure
  5. prolate ellipsoid formula, width (largest AP axial measurement) >10.6 cm 15 craniocaudal length >9.5-10.5 cm for splenomegaly
  6. The most common cause of splenomegaly is portal hypertension as a result of liver cirrhosis, although any cause of portal hypertension can lead to splenomegaly, including right-sided heart failure, hepatic fibrosis, Budd-Chiari syndrome, portal or splenic vascular thrombosis, and occlusion.
  7. 18 cm.
  8. Previous thorotrast. eadily sequestered by the mononuclear phagocytic system, mainly the liver and spleen,
  9. Incidental finding of multiple micronodular calcifications in the spleen in a patient with no abdominal complaints. OLD GRANULOMATOUS DISEASE. SILCOSIS
  10. to minimize unnecessary invasive diagnostic procedures, such as percutaneous biopsy or surgery These factors make it challenging for radiologists to accurately distinguish among various benign and malignant lesions.
  11. roughly classified into four categories: cystic, solid and cystic, solid, and infectious hypervascular, nonhypervascular, and no enhancement categories this is because some splenic lesions have characteristic imaging findings and specific clinical features.
  12. the red pulp contains vascular structures, which filter blood and remove foreign material and damaged erythrocytes; the white pulp is composed of lymphatic tissue and initiates responses to blood-borne antigens.
  13. Histologically, the cyst wall is composed of fibrous tissue, which can contain calcification, and an epithelial lining, composed of stratified squamous, columnar, or cuboidal (mesothelial) epithelium (1) (Fig 2). Immunohistochemistry will show reactivity to cytokeratins (epithelial markers) or calretinin (a mesothelial marker).
  14. C) Transverse US image of the spleen shows a solitary, thin-walled, unilocular, hypoechoic cystic lesion with low-level echoes (*) and a thin peripheral septum (arrow). S = normal spleen. D) On an axial contrast enhanced CT image, the cyst is well circumscribed with a thin imperceptible wall (arrow) and homogeneous fluid attenuation (*).
  15. epresent the end stage of splenic injury resultant liquefactive necrosis and cystic changes.
  16. By definition, there is no epithelial lining; instead, the wall is composed of dense fibrous tissue, which can contain calcifications, hemosiderin, or cholesterol crystals (Fig 3). Histologically, the internal contents are composed of blood and necrotic debris (1). Immunohistochemistry for pancytokeratin can be performed to confirm the absence of an epithelial lining.
  18. The term originates from the Greek pelios, meaning dusky or purple, which arose from the macroscopic appearance of the lesion. However, this condition is now defined histopathologically. Peliosis has also been associated with chronic haematological disorders (Hodgkin’s disease, myeloma and aplastic anaemia), disseminated cancer, previous thorium dioxide contrast injection and certain viral infections
  19. In the context of peliosis hepatis, contrast-enhanced ultrasound (with Levovist) demonstrates transient ‘‘fast surge’’ central echo enhancement with no centripetal enhancement on delayed imaging
  20. ype 1 is a simple cyst with no internal architecture, type 2 has daughter cysts and condensed maternal matrix (Fig 4), type 3 has mural calcifications, and type 4 has features of complications, such as rupture or superinfection (6). Rupture occurs in 50%–90% of cases owing to age and degeneration of the parasitic membrane
  21. (1). Common causes of bacterial abscess include endocarditis, pneumonia, gastrointestinal perforation, or arteriovenous malformation. The most common bacterial microbes include Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, and Salmonella (9,10). Although uncommon in the United States, granulomatous infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis can result in abscesses due to hematogenous disseminated miliary spread
  22. Tc-99m HMPAO leukocyte scans or Tc-99m HIG (human polyclonal immunoglobulin) scans may show one or more intrasplenic defects 5. Indium-111 leukocyte scans and Ga-67 scans may also show a photopenic abscess cavity
  23. d) Gray-scale ultrasound image shows disseminated high-signal-intensity lesions in the spleen with underlying massive splenomegaly
  24. Telon(end) Angon (Vessel) Ectasia (dilation) Grossly, lymphangioma looks like multiple thin-walled cysts of varying sizes filled with clear fluid (
  25. Lymphangioma in a 20-year-old woman with Klippel-Trénaunay-Weber syndrome and left upper quadrant abdominal pain.
  26. Mixed solid and cystic lesion , u/s no internal flow Relative progressive enhancement .
  27. discrete, mottled heterogeneous enhancement rather than typical central fill-in enhancement.
  28. discrete, mottled heterogeneous enhancement rather than typical central fill-in enhancement.
  29. [58, 59]. Some reports have suggested that no relationship exists between size and risk of rupture, making the decision to treat more difficult. A notable exception is pregnant patients who have an increased risk of rupture. Open approaches, endovascular stenting, and coiling are all treatment options. Most splenic artery aneurysms are asymptomatic, with a risk of rupture of 2–10 %. Rupture presents as severe left upper quadrant pain and hypovolemia. Splenic artery aneurysms are most appropriately imaged in the arterial phase (Fig. 8.40a–c), although the calcific rim may be better seen on non-contrast imaging. 3D reformations may help in pre-procedural planning