SlideShare a Scribd company logo
Client Project Pro- Forma
Mind Maps/Brainstorms
Start by using the first few slides to create mind
maps and or brainstorms for ideas related to
your project. Get as many possibilities as you
Don’t worry about practicality, suitability or
potential at this stage. You will assess the ideas
Mind Maps/Brainstorms
Mind Maps/Brainstorms
Assessing ideas
Now you have generated lots of potential ideas, it is
time to rationalise those against the requirements of
the brief from your client.
Use the next few slides to consolidate your ideas and
then assess them against the requirements and
constraints of the project.
Finally, select an idea to take forward for further
Idea 1
Colour palate
Text styles
Sample Text
Sample Text
Sample Text
Sample Text
Sample Text
The premise for the first logo idea is that the logo
is to be text based and will clearly showcase the
name of the company and what they do. This
means that the logo design will be simple and
therefore will have more of a focus on clarity
rather than making it flashy. This means that the
company can be seen as more objective and
straight to the point. The exact wording on the
logo will be ‘G. E Morrell and sons. Agricultural
contractors’ which I will split into two lines to
ensure that the text can be large and clear on the
logo and maintain a square or rectangle shape to
Idea 1
Colour palateThe premise for this business card is that the card is to look
natural in the appearance of a field to help to connote the
nature of the business and create a link between the
company name and the work that they do. The business
card will have a border of a hedge round the card to focus
the viewers gaze towards the contact information that is in
the center of the card. The business card will include key
information about the company such as their contact
information, logo, services provided and years of
experience. It is important that the text displaying these
details is large on the page so that the information is clear.
There will also be images of the machinery that the
company uses that will be photographed and placed in the
bottom right hand corner of the card.
Sample Text
Sample Text
Sample Text
Sample Text
Sample Text
Evaluation of idea
• What do you like about the idea? The idea is clear and straight to the point and clearly
outlines the company name and what the company does clearly. The idea also creates
links between the images and the company's work as the images will showcase the
equipment of the company.
• Does it match what the client wants? This idea fulfils all of the criteria that the client
wants such as the colour scheme and style of text that is used. The business card also
include all of the images and information that the client has requested.
• Are you capable of delivering this? I am capable of delivering this idea as it is simple and
easy to create for the client however there may be several iterations of the logo as the
client may like to view different styles of the font until they are happy with it. The
business card may also have to be rearranged in order to make it all as clear as it can be.
• Can you do this on time? With the straight forward nature of the logo I feel that the
task will be completed within time. The business card will also be able to be finished in
time as the timescale will be enough for the amount of content that I will need to
• Do you have the resources available to do this? I have the resources that I need to
complete this task. The resources that I will need will be image manipulation software
such as Photoshop which I have.
Idea 2
This logo idea incorporates a little more complexity
to the existing header that the company has. I feel
that this will make the logo stand out more and
increase the brand recognition that it will create.
The logo will consist of two parts with the first being
an icon to represent the company and the second
part the text that displays the company’s name and
what work they do. This will allow the company to
have several aspects to it that can be remembered
by a viewer and the addition of an icon will allow
allow the visual aspects of the logo to improve as an
image may be more memorable than just text by
itself. The addition of a few more colours may also
help to make the logo stand out more and increase
the potential brand recognition as people are more
likely to remember it and think of the brand when
discussing agriculture firms.
Colour palate
Examples of font
Sample Text
Sample Text
Sample Text
Sample Text
Idea 2
This idea for the business card follows the same
theme of the logo idea in that it will be a more
complex version of the original premise that was set
out. This will be done to make the card stand out
more to a viewer and therefore make them more
likely to remember more important information
such as contact details and the name of the
company and what they do. The business card will
include a lot of imagery to ensure that it is eye
catching to a viewer. The imagery will be
reminiscing of the company and therefore include
many of the machines that the company uses as
well as things that link to the line of work that the
company is in such as farming equipment and
Colour palate
Examples of font
Sample Text
Sample Text
Sample Text
Evaluation of idea
• What do you like about the idea? I like that the idea is based around making
the products stand out more. This means that this idea has view ability in
mind and has a major focus on being noticed by a potential customer.
• Does it match what the client wants? This idea does match what the client
wants as all of the different criteria that were outlined by the client are
present on the documents that I will create for them.
• Are you capable of delivering this? I am capable of delivering this idea to the
client as it is not too complex for the timeframe that I have been given by the
client and the investment that I will need to put into the project is not too
• Can you do this on time? I feel that the timescale that I have been given for
this project is adequate for the task that I am trying to achieve and therefore I
feel that I will be able to complete this on time.
• Do you have the resources available to do this? The resources that I will need
for this task are image manipulation software and a camera to capture the
Idea 3
Colour palate
The third idea that I have involves more of an image
based logo as the text will be inside a large image. This
should help to make the project focus more on visuals
than text. This would help to create a more visually
appealing logo that would help to attract more people
and make the brand recognition increase. The image that
the logo will be inside will be a tractor as this will work
well with what the company does ad people will be able
to tell at first glance what the nature of the companies
work is. This is due to the contextual nature of the image
and the associations that it has.
Examples of font
Sample Text
Sample Text
Sample Text
Idea 3
Colour palate
The third idea for the business cards will focus around a
more simple and clear design that clearly showcases the
important details clearly on it so that they are easily
accessible to any people who view the business card. This
is so that they will be able to take the information from
the card quickly so that they do not feel as if they are
reading through a lot of text to get to the information
that they actually want to see. The colour scheme of the
business card will include natural colours to ensure that
the card is further reminiscing of the outdoors to help to
link to the theme of the business further.
Examples of font
Sample Text
Sample Text
Sample Text
Evaluation of idea
• What do you like about the idea? I like that the idea focuses more on a visual
aspect of the project and uses more imagery rather than text in an attempt to
make the project work as more of an effective branding for the company due
to the fact that this can be done more effectively through the use of imagery.
• Does it match what the client wants? This does match what the client wants as
it also include all of the things that the client wants included in the project
such as information and specific images as these will still be present on the
publications. However some of the specific design ideas may have been
altered slightly and therefore I feel that this may have to be discussed with the
client before I undergo development of this idea.
• Are you capable of delivering this? I am capable of delivering this idea as it is
not too complex and I feel that I possess the skills necessary in order to
complete this plan.
• Can you do this on time? I feel that the timeframe that I have been given for
this project is sufficient in order to complete this idea.
• Do you have the resources available to do this? The resources that I would
need to produce this would be image manipulation software and a camera. I
have all of these resources so I would be able to do this idea.
Idea Evaluation
Which of your ideas do you want to develop further? Explain why you think that is
the right idea to take forward.
I feel that the first idea that I came up with will be a good idea to take forward as it
allows me to cover all of the points that the client want covered in the project. I also
have a decent degree of room with how creative that I can be as although it will
cover the content that is on the documents I will have the ability to control the
layouts and the composition of the documents so that I am not too constricted by
the clients specifications. The way that I would take this idea forward is to
experiment with different compositions that fit the ideas specifications in order to
see what kind of layout that I feel would be best for the documents and then present
them to client and get their opinion on them and where I could change any of the
aspects to better fit their vision or specifications. Another idea that I could take
further would be idea 3. this would be a more heavily image based approach to the
project and therefore would allow me to further showcase my talent for design and
be more creative in the project.
Use the next slides to document your idea development.
This should include mood boards and other visual examples of work. It
could include basic mock ups of your vision for the project using the
work of others.
If you are taking doing something outside of your ordinary skill set or
way of working, you could include test work or practice work here too.
There is room to develop a second idea here as well. This could give
you a greater variety of options to give to your client.
You will then assess your developed idea against the constraints of the
project before producing a final treatment.
Developed Idea 1
Developed Idea 1
Developed Idea 1
Developed Idea 2
Developed Idea 2
Developed Idea 2
Assessment of final ideas
Suitable for audience? The ideas that I have developed are suitable for the audience as they contain content that will
appeal to the audience due to the associations created through the use of assets that link with the industry. The content of
the ideas are also void of content that the audience may find off-putting or offensive and therefore will not be viewed poorly
at first glance or contain negative associations.
Suitability for client? The ideas are suitable of the client as they contain all of the aspects and information that the client
requested to be present on the documents that I am producing. I have also stuck to many of the design specifications that
the client requested such as the border and colour scheme.
Appeal of the work: the appeal of these ideas are that they are eye catching to viewers and will help to spread awareness
of the company and entice new customers.
Timescales for production: the timescale that I have been given of two weeks of production will allow me to complete the
ideas comfortably within the time given. I feel that the timescale will also be enough time to set aside contingency time if
improvements are needed or there is disruption during production.
Costs: there will be no costs to me during the production as I already have the necessary equipment and I can create all of
the assets that I will use during the project with this equipment.
Personnel: I will not need any extra personnel to operate equipment or to help me with the project in any way as with the
specifications that I have been given I feel that I am able to complete the project unaided .
Assessment of final ideas
Legal and ethical issues: There are several legal issues that I could face during
the project such as copyright. I will avoid any copyright issues by using my own
assets and the companies existing assets to create the publications so that I can
ensure that no copyright issues will be faced for the use of assets. There may
also be issues with advertising standards if I were to give false information out to
the public about the company. This will be avoided by only using the information
that the client has requested which is correct so that there is no problem.
Competition/Market research:
Who is in competition with your client?
What is their design/photography/marketing/promotional/advertising work like?
What wider market is your client part of? Undertake research in to that market. This could be in the form of sales
figures, audience figures, turnover, job roles, customer base, market share, rules, regulations and codes of practice.
The competition for my client would be other contractors in the local area in north Yorkshire. The client may also have
to work around clients that may own their own machinery as this may restrict the number of jobs that they will haver
to perform. The company currently has no advertising or promotional material as they currently work form word of
mouth and have been in the industry a long time so they have a loyal customer base that they are able to count on
consistent work from.
The industry that the client is part of is the agriculture industry which has a great deal of variation with the jobs that
you can take part in. the clients jobs are based around the machinery that the client owns and they are restricted by
this in terms of what jobs they can perform.
Audience/Customer research:
Who is the audience or customer that your client is trying to reach? Perhaps they have already told you. Perhaps you
should ask. You could also do further research in to the type of audience or customer you are hoping to appeal to.
The audience that my client is trying to reach are people who do not have the machinery required for certain
agricultural and land based jobs. This means that the machinery of the company should be an important part of the
promotion and the wide array of jobs that can be performed by the client should also be a prevalent point. The people
that are trying to be reached will tend to have a bit more money to spend on top quality machinery and will want to
know of the level of experience that the client has.
Content research:
This should take the form of secondary research (exiting products from your client and the competition and wider
market) and also some primary research (asking potential audience, your client and your market,) to help you
formalise the content of your project.
The company does not have many existing products apart from a header that is used
in pay slips and billing. This gave me a starting point for the other publications that I
would need to product as the client stated that they would like the text in the
documents to have a similar style so that they fit together. I have done my best to
pick a style similar and also the colour scheme so that the clients different products
do not look too different as this may cause confusion among customers.
The treatment evokes how an audience will experience what you are making.
Write in the active-voice in present tense. Tell the reader what they will see.
Describe the content of your project.
Write vibrantly, so the reader gets excited about your work. They should be able to
visualise the finished pieces. You could also supplement this with some mood boards or
mock ups.
Be specific—don’t use words like may, might or possibly.
The project will create a fresh new image for the company and help to bring them into
the modern era. With the company not having any form of promotion that they
currently use it will allow them to distinguish themselves as the experienced and
reputable company that they are and allow them to reach out and expand their
expertise to new clients and create new job opportunities.
Treatment (visual elements)
The project will create a colourful set of business cards that will allow the company to
stand out amongst competition. The cards use a colour scheme reminiscing of the
industry with natural colours and images so that people can relate with them and
know that the client has been part of the industry for a long time. The imagery will
reinforce the notion that the company has the high end equipment that will get jobs
done to the highest standard which will cerate confidence in viewers.
You should prepare a production schedule that will allow you to manage your time over
the 3 weeks of production. This should include:
• Deadlines: Interim deadlines help you keep on track, final deadlines are final.
• Availability: The availability of the client and any other people you may need to help
you with your project. You will need to contact them. You might to do visit. You may
need to liaise with models, or photographers.
• Feedback: This is a working brief with a real client. You will need to get feedback on
your work and also allow yourself time to make appropriate changes. Plan appropriate
time in to you schedule so that you can do this.
• Resources: You should include a list of resources that you will need to complete your
project. Remember that this all needs to be your own work
Resource list
In order to complete the project I will need a list of equipment
that I will need to have before production begins so that I can
produce the work that I need to. This list includes the software
that I will need which will be image manipulation software. I
have access to this software so I do not need to go out and get it.
I will also need to acquire a camera in order to take the images
that I will need for some of the publications that I will produce as
I will be using my own images. I will also need access to the
existing billing letter in order to ensure that my project will look
similar to the existing assets of the company to ensure that they
all fit together. I also already have this as requested by the client.
Project schedule
Date Action
09/05/17 Logo construction
10/05/17 Review with client/ make pitch
11/05/17 Present pitch/ make any adjustments
that the client requests
12/05/17 Finish construction of logo
15/05/17 Business card construction
16/05/17 Review with client
17/05/17 Taking images for business card
18/05/17 Improve business card
19/05/17 Review with client & Finish business

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Idea development pro forma

  • 1. Client Project Pro- Forma name
  • 2. Mind Maps/Brainstorms Start by using the first few slides to create mind maps and or brainstorms for ideas related to your project. Get as many possibilities as you can. Don’t worry about practicality, suitability or potential at this stage. You will assess the ideas later.
  • 5. Assessing ideas Now you have generated lots of potential ideas, it is time to rationalise those against the requirements of the brief from your client. Use the next few slides to consolidate your ideas and then assess them against the requirements and constraints of the project. Finally, select an idea to take forward for further development.
  • 6. Idea 1 Colour palate Text styles Sample Text Sample Text Sample Text Sample Text Sample Text The premise for the first logo idea is that the logo is to be text based and will clearly showcase the name of the company and what they do. This means that the logo design will be simple and therefore will have more of a focus on clarity rather than making it flashy. This means that the company can be seen as more objective and straight to the point. The exact wording on the logo will be ‘G. E Morrell and sons. Agricultural contractors’ which I will split into two lines to ensure that the text can be large and clear on the logo and maintain a square or rectangle shape to it.
  • 7. Idea 1 Colour palateThe premise for this business card is that the card is to look natural in the appearance of a field to help to connote the nature of the business and create a link between the company name and the work that they do. The business card will have a border of a hedge round the card to focus the viewers gaze towards the contact information that is in the center of the card. The business card will include key information about the company such as their contact information, logo, services provided and years of experience. It is important that the text displaying these details is large on the page so that the information is clear. There will also be images of the machinery that the company uses that will be photographed and placed in the bottom right hand corner of the card. Sample Text Sample Text Sample Text Sample Text Sample Text
  • 8. Evaluation of idea • What do you like about the idea? The idea is clear and straight to the point and clearly outlines the company name and what the company does clearly. The idea also creates links between the images and the company's work as the images will showcase the equipment of the company. • Does it match what the client wants? This idea fulfils all of the criteria that the client wants such as the colour scheme and style of text that is used. The business card also include all of the images and information that the client has requested. • Are you capable of delivering this? I am capable of delivering this idea as it is simple and easy to create for the client however there may be several iterations of the logo as the client may like to view different styles of the font until they are happy with it. The business card may also have to be rearranged in order to make it all as clear as it can be. • Can you do this on time? With the straight forward nature of the logo I feel that the task will be completed within time. The business card will also be able to be finished in time as the timescale will be enough for the amount of content that I will need to provide. • Do you have the resources available to do this? I have the resources that I need to complete this task. The resources that I will need will be image manipulation software such as Photoshop which I have.
  • 9. Idea 2 This logo idea incorporates a little more complexity to the existing header that the company has. I feel that this will make the logo stand out more and increase the brand recognition that it will create. The logo will consist of two parts with the first being an icon to represent the company and the second part the text that displays the company’s name and what work they do. This will allow the company to have several aspects to it that can be remembered by a viewer and the addition of an icon will allow allow the visual aspects of the logo to improve as an image may be more memorable than just text by itself. The addition of a few more colours may also help to make the logo stand out more and increase the potential brand recognition as people are more likely to remember it and think of the brand when discussing agriculture firms. Colour palate Examples of font Sample Text Sample Text Sample Text Sample Text
  • 10. Idea 2 This idea for the business card follows the same theme of the logo idea in that it will be a more complex version of the original premise that was set out. This will be done to make the card stand out more to a viewer and therefore make them more likely to remember more important information such as contact details and the name of the company and what they do. The business card will include a lot of imagery to ensure that it is eye catching to a viewer. The imagery will be reminiscing of the company and therefore include many of the machines that the company uses as well as things that link to the line of work that the company is in such as farming equipment and locations. Colour palate Examples of font Sample Text Sample Text Sample Text
  • 11. Evaluation of idea • What do you like about the idea? I like that the idea is based around making the products stand out more. This means that this idea has view ability in mind and has a major focus on being noticed by a potential customer. • Does it match what the client wants? This idea does match what the client wants as all of the different criteria that were outlined by the client are present on the documents that I will create for them. • Are you capable of delivering this? I am capable of delivering this idea to the client as it is not too complex for the timeframe that I have been given by the client and the investment that I will need to put into the project is not too high. • Can you do this on time? I feel that the timescale that I have been given for this project is adequate for the task that I am trying to achieve and therefore I feel that I will be able to complete this on time. • Do you have the resources available to do this? The resources that I will need for this task are image manipulation software and a camera to capture the images.
  • 12. Idea 3 Colour palate The third idea that I have involves more of an image based logo as the text will be inside a large image. This should help to make the project focus more on visuals than text. This would help to create a more visually appealing logo that would help to attract more people and make the brand recognition increase. The image that the logo will be inside will be a tractor as this will work well with what the company does ad people will be able to tell at first glance what the nature of the companies work is. This is due to the contextual nature of the image and the associations that it has. Examples of font Sample Text Sample Text Sample Text
  • 13. Idea 3 Colour palate The third idea for the business cards will focus around a more simple and clear design that clearly showcases the important details clearly on it so that they are easily accessible to any people who view the business card. This is so that they will be able to take the information from the card quickly so that they do not feel as if they are reading through a lot of text to get to the information that they actually want to see. The colour scheme of the business card will include natural colours to ensure that the card is further reminiscing of the outdoors to help to link to the theme of the business further. Examples of font Sample Text Sample Text Sample Text
  • 14. Evaluation of idea • What do you like about the idea? I like that the idea focuses more on a visual aspect of the project and uses more imagery rather than text in an attempt to make the project work as more of an effective branding for the company due to the fact that this can be done more effectively through the use of imagery. • Does it match what the client wants? This does match what the client wants as it also include all of the things that the client wants included in the project such as information and specific images as these will still be present on the publications. However some of the specific design ideas may have been altered slightly and therefore I feel that this may have to be discussed with the client before I undergo development of this idea. • Are you capable of delivering this? I am capable of delivering this idea as it is not too complex and I feel that I possess the skills necessary in order to complete this plan. • Can you do this on time? I feel that the timeframe that I have been given for this project is sufficient in order to complete this idea. • Do you have the resources available to do this? The resources that I would need to produce this would be image manipulation software and a camera. I have all of these resources so I would be able to do this idea.
  • 15. Idea Evaluation Which of your ideas do you want to develop further? Explain why you think that is the right idea to take forward. I feel that the first idea that I came up with will be a good idea to take forward as it allows me to cover all of the points that the client want covered in the project. I also have a decent degree of room with how creative that I can be as although it will cover the content that is on the documents I will have the ability to control the layouts and the composition of the documents so that I am not too constricted by the clients specifications. The way that I would take this idea forward is to experiment with different compositions that fit the ideas specifications in order to see what kind of layout that I feel would be best for the documents and then present them to client and get their opinion on them and where I could change any of the aspects to better fit their vision or specifications. Another idea that I could take further would be idea 3. this would be a more heavily image based approach to the project and therefore would allow me to further showcase my talent for design and be more creative in the project.
  • 16. Development Use the next slides to document your idea development. This should include mood boards and other visual examples of work. It could include basic mock ups of your vision for the project using the work of others. If you are taking doing something outside of your ordinary skill set or way of working, you could include test work or practice work here too. There is room to develop a second idea here as well. This could give you a greater variety of options to give to your client. You will then assess your developed idea against the constraints of the project before producing a final treatment.
  • 23. Assessment of final ideas Suitable for audience? The ideas that I have developed are suitable for the audience as they contain content that will appeal to the audience due to the associations created through the use of assets that link with the industry. The content of the ideas are also void of content that the audience may find off-putting or offensive and therefore will not be viewed poorly at first glance or contain negative associations. Suitability for client? The ideas are suitable of the client as they contain all of the aspects and information that the client requested to be present on the documents that I am producing. I have also stuck to many of the design specifications that the client requested such as the border and colour scheme. Appeal of the work: the appeal of these ideas are that they are eye catching to viewers and will help to spread awareness of the company and entice new customers. Timescales for production: the timescale that I have been given of two weeks of production will allow me to complete the ideas comfortably within the time given. I feel that the timescale will also be enough time to set aside contingency time if improvements are needed or there is disruption during production. Costs: there will be no costs to me during the production as I already have the necessary equipment and I can create all of the assets that I will use during the project with this equipment. Personnel: I will not need any extra personnel to operate equipment or to help me with the project in any way as with the specifications that I have been given I feel that I am able to complete the project unaided .
  • 24. Assessment of final ideas Legal and ethical issues: There are several legal issues that I could face during the project such as copyright. I will avoid any copyright issues by using my own assets and the companies existing assets to create the publications so that I can ensure that no copyright issues will be faced for the use of assets. There may also be issues with advertising standards if I were to give false information out to the public about the company. This will be avoided by only using the information that the client has requested which is correct so that there is no problem.
  • 26. Competition/Market research: Who is in competition with your client? What is their design/photography/marketing/promotional/advertising work like? What wider market is your client part of? Undertake research in to that market. This could be in the form of sales figures, audience figures, turnover, job roles, customer base, market share, rules, regulations and codes of practice. The competition for my client would be other contractors in the local area in north Yorkshire. The client may also have to work around clients that may own their own machinery as this may restrict the number of jobs that they will haver to perform. The company currently has no advertising or promotional material as they currently work form word of mouth and have been in the industry a long time so they have a loyal customer base that they are able to count on consistent work from. The industry that the client is part of is the agriculture industry which has a great deal of variation with the jobs that you can take part in. the clients jobs are based around the machinery that the client owns and they are restricted by this in terms of what jobs they can perform.
  • 27. Audience/Customer research: Who is the audience or customer that your client is trying to reach? Perhaps they have already told you. Perhaps you should ask. You could also do further research in to the type of audience or customer you are hoping to appeal to. The audience that my client is trying to reach are people who do not have the machinery required for certain agricultural and land based jobs. This means that the machinery of the company should be an important part of the promotion and the wide array of jobs that can be performed by the client should also be a prevalent point. The people that are trying to be reached will tend to have a bit more money to spend on top quality machinery and will want to know of the level of experience that the client has.
  • 28. Content research: This should take the form of secondary research (exiting products from your client and the competition and wider market) and also some primary research (asking potential audience, your client and your market,) to help you formalise the content of your project. The company does not have many existing products apart from a header that is used in pay slips and billing. This gave me a starting point for the other publications that I would need to product as the client stated that they would like the text in the documents to have a similar style so that they fit together. I have done my best to pick a style similar and also the colour scheme so that the clients different products do not look too different as this may cause confusion among customers.
  • 29. Treatment: The treatment evokes how an audience will experience what you are making. Write in the active-voice in present tense. Tell the reader what they will see. Describe the content of your project. Write vibrantly, so the reader gets excited about your work. They should be able to visualise the finished pieces. You could also supplement this with some mood boards or mock ups. Be specific—don’t use words like may, might or possibly.
  • 30. Treatment The project will create a fresh new image for the company and help to bring them into the modern era. With the company not having any form of promotion that they currently use it will allow them to distinguish themselves as the experienced and reputable company that they are and allow them to reach out and expand their expertise to new clients and create new job opportunities.
  • 31. Treatment (visual elements) The project will create a colourful set of business cards that will allow the company to stand out amongst competition. The cards use a colour scheme reminiscing of the industry with natural colours and images so that people can relate with them and know that the client has been part of the industry for a long time. The imagery will reinforce the notion that the company has the high end equipment that will get jobs done to the highest standard which will cerate confidence in viewers.
  • 32. Timescales: You should prepare a production schedule that will allow you to manage your time over the 3 weeks of production. This should include: • Deadlines: Interim deadlines help you keep on track, final deadlines are final. • Availability: The availability of the client and any other people you may need to help you with your project. You will need to contact them. You might to do visit. You may need to liaise with models, or photographers. • Feedback: This is a working brief with a real client. You will need to get feedback on your work and also allow yourself time to make appropriate changes. Plan appropriate time in to you schedule so that you can do this. • Resources: You should include a list of resources that you will need to complete your project. Remember that this all needs to be your own work
  • 33. Resource list In order to complete the project I will need a list of equipment that I will need to have before production begins so that I can produce the work that I need to. This list includes the software that I will need which will be image manipulation software. I have access to this software so I do not need to go out and get it. I will also need to acquire a camera in order to take the images that I will need for some of the publications that I will produce as I will be using my own images. I will also need access to the existing billing letter in order to ensure that my project will look similar to the existing assets of the company to ensure that they all fit together. I also already have this as requested by the client.
  • 34. Project schedule Date Action 09/05/17 Logo construction 10/05/17 Review with client/ make pitch 11/05/17 Present pitch/ make any adjustments that the client requests 12/05/17 Finish construction of logo 15/05/17 Business card construction 16/05/17 Review with client 17/05/17 Taking images for business card 18/05/17 Improve business card 19/05/17 Review with client & Finish business card