SlideShare a Scribd company logo
Remember, you can add as much as you like to this plan – I’d
say it’s pretty much a given!
Don’t forget to convey ideas through visuals as well as
through your written plans and documents.
Delete the tutor written prompts where necessary
Final sequence(s) saved must be in 1920x1080 25fps .MOV
Export for YouTube in 1080x720 25fps .MP4
• This section is where you will be planning your overall
ident ‘package’
• This should include all design docs for your idents (min. 3
for the package)
• You should ensure that your package has a consistency of
design, font, colour, tone, etc
• Consider giving you ident package a working title, try and
use a title that defines your concept
Summarise your concept in a single statement, how does it fit the audience and best
represent the channel type you are working on? You could add in visual aids to fully
express this.
The Gird is channel aimed at an age rate from 16-34, they are the type of people that fit
into the “punk” demographic. These are the type of people who are often tired of seeing
the same thing over and over again and want something new and innovative in modern
media. I want The Gird to be a channel that is nuanced and open to exploring all
different genres of Television and covering new ground at every turn. Whether we are
talking history, punk rock shows, thought provoking dramas or basic content from news
to current affairs while also releasing fictionalized television with many different genres
on the same day. My ident designs I feel perfectly represent the channel type that I am
working on as well as the audience I am aiming towards. I plan to create idents that are
expressive and ones that will involve to shoot on an actual camera to edit the footage
on Photoshop and after effects. These idents will give a good idea on the audience I am
aiming towards, My idea’s for live action idents include a student in a classroom
working on a project on his computer and there are either some cubes with letters that
make up the word ”Grid” or a rubix cube where the camera is on the point of view of the
student and the student is constantly flipping the cube into different colors, while the
footage is speed up with music in the background. My idents will represent the grid
without beating the viewer over the head on which point in the video where the logo will
appear. Other idents include still frames of the logo with some graffiti written on a plain
logo of The Gird before being oversaturated with colors. Graffiti is a common trend in
the punk demographic who are tired of seeing everything without any color
representing the audience I am aiming towards.
Show your plans for the logo, as a minimum:
• intended animations [you could show a test using frame animation in
Photoshop for example]
• how the logo looks in different colours
• Mock ups using still frames from TV programmes
What are sound design plans? How do you intend to create these?
Include some tests.
For my live action ident. I may decide to use some royalty free music
but most importantly I am going to base my sound design of this clip
through the noise a Rubik's cube makes when you turn it. I feel a
Rubik’s cube has a very distinct sound and one that I feel I can turn into
a tune instead of using royalty free ukulele music that you see people
use a million times. It will give off that edgy and nuanced vibe that I am
planning to create for The Grid. I will do this by recording some sounds
using an actual Rubik’s Cube and I hope to create a tune out of the
cube. For my graphic idents, I will use some small samples of
downloadable music or maybe I wont use any music at all because
these idents will only last 2 seconds. However If these idents last over 2
seconds I may also use the Rubik’s cube sound effects when it shows
an animated Cube. I may also decide to blend the rhythm of the sound
to some ambient music to play at the same time. This may be the better
option as the sound generated from the cube is a very monotone so
adding some music will give the sound aspects a lot more character
and rhythm while blending well with what is going on in the ident
visually. I have also copied and paced a grid from Google images
Explain the techniques you are using in your idents – you MUST include
a motion track, composite shots using at least some original filmed
footage and animated graphics [logo and/or text]
I have made my animations and graphics through photoshop and filmed
footage using DSLR cameras with editing from adobe premiere. I copied
and paced images from Google and used the filter gallery to manipulate
the images and make it into a image that looks animated. I brought in
images of rubik’s cube and have given them a animated look. I have
also brought in images related to the arts progressive genre and have
made them look more animated. I have also taken a logo that has been
pre made and I have made it completely different to how it look
originally by adding some graffiti styled colors to give a young and
edgy vibe to appeal to my target audience. I have also downloaded a
grid from Google images and used the paint bucket tool to cover the
background with a orange wall. I then used the pencil tool to fill the
boxes with different colors to give it a rubik’s cube look. This will play
into the theme of a rubik’s cube that will play in almost every other ident
I will make. I will composite shots using a tripod and keep the shot
scene still in a low angle when I film the rubik’s cube on a desk or table.
The animations of this idents will mainly revolve around the
rubiks cube when it starts forming the iconic and distinct
logo. When the person throws the cube away. The rest of the
video will be done in live actin. The colors on the cube will
start to change on its own and eventually start to form words
that read “ The Grid” or “Grid” depending on the space of the
cube. This will be done through after effects with the help of
my tutor. Since my knowledge on the program is very limited.
In terms of the sound design and soundtrack, I will be using
the sound generated from a rubik’s cube to create a distinct
sound. I will then hopefully use this to turn it into a tune that
will be incorporated into the other ident ideas.
• Simple storyboard
• Photoshop mock up
• Notes on sound, animation and design decisions
• You may need to add further slides
My second ident design is going to be inspired by the graffiti
artist known as “space invader” who is known for use of
pixel art graffiti. He uses graffiti to create pixel art characters
on walls. The ident will be set on a street or alley way where
the wall will start to form pixelated characters that move
around the wall. This will lead to the animation forming the
distinct Grid font. All this will be intercut with park and street
noises and I will probably use the sound effect of the rubik’s
cube noise. I might also use some music that I will make by
my self. This will be done using a keyboard with some editing
from premiere pro.
The sound design for this ident will be done with the same
sound effect as a Rubik's cube with some added in music
that will hopefully match the rhythm and theme of the ident. I
will use the sound of the Rubik’s cube mixed in with some
additional music that I will produce. I might do this using a
keyboard and play a few times until I find the right rhythm
and beat. For animation I will use pixelated animations
through Photoshop and after effects.
The animations much like ident 1 and 2 are all going to be
done in post using pixel animations done by Photoshop and
after effects with the help of my peers and my teachers, and
just like the last 2 ident designs the music will have that
rhythm generated from the sound of a rubik’s cube with
maybe a different melody from the keyboard in order for the
music in these idents not sound the same. The rhythm of the
music will be slow and calm because I feel amping up music
for a scene in a quiet setting I feel can be a bit disorienting
and distracting whereas using a calm and slow rhythm
perfectly matches a the calm tone.
Which ident are you going to move to production? Why have you
chosen this one? Consider viability, techniques, costs, etc?
I have come to the conclusion that I am going to create the first ident
presented which is the Rubik's cube, simply it’s the most accessible
from a production standpoint including budget and location. The 2 other
idents ideas will involve me going out with a crew to either a wall in a
street alley way or in a art gallery. This will involve too much time and
will also involve me having to pay a lot of money that I cannot afford
whereas the first ident will only be set in a office or a desk which is a
very small scaled location and it can be filmed in a short amount of time
with very little budget. It also gives me the chance to experiment more
with pixel animations on photoshop in a small environment without
having to try and be way too ambitious if I went with the other ident
ideas and widen my horizons too much to where I cant complete my
project at all. If I worked on the first idents I have more of a chance of
finishing it and I have a chance on making it look good in quality as
possible at the same time.
Man sitting
Rubix’s cube on table
Man see’s Cube one
Picks up
Rubik’s cube
Holds it in his
Starts playing
With it.
POV shot
Of man holding
Plays with it
Some more
Forms logo
I am going to use the Rhythm and sound from a Rubik’s cube
to create my soundtrack for my ident. I will move the cube in
my had until I find the right beat and rhythm that will match
perfectly when I add in some background music which I use
by playing on a keyboard. Both of these tunes will overlap
each other and hopefully match perfectly when I edit the
music in post. I will edit the music and project using Adobe
premiere. The production of the music will be minimal in that
it will just be on a keyboard and not a full orchestra unlike
most idents made from mainstream channels. Because The
Grid is a independent channel and because of this I want to
be ambitious as possible by using the Rubik’s cube sound in
my soundtrack while also creating a catchy melody without
having to rely on a composer.
December 4th-8th Production/planning
December 11th -16th Production/Editing
December 19th- 22nd Editing/submission.
Problem: Solation
I can’t find a Rubik’s cube: Order one from Amazon
No one wants to act in the Ident I will act in the Ident my by self.
I loose some of what I have made Save every 5 minutes and start again
I can’t work adobe premiere Ask for help from tutors who are more experienced in
There are no DSLR’s in college to use Take mine from home and use or for my project.
Slips, trips and falls while using
equipment/looking through viewfinders.
• Ensure I’m familiar with my surroundings, any
planned movements and that the location is safe.
Any camera movements should employ a spotter
for the camera operator, directing the movement
Manual handling carrying equipment • Do not carry/move equipment beyond your comfort
• Request help when transporting equipment/share
amongst crew.
• Adhere to manual handling methods for carrying
I have already downloaded some recorded sound design and composed some music to play on to of
some footage where I play around with the Rubik’s cube and make a distinct tune to play on top of it. I
composed the music using a app called “Garage Band” and used a keyboard to play the music,
Garage Band offers you many different instruments to use in your music without having to play any
raw instruments, For example you don’t have to use an orchestra of strings to play your music. It
gives you the chance to play that instrument through the keyboard. For my music I used a drum roll to
play over top of it. Simply because the sound is a simplistic one and easily accessible to my target
audience and the whiplash sound at the end fits when the actor places the Rubik’s cube for the font of
The Gird to pop up at the same time to show what the title of the channel is meant to be. For adobe
premiere I edited down the clip of my actor changing the Rubik cube to 15 to 20 seconds using the
razor tool because the original clip lasted around 50 seconds and would have lasted too long for a
commercial ident and my target audience would probably loose interest. I places the clips on to my
desktop to drag onto the edit, as well as the sound clips. The green bars underneath my footage are
the music and the Rubik’s cube sound effects. I make sure that they are in time with each other so that
they end the same time as each other as soon as the ident ends. My only critique of my work is that
the music overlaps the sound design too much to a point where you cannot here the sound of the
Rubik’s Cube. This issue could have been fixed if I had amped up the sound design or toned down the
music they would have meshed well together.
Garage Band
Adobe Premiere
What methods of production have you used – e.g. motion tracking, green
screen, compositing, etc
I used adobe after effects to create my logo animations for the font. I
composited the letters onto the render queue and trimmed the time that they
would disappear out of the shots in your sequence. I wrote the font with
photoshop and separated each font into different folders I saved it in a
transparent folder to get rid of the white background I saved the letters in
different layers so I can do something with them when I put them onto after
effects. What I did then was move the letters shot by trimming the bars at
the bottom of the edit so that they don’t leave at the same time as each
other. I used the tracking dots to pin point where the font and each letter
shall appear in the video. I added motion paths for the different letters so
they will be able to move out of the frame. Lastly I added a transition and
layer to pixel out the image into black before the letters move out of the
Which software have you used and how have you managed
your files
I saved my project as an mov which was the easiest format to access the
project when viewing it and not experience any problems trying to watch it
and you also get to view it in the best quality possible. I saved it onto my
computer desktop simply because if I saved it onto my memory stick the
process of saving it would take very long and I risk the chance of crashing
the stick and loosing my work. However saving it on the stick is more secure
and it will be there when I need it and I wont have to worry about loosing
what I have worked on. I used both adobe after effects and Photoshop to edit
and make the graphics. Both websites provide you many different options to
make your project to how you want to make it. There are hardly any
limitations and that gives you the opportunity to be more creative with your
work. This is the reason why I was able to make the project to the way it is
How have you gone about maintaining a high quality product
through your process and production?
I have gone about maintaining a high quality product through
out production by booking some camera equipment and
booking high quality camera’s mainly to provide slick camera
movements and techniques that I wouldn’t be able to do if I was
limited to do if I did the entire thing handheld. If I did the
production handheld the shots would look really sloppy and
wouldn’t have a high production vibe that you would see in a
corporate indent video. By shooting the video on the
tripods/shoulder rig my video show’s some level of production
value behind the camera. I also edited using Abobe premiere
which has a lot of range on the many editing techniques and
transitions that wouldn't either look cheap or something that
you wouldn't be able to do on a lesser editing softwhere
Explain your process and how you have managed your time
I managed my time using a planning schedule writing down
what I should do one day and what time I should finish my
work. That way I was able to structure the production and
post production schedule so I wouldn’t loose track of time
and I’m not behind on any bit of work. If I did not have it with
me there would be no real progression of the production
process and might have not gotten everything done but
writing down what your going to do on the week of
production and how long it will take makes your work more
How does your ident package match up to professional
productions? Compare/contrast against similar channels. How
does your work compare? What works/doesn’t work/how could
you improve it?
In terms of production quality mine is not as good as a
corporate video in the vane of BBC 2 and Channel 4 simply
because of the production quality. BBC 2 and C 4 Idents where
made by camera crew and had a budget whereas I made the
ident all by my self and there was 0 budget involved. However in
terms of content I feel both of them are up to par with each other
as both some in some way's convey what the channel stands for
and both roughly have the same length and pacing. As for what
doesn't work in my ident I think the way the font for The Grid
disappears at the end is a little off. I probably could have fixed
that issue by exploring the different options on the edit on how
the font could have appeared. Other than that I don’t have any
issues with it
What legal and ethical considerations have you had to
consider in your ident package? How have you worked with
these to maintain your product
I have gone through the effort to compose my own music
instead of borrowing royalty free or pre- existing music.
Doing that would risk getting sued by the original owners of
that set of music so doing that would not only avoid that
issue but It would also increase the effort I want to put in. I
have also gone the effort on casting a minority in my ident to
help push what my channel is going for and show that this is
a channel for everyone of all colors. By doing this my
channel will gain the attention of people who push for this
stuff in modern media these days. I wont receive any
backlash for having enough diversity in front or behind the
Upload to YouTube and embed in your blog
Incude a link here with screen shots

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Ident mogra comp assignment 2

  • 2. GUIDANCE Remember, you can add as much as you like to this plan – I’d say it’s pretty much a given! Don’t forget to convey ideas through visuals as well as through your written plans and documents. Delete the tutor written prompts where necessary Final sequence(s) saved must be in 1920x1080 25fps .MOV Export for YouTube in 1080x720 25fps .MP4
  • 4. 1. IDENT PACKAGE • This section is where you will be planning your overall ident ‘package’ • This should include all design docs for your idents (min. 3 for the package) • You should ensure that your package has a consistency of design, font, colour, tone, etc • Consider giving you ident package a working title, try and use a title that defines your concept
  • 5. CONCEPT Summarise your concept in a single statement, how does it fit the audience and best represent the channel type you are working on? You could add in visual aids to fully express this. The Gird is channel aimed at an age rate from 16-34, they are the type of people that fit into the “punk” demographic. These are the type of people who are often tired of seeing the same thing over and over again and want something new and innovative in modern media. I want The Gird to be a channel that is nuanced and open to exploring all different genres of Television and covering new ground at every turn. Whether we are talking history, punk rock shows, thought provoking dramas or basic content from news to current affairs while also releasing fictionalized television with many different genres on the same day. My ident designs I feel perfectly represent the channel type that I am working on as well as the audience I am aiming towards. I plan to create idents that are expressive and ones that will involve to shoot on an actual camera to edit the footage on Photoshop and after effects. These idents will give a good idea on the audience I am aiming towards, My idea’s for live action idents include a student in a classroom working on a project on his computer and there are either some cubes with letters that make up the word ”Grid” or a rubix cube where the camera is on the point of view of the student and the student is constantly flipping the cube into different colors, while the footage is speed up with music in the background. My idents will represent the grid without beating the viewer over the head on which point in the video where the logo will appear. Other idents include still frames of the logo with some graffiti written on a plain logo of The Gird before being oversaturated with colors. Graffiti is a common trend in the punk demographic who are tired of seeing everything without any color representing the audience I am aiming towards.
  • 6. LOGO DESIGN Show your plans for the logo, as a minimum: • intended animations [you could show a test using frame animation in Photoshop for example] • how the logo looks in different colours • Mock ups using still frames from TV programmes .
  • 7. SOUND DESIGN What are sound design plans? How do you intend to create these? Include some tests. For my live action ident. I may decide to use some royalty free music but most importantly I am going to base my sound design of this clip through the noise a Rubik's cube makes when you turn it. I feel a Rubik’s cube has a very distinct sound and one that I feel I can turn into a tune instead of using royalty free ukulele music that you see people use a million times. It will give off that edgy and nuanced vibe that I am planning to create for The Grid. I will do this by recording some sounds using an actual Rubik’s Cube and I hope to create a tune out of the cube. For my graphic idents, I will use some small samples of downloadable music or maybe I wont use any music at all because these idents will only last 2 seconds. However If these idents last over 2 seconds I may also use the Rubik’s cube sound effects when it shows an animated Cube. I may also decide to blend the rhythm of the sound to some ambient music to play at the same time. This may be the better option as the sound generated from the cube is a very monotone so adding some music will give the sound aspects a lot more character and rhythm while blending well with what is going on in the ident visually. I have also copied and paced a grid from Google images
  • 8. MOTION GRAPHICS AND COMPOSITING TECHNIQUES Explain the techniques you are using in your idents – you MUST include a motion track, composite shots using at least some original filmed footage and animated graphics [logo and/or text] I have made my animations and graphics through photoshop and filmed footage using DSLR cameras with editing from adobe premiere. I copied and paced images from Google and used the filter gallery to manipulate the images and make it into a image that looks animated. I brought in images of rubik’s cube and have given them a animated look. I have also brought in images related to the arts progressive genre and have made them look more animated. I have also taken a logo that has been pre made and I have made it completely different to how it look originally by adding some graffiti styled colors to give a young and edgy vibe to appeal to my target audience. I have also downloaded a grid from Google images and used the paint bucket tool to cover the background with a orange wall. I then used the pencil tool to fill the boxes with different colors to give it a rubik’s cube look. This will play into the theme of a rubik’s cube that will play in almost every other ident I will make. I will composite shots using a tripod and keep the shot scene still in a low angle when I film the rubik’s cube on a desk or table.
  • 11. SOUND AND ANIMATION DESIGNS The animations of this idents will mainly revolve around the rubiks cube when it starts forming the iconic and distinct logo. When the person throws the cube away. The rest of the video will be done in live actin. The colors on the cube will start to change on its own and eventually start to form words that read “ The Grid” or “Grid” depending on the space of the cube. This will be done through after effects with the help of my tutor. Since my knowledge on the program is very limited. In terms of the sound design and soundtrack, I will be using the sound generated from a rubik’s cube to create a distinct sound. I will then hopefully use this to turn it into a tune that will be incorporated into the other ident ideas.
  • 12. IDENT 2 (PHOTOSHOP MOCK UP) Include: • Simple storyboard • Photoshop mock up • Notes on sound, animation and design decisions • You may need to add further slides
  • 14. SOUND AND ANIMATION DESIGN (IDENT 2) My second ident design is going to be inspired by the graffiti artist known as “space invader” who is known for use of pixel art graffiti. He uses graffiti to create pixel art characters on walls. The ident will be set on a street or alley way where the wall will start to form pixelated characters that move around the wall. This will lead to the animation forming the distinct Grid font. All this will be intercut with park and street noises and I will probably use the sound effect of the rubik’s cube noise. I might also use some music that I will make by my self. This will be done using a keyboard with some editing from premiere pro.
  • 16. ANIMATION AND SOUND DESIGN (IDENT 2) The sound design for this ident will be done with the same sound effect as a Rubik's cube with some added in music that will hopefully match the rhythm and theme of the ident. I will use the sound of the Rubik’s cube mixed in with some additional music that I will produce. I might do this using a keyboard and play a few times until I find the right rhythm and beat. For animation I will use pixelated animations through Photoshop and after effects.
  • 19. IDENT 3 The animations much like ident 1 and 2 are all going to be done in post using pixel animations done by Photoshop and after effects with the help of my peers and my teachers, and just like the last 2 ident designs the music will have that rhythm generated from the sound of a rubik’s cube with maybe a different melody from the keyboard in order for the music in these idents not sound the same. The rhythm of the music will be slow and calm because I feel amping up music for a scene in a quiet setting I feel can be a bit disorienting and distracting whereas using a calm and slow rhythm perfectly matches a the calm tone.
  • 20. FINAL IDENT TO PRODUCE Which ident are you going to move to production? Why have you chosen this one? Consider viability, techniques, costs, etc? I have come to the conclusion that I am going to create the first ident presented which is the Rubik's cube, simply it’s the most accessible from a production standpoint including budget and location. The 2 other idents ideas will involve me going out with a crew to either a wall in a street alley way or in a art gallery. This will involve too much time and will also involve me having to pay a lot of money that I cannot afford whereas the first ident will only be set in a office or a desk which is a very small scaled location and it can be filmed in a short amount of time with very little budget. It also gives me the chance to experiment more with pixel animations on photoshop in a small environment without having to try and be way too ambitious if I went with the other ident ideas and widen my horizons too much to where I cant complete my project at all. If I worked on the first idents I have more of a chance of finishing it and I have a chance on making it look good in quality as possible at the same time.
  • 22. STORYBOARD/SEQUENCE PLANNING Man sitting in Office Rubix’s cube on table Man see’s Cube one table Picks up Rubik’s cube Holds it in his hand Starts playing With it. POV shot Of man holding cube Plays with it Some more Forms logo
  • 23. SOUND PLANNING I am going to use the Rhythm and sound from a Rubik’s cube to create my soundtrack for my ident. I will move the cube in my had until I find the right beat and rhythm that will match perfectly when I add in some background music which I use by playing on a keyboard. Both of these tunes will overlap each other and hopefully match perfectly when I edit the music in post. I will edit the music and project using Adobe premiere. The production of the music will be minimal in that it will just be on a keyboard and not a full orchestra unlike most idents made from mainstream channels. Because The Grid is a independent channel and because of this I want to be ambitious as possible by using the Rubik’s cube sound in my soundtrack while also creating a catchy melody without having to rely on a composer.
  • 24. TIMESCALE December 4th-8th Production/planning December 11th -16th Production/Editing December 19th- 22nd Editing/submission.
  • 25. RISK ASSESSMENT & CONTINGENCY PLAN Problem: Solation I can’t find a Rubik’s cube: Order one from Amazon No one wants to act in the Ident I will act in the Ident my by self. I loose some of what I have made Save every 5 minutes and start again I can’t work adobe premiere Ask for help from tutors who are more experienced in editing. There are no DSLR’s in college to use Take mine from home and use or for my project. Slips, trips and falls while using equipment/looking through viewfinders. • Ensure I’m familiar with my surroundings, any planned movements and that the location is safe. Any camera movements should employ a spotter for the camera operator, directing the movement safely. Manual handling carrying equipment • Do not carry/move equipment beyond your comfort level. • Request help when transporting equipment/share amongst crew. • Adhere to manual handling methods for carrying items.
  • 27. 3. PRODUCTION LOG I have already downloaded some recorded sound design and composed some music to play on to of some footage where I play around with the Rubik’s cube and make a distinct tune to play on top of it. I composed the music using a app called “Garage Band” and used a keyboard to play the music, Garage Band offers you many different instruments to use in your music without having to play any raw instruments, For example you don’t have to use an orchestra of strings to play your music. It gives you the chance to play that instrument through the keyboard. For my music I used a drum roll to play over top of it. Simply because the sound is a simplistic one and easily accessible to my target audience and the whiplash sound at the end fits when the actor places the Rubik’s cube for the font of The Gird to pop up at the same time to show what the title of the channel is meant to be. For adobe premiere I edited down the clip of my actor changing the Rubik cube to 15 to 20 seconds using the razor tool because the original clip lasted around 50 seconds and would have lasted too long for a commercial ident and my target audience would probably loose interest. I places the clips on to my desktop to drag onto the edit, as well as the sound clips. The green bars underneath my footage are the music and the Rubik’s cube sound effects. I make sure that they are in time with each other so that they end the same time as each other as soon as the ident ends. My only critique of my work is that the music overlaps the sound design too much to a point where you cannot here the sound of the Rubik’s Cube. This issue could have been fixed if I had amped up the sound design or toned down the music they would have meshed well together. Garage Band Adobe Premiere
  • 28. 3. PRODUCTION LOG METHODS OF PRODUCTION What methods of production have you used – e.g. motion tracking, green screen, compositing, etc I used adobe after effects to create my logo animations for the font. I composited the letters onto the render queue and trimmed the time that they would disappear out of the shots in your sequence. I wrote the font with photoshop and separated each font into different folders I saved it in a transparent folder to get rid of the white background I saved the letters in different layers so I can do something with them when I put them onto after effects. What I did then was move the letters shot by trimming the bars at the bottom of the edit so that they don’t leave at the same time as each other. I used the tracking dots to pin point where the font and each letter shall appear in the video. I added motion paths for the different letters so they will be able to move out of the frame. Lastly I added a transition and layer to pixel out the image into black before the letters move out of the frame.
  • 29. 3. PRODUCTION LOG SOFTWARE & FILE MANAGEMENT Which software have you used and how have you managed your files I saved my project as an mov which was the easiest format to access the project when viewing it and not experience any problems trying to watch it and you also get to view it in the best quality possible. I saved it onto my computer desktop simply because if I saved it onto my memory stick the process of saving it would take very long and I risk the chance of crashing the stick and loosing my work. However saving it on the stick is more secure and it will be there when I need it and I wont have to worry about loosing what I have worked on. I used both adobe after effects and Photoshop to edit and make the graphics. Both websites provide you many different options to make your project to how you want to make it. There are hardly any limitations and that gives you the opportunity to be more creative with your work. This is the reason why I was able to make the project to the way it is now.
  • 30. 3. PRODUCTION LOG QUALITY CONTROL How have you gone about maintaining a high quality product through your process and production? I have gone about maintaining a high quality product through out production by booking some camera equipment and booking high quality camera’s mainly to provide slick camera movements and techniques that I wouldn’t be able to do if I was limited to do if I did the entire thing handheld. If I did the production handheld the shots would look really sloppy and wouldn’t have a high production vibe that you would see in a corporate indent video. By shooting the video on the tripods/shoulder rig my video show’s some level of production value behind the camera. I also edited using Abobe premiere which has a lot of range on the many editing techniques and transitions that wouldn't either look cheap or something that you wouldn't be able to do on a lesser editing softwhere
  • 31. 3. PRODUCTION LOG TIME MANAGEMENT Explain your process and how you have managed your time effectively I managed my time using a planning schedule writing down what I should do one day and what time I should finish my work. That way I was able to structure the production and post production schedule so I wouldn’t loose track of time and I’m not behind on any bit of work. If I did not have it with me there would be no real progression of the production process and might have not gotten everything done but writing down what your going to do on the week of production and how long it will take makes your work more organized.
  • 32. 3. PRODUCTION LOG FITNESS FOR PURPOSE How does your ident package match up to professional productions? Compare/contrast against similar channels. How does your work compare? What works/doesn’t work/how could you improve it? In terms of production quality mine is not as good as a corporate video in the vane of BBC 2 and Channel 4 simply because of the production quality. BBC 2 and C 4 Idents where made by camera crew and had a budget whereas I made the ident all by my self and there was 0 budget involved. However in terms of content I feel both of them are up to par with each other as both some in some way's convey what the channel stands for and both roughly have the same length and pacing. As for what doesn't work in my ident I think the way the font for The Grid disappears at the end is a little off. I probably could have fixed that issue by exploring the different options on the edit on how the font could have appeared. Other than that I don’t have any issues with it
  • 33. 3. PRODUCTION LOG LEGAL & ETHICAL What legal and ethical considerations have you had to consider in your ident package? How have you worked with these to maintain your product I have gone through the effort to compose my own music instead of borrowing royalty free or pre- existing music. Doing that would risk getting sued by the original owners of that set of music so doing that would not only avoid that issue but It would also increase the effort I want to put in. I have also gone the effort on casting a minority in my ident to help push what my channel is going for and show that this is a channel for everyone of all colors. By doing this my channel will gain the attention of people who push for this stuff in modern media these days. I wont receive any backlash for having enough diversity in front or behind the camera.
  • 34. FINAL PRODUCTS Upload to YouTube and embed in your blog Incude a link here with screen shots