SlideShare a Scribd company logo
Remember, you can add as much as you like to this plan – I’d
say it’s pretty much a given!
Don’t forget to convey ideas through visuals as well as
through your written plans and documents.
Delete the tutor written prompts where necessary
Final sequence(s) saved must be in 1920x1080 25fps .MOV
Export for YouTube in 1080x720 25fps .MP4
• This section is where you will be planning your overall
ident ‘package’
• This should include all design docs for your idents (min. 3
for the package)
• You should ensure that your package has a consistency of
design, font, colour, tone, etc
• Consider giving you ident package a working title, try and
use a title that defines your concept
CONCEPT Summaries your concept in a single statement, how does it fit
the audience and best represent the channel type you are
working on? You could add in visual aids to fully express this.
I am going to be creating my range of idents for an arts and progressive channel
called The Grid, my content will be aimed at audience's similar to channel 4 and BBC
2, their audiences age range around 16 to 35 year olds and the content shown is
designed for audiences’ seeking informative and educative programming. The look
and style of my idents will match the age range I am targeting by keeping the content
interesting and stylish without featuring anything too abstract or unusual. My main
theme for my idents will be the representation of the channels logo, similar to what
channel 4’s idents show, I will make the logo the main theme of all the idents by
presenting it in different forms which match with the locations that they are set in. for
example, one of my ideas was to use footage of a man training at the gym and as the
camera comes closer the channels logo can be recognized as being tattooed on to
the bicep on the man. The choice of setting my idents in different locations across
Britain is to present the aspects of life that we experience living in Britain. Whether it
being natural landscapes such as beaches or forests or even for this instance inside a
gym, this is to represent the daily routines of our British lives so not only the gym but
also other sporting leisure's like football or dancing. I will also be using aspects of
busy city life, like for instance a busy crowded street way or a road at night showing
the headlights of cars driving past, I feel everyone can relate to these idents as we all
have to experience some of them all the time in daily life.
Show your plans for the logo, as a minimum:
• intended animations [you could show a test using frame animation
in Photoshop for example]
• how the logo looks in different colours
• Mock ups using still frames from TV programmes
Alternate colours
Main idea development
The final idea of my logo takes inspiration from the well
know puzzle, the rubicks cube, the grid square sections of
the represent the coloured tiles of the cube. My logo takes
difference from the iconic puzzle toy as it only has five
squares per face and the colour scheme is different with its
singular red cube and the rest remaining squares. The idea
is simple I didn’t take me too long to create, I wanted to
create a logo that visually was simple to look at while still
keeping to a professional standard with its down to earth
colour scheme and professional looking font. The reason
why I chose this logo idea is because I feel that I could
most effectively create a good working logo animation with
this idea as it gave me a broad variety of different aspects
to consider while picturing the logo animation.
What are sound design plans? How do you intend to create these? Include
some tests.
For the most part my idents will feature diegetic sounds depending on the location
of the ident, I will blend my music to recreate the real sounds of the surroundings to
match with the footage. For example if I were to shoot in a train station I would
record my own sound or download an accurate sound from somewhere else, for
example train announcers and the actual sound of the trains. Music will also play
are part in my idents, subtle scores that don’t take up too much of the attention of
the audience while also making its self noticeable still, I plan to use score which
feature acoustic instruments such as the piano, a simple short melody will play
along side the footage of my ident, matching with the pace and flow of the shots.
Through testing of my own on Garage Band I found that the arpeggiator section
with the synth instruments work best for a channel ident. They are easy to use and
create good sounding melodies that match with the pace and style of the idents I
am planning to create.
Sound tracks
Ambient sounds
Explain the techniques you are using in your idents – you
MUST include a motion track, composite shots using at least
some original filmed footage and animated graphics [logo
and/or text]
For my idents the theme that will follow suit throughout is the
representation of my channels logo in different
environments, to do so I will need live footage that I will
shoot myself, once done I will upload on to aftereffects in
which I will add my logo into the scenes, for example the
Gym ident features the logo tattooed onto someone’s arm, I
will need to use motion graphics to create this and make it
look as realistic as possible seen as I cant actually tattoo
someone. In my final idea I will be using a motion graphics
sequence at the start of my ident, it will consist of a tilt up
angled long shot of the nights sky outside my house, I will be
using the editing software to incorporate a more full nights
sky with stars as I know I wont be able to pick them up so
This ident will appeal to the fitness
enthusiasts of my target audience as I will
include footage of a gym as well as
someone working out, the main aspect of
this idea is the channel logo, which will be
presented at the end of the ident in the
form of a tattoo on a bodybuilders bicep. I
will be using a motion graphics sequence
to create this tattoo affect. I will be using
the diegetic sound of a gym atmosphere
along with a soundtrack over the top that I
made myself, a simple melody to match
with the pace and style of the ident.
This ident will take place within a forest, the
ident will display more of nature then human
activities. Again with this ident the main focus
will be the motion graphic of the logo, this will
be displayed as being scratched into a tree and
the camera discovers it behind a rustling bush.
This ident will appeal to the more outdoorsy
side of my target audience, as well as dog
lovers and walkers. The sound will consist of
diegetic forest sounds, such as birds, wind and
rustling of leaves on ground. The motion
graphics will come into play when the camera
looks behind a rustling bush and see’s a
scratched tree with my channels logo engraved
into it.
This ident will be set inside a train station, the
visuals will be simple mainly just displaying a
train moving across the screen, letting on and
off passengers. I feel that the use of public
transport in idents is effective for its appeal to
the audience as most people use these
services on a daily basis so they will be able
to relate with the content shown. The music
for this ident will be the main feature as there
will be next to no camera movement, so the
music will have to play a big part in engaging
the audience still so I will be using more up
beat seasonal sounds like bells and chimes,
as well as the ambient sounds surrounding
the train station such as the sound of trains,
blurred sounds of the train announcers and
muffled public talking. Again the main focus
of this ident will be the representation of my
channels logo, the logo will be presented as
graffiti on the train doors and will be visible to
the audience once the train comes to a
complete stop and the doors are level in the
middle of the cameras view, the logo will also
This ident is going to focus on the
Christmas season and focus its
content towards portraying the
themes of this season with my ident.
The ident will begin with a shot
outside the house of the nights sky,
this will then cut to an inside shot of
the fireplace, a low angle and pans of
the Christmas tree, the family all cozy
lying on the sofa watching the TV. All
the footage within my ident will
feature a Christmas theme as I am
planning to recreate the happiness
and joy this season brings with it. The
location of this ident will be in my
own living room making production a
lot easier as I can conduct filming
Which ident are you going to move to production? Why have
you chosen this one? Consider viability, techniques, costs,
I have chosen to create the forest ident as my final ident, I
have chosen this ident because i feel that I can conduct this
idea most effectively with the areas that I live by and the
props that I already own to use within it. This idea out of the
three will be the easiest to conduct as I live very close to a
forest that I have used before to film within and already know
what it has to offer. Unlike the other 2 ideas I do not need to
ask permission to film within this forest whereas if I was
filming in a train station/gym I would need consent. The cost
for travel or other cost that are involved with filming in a far
off location will be nothing as I live very close to the location.
Added help will be easy to gain as my friends will be
available to help, if not my family can be used. The dog
featured in my ident will be my own so I don’t need to worry
about using someone else’s.
Originally my final idea was to create the forest ident
featuring a walker and their dogs, forest scenery and a
gratified tree with the channels logo on it. I am now changing
this idea due to the time of year, I wanted to shoot this ident
with day light however I am finding it difficult to find time to
conduct the shoot while there's still day light. My new ident
idea will consist of a Christmas themed living room on a cold
wintery night, the fire place will be roaring away, the
Christmas tree and decoration will be lighting up the room,
family members tucked up nicely asleep on the sofa with
dogs. The ident features all Christmas themed imagery to
appeal to the vast majority of those who celebrate the time of
year. This idea will work better for me as it means I don’t
need to worry about filming during day light and I can
conduct the shoot within my own home in one night alone. I
will ensure to continue to reincorporate the arts and
progressive genre types within my ident as I have researched
previous existing Christmas themed idents from channels
like BBC1 and Chanel 4 and they all keep to the same themes
that I am going to reflect in my product.
Shot type Description Shot duration
Tilted long shot Tilted long shot from garden looking
up at night sky, full of stars, possible
motion tracking shot
5 secs
Cut to close up Cut to inside shot of fire place will
slowly panning across
5 secs
Low angle shot Low angle shot looking up at tree 3 secs
Close up of tree Close up of Christmas tree with slow
track downward
5 secs
Blurred close
Blurred pan across Christmas cards 5 secs
Low angle
close up
Near floor pan across sofa showing
families legs and feet
5 secs
Blurred mid
Blurred mid shot of living room with
family watching TV
5+ secs
Shot type Description Shot duration
shot/straight up
Opening shot looking up through the tree line,
camera stationary.
5 secs
Camera slowly pans down to show forest area 5 secs
mid shot Dog walker and dog pass either side of the
camera and continue to walk off into the
5 secs
Close up Cut to close up of running water in the forest from
a small stream.
5 secs
Long shot cut to long shot of bush in the distance placed
center shot so in the audiences focus.
5 secs
Tracking shot camera slowly begins to track forward towards
bush as it starts to rustle
5 secs
mid shot camera passes through bush to show mid shot of
one distinctive tree that is missing bark and has
the channel logo spray painted onto it
5+ secs
animation Logo animation plays out 5 secs
The beginning of my ident will feature an extreme
long of the night sky from a garden, this shot will
feature no music and only diegetic sounds such as
the wind whistling past, an owl calling and even a off
distance echo of a dogs bark, a fast paced cut will
converge the outside with the inside as the idents
music will begin to play, simple Christmassy themed
sample using bells and chimes, the music will keep to
a calm slow tempo, reflecting the environment of the
ident. Other diegetic sounds will be played along side
the score, sounds such as the roaring fire place, the
sound of the wind from inside and the television on in
the background. The main focus of this ident is to
present a classic British family living room during the
Christmas period, portraying the stereotypes that
people love about Christmas and reflecting the
happiness and joy this season brings about.
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3
Monday - planning,
finishing off sound
design and storyboard
Monday – finishing
touches to planning
stage 2
Monday – begin
production, bring all
footage together in
Tuesday –-- Tuesday --- Tuesday ---
Wednesday –
planning, completing
storyboard and finalize
Wednesday – hire out
equipment for filming
Wednesday –continue
ident production, along
side starting
production log
Thursday – finish shot
Thursday – carryout
filming after college
Thursday – finish
production log as well
as ident production
Friday - complete risk
cy plan
Friday - finish up
filming if not already
Friday – finish
hazard Who is at
Controls risk
Me and
Make sure lids are always
on drinks and are away from
Water spillages could
lead to an electrical
shock when using Macs.
Fire hazard Me and
Ensure drinks are far from
Electrical fires are a
possibility that can be
caused by spillages as
Bad blood
Me Ensure to take breaks and
make sure to sit correctly
when working for long
spaces of time
Sitting incorrectly can
cause the blood to
circulate badly round the
body which in turn can
lead to blood clots and
other blockages in the
Eye strain Me Ensuring that I rest my eyes
from computer screens often
Staring at a computer
screen for long periods of
time can cause damage
to the eye
Tripping me Ensuring that all wires or Electrical wires or
In this section track your production, the decisions made and
the process of your work
Each slide has a heading and specific area to cover
What methods of production have you used – e.g. motion tracking, green
screen, compositing, etc
Remember, you must include motion tracking, parallax/motion graphics,
composited shots in your sequence
Which software have you used and how have you managed
your files
List specific types of files formats chosen [mov, aac, etc] and
why – consider working docs and export docs
How have you gone about maintaining a high quality product
through your process and production?
Explain your process and how you have managed your time
How does your ident package match up to professional
productions? Compare/contrast against similar channels.
How does your work compare? What works/doesn’t
work/how could you improve it?
What legal and ethical considerations have you had to
consider in your ident package? How have you worked with
these to maintain your product
Upload to YouTube and embed in your blog
Incude a link here with screen shots

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Ident planning

  • 2. GUIDANCE Remember, you can add as much as you like to this plan – I’d say it’s pretty much a given! Don’t forget to convey ideas through visuals as well as through your written plans and documents. Delete the tutor written prompts where necessary Final sequence(s) saved must be in 1920x1080 25fps .MOV Export for YouTube in 1080x720 25fps .MP4
  • 4. 1. IDENT PACKAGE • This section is where you will be planning your overall ident ‘package’ • This should include all design docs for your idents (min. 3 for the package) • You should ensure that your package has a consistency of design, font, colour, tone, etc • Consider giving you ident package a working title, try and use a title that defines your concept
  • 5. CONCEPT Summaries your concept in a single statement, how does it fit the audience and best represent the channel type you are working on? You could add in visual aids to fully express this. I am going to be creating my range of idents for an arts and progressive channel called The Grid, my content will be aimed at audience's similar to channel 4 and BBC 2, their audiences age range around 16 to 35 year olds and the content shown is designed for audiences’ seeking informative and educative programming. The look and style of my idents will match the age range I am targeting by keeping the content interesting and stylish without featuring anything too abstract or unusual. My main theme for my idents will be the representation of the channels logo, similar to what channel 4’s idents show, I will make the logo the main theme of all the idents by presenting it in different forms which match with the locations that they are set in. for example, one of my ideas was to use footage of a man training at the gym and as the camera comes closer the channels logo can be recognized as being tattooed on to the bicep on the man. The choice of setting my idents in different locations across Britain is to present the aspects of life that we experience living in Britain. Whether it being natural landscapes such as beaches or forests or even for this instance inside a gym, this is to represent the daily routines of our British lives so not only the gym but also other sporting leisure's like football or dancing. I will also be using aspects of busy city life, like for instance a busy crowded street way or a road at night showing the headlights of cars driving past, I feel everyone can relate to these idents as we all have to experience some of them all the time in daily life.
  • 6. LOGO DESIGN Show your plans for the logo, as a minimum: • intended animations [you could show a test using frame animation in Photoshop for example] • how the logo looks in different colours • Mock ups using still frames from TV programmes
  • 8. LOGO DESIGN The final idea of my logo takes inspiration from the well know puzzle, the rubicks cube, the grid square sections of the represent the coloured tiles of the cube. My logo takes difference from the iconic puzzle toy as it only has five squares per face and the colour scheme is different with its singular red cube and the rest remaining squares. The idea is simple I didn’t take me too long to create, I wanted to create a logo that visually was simple to look at while still keeping to a professional standard with its down to earth colour scheme and professional looking font. The reason why I chose this logo idea is because I feel that I could most effectively create a good working logo animation with this idea as it gave me a broad variety of different aspects to consider while picturing the logo animation.
  • 9. SOUND DESIGN What are sound design plans? How do you intend to create these? Include some tests. For the most part my idents will feature diegetic sounds depending on the location of the ident, I will blend my music to recreate the real sounds of the surroundings to match with the footage. For example if I were to shoot in a train station I would record my own sound or download an accurate sound from somewhere else, for example train announcers and the actual sound of the trains. Music will also play are part in my idents, subtle scores that don’t take up too much of the attention of the audience while also making its self noticeable still, I plan to use score which feature acoustic instruments such as the piano, a simple short melody will play along side the footage of my ident, matching with the pace and flow of the shots. Through testing of my own on Garage Band I found that the arpeggiator section with the synth instruments work best for a channel ident. They are easy to use and create good sounding melodies that match with the pace and style of the idents I am planning to create. Sound tracks Ambient sounds
  • 10. MOTION GRAPHICS AND COMPOSITING TECHNIQUES Explain the techniques you are using in your idents – you MUST include a motion track, composite shots using at least some original filmed footage and animated graphics [logo and/or text] For my idents the theme that will follow suit throughout is the representation of my channels logo in different environments, to do so I will need live footage that I will shoot myself, once done I will upload on to aftereffects in which I will add my logo into the scenes, for example the Gym ident features the logo tattooed onto someone’s arm, I will need to use motion graphics to create this and make it look as realistic as possible seen as I cant actually tattoo someone. In my final idea I will be using a motion graphics sequence at the start of my ident, it will consist of a tilt up angled long shot of the nights sky outside my house, I will be using the editing software to incorporate a more full nights sky with stars as I know I wont be able to pick them up so well.
  • 11. IDENT 1 – GYM IDENT This ident will appeal to the fitness enthusiasts of my target audience as I will include footage of a gym as well as someone working out, the main aspect of this idea is the channel logo, which will be presented at the end of the ident in the form of a tattoo on a bodybuilders bicep. I will be using a motion graphics sequence to create this tattoo affect. I will be using the diegetic sound of a gym atmosphere along with a soundtrack over the top that I made myself, a simple melody to match with the pace and style of the ident.
  • 13. IDENT 2 – FOREST IDENT This ident will take place within a forest, the ident will display more of nature then human activities. Again with this ident the main focus will be the motion graphic of the logo, this will be displayed as being scratched into a tree and the camera discovers it behind a rustling bush. This ident will appeal to the more outdoorsy side of my target audience, as well as dog lovers and walkers. The sound will consist of diegetic forest sounds, such as birds, wind and rustling of leaves on ground. The motion graphics will come into play when the camera looks behind a rustling bush and see’s a scratched tree with my channels logo engraved into it.
  • 15. IDENT 3 – TRAIN STATION This ident will be set inside a train station, the visuals will be simple mainly just displaying a train moving across the screen, letting on and off passengers. I feel that the use of public transport in idents is effective for its appeal to the audience as most people use these services on a daily basis so they will be able to relate with the content shown. The music for this ident will be the main feature as there will be next to no camera movement, so the music will have to play a big part in engaging the audience still so I will be using more up beat seasonal sounds like bells and chimes, as well as the ambient sounds surrounding the train station such as the sound of trains, blurred sounds of the train announcers and muffled public talking. Again the main focus of this ident will be the representation of my channels logo, the logo will be presented as graffiti on the train doors and will be visible to the audience once the train comes to a complete stop and the doors are level in the middle of the cameras view, the logo will also
  • 16. IDENT 4 – LIVING ROOM This ident is going to focus on the Christmas season and focus its content towards portraying the themes of this season with my ident. The ident will begin with a shot outside the house of the nights sky, this will then cut to an inside shot of the fireplace, a low angle and pans of the Christmas tree, the family all cozy lying on the sofa watching the TV. All the footage within my ident will feature a Christmas theme as I am planning to recreate the happiness and joy this season brings with it. The location of this ident will be in my own living room making production a lot easier as I can conduct filming
  • 17. FINAL IDENT TO PRODUCE Which ident are you going to move to production? Why have you chosen this one? Consider viability, techniques, costs, etc? I have chosen to create the forest ident as my final ident, I have chosen this ident because i feel that I can conduct this idea most effectively with the areas that I live by and the props that I already own to use within it. This idea out of the three will be the easiest to conduct as I live very close to a forest that I have used before to film within and already know what it has to offer. Unlike the other 2 ideas I do not need to ask permission to film within this forest whereas if I was filming in a train station/gym I would need consent. The cost for travel or other cost that are involved with filming in a far off location will be nothing as I live very close to the location. Added help will be easy to gain as my friends will be available to help, if not my family can be used. The dog featured in my ident will be my own so I don’t need to worry about using someone else’s.
  • 18. FINAL IDEA CHANGES Originally my final idea was to create the forest ident featuring a walker and their dogs, forest scenery and a gratified tree with the channels logo on it. I am now changing this idea due to the time of year, I wanted to shoot this ident with day light however I am finding it difficult to find time to conduct the shoot while there's still day light. My new ident idea will consist of a Christmas themed living room on a cold wintery night, the fire place will be roaring away, the Christmas tree and decoration will be lighting up the room, family members tucked up nicely asleep on the sofa with dogs. The ident features all Christmas themed imagery to appeal to the vast majority of those who celebrate the time of year. This idea will work better for me as it means I don’t need to worry about filming during day light and I can conduct the shoot within my own home in one night alone. I will ensure to continue to reincorporate the arts and progressive genre types within my ident as I have researched previous existing Christmas themed idents from channels like BBC1 and Chanel 4 and they all keep to the same themes that I am going to reflect in my product.
  • 21. SHOT SEQUENCE Shot type Description Shot duration Tilted long shot Tilted long shot from garden looking up at night sky, full of stars, possible motion tracking shot 5 secs Cut to close up Cut to inside shot of fire place will slowly panning across 5 secs Low angle shot Low angle shot looking up at tree 3 secs Close up of tree Close up of Christmas tree with slow track downward 5 secs Blurred close up Blurred pan across Christmas cards 5 secs Low angle close up Near floor pan across sofa showing families legs and feet 5 secs Blurred mid shot Blurred mid shot of living room with family watching TV 5+ secs
  • 22. SHOT SEQUENCE 2ND IDEA Shot type Description Shot duration mid shot/straight up Opening shot looking up through the tree line, camera stationary. 5 secs Establishing shot Camera slowly pans down to show forest area 5 secs mid shot Dog walker and dog pass either side of the camera and continue to walk off into the background 5 secs Close up Cut to close up of running water in the forest from a small stream. 5 secs Long shot cut to long shot of bush in the distance placed center shot so in the audiences focus. 5 secs Tracking shot camera slowly begins to track forward towards bush as it starts to rustle 5 secs mid shot camera passes through bush to show mid shot of one distinctive tree that is missing bark and has the channel logo spray painted onto it 5+ secs animation Logo animation plays out 5 secs
  • 23. SOUND PLANNING The beginning of my ident will feature an extreme long of the night sky from a garden, this shot will feature no music and only diegetic sounds such as the wind whistling past, an owl calling and even a off distance echo of a dogs bark, a fast paced cut will converge the outside with the inside as the idents music will begin to play, simple Christmassy themed sample using bells and chimes, the music will keep to a calm slow tempo, reflecting the environment of the ident. Other diegetic sounds will be played along side the score, sounds such as the roaring fire place, the sound of the wind from inside and the television on in the background. The main focus of this ident is to present a classic British family living room during the Christmas period, portraying the stereotypes that people love about Christmas and reflecting the happiness and joy this season brings about.
  • 24. TIMESCALE Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Monday - planning, finishing off sound design and storyboard Monday – finishing touches to planning stage 2 Monday – begin production, bring all footage together in timeline Tuesday –-- Tuesday --- Tuesday --- Wednesday – planning, completing storyboard and finalize idea Wednesday – hire out equipment for filming Wednesday –continue ident production, along side starting production log Thursday – finish shot list Thursday – carryout filming after college Thursday – finish production log as well as ident production Friday - complete risk assessment/contingen cy plan Friday - finish up filming if not already done/production Friday – finish everything
  • 25. RISK ASSESSMENT & CONTINGENCY PLAN hazard Who is at risk Controls risk Electrical shock Me and fellow students Make sure lids are always on drinks and are away from Macs Water spillages could lead to an electrical shock when using Macs. Fire hazard Me and fellow students Ensure drinks are far from electrical Electrical fires are a possibility that can be caused by spillages as well Bad blood circulation Me Ensure to take breaks and make sure to sit correctly when working for long spaces of time Sitting incorrectly can cause the blood to circulate badly round the body which in turn can lead to blood clots and other blockages in the body. Eye strain Me Ensuring that I rest my eyes from computer screens often Staring at a computer screen for long periods of time can cause damage to the eye Tripping me Ensuring that all wires or Electrical wires or
  • 27. 3. PRODUCTION LOG In this section track your production, the decisions made and the process of your work Each slide has a heading and specific area to cover
  • 28. 3. PRODUCTION LOG METHODS OF PRODUCTION What methods of production have you used – e.g. motion tracking, green screen, compositing, etc Remember, you must include motion tracking, parallax/motion graphics, composited shots in your sequence
  • 29. 3. PRODUCTION LOG SOFTWARE & FILE MANAGEMENT Which software have you used and how have you managed your files List specific types of files formats chosen [mov, aac, etc] and why – consider working docs and export docs
  • 30. 3. PRODUCTION LOG QUALITY CONTROL How have you gone about maintaining a high quality product through your process and production?
  • 31. 3. PRODUCTION LOG TIME MANAGEMENT Explain your process and how you have managed your time effectively
  • 32. 3. PRODUCTION LOG FITNESS FOR PURPOSE How does your ident package match up to professional productions? Compare/contrast against similar channels. How does your work compare? What works/doesn’t work/how could you improve it?
  • 33. 3. PRODUCTION LOG LEGAL & ETHICAL What legal and ethical considerations have you had to consider in your ident package? How have you worked with these to maintain your product
  • 34. FINAL PRODUCTS Upload to YouTube and embed in your blog Incude a link here with screen shots